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Jaclyn Fishler
SERP 400
Due Process Display Assignment
After learning about the Public Law 94-142, I was about to conclude that this is a
very well structured law that provides assistance for a lot of people in need. It was produced in
1975 and it is known for guaranteeing availability of special education programming to children
with disabilities, as it secures equality and appropriateness for them. This law also launches clear
administration requirements and procedures concerning special education of government, which
includes every level. The Federal Government only assets forty-percent for the budget, but if a
child qualifies for P.L. 94-142, paying the money is absolutely worth it. The main mechanisms of
P.L. 94-142 are a right to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE), nondiscriminatory
evaluation procedures, Procedural Due Process, Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), and
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). For the nondiscriminatory evaluation procedures, we must
make sure that we know if children definitely have a learning disability for the evaluation and we
must do it fairly. We are not supposed to make assumptions about a children without providing
evidence in a properly manner. The Procedural Due Process is another way of discussing when a
parent expresses disappointed outlooks with the procedures, which is why we must always be
nondiscriminatory. Lastly, the IEPs are legal documents that we are obligated to follow carefully
and logically. The full title of this law is Public Law 94-142 For All Handicapped Children Act
(1975), but we are not supposed to use the word handicapped anymore. I find this new portrayal
to be the most important aspect because it proves that everything has majorly changed over the
years, as we are improving in the way that all people are treated correspondingly. Instead, we are
instructed to use the word disability because the labels are considered to be stereotyped and

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degrading. For example, rather than saying my brother is autistic, I must tell people my
brother has autism because its not rational to make him seem like he is being singled out into a
certain category. He has a disability, but that disability does not define who he genuinely is as a
human being.
In addition, the law that was passed to prevent categorizing children with disabilities was
signed by President Bush, Sr. in 1990. This law is titled the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act, also known as IDEA. Once this law was finalized, reference to handicapped
children were changed to children with disabilities. The purpose of this law is to safeguard
the rights of children with disabilities, as well as to provide parents an expression in their childs
education. Furthermore, two new categories were added, which are autism and traumatic brain
injury. Definitions of assistive technology devices and assistive technical services were added as
well and the transition serves for ages that are generally older.
Another imperative law that we have learned about in the past two weeks is Section 504
Rehab Act of 1973. This law can easily be misunderstood because it is not a special education
law, unlike all of the other laws weve been learning about. People expect it to be a special
education law because it may seem similar to one, considering it is preventing discrimination,
similarly to all of the other laws. 504 is considered to be a civil rights law because it gives
admission to people who have physical or mental impairness. As an example, this can apply to
children with mild Attention Deficit Disorder, or a child who needs to leave a class a few times a
day to receive breathing treatments for a serious type of condition that they may have. On the
other hand, it can be temporary, which includes a child who has injured their leg and is in a
wheelchair. Some children may get test anxiety, so they are applicable for 504, but they cannot
be provided specified directions. 504 is also different from other programs because teachers

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dont need parental consent, unless its not in special education. The three major reasons a
teacher would feel its necessary to put a child on the 504 plan is because they have a current
documented disability, they had one in the past, or when you are certain that someone has a
disability, you are judicious against them without confirmation.
After researching the dispute resolutions for special education, I learned a lot of valuable
information about how parents and the school staff converse and make an arrangement for the
most sufficient plan regarding the child. There are four selections for addressing apprehensions
about special education; the first option is Early Resolution, which gives technical support to
schools and parents pursuing early resolution of objections. The second option is Mediation,
which is when the mediator assists parents and the school with resolving problems by coming to
a full agreement. Moreover, the Due Process Hearing system formally means that hearing may
be used to resolve any material involving the identification, evaluation, placement of a child, or
the facility of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to the child. Lastly, the State
Administrative Complaint System is the progression when community associates can make sure
the state education agency (SEA) of prospective defiance are aware of the IDEA in the public
In my opinion, all of the concepts that we have learned in the past two weeks are
intriguing and I thoroughly enjoy learning about them. Although, Ive been cognizant that there
have been enhancements of the treatments for special education over the years, Im very glad
that Im being informed of all of the vital details. I believe that is incredible that there are laws
that require the assistance for all types of disabilities as well as all kinds of ages. This proves that
our society is doing a fantastic job of reaching out to everyone to make sure that we all receive
the appropriate education.

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