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Strategies for Teaching English Learners

World History: Patterns of Interaction provides diversied support to help you address the needs of
English learners, especially Spanish-language students. The following introduction outlines some of
the Spanish-language resources that are available in the program. In addition, the teaching strategies described on the following pages can be used selectively when English learners are experiencing
difficulty in understanding the material in World History: Patterns of Interaction or in expressing
their ideas orally or in writing.

Program Resources for Spanish-Language Students

Resources available for students whose dominant language is Spanish include Spanish
translations of select program components in World History: Patterns of Interaction.
Some of these materials will help those students in their general comprehension of
the text; other materials allow such students to practice or apply social studies skills
and concepts.
Whether they use these resources in English or Spanish, students are expected to
respond in English. Components in Spanish are not meant to replace but to support
and facilitate English-language activities. The focus on the development of gradelevel English-language prociency is reected in the references to the student edition
in the Spanish ancillaries: unit, chapter, and section titles remain in English to
encourage constant use of the English text to clarify understanding. (The chart on
pages 711 of this book, however, does offer a Spanish translation of the English
titles and can be photocopied to hand out to Spanish-speaking students.)
Here is a summary of Spanish-language materials available in the program:

Student Edition
Spanish Glossary: This glossary, at the back of World History: Patterns of
Interaction, denes key terms for each chapter. These terms appear in boldface at
the beginning of each chapter section. The glossary ensures that Spanish-language
students understand key terms to aid them in their overall comprehension of the

Print Ancillary Materials: In-Depth Resources in Spanish

This book includes the following components translated into Spanish:
Guided Reading: As students read World History: Patterns of Interaction, these
one-page worksheets help them take notes that summarize, identify cause and
effect, compare and contrast, and trace chronological order.
Skillbuilder Practice: These one-page worksheets give students practice applying
the specic social studies skills taught in the Skillbuilder Handbook at the back of
World History: Patterns of Interaction.
Geography Application: These two-page worksheets help students practice geography skills. They typically feature a reading passage and a related graphic (usually
a map) that students are asked to interpret.
Note that ancillary materials in Spanish do not contain an answer key. Since students are expected to reply in English, answers may be found in the appropriate
English-language ancillary book, In-Depth Resources for each unit.

Strategies for Teaching English Learners 1

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