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1 der / die / das

2 und
3 sein
4 in
5 ein
6 zu
7 haben
8 ich
9 werden

10 sie
11 von
12 nicht
13 mit
14 es
15 sich
16 auch
17 auf
18 fr
19 an
20 er
21 so
22 dass
23 knnen
24 dies-
25 als

26 ihr
27 ja
28 wie
29 bei
30 oder
31 wir
32 aber
33 dann
34 man
35 da
36 sein
37 noch
38 nach
39 was
40 also
41 aus
42 all
43 wenn
44 nur
45 mssen
46 sagen
47 um
48 ber
49 machen
50 kein
51 Jahr das, -e
52 du
53 mein
54 schon
55 vor
56 durch
57 geben
58 mehr
59 andere, anderer, anderes
60 viel
61 kommen
62 jetzt
63 sollen
64 mir
65 wollen
66 ganz
67 mich
68 immer
69 gehen
70 sehr
71 hier
72 doch
73 bis
74 gro
75 wieder

76 Mal das, -e
77 zwei
78 gut
79 wissen
80 neu
81 sehen
82 lassen
83 uns
84 weil
85 unter

86 denn
87 stehen
88 jed-
89 Beispiel, das, -e
90 Zeit, die
91 erste, erster, erstes
92 ihm
93 ihn
94 wo
95 lang
96 eigentlich
97 damit
98 selbst, selber
99 unser
100 oben
101 drei
102 wenig
103 Frau, die, -en
104 Mensch, der, -en
105 deutsch
106 Kind, das, -er
107 etwas
108 Tag, der, -e
109 nun
110 finden
111 nichts
112 bleiben
113 sondern
114 klein
115 zwischen
116 alt
117 gegen
118 liegen

119 ohne
120 nein
121 heute
122 weit
123 heien
124 denken
125 eben
126 erst
127 natrlich
128 ob
129 hoch
130 beide
131 Mann, der, -()-er
132 einfach
133 vielleicht
134 dort
135 dabei
136 einmal

137 ihnen
138 welch-
139 nehmen
140 tun
141 seit
142 drfen
143 glauben
144 halten
145 nennen
146 Land, das, -() er
147 letzt-
148 gleich
149 solch-
150 dazu
151 mgen
152 Frage, die, -en
153 gar
154 zeigen
155 fhren
156 mglich
157 sprechen
158 whrend
159 Haus, das, -(u)-er
160 Fall, der, -()-e, fall, case
161 eigen
162 bringen
163 Leute, die
164 schn
165 einige
166 bereits
167 Arbeit, die
168 leben
169 fahren
170 meinen
171 spt
172 etwa
173 wer
174 Prozent, das, -e
175 fragen
176 gerade
177 wichtig
178 zwar
179 Hand, die -()-e, hand
180 wirklich
181 kennen
182 weitere(-r/-s)
183 genau
184 jung
185 gelten
186 Stadt, die -()-e
187 Herr, der, -en
188 Teil, der/das, -e
189 Problem, das, -e
190 Welt, die, -en
191 jedoch
192 stellen
193 darauf
194 bisschen, bissel
195 vier
196 nie
197 spielen

198 denen
199 Recht, das, -e
200 arbeiten
201 brauchen
202 folgen
203 lernen
204 Ende, das, -n
205 kurz
206 Million, die, -en
207 stark
208 Schule, die, -n
209 Woche, die, -n
210 bestehen
211 richtig
212 dich
213 dafr
214 sowie
215 oft
216 Vater, der, -() father
217 Seite, die, -n side, page
218 verschieden
219 halt
220 Leben, das
221 allerdings
222 verstehen
223 fast
224 wohl
225 dein
226 bestimmt
227 Mutter, die, -() mother
228 setzen
229 berhaupt
230 Grund, der, -()-e
231 besser
232 dir
233 schnell
234 bekommen
235 gern(e)
236 Auge, das, -n
237 sicher
238 davon
239 beginnen
240 erzhlen
241 versuchen
242 besonders
243 Wort, das, -e/-()-er word
244 neben
245 schreiben
246 warum
247 nchst-
248 laufen
249 Geld, das
250 erklren
251 Sache, die, -n
252 Art, die, -en
253 politisch
254 entsprechen
255 klar
256 schwer
257 Bereich, der, -e
258 allein(e)
259 kaum
260 Weg, der, -e
261 sitzen
262 Stunde, die, -n
263 einzeln
264 deshalb
265 deren
266 ziehen
267 na
268 beziehungsweise
269 sogar
270 Name, der, -n
271 damals
272 fnf
273 Geschichte, die, -n
274 wegen
275 Gesellschaft, die, -en
276 scheinen
277 darber
278 fallen
279 Kopf, der, -()-e
280 gehren
281 entstehen
282 bekannt
283 erhalten
284 Paar, das, -e
285 leicht
286 Mglichkeit, die, -en
287 treffen
288 hinter
289 sonst
290 daran
291 Unternehmen, das,
292 weiter
293 suchen
294 Bild, das, -er
295 Buch, das, -er
296 legen
297 Wasser, das
298 Stelle, die, -n
299 vorstellen
300 Form, die, -en
301 handeln
302 Mark, die,
303 Entwicklung, die, -en
304 Monat, der, -e
305 erreichen
306 anders
307 schlielich
308 tragen
309 eher
310 Familie, die, -n
311 Morgen, der,
312 je
313 Abend, der, -e
314 zehn
315 darin
316 rund
317 Aufgabe, die, -n
318 frei
319 Universitt, die, -en / Uni, die, -s
320 schaffen
321 Sinn, der, -e
322 frh
323 lesen
324 Staat, der, -en
325 Ziel, das, -e
326 gegenber
327 Freund, der, -e
328 Thema, das, Themen
329 unterschiedlich
330 daher
331 Person, die, -en
332 schlecht
333 Euro, der, -s
334 obwohl
335 Nacht, die, -()-e
336 verlieren
337 Ding, das, -e
338 deutlich
339 allgemein
340 Raum, der, -(u)-e
341 Blick, der, -e
342 einzig
343 darstellen
344 Platz, der, -()-e
345 Zahl, die, -en
346 gemeinsam
347 nah(e)
348 System, das, -e
349 Uhr, die, -en
350 dessen
351 Eltern, die
352 erkennen
353 entwickeln
354 frher
355 Strae, die, -n
356 reden
357 voll
358 aussehen
359 erscheinen
360 mehrere
361 Minute, die, -n
362 zunchst
363 Gruppe, die, -n
364 Wert, der, -e
365 Gesicht, das, -er
366 irgendwie
367 Sprache, die, -n
368 bilden
369 dadurch
370 direkt
371 international
372 sozial
373 anfangen
374 best-
375 bisher
376 erwarten
377 Anfang, der, -e
378 nmlich
379 jen-
380 wohnen
381 rot
382 offen
383 Ort, der, -e
384 naja
385 Moment, der
386 betreffen
387 meist-
388 warten
389 Folge, die, -n
390 ab
391 besonder-
392 gewiss
393 Interesse, das, -n
394 manchmal
395 Milliarde, die, -n
396 Rolle, die, -n
397 jemand
398 vergehen
399 ffentlich
400 Tr, die, -en
401 Schler, der,
402 Bedeutung, die, -en
403 Text, der, -e
404 ach
405 Ergebnis, das, -se
406 helfen
407 Krieg, der, -e
408 sechs
409 niemand
410 gewinnen
411 halb
412 schlieen
413 Weise, die, -n
414 Regierung, die, -en
415 wahrscheinlich
416 europisch
417 Stck, das, -e
418 Wohnung, die, -en
419 fhlen
420 Gesprch, das, -e
421 bieten
422 interessieren
423 wesentlich
424 erinnern
425 Meter, der,
426 her
427 Punkt, der, -e
428 Situation, die, -en
429 hnlich
430 ergeben
431 dagegen
432 hufig
433 Lehrer, der,
434 anbieten
435 ebenso
436 studieren
437 danach
438 Preis, der, -e
439 Abbildung, die, -en
440 Begriff, der, -e
441 Funktion, die, -en
442 verbinden
443 ziemlich
444 ansehen
445 Boden, der, -()
446 fehlen
447 Jahrhundert, das, -e
448 Sohn, der, -()-e
449 Werk, das, -e
450 bedeuten
451 schwarz
452 vergleichen
453 auerdem
454 inzwischen
455 sofort
456 steigen
457 Stimme, die, -n
458 acht
459 pltzlich
460 Rahmen, der,
461 Richtung, die, -en
462 vllig
463 nutzen
464 Programm, das, -e
465 Angst, die, -()-e
466 gering
467 Information, die, -en
468 Kunst, die -()-e
469 Musik, die
470 schauen
471 schwierig
472 Politik, die
473 verlassen
474 manch-
475 bald
476 einsetzen
477 Beruf, der, -e
478 praktisch
479 ndern
480 genug
481 persnlich
482 wachsen
483 ausgehen
484 Regel, die , -n
485 Schritt, der, -e
486 -jhrig
487 Absatz, der -()-e
488 geschehen
489 Gott, der, -()-er
490 Auto, das, -s
491 beschreiben
492 Beziehung, die, -en
493 Erfahrung, die, -en
494 Tisch, der, -e
495 annehmen
496 endlich
497 kriegen
498 Zukunft, die, -()-e
499 planen
500 Spiel, das, -e
(def. art.) the; (dem. pron.) that, those; (rel. pron) who, that
(conj.) and
Here you find the
(verb) to be; (aux./perfect tense) Tschirners A Freq
(prep.) in [variation: im in the]
(indef. art.) a, an; (pron.) one (of) They have a little
(prep.) to, at; (adv.) too all the articles as
(verb) to have; (aux./perfect tense) translation comin
(pers. pron.) I
(verb) to become; (aux./future tense); ; (aux./passive voice) If you want to lea
(pers. pron.) she, her (acc. form of sie [sing.]); they, them (acc.
form of sie [pl.]; Sie (pers. pron.) you (formal) * 1) Translate the
(prep.) from, of 2) Chose the mos
(adv.) not elephants drink m
(prep.) with keeper. ;-) - But d
(pers. pron.) it are the most imp
(refl. pron.) -self 3) Create sentenc
(adv.) also, too 4) Repeat the sen
(prep.) on, at, in
If you stick to 3
(prep.) for
So go for it.
(prep.) at, on [variation: am at/on the]
(pers. pron.) he
(adv.) so; thus, this way, such
(conj.) that
(verb) can, to be able
(det. /pron.) this, that
(conj.) as, when; (adv.) than
(pers. pron.) you (pl., familiar), her (dat. form of sie [sing.]);
(poss. adj.) her, their, hers, theirs (poss. form of sie [sing.], sie
[pl.]); Ihr (poss. adj.) your (formal, poss. form of Sie)
(adv.) yes; certainly, really
(adv.) how; as
(prep.) by, with, at
(conj.) or
(pers. pron.) we
(conj.) but; (adv./flavoring particle)
(adv.) then
(pron.) one, you
(adv.) there; (conj.) because
(poss. adj.) his, its (poss. form of er, es)
(adv.) still, yet
(prep.) after, toward
(pron.) what
(adv.) so, therefore
(prep.) out, out of, from
(pron.) all
(conj.) if, when
(adv.) only
(verb) to have to, must
(verb) to say
(prep.) around, at [variation: um zu in order to]
(prep.) above, over, about
(verb) to do, make
(pron.) no, not a/an
(noun) year
(pron.) you (familiar, sing.)
(poss. adj.) my (poss. form of ich)
(adv.) already; (adv./flavoring particle)
(prep.) in front of, before, ago
(prep.) through
(verb) to give
(adv.) more
(adj./pron.) other
(adj./pron.) much, a lot, many
(verb) to come
(adv.) now
(verb) should, ought to
(pers. pron.) [to/for] me (dat. form of ich)
(verb) to want
(adj.) whole, all the; (adv.) quite
(pers. pron.) me (acc. form of ich)
(adv.) always
(verb) to go
(adv.) very
(adv) here
(adv.) however, still; (adv./flavoring particle)
(prep./conj.) until
(adj.) big, large, great
(adv.) again
(noun) time; mal (conj.) times [math]; (part.) time(s); once; just

(num.) two
(adj.) good
(verb) to know
(adj.) new
(verb) to see
(verb) to let, allow, have (something) done
(pers. pron.) us (acc., dat. form of wir)
(conj.) because
(prep.) under
(conj.) because; (part.) (used in questions to tone down
(verb) to stand
(det./pron.) every, each
(noun) example
(noun) time
(adj.) first
(pers. pron.) him, it (dat. form of er, es)
(pers. pron.) him (acc. form of er)
(adv.) where
(adj.) long; lange (adv.) for a long time
(adv.) actually; (adj.) actual, real
(adv.) with it; (conj.) so that
(pron.) -self; (adv.) even
(poss. adj.) our (poss. of wir)
(adv.) above, up there
(num.) three
(adj.) few; (pron.) little, few
(noun) woman, wife, Mrs.
(noun) human being, person
(adj.) German; Deutsch das (noun) German (language)
(noun) child
(pron.) something, some, a little
(noun) day
(adv.) now
(verb) to find
(pron.) nothing
(verb) to stay
(conj.) but (on the contrary)
(adj.) small, little
(prep.) between
(adj.) old
(prep.) against
(verb) to lie
(prep.) without [variation: ohne zu without (doing
(adv.) no
(adv.) today
(adj.) wide, far
(verb) to be called
(verb) to think
(adv.) just now; (part.) just, simply, exactly
(adv.) first, only, not until; (part.) only now, already, more so
(adj./adv.) natural(ly), of course
(conj.) whether
(adj.) high
(pron.) both
(noun) man
(adj.) simple, easy; (part.) simply
(adv.) maybe, perhaps; (part.) maybe, really
(adv.) there
(adv.) with it; there, in the process
(adv.) once
(pers. pron.) [to/for] them (dat. form of sie [pl.]); Ihnen (pers.
pron.) [to/for] you (dat. form of Sie [pl.])
(det./pron.) which
(verb) to take
(verb) to do
(prep.) since, for (a period of time)
(verb) to be allowed, may
(verb) to believe
(verb) to stop, hold
(verb) to name, call (a thing/person something)
(noun) land, country, state
(adj.) last
(adj./adv.) same; right away, just
(det./pron.) such
(adv.) in addition, furthermore, to that
(verb) to like
(noun) question
(adv.) at all
(verb) to show
(verb) to lead
(adj.) possible
(verb) to speak
(prep.) during; (conj.) while, whereas
(noun) house

(adj.) ones own

(verb) to bring, take
(pl. noun) people
(adj.) beautiful, pleasant, good
(pron./adj.) a few, some
(adv.) already
(noun) work
(verb) to live
(verb) to drive, ride, go (by vehicle)
(verb) to think, have an opinion
(adj.) late
(adv.) about, approximately; (part.) perhaps
(interrog. pron.) who, whoever
(noun) percent
(verb) to ask
(adv.) just, just now; (adj.) straight
(adj.) important
(adv.) admittedly, to be precise

(adj./adv.) real(ly), actual(ly)

(verb) to know
(adj.) additional
(adj.) exact
(adj.) young
(verb) to be valid
(noun) city
(noun) gentleman, Mr.
(noun) part
(noun) problem
(noun) world
(adv.) however
(verb) to place, set (in a horizontal position)
(adv.) on it, to it
(pron.) little bit
(num.) four
(adv.) never
(verb) to play
(dem. pron./rel. pron.) [to/for] whom/that (dat. pl. form of die
(noun) right, law; recht (adj.) all right; (part.) rather
(verb) to work
(verb) to need
(verb) to follow
(verb) to learn
(noun) end
(adj.) short
(noun) million
(adj.) strong
(noun) school
(noun) week
(verb) to exist, insist, pass (an exam)
(adj.) right, correct
(pers. pron.) you [acc. form of du] 213. dafr
(adv.) for it
(conj.) as well as
(adv.) often

(adj.) different
(part.) just, simply
(noun) life
(adv.) though, indeed, certainly
(verb) to understand
(adv.) almost
(adv.) well; (part.) probably
(poss. adj./poss. pron.) your [poss. form of du]
(adj.) special, certain

(verb) to set, place, put

(adv.) at all, generally
(noun) reason, basis
(adj.) better
(pers. pron.) [to/for] you (dat. form of du)
(adj.) fast
(verb) to get, receive
(adv.) gladly
(noun) eye
(adj.) safe, secure, certain
(adv.) from it, about it, thereof
(verb) to begin
(verb) to narrate, tell
(verb) to try, attempt
(adv.) especially

(prep.) beside, next to

(verb) to write
(adv.) why
(adj.) next
(verb) to run
(noun) money
(verb) to explain
(noun) thing
(noun) kind, type
(adj.) political
(verb) to correspond to (+ dat. obj.)
(adj.) clear
(adj.) difficult, heavy
(noun) area, region
(adv.) alone
(adv.) hardly
(noun) way
(verb) to sit, to be sitting
(noun) hour
(adj.) individual
(adv.) for that reason
(dem. pron./rel. pron.) whose (gen. form of die [pl.])
(verb) to pull, move
(part.) well
(bzw.) (conj.) and/or
(adv.) even, in fact
(noun) name
(adv.) back then
(num.) five
(noun) history, story
(prep.) because of
(noun) society, company
(verb) to shine, seem, appear
(adv.) above it, about it
(verb) to fall
(noun) head
(verb) to belong to
(verb) to originate
(adj.) well-known
(verb) to receive
(noun) pair, couple; paar (pron.) few, couple
(adj.) light, easy
(noun) possibility
(verb) to meet
(prep.) behind
(adv.) otherwise
(adv.) on it
(noun) enterprise, company
(adv.) further
(verb) to search, look for
(noun) picture
(n0un) book
(verb) to put, lay (in a horizontal position)
(noun) water
(noun) place
(verb) to introduce, imagine
(noun) form, shape
(verb) to deal, trade
(noun) mark (former unit of German currency)
(noun) development
(noun) month
(verb) to reach, achieve
(pred. adj./adv.) different(ly)
(adv.) in the end, finally
(verb) to carry, wear
(adv.) earlier, more likely, rather
(noun) family
(noun) morning; morgen (adv.) tomorrow
(adv.) ever, each
(noun) evening
(num.) ten
(adv.) in it, inside
(adj.) round; (adv.) approximately
(noun) assignment, task, job
(adj.) free
(noun) university
(verb) to manage; to create
(noun) sense, meaning
(adj.) early
(verb) to read
(noun) state
(noun) goal, destination
(prep.) opposite
(noun) friend
(noun) theme, topic, subject
(adj.) different
(adv.) from there, therefore
(noun) person
(adj.) bad
(noun) euro (unit of currency of the EU)
(conj.) although
(noun) night
(verb) to lose
(noun) thing
(adj.) clear
(adj.) general
(adj.) room, space
(noun) look, view, glance
(adj.) only, single
(verb) to depict, portray
(noun) place, room, square
(noun) number
(adj.) common, mutual
(adj.) near, close; (prep.) near, close to
(noun) system
(noun) clock
(dem. pron. / rel. pron.) whose (gen. form of der, das)
(pl. noun) parents
(verb) to recognize
(verb) to develop
(adv.) earlier, in former times
(noun) street
(verb) to talk
(adj.) full
(verb) to appear, look (a certain way)
(verb) to appear
(adj./pron.) several
(noun) minute
(adv.) first, at first, for now
(noun) group
(noun) value; wert (adj.) worth
(noun) face
(adv.) somehow
(noun) language
(verb) to form, educate
(adv.) through it, as a result
(adj.) direct, straight
(adj.) international
(adj.) social
(verb) to begin
(adj.) best
(adv.) until now
(verb) to expect
(noun) beginning
(adv.) namely
(det./pron.) that, those
(verb) to live
(adj.) red
(adj.) open
(noun) place, town, location
(part.) well
(noun) moment
(verb) to affect, concern
(adj.) most
(verb) to wait
(noun) result, consequence, series
(prep.) from
(adj.) special
(adj.) certain
(noun) interest
(adv.) sometimes
(noun) billion
(noun) role
(pron.) someone
(verb) to elapse (time); to decay
(adj.) public
(noun) door
(noun) pupil, student (primary and secondary level)
(noun) meaning
(noun) text
(part.) oh
(noun) result
(verb) to help
(noun) war
(num.) six
(pron.) nobody
(verb) to win
(adj.) half
(verb) to close
(noun) way, manner
(noun) government
(adj./adv.) probable; probably
(adj.) European
(noun) piece
(noun) apartment
(verb) to feel
(noun) conversation
(verb) to offer
(verb) to interest; sich interessieren to be interested
(adj.) essential, fundamental
(verb) to remind; sich erinnern to remember
(noun) meter
(adv.) (in a direction) away from
(noun) dot, point, period
(noun) situation
(adj.) similar
(verb) to result in, yield
(adv.) against it, on the other hand
(adj.) frequent
(noun) teacher
(verb) to offer
(adv.) just as, as much as, as well
(verb) to study
(adv.) after it, afterwards
(noun) price, prize
(noun) illustration
(noun) concept, idea, term
(noun) function
(verb) to connect, link
(adv.) quite, fairly
(verb) to look at, watch
(noun) ground, floor, bottom
(verb) to lack, to be missing, be absent (+ dat. obj.)
(noun) century
(noun) son
(noun) work; factory
(verb) to mean
(adj.) black
(verb) to compare
(adv.) besides, in addition
(adv.) in the meantime
(adv.) immediately
(verb) to climb, increase
(noun) voice
(num.) eight
(adj./adv.) sudden(ly)
(noun) frame, framework
(noun) direction
(adj.) complete
(verb) to use
(noun) program, schedule
(noun) fear, anxiety
(adj.) low (amount/level), small
(noun) information
(noun) art
(noun) music
(verb) to look
(adj.) difficult
(noun) politics
(verb) to leave
(det./pron.) some, many a
(adv.) soon
(verb) to put in, insert
(noun) occupation, job, profession
(adj.) practical
(verb) to change
(adv.) enough
(adj./adv.) personal(ly)
(verb) to grow
(verb) to go out; assume
(noun) rule
(noun) step
(adj.) -year-old
(noun) sales; paragraph; heel
(verb) to happen, occur (+ dat. obj.)
(noun) god; God
(noun) car
(verb) to describe
(noun) relation, relationship
(noun) experience
(noun) table
(verb) to accept, assume
(adv.) finally, at last
(verb) to get, receive
(noun) future
(verb) to plan
(noun) game
Here you find the 500 most common German words - from a different source (Randall Jon
Tschirners A Frequency Dictionary of German. Core Vocabulary for Learners).

They have a little bit a different form of sorting and calculating the frequency (for exampl
all the articles as one word). But non the less, it is very helpful for they have already a go
translation coming with them.

If you want to learn them the most efficient way, do following:

* 1) Translate them (already done for your here) *

2) Chose the most important words for you and your life (not all words are equal. Even th
elephants drink milk would be a proper phrase, it won't be any use for you - unless you a
keeper. ;-) - But don't skip the 100 most common ones, even though they are really short
are the most important ones).
3) Create sentences, that make sense to you.
4) Repeat the sentences (you can do that with traditional flash-cards, or programs like bra

If you stick to 30 words ~ 3-5 sentences per day, you master this vocabulary in
So go for it.
n words - from a different source (Randall Jones & Erwin
n. Core Vocabulary for Learners).

ng and calculating the frequency (for example: they use

s, it is very helpful for they have already a good

way, do following:

ere) *
and your life (not all words are equal. Even though The
ase, it won't be any use for you - unless you are a zoo-
mon ones, even though they are really short ones, they

th traditional flash-cards, or programs like brainscape).

s per day, you master this vocabulary in 1 Month.

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