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Help me please!! genetic problems!!?

in soybeans, broad leaf is incompletely dominant to narrow: the heterozygous is intermediate. purple
flower is dominant to white. what is the phenotypic F2 ratio if a broad-leavedwhich is homozygous for
purple flowers is crossed between with a narrow-leaved, white flower plant? what would the offspring of a
cross... show more
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Best Answer: B=broad, N=narrow...P=purple, p=white

F1= BNPp ....all Intermediate leaves and purple flowers
Next Cross..BNPp X NNpp.....Put this in a Punnett square to see the resulting offspring. Do the same for
the next part of the question using the parents below.

In sweet pea gene C or P alone produces white flower, where as both C and P are needed to produce
purple coloured flower. In a particular cross between two white flowered plants the offsprings were
one half purple and one-half white. The possible genotypes of the parents is:

Cc Pp x ccPp


CCpp x ccPP


ccPp x CCpp


Ccpp x ccPp

Answer: Option C

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