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Ieee Ines) Naa cna CN MUI 2 z 8 2 5 € DOCUMENTEUR | A OUTSIDE AND IN ‘Aants Varda spent the 18708 back in France, making fms lke the documentary Dapuerreotre 975), bout shopkeepers on erste oP, ana the ‘rama Ove Sings the Other Does (976), set apsnst the women's movement ‘She retumed to Los Angele in 1979, to make a fim for & French production Company based on» yearfe case n which a polceman hod shot aman onan x Steet, evden for being naked, But the projec fel through leaving the fimmaier stated and unmoarea and ving n'a Venice Beach house with ther dever-year-old om Mathieu, Compounding her sense of isolation was the ‘act that she had temporary separetea fom er husband, Jacques Dery Fusled ty these dlsappointments she made Mur Murs (1960) and Documenteur (638), 8 documentary and a work of ftion that are racealyinerconnected Sse tins budgeted fime show Varda atthe height of her intellectual anc Zosthotie powers each reflective of her ufaggingInuisiveness and the Senator she was experiencing, Mur Mars elegantly survey the color large ‘Sle murals tat make Loe Angeles into plytul, multeutra outdoor galery ‘3: the fim progresses though, reveals self fo aso bea topography ofthe {brawling cys Yecil and solologieallandscape—many ofthe mural 6 (SSted h Morican amencan and Arcan American communis an function [pubic expression of ther marginalization, Decurenteur on to other hand, ‘Sian obtracied drama with a calmly observant documentary Tee concerns 2 dvorced mother Emile, nd her young son, Maran, who lead a secluded ‘uistene Ina house by the bench as thet were personal enought ead ‘Stor Sibine Marnou, was the ector of Mur Murs an Mart played By Mathieu Dom. (auing the fim rl more sltretiexve, Emile a secretary or 8 fim corpany asked atone aint nthe story to record vace-over narration fora mrie that clearly Mur Murs) ‘As Vords has expliined, bur Mis" portrait ofthe city thyough what i shown inthe Steet-puim tees and sun and all there murs and everybody expressing ‘hemssies' Documenteurle "he shadow ofthe fst one what you dont Seen Los Angeles the nowhere cy inside the ety" What ou don se the, ‘Sinteorty Mur lars is atout the power of mega: Documenteur which Varda Subttloc An Emotion Ptr scancerned wth thoughts and werd, often, ‘xpressed into in character's meditative voice-over‘ Whe the former offers 2 Seong soee of etvenched communi, n the later te cy 3 Word of ‘orcloners ond transients, Mur Muse ich with brant esr, Documenteurs ‘most recent mage is placid fanely beac seen though a window. ‘As Documenteurs punning ttle suggest in French, menteur means ar) 2 fimenaker i never entry teling the truth, even ns documentary. Truth may be este, evon mpcssiia, but Varda has nevertheless always sought at an rst ond her Caforna fm are enience of how for aie that serch can {ake one in 201, Vards used svipe of cello from an ld pent of ons Love (Cara Lie te construct tha walls and celing of» cabana for an instalation Scthe Los Angeles County Mussum of Ar Ariel ight steamed trough the {tonslucane wala evoking the sometimes harsh quay ofthe Calforra saan Iason realty, ke s0 much m her fms. =k

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