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Task 1.

Gender Mainstreaming
International treaties are not enough
Women legislations are necessary
Women rights should be taken into account from all
Public and private dichotomy
How to apply in national level
Religion influence
Influency of international organization
Positive discrimination

Learning goals
Concept of Gender mainstreaming pros and cons
UN approach

Taks 2.
Equality Opportunity and result
Equality and equity
Sex and gender
Research on concept of equality in legal instrument, who has provides
definition equality
Are we satisfied with the definition equality
Discrimination based Gender stereotypes and social context

Task 3.

What is the EU law position in accordance with temporary special

measures that Maastricht university adapted
Look at CEDAW perspectives
Investigate more ways in which this balance should be achieved

Discrimination on the basis of sex is not acknowledged in the EU

Gender diference is not an issue in EU
It is not allowed by EU law but it is aligned with un human rights law
Everything is allowed except the quota


When does the culture become the discrimination

Who writes states report
What is the role of ngo (with regard to this process)
Who writes the report that is submitted to CEDAW
Concluding observation- who should use this information

Who writes the state report to CEDAW in your own country

What is the role of NGO in civil society (state reporting)
Task 7.

Learning goals.
1.Whats the right might emerged in the case
What is monitoring bodies

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