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MRCOG Part 2 Exam March 2016

1. 82 years old lady who suffers from urgency, frequency and stress urinary
incontinence. She has medical history of osteomalacia and chronic constipation. She
has tried physiotherapy and bladder retraining but was ineffective. On examination;
she has moderate vaginal atrophy.
Which medication you will offer her:
-Immediate release Oxybutinin
-Transdermal Oxybutinin
-Vaginal Estrogen
-Trospium Hydrochloride
2. In cases of lichen sclerosis, What percentage of patients will not respond to treatment
with topical steroids:
3. During evacuation of retained products of conception, what is the most common site
of uterine perforation
-Anterior uterine wall
-Posterior uterine wall
-Right lateral uterine wall
-Left Lateral uterine wall
-Uterine fundus
4. A 45 years old lady who had under gone a hysterectomy for abnormal uterine
bleeding and dysmenorrhea. On histopathological examination was found to have
Adenomyosis. What would be the most common co-existing uterine finding:
-Endometrial cancer
-Endometrial polyp
-Uterine fibroid
-Endometrial hyperplasia
5. In postmenopausal women what is the percentage of endometrial cancer in those who
present with abnormal uterine bleeding

6. A lady presents with missed miscarriage at 7 weeks gestation. She opted for surgical
management. What is the most common complication she is at risk of:
-Cervical trauma
-Blood transfusion
-Uterine perforation
7. A postmenopausal woman presented with slow onset of increasing facial acne and
hirsutism that started initially 6 months back. On examination: she has male type
baldness. What is the most likely diagnosis:
-Androgen secreting tumour
-Ovarian Hyperthicosis
-Adrenal tumour
-Polycystic ovaries
8. A couple presents to the infertility clinic for advice. The husband on investigation was
found to have low FSH, LH and testosterone levels. What is the most likely cause:
-Kalmann syndrome
-Anabolic steroids
-Kleinfilter Syndrome
-Cystic fibrosis
9. A lady presents with vulvar irritation. On examination: wou found an annular lesion
with scaling on the vulva with a similar one on the scalp. What is your management:
-Refer to dermatology
10. A lady presents with vulval irritation. On examination you found a small lesion
<1cm in diameter on the labia majora. What is your management
-Excisional biopsy
11. A lady presents with vulval irritation. On examination you found a 1cm growth on
the clitoral hood. What is your management
-Excisional biopsy
-Edge biopsy
-biopsy from the center
12. A couple presented to the infertility clinic for advice. The lady has a normal
hormonal profile with ovulatory cycles. HSG showed normal patent tubes bilaterally.
The husband had semen analysis of 0.1 million sperm/ml, abnormal forms, small

testicles with high FSH and LH. Which treatment option you will offer the:
-IUI with donor sperm
-IVF with donor sperm
-IVF with husband sperm
-Surgical sperm retrieval
13. A lady had hysteroscopic tubal sterilization she is currently on combined oral
contraceptives. You advise her that the procedure will be effective:
-After her first menstrual cycle
-After finishing the current packs of COCPs
-After having HSG confirmation after 3 months

An Epileptic drug whose efficacy is reduced if used concomitantly with COCPs

-Valproic acid

15. A 17 years old girl presented with primary amenorrhea. She has well developed
breast and sparse pubic and axillary hair. On examination was found to have a blind
ending vagina.
-Androgen secreting tumour
-Turner Syndrome
-Androgen insensitivity
16. A 40 years old women, came to see you with her husband who mentioned that she
lately developed acne and hoarseness of voice. She has grade 2-4 hirsutism.
Testosetrone is 11, 17-Ketosteroids are normal. FSH, LH are normal. What is the most
likely cause:
-Androgen secreting tumour
-Adrenal tumour
-Cushings syndrome
17. Patient had ovulation induction for IVF on day 9 she developed severe OHSS and
was admitted to the hospital. She remained oliguric despite adequate fluid
maintenance. What is your management:

18. A 35 years old lady with irregular periods has seen the GP who did some blood
tests for her: FSH is 35 iu/l and LH is 45 iu/l. What investigation you will do for her
-Repeat FSH and LH on day 2-3 of her periods
19. Patient presents with history of difficulty emptying the bladder. She has history of
multiple sclerosis. On investigations was found to have high residual volume. What is
your management:
-Botulinium injection
-Suprapubic catheterization
20. Patient presents with persistent urge incontinence after failed conservative
management of bladder retraining and decreasing fluid and caffeine intake. What is
your management:
-Trospium Hydrochloride
21. A 34 years old Aerobics instructor, complaining of stress incontinence. She has
tried physiotherapy and pelvic floor exercise but no benefit. You advise her for
surgical management, but she refused. She asks you if there is any medication
available for her case. What is your management:
-you tell her that there are no medications for her condition
You review a patient in the gynaecology ward. She had TVT with postop 48hrs
catheterization. After removal of the catheter she had urinary retention. How long you
would re-catheterize her for:
-48 hrs with clamping
-24 hrs free drain
-Catheterization with antibiotic cover
23. Middle age Patient presents to the Gyn clinic with vulval irritation and progressively
worsening dysparaunea even with using lubricants. It started initially 6 months back.
On examination Labia are flushed. What is the most likely diagnosis:
-Lichen sclerosis
-Lichen planus

24. Patient presents to the gyn clinic with multiple small painless erythematous red
fleshy lesions on the vulva. What is the most likely diagnosis:
-Vulval Cancer
-HPV infection
-HSV infection
25. Patient presents with irregular bleeding. An endometrial biopsy was collected. The
pathology report showed: Irregular glands, packed together back to back but not
invading the stroma. What is the most likely diagnosis:
-Complex endometrial hyperplasia
-Simple endometrial hyperplasia
-Endometrial Adenocarcinoma
26. A patient presents in early pregnancy at 6 weeks of gestation. Pelvic scan showed
a small fetal pole with no fetal heart. GS is 28 x 25 x 22 mm in size. What is your
-Repeat scan in 7-10 days
-Counsel Re-TOP
-Medical management
27. Patient presents with pap smear that shows low grade changes. You did HPV triage
testing and it was negative. What is your management:
-Routine recall in 3-5 years
28. Patient is 58 years old. She is on HRT. She is scheduled for TAH and BSO in 7 days.
What would be your plan for postoperative thromboprophylaxis:
-LMWH x 4 days
-LMWH x 7 days
-LMWH only during her inpatient stay
-TEDS + mobilization
29. This is a study that was done to compare the effectiveness of Metformin and
clomid in subfertile patients with PCOD. A sub analysis was done according to the

patient weight. The results show:

-Metformin is equally as effective as clomifene in the obese group (BMI > 30)
-Metformin andclomifeneare equally affective in the non-obese group (BMI <30)
-Metformin is less effective than clomifene in the non-obese group (BMI >30)
-Metformin is more effective than clomifene in the non-obese group (BMI < 30)
-The statistical difference is insignificant

The risk of infraumbilical adhesions after a midline laparotomy is:



What is the initial management in a 25 years old patient with HMB:

-Tranexamic acid

32. What is the management for a 47 years old patient with DUB with normal
-Progesterone injections

33. Patient who is postmenopausal was started on continuous combined HRT 3 months
back. She presented with aacomplaint of abnormal uterine bleeding. What is your
-Change type of HRT
-stop HRT
-Increase the dose of HRT
34. A 38 year old woman who smokes 30 cigarettes a day comes for six week
postnatal checkup after delivery of her third child. She is keen not to become
pregnant again but does not wish to be sterilized. She does not wish to gain weight.
What is the
single most appropriate prescription treatment.
-Medroxyprogesterone acetate(Depot Provera)
-Postcoital oral contraception
The pathology shown in this HSG is most commonly associated with which

-Pelvic kidney
-Double ureter
-renal agenesis
-ectopic ureter
36. A patient was diagnosed with PMS after having symptom diary. What is the initial
-High dose SSRI
37. A 29 years old lady attends the Gyn clinic 6 months post difficult vaginal delivery.
She is complaining of vulval pain and dysparaunea. On examination the perineum

looks normal with vaginismus. What is the appropriate initial management:

-Lidocaine ointment to the perineum
-Refer to physiotherapy
-Refer for Psychosexual counseling
38. Misoprostol for medical management of miscarriage has the fastest onset of action
and longest duration of action if administred through which route:

Risk of vaginal prolapse in women is:


40. Patient comes to see you in the clinic who is 14 years old and wants to TOP. You
will proceed according to what:
-Fraser competence
-Gillick competence
-Mental capacity
-Parental consent
41. A couple married for 3 years with subfertility. On investigations all normal for both
of them. What is the management that you will offer:
42. A 45 years old lady with history of HMB for which she is receiving medical
management. In which of the following conditions ultrasound scan will be done as an
initial investigation:
-Prior to insertion of IUS
-Heavy bleeding causing anemia
-Failed medical treatment
43. You are doing Gyn clinic and a patient came to see you who had a cervical mass of
2 cm in size. She complains that 1 year ago she had a pap smear that showed sever
dyskariosis and no one informed her. She mentioned that she has shifted her house
during that time. What is the action that you will take:

-Clinical incident report

-Governance patient safety report
-Inform CMO
-Inform GMC
44. 41 years old patient known to have PCOD, her BMI is 35. She has family history of
heart attack. According to her risk factors, what is the most important risk factor that
puts her at risk of metabolic syndrome:
-Her age
-Her BMI
-Her family history
45. A patient with estrogen positive breast cancer she has completed 5 years of
Tamoxinfen. For how long you would advise her to wait before she gets pregnant:
- 6months
- 1 year
- 2 year
What is most possible diagnosis in each of the following cases:
-Stress urinary incontinence
-Mixed urinary incontinence
-Overactive bladder
-Overactive bladder + stress incontinence
-Diabetic bladder
-Urge incontinence
-Vesicovaginal fistula
46. 58 years old woman suffering from urinary incontinence, urgency and dribbling of
urine. Her urine culture is negative. Her UDS are as follows:
Bladder capacity: 200 ml
Residual volume: 25 ml
Detruser pressure during the procedure: 30
flow rate : 30 mls/sec
first desire to void at 90 ml
Incontinence on provocative tests
47. 58 years old woman suffering from urinary incontinence, urgency and frequency.
Her urine culture is negative. Her UDS are as follows:

Bladder capacity: 400 ml

Residual volume: 50 ml
Detruser pressure during the procedure stable throughout
flow rate : 10 mls/sec
Had continuous leakage from the vagina throughout the procedure
48. 58 years old woman suffering from urinary incontinence and urgency. Her urine
culture is negative. Her UDS are as follows:
Bladder capacity: 300 ml
Residual volume: 50 ml
Detruser pressure during the procedure: 30
flow rate : 50 mls/sec
first desire to void at 90 ml
no incontinence was demonstrated

What is most possible diagnosis in each of the following cases:

-Androgen secreting tumour
-Turner Syndrome
-Sweyer syndrome
-Androgen insenstivity
49. A 19 years old girl with primary amenorrhea, normal secondary sexual characters.
She is sexually active. On examination found to have a blind ending vagina.
50. A 16 years old girl, presenting with primary amenorrhea. She has grade 2-4
hirsutism, acne and small non developed breast. She refused vaginal examination.

A postmenopausal woman presents with a single episode of vaginal spotting. On USS

was found to have ET of 1.3 mm, with incidental diagnosis of left ovarian cyst of 4.5 cm
in size.
What is the most appropriate management in each of these cases:
-TAH +BSO + Omentectomy + Peritoneal cytology + lymphadenectomy
-Left Oophorectomy

-Bilateral oophoprectoomy
-Ovarian cystectomy
-Cyst aspiration
-Discharge with no Followup
-USS in 4 months
51. The cyst is noted on the scan to have regular smooth surface with clear fluid
content. CA125 is 10.

The cyst is multilocular with solid component <1cm . CA125 is 30.

53. The cyst is simple, and it was noted that she had a scan 1 year back where that
cyst with same measurements was noted. CA125 is 30.

What is the most relevant cause of this patients symptoms?

-Complicated Chlamydia infection
-Herpes simplex
54. Patient in a monogamous relationship for 4 years. 2 years back she had Chlamydial
infection that was treated but she did not follow up in GUM clinic. Now she presents
with vaginal discharge, abdominal pain and mild dysuria. She also generalized joint
pain, arthritis and conjunctivitis.

A patient presents to the early pregnancy unit with left iliac fossa pain. Pregnancy test is
What is the most appropriate management in each of these cases:
-Admit for observation
-Discharge with no followup
-Booking scan at 12 weeks
-Do BHCG now and after 48 hrs
-Serum progesterone now and in 48 hrs

55. On USS a viable foetus is seen with small subchorionic bleed. And a 3 cm
haemorrhagic left ovarian cyst was noted too.

No IUGS is seen on USS.


IUGS is seen on USS, with a 3 cm left ovarian mass and moderate free fluid in POD.

What is the most appropriate management in each of these cases:

-Await menstruation/ check BHCG
58. A woman had an IUCD inserted 3 months back. She had her periods 3 weeks ago,
it was heavy with clots. Then she went on a vacation for 2 weeks where she had
regular sexual intercourse. Last SI was 4 days back. She came to see you as she could
not feel the threads. And she is requesting emergency contraception. On USS there
was no IUCD.
59. A lady had unprotected SI 3 days back. She has an abnormal shaped uterus.
Requesting emergency contraception.
60. A lady had USI 3 days back. She is 35 years old, wants contraception that she can
retain for a long time.

What is the most likely cause in each of these cases:

-Bowel obstruction
-Vaginal haematoma
-Infected vault haematoma
-Chest infection
-Narcotic misuse
-Mismanagement of IV fluids

61. You went to review the patient 6 hrs post-operative who is postmenopausal , 60
years old.You found her with low respiratory rate, otherwise all was normal.
62. A patient post TAH on day 2 who is a cigarette smoker is having pyrexia, feeling
unwell. Her observations are normal and abdomen is soft. She is obese with BMI of 39.
63. Day 1 post TAH, she is having oliguria. Urine output < 30 ml/hr. Abdomen soft,
wound with signs of bruises but no bleeding or signs of infection. All observations are
What is the most appropriate management in each of these cases:
-Continue same management
64. 24 hrspost-operative the patient had a spike of temperature 37.8 and was started
on antibiotics. All her observations are normal and she is stable since then.

65. A pregnant lady at 14 weeks gestation , she got Parvovirus infection. What is the
risk of mother to fetus transmission intrauterine at this gestation:
66. The risk of urinary incontinence after Elective cesarean section is decreased in
comparison to normal vaginal delivery to what percentage:

67. A pregnant woman at 24 weeks gestation known to have pulmonary TB on

Isoniazid, Rifampicin and Ethambutol. Which investigation you will do monthly:
-Liver function test
-Urea electrolytes
-Drug levels
-Full blood count
68. A patient who is known to have hyperthyroidism on Carbimazole. She presents at
26 weeks gestation with a complaint of sore throat. Which investigation you will do
-Throat swab
-Thyroid function tests
69. You received a call from the GP asking for your opinion as he has a patient who
presented at 24 weeks of gestation with a 2 day history of chicken pox rash who came
asking for advise. What would you advise him to do:
-Refer her to hospital
-Offer acyclovir
-Reassure her
-Topical emollients
-Intravenous IG
70. Woman in the second trimester of pregnancy, presenting with erythematous rash
over her face, neck, chest and extensor surface of arms. What is the most likely
-Atopic eruptions of pregnancy
- (no infectious causes were in the choices)
71. A lady with MCDA twins presents antenatally. At what gestational age you should
start screening for TTTS
-14 weeks
-16 weeks
-18 weeks
-20 weeks
-24 weeks
72. Patient comes to see you in the clinic. She is 3 months post Forceps delivery with
2nd degree vaginal tear. She is complaining of flatus incontinence and fecal
incontinence too especially when her stools are soft. What is the investigation that
you will do:

-Manometry and endoanal scan

-Pelvic floor exercise
73. Regarding the anatomy of the Inferior Epigastric artery. From which branch it
-External iliac artery
-Internal Iliac artery
-Femoral artery

Patient presents with IUFD at 26 weeks gestation. What is your management:

-Mifepristone 200 milligrams followed after 36-48 hrs with Misoprostol 100
micrograms x 6 doses.
-Mifepristone 100 milligrams followed after 36-48 hrs with Misoprostol 25-50
micrograms x 6 doses.
-Mifepristone 200 micrograms followed after 36-48 hrs with Misoprostol 100
micrograms x 6 doses.
-Mifepristone 200 micrograms followed after 36-48 hrs with Misoprostol 25-50
micrograms x 6 doses.
-Mifepristone 100 micrograms followed after 12-24 hrs with Misoprostol 25-50
micrograms x 6 doses.

75. Patient at 13+4 weeks gestation. She is 41 years old and wants screening for
Down syndrome. What is the most appropriate test at this gestation:
-Combined test ( NT + Pappa A + BHCG)
-Quadrible test + Triple test
-Gestational age not suitable for screen now
76. Patient weighing 120 Kgs, has just delivered by emergency cesarean section. What
is the dose of Deltaparin that you will prescribe for her:
-5000 IU
-7500 IU
-10,000 IU
77. Patient is seen by you in the antenatal clinic in the second trimester. She has
history of admission to the psychiatric unit before pregnancy with major psychiatric
disorder. She is on Fluxetine 40 mg OD for depression. She is worried about its effect
on the baby and is asking you about what she should do. Your advise will be:
-Stop medication
-Reassure her
-Decrease the dose to 20 mg Daily
-Change to TCAs
-Stop the medication and start CBT


The most sensitive feature of acute myocardial infarction on ECG is:

-ST segment elevation
-ST segment Depression
-Prolonged Q-T interval

79. Patient with h/o PPROM , with temperature of 35.7, BP 80/50 . What is your initial
-CBC and CRP
-Blood culture+ Lactic acid

Threshold level of lactic acid for diagnosis of sepsis is:

-1 mmol/l
-2 mmol/l
-3 mmol/l
-4 mmol/l
-5 mmol/l

81. Patient at 30 years old, who is p1 had normal vaginal delivery 6 hrs back. She has
family history of thrombophilia. When she was investigated was found to be factor V
leiden homozygous. What is your management:
-LMWH x 7days
-LMWH x 6 months
-TEDS + mobilization
82. In your hospital it was decided to use FFN for all patients who present with risk of
preterm labour. After 6 months only you realized that the stock that was ordered has
all finished. You want to know whether you have underestimated the number of
patients that present to your hospital or what. What is your management:
-Clinical effectiveness
-Arrange meeting with unit managers
-Run an audit
-Make a research
83. The RCOG exam has two componenets written and OSCE, Which choice best
describes each:


84. This is a study that was done in a hospital where the researcher recommends that
according to his findings all preterm babies should be delivered by CS as it improves
the survival rate.



P value

Why is that wrong:

-The numbers on each arm are not even
-The P-value is not significant
-It was not done with intention to treat
-wrong statistical analysis
85. This is a Patient 2 years post renal transplant. She is stable. Came to see you for
preconceptional counseling. She is taking the following medications, which one you
would advise her to stop prior to pregnancy:
86. A 36 years old, obese patient with BMI of 38 at 35 weeks gestation. She has
frequent attacks of headache with diplopia and eye pain. CT was done which was
negative. Which treatment you will offer:
87. A patient with high BP post-delivery. She is asthmatic. Which medication you will
prescribe to her:
88. Patient with HIV. Viral load is undetectable. She was on HAART antenatally. When
should you stop HAART postnatally:
-4 weeks
-6 weeks
-6 months
-12 months

Patient who has sepsis postnatally. What is the most common causative organism:

-Streptococcus Agalactae
90. A pregnant patient who recently arrived to the UK, mentioned to you that she had
genital cutting as a child. On examination: there is no clitoris, no labia minora, labia
majora are sutured together in the midline was small opening admitting 1 finger at
the fourchette. How do you classify that:
-Grade 1 FGM
-Grade 2 FGM
-Grade 3 FGM
-Grade 4 FGM
-Female circumcision
91. A registrar is performing an elective CS,on opening the abdomen he found large
vessels covering the lower uterine segment. At 19 wks. USS showed Placenta anterior
low lying but not previa. what will be your management:
-ask interventional radiologist to come and pass femoral line then proceed
-stop and wait for consultant to come
-give incision above the upper edge ofvessels and deliver the baby until the
consultant arrives
-ask for USS to check placental location than proceed
92. Patient who had slow progress of labour. She just had the head of the baby
delivered 2 mins ago with +ve turtle sign. After call for help and the emergency bell
what will be your management:
-Suprapubic pressure
-All Fours
-Internal maneuvers

Risk of congenital heart block in SLE where Anti Ro and Anti La are positive:


Recurrence risk of acute fatty liver of pregnancy is:



Risk of post dural puncture headache is:

-0.1-0.4 %


Opiates receptors in the CNS are located in:

-Basal ganglia + Spinal cord white matter
-Hippocumpalgyrus + Spinal cord grey matter
-Preaquiductal area of the brain

97. You performed an Audit. you set the criteria, collected the data, made an acyion
plan, trained the team and did a re-audit after 6 months. What is the remaining step:
-Setting the standard
-Closing the loop
-Implementation of the results
-Sharing the results
98. Patient developed rashes over her body at 26 weeks gestation. Which of the
following criteria of the rash would be reassuring:
-Sparing the umbilicus
-If abdominal striae are present
-If rashes are on the trunk and the extensor surfaces
99. Patient had normal delivery with multiple tears: parauretheral , labial and a tear
involving 50% of the EAS but intact mucosa and IAS. Which grade you will classify her
-2nd degree
-3a 3rd degree
-3b 3rd degree
-3c 3rd degree
-4th degree
100. Patient is having a psychiatric problem on Olanzapine. Which side effect is more
common with this medication:
-Congenital anomalies
-Cardiac anomalies
101. The most common side effect of excessive use of oxytocin is:
102. During the 10 weeks scan the fetus was noted to have omphalocele with midline
defect. What is the possible cause:
-Physiological gut herniation

-Edward Syndrome
-Patau syndrome
103. A pregnant patient in the first trimester. CRL is 90 on the scan. Which parameter
would be most accurate for dating:
104. In case Face presentation what is the presenting diameter:
Pregnant lady with baby weight <10% and oligohydramnios, male fetus ,what is
the most likey cause:
- Uteroplacental insufficiency
- Posterior uretheral valve
- Decreased renal perfusion


What is your initial management in each of the following Scenarios?
-Oxytocin IV 5 IU
-Oxytocin infusion
-Bakri balloon
-Brace suture
-Uterine artery embolization
-Manual removal of placenta in theatre under anaethesia
-Examination in the room with good light
106. Patient had Cesarean section. During the procedure she sustained bladder injury
that the urologist came in and repaired intraoperatively. After the procedure while the
patient was still in the recovery with Syntocinon infusion running, you were called by
the midwife that was worried as the patient is heavily bleeding. The dressing is dry
with no ooze from the wound and the uterus is contracted. Her preoperative Hb was

11.8 g/dl. Now he Hb is 7.4 g/dl.

107. Patient with previous Cesarean section had a successful vaginal delivery. However
placenta was not separated despite active management of third stage. The patient is
heavily bleeding.
108. Para 4 patient, post normal vaginal delivery. She had completed active
management of third stage with small second degree tear that was already sutured
by the midwife. You were called as the patient while still in the labour room started

What is your management in each of the following cases:

-Amniocentesis for detection of infection
-Serial ultrasound scans
-Counsel for termination of pregnancy
109. Patient presents at 26 weeks gestation with rash. On blood investigations you
found that she has got Rubella infection.
110. A school teacher presented with a rash after contact with a boy at school who had
a similar rash that was thought initially to be Rubella. However on serology was found
to be negative for rubella but infected with Parvo virus.

What is your management in each of the following cases:

-Admit for induction of labour
-IOL at 37 weeks
-IOL at 40 weeks
-IOL within next week
-Cesaarean section
111. Patient presented at 38 weeks, she complains that she cant walk due to severe
pain at the pubic symphysis that she has been taking codeine and paracetamol for.
She is demanding delivery.
112. Patient presented at 39 weeks of gestation, she had history of spinal injury but was
fine before pregnancy. By 31 weeks gestation she started using crutches at home too

for mobilization later she had to buy a wheel chair to use at home for movement. Now
she even uses the wheelchair to go out as cant walk anymore. She is demanding

Choose the most appropriate option:

-Late indirect maternal death
-Indirect maternal death
-direct maternal death
-Coincidental death
-Early indirect maternal death
-Sudden death
-Does not fulfill maternal mortality criteria
113. A lady was murdered by her husband at 22 weeks gestation.
114. A lady who was admitted at 14 weeks gestation and had surgical management for
missed miscarriage. 2 days later she died and was discovered to have cardiac disease
with Eisenmenger syndrome.
115. A lady who had IOL for preeclampsia. On day 4 postnatal her BP was 222/115. She
developed intracranial haemorrhage and died at 5 weeks postnatal.

Choose the most relevant vessel in these cases:

-obturator artery
-pudendal artery
-deep circumflex iliac artery
-Superficial circumflex iliac artery
-Middle rectal artery
-Superior gluteal artery
-Inferior gluteal artery
-External iliac artery
116. During doing sacrospinous fixation for a patient with vault prolapse she started
bleeding heavily during tying a knot near the pyriformis muscle. Which vessel is most
likely injured?

117. Patient had a forceps delivery after which she developed a heamatoma on the right
vaginal wall. You took her to the OR for evacuation and found that blood was coming
from a deep vessel. Which vessel is most likely injured?
118. Patient who sustained a 4th degree tear during delivery had severe bleeding from
the anal area. What is the main vessel from which the injured vessel has arisen?

What is your management in each of the following cases:

-Inform community midwife
-Arrange community midwife visit
-Another ANC appt in 1 week
- Another ANC appt in 4 weeks
-Inform police
-Inform safeguarding services
119. Patient who is known to take Cocaine and other elicit drugs. She was started on
Methadone OD, but she is not complaint with the medications. She is known to the
social services. She is also having reports of domestic abuse. She had a scheduled
antenatal clinic follow up appointment with you today but she did not show up.
120. Patient who is known to take Cocaine. She was started on Methadone. She is taking
her medication regularly. She had a scheduled antenatal clinic follow up appointment
with you today but she only did her ultrasound scan and left without seeing you. The
community midwife has already been informed.

What is your management in each of the following cases:

-Inform the police
-Cant proceed as consent requirements not complete
-Defer the procedure
-Take husband consent
-Get another opinion
-Respect patients rights
-Proceed with the procedure
-Take parental consent
121. 15 years old boy came to see you in the clinic with his girlfriend from school that is
15 years old too. She is pregnant and requesting TOP, and she does not want to

inform her family.

122. A patient in labour seems to have a sound mind. She is having a pathological CTG,
you advised her for emergency cesarean section, but after understanding all the risks
she refused to have the procedure done. However, the husband is asking you to
proceed with CS.

What is your management in each of the following cases:

-Take biopsy from the mass
-Abandon the procedure and arrange appointment for discussion
-Cant proceed as consent requirements not complete
-Defer the procedure
-Take husband consent
-Take consent from next of kin
-Get another opinion and proceed
-Proceed with the procedure
-Remove structure (x) from structure (y)
-Remove structure (y)
123. Patient at 38 years old is consented for Laparoscopic hysterectomy with ovarian
conservation +/- laparotomy +/- BSO for Abnormal uterine bleeding. During the
surgery you found that the left ovary (y) has a cyst (x) and is adherent to the lateral
pelvic wall.
124. A Patient, who is 28 years old with a positive HCG and empty uterus on scan with a
3 cm right adnexal mass, was consented for laparoscopy + salpingectomy. During the
procedure you found both tubes normal and the right ovary (y) has a 3 cm mass
attached to it (x).
125. You were called by you surgeon colleague who was doing a laparoscopic
appendectomy on a patient who presented with pelvic pain for suspected
appendicitis. During the procedure he found that the appendix was normal so he
deferred the procedure. But he also found a 3 cm hemorrhagic ovarian cyst (x)
attached to the right ovary (y) so he called you in for opinion.
What is your initial management in each of the following cases:
-Cardiac MRI
-Desferrioxamine chelation therapy

-Deferasirox chelation
126. Pregnant patient in second trimester with thalassemia major, did not come for
preconceptualcunselling. On liver ferriscan was found to have high iron overload.
127. Pregnant patient with thalassemia major who had history of splenectomy. Her
platelet count is 600x 10#3.

What is the most likely diagnosis in each of the following cases:

-Anaphylactic shock
-Pulmonary embolism
128. A bus driver 42 years old, at 35 weeks gestation. She is para 4. At the end of her
shift she collapsed. Resuscitation was attempted but she died after 30 mins. She also
had severe peanut allergy.
What is your management in each of the following cases:
-Allow home delivery
-Allow VBAC but no IOL or augmentation
129. Para 1 patient. Low risk. In her first pregnancy she did not have any problems
antenatally. During the dlivery she had epidural and rotational forceps delivery. It was
a very traumatic experience for her. She wants her delivery this time without
intervention at all.
130. Patient with pervious 2 x CS. The first was for Breech and the second as for low
lying placenta at 35 weeks gestation. In the index pregnancy, placenta is not low
lying. And so far pregnancy has been uneventful. She wants to have vaginal delivery.
What is the most appropriate management in each of the following cases:
-Refer to psychiatry unit urgent
-Admit to psychiatric ward

-Admit to maternity ward

-Start antipsychotoc medications
-Arrange an urgent psychological assessment
-Reassurance, family support
-Isolation from the baby
131. Patient brought by her husband 4 days post-delivery she is tearful, but no harm
132. Patient is brought by her husband post-delivery; she is anxious and mentioned that
she is hearing voices talking to her. She has no suicidal ideations or harm thoughts.
What is the most appropriate management in each of the following cases:
-Repeat titre 4 weeks later
-Refer to FMU for MCA Doppler
-Measure cell free F DNA from maternal plasma using PCR
-Measure cell free F DNA from maternal plasma using DNA hybridization
-Umbilical artery Doppler
133. Patient presents at 26 weeks gestation with anti D level of 1013 IU/l .Her husband
is Heterozygous for RH-D.
134. Patient presents at 16 weeks gestation with Anti D level of 0.4 IU/L. Husband is
homozygous for RH-D.

What is your management in each of the following cases:

-Immediate augmentation of labour
-Await SVD but no intervention as FSE or FBS
-Augmentation after 24 hrs if not in labour till then
-Augmentation after 48 hrs if not in labour till then
135. Patient presents with recurrent episode of herpes simplex at term with prelabour
rupture of membranes.
136. Patient with HIV who was on HAART natenatally. Her viral load is <50 copies/ml.
She came at term with prelabour rupture of membranes.

What is your management in each of the following cases:

-Intapartum antibiotics
-Treat now + intrapartum Abs
-Treat now + screen at 37 weeks
-Screen at 37 weeks
-Routine care
137. Patient with history of GBS in her previous pregnancy. Baby was not affected. Came
asking about the management in this pregnancy.
138. Patient with GBS in urine antenatally.
139. Patient with PPROM unknown GBS status

Your are counseling a couple in the preconceptional clinic Regarding the risk of
thalassemia to the offspring:
-50% affected
-25% affected
-50% carrier
-25% affected
-Refer to genetic counseling
140. A lady who is alpha thalassemia carrier, married a man who is beta thalassemia
141. A lady who is beta thalassemia major, married a man who is HbE
142. A lady who is beta thalassemia major, married a man who is alpha thalassemia
Your are counseling a couple in the preconceptional clinic Regarding the risk of to the

-50% affected
-25% affected
-50% carrier
-25% affected
-None affected
-all females are carriers
-all females are affected
-all males are carriers
-all males are affected
-(many choices)
143. A woman who has a sister affected with cystic fibrosis is married to a man who is
144. A woman who is known to be screen free is married to a man with Duchenne
muscular dystrophy.
145. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
What is your initial management in the following scenarios:
-CRP 100/min
-Synchronized cardioversion shock
-3 consecutive shocks
-Adrenaline 1 mg
-Adrenaline 5 mg
-CPR 30/2 breaths /min
-CPR 15/2 breaths / min
-Oxygen mask
146. A pregnant patient was found pulseless on the floor in the antenatal ward.
147. A pregnant patient that collapsed, attended by the emergency team, intubated
and the monitor showed ventricular tachycardia, a shock was given after which the
patient recovered. 2 minutes later she collapsed again. She was still intubated and
connected to the monitor which should ventricular fibrillation this time.

What is your management in the following scenarios:

-reassess in 30 mins

-CS category 1
-CS category 2
-Rotational forceps
-Rotational ventouse
-Forceps delivery in labour room
-Forceps delivery in OR
-await spontaneous labour
148. A primigravida, fully dilated with head just below the spines. Per abdomen the
head is 0/5th palpable. CTG is non reassuring. FBS was done with a result of 7.23.
149. Patient is in labour with pathological CTG. Per abdomen head is 2/5th palpable. She
is gully dilated and head is in ROT position.
150. Patient is in labour, on vaginal examination was found to be 6 cm dilated with cord
prolapse. CTG is normal.
What is the estimated risk to both the mother and the baby in the following scenarios:
High (25%)
High (25%)
High (25%)
Moderate (15%)
Moderate (15%)
Moderate (15%)
Low (5-10%)

High (25%)
Moderate (15%)
Low (5-10%)
High (25%)
Moderate (15%)
Low (5-10%)
High (25%)
Moderate (15%)
Low (5-10%)

151. A patient who has a single atrium and a single ventricle. She had Fontan operation
a child. She is now pregnant.
152. A patient with ASD, asymptomatic. Was found to have a genetic syndrome.
153. Patient with cardiomyopathy. Had cardiac echo done which showed good stroke
What is your management in the following scenarios:
-Offer resuturing

-Conservative management
-Augmentin 625 mg x 7 days
-Flucloxacillin + metronidazole 400 mg BID x 14 days
154. Patient came for followup post SVD with 2nd degree tear. She is complaining that
her strutures broke down, she is 4 days postnatal. On examination, the wound is
completely gabbed, with clean base, and creamy vaginal discharge.

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