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Help for ADSL Status

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ADSL Status
On this page you can view the current status of your ADSL connection.
Refresh... - The web page shows only static information. To always see the latest information, and to be able
to view evolving events, press "Refresh" repeatedly.
ADSL line state :
Down - No ADSL connection.
Activation - The modem tries to establish an ADSL connection.
Training - ADSL connection (DSLAM) found, negotiations of transfer methods in progress.
Channel analysis - ADSL connection (DSLAM) found, test of telephone cable in progress.
Exchange - ADSL connection (DSLAM) found, test transfer of data in progress.
Activated - ADSL connection established (Showtime). The modem is online and ready to transfer data.
(It is completely normal for the modem to report "Down", "Activation", or similar, the first 5 minutes after
power-on. If the modem does not report "Activated" within 5 minutes, please check all telephone cables.)
Downstream - From Internet to modem.
Upstream - From modem to Internet.
SNR (Signal-to-Noise-Ratio) margin - Level differance between the ADSL-signal and the background noise
in the telephone cable. All values above 0 allow data-transfer at current rates. The value is a measurement of
the quality of the telephone cable, and indicates how much the transfer speed could be increased.
Line attenuation - The value is a measurement of the quality of the telephone cable.
Errored seconds - Number of seconds since power-on that the ADSL connection has been non-working. It is
normal to have a value bigger than 0, as long as it does not increase.
Loss of signal - Number of seconds since power-on that the ADSL connection has been down. It is normal to
have a value bigger than 0, as long as it does not increase.
Loss of frame - Number of fractional ATM packets received. It is normal to have a value bigger than 0, as
long as it does not increase.
CRC errors - Number of damaged ATM packets received. It is normal to have a value bigger than 0, as long
as it does not increase.
Data rate - Transfer speed of the ADSL connection.
NOTE! This speed is merely the transfer capacity of the ADSL connection. Many ADSL suppliers limit the
actual data transmission speed centrally.
Bits per channel - Number of data bits transferred per ADSL channel.
(It is completely normal that not all 15 bits are used.)
The diagram may help support and technicians to locate any external interferences affecting your telephone

02/03/2016 07:02 p.m.

Help for ADSL Status

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ADSL Status

02/03/2016 07:02 p.m.

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