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The Lagrangian Relaxation Method for Solving Integer Programming Problems

Author(s): Marshall L. Fisher

Source: Management Science, Vol. 50, No. 12, Ten Most Influential Titles of "Management
Science's" First Fifty Years (Dec., 2004), pp. 1861-1871
Published by: INFORMS
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Accessed: 26/03/2010 13:32

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Vol.50,No. 12Supplement,
December2004,pp. 1861-1871 DOI10.1287/mnsc.1040.0263
1526-550110415012S11861 c 2004 INFORMS

The Lagrangian Relaxation Method for

Solving Integer Programming Problems

Marshall L. Fisher
University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania

One of the most computationallyuseful ideas of the 1970sis the observationthat many hard integerprogram-
ming problems can be viewed as easy problems complicatedby a relatively small set of side constraints.
Dualizing the side constraintsproduces a Lagrangianproblem that is easy to solve and whose optimal value
is a lower bound (for minimizationproblems) on the optimal value of the original problem. The Lagrangian
problemcan thus be used in place of a linearprogrammingrelaxationto provide bounds in a branchand bound
algorithm.This approachhas led to dramaticallyimproved algorithmsfor a number of importantproblems in
the areas of routing, location, scheduling, assignment and set covering. This paper is a review of Lagrangian
relaxationbased on what has been learned in the last decade.
Keywords:programming:integer algorithms;programming:integer algorithmbranch and bound;
programming:integer algorithms,heuristic
History: Accepted by Donald Erlenkotter,special editor;received June 13, 1979. This paper has been with the
author 5 months for 1 revision.

1. Introduction philosophically-related device of generating columns

It is well known that combinatorial optimization by solving an easy combinatorial optimization prob-
problems come in two varieties. There is a small num- lem when pricing out in the simplex method (Gilmore
ber of "easy" problems which can be solved in time and Gomory 1963). However, the "birth" of the
bounded by a polynomial in the input length and Lagrangian approach as it exists today occurred
an all-too-large class of "hard" problems for which in 1970 when Held and Karp (1970, 1971) used a
all known algorithms require exponential time in the Lagrangian problem based on minimum spanning
worst-case. Among the hard problems, there are "eas- trees to devise a dramatically successful algorithm for
ier hard" problems, like the knapsack problem, that the traveling salesman problem. Motivated by Held
have pseudo-polynomial algorithms that run in poly- and Karp's success Lagrangian methods were applied
nomial time if certain numbers in the problem data in the early 1970s to scheduling problems (Fisher
are bounded. 1973) and the general integer programming problem
One of the most computationally useful ideas of (Shapiro 1971, Fisher and Shapiro 1974). Lagrangian
the 1970s is the observation that many hard problems methods had gained considerable currency by 1974
can be viewed as easy problems complicated by a when Geoffrion (1974) coined the perfect name for
relatively small set of side constraints. Dualizing the this approach-"Lagrangian relaxation." Since then
side constraints produces a Lagrangian problem that the list of applications of Lagrangian relaxation has
is easy to solve and whose optimal value is a lower grown to include over a dozen of the most infa-
bound (for minimization problems) on the optimal mous combinatorial optimization problems. For most
value of the original problem. The Lagrangian prob- of these problems. Lagrangian relaxation has pro-
lem can thus be used in place of a linear programming vided the best existing algorithm for the problem
relaxation to provide bounds in a branch and bound and has enabled the solution of problems of practical
algorithm. As we shall see, the Lagrangian approach size.
offers a number of important advantages over linear This paper is a review of Lagrangian relaxation
programming. based on what has been learned in the last decade.
There were a number of forays prior to 1970 into The reader is referred to Shapiro (1979a) for another
the use of Lagrangian methods in discrete optimiza- recent survey of Lagrangian relaxation from a some-
tion, including the Lorie-Savage (1955) approach to what different perspective. The recent book by
capital budgeting, Everett's proposal for "general- Shapiro (1979b) marks the first appearance of the term
izing" Lagrange multipliers (Everett 1963) and the Lagrangian relaxation in a textbook.
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Methodfor SolvingIntegerProgramming
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2. Basic Constructions and bound algorithm for (P). While this is the most
We begin with a combinatorialoptimization problem obvious use of (LRu),it has a number of other uses.
formulated as the integer program It can be a medium for selecting branching vari-
ables and choosing the next branch to explore. Good
Z = min cx feasible solutions to (P) can frequently be obtained
s.t. Ax = b, by perturbing nearly feasible solutions to (LR,).
Finally,Lagrangianrelaxationhas been used recently
Dx < e
(Cornuejolset al. 1977, Fisher et al. 1979) as an ana-
x > 0 and integral. (P) lytic tool for establishing worst-case bounds on the
performanceof certainheuristics.
where x is n x 1,b is m x 1, e is k xl and all
other matrices have conformable dimensions. Let
(LP) denote problem (P) with the integrality con-
3. Example
straint on x relaxed, and let ZLP denote the optimal The generalized assignment problem is an excel-
value of (LP). lent example for illustrating Lagrangian relaxation
We assume that the constraints of (P) have been because it is rich with readily apparentstructure.The
partitionedinto the two sets Ax = b and Dx < e so as generalized assignment problem (GAP) is the integer
to make it easy to solve the Lagrangianproblem program
ZD(u)= min cx+u(Ax - b),
Z = minE cijx (1)
i=1 j=1
Dx e,
and integral,
x > 0 and integral, (LRu)
Ex, = l, j=1,...,n, (2)
where u = (u,..., Urn,)is a vector of Lagrange multi- n
pliers. By "easy to solve" we of course mean easy rel- i=
ative to (P). For all applicationsof which I am aware, j=1
b,, 1,..., m, (3)
the Lagrangianproblem has been solvable in polyno- E-aijxi
mial or pseudo-polynomial time. xi1= 0 or_<
1, all i and j. (4)
For convenience we assume that (P) is feasible and
that the set X = {x IDx < e, x > 0 and integrall of fea- There are two natural Lagrangian relaxations for
sible solutions to (LRu)is finite. Then ZD(u) is finite the generalized assignment problem. The first is
for all u. It is straightforwardto extend the develop- obtained by dualizing constraints(2).
ment when these assumptions are violated or when mn n M

inequality constraints are included in the set to be ZD1(u) = minEE cijxi + E Exi- 1
dualized. i=lj=1
j=1 i=l
It is well known that <Z. This is easy to
solution x* to (P) and subjectto (3) and (4)
show by assuming an optimal ZD(u)_
m n n
observing that = min : E(cij + U)xij -
ZD(u)< cx*+ u(Ax*- b) = Z.
i=1j=1 j=1

subjectto (3) and (4). (LR1,)

The inequality in this relation follows from the def-
inition of ZD(u) and the equality from Z = cx* and This problem reduces to m 0-1 knapsack problems
Ax* - b = 0. If Ax = b is replaced by Ax < b in (P), and can thus be solved in time proportional to
then we require u > 0 and the argumentbecomes n Em, bi.
The second relaxationis obtainedby dualizing con-
ZD(u)< cx*+ u(Ax*- b)< Z straints (3) with v > 0.
where the second inequality follows from Z = cx*, mn n Mr n
u > 0 and Ax* - b < O0.Similarly, for Ax > b we require ZD2(v) = minEE 1+ -
cxijXij vi Eaijxij bi
u <O0for ZD(U) Z to hold. i=1j=1 i= i=1
We will discuss in a later section methods for deter-
subjectto (2) and (4)
mining u. In general, it is not possible to guarantee n m
finding u for which ZD(u)= Z, but this frequently = min
happens for particularproblem instances. (cij + viaij)xi --sEvibi
j=1 i=e i=1
The fact that ZD(u)< Z allows (LRu)to be used in
place of (LP) to provide lower bounds in a branch subjectto (2) and (4). (LR2v)
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RelaxationMethodfor SolvingIntegerProgramming
ManagementScience50(12S),pp. 1861-1871,@2004INFORMS 1863

This relaxation is defined for v > 0, which is a theoreticalresults that have been obtained for specific
necessary condition for ZD2(v)< Z to hold. Since con- applications.
straints (2) are generalized upper bound (GUB) con-
straints,we will call a problem like (LR2t)a 0-1 GUB
problem. Such a problem is easily solved in time pro- 5. Existing Applications
portional to nm by determining + viaij) for Table 1 is a compilation of the applications of
each j and setting the associatedxijmini(cij
= 1. Remainingxij Lagrangianrelaxation of which I am aware. I have
are set to zero. not attempted to include algorithms, like those
given in Bilde and Krarup (1977) and Camerini and
Maffioli(1978),that are describedwithout referenceto
4. Issues Lagrangianrelaxation,but can be described in terms
A little thought about using (LR1,) or within of Lagrangianrelaxationwith sufficient insight. Nor
a branch and bound algorithm for the generalized have I included referencesdescribing applications of
assignmentproblemquicklybrings to mind a number the algorithms in Table 1. For example, Mulvey and
of issues that need to be resolved. Foremost among Crowder (1979) describe a successful application of
these is: the Lagrangianrelaxationin Cornuejolset al. (1977)to
(1) How will we select an appropriatevalue for u? a specialized uncapacitatedlocation problem involv-
A closely related question is:
ing data clustering. Finally, the breadth and devel-
(2) Can we find a value for u for which ZD(u) is
oping nature of this field makes it certain that other
equal to or nearly equal to Z? omissions exist. I would be happy to learn of any
The generalized assignment problem also shows
that different Lagrangianrelaxations can be devised applications that I have overlooked.
This list speaks for itself in terms of the range of
for the same problem. Comparing (LR1u)and hard problemsthathave been addressedand the types
we see that the first is harderto solve but might pro-
of embedded structuresthat have been exploited in
vide better bounds. Thereis also the question of how
either of these relaxationscompareswith the LP relax- Lagrangian problems. Most of these structures are
well-known but two require comment. The pseudo-
ation. This leads us to ask:
polynomial dynamic programmingproblems arising
(3) How can we choose between competing relax- in scheduling are similar to the 0-1 knapsack prob-
ations, i.e., different Lagrangianrelaxations and the lem if we regard the scheduling horizon as the knap-
linear programmingrelaxation?
sack size and the set of jobs to be scheduled as the
Lagrangianrelaxationsalso can be used to provide set of items available for packing. The notation VUB
good feasible solutions. For example, a solution to stands for "variableupper bound" (Schrage1975)and
(LR2v)will be feasible in the generalized assignment denotes a problem structurein which some variables
problem unless the "weight"of items assigned to one are upperbounded by other 0-1 variables.An example
or more of the "knapsacks"corresponding to con-
straints (3) exceeds the capacity bi. If this happens, of this structureis given in j7.
we could reassign items from overloaded knapsacks
to other knapsacks,perhaps using a variant of a bin-
6. Determining u
packing heuristic, to attempt to achieve primal feasi- It is clear that the best choice for u would be an opti-
bility. In general we would like to know: mal solution to the dual problem
(4) How can (LRu)be used to obtain feasible solu-
tions for (P)?
How good are these solutions likely to be? ZD= max ZD(u) (D)
Finally,we note that the ultimate use of Lagrangian Most schemes for determining u have as their objec-
relaxation is for fathoming in a branch and bound
tive finding optimal or near optimal solutions to (D).
algorithm, which leads us to ask:
Problem (D) has a number of important structural
(5) How can the lower and upper bounding capa-
bilities of the Lagrangian problem be integrated properties that make it feasible to solve. We have
within branch and bound? assumed that the set X = {x IDx < e, x > 0 and
The remainder of this paper is organized around integral}of feasible solutions for (LR,) is finite, so we
can representX as X = {xt, t = 1,..., T}. This allows
these five issues, which arise in any application of
us to express (D) as the following linearprogramwith
Lagrangian relaxation. A separate section is devoted
to each one. In some cases (issues (1) and (3)) gen- many constraints.
eral theoretical results are available. But more often,
the "answers" to the questions we have posed must ZD = max w,
be extrapolated from computational experience or w
cx't + u(Axt - b), t = 1,..., T. (D)
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Relaxation Problems
Methodfor SolvingIntegerProgramming
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Table1 ofLagrangian
Applications Relaxation
Problem Researchers Lagrangian
Symmetric HeldandKarp(1970,1971) Spanningtree
andKrarup (1974) Spanningtree
Asymmetric Bazarra
andGoode(1977) Spanningtree
Symmetric BalasandChristofides
(1976) Perfect
Asymmetric BalasandChristofides
(1976) Assignment
nImWeighted Fisher
(1973) Pseudo-polynomial
1 Machine tardiness
weighted Fisher
(1976) DP
Power systems
generation Muckstadt
(1977) DP
Unboundedvariables Fisher
andShapiro(1974) Group
Unboundedvariables Burdet
andJohnson (1977) Group
0-1variables etal.(1978)
Etcheberry 0-1GUB
Uncapacitated etal.(1977)
Cornuejols 0-1VUB
(1978) 0-1VUB
Capacitated andMcBride
Geoffrion (1978) 0-1VUB
Databases networks Fisher
andHochbaum (1980) 0-1VUB
RossandSoland (1975) Knapsack
ChalmetandGelders(1976) 0-1GUB
etal.(1980) Knapsack
Covering Etcheberry
(1977) 0-1GUB
Partitioning andWeber
Nemhauser (1978) Matching

The LP dual of (D) is a linear program with many An m-vectory is called a subgradientof ZD(u)at i
columns. if it satisfies
ZD(u) < ZD(i) + y(u - U), for all u.
ZD= min tA,cxt,
It's apparent that ZD(u) is subdifferentiableevery-
where. The vector (Axt - b) is a subgradient at any
ZAtAxt = b, u for which xt solves (LRu).Any other subgradient
is a convex combinationof these primitive subgradi-
ents. Withthis perspective,the well-known result that
At= 1,
t=l u* and A*are optimal for (D) and (P) if and only if
At > O, t= T. (P)
they are feasible and satisfy a complementaryslack-
1,... ness condition can be seen to be equivalent to the
Problem(P) with At requiredto be integralis equiv- obvious fact that u* is optimal in (D) if and only if 0
alent to (P), although (P) and (LP) generally are not is a subgradientof ZD(u)at u*.
equivalent problems. Stimulated in large part by applications in
Both (D) and (P) have been important constructs Lagrangianrelaxation, the field of nondifferentiable
in the formulationof algorithmsfor (D). Problem (D) optimization using subgradientshas recentlybecome
makes it apparentthat ZD(u)is the lower envelope of an important topic of study in its own right with
a finite family of linear functions. The form of ZD(u) a large and growing literature.Our review of algo-
is shown in Figure 1 for m = 1 and T = 4. The func- rithms for (D) will be brief and limited to the fol-
tion ZD(u)has all the nice properties,like continuity lowing three approaches that have been popular
and concavity,that make life easy for a hill-climbing in Lagrangian relaxation applications: (1) the sub-
algorithm, except one-differentiability. The function gradient method, (2) various versions of the sim-
is nondifferentiableat any ii where (LR,) has multi- plex method implemented using column generation
ple optima. Although it is differentiablealmost every- techniques, and (3) multiplier adjustment methods.
where, it generally is nondifferentiableat an optimal Fisher et al. (1975) and Held et al. (1974) contain
point. general discussions on the solution of (D) within the
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RelaxationMethodfor SolvingIntegerProgramming
ManagementScience50(12S),pp. 1861-1871,02004 INFORMS 1865

Figure TheForm

w= Cx2+u(Ax2-b) -w=cX4 +

xw= cx3+u(Ax3 - b)


context of Lagrangianrelaxation.Balinski and Wolff of proving optimality in the subgradientmethod. To

(1975) is a good general source on nondifferentiable resolve this difficulty, the method is usually termi-
optimization. nated upon reaching an arbitraryiterationlimit.
The subgradient method is a brazen adaptation of Usually uo = 0 is the most natural choice but in
the gradient method in which gradients are replaced some cases one can do better.The generalized assign-
by subgradients.Given an initial value uo a sequence ment problemis a good example. Assuming ci > 0 for
Suk} is generatedby the rule all ij, the solution x = 0 is optimal in (LR1u)for any
u satisfying ui < cijfor all i and j. Setting u9 = mini cij
uk+l= uk+ tk(Axk- b) is thus a naturalchoice. It is clearly better than uo= 0
and, in fact, maximizes the lower bound over all u for
where xk is an optimal solution to (LRk) and tk is which x = 0 is optimal in (LR1,).
a positive scalar step size. Because the subgradient Another class of algorithms for (D) is based on
method is easy to program and has worked well applying a variant of the simplex method to (P),
on many practicalproblems, it has become the most and generating an appropriate entering variable on
popular method for (D). There have also been many each iteration by solving (LR0),where ii is the cur-
papers, such as Camerini et al. (1975), that suggest rent value of the simplex multipliers.Of course, using
improvementsto the basic subgradientmethod. the primal simplex method with column generation
Computational performance and theoretical con- is an approach with a long history (Gilmore and
vergence properties of the subgradient method are Gomory 1963). However, this approach is known
discussed in Held et al. (1974) and their references, to converge very slowly and does not produce
and in several references on nondifferentiableopti- monotonically increasing lower bounds. These defi-
mization, particularlyGoffin (1977).The fundamental ciencies have prompted researchers to devise col-
theoretical result is that ZD(Uk) - ZD if tk - 0 and umn generation implementations of dual forms of
the simplex method, specifically the dual simplex
ti -- oo. The step size used most commonly in
=0 is
practice method (Fisher 1973) and the primal-dual simplex
- -
t, kZD(u'))
method (Fisher et al. 1975). The primal-dual sim-
IIAxk- b112 plex method can also be modified slightly to make it
the method of steepest ascent for (D). Hogan et al.
where Ak is a scalar satisfying 0 < Ak< 2 and Z* is a
(1975) and Marsten (1975) have had success with an
upper bound on ZD,frequentlyobtained by applying
a heuristic to (P). Justificationof this formula is given interesting modification of these simplex approaches
that they call BOXSTEP.Beginning at given uo, a
in Held et al. (1974). Often the sequence Ak is deter-
mined by setting A0= 2 and halving Ak whenever sequence uk} is generated.To obtain uk+lfrom uk,we
first solve (D) with the additional requirement that
ZD(u)has failed to increase in some fixed number of
lui - ukI
< for some fixed positive 8. Let jik denote
iterations. This rule has performed well empirically, the optimal solution to this problem. If lii - u-I < 8
even though it is not guaranteed to satisfy the suffi- for all i then jik is optimal in (D). Otherwise set
cient condition given above for optimal convergence. uk+1= uk + tk(iik - Uk)where tk is the scalarthat solves
Unless we obtain a uk for which ZD(Uk)equals the
cost of a known feasible solution, there is no way maxZD(Uk
+ t(i,k -_ k))
Fisher: TheLagrangian
Methodfor SolvingIntegerProgramming
1866 ManagementScience50(12S),pp. 1861-1871,@2004INFORMS

This line searchproblem is easily solved by Fibonacci for another location problem and found the method
methods. to work well, but not quite so well as the subgradient
Generally,the simplex-basedmethods are harderto method.
program and have not performed quite so well com- Fisher et al. (1980) have successfully developed
putationally as the subgradientmethod. They should a multiplier adjustment method for the generalized
not be counted out, however. Furtherresearchcould
assignment problemin which one multiplierat a time
produce attractive variants. We note also that the is increased. This method has led to a substantially
dual, primal-dual and BOXSTEPmethods can all be
used in tandem with the subgradientmethod by ini- improved algorithm for the generalized assignment
tiating them with a point determined by the subgra-
dient method. Using them in this fashion to finish off
a dual optimizationprobablybest exploits their com-
parative advantages. 7. How Good Are the Bounds?
The third approach, multiplier adjustment meth- The "answer"to this question that is available in the
ods, are specialized algorithmsfor (D) that exploit the literatureis completely problem specific and largely
structure of a particular application. In these meth- empirical. Most of the empirical results are summa-
ods, a sequence uk is generated by the rule uk+l = rized in Table 2. Each line of this table corresponds
uk + tkdk where tk is a positive scalar and dk is a to a paper on a particularapplication of Lagrangian
direction.To determine dkwe define a finite and usu- relaxation and gives the problem type, the source
ally small set of primitive directions S for which it is in which the computationalexperience is given, the
easy to evaluate the directional derivative of ZD(u). number of problems attempted, the percentage of
Usually directions in S involve changes in only one problems for which a u was discovered with ZD(u)=
or two multipliers. For directions in S, it should be
ZD= Z, and the average value of ZD(u*) x 100 divided
easy to determine the directionalderivative of ZD(u).
Directions in S are scanned in fixed order and dk by the average value of Z, where ZD(u*)denotes the
is taken to be either the first direction found along largest bound discovered for each problem instance.
which ZD(u) increases or the direction of steepest Except as noted for the generalized assignment prob-
ascent within S. The step size tkcan be chosen either lem, all samples included a reasonable number of
to maximize ZD(Uk+ tdk) or to take us to the firstpoint large problems. In some cases the sample included
at which the directionalderivative changes. If S con- significantly larger problems than had been previ-
tains no improving directionwe terminate,which, of ously attempted. Frequently,standard test problems
course, can happen prior to finding an optimal solu- known for their difficulty were included. Table 2 is
tion to (D). based on the results reportedin each referencefor all
Successful implementation of primitive-direction problems for which complete informationwas given.
ascent for a particular problem requires an artful Of course, Table 2 gives highly aggregated informa-
specification of the set S. S should be manageably tion, and interested readers are urged to consult the
small, but still include directions that allow ascent appropriatereferences.
to at least a near optimal solution. Held and Karp These results provide overwhelming evidence that
(1970) experimented with primitive-directionascent the bounds provided by Lagrangian relaxation are
in their early work on the traveling salesman prob- extremely sharp. It is natural to ask why Lagrangian
lem. They had limited success using a set S consisting bounds are so sharp. I am aware of only one analytic
of all positive and negative coordinate vectors. This result that even begins to answer this question. This
seemed to discourageother researchersfor some time, result was developed by Cornuejolset al. (1977) for
but recently Erlenkotter (1978) devised a multiplier
the K-median problem.
adjustment method for the Lagrangian relaxation Given n possible facilitylocations, m markets,and a
of the uncapacitated location problem given in
nonnegative value ci for serving market i from a facil-
Cornuejols et al. (1977) in the case where the number
of facilities located is unconstrained. Although dis- ity at location j, the K-median problem asks where
K facilities should be located to maximize total value.
covered independently, Erlenkotter's algorithm is a
variation on a method of Bilde and Krarup that was
first described in 1967 in a Danish working paper and
1, if a facility is placed in location j,
later published in English as Bilde and Krarup (1977).
While there has been no direct comparison, Erlenkot- YJ= 0, otherwise;
ter's method appears to perform considerably better
than the subgradient method. Fisher and Hochbaum = 1, if market i is served from location j,
(1980) have experimented with multiplier adjustment 0, otherwise.
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Methodfor SolvingIntegerProgramming
ManagementScience50(12S),pp. 1861-1871,@2004INFORMS 1867

Table2 Computational withLagrangian

Experience Relaxation
of of
problems with
problems Ave.ZD(u*)
type Source solved Z, = Z Ave.Z
Symmetric HeldandKarp
(1971) 18 55.5 99.5
Asymmetric Bazarra
andGoode(1977) 8 0.0 97.5
n/mWeighted tardiness Fisher
(1973) 8 37.5 96.2
1 Machine
weightedtardiness Fisher
(1976) 63 49.2 99.6
systems Muckstadt
andKoenig(1977) 15 0.0 98.9
IP Fisher
etal.(1975) 11 0.0 83.2
Uncapacitated etal.(1977)
Cornuejols 33 66.6 99.9
Capacitated andMcBride
Geoffrion (1978) 6 50.0 99.4
Databases networks Fisher
andHochbaum (1980) 29 51.7 95.9
Lagrangian* 1
relaxation ChalmetandGelders(1976) 249** 96.0 99.8
Lagrangian* 1 Fisher
etal.(1980) 15 80.0 98.6
Lagrangian* 2
relaxation ChalmetandGelders(1976) 249** 0.0 69.1
*Seer3 fora definition
ofLagrangian 1 and2.
Thelargesthadm = 9 andn = 17.

If yj = 0 we must have xij = 0 for all i. Thus the Hence, defining -5 = Em max(0, cij+ ui) optimal yj's
K-median problem can be formulated as the integer must solve
program n
m n E cji,
Z = max E cijxij, (5) i=1
i=1 j=1 n

y = Oorl, j=1,...,n,

Ey = K, (7) which is a trivial problem.

Let ZD = and assume ZD > 0. Cornuejols
minu ZD(u)

0 xij< yj ! 1, for all i and j, et al. (1977)proved that

< (8)
xij and yj integral, for all i and j. (9) 1
(ZD- Z)/ ZD< - K-lK
K < e-
A Lagrangianrelaxation is obtained by dualizing
constraints(6). and exhibited examples that show this bound to be

= max E
m n
m M
the best possible.
This is an interesting first step towards under-
ZD(u) cijxij Ui ij
i=1j=l i=1 i=1 standing why Lagrangianrelaxationhas worked well
on so many problems. Further study of this type is
subjectto (7), (8) and (9) needed to understandand better exploit the power of
m n m
= max Z (cij + ui)xij - Lagrangianrelaxation.
i=1 j=1 i=1

subjectto (7), (8) and (9).

8. Selecting Between Competing
This problem has the 0-1 VUB structuredescribed Two properties are important in evaluating a relax-
in g4. To solve, we first observe that the VUB con- ation: the sharpness of the bounds produced and
straints (8) and the objectiveof the Lagrangianprob- the amount of computation required to obtain
lem imply that these bounds. Usually selecting a relaxationinvolves
a tradeoff between these two properties; sharper
S y, if ci + ui bounds requiremore time to compute. It is generally
0, difficult to know whether a relaxation with sharper
Fisher: TheLagrangian
Methodfor SolvingIntegerProgramming
1868 ManagementScience50(12S),pp. 1861-1871,u2004 INFORMS

bounds but greatercomputation time will result in a (By LP duality) = min cx

branch and bound algorithm with better overall per-
formance. However, it is usually possible to at least s.t. Ax =b, Dx > e,
compare the bounds and computation requirements = ZLP.
for differentrelaxations.This will be demonstratedfor
the generalized assignment example.
This logic also reveals a sufficient condition for
Two Lagrangian relaxations, (LR1,) and (LR2,),
were defined for this problem. The linear program- ZD = ZLP.Namely, ZD = ZLP whenever ZD(u) is not
increased by removing the integrality restriction on
ming relaxation of formulation (1)-(4) provides a x from the constraints of the Lagrangian problem.
third relaxation.
Consider first the computational requirementsfor Geoffrion(1974)calls this the integralityproperty.
each relaxation.We know that solving (LR1,) requires Applying these results to the generalized assign-
time bounded by n Y'.' bi and solving (LR2,)requires ment problem establishes that ZD2 = ZLP since
the second Lagrangianrelaxationhas the integrality
time proportional to nm. From this it would seem
that the first relaxationrequiresgreatercomputation, propertywhile the first does not.
although it is difficult to know how many times each It should be emphasized that the integrality prop-
Lagrangianproblemmust be solved in optimizing the erty is not defined relative to a given problem class
duals. It is also impossible to know analytically the but relative to a given integerprogrammingformulation
time requiredto solve the LP relaxtionof (1)-(4). of a problem class. This is an important distinction
Chalmet and Gelders (1976) reports computational because a problem often has more than one formula-
times for the three relaxations for examples ranging tion. The Lagrangianrelaxationof the K-medianprob-
in size from m = 4 and n=6 to m=9 and n= lem given in i7 has the integrality property if one
17. The subgradient method was used to optimize takes (P) to be formulation (5)-(9). This fact alone
the dual problems. On average, the first relaxation is misleading since there is another formulation of
requiredabout 50%more computationaltime than the the K-median problem in which constraints (8) are
second. This is much less than would be expected
from comparison of worst-case bounds on times to
solve Lagrangianproblems because the subgradient m
method converged more quickly for the first relax- (8'a)
Exijmyj, j=1,...,n,
ation. Solving the LP relaxation required one-fourth i=1
of the time for (LR1,)for small problemsbut 2.5 times 0 < xij < 1, for all i and j, (8'b)
for large problems.
Now consider the relative sharpness of the bounds 0 < < 1, (8'c)
yj j=l,...,n.
produced by these relaxations.Let ZDl = max, ZD1(u),
let ZD2 = maxv0>ZD2(v),and let denote the opti- This formulation is much more compact than (5)-(9)
mal value of the LP relaxationofZcpA(1)-(4). and is the one used in most LP-based branch
A glance at the computationalexperience reported and bound algorithms for the K-median problem.
in the last two lines of Table2 for the two Lagrangian The Lagrangian relaxation given previously can be
relaxations strongly suggests that relaxation 1 pro- defined equivalently in terms of this formulationbut
duces much sharper bounds than relaxation 2. This relative to this formulation,it does not have the inte-
observation can be verified using an analytic result gralityproperty.In fact,it is shown in Cornuejolset al.
given by Geoffrion (1974).This result will also allow (1977)that the Lagrangianbound ZDand the LP value
us to compare ZD1and ZD2with ZpA. of (5), (6), (7), (8), (9) are substantiallysharperthan the
The result states that in general ZD > ZLP. Con- LP value of (5), (6), (7), (8') and (9). Others (Williams
ditions are also given for ZD = ZLp. The fact that 1974, 1975 and Mairs et al. 1978) have also noted that
ZD > ZLPcan be established by the following series of thereare frequentlyalternativeIP formulationsfor the
relations between optimization problems. same problem that have quite differentLP properties.
ZD = max {min cx + u(Ax - b)} It is also worth noting that many other success-
ful Lagrangianrelaxations(including Held and Karp
s.t. Dx e, x > 0 and integral; 1970, 1971; Etcheberry1977; Etcheberryet al. 1978;
> max {min cx + u(Ax - b)} and Fisher and Hochbaum 1980) have had the inte-
grality property. For these applications Lagrangian
u x

s.t. relaxation was successful because the LP relax-

Dx>_e, x>_0 ation closely approximated (P) and because the
(By LP duality) = max max ve - ub
method used to optimize (D) (usually the subgradi-
s.t. vD < c + uA ent method) was more powerful then methods avail-
Fisher: TheLagrangian
RelaxationMethodfor SolvingIntegerProgramming
ManagementScience50(12S),pp. 1861-1871,@2004INFORMS 1869

able for solving the (generally large) LP relaxation The constraintsof (P) which are violated by x corre-
of (P). The importantmessage of these applicationsis spond to j E S US3.We wish to modify so that these
that combinatorialoptimization problems frequently constraintsare satisfied. This is easy for a j E S3.Sim-
can be formulated as a large IP whose LP relaxation ply remove item j from all but one knapsack.A vari-
closely approximatesthe IP and can be solved quickly ety of rules could be used to determine in which
by dual methods. To exploit this fact, future research knapsack to leave item j. For example, it would be
should be broadly construed to develop methods for reasonable to choose the knapsack that maximizes
solving the large structuredLPs arising from combi- (ui - cij)/aij.
natorial problems and to understand the properties To complete the constructionof a feasible solution
of combinatorialproblems that give rise to good LP it is only necessary to assign items in S, to knapsacks.
approximations.There has already been significant While there is no guaranteethat this can be done, the
researchon methods other than Lagrangianrelaxation chances of success should be good unless the knap-
for exploiting the special structure of LP's derived sack constraintsarevery tight. Many assignmentrules
from combinatorialproblems.Schrage(1975),Miliotis are plausible, such as the following one that is moti-
(1976a,b), and Christofidesand Whitlock (1978)have vated by bin packing heuristics. Order items in
by decreasing value of Eil aij and place each item S1
given clever LP solution methods that exploit certain
types of structurethat are common in formulationsof in turn into a knapsack with sufficient capacity that
combinatorialproblems. maximizes (ui - cij)/aij.
Several researchers have reported success using
Lagrangian problem solutions obtained during the
9. Feasible Solutions application of the subgradient method to construct
This section is concerned with using (LR,) to obtain primal feasible solutions. For example, this is easy to
feasible solutions for (P). It is possible in the course do for the K-medianproblem. Let x, Y denote a feasi-
of solving (D) that a solution to (LR,) will be dis- ble solution to the Lagrangianproblem defined in j7
covered that is feasible in (P). Because the dualized for the K-medianproblem. Let S = {jj|= 11 and for
constraintsAx = b are equalities, this solution is also each i set = 1 for a j that solves maxij, cij.Set = 0
=ij - ij
optimal for (P). If the dualized constraints contain for remaining ij. The solution =, is feasible and rep-
some inequalities,a Lagrangianproblem solution can resents the best assignment of x given P. Cornuejols
be feasible but nonoptimal for (P). However, it is et al. (1977) found that this approach performed as
rare that a feasible solution of either type is dis- well as the best of several other heuristics they tested.
covered. On the other hand, it often happens that a Fisher (1976) reports experience for the problem
solution to obtained while optimizing (D) will of sequencing n jobs on one machine to minimize
be nearly feasible for (P) and can be made feasible a tardiness function. A Lagrangiansolution is a set
with some judicious tinkering.Such a method might of start times x,,. ., Xn
for the n jobs that may vio-
be called a Lagrangian heuristic. After illustrating late the machine constraints.A primal feasible solu-
this approachfor the generalizedassignmentproblem tion is obtained by sequencing jobs on the machine
and (LR1u),we will discuss computationalexperience in order of increasingX, values. This rule was tested
with Lagrangianheuristics for other problems. on 63 problems. It was applied in conjunctionwith
It is convenient to think of the generalized assign- the subgradient method after an initial feasible solu-
ment problem as requiringa packing of n items into tion had been generated by a greedy heuristic. The
m knapsacks using each item exactly once. In (LR1,) greedy heuristic found an optimal solution for 18 of
the constraints Elmxi = 1, j = 1, ..., n requiring that the problems. The Lagrangianheuristic found opti-
each item be used exactly once are dualized and mal solutions to 21 of the remaining45 problems.On
may be violated. Let x denote an optimal solution to average the greedy value was 100.4% of the optimal
(LR1u).Partition N = {1,..., n} into three sets defined value while the value of the solution produced by
by the Lagrangian heuristic was 100.16% of the optimal

S, = ie J i =10,
10. Using Lagrangian Relaxation in
s2 = i =jl
Branch and Bound
J xj The issues involved in designing a branchand bound
algorithmthat uses a Lagrangianrelaxationare essen-
S3 = j{iJeS3
.m tially the same as those that arise when a linear pro-
gramming relaxationis used. Some of these issues are
Fisher: TheLagrangian Methodfor SolvingIntegerProgramming
Relaxation Problems
1870 ManagementScience50(12S),pp. 1861-1871,@2004INFORMS

Figure Partial TreefortheGeneralized
Branching Prob-
Assignment 11. Conclusions and Future Research
lemwithm= 3
Lagrangian relaxation is an important new com-
putational technique in the management scientist's
arsenal.This paper has documented a number of suc-
cessful applications of this technique, and hopefully
will inspire other applications. Besides additional
applications, what opportunities for further research
exist in this area?The most obvious is development of
= x3,= 1 x23 = 1 1 more powerful technology for optimizing the nondif-
ferentiabledual function. Nondifferentiableoptimiza-
13j3 1
= tion has become an important general research area
x=2 that surely will continue to grow. One corner of this
O 3O3
area that seems to hold great promise for Lagrangian
relaxation is the development of multiplier adjust-
illustrated here for the generalized assignment prob- ment methods of the type described at the end of
lem and (LR1,) derived in r3. b6. The enormous success that has been obtained
with this approach on the uncapacitated location
A natural branching tree for this problem is illus-
trated in Figure 2. This tree exploits the structureof (Erlenkotter 1978) and the generalized assignment
constraints(2) by selecting a particularindex j when problems (Fisher et al. 1980) suggests that it should
be tried on other problems. Two other researchareas
branching and requiring exactly one variable in the that deserve further attention are the development
set xij, i =1,..., m, to equal 1 along each branch. and analysis of Lagrangianheuristics as described in
A Lagrangian relaxation (presumably
LR1ugiven k9 and the analysis (worst-caseor probabilistic)of the
the discussion in m8)can be used at each node of this
quality of the bounds produced by Lagrangianrelax-
tree to obtain lower bounds and feasible solutions. ation as discussed in q7 and Cornuejolset al. (1977).
We note that the Lagrangian problem defined at
a particular node of this tree has the same struc-
ture as (LR1,) and is no harder to solve. This is an This paper was supported in part by NSF Grant ENG-
obvious property that must hold for any application. 7826500to the University of Pennsylvania.
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