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Lesson Title: Learning to multiply single digit numbers

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Overview: Students will learn and explore how to multiply using the pairs check method.
Objectives: Students will explore the array model of multiplication and students will begin to
understand the process of multiplying single digit numbers.
Continuity: Yesterday we briefly talked about how how multiplication is repeated addition. We
also talked about the reasoning behind any number multiplied by zero equals zero. Tomorrow
we will extend our practice on multiplication.
Index cards with numbers 1-5 written on them
Paper hole puncher
Small pieces of rectangular paper
Introduction: (Think-Pair-Share)
I want you to think for a minute about what we talked about yesterday, what is
multiplication? Repeated addition
Now I want you to discuss with your table groups the things we learned yesterday about
Its repeated addition
Anything times 0 is 0
Now I want each group to share one thing they talked about.
If wanted to give each of you 2 M&Ms, I could either add 2+2+2 nine times, or I could
multiply 9 x 2= 18 so I would need 18 M&Ms. Which one of these seems faster? To add
2+2+2 nine times? Or to take 2 x 9 and get 18? If you think the addition way is faster,
that might be the case right now, but eventually once you all get the hang of it, you will
learn that taking 9x2 is quite a bit faster.
Input and modeling:
Today we are going to explore how and why multiplication works
Yesterday we started talking about the concept that multiplication is repeated addition.
Today we are going to see how it works.
In your notebook I want you all to write down: 3 x 2=
Next I am going to have you punch holes in your paper. I want you to punch three holes
going down, and make two columns of three holes.

Your paper should look like this.

How many holes did we punch? (6) so this shows us that 3 x 2 = 6
Then I want you to write 2 x 3 = on your paper
Then I want you to glue three columns of two dots on your paper

Your paper should look like this

How many dots did we glue down? ( 6) so we know that 2 x 3= 6
Can anyone tell me what is the same about 2x3 and 3x2? Yes, they both equal six, that
is what we call a fact family.
Then go over the same thing for the following:

Pairs Check
Put the students in groups of 2
We are going to do the same thing we did during instruction, but now you are going to
draw cards to get your multiplication problems, and you are going to work in pairs.
Student A will draw two cards, and write the numbers on either side of the multiplication
sign. Then Student A will take a colored piece of paper and punch the number of holes
and columns to figure out the answer to their multiplication problem and set it above their
problem they wrote.
Student A is then going to write the fact family in the other column of their worksheet,
and place the dots above the fact family .
Students B job is to watch and make sure that student A is doing their problem correctly.
Once they both agree on the answer, then student A can glue down their answers. And
student B will put their initials on Student As paper.
Then it will be Student Bs turn to draw cards.
The students will do this until the timer goes off.
While the students are doing the pairs check the teacher will walk around the room,
checking for understanding.
Share and Summarize
In your pairs, pick one multiplication problem that you solved and share it with the class.
How did you solve that problem? (have each group do one problem)
Can you think of any time when you would use multiplication outside of this class?
Things to listen and look for during pairs check
Are students doing it correctly?
What parts are confusing to them?
Are the students working well together in groups?

If students arent using the paper hole puncher and paper correctly, I would give the
student a marker and have the students draw out the dots instead

Did students understand how to multiply using the array model?
Did students get a better understanding on multiplication?
If I could do this again, what would I change?
What things do we need to recap tomorrow?

Name: __________________
Exploring Multiplication

Original Problem

Fact Family
Partners Initials:____

_______ x _______= _______

_______ x _______= _______

Partners Initials:____

_______ x _______= _______

_______ x _______= _______

Partners Initials:____

_______ x _______= _______

_______ x _______= _______

Partners Initials:____

_______ x _______= _______

_______ x _______= _______

Partners Initials:____

_______ x _______= _______

_______ x _______= _______

Partners Initials:____

_______ x _______= _______

_______ x _______= _______

Partners Initials:____

_______ x _______= _______

_______ x _______= _______

Partners Initials:____

_______ x _______= _______

_______ x _______= _______

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