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Plan de la unidad: La receta/ The recipe

Author: Allison Eggleston

Stage 1 Desired Results

1.1 Interpersonal Communication:
Learners interact and negotiate
meaning in spoken, signed, or
written conversations to share
information, reactions, feelings, and
1.3 Presentational Communication:
Learners present information,
concepts, and ideas to inform,
explain, persuade, and narrate on a
variety of topics using appropriate
media and adapting to various
audiences of listeners, readers, or
3.1 Making Connections: Learners
build, reinforce, and expand their
knowledge of other disciplines while
using the language to develop critical
thinking and to solve problems

Students will be able to independently use their learning to

Be precise with the gender and number of adjectives, articles, and

Communicate with other native and non-native Spanish speakers
using unit vocabulary.
Communicate desired actions using affirmative and negative
informal commands.



Students will understand that

Cmo damos instrucciones a otras


Giving commands,
instructions, and suggestions
is a different type of
communication than simply
describing someone doing an

(How do we give instructions to other


Students will know

Students will be skilled at

4.1 Language Comparisons: Learners
use the language to investigate,
explain, and reflect on the nature of
language through comparisons of the
language studied and their own.

Vocabulary pertaining to food

and cooking
How to conjugate regular and
irregular AR/ER/IR verbs in
affirmative and negative
informal commands.
The rules of gender and
number agreement and phrase
word order

Giving both affirmative and

negative informal (T)
Talk about food from different
cultures in Spanish.
Skillfully using a dual-language
dictionary to accurately look
up words when translating.

5.1 School and Global Communities:
Learners use the language both
within and beyond the classroom to
interact and collaborate in their
community and the globalized world
5.2 Lifelong Learning: Learners set
goals and reflect on their progress in
using languages for enjoyment,
enrichment, and advancement

Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria

Assessment Evidence

See the attached rubrics.


La receta: students will choose a recipe to translate from English into

Spanish. The recipe will be presented both in English as well as in
Spanish for both the ingredients list as well as the steps which will be
given in the form of informal commands.


Quiz: regular and irregular informal commands (positive and negative)

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction

Prior knowledge of irregular YO verbs and stem-changing verbs in the present tense.
How to conjugate regular and irregular verbs in informal (T) commands.
The rules of gender and number as applied to ingredients in a recipe.
Food vocabulary and kitchen vocabulary
How to utilize a Spanish-English dictionary

Formative Assessments
Students will be given a variety of different verbs to define and conjugate in the present tense during the Toma
Tiempo. Students will complete guided in-class practice via assignments that have been posted on Google
Students will be quizzed on the informal commands (positive and negative) for both regular and irregular verbs.
La receta
Students will choose a recipe to translate from English into Spanish. The recipe will be presented both in English as
well as in Spanish for both the ingredients list as well as the steps which will be given in the form of informal

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