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Focus Industriel Resources Limited

13'" f . bru.f)', 2011

Se<urltyCode ~o.; 5J.i7S1 SaipCO<Ito 100161n

BSEUd The Cakutt:I Stock Eu~ Llml<<d

M~mbo.l 40000 1

o..,SJ'f"' >d;un.

SHI!; p ! Il....,., Mutins.

w..... plrasrd 10 ",rom. J'OU tha..... Board of Dlr<rtors 0( dl. Cornpan~ .. ,..
_ " . MId "" Il''' ~ ebru''Y. 2017 .. 4,00 P.Io!. ~_ lI.y, ln,... - ~ ; .. Mo .pprovtd
.... FoiIowin,;:

1 ~ ..... . pprovrd .... Un-Aodl.... l'IIY11rt.JI Il...,1b for th< ffidI Quo"""
Do<.." ..... JI, ZOI~ .. rKOm. . . ndod by .... AudIt Cornml,,~ ID lb _"II .......
I<><by .pd . ""PI' of Un-A""',,,, 1'1 .. _ 1Il.... 1.. on<! Um~e<I "'"'"_ ...""" for
thr Qu"',,, ond<d DKm11><f 31. 201 6 il ,_Md I., ...... th.
2. ApP<"",,,,,,n' of 101/ .. KPG Il AModa,... Company ~rtH Flrm, .. <ho
Sorfl. m.1Aud".,.. ofl'" Comp.ony for thr f iNnct.I Yu , 2016 -17 to rond"" ....
Sm2rio.l Audit of .... Corn""ny "" ......" , '" R<platlon :JO of .... SEBI (!.ODR)
R~",_2015 ,

FOI" FonlS IDdulria! Il.5O"ras Umlt.d

, ,' " , ... _ " .... ..........O IOM. <C''''.OCW'.-... . . - . ........ _

~_._. '_te

(Since 1985)
Focus Industriel Resources Limited


Regi!lliuHlfd Office: 1D'&,Mukand House.Commen;iaJ Complex,.A..z.dpur,Dellli1100l3
Unaudiled Fimmciill Rnults for the Quarter and Nine Months endcd 3'1" OecemD.,. 2016
PART 1 Rs.ln Lakhl
Statement of Uniludlted f lnanclal Re.lults tor 'he Quaner and Nin. MOI\lhs EluJ.. d 31St o.Cmbor. 20'&

Cuarter End4lld t Months Ended

p .. nkular5 3 months: Preceding 3 Corresponding 3 Year 10 doille

Ye.l,to da Vear end!!d
. n46 <1 months (l ndQod monlh li .ndad fi!:Jure s for
figures for 'he 31-43-2016
31-U. ~2 ()1, 30-49-2016 3'-12-2015 cune-nt period
pr&'iiOuC yur
I!nded ll ende d 3112
12-2016 20t5

(Re1er Notes Below) UllaudiiMI Onaudiled) Uoaudited Uoaudited Umlu cliled Audilea
1 ln COrne from Opt!lfAilions
(8) N O! !;;a lesJ i(lcome hem cperBti:::n5 ",0 ,95 40,.45 .40.00 ~ 23 . 4{) 115.26 165,0"0
(Net cr c.xcl:se C;uM
10) 011H:!r opera(inlJ lj' 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 _5~
2,3!1 5 . ~O
TOUlt income from operatlon!li: (net) ' ,rUI!. 40,.45 4.0.0 iJ ln>.!!
117 .56 1 70 .~O
2 Elpensu
(a) Cest ot m atef idils. wnsun\M O.M 0.00 000 0.00 0. 00 0 .00
(cl :Purch!-ses. of S!OCk'll\tradc 0.00 OGl) 0 00 0.00 0_00 DM
... (c) Cnnge-S Irl lrh'c fi lcfl es or Mlsh,ttj gO-i3-ds. workil'\ p.J()If C!>S 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.41 3.67 5.87
an.:1 stc--:k \ntreae
(d) Em ployee t en c(ILs. expeose HO 5.9:2 763 19 ,67 :::0.1-4 27 ."17
(e) Pf:n~ecl" on 8rtd arnortlsalJon expen.s-e 0.00 0000 3 ..50 2.15 10,70 12.97
(fj OU'les c.xpCllsc!>(An; ifcrn C!.xccGuiny 10<;-;, or the foLal 3:2. 10 33,83 26 ,7 1 5e .93 7 1.[}!) 1 14.'9
e",j)C-lsCS relatinQ to cor'otinUl1\g cpcrat t:::l\!i ta
bc snown
Total Uptl\lU ,9,70 3975 37.84 '12 1 16 'OS.711 160,sa
3 Profil 1 O.. ou) tram oper.ttic,lI b &;ore oth&r hlCOm&, 'i .2.5 ~ . 70 2.16 2. ~2 1 1 8.1i 9,aO
finilnce COs:tlii .a.nd exceptional ilems: 11.2)
4 O1her income 0.00 0.0 1 !JI.OO 0.0 1 000 0.00
5 Profil f (Lau) from ard inary a t;:ti ...itie-s be(ore financ.e (Oo,is. L 2S {I.71 2: 113 2,a 11 .60 9 .SO
and nc eptl oh.1 it&inl (3.!. .~,
" finOll tosts
0_33 0,50 D,75 1,35 2 .46 i .15
7 Prorit ' (Lou) from ordinlllY"tivitie-s afier finllnt:e COiti
002 O ,~ I 1,4 1 He 9.~2 2.65
b ul before nce-ptiOn.l1 item. jS:! 6)

e: E.x cefr rfO n~1 fl S Il)S 0.00 0 .00 O.D !JI.'lJQ 0 ,00 MO
9 Profit 1 fL05 $) from ordinilry ill;tivitin be-fore tu 1'8) 0 .g2 0-,21 -1,41 \,<6 -:1.32 2.65
1Q T crx expe"\~e O.M MO 0,00 O,D<J 0 ,00 1. 70
11 NM PrOfit 1 (LO$SI Jrom Or(linary acti... it ies aMer ux j9 ~ 10) 0 . 9~ ~.21 '1,41 1.48 9,32 0,95

12 E~rn-ci!ll"l a ry ilems (net of tax e,):pen~ Rs, _ Lnk:hs) 0 .00 D,OO 0. 00 000 '0,00 0,00
1 J Net P ~ fill (LO IS ) for he periOd (11 .! 12) 0 ,92 0.2 1 1".'*1 1.'8 ~ . 32 Odl5
1... Sn,~re of P'fGfi: / (IOs..s) of lIS5()clates,' 0.00 ll..OO O.D<J O.Gl] 0.00 O.D<J
15 M lnonty l.nte re-~t 0 0.00 D,CO 0.00 0. 00 1).00 0.00
16 Net Profit! ~Lo.s) aftu tU:e--I, minortty Interut and .hare- of 0. 92 0,:1 1 1.41 1.0::-8 9.32 0.95
profil 1 (IOUI of iIIs$ociJltn j13 ~ 14 :!. 15) &

1 7 PAkI uP eqully sh~r~ C:lpital 121 9.4 2 1:219.42 12 1 ~ . 2 121 9.42 1;;:19... 2 l Z1aA2:
(fflce V;1llie of rhe Sn3re shaH be i,Qlcateoj
111 R~~e:\l-e oa-xciUd lnl AevallJ,,~ I Gn R eserves 3S per t)Jlall ~neet 0.00 0.00 O. O!JI O.CI!) 0,00 .S),,,
(Jf Dr e.... IQIJ ~ ('IcCOtll1tllHl ve Rf
19,1 fl\ml llg. per ..hart tbtJOi"' utraordlnary ltems)
(of RI. _I~ uch) (not In.otJAHt.ed):
(al B.,.~ic 0.07 0. 00 0.01 0.12 D,DB 0,00
CO ) D ilufeO 0,07 0.00 (l.Dl 0. 12 0,06 0.00
1!UI Ea.,n rngs 'poel , nafe (afler &.xtr'aord in.a.tY items)
(0' As. _I~ each) tnot annuahled) :
(a) Basic 0,07 0.00 0.01 0. 12 0.D8 o (iD
(" ) m Uf"!! 0,07 O_GO 0.01 0. 12 0,06 0.00

1. The ;1woltor 01' the Cc mp3ny nave Car.-Ied OuI! ' L!m l l~a Re....i ew ror lhe IlnaACial rsull rOl ths Quarter ~l1ded on 3"' st Der.ember, ~Ol&
ln l erms o( ReOU ~ ;J IJ Q; nS )3 of SESI (LO DR) ReQu13110n~,20 1 5 w ll1'1 lhe Stc--cl< E:,:cl'langc.
2 rn e rrtl.... l ~ on o( I r.~c m e Ta.:, Deferle<! la:r. assetSi fiablri,l es il 8nywln be- aCCOL! ntecr ror lithO rKl 01 Hu ! a cc!:!~J1Jti.""I9 )';;-:<1,',
~ , The- "'ba.... e re~uJ t W'3.s la!o:.e ll on feocro by tne 80ara o ~ Ol re-ctc rs ln lne m ONil'\Q" Il tld on 13!11 day o( Fe-b11.l 81) , 2011

" . D6pre-ci iirion w f\1be !"lf l;lvided 8\ 'he end of tt'le FfnanctaJ Yecrr 2016 2017 .

~ . Tll ~ C~m pa:riy -o;:.el'"ati!s tn srlgle SH<Jrn erlt o"'y,

Plilce; Oelnt jPradeep Kum i- r Jindlll)
O.. te: 13th February.1017 Dire,lor
DIN: 00049715


Ph.: 011-47039000, 011 27676399 Fax: 011-~7676399 Email id : info@focuslimlted.ln
CIN N.o. - L15319Dll'985PlC021348 Visit our Website:
S.K. Singla &Associates

107, Mukund House, Commercial COnlplex
Azadpur, Delhi-33 Ph: 27675848,9312281568


Revi c\\ Re port to,

The Board of Dil'cctots

FoclI;; Tndustrial Resources Limited
104, Mukand Bou s ,,\, Commercial Complex,
Azadpul'-) I003J

W have revinvcd the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of Mis FOCUS
I.NDUSTRTAL I~ESOURCES LI~lITED for the period ended 31.12.2016. This statement is the
r ~ J_ ons ibilit of the Company's Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors. Our
re ' ) on ibility is t iss ue a reporl on these tinancial statements based on our review.

W condllcted our n::view in accordance vVi1 the Standard on Review Engagement (S RE) 2400,
engageme nts tn Review fjnancial Statements issued by the lnstitute of Chattered Accountants of
Inclia. lms _tanclarcl requires thatwt; plan and perfnrm the review to obtain moderate assurance as to
whcthcr [he financ<d statements are free of material misstatement. A review is Iimited primari ly to
inquiri ~ of company personnel and analytical procedure applied to financial data and thus provides
less a .. urancc thlJ1 an audi t. We have not pcrformed an audit and accordingly we do Ilot express an
audit opini on.

Ba ed n our review' concluctecl as abave, nothing has come ta our attention that causes us to believe
that th accompany in g statement of unaudited financial results preparcd in accordance with
applicable acco unlin g sra nclards and other recognized accollllting practices and palicies has not
di._closcd the inl-ormatiol1 required to be disclosed in tenns of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing
Oll igat i n and Disc10sure Requirements) Regulations. 2015 il1cluding the manner in which it is l
t d ; :T lo~ ccl. or rhat il cOlllains any material misstatement.

For S.K. Singla & Associates

Chartered Accountants
Finn Reg No. B903N

.f<Q:; ~no~ar)
Pl ace: l'\c\Y J)clhr
M. NO, 96532
Oate: 13/02/2017 i

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