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1 Yuliana

Proposed Topics
Topic 1: National Taiwan
Colonial Museum
Topic 2: Taipei Fine Arts
Museum (Taiwan) &
Philadelphia Museum of Art

TZ Huang

Topic 1: Film/movie museum

3 Clement

Topic 1: Compare: Natural disaster

Topic 2: Animal Diversity museum:

museum (likely 921 Earthquake

Feedback from Prof. Tsai and TA

Both of your topics are interesting, but there would be more space for
you to let your creativity flow if you develop a colonial museum.
There is just a little suggestion for you: since the subject "colonial" is
seemingly too broad, we think you can focus more on Dutch Formosa
period (, 1624-1662) and Kingdom of Doning(, 16611683) to explore the history of sea power and sea culture (
) in Taiwan during these periods, which have been long ignored in
Taiwans historical museums.
Of course, you can also compare Taiwan with the other Asian countries in
the same period and put your museum under Pan-Asian scope to figure
out the role of Taiwan at the time. I think there were a few past
exhibitions and books about the issues in Taiwan for you as reference
and resources. Good luck!
It would be a better choice for you to build a Film museum since from
your explanation it seems to have clearer concepts behind.
There are very rich fruit of research about Taiwans cinema already. The
only thing you need to worry about is how to present the complexity of
Taiwans film. It might be a easiest way to display them chronologically.
However, you can also find more creative ways to show the different
aspects of Taiwans film (or more broadly saying, Taiwans film culture).
You can also think about the design and display techniques. Instead of
displaying the material culture, how will you present the intangible parts
in cinema culture?
I personally suggest you to visit Taiwan Film Institution() for
your further research. They have done a lot of efforts to restore the old
films in Taiwan and preserved important archives for Taiwans cinema.
Both of your topics are interesting, but there would be more space for
you to let your creativity flow if you develop a museum about


4 Lola

Museum) to similar Danish (flood) or

American (earthquake) museums.
Topic 2: Create: National Religion
Museum, likely folk based but primarily
covering historical aspects of the
sustaining, introduction, and merging of
various spiritual beliefs in Taiwan over

Topic 1: History of Food in Taiwan

Topic 2: History of apparel in Taiwan

Your concepts are already clear, what might need to elaborated is that,
the heterogeneity of Taiwans culture must be taken in consider when
you build this museum. When you talk about Taiwans religion, which
groups are you talking about? Aborigine, Han Chinese, or the Western
missionaries? The problem of the muti-culture must be cleared up when
you start to design the galleries in your museum.
You might also need to think about the multipliticity of Taiwans religions.
How they appear in Taiwan or effect people from different groups or
culture? How they interact or compete with each other ? How did politics
effect on Taiwans religion or spiritual beliefs (e.g. Japanese government
have tried to encouraged Taiwanese to believe in Shinto () with the
policies of Japanization () under Japanese colony)?
Actually, there is already a Museum of World Religion in Taiwan. You
can make it as a study case to know what else you can add or refine in
your own new museum.
Both of your topics are interesting, but there would be more space for
you to let your creativity flow if you develop a museum about
Be sure to notice that Taiwan is a multi-culture society, so you might
need to make it clear whos apparel and apparel for what are you
Apparel not only serves as individuals expressions in the aspects of
fashion, but are seen as representation of groups(ethnics,
occupations.). You also need to prevent yourselves from deducting the
contents and meaning of the apparel. (See Varuttis Miniatures of the
nation-ethnic minority figurines, mannequins and dioramas in Chinese
Museums, 2011 from Week4.) Apart from displaying the textiles or
mannequin, you can also think about some more creative ways to


Topic 1: The museum of new

6 Judith

Topic1: South East Asian


Topic 2: The Museum of Taiwan


display the cultures of apparel (e.g. apparels in Taiwans paintings or

movies) in Taiwan and bring in more historical backgrounds (e.g. the
students uniform during the Martial Law period) to make the exhibitions
Both of your topics are interesting, but there would be more space for
you to let your creativity flow if you develop a museum about new
Your concepts are already clear and complete, it seems that youve done
a lot of work beforehand.
There is just a little suggestion for you: since under the name of new
immigrants there are different identities, and the issue for the people
might not be the same. Thus you might need to narrow your target or
make your object clearer. I personally suggest you to focus more on
foreign spouses and the new generation (). Most of the spouses
come alone to Taiwan and bear with a harsh prejudice and discrimination
from Taiwanese people. Moreover, their children also need to face with
many misunderstanding and difficulties.
There were actually a lot of NGOs working on this issue. I personally
suggest you to visit some of the associations including TASAT(),
TIFA(). You can talk to the social workers and the
new immigrants in person to deepen your knowledge about their lives
and clarify your museums role.
As for the design of the museum, you might need to consider how to
present and who are your target audience. You can add in more
interactive activities and make the museum more like a platform to bring
people together.
Its an important and meaningful topic for Taiwan. Good luck, I do look
forward to it!
You didnt explain the idea behind your proposed topics. The connections

7 Jerry Tsai

influences on Taiwanese
Topic2: Louvre and NPM : a
comparison et South East
Asian influences on Taiwan
throughout history.
Topic1: South East Asian
Civilisation Museum
Topic2: Taiwanese Natural
Disaster and Prevention

and logics are also too vague and incoherent for us to figure out what
you plan to talk about.
Since most of your classmates are going to build a new museum, your
comparisons between the two museums might be able to provide
different perspectives for everyone.
Please give a more elaborated proposed topic with further research and
complete ideas so that it would be easier for your to do the next steps.
Your proposal about building a disaster museum seems to be more
ideal to be developed as a final project. But you might need to make it
clear which issues are you going to deal with? Natural disasters or any
crises that make all the Taiwanese people faced with hard times?
If its about natural disasters, you might consider to take the existing
earthquake museums in Taiwan and Japan as your model museums and
compare their differences.
Apart from the aspects of natural science or prevention, you can also
think about how the disasters brought people together and how the
community of Taiwan and the other countries(especially Japan) was
formed during the hard times.

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