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This assignment will be completed in class individually and will be due at the end of todays class
period. Students will view a video on dia de los muertos found at
under unit resources click on video 5 things you did not know about dia de los muertos. After the
completion of the video the lesson plan will be followed by a prezi on dia de los muertos found at under the lesson tab section of lesson 1 teacher lecture. The
students must complete similarities and differences of November 1st and November 2nd on Venn
Diagram. In order to be assessed as complete there must be a total of 8 facts listed on Venn diagram.
Student must provide 2 sentences of analysis for each analysis question. This assignment fulfills the
content standards under category of content Stage 1.1 Students address discrete elements of daily life.
e. Celebrations, holidays, and rites of passage. This assignment also fulfills Stage II 2.1 of content
standards students address topics related to self and the immediate environment, including: e. holiday
customs and transition points in life. This assignment fits into the digital unit plan as students reflect and
summarize the unit topic of Dia de los Muertos. The venn diagram makes students list the differences
and similarities between November 1st and November 2nd. The analysis portion of the assignment makes
students review their understanding of Dia de los Muertos.

Date _______________Period___________
Dia de los Muertos November 1 and November 2: Venn Diagram



Analysis Questions:

What is the primary difference between November 1st and November 2nd? _________________________________________
What are the similarities between November 1st and November 2nd?

Dia de Los Muertos Venn Diagram Rubric

Venn Diagram

Analysis Questions

Total: 10 Points
Teacher Evaluation


Partial Complete

Not Complete

Similarities and
differences of November
1st and November 2nd are
listed on Venn Diagram.
In order to be assessed
as complete there must
be a total of 8 facts listed
on Venn diagram.

Similarities and
differences of November
1st and November 2nd
are listed on Venn
Diagram. In order to be
assessed as partial
complete there must be
a total of 5 facts listed on
Venn diagram.

Similarities and
differences of November
1st and November 2nd
listed facts on Venn
diagram are under 5

5 points

3 points
Partial Complete

0 points
Not Complete

Student must provide 2

sentences of analysis for
each analysis question.

Student must provide 1

sentence of analysis for
each analysis question.

Student did not provide a

sentence on analysis

5 points

3 points

0 points

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