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: Eximenes Beno


: 150708426

Sistem Operasi :
1. Windows 2000 (PC)
2. Symbian OS (HP)
Windows 2000 (atau Windows NT 5.0 build 2159) adalah sebuah versi
sistem operasi Windows yang merupakan versi pengembangan dari Windows NT
versi 4.0, dikeluarkan oleh Microsoft tanggal 17 Februari 2000 di Amerika
Serikat, setelah beberapa kali mengalami penundaan peluncurannya.
Diantara fitur-fitur Windows 2000 yang paling signifikan adalah Active Directory,
sebuah model jaringan pengganti model jaringan NT domain, yang menggunakan
teknologi yang merupakan standar industri, seperti Domain Name System (DNS),

Directory Access






menghubungkan antara sebuah mesin ke mesin lainnya.

Windows 2000 tersedia dalam enak edisi, yaitu :

Windows 2000 Professional

Windows 2000 Server
Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Windows 2000 Datacenter Server
Windows 2000 Advanced Server Limited Edition
Windows 2000 Datacenter Server Limited Edition

Windows 2000 Structure :

As with virtually all operating systems, Windows separates applicationoriented software from operating system software. The latter, which includes the
Executive, the kernel, device drivers, and the hardware abstraction layer, runs in
kernel mode. Kernel mode software has access to system data and to the
hardware. The remaining software, running in user mode, has limited access to
system data.

Windows does not have a pure microkernel architecture but what Microsoft refers
to as a modified microkernel structure. As with a pure microkernel structure,
Windows is highly modular. Each system function is managed by just one
component of the operating system. The rest of the operating system and all
applications access that function through the responsible component using a
standard interface. Key system data can only be accessed through the appropriate
function. In principle, any module can be removed, upgraded, or replaced without
rewriting the entire system or its standard application program interface (APIs).
However, unlike a pure microkernel system, Windows is configured so that many
of the system functions outside the microkernel run in kernel mode. The reason is
performance. The Windows developers found that using the pure microkernel
approach, many non-microkernel functions required several process or thread
switches, mode switches, and the use of extra memory buffers.
The kernel-mode components of Windows are the following:
Executive: Contains the base operating system services, such as memory
management, process and thread management, security, I/O, and interprocess
Kernel: Consists of the most used and most fundamental components of the
operating system. The kernel manages thread scheduling, process switching,
exception and interrupt handling, and multiprocessor synchronization. Unlike the
rest of the Executive and the user level, the kernel's own code does not run in
threads. Hence, it is the only part of the operating system that is not preemptible
or pageable.
Hardware abstraction layer (HAL): Maps between generic hardware commands
and responses and those unique to a specific platform. It isolates the operating
system from platform-specific hardware differences. The HAL makes each
machine's system bus, direct memory access (DMA) controller, interrupt
controller, system timers, and memory module look the same to the kernel. It also
delivers the support needed for symmetric multiprocessing (SMP), explained

Device drivers: Include both file system and hardware device drivers that
translate user I/O function calls into specific hardware device I/O requests.
Windowing and graphics system: Implements the graphical user interface (GUI)
functions, such as dealing with windows, user interface controls, and drawing.

Symbian OS :
Saat ini Symbian OS banyak telah banyak digunakan oleh berbagai vendor
produk peralatan komunikasi mobile pada berbagai jenis produk mereka yang
bervariasi. Variasi dari sisi hardware ini dimana Symbian OS diimplementasi
dapat dimungkinkan karenasistem operasi ini memiliki antarmuka pemprograman
aplikasi (Application Programming Interface; API). API mendukung terhadap
komunikasi dan tingkah laku yang umum pada hardware yang dapat digunakan
oleh objek aplikasi lain. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena API merupakan objek
antarmuka yang didefenisikan pada level aplikasi, yang berisikan prosedur dan



juga variabel serta

mengelola/memanggil kernel dimana






antara software dan hardware. Dengan adanya standar API ini membantu pihak
pengembang untuk melakukan penyesuaian atas aplikasi yang dibuatnya agar
dapat diinstal pada produk telepon bergerak yang bermacam-macam.
Mirip seperti sistem operasi desktop, Symbian OS mampu melakukan
operasi secara multithreading, multitasking dan pengamanan terhadap memori.
Dan semua pemrograman pada Symbian dilakukan secara event-based, artinya
hardware CPU menjadi tidak aktif ketika tidak ada inputan berupa aktivitas
tertentu. Namun perlu dipahami sistem operasi ini memang ditujukan untuk
diinstal pada peralatan mobile dengan keterbatasan sumber daya. Multithread dan
multitasking memberikan kemampuan Symbian OS untuk menjalankan lebih dari
satu aplikasi sekaligus. Namun khusus ini, adanya preemptive multitasking kernel
akan memberi tiap-tiap program suatu pembagian waktu pemprosesan yang
dilakukan bergantian dengan cepat sehingga nampak bagi pemakai seolah-olah
proses ini dieksekusi secara bersamaan. Untuk itu telah didefinisikan penjadwalan
berdasar prioritas tertentu untuk menentukan proses mana yang berjalan terlebih
dahulu dan proses apa berikutnya serta berapa banyak waktu akan jadi diberi.
Secara umum arsitektur Symbian OS sendiri dapat gambarkan menjadi
empat lapisan berdasarkan penggunaan API yang tersedia, yaitu :
Lapisan pendukung aplikasi (Application Utility Layer)
Lapisan ini terdiri dari berbagai pendukung yang berorientasi pada aplikasi. Hal
ini memungkinkan aplikasi lain (di luar sistem operasi) untuk berintegrasi dengan
aplikasi dasar yang tersedia pada sistem operasi. Bentuk layanan lain termasuk
proses pertukaran data dan manajemen data.








Lapisan ini merupakan framework API yang tersedia untuk memberi dukungan
terhadap penanganan input user secara grafis maupun suara yang dapat digunakan
oleh aplikasi lain.
Lapisan komunikasi
Lapisan ini berfungsi sebagai sistem operasi yang fokus diimplementasi pada
peralatan komunikasi mobile, Symbian OS memiliki kumpulan API yang fokus
pada lapisan komunikasi. Bagian teratas pada lapisan ini terdapat dukungan
pencarian dan pengiriman pesan teks. Berikutnya adalah antarmuka yang memberi
dukungan komunikasi seperti Bluetooth dan infrared (IrDA) serta USB. Yang
terakhir pada lapisan ini adalah protokol komunikasi berupa TCP/IP, HTTP, WAP
dan layanan telepon.
Lapisan sistem API dasar
Lapisan ini merupakan kumpulan API yang mendukung pengasksesan
data memori, tanggal dan waktu, serta sistem dasar lainnya
The Symbian OS System Model contains the following layers, from top to

UI Framework Layer
Application Services Layer

Java ME
Os Services Layer
Generis OS Services
Communication Services
Multimedia and Graphics Services
Connectivity Services
Base Services Layer
Kernel Services & Hardware Interface Layer
The Base Services Layer is the lowest level reachable by user-side

operations, it includes the File Server and User Library, the Plug-In Framework
which manages all plug-ins, Store, Central Repository, DBMS, and cryptographic
services. It also includes the Text Window Server and the Text Shell, the two basic
services from which a completely functional port can be created without the need
for any higher layer services.
Symbian OS has a microkernel architecture, which means that the
minimum necessary is within the kernel to improve robustness, availability, and
responsiveness. It contains a scheduler, memory management, and device drivers,
but other services like networking, telephony, or filesystem support are placed in
the OS Services Layer or Base Services Layer. The inclusion of device drivers
means the kernel is not a true microkernel. The EKA2 real-time kernel has been
termed a nanokernel, containing only the most basic primitives and supporting an
extended kernel to implement any other abstractions.
Symbian OS is designed to emphasize compatibility with other devices,
especially removable media file systems. Early development of EPOC led to the
adoption of FAT as the internal file system and this remains in the Symbian OS
but an object-orientated persistence model has been placed over the underlying
FAT, providing a POSIX-style interface and a streaming model. The internal data
formats rely on using the same API that create the data to run all file
manipulations this has created the problems of data-dependence and associated
difficulties with changes and data migration.

There is a large networking and communication subsystem, which has

three main servers ETEL (EPOC telephony), ESOCK (EPOC sockets) and C32
(responsible for serial communication). Each of these has a plug-in scheme. For
example ESOCK allows different .PRT protocol modules, implementing
different types of networking protocol scheme. The subsystem also contains code
that pertains to short-range communication links too, such as Bluetooth, IrDA and
There is also a large volume of User Interface (UI) Code. For the most
part actual user interfaces are maintained by third parties. However the base
classes and substructure are contained within the Symbian OS. This component is
known as UIKON. The Symbian OS also contains the graphics, text layout, and
font rendering libraries.
All Symbian applications are built up from three classes defined by the
Application Architecture: an application class, a document class, and an
application user interface class. These classes create the fundamental application
behavior. The remaining required functions, the application view, data model, and
data interface, are created independently and interact solely through their APIs
with the other classes. UIQ and S60 both extend this approach, in two different
There are, of course, many other things that do not yet fit into this model for
example, SyncML, Java ME providing another set of APIs on top of most of the
OS and multimedia. Quite a few of these are frameworks, and vendors are
expected to supply plug-ins to these frameworks from third parties (for example,
Helix player for multimedia codecs). This has the advantage that the APIs to such
areas of functionality are the same on many phone models, and that vendors get a
lot of flexibility, but means that phone vendors need to do a great deal of
integration work to make a Symbian OS phone.


Rouse, Margaret .(2008). DEFINITION Windows 2000, (6
September 2016)
Putra, Aldy. (2013). Sejarah Windows 2000
(6 September 2016).

Stallings, William. (2005). The Windows Operating System. (6 September 2016).

(2008). Structure of Symbian Operating System.

operating-system/. (6 September 2016). (6 September 2016).
Li, Lance. (2007). Symbian OS Architecture. (6 September

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