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By Gary Paulsen


Expectations for this Google Document:

This document is a portfolio of your comprehension of Hatchet.
Please use text citations for all answers. If you cannot back it up, then
your answers may not be strong enough.
Use conventions correctly! Spell check your document, ensure all
areas of punctuation and capitalization are correct.
Make sure you do not have random spaces between answers or lack
of spaces between answers.
Do Not Change The Font!
You can always press enter to create more room, the spacing is not
meant to be a limit on how much you can respond with or size!
You are responsible for your answers. If I comment on something,
please correct it. Then, resolve the comment.

New Skills: Conflict in Literature, Plot, & Mood

What are the four types of conflict? Add them into the following table! Be sure to add a
heading labeled CONFLICT and a heading labeled EXAMPLES.
Man vs. Man

Harry potter

Man vs. Nature


Man vs. Self


Man vs. Society

The walking dead

Man vs. Technology


Define Mood: Mood is how the story shifts it is the characters feeling it could be Sad,
Flustered, Scared, or Ashamed. The characters sharing their emotions to the readers
eyes so they can comprehend it.

Define Plot: Plot is the story shift or information a story gives to add more detail it makes
the story fascinating. A plot is the whole base of the story so its more interesting to the
eyes of the reader.
Plot Chart: Use later for reference to Hatchet. (Bullet points directly below to match)

Review Skills:
Reviewed Skills



It was so precious to him, so close and sweet a thing, the

yellow and red flames brightening the dark interior of the

Cause & Effect

Brian finds the survival kit and has a feast and drinks
some orange drink.

Point of View

Brians point of view is confused because, lots of things


Problem & Solution

Brians camp was destroyed. Brian was also awoken by the

tornado. Brian said he would fix the campsite and rebuild


Brians characterization is nice brave, and smart.


My theme is Achievement. Because Brian landed a crashing

air plane. Also making a fire and shelter.Also surviving
animal attacks and a tornado. Learn how to eat off what's
available and hunt properly.

Chapter By Chapter Summary

Chapter 1 Assignment: Create a bubble map that shows the varying emotions Brian felt in
Chapter 1. Be sure to cite specific text examples.
Brians Emotions

Chapter 2 Assignment: Create a list of survival supplies you would need in a plane crash
and why you would need them. (Google Doc tables)
Item for Survival

Reason I Chose It


I chose it because if I didnt I would die

by starvation or in a less detailed way I
would get hunger cramps.


I chose it to pass the time and to contact

the nation to call for help.


I chose it to help with the radio and to be

helpful if i lose the connection and lose
power for the radio.


I chose it for getting the water and

storing the water for me incase I run out
of water bottles.


I chose it because I would be bored if I

had nobody to talk to all day long every

Chapter 3 assignment

I think that Brian was sensible because he didnt cling on to what he was supposed to do he
let go and he tried his best to escape the wrecked airplane. It is not Unreasonable to save
your own life while scared.

Chapter 4 Assignment: Write 5 similes about Brians current state and explain their
meaning. Use a Google Table to do this.


Brians head hurts is like a hammer hitting

a wall.

In the book Brians pain was the only thing

keeping him back.

Brians fear was as powerful as a lion.

In the book Brian was very scared and did

not know where to go.

Brian was as confused as a mouse in a maze

trying to find the cheese.

In the book Brian was confused to the

point where he asked himself what just

Brian is as thirsty as a droughted land in

the summer.

Brian is really thirsty in the book because

he just got out of a plane crash that lasted

Brian is as hungry as a lion hunting for its


Brian had no food nor water for about a

few hours because of the plane crash.

Brian is as queasy as a person in a dizzy


In the book Brian was still really queasy

from the plane crash.

Chapter 5 Assignment:Positive Thinking

Many people believe that if they have a positive attitude, good things will happen.They
believe that people with negative attitudes somehow prevent good things from happening.
Write an editorial in which you support the power of positive thinking. Use Brians
experience as an example of how positive thinking can help people. At the conclusion of
your editorial, encourage people to adopt positive thoughts and to see what happens.
The power of positive thinking can actually work if you think about positive stuff that
you enjoy, or it could be the bright side. If you dont you can stop good things from
happening most of the time. No one knows what happens if you do both at the same time
and we dont know if that is possible.

Chapter 6 Assignment:
The flashback of his moms exercise class hurts him. Because it reminded him of his mom
and he remembered she would cook something for him every day. He also remembered
what days his mom took her exercise class it was on Wednesday and thursday she would do
something else. It also reminded him of the secret/ the divorce.

Chapter 7 Assignment:Create a bubble map with 6 external bubbles. In the center, write
conflicts. Identify and describe 6 different conflicts youve seen in the book.

Chapter 8 Assignment:
One time I had a dream that seemed realistic but wasnt. It was when I was in a shark tank
and I couldnt escape. The sharks were coming at me with full force and I felt like I was
drowning. So I swam as fast as I could, but I got eaten. When I woke up there was no
shark tank at all.

Chapter 9 Assignment:Create a chart of objects that would be useful to create a fire and
not useful. Explain each.

Not useful



Dead leaves


Dead wood


Chapter 10 Assignment: Create a table that lists at least two moods presented in the
text and give cited examples of each.

Brians Moods



He was determined because he knew that someone

would save him if he kept thinking it.


He was calm because he started a fire he gathered

berries and he knew everything was gonna be right.


He wanted to know what was on the sand at night

and what was inside the eggs.


He was disgusted when he tried to eat one of the


Chapter 11 Assignment:Put yourself in a catastrophic situation. How would it change you?

Chapter 12 Assignment:
Dear mom and dad,
I hope you guys are excited where you are. But you might have noticed im not with dad for
the few past days.Its because we crash landed the plane because the pilot had a heart
attack or something. Anyways I dont know where I am. Im on a island or somewhere else,
anyways I am capable to live here. I can make a fire, search for berries, chop wood, and I
can make a shelter. But please dont forget the point you have to send help if you dont i
will be stranded and probably not make it.
Sincerely Brian,
Chapter 13 Assignment: Write a blog from Brians POV. Be sure to use specific
information from the text, connect with the reader, and use emotional appeal.

Chapter 14 Assignment:
My invention would be something that cooks like a gas stove so It can be used because it
doesnt use power. Also it cleans water like a water filter also without power. It will be
called the gas filter. The new helpful product for places without power it also works with
power to extend the heat.
Why Brian needs it:
Brian needs it because he needs clean water. Also he needs to cook what he kills or
catches. Plus once he got some bad side effects from the water from drinking it. He also
had hunger cramps when he ate some food.
Chapter 15 Assignment:

Varying Emotion

Text Reference

Satisfied Pg:146

The reason I think he is

because Brian did all this great stuff so he

Disgusted Pg:143

The reason I chose

was because
when he was trying to eat the bird he
nearly threw up.

Determined Pg:138

The reason I chose

because he was
or animal.

Happy Pg:146

The reason I chose

was because on
page 146 Brian said First Meat. and he
that he had his first meat.

Sad Pg:142

The reason I chose

was because Brian
remembered what his mom would make for
him everyday and that made him

to find a bird

Chapter 16 Assignment:Create a chart that shows Brians changing emotions in this

chapter and the text support to justify your answer.
Varying Emotion

Text Reference

Depressed Pg:147

The reason I chose Depressed was because

Brian was standing on the end on the long
part of the lake

Chapter 17 Assignment:Make a pro/con chart about Brian getting into the airplane
wreckage. Then, write a summary paragraph of this information. Please use in text
Pros (+)

Cons (-)

*He might get the survival pack.


*Materials, Food.

*Die (Drown).

*Hunt better with new tools.

*Waste of time and energy.

*GPS/ transmitter tool.

*Get hurt.

Chapter 18 Assignment:Create a chart in for possible themes and cited reasons for each
them. You must use at least 3.

Brian breaking into the airplane.

Because brian worked really hard to get

in the airplane and get the survival pack.


Chapter 19 Assignment:Complete the final blog in the POV project.

End of Book Project (Presentations/Projects Linked Here)

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