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Joshua Tuzzo


The world is constantly changing and evolving. While it isnt possible to stop
this from happening, it is possible to stand up for what is morally right and for
what isnt. And now, we are faced with what many people feel is the
inevitable evolution of marriage: legalizing homosexual marriages. Not
allowing homosexual marriages to be recognized by the government and to
be legal would prevent changing a fundamental institution, and would
prevent unthinkable consequences. Gay marriage shouldnt be leagalized.
I agree that love is ultimately what leads people to get married, but do not
agree that it is the only thing that should matter. If love is all that matters,
then if I love my dog should I be allowed to marry it? How about if I love my
car or what about my brother, or my sister? Unless we develop some firm
definition of what a marriage is, the options are endless. If these options
sound absurd, remember that all it takes is a few activist judges to use the
statute to open the door. It doesn't matter if 95 percent of the population
disagrees with the policy, one judge can interpret the case the way he or she
wants and use the doctrine of stare decisis to impose a law on everyone.
Gay activists propose that denying these marriages is a form of minority
discrimination, and denies the civil rights of persons making this choice.
While I understand that gay activists may feel that by not legalizing same sex
marriages is discrimination, I strongly disagree with their view. Gay activists

claim that they are being discriminated against for bring what nature made
them. They feel that they cannot help being homosexual any more than a
black man can help his race. However skin color and sexual behavior are
entirely different. There is currently no scientific evidence that supports the
claim that homosexuality is a naturally occurring condition. Skin color is an
inborn characteristic while sexual preference, is just what it is, a preference.
It is behaviorally based and has everything to do with individual character,
moral choices, and societys basic rules of conduct.
This brings me to my final argument that heterosexual marriage supports the
proper rearing of children. Homosexuals feel that the number of child
adoptions would increase since gay couples cannot pro-create. There are
many children who are in foster care and long for loving parents to take care
of them. However, innumerable sociological studies support the claim that
children are best cared for in a stable intact home where both a mother and a
father are present. With that, gay activists would probably point out the large
of number of children raised in single parent homes. The ideal, however, is a
two-parent home where children can see role models of a mother and a
father. Children gain much of their understanding of what it means to be a
wife, mother, husband and father from observing their parents, and this is
true across cultures.
The purpose of speaking to you all about this topic is not to encourage you to
dislike or hate homosexuals, but rather to stand up for the morality of our
country, if not the entire world. In doing my research, I tried to stay away
from religion because we all have different beliefs, but I must say that it was
truly hard to do so. With me being christian ive been taught alot about gay

marriage and the true Christian loves the homosexual and shows it by
treating him in a lawful manner, according to the law of God .Hatred and
scorn should never be the attitude toward the homosexual; instead those
who love God and try to live their life according to His will should protect
homosexuals from personal attack. Even though gay marriage is wrong.

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