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23 October 2016
Foundation Chapter
Management Chapter


Introduction............................................................................................................... 4
Overview .................................................................................................................. 5
Personal Style ................................................................................................................................ 5
Interacting with Others ................................................................................................................... 5
Decision Making ............................................................................................................................. 6

Key Strengths & Weaknesses.................................................................................. 7

Strengths ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Possible Weaknesses .................................................................................................................... 8

Value to the Team ....................................................................................................

Effective Communications...................................................................................... 10
Barriers to Effective Communication ...................................................................... 11
Possible Blind Spots............................................................................................... 12
Opposite Type ........................................................................................................
13 Suggestions for Development ................................................................................
Management .......................................................................................................... 16
Creating the Ideal Environment.................................................................................................... 16
Managing Ronak ..........................................................................................................................
17 Motivating Ronak..........................................................................................................................
18 Management Style .................................................................................................

The Insights Discovery 72 Type Wheel ............................................................... 20
The Insights Discovery Colour Dynamics ............................................................ 21

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Insights Discovery and Insights Learning Systems were originated by Andi and Andy Lothian. Insights, Insights Discovery and the Insights Wheel are registered trademarks of The Insights Group

This Insights Discovery profile is based on Ronak Mehtas responses to the Insights Preference
Evaluator which was completed on 23 October 2016.
The origins of personality theory can be traced back to the fifth century BC, when Hippocrates
identified four distinct energies exhibited by different people. The Insights System is built around
the model of personality first identified by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. This model
was published in his 1921 work Psychological Types and developed in subsequent writings.
Jungs work on personality and preferences has since been adopted as the seminal work in
understanding personality and has been the subject of study for thousands of researchers to the
present day.
Using Jung's typology, this Insights Discovery profile offers a framework for self-understanding
and development. Research suggests that a good understanding of self, both strengths and
weaknesses, enables individuals to develop effective strategies for interaction and can help them
to better respond to the demands of their environment.
Generated from several hundred thousand permutations of statements, this profile is unique. It
reports statements which your Evaluator responses indicate may apply to you. Modify or delete
any statement which does not apply, but only after checking with colleagues or friends to identify
whether the statement may be a blind spot for you.
Use this profile pro-actively. That is, identify the key areas in which you can develop and take
action. Share the important aspects with friends and colleagues. Ask for feedback from them on
areas which seem particularly relevant for you and develop an action plan for growth personally
and interpersonally.


These statements provide a broad understanding of Ronaks work style. Use this section to gain
a better understanding of his approaches to his activities, relationships and decisions.

Personal Style
Enjoying theoretical, complex and global concepts, Ronak is a strategic thinker who can clearly
see the benefits and flaws of most situations. Independent, logical and determined, he may work
well with computers if this involves research or analysis. His interest lies in seeing possibilities
beyond what is already present and known, by using his insight, ingenuity and intellect. Cautious,
conventional, diplomatic and sincere, Ronak is a precise and disciplined person with high
standards and expectations of himself. His perception of the world is a conceptual and abstract
one, but one with endless possibilities.
He is quiet, reserved and distant, with a thoughtful appearance. When he does need company it
may be difficult for him to reach out to people and to overcompensate for this he may retreat
even further into himself. He can be a great designer of systems, which he prefers to leave to
others to build. Material wealth may interest him only for the independence it buys and for the
additional opportunity it provides for his own private study. Ronak is painstakingly accurate and
methodical, with great powers of concentration.
Serious, conscientious and loyal, Ronak is a dedicated worker. He will seek an environment in
which he can be quietly productive. He is not impressed with authority as such but can conform
to rules if he sees them as useful to his greater purpose. He is unlikely to be comfortable
expressing his inner feelings to strangers. He is keen to pick out logical inconsistencies. He is
seen by others as intellectually independent.
Outwardly quiet, reserved and detached, inwardly he is constantly absorbed in analysing
problems or situations. He uses his thinking to run as much of the world as he can and is in his
element when a situation needs to be organised, criticised or regulated. Ronak is a curious and
keen student of all that is going on around him. He sometimes feels less than adequate when he
thinks of the effort of living up to his own high standards of perfection. Ronak's nature is to
observe quietly and he appears to be collecting data on everything. However, when an

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emergency occurs, he can move swiftly to the root of the problem to deal with it expeditiously.
Ronak gains great pleasure from improving upon existing techniques with the objective of
maximising efficiency and cost effectiveness. He values the development of his intellectual
awareness and the opportunity to learn, improve and grow. Both for himself and others, fun,
relaxation and free time are scheduled and prioritised events. He approaches people and events
as a dispassionate observer, with the objective of arriving at the most comprehensive truth. He
may sometimes take over the work of others rather than leave important tasks undone, or done
poorly. He is seen as practical, trustworthy and dedicated to preserving traditional values.
Interacting with Others
With his original mind, fine insight and vision, Ronak is seen as an independent and natural
thinker. He may also be rather uncomfortable in touchy-feely situations. He avoids interactions
that will make him highly visible to others or where he has to perform or compete for attention.
He will make a lifelong friend if the conditions of the friendship allow him complete independence
and the freedom to withdraw as and when necessary. Occasionally, his ideas are so complex
that he will have difficulty communicating them and making others understand how he thinks.
Ronak may express affection non-verbally and appreciate others' company on a rather abstract
level. He may perceive outgoing, extraverted people as rather noisy and shallow. He prefers
positions of low visibility, with limited participation in the group or team. Ronak is competent at
extracting information by asking relevant, non-threatening questions. As he gets to know you, he
becomes more enthusiastic and open.
He needs to know that he is making a unique contribution to the organisation. He should try to
present his ideas to colleagues in a more practical and realistic way. Disliking incoherence and
valuing intelligence, he can be frustrated and impatient by those less gifted than himself. His
continual attention to inner thoughts in part explains his apparent disinterest with external events.
He is likely to prefer the dialogue which is going on in his head with his internal critic to
participation in meaningless social chit-chat with others.
Decision Making
Ronak is self-reliant and is not frightened to take the path of maximum resistance in his efforts
to produce the best results. His decision making is based on prior reflective, contemplative

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thought. He views life as an intellectual challenge and needs to think things through before
deciding. If something does not seem rational, he runs the risk of dismissing it out of hand, even
if it is a critical issue. Every project presents itself as a mental challenge and he reflects on every
stage of decision making.
He will be swayed by guarantees and case histories. He is impressed by reason and logic and
prefers to focus his thinking on the underlying principles. All his well classified thoughts, ideas
and plans, no matter how final they appear, are subject to last-minute modifications whenever
new information arises. He may occasionally be slow at coming to a decision, or try to have a
decision reversed, as he has a need to analyse all the available alternatives. Using past
experiences to help him solve current problems and get things done is one of his strong points.
He applies analysis and objectivity to discover the underlying principles, relying on clear thinking
in making decisions. He may at times make others feel defensive due to his incisive, critical and
often persistent questioning. He has the ability to use both reflection and consultation in reaching
conclusions. He is not usually prepared to commit to high risk decisions. His quiet demeanour
often allows him to get agreement to his alternative solutions.

Personal Notes

Key Strengths & Weaknesses

This section identifies the key strengths which Ronak brings to the organisation. Ronak has
abilities, skills and attributes in other areas, but the statements below are likely to be some of the
fundamental gifts he has to offer.

Ronaks key strengths:

A strong work ethic.

Concise and incisive in communication.

Sets high standards for himself and others.

Good situational analysis.

Pays great attention to detail.

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Disciplined and precise.

Pragmatic, rational thinker.

Values truth and high ideals.

An orderly approach to the task.


Personal Notes

Key Strengths & Weaknesses

Possible Weaknesses
Jung said wisdom accepts that all things have two sides. It has also been said that a weakness
is simply an overused strength. Ronak's responses to the Evaluator have suggested these areas
as possible weaknesses.

Ronaks possible weaknesses:

Modesty or reticence may prevent timely interventions.

His perfectionism can be seen to be nit picking when not valued.

Sometimes avoids high risk solutions.

Others sometimes find him over-controlling.

May be seen as too critical and sceptical.

When immersed in a task he may be less receptive to change.

Unwilling to bend rules, sometimes even in an emergency.

Lacks empathy for others in some situations.

May fail to communicate new ideas which then remain, or get lost in his mind.

May suppress creativity.

Personal Notes

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Value to the Team

Each person brings a unique set of gifts, attributes and expectations to the environment in which
they operate. Add to this list any other experiences, skills or other attributes which Ronak brings,
and make the most important items on the list available to other team members.

As a team member, Ronak:

Ensures a common-sense, practical approach.

Encourages independent thinking.

Provides the sense of reality to the team.

Carefully assesses situations before acting.

Encourages down to earth realism.

Creates commitment within team.

Undertakes routine tasks which others may wish to avoid.

Adapts in performing his role and responsibilities.

Will often be able to supply vital background details.

Is consistent and dependable.

Personal Notes

Effective Communications
Communication can only be effective if it is received and understood by the recipient. For each
person certain communication strategies are more effective than others. This section identifies
some of the key strategies which will lead to effective communication with Ronak. Identify the
most important statements and make them available to colleagues.

Strategies for communicating with Ronak:

Talk quietly.

Be well structured and organised.

Keep him informed of all the details.

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Allow plenty of time for him to assimilate new ideas or changes in plan.

Listen to his opinions.

Expect him to come back later for clarification.

Be patient if he starts hair-splitting.

Go prepared to get straight down to business.

Stick to the point.

Expect him to be concerned and critical at times.

Let him organise his thoughts.

Be thoroughly prepared.

Personal Notes

Barriers to Effective Communication
Certain strategies will be less effective when communicating with Ronak. Some of the things to
be avoided are listed below. This information can be used to develop powerful, effective and
mutually acceptable communication strategies.

When communicating with Ronak, DO NOT:

Hug him unexpectedly or at an inappropriate moment.

Assume his pauses imply lack of interest.

Take adversity light-heartedly.

Get too excited or emotional.

Jump to the next subject until he is ready.

Be undisciplined about time.

Talk emotionally, quickly or loudly.

Set unrealistic deadlines that restrict his quality outputs.

Waste his time with irrelevancies.

Say one thing and do another.

Argue or personalise the conversation.

Ramble or become emotional.

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Personal Notes

Possible Blind Spots

Our perceptions of self may be different to the perceptions others have of us. We project who we
are onto the outside world through our persona and are not always aware of the effect our less
conscious behaviours have on others. These less conscious behaviours are termed Blind
Spots. Highlight the important statements in this section of which you are unaware and test
them for validity by asking for feedback from friends or colleagues.

Ronaks possible Blind Spots:

Ronak's ideas may occasionally get lost because he tends to rethink them continually, preferring
to keep them private. He is a private person who keeps an emotional distance from others and a
physical distance when communicating. He carries on personal interests rather privately without
involving other workmates in his conduct.
Gathering relevant and factual data to help ensure that his ideas are workable, he needs to
simplify his often theoretical and complicated ideas for the benefit of others. His thinking rationale
may be so acutely honed that he will overlook what others tend to care about. He may need to
develop more assertiveness and would benefit from learning how to offer honest criticism of
others when necessary. Ronak may reflect longer than is necessary before undertaking or
beginning a project. He needs to work toward becoming more articulate and action-oriented.
Ronak needs to try to become more aware of the talents, efforts and contributions of others and
to more regularly offer compliments and praise for good performance. He may be seen by some
as unresponsive, cool and uncaring, as one who constantly seeks correctness, predictability,
analysis, logic, routine and systems. Ronak may become so engrossed with his own projects that
other important tasks lie forgotten. Ronak prefers not to confront issues. This may prevent
matters from moving to a satisfactory conclusion. He draws conclusions based on factual
analysis, which he likes to organise. He may be less inclined to organise people or situations
unless this is an essential part of his role.

Personal Notes

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Opposite Type
The description in this section is based on Ronak's opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Often,
we have most difficulty understanding and interacting with those whose preferences are different
to our own. Recognising these characteristics can help in developing strategies for personal
growth and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness.

Recognising your Opposite Type:

Ronaks opposite Insights type is the Inspirer, Jungs Extraverted Feeling type.
Inspirers are outgoing and enthusiastic, seeking favourable social environments where they can
develop and maintain contacts. Verbally effusive, they are good at promoting their own ideas.
They can create enthusiasm in others for their cause. They have a wide network of
acquaintances and relationships.
Ronak will notice that the Inspirer tends to misjudge the abilities of self and others. Inspirers often
leap to favourable conclusions without all of the information. To Ronak they may appear
inconsistent. Inspirers find controlling and planning their time difficult. The Inspirer is a smooth
talking persuader and may appear indifferent to people, such as Ronak, who appear to be not
such extraverted achievers as themselves. However, Inspirers sometimes take conflict or
rejection personally and bitterly.
Many Inspirers are convinced that they are naturally superior and may come across to Ronak as
somewhat boastful. They will prefer communicating orally rather than through the written word
and may dislike and avoid tasks that require attention to detail or heavy paperwork. Ronak may
perceive Inspirers as shallow or superficial, due to their glib way with words.

Personal Notes

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Opposite Type
Communication with Ronak's Opposite Type
Written specifically for Ronak, this section suggests some strategies he could use for effective
interaction with someone who is his opposite type on the Insights Wheel.

Ronak Mehta: How you can meet the needs of your Opposite Type:

Adopt a low key, positive approach.

Seek his advice, views and opinions on welfare matters.

Offer praise and appreciation when due.

Maintain personal content in communication.

Share in and promote his ideas and visions.

Leave time for the relationship as well as the task.

Ronak Mehta: When dealing with your opposite type DO NOT:

Assume that his sunny disposition means that he agrees with everything you say.

Stick rigidly to business issues.

Fail to allow enough time to talk with him.

Isolate him from regular contact with others.

Be dull, dour or redundant. Take credit for his ideas.

Personal Notes

Suggestions for Development

Insights Discovery does not offer direct measures of skill, intelligence, education or training.
However, listed below are some suggestions for Ronaks development. Identify the most
important areas which have not yet been addressed. These can then be incorporated into a
personal development plan.

Ronak may benefit from:

Trying to gain a reputation for frank speaking.

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Seeking the positive side of every situation.

Greater interaction with all sorts of people.

Never attending a meeting without speaking out.

Knowing and caring about how other people feel on an issue.

Asking each person on the team how they feel today.

Trusting his feelings more.

Being more prepared to acknowledge his mistake.

Becoming more generous, warm and caring.

Recognising the need for heightened urgency in some projects.

Personal Notes

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Creating the Ideal Environment
People are generally most effective when provided with an environment which suits their
preferences and style. It can be uncomfortable to work in an environment which does not. This
section should be used to ensure a close match between Ronaks ideal environment and his
current one and to identify any possible frustrations.

Ronaks Ideal Environment is one in which:

He can employ technology.

There is space for graphs, charts and other sources of reference.

He has time to prepare for meetings or discussions.

Things are formal but relaxed.

He can communicate selectively with those who are close to him.

People are seen to be responsible.

His highly developed analytical skills are fully utilised.

Information and data are well organised.

He can indulge in gathering all the information he wants.

People around him are

organised and consistent.

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Personal Notes

Managing Ronak
This section identifies some of the most important strategies in managing Ronak. Some of these
needs can be met by Ronak himself and some may be met by his colleagues or management.
Go through this list to identify the most important current needs, and use it to build a personal
management plan.

Ronak needs:

To be given occasional opportunities to improve his people skills.

Help to look for the silver lining.

To be convinced by reason, not emotion.

To be given detail-intensive projects.

Encouragement to find and communicate efficiency improvements.

Respect for his desire to observe activities from a distance, and his preference not to
become to directly involved in team activities.

To be gently drawn into the team's social mainstream.

Quiet time to recover after any noisy activity.

Encouragement to use his imagination more.

To be left alone to get on with the job.

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Personal Notes

Motivating Ronak
It has often been said that it is not possible to motivate anyone - only to provide the environment
in which they will motivate themselves. Here are some suggestions which can help to provide
motivation for Ronak. With his agreement, build the most important ones into his Performance
Management System and Key Result Areas for maximum motivation.

Ronak is motivated by:

Improvements in design, quality and functionality.

Being asked to help others to understand the underlying principles.

Knowing that his contribution to the team's accuracy is valued.

Being asked to find the flaws in an argument.

Being free to subscribe to the technical journals of his choice.

Rewards for his economy of effort.

Being allowed to see projects through to conclusion.

Being given time to assimilate a change of plan.

Rewards for quality, not quantity. Avoiding frequent meetings.

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Personal Notes

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Management Style
There are many different approaches to management, most of which have different situational
applications. This section identifies Ronaks natural management approach and offers clues to
his management style, highlighting both gifts and possible hindrances that can be further

In managing others, Ronak may tend to:

Appear indecisive when reflecting on important decisions.

Seem rather cool and aloof.

Be a good scheduler even in the most complex projects.

Seek to challenge what he perceives as illogical.

Become sceptical in the face of opposition.

Under-delegate or re-assume tasks already delegated.

Appreciate time to share the wealth of information or knowledge in which he specialises.

Overlook the need to encourage others.

Be good at spotting problems in advance.

Worry too much about minor issues.

Personal Notes

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The Insights Discovery 72 Type Wheel

Conscious Wheel Position

55: Reforming Observer (Accommodating)
Less Conscious Wheel Position
15: Reforming Observer (Focused)

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The Insights Discovery Colour Dynamics

Persona (Conscious)


Preference Flow

Persona (Less Conscious)















51.0% 2.00











Less Conscious

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