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04 Mar 1936 - COMMUNISM

Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), Wednesday 4 March 1936, page 23


Sir, Communism is fundamental, essentially correlated .to the root principles of the universe,
comprehending the best in human character

that goes to make up; a natural ana well-ordered State. The true basis of Communism is reality; ? its
source a bourgeois world's utter disregard of It, for where is reality in a system which makes no provision
for the real needs of society, which depends on chance or abnormal economics for the equitable
distribution of its products, and which usurps and prostitutes man's common birthright, by placing a
monopoly on the generous bounty of nature? ' Where is reality in a small section of the population living
in wealth and luxury, whilst the great majority ekes out a precarious existence from day to day, or is
sunken In completest penury? Communism, the sublimation of Socialism, represents the highest stage of
development to which the human race can nsplrc. The principle of Communism consists in the fact that in
Communist society each renders service according' to his abilities, receiving articles of consumption, not
in accordance with the service rendered by him, but rather in accordance with the requirements proper to
a culturally developed human being. Stalin said, addressing the first All-Union Conference of
Stakhanovltes: Tills means that the culturaltechnical level of the working class has become sufficiently
high to undormlno the foundation of the difference between mental labour ' and manual labour, that the
difference between mental labour and manual labour has already disappeared, and the productivity of-
labour has . risen to such a high degree that It can ensure a complete abundance of articles of
consumption, so. that society Is able to distribute these articles In accordance with the needs of its
members.' I am, sir, &c, Windsor. . L. V. ATKINSON.


Sir, A distinguished novel writer now visiting these shores was supposed to write one or more novels
dealing with Australian life. To produce

authentic stories, of the same scope and vigour as his American tales he should spend months among
characteristic Australian localities, and live in close touch with all manner of Australian people. But his
time is going on, and so far he has gained no experience of anything Australian, outside the very limited
circle available at his camp and aboard his lugger. Is Australia to be represented in the next series of Zane
Grey epics as a land given over to digging worms, netting prawns, and 'tempting leviathans with a
hook'? I am, sir, &c, H. ELLIOTT BROWN. Sherwood Road.

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