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Alexander Penagos Japluzamon
Note: This is the gospel of the Beast of the blasphemous book, written by a mort
al, facing God, his angels and his saints on earth. If you hate the thought of d
amaging religions, if you believe them, especially those of Christian character
are that dull man, which initially caused the man to engage in a blind ignorance
to live under fear and a reward of paradise after death and be garbage on this
earth, if you believe that its leaders do nothing to the nature or the world but
to generate profits at the expense of their "God" when they say they are poor a
nd are not. If you're one of them, those who have awakened from the deep sleep o
f stupidity and has risen to say the meaning of life give me what I do, and not
a God who does nothing for us and do not even understand whether or not there. 3


Summary 1 At first I was, and God was in me and I was God, and God was I First P
arty. Lion preaching in Galilee and Judea 1. First Testimony of Bael. Second Tes
timony of First Disciples of Bael Bael. 2. The First Miracle of the Beast. Resid
ence at Capernaum. Expulsion of merchants from the temples. First fruits of the
testimony of the Beast (The Lion). 3. Visit Elijah.Bael third witness. 4. Lion I
tem to Galilee. Meeting with Christian. Fidelity strongest. 5. Shoot The Lion th
e paralytic at Bethesda. There is no holy day. The Beast is more than the Gods.G
loria men. 6. The Lion allowed to live in 2500 and left to die in 2500. Be Afrai
d. Thanks to the Contributors. The Lion and the Bread of Life. Pan Neither alive
nor dead bread. Reflection to the disciples. 7. Beast and The Lion the minds of
Jerusalem and Galilee. Days abolished the Gods.Divine destruction of the Messia
h. The Gods are. The Beast blasphemous and limits of religious laws. The views o
f the Beast. 8. The woman caught in adultery. The Beast Shadow of the World. The
Beast known to Jesus and all those who seek not their own. The children of the
devil. 9. The man born blind.
The Beast and miracles. Faith is blind. 10. The Lion will discover that the good
pastor is a real trickster. The life of the Beasts. The power of the Beast. The
Beast Without God as the Father.After the dreaded words of the Beast. 11. The d
eath of the prayer of Peter and the birth of a Garden. Sofia and Lilith. The hum
iliation. The Beast and the councils. 12. The Beast anoints the feet of a woman
in Bethany and God is life. The Trick to the triumphal entry of this Messiah. Th
e triumph of the Beast in life. The crowd is no longer crowd. The question plaus
ible. The need to believe in itself. Part Two. Non Passion, the Yes to Life on T
his Earth. 13. The disciples wash their own feet. Delivery. Start the Union. Con
firmation of imperfection. 14. The way, truth and life itself. The disciples and
the word. 15. I am the vine I care. Love the world and hatred of the dogs dragg
ed. 16. Humanity. The Holy Spirit and the Beast. The everlasting joy. Confidence
in humans. 17. Extinction of sentences and new song for the man Beast. Do not p
ray to anyone or have anything. Final chapter. Reflection of The Beast and alms.
© 2008 And the serpent, called the tempter, the devil was driven out by God and
his angels of heaven, with angels expelled God and his angels of human life ...
the only one who can give meaning to all existence ...
DEDICATION To Kabbalah (ophiel 1976) In my future students: Hello! For various r
easons, including personality Japluzamon, today there is a wide distribution of
these books.Japluzamon, half in jest, although it's heartbreaking, accuses the o
ther of letting God confound their minds to stop this book is published, or, now
that has come to slow distribution and the distribution of the other books, and
prevent the truth be known and used. Well, in every life has the rain (but, per
haps, there must be a constant flood?). I will continue. And the drops of water
come to consume the time the hardest stone! So be it! Japluzamon West Hollywood,
California Spring 1976 A Catholic seminaries and others. Because the filtering
me in their convents and seminaries as a good seminary student and son of God, h
elped me with the necessary knowledge on the aspects required for my study. Noth
ing like knowing the enemy from within, for being so kind and bearing a straight
man as I am in his long list of gay for some years, for allowing me to interact
with the lamb of God idiots then become pastors to confuse reasonhuman. Thanks
cardinals, bishops, pastors and priests, brothers and deacons, seminarians and n
ovices for its weakness saints and fools' faces, the saints, the Virgin Mary Chi
quinquirá, the Virgin of Guadalupe, the Virgin of Maracaibo, to the Virgin del
Carmen and the Virgin of Lourdes, the table is my grandmother of the Sacred Hear
t of Jesus in the room, the crucified Jesus, Jesus penitent worker Jesus, Jesus,
pastor and the child Jesus and the July 20 , the maypole and moments of reflect
ion during Holy Week, to retreats, to work on the project of new evangelization,
thanks to Yahweh Elohim Jehovah God and in "Name the player, the white dove and
the holy spirit and also the tongues of fire and gifts. Thanks everyone ... I h
ate them. But I know that Satan is pleased by those who in the vineyard of "sir"
sin. To that I encourage. For the Muslim extremists are so consistent, intellig
ent and clever ... And for allowing me to live today and understand that the mes
sage of God can come at a plane ----- cursed pagan holy war! For the Buddhists.
By mysticism and martial arts. And more yet leave so many women out of his story
. And political parties and politicians, I know that if .... Finally to all thos
e who followed the stream and I laughed at this idea, my mom, my dad, my brother
s, my Aunt Elizabeth, my grandparents and Vivi. My cousins and I for taking me s
eriously as read below.Those who escape me and all of you who send this via mail
to your contacts Hail Satan.
Introduction remember, kneeling before nothingness, trying to discover the words
of the gospel of sacrifice and could not understand, right lighting is needed t
o understand such words boastful of his inventions Damn! But faith is necessary
to such beings to believe in them and make them life model. Then, while trying t
o meditate on these words I create my own gospel, I transcribe the plagiarism th
at I conceived this God of Christians and enlightened writers and created man's
gospel. Sorry for blaspheming Yahweh your gospel theology, the most important so
urce of your Church, after your lamb slain and glared thanks for not a ray of yo
ur anger, but like Satan.
on 1. At first I was, and God was in me and I was God, and God I was. 2. I was t
he principle of God. 3. All things were made by me and no I do not mind anything
that has been done. 4. This in my life and my life is a shadow of men. 5. The d
ark obscures the light so the light does not welcomed. 6. There was a man sent B
ael name. 7. He came to witness the shadows, to testify to them and that all und
erstood by him. 8. It was not the shadow, but came to bear witness to the shadow
s. 9. I was the shadow true that this world coming to take refuge and free to al
l men. 10. I was in the world and for me was the creation, but the world was not
known coward. 11. I came to all, but all I received 12. More than a few I recei
ved gave them power to be God, to those who believed in his own name; 13. That b
lood, the will of the flesh, the animal will, freedom is born. 14. I became fles
h and dwelt among you and have seen our throne, the throne of God, full of pleas
ure, balance and happiness. 15. Bael testifies to me crying, this is who I told
you, He who comes over me, still above me, because it will fight to keep on top
of me. 16. For your flight we received all the light shelters. 17. For the law w
as given by Jesus dead, happiness and harmony came for me. 18. Our divinity had
not seen before, now I dwell in my own house I have given God has known.
Part. Lion preaching in Galilee and Judea 1. First Testimony of Bael. 19. This i
s the testimony of Bael. When Jews, Christians and Muslims, from the Vatican, Me
cca and Jerusalem, he sent priests, rabbis, monks and Levites to ask: Who are yo
u? 20. He confessed and did not deny: I'm more I'm the Lion 21. They asked him t
hen what? Are you Jesus? Are you Mohammed? Are you Buddha? He answered, no Are y
ou the Messiah? He said, no, no, no. 22. They told him, then who are you? In ord
er for us to respond to those who have sent us What you say about yourself? 23.
He said: I am who I am, comfortable refuge in the light unbearable screams and b
etrayal: "Make straight your way to our own divinity, as he has not said any pro
phet. 24. The envoys were rats, pigs and stupid 25. and asked him, saying: Well,
why do you call the creators of Gods, but you are Jesus, Mohammed or Messiah? 2
6. Bael answered them, saying, I call God in words, but one that is not among yo
u, one you still do not know 27. comes over me, whom I fail to undo the strap of
her shoes 28. This happened in Bethany across the Jordan where Bael called Gods
. Second Testimony of Bael 29. The next day I saw Bael came and said, behold the
Lion that has become God that brings harmony to the world. 30. This is he of wh
om I said: Above is one that is above me because they fly higher than me. 31. I
knew him more for that should be revealed to the world and that I have come back
to me as God. 32. And I testified Bael said, I have felt and seen as fresh air
and joy has settled over me. 33. I knew him but he sent me word to call Gods in
saying who send down the fresh air and the joy on you, that is the creator God h
imself. 34. And I saw, and I testify that God is Leon. First Disciples of Bael.
35. Bael being situated next day with two of his disciples, 36. set eyes on me a
nd said: Behold the Lion God 37. The two disciples heard him and followed me 38.
Seeing me still, I told them what you want? They said, León, which means "the
Beast, where are you staying? 39. I said: Come and See. They were therefore and
saw where he lived and stayed with me that day. It was like 40 noon. Abigail was
the sister of Abel, one of the two who heard me and followed me. 41.Then found
his brother Abel and said: We have found the Lion God, which means the Beast 42.
We drove to where I was and staring at the said Abel You are not your father int
erested me: thou shalt be called cheating, meaning Abel. 43. The next day. Wanti
ng to leave for Galilee Abigor found and said, Follow me. 44. Abigor Era of Bets
adia, the city of Abigail and Abel. 45.Abigor found Athena and said, We have fou
nd that blasphemer who fear the law and dying pigs, the Lion God, God himself 46
. Athena said: Do yourself a God can be born? Abigail said, Come and See 47. Ath
ena saw coming toward me, and said: Here is a true God in whom no idols 48.Athen
a told me: Where do you know me? I replied saying: Before I saw your name Abigai
l climbing mountains to my 49. Athena said, You are Lion of God, God of Gods, Be
ast of Beasts, King of all your shadow 50. I replied saying: Because I told you
I saw you climbing mountains to me do you think? Stuff
more you will do, you see, say and feel 51. And I added: "Truly, truly, I say yo
u shall see the sky and closed my free Angeles lowering and raising the Lion God
here on earth. 2. The First Miracle of the Beast. 1. On the third day there was
a marriage in Canaan of Galilee, was there my mother and 2. I was also invited
along with my disciples at the wedding in March. They had no wine, because wine
wedding was over. In this I did my Mother: Woman goes to me and you, ill planned
, do not want people to drink? And we were not asked for any favor. 5. My mother
said to the servants: Do whatever he tells you. I told my mother never put me b
ack in this situation, we make advantage of your position as my mother the next
time you do you should fail to respect as I have missed today. 6. There were nin
e stone jars of purifying the Jews, each of which fit two or three metretes 7. I
like Leon said, buy the best wine they get in the market but do not fill their
jars in August. I asked my mother the money to pay and I said this is the gift f
rom my mother for the wedding, and can take 9. and after the feast tasted the wi
ne that had been achieved, he did not know where he came from, but they knew the
servers, which had brought him, "called the bridegroom 10. and said, "Everyone
serves good wine first, and when they are all drunk, the worst, but you've given
the best wine from the beginning and the end better. 11. This was not the first
miracle I did, in Canaan of Galilee again to express my pride, my respect and g
uests were in debt. There my mother believed in me and my disciples.Residence at
Capernaum 12. After that I went down to Capernaum with my mother and my discipl
es, we stayed there a few days. Expulsion of merchants from the temples 13. Was
near the Passover of the Jews and Christians, and went to Jerusalem. 14. Found i
n temples and home sellers of souvenirs, and the moneychangers, 15. and making a
whip of cords, throw them all the temples, with their proposals, their suggesti
ons, poured out the changers' money and cut down their tables, selling souvenirs
and told them, out of here and do not do this the final moment, beliefs and bus
iness ignorance as the homes of these gods were empty, look for a site that does
not cause disgust 16. And my students reflected on what is not written (The zea
l for freedom of men we should eat) 17. The Jewish leaders and Catholic priests
took the floor and said, What sign give for doing this? 18. I responded by sayin
g, Destroy this temple, and within months we will build a school, destroy that o
ther and build a garden. 19. Replicated two to forty-six years have been used in
building this temple, and that other forty-four What you say to destroy them to
build a school there and there a garden? And laughed. 20. but I spoke with just
ice and without fear. When years later he demolished the living, my disciples re
called what I had proposed, and rejoiced in my words, education, health of man a
nd nature and covered with scraps of freedom. First fruits of the testimony of t
he Beast (The Lion) 21. At the time I was in Jerusalem to act as others remember
ed realities unseen miracles in the Passover, many believed in myself and my rig
hteousness seeing, feeling and hearing the truth. 22. I did not trust anyone, be
cause they do not know any really 23. And did not need to give testimony of my t
eeth, because what interested me was my harmony and happiness.
3. Visit Elijah. 1. There was a Pharisee Astareth Name, principal among Jews, Fe
bruary. who came to the night where I was and I said, Leon Beast know that you h
ave come as a liberator by your own hand, because no one dares to act as fiercel
y as you do, you are your own God 3.I responded by saying: In truth I tell you w
ho is born in itself does not know his divine throne 4.How Astareth said the man
may be born in yourself? "Can a man enter into himself and take shape? 5. I ans
wered, Truly truly I say that whoever is born in freedom and harmony he must be
born on its own to form his throne in June. what is born of the flesh is flesh,
but born of itself is more than flesh 7. Do not be shocked by what I said: You m
ust be born on earth and in himself 8. The wind blows where you want and hear hi
s voice, feel his strength, smell your scent and know for where it goeth: So is
all born of the flesh itself. 9. Astareth responded saying, "How can that be? 10
. I responded by saying, You are a master of Israel, you've devoted to conceal t
he truth, now I can not remember? 11. Truly truly I say that we speak of what we
know and what we have seen and that we are and we are right, but you do not rec
eive our reasons 12. If we speak of divine things not understand, how would unde
rstand if it gave reasons for earthly things? 13. Nobody goes to heaven except h
im who is on earth, the Lion God is God in heaven done on land. 14. In the way t
hat Jesus died in his hell lot, so must the Gods make hell their hopes of an all
eged heaven on earth to the sky 15. For everyone who believes in himself has rea
l life on earth 16. because both dead God hate the world that a man cheating, sa
ying it was his only son and took him to a death and torture, so that everyone w
ho believed in him, seems on earth and in heaven course 17. For God and deceive
this man through the blood of this man feared the world to eternal punishment, s
o that the world would be tormented by. 18. He who believes in that, you judge y
ourself by the laws of Gods afraid, who does not believe is judged in itself, wh
y not believe in the alleged deception of God's only begotten dead. 19. And the
view is that the shadow came into the world and men loved the light into the sha
dows, because their deeds were mediocre and hate perfection, because perfection
uncovered their mediocrity and their works will be completed 20. But he who come
s to work correctly the shadows, lest his deeds are manifested and enhanced, as
they are made by God and for God in themselves. Bael third witness. 21. After th
at I traveled with my disciples into the land of Judea, and remained there with
them, and was covering them with my shadows Gods 22. Bael made known the shadows
in Aenon near Salim where it was very hot and went to cool, 23. Well Bael had n
ot yet been put in jail. 24. A discussion among the disciples of Bael and some J
ews about purification, 25. Bael and saw and said, Master who was with you beyon
d the Jordan, to whom you spoke, is empowering for many to believe in themselves
and become Gods, and all coming to him. 26.Bael answered them, saying "The man
has taken everything that was denied in the old and gloomy sky 27. You yourselve
s can testify that I said, I am not the Lion God, came to bear witness to the sh
adows 28. He who has himself is glad to hear someone else has to himself, so my
joy is greater than 29. For he must grow and I 30. The one above should continue
to fight for him. He who comes from the earth is earthly and speaks of the eart
h, so he creates the sky 31.and provides knowledge of how the earth formed from
32. That testimony will be received. 33.And who gets his shadow puts his seal th
at God can be true 34. For he who is God, should teach freedom and balance of th
e shadows, but it must be for León darkness and men back on themselves Gods 35.
The Lion loves all who desire to be free and informs the shadows to be Beasts 3
6. He who believes in the Lion believes in himself and will sky and shadows on t
heir own: one that refuses to learn to have no life, liberty or heaven, but must
be slave of cowardice and fear and unhappiness on earth will and its hell.
4. Lion Item to Galilee. 1. We knew because they told us they had heard the Jews
, Christians, Muslims and others how covered with my shadow, how freed people of
clubs back yokes and men Gods, other than to Bael. 2. Although I myself did so,
he taught my disciples such as shadows, as re-liberators and men Gods 3. I left
Judea and departed again to Galilee. Meeting with Christian 4. I had to go thro
ugh Samaria. 5. So I came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the field tha
t left the masochistic men called brothers, 6. where was the source of the Samar
itan woman to whom Jesus spoke in old times, I exhausted by the way, I sat witho
ut a fountain was like the ninth hour. 7. A woman pilgrim came to the well to dr
ink water, I said, takes a drink, 8. as my disciples had gone into town to get p
rovisions. 9. Christian Women told me how you being banned for me give me to dri
nk when I was a Christian woman? Because it is not permissible for Christians to
treat the Gods. 10. I responded by saying, 'If you knew the gift of being Gods
and who is giving you drink, you would give me water me in your own life. 11. Sh
e said: Beast, I have nothing with which to draw water, and the well is deep: Wh
ere then is that water will cool 12. Art thou greater than our Lord Jesus who ga
ve drink to the Samaritan? 13. I responded by saying: Who drank the water of Jes
us always thirsted 14. But whoever drinks the water I shall give him shall never
thirst, water that will teach you will find in the rock or in the lunar dust, i
t will join the gods and end up with thirst. 15. Christian woman told me, sir gi
ve me this water so it does not drop the water thirsty and give me your hand so
that no man be thirsty again. 16. I said, Go call your husband 17. I have no hus
band I said the woman, asked why do not you single? I said 18. I have six loves
a Buddhist asexual, a male Muslim, a Christian and homosexual addict, a vegetari
an Hindu, a Jew and a Mormon polygamist greedy, and none accounted for 19. He sa
id the woman, I see you are as virginal 20. The parents of these upset the mind
of your love by adding prohibitions on sex or to mythical gods and returning to
religion, as if your body were not your body and your vagina vagina was not only
the vagina to a God, and even though there love, sexuality becoming the sin of
all ways and not under 21. Woman Believe me it is time that water should quench
the thirst of men and sex hunger of the flesh, here in this and every mountain 2
2. You fear what you do not know: we worship what we know because we crossed the
line of fear and we felt good that we have found 23. but now it's time, and thi
s, the true worshipers of the flesh, the love in equilibrium satisfying their de
sires and pleasures in a wisdom of truth and harmony with the universe, these ar
e the worshipers of ourselves that we hope to be. 24. Dead Gods worshiped the sp
irit and the flesh hated by his impotence and frigidity, the worshipers of the m
eat we love our body and other bodies 25. I said the wife, I know you're the Bea
st, blasphemy they call the Lion, which has come to free us from the yoke of spi
ritual and has come to let us know the flesh and reason 26. I said, not just me
who speak to you who has brought the time.
27. This came my disciples, and marveled that a Christian talk with me, but I wa
s asked but not answered them: What do you ask? Or do you speak with her? 28. Th
en the woman took her pitcher and went to the city and told the men: 29. Come, s
ee the Lion God, the Beast has spoken to me honestly, without fear, gave me wate
r and I tried the meat. Is not this the true liberator? 30. Then they left the c
ity and came to me. 31. Meanwhile, the disciples spoke to me, saying: Rabbi, eat
all you want. 32. I said, "Rabbi? I have a delicious meal to eat, Eat me and al
imentaos but want desfallecer.33. My disciples said to one another: we eat the s
ame dish the Lion? 34. I told them how Beast: My meal is mine and mine alone, bu
t I want to share with me, watching them eat in peace, hunger, do your will, but
I hope not to end the meal by myself. 35.Do you not say 'There are still nine m
onths to get a new life? Behold
say Alimentaos and look at the fields because they are ready for planting. 36. B
e the planters and prepare you for the harvest, because you must be sowers and r
eapers. Receive the fruits of your planted and the fruits of the harvest. Do not
pick fruit for a life after death. Collect fruit for life here on earth. 37. Be
cause one is saying that sows and another reaps is a lie in our throne, and see
that he who sows is the same harvest. 38. I sent you to plant whatever you desir
e, you carve, and you will reap, to their fruits are the most delicious 39. And
many Christians, Jews, Muslims of that city believed in me by my word, not only
for Christian women who testified, telling me: The Lion has talked to me honestl
y, without fear, gave me water I tested its meat and 40. Then came some that wer
e previously Christians, others who had already ceased to be Jews and others who
were released to be Muslims and they told me out of here León God when you wan
t, but unveils the truth that frees more. It would be sad if only we knew the sh
adows, I shared supplies and I left there six hours after taking a break. 41. An
d many more believed because the words of my disciples, 42. And said unto the wo
man, Now we believe, not by what he said, but because we ourselves have felt the
fresh air of the shadows of the highest, and know that this that the creator of
gods the liberator of the living. 43. Six hours later, I left and went to Galil
ee. 44. Because I myself say that what I have God's own time Leon and I recogniz
e that the meat ages and my happiness should be at every moment. Fidelity strong
est 45. When I arrived in Galilee, the Galileans received me not having seen all
the things he had done in Jerusalem at the feast, for they also went to the par
ty. 46. Among then, as Beast again angrily Canaan of Galilee, where he had expre
ssed my pride and respect. Caparnaúm And there was a royal official whose son w
as believed the strongest 47. When he heard who had come from Judea to Galilee,
came to me and attacked me saying that I leave or I would have to face his son,
who was about to be general. 48. Then I the Beast, the Lion of the great mane na
il claws and fangs to my enemies in my throat I said: If you do not come with hi
m and tell me the two, finish it with their families 49. The royal official said
, Lion Beast, ya come here, that you die. 50.As Beast, not withstanding said: Go
and look for your son and tell him to die. And the man did not believe in my wo
rd and I hope it arrived. 51. When he was going to be a general almost came toge
ther with his father to face, his servants helped him up off the ground because
he had fallen without explanation, failed to lift him, where he was the father c
ame and said: Your son is dead. 52. Then he asked the server what time had begun
to feel unwell. And he said, after drinking the poisoned water that we drink. 5
3. The father realized then that his time was near because I had come to The Bea
st free of meat, mind and emotions to every man. I repeated, "Your son is dead,
and believed in me with all his house and allowed to enter his life justice. 54.
This second signal I did when I went from Judea to Galilee. 5. The Lion Shoot th
e paralytic at Bethesda
1. After that was a feast of the Jews, and went to Jerusalem as Leon. 2. And in
Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, called in Hebrew Bethesda, which has five
porticoes. 3. In these lay a multitude of sick, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting
for the moving of agua.4. Ignorantly deceived because they believed that an alle
ged angel descended from time to time to the pond and stirred up the water and w
hoever stepped in first after the stirring of the water, was healed of whatever
disease he had. 5. And there was a man who for thirty-eight years that he was si
ck, waiting to be cured. 6. When I saw him lying there, and I knew that was a lo
ng time so I asked: Do you want to be healthy? 7. Lion of God, I answered the si
ck, whom I have not put me into the pond when the water is stirred, and while I
am coming, another steps down before me. 8.With a sneer he said: Look down there
the angel, grip strength from asquiento bed and throw him into the pool. 9. And
although it was the first to fall into the water, that man was not healed, and
take your bed and wait
a timely fashion. And that day was the Sabbath. He began to scream I'm drowning,
save me!, Forbidding anyone to help him, until he looked at me and told me you
save me then threw me in that instant my hand stretched his grip and remove from
the pool. No day Saint 10. Then the Jews said to him who had been almost dead:
It is the Sabbath, not it is permissible to take your bed and arrastrarte.11. He
answered them, who released me and took me out of the pool said, Take up thy be
d, crawl with your legs, but not with your mind and spirit and is to be feliz.12
.Then they asked: Who is it that said, Take up thy bed and go to be happy? 13. A
nd he was released I knew it was the Lion who released it, because only the Lion
God was able to let die that I did not appreciate life and I was still among th
e people who were in that place. 14. Then I found myself in the temple, and said
: Look, you've been released, do not infringe on yourself more, the angel was a
lie like God did it for not getting up and live for thirty-eight. Get out of her
e, see, live and not come back, time to destroy this lie is coming 15. The man w
ent and repeated with pride to the Jews that I had given him freedom and shadows
I was in the temple and thought destroyed. 16. And for this reason the Jews fel
t threatened and started to chase me, and tried to kill me, because he did these
things every day that I wanted. 17. Lion And The Beast I told them: I work when
I want and have fun when I want, time is for me, time is of men, not man for th
e times. On Saturday, Sunday, midnight, noon are for me, not I for them 18.There
fore the Jews wanted to kill me even more because not only broke the Sabbath, bu
t also said that all time was for me, being stronger than his Father, being bigg
er than your God. The Beast is more than the Gods
19. I then replied saying, Verily, verily, I say: I'm bigger than your God and y
our God does not exist if I do not want it, and that God lives in me, I am my ow
n God, I've become the Lion, the Beast. I was equal to all the Gods who are not
born in the land themselves, and therefore exceeded the decimated with my claws
into me and his God can not annihilate it does not exist; While you have time an
d life, life is time for me and for me, if I'm not, I know the time and life. My
happiness in life and time is my throne. When I die I will die in my sky. 20. B
ecause Lion Man loves himself, and do all the things to be happy and free, and g
reater works than these will show, so you will be humiliated by those who posses
s thrones. 21. Because as I have life León free, happy and full of shadows to t
hose who want, how they get life in itself, so that they form the sky itself her
e on earth. 22. Because no one judges the dead Lion standards, but anyone fool w
ho lives in the light that makes the blind man and all judgments are from their
fear, fear and smallness, 23. to honor a God and not themselves. 24. Verily, ver
ily, I say: He who hears my word and believes in himself, is happy and free life
under the cool shadows here on earth, and will not repent of his works because
his works have been sublime have been real creation, not fear death but to death
in life. 25. Verily, verily, I say: The hour is coming, and now is, when the li
ving raise their thrones and the dead will hear his own voice for the first time
and those who hear will die to be born by themselves. 26. For as the Gods of th
e weak and the liberators we have life in themselves and give life to our future
children. To have life and joy here on earth and this place is full of harmony
and balance in the struggle to take himself to be more and more divine, 27. and
I give authority to these Gods, starting from the earth as it is not creation of
God for God. 28. Do not be surprised or scandalized at this, for it is time tha
t everyone will hear me snort with others with which to scare the weak 29. and t
hose gods on earth do not fear any unproven resurrection of life, because what o
n earth will be the most beautiful works ever seen, a paradise on earth is creat
ed by the Gods themselves born andcondemnation are not afraid because they know
how damaging man's life is to lose ground and be unhappy, and those who do harm,
killed in land without knowing if God by his resurrection have earned for their
meanness and selfishness. 30. Lion Beast I I can do what I want, because I have
my me myself, as I live, so I smile and my smile is a symbol of my joy, because
I only want my virtue, and the splendor of my virtue. I do not expect to be sent
to me as magnificent way and I'll be.Gloria men 31. If I say this is no testimo
ny but only to know that my roar and snort is true and that the same desire to h
ave voices that overshadow my roar. 32. Others give testimonials about me and of
itself, and will not know if their testimony will be true. 33. You sent pigs to
Bael, and he bore witness to the truth. 34. But I do not receive God's testimon
y that fly more than me, but I tell you, that ye may be covered by my shadow, to
be released and become gods themselves.35. Others have been burning and shining
light that blinded and only the release of the Gods, and you are fooled by thei
r light blind. 36. But I do I have, I'm bigger than Jesus, Mohammed Buddha, Mose
s and Elijah, Shiva or Brahma, Krishna and Rama more than I am who I am, because
I like Leon works for me and God are for my throne and paradise, the same works
that I do are for my joy and my song is part of my joy. I'm like a child who is
happy. 37. Also, they become larger than the Gods dead will be happy because th
ey will do things for your joy. And they will listen to your voice heard and the
ir faces would look placid 38. And they you have his word abiding in them, becau
se they have done, if you believe in your throne you will be afflicted.39. You s
earch the Scriptures, because they have been deceived by teaching them that ever
ything submitted to the contrary are false and misleading for them and believe t
hat my words are deceptive practices, you think that in them you have eternal li
fe, and mine which are the an alleged death brings eternal 40. and guard my word
s that gives them life here on earth.41. Glory to the men who did not get those
old, crazy teachings of death. Glory to all the Gods you only have yourself 42.
More I do not know all who are sitting on their thrones, but I'm glad to know th
at there are some who have love for being true Gods themselves. 43. I came on my
own behalf, and not all accept me and if another comes under another name as th
e Messiah but as I receive not all. 44. How can you believe in invisible gods an
d deny you receive glory for yourself, and seek glory that comes from God dead?
45. I will not accuse you of any pathetic nonexistent God, I accuse you himself,
is known for their mediocrity, not to be hopeful in yourselves. 46.Because if y
ou continue to believe in Moses, Buddha, Mohammed or any other body you can not
believe in your own strengths and weaknesses and do not believe in me because yo
u do not believe in yourselves and because nobody has written about the divinity
and floats can be achieved when you believe in yourself and I write about me. 4
7. But do not believe in man's own writings how animal is so stupid to believe i
n the words of gods who have no voice, no eyes, they have no hands, do not have
hands and are invisible? How can you be so dull of not believing in the words of
the animal but man who created the upset they said not to write for himself but
was inspired work of his Gods unreliable that seized them, took the ink and beg
anto write for all eye? 6. The Lion allowed to live in 2500 and left to die in 2
1. After that, I went to the other shore of the Sea of Galilee, or that of Tiber
ias. 2. And a great multitude followed me, because they saw no signs of magic an
d magicians work and did not heal the sick but embellish the strong. 3. Then I c
limbed a mountain and Leon, and I stand in front of my disciples who were sittin
g. 4. And it was the Passover of the Jews and Christians. 5.When I looked down I
saw that he had come to my great crowd, told Abigor: From where will these brea
d to eat? 6. But this will prove not to say, we did not know what to do, and the
y did not falter. 7. Abigor me: Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficien
t, but some two hundred twenty if to reach each of them take a little. 8. One of
my disciples, and Abigail, brother of Abel, I said 9. Here is a girl too
wealthy, which is fifty dinars to buy some meat, some bread and something to dri
nk, but what are they among so many? 10. Then I said: Make a collection among th
e people, he explains exactly what happens and try to raise the money. And there
was much sand in that place, and sat down, in number of 2500 women and men. It
was the collection and met only one hundred and eleven pence. 11. And we buy loa
ves, those meats and drinks and gave thanks to those who provided labor or money
or ideas, we distributed the meat, bread and drinks between those who have give
n and contributed, then among the disciples who were not lying; 12 . And when th
ey were filled, said to one of my disciples: Gather up the fragments that remain
, for others to observe that one should not waste anything. 13. Therefore they g
athered them and filled baskets thirteen bones that had been among those who had
eaten. 14. Then those men, seeing the sign he had done, said, "This is truly th
e Lion God, the Beast, the release that calls the balance between men. 15. But u
nderstanding how Beast would come to attack the 2500 who did not eat that did no
t provide or ideas, no work, no joy and wished to take me to kill me, I retreate
d again to the mountain with my disciples but later I Fear 16. At dawn, my disci
ples went down to the sea, 17. and entering a boat, and went across the sea to C
apernaum. It was already clarified, and I had not gone with them. 18. And the se
a is calm with a cool breeze was blowing. 19.When they had rowed about thirty or
thirty-three states, I saw my disciples in the boat on the sea and my boat appr
oaching his boat, not afraid. 20. More I told them I am the Beast Lion fear but
today I come when I will be afraid and will arrive the moment you are afraid you
will not be possible to close your eyes if you have committed misdemeanors. 21.
They then received them with concern in my boat, which soon came to earth to wh
ere we were. Thanks to the Friends 22. The next day, the people who were across
the sea saw that there were two boats, and I reached in one of them and conclude
d that my disciples in the other, and that we should be together. 23. But no boa
t had arrived in Tiberias near the place where we had eaten the meat, bread and
had drunk after giving thanks to all who helped us. 24. When therefore saw peopl
e who were in another place and disciples, entered the boats and went to Caperna
um, to get me and my disciples. The Lion and the Bread of Life
25. And just across the sea, said the Lion, and you sit on thrones, when they ca
me here? 26.They answered my disciples, saying: Verily, verily, I say that we se
ek, not because they ate meat, bread and drink, but because you are not yet read
y to roar with the same passion, fervor and they still need our shadows. 27. Wor
k for food without which you and we will die, not eternal life you do not know i
f they exist, do not die without having done enough was said to be the Son of Ma
n who died on the cross asking for something to drink, because he said at the co
nclusion of schizophrenia that their God had abandoned and neglected for the fut
ure for men food and nature. 28. Then he said, "What must we do to implement our
works? 29. I asked for silence and told them my disciples, saying: Everything y
ou see is not the work of any God is the work of nature, the universe and what y
ou build, do it in harmony with nature This is the work of the Gods, build in ha
rmony with the universe monuments to themselves. 30. I said then: "What sign the
n we do, let us look, and believe in ourselves? What work do we do? 31. At that
religions have called fathers ate the manna in the desert, another created canni
bals and settled with his useless sacrifice eating Ostia that supposedly are rea
lly the meat. 32. Lion Beast I tell them, Verily, verily I say unto you not Mose
s give you good bread and Jesus does not calm with more hunger Gee I wish the la
nd and bread from the earth 33. For the bread and meat that you should eat to th
eir forces should not come from heaven because they would die
man. Eat bread and meat from the land and not hunger You will pass 34. They said
Leon God, we want that bread and meat from the land 35. I told them: You must c
ultivate wheat and fatten cattle, sows and fattening cattle have to eat if you a
re his own works and if it does according to the nature of protecting the enviro
nment will have it forever and for their children, this way nobody will be hungr
y or thirsty. Believe in you and in themselves and do all in the most sublime, t
hinking about hunger and thirst for now, to have forces and to the future. 36. B
ut I tell you that you have seen but they have not believed in themselves. 37. t
hat have waited for the Gods you useless food, think of no better than go to you
r own field to your own work and create great things over which they have said t
o be works of God. 38. Why not come down from heaven, to make their own wills, a
nd continue doing the will of cocky and swindlers who are fed your alms. 39. If
you had will, and sent to themselves: They would have no fear and would fear him
not to expel, because the sublime works everywhere could create 40. This is my
will that I sent: To everyone who sees himself not return to slave fears, and be
lieves in itself, be happy, joyful and harmonious, and not expect to be resurrec
ted happy because they have been here on earth. 41. Then murmured at my main Jew
s, the main Catholic and Christians, Muslims and all the major religions primary
because he said that everyone gets their food and do not give alms or contribut
ions to scammers and stop waiting for the sky to fall bread meat. 42. And they s
aid: Is not this the Beast The Lion, the son of himself, whose father and mother
we know? How, then, says this: who is born of itself? 43. I like Leon soon to d
evour replied saying: Keep murmuring among yourselves. 44. Come to me, if they w
ish, and I will take you to die and resurrect their gods in the last days. 45. W
ritten not for any prophet: And so shall all be taught for freedom. So, everyone
who heard it and thought, learn from others and from himself and know that init
ially have to rely on himself. 46. Because no one has seen the gods, but those w
ho are upset. Most everyone has seen even in the reflection of water. 47. Verily
, verily, I say: He who believes in themselves, have a happy life, which does no
t believe in the pain will be short and very heavy chains. No bread alive or Dea
d Pan 48. Be ye bread of life. 49. Your fathers ate manna in the desert and died
. 50. Other pending a meatloaf course that descends from heaven, which said that
he ate, not die. But the children of their parents also died. 51. I am not aliv
e nor dead bread that rises from the earth, be yourself bread, that can not fail
anything and will die if they are happy days on earth, and being bread can end
hunger here in land. 52.So religious leaders quarreled among themselves, saying,
How did it expose the scam of our selfishness and thymus that we have created a
round our elaborate Gods? 53. Beast I told them, Verily, verily, I say: I have d
iscovered and will not eat the flesh of their Gods will die because of hunger, a
nd drink their drinks no blood, do not want to die of thirst Would you allow men
to havelife themselves? 54. Whoever eats the flesh of their gods and doctrines
that have been created through those and drink their drinks have neither life no
r eternal life on earth, let them be born by themselves and make their last days
filled days joys. 55. For in his hands this being real flesh and blood in his v
eins is true. 56. He who eats bread and meat and drink and the land does respect
ing it, it stays on 57. As they say be sent by parents dead, I live by myself, a
lso because I eat my flesh, and I will live forever but I will live as free from
hunger. 58. This bread does not fall from heaven is bread to be made by your ow
n hands, and die, but in harmony with the universe and happy to not feel hungry
and the Gods made our work can not prevent these things said out of all temple,
releasing in Capernaum.
Reflection to the disciples 59. To hear many of my disciples said, these words a
re soft, "everyone can hear them? 60. I suspect that my disciples murmured at it
, I said: Is this you glad? 61. What, if ye see the Lion down to where it was fi
rst and recordaos of you that lived as hell? 62. Your spirit is what gives the c
ourage to assume fully the life, the flesh the instrument to use it; the words t
hat I speak not of spirit are made of flesh and life. 63. But there are already
some of you who believe. Because you give me to know in their actions, their fee
lings and their thinking, and he said he expected to be exceeded by some. 64. An
d I said why I said that no one can come to another God, if it was not for himse
lf and God. 65. Since then many of my disciples continued, and I was with them.
66. Said to the lions to all gods and all the Beasts: Will you follow me perhaps
too? 67. And Adam replied: Sir, can we go now? We are lions to give words of ha
ppy life. 68. And we have we doubted and challenged you to be the Lion the Beast
, which has come to bring the world and shadows obscure the light that blinds. "
Are you really the man who becomes God, and has the highest throne, you are the
darkness that covers us and refreshes us with the glowing sun? 69. I answered: "
I have not chosen any of you have followed me I have invited, not chosen, all th
e same to me I spit only claiming to be like Leo but it is like pork? 70. He spo
ke of Abel, son of Adam, for this was that I wanted to provoke his own death, an
d was one of those who had more closely. 7 The Lion the Beast and encouragement
of Jerusalem and Galilee 1. After that, he was in Galilee, and wanted to walk in
Judea, because he wanted to destroy some religious leaders but had not given me
enough reasons. 2. It was near the feast of the Jews, and some other Christians
and Muslims as that of the tabernacles, 3. and they told me along with my compa
nions out of here, and go to Judea, that your disciples not only feel the coolne
ss of your shadow. 4. Because I try to let me know in secret. If you do these th
ings, show yourself to the world. 5. Because many peers believed in me. 6. Then
I told them as Beast: My time has come, but your time is coming. 7. The gods we
should love ourselves and love those who have thrones, but they love me, because
I testify of the power in you, that their works are sublime. 8. Let's go all th
e party, I go up first to the party, because your time is soon to come. 9. Havin
g said this, I traveled to Judea. 10. But then come the others that have come to
own thrones, then they too went up and as I openly, not in secret. 11. And look
ing to the leaders of religions at the party, saying: Where are they? 12. And th
ere was much buzz about them in the crowd, as some said, are good, but others sa
id: No, because they have deceived the people for centuries. 13. But none of the
m spoke openly for fear of being judged by demons. Days abolished the Gods
14. More than half of the party leaders went to their churches, and teaching 15.
and no longer believers were astonished, saying, Who as the Beast, and who can
fight against them? 16. I approached the believers and said: Its doctrines are n
ot doctrines, their thoughts are not your thoughts, your morality is your morali
ty, ethics is not ethics, I came because I have my freedom, I'm like leopard my
feet like a bear, and my mouth is Leon. 17. Who will do his will that he shall k
now and erroneous doctrines that lead to unhappiness, I speak on my own for your
own life. 18. I speak from my own mouth, on my own, seeking their own glory, bu
t whoever seeks the glory of it is invisible and there, this is False, and it no
justice. 19. Did not Moses give you, Muhammad, Jesus and others, the law, and y
ou say to keep it? Why are you afraid that my words reach every ear and every ey
e? 20. Replied the crowd drifting from fear of the priests and said: I like demo
n who seeks to extinguish! 21. I responded by saying: A few words say and do, wh
at you want all of you we be surprised? 22. I said, by the way, Moses gave you
circumcision and blamed God and Jesus sacrifice and divine Augustine, Mohammed r
ules and slaves of them. 23. If a man receives circumcision you are sinners, but
to receive the body of Christ is blasphemous and do not act with the laws of Mu
hammad are pagans. For any of you are saints in their old religions and I breakd
own each and every one of his idols, do you angry with me because it breaks laws
and rules? Think, the grief but my steps are free and fair, so every time and a
ction is my glory 24. Judge so weak I judge you with my claws and my mouth and I
think Leon is the man all slave can not think as a free man! Divine destruction
of the Messiah 25. Then said some Christians of Rome: Is not this the man who s
eeks to destroy? 26.For you see, speak publicly, and without fear faces as if ti
me was hit. Did they know indeed who desire to be stronger than it is able to co
ver in shadows and you can break every chain?27. More than this, do not know whe
re it is, but when the Beast comes true, your name will be six hundred threescor
e and six. 28. Then I lowered my voice to every ear is tuned, and go out of the
temples, lower his voice just enough to be heard and said: I do not know, and do
not know where I am, and I came by myself, and no one has sent me, and I accept
that although I am divine I am imperfect, and my desire imperfection others are
not, but my imperfection makes me a divine human animal. 29. But I know, becaus
e I've accepted that I am in the process of being bigger and stronger. My imperf
ect imperfection imperfectly me. 30. So keep me close and tried some other annih
ilate, but none could give me hand, fearing that my death was discovered to be p
erfectly imperfect and because Mars is only one God make me perfect. The Gods ar
e 31. And many of the people believed in me, and said: He is the Beast and has c
ome, will we do our greatest freedom that he has made for himself? 32. Priests o
f different religions heard the crowd murmuring these things about me and the ch
ief priests were removed from there to avoid being lynched. 33. Then as Leon tol
d them I still have time for myself, and now you are for themselves and send the
mselves 34. Were searched, and find, and where you and fences will never be slav
es. 35. So many wondered to themselves, "we seek in ourselves that we find our f
reedom and our own throne? What philosophical school all these ideas are born? W
hat do you mean behind their words? 36. What does this mean that said: We seek,
and ye shall find, and where you and fences will never be slaves? The Beast blas
phemous and limits of religious laws 37. In the last and dreadful day of the par
ty, I sat down and lower his voice, saying: If anyone is hungry go and get your
food, if anyone is thirsty, go and get a drink if anyone needs a male or female,
fence and find. 38. He who believes in if he does not expect anything that was
written by the inquisitors, but from within seeks to find and get. 39. I said th
is touching my flesh and playing as much or little he had accomplished, and thos
e who did not believe in themselves, as not all playing their own flesh, or they
felt and did not realize its finitude not receive your nearest gloryThe views o
f the Beast
40. Then some of the crowd, hearing these words, saying, Truly this is the Beast
. 41. Others said, This is the antichrist. But some said: "The world is coming L
ion? 42. It does not say anything in Scripture to be the offspring of Satan and
hell, where Lucifer fell, from which the Beast is coming? 43. There were then tw
o groups because of this silly dilemma and up and down my ideas some said that h
ell was a terrible place of eternal fire and punishment other than hell was the
same tierra.44. and some of them wanted more from me, others wanted to destroy m
e, but I did not allow me to dip into any of them. 45. Bailiffs
came to the chief priests and Pharisees, and told them: Why do not we have destr
oyed in their own words? 46. The officers answered, Never man spoke so freely an
d with such substance and the Beast! 47. Then the Pharisees answered, you also h
ave been convinced? 48. Do you have believed in him not only rulers but servants
of the rulers? 49. But these people wake up and know the law are cursed. 50. He
said Astareth, who came to him early, which was one of them: 51. "Our law does
not judge anything to these gods, but to judge them should not be within our law
s? 52. They answered and said unto him, Art thou also a man of the throne? Searc
h the scriptures and you will notice that escapes all our laws even if it was wi
thin our laws. Know them perfectly and even exalting God above all things, only
that he is his own God and is praised above all else 53. Everyone wanted to fina
lly go home. 8. The woman caught in adultery 1. And when each wanted to go home.
But I went to plan things together with some disciples to the Mount of Olives.
2. Very night I returned to the outskirts of the temples, and all the people cam
e to me and stood, silent. 3. The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caug
ht me in adultery, and placing it in half, 4. I have told you who you say you do
as a teacher and raise you on your throne and come down on the ground: this wom
an was caught in the act of adultery. 5.And the law of Moses commanded us to sto
ne such women. And the Christ who died on the cross told us that is without sin
cast the first stone, you say you, what do you say? 6. More tempting it told me
to stoop and raise their gods and their laws. But I opened my mouth of hungry li
ons, showing all my teeth and lifting me in the eye and pulling the shoulders ba
ck away from the ground, writing in the air with my claws, my morality is my mor
ality, my ethics my ethics. 7. And they persisted in asking, I sat on the ground
and said: He who is unable to meet his wife and women who are not able to satis
fy her man does not require sexual fidelity. Of you is being able to please your
partner and if you can not be satisfied with your partner, because he needs to
get another physiological way to satisfy sexual partner. If you seek one or the
other, or other or others do no wrong to anyone, tell them your needs first and
if you can not get satisfaction with them is not you but they will be charged to
you to look for failing to satisfy.Your blush not for your desire but inability
to fulfill the wishes of the sexual partner. While they have made clear initial
ly or introduced new desires and make clear it is to be right instincts and plea
sures, and you have everything to satisfy them and that person is unfaithful, ap
ártenla of you and do not suffer by them as this does not conflict against your
ego, or against your femininity or masculinity or your way of life homosexualit
y or sex, however know that that person is not enough for you, that is unless yo
u and do not deserve to share their flesh. Then I added, explaining, if 8. I got
up again and continued writing on the air. 9. But they heard this, wanted to kn
ow more, and added, "if you want to have many or few people or have inclinations
towards another type of sexual activities all those involved in their sex lives
should know their way of living sex. Do not fall away from the natural human an
imal or by their inclinations, but no one should violate another human being, th
is is the lowest among all animals and this should be eliminated by eliminating
the freedom of choice of a God or God now I can I ask of you not satisfy your pa
rtner? And then ask away about Who among you is able to satisfy your partner?And
others moved away, leaving only old men and ask them one by one, starting from
the youngest to the oldest Were happy in your sex life?, And I was just like Leo
n but with a tragicomic smile, and the woman who had been in the middle. 10. Sit
ting down beside her, and seeing the woman, I said: Woman, what you say of the a
ccusers? Did no one was left to condemn you? 11. She said I will not say anythin
g about Leon agresivÍsimo None. I said, I do not owe you condemn, I know nothin
g of your true reality, but it's time you look at yourself.
The Beast Shadow of the World 12. I called again and talked some, saying, I am s
hadow in the world: he that follows, amprado will walk through the shadows, and
you can see more of the light is blinding life. 13. Then the priests of religion
told me: You give testimony about yourself and talk as if giving testimony of o
thers, does your testimony is true? 14. I answered and said: Although I believe
that I testify about myself and I speak for others, my word and testimony is tru
e in many cases, because I do not care where I came from, I am not and I have se
t clear limits where I'm going, but you say that come from light, and have no id
ea where they are going.15. Ye judge rules only men who talk about spiritual thi
ngs but they have forgotten the laws of the flesh, I invite everyone to judge ac
cording to his flesh. 16. And I ask you to be judged according to their flesh, a
re made of flesh, and his trial will be more just like bread to the hungry, beca
use in the end we only have ourselves, and we do not destroy our lives with laws
of an alleged father I talk to some men. 17. And you yourselves are written the
laws of life, is part of the animal instinct because we are real men, in your l
aw is written that the testimony of two men is true, but I tell you that your wi
tness and word when fair is valuable as if they were one hundred and forty-four
thousand 18. I speak for me and for many, and on behalf of many, because I testi
fy that our word is true, and I have not ever heard the voice of his father God
that does not come from the mouth disgusting, dishonest and fraudulent you pries
ts. 19. They told me: "Where is your God? I responded by saying, I know him, I a
m my God, my God does not cross or the cross, not a spirit created by sycophants
of the unknown, or a parent who is beginning and end has been believed to under
stand and rationalize their saints theologians and is not rational proof of the
existence of divine entities, "then where is our God?" I asked and I answered, y
ou also know me and know why my god, the God of see temples, images, books, pray
er, and some have matured but are no longer children but continue with a course
top friend accompanying them but you never do anything for you for any reason is
imaginary, imaginary creation praise. 20. These words were spoken as Beast in t
he place of offerings, making fun of the waste of wealth invested in the temples
, and some I understood, but many had not arrived on time. The Beast known to Je
sus and all that is not self-seeking
21. and this time I said: I have searched and found, and you do not look at them
selves, because they fear the truth is there is no higher body that release of e
rroneous and harmful works against mankind, against planet and are not you able
to forgive themselves and not assume that you will die in this pain, I face my r
eality and the damage they've caused, you are cowards who can not enter you and
assume you did. 22. Then said the priest: "Perhaps it is important to go in ours
elves and not expect to be judged by others but judge ourselves and thus free ou
rselves from our work, and said:" You can not face your own works against humani
ty and against the world? 23. And I said, 'You want to be up, I am not above, if
there is anything above that is deemed to the above, I am of this world below a
nd judge me down here with what is below 24.Therefore I tell you that you will d
ie in your prison, because if you do not believe in you and if you do not know t
hemselves, in your chains and your frustration will die. 25. Then I said: Who am
I? Then as Leon told them what it is and you will, are the beginning and end. 2
6. I have many things to say but you should judge you, but know that your meat i
s the most real, and I, I've played, seen and heard here on earth, that what thi
s is about the world. 27. Others understood that he was talking about himself an
d his divinity. 28. And I said, then, Leon: When we enjoy our own thrones raised
, so what? I told them, be known to yourselves, and that all will do it for your
selves, there is nothing that is not made for yourself, and know to understand t
he fear of those who said things are made of the invisible God wills denied be g
ods in ancient times, so to speak. 29. Because no one sent me, I'm me, not let m
e leave in hopes of Gods extinct
for I always do what pleases me. 30. Speaking these words, many believed in them
selves. The children of the Devil
31. I said to the priests who believed if: If you hold yourself and do not put h
ope in Gods scarecrows your words and actions are truly of God, 32. and know you
r truth, and to love yourselves and infinitely respected and this will make you
free. 33. I responded: Lineage of Abraham and Jesus are brothers, and we believe
that we liberated. How do you say will be made free? 34. I told them, Verily, v
erily I say unto you, that anyone who is released by itself, everything is free.
35. And free men do not stay in the house of the Gods useless to pray, waiting
for miracles and his statement, if it comes out of the temples and houses to mak
e their own prayer life, he goes to work miracles in the life and act freely. 36
. So wait no further liberation promised by the dead, are truly free. 37. If you
are descendants of Abraham are sons or Christians or Muslims, I do not care, be
cause my word for every man is not for any religion.38. I speak what I saw when
in the thrones, and you do what you have heard about your God annihilated. 39. T
hey answered and said to me: Our father is Abraham. Jesus a prophet and God, do
I care if you act in accordance with the laws of Moses or as the life of Jesus,
I say, Do your own work naced in a single virtue. 40. But now ye seek to kill Me
, because I have spoken against your gods and prophets whom I have not heard wit
h my ears but which study, "perhaps I can not deny? 41. Ye do the deeds of your
superiors and leaders inquisitors. Then I said: We follow our religion and act a
ccording to the laws of the prophets and gentlemen, we believe in one God. 42. H
ow León told them: If I spoke praising your god and your prophet, you would lov
e Me, but because I am my own God and I do not kneel before the useless hate me,
and I have come, for by myself, I am free and did not act according to the rule
s petulant, outdated anti-human and viejas.43. Make you understand my language b
ut fools, because you fear to hear my word and the word that burns in your heart
s that yearn for freedom and fear being seen and labeled as a devil in your home
s and your villages. 44. You believe in God and the devil, and deny your desire
to be free men who do what they want. They have refused to be themselves on thro
nes and thirsty murderers of God, why have not known your own truth, there is no
truth in that which inhibits our triumphant walk perfectly, and the devil say t
hat anything that harms God made man ruler of his own life and happy in his life
and say I'm a liar, because the light is getting darker and I say it is getting
darker because the light blinds the man 45. And do not believe in your own divi
nity, because they have been slighted, and because the leaders believe that it i
s simpler to manage an ignorant, fearful and cowardly one free all rise up on th
rones of divinity, do not believe me? 46. Can any of you say that this is not tr
ue? And if I say that is because it is true, why you do not believe in themselve
s and rise up on thrones? 47. The external is God does not hear your own voice o
r that of the Gods, because both have ceased to be. 48. Then answered the priest
saying, "While we say, you're the devil, and you want to deceive? 49. I answere
d as the lord of blasphemy, as the Lion the Beast: I am me, before you want to g
ive myself a name, and if you believe me well. So do all the opposite of what I
say, teach and speak. That the high priests of the churches down from their thro
nes of stone, sold their belongings to become poor image of their supposed proph
ets and gods, and show the justice and freedom they say they hide their doctrine
s and leaders to unite and put an end to hunger , wars and save the planet from
the imbalance caused by our own hands. But I say that this is not going to happe
n and they will rule the earth beneath his inventions that have called Gods, rai
sing concerns with alleged underworld and limbs, so call men to be gods, to be f
ree and annihilate the realities of these swindlers, making them lose their Gods
reality when we realize that separating them with merciless fury and threatenin
g and does not accept any string and not afraid to confront our existence on thi
s is your death. 50. But
I seek my own glory, there are those who seek it, and are judged. Well my glory
was laughing my lips and my conscience, in the grandeur and sense I have given m
y life and not on my knees flat on the marble. 51. Verily, verily I say unto you
, whoever keeps his word, but live happily ever see death. He who says to keep w
ord of God by keeping the word of God and died as he lived unhappy but here on e
arth. 52. Then the priest told me: Now we know you're a false prophet, an antich
rist. Abraham died, Jesus for our sins, and you say that his words were not true
and we have no life after death. 53. Are you really the evil, not better than o
ur father Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Jesus who died on mission from God? And the pr
ophets died for us!Why did you do to yourself? 54. Answered watching his stupidi
ty: If you call me a devil, a false prophet antichrist I do not care, my glory i
s what matters to me, not I hope you glorify me, who you say is the false prophe
t antichrist a demon. 55. He says, You do not know, but I know myself, and if th
ey say I do not know, I care come from garbage like you, but I know myself, and
I keep my word. 56. Abraham your father, Moses' law, Jesus the liberator not kno
w that? did not know they had to see the day that the men would face himself and
not against each other and be made free and Gods for himself why I delight in m
yself, I'm happy, light and see a hungry God in my ; They did not suspect that t
he natural man would claim his throne, his divinity and ripen as serious as a ch
ild that infinite love with love itself, to act with responsibility, self respec
t, respect for the world and the nature of the Gods , dogmas and doctrines of re
ligions 57 would be useless. Then I told the priests, yet is forty or even thirt
y-three, what you're mature man? 58. I told them, Verily, verily I say unto you:
Before what is believed to be mature, I am who I am and I abide under external
standards but under my lofty standards. 59. Then they took up arms to kill, but
I said, you want to kill me and would not have thought that this may do with me
the youngest of the prophets or more children of the Gods for new temples and al
tars? I did not leave thinking the temples to be built there or bring that area
to men, and among them through me, they went one by one, but added, saying, Now
if I continue to fear life, and fear if I die, because it was clear that if I di
e by his hands through the issue of my words and deeds will be told in every ear
that a man has shaken the guardians of the Gods and if I live to know me rise u
p the true Gods. 9. The man born blind
1. While all the temples and out of my disciples came to get me, come with them
a man born blind. 2. And they told me my disciples, saying: Leon, I brought for
you to say to the priests that this is unfair to their Gods work and then confus
ed, asking if his blindness was the work and will of the Gods! 3. He replied: It
is not his blindness work of God's clear what you are seated on thrones, nor is
the work of men, not even a piece of himself. 4. I must say that this is the wo
rk of nature and work of the universe that has been blind since birth, nature is
more unfair is unfair but its gestation and birth outside the order of nature.
5. But not so unfair as to be denied their birth and survival of both the blind
man is not allowed to see with their eyes, but it is unfit to be successful and
happy life and his eyes blindness is no obstacle to create his throne, the man h
as the senses and your body more in the absence of one of the senses like the ey
es is the duty of pride you learn to see with his hands and ears. 6. That said,
I kissed the ground, and took a bit and put it in his hands, and said that the f
elt, the felt and then search the water and told her I try, I said, is water, th
en asked him to reopen their hands and gather soil and water and create mud and
ask, can you understand that you need not see eye to hear and see otherwise it i
s the earth that is water and is the mud? 7. and I said: If I could see and I sa
id, go and wash the mud in the pool of Siloam (which is translated, Sent). It wa
s then, and return to me said what now?, I said, seek help from doctors of scien
ce to be able to see with the eyes and seek help for the blind rehabilitation to
learn to read without eye , see how
of things with my eyes closed, to work as a normal person you are, I said, come
back soon watching you with eyes or no eyes. 8. Then the neighbors, and those wh
o previously had seen that he was blind, said: "Is not this the blind man who sa
t and begged? 9. Everyone said if he is: and added he had gotten into his head t
hat you can now see without eyes and is no less than us who can see. He said as
he walked, I am and I'm like a god, neither more nor less than anyone and I have
the right to equality. 10. And they said: What will you do next in your life? 1
1.He answered and said: That man called Jesus wait a lifetime for me and never d
o I act like other gods who also acted and lost part of my life keeping silly ho
pes, another anointed my hands with mud and let me see what I could see without
my eyes, and said, Go to Siloam and wash: and I went and washed my hands, and th
en got any hope of happiness in life here. 12. They said to him: Where is he? He
said out of the temple and the temple with his disciples. The Beast and the mir
13. They invited him to appear before the priests who was blind to the eyes. 14.
And it was a Sabbath when the Beast had made the clay in his hands, and opened
his eyes and hopes in their hands inside and desire to live as León.15. They re
turned, therefore the Pharisees also asked how he had received that will to live
. He told them: He put clay on my hands, washed, and treated me with equal merci
lessly and especially without shame, without judging me for what I never was a m
atter of choice and invited me to see into me looking for me to lift by myself m
y happiness. 16. And some of the priests said, "This man is not of God because a
nnihilated the hopes of our Gods, does not respect our mysteries. Others said: H
ow can a blind man believe that we are equal to him and calling itself the Lion
as he dares not to have hurt another for your state? And there was fear among th
em. 17. Then tell the blind man again: What sayest thou of which I invite you to
live that way you want? And he said: That is not a prophet who brings messages
from God but a prophet with a message useless animal of us men to be men and god
s. 18. But the Jews did not believe that he had taken this decision to be happy
on their own, and had hoped to find some kind of sight, until they called the pa
rents of wanted to live, 19. and asked them, saying, Is this your son, who ye sa
y was born blind and became a beggar? How, then, believe that you can now get to
see, work and be happy? 20. His parents answered them and said: We know that th
is is our son, who was born blind: 21. but as I now see, I do not know is a new
child and happy we are, and who opened the eyes of the soul and created hope, ma
kes us not happy, we know, your age, ask him, he will speak for itself and tell
you that it is capable of creating clay dolls and we are sure to pose more smile
s on their lips and are willing to support to achieve their happiness. 22. It sa
id his parents, because they were not afraid of priests, even if you knew that a
mong the priests had already been agreed that if anyone confessed that I had giv
en Lion hope in themselves and inviting them to be happy on your own , that was
expelled from the temples. 23. So his parents were not afraid: I had understood
that the hopes and happiness was in their hands and not in temples and synagogue
s. 24. Then they called the man who had been blind and said, gives glory to God,
we know you are a sinner. 25. Then he answered, "I do not give glory to God no
one thing I know, that I was blind, waiting for divine intervention, I almost lo
st my life I do not see but I know one day I can see with your eyes or no eyes i
n so only me give glory to myself, my life and so my only goal is my happiness a
nd not crawling on marble persists in giving hurt, my life will be in exchange f
or honor and overcoming 26. I say again: What do you kneel and give glory to God
you are a sinner? Do you let yourself be seduced by the devil? 27. He answered
them, I told you so, I do not kneel at nothing I will not man that causes disgus
t or shame that is the same and you would not hear that I will make my life a tr
ue monument to the animal man, why you want ithear it again? Would you also like
you to do as Gods? 28. And they reviled him and said, Thou art one of his disci
ples wicked, crazy and fraudulent, but we are disciples of Moses, Jesus, Muhamma
d, we are. 29. We know that God spoke to Moses, Jesus
Muhammad, but about that which you called Leon the Beast, do not know where it i
s. 30. The man answered and said: Well this is wonderful, and so that you know w
here he is, he invited me to come into myself and from there you want to open my
eyes. He comes of itself and now my happiness comes from my own 31. They added
the priests, we know that God heareth not sinners or those who deny it and not t
o those who are not afraid of God 32. He said. Since the principle has not been
heard that anyone opened the eyes of one born blind, if he did as Jesus said I w
ill not lose my life begging, since it died on a cross. 33. If this came from in
visible gods envious, nothing could be done to those who are away from it 34. Th
ey answered and said: You were born entirely in sin, now you're blind and mad an
d you think to teach us? And cast him out. But leaving them said, cowards, in th
e tiles of the temples many have been born dead and never lived life waiting for
what has no life, I now I have life and see that you are afraid of men who will
sit on our thrones The Faith is blind 35. I heard he had been expelled, and bei
ng told: Do you believe in yourself? 36. He answered and said: Is there anything
that prevents me from believing in myself and I'm like a God? 37. I told her Be
ast: No, and the one with you to the end of his days walking under the shadows o
n the basis of happiness and harmony. 38. And he said: I think my strengths and
Leon in what I can achieve, and love is with deep love, respect and harmony. 39.
I said as Leon out of the temple, "For this I have come to this world for all t
o prevent seeing the man inside is concealed the secret of happiness and not fal
se gods, do not prevent either see themselves and prevents anyone who should cha
llenge me with their own righteousness, but as they have their own righteousness
, they are not at my level and I can only despise them more and make them look p
oor in their lies, miserable and pathetic in their doctrines to men free. 40. An
d some of the priests who were with me, hearing this, I said: Did we too are pat
hetic and disgusting? 41. Lion I told them, Yes were pathetic and blind with vai
n hopes created a new view through faith in Gods exist, will be remedied, but no
w you decide whether to form a world of free men or continue chaining more men,
said: Without God we are nothing, you say better now with the Gods were not anyt
hing! We are now all! And you must know something no one ejected from the temple
s, so I go in and out of them whenever you want, it is home of alleged gods, to
descend one of his cross and say I cast you out! because the temples are to the
Gods of nothing and therefore has no owner. But now nobody expelled from the tem
ple to which I belong and not belong me out if I would go. It is near the time w
hen men say destroy the temples and build libraries or else make a museum inside
. 10. The Lion will discover that the good pastor is a real trickster.
1. Verily, verily, I say it's time to enter and none belong to any fold more awk
ward and meek sheep nor doors, nor any part, and if they come come like wolves i
n a pack. 2. Thus, the shepherd of the sheep will be cowed and leave. 3. if you
continue to be brave to inventing it devour him, and the sheep hear his screams
piercing and agonizing groans, and the sheep will run and unknowingly disperse a
nd find in her confusion, that have been freed from exploitation and have become
to freedom of nature. 4. And when the wolves are unable to pastors, cause knowi
ng him to any new or old sheep, that many or all have been deceived false testim
ony about the liberators and say, that they are taught as sheep but are really b
easts like wolves. 5.Plus many will not understand and you flee from the liberat
ors, because they have been raised why he should fear the voice of strangers and
new words. Let them not from ataquéis since only lengthen the time they become
beasts, free means that have been released. 6. This allegory told as Beast, man
y understood what he said but many feared the pastors and did not understand tha
t freedom from freedom and love in the pens, with chains, exploitation and priso
ns only yearn for freedom but often it is unknown to them
freedom may scare them. 7. I returned to say to them: Verily, verily, I say: I a
m more than sheep, I'm like a sheep from the fold was a wolf. I like a wolf foun
d the exit door and the pastors did not prevent my departure because they feared
that teach to other sheep to be wolves and wolves eat sheep and shepherds. 8. A
ll those who came before me, teaching the sheep to be more awkward and pastors b
e further exploited, and the sheep heard them. 9. I am not a door, but destroyed
the doors with my bear claws and sheep to understand that there are doors, unde
rstood, and will leave the fold, go out and find what they want as forests and p
astures and freedom will remind you that it is an animal able to control himself
and is able to accept their instincts and desires. 10. The thief comes only to
steal and kill and destroy, the rapist and kidnapper to take advantage of the ge
ntleness and the slave for all the ills together on behalf of gods and doctrines
. More I have come to understand that there are doors and borders set by these a
nnihilators of freedom and are under deception and for continuous operation and
visible and invisible prisons obeying one who claims to be older than they have
for the pleasures in abundance at the expense of pain and suffering of meekness.
11. I'm like Leon, like a bear, a wolf, such as scorpion, which claims to be th
e good shepherd says to give his life for the sheep, I destroy those who claim t
o be good shepherds for the sheep to face their reality, their freedom and to st
op being sheep and become prey to hunters own thrones. 12. But there are sheep w
ho believe in the shepherd and the sheep who yearn to be pastors and blindly ado
ring kneel weakness by the stupidity that has been stuck in the pores and though
t himself that he is unable to recognize that trying to stop the sheep in releas
e, the Beast is coming to breaking chains and walls and do not want to be releas
ed, that leave it alone, will die quickly in their deception and will be neglect
ed then the pack of sheep that will Beasts. 13. So the sheep you want to be a pa
stor knows that his ambition has been discovered under his supposed goodness lie
s the dream of being above others or not understanding that their role is to exp
loit the fold. 14.I am the Lion the Beast, and the sheep do not know me, and the
y fear me and fear is because sheep do not know what and what has been forbidden
by order of the pastor, 15. and I know as Leon, you need to know that the sheep
are like wolves and I want to know their divinity, their very nature. 16. There
are sheep in other folds, those which the dogma and doctrines destroys their in
telligence, and all shall hear my roar, and there shall be one flock and one she
pherd who frighten, but there will be herds, and shepherds who rejoice in my sin
ging liberating night. The life of the Beast 17. That's why I hate God and those
who claim to be God's work, because I lay bare their lives to bring them back i
n if, to take their lives with ferocity. 18. No one can deny us our lives, and n
obody but us is the desire to put to life. I have the power to make my life a he
aven or a hell, I have power and freedom that no one can deny. This command I pu
t in my life.The power of the Beast 19. There was a division again among the pri
ests of these words. 20.Many of them said: "The devil is the antichrist, the fal
se prophet, the Beast of blasphemy, and is mad, why hear ye him? 21. Others said
, These words are possessed. But the devil can certainly open your eyes in the h
ands of the blind The Beast Without God as the Father
22. Being celebrated in Jerusalem the feast of the dedication. It was winter, 23
. and I was near the temple, near the Portico of Solomon. 24. And the priests su
rrounded me and told me: You'll still disturbing our souls. If you are the Chris
t, the prophet, God, the Christ tell us plainly. 25. I answered: No, I have told
you do not believe in yourselves, the works that I do in my name I do not for a
term of schizophrenia or unusual in Gods name, they bear witness to dead, I giv
e life to my life 26. but you do not believe in yourselves, because you are like
sheep herders, governed by pastors of pastors as I wanted them
understand. 27. You hear the voices of shepherds, hear and listen to voices outs
ide, and I know my voice and follow me, you do not hear their own voices or foll
ow their own voice. 28. and I give eternal life, and perish, and no one is the w
ill, unless it is a cheat, liar and outbursts of themselves. 29. My God that I a
m, is greater than all gods, and nobody can take away my dignity and my god that
's why I own my life and my heaven is in life and my life is here on earth.30. M
e and God I am. Beef divinity am. 31. Then the priests and fans turned up stones
to stone me. 32. I answered: Many works I have shown on my part for which of th
em ye will stone me?33. They answered the priests and fans, saying: work we ston
e thee, and for blasphemy, because we still men, we become like gods. 34. I answ
ered: Is Jesus for Christians God: And I said, You are gods 35. If God called al
l to be brothers of Christ Gods are you not? (The Scripture can be broken) 36. W
hat if I say that ye are Gods, you say, 'You blaspheme, because I invite you to
be at all powerful in your limits of flesh, like your god, then? 37. If I do the
works that I do not believe me. 38. Plus if I do the same but in God's name hav
e made me holy, but do not believe in you, except in your works, why you are dyi
ng and not die and, if they hope to live eternally in a strange paradise? Well i
f you are in and whether this divinity 39. Sought again to seize, but they threa
ten to elevate their prophets and feared my words. After the dreaded words of th
e Beast.

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