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Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm

Nada M. A. Al Salami

Hybrid algorithm is proposed to solve combinatorial optimization problem by using Ant Colony and Genetic
programming algorithms. Evolutionary process of Ant Colony Optimization algorithm adapts genetic operations
to enhance ant movement towards solution state. The algorithm converges to the optimal final solution, by
accumulating the most effective sub-solutions.
Keywords:, ACO, Genetic algorithm, System theory.

1. Background and Related Work process is probabilistically guided by heuristic

information on the given problem instance as well as
Genetic Algorithms (GA) have been used to by a shared memory containing experience gathered
evolve computer programs for specific tasks, and to by the ants in previous iteration. ACO has been
design other computational structures. The recent applied to a broad range of hard combinatorial
resurgence of interest in AP with GA has been problems. Problems are defined in terms of
spurred by the work on Genetic Programming (GP). components and states, which are sequences of
GP paradigm provides a way to do program components. Ant Colony Optimization incrementally
induction by searching the space of possible generates solutions paths in the space of such
computer programs for an individual computer components, adding new components to a state.
program that is highly fit in solving or approximately Memory is kept of all the
solving the problem at hand[1][2]. The genetic observed transitions between pairs of solution
programming paradigm permits the evolution of components and a degree of
computer programs which can perform alternative desirability is associated to each transition depending
computations conditioned on the outcome of on the quality of the solutions in which it occurred so
intermediate calculations, which can perform far. While a new solution is generated, a component
computations on variables of many different types, y is included in a state, with a probability that is
which can perform iterations and recursions to proportional to the desirability of the transition
achieve the desired result, which can define and between the last component included
subsequently use computed values and sub- in the state, and y itself [7]. The main idea is to use
programs, and whose size, shape, and complexity is the self-organizing principles to coordinate
not specified in advance. GP use relatively low-level populations of artificial agents that collaborate
primitives, which are defined separately rather than to solve computational problems. Self-organization
combined a priori into high-level primitives, since is a set of dynamical mechanisms whereby structures
such mechanism generate hierarchical structures that appear at the global level of a system from
would facilitate the creation of new high-level interactions among its lower-level components. The
primitives from built-in low-level primitives [3] [4] rules specifying the interactions among the systems
[5]. constituent units are executed on the basis of purely
Unfortunately, since every real life problem are local information, without reference to the global
dynamic problem, thus their behaviors are much pattern, which is an emergent property of the system
complex, GP suffers from serious weaknesses. . rather than a property imposed upon the system by
random systems. Chaos is important, in part, because an external ordering influence. For example, the
it helps us to cope with unstable system by emerging structures in the case of foraging in ants
improving our ability to describe, to understand, include spatiotemporally organized networks of
perhaps even to forecast them. Ant Colony pheromone trails [8][9][10]. The aim of this work is
Optimization (ACO) is the result of research on to enhance the ability of ACO by using GP
computational intelligence approaches to technique, as we describe in the next secttion.
combinatorial optimization originally conducted by
Dr. Marco Dorigo, in collaboration with Alberto 2.Genetic Programming
Colorni and Vittorio Maniezzo [6]. The fundamental
approach underlying ACO is an iterative process in Some specific advantages of genetic programming
which a population of simple agents repeatedly are that no analytical knowledge is needed and still
construct candidate solutions; this construction could get accurate results. GP approach does scale

UbiCC Journal, Volume 4, Number 3, August 2009 823

with the problem size. GP does impose restrictions on two parameters, called trails and attractiveness.
on how the structure of solutions should be By moving, each ant incrementally constructs a
formulated. There are Several variants of GP, some solution to the problem. The ACO system contains
of them are: Linear Genetic Programming (LGP), two rules:
Gene Expression Programming (GEP), Multi 1. Local pheromone update rule, which
Expression Programming (MEP), Cartesian Genetic applied whilst constructing solutions.
Programming (CGP), Traceless Genetic 2. Global pheromone updating rule, which
Programming (TGP) and Genetic Algorithm for applied after all ants construct a solution.
Deriving Software (GADS). In the next section we Furthermore, an ACO algorithm includes two more
shall concentrate on CGP, since it is the most near to mechanisms: trail evaporation and, optionally,
our proposed method [4][5].Cartesian Genetic daemon actions. Trail evaporation decreases all trail
Programming was originally developed by Miller values over time, in order to avoid unlimited
and Thomson [11][12] for the purpose of evolving accumulation of trails over some component.
digital circuits and represents a program as a directed Daemon actions can be used to implement
graph. One of the benefits of this type of centralized actions which cannot be performed by
representation is the implicit re-use of nodes in the single ants, such as the invocation of a local
directed graph. Originally CGP used a program optimization procedure, or the update of global
topology defined by a rectangular grid of nodes with information to be used to decide whether to bias the
a user defined number of rows and columns. In CGP, search process from a non-local perspective [6][10]
the genotype is a fixed-length representation and At each step, each ant computes a set of
consists of a list of integers which encode the feasible expansions to its current state, and moves to
function and connections of each node in the directed one of these in probability. The probability
graph. The genotype is then mapped to an indexed distribution is specified as follows. For ant k, the
graph that can be executed as a program. In CGP probability of moving from state t to state n depends
there are very large numbers of genotypes that map on the combination of two values [9]:
to identical genotypes due to the presence of a large the attractiveness of the move, as computed
amount of redundancy. Firstly there is node by some heuristic indicating the priori
redundancy that is caused by genes associated with desirability of that move;
nodes that are not part of the connected graph the trail level of the move, indicating how
representing the program. Another form of proficient it has been in the past to make
redundancy in CGP, also present in all other forms of that particular move: it represents therefore
GP is, functional redundancy. Simon Harding, and an a posteriori indication of the desirability
Ltd introduce computational development using a of that move.
form of Cartesian Genetic Programming that
includes self-modification operations..The interesting ACOG Algorithm
characteristic of CGP are : An ACOG is differ from that algorithm given in
1. More powerful program encoding using graphs, refrence [13], it use genetic programming to enhance
than using conventional GP tree-like representations, performance. It consists of two main sections:
the population of strings are of fixed length, whereas initialization and a main loop, where Gp is used in
their corresponding graphs are of variable length the second sections. The main loop runs for a user-
depending on the number of genes in use. defined number of iterations. These are described
2, Efficient evaluation derived from the intrinsic below:
feature of subgraph-reuse exhibited by graphs. Initialization:
3. Less complicated graph recombination via the a. Set initial parameters that are system: variable,
crossover and mutation genetic operators. states, function, input, output, input trajectory,
. output trajectory.
b. Set initial pheromone trails value.
3. Proposed ACO Genetic Algorithm (ACOG) c. Each ant is individually placed on initial state
with empty memory.
A combinatorial optimization problem is a
problem defined over a set C = c1, ......, cn of basic While termination conditions not meet do
components. A subset S of components represents a a. Construct Ant Solution:
solution of the problem; F 2C is the subset of Each ant constructs a path by successively applying
feasible solutions, thus a solution S is feasible if and the transition function the probability of moving
only if S F. A cost function z is defined over the from state to state depend on: as the attractiveness
solution domain, z : 2C R, the objective being to of the move, and the trail level of the move.
find a minimum cost feasible solution S*, i.e., to find b. Apply Local Search
S*: S* F and z(S*) z(S), SF [8].. They move
by applying a stochastic local decision policy based

UbiCC Journal, Volume 4, Number 3, August 2009 824

c. Best Tour check: Since GPG is a probabilistic algorithm,
not all runs are successful at yielding a solution
If there is an improvement, update it. to the problem by generation G. Thus, the
computational effort is computed in this way, first
d. Update Trails:
determining the number of independent runs R
- Evaporate a fixed proportion of the pheromone on needed to yield a success with a certain
each road. probability. Second, multiply R by the amount of
- For each ant perform the ant-cycle pheromone processing required for e a c h r u n , t h a t is . Th e
update. n u m b e r o f in d e p e n d e n t r u n s R r e q u ir e d to
- Reinforce the best tour with a set number of s a t is fy th e s u c c e ss predicate by generation i with a
elitist ants performing the ant-cycle probability z which depends on both z and P (M, i), where
d. Create a new population by applying the z is the probability of satisfying the success
following operation, based on pheromone predicate by generation i at least once in R runs
trails. The operations are applied to defined by:
individual(s) selected from the population
with a probability based on fitness. z = 1 - [ 1- P (M, i)]R Eq.3
Darwinian Reproduction
P (M, i) is the cumulative probability of
Structure-Preserving Crossover success for all the generations between
Structure-Preserving Mutation generation 0 and generation i. P (M, i) is
computed after experimentally obtaining an
estimate for the instantaneous probability Y (M,
End While
i) that a particular run with a population size M
yields, for the first time, on a specified
4. The Performance of Genetic Process generation i, an individual is satisfying the success
predicate f o r t h e p r o b l e m ] . T h i s e x p e r i m e n t a l
Genetic generation process involves probabilistic steps, measurement of Y(M, i) usually requires a
because of these probabilistic steps, non- substantial number of runs. After taking logarithms for
convergence and premature convergence, i.e. equation 4, we find:
convergence to a globally sub-optimal result,

R = log(log(
1 ( M ,i ))
problems become inherent features of genetic 1 z )
generation process. To minimize the effect of these
problems, multiple independent runs of a problem
must be m a d e . B e s t - o f - r u n i n d i v i d u a l f r o m a l l
such multiple independent runs can then be
designated as the result of the group of runs. If every run The computational effort E, is the minimal value
of GPG were successful in yielding a solution, the of the total number of individuals that must be
computational effort required to get the solution processed to yield a solution for the problem with z
would depends primarily on four factors: probability (ex: z = 99%):
population size, M, n u m b e r o f g e n e r a t io n th a t
a r e r u n , g , ( g m u s t b e l e s s th a n o r e q u a l to t h e E = M ( g + 1) R ...Eq.5
m a x i m u m number of generation G) the amount of
processing required for fitness measure over all
fitness cases, and the amount of processing Where g is the first generation at which
required for test phase e, we assume that the minimum number of individual evaluation is
processing time to measure the fitness of an produced, it is called best generation. g value is
individual is its run time, P. If success occurs on the incremented by one since generation g must also
same generation of every run, then the run to reach the solution. From equation (5),
computational effort E would be computed as computational effort depends on the particular
follows: choices of values for M, G, P (M, i), and the
effort required for fitness evaluation, hence, the
value of E is not necessarily the minimum
E= M g e ..E q.1 computational effort possible for the problem.

Since the value of e is too small with respect to

other factors, we shall not consider it. However, in most
cases, success occurs on a different generations in
different runs, then the computational effort E would be 5. Conclution
computed as follows: Since Ant colony algorithm may produce redundant
states in the graph, its better to minimize such graphs
to enhance the behavior of the inducted system. A
E=Mg avr .Eq.2
colony of ants moves through system states X, by
applying Genetic Operations. By moving, each ant
where: gavr is the average number of
incrementally constructs a solution to the problem. .
executed generations

UbiCC Journal, Volume 4, Number 3, August 2009 825

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