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Tis easier to hide amongst the Marsh Drovers in the Farsea Marshes. Pureblood netherese survivors,
descendants of Anauria who were never absorbed by the chondathan inhabitants of Cormyr. Ah yes, a
few of us survived the orc horde that was the downfall of Anauria. Most of us had offspring to carry on
the bloodline of Netheril. I, on the other hand, have remained on Toril for over millennia,
watchingensuring that the bloodline does not dilute. I remain among my brethren descended from long
lost Anauria.
Ah, Anauria. How I remember thee well. Twas quite an elegant place to reside when it hovered above the
clouds at the height of the age of Netheril. All appeared to be lost when magic ceased and we began to
plummet down. But by the grace of Mystra, we were saved. And so Anauria was founded once more. Life
became more about surviving than ever before, but we still managed some pleasantries on many
occasions. However, I will never forget the orc horde that came down upon us like a plague of locusts.
Their numbers were many, ours, in comparison, were few. They nearly annihilated the lot of us, but
through sword and spell, we managed to take as many of them down with us.
So it was that the survivors and I headed south and isolated ou rselves from the rest of Faern. But read
on, fellow scribes, as you will learn of Anauria before this tragedy, from its rise as an enclave, to its near
fall, and then to its final destruction.
~Alisttair Nemrin~
as per the text on Anaurians in Candlekeep,
Uktar 12, the Year of the Unstrung Harp

The year was 3520 in Netheril Years. By the currently used calendar, it was 339 years prior to the erection of the
standing stone, or the year -339 DR. The empire of Netheril was at its peak of power, when suddenly, a disaster of
epic proportions occurred as the floating cities and enclaves, high above among the clouds, came crashing down as
the magic that was holding them up there simply ceased.
Karsus, the mightiest of all the Arcanists of Netheril, had cast his most powerful spell, stealing the divine essence of
Mystryl herself. His folly, however, was costly, as he couldnt handle the sudden rush of godly power. Unable to
control the Weave, all magic ceased to function. Every flying city situated thousands of feet in the air in the empire
of Netheril came crashing down from the skies to the land below, annihilating the vast majority of its people.
Three of these floating cities, however, landed safely, for they were so high up in the air that, when Mystryl
reincarnated herself as Mystra following the theft of her divinity, she had time to use her powers to land them safely
with minimal casualties.
One of these was not only saved due to its latitude, but also, because of the respect its resident Arcanists and ruling
Archwizards had for the weave; this being the floating enclave of Anauria.

(Pre-fall of

he two co-Archwizard Arcanists

of Anauria were Ffarith and Idiom. Both

were quite powerful in their own respective
ways. Idiom was renowned for his
exceptional mental prowess, which he often
enhanced magically through spells that he
developed, such as Idioms Cunning, Idioms
Splendor and Idioms Wisdom. Ffarith, while
a skilled Arcanist in his own right, had more
of a knack for the Physical, having grown up
in Low Netheril doing laborious work as an
apprentice sword-smith. These he would
enhance also through spells that he
developed, being Ffariths Grace, Ffariths
Endurance and Ffariths Strength.
Knowing each other since
childhood, Ffarith and Idiom would be at
odds on numerous occasions. They would
often partake in childish contests against
one another, from wrestling contests to
games of Lanceboard. Being Netherese
Arcanists both, some spell casting was

allowed, and as agreed upon, only lower tier

spells. Such is why Idiom would often
handicap Ffarith with a well placed Idioms
Idiot spell during a game of Lanceboard, or
Ffarith would give himself the advantage
with a Ffariths True spell when grappling
would occur.
But when it came to their beloved
city of Anauria, or discussions regarding the
use of magic and the Weave, Ffarith and
Idiom always saw eye to eye. Which is why,
when one day, Karsus himself approached
them demanding assistance in the research
and development of Heavy Magic, they flat
out refused.
Ffarith and Idiom were in agreement
that attempting to tap into the raw,
unpredictable and highly unstable Heavy
Magic would be far too great a risk to their
city of Anauria. Not only that, but the
damage it could potentially do to the weave
itself would be too steep a price to pay.
Even under the advice of the priests of
Amaunator and Mystryl it was not
So it was, when the Fall of Netheril
occurred, Mystryl, now known as Mystra,
saved Anauria first of all the surviving cities,
for she knew of the respect level its
inhabitants had for the weave. The people
were scared as Anauria was falling from the
sky. Furniture would seem to fly up and
crash in the ceilings, along with any other
loose object, as they were unable to follow
the pull of gravity as quickly as the land

itself, due to the huge weight difference.

Many people got hurt because of this, others
having to grab onto something so as not to
be one of said objects. When all appeared
doomed, just as they were a few feet from
the ground below, everything seemed to
float slowly back, as the city landed softly
and safely.

Geographic Overview
Due to the fact that Anauria is a
Netherese Enclave floating about in the air,
its geographic position is not static, and
thus, all the lands of Netheril are to be
considered part of its surrounding
geography. Its last location during the fall of
Netheril is above the southern belt of
Netheril, above naught but barren

People of Anauria
Most of the people, if not all of the
people, in Anauria have some basic
understanding of magic, along with the
ability to cast a few cantrips (in the time of
Netheril, these are referred to as Cantras).
There is also a fair amount of arcanists that
inhabit the enclave, as they are the ones in
the higher stations. Many members of the
noble families happen to be arcanists in their
own right.
Clothing is a matter of personal
taste, but selection is based more on the
use of the article. Commoners will dress in
plain clothing when not doing anything
special, while the arcanists tend to fashion
themselves in garb reflecting the task at
hand, with crafting tools on the belt and less
tidy clothing when making magical items, to
spell components spilling out of their
trousers when experimenting on new spells.
Nobles usually dress accordingly as well,
with the odd piece of jewelry (usually
magical in nature) adorning them.

Races and cultures

Like all other Netherese enclaves,
the majority of Anauria's citizens are human.
However, a significant amount of elves, both
Sun and Moon, are resident in Anauria. As a
result, there is also a fairly large amount of
half-elves in the city as well. About one
quarter of the population of Anauria is elven
or part elven. The netherese and the elves
get along quite well here, even at Netheril's

height, when most elves shun the netherese

in general. The elves in Anauria admire the
respect the netherese natives here have for
magic and the weave, as opposed to the
usual abuse and overuse among other

The netherese of Anauria differ from
most of the others in Netheril because they
limit themselves to the potency of magic that
they research and cast. They have learned
from the clergy of Mystryl and the elves to
respect the weave, not to take it for granted;
a lesson few in Netheril would learn. They
feel that the abuse of this great gift could be
very costly, and so stick mostly to lower to
mid tier spells, resorting to higher powered
magic only when necessary.
Many of the netherese have elven
consorts, resulting in half-elven offspring.
These individuals don't feel as if caught
between two worlds because the view on life
and magic is very similar here to both the
humans and the elves.
Three of the noble families of
Anauria are of human - netherese lineage. A
few human arcane spell casters also refer to
themselves as wizards or mages, rather
than arcanists, like the elves do, but this
trend is more common among those with
elven or half-elven relatives.

It is within the enclave of Anauria
that many sun (and a few moon) elves
hailing from Cormanthyr have found solace.
With the rising power of Netheril, many of
the humans thought themselves above the
elves in power and stature. Here it is
different, as the elves are respected and
appreciated for their closer attunement with
the weave, and for having shared this power
years ago with the netherese. Many elves
tend to inhabit dwellings along with some
humans, resulting in half-elven offspring
(see above).
It is said that there are a few moon
elves of Earlanni descent also, but they are
seldom seen. There is also no evidence of
any Illefarni elves in Anauria
Two of the noble families of Anauria
are of elven lineage, and there are even
some that have interbred with some human
nobles (especially those of House

Life and society

Life is usually quite peaceful in
Anauria, with the occasional magic
experiment gone wrong causing a ruckus.
The citizens go about their everyday lives,
using simple cantras to perform simple
tasks. The arcanists spend most of their
time researching new spells, teaching
younglings the art or paying homage to
Mystryl. When they are researching spells,
they cloister themselves in their personal
libraries or other quiet place where they are
uninterrupted. While some arcanists teach
young ones the art one on one, most
education is formal in the form of an
organized school system. Here, the young
are taught the history of the Nether Scrolls,
the history of Netheril, the art, the weave,
and the intricacies of casting basic cantras.
Nearly all parents have their children attend
in hopes that they one day become powerful
arcanists in their own right, or to even
become Archwizards. When it comes to
religion, the Temple of the Blue Star is the
source of many prayers to Mystryl.
The nobles spend some amount of
time gambling, but they usually have their
arcanist members deal with the businesses
of the city. The younger ones enjoy
descending to the lands of Low Netheril
below to hunt wild game, as if they have
something to prove. Some amount of
respect is accredited to those who manage
to succeed in their hunts without the use of
magic, but seldom is this done. Nights are
spent reveling and frolicking at noble balls
that are always spruced up with magical
illusions to enhance the atmosphere.
The commoners are mostly busy
tending to the basic necessities of the city
that aren't handled through the use of
magic. Some of the cooking, crafting and
cleaning is handled through normal means,
but if a commoner has the right cantras at
hand, they are quick to use the art to assist
in their tasks.

Economically, Anauria thrives in the
magic rich empire of Netheril. The arcanists
of the enclave make much coin selling spell
components and magically crafted items to
the other enclaves throughout Netheril. This
they spend in turn diligently on finer
pleasantries, such as pipe weed and ale to
satiate their hunger for leisure, and art to

further enhance the appearance of their

Enough coin is left over for the
commoners to be able to live sufficiently with
some measure of pleasure when possible.
Few, if any, are unable to make due in
Anauria. Those exceptions usually turn to
the darkness of Shar.

Law and Order

Law within Anauria is maintained by
the clergy of Amaunator along with the
Anaurian Watch, led by Kara Yuvin and her
fellow officers. Justice is swiftly given in the
most dire cases, with a fair trial given to any
accused of a minor offence. Many arcanists
also take it upon themselves to deal said
justice personally, but usually only if the
crime had any effect on them directly. Most
will not bother with someone elses problem,
unless it is a family member or a close
personal friend.

Defense and
The enclaves main defense is its
position among the clouds. Even so, there
are many creatures capable of flight, and
even some land creature, or greedy
humanoids, capable of magic flight or magic
teleportation that make their way to Anauria.
The Archwizards ensure the enclave is in
near constant movement, never remaining in
one place in the sky for an extended period
of time.
When someone or something does
manage to attack the city, its arcanists are
quick to throw spells around in defense of
their city, with the Watch helping out when
needed. Seldom is strength of arms needed,
however. This is usually reserved for minor
inconveniences, such as small time thugs.

The predominant faiths within
Anauria are the worship of Mystryl and
Amaunator. The vast majority of its people,
especially the arcanists, have such a deep
respect for Mystryl and the weave that, to
worship another deity would be
blasphemous, especially with everything
magic has given them. Many of the
Mystrylan clerics are also arcanists in their
own right (most of who are known as
Dweomerkeepers). It is common practice for
arcanists in Anauria to pray daily to Mystryl
and help out its clergy in any way possible.

Those of the Amaunatoran faith act

more as advisors and handle the judicial
system for the most part alongside the
Archwizards. An organized clergy doesn't
exist within Anauria, but rather, select
Sunlords dedicated to the Keeper of the
Eternal Sun perform his services in different
ways, from some taking up the sword and
dealing justice themselves to others simply
doing simple paperwork, writing up laws,
permits, etc...
A few sects of Shar are known to
exist within the city also, and a shrine to
Jergal exists within to handle the parting of
the living.

History of Anauria Enclave


Year Event
-610 DR (3249 NY) Anauria Enclave is
co-founded by the
Arcanists Idiom and
Ffarith. Together,
both having
reached the status
of Archwizard,
shear off one of the
tops of the
Mountains to form
their enclave,
raising a Mythal to
sustain it in the air.
-595 DR (3264 NY) Cormanthyran
Elves migrate to
Anauria through
word of mouth that
Ffarith is a halfelven
Archwizard, in
hopes of teaching
him the elven way
of magic.
-593 DR (3266 NY) Idiom Raises the
temple of the Blue
Star in honor of
Mystryl and names
his friend, Ama Lor
as head of the
temple. Soon after,
Spire of Arcana is
erected next to it.
-580 DR (3279 NY) Ffarith discovers his
elven roots as his
elven mother
arrives in Anauria
with his siblings.
-575 DR (3284 NY) The five noble
families of Anauria

There might not seem like much for

an adventurer to do in Anauria. Even getting
there seems out of the way; and why not?
Order is kept for the most part, and being so
many thousands of feet in the air, who would
want to even go there? In spite of this, a few
inns do exist in Anauria for those needing a
place to rest. The people are welcoming of
most strangers, since anyone who may pose
a threat can be easily dealt with. People with
good reputations can find solace within the
confines of Anauria, while those of ill repute
can be quickly taken out if discovered.
Opportunities still exist for people
seeking coin and coming here. Many
arcanists are in need of components for
spells that they can not get themselves.
Whispers in the night speak of secret sects
that operate within the city that are ready to
be revealed and brought to justice, or to be
joined in the shadows.

Politics and Power

Things are run quite smoothly in
Anauria. Everyone knows who exactly is in
charge, and the codes of conduct are clear
and concise. No one is tied to a leash
however, as they are fairly free to conduct
their experiments or go about through life as
they please, to an extent. That is, as long as
they are not disturbing the peace or hurting
anyone, they may do what they wish. The
watch keeps a careful eye, reminding people
if it looks like they are going too far.
As far as the Archwizards are
concerned, no attempt has ever been made
to take over their positions (as is sometimes
the case in other netherese enclaves).

Like a few other Netherese enclaves,

Anauria was raised from the sheared top of
a mountain through the use of the epic spell,
Proctivs Move Mountain (which is normally
not available to just any arcanist). In this
case, this was done by two Archwizards,
arcanists who have achieved sufficient
magical aptitude to be able to cast such a
spell, allowing them to do so and putting
themselves in the highest position of power
attainable in Netheril.
Note: Years are represented first in Dale Reckoning
(DR), followed by Netheril Years (NY)


are founded with

the blessing of the
Archwizards and
the temple of
-560 DR (3299 NY) Introduction of the
spell Idiom's
-559 DR (3300 NY) Introduction of the
spell Ffarith's
-558 DR (3301 NY) Introduction of the
spell Idiom's
-557 DR (3302 NY) Introduction of the
spell Ffarith's
-556 DR (3303 NY) Introduction of the
spell Idiom's
-555 DR (3304 NY) Introduction of the
spell Ffarith's Grace
-554 DR (3305 NY) Introduction of the
spell Idiom's Idiot
-553 DR (3306 NY) Introduction of the
spell Ffarith's True
-427 DR (3432 NY) Ward is set up
against spells of the
Phaerimm that
brought down the
floating cities of
Lhaoda and Tith
-409 DR (3450 NY) One year after
discovering Heavy
Magic, Karsus
approaches Idiom
and Ffarith,
demanding help in
its research. He is
refused and the
subsequent night
sees an increase in
arcanists praying at
the temple of the
Blue Star.
-339 DR (3520 NY) Fall of Netheril Anauria begins to
fall at an alarming
speed but is quickly
saved and settled
down slowly by the
reincarnated deity
of magic, Mystra.

As with all other Netherese
enclaves, Anauria is ruled by the resident
Archwizard (in this case, Archwizards) who
created or took command of the city. Magic
rules the land of Netheril, so the magocracy
of Anauria is led by Idiom Maluradek and
Ffarith Olyrnn. Idiom handles the main
politics while Ffarith takes care of the cities
defenses and oversees the watch in some
capacity. They also have a priest of
Amaunator that acts as their advisor, by the
name of Reithar Stemkos, who ensures that
justice is properly handled and also acts as
the main liaison between the citizens and
the Archwizards.

Although not usually a direct threat,
there are a few sects of Shar existing in
some underground shrines within the city,
unbeknownst to most of its inhabitants. The
sharans would mostly keep their activities
secret, for the most part using these shrines
as a haven, conducting few operations.
Their main objective is to slowly and subtly
attempt to convert the arcanists within the
enclave toward the Shadow Weave.
A more dire threat to the city are the
Phaerimm from down below. Never
attacking directly, there is word of a few
mind slaves within the enclave, some likely
being in political positions. The identities of
said slaves has yet to be revealed however,
as they are themselves unaware of their
mental enslavement.

Cities and sites

At Netherils height, Anauria
consisted of a single floating city that would
move among the clouds all over High
Netheril. Its final location at the time of the
fall would be at the southern belt of Netheril.

Anauria Enclave (Floating

Anauria is filled with sprawling
constructs of exquisite beauty and
craftsmanship. Most mundane buildings are
crafted in such a way as to display the
artistic beauty of magic. Even simple taverns
appear to be more than just such.
Towering above these however, are
the noble family houses, several stories
high. These five abode are spread out
throughout the city, with the exception of

Houses Olyrnn and Nyntynel being direct

neighbors to one another.
At the heart of the city lies the
Temple of the Blue Star and the learning
centre, Spire of Arcana. Side by side, these
two blue-white towers are connected by a
long bridge between the two. The symbol of
Mystryl adorns both towers. They are nearly
identical to each other save for the parapets,
the temples being made of pure ivory and
the learning centre is of chiseled marble.
Anauria Enclave (Floating Metropolis):
Magical; AL NG; 100,000 gp limit; Assets
1,955,000 gp; Population 150,000; Mixed
(Humans Netherese 72%, Cormanthyran Elf
12%, Half-Elf 15%, Other 1%).
Authority Figures: Idiom Maluradek, CoArchwizard Arcanist of Anauria (NG netherese
male, wizard 26/netherese arcanist (mentalist) 4);
Ffarith Olyrnn, Co-Archwizard Arcanist of
Anauria (NG half-elf male, wizard
26/netherese arcanist (variator) 3); Reithar
Stemkos, advisor priest of Amaunator (LN
netherese male, cleric of Amaunator 14); Kara
Yuvin, head of the watch (LG netherese female,
fighter 12).
Important Characters: Ama Lor, head of the
temple of the Blue Star (NG netherese female,
cleric of Mystryl 12), Vehtmos Athik, scribe of
the end (LN netherese male, cleric of Jergal 10),
Alisttair Nemrin (NG netherese male, wizard
15), Thausimbel Thardresk head of noble
house Thardresk (NG netherese male, fighter
eldritch knight 4), Qu'o Min Olyrnn - head
of noble house Olyrnn (N elf female, wizard
3), Henta Nyntynel - head of noble
house Nyntynel (CG elf female, wizard 4), Yugo
Nemrin - head of noble
house Nemrin (NG netherese male, wizard
3/aristocrat 4), Buoyor Maluradek - head of
noble house Maluradek (NG netherese male,
wizard 3)
Notable Imports: Food, Pipe weed, Ale, Paper,
Notable Exports: Magic Items, Spell

Temple of the
Blue Star
One of the two largest structures in Anauria
is the temple of the Blue Star. Connected to
Spire of Arcana by a bridge, this temple to
Mystryl bears her symbol and its parapets at
the top are made of pure ivory.
The temple is run by Ama Lor, high
priestess of Mystryl. This position was given

to her by the Archwizard Idiom, whom is a

close friend of hers (rumor has it that they
even had a romantic past). Her quarters are
situated just above the private worship
The main hall for collective worship
is located on the very top floor and it boasts
a giant symbol of Mystryl on the ceiling. This
hall is always occupied by at least three
clerics of Mystryl and one arcanist.
Ama Lor is aided by many other
Mystrylans. Dweomerkepeers, in particular,
hold higher positions within the faith, and
have more important duties.

House Maluradek
The Maluradeks were the first noble family
to be established within Anauria. Buoyor,
nephew of archwizard Idiom, made a lot of
coin having magical items crafted and
supplied to the other netherese enclaves.
Many of the coins made their way into the
construction of Anauria, as Buoyor spent a
lot of it for such.
The house is situated nearest to
Arcana Magicka in the center of the city. It is
a large abode made of alabaster and itself
hovers approximately twenty feet in the air,
requiring the use of magic to get within.

House Olyrnn
Following a migration of other Cormanthyran
elves to Anauria Enclave was Quo Min
Olyrnn. Hailing from deep within the forest of
Cormanthor, Quo Min found her long lost
child, one Ffarith Olyrnn, whom she had had
along with a Netherese human swordsmith,
upon arriving in Anauria.
So it was that house Olyrnn was not
only the second established noble family in
Anauria, but also the first elven one.
Along with Quo Min came some of
her brothers and sisters, which helped in
establishing the family.
The house itself consists of a giant,
tree-like structure that was shaped magically
from a hill at the edge of the enclave. Many
magical wards exist to protect it from any
possible invading force that may come from
outside the city (since it would be one of the
first targets).

House Thardresk
Situated in the northeastern portion of the
city is house Thardresk. Led by Lord
Thausimbel Thardresk, this family thrives
through a mixture of typical netherese magic
and skill at arms.

The house is manned by typical

soldiers, armed with magical swords and a
few spells (typically multiclass
fighter/wizards). Some of these guards also
do double duty as members of the watch.
A typical day in the household
consists of sparring with combat dummies
and then destroying them with magic.

House Nemrin
Yugo Nemrin, the eldest member of house
Nemrin, petitioned the Archwizards and the
temple of Mystryl to have his noble house,
originally from the enclave of Lhaoda, to
become part of Anauria.
The archwizards werent very sure,
so the Nemrins had to prove themselves
worthy of this status. So they were given
tasks that needed to be done, such as
negotiating a trading deal with the dwarves
of Delzoun, and recovering a long lost
artifact that was said to be somehow tied to
the Nether Scrolls themselves.
These tasks were completed by the
youngest member of the house, Alisttair
Upon completion, they were
honored with Anaurian nobility. Construction
of their house in the southern skirt of the
enclave began soon after, and finished
quickly. Its bizarre shape stands out, having
inverted towers all around with clear, lexan
floors, some having regular gravity while
others having magically inverted gravity

House Nyntynel
The second housing of elven nobility within
Anauria is the Nyntynel household. Henta
Nyntynel arrived in Anauria along with most
of the other Cormanthyran elf immigrants.
She, however, came with an abundant
supply of coin, magic, and drink.
The vintage known as elven
Feywine was introduced into the city through
her and her family, and the flavor of Feywine
was too much for the arcanists of Anauria to
ignore. Therefore it was very easy to elevate
the Nyntynels to noble status.
Their house doubles as a winery in
a western portion of the enclave, next to
house Olyrnn. Here, the elves make many
different types of wine, storing them in a
magically preserved cellar in the basement
that is actually an intra-dimensional space.
These are then shipped throughout the city,
with large quantities of Feywine in particular

brought to the Arcana Magicka complex.

Shrine of the End

A tiny structure within the core of Anauria,
the Shrine of the End is where most funeral
processions take place. These are run by
Vehtmos Athik, scribe of the end. Here he
prays to Jergal, Lord of the End of
Everything, to ensure a proper journey to the
afterlife for the deceased. This is joined by
prayers from the family and friends of the
deceased to Mystryl, along with some
prayers to the deceaseds patron deity (if
other than Mystryl).

Spire of Arcana
Spire of Arcana is the main learning institute
in Anauria, as well as being the residence of
its Archwizards.
Idiom and Ffarith each have their
own quarters on the very top floor. Below is
the Library of Neth Lore, containing tomes
about everything from history to magic.
The lower floors act as learning
institutes where arcanists teach the young
the art, with some rooms reserved for
magical experimentation. These are split
into four floors of arcane specialty, being the
floor of Invention, the floor of Mentalism, the
floor of Variation, and the Cantracademy
respectively. It is in the Cantracademy
where the general populace learns at a
young age to tap into the weave and cast
minor cantras. Those showing aptitude for
more complex spellcasting learn the art and
become arcanists in their field of specialty of
choice, choosing between Mentalism,
Variation and Invention.
Beneath the institute, in the
catacombs, are stored spell components
and magical experiments from the earlier
days of Anauria.
The structure itself is located beside
the temple to Mystryl, connected to it by a
large bridge high up. It is constructed of
chiseled marble at the parapets, twisting
from top to bottom colored blue white.

Heroes and Monsters

Characters in Anauria enclave become
certain classes depending on their aptitude
for magic. Those who show sufficient
aptitude become Arcanists (effectively the
equivalent of a specialist wizard),
specializing in Invention, Variation or
Mentalism magic. Elves normally become
standard Wizards. Those without the

aptitude for arcane magic either turn to

divine magic, becoming Clerics of Mystryl or
Amaunator, or become simple fighters,
helping to defend their home. Prestige
Classes that are quite popular choices are
Archmage, Netherese Arcanist (known at
this time as Arch-Wizard), Dweomerkeeper
or Wild Mage.
The monsters most seen by
Anaurians are the ones created by them,
some being experiments gone wrong.
Mockery Bugs (MM5) are bred by some in
Netheril, so some have escaped, hiding
quite well within the city. Some captured

creatures are turned into Spellwarped

Creatures (MM3), used to help defend
against the Phaerimm, thus almost any
creature can be found in Anauria. Helmed
Horrors are also present, guarding some of
the more important structures.

Adventure Hooks
- Collect spell components for the
- Investigation into the Mind slaves of the
- Discovery and elimination of sharan sect
- Surviving the fall

(Survivor state
of Netheril)
lthough the city landed quite

safely, it was not without suffering extensive

damage. Many houses were ruined, and few
things could be salvaged. But the
inhabitants did as best they could,
attempting to continue their regular lives
amidst all the chaos. This however, was not
to be. The new limit on magic placed by
Mystra limited what they could do. Those
who once could cast only the simplest
cantras were now incapable of any
spellcasting at all. Things had to be done
manually. In this, Ffarith was able to aid
many. Meanwhile, Idiom was assisting in
trying to create order back in the city.
The citizens were not very pleased
with their situation. The land of Low Netheril
was a barren wasteland, turning into a
desert because of magical draining magic.
The people were fearful of the creatures,
known as Phaerimm, who were causing this.
Many blamed them for the fall and their hard
times, while others blamed the gods
It was but a tenday into their
reconstruction when there was an attack
from an orc horde. The horde was easily
vanquished by the combined effort of all the
people of Anauria, but they were beginning
to grow even more contempt for their
situation. A few short months afterwards,
this contempt reached its peak. Which is
why after this, the people of Anauria decided
it would be best to migrate away from the
ancient, decaying land of Netheril.
About one third of the people went
Northward, feeling that was the best route,
and that they would surely find the rest of
the Netherese having survived. The rest, led
by Idiom and Ffarith, went south; away from
the land they once called home, following
other survivors hailing from Asram and

After a few tendays, the survivors

found some land free of any decay in the
remaining fertile lands between the
spreading sands of Anauroch and the region
now known as the Desertsmouth Mountains.
They split into three groups, to create the
Survivor States of Netheril. The survivor
state of Anauria would be south of Asram
and Hlondath, and its people would become
known as the Anaurians.
Once Anauria was founded again, it
began expanding, becoming a Kingdom,
forming its capital city of Amazandar, the city
of swords - Anauril, and the farming village
of Helvara. It then went on resuming some
of its ways of life. Idiom made it his personal
goal to ensure the kingdom carried on the
magical legacy of Netheril, founding the first
Library in Amazandar and scribing many
books on magic himself.
Ffarith went back to his roots as a
smith in Anauril, crafting the finest swords of
Netheril, and using his magical prowess to
enchant these and supply many to the folk
of Anauria (which would later be a key
element in their battle, and eventual
decimation at the hands of the orc hordes
led by the orc shaman Andergril the Wise).
Then it was that as a Kingdom, a
King or Queen had to be named. As voted
by the nobility of Anauria, the noble family of
Thardresk would be the one to take up the
crown. Led by Thausimbel, house Thardresk
had gained much popularity amongst the
Anaurians due to the many contributions
they made in helping start up the kingdom
again. King Thausimbel the Wise would rule
for centuries (extending his life through the
use of the spell Ioulaums Longevity which
was supplied by the Arcanists prior to the
fall) until his death at the hands of a
Phaerimm. His youngest daughter would
then go on to rule as Queen Shaddara the
Fair until the eventual fall of Anauria.

Geographic Overview
The Kingdom of Anauria comprises much of
the land known today as the Stonelands,
and also part of the southern belt of modern
day Anauroch. During its heyday, rivers
flowed down from the Desertsmouth
Mountains to the east, creating a large lake
at the northeastern edge of the kingdom,
Lake Miir. The Desertsmouth Mountains act
as the eastern border of the kingdom. The
southern end is the same as where the

mountains end, stretching west until the

mount of Araugul, then north along the
Great Sand Sea Desert that hugs the
Shaddan Hills and Orlath Wood. The city of
Anauril is its most northerly point, just at the
border of Asram.
In the earlier days, there are
constructs within the clouds above, known
as the Cloudlands, built by Giants and home
to them and others. The structures
eventually are destroyed during a war and
the rubble falls to the lands below, leaving
ruins all across the land.
As time goes by, the lands from the
north in the state of Asram die slowly,
spreading south, drying out Lake Miir, killing
almost all of the trees, until ending just
before reaching the capital (the worst
occurring during and after the orc raids that
destroy the kingdom).

Major Geographic
While there are many mountains, bodies of
water, and forests within Anauria, a select
few stand out. These are due to the dangers
present within, their locations and vicinities
to the cities, and for a few surprises
contained within each one. And unknown to
the common person is a civilization among
the clouds.

High above Anauria lays a magic kingdom
among the clouds akin to Netheril. The
cloudlands, a home to dragons, giants and
fey is a place of massive structures
constructed by giant artisans. The quality of
work in these structures is comparable to
what was accomplished through the use of
magic in Netheril.
It is eventually discovered by the
wizards of Anauria, who see it not only as a
way to return to the old way of living of
Netheril, but also as a way to escape the
encroaching desert. This then causes a four
year long war between the denizens of the
Cloudlands and the people of Anauria,
which eventually ends in the destruction of
the Cloudlands in a rain of ruins falling from
the sky. Many of the remains can be found
scattered throughout the kingdom of

Mount Shaddath
The westernmost peak of the Desertsmouth

Mountains, Mount Shaddath (millennia later

renamed Rausrawna), is named after King
Thausimbels youngest child, Shaddara.
It is the most visible of the
mountains when looking east from the
kingdom. Many orcs dwell within caverns in
Mount Shaddath, ready to pounce on any
travelers who dare climb it.

Shaddan Hills
Also named after Shaddara are the
Shaddan Hills. It is one of the first landmarks
to one day be lost in the sands of Anauroch.
It lies just south of the encroaching desert,
just past Orlath Wood at the westernmost
point of the Kingdom. Occasional goblins
travel within, but its main inhabitants are
tribes of Wemics.

Lake Miir
The largest body of water within the
boundaries of Anauria is Lake Miir. Fed by
flowing rivers coming down from the
mountains to the east, this lake is the prime
source of fish for the survivor states.
Most of the fishing is done along the
southern shorelines from the agricultural
town of Helvara, where fish are in greater
Port Miir to the east is where one
must travel to and from the trail leading
through the Desertsmouth Mountains to the
eastern lands. Much of the grain being
shipped from Helvara goes through here.
To the north is the port of Miirsar,
which is the port city belonging to Asram.
Abbalin are known to make their
home in this lake, especially near the rivers
to the east. A few brave folk are known to
test their mettle every so often, sailing
towards the mountains. Those who come
back alive spin tales of danger, usually
exaggerated, for those who meet danger
usually dont come back at all.

Araugul (Goblinmount)
To the far south of Orlath Wood, is the
mountain of Araugul (Ar-ah-gOOL).
This mountain earned the nickname
of Goblinmount by the Anaurians because of
the heavy amount of goblins that reside in
the many caves throughout this mountain
(and one stronghold in particular). Many
goblins would raid Amazandar from here.
Most of these goblins are survivors of the
burning of half of Orlath Wood by Olzogath
(see Orlath Wood and the Burn
below).The goblin population has been kept

mostly in check during the final years of

Anauria (until they banded with the Orcs that
decimated the Kingdom).
Rumors persist that tunnels exist
from the caves in Araugul that lead to the
mines below Amazandar, where some
goblins either raid miners or have nefarious
deals with the noble families of certain
mines. Whether any truth lies in this or not
remains a mystery that is known only to
select nobles of the city, and the goblins of
the mountain.

Orlath Wood
The most notable forest in Anauria lies west
of Helvara and Anauril and north of
Amazandar. Huge oak and maple trees fill
the Orlath Woods. While many of the other
forests are inhabited by fey creatures,
goblins call Orlath Wood home. Some of the
occasional raids in the Anaurian cities
emanate from the Orlathan goblins. These
are usually small raids, usually capturing
and/or killing cattle from Helvara. This is why
Hlithal Tower was erected at the edge of this
forest, in order to keep these raids to a
The goblins have lairs within small
caves in the wood, others housing
themselves in ramshackle structures within
the trees (most of which being abandoned
elven tree homes).
Many adventurers are hired to seek
out any goblins within these woods and
eradicate them. The Ilin Farm, the
westernmost of the farms, gets the most
attention, never having a season go without
a dead or stolen cow or two.
Orlath wood used to encompass the
area now known as the Burn (see below).
However, Olzogaths son (after whom the
forest was named) took to hunting the
goblins within rather than burning down its
entirety like his father.

The Burn
The burn is a small wasteland between the
Hunters Hills and Shaddan Hills that was
originally part of Orlath wood. A forest
infested with goblins, it was eradicated
through the use of magical fire that let no
trees grow again for many a year by an
Anaurian army led by Olzogath the Grim.
For the most part it is uninhabited
except for the odd creature until it is
eventually consumed by the great sand sea
to the north soon after the trees finally begin

to grow again.

Hunters Hills
These hills, located due north of
Amazandar, are where the nobles spend
most of their time during the hotter months
of the year. Here they hunt the many
monsters found in the hills, spending the off
time in their hunting lodges. Others also
enjoy relaxing in their villas or summer
palaces (for example, the Nemrins have
their palace, Nesmergaar, in a secluded
portion of these hills, with hidden limestone
caverns beneath known as the Nemser
Caves, which would act as a safe haven for
Nemrin survivors of the eventual orc horde).
Being such a hotspot of nobles, its
no wonder that many brigands do their
business in these hills, taking any
opportunity to find an unguarded young
noble hunting and relieve him of his

People of Anauria
Not much has changed for the citizens of
Anauria after the fall, other than the limit on
magic. However, the arrival of the people of
Chondathan descent causes some minor
changes to the people, making offspring of
mixed blood.

Races and cultures

With the migration southward, cultural
changes would occur. While most of the
inhabitants of Anauria would still be
Netherese humans and elves, the proximity
to the lands about the Inner Sea would
result in Chondathan people becoming part
of Anauria.

While the surviving people of Anauria are
Netherese, most would now rather refer to
themselves as Anaurians. The human noble
families would remain in the capital city of
Amazandar where they can have more
political influence. That and most of the coin
benefited from the mine makes its way to
Amazandar first, so it is easier to make
business that way.
The majority of the human
Anaurians are survivors hailing from the
fallen Netherese enclave. Many half-elves
also still reside in Anauria.

Many humans of Chondathan descent have
made their way from around the inner sea

areas to Anauria, hoping to profit from the

mines and sword crafting. The influx of
these people eventually causes the
Netherese race of human to slowly vanish
from the area, along with the killing from the
orc hordes. Many of the survivors of the orc
horde are either Chondathan or a mixture of
Chondathan and Netherese.

The two noble elven families of Anauria now
reside not only in the capital of Amazandar,
but also in Anauril, where they use their
arcane magic to enchant many of the
swords crafted there.
The majority are still Cormanthyran
Moon and Sun elves.

Life and society

The people have had to adapt to a different
lifestyle after the fall of Netheril. No longer
could they rely on magic for the most
mundane tasks. The people of Anauria
learned to survive the same way as the
barbarians, hunting for food and performing
manual labor. They had to fight to stay alive.
When their new kingdom became
fully established, most kept to the old
traditions of Netheril, holding arcane magic
in high regard, but its availability was still
limited to the common Anaurian. Many
became simple farmers, herders, fishermen,
or smiths, making a good living. A lot took
the hard life working the mines, and others
turned to divine worship as a source of
Nobles would still revel on many
occasions, spending much free time hunting
stags, board and wild, monstrous game.
And one would be hard pressed to
find an Anaurian that doesnt have the taste
for a draught of mead or a goblet full of the
finest wines available.

Financially, Anauria prospers mainly
because of the gem mine. The capital city of
Amazandar rests atop a rich mine full of
gems of all kinds, ranging from Emeralds to
Beljurils. This supply is taken out and sold
all over Faern.
Because of this, Anauril is the
richest of the three surviving states of
Netheril. They also sell an abundance of
excess grain grown in its farms. Anauria
dominates the trade to and from the three
Their biggest buyer outside the

survivor states is a growing nation close to

the south known as Cormyr.

Law and Order

Law is handled differently from before the
fall. The watch has more authority, because
they have more to deal with. The power of
the arcanists is no where near what it used
to be, so they spend more time in research
and study.
The clergy of Amaunator still handle
prosecutions. Any new law to be writ must
be approved by the King or Queen before
becoming official, but the actual writing of
the law is done by the Amaunatorans.
The judicial system becomes more
just and fair under the rule of Queen
Shaddara, as she changes the law so that
everyone receives a trial before being
judged guilty of a crime, no matter how small
or large. Her father had kept the same rule
of larger crimes being immediately
punishable as was the case in the floating
enclave of Anauria.
Watch members patrol the streets of
Amazandar and Anauril at all times, with
smaller troops in Helvara (despite having
fewer troops, Helvara has a safer feel in this
regard because the individual watch
members here are of higher skill because
the main office is located here, along with
the head of the watch, Kara Yuvin and her

Defense and
Due to its location, the main defense points
in Anauria are located in Helvara, Anauril,
and the two towers south and west that were
erected, to be manned at all times to defend
the Kingdom from attacks on all sides.
These troops, along with all the others in the
kingdom, are supplied with magically
enchanted blades crafted in the city of
Anauril. Anything from short swords to
bastard swords are given to the soldiers,
with more potent ones being given to higher
ranking officers.
Some arcane spellcasters make
part of the defense, slinging spells at
invaders freely.
Due to the constant attacks from
orcs, the troops generally receive special
training in how to combat them in particular.
Units often go into the mountains in search
of nearby orcs in order to eliminate them
before they prey upon the cities.

In the early years, the Anaurian

army is led by Olzogath the Grim, and then
by his son, Orlath.

While many netherese have forsaken the
worship of the goddess of magic, blaming
her for the downfall of Netheril, most
Anaurians converted their faith to the
worship of Mystra. After all, it was through
her grace that the enclave was saved of the
destruction that occurred throughout the rest
of Netheril.
Still, others have turned away from
that. Some thank Tyche for the good luck
afforded their city. Others turn completely to
the sun god Amaunator, believing he justly
punished those other netherese who abused
magic. And a few have even gone to the
shadow weave of shar.
Despite these few, the faith in
Mystra is paramount in the new Anauria,
being the most worshipped deity within, the
majority of the citizens keeping the practices
of Netheril alive.
As for the clergy of Amaunator, they
still play an important role, acting as
advisors and working in the judicial system
along with the king and/or queen.

Being on the ground for a change has made
Anauria much more accessible to
adventurers. Outsiders can find ample work
as caravan guards, and the lands around
are full of evil humanoids that need to be
disposed of.
Travelers are very well
accommodated in the different cities, with
inns and taverns aplenty. And if one requires
a superior weapon to combat creatures,
many of Anaurils magically enchanted
blades can be bought for the right price.

Politics and Power

While Anauria used to be ruled by the magic
of Archwizards, it is now ruled by the crown
of a king or queen. The former archwizards
are still accorded a great deal of respect
however, and much of this is shown to the
other resident arcane spellcasters.
Many decisions are not only made
by the wearer of the crown, but also in
conjunction with the nobles and the clergy of
Amaunator. Those higher up in the ranks of
the watch also take part in some decision
making, usually giving their opinions based

on experience.

History of Anauria (Post fall)

After the fall, the survivors of Anauria went
south and within a year, re-founded Anauria,
and became a kingdom. The new Anauria
would last four hundred and fifty years
before falling to an orc horde, but not without
surviving other trials and tribulations
Note: Years are represented first in Dale Reckoning
(DR), followed by Netheril Years (NY)

Year Event
-339 DR (3520 NY)
Late Mirtul/Early Kythorn Netherils
enclaves plummet to the ground
save a select few consisting of
Anauria, Asram and Hlondath.
Kythorn A tenday after the fall, a
horde of orcs attacks the survivors
of Anauria as the Arcanists, stripped
of spellcasting ability (and needing
an average of 30 minus INT days to
figure out how the Weave works
again) are nearly unable to assist.
Through the grace of the Thardresk
family, the orcs are defeated.
Eleasis The survivors head south
with survivors from Asram and
Hlondath and split up to form their
respective countries.
Eleint A sufficient locale is found
where Hlondath is formed. Asram is
then founded just south of it.
Marpenoth Survivors of Anauria find
land further south that is rich in soil
and contains rich gem mines. Here
they found their new kingdom.
-210 DR (3649 NY) Anauria
gains its independence from the
other two Netherese survivor states
-75DR (3784 NY) Refugees from
Asram, Anauria and Hlondath flee
east toward the Moonsea and found
-70 DR (3789 NY) Mages of Asram
and Anauria discover the
Cloudlands a magic kingdom
among the clouds inhabiting
dragons, giants and fey
-69 DR (3790 NY) Wizards intend to
conquer the Cloudland nations and
use it as a safe haven from the
encroaching desert war with its
inhabitants begins

-65 DR (3794 NY) Cloudlands

destroyed by the war fortresses
and cities that were so carefully
crafted by giant artisans fall to the
-33 DR (3826 NY) A scant few
survivors of the plague in Asram
seek shelter in Ammazandar. A few
days after arriving, they die of
24 DR (3883 NY) Phaerimm attack
results in the death of King
Thausimbel the wise, followed by
the coronation of the new queen, his
daughter Shaddara.
111 DR (3970 NY) Anauria falls to a
horde of orcs - the few
survivors either hide in caverns
within Hunters Hills, retreat to the
Farsea marshes, or emigrate to
Cormyr and other lands.

The whole of the new Anauria is ruled by
King and then Queen. The royal family was
chosen among the noble families of old
Anauria for the good they did in helping the
survivors reform Anauria anew.
King Thausimbel the wise
(nicknamed for his wise decisions in the
process of forming the kingdom) ruled
independently, having Reithar Stemkos as
his resident advisor priest of Amaunator.
Some degree of advising he also received
from the former Archwizard, Idiom
Maluradek, but this would dwindle with the
years as Idiom would spend more and more
time in the Topaz Library.
After his death, his daughter,
Shaddara the Fair (nicknamed thus for
making decisions that werent always
popular, but never showed favoritism in one
way or another), would rule as queen. She
in turn would also keep Reithar as an
advisor, but she would make more decisions
without consulting him than her father would
have (he would pass away a decade after
her coronation).
Once per month, king or queen
would hold a general meeting with the heads
of the noble families, discussing any needs
of the kingdom and how to best manage the
coin in order to ensure prosperity.

The main concerns for Anauria are the
goblins from the nearby woods, the orcs

from the mountains, brigands on the roads

and the Phaerimm that wish to eradicate all
the netherese.
The goblins usually creep out of
their forest homes sporadically, looking for
something or someone to torture. They will
sometimes settle on torturing cattle, but they
prefer human and elven children above all.
The orcs raid quite often, having the
spreading desert of Anauroch push them
away and into Anauria. This eventually leads
to the downfall of Anauria, with all the orcs
banding together in one massive attack.
Brigands are mostly commonplace
in the northern portions of Anauria, raiding
on smaller gem caravans hailing from
As far as the Phaerimm go, their
actions mostly go unnoticed as they prefer
to use mental puppets to do their bidding,
but this gets noticed eventually, resulting in
a direct attack causing the death of King

Cities and sites

Three main cities would be established
within the new realm of Anauria. Its capital,
Amazandar, where most nobles and the
royal family would make their home, would
be built first, receiving people from other
places among them.
Anauril would follow, building a
reputation for the craftsmanship of fine,
magical steel blades, elevating its status in
the new Kingdom significantly, being second
only to Amazandar.
Where the land with the most fertile
soil and best fishing spots are located is
where the folk looking for the simple life
would flock to and build the town of Helvara.

Amazandar City of Gems

(Metropolis - Capital)
The first city to be founded in the new
Anauria would be Amazandar. Located west
of Rausrawna (better known to the
Anaurians as Mount Shaddath), the
westernmost peak of the Desertsmouth
Mountains, its location would be an obvious
choice to settle in as the Anaurians quickly
found rich veins of gemstones beneath the
city. It didn't take long for the mining of these
veins to begin. This helped Anauria rapidly
become the richest of the three surviving
states of Netheril.
Stepping down as co-rulers of

Anauria, Idiom and Ffarith would move on to

other things. This would soon be followed by
the crowning of the first king of Anauria. The
Thardresk family used much of its noble
wealth to help kick start the mining, gaining
them much popularity, not to mention all
they did to vanquish the orc horde. Thus it
was that when the nobles went to vote on
which family would reign royally, it was the
Thardresk family that would wear the crown.
Its patron, Thausimbel was crowned and
given the nickname Thausimbel "the Wise".
His reign would last all of three hundred and
sixty odd years, at which time he would die
defending his kingdom from invading
Phaerimm. His daughter, Shaddara, would
then take up the crown as Queen, ruling till
the final fall of Anauria.
Idiom would remain within the
capital city, acting as part advisor to the
King/Queen and also founding the first
Library of the new Anauria, in order to
ensure that the teachings and legacy of
Netheril would continue.
The hills south of the city became
regular hunting grounds for the nobles. They
would regularly hunt boar and stags, but the
most daring would also hunt monstrous
Amazandar glitters due to many
structures being decorated with the many
gemstones found beneath.
Amazandar - "City of Gems" (Metropolis):
Magical; AL NG; 10,000 gp limit; Assets
1,303,000 gp; Population 35,500; Mixed (Human
- Netherese 70%, Human - Chondathan - 10%,
Half-Elf 8%, Elf 9%, Other 3%).
Authority Figures: King Thausimbel the
Wise Thardresk (NG netherese male, fighter
eldritch knight 5), Princess/Queen
Shaddara the Fair Thardresk - daughter of
Thausimbel, ruled after his death (NG netherese
female ranger 5/wizard 3), Idiom
Maluradek Head of the Arcanists
Guild/Lorekeeper of the Topaz Library (NG
netherese male, wizard 27/netherese arcanist
(mentalist) 1), Reithar Stemkos, advisor priest of
Amaunator (LN netherese male, cleric 14)
Important Characters: Ama Lor, head of the
temple of Magic Incarnate (NG netherese
female, cleric of Mystra 13), Yugo Nemrin head of noble house Nemrin (NG netherese
male, wizard 3), Buoyor Maluradek head of noble house Maluradek (netherese male,
wizard 2), Olzogath the Grim 1st
general of Anaurian army (N netherese male,

fighter 10)
Notable Imports: Books, paper, timber
Notable Exports: Gems, Magic Items

Palace of Gems
Named for the multitude of gems of all kinds
adorning the exterior and interior of the
building, the Palace of Gems is where King
and Queen hold court. It is located at the
very heart of the city, standing tall above all
other structures.
Once a tenday, the nobles hold
meetings with the King or Queen in the
throne room, discussing politics, how things
are going, what can be changed, etc
These are always overseen by Reithar
Stemkos, or another cleric of Amanuator in
his stead.
Quarters exist in the upper floors for
King and Queen as well as for many of the
clergy of Amaunator. Guards have their own
rooms and political records are kept in the
Palace as well.
Below are a few cells to hold any
offenders to the crown within. Prisoners are
kept there during their trial process. Anyone
found guilty is then taken to a larger facility
in a separate part of the city.
Citizens of Anauria are free to meet
with the king or queen on every third, sixth
and ninth day of a tenday. Special meetings
are allowed on Shieldmeet every four years
for a few hours in the morn. Here they may
discuss anything they wish with the King or
Queen (always overseen by a retinue of
guards, wizards and clerics of Amaunator).

Temple of Magic
While many survivors of the fall of Netheril
blamed the goddess Mystryl for its
destruction, the faith in the goddess of
magic only grew stronger for the people of
Anauria. So it was that when Ama Lor
learned that Mystryl reincarnated herself as
Mystra, she was fully dedicated to her
worship. Thus was the temple of Magic
Incarnate raised within the city of
Amazandar, being one of the first structures
built within.
Worship of Mystra is performed by
most here. Clerics of Mystra (and
wizard/clerics) roam the halls and prayer
rooms at all times, aiding anyone of need at
any time. The noble families have their own
private worship rooms within the temple.
Ama Lor takes great care to ensure that they

are not disturbed during worship.

House Nyntynel
House Nyntynel, while having a separate
residence in Anauril, has its main structure
in Amazandar. The elves of this house
specialize in arcane magic. Henta takes
pride in representing the elven race nobly in
Anauria. She always has her races best
interest in mind while conversing in politics
in the noble meetings.
This noble house rests just outside
the city limits, closer to the trees surrounding
the city. Portions of the building are attached
to trees, with branches going to and fro
The amethyst gem mine belongs to
the Nyntynels.

House Olyrnn
Elven scholars of magic, the Olyrnns spend
much of their coin funding both the
arcanists guild and the topaz library. The
topaz gems that accentuate the dcor of the
library are gifts directly from House Olyrnns
Topaz gem mine. Because of this, visitors
tend to mistake the library as one of the
noble houses renown for having their
edifices studded with their respective gems.
The Olyrnns, however, choose to
keep their abode simple, with quiet rooms
for studying magic and reading. In political
affairs, they, more than the other houses,
work to keep the traditions of magic alive.

House Nemrin
Many members of House Nemrin have done
a number of significant things for the benefit
of Anauria ever since it was a floating
Enclave. Because of this, it quickly became
the most influential noble family outside the
royal family in Anauria. Over the years, this
would slowly cause friction between house
Nemrin and house Maluradek. At the time of
Anaurias fall is when things start to really
heat up, almost causing an internal war
among the noble families (this is of course
halted by the orc horde who slay nearly all of
its family members.
House Nemrin claims ownership to
the emerald gem mine of Amazandar. The
noble Nemrins are seldom seen unadorned
of green jewelry.
Yugo Nemrin remains as the head
of the noble house until his death thirty
score winters after Netherils Fall (at which
point his great grandson takes over, a
warlock by the name of Ashkelor Nemrin,

who believes a Nemrin should sit on the

throne of Anauria.
House Nemrins rivalry with the
Maluradeks would be their eventual
downfall, losing their influence in the
kingdom and being banished through
conspiracies woven by House Maluradek,
not long before the great orc horde.

House Maluradek
One of the wealthiest noble families of
Anauria is the Maluradek family. It is said
that their sapphire gem mine is so rich in
ores that the coin they had prior to its mining
wouldnt have mattered.
Buoyor ensured that excavation of
the mine would be a well-guarded process,
sensing jealousy from House Nemrin about
these rich veins. He even took to overseeing
much of the operations personally up until
his death in a mine (whispers among the
nobility speak that the Nemrins had hired an
assassin to kill Buoyor, but the reality is that
his heart simply gave out. This story was
stretched more and more over the years,
creating a bitter hatred between the Nemrins
and the Maluradeks, each blaming each
other for their shortcomings throughout the

House Thardresk
The wealthiest of all the noble families in
Anauria (due to having a member on the
throne at all times), the Thardresks strive
quite nicely in Anauria. While King or Queen
handles the affairs of the kingdom, one
house member is always appointed to take
care of the house.
The Thardresks lay claim to the ruby
gem mine that has shafts that hug the edge
of the prisons below the Palace. They make
their residence in a large, ruby encrusted
tower situated beside the palace, with the
mines located directly beneath.

Topaz Library
The prime source for lore on all subjects
within Anauria is the Topaz Library. So
named for the bookshelves adorned with
Topazes, the library holds all books kept
from when Netheril fell and new books
written and collected after the fall.
Idiom Maluradek acts as Lorekeeper
of the library as well as heading the
Arcanists Guild. Here he catalogues all
books stored within, and keeps track of what
is read when and by whom. He also ensures
a steady supply of new lore is collected for

the library, from magic tomes to simple

history books. This the library can afford
through funding from the Olyrnn noble
The library itself is situated adjacent
to the Arcanists Guild, making it easy for
students of the art to access whatever lore

Arcanists Guild
While the state of magic has changed after
the fall, and humans are forced to adapt to
the elven way of casting magic, Anauria kept
the traditional name of the Arcanists (despite
effectively being mages or wizards). Hence,
Idiom Maluradek head of the guild and
former Archwizard of Anauria has taken it
upon himself to teach the traditions of
Netheril. Gone are the three specialties of
Mentalism, Variation and Invention (save for
those of high level power). Replacing these
are the schools of magic of Divination,
Invocation, Conjuration, etc and general
magic is taught almost exclusively.
The guild stands next to the Topaz
Library, receiving most of its funding from
the Olyrnn family. Many of the elves of that
house teach within the guild.
The history of Netheril and its fall is
a constant reminder within the guild so that
no arcane caster can repeat the folly of

Gem Mines
There are many rich gem mines that lay
underneath Amazandar. These are reached
by well-guarded deep shafts that are kept as
secret as possible by the noble families that
own them. Some ores are mined exclusively
by certain noble families, while others are
collectively owned by the kingdom as a
The ruby gem mine is owned by the
Thardresk royal family, the sapphire mine is
owned by the Maluradeks, the emerald mine
by the Nemrins, the topaz mine by the elven
Olyrnns and the amethyst mine is owned by
the elven Nyntynels. All other ores are
kingdom owned, with beljurils, malachite,
jasper, lapis lazuli, and quartz.

Helvara (Large Town)

The main Agricultural and fishing center of
Anauria, Helvara is situated on the southern
shore of Lake Miir, hard by the flanks of the
Desertsmouth Mountains. The farmers
produce enough food for the 3 surviving
nations, and also have enough grain left

over to sell to all the lands about the inner

sea for some extra profit.
The leadership of Helvara would be
appointed to the head of the Anaurian
watch, Kara Yuvin. She in turn would have
her officers assist in keeping the peace
about the town.
Due to its location, Helvara was a
main defense point within Anauria. The
Towers Hlithal and Rumanath would be
manned by troops who would guard Anauria
against the goblins of Araugul (Goblinmount)
to the far south, goblins of the Orlath Wood
to the west, the nomadic orc hordes from the
mountains to the east, the brigands and
monsters from the Hunter's Hills to the
south, and the occasional outlaw raiders
from Asram to the north.
Helvara (Large Town): Nonstandard; AL NG;
3,500 gp limit; Assets 304,300gp; Population
3,650; Mixed (Human - Netherese 60%, Human
- Chondathan 15%, Elf 13%, Half-Elf 10%,
Other 2%).
Authority Figures: Kara Yuvin Head of the
Anaurian watch (LG netherese female, fighter
14), Victor Jud 1st officer of the Anaurian
watch (LG netherese male, paladin of Amaunator
6), Cathii Edra 2nd officer of the Anaurian
watch (NG moon elf female, fighter 5).
Important Characters: Vehtmos Athik - scribe
of the end (LN netherese male, cleric of Jergal
10), Promej Ilin farmer (NG netherese male),
Burgess Fawaer - farmer (NG netherese female)
Notable Imports: Ale, produce, clothing
Notable Exports: Fish, Grain, Vegetables

Shrine of the End

Established and run by Vehtmos Athik,
scribe of Jergal, the Shrine to the god of
death is where people come when family or
friends are dead or dying. Prayers to Jergal
are made here, as people ask for a safe
passage to the Fugue Plane. These are
usually followed by prayers to the dead
persons patron deity.
The Shrine itself is a small structure,
with no more than two rooms within (one
larger room for praying and ceremonies, the
other one being a simple storage room for
shovels, wood and tools.
The largest burial site in Anauria lies
behind the Shrine of the End, between two
acres of farmland. The citizens of Anauria
who have enough coin for a proper burial
(for purchase of casket, tombstone and
engraving) have their dead buried here.

Nobles who pass usually have tombstones

built with gems from their respective mines
adorning them, always protected by magic
so as to not be stolen (this is common
knowledge among the people of Helvara).

Hlithal Tower
The tower of Hlithal is positioned just south
of Orlath Wood, due south of Anauril and
north of Amazandar. Its location is
strategically set to protect Anauria against
the goblins from Araugul and the multitude
of monsters and brigands that make their
way out of the Hunters Hills. Its troops also
see action against the goblin hordes of the
Orlath Woods and occasional outlaws from
The glittering capital of Amazandar
can be seen from the top of the tower,
standing many stories high, the sprawling,
gem encrusted buildings sparkling like stars
in the distance.
Soldiers (many also adept with
magic) man the tower at all times,
numbering about fifty. About a dozen patrol
the land around the tower while the rest
stand ready within, others on watch duty at
the top of the tower. Each is armed with a
magically enhanced sword that serves them

Rumanath Tower
Flanked by the Hunters Hills to the west and
the Desertsmouth mountains to the east
stands the tower of Rumanath. It stands
southwest of Helvara and east of
Amazandar. Troops are assigned here to
protect the cities of Anauria primarily from
Orcs hailing from the Desertsmouth
Mountains and monsters and brigands from
the Hunters Hills.
The tower itself stands eight stories
tall, having a great vantage point of the
horizon. The top of the tower is manned at
all times by four lookouts who peer in the
distance, usually with the benefit of
divination magic or magic items, in all
directions. Despite this, the occasional
goblin, orc or outlaw will make their way past
them unnoticed. This is especially true in the
more northerly parts of the tower.
Forty strong are stationed at all
times in the tower, all armed with magically
imbued swords. This is eventually the first
line of defense and thus the first place to fall
against the orc horde that destroys Anauria.

Ilin Farm
The westernmost farm that is the most
raided by goblins, losing cattle on a regular
basis, the Ilin Farm is the second largest
piece of farmland in Helvara.
The Ilins grow vegetables of all sorts
aplenty. In the earlier years, their main
growth was grains of corn. However, this
made it easy for the Goblins to sneak in and
cause havoc. So lately theyve cut back on
the corn fields and stuck to small
Promej Ilin is always looking for
someone to help take care of the raiding
goblin problems. The watch will usually
chase the goblins out of the farm, but
seldom will they follow them into the Orlath
Wood from whence they come. Thus, they
keep spare coin handy at all times in case
any brave folk come along who are willing to
turn the tables on the goblins and raid their
homes instead.

Fawaer Farm
The largest farm with the most acres in
Helvara is the one belonging to the
Fawaers. Its property begins at the northern
edges of the town, and ends by a small
fishing point along Lake Miir. Grains of all
sorts are grown, with separate fields for
each of wheat, barley, oats, rye, corn and
flax. These are all well maintained, as
Burgess Fawaer has many sons and
daughters who tend to the fields.
After cultivation, the grains are
supplied first to the citizens of Helvara and
the cities of Anauria, then they are exported
to the sister states of Asram and Hlondath.
Anything remaining afterwards (which is
usually quite a lot) is sold to the other lands
about the inner sea, along with any others
from the other farms, for a hefty profit, of
which the Ilins receive a nice percentage.

Anauril City of Swords

(Small City)
What would one day become the last
standing ground against an orc horde in
Anauria, Anauril was built north and east of
Amazandar (due west of the Twisted Tower
of Shadowdale). This is where Ffarith would
go back to his roots and begin smithing
swords of exquisite quality. While taking
charge of the city in a somewhat mayoral
fashion, he would have El'Tran Xymig as an
aide in that department, ruling the city by the

The manufacturing of steel blades
then became paramount within the city.
Many people took up smithing, crafting fine
steel blades, many of which would be
enhanced by the wizards of the elven noble
houses of Nyntynel and Olyrnn. This is what
gave the city the nickname of "City of
Eventually, this would be the last
defense for Anauria in their battle against
the orc horde in 111DR. With the use of all
the magical blades at their disposal, the
citizens of Anauril would fall at the hands of
the vastly larger orc horde, but in the
process, decimate their ranks almost
Anauril - "City of Swords" (Small City):
Nonstandard; AL NG; 7,800 gp limit; Assets
702,000 gp; Population 7,800; Mixed (Human Netherese 70%, Human - Chondathan 10%, Half
Elf 10%, Elf 9%, Other 1%).
Authority Figures: Ffarith Olyrnn
Swordsmith Variator (NG half-elf male,
wizard 26/netherese arcanist (variator) 1), Qu'o
Min Olyrnn - head of noble house Olyrnn (N elf
female, wizard 2), Henta Nyntynel head of noble house Nyntynel (CG elf female,
wizard 3/aristocrat 4), ElTran Xymig
Blademaster (CG sun elf male, wizard
bladesinger 5)
Important Characters: Daelun Heth
weaponsmith (CG chondathan male),
Farykay Nyntynel enchanter of weapons (CG
moon elf female, wizard abjurer 12), Alisttair
Nemrin (NG netherese male, wizard abjurer 15)
Notable Imports: Ale, Iron, Pipe weed, Tin
Notable Exports: Weapons (notably
Masterwork Swords and Magic Swords), Armor

House Nyntynel
While the elven noble family Nyntynel has its
main political abode in Amazandar, its most
important structure lies in the city of swords.
The Nyntynels are one of the two
families of elves in Anauria that specialize in
arcane magic. This specialty they use to
enchant the many blades that are forged in
Anauril. While most of this is done in the
Variant Swords Smithy (see below), a few
members of the house take extra care in
their enchantments, doing it in some private
laboratories within House Nyntynel.
The House itself lies in the heart of
the city not far from the smithy.

House Olyrnn
The other of the two elven noble houses to
make Anauril their home, as well as
Amazandar, is Olyrnn. The Olyrnns house
the highest amount of half-elven nobles in
Anauria after the fall of Netheril. At first,
most of these are of half-netherese blood,
but slowly, more and more are of
Chondathan blood or even a mix of
Netherese and Chondathan.
House Olyrnn lies on the southern
edges of town. Many Olyrnns spend their
time in the Variant Swords Smithy (see
below) enchanting the many blades that are
forged within.
Quo Min Olyrnn spends much time
in Anauril, helping oversee the weapons
crafting, whenever she is not busy with
political issues back in Amazandar.

Variant Swords
At the center of town is a fortified structure
that appears to be a small keep, but is
actually a large smithy within, the largest of
all the forges in Anauril.
It is a massive building containing
many rooms, each used for different smithy
tasks. A few of these are reserved for
forging armor, but most are individually to
smith different types of swords. For
example, there are rooms dedicated to
forging long swords, some for greatswords,
and others for bastard swords, etc
Iron and tin are used plentifully,
imported from neighboring kingdoms, but
there is a significant lack of copper and zinc.
Then there are the enchantment
rooms, where the elven wizards of houses
Nyntynel and Olyrnn use the Art to infuse as
many blades as possible with magic.
The facility is run by former
Archwizard of Anauria, Ffarith Olyrnn. He
oftentimes partakes in both the smithing and
the enchantment process, and many blades
that are in the possession of the high
ranking individuals were made completely
by him.

XunQoroth (Beholders of the

Anaurian Hive)
XunQoroth is the home of a large number of
beholders known locally as the Anaurian
Hive. It is a nation beneath the lands of
Anauria in the Upper Reaches of the
Underdark. Its cities are stretched along the

edge of the mountains to the east. The

various cities of this nation include Aixlintar,
Ginsunlix, Ooltul, Qintaroth, Viksanmaq, and
Xunqaq. The beholders of the Anaurian Hive
are in constant territorial wars with the
expanding threat of the Phaerimm (which
are increasingly enslaving more and more of
the Beholders that fail to flee to the
Underdark wilds or to the surface).

Heroes and Monsters

Because of the many changes in life after
the fall of Netheril, access to magic has
become more difficult. Strength of arms is
now the norm, so many more characters are
of the Fighter class. Faith remains strong, so
clerics of Mystra or Amaunator are quite
common. Despite this, magic still exists.
However, the elven means of tapping into
the weave is required, with specialist
wizards of Divination, Invocation,
Necromancy and the like becoming common
practice. Only the very rare and most apt are
able to study the art of being an Arcanist
(being the equivalent of power as an
Archwizard of old Netheril, the prestige class
of Netherese Arcanist), specializing in
Invention, Variation or Mentalism. With the
many gems being mined, a new practice
was developed among some wizards of

Anauria, Gem Magic (the art of attuning

gems with magic see Magic of Faern).
This art is kept privately mostly among
wizards of the nobility. With the increase of
hunting, the Ranger class is also a popular
Access to so many gems has also
resulted in the art of creating Gemstone
Golems to guard some of the noble homes
and mines. Also guarding the mines against
the Phaerimm are Tomb Tappers.
Many creatures call the wild lands of
Anauria home. Wemics roam the hills while
Abbalin make a home in the rivers and Lake
Miir. Orcs and goblins inhabit the woods and
mountains, raiding the farms and cities, and
Giants live among the Clouds (and
eventually among the ruins throughout the
kingdom after the destruction of their home).

Adventure Hooks
- Help form the city
- Goblin Raids
- Danger in the mines
- Founding a Library
- Change of Faith - founding temple of
- Battle against Phaerimm
- Battle against orc Horde

King Thausimbel the Wise

a.k.a. Greybeard a.k.a. The Long-Lived
NG netherese male Fighter (Eldritch Knight) level 5
Anaurias greatest king, Thausimbel Thardresk was renowned for arranging alliances,
marriages and business dealings that wove long-lasting peace between elves, the dwarves of
Oghrann, and humans of what will be the Dragonreach. His reign would last 360 odd years.
With elven blood coursing through his veins, Thausimbels life was set to last longer than
normal humans, but many spells cast by arcanists prior to the fall aided in the extension of his
life. His many years are made evident through his wise decisions and his long, flowing grey
beard. Much did he do when Anauria fell from the skies to help keep it alive, which resulted in his
coronation as king. His death would eventually come at the hands of a Phaerimm that was felled
in turn by his own blade and spell. He is survived by a dozen or so children, but in particular, his
youngest daughter, Shaddara.

Shaddara the Fair

a.k.a. Queen Shaddara the Fair
NG netherese female ranger level 5/wizard level 4
The legendary child-queen of Anauria, Shaddara Thardresk grew up to be a proud, keen
huntress who often hunted boars and monsters in the Hunters Hills. She was the greatest Queen
of Anauria, ruling after her fathers death up until Anaurias fall. The Shaddan Hills and
Mt.Shaddath were both named after her as voted by the populace. Even before her reign as
queen, Princess Shaddara aided many in defeating raiding orc and goblin hordes. Her life was
extended magically through the grace of the surviving arcanists, along with the hint of elven blood
in her veins.

ElTran Xymig
CG sun elf male wizard (Bladesinger) level 5
The Blademaster of Anauria, ElTran aides in the task of running the city of Anauril by
patrolling the streets and its immediate environs. A Sun elf trained in the art of Bladesong, his
technique in utilizing the fine steel blades of Anauria with the potent magic from Netheril is unique
for its time. He is easily spotted by his fine adamantine blade hanging by his side, adorned with
gems of all sorts, sparkling as it cuts down raiding orcs. The beauty of his blade followed by spell
is a sight many Anaurians enjoy seeing.

Olzogath the Grim

N netherese male fighter level 10
The first leader of the Anaurian army, Olzogath gained his nickname by doing whatever it
took to eliminate the threatening orcs. This was most apparent when he took to burning down half
of the woods in the western part of the kingdom in order to kill as many as possible. He cared not
of any other consequences this would have, even though it resulted in some nearby crops being
torched along with it. His son, Orlath, followed in his steps by leading the army, but in a different
fashion, instead nurturing the forest so that it may one day re-grow (thus the forest earned the
name of Orlath Wood).

Andergril the Wise

CE orc male cleric of Gruumsh level 10
The orc Shaman that joined all the orc tribes together and led them on an all out assault
on Anauria was Andergril. His nickname has a double meaning, one being to mock the deceased
king of Anauria, Thausimbel, and the other being for his uncanny wisdom (for an orc). Through
prior raids of the cities, he managed to get his hands on a magically enchanted greatsword that
aided him greatly in the slaying of the many Anaurians. He would eventually fall at the hands of
the Anaurians in the final stand against the horde in the city of Anauril.

Idiom and Ffariths Spells

The following are spells developed by the Archwizard Arcanists of Anauria, Idiom and Ffarith. As is the
case with all other spells from the time of Netheril, all spells dropped the name of its developer from the
spell name and changed to its now more commonly used name in the realms after Netheril fell.
In italic are the names of the spells as they were known in Netheril, followed by the 5E D&D equivalent.

Idioms Spellbook
Idioms Splendor
Enhance Ability spell with the Eagle's Splendor effect
Idioms Cunning
Enhance Ability spell with the Fox's Cunning effect
Idioms Wisdom
Enhance Ability spell with the Owls Wisdom effect
Idioms Idiot (new spell)
2nd-level Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You make a melee spell attack. On a hit, the target gains disadvantage on all Intelligence,
Wisdom and Charisma based ability checks for the duration of the spell.

Ffariths Spellbook
Ffariths True
True Strike
Ffariths Endurance
Enhance Ability spell with the Bears Endurance effect
Ffariths Strength
Enhance Ability spell with the Bulls Strength effect
Ffariths Grace
Enhance Ability spell with the Cats Grace effect

Netheril: Empire of Magic by Slade & Jim Butler
Lost Empires of Faern by Richard Baker, Ed Bonny & Travis Stout
How the Mighty are Fallen by Slade
Player's Guide to Faern by Richard Baker & James Wyatt
The Grand History of the Realms by Brian R. James
Anauroch: The Empire of Shade by Richard Baker, Bruce R. Cordell, David Noonan, Matthew
Sernett & James Wyatt
Elminsters Ecologies: The Stonelands and the Goblin Marshes by Rick Swan, Monte Cook, Eric
Haddock & Anthony Pryor
FR13 Anauroch by Ed Greenwood
Drizzt DoUrdens Guide to the Underdark by Eric L. Boyd
The Cavern of Death web article by Rich Baker

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