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THE CHARTERED INSTITUTE ‘OF BUILDING ISSN 0262-6632 Englemere, Kings Ride, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 8B No 14 1990 Telephone Ascot (0990) 23355 TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE Methods and rates for structural steelwork erection by M.W. Emsley BTech F.C. Harris BEng MSc PhD CEng MCIOB ‘Margaret Emsiey is a civil engineer who has professional ex- perience both in contracting and consulting engineering. She hhas carried out research at Loughborough University of Technology in the general area of construction productivity. Since 1986 she has been a lecturer in the Department of Building Engineering at UMIST where her research interests have extended into the fields of site organisation and computer simulation. Frank Harris is Professor of Construction Studies in the School of Construction, Engineering and Technology at Wolverhamp- ton Polytechnic. He also holds the appointments of Visiting Pro- fessor at Loughborough University of Technology and Visiting Fellow at the Universities of both New Mexico, USA and New ‘South Wales, Australia. He is the author of five textbooks and hhas written numerous research papers reflecting his wide rang- ing interests in construction management. Series Editor: Peter Harlow INTRODUCTION The accuracy of estimating and planning within the building industry isa reflection of the accuracy and reliability of the pro- duction data available. Whilst there is a plethora of data available, much of it is disparate in nature. Productivity data, supplied in estimator’s handbooks, generally exhibit a large range of values. Contractor's own data, obtained from feed- back from site, is of limited value in determining productivity data as the objectives of data collection are different in both cases. It is only by the application of work study techniques. ‘that accurate and reliable productivity data can be obtained. This paper describes erection methods and rates for medium sized structural steel frames. Method statements, for the erec- tion phase, are supplemented with sketches. Output data, giv. ing erection rates, have been obtained by the application of appropriate work study techniques. This work has emanated from a Science and Engineering Research Council grant (SERC), awarded to the Department of Civil Engineering at Loughborough University of Technology, to evaluate produc: tion output for construction labour and plant2; structural steelwork was one of eight construction activities studied. DATA COLLECTION Work study techniques have been used to good effect in ‘manufacturing industry for some considerable time but have had varying impact on building where the transient nature of the workforce, the rapidly changing conditions and short dura- tion of seemingly unique assignments, would seem to restrict their successful implementation. However, research has demonstrated that suitable methods of data collection can be developed to assist in improving productivity for construction work also’. The application of work study encompasses both the techni ques of method study and work measurement. ‘Method study is the recording of work procedures in order to effect improvements. Ultimately the application of this techni- ue leads to better planning and control and the improved use of manpower, plant and material Production data may be obtained by the application of work ‘measurement techniques. The British Standard Glossary of Terms used in work study and organisation and methods* defines work measurement as ‘The application of techniques esigned to establish the time for a qualified worker to carry ‘out a task at a defined rate of working.” ‘Two widely used work measurement techniques are activity sampling and time study. Both these techniques have been refined and adapted for use in the construction industry and hhave been used to collect data on site. Research has shown that activity sampling is the most appropriate procedure for obtaining productivity data where a large number of activities are been carried out by many men and machines; time study is more suited to operations of cyclical nature with few resources involved.® The technique of activity sampling involves the observation of ‘2 group of men and/or machines, and the recording of which activity they are engaged upon at precise moments. Observa tions are usually made at fixed pre-determined intervals. In the studies reported here observations were made at one ‘minute intervals, on both the erection gang and the crane us- ed in the operation. Standard data sheets were prepared and Used to record the data. To facilitate this, codes were used to identity each activity. Some activities are unique toa given trade bbut many (eg fetch) are common to all trades. Each observation is given a ‘rating’ on a scale of 50 to 125, ‘according to British Standards Rating Scale * where 100 represents standard rate, The theory of activity sampling requires that sufficient obser- vations are taken to satisfy the limits of accuracy for a given confidence level. These requirements were met in each case. ‘An operation invariably comprises many events or elements, and the technique of time study necessitates the recording of the actual time when breakpoints occur in the cycle of events, which constitute an operation. For example, the action of pick: ing up a structural steel column, moving it into position and lowering it on to the holding down bolts is one element in the overall erection of a structural steel column, The breakpoints in the operation which define this particular element are ‘crane 2 ‘commences to lift column’ and ‘commence screwing nuts on to holding down bolts’. The time which has elapsed between these two breakpoints can therefore be assigned to the ele- ment, in the operation, which the breakpoints define. DATA ANALYSIS Basic operation times, for a given operation, are determined ‘from the folllowing procedure: (a) basic element times are determined for each element ‘comprising the operation; (b) _ basic time for operation contingency work is determined; (©) the basic element times and operation contingency allowance are assembled to give the basic operation time. Where time study was used basic element times were obtain ed directly. In the case of activity sampling, basic element times were obtained by mutliplying the average number of observa- tions, attributable to that element, by the average time dura- tion between observations. In both cases appropriate ad- justments were made for the rate of working. Times for ac- tivities associated with an operation which cannot be measured directly have been expressed in terms of a contingency allowance which is added to the basic element times to give ‘the basic operation time. ‘The following operations have been considered: (unloading of structural steel components; (ii) erection of structural steel columns; (iil) erection of structural steel beams; (iv) lining and levelling of structural steel frames; (W) erection of roof purlins. The analysis of the data produced results which could be Classified into three distinct categories: © firstly, that where there was no correlation between the basic element time and a related variable (eg, weight of the section), other than the number of components involved: © secondly, that category where basic element time was found to depend upon one variable, and so there was correlation between that variable and the basic element time; © ‘finally, that category where there was correlation between the basic element times and two variables (eg, length and Weight per unit length of the section) A statistical package ‘Minitab’ was used to analyse the basic element times. For example, in the analysis of data for the erec- tion of a structural steel column, a regression equation was pro- duced by considering combinations of functions of weight/length, total weight and length. For each equation pro: duced the coefficient of determination R was examined. This isa measure of the amount of variation, in basic element times, from those predicted. For example if R? = 23.5% then the ‘regression equation accounts for only 23.5% of the observed variation in basic element times. Therefore, a high value of R° indicates a good correlation between variables. A t-test was per- formed to indicate whether the functions chosen were useful predictors in the regression equation. An analysis of variance was also performed to assess whether there was any statistical significance between the basic element times from site to site. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Operational information The data for the operations considered have been summaris- ed under the following headings: Operation Method Method Description: Erection Gang Materials and Tools Required Basic Operation Times Each operation has also been illustrated with sketches for each ‘element of the operation. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the operational information, described above, for the erection of structural steel columns and beams respectively. ‘The Basic Operation Times are summarised in Table 1. These times have been derived by applying the analytical procedures described in the preceding section. Table 1: Basic Operation Times Operation Basic Operation Time Unloading of structural steel components, 3.00 minutes per tonne Erection of a structural stee! column minutes 4.27 + 0.0332 (length) + 10.65 (weight/length) Erection of a structural steel beam 10.6 + 0.513 (length) + 74,53 (weightllength) minutes ‘To line and level a column using a theodolite in one direction and a measuring ‘tape in the other = 12.13 minutes Lining and levelling of structural steelwork To line and level a column using a measuring tape in both directions 1.68 minutes Erection of roof purtir 0.5 minutes per metre length + 1.67 minutes per sag rod Note:— unit of length = metre unit of weightiength = tonnes/metre ‘The Basic Operation Times for the erection of columns and beams may be tabulated for various combinations of unit weight or total weight and length. Alternatively, the information may be displayed graphically. An example for the erection of a struc- tural steel beam is given in Figure 3. Crane utilisation levels Crane utilisation levels have been defined as time spent by the crane working inal ope By ties crate ents Too) time the crane available for work Values vary but a typical value was found to be approximately 65%. Planning times ‘The basic operation time, for a given operation, is a measure of productivity. However, intermittent periods of unproductive time occur, with varying frequency, throughout the working day. ‘These periods need to be quantified, in order that planning times, which include periods of both productivity and unproduc- tivity, may be obtained. tt may be argued that the system of rating allows for any varia- tion in output. However, investigations have shown that there is little variation in the rate at which operatives work, providing, there is work available. Far more fundamental to the maximis+ ing of productivity is the minimising of unproductive time. Therefore, in an attempt to evaluate unproductive time, a con- ‘cept of site factors has been developed. These are, indirectly, a measure of unproductive time throughout the working day. ‘This study has shown that basic operation times are constant from site to site. Site factors vary from site to site. The overall site factor TF is a number by which basic operation times must ‘be multiplied in order to give planning times. The determina- tion of planning times, therefore, for any one site, requires in- tegration of both basic operation times and site factors, in order that the conditions peculiar to that site may be incorporated in the final result. ‘A detailed discussion of the derivation of site factors is outside the scope of this paper. On the five sites studied the average ite factor for the structural steelwork gangs, was in the range of 1.23 to 1.54 and this represents the increase required in basic operation times to give planning times. In fact when these factors are compared with those obtained for other trades they are comparatively low, which is indicative of a high degree of motivation and effectiveness. The build up of planning times is best illustrated by the follow- ing example. It considers the unloading, erection of columns, erection of beams and lining and levelling associated with a ‘small steel framed building, on one of the sites visited. In sim: ple terms this comprised a frame with 12 columns, in a 3 by 4 grid. Each column was connected, at roof height, by beams in both directions. No purlins were specified. Operation: Unloading of structural stee! components, 56.30 tonnes at 3.00 per tonne = 168.90 minutes Operation: The erection of structural steel columns Basic Operation Time = 4.27 + 0.0332 (length) + 10.65 (weightilength) Total Basic Section Size Length No. __ Operation 305 X 305 X 97 kgim 4.485m 4 21.81 minutes 305 X 305 X97 kgim 4.742m 421.84 minutes 305 X 305 X 97 kgim 5.148 4 21.90 minutes Total 65.55 minutes Operation: The erection of structural steel beams Basic Operation Time = 0.66 + 0.513 (length) + 10.65 (weight/length) Total Basic Section Size Length No. Operation Time 915 X 305 X 179 kgim 13.500m 4125.56 minutes 800 X 210 X 109 kgim 13.500m 3 47.13 minutes 689 X 191 X 74 kg/m 10.305m 10 114.62 minutes 915 X 305 X 149 kgim 16.230m 10 194.31 minutes Total = 481.61 minutes Operation: The lining and levelling of structural steel frames To line and level a structural steel framed building. 4 columns in length x 3 columns in width Including all internal columns Basic Operation Time = 154.00 minutes Total Basic Operation Time (for the four operations considered) = 870.06 minutes Site Factor TF (for the whole gang over the duration of the job) 1.42 Planning Time (per gang) (compares with 1200 minutes actual time) = 1236.48 minutes Itis interesting to note that structural steel erection, on the sites observed, mostly took place in gangs of three operatives. However, when that number was either increased, or decreas: ed, there was no statistical significance between the basic operation times. Internal delay (or interference) expressed by site factor IF is inherent in the erection of structural steelwork. However, these studies indicated no correlation between internal delay and the overall site factor TF. A plot of crane utilisation levels versus site factor due to inter: nal interference IF indicates that higher levels of crane utilisa tion are obtained for larger values of IF. This trend is as ex pected, as, to maximise use of the crane, itis necessary to sub- ject the operatives to an increased amount of internal in- terference (ie, waiting while the crane is working). This may ‘not necessarily be the optimum solution, as this will depend (on the relative costs of labour and plant. Examination of crane utilisation levels compared with overall Site factor TF indicates that maximum crane utilisation occurs when TF is minimised. This again would be expected as minimum TF equates to maximum operative efficiency. ‘A graph of daily output, in tonnes, against site factor TF, is ‘shown in Figure 4. itis difficult to draw any precise conclusions {rom this, as on days when unloading, and lining and levelling, are occurring, the tonnage of steel erected willbe reduced. Also the tonnage of steel erected will depend on the size and weight Of the sections involved. However, it serves to illustrate the trend that increased productivity occurs when efficiency of labour is optimised. It also gives an indication of the tonnage which could reasonably be expected to be erected during a given day. CONCLUSION ‘A combination of the techniques of activity sampling and time study has been used to observe the structural steel erection phase of five medium sized steel framed buildings. These techniques have been shown to be both appropriate and ef- fective tools in determining productivity data. Output has been measured, both globally, and as basic element times required to erect component. 4 Equations have been derived for the basic operation times to erect structural steel columns and beams. These have been found to depend upon both length and weight per unit length of the components. The basic operation times for the unloading, and lining and levelling of structural steel components have ‘been found to depend upon one variable only. The basic opera- tion time for the erection of purlins has been found to depend ‘upon both length and the number of sag rods. The data collected have also been used to obtain a series of site factors, which are a measure of the motivation of the operatives, and the effectiveness of the management. On the sites studied these factors indicated that steel erectors were, generally, highly motivated when compared with other con struction operatives. Crane utilisation levels have been measured and found, as ex- ected, to be dependent upon these site factors. Daily output is increased where efficiency, indicated by the site factors, is increased though some allowance must be made for the size of each component. The planning times predicted by these equations, modified by the overall site factor, compared favourably with the actual times taken In conclusion, application of work study techniques and subse- quent rigorous data analysis, can lead to the determination of accurate productivity data which will, ultimately, lead to im- proved estimating and planning. REFERENCES 1. ROSE, K.J. (1986) Variability of estimating constants, BSc project report, Department of Building Engineering, UMIST. 2. HARRIS, F.C., An evaluation of production output for con- struction labour and plant, SERC Research Grant GRIB 55138, 1981-1984. 3. GEARY, R., (1962) Work Study Applied to Building, Godwin. 4. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION (1979). Glossary of Terms used in work study and organisation and method. BS 3138, 5. EMSLEY, M.W. and HARRIS, F.C., (1986) Work study is im- portant to construction, Building Technology and Manage- ‘ment, April, pp 10-15. BASIC OPERATION TIMES operation Erection to a structural steel beam. Method A crane is used to erect a structural steel beam. Method Description: Erection Gang Chains are fastened around the beams to be lifted, and the crane moves the beam to its designated position. Bolt holes in the bean are aligned with the corresponding bolt holes in the column, at both ends, and the beam bolted to the column. Materials and Tools Required (a) Crane (b) Lifting tackle (ce) Nuts and bolts (4) Spanners to fit bolts (e) Ladders Figure 1: Operational information for the erection of a structural stee! column METHOD STATEMENT. ‘The erection of 8 1 Cheek reduced level st underside ‘of column bateplate 2, Place shims 3. Undo nuts on hlaing down bolts 4, Reter to dige (if races} 5, Fasten chains to top of column 8. Guice column ait emoved by the 7. Lower column onto holding down bolts 8. Screw nuts onto otging down bolts and tighten 2. Roughly check plumb 10. Undo eneins 11. Move erane jib to Figure 2: Method statement for the erection of a structural steel column 26 22 + 1 4 10 (sanuiw) 3WIL NOLLVH3d0 DISVE (metres) LENGTH Figure 3: Basic Operation Times (Minutes) For the erection of structural steel beams Time (minutes) v Length (metres) v Weight (ke/metre) + r 2 a ° . (Auep) @319343 1331S JOVNNOL 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 1.10 {Structural steel erectors) T SITE FACTOR F Figure 4: Tonnage stee! erected (daily) v Site Factor TF (Structural stee! frames)

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