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The Cultural Landscape by Rubenstein

Chapter 8: Political Geography

Key Issue 4:Why Do States Cooperate and Compete with

Each Other? Pages 286-295
1. Why is the idea of two superpowers a relatively new one?
- Prior to WWI there were 8 great powers that made temporary alliances

2. Define balance of power:

- Equal strength between opposing alliances

3. Describe the purpose of NATO.

- Military alliance of 16 democratic states to prevent Soviet Union from
overrunning smaller countries
4. Describe the purpose of the former Warsaw Pact countries.
- The treaty signed in 1945 by 8 states that formed an alliance of the
Eastern European countries behind the Iron Curtain
5. When was the European Union (EU) formed?
- 1958

6. By what states?
- Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Italy & West Germany

7. For what purpose?

- Designed to heal (rebuild) Western Europe economically after WWII

8. What are some important changes in recent years?

- Removed barriers to free trade; Introduction of Euro as common currency;
Created Europe as worlds wealthiest market

9. Briefly explain the Eurozone Crisis.

- All countries in Europe went to one currency to compete with the US, but
soon the value was lost

10. Complete the chart on notable non-military regional organizations.

Regional Members Purpose
OSCE (Organization 56 members including Organization for Security and
on Security and most of Europe, Cooperation in Europe and is
Cooperation in Kazakhstan and several concerned with early warning,
Europe) other states in Central conflict prevention, crisis
Asia, Canada and US management and post-conflict

OAS (Organization All 35 western Promotes social, cultural,

of American States) hemisphere states political & economic links
except Cuba among members
AU (African Union) 53 African countries Promoting economic
integration in Africa
The Cultural Landscape by Rubenstein
Chapter 8: Political Geography

The Commonwealth United Kingdom & 52 Economic & cultural

other states once under cooperation
British control

11. By definition, what is terrorism?

- Systematic use of violence by a group against civilians to achieve a
political goal by instilling fear and frightening governments into changing

12. List typical methods/acts of terrorists.

- Spread of fear through: bombing, kidnapping, hijacking, taking hostages,
assassination, etc.

1. Why is terrorism different from other acts of political violence?

- Attacks are aimed at ordinary people instead of military targets or
political leaders

13. List some places in which Americans were attacked by terrorists in the late
20th century and early 21st century.
- 1993 World Trade Center; 1995 Oklahoma City bombing; 1998 U.S.
embassies in Kenya & Tanzania

14. Identify each of the following terms as they relate to the terrorist
organization known as Al-Qaeda.
a. Osama bin-Laden:
- Founder of Al-Qaeda which was responsible for Sept. 11, 2001 attacks

b. Afghanistan:
- Bin-Ladens place of residence where he supported fight against Soviet
govt in 1980s and returned in 1990s

c. Yemen & Somalia:

- Where bin-Laden instigated attacks against U.S. troops

d. the base:
- The foundation; another name for Al-Qaeda

e. fatwa:
- Religious decree that Muslims had a duty to wage a holy war against U.S.

15. In what ways does Al-Qaeda, its religious and political views, and its
methods pose a challenge to Muslims?
- How to express disagreements with U.S. govt policies yet renounce

16. In what ways does Al-Qaeda, its religious and political views, and its
methods pose a challenge to Americans?
The Cultural Landscape by Rubenstein
Chapter 8: Political Geography

- Ability to distinguish difference between peaceful but unfamiliar practices

& principles of Muslims & abuse of Islam by terrorists
17. List three ways in which states (particularly in the Middle East in recent
decades) have given support to terrorists.
- Sanctuary, Supplying Weapons, Planning attacks using terrorists

18. Note in which of the above ways each of the following states has
supported terrorism and then briefly describe it.
State Type of Support Brief Summary of Issues

Afghanistan Provided Sanctuary Taliban sheltered bin-Laden &

Pakistan Sanctuary Sheltered bin-Laden

Iraq Supplying Weapons Belief by U.S. that they were creating

weapons of mass destruction
Iran Provided Sanctuary Believed by U.S. to have harbored
members of Al-Qaeda

Libya Planning attacks using - Libyan govt sponsored bombing of

terrorists German nightclub - Libyans planted
bombs that killed people on Pan Am
flight over Scotland & UTA flight over

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