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REALLY REALLY PAUL DOWNS COLAIZZO [ACTI~A Sunday n Spring ‘Sane ~The Gis Apartment ‘Scene 2- Tha Guys House ‘Soane 8 The Gra Apartment ‘Seene 4 Thy Guy’ House Sone 5 The Future Leaders of Amerea Conference ‘Scene 6~The Git Apaiont Scene 7—The Gaye Howes Soene3—Te Guys House Seow 4—A Laundromat Seone 5— The Gye Howes Somme 8 ~The Git’ Aoaremant ‘Scene 7 ~The Guys House ‘Scene 6 ~The Gite Aprtment, The Mester aor SCENE T Lights up ona coege asatmant is bi ny messy, ard leary innate by women. The ate who ve thar have td 0 decoate the place mary tines wrtout hing befor they Cogn FEDECO- RATING is rk ou Aste pre-show mute conthues o playa te font door ‘swings oper alencing the mus. The ogi that nein ts apart. ent stan ouside fora moment bloretay ents: Toy are run ‘and laughing so Parte you would thik Bat tay were high ‘pce ta an beautital Her har is long and ratte 0 stop the bood ae fling, eis nuthin har own righ Sho not stain up stag. They stand tee. aging. Ae iughing. ‘ver enter tne apaer, ops her bag, amin ote then ‘courtr bt miiaanching 1 he faz She undresses as she ous ere tl lasso wate and ck ne whose ting. She es ven upandis avng Abed ops evenwhere she goes. 20, flora fw to many momen, wks inthe aporment ard ‘sums the doar She stands motoniess ber heading to te cath land oking for her oo prone. She feds 12 ip phone. She Tooke to oo fate gota text message. Nope. Se closes and set Fawn. She pcs irback up and looks a ‘She open he pone. She has down abuton than puts ton vorcemat LADY (From te phane) ‘There arena new messages in your mab 1s cles the phone, She cpene ty olsing th ton, voremwan DY [om te phone} Thr are ae new ressages Your maibox. ‘She closes ths phone. She apes it hong the button oleRAAL LADY [From the phone) There aso now massage a you malbox ‘rues, now nherundenna tums offal the ight as sheets o- tard her becoom, ec crosses upstage fo the Bathroom ume onthe i nd stars the shower Sho wahing with auton. She was back fo ha eat hone. Ss hls the but, ‘voreena by (Fm he phone) Tare are no new messages in your matbox {pols up sweats fom the eran on over her ots. She sts down on the cou facing eur. She is Working fo brsatre, Her eye wa up, She le mations twat Ow. SCENE 2 A house on a calge campus, The play i clean whabited by cotepe ‘men who come fen money. Te hase typical lean bt the rernants om the pary tonight before aes contaminating the ‘om os i reese fr the daar playing a racing ae on eon eocean standing inthe decry to hisbocroom ae salt ‘sabep and angry. nmectatey on ls uP coowen (Es most closed, as lou as sok Johnson what ‘he fuck are you cong? sovcou Vint? c00rER What he ek re you owison Pn paying the cooren 81 sonnson_Youtld me coud come over hr ad lay he ‘o0ren Inthe mominal somson (To the game) O88 cooreR Your ying somison (St a he gum) FUCKS ‘e00PER | w8s sping. Daves loping. We wore ring a igh src you are yong someon Youreyelog ‘cooren fuking Senet 42 + rau powns couaizze Jonson Oh co yourvace Is peda? st oats youve he your woos cost go trough the wale? ‘cooren JESUS CHRIST, JOHNSON! sows tang a reek. Shout you Be um enya? Dont you nave te eu or miter? ‘00PER con't have any tos sowson None?! o0reR Nope Jomtson ah, That makes mos orem What Jl? sormton Vint? Jl? Jl ran ealous" How do you not kom tat? ‘cooraR You sound ke a douche, ooren gets a text so¥m20H We tink’ cocks, tha ‘cooren Oh yesh, Shit sowmson Who's tht? ‘S00PER Jory ABeaharton She lst her ooh he st ih, ‘20reR I aly her el nog. We had tle cpenrs every, sowson. She's ot coorem She's iat Jovison She's ott, REALLY REALLY «28 ‘eooman ina the fuck wong wth yousman? You ewe ou patyour once-a-ea, Tunnel of Love somison made you asta! ‘cooren —to eta. goe righ’ seb and then you bring your tiny ‘ck ove tomy nous olay your outdated ry ck viteo anos?! sommaow Som: ‘o0ren At B1Sin herernng? somson | dont need your sunt party get ig a ya cooren GOHONE! sonmaon Everyone dseres sme tine of, Cooper ‘c00rER Not ty Puss orton hm sory. This vis sncing your day panne 8 ig fckng tpn. cooreR ve gat sit todo sowtson What se? c00ren Ido tings. sownon Nar tee ‘c00PeR How soout toe hinge ee do: Dist make cake. ‘ld wakeup ear to ay vdeo games, iit sucka dk someahere in the i-betwoe, owson_ You are toes psy cooreR What? sows t's st-xplaratry, Cooper 2 + PAUL oowas coLAlzz0 ‘0ren To the vio game) LOOKOUT sowmigon Fuck No! ow new be wae going to take mea. ooren Keep your ayes on te horizon. Tats he fet re sovson rate ye eons puts down he conta anges 00ren Hey-—Good old Dave go a ee gh. soimson No. ooren Yes, somison Sogo ahead— {008ER Wino ms? Fuceng ms? The gw wno you ik doen’ do syting? sonison_ Okt sy you'r vary busy gota be hae to ook {ora job tat’ dreacy wang in your ft hand coors Fuck you. Suck ny all sovmson not blog derave, {e00ren Suck my bal and im king, esse? Fuck you. sowson You know wnat? i dosnt evn mater wo he sept wth, Plus glashe got some ie yar: never ac Naa ‘cooren tm kngt 4owmson_ He shouldbe focusing on gradton. He's to ico | be shang round ke a pathetic heatbckan too bag you has an ones ofthe sepnisoation tat Dasha en you might get ll every onc nat, oreR get. sonson_ Nae one ‘cooPen You dont now eventing sonisou Fro by ro got i. ‘A becom door opens a avery hungover os ent. sonmson Vhe'd you bane? Tal me qc! Who's you bone? conven totes ernst the Boe senson_NO| UNCLE! UNCLE DUDE! cooren tm the mothertskng king Say somsow DUDE: GET OFF! UNCLE! ‘ooren avis—jou says werd wit use your balls for tris ame Good manning? ovnson ies cooren ‘cooran Screaming) AHHHHHH WERDO! YOU WEIROO! seven pute coor’ air a he locks down oni ite. ‘coopen LEIGH! Ho slot with Ligh you fckng at! -oenconreeass somison_Nowey! ‘co0ren cus! someon No fucking way ‘orem You cant dommeon (Topas) You cry You dy ty ‘ans. Youre srearing. doron Murs th word, Dav, promis. This your day. rds ‘e0cPeR Johnson am golng a plug your ae with Bades eo we can al deat the ud you ar fucking! dowmdon Mara, Gace, Jesse, Tite. So hat now? Ihave ‘igtteen minut. You want ogo tothe awn? ‘Sooren Yes get my Febos. You coming, Davis? Or you ned {Jo trom upa ite fis? omg cari belive youre backin the game. ame. What? sowison Doe Grace know? Does tho snr know? On fk ‘am an accomalca? pane Know what? ooren ‘Yeah you snd ha the lok: What hind of kinky sit wre you ding in thee, Dav? ‘ans. What ae you taking about? ‘00PER Dida une tart paying? Did se giv you a ck? ‘Thats what remy hagpens when yu'e te thousanatn custome. domson So how'd itheppen? Stat ram the top. ‘c0cPen Hey. fs none af ou business what hecpened in thers ‘ans. Winatheppened in wher? ‘c0cren ut, Dav. hax my ea pressed agate cee er the feat fe ines. sonmeon Pussy Ja. ‘bans Oh Legh? sms Legh? someon Oh yoah—we are tang abut Jy’ Ll, at? ‘S00Pen No one's udgng you. We're jst lad you got aa and fal got over Neale. Tie stp ae. The next step 0 get youto logo wih gil who fcleanr than Ecol ottson Coops: Dont be a ek ‘cooper What? Ha fucked ne I's ot he they nas. ‘Besidee—she was probably the man nthe sack anyway Fight Dave? ane. Uren. ‘cooran | mean roofers, Davis your my buy but youre more ofa Vice Prien. ‘bans Oh come on Tabet Wa shel ni? | eeoPen whet dn you ik? Your pants ware sown an your hopes were up abou an hour belo you even wert rt the ans. Who was her? cooren When? ans Last right te + PAUL oowas coLarzz0 someon At what pant? ans. Tho pay. Whe was here cng te party? cooren Afr you went io your bedroom? Ate while prety eh startet la ut Grace came back fr Lelgh but by that tine the etn hc at, Joweon Nothruckng Grace Snes god peeps. ‘ans Oh Jesus. ‘cooren Wat aldoyouremonbor ban. remember the tg cong ccooren Yeah? ame And Jone evr “ cooeen An nching se besides your tongue sth wih Legh? ‘ams OK, !hav to go stu, sovtgou Your tling re. Sales Animals midtom omar awe nav to get #8 ius hier ‘cooran Cais hares tying o graduate Magrur: Cun Lady soviton “Tats nathow you say Pep yous? made loco omas, ‘00renOn rk pape ith Nowe soson On it ts Wh doar rs cooren (Mocking) Ohis tat nt? oman (Mocking) Yeah hat igh 0Pen (Mockings) OF, ok ‘eocren So, you good? ‘ams. ust ned some cfs and shower and bel ‘Sooren Fgh. moan about Legh Foe good to gt out there sneer ‘ams Oh Yeoh. guess. Do we have ay pzalat? ‘cooran Cases iten—man to mar think you ely deserve to anapey. Thats eked ‘bane Thanks man. ‘cooran So—spllt— you make her soa tke she dnt ‘want? ‘ans. dont wanna tac bout. have te gus out whet Im ging to 3020 Jy. ‘covran ort say anything. Jie pane, dude He's ula ‘er onan a hen heh hale ke he owe he game. ‘ans A, come on. He's jst showing of fois da, ‘eoopan Umm his dai prety sma H's onthe fucking bor i son blows ana inows ams Arh i you excuse me hve to put al of hs on te back ‘buna 0 that can pase my exam, graduate caloge, fat fora 903 oor any job, may aovely woman acd assamble some son ot te c00Pen etna what you want? ‘4 + PAUL powns couaizz0 ans On dont ion ‘cooren You cnt get what you wat ures you know what you ams. want yout shit up 901 can sty. ‘cooren Tests dont mate, Dav, meng you ‘ans oh ay? ‘coopan ioe paying a totaly citeret ga than cur parents id ‘You ned oles acta! uni hing man Stop working had Yyouldot Werk sas. Can you do that? ‘pans Cooper orem Yeah? ans. You know me. ean do anythin. ‘Sec othe gir paren. tls the same cy, mismering. nce |s mating pancakes, tstening to te news, and rosea for church Her ance bloody tarde now bandaged. ‘A bedroom door opens andson enters, wearing long slaves aro pants ‘ret Hey Mess. ade you cole. And pancakes. Imad too many 30 hope youre hana. My en checks onthe dg and my Staats miter srgntharen this folder. And Tbeught an ‘ar orn snc yeu be here lone for the net Sow Sys, ttm -eoping onthe shal says Net forindor use bt yeu need touse ttten you use ndoors, outdoors on eure an tough the floor, you undestar me? non Hun? ‘ston the cou, eseng 2 Batter Homes and Gears mage. are wit posts stekng out ft fence Graco to Leigh ike up. Acoust want youts knew ne al pched into gt Jeri Abramson hat crss she wort shut up Sout for hes bitsy. tok ere of your oon, dont wory—you don't have to pay mo back told everyone twas rom you, But youRave to sign theca. Lon ean pey you back fenict Holno! That's snset nd ete anand but you's. | meant got You can't go ten around money or designer ‘eases tet youre not ven going to wea. ‘eam Yu dort have to de hat. (Genuinely) You lok prety ike yur hac ‘eMoe Realy? eee ok hob, ‘tn You don't You look good When are you aang? ‘ence Now, hay. have to mako to church befor eve fr he ‘corres, Ard | but an xtra twenty mites so that can “sive my arth is wees ep a hand rn Oh my God tal fxg about tt. ‘ance Apperety oo. must hav bled ul my alam cock went of because my 1200 count whe sees te now GOES rune court bod 28. {21H Oh my God—youre mobi. Youre hanceaspsd now. ‘You 90a probaly gt tate action pls otha hin, ‘Are yu gong to erp thes of els you as? ‘entce No dont hve tina, How'd you slp? Peasant, | assume? sen Ua ‘amet Goc. Tee's Blood an you shit. How the hl that happen? ‘mon | did't wane Seep alone Wl cuddled for ite sc changes sis. fentct You WERE my bed On thank ed. tought maybe ‘ad ream that ans was discovering a eebian 869 ct yeah i lead on you alot? eau REALLY = lune Do you ned to goto the hos? = fem fe te just be ate awkward shaking hands wth my flow Fue Leaders et Americ, “Hi—™m Grae. Wnt /hapgensd to my han? Oh wae nk at ight ony way home ‘rom akegge and | tipped and fl over my sty hadi nts ple ‘of roken gas by he cumpster where wae hebing myso to some uate plaza while wats or my roommate to feh up hesing on he: boyind with aguy sha had acrsh on sre ‘reshman yar Why won't youth i? tet You were wating? ‘enact Dost anton That boy i hot, ok? Hels the pect man Hal ho people chuch right now are probaby going to wore Yn, but Grace ‘emtce No bus sen how you wurolooing shim lrg You wee aig anes on te prow, Arif cou ao on topo hin | wanted yout, [bathe eons hurd percent pure decious, mn, ‘eres Now you just have te lt Jnmy don ey. bo. te ys et that 399 0H Te Jinn femet Out of sgh, out ofmind, an soon enough for you, ou at yeurite. 10H Ge rice. Dont say anys ‘mot. You're an it We only got home ac hous go. Why re you wp? ‘+ Faw powns couaizze smn | could’ oop erst Were you staring atthe cling, ing te ight, wating to ‘elie very tied? oH OF Gros. ‘entce Because thts oxaty wha want to haar and want te hear sneghtnow, x00 | dont want ‘entoe Jchnson won tov me with michems coming up. He calm the fatofemptain. LET A GIRLIE THROUGH YoU. o«7 ‘mn You dent watt rit enor Bit e's Oa. (Beat) bout yourrght? (Beat) You eo hie? Thing Huse cal a hand? Tiss covered ke a Msi wen bacawo fought ‘the bate et Covering Your Ass. Thora pancakasin teen, an airhom on the shal, anc manageable ounce of cust ring in my soy deprived yet evr-s0osonving sou $0, Ligh ay hae come amin te tee, dng of thst. Sp, Legh Spitito my mouth mat Ok Jesus fentot But do the Cis Notes Bacau st. ‘meio we went nt the bscroom adh God slot with my contt ‘eres tering tor rand) MUSUM WOMAN! LEI Lock, Gace, ie my Busnes, ok? Youcan foals ete a8 yu want but when you tae aint to think about ts my busoss! femtet Ok Cri a ‘cat dia or yout wat forme. tm not a poor daenacees ‘it you warts ectusly seve me, you wuidythave et m= ‘nwt en, no mati Now ws ooking atin. ‘emce Lestright you thanked me, unc Last gt count waltham, ‘emer Youtolowedhiminto the becom. ‘uneaWel Jonse—whata bed person I must be. Thad known ‘ong that was in contol everyting, woul have made nyodfot uch fuk wo! Suen a wots casaning ck Wo ferce hos whoa whos, honey. rahe. sony: Youre ht {n't deserve to know srfhing. Lok gota go bt ove au, (0K? You know hat allyou whan goto teeta ten mace a ite ‘enace Wel mskemisiakes. You just mado the hotest mistake on campus. This ony 205) ‘Ther ia knockat re doae The door pans. nee sana the sony, anany Honey (Seat) ‘emce mat. tm at. te ‘4+ PAUL powns cotanzz0 mer Ace you of the ito? ‘onace sir ised you, Im rt being sarcastic it now at al taney Yaar you oo? lemct Ssnthod, (hen to sar) Goodbye, Lover Take a bath or sorating, Thats sctuay my evo to yu too, my. eo mer Hows ny baby? tea oh god, i od bt tha pat fit gees. ame (Toherstomach) An how's my baby baby? ‘mint Kong ana probaly steaming she’s anything he your mabe sey Hey 20a Boys kick oo. er Wis ining. Do you war some pancakes? _somey Totaly fn starving. ies you. ot sa Oh, baby. mney bid youmise ms? sr Of cours, baby. _snaey 8 yout Grace yt about the station nthe womb? te No. Naty. dnt want hero gata Jesus akon me, you row? nary J 2 Linen Oh whatover ser bid you make teas? ‘09 you tke hom? . ster “Tey amazing en Thats al tht mats amr So what'd youdo whi was one? (Bast) Babe? 218 Year? samaey_Are you fling ok? You soem tony {80H Oh probably ust have alet on my mind. Mcters an st aimer On Ala. oon Bury dt you eal? ster phone des. liek of noo ota amny Do you wart talk now? mam No. get overt ater Bebe is your ces? Cate, baba ax Noy. Ae you beng? Ws Grace's mer Two cure. ‘mi tsar to Godse pours me a cup ann have any. ‘Sholeaves me so mary shes, samey That gt is smn se am She's bight, She's goodto me mer Realy? You ca even to her hat youve gota bun nthe ‘oven and he's supposed o be yours! fer. onthats torent Loo, shes goa toma, ok? Uneaten, heat cing with you. You knoe tat ‘Sur. Yea. But ust jg tat. he ter you snd move Intogatner, you know yout going to have to stp ein trends ‘mt lan lon mer Note, meant. | says esmd not iv allow people you onthe or dort rst ete your ome and fm sorry but ht ‘ot welome nny space thet pay oc ‘pan But babo—s my spacotoo ey Serio, Leigh edo what's best fr each thor For ‘exanpl,| wanton vston with ny family t the beach hous th ween. cam home a dy ery to be wit yu, Best) x1 OF, wary Adie gt The whos teams a ater wating woos and ceinking mi moming bees and where rn? to Fgh nee, mer Thats fant Wit ytd an ou baby. Sometimes God ‘22nd us fork inthe ose and we lest ve the saw onthe eto ‘mon l that therapy someting you think you're gonna stick wth? REALLY REALLY = 37 sammey We ay hav Been on shaky gourd bar is, but knowing ‘hat you wi have K st Iron amazing. ean wat fri to be het ater Avon... No arte ot? You changing your tune? ‘unc hen shows we stat lokng at houses? SCENE 4 Back the boys house uss stung. He is ep nt core enters. ‘c00ren AVIS YOU PUSSY! Yeu should have comet Rafe’ ‘Steve's MILF was thee She paid he tab. How's gong? ‘bans (Reedng fo his book) “ter copuition the teal praying mans tha Bes of he has of he mle ate, Tisdeeaitalon poscs up the eaclationpocass.” ‘S00PeR Ugh Women ‘bums (Stitreacing) “This mating rus, despite popular bot, coca less than St petoant ofthe tine. Te female is mare kel toate male itis nin! tone univ This process tetera to 2 “Sexual Canalis ‘c00ren | ed in my Payoh Bok at yer hat babies gna on your finger ects tay love you so much thet hy st wart 6 estyou ane Ugr—tm over gong to remember allo this su. It cosst ‘een rele tomy raj hough be fun to take tis ase and row think be jt an to move Back wth ry pares, ‘cooren HEY! WE DON'T TALK UKE THATIN THIS HOUSE? ‘ans Sometimes ray ut wane way octofal ofthis An why ‘he het ar you et evescng? i REALLY REALLY «9 ans Miter Where your dear? ~ ‘cooren Im notin Sooet Animals. ans. Payoh or whatever hehe [200PER Ar yourow Fm aking my me ‘bens nes yourmictamn? ‘200PER No, no. mean this ootlage lat ou years thing Tat es usta. number sme ashol picked out tina you know? myoung. gt tne ‘ooPER 1's hot cous sues eutin my eary antes, and get wor done angst that assignmentia are wrt down whe the ‘reso says, but For what? To go work wth my dain ths eazy mark? That dosnt sean ke ino met Soha? What's eft? Option One—Pula Davis. Suess abou whet your told onc ocean sary ie haa stk on youre Noting, ust ‘siyng Ae there's Option Two: The Cooper wy, Four years? Hel no, Five Sk Sand hal ams ‘That's not evan aoe {0reR hoow people. And his way, Lend up sain tne, Wty? ‘Becaise people who opts fer Option One work war athe men, but te boos pressure an the ans andthe ra bait stress docraso the chance of hat 41K sing te ight of ay ‘Sous Option Two guys—we't ey et your nea and mite sting abot you bong to youn oe, at those eta vos yrs ookin college, they tr it twenty a frty era years ‘ecto my vacation ele if" You want a beer? ; 0 + paUL pawns coLauzz0 ams. You have ba parent {e00ren tm ding jst. ‘ams. Yeah wo ntivee month sme f us hav to fa od and ‘then ap woking bacaues wo wort get an automatic rometion wren Daddy ls ‘cooren Hay ass hose, yout put down those stones, ‘pave No. No-Two tetay corn boats 0Pen Uke you're not wolf. ame have ust to oppo way ‘cooren Yosh? ‘answer te uphat Net a kngdom to takeover co0nen ‘You de is 9 CFO! bans. He's never helped mea al And my mami¢# phtanewepst Procol An te rey is ches spoked mo you {think 'm aeing any of ht men, youre uckrg moron. ‘e00Pen oyu want ove hat fe you keep taller about? ‘bans, | don kro! Shut up! want to pase this tet ‘sooren Then you beter st. bana cant get ¢ sem! very tins read someting about oss (uke up ating rua {e20reR Oo0—So the ground og dat rn away whens the ‘ont of ay? im taken abou your pois. ‘ams Oh. dont know (Beat) Cans srating at sounds ow ‘cooren Won'tbethetetting, ans. Seriy— cooren Yes, ‘amit heer at right guscs—uhatver ist ight waa oo ke oven Hom? ams Ne. Like, at; ean expan Hose. donithnow ho have power aga. Ar wae 0 be thas. ‘eoonan You cnt moan gaye, you sein to be ay wth ms a your ‘bans No—Fuck Ccoper—t,m yg tobe vlna hee ust tying to get yout sy you row wat moan and you know theteaing ‘cooPen wanting to gt a? ams Faxgtit [00PER No noo Ha wanting tobe touchad amo he ot know the—open, Like there's tis 9408 orang. Liko—n my lungs Uke nt nervous, bt he, youtow what meen? ‘sooren Oh. Maybe ‘nas | dort want to Opten One one [00rER Vie toys good ay ten pare On yah? ‘SooPeR Dorit you 206? Now you ow hat you hate your, 1 + PAUL 90m coLAlzz0 ‘ams (Sarcastcaly) Yeoh. Youre rit Tod's get. ‘S00PER Look Davis. Yeo the nicest guy Iknow-ane mean tat In compet negate way. ‘ams. Holp meh, buddy. ‘cooran Tats control fone fucking hn. ans Imtning sud. orem That's what someone else want yoto do What he ke oyounant? ams. dont ned a fucking coach it now need a end, co0PER Fine! Ok so—at-ghemme hug ‘ans. No, Coop Im OK {00rER No rely, ome he, ame svete sty. ooren ive mes fucking hug, ad, ans con't want anus e00reR Maybe want ag you cnt ker. ‘and. Why te aldo you wanta hug? ‘c0oren ‘Cause you're my ren ms No site don't ness to hug about ‘0oren net puting my fucking ame down ut you go mea ans You're i ‘S0oPeR Hey—you sald ome psy gay shit to me eae about wanting be tucnod and anew aco up yur as ener REALLY» ams. n my nes 5 ‘cooren hes up your ass ae have abog. ams Let ne c00reR Hug net ‘ans oh ny Goat ‘us hugs cooreh Aeron gs I isa rather comtoring, ong a. evn entra And stares. 0ren Johnson feck yourmotnes donno now She told me she could fol athing. Gt far on ‘te Societal Animas, Davi? ans. What do car aout tees cas ele cannibals? 00PeR Tris coming fom te guy whe wise chen upand epi out by egarila named Natale eves | havo not card, ote, ad hight. Mond. Sony rigged eventing inthe extbeck athe metonen lass. coorER Tho‘ so Option Te, which the Total Fucking Loser Option ‘bens Cooper iy nie ‘cooren don't wanns. domson | want to crvr fod befor Jy comes. He never rounds uportal ip. Never fm not cng, Liraly nsec. am nm comes wher? dows | tl hin be could sty th OL rs What? Ave you lieing me? ‘cooran Oh sit somson_ What? Cooper! rough you sk ‘cooren You're anit ommson_ Sony. You'e gong te seo et pacts terete ejay ‘ms | can avoid im at practoe Fuck dude sovmaon Sor Vill you shout have screwed his lend, That's ot my fut ni att a anne 9d shat tow? oom joe wor a a neta font Bat orn (ae ie) Sn sowmaon Ji mae (otg ot car MOONEE HEEIEAYYNTA comm Wome bec ana et orem Hon neyo tot ey hating chek Naina an od a a exoran And wore oh? many dnvtkrow what factory those women pop out of but fuckin ‘Aare they tot ‘cooran Yeah? Youtap any? Wo went REALLY REALLY «a Bet 35 thoy all aiously ste ath ating hi anew sy Nw man. commit et mys, bu anymore ‘cooren Cvs therapy? Realy? ‘avs Good or you Lak, Jy neve have ‘ust got al rom the bray anv gotag. But" s08 youtororow, year? Have fun suing and guye—ave uch ‘gaat tie studying 0X? Thos boar in th ge ey Ave bum Wal se you tor m= oust, mer ht Peace sonmson OK. ging to have to change he stupa the ty ‘ame just going tobe the two of us, Unoes, Coop yous wanton ‘coopan | tog you's raver, Have youbson ashy my eur? anne You guy re funy tgs, ‘cooren Bests bang nny sone ny, someon Stusying. ‘cooren Let's co someting someon. We ar doing somethin. ‘c00ren Let's pay agar or someting sonison_ Wear ona she sane Wiha Kindo ge? {ooreR Somethieg wth abl Jonson avs bal. e+ PAUL BOWS coLaizz0 ovo Pussy al Pussy. sr Wats Pussy Ga? Lo KY? sonnson On. No. I's ie, Somstinas when prope are gang to use ‘he word "eaous” hay sy instead oomen ten that ete? auaey alious ommsou Dont you have to ty for something, Cope? Lhe Intro te Being Dub? Orel you're actualy probably ding realy won tat one. {00reR Uh. Oooh Oot. Realy rough goat tat oe, Jenson, dowson_ What your GPA? Like now are you sion the ear? ‘c00pen iv youKidlng? Ft of they ned he layers ae we canal agree cn one thing: vious. And secon a my couse lad is minima many Thanks toe, ‘cooran Thanks toe sono hough ere. ‘ooren ‘Fuck rues, Jimmy's did is the st. He understands ‘ethan, Pul afew sings. amter Aothing or a but: somson And wnt? ‘cooreR Ar ot syst 8.20 ‘cooren Ard gett sty in school aslong as arin wel please. REALLY REALLY + 7 _aumny Unies, you lou, he lls my mother or something. ‘yormeon youre nt aking dass, you'e atin schoo. Youre ust ving on campus. not even your campus. Jt some uma, That's he maybe a he ep of tha most depressing ‘hing ve ver beard ave ‘cooran Arc ove Now which al game wile, Kidloe? owson Weve 0 study, Cope: anuey Hey Cooper you ever put old Bond on your bls? ‘cooper Youn vert. But ve aways wants fo. sunny once in igh schoo and twas fucking awesome, c0oreR YouknoW whet? thnk have ome donno ke am the en person on Eat who warts a good ‘eooran (Ratriving the Gold Bord om the crawar) Hert. en sy. ‘c00ren Johnson? You wanns by? omnson (Buren is book) That does ot deserve a esponse. ‘covran | cannot watt eth glory, amieyGco3 purchase, Coop, ‘c00Pen Tris scully Dev auaey Stel ‘cooran He propabiy jet me heveit fash. He realy good at sharing, Fight, John? someon Un. yooh, _oonen puts the oct nan empty bee can ‘200PER He shares evryone—ting. Somy—sad ene but mest amar Wy do you have Jenny Abraham's tooth? ing sommsou Uni enon Are you King mo wi hat? ‘cooran Dumb bitch broke on bor bof st right, co0PER What? Oavsis a pret a. ooren (ites ona bear can ane says as he write Jey. omisonOKshut up shoud probaly sta stich. ‘Abrahamian. Tooth ssimey You dont ink so? samen You guys havea pay? someon Nol cous think that wear going ogo over every ‘cooren Nowe ike arage, ‘ng we eames jst saying that taking about Deis is jst pein pcher ae onson (Foadng) Humans car fr ther young trong tan ay cer sia. we're going to have to know hat ‘S00rER Vint? You don ihe Davis? ‘Sovran vas cur anus ane You krone of Lov, No Jonson OK—Enough Oa a please. ‘amas, No Facebook. You shoud hans boen how. You actly, “tne What—ia he beat you in Xbox he weekend or someting? realy shoud have been he. sovogon YEAH RIGHT auany no showed up? anaey Then vat? ‘cooren Everyone, | would even be abet pick anyone out of alinew. oven have apertct tne reltonahip with Davi, t's thi fot areas anmey ro got ai? Ary sockars? pate Se ee ‘cocPen Hey Johrson-—wh would you say ckad out the mastlast = right? so shous we stat wh tho cas. Jomison (Not paying atenten) Me. Cause it ee {S00PER Ho. mean of who gtd Besos youknow-who. (Beat) ouna it 4ownson_Hey Jiemy—ifyou dn have your vs abut you fr ths tec, you might eso to cheating, andi anybody Ss out ‘shout ihe cheating, ten they might oe thr fucking epe, ‘cooper Yeah Jenny tucker Abrahamson tooth ‘ok Cooper And ont want any part n that may tht acti? so + PAUL powns couarzza AenLLy REALLY + ammey Sot guessing Jetnecn eet etl ey Butt now veryons, co0rER Netty gH atlase, somson_ Wl!’ g2ing to go ocr sme food. Chines god fr ‘everyone? [OPER sim, you shld probly study eas youfeos lana, _anany No no ne—you ca tll me thst Davis the Good gets las and then rttoime whieh beh got ned. as Ra festa? (Beet) Does that mean right? (Best Sil the shit man mo was the gi Best What's gong on hr? Wy are you ys pussjng out on me? (Best) Why dont you want me to ou? (Boat Oh ue. (Beat) Oh fuck. ‘S00PER Ws 16 go Johnson amar So whe eked out? COOPER Johnson, you-knownuta smart Wo, Johoson? Whe? someon (Slow andivid. Trough his teth) I dont hoon, Cooper We? ‘cooren You hve nie who Im taking about? sowson Wait—do1? Wait—now I realy have no es tw ae tang about he sare person. [S0oren Wel whose you ting about? someon Oh fick you ‘e00eER Honesty, Jy, tm las you hen from us. sowison Jenny, soy bi forthe rca, as ot hat, had gone nome ard wasnt present at ha tive (Seat) somson | don't wanna saver ity? somson Cooper? cooren think wen about the same person Are youtaing sme tr gonna es stout ovtson_(Aimost wnispere) Davis? er DAS cooreR JOHNSON! so1090H Tha's why Wt who were youtaking about? _amany_ Aw mart ts about me! Gace oti, man. Who wasn lucky a? owteon Un. You probeDy dont now her. SCENES ‘Aa Areca Fig. A projection screen. Ba, tacky tng, Te ‘sounds ofa convention. Aosta canal. This le mesg fr he ‘eres Heto fur leaders! te my get honor to walcome you tothe 96h Semiorua Future Leaders of Aesca Conference. am Grave Bynes, your sectodPresient and lam going to sy «coupe of word afore we beg ou eve Ft of you" hae to excuse my ha. nan eto be we rounde, | mestepped and am now dealing wth the consequences, | won't fl love in equal rhs ut see aman ine business si and hel. Thats, want to congratulate everybody hee tonight an tera for paricnatinginthese events. The peopl inti room represent anew generation Growing up we ‘wel, “Dont woy out what others thnk of you." An boy they ere teaching us thet one becauee now we a facing ‘a gooratonal vie. Research shows that amangst our pos the ‘central concen fr each indi cn tha a. The The. “Theme. Me LiPhove, MEpone. My tun Mest line? | dort nave to walt Aprioe? | don'thave to pay. Atos dot have study. A generation ot al evarness and se concern — wher they make what we ant and what we ante mere me Fecebook. Te Al soc media. Ne re the meas ofa (generation hat has been dubbed Generation Me ‘utes sana hes, foto my ses, in fot ofthe best and ‘igtet an the most promisng mins, am fred ofthe ‘pod n us. The goon me. The godin you ed than of ny seach, have ound er reseang aly. The gem af he _generaon and th ups ocr sean th icity wo oepouse. Su, we may consider that the res donc ply to us, butor hese ou sti hungry to succeedin the war, cur ‘oesming quay tht we ok at coataces inthe same wy How dows dois? The ausessa members of Gansraton Me, ‘he Generation, have a sort weapon, Tne weapen ie composed of deance anc denial ae gra en yet s more preci tan _90e. The weapon cur weapon, isthe desire ac tendency to _sewe simp question: What can 1 oto make this Woden any station, what can oto got what war? Some poop, ter clea, wll move hackhore and stint paren ase ments, blaming the unoraetable sconany anata ly ian eb markt. That's how they wit make is word wore for tam. ‘Butnot us. The one who relist take no for an area We wi make our way n pit ofthe ec that he Ames thi goneration hasbeen gone rt the Amar tha this generation was tld we euld go thi herd of oppor? No, Now wee oaing wih theland of strategy. Obstacis? We must sve none Dionmas? They must be al he mor fn, We wl succeed We Just have to away. Ane you dort wane be tin of ‘is ess, my vices to fn any way So ar the fects of ‘emer nd, eater we scour fer another hao ayes tbe proud to be a repressive not oly the Future eaters of Anerca, but more important of Generation Mo Ls usr tise what we've got Who kaw hall and high waster ‘ould bo oxi! Trak you And t's have fn nih SCENE 6 ‘Te gis sparen .20 e cienig he then. Afra ow moment, nats the ocked doer and thn racks ni ct ‘oases othe door and opera it mon Hey, Come in Ym ht caring ue. nner antes and st 0n the couch ink contin elaning. Sence for ow minutes. Asean cea... wih soon for mitoms, ‘Se continues ocean sy sts. Sone. ton cae te bark ote them about my loans, ut completely ‘ergot that oda ie Sunday sol" going to cl bok omen ‘stone. Lan in? Pooks—are you Iateringt a? amacr You know las right, onthe beac, | was aan ety bar it ws enw the bet ight off. wasting in the snd, looking out atthe ooeen ands thirking bout now sal was, ‘xthow big fe And though bout the tines ha tucked pine past twenty-one ears, anda the things woul take ‘bak Ard ealzed how peat fet And now was alone wih of this sand an al of this water to myst. An ic fol lonely ata because ove you so much An ctf ee Pe ‘ucked up atl because | kta wea going to ave you ne ch Best) What you do lst nigh? want you tobe none ah Ok REALLY REALLY = Since . many Come on, ust sy (Beat) dst fuotng say Lion. st mero woreyou st NOW? aimey_ the party might rot ook ke but forms tl going eon AtRetere? ey your boyticas Nout, Ligh At the fucking pty ofthe yeas lime Wat ta ey tl you? amet Don't. ‘mt Jimey—you tt me wha thy tld you. anny They did't have to say anything. Sy. | eoul fe tout allen my on ‘min Dent Thats nota You were ther, ster Heat nt top you bate, tH | ot nocd tis. You can sow yous out, amar You have abou tis much oom total ight now. Aaron ‘hat might be generous, Come on, Ligh art ohear tal ‘rom he whores mouth. ‘pI You awa spoed rote jackass, you ow that Jy? amy 1 should have let you on the otha ido ofthe tacks guess yeu cart teach epoa dog new tke, ‘en Yous going to fol ihe such a oo, tamer Gong t0 You've aredy played that ek on me, evo. “Tas not much ower that Loan el fe + PAUL powns coLaizz0 REALLY REALLY + sen steer me cut ‘ke thew me down, Jy was ely oud in he hor ‘om. et tos him but hi hand as orm fe and at soared ‘NO! STOP sme Uno Davis i? “Oh tuck me Fuck me, Osi! Hart Fuck reharert My boyfrend faraway, beng loyal so het ner hear me seaming your nae” sey Want? tx Ths not how twas ‘ea 1 kept hoping tat someora woud hear me bt cout aime nave done everyting for you So you cous dome the rac ough ok, honor of telirg me the deals, you can maybe rn te ida of simey ae? “rust forme ate mar, ttn Evejon8 was rune amey Are you wre inking?! 00 outst mons, sey Good Dae? ncn Got of. Gato ofr side x1 Everyone wa runke—Tats theory way Loa “samee nt on hie, tier at boat you, Loh? ‘mont cout barely breathe. couldn't seam. So jst ed count down from 200 ‘cause gure ia be ver by then. And ‘her—yeuknowwnen he was done, he loosened his hand rom sound my neck an whigpered"No, Pease, ese, Davis NO" ‘Buti cnt mate: tnaahappenes. And osked acund the room. Ari you wer ut of ton. Ard Grace was out of ag. Ad wa lon. Being fckod. Suck you, zn Pleas, Pees, my. Please. (Best) He wanted to show me pictur tom foshman yea he sid So wont int hl ream and ‘eat on bec. (Bast) sey Leigh ‘teh Ho handed me his phone and tld ms oi tin thor. He cane sound toleok wth meas fpped trough His face was ‘aht net to mine trod fo eek im ad he Kee me. Ant ules way. He was crunk, Jy and than ey Tats aot man uci ate you Jem, sey Leah Linea No. Dont touch me, Your on of them auaey cnt beee ths ston Ho tok ny hae ae. placed Ther, sane Sop, sent And do get cut ofthe. | og Grace, ut before coud go his ands were igang into my shoulders and he ust ser | donno what oink {mo Thankyou Thank youtor hal. amy ie dot want to belove thats tue. mean you under Stand that ght? + pau. gowns covaizz0 sa How cous 1 jt 3 poor where szmey ent. ‘ban You shouts oun about his nc tae to your Chvstan erapst mer 38 clear iping cut bsauso twas pssad. an ut ow that you kno warped, you're nt 0 mad ry moe? sey Whos ‘man esh. Whos Fucking whoa realy thought yu wate ging to ‘sve | thou hele vad tee you, | tought fat \wasin he past and nat grew up wth noting justo balance cut ow ty | woud bacome when met you. ney 23k—Laighyurtave to 80 where a8 coming rom. ‘ie wer both lucky or ach otc Ant have ech thet ‘We wera mnt for sch th an HA sumer Were gonna have ai tops (Seat) mean ht (Bast) Leigh (Beat Legh War? Luton cams hone and erawledino Grace'stbad. Shea fen «seep nine, woke up ante shoots wor soaked in bod. had hide ham 50 Grace wou ee. on pul cance’ bloody seats ovo the unc bas amary Oh ny God ton just happened, REALLY REALLY = mae No + ‘ton couch stop tm sony. state Ligh m0. No. {0H The baby our baby ame my Go No Legh On fuck Oh Jesu, Why ee you ‘elime? ment Because st happenes. samaey Oh Leigh Nove you love you, sweetraat {0H nl youeld ma? me yo 20 much een throw, ‘Beat ashy Stay inthe hug and he kes her ha, anaey We have ell my dae tnt No. sey We do He can hp, He an take car of av, ten But we can't el hin about he baby. aero hae, ‘an That rt us, lenny. Two respons kis? ney You hve tote doi, ‘en Butncting wit charge ght? anny Wns de you~ ‘men Promise me tat rthing wil change, timer Ncshing wat en You' aay: Wt me. Youlstay mer course 'm glng toes with you. ‘0 And the baby. Yul ay ncting. ne me Promise me. sme; Aright. promi {ns Good, Ok, good Oh rm (Bt) Now can you me oan these sheets? SCENE T The boys house. is mori. ‘sf sieap ontop of is Books on the co table, He {toes in 088 that ons ie slgpig, and goes or hi Pac nthe ‘middle ot, oss col phone ngs. os brat wakes anc 00% tp-to2 rar Back his oom Se erates fo find phone, ‘in Holo? Ths shin, Tosay? Hold ont me ra apn as apar Acusy [neve a mister at ne, bu any ne aftr umm, Ok OI be there sera, Maye what he rgaring? Oh ok Su os hangs up an ss, Me ponders Me needs an answer ‘ant COOPER! COOPER, GET OUT HERE! bus ran anc opens cater’ bedtoom coat ‘ans Viake vp, Cooper wake up {S00PER Hun? What man? Gt out in sloping. ams Coops, now How: ‘00958 comes ou fis oem as hough he jst Woke uP ‘coopan Ugi—Can you ge the ik ot? aoa ihc you guys tk about ast igh? ‘cooren Whe? ‘bane Now Cooper ‘eocran You mas Jonson er Fn? ‘Ye. en ehinson ane. Wt you guys tk bout? ‘cooren Oh you know—we st sot he sit Johnson read afew ‘acti, we tales abou some other su ans Yous hin, dt you? c0oren m0 ted, ans Fuck, Cooper oer dt syartng. Johnson she cro whe sid you: nae. ‘ms. What te hol kind of fon a your? ‘S00PER Al sud was hat Jerry Abraharson eta tooth and then he asked we had party anther ‘ans Obese know encugh to actu be mac at ms? ‘coves On he knows. Butho dnt ven say anything about you ‘dad, He wae ately mad st Llgh Youkrow dy, hele a carbass pans, Thisie nt good c0reR ola, man. Youre nat ven tends th sry nest got call om the dean's sac He wart ta mat today at ene, cooren nett. ane Yeoh ‘S00eaR il so what? Maybe i's about somthing compe EALY REALLY + e2 ‘ams He told me nto go to my mia ‘0ren That's be. Yosh t's a ‘Baws What he tl am gong to 0? ‘corn gets text message Ar Jou UB! ‘eooren stl him tha wut. You can't gtin tub orhavng ‘sex win someone. mean she's over eight igh? An een ‘though sas dass onthe boas tat dosen't make 2 scat seus. So youre inthe lee ane Yeon, coven Fig not acme. Ras ek ofme, butts not a ren, {00PeR Butts word hat eal you elo got your mith. ‘ams. Actaly he words wer “Suspend stnng al of yur lasses ‘cooran Suspend? You're suspend? ans quoss tam. What te fk? ‘00rER What ls you do toher? Di you fuck her ayes out or someting? coors ee phone rings. Hoarswor, ‘e00PaR inst co you want? Christ, Johnsen | doit row Hold on. ‘avis, yu se Jotcn'sthee-ole puneher anh? ‘ms al ep, ooreR Yosh. her. Come gt No—jau came gti dont aoa, what the hall does itmattr when Davis il bo he? Un . U-uh,Youro joking. Oh. Yeah. bring to prt. Bye, ame. Vins wth? cooren Un noting ame. nat ane ay? ‘cooran eyelet me again what happened on Satucy ight With Lg. awe why? ceeoren You know, patos. i be geod to gover. ams Usk We wart nto my bedroom. don want to his att row, ‘co0ren Hebe goo fr you ‘baw Te deta don't mate ‘corer gets text message. Than ancther: Than another He siences hs phove bans What’ going on? cooren Ws shot Beat) ans. hat? e208 Wis ho ans. Cooper Sto, ‘00PeR Vis he ok thi meas? (Bast) Dav wen tal (Gent) ave foes ‘ne. ina? No i’ that, Cooper cooren Ok. enULY REALLY = ans oink have tin me oven antes to. ‘cooren ‘Than te ne whet happened. ‘ams ‘You know what happened—your ear was prosees aga the ooryeu ss [c0oren Davis! was prety crn and evens vt ing oe st tel me what happened hat way can blove you. you don't me then | ony now one side ofr tary. am What dd Johrson jt ayo you? cooren Date ams. Wet dsb say to hi? bats goes ater coor’ hone. coe shit it rm ons. ‘coopan Come en. Came oa Come en, man ‘ms Dont you youve to be— ‘cooren You should shower belo your meeting ans Are you FUCKING KIDONG ME ‘c00ren Come on. ‘am Are you KIDDING MEP! 200ren mean she's na, eat? ams fucking pices ot. ‘00RER Don't say hat bas. No fuck ou: at tha pase, You Kom ot hat person. 0rER i doesnt mater ca arnt. our edo maior vat. se + PAUL bows couaizz0 ‘ams need youto baer me ‘coors Then tl me what happened bans. Hoy st ‘cooren ust tle whet happen ‘bam DONT KNOW! (Sat do'tremembax ok? Fue cooren Welw yutahing about? ans on even aemberhaving ex wih hoc ut sais that ‘uf so you guys would love re alone about it :00PER Whos Davia ill work cut ams. How dort have delens. O MY GOO! ‘cooren ust tink ‘ean MOTHER FUCKER! G00 DAMN ‘cooren ave—just bing down, bude ocr so put is hand an c's back o confor hi ane FUCK! ‘ows tates cooren by the oolar ad shove him agate wa pining in ‘c00ren ais! Das! Amoment and herring the rege hes capable of as backs ‘bana On sit. Cooper bus leaks a is hands, reiing what nes capable ot | ontiok wer SCENE T ‘rue Leads of Amaia Contec lentot \Wtat re you abou? ine n your goal. hice searches her pockets ne st ma. Ia speech tion forth aru. steep your belong pgs close, avryone. know ytd this countess times athe ‘miner butts brown lathe, Lou Watton bag andithas even ‘hing init My lasses, my phone. my spsech. Sof you ny thing that dose biong to you please retum Bo». youkrow, me, Cause—wotl—bocause you now its mie, (0k thnow it Rave my egal retes mown tink but Mt ust gang tak to you a rect, Jt sort ot wing. Ware ss es nee? 0 Futur leadrs: wo havea provon curses seme way cra ‘ero gat ha today Everocy har stv for succes. For ‘rene, Some of us for het, bt mot of ua for gress ut ‘a we conde ou conerencs, I want each of ou to put ome ‘mount Ws question: Wha ar you about? Wha the one thing tat you wank? ‘Wo al want obo grat. ht? Wel hil @ rst part the formula for aucoie the aby oo win the panos an ayy to 4 + PAUL powNS coLarzz0 “what youre gen, a fet pa ofthe oma or exces nosing want 0. When to sx2ino an opps, no nates now ntcing kay bea havete city to waign ne to what youar about Aaloonisnata Grostgot Who wouerit wart ow cook de ows na wth the pu of tle? cosa gat mach eter ‘han tat. Bu batoon caret bea ballon ent rocket, (et know ve my rina notes round here somewho Rhus ete ate combat and ust wat to eke sue that youal ‘he take ue rom somone og raw kroner ening ot of tne. My mothe ava tis ne that was going a have odes with her ba arma, Sho stole Meret Powers's science ak projet nthe ary 70s and Mered- lined and my mether—anyeay—t's happening, what ‘aa saying. Abaloon nota Crockpot. teat exok rea Back on wack es even fit could eve ia balloon cols sy ys ttl ou louse, making food in ee, wou never fy que sigh tt ap also cooing ature cima atthe sametme Ins nat ragetonng but she moves on anyway ‘Ard what sbout at Crockpot Say got lon ony and atc aay, Even the best Crockpot ever ad, wh geod snow? You have to baleve me at hs was avery gre speech, Bul hope you get the pont. You nave tobe aballoon of ‘be a Crockpot, Youve to do whet yu can do bes. You ove ‘ato yourvat. Your rt proxy you aways. That's what ‘weve been taught by hase who came befor us nd we have leaned tom tre best (Bet) senueymeaLLY + (Ok. That's. The conference hs end. The time hs come to retrn from whence you came. have been apr of his oeriza- ‘on shoe wa eleven yours al, sit was an hen fo be your ‘presidnt he yar | wl Bo epsokng at nest yer’ contre in “sof to pas on whatever can tothe gnerton afar us We have got ha word tou ingrtips my elow balons. Or Croke po. Or ati walpaper or tabournes yy. You ae young. You ae promising. You ae you, nd we... we ae the Futue Leaders of America. Best) She wake of tray cepraced. ee StENE 2 The gts apartment ec stan, Pong her el hanes Alpped open. meaty ‘ores wy {Fem th phone) You hava sven ne messages, Frat message: aust (Tryout the hans) Hey bons Haley. Aer wo aod ast vioht— won is te, ‘woven oy Delic Nox Meese ausy Samy got xt WorcenML LADY Dslted. Nox Mosage, aus nop youre ok ata voveema aby Debte Next Moston assy Leigh tm wored tat at Vovceman bY Debtec Next Message aur Is. orem LADY Delstc Next Message aus Youd beter. ———e—— fenuty REALLY «74 voretuan. BY Dested. Net Message. ay WHY WO. 21 vovemaaa BY elated No new mega, auey (Fm oftage, apraachingyoling} 1m hr! LEIGH! LEIGH (OPEN YOUR DOOR ‘Trae ink tte door mr Shit Se opens te doar ues plang @bote of wine and a bloon. tus ‘Tole or you. Nalloms on, Put your sme around me and Jato what nomal gts Go when thay nave’ seen each ate inane tenn ct gong tet you woes your ay noi. amr nto what? : tur to. Not gonna happen, I packed up fr hs ae came a ‘he way up har! canetbeove Jmry hao call meant ‘moto heck non you. Were you rely not going to el me ts was going on? ‘mm You 26 not vched intl, do you underetane ms? aver {stat wt took you we Hous to plk up one of my cals L last ia L : ‘1 Yes! : auey Wee movin on up, Si Ai a8 Mae to hs you del ws 10H Haky—totr 1 would rae you nt sey auey Walltrather beable flora Helnokan but sometimes th jst gotta ink Miler Light. What Kno sate wou |e use you eal wth this woe hng on your own? Lunan Ono who was repetil of my wahes? auy Yeah. Tetlb the dey How's cologs fe? Ganestons of urancstre are dying Yoko ka what you've done wt he ice Vir “zn forth ob you want f you tuna The lsse eupintwo monte. here areyou lena? usr Win Foot the Super in Wataru You wou bene Fi More touble ith the lust Get thie Apparent cant eves ce. ‘sea Wry ise tying o sue acid? wus Butne's promis me e Poreanian een el hope wer et aur Msto0. Tough we've beanbaung wouble commenting aay ight ust bee anguage bai, bu have hs fer ha ne Enh was bet td ot tht wove ong ln common, ‘dha eare8 me, Loh realy doe. Bu, you now, ws ong a8 get my Perera, $9... ome on. Wal aw wth you? ‘et ens the past couple of day Reve bean kn of eugh ‘aury Non stcause you got rape sen tmean that's tha apperngin te wo ant to kro wha going en with you ase Have you e060 any now movies? suey Oh, Leigh You ko tht somewhere, n taback of your inc ote unde al of your “eps” ended up blog & 200 thing, ‘ic Tis stations super fap, ok? Why ct you tik that Wes aight come up hes? aus Wom going protect yu frst and frost But m lo ero wale the gi who ahs lind nar ot ‘cst dng what hse todo usr Alight~co lt tak This guy The defendant Ihe het? ean HALEY! ALE What shetling people? Let's go over thre ar gota ‘contesion eu othim.m wearing anew bra. and my cot phone recor things evn though my bag aan ere nat going anyone tau We nae to lock ium and shut thie down, Leigh emmy Ioave yu, have ne way to make Rico feel hed bout set Ard then how ese an suppoee i gt tinge? ‘em hae tooo get my lund before Grace gets back awe Fine. Fine. Wei ta about someting ae. Yeure also beng ‘very seratve about whet movies you've Sen S01 dot know wha ther et fo aka {2104 Look tm nt rquied tt you stay hers aus Batter to keep me cose, gi. Tn on he ooke,youlust onto what do, 14 + PAUL powKs coLaizz0 ton Hey? aur torr you or agin you Wat tbe? Bat) tower ae you gong ole? ausy In yourdes aust Can you seo at Jam's He's ot ving yu, Hoe? 2H Ne, rater {mean post'niscaage hes illovng you ht? toh Lucky ecuch ye, aug Good. The at ing | ned is your poor ssl alos inthe tiga work You got ny chips? aH chips? auey Chips Say Totes. Doritos. Chis. You get chipe? ‘mon You can check he panty sary Pain steno you, “Party From ood bucket 10 panty. uk Dd be proud sen vino? ur Youknow. Tink beck, Oad, Dad he man wih the bt ans tha bees ‘mom Nope, MusthaveBocked nim out ay rememberhim wane want to wear a baclas shit. usr vans, ting fo connset wth aH on tat No ck, Come on. He wat vay serowing rat woman Who never fed us. You remem Asking Mom fortune? ttm nt somthing rea peopl et assy only napeenes on TV. How tel she como up wih that? Hove be hal ld wo Belve tt bch fer 0 fn? | dont know. But tank Go fr Dani Deca nar why? 1 | woul vay re sure het wes payng with Ki around ‘ong that hemor woul ate mein for some oe. suey And you di 0 me? ‘uncaYou avast ss Danll Decor an then he'd ran sau was staring For yo. used 6 goto bed ety so : wouldnt be awake to fe! he hungry ‘mm Danis mom woul ake etry and chose sancviches, Not teak. hi out, wausy Youstipid cum, en Haley! auey i always be the same, won't? Eventing works ot ‘or you. You play tag wh Dani Decker and you get agooa mest ‘ne taba. You to Jnmy about bang pega 9 the fol \ilstay wh you and then you are uch enough to get apse Every fa ight ino you lap 2 + PAUL powns coLarzz0 ‘mn {wasn lucky Halo. That boy ejected me for yrs athe ‘one te ay“ a tis "ys." tauey Wil you cent hae somsting to bar the miscariage on, you wou eve to produce a baby nine months and we get CONN at the Super @ and know tha when people steal babies ‘nom resp, never works aut. ‘men On come.n, I would never sval a baby, suey ouch put past yo. sm God-—am | amonste?sthat what everyone thinks? rausy Maybe, Bi thel dosen't mean bas sit can’ happen to ye to. Did youd what we used odo? eH Wha? ‘aur Did you countdown fom 2007 won nods (ke Arya, ik want staking lasses 5104 Realy? usr Yom er is exeng? nat na kn of 25366? ay ust cssees. Thats ae faraeve goto en Hoy-that's op one tasy And once thi sid sn done, have the money to cn Doi ie hat. saury Oh honey, got problem beng adogesleng as somaone | REALLY REALLY + 7 ‘trons me abene. Ve le decided hat am going to ony wae is with ow ow necks ime forme to stat taking con- tetot ny He {gH Alig Youst here, Dont move Da ouch anything, Dont ‘alt anyone, im gong to get my aur. Yu've gt your eps "oh? You's good wih the capa? Wet t and ty. Do you rtand me aus Vico! woot Ti wag. Ee flop. Poon your bec. 0H et. 1. looks round the apartment. Sh picks uo plow and ook a the tag ont mau Cate end Bare? Ata beat, she puts the pil down onthe couch, urbuese her ants are puls tam down just enough so nat her but sot. She ‘be her but ante pow race enters tugh te ont oot femez (As he ants) Hallo ar tata pute up her pant aus wast even doing ayting! ‘enace Ohi n cory: Unen Cant hep you with sorting? Winer’ Ligh? suey Shehadto go gether aun, | ‘emce Fm Grace ay | gue ve heard go much abst you. UL OWNS cOLAIZZO ‘emct Oh my Ged thovsht youd never come vist sauay Lag ld me that you dd he howe gets ‘entce What? That's rot we. (Beat) Wel is grest. When auey Nottong ago. he your bandage, ‘ence That's wor but thankyou. (Beat) So...Whats been SCENE 3 Boys! nous, sino playing Xbox. boat and then ters con dose rotmovs he tenon caress onthe auch delta. ans Stipe ovmaon Wat? ans Eveying vernon looks atoms. onaon AVS! sonmson | tought you were gong to be gone at ternoon ‘Thats what Cooper si amt Wim back Stop foping out Pay your games. ovmson Ne. shes pres go ans, No—otnsoo—ust hang ot Im nt having the best mon (estan) Aon ans Li sory. Jotncon. onmson Yeah (Set) So we good? Can igo? ams Jonason— sommson Sony, Dai st mites and erring all heparin ellovetohang out wth you ts st, you know a bad ime se + PAUL oowns coLatzz0 ‘ams Yest—el—mean go fyounave to Buti nd of wea ook it ao domgon Look dort do a. : ‘pans 00 what? sonmeon Don't make mo fea ba. ‘ams. How am ting to raka your sovmson_ Because | dot want to be sound you ans sited to got that eng. donmson rating persons ans aking tat wa dennson On bing on. ing onthe gui, ‘pane. Ive arts 40 wor sowmson God you are 90 oh ‘bans. Wins | row? omson_L20kne got slong—we've been buses ams scer? sion Jus cafe tobe wih you rah Now. ‘ams Jesus Johnson wel not tog, You wees laying ie0 ‘paras and was sting on te coven pay dub, An ow Nata saying a seimison_ Com on Dor cto tinge wns No No, What oho saying aowwaon_m ot gig ivohiog, Davi You'd do the sere ning ‘you war me. ‘ama ton my Hera because he's upset? awa. Whet? Hear het omoone was accusing him of someting af an the do my best to ty yom i? sowison Come on. ‘aw NoTl nT me what wou do, Johnson. Suse sonneon Look tis whole tingle a prety big del, aight? A big ‘eck dost. oto be aay avery ight. can court on one and ‘aha ands the numberof tines Ive been dunk Lam cautous motartickec haven't ben abl to bene fr al ent 2 years of my He because | a ing, desperate to Become the ‘man hat want to be, Arm sony, bul thee at st too many ways to fck tht up. Ard won ao ‘ams So what, you dont bate me? somson Of couss I boleve you, Dav Koo you. IAnow you wou that ‘ams Than whats your cea? ommsou_ Not veryody knows you. Not the dean, Not my parents Note pees ans Sonat? senmson_ Peco tt mem nota goed en, because am, "stn clas and watch you Good whe sora to fin a bank page nm ntebonk. Arise coer | sche fie before _a tet tap you before you oven atk Ara we never once ches. | comet your house for partis when you kro all wl at hae pres. hte hem. Not exsgoerig. But come becawe ma 2 + PAUL powns couaizz6 cau REALLY 00d end A when Natale dumped you, was the ony one whol curs her out gt sway because | ne you sti loved har and dit want so her get ht, egarces of he shit she ut you trough Why? Because! am good frend, Davis. You shoud ow tat. So Fm aor ion the eve of my gracuton ‘tom cooge | dant want be town nto the mit ofa sean and invng your paves and Legh’ background cute est a natonal scandal roars of who's itor rong. t E ‘cooren Whats? ans My fol Dera ry meno, ba towing aay at es sche itams. ‘S00PeR Noi no, Oa, Whatever's going on, we can sat man. a youmest wth the desn? ‘bans Yeah didn say anying He ust tec hve to goto 8 specs ering tomorow to plead eer way so they ean Fre cut whatto do wth m=. ‘bans Wows man, We god or you onnson Be 2 gn rend, Dai, Dot rng me down wh you ame Alte. sovison im sory. ‘cooran Wht do youresn? 2y not ult then hey are ging to gather af he ‘cance and have ail bli ey git than they ae gong to ave to gure cut how t push ma whch coks Ike might get erated ame Yoah, You are. somone youn ten yoars evo ents one lok up the phone and neste a he hts back te. He aA fo bests ‘cooren Oh God. That suc, man avs. Ard then tee’ th lal mate, Lei she reson charge thn am done, you now? Game over os, ‘bans. Hey, Mom. i'n. Sorry Fhaver'tretuned your hone cls Umm navel of sme bad news. | Gon rey know wht © telyouc i prety Bad, Jutcll me BACK when you gah OK? lows yu, Mor ve you. ‘cooran You just gots tke thie one stp tana ran. ‘ns ange up the pone. ‘cooren Johnson's adouchebag, man, We hte Johnsen, ans Buthos doing exact what | wantto do. Hes rang. ‘ans. (To be prone} Sem. o0rER Don't wory Wel calla lawyer Wel Bhs. ‘nus bron. ow beats and then aes ents ant No, cooren Davis? Holy sit Davia? Onna happened? Hoy ma— + Pav. oowns eoiAtz20 ane. Not plesing no contest. co0rER. What? Why? That's tpi, Dav. Yee thinking stp ame Fuckyou, Cooper. | donthavea chance in hel. donthavea case. | fucked up. tis gos to i iat gong to craw more ststn tothe elo thing and can't do hat. cant put y Fai hough at Ore ean. Anan reyes gng to fd egy anyway becouse they are gong to eek me what actly hacpnad atm st og tke sand ere boeing some thing because cant actualy newer the queton, ceoren Youre ch. Youre whit. You shoud ave prem. bane Tht works aga me, Coop Dont you ge hat? ‘c00ren_ You ely doitremenberanng? any ay dont (et) {eo0ren ‘Then you eed to try tts, man. (Bast) ‘ana rsaly tought | staring 0 gt contl over thigs. ‘es. 9o to et eooeen Hey manner ve you ga? ame on know, Dost wat up. SCENE 4 A laundreat. is ishing folding har ashy. GRACE enters, conserving. tment Surpriso— thought you'd ke some tes ens. ferace_ Wow Thankyou ‘on Yep And mach hem, Lookal hat. Complete white fnsce That's amazing. Beat) So. Anting gong on? ton Nope. Best) ‘nce So vino inane? ‘amet. Leigh, come on. ne x Ok. ‘ames ve got you's not to lat otis. Hw yu tol rary ‘uth gotten back to Davi ye? (Bet) Come ons tn st ‘el me wat youre seyng and we can come up wih plan, ‘mest Thank you ter your concen, Grace, bat youre dng me a ‘le uncomorabe wih he way youre jet doi thrk k's any of your busines ight now fence Ligh bay the words you're singer we rete ‘aicatons forth. kom you know that an Idolos. Tank you ee + PAUL aowHs coLsizz0 ‘emtce Soles do whats ght har? eH Wow enact is you cant expect mato stan with you on this tan Ok, Gott entot Don'tdo that ome ea Im ntroaly Wore sbost you Ra NOW. cece Youro paving wih re x1 Is that what ing? ‘once Youre making a mess. enact When? tan We gotham, and cout wat censor You ere dank nan 0% ‘emer Aon, Ligh, dont do thie. you want to sleep around, thats youre pas yu for the couse, You war stat towing ‘wound accusations though ard | wlrasemmy hae wth questons. in Loo, dont nd youte get a pre-e student on me, ‘enkoe Will Legh how am supposed o eae? Your strlen the partment Babbing on about rap. So tel me what gong on ‘an Wnt co you want 0 kaon? ‘enor nat happanet atthe party? mon Youtel me, sours ike you have prety good ea. fen REALLY = 7 ‘once have sng, ys! : ‘x00 You thine macau. ‘emer Youro prtending tat youn? ‘aan You loon what? think we're dene. ‘exes You canst nor tis, Leigh Yu cant just say is dol ‘Ht you and ma, aoe? We abso one ‘ones Oh you gogo row me out? nie | woud ove fr you tobe my Hend, but t seems you a nableto gv me tht. ‘emtce That's not how oak to me, Len Realy? Ar who tha fuck are you? femtee lou who Im et An orator ten So you came dom hereto hp me with ay? Is that? ‘emtoe Youjut don avn think abou wha pasion yeu puting ‘ein, do your ‘une Don't make this about you Grace Stop tying to bean ‘ample! Just be Grace! Lat me got trough ths. Just ho my hand and etme get hough tis. ‘Beat Lao extn her han orice jst tar att ‘man (Reaicing, hurt) Yourey doit bebeve (Boa) Tho’ ‘net eve amementof douse? Youre that io? ‘omc | vas here Lach mn Not he whol ne, 2 + PAUL o0wHS coLAIZZ0 ondoe Is tetering teh Not be whol net enact. hy ar you ding this an net ng ating! ‘met Theis sofuced! si This ih nace BUTIS IT TRUE? (Seat) nan Whats oi? ‘ome taught we wor more than is, ‘mone no. (Beat) So what do you want rom me, Grace? _onace | just wart yout spread them wider notte, Maybe thet ‘ware wc tar can tn. (Bost) Linea No, You want me to conden you ar rn your ems and ‘han maybe rele that ne el parson ov hasbeen rt ere al ong. Like youve steam. And yout irk i glad pt hr rn ens took cas of he nya of You wart mato ‘tel you's fe so hat you can sip me oto Ald you want ris to open my age wider so that yeu can fn (Beat) Lenten Wil now we know where we tad amc 9065 ent Dut frst ‘You ka, youre tling the uh about al of ist hope that SCENES Baca te boys poe. A krockeon the door ooren opens the door and a. standing therein sunglasses and pitas ard reso to ‘Show her cleavage. She's rd he purse and she's a stare auey id you hive a party er on Saturn ight? ‘ocren Why? yauey Oa you? usr Oh thnk God cous remember whore ws ‘cooren D0 know you? rauey {sts your place? ‘coor Yosh thar someting you nee? aus Name's Wands. was hr at hat wsseme party on Satin ly ng let my pendant ere. Wout you be eraugh 0 ep me ind 2 ‘c00ren Oh sus. Sony Letme putona sit. saury No 0, honey; plese. The house come wah a rst view. ‘cooran natok? assy tito ae protective. {00rER No, your pendant. suey 9 sive. The chin i. The pendants Bue, Ande oo + PAUL opwas covaizz0 ‘cooren fluenced ona sve ha? Do youremember whee ‘you werenanging ou? usr ue Bahar, My God what apt, mak? ‘cocren Yosh. Say dont emamber you. tas jt o crowsos aur | igureyou wove You were busy we that i alright ‘cooren Which ge? ausy Youknow About tis tal Pry. Cou be my site. ‘cooper | wes relly sy wth anyone. sassy You lvehw dont you? (Beat) ‘ocean stop and ook te, He's culo uneasy about her Doing e. c00Pen Hoy-—sln-—uhy det yeu ghee your numbers text yourt we up ‘maLey Odo you havo somewners you hast be? cooren these to HALEY 6 kot koepookrg. ‘c00ren | 92 that buon ote good tre saury You mean ter the plc to coms to your house? assy hate to havetocallthe poles ante tam about my stolen pendant, ‘c00ren None stl your pendant aus Werte ony ono way toe su of hat ther? Beat a thay stares ach otha cre stats to look aan cooren chy hate today. ey sategicay places ner purse, postion io tha one 20s elbsrta facing Coo. auey Ste paty— ‘ee0ren (Loki forthe nckises) Fucking stupa party. nary You dd havea? A gout gy ke you? na rst housek he? De you ve heal alone? e00ren 0 ou THINK: ve here al ore? auay Was someton fens ow? ‘ooren an you wat cutsde, pesse? ase Not Ooh—yuhate that word dont you? ‘cooren What? ‘cooren | promis you tat oak or yur pendant but my oor ‘mata might coms hore soor— wer Roommate? cooren Yoon. (Best) ser Ho was the one who was bury wth that gi alight? ocren | dnt know what yours taking about. (Sb) say Ugh Youknow what? ust xt ‘se grabs ha purse. ‘You people suck. Fit, het por gt eaves tis howe devastate ‘and now my fueling panda missing. Yu allare goon get at coming te you ey starts toot cooren Dovetates? sae What? ‘cooren Thatge—thre was i who was..covasttec? Bast) suey hm. Yeah, ‘cooran nici? ausy was standing ous towards the eof the party tore ‘wa git—that and sha was eying ‘cooPen She was? aver Yeah. Anim alos got hr an amusnoe but she ws eo tor up se col’ ven respond ome, ‘coovan Serousy? sau Yosh. Do youknow what happened to her? ‘eooran Wns wa your ram again? amy Wand. And your? ‘o0ren Coope assy tthe por get—shor le hng, Hers was to. And ibnkcharlog was beedlng. She musta c00Pen Her sket ws een? aur Yosh, Sich muta fl down. Busted ac5p. No, that's ot ‘gt. Thats when someone gets shot ‘cooper bo you now te gis name? aus Usa? | dort know-—ner tl prety end had to take her home What shame. Everyone le hed 0 much un eho party. eALLY REALLY = #9 OPER And youre sue about tie? ALE Oh hanes dmn sure. When someone looks they've ‘een hitb aay, you ema. ‘eooren Dic anyee ose seo her? sau Tone of ponte Beat, as looks at 2st lck the oom. Many wenssse. Unmet etn Weert? ‘cooren Wh? sary This clock You nave & Waterton clock sting in your living oor? ‘coopan Oh—yesh guees—our parents Kind of put this place together: Cou you her anything while you ware outside? mean oor the gt came out? usr Sure, Srsaming or coming, i sre. My Lod outs rsa aden yur alvenare fora townhouse ‘coopan Aino. You cou probaly jut ext tcugh an akenum ‘an or someting, ‘auey Ofte! Tats uy Youre cute ae funny! What re you ong ater ‘eooran 1 probaly be coking or your pencat aus You wart oko me out fore cin? ‘covren On my Go wausy | putout assy Wha? ‘cooren Your pendant. coonen prsents sr wth pendant ram the couch ausy Yous stting me HAI Look that Ao and ed pendant. What are te see? cooren twa inthe couch uaa amazing. Wel thank you. Tis cts ely rey. Ths Isadora sive There's damcnd in tit ‘eoopen | tink you soul gt going now. aus You people don't even krow what you nave. ‘c00PeR Ok; User realy cant ra tat nk aury Fuck your dk, Coope: us gota damon ay ents cOvPE thinks for # secon ana thn pls up is al hone. SCENE 6 ‘The le apartert A bat and then ha comes ming im the permet. na matar of seconds sho stack nh orginal cotes. ‘Shemmazss up ho magszhes, krecing most of th oto the foot, ‘and tarts reang one whe eating her chips, sua arr onto 1 ee home, Haley! Soy wes gone so ne aver | was going to senda saarch party. Ive eas ao these rragazines amon voy? tur got Bored. bao sti’ he this whol ie: mer, Hay ay 5, my baby Long te ro se! mises ou. _anuny_| mised youtee How's Roo? auey Hos gest. Gost, Just gt promotion at Jamba Jace He's the one yu have ose forthe betvoom kay row. Fl oud Foal proud, Do yeu have sy engl rand? sonny Good. aur aye family fds? anmre Good. happy fr you gus. Hayy's coming tay ty place tonight, aur Oh now He's jst ig, Ligh Fenever ses with mary slong an yeu guys esti ogee. te + PAUL o0wNS coLaizz0 tori jst nee same sone tina have to tke checkin wh mye aug Uph Youth Wel ol on, Let mouse tet gM! room. 1m agypey.A ein’ ayer. ae ee othe batrocen en ‘Thanks fr taking her tonight ey Hoyas what you ely tik you ned. Best) ‘itn evrtng thats gong on wh Davis, mos fxg tat we sito nest slow curse ine to mou. 1 How ar you doing wit ha? mr ‘love you. tt hoon a’ phone regs anmerHey—tm geting acl Te Hal to come out tothe ruck hen shee done 0H 0% sumer Sloop ght tonight, of? ‘cn i Youtoo 8 moot you at the hearing, aiey Ok Bye ine nove. He ents, 1 Haley hury up try waking ants starting to an erent fom the bathroom ausr 4.0 {cant steap hora. cant pes her. ‘era But you've made tour job to make mass hee auzr These icing mages lubed to look at these things nd ‘hink"Furk yu, you ron propo wth your stipe prio." Bu ‘han | he—No, You kno what? Iwan that, Ad that’s” And na after watching ou fr these yer, ered ne sot. Watt takes to goat wat you war. Ar whenever sea ge 2re cover that stows sre but parson on the cover and says "now they i" pet gh ‘Cae on reed to ead anymore. sm nny wing in his ek sauey Ok Callityounced sryting mi Hoy—Haly? Thank you for balling re. huge Aor best, forte ft tine ng ne hugs er back aaa edn you ay ev As erent, oH noise a noe taped a har on

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