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SPED 413

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Jackie Small

Last Updated: November 20

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Shared: Individual (1)

About This Lesson

In this lesson students will learn to solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface
area, and volume. They will do so by first reviewing what different shapes are to bring back their prior
knowledge. They will then use this in order to take cut out shapes to form other shapes. From working
with this we will then take this information to begin a chart that students will be able to add and edit
throughout the year. By the end I am hoping to have my students recall some of their prior knowledge
of shapes as well as start to have a beginning of shape qualifications to lead them into finding area,
surface area and volume.
This class is a 6th grade math class focusing on Geometry most of the students range from the ages
of 11-12. We have one ELL student, one G.T., a student with dyslexia and a student who suffers from
a hearing impairment.
This class has one ELL student, Christian, that comes from El Salvador who is doing well in the class
with the occasional help of a translation device. He seems to do better when he is given a worksheet
or templates that have the directions or words in both English and Spanish. He does well with partner
work and finds it easier to understand the lesson through his peers.
We also have one G.T. student, Sandra, in the class. She does very well in the class and is more than
willing to help other students in class. Typically she is asked to do deeper level thinking as well as
occasionally is given more challenging questions to see how she does with them. If she is not
challenged she tends to get board and gets off task.
We have one student with dyslexia named Emma. She struggles occasionlly with long readings and if
there are two many words on a worksheet. She has a good attitude about learning but likes to work
alone on her work rather than working in pairs. We find it easier to let her read things with bigger font
or even letter her use the computer to read things bigger and more spaced out. She is also given
copies of the slides from class.
My hearing impaired student named Martin has a hearing impairment where his hearing fluctuates.
Some days are better than others. He likes working with peers most of the time but sometimes would
rather work alone in order to focus on the lesson. He is doing well but grades occasionally slip
depending on if he is using the tools given to him. He is given the slides to keep him on task and is
allowed to have a voice recorder in class to record the lecture notes if he needs to repeat them later to

Students will have prior knowledge of the different names to describe certain shapes. We will make
sure of this by reviewing over some of them as a class by me showing a shape and having people
answer what shape it is.

1 hour

Potential Use



Classroom Instruction

Students will be able to work in pairs to cut out shapes and figure out different ways in order to take
one shape and form another. In order to find out the simliarites between shapes and connections.
Students will create a chart in their notebook in order to list the qualifications of shapes, an example,
formulas etc. They will first do it on their own before going over as a class throughout the lesson.
Students will begin learning about the formulas of area, surface area and volume. We will try to do at
least 2 shapes in the class if time allows we will do more.

Students will be able to manipulate shapes in order to form a different shape.
Students will be able to create a chart in their notebook in order to keep an organized list of
different polygons and qualifications as well as formulas.
Students will be able to reflect on their charts in order to see what they though is similar or
different from the answer given in class.
Students will be able to learn the formulas of area, surface area and volume.

With all the differences in ability in my class and accomdations I find it best to always have lessons
with different activities throughout. I have learners who are more visual learners and some that are
more auditory and note taking learners. This is why in every class I try to make sure that every class
has a variety of lessons that appeal to their wants. Majority of the class they likes to work together but
for those who do not are never forced in working in pairs. For this lesson it will be optional whether or
not they have to work in pairs for our discovery part. There are a few lessons were I will tell students
they need to work in pairs but for this they are free to choose. This is why we will begin with a hands
on activity moving next into an organizational chart and lastly with notes from a PowerPoint. This is all
done to reinforce the lesson through multiple means.

At the end of the class I will be giving out an exit ticket based on shapes in class and how to apply
formulas. It will contain two shapes and be asked to find the area, surface area and volume. This is so
I can evalute if students are understanding the lesson or if we will have to revistit in the beginning of
the next class.

At the end of the lesson we will have a unit test that will be able to show me if the students understand
how to use formulas in order to find area, surface area and volume. Also the test will show whether or
not if students understand how this can be used in the real world by having word problems that make
the students have to think what formula to use in order to get the wanted information.

Instructional Methods
"Hello everyone!! How many of you remember learning about shapes last year? (I expect
during this time for majority of the class to raise their hands in agreement). Looks like majority
of you remember what shapes are which is perfect for the beginning of todays lesson. Today
we are going to go over shapes and try to come up with some ways to classify shapes in order
to eventually find area. Can anyone tell me what area is? (I expect someone to raise their hand
and describe it as the space something takes up). Thats a pretty good description by the end
of this lesson we will all be experts in describing shapes as well as finding area of shapes. Let
us begin by refreshing our minds with the names of shapes (I will continue by having up a slide
show with different shapes and asking students to raise their hand to say that the shape is. I
assume that some may get a few wrong at first but it is okay because this is only supposed to
be recalling previous knowledge and gadging where the students are at). Now that we have
reveiwed some of the names of shapes it is now time to get a little hands on. "

First activity:
"Okay so now that we have gone over the different names of the shapes and what they look
like it is time to put that into practice. (I will now hand out the cut out worksheet for my
students that may have an IEP or ELL student I will give them a different worksheet. On this
sheet it will have the name of the shapes on it so the students can get used to associating
shapes and their names. For my ELL students they will get the same sheet but on theirs it will

have the name of the shape in english as well as their native language). You will have about 5
minutes of your own time to work on figuring out how to take one shape and then creating a
different shape with it. After the five minutes up we will share with a partner next to us before
we share as a whole class."
Next activity:
"Now that we have gone over different shapes and saw that they can be interconnected and
how they differ from each other we are going to organize our knowledge. In our notebooks I
want you to create a chart with five columns the first labeled with the name of the shape along
with its definition, in the next column having its qualifications, the thirs column being an
example drawn by you, fourth column how to find perimeter and the last columun how to find
area. (I will be handing out to my differentiated learner a chart that I made for them so that they
do not have to fixate on trying to creat e the chart themselves and they can stay on task with
the rest of the class. For my ELL students they will get something similar but on theirs it will
have the directions in english followed by their native language). You will have around 5 -10
minutes to work on this before we begin with the lecture portion of class."
Last Activity:
In the last part we are going to begin the lecture part of the class. We will be going through the
PowerPoint and students will be expected to take notes throughout this time and ask
questions. For my IEP students and ELL students they will be givent he slide show so that they
can follow along and take notes on that and not have to worry about capturing every word on
the slide but can focus on listening what I am saying to the class.

"Okay now that we have gone over the different qualifications of shapes and the formulas that we can
use with them it is time to get some practice in. We will be completing an exit ticket today don't worry
it is only 6 points but this is so I know whether or not we are getting the lesson or if we need to go
over it again. When you are done please flip over your paper and pack up silently and wait for the bell.
If you have any questions feel free to raise your hand and I will cmoe over and help you."
This is so I can get an idea of what my students are struggling with or if they are doing well with the
lesson. I will look at the tests and see if its a select few that need more help or if its the majority that
needs help. Meaning I will go back and reteach the lesson perhaps in a differnt way to see if it was the
way the informationt that was delivered that students are having trouble with.

Author's Reflection
I plan on engaging learners in the beginning of the lesson by getting them actively working with the
shapes. By getting my students active it is focused less on content first but more on application. I
find that it is easier to describe a lesson when students are able to think back to that hands on
experience. I want to have my student be active in the beginning of the lesson so that they are
active and awake. This way when we start the lesson their brains are active and able to absorb the
lecture part of the class.
For my hearing impaired student they are able to use a voic recorder throughout the lesson. This
way if Martin was unable to hear what was going on in the lesson he can use this in order to replay
it at home. He will also be given the slideshow hard copy in order to follow along as I teach the
lesson if he needs to fill in the blanks as I am speaking. I also placed Martin in the front of the
classroom in order to make it easier for him to hear me as I speak. Sandra also serves as a
notetaker for him in class so after class she would email pictures of his notes to him for him to
access and use.
For my G.T. student she will have access to a computer in order to do independent work if she is
finished with her work early. She is also given more challenging work to do as extra practice and see
how she does with critical thinking on how to finish problems. To keep her engaged in the class I
offer her extra credit for being the notetaker for the class. Her notes are emailed and distributed to
the struggling students in the class that benefit from this resource. It is just their as an aide but not
intended for them to use as a crutch all year long.
For my dyslexic student Emma I would have handouts with bigger fonts as well as more spacing.
Also for PowerPoints she will be able to either open it up on a laptop or tablet and be able to adjust
the sizing and spacing. This way she is able to manipulate to her own needs if she seems to be
struggling. If there is ever a long reading she will be able to have an audio version that she can
listen to while she follows along and reads. She also is given more time on exams and activities to

account for if she is struggling to get through the activity. She also benefits from having Sandra as
our notetaker in the class. Whenever she feels that she is in need of her notes she notifies me and I
pass it along to her.
For my ELL student Christian he will be able to use a translator in class if he is struggling with some
of the translation. Any sheet produced by me will have the directions in both English and Spanish
and any sort of manipulative will be labeled with the English and Spanish name. He is given the
PowerPoints before hand in order to see if he needs to take time to translate any of the words
before hand. He receives notes from the notetaker in order to see if he had missed anything while
writing and trying to comprehend.

- cut out worksheet
- cut out adapted worksheet for IEP and ELL students
- scissors
- pencil
- notebook
- doc camera
- PowerPoint
- print out chart for IEP and ELL students

Khan Academy
Why it's included:
It is for extra practice and to reinforce the lesson.

Last Updated: November 19

Shared: Individual (1)

Author's Reflection
For my English Language Learners I plan on having multiple resources for them to use. They will
have a portable translater that they can have on their desk in case they are struggling to understand
a word and are unable to ask me right away. They will also be able to be given adapted worksheets
in order to reinforce english as well as using their native language. I decided to have their
worksheets to have the directions first in english and then in spanish their native language. This is
so that the student is able to first read the directions in english and then their native language just in
case they are still unsure of what the directions are asking of them.
For my student with dyslexia I have created a worksheet for the beginning of the lesson that allows
the student to look at the shapes as well as have the names for them on the shapes. This is so that
if they are not one hundred percent certain than they have this reinforcement. I also have the
worksheets with bigger font as well as more spacing which has shown to be helpful to students with
dyslexia. I also provide students at the end of the lesson with the ability
For my hearing imparied student they will be able to use a paper based computer pen or a voice
recorder. This is so that the student is able to record the lesson and discussion going on in the
classroom. This is helpful to the student because they are able to listen to the lesson over again as
many times as they need to. Since Martin is relatively good at hearing most of what is happening in
class as well as reading llips this serves more as a percaution in case he is struggling. Martin is also
able to have the PowerPoints given to him that are able to be accesed during class. He will be able
to take notes on the PowerPoint and use it to also keep up with the recording of the class.
For my G.T. student Sandra she will be able to go onto the computer when she finishes work early.
She will be able to log on and do more practice problems on the computer. This way I can keep
progress of what she is doing as well as keep her engaged in the classroom. I will also have an
extra practice worksheet that she can work on with problems that are little more difficult than the
ones worked on in class.
For each of the students they will be checked in with once a week to see if there needs to be any
changes. The point of this is to make sure that all the adapatations made are working for the student
personally or if they feel if they need something else.

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