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Xanpa times

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The most noticeable decision that school has done
A TALK ABOUT ACCIDENTS. was putting a bottle of alcohol gel in each class but
it seems that the average of bottles used are 2/3 per
When we came back from our winter holidays, a class and there’re not particularly cheap, the
woman and a man in a wheel chair, came to the normal bottle, one litre, costs 5.7 euros and adding
school to talk to us about what the car belt can do the taxes might reach to 6.6 euros, so students must
for us and how much do we have to take care of consider it price before using it. Preschool children
ourselves, and how a simple “can you drive me are specially “forced” to wash their hands properly
home on your scooter?” could change completely before the meals and when returning from breaks.
our lives. The kitchen has also worried about getting any type
It seems everyone listening to them was very of ingredient that might carry any type of illness,
impressed because the man could tell us about a such as eggs that might carry salmonellas.
really unfortunate experience with a car accident,
and we could see the consequences of being Finally the long term plan for the school is to
distracted for the shortest of times when someone maintain the actual ones, but nothing related to
is driving. closing
They explained how a spine is constructed and the the school is thought. Surely, this illness and its
consequences if a little nerve that goes through the problems might be forgotten due to its controversy
spine, breaks. whether its true or not.
by Susana Santaolalla By Manuel Santos


Swine flu, has already affected to 1,545,000 people Throughout the centuries different clothes have
all over Spain and the numbers still growing. come into fashion and after a while gone out. For
Meanwhile, in our school missing people due to example fifty years ago leather jackets were cool
illnesses are quite noticeable amongst us, and most and nowadays those who wear them are labelled as
of them are not affected by Swine flu. Could it be people with no taste. However this time fashion has
that students are taking advantage of Swine flu to gone too far, because from when you leave your
miss classes? It is impossible for the school to house until you return, you see about a hundred
know the exact number of people affected, because teenagers´ underpants. Although you might believe
the diagnoses are private and not all the people this new fashion was created by an exhibitionist, it
missing have Swine flu. has its origins in prisons in the USA.

Once you are in prison there are several rules you

must obey: as a general rule prisoners are not
allowed to have belts on because they may use
them to commit suicide and they must wear a
uniform. These uniforms are quite big so it is
normal that they don’t fit prisoners perfectly, and
because of the prohibition of belts, there is no other
alternative for prisoners than wearing their trousers
down low. This is the reason why many teenagers
that have never been in prison or ignore the origin
of this fashion wear low-cut pants as sign of them
being tough guys.
By Pablo Gabilondo
On the 3rd of March, Ander Goitia a student from This Februrary just like every year, we are going to
the 4th Year ate the incredible number of 35 celebrate the extraordinary festival called Carnival.
croquets! He beat the last record of the school that We, the students, love this day, because we all get
was 34 croquets and that was set by Juan Félix, a dressed up as fantastic characters which appear in:
student that was in this school a few years ago. He books, films, television or real life. We enjoy this
wrote himself into school history! said Iñigo day at school and it is also one of our favourite
Fernández. days, because we have lots of fun, looking at some
of the most original outfits you can ever imagine!
The negative view of this new record was that the “We usually spend a lot of time searching for the
people that were encouraging Ander to beat it, were most suitable dress”, said Marta Arriaga a student
disturbing the others and producing an unpleasant from the 4th Year
atmosphere for the dinning room, However, the
main problem was that students ignored the dinner By Pablo Carbonero
ladies. Tim commented that he thought it was a
crass and vulgar and very much a late 20th century FALSE FIRE ALARM
phenomenon- consuming far too much while other Last tuesday 4th of february at 12:45 the fire alarm
people don’t have food. rang in school. The alarm started on the second
By Pablo Carbonero floor. Somebody had broken the fire glass. At first
teachers didn't know who had done it, but as there
“UN BURKA POR AMOR” were only 3 people
Since the 11th of February, fourth year students in the corridor at the
have been watching a film, that since the first time time it rang, at 4:30
it was broadcast on TV it has created a great deal of they found out that it
interest, not as much for the actors performance as had been Borja
for the story itself. Gaiztarro. from 3rd
At first sight it seemed the film had nothing to do year of ESO.
with us, but as the movie went on, you start to
think about whether it is possible that the Teachers knew it had been on purpose because to
conditions in those countries are really like they are break the fire glass, another glass has to be lifted
shown in the film. first. after some minutes the caretaker Txema
We did not watch this film just because of managed to repair it.
coincidence, fourth years tutors, had a clear
objective, see a reality that is near to us but which "I think Gaiztarro did a stupid thing" said Iñigo
we do not necessary see. Fernandez, from 4th Year of ESO.
By Adrian Agüeros
CARNIVAL AT SCHOOL! By Ainhoa Uribarren


On Friday at school
suddenly the fire alarm
started ringing.

At 11:30 p.m. the alarm

went off while we were
doing a history exam, it
rang because someone had
broken the glass of the fire
alarm. After that, John
Phillips went to all the

classes to find out who had done it. The guilty Afterwards, he was asked why the wifis
person is still unknown. without password can't be used, so he explained me
" I was very scared, I thought it was a real fire"said that only the technicians can make your computer
Kaiana Aizpurua able to use those wifis.
by Patricia Porta By Sergio Tome
AMAZING FIRST CERTIFICATE RESULTS During the last 2 years, a new technique has been
used with the only objective of improving the
the group of 3 year of E.S.O, on the 12 december relationship that students have between each other,
of 2009 in the hotel Amara Plaza and Costa Vasca, this revolutionary technique is called
did the first certificate exam, although they "Cariñograma".
presented to this exam 7 months earlier than the this technique making a panel, where the good
students of 4 year of E.S.O, not only every single things the student have done are. This technique
student passed the exam, but they got higher will help the little students to do good things
results. instead
doing bad things.
in the fast track, where tim buckwell teaches, there This will also help
were 5 As, 13 Bs and 5 Cs, and all of this with only children
being 14 year old, where the average age of the relationship and not
whole people presenting the exam is 23 year old. being discriminated
for their color or
of course this has been devastating for the 4 year of their intelligence.
E.S.O students, as we presented it later and we had
worse marks, with only 2 As. "they're not normal
people, they all have these amazing marks" said By
marina, a student of 4 year of E.S.O. Sergio Tome, Adrian Agüeros
By Kaiana Aizpurua

The fourth year ESO students are already in Begoña has been using new teaching
February and they are seeing the baccalaureate techniques throughout this term. Among these
really near. Now is the moment when they have to techniques we should highlight putting music on at
think seriously what they want to do in the future, the beginning of classes, which has been generating
and in a couple of weeks they will need to have applause. Recent studies have demonstrated that
decided. As this decision has to be taken very classical music stimulates some parts of the brain
seriously by both school and students, the teachers and they are even using it in order to help people
have prepared some activities for the students to with intellectual problems. We’ve been asking
see what their options are for next year, as pupils what they think about the use of music and
different types of baccalaureate or professional they’ve told us that having five minutes to relax at
training (a more practical way of studying) also the beginning of class helps them to carry on
exist. working. There is no doubt from our point of view
By Ignacio Mayoz about the success of this new technique, so through
this article we encourage all teachers to start using
Along these last years, the internet at school is By Pablo Gabilondo
slow, and none-one has look after this information.
I asked Iker some question and he told me the PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS
problem is caused because the Telephonics' antenna In November the school psychologist went to the
is far away from our school, so all this area has the 4th year´s class to examin them.
same problem.
He only came for two Thursdays, in the maths hour SAN SEBASTIÁN WHITE AGAIN!!
and the students did two exams, one intelligence
test and the other one of what they like. With the Like last year at the beginning of the New Year in
results of both tests, the psychologist and the tutor Janurary, there were some terrible cloudy days,
of the students are going to meet the parents and which make the city white covered by snow for
the student, and together they are going to decide four days. This made us very happy, because we
what to study next year and in the future. enjoyed these strange conditions and had really
good fun playing with the snow. “It was amazing,
" The tests were very easy" said Ainhoa and everybody thought that we were in another town!”
Kaiana. said Ignacio Mayoz a student from the 4th Year in
By Patricia Porta the school.

By Pablo Carbonero

Now, both Stella and her little brother Darko have
TORO XL STUDENTS left school. Nobody knows for certain exactly why.
By Susana Santaolalla
Duiring the second term our caretaker Raga Nogal,
found some cans on the black field.Up to this point NO DONUTS BECAUSE OF SINGING
it does not seem anything out of order. However, STUDENTS
the issue is the kind of drinks the cans contained.
4th year students got punished in the dining room
This drink is called ''Toro XL'' the problem is that without donuts because we sang San Sebastian's
on the can it clearly states that children should not March and used the tables as drums.
drink it, and the ones that are doing so are the 5th Usually, 4th year ESO students are really chilled
and 6th year primary school students. They sould while eating, but as it was the 19th January, San
not be drinking it because the amount of caffeine Sebastian's Eve, we were all really excited.
that one of the cans contains is the equivalent of
seven coffees. ''This severely affect the student Txema doesn't normally punish us but John Philips
hability to study'' said tim. was there so we couldn't even speak while we were
By Adrian Agüeros eating!

KOVACEVICS BACK AT SCHOOL. Only 3 tables out of 5 got punished, even though
we all sang!
After Christmas, we had the news that Kovacevicʼs "I found it really unfair, we all had sung so
children were coming one more time to Saint everyone should have been punished" said Sara
Patricks to study, three years after they had left Ifrim, a 4th year ESO student.
this school. Stella, the older of the two, was born in By Guinea Fernandez-Dans
Italy in 1996. When her father, Darko, was going to
play in the Real Sociedad, they moved to St.
Three years ago, they moved to Greece, because
Darko started playing in the Greak team, The new girl in 4º B after sharing 5 months
Olimpiacos. Recently, he had had a heart-attack, with us, left this school on the 20th january,
and he isnʼt playing any more. Thatʼs why they giving as a reason that her father has had a
have returned to St. Sebastian, because they like job offer in pamplona.
this city as a place to live.
”I am happy to be back with the friends I had three However deep within us, we all know that
years ago” Stella said 2 months ago. perhaps the real reason was that she had

been marginalized, but this is just a rumor, there aren’t any students
nobody knows exactly why she went away. selected at the moment for
By Kaiana Aizpurua this responsibility. “He
represents us very well,
PREFECT OR PERFECT! STUDENT because he is a responsible
and serious person”, said
Manuel Santos is a student from the 4th Year of St. Adrián Tejeda a student in
Patricks and he is his second year as the class his class.
prefect. Last year he was also elected to the school
council for all the students at school, but this year
By Pablo Carbonero

were thinking we were going to start talking about
REACHING A HIGHER LEVEL OF BASQUE how to do the games, however we only did some
word works and a power point as the ones we did
It is not a secret that the level of English in with Simon in 1º ESO.Internet at school
this school is much higher than the Basque level, By Sergio Tome
but teachers are trying to make up for this
imbalance. This year the students of the fats track CHANGE OF MENTALITY IN IT
of Basque are expected to do he P.L.1, an exam
equivalent to the P.E.T. This is the first time that This year in the 4th year there has been a radical
the students in the 4th year E.S.O. are going to be change of mentallity. At the beginning Igor was the
sitting this exam, but are they prepared enough? new techer but afterwards Isabel came to give IT
We have tried to find out what one of the classes.The only work the IT students did were
students taking the exam, Manuel Santos, thinks powerpoint presentations *there is nothing new in
about this issue:” We are the first year group that is this*. After chirstmas holidays students work in
going to do this exam so early, but I don’t think new stuff.
there’s any problem. I think it’s a good opportunity 2 months later of the starting Isabel came
to practise and later on to try to pass the P.L.2. to give them classes, and the students thought they
By Asier Amenabar will learn more. Instead this they continued making
power pont presentation, nothing to be with IT.
IT PROBLEMS Before Christmas the teacher made a questinary
during the first evaluation, there were some about her classes and she found out that students
problems with the project that 4º year of ESO were not happy. Therefore the teacher started to
group were going to do for the little children. give more interesant lessons. “We learn more in
although they had 4 months to do the project they those 3 weeks that in the whole course” said Asier
only used two days to do them. Amenabar.
this problem began with the change in teacher. the By Adrian Tegeda
first teacher made them work for an hour and then,
they could do whatever they wanted until the bell NO EXTRA HOUR FOR THE FAST TRACK
went. In addition, the second teacher made them do This year 4th year ESO fast track students are going
some word documents work that didn't relate to to take the CAE exam in June, That’s why our
doing the project. teacher hoped to give us an extra class on Monday
In the end they were able to finish the project the 4 afternoon.
ESO disappointment
By Sergio Tome
During that hour we were going to improve our
writing and practice for our oral exam. Susie also
On wednesday 3 of february some students were
thought that as this year is the first one that
going to begin the IT class. almost all the students
students only have 4 hours to prepare for CAE, it MOCK EXAMS
would be a good way to try to pass the exam. A few weeks ago,the forth year students did the
MOCK exams for the first certificate in english
and Certificate in advanced english. Some of them
However, this was all a dream as the English
did the fist exam and others the advanced. In
Department turned down the proposal. Now we
general the results of CAE MOCK exam were quite
would only have four hours per week and one
good, however they could improve with a lot of
mock oral exam preparation.
hard work. The students that did the FIRTS exam
last year and did not passed, this year the FIRST
“It’s a pity that we don’t have this extra hour, MOCK exam they did it really well, and the
because we are going to be less prepared for the students that did not do t last year the exam
exam” said Pablo Carbonero, a student of the fast because they did not want to or because they were
track. not as prepared as to pass the exam, they had work
hard and in the MOCK exam they did it really well,
“However, I think that people who work hard with effort an working hard they could get a good
would have enough with those four hours, and mark in the exam.
they’ll pass it. I’ll bet for it” said Tim Buckwell, 4th By Marta Arriaga
year ESO English teacher.
By Guinea Fernandez-Dans

NEW TEACHER FOR 4º ESO mathematics class. The classes go on, and
In October Iñigo Elias came to substitute Txema although she is really unhappy with us, we
Arbe in Latin classes. Txema had to teach the hope she would continue teaching us.
Baccalaureate students and he didn’t have any Whatever happens Sanpa Times will keep you
other time to do it so we can say that he changed informed.
his 4º year ESO students for the Baccalaureate By Pablo Gabilondo
Iñigo comes from the German school, where he From Monday to Friday the Basque teachers of the
used to teach. He comes on Tuesday, Thursday and 4º year Eso went to Bilbao to a Basque course so
Friday to teach the San Patrick’s students who they could practise
study Latin. He usually comes really early and their Basque.
when we come from the playtime he has already Ibon and Alazne left
been in class for a few minutes and ready to begin. their 4º year students
“He teaches differently but he does a good job” of Basque, from
says one of his students. Monday 1st
By Carla Aldabaldetrecu February until the
3rd February
DANGER! REYES IN BAD MOOD! afternoon, so they
As students it is not unusual for us to hear could attend to the course. “We had a great time at
teachers telling us that we are the worst class Bilbao although we didn’t have enough free time to
they have ever had. However, this time Reyes visit Bilbao” said Ibon.
seems to be really disappointed with her 4th By Carla Aldabaldetrecu
year ESO class. She has even said things like MUSIC TAMES THE BEASTS
“There is a lack of work and responsibility that
can’t be allowed” or “I’ve no regrets of people Begoña has been using new teaching
who failed in the first evaluation”. As a result techniques throughout this term. Among
there is a bad atmosphere in almost every these techniques we should highlight

putting music on at the beginning of classes, which to relax at the beginning of class helps them to
has been generating applause. Recent studies have carry on working. There is no doubt from our point
demonstrated that classical music stimulates some of view about the success of this new technique, so
parts of the brain and they are even using it in order through this article we encourage all teachers to
to help people with intellectual problems. We’ve start using it.
been asking pupils what they think about the use of By Pablo Gabilondo
music and they’ve told us that having five minutes

As we all now ,they are making a new football since it
field near school,but,It would be the new football appeared for
field of our school? the first time in
Near school,in the drum
Errondo,they are parade.
making a new football
field.They are going to This decision
finish doing it this year was taken by
so all the people ask the school
the same thing,if we could use it as st-patricks council, who thought it was better because drums
football field.O would weigh less, furthermore, previous barrels
ur football field is not in very good conditions so it barrels were very little and children broke a lot of
would be nice to play there,in grass.Pablo drumstick on the edge. On the other hand some
Carbonero said:"I think it would be a very good people think barrels were much prettier.
idea,because it always better to play in grass
instead of rock" By Ainhoa Uribarren
By Inigo Fernandez
The 27th of January the 4th of E.S.O students Last 5th of December, as happens
organized a football tournament at the hockey field every year, the first of Bacaulerate
The tournament was very interesting and people of students went on a school exchange
all ages turned up to watch good with Liverpool students with the
football.The teams were chosen apparent objective of improving their
randomly and each team was made up English.
of by 5 players.The referee "The journey was very well organized" said Tim
was Adrian Agueros.The initiative of Buckwell. He says that this year's group were the
making this tournament was ignacio´s best he has ever gone with.
idea: " I had this idea because i thought Moreover, this year's trip has a little bit special, in
lot of people like football and by particular for Mikel Bravo, because he met
this tournament all the people could Fernando Torres, and went to his house.
play,and have a good time" The trip organizer, Tim Buckwell, says that the
By Inigo Fernandez only possible drawback is that the trip was
organized over a long weekend and he said it is
LOOKS LIKE A DRUM BUT... IS A BARREL! quite hard for him to spend so much time
surrounded by students without having a day to
This year, in the drum parade, the school has
decided that is better to use normal drums with a
By Adrian Agüeros
wooden slice on top in the official performance on
San Sebastian day. In the past, the school has used
Teachers’ authority
Nowadays teachers don’t know how to deal with some situations of conflict.
Due to some new laws they have to be very careful when they punish a
student, because if the student’s parents protest they may find themselves in
trouble. What is the correct way of behaving in this new situation? Should
they continue being strict or would it be better to have a friendly
relationship with students?

Teachers should be Being strict doesn’t mean being unfair.

strict in order to Being the authority is not an easy job
teach and educate and sometimes teachers become power-
students. We should crazy. I’ve always liked the quotation
never forget that at that Uncle Ben said in Spider-Man’s
school teachers are comic number one “With great power
the authority. They there must also come great
may make mistakes responsibility”. Joking apart, teachers
and not always do should always try to have proportional
everything correctly, punishments to the incident. Those who
but this is not a really teach pupils a lesson once and for
reason for parents to make a scene every all should not be
time they think that the teacher is wrong. accepted in our
Furthermore, I think schools should help schools because
teachers in these situation, otherwise teachers are
how are you going to punish a student if professionals that
the only opinion that is going to be taken must take into
into consideration is the parents one? In account that they
my opinion being strict is something that are dealing with
should be valued in teachers because it students and not
helps students to concentrate and take criminals.
classes seriously.

To sum up we could say that taking teacher’s authority away is not going to do
pupils any good in education. However some teachers’ methods are nowadays
outdated, old fashioned and are best left in the past so we strongly recommend
teachers to read Spider-Man before giving a class.
What about an Ecological school?
During the school year teachers usually give long speeches about the importance of recycling and turning
out the lights whenever you get out of a room. However, do we really try and give our two cents worth in
this global problem or is there too much talking and too little action? Can the school afford to make some
ecological changes or is the budget too small?

Ecology is nowadays a subject our school is interested in. Since, in the 1990s, the theory of Global Warming
appeared, the world has gone mad trying to solve the problem we have created. Politicians promise ecologi-
cal changes in their electoral campaigns and scientists are working flat out in order to find the definitive eco-
logical fuel. Our school hasn’t turned its back on ecology either, and has been trying to make students aware
of the huge problem we have. Although many people think that the school should try to obtain its energy
from green sources like solar panels, we must take into account that they are really expensive and school
hasn’t got a budget big enough.

The school could go one better and make the school greener. Global warming is not a problem which is go-
ing to be solved with speeches and nice words; we need to get moving immediately. Although solar panels
may be too expensive, the government has ecological projects that give grants to those companies which are
trying to supply their energy from green sources. Furthermore, if we generate more energy than the neces-
sary, we could sell it and earn between 5,000 and 7,000 euros for each kilowatt.

To sum up we could say that Ecological projects need a great investment at the beginning but in the long run
are worthy. Moreover I think the school should try and look for different ways of receiving a grant because
speeches are not enough to solve this problem. Having a green school is not going to be a piece of cake but
where there’s a will, there is a way, so lets get going.
Written by Pablo Gabilondo

Which side do we choose?

Mummy mummy, does marriage exist?
Since our childhood we have been told stories about
couples who had to face difficult situations in order to
achieve their dream: get married. These stories usually
end with happy phrases such as “they all lived happily
ever after”. Are these stories based in real life? Is mar-
riage a long-term decision? Is marriage in danger of ex-

Nowadays marriage has nothing to do with the one our

grandparents knew about. To make one’s first Holy
Communion or to get married has become a custom in
the Western World and no one knows the religious
meaning they have. This may seem to be something un-
important but in my opinion it is the main reason why
in Spain 30% of marriages end up in a divorce. While
fifty years ago getting divorce would have meant burn-
ing in Hell, these days it is usual to find children whose
parents are divorced and there are even prenuptial
agreements in case of a divorce.

Marriage is not as necessary as it was. Fifty

years ago if you were a single person when you
were 25 years old they looked at you as if you
were from another planet, however, nowadays
is usual to find people who don’t believe in
marriage. There are about 7,000,000,000 peo-
ple in the earth so imagine that you are a boy,
there are about 3,500,000,000 women and you
are supposed to meet the one who is your bet-
ter half, do you think this is probable? Fur-
thermore I don’t see any difference between
my parents and a couple who have been living
together the same number of years, so what is
the difference between getting married and
just living together?

I would like to end up with a phrase my mother usually says: “If your friend puts his
hand in the fire, would you do the same too?” In my opinion this is a question each of us
should ask ourselves before getting married because marriage is an engagement that you
should not accept just because most people do so.
I am Charlotte Simmons
This story takes place in the prestigious
Dupont University where we will discover
that a university student has many other hard
situations to deal with apart from studying.
Charlotte Simmons is a young high school
graduate who has spent all her life working
really hard and as a result she has been
awarded a full scholarship in Dupont
University. However, she may have great
knowledge of French, literature and maths
but she is a novice in sex, alcohol and social
status which are three things that play an
important role in university life.

During her time at the university Charlotte

will meet different students: Hoyt (a member
of a fraternity who is cool with the girls), Jojo
(a white player on the university’s basketball
team who is in Dupont thanks to a sport
scholarship) and Adam (an intellectual who pays for university by working in a pizzeria).
We will follow these student’ lives and their relation with Charlotte.

Charlotte is a girl who comes from a rural-town

and has spent all her life working hard in order
to go to a good university. However, spending
all her time studying has stopped her from
getting on with other teenagers and when she
arrives at university she suddenly discovers a
new world. Suddenly being accepted is
something she finds important so she will have
her first sexual relations, get drunk and
discover other distractions so studying will be
forgotten for some time. This is a book that
describes all those situations that a student has
to face in university, all those situations that
teenagers are so scared about.

In my opinion this is a great book and Tom

Wolfe, who is the writer, really knows what he is
talking about. It can be used as a guide by
students or as an old diary by adults and from
the beginning of the book you will identify
yourself with a character which makes the book
even more interesting. I strongly recommend
this book to any person who enjoys reading.
Little miss sunshine
This is a film that when we think about it a smile appears on our face,
not because of famous actors or incredi-
ble special effects, but because this is a film
that people think breaks the Hollywood
mould. Instead of having a super hero sav-
ing the world we have a normal family,
or nearly normal: the grandparent
snorts cocaine, the father gives courses of
how to achieve success which are an abso-
lute failure, the older child is a teenager
who has decided not to talk to anyone, the
uncle is living with them after trying to
commit suicide because his boyfriend left
him, the mother is fed up of everyone and
the younger child is a little girl whose
quite fat and ugly and who is obsessed
with winning a beauty contest.

The film tells the story of how the little

girl finally manages to be accepted in a beauty contest that takes
place in California. The parents, who
know how important it is for their
daughter, decide to put the whole
family into the old van and spend
three days living together and deal-
ing with different situations.

This film is a brilliant dark comedy

that will make you laugh at all
those things that intimidate us. I
strongly recommend it to those of
you who are fed up of watching
films with disgusting jokes about sex
and drugs.

Directed by Jonathan Dayton

Opened in 2006
100 minutes
James Cameron
This is a film which has obviously provoked
a great deal of interest as much because of
whom the director is as for the film. When
his brother is killed in a robbery, the
paraplegic Marine Jake Sully takes his
brother’s place in a mission on Pandora. There
he learns of greedy corporate figurehead
Parker Selfridge's intentions of driving off
the native humanoids who are known as
"Na'vi". The “na’vi” are a humanoid race with
their own language and culture. Parker Selfridge wants to
mine for the precious material scattered throughout their rich
woodland and so he wants to destroy
the natives.

Along the film, you can distinguish
two different bands, the scientific
peaceloving band and the fearsome
aggressive band. Our main charac-
ter works with the fearsome band at
the beginning because he continues
feeling like a soldier. In addition, he
was told that if he helps them he will
have new legs. However during the
film, he starts changing his mind
when he fells in love with the beautiful "Na'vi" Neytiri, the prin-
cess of the tribe.

In my opinion, this is an interesting non-stop action film
without any drawbacks, although, some people say that isn’t eye
catching in all the scenes of the film. This film has won 3 Oscars,
and another 28 prizes and 53 nominations in other film festivals.

Produced by: James Cameron

Running time: 162 minutes
Rating: +13
Source material:
The perfect teacher

What is the thing you value most in a teacher?

Enjoying his job If you pass or fail Patience Knoledge

Simpathy Know how to teach

In this graph we can clearly see all the

things we value on a teacher. As you can
see knowing how to teach is the most
33% 27% important thing, it seems obvious, but if
you look at the rest of the results you an
see that is not as obvious, we also give a
lot of importance to teachers enjoying
13% their work, their friendliness, and if they
7% 7% help us passing or not.

What do you prefer a demanding teacher or an undemanding teacher?

Demanding Undemanding

In this graph is clearly shown that even

though sometimes we complain about all
the homework teachers demand us, on our
deep-down we know they do it for us 27%
to learn an not to bother us. However,
teachers must not give us too much
homework because is not healthy.


Yes No
Do you like teachers picking on you?
We do not like teachers picking on us,
13% some jokes are OK, but up to a point,
teachers have to be careful, humiliations
in our age can be very harmful for our
mental health


Why do you think teachers pick on students?

What are you reasons for pick on
us? You can clearly see that we To demostrate his authority
have no idea, however we have Because they are angry with student
tried to guess, and these are our Because they are bad students
results, have we get the answer Because they are frustated
right? Please make us know Not to relax
because is a huge mysterious for
all students.
20% 20%

What do you prefer, a reliable teacher, or 20%

an unreliable one?
What can I say about this question, it is
obvious we prefer to have a person in who
we can trust, that if we tell this person a
secret he does not go immediately to tell it
to our parents or to whatever
other person. Sometimes, relying on someone that is unconnected to the
aim of the problem can be very helpful for us, even more if this is an
adult person who is willing to help you. Teachers can be those
special persons that help us, even though sometimes we do not
tell you our secrets we like knowing that even in school we
have a person worry about us.
Unreliable 100%
What do you prefer a warm, close teacher or a distant, formal teacher?
In this graphic we can appreciate that more than
half of the student prefer a warm close teacher than
a distant formal one. This could be because with a
warm close teacher you get on with him quickly and
you are more comfortable with him. However, the 35%
other students prefer having a distant formal
teacher because they do not like a authority at
school behaving like if they were their friends.

What do you prefer a beautiful \handsome Distant, formal

Warm, close
teacher or an ugly one?
As you can see having a beautiful
\handsome teacher is not one of our Ugly
biggest worries, however the majority of
the students say that as they are doing
something boring, it´s always nice
looking at someone that is attractive.
Moreover, the 47 percent of the
students may prefer an ugly teacher,due to 47%
the fact of not losing their 53%
concentration by using their imagination in
a not very useful way.

Yes Do you want teachers to be your

No friends?
We can see in this graphic that almost all
student don´t like having teachers as
friends. Probably, is a result of secrets
7% being told between friends... However if
you have a teacher as a friend, this can
cause problems. These problems could
happen if he has to speak with you
parents or told you that you have fail a
subject. Furthermore, the rest of student
93% will think that you are the teacher´s pet.

What do you prefer a man or a woman to be your teacher?

First of all, I want to tell you Man

that all answers to this question Woman
were; I don´t mind. We have not
got a sexist course at all. We “forced“ all
the students to answer, with the only
objective of knowing, whether students
prefer a woman or a man to teach them, 43%
but as you can see the information is not
very conclusive. However, there is a 57%
slightly difference between both sexes in
favor of men.

Our perfect teacher would have the following
characteristics; He must be a man who knows
how to teach, loves his job, very friendly
and who does not fail us. He must demand
work, but without exceeding with the
homework. Someone who does not pick on you,
someone on whom you can rely. He must be warm and close,
caring about your problems, but without being a gossip, he
must remember that we don t want a friend, we want a
reliable person next to us that will help us when ever we need
him. Finally, if he is handsome girls will be happy to go to his
6 4 3
7 2
8 3 2 7
4 6
6 5 7 8 2

5 7 O P B I O L O G Y A O

4 3 7 8 H S H E O J A M S P L

6 8 9 4 5 G F T N S H T A M Y O
5 6 7 O Y O C U I X N S R G




3 6 7

4 8 9

1 2 5

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