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(1). on an axial flow, dual compressor forward fan engine, the fan turns the same speed as the.
1. Low pressure turbine. 2. High pressure compressor. 3. Forward turbine wheel. 4. None

(2). A turbo jet engine gives.

1. Large acceleration to a small mass of air. 2. Large acceleration to a large weight of air.
3. Small acceleration to a large mass of air. 4. None

(3). The basic gas turbine engine is divided into two main sections: the cold section and the hot section.
1. The cold section includes the engine inlet, compressor, and turbine sections.
2. The hot section includes the combustor, diffuser, and exhaust.
3. The hot section includes the combustor, turbine, and exhaust.
4. All

(4). A jet engine derives its thrust by.

1. Drawing air into the compressor. 2. Impingement of the propelling gases on the outside air.
3. Reaction of the propelling gases. 4. None

(5). As subsonic air flows through a convergent nozzle the velocity.

1. Decreases. 2. Increases. 3. remains constant. 4. First increases then decreases

(6). In a twin spool compressor system, the first stage turbine drives the.
1. N2 compressor. 2. N1 and N2 compressors. 3. N1 compressor. 4. None

(7). At what point in an axial flow turbojet engine will the highest gas pressures occur?
1. at the compressor outlet. 2. at the turbine entrance. 3. within the burner section. 4. None

(8). The diffuser section is located between.

1. The burner section and the turbine section. 2. Station No. 7 and station No. 8.
3. The compressor section and the burner section. 4. All

(9). If the LP shaft shears.

1. Turbine runaway occurs. 2. Compressor over speed occurs.
3. Compressor under speed occurs. 4. None

(10). The term Pt7 means.

1. Pressure and temperature at station No. 7. 2. The total pressure at station No. 7.
3. The total inlet pressure. 4. None

(11). What section provides proper mixing of the fuel and efficient burning of the gases?.
1. Diffuser section and combustion section. 2. Combustion section and compressor section.
3. Combustion section only. 4. All

(12). Of the following, which engine type would most likely have a noise suppression unit installed?.
1. Turboprop. 2. Turbo jet. 3. Turbo shaft. 4. None

(13). The pressure of supersonic air as it flows through a divergent nozzle.

1. Decreases. 2. Increases. 3. is inversely proportional to the temperature.

(14). The symbol for designating the speed of a LP compressor in a twin spool engine is.
1. N. 2. NG. 3. N1. 4. All
(15). A turbojet engine is smoother running than a piston engine because.
1. The lubrication is better. 2. It runs at a lower temperature.
3. It has no reciprocating parts. 4. None

(16). A gas turbine engine comprises which three main sections?

1. Compressor, diffuser, and stator. 2. Turbine, compressor, and combustion.
3. Turbine, combustion, and stator. 4. All

(17). In what section of a turbojet engine is the jet nozzle located?

1. Exhaust. 2. Turbine. 3. Combustion. 4. All

(18). Newton's First Law of Motion, generally termed the Law of Inertia, states:.
1. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
2. Force is proportional to the product of mass and acceleration.
3. Every body persists in its state of rest, or of motion in a straight line, unless acted upon by some
outside force.

(19). The Brayton cycle is known as the constant.

1. Temperature cycle. 2. Mass cycle. 3. Pressure cycle. 4. All

(20). Using standard atmospheric conditions, the standard sea level temperature is.
1. 29C. 2. 59F. 3. 59C. 4. None

(21). Standard sea level pressure is.

1. 29.92 inches Hg. 2.29.29 inches Hg. 3. 29.00 inches Hg. 4. All

(22). The highest pressure in a gas turbine is.

1. at the nozzle exit. 2. at the burner exit.
3. Just after the last compressor stage but before the burner. 4. None

(23). In a ducted fan engine, the fan is driven by the.

1. Turbine. 2. Air passing over the compressor. 3. Accessory gearbox. 4. All

(24). ESHP is.

1. Horsepower/efficiency. 2. Shaft horse power + exhaust
3. Power available at the turbine less the power required to drive the. 4. All

(25). A divergent duct will cause subsonic flow to decrease in.

1. Velocity, increase pressure. 2. Velocity, pressure remains constant.
3. Pressure, increase velocity. 4. None

(26). The Brayton cycle is.

1. The name given to the intermittent cycling of an electrical de-icing system.
2. The continuous combustion cycle taking place in a gas turbine engine.
3. The constant velocity cycle taking place in a gas turbine engine.

(27). On a triple spool engine, the first stage of turbines drive.

1. The LP compressor. 2. The HP compressor. 3. The I P compressor. 4. None

(28). Ram effect is.

1. The increase of dynamic pressure at the face of the compressor.
2. Conversion of static pressure to kinetic pressure at the face of the compressor.
3. Conversion of kinetic energy to pressure energy at the face of the compressor.
4. All

(29). The 'core engine' or 'gas generator' is made up of the following components:.
1. Inlet, compressor, combustion chamber, turbine, exhaust.
2. Turbine, combustion chamber, compressor.
3. Compressor, turbine, exhaust, propelling nozzle.

(30). the principle of jet propulsion is.

1. The calorific value of fuel burnt is equal to aircraft.
2. The interaction of fluids and gases.
3. Every action has a equal and opposite reaction.
4. All

(31). The efficiency of a gas turbine engine at altitude.

1. Decreases. 2. remains constant. 3. Increases. 4. None

(32). Increasing ram effect with increased speed.

1. Reduces thrust due to reduced compressor efficiency.
2. Increases thrust due to increased maximum airflow.
3. Reduces thrust due to reduced turbine temperature.
4. None

(33). The highest heat to metal contact in a jet engine is the.

1. Burner cans. 2. Turbine inlet guide vanes. 3. Turbine blades. 4. All

(34). Thrust.
1. Increases with high temperature. 2. Increases with low temperature.
3. Decreases with low temperature. 4. All

(35). The RPM for maximum power would be.

1. Lower on a colder day. 2. Lower on a hotter day. 3. greater on a colder day. 4. All

(36). How does engine thrust vary with temperature?

1. Increase in temperature gives greater thrust because of low friction in compressors.
2. Low temperatures give low thrust.
3. Low temperature gives greater mass flow and therefore greater thrust.

(37). A method of comparing engine efficiencies is by comparing.

1. Fuel consumption. 2. Thrust to weight ratio. 3. Specific fuel consumption . 4. None

(38). with a fixed throttle in a climb.

1. RPM will increase. 2. RPM will remain constant. 3. RPM will decrease. 4. None

(39). The point of maximum velocity in the engine is in the.

1. Exhaust exit nozzle. 2. Combustion chamber. 3. Nozzle guide vanes. 4. All

(40). At constant RPM, the pressure ratio of the compressor and the temperature rise across the
1. Increases with height. 2. remains constant irrespective of height.
3. Decrease with height. 4. None

(41). What effect does high atmospheric humidity have on the operation of a jet engine?.
1. Decreases compressor and turbine RPM. 2. Decreases engine pressure ratio.
3. Has little or no effect. 4. Only 3 is correct

(42). Power is adjusted in a gas turbine engine by.

1. Increasing fuel flow. 2. Increasing air and fuel flow.
3. Increasing airflow to the combustion chamber. 4. None

(43). Flat Rated thrust is defined as.

1. The thrust at the ambient temperature point above which thrust drops below 100%.
2. That power achieved at idle RPM.
3. That power achieved at maximum EGT.

(44). Thrust rating on an FADEC controlled engine can be changed by.

1. Varying the ballast resistor in the EGT system. 2. Changing the engine rating plug.
3. Varying the EPR datum plug. 4. All

(45). Propeller torque is analogous to.

1. Engine RPM. 2. Shaft horsepower. 3. Propeller RPM. 4. None

(46). The total power in a turboprop engine is the.

1. SHP. 2. BHP. 3. E S HP 4. none

(47). In a dive, with the throttles fixed, the EPR will.

1. Not change. 2. Increase. 3. Decrease. 4. Only 1 is correct

(48). A factor that limits EGT is the.

1. Jet pipe. 2. Compressors. 3. Turbine. 4. All

(49). Thrust will.

1. Increase at high temperatures. 2. Decrease at low temperatures. 3. Increase at low temperatures.

(50). Across the turbines, there is.

1. A general temperature rise. 2. A general temperature drop. 3. An isometric expansion.

(51). If the throttle position remains constant.

1. With increasing OAT, RPM and TGT will increase. 2. With decreasing OAT, RPM will
3. With increasing OAT, TGT will increase. 4. All

(52). As the air is passed through the turbine, due to the convergent shape formed between adjacent
1. Pressure decreases, velocity increases, temperature increases.
2. Pressure increases, velocity increases, temperature constant.
3. Pressure decreases, velocity increases, temperature decreases.

(53). The hottest component in a gas turbine engine is.

1. The nozzle guide vanes. 2. The turbines. 3. The combustion chamber. 4. All

(54). The basic equation for thrust is.

1. Thrust = force * acceleration. 2. Thrust = mass * velocity.
3. Thrust = mass * acceleration. 4. All

(55). The term Pb means.

1. Burner pressure measured at the diffuser case.
2. Burner pressure measured at the NGV.
3. Burner pressure measured at the combustion chamber.

(56). At higher then standard day ambient temperatures, compressor speed will be.
1. Lower than standard day speed. 2. No different.
3. Higher than standard day speed. 4. None

(57). Ram Recovery' is a measure of.

1. Intake efficiency. 2. Net thrust. 3. Forward air speed. 4. All

(58). most likely parameter limiting the height at which a jet engine powered aircraft can operate would
be insufficient.
1. Lift to support the aircraft weight. 2. Mass airflow to maintain 15:1 air/fuel ratio.
3. Oxygen to support combustion. 4. None

(59). The efficiency of a gas turbine would be greatest at.

1. Cold temperatures. 2. Low pressure. 3. Hot temperatures 4. All

(60). In a gas turbine engine, turbine section.

1. Temperature decreases along with pressure and velocity.
2. Velocity decreases and pressure increases.
3. Velocity increases and pressure decreases.

(61). With fixed throttle and increasing altitude, the fan on a high by-pass engine will.
1. Decrease RPM. 2. Increase RPM. 3. Stay the same RPM. 4. None

(62). A bell mouth compressor inlet is used on.

1. Helicopters. 2. Supersonic aircraft. 3. Aircraft with low ground clearance. 4. All

(63). The term 'Ram Ratio' in regard to air intakes is the relationship between.
1. Ambient pressure and ambient temperature. 2. Ambient temperature and compressor inlet
3. Ambient pressure and compressor inlet pressure. 4. None

(64). Inlet guide vanes are anti-iced with.

1. Rubber boots. 2. Thermal blankets. 3. Engine bleed air. 4. All

(65). A divergent intake is.

1. divergent from front to rear. 2. convergent/divergent from front to rear.
3. divergent/convergent from front to rear. 4. None

(66). what type of intake is one that decreases gradually in area and then increases?
1. Convergent. 2. Convergent / Divergent. 3. Divergent. 4. None

(67). Intakes are designed to.

1. Decrease the intake air pressure. 2. Decelerate the free air stream flow.
3. Accelerate the free air stream flow. 4. All

(68). The air intake for a gas turbine powered subsonic aircraft would be of.
1. Convergent form. 2. Divergent form. 3. convergent/divergent form. 4. All

(69). How does a dual axial flow compressor improve the efficiency of a turbojet engine?
1. The velocity of the air entering the combustion chamber is increased.
2. More turbine wheels can be used.
3. Higher compression ratios can be obtained.

(70). What are the two main functional components in a centrifugal compressor?
1. Bucket and expander. 2. Impeller and diffuser. 3. Turbine and compressor. 4. All

(71). The stator vanes in an axial-flow compressor.

1. Direct air into the first stage rotor vanes at the proper angle.
2. Convert velocity energy into pressure energy.
3. Convert pressure energy onto velocity energy.

(72). What units in a gas turbine engine aid in stabilization of the compressor during low thrust engine
1. Bleed air valves. 2. Stator vanes. 3. Inlet guide vanes. 4. All

(73). What purpose do the diffuser vanes of a centrifugal compressor serve?

1. To convert pressure energy into kinetic energy. 2. To increase the air velocity.
3. To convert kinetic energy into pressure energy. 4. All

(74). Bleed valves are normally spring loaded to the.

1. closed position. 2. Open position. 3. Mid-position. 4. None

(75). Compressor stall is caused by.

1. A low angle of attack airflow through the first stages of compression.
2. Rapid engine deceleration.
3. A high angle of attack airflow through the first stages of compression.
4. None

(76). What is the primary factor which controls the pressure ratio of an axial flow compressor?.
1. Compressor inlet temperature. 2. Compressor inlet pressure.
3. Number of stages in compressor. 4. None

(77). The non-rotating axial-flow compressor airfoils in an aircraft gas turbine are known as.
1. Stator vanes. 2. Bleed vanes. 3. Pressurization vanes. 4. All

(78). Compression occurs.

1. across stators and rotors. 2. across rotors. 3. across stators. 4. All

(79). The procedure for removing the accumulation of dirt deposits on compressor blades is called.
1. The purging process. 2. The soak method. 3. Field cleaning. 4. All.

(80). The two types of centrifugal compressor impellers are.

1. Impeller and diffuser. 2. Single entry and double entry.
3. Rotor and stator. 4. None

(81). Tip speed of a centrifugal compressor can reach.

1. Mach 1.3. 2. Mach 1.0. 3. Mach 0.8. 4. None

(82). In a twin spool compressor, the LP section runs at.

1. A lower RPM than the HP spool. 2. A higher RPM than the HP spool.
3. The same RPM than the HP spool. 4. None

(83). In a turbojet engine, combustion occurs at.

1. Constant velocity. 2. Constant volume. 3. Constant pressure. 4. Any one of the above
(84). A tubo-annular gas turbine combustion system consists of.
1. A number of flame tubes in an annular air casing.
2. A number of flame tubes each with its own air casing.
3. An annular flame tube in an annular air casing.
4. None

(85). In which type of turbine engine combustion chamber is the case and liner removed and installed as
one unit during routine maintenance?
1. Cannular. 2. Annular. 3. Can. 4. None

(86). The air used for combustion is.

1. Primary and secondary. 2. Primary. 3. Secondary. 4. None

(87). Hot spots in the combustion section of a turbojet engine are possible.
1. Dirty compressor blades. 2. Malfunctioning fuel nozzles.
3. Faulty igniter plugs. 4. All

(88). What component creates a vortex in a gas turbine flame tube?

1. Tertiary hole. 2. Swirl vanes. 3. Cascade vanes. 4. None

(89). In the combustion chamber.

1. Static pressure and volume remains constant.
2. Static pressure decreases slightly and volume increases.
3. Static pressure and volume decreases.

(90). Secondary air in the combustion chamber is used for.

1. Increasing axial velocity of gases. 2. combustion. 3. Cooling. 4. All.

(91). What is a cannular combustion system?

1. One common flame tube closed in a common air casing.
2. A set of flame tubes, each mounted in a separate air casing.
3. A set of flame tubes, enclosed in a common air casing.

(92). An advantage of an annular combustion system is.

1. Unrestricted airflow at maximum RPM.
2. Diameter of engine is reduced due to the cans being smaller.
3. Decrease in combustor length compared to a tubo-annular combustor of the same output.

(93). How is the combustion chamber drain valve closed?

1. by 12th stage compressor air pressure.
2. by a return spring.
3. by combustion chamber gas pressure.
4. None

(94). Why is it necessary to have a combustion chamber drain?

1. To allow unburnt fuel to drain away.
2. To prevent pressure build-up in the combustion chamber.
3. To allow fuel to return to LP when H.P cock is closed.
4. None

(95). The three main types of turbine blades are.

1. Impulse, vector, and impulse-vector. 2. Reaction, converging, and diverging.
3. Impulse, reaction, and impulse-reaction. 4. All
(96). Turbine impulse blading forms a.
1. Constant area duct. 2. Divergent duct. 3. Convergent duct. 4. All

(97). The turbine section.

1. Increases air velocity to create thrust. 2. Uses heat energy to expand and accelerate the gas flow.
3. Drives the compressor section. 4. None

(98). Continued and/or excessive heat and centrifugal force on turbine engine rotor blades is likely to
1. Galling. 2. Creep. 3. Profile. 4. Any one of the above

(99). N.G.V's form.

1. Convergent ducts. 2. Parallel ducts. 3. Divergent ducts. 4. None

(100). The function of the exhaust cone assembly of a turbine engine is to.
1. Swirl and collect the exhaust gases into a single exhaust jet.
2. Collect the exhaust gases and act as a noise suppressor.
3. Straighten and collect the exhaust gases into a solid exhaust jet.

(101). A nozzle is 'choked' when the gas flow or air flow at the throat is.
1. Sonic. 2. Subsonic. 3. Supersonic. 4. Any one of the above

(102). The struts on the exhaust cone.

1. Straighten the gas flow only. 2. Support the exhaust cone and straighten the gas flow.
3. Support the exhaust cone only. 4. None

(103). Normal gas turbine engine's exhaust duct is.

1. Divergent. 2. convergent/divergent. 3. Convergent. 4. Only 2 is correct .

(104). Main bearing oil seals used with turbine engines are usually what type(s)?
1. Teflon and synthetic rubber. 2. Labyrinth and/or carbon rubbing.
3. Labyrinth and/or silicone rubber. 4. All

(105). If, during inspection at engine overhaul, ball or roller bearings are found to have magnetism but
otherwise have no defects, they.
1. Are in an acceptable service condition. 2. Cannot be used again.
3. Must be degaussed before use. 4. None

(106). Bearing seal failure would most probably cause.

1. High oil temperature. 2. High oil consumption 3. Low oil pressure. 4. None

(107). Why are oil seals pressurized?

1. To ensure minimum oil loss. 2. To ensure oil is forced into the bearings.
3. To ensure that the oil is prevented from leaving the bearing housing.

(108). Kerosene will burn effectively at an air/fuel ratio of.

1. 150:1. 2. 15:1. 3. 45:1. 4. None

(109). A high viscosity index means the oil viscosity.

1. Will vary greatly with temperature change.
2. Has a large index number.
3. Will not vary greatly with temperature change.

(110). A fuel system icing inhibitor is a fuel additive which.

1. Prevents both the water and the fuel freezing.
2. Prevents the fuel from freezing.
3. Prevents the water in the fuel freezing.

(111). What will be the result of operating an engine in extremely high temperatures using a lubricant
recommended by the manufacturer for a much lower temperature?.
1. The oil pressure will be lower than normal.
2. The oil temperature and oil pressure will be higher than normal.
3. The oil pressure will be higher than normal.

(112). The time in seconds required for exactly 60 cubic centimeters of oil to flow through an accurately
calibrated orifice at a specific temperature is recorded as a measurement of the oil's.
1. Specific gravity. 2. Flash point. 3. Viscosity. 4. Density

(113). Upon what quality or characteristic of a lubricating oil is its viscosity index based?.
1. Its rate of flow through an orifice at a standard temperature.
2. Its rate of change in viscosity with temperature change.
3. Its resistance to flow at a standard temperature as compared to high grade paraffin base oil at the same

(114). Compared to reciprocating engine oils, the types of oils used in turbine engines.
1. Are required to carry and disperse a higher level of combustion by-products.
2. Have fewer tendencies to produce lacquer or coke.
3. May permit a somewhat higher level of carbon formation in the engine.

(115). In addition to lubricating (reducing friction between moving parts), engine oil performs what
1. Cools, seals, prevent corrosion.
2. Cools, seals, prevents corrosion, cushions shock loads.
3. Cools and seals.
4. None

(116). The viscosity of a liquid is a measure of its.

1. Weight, or density. 2. Rate of change of internal friction with change in temperature.
3. Resistance to flow. 4. All

(117). Which of the following factors helps determine the proper grade of oil to use in a particular
1. Adequate lubrication in various attitudes of flight.
2. Operating speeds of bearings.
3. Positive introduction of oil to the bearings.

(118). Ignition of fuel depends upon.

1. Volatility. 2. Atomization. 3. Both volatility and atomization. 4. None

(119). Kerosene is used instead of gasoline because.

1. Kerosene is highly volatile and has good lubrication qualities.
2. Kerosene is less volatile and has good lubrication properties.
3. Kerosene has a higher volatility than gasoline and has good lubrication abilities.

(120). If the specific gravity of a fuel is increased, the weight of a tank of fuel will.
1. Decrease. 2. Remain the same. 3. Increase. 4. None
1. Write Newtons laws of motion?

2. Describe Brayton cycle with diagram?

3. Write notes on turbojet & turbo shaft engine?

4. Write notes on turboprop & turbo fan engine?

5. Write notes on different types of compressors used in jet engine?

6. Write down the advantages & disadvantages of axial flow & centrifugal flow

7. Write notes on can type and can annular type combustion chamber?

8. Writes notes on annular type of combustion chamber & its advantages over other?

9. Write notes on Turbine blade types of gas turbine engine?

10. Write down the desired properties of Lubrication oil?

11. Write down the functions of fuel system and different grades of Fuel used in GTE?

12. Write notes on pressure relief valve system of lubrication system?

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