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Period 6: 1865 1898

Mr. Harding

Special thanks to Adam Norris :

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater
opportunities for, and
restrictions on,
minorities, and
EQ: What role did
industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?
Given an exit card, 100%
Write a peer evaluated
ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age


Why did Chinese immigrants arouse such fierce

hostility in the West in the 1880s? Was white
discrimination and violence motivated primarily
by racial feeling or by fear of Chinese labor


How did racial issuesIncluding Chinese

immigrationaffect economic and political
developments of the Gilded Age?

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater

opportunities for, and

restrictions on,
minorities, and
EQ: What role did
industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?
Given an exit card, 100%
Write a peer evaluated
ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age

Key Concept 6.2 The emergence of an industrial

culture in the United States led to both greater
opportunities for, and restrictions on, immigrants,
minorities, and women.
Big ideas:
Why were individuals attracted to cities? What

opportunities were there in cities?

How did the federal government encourage westward
expansion? What were the impacts of this expansion on
How did immigrants adapt to life in America?

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater
A) Cities saw tremendous economic growth - factories and businesses
opportunities for, and
International Migrants
restrictions on,
Immigrants from Asia - China - settled on West coast - RR workers
minorities, and
Southern and Eastern Europe - New immigrants - Italy, Poland,


EQ: What role did

industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?

Internal Migrants

Given an exit card, 100%


Why were migrants (both internal and international) moving to cities?

Write a peer evaluated

ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age

10,000,000 between 1860 and 1890

African Americans within the South and out of the South - to escape
Escape poverty

Religious persecution - Jews in Russia fled to the US

Limited opportunities for social mobility - rags to riches in US Horatio Alger stories

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater
B) Emergence of urban neighborhoods based on:
opportunities for, and
Ethnicity, race, and class
restrictions on,
Little Italy, Chinatown
minorities, and
Provided new cultural opportunities
EQ: What role did
industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?
Given an exit card, 100%
Write a peer evaluated
ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age

C) Debates over assimilation were a result of international migration

Rise of nativism (again)

APA (Amer. Protective Association) - sought to limit immigrants and

keep Catholics from holding office

Similar to Know Nothing Party of 1840s and 1850s

Immigrants often compromised between their own cultures and US


2nd generation were more likely to assimilate than 1st generation

Public schools only taught English

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater
opportunities for, and
restrictions on,
minorities, and
EQ: What role did
industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?
Given an exit card, 100%
Write a peer evaluated
ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater
opportunities for, and
restrictions on,
minorities, and

Provided jobs and services for

constituents (voters), especially

immigrants and poor - Tammany Hall

EQ: What role did

industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?

E) Emergence of a distinctive middle class:

Caused by:

New managerial workers in factories

and clerical workers (male and female)

Given an exit card, 100%

Write a peer evaluated
ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age

D) Political Machines:

Increased education opportunities

Consumer culture grew during this time

Baseball, Vaudeville shows

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater
opportunities for, and
restrictions on,
minorities, and
EQ: What role did
industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?
Given an exit card, 100%
Write a peer evaluated
ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater
opportunities for, and
restrictions on,
minorities, and
EQ: What role did
industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?
Given an exit card, 100%
Write a peer evaluated
ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age

Many Americans and Nativists in the late

1800s spoke of Americanizing immigrants

to the United States. What cultural,
political, and economic impact did
Americanizing have on the country?
How did immigrants try to both

Americanize (assimilate) and retain their

cultural identity? What impact do you
think this had on American culture?

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