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Chaucer's Knight's Tale Briefly Summarized

Theseus, duke of Athens, returns in triumph from Scithia,

where he has conquered and married the queen of the Amazons, Ypolita.
Her young sister Emelye accompanies them. As he comes to the edge
of the town, his progress is interrupted by a group of weeping ladies,
kneeling and clad in black.
The eldest explains that they are waiting here at the
Temple of Clemency to ask Theseus' help. She is the queen, Cappaneus'
wife, and the others all noble ladies, cast down by Fortune. The
tyrant Creon has captured Thebes, killed their husbands, and will
not allow the bodies to be buried.
The noble Theseus, moved by their plight, turns aside from
Athens and leads his army to Thebes, where he slays Creon and defeats
his army. He captures the city, tears down its walls, and has the
bodies of the ladies' husbands properly cremated and buried.
As the pillagers ransack the bodies, the heralds recognize
among the wounded two princes of the royal blood, born of sisters.
Theseus sends them to Athens to dwell in prison perpetually.
Years pass; one May morning the beautiful Emelye goes
a-Maying in the garden below the tower in which the prisoners are held.
She gathers flowers and sings like an angel.
One of the prisoners, Palamoun, while he is lamenting
his fate, happens to look out a window; he casts his eye on Emelye
and cries out in pain. His fellow prisoner, Arcite, thinks he is
depressed by their imprisonment and urges him to accept their destiny;
they are victims of the stars. You are mistaken, Palamoun says;
I was wounded through the eye by the woman or goddess I saw in the
garden. He kneels and prays to Venus that if she is indeed the woman whom
he saw in the garden she help him and Arcite out of prison.
Arcite looks through the window, sees Emelye, and is
wounded as badly as Palamoun. He says he must have her mercy and her
Palamoun is angered; he reminds Arcite that they are not
only cousins but sworn brothers; he loved Emelye first and Arcite is
duty bound to help him. Arcite replies that he loved her first -Palamoun thought she was a goddess, not a woman. Besides, love is a
greater law than any other, and other laws may be easily broken in
its name. But, why are we arguing, he asks; we are doomed to remain
here in prison and neither of us can have her.
They continue bickering. One day Theseus' dearest
friend Perotheus comes for a visit. He knows Arcite well and pleads
with Theseus to release him. Theseus frees Arcite with the condition
that he, on pain of death, never return to Athens.
Arcite is devastated by the news of his release. He would
rather remain in prison, for then he would at least have the sight of
she whom he loves. He repents that he ever wanted out of prison; alas,
how little we understand the workings of Fortune. We often desire
what brings our own destruction; I wanted freedom from prison;
now that freedom exiles me from happiness; without the sight of
Emelye, I shall die.

Palamoun laments as loudly as Arcite. Arcite, he says,

has the better part: he is free from prison and can return to Thebes,
where he can raise an army and make war on Athens, while Palamoun
must remain in prison. He burns with jealousy. He complains of the
cruel Gods, who torture the guiltless. Beasts, at least, are bound
by no laws, and need not fear punishment after death. Saturn condemns
me to prison, and Venus afflicts me with jealousy of Arcite.
Thus Palamoun remains in perpetual prison and Arcite
is exiled and will see his lady never more. You lovers, I ask you
this: Which has the worse?
Part II
Arcite returns to Thebes, where he so suffers for love
that he neither eats nor drinks. He is so afflicted with love-sickness
that his entire appearance, even his voice, is so changed that no one
would recognize him.
Mercury appears to Arcite in a dream and commands
him to go to Athens. He sees in a mirror how greatly changed he is,
and determines to go to Athens disguised as a poor laborer. He is hired
by Emelye's chamberlain; he works so hard that in a year or two he is
made a page of her chamber. Theseus is so impressed that he makes him
a squire of his household and holds him dear. This continues for three
Meanwhile Palamoun suffers in prison, so oppressed
by love that he nearly loses his wits. But in the seventh year of his
imprisonment, on the third night of May, whether by chance or destiny,
with the help of a friend he escapes prison. The guard was given wine
laced with opium, and Palamoun fled to a nearby forest, intending to
set out the next day for Thebes.
Arcite, unaware of what Fortune has in store for him,
sets out to do honor to May, and he happens to ride to the place
where Palamoun is hiding. Palamoun sees Arcite, but he does not
recognize him. Suddenly Arcite's mood changes -- as often happens
to lovers -- and he falls in despair. How long, Juno, he says,
will you war on Thebes and its royal line? I, once called Arcite,
am now called Philostrate, deprived of my own name. Worse, Love has
struck me so hard that I shall die. Emelye's eyes slay me! He
These words are like a sword in Palamoun's heart.
He leaps out and shouts that Arcite is a false traitor and that he,
Palamoun, is his mortal foe. Unless he renounces his love for
Emelye, one of the two must die.
Arcite replies that he will love Emelye despite all.
He will supply Palamoun with food and drink and he will bring him
armor and weapons, and the next day they will fight to the death.
It is true; love will have no fellowship. Early the
next morning Arcite returns with the weapons, and they fight as
fiercely as wild beasts, up to the ankles in their own blood.
Fate, which executes God's will, is so strong that
sometimes something happens that will not happen again in a thousand
years; all is ruled by God's foresight. Theseus, who loves to hunt

the great hart in May, has risen early and ridden out a-hunting,
accompanied by Ypolita and Emelye, all clad in green, and they
come to the forest where Palamoun and Arcite are fighting.
When Theseus sees them he commands them to stop and
demands to know who is here fighting without judges or other officers.
Palamoun confesses their identities: This, he says, is your mortal
foe Arcite, who called himself Philostrate and who loves Emelye,
and I am Palamoun, who also loves her. He admits they both deserve death.
Theseus says that indeed they shall both die. But
his queen, moved by womanhood, begins to weep, and so does Emelye
and all others. They kneel and beg Theseus for mercy until at last
his anger abates; pity comes quickly to a noble heart. A lord should
have pity and take account of circumstances in rendering judgment.
How mighty a lord is the God of Love! He rules each
heart as he wishes. See what he has done to Palamoun and Arcite.
They could have lived royally in Thebes but Love has brought them
here to die. That is what Love has done for them. But the best joke
is that she for whom they are fighting knows nothing about it.
Yet a man must be a fool, either when young or when old. I know
that from my own experience; I was a lover once. Having said this,
Theseus forgives the two young men.
Theseus then says that each of them is worthy to marry
Emelye, but obviously she cannot marry both. Therefore he will sponsor
a great tournament a year hence; Palamoun and Arcite are each to
bring a hundred knights. Whoever slays his opponent or drives him
out of the lists will win Emelye. The two young men rejoice and return
to Thebes to gather their armies.
Part III
Men would think me neglectful if I failed to tell you
of the great expense that Theseus incurred in building the lists.
It was built round, with walls and a moat, with seats in tiers. There
was a white marble gate on the East and another on the West. Above the
eastern Gate is a temple of Venus, on the west side a temple of Mars,
and on the north a temple of Diana, goddess of chastity.
I must not forget to tell you of the sculpture and
paintings in these chapels.
On the walls in the temple of Venus are painted sighs,
tears, lamenting, and other sorrows that lovers suffer, along with
their oaths and Pleasure, Hope, Desire and such; indeed Venus' principal
dwelling was painted there and her garden with its porter Idleness,
and also Narcissus, Solomon, and others whom love has overcome. The statue
of Venus was naked, floating on the sea, with a musical instrument
in her hand and a rose garland on her head. Her blind son Cupid
stood before her, with his bow and arrows.
The temple of Mars was a dark and grisly place, like
the temple in Thrace that is his principal residence. A stormy forest
is painted on the wall, made of steel, dark, and guarded by heavy
iron-bound doors. There is Felony, rage, murder, and such. There
are paintings of corpses with their throats cut, devastated towns,
burning ships, hunters killed by bears, infants devoured by sows in their
cradles. There are paintings of the murder of Julius Caesar and Nero
and others whose deaths were shaped by the stars. The statue of Mars

stood on a chariot, with the stars Puella and Rubeus above him and
at his feet a red-eyed wolf, devouring a man.
The temple of Diana was painted with scenes of hunting
and chastity, with Calisitopee transformed into a bear, Dane (Daphne)
transformed into a tree, and Acteon devoured by his own dogs,
because he saw Diana naked, as well as others whom the goddess punished.
Her statue was seated on a hart, a moon at her feet, dressed in green
and with a bow and arrow. A woman in childbirth lay before
her, calling for her help. The colors for this cost a great deal.
Now I turn to Palamoun and Arcite. The day of their
return approaches, and they come to Athens, each with a hundred
knights. So noble a company was never seen, for everyone who loves
chivalry and would have a good name wanted to take part. You know
well this would be the same case today. To fight for a lady -- bless
me! -- that is a sight to see!
Palamoun's company contains knights armed in every way.
The great king of Thrace, Lygurge, is there himself; he rides on a
chariot of gold, drawn by white oxen. He is richly clad in gold and
jewels, and about his chariot run twenty-two white hunting dogs, each
as large as a steer.
With Arcite is Emetreus, the great king of India,
riding on a steed clad in steel and covered with cloth of gold;
he seems like Mars himself. His saddle is covered with jewels, and
he is handsome; he wears a garland on his head and carries an eagle.
There are many noble lords in his company and many a tame lion and
All arrive early on Sunday morning. Theseus sees that
they are richly housed and he entertains them at an elaborate feast.
There is no time to tell you where they sat, what ladies were most
beautiful or who spoke most feelingly of love; I must come to the point.
Sunday night, two hours before dawn on Monday morning,
Palamoun goes to Venus' Temple. He prays to Venus to have mercy on
him, and vows to be her true servant. He does not ask for
victory but only that he have Emelye. He makes his sacrifice and
the statue of Venus is motionless for a while and then shakes.
He takes this as a sign that his prayer will be answered, though
with some delay.
The third planetary hour after this, Emelye rises
with the sun and goes to Diana's temple with her maidens. She washes
her body and does her rite, but what it is I shall not tell. She
prays to Diana, asking that she be allowed to remain a maiden all
her life; Turn the hearts of Palamoun and Arcite away from me;
if I must marry, send me the one who most desires me. She weeps.
The fires on the altar go out, come to life again, and go out with
a roaring sound, and blood drips from the brands. Emelye is
frightened, but Diana appears and addresses her: You must wed one
of them, she says, though I can not tell you which. The goddess
disappears with a clattering of her arrows, and Emelye, not knowing what
this all means, leaves.
In the next planetary hour of Mars following this
Arcite goes to Mars' temple. O fierce God of arms, he prays, I
burned for love as you burned for the love of Venus that time that
Vulcan caught you. Help me in the battle tomorrow, and I will be

your true servant forever. The fires on the alter flared up, a
sweet smell came up from the ground, Mars' armor clattered, and
a low voice murmured "Victory!" Elated, Arcite returns to his lodgings.
At this a great dispute arose in the heavens between
Venus and Mars. Jupiter could not stop it, but the aged Saturn,
who had learned much in his long life, found a remedy. My daughter,
he says to Venus, I who bring ruin to men, shall manage things
so that Palamoun shall have his lady even though Mars will give
victory to Arcite. Now to the main point.
Part IV
There was great festivity in Athens that May. All
Monday they jousted and danced. The next day there was great
activity throughout the city; armor was donned, lords rode about,
armorers worked, and yeomen and commoners thronged, music played,
and all speculated about who would do best in the fight.
Theseus was awakened by the music and noise but he waited
until the Theban knights came to his palace. Then he appeared before
the people. The heralds called for silence and announced his
decision: He desires no loss of life; projectiles, poleaxes, short
knives, and short swords are not to be used. Each rider is to charge
but once with a sharpened spear. If any one is captured, he is to
be brought to a stake where he must remain. If either leader is slain
or captured, the fighting is to stop. The people cheer this
proclamation, and the trumpets blow as the procession begins to
pass through the city.
Theseus rides with the two knights to the lists and
takes his place with Ypolita and Emelye. Arcite enters from the
West gate, under the temple of Mars. At the same moment Palamoun
enters from the east, under the temple of Venus. The two sides
are evenly matched. The cry goes up "Do now your duty, proud
young knights!"
The melee begins with a general charge; spears are
shattered, swords hammer on helms, blood flows, and maces smash
bones. Horse stumble; one knight falls under the hoofs of the horses,
another tries to defend himself with a broken spear, others are
hurt and taken to the stake. They fight all day, with Theseus
ordering breaks for rest. Palamoun and Arcite duel fiercely; their
blood flows freely.
All things must end. Finally Palamoun, wounded by
Emetreus, is dragged down by twenty men and forced to the stake.
When Theseus sees this, he orders the fighting to stop.
In the heavens Venus weeps so much at this frustration
of her will that her tears fall in the lists. Saturn reassures her;
Mars has had his will; now you shall soon be eased.
The trumpets blow and Arcite removes his helmet and rides
through the field, looking at Emelye; and she looks upon him with a
friendly eye (for women follow the favor of Fortune). Suddenly, a
fury sent from hell by Saturn, rises up. Arcite's horse rears up,
catching him unaware, and he falls violently forward on the pommel
of his saddle; he falls from the horse, his breast-bone broken, blood
running in his face. He is carried out of the lists and cut out
of his armor; he was still conscious, calling for Emelye.

Theseus returns to the city; men say that Arcite will

recover and all look to their own wounds. Theseus comforts them all,
and no one can call Palamoun's misadventure cowardly, since he was
one man alone captured by so many. Theseus declares both sides have
won, and he gives all gifts, holds a feast for three days, and
accompanies each departing guest out of town.
Arcite's breast swells, increasing the pain at his
heart. The clotted blood left in his chest corrupts and no medical
attention can help. His body cannot expel the poison; the lungs
swell, and every muscle is infected. Neither vomiting nor laxative
can help; everything is broken; Arcite must die.
He sends for Emelye and Palamoun. He says to Emily
that though he cannot declare all his sorrows to her, he bequeaths
her the service of his spirit. Alas, the sorrows that he feels for
her. He asks her to take him in her arms and tells her that though
he has had strife with Palamoun, there is no one so worthy to be
loved as Palamoun, who loves Emelye. If ever you should be a wife,
Arcite tells her, forget not Palamoun. With that word his speech
fails; the cold begins to grip him and his heart begins to fail.
His last words were "Mercy, Emelye." His spirit left to go I know
not where.
Emily shrieks, Palamoun howls, and Theseus carries
away the swooning Emelye. All of Thebes mourns for Arcite. No one
could cheer up Theseus except his old father Egeus, who knew the
inevitable changes of the world. He tells Theseus that just as no
one has ever died who did not live, so no one lives who will
not die. We are but pilgrims passing through this world.
Theseus sets about providing for the sepulcher. He
decides it will be in the grove where he first came upon Arcite and
Palamoun fighting for their love. He orders trees cut for the fire
and arranges the bier, spread with cloth of gold, upon which lay
Arcite, crowned with laurel. Theseus has the bier brought
into the hall.
Then came Palamoun, weeping, and Emelye, saddest
of all. Steeds bearing the trappings of Arcite are ridden by servants
carrying Arcite's arms. They ride through the main street, spread
with black, toward the grove. Egeus and Theseus walk bearing offering
offerings; Palamoun comes with a great company, and then comes Emelye
carrying a burning torch to start the funeral pyre.
Great work went into making the huge fire. First
a great load of straw was laid. But I shall not tell how the fire
was made nor the names of the trees that were used -- oak, fir, and
such -- nor how they were felled. Nor how the gods and creatures
of the forest fled for fear. Nor how the fire was laid first with
straw, then sticks, then green wood and spices, cloth of gold and
jewels; nor how Arcite lay there; nor how Emelye lit the fire; nor
how she swooned nor what she said nor what jewels men cast in the
flames; nor what other offerings were cast in; nor how the Greeks
rode about the fire nor how Arcite was burned; nor the wake held that
night, the funeral games, their return to Athens. I intend to be brief.
After some years the mourning abates. In Athens a
parliament decides to make an alliance with Thebes. Theseus sends for
Palamoun; he comes still clothed in black. Then Theseus sends for

Emelye. When all were still, he said thus:

The First Mover knew well what he was about when
he first made the fair chain of love, which unites the elements of
fire, air, water, and earth. That same Mover has established limits of
duration to all creatures, beyond which they cannot endure. By this
order we can see that the First Mover is eternal. All in nature
takes its beginning from something that is perfect and whole. And so
all things must pass. The oak grows slowly and lives long but yet
it dies. Stones under are feet are worn down. Rivers go dry. Cities
pass away. Man and woman too must die. What causes this but Jupiter
that turns all back to its origin. One cannot deny this.
Then is it wisdom to make a virtue of necessity and
to accept cheerfully what we cannot escape. He who objects is foolish.
Certainly it is best for one to die young, while he is at the height
of his honor, rather than to die old when he is forgotten. To object
to this is mere self-will. Why complain that Arcite is departed with
honor out of the prison of this life? Let us rather thank Jupiter
for his grace. Before we depart, let us make one perfect joy of two
Sister, says Theseus to Emelye, my advice and that
of my parliament is that you show some pity unto Palamoun and take
him as your husband. He is a king's son and he has served you for many
years. He tells Palamoun to take Emelye's hand. The bond of marriage
was made between them, and they were wed with great bliss. He serves
her so gently and he loves her so tenderly that there was never a
jealous nor argumentive word between them. Thus ends the tale. God
save this company!

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