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Classroom Procedures

Movement into the classroom

As soon as the bell rings, students will enter the classroom and promptly get
out all materials needed for class that day.

Beginning of the day

Look to the whiteboard for Bellwork and posted instructions for the day
Unpack backpack and put it on back of your chair
Turn in any important papers to appropriate bin
Put all homework on upper right hand corner of desk
Sharpen pencils, if necessary-no more than 2 people waiting at a time
Complete a.m. work silently. Two songs will be played at the beginning of
class which means no talking until the songs have ended, or unless directed.
You must remain in your seat unless you are doing a job/turning in important
papers/sharpening pencil

Use of pencils

Only the Pencil Sharpeners may touch the electric and manual pencil
Have more than one pencil in your pencil pouch
If your pencil breaks
-use your extra pencil
-borrow a pencil from your partner
-get pencil from the extras stack
NEVER interrupt a lesson to sharpen your pencil.

Signals for attention

When I raise two fingers in the air (peace sign), do the same to show me that
you are not talking and paying attention to the front of the room

Movement out of the classroom

Line leader goes to the door.

Door holders go to the door.
Teacher will dismiss rows when room is clean.
When excused, students stand up and push in chairs
Face the front of the line with hands at your side or behind your back
Walk quietly in the halls

Getting teachers attention

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Yellow paper-place on top of desk if you need help, but you can keep working
Red paper-place on top of desk if you are stuck and cannot go on-remain in
your seat unless instructed to do otherwise.

Use of the Restroom

Students should use the restroom before school and during recess.
If you have an emergency and you cannot wait, you must go during
independent work time.
Sign the restroom log-make sure it is filled out accurately
Take the restroom pass with you
One person goes to the restroom at a time


You will remain in your seats and stop what you are doing
Listen/watch announcements quietly and respectfully
Stand for the pledge and the moment of silence
Sit down silently and continue working


Music will often be used to transition from one subject to another-When you
hear the music, quickly finish up, clean up your area, return materials to
appropriate places, sit quietly. You should be ready to begin the next lesson
before the music stops

End of the period

A song will signal the beginning of clean-up time

Clean off your desk and the area around your desk. Make sure there are no
loose papers in your desk
Go through Homework folder and make sure you have everything you need
Read through your Daily Assignment Log and fill out reflection for the day
Put your homework folder in your backpack
Wait silently for THE TEACHER (not the bell) to dismiss you

Passing in papers

You will remain seated and pass papers in the direction stated by the teacher
Person at the end of the row/group will check for names and neatly stack the
Teacher or student will collect the papers

Heading on paper

Upper right hand corner-name and # on 1 st line

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Assignment on line #2
Subject on line #3
Date on line #4

Correcting work in class

Take out a different colored pen or pencil

Listen and pay attention to the answers
Put a star on correct answers
Record the score as a fraction-number correct/total # of problems
Do not mark the paper in any other way


Recap markers and glue and return to the appropriate place

Share with those sitting around you
Return all supplies in excellent condition at the end of the period

Turning in assignments during work time

There is a bin labeled for every subject

When you finish the assignment, make sure your name is on it and silently
walk to the back of the room and place it in the appropriate bin
Return to your seat without talking to anyone
Follow procedures for what to do when you finish early

What to do when you finish early

Finish other work that needs to be done

Read silently
Write/draw silently

Getting books from cubbies

Listen for your row/group to be called

Silently stand up, walk to cubby, get book, and return to seat
Open to the appropriate page and sit quietly while waiting for further
Same procedure for returning books
This should take less than 2 minutes

Taking a test

Make sure desk is clear, with the exception of any materials needed for the
The room will be silent until EVERYONE has finished the test
Read or write silently if you finish early

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Remain seated for the duration of the test

What to do when phone rings

Class secretary or teachers assistant will answer the phone: Miss

Dominguezs class, How may I help you?
The rest of the class will WHISPER so that the teacher/student can hear the
Follow this procedure when teacher is speaking with another adult in the
class or hall

Fire Drill

Stop what you are doing and immediately exit the classroom
There will not be a door holder
Teacher assistant will take the backpack
Proceed in a straight, silent line with hands at side and eyes straight ahead
You will walk quickly, but not run and keep up with the class
Continue walking silently in a straight line until you reach the spot outside
Face the wall until told to turn around and then proceed back to the class in
the same manner

Be considerate of others

Always say Thank you when someone gives you something

Think about how your actions will affect others-working silently, working
quietly, etc

If a student is absent

Partner is responsible for collecting any assignments, homework, or notices

that are handed out and putting them in persons mailbox
Student has the same number of days to make up work as he/she missed
Completed work should be placed in the appropriate bin

What if I dont have my homework? Excuse Book

When you forget your homework, as soon as you unpack you must sign the
Excuse Book
Record the date, your excuse, and what you plan to do about it
Turn in your completed homework the next day to the appropriate bin

Asking questions during a lesson

Students raise their hands when

-The teacher gives a directive to raise their hands

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-The student has a PUBLIC question, one for which the answer will be useful
to all students
When a student has a PRIVATE question, they place their hand on their heart.
When the teacher has a natural break, she will go to the student

Use of Drinking fountain/water bottles

Students may keep water bottles at their desks as long as they are not a
Students may get a drink from the drinking fountain during independent work
Students getting a drink will walk silently to the drinking fountain and return
quickly to his/her desk-no stopping to chat with a classmate

Classroom Rules
1. Be respectful to the teacher and your peers. This includes:
a. Being quiet when the teacher or another student is talking
2. Absolutely NO BULLYING
3. Do not disrupt other students learning
4. Always sign the bathroom/office/library log before leaving the classroom
5. Do your best

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