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Parashah 7- Vayetze (He went out)

Parashah 7: Vayetze (He went out) - Genesis 28:10 through 32:3.

Haftarah (Writings and Prophets): Hosea 12:13 through 14:10.
B'rit Hadasha (New Testament): John 1:43-51.

Summary & Overview

o Genesis 28:10 | Jacob's Dream at Bethel
o Genesis 29:1 | Jacob Meets Rachel
o Genesis 29:15 | Jacob Marries Laban's Daughters
o Genesis 30:25 | Jacob Prospers at Laban's Expense
o Genesis 31:1 | Jacob Flees with Family and Flocks
o Genesis 31:22 | Laban Overtakes Jacob
o Genesis 31:43 | Laban and Jacob Make a Covenant

In last week's portion, we discussed the concept of duality and how the
separation of Isaac led to the two generations of nations that came through his
twin sons, Jacob and Esau. We also liked at the birthright and how that relates
to the Work of Messiah, and through His anointing massiach, transfer the
birthright to those who receive His Spirit and the gifts that equip the Bride. This
week we will look at Jacobs encounter with YHVH and the further separation
or refinement of Jacob to create the nation of Israel.

Jacobs Encounter with YHVH

Jacob left his family after the death of Isaac to escape the wrath of Esau who
promised to kill him. Jacob was to go to his grandfather B'tu'el, where he was to
choose a wife from the daughters of Laban, Rebecca's brother. Previously we
saw the custom of arraigned marriage, but here Jacob had to choose his own
wife. So Jacob left and went towards Haran, and on his way, had an encounter
with YHVH:

Genesis 28: 11 Jacob went out from Be'er-Sheva and travelled toward

Beer Shiva ibs rab means, vow of the sevenfold oath. It consists of two
root words be-ar and shaba. Ba-ar rab means abundance, the number
seven, be satisfied, to be complete, well or pit, to make clear, to declare.
Shaba ibs means to swear, take an oath and to curse.
Haran ]rx means mountaineer, it comes from the root word charah that
means to be hot, to burn, to dry out, anger, to be scorched. It is first found in
Scripture in Job 30:30 explains Jobs suffering where his skin was black from
the sun and his bones are burned with heat.

Spiritual Insight: Jacob went from a place of abundance in his fathers
house where there was plenty and had to leave because of the oath or
birthright, and Esau his brother, that threatened to take his life. This started
the next phase in Jacobs life where he went through similar sufferings as
Job. Jacobs flesh was challenged by the elements and it probably felt to him
as if he had been judged by YHVH, Whos anger burned against him.
Personal Application: When you decide to follow YHVH through Messiah,
you become born again and receive His anointing (massiach) or birthright.
Then the internal work starts where the creation/separation process begin in
your life so that YHVH can remove the undesired parts in you, by taking you
through experiences where He will scorch and burn you like silver, to
separate the impurities. This process will refine you as His Bride and train you
up to be worthy of carrying the birthright or anointing. The meaning,
mountaineer is related to the two different places Abraham and Lot decided
to go when they separated; Lot went to Sodom (world standards), and
Abraham went to the mountainous areas that represent YHVHs Word and
standards. Lot was a wise man in the gates of Sodom where he saw himself
as righteous about sinners. Abraham was righteous because he compared
himself with the mountain, that is YHVHs Word. In the same way should
your righteousness be formed and shaped by comparing ourselves with the
Word of YHVH, using that as a mirror, not comparing ourselves with the
world, thinking we are righteous when we compare ourselves with sinners.
Genesis 28: 11-15 He came to a certain place and stayed the night there,
because the sun had set. He took a stone from the place, put it under his
head and lay down there to sleep. 12 He dreamt that there before him was
a ladder resting on the ground with its top reaching to heaven, and the
angels of YHVH were going up and down on it. 13 Then suddenly YHVH
was standing there next to him; and he said, "I am YHVH, the Elohim of
Abraham your [grand]father and the Elohim of Isaac. The land on which
you are lying I will give to you and to your descendants. 14 Your
descendants will be as numerous as the grains of dust on the earth. You
will expand to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. By
you and your descendants all the families of the earth will be blessed. 15
Look, I am with you. I will guard you wherever you go, and I will bring
you back into this land, because I won't leave you until I have done what I
have promised you."
One night Jacob had a dream, and in this dream, YHVH revealed Himself to
Jacob as the God of Abraham and Isaac, and He reminded Jacob of the
Covenant, HVH repeated the same words He spoke to Abraham when He called
him. After confirming the Covenant with Jacob, YHVH gave him a personal
promise for His life, where He said; I will guard you wherever you go, and I
will bring you back into this land, because I won't leave you until I have done
what I have promised you." This means that YHVH will lead Jacob (Israel)
back to Land that He promised to their fathers Abraham and Isaac.
Prophetic Application: This gives us the confidence that YHVH will always
keep His promises because that is exactly what He did, Israel is currently
back to the land He promised to Abraham. The time He brought Jacob back
is the time of Jacobs trouble that prophetically points to the end of the
restoration process and the second coming of Messiah to complete His work.

Israel, being back in the Land, confirms that we are currently at the time
where Jacob is about to meet Esau. Jacobs character (name) will be
changed, revealing the change in the character of man that will be changed
because of the time of trouble, this is something all of humanity will go
through, those who are alive during these times of the end.

Jacobs Ladder
Reading this passage, we see that YHVH spoke differently
to Jacob than He spoke to Abraham. Abraham first heard
His voice and then encountered YHVH in the form of three
Messengers face to face. After that YHVH spoke to Isaac
and Rebecca, and it seems that they only heard His Voice.
With Jacob, YHVH communicated in the form of dreams
and visions.
When Jacob left his home, he came to Ha Macome, that
means THE PLACE on Mount Moriah. This word is used
three times, emphasising the importance of this location.
The Sages believe that this place where Jacob laid down
his head, where he anointed the stone he slept on, is the
exact same place where the future three Temples would be
built. Jacob thus miraculously found the site where the Presence of YHVH would
be on the earth, and through this encounter, received the keys of prophecy.
Prophecy is the word naba abn that means, to be under the influence of a
divine spirit, to speak or sing by inspiration, speak by divine power, to bubble up
(in liquid). This word is first used in Num 11:25 where the Spirit (Ruach) of
YHVH came upon the 70 elders and they prophesied without ceasing. This
proves that the gift of the Spirit called prophecy was alive and well at the time of
Moses. What is the purpose of prophecy?
Sease is the word yasaph [cy and is found in Gen 4:2 where Eve conceived
again (yasaph) and bore Able who became a keeper of sheep and his older
brother Cain, was a tiller of the ground. One insight is that Able is connected to
prophesy while Cain is associated with the ground, the same goes for Jacob
and Esau. The second insight we learn from this is the purpose of prophecy; to
look after the sheep, and is not intended for the ground or things of this world.
Today we find prophetic words that are associated with tilling the ground, and
are all about telling someones future, their new business, which they will marry,
if they are going to be successful or rich, etc. This is similar to fortune telling and
not what prophecy is intended for. His Words are to comfort and look after the
flock, words that help His sheep in their walk, as well as words regarding the
directing and sustaining of the Household of YHVH.
Q - How does YHVH communicate with us today?
Jacobs ladder experience is a prophetic picture of the Holy Place and the Holy
of Holies. We need to jump forward to Leviticus to the Tabernacle topic to get
clarity on what this means.

Spiritual Application: The Holy Place inside the Tabernacle is the place
where only one person goes in, this is the place of intimacy. There are three
objects or three ways YHVH communicates to His people; the Menorah, the
Showbread and the Golden Altar. Each one of these three objects represents
a way YHVH communicates with His people. The showbread represents His
Word, where YHVH speaks to you through His Word.
The second object is the Menorah that represents His Spirit; this is where you
receive revelation from His Spirit regarding His Word, as the Menorah shines
on the showbread. The Spirit will only reveal things that are in His Word,
teach you His wisdom, how to apply His words to your life.
Lastly, the golden altar of incense; the object right in front of the entrance to
the Holy of Holies where the Father resides. This is symbolic of the silent
prayer, the time of intimacy where you do not speak much, but rather listen to
what the Father has to say (dreams and visions). This is where you will
receive instructions and wisdom regarding your life. This is the encounter
Jacob had with YHVH, where he received the words of the Covenant as well
as words for His life. This is the most intimate form of communication, and
this is where you are directly communicating with the Father, entering His
Jacob referred to the place he had the dream as the Gate of Heaven. This is
the golden altar experience where he had an encounter directly with YHVH. In
his vision or dream, Jacob saw a high ladder reaching to the heavens. At the top
of the ladder, he saw YHVH on His throne of glory, with angels ascending and
descending on it. This was Jacobs first prophetic or vertical experience.
Q What does Jacobs Ladder represent?
Ladder is the word sulam ,lc that means ladder and is only used once in
Scripture. It comes from the root word salal llc that means rise up, extol,
exalt. The ladder is not to exalt YHVH, but to raise man up to His level, to be
where He is. To understand the process of exaltation, we have to analyse the
ladder see what each of the letters represent. Sulam consists of a samech c
that means support, a lamed, l that means learning and mem, , that means
water or Word.
The ladder is the means to elevate man, and that cannot happen without
the support or samech of YHVH. The design of the samech is a
closed circle. A circle represents infinity because it has no beginning or
end. The samech represents the infinite power of the Ein Sof, YHVHs
infinite light. The circular aspect of the samech c resembles a wedding
band and in a relationship, a husband and wife have a strong bond and
commitment to each other. This ring has no beginning or end, no highs or lows.
The characteristic of encircling is constant. So, too, will YHVHs commitment to
you, His Bride be constant, encompassing your whole being, regardless of the
highs and lows of the relationship.

The Lamed l represents a shepherds staff and learning. Without YHVH
becoming our Shepherd through Messiah, we will not be able to learn the
things required to elevate us to where He is. The Lamed is the tallest letter in
the Aleph-Bet, and show us what learning is all about; reaching up to grasp
something way beyond our understanding, the things of YHVH, so that we
can be changed to become like Him.

The Mem , is the foundation and the essence of what the

learning is based on. The Mem represents the Word of
YHVH that we use to cleanse ourselves to strive towards
holiness and perfection, just like He is. The letter mem is constructed
by combining the letter kaf k (hand) with a vav v (man), and these
two letters add to the number 26, the same as the name of YHVH. The key
learning here is that it is only by the hand of man, or your efforts, that you can
receive His Word. YHVH will not download His Word into your mind
supernaturally; you have to read it and study it. He will help you to understand it
and apply it with the help of His Spirit. He will not do it for you.
Spiritual Insight: When we climb the ladder sulam, we start from the left
(physical) and first encounter the mem, or the Word of YHVH. Secondly, we
meet the Shepherd, the One who guides us, protects us and teaches us from
His Word with the help of His Spirit. Lastly, we will encounter the samech,
the wedding ring after we accepted His Covenant. YHVHs Spirit is the sign of
the Covenant or the engagement ring given to His Bride, as symbolised by
the samech.

The Ladder Represents the Temple

The symbolism of the Ladder also connects to the place Jacob experienced
YHVHs Presence that relates to the Temple, specifically the Holy of Holies. This
is seen in the name Jacob gave to this place, Beth-El or House of God, where
beth means house as well as the temple. The Sages believe that where Jacob
laid down his head, is the Place where the three future Temples would be built.
Lets look at the three Temples about three wells Isaac dug, as recorded in Gen
26:18-22. Each of these wells was dug to provide water for the heads, and we
see the symbolism of the kaf (hand) of vav (man) digging the well to get to
the mem (water), as discussed earlier:
Esek qsi is the name of the first well that means contention and
strive This well represents first Temple because of the contention
that existed within Israel. The people did not get along and
eventually were taken captive. The Temple was destroyed, and
Israel was taken into Babylonian exile.

Sitnah hnus that means enmity The Temple was rebuilt but
later destroyed because of hatred without a cause among
YHVHs people. This is the same that was said about Yshua,
being hated without a cause. This was in the time of Herods reign,
and this generation was worst than the generation of the first
Temple. This Temple was destroyed and still absent today.

Rehoboth tvbxr is the name of the third well hat means
spaciousness, no quarrels and peace This well refers to the
Third Temple that will be built during the end times. This Temple is
connected to the second coming of Messiah Yshua and the
fulfilment of the Feast of Sukkot or Tabernacles where YHVH will
dwell with His people. The first two Temples already existed and
were destroyed, and this places us in the timeline awaiting the
building of the Third Temple and the Second Coming of Messiah,
The King Who will rebuild Jerusalem that is associated with the
New Jerusalem as referred to in the Book of Revelation.

The Ladder and Mans Connection with YHVH

This is the same concept as to where man connects to YHVH through the
Temple, only here, man is the temple. This new concept of man being a
temple has the following in common with the Jacobs ladder:
The ladder has 2 sides, and a man has two sides; a physical and a
spiritual. You can only ascend to the top if you have both (added
The ladders rungs represent the Word of YHVH, connecting the two
sides and are the steps you take to ascend to where YHVH is.
The Word of YHVH gives the ladder (man) stability so that the person
can connect with YHVH.
Jacobs Ladder or the image of Jacob relating to YHVH is
part of what we discussed in the first Parashah namely the
creation of humanity where individuals are being created in
YHVHs Image and Likeness. In Gen 1:26 Elohim said, let
us create man Us is plural, and it can be interpreted
where every one of us plays an active part in the creation
process of you, in partnership with YHVH. The us then
includes you, where you, just like Jacob, has the ladder to
help you in taking part in the creation (elevation) of you,
every step and every rung will change you as you ascend
towards Him. The ladder is from Him and is the means to how you ascend, but
you have to be actively involved in taking every step with the help of the
Shepherd (Yshua).
We need the Spirit of the Shepherd to become like Him as we have seen last
weeks study where Jacob received the Birthright, that is related to receiving
YHVHs anointing (massiach), accepting the Priestly responsibilities of the
Household. By receiving His Spirit, we have our connection with YHVH
restored, the connection Adam and Eve lost after their sinned, and have a Holy
of Holies experience. This is what the first work of Messiah was all about,
restoring the broken connection between Him and us.

We will now look at a visual representation of this Ladder to understand how we
move up and down about YHVH on the top, and about sin and death, on the
lower end.

Jacobs ladder is a symbol of connecting Heaven to Earth or the Spiritual to the

Physical. The ladders bottom part that is on Earth represents man fallen state
that is associated with the lower parts of life namely, guilt, shame and death.
The top part of the latter represents the higher form of life that is related to joy,
peace and enlightenment. When you look to the left, you will see all the things
about the nephesh or flesh that tend to pull us down towards spiritual death.
As you go up the ladder, you see on the left that your spirit man or nashamah,
that is elevating you to new life, the image and likeness of YHVH. We should
aspire to this heavenly state, that is our new nature where we can be seated
with Him. This ladder is a measuring stick you can use to see what you
currently struggle with, where you are on the ladder, and work with YHVH so
that you can climb these rungs through repentance and the help of His Spirit.
Every time you allow the lower parts of the ladder to manifest in your life,
following after your nephesh or living in the past, you will be pulled down and
may manifest other surrounding negative attributes. For example, if you
experience anger outbursts, you may also struggle with pride or the ego as well
as desire (covetousness / overindulgence/lust) and fear. Not only that, the
enemy wants to pull us down so that we can ultimately be destroyed through
spiritual death. YHVH, on the other hand, wants to pull us up, to elevate us to a
higher state of life where He is.

Love, Peace Joy puts you on the top end of the scale, and you have control over
two of these namely Love and Joy because both are choices. Make a choice
every day to love YHVH, love yourself and love others, even your enemies or
people that offend and cause you harm. Make a decision to be happy today, to
be grateful for all the things YHVH gave you, not focusing on the negatives in
your life. The more you choose to do these two things, the more they will
become habits in your life. It takes about 20 times doing the right thing, before
breaking a harmful habit in your life.

The Ladder Represents Yshua

Jacobs Ladder represents Yshua as well. He is the Mediator or
the connection between the Father and humanity. He is the right
hand of YHVH Who reached into this world in order to restore
that became corrupt because of sin.
Q - Why a Mediator, why cant we just go into the physical
presence of the Father with the Word as our guide?
YHVH is Holy, and we are not, His Holiness is like a consuming fire that will
destroy and burn away anything that is impure or unholy. For you to enter into
the presence of the Father, you have to be prepared so that you can exist in His
presence and not be consumed. You need to be changed or re-created in order
to stand before Him, and that is what the Work of Messiah is all about; to help
us to become Holy so that we can be restored into the presence of the Father.
Yshua is God and man (manifested in human form) so that man could approach
YHVH through Yshua and that He can help us, not being threatened by His
consuming fire holy attributes. Yshua is the fireproof safety glass that
protects us so that we have access to the Father.

Jacob Married Labans Daughters

Jacob bqiy means heel catcher or schemer or one that overthrows
something. His name is derived from aqav, which means heel. This word is
first found in Scripture in Gen 3:15 where YHVH spoke these prophetic words
saying; And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your
seed and her seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shalt bruise his heel
The seed of the woman is related to the prophecy of the Seed of Messiah or
the anointing (masiach) that is connected to the birthright, looking after the
Household of YHVH till Messiah comes. The seed of the serpent is after the
anointing or the birthright and shall bruise those who carry that anointing (seed
of Messiah / Spirit of Messiah). Bruise is the word suph [vs that means to
lie and wait, gape upon, to gaze upon, to bruise. The serpent is lying and waits
to see who he can attack and bruise to destroy the anointing, stealing the
1 Pet 5:8 Be sober-minded and alert. Your adversary the devil prowls
around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
Jacob needed to be refined as seen in the negative meanings of his name
where he was a schemer, scheming his brother out of the birthright.

His uncle Laban returned the favour (schemed back) and gave Jacob his older
daughter, Leah, and had to work another seven years before he could get
Rachel, the bride he really wanted.
Leah hal means weary, grieved or impatient. Her name reveals to us the
emotions Jacob experienced, being frustrated, weary and impatient, waiting for
his bride Rachel. He was tricked by his father in law and had to work another
seven years to get Rachel as well. Rachel means ewe (female sheep), and
journey, and that is his reward if he remains patient, waiting on YHVH to refin
him and provide the way out so that his lifes journey or purpose could begin.
Personal Application: The story of Jacob teaches
us that YHVH will never give you the first prize right
at the start of your walk, He will take you through a
process to prepare you to receive the thing He has
promised. You have to change before He can allow
the promise of His calling (journey) to be fulfilled in
your life. These are the two things that need to
happen in your life that is related to Leah and
Rachel; you need to be changed as a person
(restored), and then He will use you to change other through His calling and
anointing. Joseph had to become a slave in prison before he became a
powerful leader and David had to be a shepherd first before he becomes
Prophetic Application: The two seven-year periods represent two events.
The first event is associated with the Mt Sinai event (Leah), where YHVH
married Israel (first part of marriage Covenant). The second event is about
Messiah when He will marry His beloved Bride (Rachael), which is the
second part of the Hebrew marriage where He will come and collect His

The Consequences of Jacobs Actions

Jacob took advantage of Isaacs blindness to get the
Blessing, and the Birthright and Laban took advantage
of Jacobs blindness, and got married to Leah
because of the dark tent, instead of Rachael, is
preferred choice. When Jacob found out he was upset
and confronted Laban, then Laban replied: it is not
our custom here to give the younger as bride before
the older. Jacob responded in the same way to his
brother Esau when lost the birthright because it was
not the custom to give the birthright to the younger son.
Because of Jacobs deceit, he had to be separated from Isaac for about 22
years then later on because of Josephs brothers deceit, Joseph was
separated from Jacob for about 22 years where Jacob experienced the
loneliness his father Isaac had experienced. At the end, everything worked out
for good after going through the character building experiences and
consequences of previous actions.

What is interesting is that Jacob did not intend to deceive his father Isaac, His
mother heard from YHVH, and this causes her to act to intervene because of
Isaacs spiritual blindness, not hearing what the will of YHVH was regarding the
Birthright. Rectifying this problem was made possible through Esau's
fleshiness and Isaacs blindness. This resulted in Jacob doing something that
had a negative impact or consequences in his life later on. Sounds unfair if you
look at it this way. This is what Yshua went through as well, reaping the
consequences of mans fallen, sinful state, rectifying the problem. The
Restoration Process of YHVHs Creation sometimes follow a path we cannot
explain or understand, but YHVH is in full control and knows exactly what He is
doing. Even Yshuas Disciples were shocked to see Him die but only
understood later on when YHVH revealed His Plan, that they understood the
bigger picture.
Personal Application: Sometimes you will go through things that seem
unfair and say how can YHVH allow this to happen to one of His children
but at the end you will see that everything we struggle to understand, was a
building block in His Restoration Plan.

Laban nbl means white and comes from the root word lavan that means to
make bricks, become white, to purify. It is first used
in Scripture in Gen 11:3 where they made bricks to
construct the Tower of Babel. The second place it is
used is in Exo 5:7 where the Egyptians enslaved
Israel to make bricks for them. This gives us the
insight that the experience Jacob had with his uncle
Laban was a humbling experience, where he was
like a slave serving Laban, similar to when Israel
were slaves in Egypt. Jacob was enslaved to Laban for over 20 years to make
him rich, and he was reluctant to let Jacob leave with his family.
The other meaning of Laban is associated with the
construction of the Tower of Babel, and this reveals
to us the motive Laban had to keep Jacob working
for him. He knew Jacob was blessed by YHVH and
exploited him because of this blessing on his life
and Jacob was like a tower that reached towards
heaven that accessed the blessings from YHVH to
flow down into his life. The Tower of Babel and the
Ladder he saw in his dream are similar in function,
to connect heaven to earth. Labans tower is mans idea and the ladder is
YHVHs idea.
Personal Application: How many believers today run after people with
connections to heaven instead of having their own connection. We see
these people like Laban saw Jacob just a means to access YHVH and to be
blessed through them. We should not do this because it is similar to
constructing a tower that is made up of Prophets, Evangelists and miracle
workers so that we can be blessed by them. The problem is that you will
never grow up spiritually and become someone who connects with YHVH
yourself and will always rely on others with a connection.

Controlling Jacob
In the previous Parashah, we saw that Jacob could be a schemer and that is not
what YHVH intended him to be. Later on in his life, we see a change in his
character as symbolised by the changing of his name. There is an interesting
verse that uses Jacobs name in a context you would not expect.
Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful (ya-aqov) above all things, And
desperately wicked; Who can know it?
The heart is deceitful and is the word aqov, and the hearts deceit is portrayed
in Jacobs life. All his scheming and making plans is associated with him
following his deceitful heart. Esau represented the one thing that you have to
overcome in your life, and that is the flesh. Now we learn that
there is another thing to overcome in our life, and that is the
deception by listening to our hearts.
Q How many songs and movies promote that we should
listen to our hearts and follow our hearts?
The Scripture is clear that this is not the right thing to follow,
but rather follow YHVHs truth that is in His Word. The world
teaches us to listen to our hearts, but there is a lot of brokenness that exists in
this world because of that. As we have learned that Jacob represents your
nashamah, your spiritual man, but the nashamah without the Word of YHVH
will cause you to go astray if connected to the heart and hot the truth. The
nashamah without the Word can create wildfire that was the cause of the
death of Aarons two sons. We find evidence of this in Churches today where
people are spiritual but burn wild without the foundation of YHVHs Truth
Personal Application: When you receive YHVHs Spirit, you change from
just being an Esau, into having the potential to become a Jacob.
Now the challenge is to guide this newly found spiritual nature within the
boundaries of the Word and not let your heart (emotional centre) take control
of your new man. You still have to be tutored as a newborn believer
before you reach maturity. This will happen when YHVH have to change your
name (character), and you received your calling in order to start on your
new journey, walking in your new nature, led by His Spirit and guided by His
Everybody consist of three governing parts; the heart is the
emotional centre, the brain is your intellectual centre where you
receive and process information, and your gut is your spiritual
centre, that is the place where you get a hunch or gut feeling
prompting you to do something. We should rather trust our guts,
where we hear the Spirit of YHVH or our minds, where we think
on His things than the heart that is clouded by emotions.
That is why the heart cannot be trusted. You must hear from the Sprit residing in
your spiritual centre and have the Word of YHVH in your intellectual centre,
thinking and processing His Word in order to control your emotional centre that
is your heart. You should never be led by your heart / emotions but rather be
directed by the Word and led by the Spirit.

YHVH had a Dream
Gen 31:8-13 If he said thus: The speckled shall be your wages, then all
the flocks bore speckled. And if he said thus: The streaked shall be your
wages, then all the flocks bore streaked. 9 So God has taken away the
livestock of your father and given them to me. 10 And it happened, at the
time when the flocks conceived, that I lifted my eyes and saw in a dream,
and behold, the rams which leaped upon the flocks were streaked,
speckled, and gray-spotted. 11 Then the Angel of Elohim spoke to me in a
dream, saying, Jacob. And I said, Here I am. 12 And He said, Lift your
eyes now and see, all the rams which leap on the flocks are streaked,
speckled, and gray-spotted; for I have seen all that Laban is doing to
you. 13 I am the Elohim of Bethel, where you anointed the pillar and where
you made a vow to Me. Now arise, get out of this land, and return to the
land of your family.
YHVH had two dreams He shared with Jacob; the first dream He revealed
Himself to Jacob by means of the ladder with angels ascending and descending
upon it and the second dream, the Angel of Elohim spoke to him about speckled
animals. Angels were present in both dreams, and we are going to interpret
these dreams to see what they represent.

Angel is the word malak ;alm that means messenger, ambassador, angel
and king.
Q - Who do you think the Angel of Elohim was, was it just a normal angel?
The Messiah is YHVHs ambassador, His Word or Messenger and the King Who
will rule over His people one day. This Angel or Malak is none other than king
Yshua who spoke to Jacob in a dream. In verse 13 He says that I am the
Elohim of Betel confirming that He is Messiah. What is interesting is the way
the speckled animals came to be, Jacob had to peel away the bark to make the
white stripes appear on these rods White is the word Laban that relates to
Jacob being a slave unto his uncle. Rod is the word makal lqm that means
staff that is the same word used when YHVH told Israel to take their staffs in
their hands and eat the Passover lamb in haste on the day they were leaving
Egypt (slavery). Appear is the word machosoph [sxm that means stripping
and laying bare. It comes from the root word chasaph that means make bare,
uncover and discover. This word is used in Isa 52:10 where it says that YHVH
will uncover (chasaph) His holy arm to all the nations and show them His
Salvation. Salvation in this verse is the word Yshua hivsy. This indicates that
the Messiah is the Holy Arm of YHVH that He made appear before the nations
(speckled animals), He is the King and Ambassador of YHVH Whose Name is
Yshua. He is the one who will be laid bare and receive stripes so that the
nations can come out of slavery and sin.
What further confirm this is the angels ascending and descending in the first
dream. Note that they ascended first before descending. Malak is used for
angels in this dream as well. Ascend is the word alah hli that means to
offer up, to break, to burn, to go up, to be exalted and light and burnt offering

This word is first used in Scripture in Gen 2:6 where the mist went up (alah
ascend) from the earth and watered the face of the ground (adamah / Adam /
Mist is the word ed da It comes from the root word ud dva that means
brand (burning or smoking stick) and rake together. This word is found in Zec
3:1-2 that reads;
And he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of
YHVH, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him. 2 And YHVH
said unto Satan, YHVH rebuke you, O Satan; even YHVH that has chosen
Jerusalem rebuke you: is not this a brand (ud) plucked out of the fire?
Verse 1 can be translated as follows:
And he showed me Yshua, the High Priest standing before King YHVH,
and Satan standing at his right hand to resist (satan) him.
The mist that ascended is associated with the Priest who ascended after He
sacrificed a sin offering on behalf of the sinful people (see last weeks Torah
Portion p9 The purpose of Messiah). This was to give water to Adam or
humanity (Rebekah giving water to the camels). This links to the first coming of
Messiah where He will do the work as the High Priest conducting sin offering
and then ascend back to YHVH. In Zec 3:1 we find the Name of this High Priest
and His name is Yshua. ( The second witness confirming the Name of
Alah hli is a homophone to the word alah hla that sounds similar to one
starting with a ayin i and the other with an aleph a.
Alah with the aleph means to bewail, lament, oath, to curse, God, oak tree.
This confirms the theme of the sacrifice the Anointed (massiach) Priest offered.
This had to do with lamenting, a tree (stake), an oath (Covenant) and a God
(Elohim). When you connect these dots it reveals the sacrifice of the Messiah,
Who was God to extend the covenant to all nations (Adam / humanity /
speckled animals). This relates to the Messiahs first work and His first coming.
He was man - Ayin i as well as God (Elohim) Aleph a. The two remaining
letters represent the Spirit h of the Shepherd l, where Yshua said He will send
His Spirit to be our helper and comforter Who will lead us in all truth.

The angels then descended from above, mentioned after the ascension (first job
of Anointed Priest / High Priest).

Descend is the word yarad dry that means come down, fell, to sink, light off
(darkness), to take. This word is first used in Scripture in Gen 11:5 where YHVH
came down Himself to see what man has done when they build the Tower of
Babel. This was the time where YHVH allowed confusion in order to destroy the
system of Babylon that constructed the tower that have been constructed to try
and reach towards the heavens (counterfeit salvation / connection to YHVH).
This relates to the second part of the restoration work of Messiah, the King that
will rebuild Jerusalem, the street and the walls (see last weeks study). The
theme of this restoration work is in the context of the existence of the system of
Babylon, the dark time where man has fallen or sunken into a bad state.

This is in context with the latter work of Messiah that will happen prior to His
second coming where He will come and destroy Babylon in order to establish
His City and His Kingdom.
Zac 3:2 And YHVH said unto Satan, YHVH rebuke you, O Satan; even
YHVH that has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you:
In this verse it says that Satan is rebuked twice, first by YHVH Himself and
secondly by Jerusalem. What does this mean? Lets look at the word rebuke
and see what is hidden below the surface of the Hebrew Language.
Rebuke is the word ga-ar rig that means rebuke, corrupt, and reprove. It is
first found in Scripture in Gen 37:10 where Joseph had a dream, interestingly
connecting to the dream Jacob had. When Joseph tells his family about His
dream, then his father rebuked Him.
The dream was about
the sun, moon and
eleven stars and this
links to Rev 12 which
talks about the sun,
moon and twelve stars.
This is the constellation
alignment with Virgo
having the King of kings
planet (Jupiter) inside of
her womb for nine
months has and gives
birth to it on the Feast of
Trumpets in 2017. The
red dragon (another
constellation) mentioned
in Rev 12, is waiting for
this child to be born so that he could kill him. This links to Zec 3:2 where it says
that Satan is standing at His right hand to oppose Him, confirming Rev 12, star
constellations. This child is born, and He would rule the nations with a rod of
iron. Before the dragon (serpent) could get to Him he was caught up (ascending
Angel) to the throne of YHVH. This dream is associated with Joseph and relates
to the Massiach ben Yoseph, the Messiah, son of Joseph, Who will come as
the suffering Servant, the One Who is the Anointed Priest Who will make a sin
offering on behalf of the sin of the nations (Goat sin sacrifice made on Yom
Kippur). This is the Malak, Messenger, Ambassador or King Who ascended
(alah) the ladder in Jacobs dream. Depicting Messiahs first work during His first
Zec 3:2 then states that Satan will be rebuked for a second time, but this time by
Jerusalem. Rebuke or ga-ar found the second time in Scripture is in Ruth 2:16
where Boaz told his servants not to rebuke (ga-ar) Ruth and leave her to glean
the grain from the fields. Ruth tvr means friend or neighbour and Boaz zib
means fleetness, in him is strength, ancestor of David, kinsman-redeemer to
Ruth and the name of the left pillar at the entrance of the Temple.

This pillar was 18 cubits tall, and the number 18 is linked to gematria to the
following words; abyah (YHVH is my Father), aibah (enmity, hatred), Job
(persecuted), yagah (to afflict), chai (life). From these words and their
meanings we can link it to the Messiah Who is the one Who is hated without a
cause, YHVH is His Father, and He is the Son of YHVH, He was persecuted
and afflicted in order to give life. This pillar is at the entrance of the Temple on
the left-hand side (physical / world), and He represents the Gatekeeper Who
will allow people from the nations (left) into the House of His Father. No one can
enter to the Father except through Him (John 14:6).
David is a descendant of Boaz and this links to Massiach ben David, Messiah
son of David, the beloved King, Who were once hated and rejected, but will
reign with a rod of iron when He descends (yarad) again (second coming
angels descending on ladder). This picture represents the second work of
Messiah, the King Who will rebuild Jerusalem, the street and the walls (see last
weeks study p9). This rebuild Jerusalem will rebuke Satan for the second time
(Zec 3:2). This Jerusalem is called the New Jerusalem that will descend (yarad)
from the top of the ladder so that YHVH can stand next to His people saying
Then suddenly YHVH was standing there next to him; and he said, "I am
YHVH, the Elohim of Abraham your [grand]father and the Elohim of Isaac.
The land on which you are (now) I (have given) to you and to your descendants
(nations). (Gen 28:13 with brackets inserted by me).
Conclusion: This concludes that YHVH's dream is the Messiah and the two-
part restoration work the Messiah will come to do as revealed to Jacob in the
two-part dream. We learned from last weeks study that the work of Messiah will
be in the form of two roles, as the Anointed Priest and the King that will rebuild
Jerusalem. This week we confirmed this by revealing the Anointed Priest as a
High Priest and His Name if Yshua. We also saw that the Name of Messiah
confirmed twice as being Yshua; firstly revealed as the Holy Arm of YHVH (Isa
52:10), and then revealed as Yshua the High Priest (Zec 3:1).


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