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November 2016

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Inside This Issue

Two Roads Diverged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Are you, like millions of others, wondering which party to cast your vote?
Dr. Kevin Clarkson has written a very informative article to help explain two
very different visions for the future of our nation and leave it for you, the citizen and voter, to determine what to do. Hopefully, you will have a better idea
what to do for our nation and remember, the Lord does not need America
America needs the Lord!

Kevins Korner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

with Bible Archeological Updates


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A Tradition Is Born (Part 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Volume 36 Number 11 November 2016

In this segment of Bob Cornukes adventure, he finally stirs up enough courage to ask Ray about the lost anchors of Pauls shipwreck. Before Ray will
disclose the evidence to Bob, he explains how important it is to uncover such
valuable information. Bob realizes it is worth the wait.

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Moses (Part 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
In this section of J.R. Churchs article, he explains the commotion that Moses
and Joshua heard as they descended from Mt. Sinai. The culminating deaths
of 3,000 people is a prophetic parallel that occurred on the day of Pentecost
when Peter preached to 3,000 people.

Follow the Money by Jerry Robinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Product Review by Linda Kay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
What Should the Righteous Do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Ben Baruch has written an exceptional article in regards to the last days and
what Christians should do in these turbulence times. The Scriptures say that
all Christians are to pray without ceasing, but what does that contain? The
answer is in this wonderful article.

Prophecy Thread Devotion by Jeff Swanson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

A Pierced God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Dr. William Varner is new to our family and he has written a fascinating
article on how Jerusalem is the central place of divine purpose. He will reveal
three very important factors that involve the past, present, and the future of

Proof of a Pre-Trib Rapture (Part 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Billy Crone has written another outstanding article about the conflict within
the Church regarding whether believers are raptured beforeor afterthe
Tribulation Period. Do you know that the seven-year tribulation derived
from the final 70 sevens prophecy given to Daniel?

Two Roads Diverged

by Dr. Kevin Clarkson

A Tradition is Born (Part 11)

by Bob Cornuke


Moses (Part 3)
by J.R. Church


What Should the

Righteous Do?

by Benjamin Baruch


A Pierced God

by William Varner


Proof of a Pre-Trib
Rapture (Part 1)
by Billy Crone

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by Dr. Kevin Clarkson

Those famous words of the title
are courtesy of American poet, Robert Frost, who wrote a fabulous piece
about arriving at a
fork in the road and
the life-changing
difference it made
which path he took.
As happens many
times in life, we are
at a crossroads at this moment in the
life of our nation.
As this magazine prints and arrives in your hands, the 2016 presidential election will be upon us all.
While there may be many who are
weary right now of all the endless
talk, reporting, and negative campaign ads going on, please be assured that nothing could be more
important for the immediate future
of our own national security and
existence. In the last few years, two
very prominent pastors (who both
preach solid, premillennial endtimes doctrines) published books
November 2016

titled to show where we are today:

Robert Jeffress, The Twilights Last
Gleaming and David Jeremiah, I
Never Thought Id See the Day. Both
of these men believe our nation is in
an hour of extreme peril.
While we are not free to endorse
specific candidates in this ministry,
we can lay out the stark differences
in two very different visions for the
future of our nation and leave it for
you, the citizen and voter, to determine what to do. I will contrast
these two vastly diverging options,
and I will not even need to name any
names. Just before diving in, lets
reminded ourselves of some larger
facts that override everything else.
1) God is on His throne and His
ultimate will shall always be accomplished: Remember the former things
of old: for I am God, and there is none
else; I am God, and there is none like
me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the
things that are not yet done, saying,

My counsel shall stand, and I will

do all my pleasure (Isa. 46:9-10).
2) The Lord does not need America America needs the Lord! Who
hath directed the Spirit of the LORD,
or being his counselor hath taught
him? Behold, the nations are as
a drop of a bucket, and are counted
as the small dust of the balance (Isa.
40:13, 15).
3) God is not a Republican, nor
a Democrat, nor an Independent
nor is He even an American! I have
sworn by myself, the word is gone out
of my mouth in righteousness, and
shall not return, That unto Me every
knee shall bow, every tongue shall
swear (Isa. 45:23).
4) While we would hope to save
America, we must work to save individual Americans! That if thou shalt
confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,
and shalt believe in thine heart that
God hath raised him from the dead,
thou shalt be saved (Rom. 10:9).
That said, I began to see things

differently this election than ever

before. As an evangelical and a pastor, I have preached, prayed, and for
years promoted those candidates
who would best uphold the sanctity
of life, the natural (and biblical) definition of marriage, and biblical economics. But with the Supreme Court
roll-back of defending biblical marriage, our nation seems to have tumbled into an all-out moral free-fall.
Going forward, it is not going to be
new legislation which will morally
restore our nation, but persuasion
the sheer power of Christian lives
and marriages and their witness.
The election we face now is not
about the character of our nation,
but the very survival of our nation
as we have known it. So let me give
some stark contrasts we are being

Religious Liberty or
Sexual Liberty
The basis of all true freedom is
spiritual: Stand fast therefore in the
liberty wherewith Christ hath made
us free, and be not entangled again
with the yoke of bondage (Gal. 5:1).
All other freedoms flow from the
God-given right of a person to have
direct access to God by his conscience and spirit. Now, while the
laws can never rule over a persons
true beliefs (for that is sacred, nomans land, between a person and
God), it can forbid public expression
of those beliefs. And that is where
the battle lies today.
Chai Feldblum, the 2009 Obamaappointed, openly lesbian commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, has openly
stated that we want to revolutionize
societal norms, and that gay sex is
a moral good. When pressed about
times that religious liberty and sexual expression will come in conflict

(as in cake bakers and photographers refusing wedding business),

she admits Im having a hard time
coming up with any case in which
religious liberty should win.
The gay rights movement was
never really about securing gay
marriage. Its own stated objective
has been forcing society to accept
no, approve ofhomosexuality and
its attendant deviant behaviors. That
is why Obamas administration has
tried to force top-down conformity
on transgender use of public bath
facilities. Next in line will be polygamy, pedophilia, and perhaps bestiality. Which path do you wish upon
our nation and your childrenreligious liberty as the highest freedom,
or sexual liberty?

Freedom of Speech or
We are already seeing assaults on
free speech today, under the claims
of bigotry, micro-aggressions, and
calls for safe spaces in public
where nothing hurtful may be said.
The public university (which name
means unity in diversity) has become a center of liberal, anti-Judeo-Christian indoctrination. Dissent is not allowed to the prevailing
majority view, and many Christian
parents who faithfully raised their
children in the faith, now pay astronomical tuitions to godless institutions, only to have that faith attacked
and undermined.
In this election, one side is promising to defend the right to free
speech, even for the pulpits to speak
out on candidates and issues. The
other side spouts their plans to supervise and police the Internet and
the alternative media. This smacks
too much of the official Communist
propaganda rag that ruled the Soviet
Union, the Pravda, which gave the

Russian people all the news the government saw fit to print. We have
already lost true objectivity and fairness in our mainstream press and
media, and only the many non-traditional sources are allowing for the
kind of healthy dialogue and vigorous debate needed for true growth
and freedom. Jesus declared, And
ye shall know the truth, and the truth
shall make you free (John 8:32), and
only by arriving at truth do we arrive
at liberty.

Free-market Capitalism or
Socialistic, Crony Capitalism
One candidate has been in private business for a full career. The
other is a career politician. It would
seem that daily involvement in
building and running businesses
would give a better understanding of
the real world of the marketplace,
than having a few college courses
and government seminars in macro-economics. Sadly, the vision and
program of too many in Washington
is about making government bigger
and bigger, promising redistribution of wealth, making the rich
pay their fair share. The fact is, the
wealthiest ten percent of U.S. families are already paying about 80%
of all taxes. At what point does the
share become fair and who gets to
define that?
All of these human schemes of
an ideal society of equal income and
equal living conditions deny the basic facts of Scripture and reality. All
people are created equal before God
in terms of their soul and eternal value, but He has made us all different,
with differing abilities and opportunities (Matt. 25:14-18). The Lord was
from the beginning all about placing man in a garden, expecting him
to work and improve it (Gen. 2:15).
And the Lord gave those commands
November 2016

to honor and respect one anothers

private property (Ex. 20:15,17).
Very revealing that in this age
of ever-expanding government,
influence-peddling, and full-time
lobbying, nine of the ten wealthiest
counties for household income are
now all clustered just outside Washington, D.C. To those who live in
that rare sphere, why would they not
assume the economy was doing just

Freedom to Bear Arms or

Police State
Though there may be some who
dispute that either side would curtail
the right to bear arms, the Supreme
Court is hanging in the balance on
this, and the next president will
surely appoint multiple justices. The
second amendment has been upheld
by a tight majority and could shift
the other way with changes in personnel. It is the second amendment
which has secured much of our libertiesas one wag said, The second
amendment is only truly needed
when they try to take it away!
An official police state is what
kept iron-fisted power for the Soviets and the Nazis, as well as in many
lesser-known regimes. For those
pacifists among us, we respect your
right to your views, and it is we who
will defend your right to hold them.
In an hour of grave danger before
His arrest in Gethsemane, Jesus
asked: When I sent you without
purse and scrip, and shoes, lacked
ye anything? And they said, Nothing. Then said he unto them, But
now, he that hath a purse, let him
take it, and likewise his scrip: and he
that hath no sword, let him sell his
garment and buy one (Luke 22:3536). Only one of our candidates was
endorsed early on by the National
Rifle Association.
November 2016

Responsible Stewardship or
Endless Debt and Printing
of Money
Neither candidate offers a complete turnaround and solution here,
but it is certain we cannot continue
endlessly down this road. In the Bible, debt may not be sin, but neither
is it encouraged, nor is a lifestyle of
thoughtless consumption. The rich
ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender (Prov.
We do know that the government
practice of bidding out its work is
rife with union favoritism, that budgets are typically overspent and behind schedule, and that enormous
amounts of fraud, waste, and abuse
have been documented over and
again. The candidate with business
experience brings a record of coming in under budget and ahead of
schedule, being cost-conscious, and
effective in bargaining.

The Establishment or
We, the People
It is at this point that I began to
realize a different view of this election cycle than in previous ones.
As the rogue and renegade redhead
rose and kept rising, I began to notice the push-back was not just from
the opposition party. It was coming
from all sides, so long as those sides
were already fairly ensconced in the
Washington, D.C. scene. Could it
be that though both parties would
prefer to be on top, that neither
side really cared too much, as long
as their cozy, symbiotic relationship
would not be disturbed? When the
righteous are in authority, the people
rejoice: but when the wicked beareth
rule, the people mourn (Prov. 29:2).
As I began looking at this, I recalled the last 25 years of politics.

Very little has changed, no matter

who has been in the lead: government keeps growing, debt keeps
on climbing, questionable overseas
operations keep on occurring, and
illegal immigration keeps on increasing all while my concerns
(sanctity of life, public safety, national debt, and natural marriage)
have gone virtually ignored.
The outsider candidate is truly
a real threat to the whole corrupt system of the establishment. They have
enriched themselves at the publics
expense, excused themselves from
ever having a day in court to answer for their crimes, and do not
seem to have a concern much beyond
staying in power. For the first time
in my memory, there is opportunity
for a true change agent. And the old
establishment (government and media) is fighting it with all they have.

America or Globalism
The final matter could not be
more stark: one candidate vows to
make this nation great again, to
stand and fight for the people. The
other offers a double helping of what
we have already got. The issue of illegal immigration not only touches
on fighting terrorism, it impacts our
national identity. For if we do not
keep our own borders, language,
and culture intact, America is balkanized by peoples who will not actually assimilate in what was once
the great melting pot. By allowing
unlimited immigration, our national distinctiveness diminishes and
the way is paved for the coming oneworld government of the Beast, the
antichrist. Surely none of us wants a
hand in that!
Two roads diverged in a wood,
and I, I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
~ Robert Frost u


As we have opportunity, we will give some

biblical answers and our reflections to questions
we receive at Prophecy in the News.

Your Questions Answered by Dr. Kevin Clarkson

When does the soul leave the body, at death

or the rapture? The rapture process is a puzzle
to me. Are our loved ones who have passed on
still in their graves or in heaven? How can the dead be
raised if they are not there?
Such an important question, and one there seems much
uncertainty upon. Some groups teach soul sleep, the
idea that the soul falls asleep at death, encased in the
body until time to awaken at the resurrection. This idea could
rise from where Paul speaks of the rapture and resurrection,
as he mentions those who sleep in Jesus (1 Thess. 4:13-15).
But like all doctrines, the truth is found by reading all passages relevant to the question, and not building a truth on a
single passage. For instance, consider the words of Paul in 2 Corinthians: Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst
we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: (For we
walk by faith, not by sight:) We are confident, I say, and willing
rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord
(5:6-8). And to the Philippians, For I am in a strait betwixt two,
having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better:
Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you (1:2324). It is apparent that the believer is consciously with the Lord,
in His immediate glory and presence, at the instant of death.
If we ever needed more clarity, Jesus gives it: And it came
to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into
Abrahams bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried: And in
hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments (Luke 16:22-23). Both
men died, one was nicely buried and the others corpse likely
was disposed of, but at death both are conscious and aware of
their new surroundings.
What then does the sleep speak of? One more passage
will help: Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep,
but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an
eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead
shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed (1 Cor.
15:51-52). The theme of this entire chapter 15 is the physical
resurrection of the body. Sleep is thus a description of the
bodys death, laid to rest. Like a man tired at the end of a long
workday who dozes off to sleep in his easy chair, the believers
body wears out and one day lapses into the sleep of death.
There is nothing threatening about that, and death should
hold no fear for the true believer in Christ.

But at the resurrection, which occurs instantaneously just

before the rapture of the living Christians, the body in the grave
will awaken from the sleep of death, immortal, transformed,
with no trace of the curse of sin and death. At that instant, the
conscious personality and spirit of any departed loved ones in
Christ will come to occupy the newly glorified body forever!
You recently taught about principalities and
powers, arch-spirits, from the book of Daniel.
Do you believe these spirits are territorial and
inhabit certain geographic regions, or that they roam
the earth?
Thats a good question, and when anyone says a question is good, it usually means its better than the answer thats coming. There are those who teach that
fallen spirits are territorial, but I am not sure its a case of one
size fits all. Any of my uncertainty here is due to a lack of clear
pronouncements I can find in Scripture. I do see that Isaiah,
Ezekiel, and Daniel identified kings or princes with Babylon, Persia, and Greece. That and the character of those kingdoms was the point of my teaching.
Other Scriptures speak of Satan and unclean spirits as
roaming the earth (Job 1:7; 2:2; Zec. 1:10; Matt. 12:43; 1 Pet.
5:8). I do think that certain territories may attract and retain
certain fallen spirits, owing to elements of paganism, occult
practice, native religions, or certain strongholds of sin (pride,
immorality, greed) that have built up over time. And certainly
places of haunting may be simply familiar haunts for demonic spirits who prey upon mens fears and superstition. But
that spirits are not bound to only one location seems clear
in Jesus giving permission to the legion spirits to move to the
herd of swine (Mark 5:12-13), and in the fact that at the end
of the Tribulation, Babylon will become the habitation
of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage
of every unclean and hateful bird (Rev. 18:2, citing Old
Testament words). Talk about a concentration of evil!
Let me say, I do believe there are clusters of evil spirits
around some locales, often centers of power associated with
government and earthly rulers. For this reason, we need to
both watch and pray; alert to the spiritual warfare going on
and active intercessors who will stand in the gap for our
families, cities, and nations. u

November 2016

{ Part 11}
Once the anchor cleared
the bottom, we knew it
no longer belonged to the
seait belonged to us.

by Bob Cornuke
When Ray stood up, I knew that
our conversation had endedfor
now. Had I penetrated too deeply
into a reservoir of private information, or drawn too
close to that inner
circle of trust that
exists among divers
on Malta? The anchor Ray and Tony
found had been
hidden from the worlds eyes for
over three decades, and now Ian
outsider to the islandwanted to see
and photograph it.
Ray began slowly making his
way up the pathway to his dive
shop, squinting up at the midday
sun, apparently wrest ling with his
November 2016

thoughtsor perhaps his conscience.

I walked silently alongside, aware
that he had placed great trust in me
within a very short amount of time.
Evidence of the second anchor was
important, but I knew Id have to
wait until Ray was ready.
The dive shop was alive with the
usual commotionrattling compressors, clanking cylinders, and
shouted banter. I knew our conversation couldnt continue here, but
just before we reached the perimeter
of the shops activity, Ray stopped,
then turned around and looked at
me with a seriousness I had not yet
seen. Bob, he said, I need to explain to you about our small group
of divers, our brotherhood. We were

a very close group of guys, and most

of us were very young. Hotels were
popping up all over Malta in the late
sixties and early seventies, and the
tourists all brought dollars. The hotels would charge a lot of money for
meals, and the tourists were eager to
pay good money to dine on our native fish. We had very special spots
where we dived to get our fish. Tony
would get an order from a restaurant. He would write down the order
on a Formica plate so we could take
it down with us as a menulike how
many groupers, amberjacks, and
Ray explained how they would
always go out to the Bank, to the
Munxar, which always had fish.

And since fish brought big money,

the divers took extraordinary measures to protect their areassometimes even taking extra tanks so
they could dive down in one area
for the benefit of the people watching on shore and then swim underwater to the real fishing spots. This
sleight of hand would entertain the
touristswho thought thats where
the good fish wereand would
throw those with prying eyes off
the divers trail. Theirs was a secretive group, and by the tone of
Rays voice they remained so even
The anchors you speak of, Bob,
Ray continued, could be trouble,
big trouble, for anyone who possesses an ancient artifact. There are
strict laws about that in Malta. There
could be a big fine. It could mean
In spite of Rays assurance that
none among his old diving fraternity
would likely volunteer information
about the anchors, I asked anyway.
Could you put me in touch with Joe
Navarro, I asked, recalling the diver
who helped Tony bring up the intact
second anchor from the Munxar
Ray paused and stared off in the
distance. Finally he exhaled, nodded, and said, I will see what I can
I met with Joe Navarro in the
courtyard of my hotel, beneath a
hot sun and draping palm trees. I
opened with a few questions about
the diving culture on the Malta of
his youth and he reflexively replied,
There were a lot of accidents in
those daysa lack of safety.
Once a diving instructor in Tonys
dive club, Joe ultimately grew out of
his obsession and studied to become
a schoolteacher. I try to impart logic and reason to my students, he
said. As they go through life, they

Tony spearfishing
off Munxar Reef
will encounter many circumstances
and situations that could cause them
harm. He locked me with a stare
and then added, I have brought several people out of the water who died
from being foolish.
One of those foolish incidents,
he recalled, involved an ill-trained

He locked me with a stare

and then added, I have
brought several people
out of the water who died
from being foolish.
Englishman who went diving in the
local waters, regurgitated into his
regulator, and choked to death. Joe
shook his head. He was in only 10
feet of water.
Another accident took a top
Maltese underwater fishing champion. He must have blacked out,
Joe recalled. But, then again, those
were dangerous days. I have personally brought three people up from
the bottom. I always wanted to put
the fear of the Lord into these guys

who were underwater cowboys, you

Inevitably the talk turned to Tony.
Joe laughed, recalling a rather bizarre incident in which Tony, fishing
one afternoon near the reef, heard a
succession of underwater explosions.
I watched Joes eyes grow wide as he
explained. When Tony came to the
surface, he saw some guy exploding
dynamite in the water to catch fish.
Tony shouted to the man, You almost killed me with your dynamite!
The man said simply, Youre fishing.
Im fishing.
Finally, I asked Joe about Tony
and the anchors Ray had mentioned. I know of an anchor that
came out of the Munxar Reef, he
said, because I was part of the
group of people who brought it out.
He related the episode as he remembered it, describing in detail
how Tony told him that he had discovered a Roman anchor in front
of the big cave on the Munxar Reef
and that they all conspired to bring
it up with oxygen tanks and empty barrels. As Joe told me about the
barrels filling with air and slowly
lifting the anchor, he recalled the
November 2016

It felt like the anchor was protesting our intrusion. I thought the
ropes were going to snap, but then
it budged from its sandy hold, and
I saw this huge anchor that had belonged to the sea for so long inching
its way up. At first it nudged just a
few centimeters, then it came loose
in a swirl of sandlike after 2,000
years the ocean suddenly lost its grip
on a prize. Once it cleared the bottom, we knew it no longer belonged
to the seait belonged to us.
Even decades later, Joe described
it as, the most exciting moment of
my life - watching as the anchor rose
to the surface, the bubbles from the
divers and the trailing sand swirling behind it. From the bottom I
watched as the anchor was carried
up into the sunlight.
But even with Joes exhilaration,
I could sense unease. I could tell that
the joy of the moment had been tarnished somewhat by the sense that
they had done something wrong.
As I watched this thing, so old, so
magnificent, taken from the seabed, Joe said, shifting in his chair,
I felt as if I was treading on something sacred.
When I explained my theory
about the anchor possibly being one
of four from Pauls shipwreck, Joe
sat without speaking for some time.
What do you think about that?
I finally asked, expecting that he
might pass judgment on the theory
itself. But he surprised me instead
with what sounded like a belated
He mumbled softly, What we
did was wrong, whether the anchor was from St. Pauls shipwreck
or not. It belonged to the ocean
pulling the anchor up like that was
like grave-robbing, like a sacrilege. I
wish now that we had left the anchor
at rest on the seafloor.
And then he said something I
November 2016

didnt expect. I have seen the anchor since that day at Tonys
house. But it really belongs to the
Tonys house? The anchor at Tonys house? I let the comment pass
temporarily. I would have to inquire
about this remark later. Joe struck
me as both honest and sincere,
someone who had some youthful
regrets from a heady and dangerous
season of life. I thanked him for the
interview. He nodded and said, I
have a brother, you know. He was
there when they melted the first cut

Pulling the anchor up

like that was like
grave-robbing, like a
sacrilege. I wish now that
we had left the anchor at
rest on the seafloor.
anchor. I am sure he would be willing to tell you about his experience.
Later that night, I met Oliver
Navarro for dinner in a restaurant
called The Black Pearl, a massive,
converted wooden ship that had
been built in Sweden in 1909. Im
told it was once owned by Errol Flynn and had been used as a prop in
the movie Popeye, starring Robin
Williams. It sat still adorned with
rustic beams and weathered planking; I felt like we were dining in the
bowels of an old pirate ship.
We had barely finished the introductions when Oliver reached into
a small bag and lifted out a square
block of lead, placing it in the middle of the candlelit table. I was a
young man about the same age as
Ray when I met Tony, he said. The
best times of my life were spent with

Tonyhe was an excellent man. We

started doing competitions together;
you know, dive competitions, spearfishing and the like. He chuckled.
I couldnt keep up with him.
Oliver told me about the day in
the dive shop when Tony spoke of
finding something really nice, really beautiful near the underwater
cave and then proceeded to show
Oliver what looked like a big piece
of stone with a square hole in the
I was maybe 14, 15 years old,
and didnt know much about archaeology, Oliver said. They all
told me it was a Roman anchor that
had a piece cut from it. I figured that
before it was cut it must have been
maybe five feet long. They said the
square hole in the middle was where
the wooden shaft would have fit in.
And thenjust as Ray and others
had explainedOliver said that lead
was in high demand in those days;
they used it to make small weights
for diving belts. The weights were
always getting misplaced or lost beneath the waves, he said, always
slipping from the deck of a boat, always difficult to replace.
He told me that Tony and the
others decided to melt down this big
lead anchor to make weights, figuring that since someone had already
cut it in half, it had lost whatever
value it once held. And besides, he
added, If the museum found out we
had it, we would be in a bit of trouble. So one afternoon we just started
cutting on this big lead thing. Ray
and I cut it with hacksaw blades until our hands almost bled.
His voice grew soft, like his
brother Joes. We all needed the
lead for weights; but silently I think
we all felt like we were killing this
thing, this thing that was 2,000
years old. u
To be continue

Visit our Online Bookstore

by Bob Cornuke


Warning! This book will challenge your understanding as to where Jesus Christ was
crucified. Known for his detective approach
to Bible archaeology, Bob Cornuke sets
aside the emotionally held traditions of the
past that may have obscured the pathway
to truth and opens the door to a whole new
way of finding the Biblical site of the crucifixion. Bob charts a course for discovery
that will thrill the willing Bible explorer who is on a quest for truth. Dont
let tradition get in the way of truth.

with Bob Cornuke

Mountain of Fire
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of explorers Bob
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the blistering heat
of the Saudi Arabian desert to investigate what many
scholars believe
to be one of the
greatest discoverItem# DVD611S ies in history the
$19.95 plus S&H real Mount Sinai.

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The Lost Shipwreck
of Paul is the documented specific find
of all FOUR, thirteen
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of the Covenant

This latest addition to

The Bible Explorer Series includes compelling, detailed evidence
regarding Pauls shipwreck as found in the
book of Acts. Search
for the Lost Shipwreck
of Paul is the perfect
companion to Bobs
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Item# DVD714
$19.95 plus S&H


by Bob Cornuke

Search for Noahs

Ark, brings this adventure to life as
Bob tries to be the
one who makes the
greatest archaeological discovery in
human historythe
remains of Noahs
Ark. Throughout the
investigation, Cornuke discovers archaeological evidence to support Gods Word. This DVD
captures all of his threatening misadventures
and narrow escapes from political unrest.

The fate of the lost

Ark of the Covenant
is perhaps the greatest historical mystery of all time. With
footage from Israel,
Egypt, Ethiopia, and
England, this DVD
reveals startling new
information as to the
exact location of the ark and photographic
evidence that has never before been seen.

Bob explains his discoveries of the true

locations of the Temple
of Solomon and the
Temple of Herod. This
book is loaded with new
discoveries that change
everything about the
location of Solomons Temple. Bob takes the
Scriptures from the Bible and correlates them
with what he discovered. It starts when Bob
meets Eli Shukron. He was the Director of
Excavations for the City of David in Jerusalem.
That is where the adventure begins!

Item# DVD886 $19.95 plus S&H

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by Bob Cornuke

Call our toll-free ORDER LINE 1-800-475-1111 and use your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or AMX.

November 2016


Moses represents a prophetic

profile of Jesus Christ,
the Great Substitute.

by J.R. Church

Recently, we studied Deuteronomy

18:15: The Lord thy God will raise up
unto thee a Prophet from the midst of
thee, of thy brethren, like unto me .
We began to compare the ministry of
Moses with that of
the Messiah, in order
to realize the great
prophetic parallels
between the two.
When I began the research for this
study, I was not aware of the supernatural nature of every minute detail
in the Sinai experience. But I found
that in the seven trips that Moses took
to the top of Mount Sinai there were
perfect prophetic parallels to the great
Dispensations of human history.
His first trip into the presence of
God, found in Exodus 19, pictured
the first dispensationInnocence,
from creation to the Fall. His second
trip parallels the second dispensationConscience, from the Fall to
November 2016

the Flood. His third trip pictured the

third dispensationHuman Government, from the Flood to the Tower
of Babel. His fourth trip pictured the
Dispensation of Promise, beginning
with the call of Abraham out of Ur
of the Chaldees. And his fifth trip to
the top of Sinai prophetically parallels
the Dispensation of Law. Moses spent
40 days during that fifth trip, which
seems to be indicative of 40 Jubilees
found in the 2,000 years of history
from Abraham to Bethlehem.
We now read from Exodus 32,
beginning in verse 15: And Moses turned, and went down from the
mount, and the two tables of the testimony were in his hand: the tables were
written on both their sides; on the one
side and on the other were they written. And the tables were the work of
God, and the writing was the writing of
God, graven upon the tables. And when
Joshua heard the noise of the people
as they shouted, he said unto Moses,

There is a noise of war in the camp.

Notice who accompanied Moses
during his stay of 40 days. It was none
other than Joshua. Again, what a perfect picture of that prophet whom God
would raise up like unto Moses. The
name Joshua in the Old Testament
is the same as the name Jesus in the
New Testament. And it was Joshua
who succeeded Moses after his death
on Mount Nebo. Likewise, it was Joshua who led the children of Israel into
the Promise Land. Surely the name of
the Messiah could have been nothing
other than Joshua, or Jesus.
As they descended, Moses and
Joshua heard a clamor in the camp.
They arrived to find a golden calf.
At this point, Moses broke the tables
of stone, ground the golden calf to
powder, spread it upon the water, and
made the people drink it. This tragic
affair culminated with the death of
3,000 men: And he said unto them,
Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Put

every man his sword by his side, and go

in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his
brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor. And
the children of Levi did according to
the word of Moses: and there fell of the
people that day three thousand men
(Ex. 32: 27-28).
The prophetic parallel to this event
occurred on the day of Pentecost when
Peter preached and 3,000 people were
saved and went down into the waters
of baptism, which is a picture of death.
How perfectly, then, they fulfilled the
prophecy played out in the life and
ministry of Moses.
That brings us to Moses sixth trip
to the top of Mount Sinai, beginning in
Exodus 32:31: And Moses returned unto
the Lord, and said, Oh, this people have
sinned a great sin, and have made them
Gods of gold. Yet now, if thou wilt forgive
their sin; and if not, blot me, I pray
thee, out of thy book which thou hast
written. It is here we can see the ministry of the Messiah. Moses became the
mediator before the Lord, he said,
forgive [them] and if not, blot me, I pray
thee, out of thy book . Moses offered
himself as a substitute for the people.
In like manner, the Lord Jesus
Christ became the great Substitute.
It was on Calvary He prayed, Father, forgive them; for they know not
what they do (Luke 23: 34). And
then from the Cross He prayed, My
God, my God, why hast thou forsaken
me? (Matt. 27:46) The great Substitute
is pictured here as Moses prays, Forgive [them] [or] blot me, I pray thee,
out of thy book .

The Great Substitute

Moses made the sixth trip between
the two 40-day sessions in the presence
of God and it prophetically pictures
those transition years between the
Dispensation of Law and the Dispen12

sation of Grace when the Savior came

to Earth to become our Substitute. But
thats not all, the Lord tells Moses to
Depart, and go up hence, thou and
the people which thou hast brought up
out of the land of Egypt, unto the land
which I sware unto Abraham, to Isaac,
and to Jacob, saying, Unto thy seed will
I give it: And I will send an angel before thee; and I will drive out the Canaanite, the Amorite, and the Hittite,
and the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the
Jebusite: Unto a land flowing with milk
and honey: for I will not go up in the
midst of thee: for thou art a stiffnecked
people: lest I consume thee in the way
(Ex. 33: 1-3). At this point, God turned
from the Jewish people in the same
way that He turned from the Hebrew
nation after Calvary and took His
message of salvation to the Gentiles.
In Exodus 33:7, Moses took his tent
and pitched it without the camp,
afar off from the camp, and called it
the Tabernacle of the congregation.
This was not the tabernacle containing
the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies.
This was Moses tent. Moses went to
his home, dismantled his tent, took it
outside the camp, and there he raised
it up. What a picture of the Lord Jesus
Christ who left the camp of Israel and
pitched His Tabernacle, or New Testament church, outside the camp among
the Gentile nations.
The Bible says in Exodus 33:9-11:
And it came to pass, as Moses entered
into the tabernacle, the cloudy pillar
descended, and stood at the door of
the tabernacle, and the Lord talked
with Moses. And all the people saw the
cloudy pillar stand at the tabernacle
door: and all the people rose up and
worshipped, every man in his tent door.
And the Lord spake unto Moses face to
face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.
And he turned again into the camp:
but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun,
a young man, departed not out of the

When Moses left the presence of

God and his tent, Joshua stayed in
the tent. This is a picture of the One
who should follow Moses, and it is a
fulfillment of Moses prophecy of the
Prophet who would be raised up in his
likeness. Just as Joshua stayed in the
tent, Jesus Christ, who was the Jewish Messiah, left His people to establish New Testament Christianity. And
Jesus is still in the New Testament
Church today. How perfect then, is the
parallelJoshua stayed in the tent.
We continue to read in Exodus
33: And Moses said unto the Lord,
See, thou sayest unto me, Bring up this
people: and thou hast not let me know
whom thou wilt send with me. Yet
thou hast said, I know thee by name,
and thou hast also found grace in my
sight. Now therefore, I pray thee, if I
have found grace in thy sight, shew me
now thy way, that I may know thee,
that I may find grace in thy sight: and
consider that this nation is thy people.
And he [God] said, My presence shall
go with thee, and I will give thee rest.
And the Lord said unto Moses, I
will do this thing also that thou hast
spoken: for thou hast found grace in
my sight, and I know thee by name.
(Ex.33:12-14, 17)
The word grace is the key word at
this point. Just as Moses and the children of Israel found grace (or unmerited favor) in the sight of God, even so,
after Christs death on Calvary, a new
dispensation was institutedthe Dispensation of Grace: For by grace are
ye saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves, it is the gift of God (Eph.
2:8). The sixth trip of Moses into the
presence of God, along with the attending events, seems to be a perfect
prophetic picture of the First Advent
of Christ. When He came, He found
His people filled with unbelief. Instead
of setting up the Kingdom then, He
became their Substitute and went to
the Cross to obtain grace. u
November 2016

Visit our Online Bookstore

with Commentary by J.R. Church

Item# PK3603
$42.95 plus S&H
(Save $6.95)

J.R. Church, founder of Prophecy in the News, started

writing about Enoch several years ago. He spent many
grueling hours researching books, scriptures, and commentaries, only to be distraught in his findings.
He decided that he would
just have to write his own
commentary. His expertise
in clarifying the book is
truly a gift from God. Now
everyone can read and
comprehend the Book of
Enoch with this one-of-a
kind masterpiece.

Item# B3515
$19.95 plus S&H

THE Ancient Book of ENOCH

4 DVDs / 5 HOURS

Item# DVD685
$29.95 plus S&H

November 2016

The Book of Enoch is a treasure, perhaps hidden away just for these last 4 AUDIO CDs / 5 HOURS
days. Many know of it, but few know of its contents. Can this ancient
text be trusted? Is it credible? In this 5-hour DVD series, J.R. Church and
Gary Stearman take you on a comprehensive, cover-to-cover tour of
this amazing book. You will learn about fallen angels who entered Earth
through a stargate, located on the peak of Mt. Hermon; where they
swore an oath to complete their corrupting work among men. Enoch enters a flying house and journeys to heaven, sheol, and all around the
world! His descriptions are absolutely breathtaking in their realism; he
literally travels through time!
Although never placed in the canon of Scripture, it has long been held
by both Jews and Gentiles to be an authentic and valuable work. J.R.
Church was always fascinated, but frustrated that so little real research
had been done on it. He wanted to compare the writings of Enoch to
the Bible and searched in vain for a usable commentary before finally
deciding to write his own! The results are on these four amazing and
informative DVDs and CDs.

Item# CD685
$24.95 plus S&H

Call our toll-free ORDER LINE 1-800-475-1111 and use your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or AMX.


by Jerry Robinson
The next stock market crash is
In our era of monetary wizardry
(read: funny money), central planners
vigilantly respond
to adverse market
reactions with reassuring promises of
more credit (read:
debt), as often as needed.
Since the 2008 stock market
crash, global central banks have collectively slashed interest rates nearly
700 times! Put simply, our current
economic predicament is without
precedent. Never before have global
economies been so intertwined and
yet, so vulnerable to each other. One
thing we know for sure, however, is
that the prolonged suppression of U.S.
interest rates will ultimately cause
destructive ramifications. While the
Fed may be able to temporarily stave
off the inevitable reckoning of its irresponsible policies through verbal
manipulation and monetary smoke
and mirrors, it cannot violate the
laws of economics forever. The day
of reckoning for the U.S. economy is
coming. We expect a sharp pullback,
similar in scope to the 2008 crisis in
ferocity and length, to begin as early
as the last quarter of 2016.
One potential market-crashing
catalyst is the current perceived liquidity crisis impacting Germanys
largest bank, Deutsche Bank. The
bank employs around 100,000 people in 70 countries and is, by all definitions, too big to fail. Persistently low profits and a recent hefty $14
billion fine, imposed by the U.S. Department of Justice over Deutsche
Banks role in the mortgage crisis,

have led at least 10 hedge funds to

publicly divest from the stock. Some
are even aggressively shorting. (As
expected, political pressure led the
DOJ to reduce its fine from $14 billion to around $5 billion last week.)
Deutsche Banks 20-year return of
-60% (as in, you lost 60% holding
the stock for 20 years) makes the
stock a hard sell, even to mathematically-challenged investors. Heavy
selling pressure has sent the stock
tumbling nearly 50% this year.
Perhaps uglier than Deutsche
Banks stock price performance is
the banks sordid history. It is no
secret that throughout World War
II, Deutsche Bank financed Hitlers
Nazi regime, including the Gestapo.
The bank went so far as to loan the
funds used to construct the Auschwitz concentration camp and the
nearby IG Farben facilities. In 1999,
Deutsche Bank admitted its guilt
in financing the Auschwitz death
camp and paid a fine to Holocaust
Later, in 2015, the bank was
forced to admit to criminal guilt in
the outrageous LIBOR interest rate

scandal. Whether it is tax evasion,

sanctions violations, or financing
terrorists and drug lords, Deutsche
Bank has a department for that.
The vultures are now circling above
Deutsche Bank. We are one information leak away from investor
panic over the perceived failure of
another major global bank. Pay heed
to the word perceived. In our modern faith-based economy, everything
hinges upon public perception.
While the German government
has publicly promised not to provide
any type of rescue package to the
ailing bank, if a lifesaving financial
infusion is required, we expect the
Frankfurt lobby to privately howl
until the taxpayers are on the hook.
If we are able to scale above that level
in November, we will likely close the
year out strong. However, if we fail
to set a new high this month, selling pressure could mount. The key
to profitable trading is not to worry
about being right, but instead to
stay on the right side of the trend.
Remember, you should always consult a trusted financial advisor before
making any financial decisions. u

Bankruptcy of Our Nation

Your Financial Survival Guide
by Jerry Robinson

The U.S. national debt has surpassed the $16 trillion mark, with
future unfunded obligations of over $120 trillionand the government has no plan. Don't face this worsening financial crisis
trapped, living paycheck to paycheck, with no way to protect your
family's financial future! In Jerrys revised and expanded edition of
his bestselling financial guide, youll learn about the rise and fall of
the U.S. dollar, our out-of-control Federal Reserve, why inflation is
coming, and much more! Get the information and learn the strategies you need to protect your family and your finances. The time to prepare is NOW!

Item# B3313 $13.95 plus S&H

November 2016

Visit our Online Bookstore

Product Reviews by Linda Kay


Eye of the Phoenix

The Eye of the Phoenix DVD documents

the bizarre history of the design of the U.S.
dollar bill and the hidden satanic images on
the bill, exposing the occult activity within
the covert plans of the Illuminati, the secret
society that plans to drag us into the New
World Order. The dollar bill was constructed as an altar to the Man of Sin, a creation
that signals his soon arrival on the world
scene. It is no accident that there are 13
stars above the head of the eagle, 13 letters
Item# DVD663 in E Pluribus Unum, 13 arrows in the eagle's
$29.95 plus S&H talon, 13 stripes in the shield, 13 leaves on
the olive branch, and 13 steps in the pyramid.
There is a mathematical and architectural genius at work here, a carefully constructed occult
design that almost screams the name Lucifer.

Bankruptcy of Our Nation

by Jerry Robinson

Get the information and strategies you must

know to protect your family and your finances. The time to prepare is now! This book will
teach you how. See page 14 for more details!

Item# B3313

$13.95 plus S&H

The Tallit
by Charlie Kluge

Item# B3634
$15.95 plus S&H

In The Tallit, Charlie Kluge explains the

history, modern meaning, and application
of the prayer shawl, showing how it symbolically represents Gods presence and His
Word. With the wisdom and spiritual insight
provided in this book, you will come to understand the meaning of the prayer shawl
and the rich fellowship that comes from
seeking God under the tallit.

The Prophecy of Elijahs Mantle

by J.R. Church

Elijahs mantle was a prayer shawl, called a

tallit in modern Hebrew. The pattern for the
prayer shawl was first given to Moses atop
Mount Sinai to represent the individuals tabernacle. It taught the people the art of worship
and prayer. Jesus also wore a tallit and used it
to drape the body of a dead girl when he called
her back to life. Someday, when Christ returns,
He will be wearing a "vesture dipped in blood."
That vesture will be a recognizable Jewish tallit.

Item# DVD119
$14.95 plus S&H

Eye of the Phoenix & Bankruptcy of Our Nation PACKAGE

The Tallit & Elijahs Mantle DVD PACKAGE

Item# PK3640 $39.95 plus S&H

Item# PK3639 $25.95 plus S&H

The Rapture


by Billy Crone

The Rapture: Dont Be Deceived is

not only designed to equip and encourage you in the truth concerning
the purpose and proof of the biblical
Rapture, but to also motivate you
in sharing the wonderful truth that
people dont have to be left behind
at the Rapture. God has provided a
way out of this horrible time frame
through Jesus Christ and has been
warning us about this sudden shocking event for the last 2,000 years!
It's near, and we need to get ready for it!

(17 hours on 7 DVDs)

Item# DVD950 $59.95 plus S&H

Item# B3635 $24.95 plus S&H
November 2016


Who Will Face the Tribulation? NEW!

by Tim LaHaye

Unravel one of the biggest mysteries of

the end times. Will Christians go through
the tribulation? Is there any way you can
know for sure? The battle of beliefs about
the timing of the Rapture is becoming
more intense. People have been baffled
about the pre-, mid-, and post-tribulation views. Who Will Face the Tribulation? carefully unravels the confusion,
offering greatly needed clarity. With
scholarly research, bestselling author Tim LaHaye uses God's Word
to provide helpful and compelling answers to those questions so you
can understand when the Rapture will occur. In this book, you'll find:

solid explanations why the rapture happens before the tribulation

the keys to interpreting Bible prophecy correctly
timelines and charts that give a clear picture of the end times

Item# B3636

$14.95 plus S&H

Call our toll-free ORDER LINE 1-800-475-1111 and use your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or AMX.


Who Is the King of America?


Revising Reality


A Biblical Look into the Cosmos, Vol. 1

by William J. Federer

These and many more questions are answered on this hour-long DVD.

Anthony Patch, Josh Peck, Gonzo

Shimura, and Doug Woodward take
a radical look at cosmology based
on new discoveries in physics and
unconventional insights into the
Bible. Each is noted for his willingness to tackle the challenges
of secular skepticism and examine
the intersections between modern
science and the Bible. You will embark on an astonishing adventure
exploring the cosmos based on
their unrestrained research and
unpredictable conclusions. In Volume One of a two-volume study,
the controversies of angelic incursions in humanitys history and its
impact on the human genome are considered. Also discussed is the
nature of evil and the role that fallen angels and heavenly archons
have played in the story of the Bible. The authors also delve into eschatology and predict startling outcomes.

Item# DVD948 $19.95 plus S&H

Item# B3632 $21.95 plus S&H

The Final Countdown

The 100 Best Bible Verses Package

William (Bill) Federer has just released his latest DVD titled Who
Is the King of America? This fabulous DVD is full of information
about how America came into being and how it rose to power. He
explains how our forefathers composed the constitution and why it
is so important in todays government. Bill answers question like:

What role did pastors play in

Americas new system?
Whats the difference between a
democracy and a republic.
How is socialism really just a monarchy makeover?
How did past democracies and republics rise and fall?
Did subversive political philosophers actually suggest tactics to
help them fail?


Summer Prophecy Update 2016


by Billy Crone

You wake up one morning only to realize that your family has suddenly disappeared. So you run to your TV to see
whats happening and there you watch a
special worldwide news report declaring
that millions of people all over the planet have simply vanished. Then, to your
horror, you realize that youve been left
behind and have been catapulted into
mankinds darkest hourthe seven-year
Tribulation. The Final Countdown Summer Update 2016 takes a look at several
signs given by God to lovingly wake us up so well give our lives to Him
before its too late. These signs include:

Drone Technology and the Big Brother Nightmare

Artificial Intelligence and the Coming Apocalypse
Nephilim and the Existence of Giants
Human Hybrids and Super Soldiers
Proof of a Pre-Trib Rapture

Item# DVD949 $19.95 plus S&H


by Troy Schmidt

This book will answer such questions as:


How do I know God hears my prayers?

What should I ask Him when I pray?
How can I worship God through prayer?
How should I pray for those I love?


The verses highlighted in this clear, concise book

include well-known gems as well as hidden treasures that will surprise you. God wants you to
have a fuller, richer prayer life.
This book will answer such questions as:

What does heaven look like?

Who will be there?
What will we be doing?
How can you be sure youll be there?

Each verse is followed by a brief reading to explain the verses significance and draw you nearer to God. Find the hope and peace that come
from knowing the truth about heaven, straight from the Word of God.
This inspirational package is wonderful to own or give as a gift!

Item# PK3635 $17.95 plus S&H

Call our toll-free ORDER LINE 1-800-475-1111 and use your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or AMX.

November 2016

Visit our Online Bookstore

A Visual Encounter with the Bible

How We Got the Bible
by Clinton E. Arnold

Item# B3614
$14.95 plus S&H

The Bible is the bestselling book of all

time and the basis of faith for billions of
people around the world. Encompassing
the fields of archaeology, biblical studies, and history, the story of how the
Bible has come to us today is a fascinating one. It is told here, accompanied by
beautiful full-color photographs and illustrations. Just a few of the remarkable
insights youll gain include scriptural
origins on animal skins and clay tablets and the discovery of the Dead Sea

Incredible Mysteries
of the Bible
by Stephen M. Miller

Item# B3615
$14.95 plus S&H

Here is a fascinating look at some of

the most perplexing mysteries found
in the pages of the Bible. Drawing from
the latest research in both archaeology
and biblical studies, this book sheds fascinating and helpful light on 50 topics.
Each article is accompanied by beautiful
full-color images and helpful sidebars.
Whether you read the book cover to
cover or dip in and out at your leisure,
youll gain a greater understanding of
the world and message of the Bible.

Amazing Discoveries
that Unlock the Bible
by Douglas Connelly

The events of the Bible may have happened long ago and far away, but they
happened to real people living in real
places. Modern archaeologists have
made stunning finds over the past century or so that validate the historical accuracy of the Bible. These finds allow us
to understand Scriptures better by helping Bible people and places come alive
in our imaginations. Come along on an
archaeological journey through the Old
and New Testaments. Here are some of
the best finds that illustrate Bible history, presented in beautiful full-color images accompanied by clear explanations
free of technical jargon. You dont even
have to get your hands dirty!

Item# B2833
$14.95 plus S&H

Buy ALL Three to Visually Experience,

Explore and Journey Through the Bible!

Buy ALL 3 & SAVE!

Item# PK3612 $39.95 plus S&H

Wiles of the Devil 2016

The Book of Mysteries

The timeliness of the Newtons Riddle

Trilogy series is perfect. With terrorism,
international turmoil, and economic uncertainty instantly broadcast into homes,
people are searching or biblical answers
as never before. Book One in the series,
Wiles of the Devil 2016, peers into Satans
dark spiritual realm to see how his army of
demons are structured and how they are
presently plotting to bring total destruction to America. Where other authors have
merely whetted the readers appetites
with hypothetical storylines based loosely on biblical prophecy, author
Neill G. Russell has masterfully interwoven biblical prophecy, current
world events as they are unfolding, and the diabolical plots in the supernatural realm into three end-time, page-turning thrillers.

Jonathan Cahn, who caused a national and

international stir with the New York Times
bestseller The Harbinger and then The Mystery of the Shemitah, now brings a treasure
chest of the greatest mysteries of all time.
You will discover life-transforming secrets
and heart-changing revelations in such
mysteries as the Face in the Waters, the
Leper King, the Land of Gezarah, the House
of Spirits, the Mystery of the Rains, How to
Alter Your Past, the Second Scroll, the Similitude, the Mystery of the Eighth Day, and
much more. The Book of Mysteries takes the readers on a journey of
divine revelation through ancient Scriptures, the laws of Creation, the
hidden streams of history, the most important keys of spiritual truth,
end-time mysteries, and the secrets of life.

Item# B3625 $29.95 plus S&H

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As the storm clouds gather in the skies over

our nation, who should the church listen to and

What Should the Righteous Do?

by Benjamin Baruch
Among the evangelical churches,
there are many different views of Bible prophecy, almost as many as there
are churches across
this country. But
there is one point
on which virtually
all Christians stand
in agreementwe
are living in the last
of the last days, and these times are
growing increasingly dark in America. As the storm clouds gather in
the skies over our nation, the many
voices still compete for our attention
within the church. But who should
the church listen to and what should
the righteous do?
Some would advocate we should
only look up and wait for the sound
of the trumpet in the heavens. Others pour their energy into the current presidential campaign, believing and hoping that a Republican
president can turn the direction of
our country around. Others advocate that perhaps its too late to turn
the tide in America and believe the
church should withdraw from the

public life of our nation.

There are many different opinions on what the church should be
doing in this present hour; as many
opinions as there are varied interpretations of Bible prophecy. The purpose of this article is to draw your
attention to the instructions which
the LORD left in holy Scripture that
we might know what the righteous
should do.
Jesus, Himself, warned us to pray
without ceasing, that we may be accounted worthy to escape all these
things and stand in the presence
of the Son of Man. But how do we
pray without ceasing? How do we
do all that can be done? What other instructions can we glean from
holy Scripture on which we will find
agreement among all of the church?
The prophet Joel gives specific instructions to the believers in the last
days who would witness the coming of the Day of the Lord. The first
thing Joel admonishes us to do is to
sanctify a fast and gather together in
a solemn assembly.
Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn

assembly, gather the elders and all the

inhabitants of the land into the house
of the LORD your God, and cry unto
the LORD, Alas for the day! for the
day of the LORD is at hand, and as a
destruction from the Almighty shall it
come (Joel 1:14-15).
But what is a solemn assembly
and what does it mean to sanctify a
fast? A solemn assembly is a gathering of a small number of saints for the
purpose of repentance and prayer.
The prayers of a solemn assembly are
described as crying unto the Lord.
The book of Joel contains a statement by the Lord admonishing believers to turn back to Him with all
of your heart and with fasting, and
with weeping and mourning. We are
to rend our hearts and not our garments, and turn back to God Who is
gracious and merciful.
The admonition of the Lord
includes the declaration that our
prayers should include weeping
and mourning as part of a solemn
assembly. Yet, in todays churches,
very few Christians find weeping
and mourning a natural part of their
November 2016

daily prayers or their experience in

gathering together in small prayer
meetings. Why is that? In my experience, the answer is quite simple. The
weeping and mourning is a litmus
test to confirm that our hearts are
finally softening and that our repentance and our prayers are now from
the heart and not from the head. If
our prayers within a solemn assembly are not producing weeping and
mourning for the lost who are perishing all around us; or for our country that is on the road to destruction;
or for our churches that, for the most
part, lie in spiritual ruins, then our
hearts are simply too hard and we
need more prayer and fasting.
Solemn assemblies, which are
seasons filled with prayer and fasting are, for the most part, altogether
missing in todays churches. Though
the admonition in Scripture to gather together in solemn assemblies
could not be clearer, very few pastors
dare declare or call for a solemn assembly from their congregations.
Therefore also now, saith the
LORD, turn ye even to me with all
your heart, and with fasting, and
with weeping, and with mourning:
And rend your heart, and not your
garments, and turn unto the LORD
your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.
Who knoweth if he will return and
repent, and leave a blessing behind
him; even a meat offering and a drink
offering unto the LORD your God?
(Joel 2:12-14).
Yet the admonition in the prophetic writings are very clear that
if we obey the Lord in this matter,
rending our hearts and not our garments, and returning to Him with
all of our heart, He will be gracious
and merciful and He will repent and
restore our lives, our families, and
our communities. Nothing could
November 2016

be clearer than the instructions in

the book of Joel. We are to blow the
trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, and
call solemn assemblies.
Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly:
Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather
the children, and those that suck the
breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of
his chamber, and the bride out of her
closet (Joel 2:15-16).
The Scripture goes on to admonish the people to weep between the
porch and the altar and to stand in
the gap one for another. This admonition includes a promise of God,
for the Scripture says: then will the
Lord be jealous for his land and show
pity upon his people.
Let the priests, the ministers of
the LORD, weep between the porch
and the altar, and let them say,
Spare thy people, O LORD, and give
not thine heritage to reproach, that
the heathen should rule over them:
wherefore should they say among the
people, Where is their God? Then will
the LORD be jealous for his land,
and pity his people. Yea, the LORD
will answer and say unto his people,
Behold, I will send you corn, and
wine, and oil, and ye shall be satisfied
therewith: and I will no more make
you a reproach among the heathen:
(Joel 2:17-19).
The Scripture continues with the
promises from God to those who
obey the admonition to gather in
solemn assemblies and fast and pray
in this hour, that the Lord will pour
out living water, both the former rain
and the promise of the latter rain.
Be glad then, ye children of Zion,
and rejoice in the LORD your God:
for he hath given you the former
rain moderately, and he will cause
to come down for you the rain, the
former rain, and the latter rain in
the first month. And it shall come

to pass afterward, that I will pour

out my spirit upon all flesh; and
your sons and your daughters shall
prophesy, your old men shall dream
dreams, your young men shall see
visions: And also upon the servants
and upon the handmaids in those
days will I pour out my spirit. And
I will shew wonders in the heavens
and in the earth, blood, and fire, and
pillars of smoke. The sun shall be
turned into darkness, and the moon
into blood, before the great and the
terrible day of the LORD come. And
it shall come to pass, that whosoever
shall call on the name of the LORD
shall be delivered: for in mount Zion
and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in
the remnant whom the LORD shall
call (Joel 2:23, 28-32).
We should take the Lord at His
Word and begin to gather together
in solemn assemblies, learning to fast
and pray in small groups, while rending our hearts and not our garments.
For, indeed, these are the days which
were prophesied to come, and we are
the people of Who will inherit all of
these things. Each of us is accountable before the Lord for all of the
things He has commanded us to do.
Let us hear His Word and obey. u

The New Tactics

of Global War

by Benjamin Baruch & J.R. Nyquist

This book explains
what happened at the
end of the Cold War in
1991 and why Russia
remains the number
one threat to the
United States. The
present crisis stems
from a long-running
deception game; the
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Excerpted from The Plan: The Chronology of God's Word from Creation to Completion
by Jeff Swanson

Noah Webster's 1828

Dictionary Definitions:
TRUTH Conformity to fact or reality; exact accordance with that which
is, or has been, or shall be. The truth
of history constitutes its whole value.
We rely on the truth of the scriptural
PROPHECY A foretelling; prediction; a declaration of something
to come. As God only knows future
events with certainty, no being but God
or some person informed by Him, can
utter a real prophecy. The prophecies
recorded in Scripture, when fulfilled,
afford most convincing evidence of the
divine origin of the Scriptures, as those
who uttered the prophecies could not
have foreknown the events predicted
without supernatural instruction.

Isaiah 8:14 And he shall be for a

sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling
and for a rock of offence to both the
houses of Israel, for a gin and for a
snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.


3 BC, 4 BC (U)

Luke 2:34 And Simeon blessed

them, and said unto Mary his mother,
Behold, this child is set for the fall and
rising again of many in Israel; and for
a sign which shall be spoken against;

Isaiah described the Messiah as a

stone that caused people to stumble. This occurred when Jesus came
and lived a sinless life. It is interesting
that Daniel prophesied that a rock
would be used to destroy the satanic kingdoms of the earth (Dan. 2:34).
We look forward to this occurrence
when Jesus returns to earth and
removes all the satanic influences
from the earth.

742 BC (U)



60 AD (U)
Romans 9:32 Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but
as it were by the works of the law.
For they stumbled at that stumblingstone;




66 AD (U)



1 Peter 2:8 And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to

them which stumble at the word,
being disobedient: whereunto also
they were appointed.

33 AD, 33 AD (U)
Acts 3:24 Yea, and all the prophets


from Samuel and those that follow

after, as many as have spoken, have
likewise foretold of these days.

All Scriptures quoted from the King James Version of the Bible. Prophecies declared are in blue,
prophecies fulfilled are in red, prophecies currently being fulfilled are in green, and prophecies
to be fulfilled are in orange. Bold historical context dates are from Jeff Swanson's The Plan dating
system, and dates marked (U) are Archbishop Ussher's 1658 dates.

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Disc 4

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Disc 2

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Disc 1

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Universe: Einstein + Tesla = Patch

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DVDs & CDs by J.R. Church & Prophecy in the News



OCTOBER 2016 TV Programs - 2 hrs Video (DVD6710) . . . . . . . . $20.00

OCTOBER 2016 TV Programs - 2 hrs Audio (CD6710) . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00
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2015 Prophetic Studies - 12 CDs (CDV23) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00
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The Ancient Book of Enoch - 5 hrs (DVD685) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95
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J.R. Church Video Collection - Vol 2 - 6 DVDs (PK3104) . . . . . . . . . . $49.95
Called Unto Eternal Glory - 28 mins (DVD684) . . [Gift of Any Amount]
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One Book
Stands Alone

One Book
One Authority

Stauffer tackles
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debate of our
time: identifying
Gods preserved
word in the English language.
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area, this book conclusively pinpoints
the present battleground and spiritual
combatants of the 21st century. As a
result of his success in the Garden of
Eden, Satan has relentlessly continued
to undermining mankinds faith in Gods

history Satans
goal has been
to pollute everything that is
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From Adam and
Eve and their relationship with
the Creator to
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to the agriculture seeds we use for our
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telling a tale of darkness and foreboding. A
tale in which, through
the Illuminati, the ancient gods are going
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Games and the time in
Volume 1
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cated the 1936 Games
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god, and through various occult practices and symbols prove that his return is imminent.


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in Volume 1, Doc takes
you from the closing
ceremony of the 2000
Olympic Games of Sydney, Australia, all the
Volume 2
way through the endItem#
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plus S&H
in London, England. At
the end, Doc makes some startling predictions as
to what may happen at the 2016 Olympic Games.

There Were Giants in the Earth

by Doc Marquis

Dictators of the Illuminati

by Doc Marquis

Barak Obama is following a well-honed plan

that has been meticulously followed by Lenin,
Stalin, Castro, Hitler,
and others. Doc Marquis
takes us through history
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dictators have used to bring nations under the
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How Close Are We?

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Asteroids, comets and meteors are hurling past the earth in record numbers.
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Level Event. In this DVD, How Close Are
We?, Doc Marquis shows us much of what
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these events would occur. Next, he takes
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warning signs and pre-signs of those events we were instructed to
keep a watchful eye for. Then once hes connected all the pieces, Doc
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Dark Rites and Rituals at the

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the globe meet in secret. So who are these
power brokers that are determining the
course of global policies and international
finances? And what secret projects have they designed and approved
while at this illuminati summer camp? Doc Marquis throws open the
doors to give us a look into the dark world of covert plans, hidden
agendas, and occult rituals at the heart of the Bohemian Grove.

Doc Marquis drives a wooden stake into the

heart of Freemasonry by exposing truths
only known to a former Satanist. After proving that Masonry does claim to be a religion,
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which states that The name Jesus Christ
means absolutely nothing to a Mason! The
six parts to this video include: 1) Legend of
Hiram Abiff. Shows how Masons place Nimrod symbols inside their version of Solomons Temple; 2) Captain Morgan Fuels the Anti-Masonic Movement; 3) Religion and the Masons;
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Volume 2
Volume 3

Introduction and
Judaism (Part 1)

(Parts 2-6)

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Theres a lot of confusion in the world
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what the right path
Second Coming of
is. Whether its JuJesus
n Modern Analysis
daism, Christianity,
Islam, etc., there
of Israel and
must be an absoCurrent Events
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lute path to take
since all religions
Gog and Magog War
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Supreme Court Decision

What are the Four Noble

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n What are the Dangers of the
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Churches Across the World?
n What Religion Does Star Wars Actually Portray?
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Really Like?
n Is Buddhism Being Taught in Schools Today? ...

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Volume 5

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November 2016

by William Varner

A story is told of the Prime Minister of Israel exchanging visits with

the President of the United States.
On the Presidents desk were three
phonesone red,
one white, and one
blue. When the
Prime Minister inquired about their
use, the President
replied that the red
one was a direct line to Moscow, the
blue one was a direct line to London, and the white one was a direct
line to God. When asked if he used
the white one often, the President
replied that he used it rarely, since
phone calls to God are long distance
and thus are very expensive. The Israeli Prime Minister remarked that
November 2016

he also had three phones on his desk,

and that they were also red, white,
and blue! He explained that the red
one was to Paris, the blue one was to

Jerusalem is a city
with an amazing past,
an exciting present, and
a remarkable future.
London, and the white one was directly to God. The President asked
him if he used the white one very
often. The Prime Minister responded that he did, sometimes a number
of times each day. The President was

surprised and inquired how the Israeli government could handle such
a large phone bill. The Prime Minister answered that it really was not
that expensive to call God, since in
Jerusalem it is a local call!
While it is certainly not true that
being in Jerusalem will automatically make you closer to God, it must be
admitted that this city has a central
place in the Divine purpose. It is a
city with an amazing past, an exciting present, and a remarkable future.
While there have been periods in its
history when it has been shifted off
the center stage of history, it always
seems to return to being the central concern of the nationsand we
seem to be in one of those periods

SIEGE OF JERUSALEM - Although the horrors of a military siege by the armies of the world are
graphically portrayed, Scripture is clear that the sovereign Lord is still in control.
Prophetically, the Scriptures foretell that Jerusalem will again be at
the center of the eschatological scene.
Zechariah 12 and 14 mention Jerusalem 21 times in the 35 verses contained in those chapters. Jerusalem
will again be the focus of attention
for the nations and also for the Lords
purpose. In Zechariah 12, we read
about a Siege of Jerusalem that will
recur, a Savior of Jerusalem who
will return, and a Salvation of Jerusalem that will result.

The Siege of Jerusalem

Zechariah 12:1-6
These verses, which readers are
asked to examine on their own, describe a scene of pain and destruction that will occur toward the end
of the Tribulation Period, right before the coming of the Lord in glory.
Although the horrors of a military
siege by the armies of the world are
graphically portrayed, the text is
clear that the sovereign Lord is still
in control and is orchestrating even
the wrath of man to accomplish
His purposes. Two vivid metaphors
are used to describe Jerusalems
plighta cup and a stone:
Behold, I am about to make

Jerusalem a cup of staggering to all

the surrounding peoples. The siege of
Jerusalem will also be against Judah.
On that day I will make Jerusalem
a heavy stone for all the peoples. All
who lift it will surely hurt themselves.
And all the nations of the earth will
gather against it (Zech. 12:2-3).
The word picture that is brought

While the Gentile nations

appear to oppress
and destroy Israel
throughout her history,
the nations will always
be punished in the end.
to the mind is as follows. Jerusalem
is compared to a large cup or bowl
that will be filled with wine that the
nations seek to drink dry. In other
words, the nations have the intention of draining Jerusalem, removing it forever. However, things
will backfire. When they remove
the liquid from the cup, it will make
them drunk and they will tremble,
stagger, and fall. It will not be the

cup that is destroyed; it will be the

nations that are destroyed. A similar
event will happen when the nations
seek to remove the stone that is
impeding their plans. The stone will
roll backward on them and destroy
them. They will be cut in pieces by
By these graphic word pictures,
the Lord is describing the harsh
fulfillment in the end times of the
Abrahamic Covenant principle first
enunciated in Genesis 12:3a: I will
bless those who bless you, and him
who dishonors you I will curse. While
the Gentile nations may appear to
oppress and even destroy little Israel
throughout her long history, the nations will always be punished in the
end for daring to touch the apple of
His eye (see Zech. 2:8). The following verses, Zechariah. 12:4-6, graphically describe that punishment as
consisting of madness and fire
brought on those who would dare to
launch a siege against the Holy City.

The Savior of Jerusalem

Zechariah 12:7-10a
These precious verses describe
how the Lord will deliver suffering
Israel at the height of the siege. There
will be a physical salvation followed
by a spiritual salvation. The key factor is that it will be the Lord (Yahweh
in Hebrew) who will be the Savior.
First, the Lord will rescue the
tents of Judah (12:7). This may be
a figure for Jews who live outside of
Jerusalem, perhaps even those who
live outside the land of Israel in their
temporary dwellings (tents) in the
Second, the Lord will then defend
the inhabitants of Jerusalem (12:8).
These are the Jewish people holed
up in their Holy City as a last stand
during the Armageddon Campaign,
described in Joel 3:9-17, Isaiah 63:1-6,
November 2016

and Revelation 16:12-16. Zechariahs

parallel chapter 14 describes this as a
small remnant who has survived this
final stage of the Day of the Lord
(14:1-2). This awful period is also described by Jeremiah thus: Alas! That
day is so great there is none like it; it
is a time of distress for Jacob; yet he
shall be saved out of it (Jer. 30:7).
Third, the Savior of Jerusalem
will follow His corporate physical
salvation of the Jerusalem remnant
by an outpouring of His Spirit that
will lead to their individual spiritual salvation. And I will pour out on
the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace
and pleas for mercy, so that, when
they look on me, on him whom they
have pierced, they shall mourn . . .
(Zech. 12:10a). Here is one of the
most remarkable verses in the Word
of God. Throughout this passage,
the I who speaks has always been
the Lord (Zech. 12:2, 3, 4, 6, 9). It is
that same Lord, the creator of the
heavens and the earth (Zech. 12:1),
who will not only pour out His Spirit on the Jerusalem inhabitants, but
who will also be looked to as one
whom they earlier had pierced! The
language is clear and exactly translates the Hebrew original: They
shall look upon me whom they have
Some modern Jewish translations, in an effort to short-circuit the
obvious Messianic implications of
this text, retranslate it in many different ways, even resorting to changing the original text at times. However, the Hebrew Scriptures, translated
by Rabbi Alexander Harkavy, renders the phrase in the exact way as
our English translations do, but
adds in italics for every one after
unto me, honestly acknowledging
their attempt to avoid the Messianic
meaning of the text as it stands!
The word pierced in Zechariah
November 2016

12:10 (dakar) translates a Hebrew

word that is used elsewhere in the
Old Testament for an act that inflicts
a violent death (see Num. 25:8; Judg.
9:54; 1 Sam. 31:4). It is clear that the
one who will receive the gaze of faith
is one who has been killed! Furthermore, that the one who has been
pierced through is the Lord Himself! No amount of explaining away
the text can avoid these conclusions,
which are clearly conveyed in the
original. Modern language versions

Zechariah describes a
future time when the
Jewish people will look
in faith to the One whom
they had violently pierced
sometime in the past.
such as the NIV, the NASB, and the
ESV all take the words as applying to
the Lord, whom the Jerusalemites of
old had pierced.
At this point, it is good to pause
and ask some very pertinent questions. First, how could the Lord ever

be pierced? Second, how could the

Jewish remnant look for deliverance to one whom had been killed?
There is only one answer to these
two questions. The only way this
verse can make any sense is if the
Lord in some way allowed Himself
to be pierced through, leading to
His death! But how could the infinite Lord ever suffer piercing? The
answer can only be if He assumed
a body of flesh that could receive a
death thrust. We have confirmation
of this in Johns account of Jesus
crucifixion. For these things (His being pierced by a spear) took place that
the Scripture might be fulfilled: Not
one of his bones will be broken. And
again another Scripture says, They
will look on him whom they have
pierced (John 19:36-37).
The crucifixion piercing of Jesus
with the nails and spear was the very
piercing of God referred to in Zechariah 12:10. We must conclude that
these matters can only be possible if
God, who is pure spirit, took upon
Himself the flesh of humanity. And
this is exactly what the New Testament describes as the wonder of the
Incarnation. And the Word became
flesh and dwelt among us . . . (John

SAVIOR OF JERUSALEM - The Lord will deliver suffering Israel at the height of the siege by
way of a physical salvation followed by a spiritual salvation.


Furthermore, the only way they

could look in faith to one who had
died is if the Lord had returned back
from that death experience! Zechariah describes a future time when
the Jewish people will look in faith
to the One whom they had violently pierced sometime in the past. It
is the recognition of that event that
will leap to the minds of those who
will recognize Him as their Messiah,
not as simply a crucified criminal.
But they will see Him as alive, not as
dead. Such a sight must also imply a
resurrection from deathan event
that John also carefully records in
His Gospel (John 19:38-20:17).
Therefore, Zechariah 12:10 is
one of the most important of the
messianic prophecies. Its relevance
to Jesus is further confirmed by its
application to Him in Revelation 1:7:
Behold, he is coming with the clouds,
and every eye will see him, even those
who pierced him, and all tribes of the
earth will wail on account of him.

The Salvation of Jerusalem

SALVATION OF JERUSALEM - The immediate result of Israels looking to Jesus as He returns

to deliver them is that they will mourn and wail throughout their society.
there shall be a fountain opened for
the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to cleanse them
from sin and uncleanness (Zech.
This repentance and cleansing
describes what other passages also
affirmthat there will be a national cleansing of Israel from their sin
of rejecting Jesus as Messiah. This
salvation is mentioned not only by

Zechariah 12:10b-13:1
The wailing of Revelation
1:7 is an echo of the context of the
piercing prophecy in Zechariah
12:10. The immediate result of Israels looking to Jesus as He returns to
deliver them is that they will mourn
and wail throughout their society.
The verse concludes: they shall
mourn for him, as one mourns for
an only child, and weep bitterly over
him, as one weeps over a firstborn
(Zech. 12:10b). This deep and thorough mourning in repentance will
extend to all levels of Jewish society
(see Zech. 12:11-14). Even though the
chapter division prevents some readers from seeing it clearly, the first
verse of the following chapter shows
clearly that the mourning will lead
to a cleansing from sin. On that day

Israels long night of exile

from her land and from her
Lord will end someday.
the Hebrew prophets but also by the
Apostle Paul: And in this way all
Israel will be saved, as it is written,
The Deliverer will come from Zion,
he will banish ungodliness from Jacob. And this will be my covenant
with them when I take away their
sins (Romans 11:26-27).
This passage describes their repentance in terms of sorrow and
mourning. This language recalls
another amazing messianic prophecythat of Isaiahs Suffering Servant in Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12. This

penitential dirge may very well be

the words that will be used by repenting Israel as they mourn in sorrow over their rejected and crucified
Messiah. Let me ask you to imagine
Israel singing the following section
of Isaiah 53 as their Song of Repentance on that day Zechariah 12:10
finds its fulfillment:
He was despised and rejected
by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from
whom men hide their faces he was
despised, and we esteemed him not.
Surely he has borne our griefs and
carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed
him stricken, smitten by God, and
afflicted. But he was wounded for
our transgressions; he was crushed
for our iniquities; upon him was the
chastisement that brought us peace,
and with his stripes we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have turned every one to his own
way; and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all (Isa. 53:3-6).
Israels long night of exile from
her land and from her Lord will end
someday. Zechariah, however, says
that she will need to go through a
dark period before the light breaks
forth into their souls. O Lord, hasten
that day! u
November 2016

By Billy Crone

A man passed away and went to

heaven. Upon arriving at the Pearly
Gates, St. Peter said, Come on in. Ill
show you around.
Youll like it here.
So the man walked through the gates,
and the first thing he
noticed was clocks.
Clocks everywhere!
There were grandfather clocks, wall
clocks, watches, and clocks of every
kind in every corner, each ticking
away at different rates and each of
them having a name engraved on
Puzzled, the man asked St. Peter
what the deal was. St. Peter replied,
The clocks keep track of things on
Earth. There is one clock for each
November 2016

Part One

person. Every time a person on earth

lies, the hands on the clock made a
complete revolution.
Oh, said the man. So he points
to a clock and say, Whose clock is
Thats Franklin Grahams. The
hands have only moved once, indicating that hes only told one lie.
Incredible, said the man. And
whose clock is that one?
St. Peter responded, Thats Abraham Lincolns clock. The hands have
moved twice, telling us that Abe told
only two lies in his entire life.
So the man asked, Wheres Hillary Clintons clock?
St. Peter replied, Oh, her clock!
Well, we moved it into the office and
were using it for a ceiling fan.

Yes, its true, God knows when

people lie. He knows everything! As
you can see, not only do some people tell big lies and a whole bunch of
them, theres another big lie out there
thats causing a lot of confusion in
the Church today, and its this:
Theres not one verse in the Bible that supports the Pre-Trib position of the Rapture.
Really? Just how fast is your clock
spinning anyway? Believe it or not,
theres a whole new fan club of
people out there who not only disagree with the Pre-Trib position of
the Rapture, i.e., that the Church is
raptured prior or pre to the 7-year
Tribulation, but they go so far as to
say there is no biblical proof for that
position at all! Yet, the proof is all

over the BibleOld and New Testament!

The first way we know the Church
is raptured prior to the 7-year Tribulation is in the purpose of the Tribulation. Lets go back to where it all
began in the Book of Daniel:
While I was speaking and praying, confessing my sin and the sin of
my people Israel and making my request to the LORD my God for His
holy hillwhile I was still in prayer,
Gabriel, the man I had seen in the
earlier vision, came to me in swift
flight about the time of the evening
sacrifice. He instructed me and said
to me, Daniel, I have now come to
give you insight and understanding.
As soon as you began to pray, an answer was given, which I have come to
tell you, for you are highly esteemed.
Therefore, consider the message and
understand the vision:
Seventy sevens are decreed for
your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin,
to atone for wickedness, to bring in
everlasting righteousness, to seal up
vision and prophecy and to anoint the
most holy. Know and understand this:
From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the
Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there
will be seven sevens, and sixty-two
sevens. It will be rebuilt with streets
and a trench, but in times of trouble.
After the sixty-two sevens, the
Anointed One will be cut off and
will have nothing. The people of the
ruler who will come will destroy the
city and the sanctuary. The end will
come like a flood: War will continue
until the end, and desolations have
been decreed. He will confirm a covenant with many for one seven. In
the middle of the seven he will put
an end to sacrifice and offering. And
on a wing of the temple he will set up
an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is

poured out on him (Dan. 9:20-27).

So here we see why we have a
7-year Tribulation. If youve ever
wondered why its specifically a 7
year Tribulation and not 94 or 135 or
even a two-year Tribulation, here it
is. This is where it all began. The seven-year Tribulation is the final seven of 70 sevens prophecy given to
the Jewish man Daniel. Heres the
purpose. There will be a total of
70 sevens until God basically wraps
up history for the Jewish people and
fulfills the rest of His promises that
He made to them. However, after 69
sevens have passed, after the decree
that goes out to restore and rebuild
Jerusalem from Daniels time, the
Anointed One or the Messiah will
be cut off.
This just happens to be exactly
what we see with Jesus Triumphal
entry to Jerusalem. History records
for us that date was 445 B.C. when
King Artexerxes issued a decree to
rebuild Jerusalem. So if you take the
69 sevens mentioned there before
the Messiah is cut off, and times it
by 7, you get a total of 483 years, or
173,880 days according to the Jewish
Lunar Calendar.
So what happened 173,880 days
after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem? Well again, thats the exact date
when Jesus made His triumphal
entry into Jerusalem where He was
rejected or cut off from His people!
However, you still have one final
week, the 7-year Tribulationthe
70th weekto finish up this prophecy. Now, if you look at the text youll
see this final week has nothing to do
with the Church.

The first reason why is in the verbiage.

Verse 20 - my sin and the sin of my

people Israel (Daniel & the people of

Verse 20 - making my request to

the LORD my God for His holy hill
(Daniel & Jerusalem)

Verse 22 - Daniel, I have now come

to give you (Daniel a Jewish person)

Verse 24 - Seventy sevens are decreed for your people and your holy
city (The Jewish people & Jerusalem)

Verse 25 - From the issuing of the

decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem (Jerusalem)

Verse 26 - The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city
and the sanctuary (Jerusalem)

Verse 27 - And on a wing of the

temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation (Rebuilt
Temple in Jerusalem)

So as you can see in the verbiage,

the Church is nowhere in this discussion! Its all about the Jewish people and Jerusalem and their rebuilt
Jewish Templenot the Church. So
why are you trying to squeeze the
Church in here? It has nothing to
do with the Church! In fact, the text
clearly states that the seventy sevens, including the final seven, the
7-year Tribulation, are decreed for
your people, Daniels people, not the

The second reason why the 7-year

Tribulation has nothing to do with
the Church is the timing. Now, the
approximate date for when Daniel
wrote this book containing the 70th
week prophecy which includes the
7-year Tribulation is between 536November 2016

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530 B.C. So the obvious question is,

Where was the Church when this
book and prophecy was written?
Answer: Nowhere! Why? Because
the Church didnt even come into
existence until Acts 2, which is almost 570 years later! So, how could
Daniel be referring to the Church in
this passage dealing with the 7-year
Tribulation, the final week of Daniels 70th week prophecy, when the
Church wasnt even in existence
yet? Answer: He cant! This is also
why the Apostle Paul referred to the
Church as an Old Testament mystery. These people at that time had
no knowledge of it back then.
Surely you have heard about
the administration of Gods grace
that was given to me for you, that is,
the mystery made known to me by
revelation, as I have already written briefly. In reading this, then,
you will be able to understand my
insight into the mystery of Christ,
which was not made known to men
in other generations as it has now
been revealed by the Spirit to Gods
holy apostles and prophets. This
mystery is that through the Gospel
the Gentiles are heirs together with
Israel, members together of one
body, and sharers together in the
promise in Christ Jesus (Eph. 3:2-5,
emphasis added).
In other words, the Church
was a mystery to the Old Testament writers, which obviously
would include Daniel. So again,
how could Daniel be referring to
the Church in this passage dealing
with the 7-year Tribulation when
the Church wasnt even in existence yet, and he had no knowledge
of it? Answer: He cant! Just as the
Church had an abrupt beginning after the conclusion of the 69th week,
so the Church will have an abrupt
removal at the Rapture, shortly
before the beginning of the 70th
November 2016

week. It makes perfect sense, if you

hold to the Pre-Trib position!

The third reason the 7-year Tribulation has nothing to do with the
Church is the audience. Now, we
have already observed by the context that Daniel 9 and the 70th week
prophecy (the 7-year Tribulation) is

The 7-year Tribulation,

Daniels final week of
the 70th week prophecy,
has nothing to do with
the Church. Its a time
of Jacobs trouble, not
the Churchs trouble.
clearly dealing with Daniel and the
Jewish people, not the Church. However, other passages also state that
the audience is the Jewish people
and not the Church. Lets take a look
at just one of them:
These are the words the LORD
spoke concerning Israel and Judah: This is what the LORD says:
Cries of fear are heardterror, not
peace. Ask and see: Can a man bear
children? Then why do I see every
strong man with his hands on his
stomach like a woman in labor, every face turned deathly pale? How
awful that day will be! None will be
like it. It will be a time of trouble for
Jacob, but he will be saved out of it
(Jer. 30:4-7).
Now notice, to whom the Lord
is speaking about this horrible time
frame. Its Israel and Judah, not the
Church! Thats why God says its

going to be a time of trouble for Jacob, not a time of trouble for the
The 7-year Tribulation, Daniels
final week of the 70th week prophecy, has nothing to do with the
Church. Its a time of Jacobs trouble, not the Churchs trouble. Its not
Pauls Doom or Peters Demise
or even Ananias Agony. No! Its
Jacobs trouble, a Jewish name, for a
Jewish people, for a Jewish time, not
the Church. It is a time when God
refines Israel, redeems Israel, and
fulfills all His promises He made
to Israel, as far back as the time of
the Patriarchs and King David.
The Bible says right now they
are under a temporary blindness until the Church Age is over,
or whats called the fullness of the
Gentiles. When that time comes
in or is over, the Church is removed via the Rapture, and Israel
becomes the object of Gods focus
again. This is what Paul states in
the Book of Romans to the Church:
I do not want you to be ignorant
of this mystery, brothers, so that you
may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the
full number of the Gentiles has come
in. And so all Israel will be saved, as
it is written: The deliverer will come
from Zion; He will turn godlessness
away from Jacob. And this is My covenant with them when I take away
their sins (Rom. 11:25-27).
So, God is clearly not finished
with the Jewish people. Right now
theyre under a temporary hardness.
However, when the Church departs
at the Rapture, God will once again
deliver them and fulfill His covenant He made with them. And the
7-year Tribulation is the very instrument He uses to get the job done to
restore Israel! It has nothing to do
with the Church! u
To be continued

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of courage stepped
forward in faith to see
obstacles miraculously
overcome. Be inspired
by these or other fascinating accounts of
faith, courage, and answered prayer.

Can 6,000 years of

history help predict
the future? This volume is an in-depth
review of the rise
and fall of great republics, kings, and
tyrants. Accompanied with profound
quotes from notable
philosophers, statesmen, and historians, you
will gain powerful insights from the past into
what is happening in the world today.

Russell has written

a compelling thriller
about Sir Isaac Newtons secret codes.
This is a fascinating
book based on a
fictional story using
Newtons infamous
riddle as its subject.
The book pertains to
what is going on with Israel, the Middle East,
and the United States and reveals how the
riddle relates to Daniels 70th week.

Item# DVD927 $19.95 plus S&H

Item# B3611 $19.95 plus S&H

Item# B3518 $24.95 plus S&H

Volume 1 - The Revolutionary War Era



by William J. Federer

by William J. Federer

by Neill Russell

Call our toll-free ORDER LINE 1-800-475-1111 and use your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or AMX.

November 2016

Prophecy in the News NOW Available on ROKU TV


At Prophecy in the News, weve been very busy designing a brand new (drum roll) . . . WEBSITE!
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special offers on the newest and most interesting books
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Join our family and LIKE us on Facebook!
November 2016

Call our toll-free ORDER LINE 1-800-475-1111 and use your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or AMX.


Prophecy in the News NOW Available on ROKU TV

A Prophecy of the Future

of America ~ 2016-2017

The Babylon Code

Let the Lion Roar

by Paul McGuire & Troy Anderson

The years 2016-2017

are the most critical
years in the history
of the United States.
America will either
move quickly to a totalitarian-style state
or experience a Third
Great Awakening. Are
we waiting on God
or is God waiting on us to release a powerful
Third Great Awakening upon America.

What if God embedded

a code in the Bible that
could only be cracked
in the end-timesa
prophetic cypher that
reveals how the four
blood moons and the
biblical Shemitah are
just signs of the beginning of the end?
Anderson and McGuire have pieced together
the apocalyptic puzzle with award-winning
journalism and credible end-times expertise.

This DVD uncovers the Great Deception of

the worldwide church. You will find yourself
in 16th century Europe when people became
believers "by grace through faith" after Martin Luthers and John Calvin's writings ushered in the Reformation. This DVD + Blue Ray
Combo, along with the book Escaping the
Great Deception, is one-of-a-kind.

Item# B3613 $24.95 plus S&H

Item# B3520 $23.95 plus S&H

Item# PK3522 $29.95 plus S&H

Todays Religions
and Spirituality

Islam vs. Christianity Debate

Understanding Revelation
in 60 Minutes by Ed Hindson

As a fourth-generation
Mormon, James Walker
left the LDS church to
become an evangelical
Christian. This book
contains 1,700+ concise definitions and
cross references covering religions, denominations, cults, occult
groups, new movements, historical heresies,
key leaders, controversial doctrines, practices,
and major vocabulary terms.

Islam also highly honors Jesus (Isa) as one of

Gods holy messengers.
Nevertheless, Allah of
Islam is not the same
God that is worshipped
by Christians. No Muslim would ever profess
that Allah is the Father
of Our Lord Jesus Christ nor would they tolerate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. Bonus
DVD: Our Mission Building Bridges and Understanding Islam: A Christian Perspective.

Some people think

Revelation is too hard
to understand. But
it is not. In just 60
minutes, Ed Hindson,
prophecy scholar and
popular host of The
King Is Coming television program, will
take you through the
entire book. This exciting DVD offers maps,
charts, locations, illustrations, Scripture, outlines, and timelines. You will grasp the Bibles
final book in a way you never have before.

Item# B3604 $14.95 plus S&H

Item# DVD920 $39.95 plus S&H

Item# DVD923 $19.95 plus S&H

Gods Secrets Only

Hebrew Can Reveal

Number in Scripture

Witness of the Stars

This classic book is an

invaluable guide to the
study of numbers used
throughout the Bible.
The first section reveals
the amazing design of
the numerical features
in the Word of God
which gives evidence of
their Designer. The second section highlights
the spiritual significance and symbolic connotations of numbers which are repeated in
different context throughout the Bible.

Building upon ancient

astronomical sources
and current scientific
data, Bullinger displays
how the constellation
witness to the accuracy
of biblical truths. Jewish historian, Josephus
wrote that Adams son
Seth, established the concept. Virgo, the virgin,
bears the Son of God. Her seed becomes the
hero who conquers the seed of the serpent.
Numerous charts and diagrams included.

Item# B0101 $15.95 plus S&H

Item# B0102 $14.95 plus S&H

by Paul McGuire

by James K. Walker

by Dr. Danny Ben-GiGi

Dr. Danny Ben-GiGi

unveils 145 revelations the English
Bible has kept in the
dark. You will first
see the Hebrew sentence, then the Hebrew language, and
finally, the English
sentence. This book is printed on high-quality
paper and includes two CDs: an audio CD plus
Hebrew/English Phonetic New Testament and
a New Testament CD-Rom.

Item# B3516 $59.95 plus S&H


Jesus, the Cross and the Resurrection

by James Walker & Khalil Meek

by E.W. Bullinger

by E.W. Bullinger

Call our toll-free ORDER LINE 1-800-475-1111 and use your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or AMX.

November 2016

Visit our Online Bookstore

The Armageddon Code

by Billy Hallowell

Interest in the end

times is at an all-time
high. But what does
the Bible really say
about what will happen and when? The
views of a broad range
of todays foremost experts in Bible prophecy
and other leading voices in Christian ministry have been gathered in
one book to allow you to educate yourself on
what the Bible says, compare what the experts
believe, and draw your own conclusion.

12 Prophetic DVDs
by Donald Perkins


Messages from conferences around the

world. Topics include:

Raw Christianity the Way

Jesus Christ
Expects All to Know It!

by Tony Galante

Gods Order of Events

The Signs of the Times
The Mark of the Beast
Rapture of the Church
The Reality of Hell
Battle of Armageddon
Judgment Seat of Christ
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
The Great White Throne Judgment
The Coming 7 Year Great Tribulation Period
The Millennial Reign of Christ

This book will teach

you how to read the
Bible in a way that any
Christian or non-Christian will understand it.
You will gain a greater
knowledge in faith,
comfort, and understanding in knowing Who God is. This book is
highly recommended for you to read and pass
along to your unbelieving friends.

Item# B3616 $16.95 plus S&H

Item# DVD931 $99.95 plus S&H

Item# B3524 $19.95 plus S&H

The Pattern &

the Prophecy

Uncommon Sense

Mistaken Identity

by James Harrison

Item# B3424

$24.95 plus S&H

Canadian mathematician, James Harrison,

has written on of the
most fascinating books
ever produced on the
subject of biblical numerology. Harrison
produces over 400
pages of mind-numbing discoveries, proving beyond the shadow
of a doubt that the Bible
is divinely inspired.

Is Russia Destined
to Nuke the U.S.?

by S. Douglas Woodward

Selecting seven essays from his various

books and updating
them into a powerful,
synergistic manifesto, Woodward argues
that Americans lack
an understanding of
why our nation has
wandered down a
path to ruin. Short of repentance and revival,
Woodward argues that America stands destined for disaster. The essays cover a spectrum of seldom-known facts about the U.S.

Item# B3510 $19.95 plus S&H

by S. Douglas

& The Next Great War

by S. Douglas Woodward

Item# B3609

$13.95 plus S&H

The Next Great War

in the Middle East

Is Russia Destined to Nuke the U.S.? is a crucial study where Doug not
only demonstrates the proximity of war between Russia and the U.S., but
offers a compelling argument that America is the fulfillment of the prophecies of Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Zechariah.
The Next Great War in the Middle East tackles the turbulent relationship between Russia and the United States as the backdrop to
Ezekiel's famed prophecy the "Battle of
Gog and Magog."

Item# B3603

$19.95 plus S&H

The Next Great War Package

Item# B3631D
$17.95 plus S&H

November 2016

Item# PK3537

$34.95 plus S&H

(Both books plus free DVD)

Closely following
on the heels of
The Next Great
War in the Middle
East, the book
Mistaken Identity delves deeper
into the popular
view that the antichrist of the last
days is Islamic.
Woodward evaluates whats right
and whats wrong
with this theory
as well as why current geopolitical
events strongly
argue against it.
Among many other issues, he also
Daniels King of
the North and
Micahs The Assyrian prophecies
may not refer to
antichrist after all.

Buy Both Books & SAVE!

Item# B3603

$19.95 plus S&H

Item# PK3607


$29.95 plus S&H

Call our toll-free ORDER LINE 1-800-475-1111 and use your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or AMX.


Prophecy in the News NOW Available on ROKU TV

The NOW Prophecies

Psalm 83: The Missing

Prophecy Revealed

by Bill Salus

Item# B3601

$14.95 plus S&H

Bill Salus has recently completed his new

DVD and book titled The Now Prophecies.
The book and DVD identify the biblical
prophecies that were
written centuries ago
for this generation.
These inscriptions
predict events that
will profoundly affect
everyone and get you
ready NOW for the
near future.

Purchase as a Package & SAVE!

Item# PK3534 $26.95 plus S&H

As It Was in the Days

of Noah

by Jeff Kinley

Master storyteller,
Jeff Kinley, paints
a picture of what
life was really like
in Noahs day. He
doesnt offer the
age-old picture of a
lonely man being mocked by unbelievers and
passers-by. Instead, Kinley explains the gravity
of the depravity, focusing on the exploits of
the fallen angels, and the violence and lust that
filled the Earth. A great read!

An ancient prophecy written over 3,000 years

ago reveals that the Arab states and terrorist
populations, which presently share common
borders with Israel, will soon confederate in
order to wipe Israel off of the map. Psalm 83
predicts a climactic, concluding Arab-Israeli
war that has eluded the discernment of todays
top Bible scholars, and yet, the Middle East
stage appears to be set for the fulfillment of
this prophecy. Discover how Israel defeats
their ancient Arab enemies, and why America need to stand beside Israel!

Item# B3306 $15.95 plus S&H

$14.95 plus S&H

Target Israel

by Tim LaHaye & Ed Hindson

Prophecy experts Tim
LaHaye and Ed Hindson explain why Israel
is at the center of Gods
prophetic plan for the
future. As the conflicts
in the Middle East grow
in intensity, we cannot
help but wonder what
lies ahead for the nation
of Israel and whether any of it means we are
drawing closer to the last days.

Item# B3512

The Secrets of the

Dead Sea Scrolls

Gaining exclusive
access to the recent
investigation and
restoration of the
scrolls, this DVD reveals some amazing
secrets. It shows
how science has
proved the authenticity of the texts and
established their authorship and geographic
origins. This 50 minute program unfolds like
a real-life mystery. It will leave you closer to
the truth than ever before.

Item# B3415 $11.95 plus S&H

$15.95 plus S&H

Item# DVD902 $19.95 plus S&H

Rapture Ready...

15 Future Events That

Will Shake the World

Cyber Meltdown

or Not by Terry James

This amazing book

is for a generation
who is confused and
looking upon a world
that seems to have
destroyed its opportunity for a bright,
abundant future. The
Rapture is about to
strike an unsuspecting world. Jesus Christ is the Shelter from the
coming Tribulation storm of Gods wrath and
judgment. Read a detailed frame of reference
for this generation on Gods timeline.

Item# B3619 $14.95 plus S&H


Item# DVD904

by Bill Salus

by Ed Hindson

As the end of the age

draws near, the signs
of the times will be
impossible to ignore.
Millions of persons
will suddenly be reNEW!
ported missing. A new
world super power
will eclipse the United
States. The Middle East crisis will finally appear to be resolved. The Bible clearly indicates
starting events will lead up to the fulfilment of
the greatest prophecy of all. Are you ready?

Item# B3612 $13.95 plus S&H

by Ron Rhodes

Popular Bible teacher

Ron Rhodes provides
answers to important
questions like these:
n What do computer
viruses do, and how
do they spread?
n How are terrorists
and opposing nations
using cyberspace as a weapon?
n Is America vulnerable to cyberterrorism?
These and many more answers can be found
in this astonishing book.

Item# B3146 $16.95 plus S&H

Call our toll-free ORDER LINE 1-800-475-1111 and use your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or AMX.

November 2016

Visit our Online Bookstore

KThe Grant Jeffrey CollectionL

One Nation
Under Attack

The Signature of God

by Grant Jeffrey

Item# B3022
$19.95 plus S&H

As American society becomes more secularized, Christians need to know all the facts about the Bible. Dr.
Grant R. Jeffrey has spent decades researching history,
science, archaeology, medicine, and prophecyfinding that each discipline confirms the truth of Scripture.
This revised and updated edition of The Signature of
God proves that the Bible is not only accurate in its
spiritual claims, but is completely reliable as well on
matters of origins, medicine, history, and science. No
matter how loudly the skeptics argue against Christian faith, only one conclusion makes sense: the Bible
is God-breathed.

Item# DVD917 $19.95 plus S&H

The Signature of God DVD documents scientific evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Bible is the inspired Word
of God. From mysterious Hebrew codes to the name Yeshua
appearing throughout the Old Testament, The Signature of
God is convincing evidence that the Scriptures can be trusted.

Order The Signature of God Package & SAVE!

Item# PK3536 $36.95 plus S&H

by Grant Jeffrey

One Nation Under Attack

by Grant Jeffrey was the
last book written before
his death in 2012. This
fascinating book documents Americas imminent financial collapse
and eventual abandonment of Israel. Does this
sound familiar? Even
though Grant wrote this
book three years ago, we
are beginning to see his
predictions come true. Grant states that The United
States soon will be reduced to an isolated, impoverished country with no influence over international affairs. You will find a workable plan to help you protect
your family and your future.

Item# B3264 $14.95 plus S&H

Jeffrey Prophecy Study Bible

The Jeffrey Prophecy Study Bible is the finest
Bible of its kind dealing with Bible Prophecy. It
will strengthen and focus your faith by increasing your understanding of the meaning of biblical
prophecies, where we are today in the fulfillment
of prophecy, and what lies ahead for us in this
"last days" generation.

Special Features

Four Major Themes Color Coded

Prophecy BLUE
Salvation RED
Holy Spirit




72 Doctrines Chain Referenced

Easy to Use Color and Letter
1,200 Textual Notes Explaining
Key Prophecies

Item# BB1903
$99.95 plus S&H

November 2016

36 Prophecy Articles, Charts,

and 16 Color Maps
Black Bonded Leather

Call our toll-free ORDER LINE 1-800-475-1111 and use your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or AMX.


Prophecy in the News NOW Available on ROKU TV

The Barley Harvest

by Dan Goodwin

The Barley Harvest takes you on a journey to Israel to discover the mystery of
the barley harvest. Learn about the seven
feasts of the Lord that revolve around a
seven-month period that the author calls
Gods Prophetic Calendar, and that these
seven feasts are intertwined around the
three main harvests in Israel. The barley
harvest is the timing of all seven feasts
and, in fact, Gods reset button to the final end-times count down. This
book opens up a new perspective on the exact timing of the seven
feasts and the timing of prophetic events that are getting ready to unfold. As a bonus, you will also receive two CDs on the Barley Harvest.

Item# B3610C $24.95 plus S&H

God's Final Jubilee Package

by Evangelist Dan Goodwin

Item# B3525
$19.95 plus S&H

A Seven-fold Promise

To the average Christian, the book of

Revelation is a closed
book. Though everyone seems fascinated
by the teachings of
it, most are afraid of
it or have been told
its too hard for the
common man to comprehend. It is Dans desire that this study guide
be a simple and truly helpful tool in your study

Could we be near the

2,000th year of Gods
Time Clock? Does the
New Testament begin with the birth of
Christ or at the death
of Christ? Why is the
Feast of Trumpets a
perfect day for the
rapture? These and
many, many more questions are answered in
A Seven-fold Promise of HIs Soon Coming.

Item# B3506 $19.95 plus S&H

$13.95 plus S&H

by Dan Goodwin

Item# B3514

Russian Bear Poised

to Attack Israel
by David Bay & Mac Dominick


Item# DVD919
$14.95 plus S&H


Ezekiel foretold of
a time at the End of
the Age when Russia
would lead a confederation of armies in
an attack on Israel.
A vast army led by
the largest country
on Earth converging
upon the smallest
nation on Earth, and
still Israel wins this
one-battle war.

Item# DVD876
$14.95 plus S&H

Item# DVD877
$14.95 plus S&H

6 DVDs
Item# DVD856
$39.95 plus S&H

Get BOTH & SAVE! Item# PK3425 $49.95 plus S&H

by Dan Goodwin

Gods Final Jubilee is being

proclaimed by some as the
most up-to-date biblical study
of current prophetic events.
Revised with three new chapters titled Apocalyptic Events
of 2015, Palm Sunday, and Time
is Running Out Timely. Subjects
covered in this encouraging
book include: the Four Blood
Moons; the Identity of the Two
Witnesses; the 70th and Final
Jubilee; and many more.


produced three DVDs full
of information about the
plan to overthrow Saudi
Arabia, Egypts end-time
judgment, and the role the
media plays in convincing
America to endorse the
mark of the Beast .

Item# DVD878
$14.95 plus S&H

B U Y A L L 3 DV D S & S AV E !

Item# PK3516 $39.95 plus S&H

World War III

Historys Greatest Lynchpin Event

by David Bay
What is a lynchpin?
David examines the
importance of that
question and the
role it will play in
World War III. He
will show you 12
major disasters that
have been created and are waiting for the
introduction of World War III to release them
all, almost at once.

Item# DVD889
$19.95 plus S&H

Israel's Prophesied
Triumph Over
the Palestinians

by David Bay

David Bay examines a

prophecy in Obadiah
15-18 that will soon be
fulfilled. This documentary will help you understand how Obadiah
foretells the extermination of an entire nationthe House of Esau
which is known today as Palestine. 46 MINS

Item# DVD918
$14.95 plus S&H

Call our toll-free ORDER LINE 1-800-475-1111 and use your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or AMX.

November 2016

Prophecy in the News NOW Available on ROKU TV

Excellent NEW Teaching Series on DVD from Chuck Missler!

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Chuck Missler has released
an amazing new series titled
The Four Horsemen of the
Apocalypse. The DVD set
includes all four of the great
studies pictured to the right.
You wont be disappointed!

Buy the Complete Set

of 4 DVDs and SAVE!

Item# DVD884
$49.95 plus S&H

Beyond Perception

The Coming
World Leader

Wars and
Rumors of War

Economic Upheaval
and Famine

Disease and
Biochemical Warfare

White Horse
Red Horse
Black Horse
Livid Horse
Item# DVD880 Item# DVD881 Item# DVD882 Item# DVD883
$19.95 plus S&H $19.95 plus S&H $19.95 plus S&H $19.95 plus S&H

Beyond Coincidence

Beyond Time & Space

Has physics finally reached the very

boundaries of reality?
There seems to be
evidence to suggest
that our world and everything in it are only
ghostly images: projections from a level of reality so beyond our own that the real reality is
literally beyond both space and time. The main
architect of this astonishing idea is one of
the worlds most eminent thinkersphysicist
David Bohm, a protg of Einstein.

Is our universe some

kind of cosmic accident, or is it the result
of careful and skillful
design? When compiling the many physical
and mathematical subtleties which make up
our universe, scientist
have discovered that a slight variation in any
of them militates against the existence of life.
Even at the sub-atomic level, the slightest variation in any of the primary constants of physics
cause life to be impossible.

The startling discovery

of modern science is
that our physical universe is actually finite.
Scientists now acknowledge that the universe had a beginning,
called the Big Bang.
While the detail among
the many variants of these theories remain
controversial, the fact that there was a definite
beginning has gained widespread agreement.
This is, of course, what the Bible maintains
throughout its 66 books.

Item# DVD939 $19.95 plus S&H

Item# DVD936 $19.95 plus S&H

Item# DVD946 $19.95 plus S&H

by Dr. Chuck Missler

Alien Encounters
by Dr. Chuck Missler

What is behind UFO

sightings? Where are
they from? What does
the Bible say about
them? Are they friendly
or hostile? This book is
a study of the history of
the UFO phenomenon
in the U.S. and around
the world. It confronts the issues head-on and
offers answers to many of the most pertinent
questions, including a new chapter on government disinformation and possible cover-ups.

FREE Orlando 2014 DVD - Vol. 5, No. 2

Item# B2525 $16.95 plus S&H

November 2016

by Dr. Chuck Missler

by Dr. Chuck Missler


by Dr. Chuck Missler

Item# B2724

$19.95 plus S&H

Are we in possession of messages of extraterrestrial origin?

If so, what do they mean? What
do these messages from the
edge of eternity portend for the
future? You will grow in excitement as Chuck Missler details
astonishing hidden messages
within the text of the Torah that
could only have been placed
there by the Great Author Himself. Missler explores the impact

of information sciences on our

understanding of ancient texts
including microcodes, macrocodes, and metacodesas
well as the highly controversial
equidistant letter sequences
discovered in the Bible. You
will be able to use this exciting
information to discover the hidden messages yourself because
many of them do not require a
computer to decipher.

Call our toll-free ORDER LINE 1-800-475-1111 and use your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or AMX.


Visit our Online Bookstore

The Pre-Flood Origins

of Astrology
by Ken Johnson, Th.D.

108 pages

What is modern astrology and why are so many

people fascinated by it?
Is there more to that
daily horoscope than
meets the eye? Ken
Johnson will clue you in
on why God invented the
sun, the moon and the
planets and see how the
ancient world perverted
that knowledge to form
a bizarre interpretation
of Gods message in the

Item# B3422
$12.95 plus S&H

Gnostic Origins of
by Ken Johnson, Th.D.

122 pages

Most people have heard

of Calvinism and Arminianism, and most know
there are many problems with the extreme
forms; Hyper-Calvinism
and Hyper-Arminianism,
but what did John Calvin
really teach and where
did his ideas come from?
Compare Scripture with
Scripture to clearly see
the trap Satan has set
to divide Bible-believing

Item# B3331
$12.95 plus S&H

Fallen Angels
by Ken Johnson, Th.D.

Using only the Bible, the

Dead Sea Scrolls, the
writings of the ancient
Rabbis and ancient
Church Fathers, Fallen
Angels puts together
the history of the creation of the angelic beings, the fall of Lucifer,
the fall of Azazel, and
the fall of Semyaza and
his angels. Learn the
history of the Nephilim, both pre-flood and

136 pages

Item# B3316

$12.95 plus S&H

The Ancient Series from Ken Johnson, Th.D. Own Them All!
Ancient Messianic Festivals

169 pages

Ancient Messianic Festivals covers the biblical

festivals God commanded the ancient Israelites
to observe. These feasts
give great detail on the
first coming of the Messiah. They also give a
complete outline of the
seven-year Tribulation
period, including the
rise of a false Messiah.
This book is a valuable
resource for any Bible

123 pages

Ancient Paganism explores the false religion

of the pre-flood world
and its spread after
Noahs Flood into the
Gentile nations. From
the fall of Lucifer to the
arrival of the fallen angels and their offspring
to bizarre religious
beliefs about demons
working their way into
our churches and preparing the way for the

Ancient Book of Jubilees

Almost lost over the centuries, the Book of Jubilees was retrieved from
the Ethiopic language and
was recently found among
the Dead Sea Scrolls. The
Book of Jubilees repeats
the events of Genesis and
Exodus, and recounts the
events in sets of jubilees
(49 years). It also provides
additional details on the
fall of the angels.

180 pages

Item# B3238

Item# B3201

Item# B3322

Ancient Book
of Jasher:

Ancient Prophecies
Revealed: 500 Prophecies

Ancient Church Fathers:

$12.95 plus S&H

A Commentary

209 pages

The Book of Jasher is one

of 13 ancient books mentioned in the Bible. It is
referenced in Joshua, II
Samuel and II Timothy.
The same age as Genesis
and Exodus, it records
the first 2,516 years of
history. Highlights include commentary on
fallen angels; the life
of Enoch; the death of
Nimrod; and the deaths
of Abraham, Moses and

Item# B3130
$12.95 plus S&H


Ancient Paganism

$12.95 plus S&H

Listed in Order of When They Were Fulfilled

174 pages

Ken Johnson has created a true masterpiece of

information, chronicling
500 major prophecies in
detailed, chronological
fashion. The heart of the
book lies in prophecies
fulfilled through 1948;
then Ken goes on to include the 11 prophecies
that must be fulfilled
before the Tribulation
begins. Multiple, easyto-read charts are included.

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$12.95 plus S&H

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What the Disciples

of the Apostles Taught

205 pages

The ancient Church Fathers clearly taught the

doctrines of the twelve
apostles. Their documents show their early
beliefs were faithfully
transmitted to their descendants in the first
centuries. Includes predestination, foreknowledge, Gnosticism, Islam,
the Sabbath, euthansia,
purgatory, reincarnation,
and other controversial

Item# B3206
$12.95 plus S&H

Call our toll-free ORDER LINE 1-800-475-1111 and use your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or AMX.

November 2016

Prophecy in the News NOW Available on ROKU TV

On the Eve of Adam

Our founder, Dr. J. R. Church, passed away on March 22nd, 2011.

He was a skilled and prolific writer, leaving behind a rich collection
of eschatological studies. His unique perspective on Bible prophecy
will challenge, astound, and bless you. His work lives on, through his
books, magazines, television programs, DVDs and live lectures.
J. R. will be greatly missed, but his body of work at Prophecy in
the News will never be forgotten.

Guardians of the Grail

Guardians of the Grail deals

with uncovered secrets, ancient
mysteries and legends of long
ago. Some of the legends
are credible, others are not.
Some of the sources utilized
in gathering research for this
book make a skillfully orchestrated attempt to deceive by
carefully including false but
easily believable lies. Such
is a considerable amount of written history. We will
discuss a few well-guarded secrets from the past as
well as expose a few false myths which have been given
credence by many.

Item# B0901D $19.95 plus S&H

The Mystery
of the Menorah

History recounts some strange

stories about the Jewish
Menorah and the "servant lamp"
that sat in its midst. Jesus was
not exaggerating when he called
Himself "The Light of the World."
This is a groundbreaking study
and provides the reader with the
identity of the Jewish Messiah
along with the foundation for
understanding the miraculous
Hebrew alphabet.

Item# B1302 $14.95 plus S&H

Deciphering Daniel DVD

J.R. and Gary discuss Daniel's prophetic
masterpiece in a way few can understand.
Daniel gives us insight into world government, the rise and fall of anti-Christ, and
the appearance of Israel's Messiah. J.R.
liked to call it the Old Testament version of
Revelations. This is a study for the ages!

3 DVDs (12 studies - 4.5 hours)

Item# D118 $29.95 plus S&H

Revealing Revelation DVD

Who is Mystery Babylon? Can we identify
the anti-Christ? How will the Mark of the
Beast control people during the Tribulation
Period? J.R. and Gary cover all 22 chapters
of Revelation in a comprehensive and
far-reaching commentary on this most
mysterious of all books.

November 2016

Adam and Eve did not commit

the original sin, Lucifer did. Take
a journey with J.R. through the
Old Testament and see how God
executed his plan of redemption
through the many fascinating
characters and stories found in
the Bible. This might just be J.R.
Church's finest work.

Item# B2107 $14.95 plus S&H

Daniel Reveals the

Blood Line
of the Antichrist
J.R. Church's last book
represents a lifetime of intense
Bible study. Many ask, "Is the
Antichrist a Muslim?" Guardians
of the Grail laid the foundation.
Daniel: Bloodline of the Antichrist builds on that foundation
exposing the hidden genealogy
of the Man of Sin. Who he is
and where he comes from may
surprise you, but it's crystal
clear in the Holy Bible!

Item# B3025 $19.95 plus S&H

The J.R. Church Video Collection

Volume 1 DVD


1. Birth Defect
2. Job: The Oldest
Prophecy in the Bible
3. Legend of the Holy Grail
4. Levels of Biblical Interpretation
5. The Prophecy of Elijah's Mantle
6. The Prophetic Psalms

Item# PK3103 $49.95 plus S&H

Volume 2 DVD


3 DVDs (12 studies - 4.5 hours)

1. From the Womb of the Morning

2. The Mystery of the Menorah
3. The Passover Prophecy
4. Time Travelers of the Bible
5. What Really Happened to the
Ark of the Covenant?
6. Yeshua is My Name

Item# D117 $29.95 plus S&H

Item# PK3104 $49.95 plus S&H

Call our toll-free ORDER LINE 1-800-475-1111 and use your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or AMX.


Visit our Online Bookstore

2015Television Programs
from Prophecy in the News




Available in 2 Formats

January - 6601
1. It Could Happen Tomorrow (Part 2)
2. It Could Happen Tomorrow (Part 3)
3. Nuclear Showdown in Iran (Part 1)
4. Nuclear Showdown in Iran (Part 2)
February - 6602
1. Doug Stauffer's Daily Strength
2. God's Wrath vs. the Pre-Tribulation Rapture
3. Islamic Invasion of Israel
4. The Role of Israel
March - 6603
1. Search for the Temple (Part 1)
2. Search for the Temple (Part 2)
3. Where is America? (Part 1)
4. Where is America? (Part 2)
April - 6604
1. Why Prophecy?
2. Understanding Revelation (Part 1)
3. Understanding Revelation (Part 2)
4. In the Days of Noah

May 6605
1. Final Countdown Signs of the Last Days
2. Understanding the Tabernacle
3. Gospel Across the Globe
4. The Significance of the Recent Blood Moons
June - 6606
1. Uncommon Sense with Doug Woodward
2. Bringing Saudi Arabia Down
3. Egypt's Prophetic Tsunami
4. Mystery of the Shemitah Unlocked (Part 1)
July - 6607
1. The Mystery of the Shemitah Unlocked (Part 2)
2. The Mystery of the Shemitah Unlocked (Part 3)
3. PITN: A Call to Arms! Pikes Peak Prophecy
Summit 2015
4. PITN: Let the Lion Roar (Part 1)
August - 6608
1. Let the Lion Roar (Part 2)
2. Let the Lion Roar (Part 3)
3. Out of the Mouth of Two Witnesses (Part 1)
4. Out of the Mouth of Two Witnesses (Part 2)

September - 6609
1. God's Prophetic Calendar of the Seven Feasts
2. The Wedding Made in Heaven
3. Israel: A Greater, Safer Nation
4. One Minute into Eternity
October - 6610
1. Newton's Riddle (Part 1)
2. A Sevenfold Promise (Part 1)
3. A Sevenfold Promise (Part 2)
4. Newton's Riddle (Part 2)
November - 6611
1. Truth about Dinosaurs
2. Unveiling the Mysteries of the Last Days (Part 1)
3. Unveiling the Mysteries of the Last Days (Part 2)
4. RFID - Man's Greatest Invention or Mark of the
December - 6612
1. Babylon Code (Part 1)
2. Defenders of the Faith
3. Babylon Code (Part 2)
4. Attack of the Drones

Did you miss any of our television programs in 2015?

Well, here is the entire collection! You can view ALL 48
studies on DVD video, or listen to them on CD audio.

12 DVD videos: PK3601D - $100.00 (plus S&H)

12 CD audios: CDV23 - $50.00 (plus S&H)

Call our toll-free ORDER LINE 1-800-475-1111 and use your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or AMX.

November 2016

Prophecy in the News NOW Available on ROKU TV


from list BELOW!

One-Year Magazine
Subscription to ...

by J.R. Church

by S. Douglas Woodward

12 Full-color Issues
(Includes Postage)
12 Issues

(Includes Postage)

of the GRAIL
by J.R. Church

November 2016

Lecture Series

The Legend of the Holy Grail

Birth Defect
Job: The Oldest Prophecy
in the Bible

Call our toll-free ORDER LINE 1-800-475-1111 and use your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or AMX.


Prophecy in the News

P. O. Box 7000
Oklahoma City, OK 73153





3 DVDs
6 DVDs



Fulton, MO
Permit No. 38

Subscribe to Prophecy in the News magazine for TWO YEARS and get J.R. Church and
Gary Stearmans comprehensive DVD commentaries on the mysterious book of Revelation
and the prophetic book of Daniel. Available in an extensive chapter by chapter commentary,
these two complicated books are explored and clearly explained cover to cover by J.R. and
Gary on two sets of 3 DVDs6 DVDs in all. You wont find a more comprehensive Bible study
on Revelation and Daniel, a treasure trove of prophetic wisdom and knowledge!


Call Now: 800-475-1111

Join Our Club & Help Us Cover TV Air Time!

We invite you to join our Tape-A-Month Club. There are two clubs available for you. Our
TV programs are transcribed each month on video DVDs (for our DVD Video-A-Month Club)
and audio CDs (for our CD Audio-A-Month Club). Our prophetic studies can be sent to you
every month for a year keeping you up-to-date with the most exciting series of unfolding
events in history! Join or renew your subscription to the DVD Video-A-Month Club for
one year for only $150.00. Join or renew your subscription to the CD Audio-A-Month Club
one year only $75.00. Your participation helps us cover the cost of television air time.
Please note: Subscriptions outside the USA will cost extra for postage.


1. Spirit of Lawlessness (Part 4)

Dr. Kevin Clarkson concludes his in-depth study of the Scripture to analyze the end-time events
unfolding in our nation.

2. Rapture Ready or Not? (Part 1)

Dr. Kevin Clarkson and special guest, Terry James, discuss Terrys most recent book, Rapture
Ready or Not? They review the detailed, precise frame of reference as to where this generation
stands on Gods prophetic timeline.

3. Rapture Ready or Not? (Part 2)

Dr. Kevin Clarkson and special guest, Terry James, continue their in-depth study on Rapture Ready
or Not? They discuss how the Rapture is about to catastrophically strike an unsuspecting world of
both unbelievers and believers.

4. Wiles of the Devil 2016

Dr. Kevin Clarkson with guest, Neill Russell, go into great detail about the book Wiles of the Devil
2016. Neill has masterfully interwoven biblical prophecy, current world events, and the diabolical
plots in the supernatural realm into an end-time, page-turning thriller.

Available on DVD (DVD6710) for a Gift of $20

Also on Audio CD (CD6710) for a Gift of $10

Available in 2
Digital Formats

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