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Musical Functions

Musical functions are foundational to music analysis

Function is tied to the idea of expectation i.e. what elements are likely to come
next? How does this element fulfil or deny any expectation of the preceding
Musical function has two characteristics:
o Musical elements which tend to belong to that function i.e. notes of a
o The kinds of elements which precede or proceed from the current
Musical function is dependent upon style so ideas about function found in one
style may not be relevant to another.
Harmonic function and formal function (i.e. form) are most commonly studied

Harmonic Functions

Describes the role of a chord within a larger harmonic progression.

o Chords are collections of scale degrees.
o Each scale degree has its own tendencies.
o The collective tendency of a chords scale degrees in combination is the
chords function.
Tendency is style specific

Common Practice Harmonic Function

The three high level categories of harmonic function are:
o Tonic (T)
Gives stability, repose and conclusion. Starts and ends music.
o Dominant (D)
Creates tension and motion (esp. dominant pedal). Needs to
resolve. Pausing on dominant creates sense of expectation.
o Subdominant (S) (aka Predominant (P or PD))
Bridges gap between dom. and tonic creating variety and
interest. Can drive towards dominant.

Tonic is usually I , III and VI chords

Subdominant is usually II and IV chords
Dominant is usually V and VII chords

Cycle of thirds showing harmonic function

Everything will begin and end with the tonic and nothing gets to the tonic
without first passing through the dominant.

Functional Harmony
Three non-functional chord types:
Auxilary chords
Auxiliary chords are formed by the stepwise movement (up or down) of one or
more of the voices away from a harmony note in one chord to form a new chord. The
voice(s) then return to the originals note(s) to re-form the original harmony. Normally
the auxiliary chord is made up solely of notes from the original chord plus notes
involved in the auxiliary movement. In this case they arise totally out of voice leading.
These auxiliary chords are non-functional whereas the tonic chords surrounding
them are functional. This is because the auxiliary chord merely elaborates the main
functional chord, its purpose being to prolong the functional harmony. Auxiliary
chords are used extensively to prolong the tonic harmony in static harmony. They
can also be used to extend the dominant to form a dominant prolongation.
Passing chords
Appogiatura chords

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