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A guide to How to make a loaf of white

Steps on How to make a loaf of white


bread using Technology

Power point

Subject: Education Technology

Lecturer: Dr Roland Birbal
Group Members: Isabell Williams
Susan Clarke Hamilton

Web Quest
Step 4 Open webquest, click on Task,
to view notes & pictures of ingredients

Step 1 Insert CD into computer, and

open to powerpoint on How to make a
loaf of white bread
Step 2 Slide 1 introduction to group
Slide 2 Set Induction
Slide 3 Click on link that leads to web
quest on the steps to making a loaf of
white bread?

needed to make a loaf of white bread

(objective 1)
Step 5 click on process and view video
1 showing the incorporation of dry and
liquid ingredients(objective 2)
Click on video 2 showing how to knead
the dough smoothly(objective 3)
Step 5 click on Evaluation to view
pictures of the final product of a bake
loaf of white bread
Step 6 click back to PowerPoint for an

Slide 5 Assessment on bread making

Slide 6 conclusion and End website

review on the entire process on how to

make a loaf of white bread on slide 4

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