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Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampathi Means What ? - Miindia.


28/01/2017 20(52

Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampathi

Means What ? -
Posted : May 25 13:02 PM
MUMUKSHUTVA The desire to free oneself from all bondages from
worldly attractions by recognizing one's True Divine Nature. In other
words a student who treads the path of Truth must, therefore, first equip
himself with Sadhana Chatushtaya (the Four Means of Salvation). As
stated above they consist of Viveka (discrimination), Vairagyha
(dispassion), Shad-Sampat (the six-fold qualities of perfection), and
Mumukshutva (intense longing for liberation). Then alone will he/she be
able to march forward fearlessly on the path. Vedic scriptures implicitly
and explicitly declare that not an iota of spiritual progress is possible with
the above mentioned four qualifications. These qualifications are acquired
in sequence just like going from elementary-school, middle-school,
secondary-school and college. Viveka dawns in a seeker through the Grace
of God; Vairagya that is born of Viveka is enduring and everlasting. The
Shad-Sampat, the six-fold virtue consists of Sama, Dama, Uparati,
Titiksha, Sraddha and Samadhana is impossible without the presence of
Vairagya. These six qualities should be taken as one because they are
interrelated and they together can bring the body, mind and intellect under
control, the intense desire for liberation from the wheel of births and
deaths with its concomitant evils of old age, disease, delusion and sorrow.
If one is equipped with the above three qualifications (Viveka, Vairagya
and Shad-Sampat), then Mumukshutva, the intense desire for liberation
will come without any difficulty. six fold qualities of a seeker. HARI OM Practical
steps to spirituality- section 1 -part 43 Gnana yoga - path of knowledgepart 16 continuing the discussion on the disciplines required for a spiritual
student : Six fold wealth of qualities.--shad sampati: 1.calmness- shama ,

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Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampathi Means What ? -

28/01/2017 20(52

2.self control--dama, 3. withdrawal- uparama, 4. tolerance -titiksha, 5.

faith- shraddha, 6. tranquility-- samadana. these are the six fold inner
disciplines.. 1. mastery over the mind is the first inner discipline. To put it
in a simple way it is mind control .2. control of the sense organs. It is
sensory discipline.. 3. withdrawal- reduction of extroverted activities which
in turn will make one to be relaxed and stress free and one will have time
for spiritual pursuits, 4. .tolerance , forbearance , mental toughness to
withstand all forms of challenges in life.. It gives a psychological immunity
against all the ups and downs in life. 5. shraddha -faith in the scriptures
and also in the guru who helps in the study of the scriptures.. It is not blind
faith . There is an open mindedness untill you understand , until there is
clarity in the subject. It is a non critical approach . It involves humility and
freedom from intellectual arrogance.. 6. samadana -tranquility and
focusing capacity on the goal you have undertaken to attain.. All six put
together are called shad sampati All the four , viveka, vairagya,
mumukshatwam , and the six fold disciplines are disciplines or
qualifications a student must develop.. Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga give
one the qualifications to acquire the disciplines mentioned above.. These
four fold disciplines pre

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