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Call for proposals

A newly established Islamic Junior High school invites curriculum designers

for English subject. Applicants are kindly asked to use the attached form
for their application, and follow the guidelines specified therein.
The main part of the proposal consists of two parts, which are to be
processed in sequential order. First, applicants have to specify the
curriculum design of the proposed subject. Special attention should be
paid to the usage of ICT. Applicants should provide a description of the
types of media used for course management, communication, and
teaching. A third element of the curriculum design is the scientific
foundations on which the subject is based. Here the rationale should be
described as well as its structural organization. The rationale should
convey an articulated vision on the type of learners, their needs, and a
conception of the subject matter and its importance for the learners. The
rationale should result in a motivated choice for the pedagogical
approach. Key characteristics such as the learning goals/competencies,
specific contents, the role of teachers and students, the usage of ICT,
function and types of assessment, place and time of learning should be
specified and motivated from the literature.
In the second part, applicants are asked to select one component of the
subject (depending on the nature of the curriculum design, this can be a
module, a lesson, or a learning activity), and specify its instructional
design, so as to elucidate how learning will occur and will be supported
within the subject. As the instructional design serves as showcase of the
innovative, technology-enhanced ways of learning within the subject, this
component should be selected thoughtfully (i.e., no traditional classroom
instruction). The instructional design should give a blueprint of this
component and provide a detailed account of the principles and strategies
underlying its design. Instructional design principles and strategies should
be firmly rooted in the research literature, thus explaining not only what
the component looks like, but also why it looks the way it does. As with
the curriculum design, the use of ICT should be specified so as to indicate
how selected media are adaptable to situational demands, increase
students motivation, and contribute to the envisioned innovative nature
of the subject as a whole.
Closing date for submission is January 20, 2015.

Application Form for English Subject

Islamic Junior High School
1. Applicant
Main applicant / Contact person


Other applicants


2. Overview of the curriculum

2a. Curriculum design
Brief outline of the curriculum

Scientific foundations
under the new National Education System, Law No. 20/2003 (UU
No. 20 Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, 2003), the government decreed that the
curriculum should reflect competency based education which focuses on what the
students are expected to achieve rather than on what they are expected to learn
(Sanjaya, 2005; Suderadjat, 2004). In addition to this, the competency-based
approach was also perceived by Suderadjat (2004) as having the potential to increase
students competitiveness in the workforce.
A curriculum is a general statement of goal and outcome, learner arrangements,
evaluation and documentation relating to the management of program within an

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educational institution (Feez & Joyce, 1998: 9). Besides that, Curriculum can be
defined as a set of plans and arrangements which aims to achieve some specific
education purposes (BNSP, 2006:4). Curriculum includes some methods as a
learning activity in order to achieve the purpose of education itself.
Our current curriculum is School-Based Curriculum (KTSP). Mulyasa
(2008: 12) also states that School-Based Curriculum is an operational curriculum
which is arranged, developed, and implemented by each school. It is developed
by the school, based on school potential and characteristics, social culture background, and
students characteristics.
At junior high school, the English teaching and learning process is targeted
to enable students to gain the ability to communicate in daily life context. As
language is a mean of communication, students have to be accustomed to speak
14 English orally. Their communicative competence has to be developed through
tasks and activities which are carried out during the teaching and learning process.

Considering the fact that the students of junior high school are still young
learners, the teacher has to organize the lesson based on their needs, interest, and
characteristics as well. They need enjoyable activities, which involves body movement,
pictures, real objects, during the teaching and learning process.

Overview of the curriculum

The purposes of english language teaching at MTS MUHAMMADIYAH
GOBAH Schools are :
1. Developing communicative competence in speaking and listening
language to reach functional literacy
2. To improving awareness about nature and importance of english to
improve nations competetiveness in global society
3. Developing students undertanding about the relationship between
language and culture.

The scopes of english language teaching at MTS MUHAMMADIYAH

GOBAH are :
1. Discourse competence or ability to understand and or produce
spoken text and / or listening text which to reach functional literacy
2. The ability to understand and create a new functional texts as well
as in procedure text.
3. Supporting
competence( Ability to use grammar,vocabulary,pronunciation and
etc,socio-cultural competences ( ability to use language

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actsappropriately in various context of communication),strategic

competence (ability to overcome problems in communication to
competence(ability to use discourse instruments).
4. Improve the confidence students in learning process.

Use of ICT
To facilitate the students learning activities,the school provided a
projector in the class which equipped with sets in front of the wall And
using a laptop to show the materials in the class and each class will have
one projector.the lesson/language points in the laptop and using the
projector to show the clear material to show to the students in the class.
And those lesson should be according to the syllabus and made be the class,teacher never use boardmaker in the white board
because in this lesson the method is audio-lingual

2b. Instructional design













A. Standard competence : listening

Understanding meaning in transactional conversation and
simple interpersonal to interact in daily life.
B. Basic competence

: *response meaning in conversation transactional ( to get

things Done) and interpersonal ( socialistic ) simple and short,
accurate, fluently and accept to interact in daily life.

CMD 2014 Course exam file

C. Indicators

: response meaning in oral text of short conversational like

Instruction to give instruction and response instruction from
other People.

D. Upon the completion of the course, the students are expected to :

Students are able to identify some information in monolog text
Students are able to identify kinds of language in descriptive
Students are able to identify social function of descriptive text

E. Lesson materials

Text monolog of descriptive

My cape jasmine has a garden. I plant many flowers. But my favorite flowers is cape
jasmine. It is beautiful flower and fresh. It usually bloom on juni. And I love it and
water it every morning.
F. Method of teaching : Presentation, Practice
G. Procedures
a) Pre activities
Greeting, checking fort the roll
Pre-test, review
b) While activities
Students listen descriptive text
Students answer the question base on the text
Students answer the question about social function about descriptive text
c) Post activities
Ask to the students about the obstacles in learning process
Conclude all of materials
Give the students assignment and take home work about the materials.

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H. Source and media

Text book (smart step , Ali Akhmadi , Ida Safrida , )

LKS Cakrawala

I. Assessment

Correct answer, and correct language content


Correct answer, but language content not good

Answer and language contents is wrong

No answering
Each items of correct answer


Each items is not true

J. Evaluation
Assessments: oral test
Instruments: assignment
Example of instrument
Listen to the casset and answer the following question
1. What is the speakers favorite flower?
2. What is the color of the jasmine?
3. What is the purpose of the speaker to tell the text?

Use of ICT

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Media is the plural of medium,which in learning and training

environments,is the means of communicating and transferring a learning
concept or objective to another are the replicable
means,forms,or vehicles by which instruction is formatted ,stored and
delivered to the learner(schwen,1977).
1. White board
Distributes handout and discuss
Advantages : inexpensive,easy to use and simple available
2. Slide Projector
Distribute handout and discuss
Advantages : vivid colors,can be run automatically,inexpensive
Disadvantages: can easily be misaligned,trays spill easily,must be
shown in the light room.
Activity : Let everyone have a look at the projector and learn how to
orient a slide. Show them how to install and remove the slide. Move
slides forward and students examples slides and ask
them which is better for the purpose given.
3. The room
Room is the environment in which you teach can sometimes help or
force the learning.there are two driving questions with regard to
space with you teach :
-it can make you comfortable in this room ,interact and learn ?
- how can you feel in this room can help you or not?
Distributes handout and have a small discussion with the materials
in the rooms.
4. Voice and body movement
In here,distributes the tips using your voice and body. Teacher give
instruction to students and student should follow with the teacher

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Scientific foundation
One method teacher in the class used oral here,teacher
do oral presentation to students and ask them to do oral presentation to
other friends in front of the class.there includes are :
1. Concept of speaking
Speaking are : a. stated from a skill involving some kinds of
production on the part of language user ( Harmer,1985) it means that
it is an abilityprese of producing a language orally.
b. Long and Jack (1987) state that speaking is a complex
set of abilities that involves many components ; including
pronunciation,listening and grammar skill
c. bygates in Nunan (1987),speaking can be characterized
in terms of routines,which are conventional way of presenting
information which can either focus on information or interaction.
d. Chaney in Kayi,2006 speaking is the process of
buildings and sharing meanings throught the use of verbal and non
verbal symbols in a variety context.
Dealing with some theoretical definitions above, it can be concluded
that speaking is one productive skills,which is the ability in using
language orally through sound to present information,produce
ideas,express meaning for interacting with another member of
community which involves many components : including pronunciaton
,listening and grammar skill both in verbal and non-verbal of variety

2. Teaching speaking
It is one of the concerns by anyone who is charge of teaching
english.according to Brown and Nation (1977) that the goal of
teaching speaking skill is communicative teaching
speaking skill ,the teacher has to emphasize on the efficiency of oral
communication so that the use of the language works well rather than
the usage of the language.
According to Nunan ( in Kayi,2006) explains that teaching speaking
is to teach ESL learners in :
a. Producing the english speech sounds and sound patterns

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b. Using words and sentence stress,intonation patterns and the

rhythm of the second language.
c. Selecting appropriate words sentences according to the proper
social setting,audience ,situation and subject matter.
d. Organizing their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence
e. Using language as a means of expressing values and judgements.
f. Using the language quickly and confidently with few un natural
pauses called as a fluency.

3. Speaking Assesment

4. Reference list
1. Buku pegangan Guru CAKRAWALA SMP Penerbit Putra

4. The guidelines of teaching speaking Theory and Practice,Wahyudi Dedy:
Kreasi Edukasi

7. Signature
I hereby declare that I have completed this form truthfully.


CMD 2014 Course exam file



Only proposals submitted through e-mail (

will be dealt with.

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