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Section 1.

AITSL Standards
AITSL Graduate Standard

My goals for this aspect:

Actions to develop my

(SMART goals Specific,


Indicators of success:

Measurable, Accurate,
Relevant, and Time bound)

Inquire about viewing my

2.2 Organise content into an

Within the first week I will gain

effective learning and teaching

knowledge to successfully plan

practicum mentors


effective teaching and learning

programmes to view the

sequences for the lessons that I

teaching and learning

will enact in week three and week

Ask questions about

(Short term and long term)

four of my practicum. For

information to compose

analysing the sequential order to

teaching and learning

sequences that has
received positive
feedback from peer

the information
Review other school

and subtraction before

programmes sourced


from the internet and

during my placements in

Within one year after I have

schools to understand the

completed my degree I will be

sequence and

I will produce a
programme with effective

where they sourced the

example, this will involve

teach math by teaching addition

members or supervisors
Positive and constructive
feedback from mentor/
supervisor during my

practicum placement
Create interesting and
engaging lessons that
build student knowledge

able to construct a programme

development of the

by guiding students in

using effective learning and

learning over the duration

forming a solid

of the unit
Draft a teaching and

understanding from which

teaching sequences.

to expand from.

learning sequence for a

week and seek feedback
from mentors. Then,
gradually increase the
duration of planning.
2.3 Use curriculum, assessment,

Within the first week of my

and reporting knowledge to

practicum, I will use my

the variety of assessment

assessment (diagnostic,

design learning sequences and

knowledge of the teaching and

and recording strategies

formative, and

lesson plans.

learning cycle that include the

that my mentor teacher

summative) to create

curriculum, assessment,

actions. Analyse these to

effective learning

reporting and evaluations to

gain deeper

sequences and lesson

successfully plan effective

understanding of the

(Short term goal)

Observe and take note of

Use an array of

Use a greater range of

teaching and learning sequences

effectiveness in applying

that feed forward (Department of

suitable methods to

techniques/ mediums to

Education and Communities

lesson activities.
Practice planning lessons

effectively and accurately

throughout my practicum

Create an effective lesson

DEC, 2016); influencing

improvement in my teaching

record data drawn from

strategies and the students

and ask for mentor

plan that has


feedback prior to the

assessments that are

enacted lesson so I can

appropriate in assessing

use the feedback to

the knowledge and skills

improve the lesson plan.

drawn from the content

descriptors selected.
Positive and constructive
mentor / peer feedback

3.2 Plan lesson sequences using

By the end of my practicum, I will

knowledge of student learning,

be able to plan effective lessons

ACARA websites to gain

assessments to correctly

content, and effective teaching

that reflect the use of diverse

understanding of effective

plan teaching and


student data and appropriate

teaching strategies, how

learning that aim to

teaching strategies that improve

to use student data to

improve student

(short term)

student knowledge of learning


Review AITSL and

plan lesson sequences.

Review mentors lesson

Use effective for and as

Use student data to

plans and ask questions

accurately plan lesson

of why strategies are

sequences that make a

Observe mentors lessons

positive influence to

and analyse the

student achievement.
Reflect, use and adjust

successes of the teaching

teaching strategies

strategies used and the

planned for the lesson

lesson planned to gain

Positive and constructive

mentor / peer feedback

Create engaging lessons

further understanding of
effective lesson

that are constructed using


student data to promote a

variety of way for students
to learn, recognising that
students learn in different
5.1 Demonstrate understanding

By the end of practicum, I will be

of assessment strategies,

able to accurately demonstrate a

variety of diagnostic,

feedback from mentor/

including informal and formal,

selection of diagnostic, formative,

formative and summative

supervisor during my

diagnostic, formative and

and summative assessment to

assessment that are used

summative approaches to assess

student learning.

gain knowledge and record

student data to inform my
teaching and learning practises.

Research online the

by educators.
Approach peers to

practicum placement
Use an array of different
assessments to assess

discuss their successes of

student learning and

using different

Positive and constructive

teacher practice.
Accurately plan the
appropriate lesson
activities that support the
assessments planned

5.4 Demonstrate the capacity to

By the end of my practicum

interpret student assessment

placement, I will be able to

the opportunity to review

constructive feedback

data to evaluate student learning

correctly apply my knowledge of

her data and suggest the

and modify teaching practice.

using data to modify my teaching

action plan to take for

from peers and mentor

Improvement in student


improvement that would

achievement levels in

suit the information

regards to the focussed

Apply effective formative

area that influenced

Approach my mentor for

assessments that are

Receive positive and

Use the assessment data

effective to draw the

to adjust my fluid teaching

necessary data to create

program in response to

an appropriate teaching

student needs.

plan for the individual

Demonstrate the
adjustments to my lesson
plans based on assessing
data recorded.

Section 2. BRiTE Resilience Factors

BRiTE Resilience Factors

My goals for this aspect:

Actions to develop my

(SMART goals Specific,


Indicators of success:

Measurable, Accurate,
Relevant, and Time bound)
Building New Relationships

By the end of my third year

I will attend the staffroom

(short term goal)

practicum placement, I will have

during breaks
Make note of the

conversations with

diverse school community at my

students names in my

and the wider school

placement school (BRiTE, 2016)

class, and the peers that I

community by going into

will be working alongside

the playground and

(Mindmatters Australia,

joining in student games,

Seek continual feedback

actively participating in

formed new relationships with the

diverse staff, students

lunchroom discussions

from my mentor and be

with colleagues, and

attentive to her lessons

being present to parents

showing a willingness to

15 minutes before and

embrace her strategies

Understand the

after school for quick

discussions (Mindmatters

individuals in my
environment by asking
questions and listening to

Engage in regular

Australia, 2014b).
Correctly identify
individuals by their name

find out the interests and

Actively participating in

any topics that they wish

the lessons conducted by

to discuss
Build mutual respect

my mentor by observing
students and supporting

(Mindmatters Australia,

them when needed

Personal Well Being

By the start of my practicum, I will

(short term / long term goal)

be proactive in addressing my

dinner plans prior to the

family and myself the

diet to support a busy lifestyle,

week starting.
Receive approximately

night before
Go to bed at a regular

eight hours sleep

Manage afternoon duties

time on school nights

Completing three hours of

maintain long-term personal

relationships, regular sleep
pattern, and learn to manage the

Plan weekly lunch and

with a drafted timetable to

daily stresses of a being an

Pack lunches for my

physical activity a week

list extra-curricular

active mum, wife, and teacher

activities, family

(BRiTE, 2016)

Work/Life Balance

At the completion of my degree

(long term goal)

next year, I will structure a work

devoted to my family. For

or activities for the family

life balance that will meet the

example, Sunday family

needs of family and work

fun day
Construct a timetable to

fun day
Follow the timetable and

commitments (BRiTE, 2016)

Plan one day a week

Attend the planned event

reflect on the practicality

support a balance

and adapt it when

between work and

required due to life or

personal life
Create boundaries on

environmental changes

work encroaching on
home life by establishing
limits on workload coming
home (BRiTE, 2016)
Ongoing Professional Learning

By the end of my practicum, I will

(short term / long term goal)

have used reflection strategies to

extend my availability to

supervisor feedback on

improve on my teaching by using

attend applicable

formative assessments to

meetings to further my

Receive completion

improve teaching and learning.

professional learning and

Aim to achieve the AITSL

life skills
Continually reflect on my

proficient teacher level with in

Approach supervisors to

Positive peer and

certificates for personal

development courses
Achieve the AITSL

three years from completion of

teaching to find areas of

proficient teacher level

my degree

Investigate the AITSL

with in the time frame

website and watch the

videos to gain in sight into

practical techniques
Attend professional

development courses
sourced through schools
or online

BRiTE. (2016). My BRiTE toolkit. Retrieved from
Department of Education and Communities NSW. [DEC] (2016). Department of Education and Communities (NSW). Retrieved from
MindMatters Australia. (2014a). Importance of building relationships [video]. Retrieved from
MindMatters Australia. (2014b). Relationships and belonging [video]. Retrieved from

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