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Business Plan: Yan Skincare

Executive Summary:
This business plan highlights the products
and services, market analysis, startergy and
implementation, company and management
and financial plan of Yn Skincare.
1. Products and Services
a. Problem solving and the solution
b. Business activity
c. Scale of business
2. Market analysis
a. Target market
b. Customer needs
c. Market type and the need
d. Competitors
3. Strategy and Implementation
a. Marketing plan
b. Company challenges
4. Company and Management
a. Who we are
b. Organisation of our business
c. Required job roles
5. Financial plan
a. Income statement, cash flow statemt and operating
expenses table.
b. Financial plan analysis.

Aerin Downs

Products and services:

Teenage years are a struggle enough as it is. Dealing with your school workload,
social life and a possible part time job, there is very little time to take care of yourself.
However, teenagers also deal with self esteem and confidence issues. A main cause of
this is the issue of teenage acne, which can hold teenagers back from feeling confident
enough to deal with a variety of situations. This is where Yn skincare comes in.
Yn skincare is an all natural range of skincare products aimed at taking a purer
approach to teenage acne. Many products on the market aimed at acne contain harsh
chemicals and unecessary ingredients that can irritate the skin, which can result in
making acne worse. Containing completely pure and natural ingredients, Yn skincare
aims to detoxify, comfort and soothe the skin. Starting with the consumer in mind, we
base all our products on purity and that the products should be as gentle as the skin its
applied to. Yn skincare will provide a gentle yet effective solution to an extremely
common skin problem for teenagers.
Yn skincare is based around 3 core products (cleanser, toner and moisturiser) plus a
1. Green Tea Detoxifying Cleanser- Core ingredients of castile soap, matcha
powder and lavendar essential oil.
2. Cooling Facial Water- Core ingredients of witchazel water, rosewater and
peppermint essential oil.
3. Coconut moisture essence- Core ingredients of coconut oil, jojoba, lavender
and chamomile essential oil.
4. Blemish Clearing Treatment- Core ingredients of european green clay, tea
tree, sunflower and lemon.

Starting with sourcing our ingredients from all over the world, we have done
extensive research into what ingredients will make the biggest impact in our products.
Keeping the gentle yet effective approach in mind, all of our products have been
strategically thought out to make a difference in defeating all contributing factors
to acne. Packaging and labelling is all appropriate to each individual product,
making sure to make the skincare routine simple and mess free. Teenagers need
a product that is going to be effective, simple and something they incorporate
into their hectic lifestyle; lining up exactly with what our products do. We aim to
sell our products at drugstores such as Guardian and Watsons and an
appropriate price to suit a Teenagers budget. Creating prototypes of our
products have allowed us to gage how much our products will cost. Estimation
each set of products at around $30, we fit our products into an appropriate price
for the drugstore and the target audience.

With the help of investors, we hope to create a global and reputable business.
Starting small has allowed us to have a clear plan into developing the growth of
our company, while keeping the main objective in mind; keeping our ingredients
natural and our products gentle yet effective.

Aerin Downs

Market Analysis:
Our products are aimed at the teenager who is tired of having acne. Our
consumer is the person thats tried countless products and is looking for a
product that actually works. Our consumers are teenagers with little time to
spend on themselves, and have Yn skincare to take care of their skin for them.

Our customer needs a product that is a no fuss solution to their acne. An easy
solution that shows quick results, boosting their self-confidence in no time at all.
Since our customer survey showed us our target audience is around the age of
13-19, we aim to fit in with the current natural health trend, making our product
more desirable for the consumer. At the current time, taking care of your body
by using a natural alternative is very popular. This means our product would
have a great potential in the current market. A majority of our survey responses
said they currently didnt follow a skincare routine, but would be interested in
one. The great thing about Yn is that its simple and easy to use, making it
perfect for first time skincare triers.

We are reaching our target market through magazine advertisements, YouTube
adverts, Vehicle Adverts and Social media adverts. These are the platforms we
believe our products will get the highest recognition and make the best potential
for sales. Not only must we convince the teens to buy our products but because
our target market is at an age that is still parent dependant, they must have trust
in our product too. It is in a parents best interest to make sure their child is
healthy and happy, which coincides directly with the Ethos of our company. An
estimated 784 million was spent on was spent on skincare for or by teenagers
in the UK (Rudd), meaning there is a huge potential market for our products.

Bringing something specifically aimed at teenagers with acne and only uses
natural and organic ingredients makes our company unique. Unlike other
natural beauty brands, our ingredients are completely free of chemicals and
are understandable for the consumer. There are only a few other natural
skincare brands such as JuiceBeauty that carry completely natural ingredients,
however we feel as if our company is new, fresh and exciting for teenagers of

In the current generation, a majority of advertising is done through and on social
media. Our company aims to advertise, as said before, through YouTube,
Facebook and various other forms of Social media. We think that this will get out
company the most recognition and attention from our target market.

Aerin Downs

Strategy and implementation:

In order to reach our companies goals, we have set up a 5 step marketing plan.

1. Situation analysis
Understanding the problem of teenage acne has always been the driving
force behind our brand. Submerged in a generation that is extremely
superficial, teenagers can feel as if they are held back and have a lack of
confidence due to acne. We want to help our target market defeat this
common issue and gain their self-confidence back. The importance of
understanding that this is the prime development stage is prevalent. Our use
of natural ingredients assures not only our consumer but also their parents
that our products are all safe. Harsh chemicals can alter and affect the human
body internally as well as externally, and by using the ingredients we do we
are safe from that.

2. Market Goals
Starting off as a small-scale company, we want to stick to our ethos. We want
to create a range of skincare products, each targeted at teenage acne and that
only uses natural ingredients. We are ready now to expand our company,
exploring different markets and look at creating a few new skincare ranges.
In the next 3-5 years we plan to accomplish:

Selling our products at large scale drugstores such as Boots and
Opening up new ranges for different skin types, still using natural
Becoming a reputable, award winning skincare brand.
Gathering a large social media influence by sending our products to a
range of bloggers, beauty instagrammers and reputable influencers
that can preach to our target market.
Become one of the highest selling skincare ranges in the industry.
Make a profit of at least 3 million by 2018.
Make a difference to a world issue through donating a portion of our
profit to charities.

3. Marketing Strategy:

In order to achieve our business goals we have set up a small strategy plan to
help us along the way.

1. Mass consumer surveys and data collection within the teenage
community in various countries on social media. This will give us a

Aerin Downs
clear idea of what our target market is looking for, and how to create
our products in a way that satisfies them most.
2. Explore new target markets (e.g. clients with mature skin) and
research our ingredients according to their skincare needs. Look for
new innovative ingredients that create trends within the market,
hopefully making our brand noticeable.
3. Collaborate with social media influencers to connect to our target
market. This will hopefully create more brand awareness thus a boost
in sales.
4. Start collaborating with charities on a key product of whose profit will
solely be donated back to them.
5. Start selling our range in department stores such as Debenhams or
6. Acquire a larger factory to mass product to a greater consumer base.
7. Start online sales to gather a more international audience.

4. Budget and Planning

*See Financial Plan.

5. Metrics and Adjust

At the current time we are a small scare business, but with the help of an
investment we believe we can expand our company greatly. We are
hoping to improve a few things in our company, in order to reach our
business goals.

The first improvement would be our production facility. We dont
currently have the facilities to mass produce our products, which is why
were looking into buying our own factory to accommodate industrial
machines that will product our products.

Packaging is another factor were looking at improving. Since we do use
natural ingredients, its important we use packaging that is going to keep
our products fresh. Recyclable plastic is an option, however we are
looking into glass packaging to assure environmental awareness

We currently only sell our products through newspapers, however we
hope to improve our sales through an online website. This will also
introduce the option of international sales that will greatly benefit our

Competition with other companies is something we are always aware of as a
brand. However, we always strive to stay relevant and up to date through
incorporating new and current trends into our products. Hiring a full range of
marketing and management staff will help us to achieve these goals. Connecting
with fair-trade companies to source our ingredients will also benefit the

Aerin Downs
company as we are giving back to the less fortunate. All of these contributing
factors we believe will make us a successful and reputable company.

Company and Management:

We are already an established business, however as said before are looking to
expand. Currently, we have around 5 employees all managing advertising, sales
customer feedback and manufacturing. We need a bigger team in order to meet
our greater goals, which is why we are looking to hire the following roles.

Accounts manager- Managing the profit and sales of our company as well
as company finances.
Ad operator- Maintaining advertisements
Brand Manager- overseeing market research, development and marketing
Communications and PR director- managing public relations and
interaction through social media.
Content and Web management (online ordering manager)- operating our
online store and sales.
Email and Database Manager- online programme providing us with
database management.
Planning and Strategy Director- management of strategic planning
Product manager- managing current and new products in the company
Research director- researching into new trends and fads that keep our
brand relevant.
Customer Relations- interacting with customers on how they felt about
our products.
Branding and Advertising- managing our branding and advertising
Factory and production manager- managing the factory and keeping
machines maintained.
International sales manager- managing our international sales through
our online store.

We believe this to be the underlying driving force for the success of our
company. With the help of these job roles, we can achieve our business goals and
keep our company up and running. Our company is all about hard work and
determination and we are looking to hire people with these 2 qualities in mind.
We are planning to have our brand widely recognized in the next 3 years, and
acquire a boost in sales.

Aerin Downs

Financial plan:

Income Statement:

Cash flow statement:

Aerin Downs

Operating Expenses:

Hopefully with an investment, we can jumpstart our mission to expanding the
company. In order to begin operating the business at a larger scale we will need
an investment of around 3.5 million. This money will help us operate and
maintain the factory, pay for ingredients and packaging, insurance for our
machinery, salaries for workers and employees, advertising, car and truck
equipment, online website operations and general business expenses. We plan to
pay back this investment through the profit we make from our product sales and
introducing our new online shopping scheme. We believe that with the
introduction and influence of social media advertising, we should start matching
our investment from our profit. In the first 6 months of operation we have made
a profit of close to $480,000. This means that in the next 3 years we project to
make a profit of around $2,880,000. We should expect to pay back the
investment within the next 4-6 years depending on the stake in the company, if
sales go as well as they are now. If they dont, we plan to pay the remaining back
through our own profit from our sales. The investment company should have a
stake of around 10-15%.

At a current time where natural and inner health trends are at an all time high
and teenagers are worried about what they look like more than ever, we believe
our brand is going to be successful. We havent seen anything like our products
on the high-end market, and since our sales have been so successful thus far, we
think it will be successful. We face competition from brands such as JuiceBeauty
in the drugstore market, however we believe that with our current and fresh
edge we will be unique. We expect to be receiving double our profit in the next
ten years, with the introduction of new lines and international online ordering.

Aerin Downs

Works Cited:

Rudd, Vivienne. "Beauty Trends for Younger Consumers: Beauty Joins the
Youth Club." Beauty Trends for Younger Consumers: Beauty Joins the Youth
Club. Mintel Group, n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2016.

Lavinsky, David. "How to Write a Business Plan." Forbes. Forbes Magazine,
n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2016.

"Business Planning Guide - Bplans Blog." Bplans Blog. Paolo Alto Software,
n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2016.

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