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Period 6: 1865 1898

Mr. Harding

Special thanks to Adam Norris :

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater

opportunities for, and

restrictions on,
minorities, and
EQ: What role did
industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?
Given an exit card, 100%
Write a peer evaluated
ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age

Key Concept 6.2 The emergence of an industrial

culture in the United States led to both greater
opportunities for, and restrictions on, immigrants,
minorities, and women.
Big ideas:
Why were individuals attracted to cities? What

opportunities were there in cities?

How did marginalized groups (women, minorities, etc.)
gain power during this time?
How did the federal government encourage westward
expansion? What were impacts of this expansion on

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater
opportunities for, and
restrictions on,
minorities, and
EQ: What role did
industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?
Given an exit card, 100%
Write a peer evaluated
ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age

Many Americans and Nativists in the late

1800s spoke of Americanizing immigrants

to the United States. What cultural,
political, and economic impact did
Americanizing have on the country?
How did immigrants try to both

Americanize (assimilate) and retain their

cultural identity? What impact do you
think this had on American culture?

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater
opportunities for, and
restrictions on,
minorities, and
EQ: What role did
industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?
Given an exit card, 100%
Write a peer evaluated
ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age

Larger numbers of migrants

moved to the West in search of
land and economic opportunity,
frequently provoking competition
and violent conflict.

A) Reasons for westward

Transcontinental RR - built

by Irish and Chinese

Discovery of mineral
resources - mines Comstock Lode
Government policies Homestead Act, subsidies
to RR companies

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater
opportunities for, and
restrictions on,
minorities, and
EQ: What role did
industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?
Given an exit card, 100%
Write a peer evaluated
ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater
B) Migrants moved to rural and boomtown
opportunities for, and
areas of the West
restrictions on,
Why? - seeking independence and selfsufficiency
minorities, and

Safety-valve theory

EQ: What role did

industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?
Given an exit card, 100%
Write a peer evaluated
ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age

Opportunities out west?

Building RRs, mining, farming, and


C) Impacts of western migrations?

Decimation of bison (buffalo)
Conflict with Natives and Mexican

Americans over land

Sand Creek Massacre (1864) - 133

Natives, mostly women and children
were killed

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater
opportunities for, and
restrictions on,
minorities, and
EQ: What role did
industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?
Given an exit card, 100%
Write a peer evaluated
ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age

D) US government relations with Natives

Often violated treaties
Used military force

Wounded Knee - 1890 - 300 Natives were killed

(women and children)
Natives were moved to reservations

Loss of sovereignty

E) How did Natives preserve their cultures in the face of

assimilation policies?

Assimilation Policy - Dawes Act (1887):

Sent Native children to boarding schools, had to

speak English

Native families given individual plots of land

Ghost Dance - ceremony in which Natives envisioned

the return of buffalo and elimination of whites

Self-sustaining economic practices - farming

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater
opportunities for, and
restrictions on,
minorities, and
EQ: What role did
industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?
Given an exit card, 100%
Write a peer evaluated
ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age

Assimilation sought to end tribal identities

Through the Dawes Act:
Many Native children sent to boarding schools
Native Americans lives were changed hunting to
Most of Natives land was lost

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater
opportunities for, and
restrictions on,
minorities, and
EQ: What role did
industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?
Given an exit card, 100%
Write a peer evaluated
ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age

Americanizing of immigrants and maintaining

unique identities
Many immigrants were forced to assimilate
English was only language at schools and work

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater
opportunities for, and
restrictions on,
minorities, and
EQ: What role did
industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?
Given an exit card, 100%
Write a peer evaluated
ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age

SWBAT analyze
content from APUSH
Key Concept 6.2 The
emergence of an
industrial culture in
the United States led
to both greater
opportunities for, and
restrictions on,
minorities, and
EQ: What role did
industrialization have on
the opportunities for /
restrictions on immigrant,
minority, and women?
Given an exit card, 100%
Write a peer evaluated
ID response paragraph
(SEEC format): Political
turmoil during the
Gilded Age

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