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Standard Specification for

Electric-Resistance-Welded C a w n S-1
CarbonaManganere Steel Boiler Tues'




forming to ISO Recommcndati011~


T e sptfmtioni! covas minimum-wall.tbidrnerq

rn Con-

madc of carboii s&d aisd

&n-mmgmcse stecl iatended for w as Wer t u h
bik flues, s u m h t e r f l u a and safc endk

e I c h ~ m m tue

1.2 T b e m b i n g ~ a n d t h i c k n w s e s d y ~ t o
M m t i w are IA to 5 h. [i2.7to 127 mm] in outsidt 4. Orderhg Tafomtion
and 0.035 to 0.320 h.(0.9 ta 8.1 mm],hdusive,in
4.1 -0rders for materiP1 mdcr this s p d i d o n M d
minimum waii
Tubing bving ottm dim&ns
&lude the foliowing, as req-,
to d k l x the desired
~ybcfurmshed,providedsnch~complyantb&otber mataial a k q d y :
of tbis spccihti011.
4.1.1 Quantity (fect, mam, or numim of kngths),
1.3 Mcchanid p m p r t y quirtmcnts do na @y rn
.4.1.2 Namt of material
in hick diameter ot
tllbing s m a b t
h 4 ia. (3.2
4.1.3 Grade (A, C, or D,Ta& l),
0.01 5 in. (0.4 mm] ia thickncss.
4.1 -4 Size (outsidt diamtter aUd minimum wall thick1.4 Whm hproduas are to be it9ed in appli&
@mmiw to ISO ~fcornm~dations
for 3oiler Cunstnic4.1 -5 Lciigth (specific or raridom),
tion, the requiritmats o S p c i h t i o n A 520 sh@
4.1.6 O p t i d aquimmts fproduct analys& W o n 8;
mmt and su-e
tht r q h e n t s of
cru& r- Secion 10; hydmaatk or nondazwiw eftftnc
1.5 The d u s stated in eitha h&-goudunits or SI
tcst, 1 1.6),
~nitsam to be mmded scpktely as standard. wthin the
4.1.7 Test report muid (-=tia
of SpeCittxt, the.SIuniisareshownin bmhis. l h e vaIus%std in
ficatiw A 4501A 450M),
4. I .8 Spseifieaton deigmtion, and .
must k utxd in-dmtly
of the orhtr. Comsues
4.1.9 s&al muimmts.
fiam the twO systems may rcsult ia naowfomam witb
the m o n . Tbe k&-pound uniu shall apply u n h the
5. MiiirptseruPc

~ o. f t b i s ~ d ~ b s p ? & c d h t h e & .

2.1 AST..Si&rdP:
A 450/A 450M Spcnfication for General Requiriemtnts
for m
,Fmiiic AUoy, and Ausienitic Aby Sacel


A 520 S&tion

for Suppktncnmy Rquimm*i h

Saimlm @ Ekttk-bktwm-WeMsd Carbon W
T u b Produets
Eor High-Ttmpetanire S&W Con-

5.1 The steel for h i d e D sall be kicd.

5.2 Tu& sha bc made by ~
~ wehiing

6. H a t Tmtmeiit
6.1 Mer welding. dl t u k shall k heat tmtod at a
of 1650F [ W C ]or h i g b and followed by
owIing in air or in tbe coohg dmnk of a catrolladatmosphere fumact. C o h k h v n t u k W bc k t t trtatod
afta tbe fid cold-draw p a s at a tcmperatm of 12WT
[65o'q or highcr.

7.1 T b e s t e e I s h a l l m n f o m t a t h e ~ t s a s l o
chtmical wmpasition pmcribd in Ttbie I.
7.2 Whtp a grade is omlcred under this m d o n ,
supp1ying an alloy grade tbat specifically mtbe addition ofany dtment other than hose htdin Tabhe 1 is not


8. N o d AmIysi~
8.1 m m reqori
purcharc order, a pr~duct
a a a l * ~ ~ m d c b y t h e m a a ~ o r ~ ~
me tubt per 2% p i w e for s k 3 in. [763mm] and MQa,
be m d y d The ckmical compdion thus emmkcd
sha conform to the r e q b c n t s &
8-2 f f t h e ~ a a l t e s t f w p r o d u a ~ f a s , ~ o f
addittonal lcngth of fiat-M-stock or b h i ddl be
r q u k t m t s of the s@hioa;
' dtemaipiag


of tht producer, =h icqh of a a t d e d stock or
tabe may bc individudly tegtsd for .
i m g h of
Bat-rolled stoclr or hibes wbkh do nut meet the requbmals
o f ~ ~ ~ ~ s h a l l b t ~ ~

Yidd gmslph, mln. Irn

47 13251
26 tIM1


y o . msbTgt




tbeFoof of d k n d material
11.2.2 FarC m i D , o n e h g e tcst ~
on speeimens b m & otwo tu& frum mb lot (Note 2)

10.1 ~ q u i r e d b y t h e ~ , ~ ~ s hthan
a 75
l %
I of t b t spcied in Spcibtion A 4 N / A 45QM.
be arade on d o n s of tube 2 ih ia.[63mm]ia leqgth which
I 1.3 Cnuh Tat-For G d c A, w h I#IWby thc
s h a l l 9 i 9 n d a u s h i n g l o ~ n r i t h w t ~ * t - purdiaser, me c& test shall bt mde on @ens

~ o r ~ ~ a t ~ h e w d d , a s f d o. m

a d fmm each 2000 ft [MMJ mj or m o a ttieraof of &send

1 1.4 Tm'on Tal-For Gtadw C and D,orpe tedoa ttsi

10.2 For
1than I in (25.4 mm] in -6a! tu& prior to m b g , ofthe same nomhd &meter and
dhmctcr, t
k 1Ength of W specimen W bt 2lh times the wallwhichareproduobdfrom the-e
heat of
ou&& dhmtcr of the a
i Slight m&c cbtCka sb wt
s t d When b a i k
t t r a m a t is in a batch-type f u m c e , a
be cause hr r c j d o a
same b t which are h t
in the samt fumm b r g e .
trament is in a eodauou famcq a
loa shatl inciude d t u b of the same site and heat, heat
mdintbt -c
fumce,a ihc ame tcmpmmrc, time at


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