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By Gary Paulsen
Expectations for this Google Document:
This document is a portfolio of your comprehension of Hatchet.
Please use text citations for all answers. If you cannot back it up, then
your answers may not be strong enough.
Use conventions correctly! Spell check your document, ensure all
areas of punctuation and capitalization are correct.
Make sure you do not have random spaces between answers or lack
of spaces between answers.
Do Not Change The Font!
You can always press enter to create more room, the spacing is not
meant to be a limit on how much you can respond with or size!
You are responsible for your answers. If I comment on something,
please correct it. Then, resolve the comment.

New Skills: Conflict in Literature, Plot, & Mood

What are the four types of conflict? Add them into the following table! Be sure to add a
heading labeled CONFLICT and a heading labeled EXAMPLES.

Types of conflict:


Man vs. man character vs. character

The heros mirror

Man vs. nature character vs. nature

Steven universe

Man vs. society character vs. society


Man vs. self character vs. self


Define Mood: mood

is a literary element that evokes certain feelings or

vibes in the readers through words or descriptions
Define Plot: A

series of events form the story in a novel

Plot Chart: Use later for reference to Hatchet. (Bullet points directly below to match)

Review Skills:
Reviewed Skills



Pg.94 It was so precious to him, so close and sweet a

thing, the yellow and red flames brightening the dark
interior, the happy crackle of the dry wood as it burned,
that he could not leave it.

Cause effect

The cause is brian had a transmitter in the pack and there was a
switch and he flickered it on and off but nothing happened and then the
pilot came to get him.

Point of View

An example of this would be He tore a piece of the breast, a sliver of

meat,and put it in his mouth and chewed carefully as he could and he
thought this is the n
arrator's point of view.

Problem & Solution

The problem is there is a tornado and he doesnt have time to run

away or keep his stuff from destroying his tools his solution is he thinks
of what to do and he thinks of positive things to do and Know he is
trying to fix things.


My characterization for brian is calm, confident, brave, and most

important positive.


My theme is man vs. nature I Think in man vs. nature one of the things
are he had to face a moose trying to kill him by pushing him hard down
into the water and slamming her antlers in his ribs to make them bleed
and sore for a day or two and still surviving.

Chapter By Chapter Summary

Chapter 1 Assignment: Create a bubble map that shows the varying emotions Brian felt in
Chapter 1. Be sure to cite specific text examples.
Angry: because he does not like Judges
Devastated: because the pilot died

Chapter 2 Assignment: Create a list of survival supplies you would need in a plane crash and
why you would need them. (Google Doc tables)
Item for Survival

Reason I Chose It


So if you crash in the middle of nowhere

you can hunt for food or if there is a


So if you crash with nothing to help you

hunt for food then you can use the food
you brought.


So if you crash you can get out of the

plane as soon as possible.


So if you get a parachute but you need

your supplies you can use the bag, and
get out of the plane

Back pack

So if you have more supplies leftover you

can put it in the back pack.

Chapter 3 Assignment: How did you react to Brians thoughts and actions? Do you think that
he is sensible or unreasonable? Explain your answer.

I think he is sensible because he says in the book going to die,

Brian thought. Going to die, gonna die, gonna die-his hole brain
screamed it in sudden silence. GONNA DIE!(pretty harsh). That
really makes you think like Oh my gosh he must be really scared and
worried that hes really gonna die and crash the plane.
Chapter 4 Assignment: Write 5 similes about Brians current state and explain their meaning.
Use a Google Table to do this.


Brians head hurt as bad as a hammer hitting

a nales.

He is hurt and is in a lot of pain.

Brains as scared as a mouse.

Because hes alone and afraid.

Brians as mad as a shark looking for food.

Because he had a flash back on his mom

liking someone else.

Brians as relieved as a dog owner finding his

dog .

Because he is happy hes alive.

Chapter 5 Assignment:Positive Thinking

Many people believe that if they have a positive attitude, good things will happen.They believe
that people with negative attitudes somehow prevent good things from happening. Write an
editorial in which you support the power of positive thinking. Use Brians experience as an
example of how positive thinking can help people. At the conclusion of your editorial, encourage
people to adopt positive thoughts and to see what happens.
I think that positive thinking is like thinking of something good that makes you feel more
calm in a dangerous or not so dangerous situation like if you're in an argument. It is not just in a
dangerous situation it can also be in many other situations to like if you are doing something
that is hard you can say I can do this and think positive thinking.
Chapter 6 Assignment:
In chapter six I read that Brian had a flashback. This flashback
hurt brian because he thought of thanksgiving dinner when his mom hadn't gotten a divorce yet.

Thats when he said he was going to find food; but he stopped and had another flashback. It
was his family having a barbeque in the backyard. Thats when he went to look
for food. When he was looking he found some berries and stuffed them in his mouth. This is
what I read in chapter six (flashback).

Chapter 7 Assignment:Create a bubble map with 6 external bubbles. In the center, write
conflicts. Identify and describe 6 different conflicts youve seen in the book.

Chapter 8 Assignment:Retell a time when you had a dream that ended up being more of a
message to you
I had a dream that I was on a Journey to a far away place. I was sleeping on a rock
near a horse that was eating hay and grass off the ground. Then I saw something, it was
a light then I woke up and saw a ladder going up into the sky with angels going up and
down the ladder with God at the top of it. Then I saw an angel coming towards me saying
something, but I could not hear him very well. When I woke up I realized that I needed to
start reading the Bible and praying more often, because I heard a story like this in the
Bible it was a man who was sleeping and saw a ladder with God at the top.

Chapter 9 Assignment:Create a chart of objects that would be useful to create a fire and not
useful. Explain each.
Objects I would

Objects I wouldn't





fuel:it makes more

fire when you make

cup: because its

not used for making
fire its used to



Coal: because it is
like Gun powder to
the lighter

dime:because its
not used for making
fire its used to buy



Lighter: it helps put

fire on the coal

tissue:because its
not used for making

Chapter 10 Assignment: C
reate a table that lists at least two moods presented in the text and
give cited examples of each.



He was surprised when he made a fire, and all the mosquitoes went away
to feed on other animals and people.


He was happy when He tried with all his might to get a fire after he cept on
telling himself that he was Gonna make that FIRE and he did.


He was blue when he had a flashback of his mom and the other guy that
she saw every thursday of her life while his mom was married to his dad
and is still doing it now that they both are divorced.

Chapter 11 Assignment:Put yourself in a catastrophic situation. How would it change you?

My catastrophic situation is I am in a tornado trapped inside a world of ugly thoughts that
involves Terror such as death, bleeding, and hunger. I just landed, but all I could see was no
food no water and no sight of people around me. Then I noticed A noise coming from behind
me it sounded strange. I didnt like it it sounded familiar so I looked. It was a group of Zombies
waiting for food to appear. I panicked,so I went inside the barn. Then it all just disappeared. I

noticed that it was Just a dream to make me change. How did I change? I changed by my fears
of zombies coming to my house.
Chapter 12 Assignment:Suppose that Brian has a pencil. To help sort out his feelings about
his parents, he writes to one of them on a piece of birch bark. W
rite the letter that Brian might
write to his mother or his father. Keep in mind the issues and the details that are revealed in the
novel. Remember, too, that for certain reasons, Brian does not want to tell his father the Secret.

Dear Mom,
I am trapped here in a world of thoughts that I care very deeply about. I am
alone, dirty, changed and a bit injured. Ive been through a lot since the pilot
died. Ive been hit and eaten. Even though all of this has happened, I still
manage to live. I know about you and your guy, because I saw you guys
kissing. I get depressed every time I think about it. Its all because of the
secret youre still hiding from Dad. When you smiled at the guy with the
blonde hair, kissed his lips, toughched his face. Its all a secret, a secret I am
not proud of.
Love Brian

Chapter 13 Assignment: W
rite a blog from Brians POV. Be sure to use specific information
from the text, connect with the reader, and use emotional appeal.

Chapter 14 Assignment:Create a new invention that could help Brian survive in the wilderness

My invention is called the magic doorwall. The doorwall is a door that

flips back in forth when you want to get in or out but animals cant get in and
the door looks like a bush. You can keep your food in there, supplies, clothes
and whatever you brought in there and no animals will get anything even if they
smell food or human. Also around the door there is a wall, so if an animal
comes near your area they wont be able to get you or see you. If you are
having a fire in your doorwall and you have a fire going animals cant see you
inside from the outside.

This can help brian because animals keep on stealing his food and he
gets frustrated. So this can help Brian by animals wont get his food. Wont
see him and his fire. Last but not least wont steal his supplies. This is how
a machine can help Brian in the forest while he is lost trying to survive.
Chapter 15 Assignment:Create a chart that shows Brians changing emotions in this chapter
and the text support to justify your answer.



P. + P.g


He is calm because it says in the

story he saw three birds before

Page: 133

they flew, I moved toward them I

shot out the arrow but missed a
bunch of times and he still was

Paragraph: 2


He is happy because it says in the

storyI shot my first meat and it
also says he was so happy that he
trotted back to his shelter to cook
his meat.

Page: 134
Paragraph: 2


He is relaxed because he is sitting

by the fire cooking his meat saying
how good it is and how Juicy it is
and he said it like this this is the
best meat ive ever tasted in my life.

Page: 137


He is Joyful because it says in the

story out of all the stuff ive eaten
this is the most juiciest thing ive
ever tasted

Page: 137
Paragraph: 3

Chapter 16 Assignment:Create a chart that shows Brians changing emotions in this chapter
and the text support to justify your answer.




He is frustrated because it says in the story

that all his supplies got ruined because of
the tornado that took his shelter and his bed
and all of his supplies so he got very furious
about it and frustrated.


He is happy because it says in the story He

goes to the lake to get a drink of water, and
he sees something bright sticking out of the
middle of the lake. At first he can't figure
out what it is, but then he realizes that it's

the tail of the plane. and then he thinks that

the survival pack is in there so Know he
thinks he can get it.


He is positive because it says in the story

He goes to the lake to get a drink of water,
and he sees something bright sticking out
of the middle of the lake. At first he can't
figure out what it is, but then he realizes that
it's the tail of the plane. and then he thinks
that the survival pack is in there so Know he
thinks he can get it and know he is saying
things like Im going to do this and this and
that tomorrow and thinking he can do this.


He is shocked because it says in the

storyBrian is woken up by a noise, a low
roaring sound of wind outside the shelter.
The pain in his ribs has lessened a little,
luckily. But the sound scares himit's a bad
sound, and he feels as if it's "coming for
him" Dun dun dun.Stepping outside of the
shelter to study the sky, Brian thinks that
the sound is familiar, like something he's
read about or heard before on television.
Then he realizes. It's the sound of an
approaching tornado. and then he is
shocked to see the tornado

Chapter 17 Assignment:Make a pro/con chart about Brian getting into the airplane wreckage.
Then, write a summary paragraph of this information. Please use in text citations.



He can get food from the survival


He can get severely injured.

He can get materials from the

survival pack.

He can get trapped in the plane.

He can get better tools for


He can get drowned because of

how deep the water is (six feet).

Maybe he can get Wi-Fi.

He can get killed.

Chapter 18 & 19 Assignment:Create a chart in for possible themes and cited reasons for each
them. You must use at least 3.



Man vs. nature

My theme is man vs. nature I Think in

man vs. nature one of the things are
he had to face a moose trying to kill
him by pushing him hard down into
the water and slamming her antlers
in his ribs to make them bleed and
sore for a day or two and still


One of the achievements were he

faced the tornado and still survived
the night.

Hard work

One of the hard working things he did

was make a bow and arrow for
hunting and fishing.

End of Book Project (Presentations/Projects Linked Here)

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