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Fifth Grade Cultural Christmas Project

Name:_____________________ Date:__________
Happy holidays! Get ready to create a top quality physical and digital portfolio all about world
holidays! You will take notes from various sources, research countries, create the traditional decorations of your country and present information all while giving your best work. This project will
count towards a social studies AND an ELA grade.
!!WARNING!! This report will be worked on at school and at home, so ALWAYS keep notes in
your B.O.B.C.A.T.T. in your backpack and NEVER leave them at home. KEEP TRACK OF THIS PACKET; you will turn it in with your final paper.

Make sure that the work you produce is written using ________________________________
____________________________________________________. DO NOT COPY exact phrases
or sentences from the internet! I want an original work from you, and not a copied report from
the sources you use. This report is to be ____________________________ created and NOT
______________________________ generated. Parents/guardians may help you by checking for
spelling, punctuation and flow but they should not tell you what to write, give you words to
write, or conduct research for you.

The project has two parts, a written report and an oral presentation. You will be given a grade in
_____________ and in _______________________ for the entire project.

Schedule of due dates:

It is important to follow the due date schedule below to help ensure you can complete all the
work on time. Completion grades will be given for each separate due date to encourage you to
stay on track!

Parent/Guardian signature:_______________________________


Component Due


Your portion of the group slides

Team Video
Creative Element

By signing the line below, I, ____________________________, understand that I

am responsible for writing my report, I am to bring my materials to class every
day, and the dates my work is due. I have shown this packet to my family and
asked them to sign to indicate I have explained the project to them.
Student Signature:_______________________________________ Date:________________

Parents/Guardians, please sign below to acknowledge that you have thoroughly read this packet and
understand the requirements, due dates and criteria for this project. Please help your student by guiding them, assisting with research, and helping them stay on schedule, but do not tell them what to
write, draw pictures for them, etc. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Parent/Guardian signature:_______________________________

Fifth Grade Cultural Christmas Elements

Name:_____________________ Date:__________
Create a team slide show:
My Teammates are:

Choose one slide under each shape. You are responsible for creating those slides!

Title Card



Phrases in that language

Video Slide



Traditional Christmas Foods



Christmas Character

National Symbols/Famous People

Fifth Grade Cultural Christmas Table Display

You will also create a table display for your country. Items you will need:
-A map of the country
-The countrys flag
-Christmas greeting in the countrys language
-Creative element contributed by EACH team member. A creative element can be:





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