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cd "C:\Users\H\Desktop"

log using 31Oct_2Nov2016.log

use "C:\Users\H\Desktop\AppEcon1\hprice2.dta", clear
generate rooms2=rooms^2
gen ldist=log(dist)
reg lprice lnox ldist rooms rooms2 stratio
* As the number of rooms changes from 3 to 4, price is predicted to change by
display 100*(_b[rooms]+2*_b[rooms2]*3)
*Finding the turning point
display -_b[rooms]/(2*_b[rooms2])
*Graphing functions in STATA
*Our command to graph functions is "twoway function"
*Some examples
twoway function y=x, range(0 10)
twoway function y=x^3, range(-2 2)
*Depicting price-room realtionship:
reg lprice lnox ldist rooms rooms2 stratio
sum rooms
twoway function y=_b[_cons]+_b[rooms]*x+_b[rooms2]*x*x, range(0 8)
*The part of the graph less than 3.56 is useless for us.
*Because there is no counterpart in our sample.
**As the number of rooms changes from 5 to 6, price increases by 7.5%.
*Notice that here, change in rooms is 1.
display 100*(_b[rooms]+2*_b[rooms2]*5)
**Going rooms 5 to 7, change in rooms is 2.
display 100*(_b[rooms]+2*_b[rooms2]*5)*2
**Quadratic Models: Example 2
use "C:\Users\H\Desktop\AppEcon1\wage1.dta", clear
regress wage exper expersq
display -_b[exper]/(2*_b[expersq])
twoway function y=_b[_cons] + _b[exper]*x+_b[expersq]*x*x, range(5 35)
tab exper
***The regression above implies that exper has a diminishing marginal effect on
* Experience of 73% workers in the sample is less than 25.
* So it is rational to focus on that part of this graph.
*The first year of experience is worth approximately $0.298.
*The second year of experience is worth less:
disp _b[exper]+2*_b[expersq]*0
disp _b[exper]+2*_b[expersq]*1
*If exper changes from 10 to 11, wage is predicted to change by:
disp _b[exper]+2*_b[expersq]*10
reg wage female
*How to interpret coefficient estimate on female:
*the difference in hourly wage between females and males,
* given the same amount of education (and the same error term u).
* Is there gender discrimination against women in the labor market?
*If the coeff. estimate on female is less than 0.
*Then we will be able to say that given the same level
*of education female workers earn less than male workers on average.
* This can easily be tested using t-statistic.
sum wage if female
sum wage if female==0
reg wage female married
*Using female and married we can separate workers into 4 groups
* and define dummy variables for these groups as follows:
gen marmale=married*(1-female)
gen marfem=married*(female)

gen singfem=(1-married)*(female)
gen singmale=(1-married)*(1-female)
*marrmale is the dummy for the married male workers, marrfem married female work
*singfem: single female workers and singmale is the single male workers.
*Need to choose one of these as the base group
*so that we include 4 -1 = 3 dummies in the model to avoid the dummy variable tr
*Suppose that the base group is singmale.
reg wage marmale marfem singfem
sum wage if female==0 & married==0
*Of course, we can add other control variables to the regression such as exper,
reg wage marmale marfem singfem educ exper expersq tenursq tenure
*Storing regression results and constructing tables
reg wage marmale marfem singfem
*After the regression, let's store the results of this regression and name it re
estimates store reg1
reg wage marmale marfem singfem educ exper expersq tenursq tenure
estimates store reg2
*Now present the results of these regressions in a table,
*b:coefficient estimates, se: standart errors.
*b(%8.4f) is about the font of the output.
estimates table reg1 reg2, b se t p stats(N r2) b(%8.4f)

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