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Budget 2015 Realised 2015 Budget 2016 Vs 2015 Budget 2015 Realised 2015 Budget 2016 Vs 2015

TOTAL EXPENDITURE -1 447 100,00 1 319 941,08 -1 229 666,00 -15,03% TOTAL REVENUES 1 419 913,21 -818 202,85 1 398 600,00 -1,50%
Human Resources -451 000,00 464 413,21 -432 766,00 -4,04% TOTAL REVENUES 955 500,00 -818 202,85 1 398 600,00 46,37%
Total Subscription Nat. Associations 430 000,00 -376 453,47 346 000,00 -20%
Managing Director Consultancy -40 000,00 33 350,00 0,00 -100%
Subscriptions Asia @ 2000 -43 589,00
Salary President Delegated -260 000,00 263 520,27 -260 000,00 0% Subscriptions Europe @ 9200 -294 635,97
Russel New Charges 3 717,76 -4 500,00 new Subscriptions Middle East @ 600 -18 452,50
President Social Charges 10 765,74 -10 766,00 new Subscriptions Africa @ 550 -19 776,00
Subscriptions Americas @ 100 0,00
Costs ACI Staff - Including Social Charges -110 000,00 -114 000,00 4%
Salary Management Assistant (PCI) 30 850,00 -67 000,00 Sponsorship Programme -1 100,00
Salary Assistant (DD) 17 763,69 -47 000,00 China Revenues 25 000,00 0,00 0,00 -100%
Cleaning Staff -1 898,43 e-learning MoC 100 000,00 0,00 500 000,00 400%
Accountant Consultancy 5 804,06 Subscriptions Individual Members 2 500,00 -950,00 735,00 -71%
Social Charges 43 996,26 Prometric Exam Fees 172 500,00 -327 240,06 367 365,00 113%
Payroll Services -2 000,00 1 884,00 -2 500,00 25% exam Fees - ELAC 0,00 -1 250,00
Recruitment Charges 2 400,00 FS Exam Fees 163 500,00 -28 738,00 92 500,00 -43%
Travel expenses -39 000,00 -41 000,00 5% Exam Fees Other 0,00 -50,00 0,00
President Delegated -30 000,00 41 128,80 -35 000,00 17% Royalties/Donation 20 000,00 -15 984,01 50 000,00 0%
Managing Director -3 000,00 3 531,74 0,00 -100% Calendars (sale) 30 000,00 -48 700,11 30 000,00 0%
Management Assistant -Office Manager (PCI) -6 000,00 3 543,63 -4 000,00 -33% Miscellaneous & Adjustments 0,00
Assistant (DD) -2 000,00 new Add Value on Investment 12 000,00 -17 401,27 12 000,00 0%
Others 4 055,69 Miscellaneous & Adjustments -335,93
MB & WORKING GROUPS -40 000,00 46 452,64 -30 000,00 -25,00% Reimbursement Euribor Loan
MB Meetings organisation & MB Committee Travel -10 000,00 15 323,67 -10 000,00 0% TOTAL 955 500,00 -818 202,85 1 398 600,00
MB - Committees - WG Meetings -10 000,00 16 738,28 -10 000,00 0%
Regulatory WG Consultancy & WG Advisory -10 000,00 0,00 -5 000,00 -50%
EBF Step+ -5 000,00 -5 000,00 0%
Steering Co. -5 000,00 14 390,69 0,00 -100%
EDUCATION -496 500,00 384 865,63 -425 300,00 -14,34% 2015
Prometric charges -64 250,00 104 225,43 -105 050,00 64% REVENUES 818 202,85
FS Exam charges -49 500,00 2 850,01 -18 500,00 -63% Human Resources 464 413,21
Exam Maintenance -28 000,00 28 000,00 -28 000,00 0% MB & WORKING GROUPS 46 452,64
FSFM Outsourcing -190 000,00 117 000,00 -117 000,00 -38% EDUCATION 384 865,63
Marketing, ExamDevelopment, projects -115 000,00 129 049,00 -122 500,00 7% GENERAL EXPENDITURES 53 404,02
Provisional Test centre Costs in case of new test system -24 750,00 -9 250,00 -63% OPERATING & ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 85 032,86
BoE Travel Expenses -25 000,00 3 741,19 -25 000,00 0% Regional Activities 8 055,19
GENERAL EXPENDITURES -48 600,00 53 404,02 -23 600,00 -51,44% Special ACI Projects 277 717,53
Calendars -3 000,00 0,00 -3 000,00 0% EXPENSES 1 319 941,08
HO Cleaning Service -3 600,00 6 755,65 -3 600,00 0%
ACI Briefing -10 000,00 8 481,69 -10 000,00 0% Revenues vs Expenses
ACI Marketing (website improvement & giveaways) -20 000,00 3 348,56 0,00 -100%
Legal fees contracts -3 000,00 32 379,12 -3 000,00 0% 900 000,00
Misc. & adjustments -4 000,00 -4 000,00 0% 800 000,00
Press Release - Nasdaq -5 000,00 2 439,00 0,00 -100% 700 000,00
Exam Fees Error
600 000,00
OPERATING & ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENDITURES -81 000,00 85 032,86 -84 000,00 3,70%
500 000,00
Rent & Associated Expenditures -12 000,00 9 246,29 -13 500,00 13%
400 000,00
President Delegated Telephone, Stationary -5 000,00 12 613,47 -15 000,00 200%
300 000,00
Office Equipment -5 000,00 1 761,66 -5 000,00 0%
200 000,00
IT and Web Site -15 000,00 -15 000,00 0%
IT 7 204,76 100 000,00

Web Site 11 962,54 0,00

Postage and courier charges -5 000,00 5 169,92 -5 000,00 0%
Stationery & Photocopying -8 000,00 -6 000,00 -25%
Stationery 1 764,76 -4 000,00
Photocopying - Canon 642,39 -2 000,00
Telephone & Telecom. -10 000,00 12 902,96 -7 000,00 -30%
Audit -1 000,00 819,10 -1 000,00 0%
Accountancy -7 000,00 4 850,16 -2 500,00 -64%
Accountancy Training HO staff 0,00 0,00
Bank charges -6 000,00 8 281,67 -7 000,00 17%
Income Tax -7 000,00 7 813,18 -7 000,00 0%
Regional Activities -18 000,00 8 055,19 -13 000,00 -27,78%
ACI Europe @ 9200 -8 000,00 0,00 -8 000,00 0%
ACI Asia @ 2000 -5 000,00 5 000,00 -5 000,00 0%
ACI Middle East @600 0,00
ACI Africa @ 550 -5 000,00 3 055,19 0,00 -100% Revenues vs Expenses
ACI Americas @ 100
Special ACI Projects -312 000,00 277 717,53 -221 000,00 -29,17%
ACI China RepOffice (Approved for 1,4,2013-2016) -40 000,00 0,00 -100%
ACI China L.Lee Consultancy 17 500,00 1 400 000,00
ACI China - L.Lee Travel Expenses 7 520,28
1 200 000,00
ACI China - L.Lee Miscellaneous 0,00
ACI Africa (Office Charges) -10 000,00 10 000,00 -10 000,00 0% 1 000 000,00
Road Show Latin America/India -10 000,00 0,00
800 000,00
Misc (WorldCongress, Working Groups,) -40 000,00 61 065,42 -45 000,00 13%
Chatswoth Media Communication -12 000,00 14 979,04 -12 000,00 0% 600 000,00
FMR Advisory 0,00 0,00 0,00
400 000,00
Rages/e-learning CFP -200 000,00 157 300,00 0,00 -100%
Accountant Consultancy 0,00 -4 000,00 200 000,00
Rages Consultancy 0,00 0,00
E-Learning Rages (30% from ELAC Portal Revenues) 0,00 -150 000,00 REVENUES EXPENSES
ACI USA 9 352,79

TOTAL EXPENDITURE -1 447 100,00 1 319 941,08 -1 229 666,00 TOTAL REVENUES 955 500,00 -818 202,85 1 398 600,00
result end 2014 Debit Credit result end 2015


417 008,07 1 363 387,36 1 048 930,85 102 551,56

Total SG-BOE
5 973,82 8 319,93 36 893,93 34 547,82

Total SG-CLS
29 330,42 31 642,80 5 268,85 2 956,47


78 441,80 34 482,99 32 541,19 76 500,00

0,00 24,00 1 250,00 1 226,00

Total CAISSE EPARGNE - SAVING ACCOUNT 1 334 896,37 200 000,00 11 234,03 1 146 130,40

Total General 1 865 650,48 1 637 857,08 1 136 118,85 1 363 912,25

-501 738,23

Contrle ok 501 738,23

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