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By Gary Paulsen
Expectations for this Google Document:
1. This document is a portfolio of your comprehension of Hatchet.
2. Please use text citations for all answers. If you cannot back it
up, then your answers may not be strong enough.
3. Use conventions correctly! Spell check your document, ensure
all areas of punctuation and capitalization are correct.
4. Make sure you do not have random spaces between answers
or lack of spaces between answers.
5. Do Not Change The Font!
6. You can always press enter to create more room, the spacing is
not meant to be a limit on how much you can respond with or size!
7. You are responsible for your answers. If I comment on
something, please correct it. Then, resolve the comment.
New Skills: Conflict in Literature, Plot, & Mood
What are the four types of conflict? Add them into the following table! Be sure to add a
heading labeled CONFLICT and a heading labeled EXAMPLES.


Man vs Man or Character vs Character

The policeman is fighting the robber

Man vs Nature or Character vs Nature

The man is fighting against gators in the


Man vs Society or Character vs Society

In the lego movie Emmet has his own ways

not like the commander

Man vs Self or Character vs Self

He wants pancakes but his other self wants


Define Mood:
Mood is a literary element that evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers through words and
Define Plot:
A series of events that form the story in a novel.

Plot Chart: Use later for reference to Hatchet. (Bullet points directly below to match)

Review Skills:
Reviewed Skills



Brian was inferencing find a pile of sand. He wonder who made this. He
thought of a turtle because they lay eggs and made piles of sand.

Cause and Effect

Brian found 17 turtles eggs and ate some. He didn't finish eating the eggs
and the skunk came

Point of View

The point of view is 3rd person, and it's the narrator. Sometimes it goes to
first person of the main character, Brian. Example is He found a pile of
sand wondering who did that.

Problem &

Brain is hungry and had nothing in the wild. He plenty of water on the lake.
What he didn't have was food. He got food of exploring. He stayed near
the lake so he was near his campsite and walked around the lake. While
he walked there he found berries because the birds were eating them. So
basically the bird led him right to him. On page 63, He could not believe it
was that easy. It was as if the birds had taken him right to the berries.


Brian is a kid who has parents that are divorce. Now he was riding a plane
but the pilot had a heart attack. Now he been lost in the forest for 2


One of the Themes is Man vs Nature. Brian had faced many challenges of
nature. Like surviving in the wild for 2 month. Also he survived a tornado,
and a bear, wolf, and moose. For a kid surviving 2 month is amazing. Also
he went down over 10 feet underwater.

Chapter By Chapter Summary

Chapter 1 Assignment: Create a bubble map that shows the varying emotions Brian felt in
Chapter 1. Be sure to cite specific text examples.

Brian is sad of the divorce

Brian is confused of why they divorce
Brian is shocked the plane is crashing
Brian is angry of mom divorcing
Brian is devastated of the man having a heart attack

Chapter 2 Assignment: Create a list of survival supplies you would need in a plane crash and
why you would need them. (Google Doc tables)
Item for Survival

Reason I Chose It

Fishing Rod

So I can catch fish


Then I can cook my food I find

Strong New Hatchet

So I can chop trees and kill animals

Book : How to Survive in the Forest

I can know what to do in the wild


In case I lose clothes then I have extra

Chapter 3 Assignment: How did you react to Brians thoughts and actions? Do you think that
he is sensible or unreasonable? Explain your answer.

Well since Brian was on a plane that crashed and using what he just learned I know why Brian
thinks he's going to die. That is a lot of pressure for a person to have so of course he feelings
and thoughts are sensible.He lives in the wild, sun going up or down, and driving a plane. So
anything is sensible whatever he does because people can get crazy. For Brian learning to drive
a plane just now and have to use that skill to land must be harsh.

Chapter 4 Assignment: Write 5 similes about Brians current state and explain their meaning.
Use a Google Table to do this.



Brian is mad as an angry bear.

Mad for his divorce of his mother secrets.

Brians head hurts like a hammer hitting on

his head.

Because of the headache.

The forest looks amazing like a dog doing the

puppy eyes.

Because when the bugs cleared out and fish

came Brian felt amazed.

When the mosquitoes came it felt like a bear

was biting him.

The mosquitoes were on him when he was

laying down.

He was driving the plane good like a baby

bird learning to fly

When the pilot had a heart attack he drive the


Chapter 5 Assignment:Positive Thinking

Many people believe that if they have a positive attitude, good things will happen.They believe
that people with negative attitudes somehow prevent good things from happening. Write an
editorial in which you support the power of positive thinking. Use Brians experience as an
example of how positive thinking can help people. At the conclusion of your editorial, encourage
people to adopt positive thoughts and to see what happens.
Positive thinking is a good. It's because that if you think of bad thoughts you might panic
or get scared. It's not good for your life if you never think positive. Always think of the bright side
and that means you don't worry a lot. For Brian he panicked if nobody is coming. But he thought
of the good thoughts and he knows his hatchet. He thought good stuff and he drank water and
so far he is surviving.
For example, you lose your dollar bill. You panic but does that do anything? No. If you
stay positive, ask for help, and search you can find it. You always wanna look at the bright side
to assure you dont get scared of what happened.

Chapter 6 Assignment: Pick an example of a flashback in the chapter, summarize it, and
explain how it helps/hurts Brian emotionally.
On the book it said he remembered a TV show. It was about a guy surviving in the
desert for a week. Brian tried to think of something to eat. But in the TV show all it showed was
him eating lizards. He can barely find lizards in the forest. Now he can cook it with a crystal
watch but he doesn't have that.
He just thought what about berries. So he found a berry bush. So this flashback helped
him. The reason why is that he remembered what the shows says. Like he got the idea of the
berries because he sees them in shows.
Chapter 7 Assignment:Create a bubble map with 6 external bubbles. In the center, write

conflicts. Identify and describe 6 different conflicts youve seen in the book.

Chapter 8 Assignment: Retell a time when you had a dream that ended up being more of a
message to you
I had a dream last week of danger. I was walking and all of a sudden I screamed in pain. I
lost half of my body. Everything turned black but me. Now yesterday it happen. But my
arm and leg was bleeding. So my dream told me my left side of my body will get
damaged. This also told me half of my body is lucky and other half isnt. So that warned
me to be careful.
Chapter 9 Assignment:Create a chart of objects that would be useful to create a fire and not
useful. Explain each.



So you can light the wood


So it can burn


If you dont have any more wood


In case you run out you can cut more



So you can use the Axe to hit it to create



So you can protect the fire from spreading

by making a circle with the rocks

Chapter 10 Assignment: Create a table that lists at least two moods presented in the text and
give cited examples of each.




He wonders why did the animal made a pile of sand if he can eat the egg.


Brian knows what to do first like the noise and getting more firewood.


He is not quitting because he made fire, he is surviving like a man.

Chapter 11 Assignment:Put yourself in a catastrophic situation. How would it change you?

1.) I was on a plane. Then the plane crashed on an island. I only had to find stuff in
the plane and tried to survive in the island with no radio or wifi far from Hawaii, Asia, and
2.) If that ever happened I will always focus to survive and never mess around. So
basically Im going to get scared, mad, focused. Its because I must survive and be
careful if sharks are on the water. I cant be silly or else Im fresh meat. Being scared
because I'm a 10 year old, mad of what happened, also got to not mess around. This will
change my life of a silly boy into a focused man. I always got to be on guard. Who knows
other animals might live where I am now. This will change my mind of survival and no
playing around.

Chapter 12 Assignment:Suppose that Brian has a pencil. To help sort out his feelings about
his parents, he writes to one of them on a piece of birch bark. Write the letter that Brian might
write to his mother or his father. Keep in mind the issues and the details that are revealed in the
novel. Remember, too, that for certain reasons, Brian does not want to tell his father the Secret.
Dear, Mom
I wont tell Dad the secret but why? Why did you go with him? Anyways I wanted to come meet
you but some issue came along. The pilot had a heart attack and the first time, I flew a plane. It
crashed but I manage to survive. Hopefully you can find me. Im waiting for you. Also please
come back and be with us. By the way Im stuck in a forest when I crashed. So dont worry, I
managed to survive and i got this letter
Chapter 13 Assignment: Write a blog from Brians POV. Be sure to use specific information
from the text, connect with the reader, and use emotional appeal.

Chapter 14 Assignment:Create a new invention that could help Brian survive in the wilderness.
A New GPS X can help Brian a lot. It can track animals or other lifeforms. It has unlimited
batteries so you never gotta change it. Also it tracks nearby food and drinks. You can
also tap on an arena you want to be and it will locate it. This can help Brian get back to
the city. If Brian is scared he can check the GPS in case any animals coming. Also if he is
hungry/thirsty he can check for lakes or dead animals. Also he can use it for future stuff.
So basically this can find food, warn him, and track home or any other car, or planes
coming near him.
It can locate his home with unlimited batteries
It can tell if nearby cars, trucks, anything moving metal will show on the GPS
It can tell you if nearby living moving thing coming near you
If he does get home he can still use the GPS
It also shows nearby food like water and dead animals

Chapter 15 Assignment:Create a chart that shows Brians changing emotions in this chapter
and the text support to justify your answer.



His Parents Divorce and been sad ever

since she kissed the blond man. On page
3 he said, The Divorce.


He had a hatchet, bow, spear, meat, and

fire as he said on page 146, First Meat.


The pilot had a heart attack, crashed and

lost, narrator said on page 26, No pilot
on the plane.


The Bear havent attack him while eating

the berries on Page 75, The bear made no
move hurting Brian.


Brian had everything set, Get logs for to

survive 2 days, Get food, drink water, as it
said on page 94, got many dead limbs for
the fire. eating from the Raspberries.
Leaving to drink the water.

Chapter 16 Assignment:Create a chart that shows Brians changing emotions in this chapter
and the text support to justify your answer.



Not having a 3 course meal in the wild

nothing to eat. Page 48, And there came


Needing to drink before he dry up. Page 43

he said, He was unbelievably , viciously


He was ready if he was hungry, he eats a

bird or fish, if thirsty drink the water, If
cold go near the fire. Everything is
prepared. On Page 160, Have rest. Have
rest forever.


In the city mistakes can be changed, In the

wild everything goes fast. Meet a bear
nobody helps you, your mistake of finding

him. On Page 128, Small mistakes could

turn into disaster.

Mom and dad are divorced, Plane crashed,

lost in the wild, gonna be rotten, and alone
with nobody. On page 26, Going to die,
Brian thought.

Chapter 17 Assignment:Make a pro/con chart about Brian getting into the airplane wreckage.
Then, write a summary paragraph of this information. Please use in text citations.
For Brian he cant get inside for now. If Brian finds the survival pack it would be a
miracle. Problem is that there is some bad stuff that can appear. So basically it's a risky
job but it might come with a valuable price. This risk can be better chances of surviving
or better chance of dying.


He might find a survival pack

Might drown

He might find better tools

Body gets damaged

A transmitter

No survival pack

Hunt better prey with new tools

Might be trapped in the plane

Maybe more food

No way in the plane

A flare to throw so a plane can track

Useless items

Can find a raft

How can he get back to land?

Chapter 18 & 19 Assignment:Create a chart in for possible themes and cited reasons for each
them. You must use at least 3.

Overcoming Challenges

Man vs Nature

Hard Work

I think this is important because

since he was alone in the wild for
2 months overcoming stuff is a
great success. He survived bears,
tornado, crashing planes too. So
this is important because to

Man vs Nature is important because

Brian was lost in the forest. Since he
was lost in the forest this would be a
good option. So basically it's like
overcoming challenges too.

Hard work in the wild is not a waste. He

made a fire, he made shelter and got the
survival pack. Hard work isnt a waste so I
put it as important. You cant be lazy in the
wild because he is alone in the wild. So
Brian always does hard work that is why

survive he overcame challenges

its important. You cant slack off in the

wild alone.

End of Book Project (Presentations/Projects Linked Here)

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