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Child Development 258: Principles and Practices

Curriculum Plan
Topic/Title of Lesson: Reading
Learning Center: YMCA ________________

Focused Domain:
Age of Children: 3-5 years

Goal: The goal will be able to be introduced to the life cycle of

a frog.
Objective: To be able to name the different stages of the life
1. Pick out the book.
2. Have the children sit down in the circle area.
3. Read the book to the children From Tadpole To Frog.
Advanced Preparation: Make a chart of pictures that shows the
changes of the frog cycle and how they transition from a frog
egg- froglett -adult frog.
Purchase the book or download the book.
Title: From Tadpole to Frog Author: Wendy Pfeffer.
List Materials:
Title: From Tadpole to Frog
Author: Wendy Pfeffer
Developmental Benefits:
Cognitive Benefits
New terms (like tad pole, frog egg and adult frog).
Future Plans: Have a chart of pictures that shows the changes
of the frog cycle and how they transition from a frog eggfroglett-adult frog.
Transition Plan:
Sing the songPollywog:
There once was a polly named Wog

Child Development 258: Principles and Practices

Who wanted to change to a frog,
So he dropped off his tail
Grew legs without fail
And croaked all day on a log

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