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Materials Science and


Synthesis of Polymers

Materials Science and Technology

Volume 1 Volume 10
Structure of Solids Nuclear Materials
Volume Editor: V. Gerold Volume Editor: B. R. T. Frost

Volume 2 Volume 11
Characterization of Materials Structure and Properties of Ceramics
Volume Editor: E. Lifshin Volume Editor: M.V. Swain

Volume 3 Volume 12
Electronic and Magnetic Properties Structure and Properties of Polymers
of Metals and Ceramics Volume Editor: E. L. Thomas
Volume Editor: K.H. J. Buschow
Volume 13
Volume 4 Structure and Properties of
Electronic Structure and Properties Composites
of' Semiconductors Volume Editor: T. W. Chou
Volume Editor: W. Schroter
Volume 14
Volume 5 Medical and Dental Materials
Phase Transformations in Materials Volume Editor: D. F. Williams
Volume Editor: P. Haasen i
Volume 15
Volume 6 Processing of Metals and Alloys
Plastic Deformation and Fracture Volume Editor: R. W. Cahn
of Materials
Volume 16
Volume Editor: H. Mughrabi
Processing of Semiconductors
Volume 7 Volume Editor: K. A. Jackson
Constitution and Properties of Steels
Volume 17
Volume Editor: F. B. Pickering
Processing of Ceramics
Volume 8 Volume Editor: R. J. Brook
Structure and Properties of
Volume 18
Nonferrous Alloys
Processing of Polymers
Volume Editor: K. H. Matucha
Volume Editor: H. E. H. Meijer
Volume 9
Glasses and Amorphous Materials
Volume Editor: J. Zarzycki
Materials Science
and Technology
A Comprehensive Treatment

Edited by
R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer

Synthesis of Polymers
Volume Editor: A.-Dieter Schliiter

Weinheim . New York . Chichestere Brisbane . Singapore . Toronto
Professor R. W. Cahn Professor P. Haasen t Professor E . J. Kramer
University of Cambridge Institut fur Metallphysik University of California
Dept. of Materials Science der Universitat at Santa Barbara
and Metallurgy Hospitalstrasse 3/7 Materials Department
Pembroke Street D-37073 Gottingen College of Engineering
Cambridge CB2 3QZ, UK Germany Santa Barbara, CA 93 106, USA

Volume Editor:
Prof. A,-Dieter Schliiter
Freie Universitat Berlin
Institut fur Organische Chemte
Takustrasse 3
D-1419.5 Berlin

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The cover illustration shows a semiconductor chip surface and is taken from the journal "Advanced Materials",
published by WILEY-VCH. Weinheim.

Library of' Congress Card No.: 90-21936

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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme

Materials science and technology : a comprehensive treatment / ed.
by R.W. Cahn _ _ _ - Ungezahlte Ausg. - Weinheim ; New York :
Chichester ; Brisbane ; Singapore ; Toronto : Wiley-VCH
Processing of polymers I ed. by A.-Dieter Schliiter. I. Aufl. -

ISBN 3-.527-26831-6

0 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim (Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

Printed on acid-free and chlorine-free (TCF) paper

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Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
Preface to the Series

Materials are highly diverse, yet many concepts, phenomena and transformations
involved in making and using metals, ceramics, electronic materials, plastics and
composites are strikingly similar. Matters such as transformation mechanisms,
defect behavior, the thermodynamics of equilibria, diffusion, flow and fracture
mechanisms, the fine structure and behavior of interfaces, the structures of crys-
tals and glasses and the relationship between these, the motion or confinement of
electrons in diverse types of materials, the statistical mechanics of assemblies of
atoms or magnetic spins, have come to illuminate not only the behavior of the in-
dividual materials in which they were originally studied, but also the behavior of
other materials which at first sight are quite unrelated.
This continual intellectual cross-linkage between materials is what has given
birth to Materials Science, which has by now become a discipline in its own right
as well as being a meeting place of constituent disciplines. The new Series is in-
tended to mark the coming-of-age of that new discipline, define its nature and
range and provide a comprehensive overview of its principal constituent themes.
Materials Technology (sometimes called Materials Engineering) is the more
practical counterpart of Materials Science, and its central concern is the process-
ing of materials, which has become an immensely complex skill, especially for
the newer categories such as semiconductors, polymers and advanced ceramics
but indeed also for the older materials: thus, the reader will find that the metal-
lurgy and processing of modern steels has developed a long way beyond oldfash-
ioned empiricism.
There exist, of course, other volumes and other series aimed at surveying these
topics. They range from encyclopedias, via annual reviews and progress serials,
to individual texts and monographs, quite apart from the flood of individual re-
view articles in scientific periodicals. Many of these are essential reading for spe-
cialists (and those who intend to become specialists); our objective is not to be-
little other sources in the cooperative enterprise which is modern materials sci-
ence and technology, but rather to create a self-contained series of books which
can be close at hand for frequent reference or systematic study, and to create these
books rapidly enough so that the early volumes will not yet be badly out of date
when the last ones are published. The individual chapters are more detailed and
searching than encyclopedia or concise review articles, but less so than mono-
graphs wholly devoted to a single theme.
The Series is directed toward a broad readership, including not only those who
define themselves as materials scientists or engineers but also those active in
diverse disciplines such as solid-state physics, solid-state chemistry, metallurgy,
construction engineering, electrical engineering and electronics, energy technol-
ogy, polymer science and engineering.
While the Series is primarily classified on the basis of types of materials and
their processing modes, some volumes will focus on particular groups of appli-
cations (Nuclear Materials, Biomedical Materials), and others on specific catego-
ries of properties (Phase Transformations, Characterization, Plastic Deformation
and Fracture). Different aspects of the same topic are often treated in two or more
volumes. and certain topics are treated in connection with a particular material
(e.g., corrosion in one of the chapters on steel, and adhesion in one of the poly-
mer volumes). Note, however, that corrosion is now to receive its own dedicated
volume, number 19. Special care has been taken by the Editors to ensure exten-
sive cross-references both within and between volumes, insofar as is feasible. A
Cumulative Index volume will be published upon completion of the Series to en-
hance its usefulness as a whole.
We are very much indebted to the editorial and production staff at VCH for their
substantial and highly efficient contribution to the heavy task of putting these
volumes together and turning them into finished books. Our particular thanks go
to Dr. Peter Gregory and Deborah Hollis on the editorial side and to Wirt.-Ing.
Hans-Jochen Schmitt on the production side. We are grateful to the management
of VCH for their confidence in us and for their steadfast support.

Robert W. Cahn, Cambridge

Peter Haasen, Gottingen
Edward J . Kramer, Ithaca

Our friend and coeditor-in-chief, Peter Haasen, fell ill in May and died in Gottingen
on 18 October 1993, at the age of only 66. Nearly until the end, driven by con-
science and his love of science, he continued to discharge his editorial functions
for our joint enterprise and also for another in which he was engaged. His death
represents a devastating loss to his family, to which he was so deeply devoted, to
his colleagues, to his church, and to the worldwide professions of metal physics
and.physica1 metallurgy (which he regarded as closely related but by no means
Dr. Haasen, who had been professor of metal physics at the University of
Gottingen for more than three decades until his retirement in 1992, possessed a
name to conjure with on both sides of the Atlantic. In his native Germany he was
greatly influential, both on the public scene and among his students, who looked
to him for wise counsel even when their own hair became speckled with gray. He
was an editor of Zeitschrifr f u r Metallkunde, was for a time president of the
Gottingen Academy of Arts and Sciences, was a central figure in the councils of
the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Metallkunde (latterly, Materialkunde), a member
of the Academia Europaea and a foreign member of the U.S. National Academy
of Engineering.
In 1986, he took the first initiatives which led directly to the publishers deci-
sion to create the 18 volumes of Materials Science and Technology, and he per-
sonally edited the first volume to appear, devoted to Phase Transformations and
published in 1991; it has already won much praise. We, the undersigned, owe to
him our own involvement in this great enterprise. We shall miss him immensely,
and we shall honor his memory by doing our part to bring the enterprise to a suc-
cessful conclusion.

Robert W. Cahn, Cambridge

Edward J. Kramer, Ithaca
October 1993

Almost seventy-five years have elapsed since Staudinger s formal introduction of

the hotly debated topic of high molecular substances at a scientific meeting in
Dusseldorf. Since that time polymer chemistry has come of age and, by the 1960s,
many thought that the field was so mature that few important discoveries remained
to be made.
This new volume, edited by A.-Dieter Schluter, illustrates some of the many
changes that continue to revolutionize the vibrant field of polymer synthesis. A
quick survey of the list of contributors to this timely volume reveals that the au-
thors are not only experts in organic and polymer synthesis but also fully conver-
sant with fields as varied as organometallic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry,
molecular biology, and enzymology. Therefore, it is not surprising that this vol-
ume does not attempt to gather all the important recent advances in the field of
polymer synthesis. Instead, it has selected some of the latest and most promising
modern methods of polymer synthesis to illustrate the wealth of synthetic ap-
proaches that keep this discipline at the forefront.
While established polymerization routes such as the Ziegler-Natta polymeriza-
tion of olefins continue to be of prime importance, a number of other metal-cat-
alyzed polymerization processes have also gained practical significance. Meta-
thesis polymerization, both acyclic and ring-opening, has benefited from the great
strides made in organometallic chemistry and a better fundamental understand-
ing of the key processes that control polymer synthesis. Classical polymeriza-
tion processes - anionic, cationic, and free radical - have also evolved consider-
ably as our ability to use active species with more covalent character and bet-
ter designed initiating and propagating systems has been enhanced.
As our array of synthetic tools grows, so does our ability to engineer macro-
molecules through the control of their architecture, the mode of their assembly,
or the methods involved in their polymerization. For example, efficient methods
have emerged for the preparation of cyclic, dendritic, topological, or double-
stranded macromolecules - all within the past two decades. The interface of chem-
istry and biology that has revolutionized modern organic chemistry has also led
to significant inroads in the design of biologically inspired macromolecules. Ma-
jor advances have been made in the use of the techniques of both biotechnology
and molecular biology for the design and preparation of new families of macro-
molecules. The interface with inorganic chemistry has also led to novel hybrid
polymers with great potential in areas as varied as nanoscale materials and cataly-
sis. Explorations in the use of supramolecular chemistry, modular approaches,
or repetitive organic techniques have also significantly expanded our ability to
conceive and realize novel macromolecular structures. Even a casual reader of
this volume will not fail to be impressed by the richness of approaches to new
macromolecules and the dynamic creativity that permeates polymer science to-

Jean M. J. FrCchet, Berkeley,

November 1998

Instead of attempting a comprehensive coverage of all aspects in polymer

synthesis broad field, we decided to emphasize areas and facets which have seen
the most rapid development in the last few years. The topics chosen also reflect
the organic chemists preferences for mechanisms, structure control and elucida-
tion of the synthesized polymers rather than their undoubtedly equally important
materials properties. With its occasional NMR-spectrums and discussions of de-
tails such as defect degrees in polymer backbones this book acts as a perfect
complement to related books currently on the market which tend to concen-
trate more on polymers material science aspects. The selection of topics in this
book also mirrors our appreciation for and belief in the impact of a boundary
breaking, multi-disciplined interaction between chemistryhiochemistry scien-
tists. Since polymer synthesis is an internationally pursued enterprise, it comes
as no surprise that the renowned authors of the individual chapters hail from the
leading nations in this field which are predominantly Europe, USA, and Japan.
The targeted group of readers ranges from senior graduate students to academic
and industrial researchers alike who seek exposure to advanced and modern as-
pects of polymer synthesis.
At this point I wish to cordially thank my former mentors, Gerhard Wegner and
Henry Hall Jr., for igniting my enthusiasm for polymers and for pulling me over
from straight organic chemistry to the fascinating world of the long and coily

A.-Dieter Schliiter, Berlin,

November 1998
Editorial Advisory Board

Professor S. Amelinckx Professor A. Kelly

Universiteit Antwerpen University of Cambridge
Antwerp, Belgium Cambridge, UK

Dr. V. S. Arunachalam Professor T. B. Massalski

Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh PA, USA Pittsburgh PA, USA

Dr. W. L. Brown Professor G. Petzow

AT&T Bell Laboratories Max-Planck-Institut fur
Murray Hill NJ, USA Metallforschung
Stuttgart, Federal Republic
Professor D. R. Clarke of Germany
University of California
Santa Barbara CA. USA Professor J. Takamura t
Formerly Executive Adviser to
Sir Alan H. Cottrell Nippon Steel Corporation
University of Cambridge Kawasaki, Japan
Cambridge, UK
Professor G. Wegner
Professor M. C. Flemings Max-Planck-Institut fur
Massachusetts Institute of Poly merforschung
Technology Mainz, Federal Republic
Cambridge MA, USA of Germany
Professor P.G. de Gennes Dr. A. R. C. Westwood
Collkge de France Sandia National Laboratory
Paris. France Albuquerque NM, USA
Professor W. Heywang Professor H. Yanagida
Siemens A. G. (retired) University of Tokyo
Munchen, Federal Republic Tokyo, Japan
of Germany
Dr. E.D. Hondros
Imperial College
London, UK
List of Contributors

Dr. Annemicke M. Aerdts Prof. Alan Deffieux

University of Technology Laboratoire de Chimie des
Department of Polymer Chemistry Polymkres Organiques
PO Box 513 UMR 5629
5600 MB Eindhoven ENSCPB-UniversitC Bordeaux-1-CNRS
The Netherlands Avenue Pey-Berland
Chapter 9 33402 Talence Cedex
Prof. Markus Antonietti Chapter 8
Max-Planck-Institut fur Kolloid-
und Grenzflachenforschung Dr. Yannick Ederle
KantstraBe 55 Institut Charles Sadron
14513 Teltow-Seehof CNRS-ULP
Germany 6, rue Boussingault
Chapter 18 67083 Strasbourg Cedex
Dr. Henri Cramail Chapter 19
Laboratoire de Chimie des
Polymkres Organiques Dr. Stefan Forster
UMR 5629 Max-Planck-Institut fur Kolloid-
ENSCPB-UniversitCBordeaux- 1-CNRS und Grenzflachenforschung
Avenue Pey-Berland KantstraBe 55
33402 Talence Cedex 14513 Teltow-Seehof
France Germany
Chapter 8 Chapter 18

Prof. T. A. Davidson Prof. A.L. German

The George and Josephine Butler University of Technology
Polymer Research Laboratory Department of Polymer Chemistry
Department of Chemistry and PO Box 513
Center for Macromolecular Science 5600 MB Eindhoven
and Engineering The Netherlands
University of Florida Chapter 9
Gainesville, FL 3261 1
Chapter 4
Prof. Robert H. Grubbs Prof. Masami Kamigaito
Arnold and Mabel Beckman Laboratory Department of Polymer Chemistry
of Chemical Synthesis Kyoto University
Division of Chemistry & Chemical Kyoto 606-01
Engineering Japan
California Institute of Technology Chapter 6
Pasadena, CA 9 1 125
USA Dr. E. Khosravi
Chapter 3 University of Durham
Department of Chemistry
Prof. Akira Harada Durham DH1 3HD
Department of Macromolecular U.K.
Science Chapter 3
Faculty of Science
Osaka University Prof. Kristi L. Kiick-Fischer
Toy onaka Department of Polymer Science
Osaka, 560 and Engineering
Japan University of Massachusetts
Chapter 14 Amherst, MA 01003
Prof. Walter Heitz Chapter 17
Philips-Universitat Marburg
FB Physik, Chemie, Polymere Dr. Bert Klumperman
Hans-Meerwein-Str. University of Technology
35043 Marburg, Germany Department of Polymer Chemistry
Chapter 2 PO Box 513,5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Prof. H.M. Janssen Chapter 9
Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Eindhoven University of Technology Prof. Shiro Kobayashi
PO Box 513 Department of Materials Chemistry
5600 MB Eindhoven Graduate School of Economics
The Netherlands Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-0 1
Chcipter I 2 Japan
Chapter 16
Prof. R. Jerome
Center for Education and Research Dr. Jenci Kurja
on Macromolecules (CERM) University of Technology
University of Likge Department of Polymer Technology
Institute of Chemistry B6a PO Box 513
Sarr-Tilman 5600 MB Eindhoven
4000 Likge, Belgium The Netherlands
Chapter 7 Chapter 9
Prof. Pierre Lutz Dr. Sascha Oestreich
Institut Charles Sadron Max-Planck-Institut fur Kolloid-
CNRS-ULP. 6, rue Boussingault und Grenzflachenforschung
67083 Strasbourg Cedex KantstraBe 55
France 14513 Teltow-Seehof
Chapter 19 Germany
Chapter 18
Prof. E. W. Meijer
Laboratory of Organic Chemistry Prof. J. Okuda
Eindhoven University of Technology Institut fur Anorganische Chemie
PO Box 513 Johannes-Gutenberg-UniversitatMainz
5600 MB Eindhoven 55 128 Mainz
The Netherlands Germany
Chapter 12 Chapter 5

Prof. Jeffrey Moore Prof. Paul Osenar

Department of Chemistry Department of Materials
University of Illinois & Engineering
Roger Adams Laboratory Box 55 University of Illinois
600 S. Mathews Avenue at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL 61801, USA 1304 West Green Street
Chapter 1 Urbana, IL 61801
Prof. Rolf Mulhaupt Chapter 15
Universitat Freiburg
Institut fur Makromolekulare Chemie Prof. Ryan B. Prince
Stefan-Meier-Str. 3 1,79104 Freiburg Departments of Chemistry and
Germany Materials Science and Engineering
Chapter 5 The Beckman Institute for
Advanced Science and Technology
Prof. Klaus Mullen University of Illinois
Max-Planck-Institut at Urbana-Champaign
fur Polymerforschung Urbana, IL 6 1801
Ackermannweg 10,55128 Mainz USA
Germany Chapter I
Dr. Matthias Rehahn
Dr. Kaynoush S. Naraghi Polymerinstitut
Institut Charles Sadron Universitat Karlsruhe
CNRS-ULP Kaiserstr. 12
6, rue Boussingault 76 128 Karlsruhe
67083 Strasbourg Cedex, France Germany
Chapter 19 Chapter 10
Prof. Mitsuo Sawamoto Prof. Hiroshi Uyama
Department of Polymer Chemistry Department of Materials Chemistry
Kyoto University Graduate School of Economics
Kyoto 606-01 Kyoto University
Japan Kyoto 606-01
Chapter 6 Japan
Chapter I6
Prof. A.-D. Schluter
Freie Universitat Berlin Dr. Alex M. van Herk
Institut fur Organische Chemie University of Technology
TakustraBe 3 Department of Polymer Chemistry
14195 Berlin PO Box 513
Germany 5600 MB Eindhoven
Chapter 13 The Netherlands
Chapter 9
Prof. Samuel I. Stupp
Department of Materials & Engineering Prof. K. B. Wagener
University of Illinois The George and Josephine Butler
at Urbana-Champaign Polymer Research Laboratory
1304 West Green Street Department of Chemistry and
Urbana, IL 61801 Center for Macromolecular Sci.&Eng.
USA University of Florida
Chapter 15 Gainesville, FL 326 1 I
Dr. Ph. Teyssie Chapter 4
Center for Education and Research
on Macromolecules (CERM) Prof. Gunter Wulff
University of Likge Institut fur Organische Chemie und
Institute of Chemistry B6a Makromolekulare Chemie
Sart-Tilman Heinrich-Heine-Universitat Dusseldorf
4000 Littge UniversitatsstraBe 1
Belgium 40225 Dusseldorf
Chapter 7 Germany
Chapter 11
Prof. David A. Tirrell
Department of Polymer Science
and Engineering
University of Massachusetts
Amherst. MA 01003
Chapter 17

Organic Chemistry and the Synthesis of Well-Defined Polymers . . . . 1

Klaus Miillen
1 Nonbiological Sequence-Specific Oligomers by Repetitive Syntheses 11
Jefsrey S. Moore, Ryan B. Prince
2 Transition Metal-Catalyzed Polycondensation and Polyaddition . . . . 37
Walter Heitz
3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP)
and Related Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Robert H . Grubbs, Ezat Khosravi
4 Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET) Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . 105
Tarnrny A. Davidson, Kenneth B. Wagener
5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin,
and Styrene Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Jun Okuda, Rolf Miilhaupt
6 Living Radical Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I63
Mitsuo Sawamoto, Masami Kamigaito
7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Philippe Dubois, Robert Je'rSrne, Philippe Teyssie'
8 Cationic Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 1
Henri Crarnail, Alain Deffieux
9 Emulsion Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Annernieke M. Aerdts, Alex M. van Herk, Bert Klurnperrnan,
Jenci Kurja, Anton L. German
10 Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 19
Matthias Rehahn
11 Chiral Polymers - The Synthesis of Optically Active Vinyl
and Vinylidene Polymers with Main Chain Chirality . . . . . . . . . . 375
Giinter Wulff
12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules . . . . . . 403
H. M. Janssen, E. w! Meijer
13 Diels-Alder Ladder Polymers: Synthesis and Aromatization . . . . . . 459
A.-Dieter Schliiter
14 Synthesis of Polyrotaxanes ....................... 485
Akira Harada
15 Polymerization in Organized Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
Samuel I. Stupp, Paul Osenar
16 Biocatalytical Routes to Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549
Shiro Kobayashi, Hiroshi Uyama
17 Biosynthetic Routes to Novel Macromolecular Materials . . . . . . . 571
Kristi L. Kiick, David A . Tirrell
18 Application of a Modular Approach in Polymer Science:
Synthesis of a Broad Variety of Amphiphilic Block Copolymers . . . . 595
Markus Antonietti, Stephan Forster, Sascha Oestreich
19 Synthesis of Cyclic Macromolecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
Yannick Ederle, Kaynoush S. Naraghi, Pierre J. Lutz
Index.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649
Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

Organic Chemistry and the Synthesis

of Well-Defined Polymers
Klaus Miillen

Max-Planck-Institut fur Polymerforschung, Mainz, Germany

Organic chemists tend to avoid polymers (PPVs) (Shinar, 1996) have been made read-
and are happy when polymers remain at ily available through the Wessling-Zimmer-
the top of their chromatography column. man route (Wessling and Zimmerman,
They consider polymers somewhat myster- 1986)using the precursor polyelectrolyte 3,
ious and the people who make them some-
what suspect. Polydisperse samples are not
accepted as true compounds and it is be-
lieved that a method of bond formation,
once established for the synthesis of a small R = akyl
compound, can be extended without further 3
complication toward polymer synthesis. On
the other hand, many polymer researchers, a careful chemical approach was required to
in particular those closer to the physical side find the best conditions for the elimination
of the field, have not invested much to in- upon going from 3 to 2. A failure in this re-
crease trust in the structural homogeneity of action will interrupt the extended 7c-conju-
their samples. gation, and side products can seriously af-
Some examples taken from the field of fect the performance of, e. g., light-emitting
conjugated polymers may characterize this devices made from 2 (Brown et al., 1992).
careless attitude. While electrochemically Other structures, such as the polyphenyl-
formed polypyrrole (MacDiarmid, 1997) is enemethide 4, with a degenerate ground-
generally referred to by the idealized chain
structure 1, its actual structure is much more
0 0 0

state and, hopefully (Scherf and Miillen,

1 1992), a low electronic band gap, may rep-
complex and comprises coupling at C-fl as resent a wish rather than reality, because
well as ring-forming processes. Similarly, once formed they are susceptible to chemi-
while poly(puru-phenyleneviny1ene)s (2) cal reactions producing structural defects.
These cases should suffice to outline the
dilemma of a chemistry strongly biased to-
ward physical function and material prop-
erties: While a synthesis must be practical
2 and provide sufficient quantities, the limi-
2 Organic Chemistry and the Synthesis of Well-Defined Polymers

tations of the synthetic method, with respect was produced in a high pressure/high tem-
to the occurrence of side products and struc- perature process (Seymour and Cheng,
tural defects, must be carefully investigat- 1986). In the 1950s Ziegler-Natta catalysts
ed, e. g., for establishing a reliable structure- led to highly linear polyethylene (Ziegler,
property relationship. 1952), and the polymerization of propylene
The last fifteen years have seen impres- (Natta, 1964) was successful with these cat-
sive cases where methods of organic and or- alysts as well. In the 1980s the use of so-
ganometallic chemistry have been success- phisticated metallocenes as homogeneous
fully implemented into polymer synthesis (in contrast to polymer-supported Ziegler-
and largely increased the efficiency. Regio- Natta) catalysts allowed more and more
and stereoselectivity, molecular weight control of polyolefin structures and proper-
control and access to more complex archi- ties (Brintzinger et al., 1995; Muhlhaupt,
tectures of both homo- and copolymers 1993). The activation of such catalysts with
have been among the major concerns of alkylaluminum compounds supported the
this research. Interdisciplinary approaches conclusion that (alkyl) metallocene cations
appeared to be particularly fruitful, and the are key intermediates in ethylene polymer-
literature provides ample examples where ization. A particularly striking example is
researchers have been stimulating exchange the activation of (Cp),ZrCI2 ( 5 ) or (Cp)*-
between seemingly closed communities. ZrMe2 (6) complexes with methylalumin-
The present text, while being intended to
highlight a few examples of creative poly-
mer synthesis, is far from being comprehen-
sive; methods of organometallic chemistry
will certainly demand particular attention,
above all in catalyzed processes of polymer-
ization and polycondensation. Progress in 5 6
polymer synthesis, on the other hand, does
not only come from the invention of new re- oxane (MAO), which was introduced by
actions, but also from better solutions for Sinn et al. (1980). Extensive kinetic and
old processes. Thus successful approaches theoretical studies disclosed a mechanism in
toward living radical polymerization have which the productive complex is an alkyl
led to a renaissance of classical polymer (olefin) zirconocene cation and the olefin
chemistry (Hawker, 1996). Seemingly fash- insertion into the metal-alkyl bond is the key
ionable topics, however, attract contribu- step (Bochmann and Lancaster, 1992).
tions of diverse quality and a situation close The detection of homogeneous catalysts
to chain death is sometimes looked at as a also allowing the polymerization of propyl-
degree of livingness. A final aspect when ene and other a-olefins, fueled interest in
reviewing new avenues of polymer chemis- the polymerizations stereoregularity and its
try is not method-oriented, but will com- relation to the substitution pattern of the
prise the design and synthesis of unconven- metallocene. It is thus the geometric and
tional structures. electronic structure of tailor-made metallo-
It is appropriate to begin with the synthet- cenes that determines the structure of the re-
ic polymer that we make most of, that is, sulting polymer chain and its properties,
polyethylene. The story began in 1933 when such as crystallinity, transparency, stiffness,
a fairly ill-defined, i. e., branched, material or heat resistance (Brintzinger et al., 1995;
Organic Chemistry and the Synthesis of Well-Defined Polymers 3

Muhlhaupt, 1993). It should be added that well-defined novel polymer structures. The
the implementation of homogeneous ca- chemical nature of the alkoxy or aryloxy
talysis in industrial polyolefin synthesis ligands at the Schrock initiators led to high-
again requires the design of suitable carriers ly tactic products and either cis- or truns-
for the catalysts. While this might appear as olefins in the transformation of the norbor-
a rather technical problem, its solution calls nadiene 8 into 9 (McConville et al., 1993;
for a combination of synthetic, kinetic, an- ODell et al., 1994).
alytical, and morphological efforts.
It may seem somewhat odd to proceed
from the large-scale production of polyole-
fins to the synthesis of polyacetylene, a
functional, electrical material, but the ev- 8 9
olution of the methods is similar. Polyacet-
ylene films were originally prepared via or- The success in the structural control of the
ganometal-catalyzed polymerization of polynorbornenes can be attributed to the
acetylene at interfaces (Shirakawa and Ike- deactivation of the electrophilic metal to-
da, 1971). Careful optimization of this pro- ward metathesis of ordinary olefins by the
cess provided control of not only the molec- bulky alkoxy or aryloxy ligands in the cat-
ular structure, but also the morphology of alyst 10, to the selection of the less electro-
the solid, and thus led to impressive electri-
cal conductivities, well comparable to those
of copper. The major drawback of these ma-
terials was their intractability. In 1979 Feast
introduced a precursor route in which a
soluble precursor polymer was made via
a ring opening metathesis polymerization
(ROMP) using a WC1,/Sn(CH3), initiator,
and in which the target polymer was ob-
tained by a thermally induced elimination philic molybdenum compared to tungsten,
(Edwards and Feast, 1980). This first mate- and to the relatively high reactivity of the
rial was largely amorphous and no molecu- norbornene double bond (Bazan et al.,
lar weight control was possible. The use of 1991). Remarkably enough, the structural
carefully designed Schrock catalysts (7)al- control reached by ROMP also allowed the
synthesis of functional homo- and copoly-
mers and their selective attachment to sur-
faces by their end function (Albagli et al.,
R= t&- but$
Ar=aryl 1993), as well as the synthesis of new
macromolecular architectures, such as star
block copolymers and rod-coil block co-
lowed a living polymerization and then en- polymers (Saunders et al., 1991).
abled control of the molecular weight dis- Metathesis catalysts can also lead to chain
tribution and even the formation of block structures, such as 11, starting from a, mal-
copolymers (Schrock et al., 1995). kadiene precursors 12, under the extrusion
Applying the ROMP process to other cy- of ethylene in a process called acyclic diene
cloolefins provided access to a manifold of metathesis (ADMET) (Wagener et al.,
4 Organic Chemistry and the Synthesis of Well-Defined Polymers

12 11

1990). The removal of one low boiling prod- thesis of low molecular weight organic com-
uct is crucial for driving the well-known ponents and then, after having shown their
equilibria of olefin metathesis with metal- value in repetitive processes, were shown by

locyclobutanes as key intermediates toward the fundamental work of Schliiter and Heitz
polymer formation. to greatly improve the access to conjugated
Finally, the novel ruthenium complexes polymers such as polyphenylenes (PPPs) 15
13 and 14, recently introduced by Grubbs,


(Liess et al., 1996), polyphenyleneviny-

13 lenes (PPVs) 2 (Klingelhofer et al., 1997),
or polyphenyleneethynylenes (PPEs) 16
(Koch and Heitz, 1997).

allow a living ROMP process of functional- Crucial steps are aryl-aryl, aryl-vinyl, or
ized monomers in water (Lynn et al., 1996), aryl-ethynyl coupling, involving building
a procedure that would have been believed blocks such as 17 or 18, and proceeding
impossible, e. g., five years ago. The living
ends of the growing polymer chain are so
persistent that the choice of the end-capping
reagent is quite limited. This situation is in
Me3S xsae3
marked contrast with that of the living an-
ionic polymerization of activated olefins
(see below) where scrupulous exclusion,
e. g., of proton sources, is mandatory in or-
der not to disturb end-capping with electro- 18
philic functions.
Organometal species do not only act as under palladium catalysis. Side reactions,
catalysts for polymerization, but also as key such as dehalogenation or destannylation,
intermediates in polycondensation reac- must be strictly avoided, since they create
tions under C-C bond formation. These re- an unbalanced stoichiometry and limit the
actions, such as Suzuki (Miyaura et al., attainable molecular weight. This often re-
1981), Stille (Stille, 1986), or Heck (Heck, quires careful optimization of the reaction
198 I ) coupling, were designed for the syn- conditions and tuning of the catalyst system.
Organic Chemistry and the Synthesis of Well-Defined Polymers 5

Interestingly, PPEs cannot only be made by cessable PPPs was achieved with the syn-
aryl-ethynyl coupling, but also by a modifi- thesis of ladder poly(paru-pheny1ene)s
cation of the ADMET reaction (see earlier) (LPPPs) 20 by Scherf and Miillen (1991).
using Schrock catalysts. The process uses
dialkinyl substituted benzenes 19 as start-

H,C+O+CH, -
19 20

ing compounds and is driven by butyne ex- Remarkably enough, such ladder polymers
trusion. During such a transfer of organic become available by carefully optimized
chemistry methods to polymer synthesis, polymer-analogous Friedel-Crafts cycliza-
the synthesis of oligomeric model com- tion, transforming single-stranded precur-
pounds, either by a stepwise or random ap- sors into their defect-free, double-stranded
proach, and a scrupulous analysis of the counterparts.
products are of great value. Unlike, e. g., polycondensation reactions
Next to the strict avoidance of structural of organometallic intermediates or meta-
errors, the construction of conjugated poly- thesis polymerizations with sophisticated
mers faces the problems of improving the catalyst systems, the anionic, cationic, or
solubility of the rigid chains and controlling radical polymerizations of activated olefins
the electronic properties. As in PPV synthe- through chain processes are generally
sis (see above), the problem of the poor sol- looked upon as classical topics of polymer
ubility of poly(para-phenylene) (PPP) 15 chemistry. A key concern, e.g., in the an-
was approached by making soluble precur- ionic process, is the living character of the
sor polymers, starting from solubilized cy- growing carbanion and the type of the
clohexadiene monomers. The precursors metal counterion. While the living anions are
can be smoothly transformed into the final typically generated by organolithium spe-
conjugated PPP by elimination processes, cies, some polymerization reactions, such as
but the perfection of this final transforma- the formation of polyethyleneoxide, require
tio is again a critical theme (Chaturvedi organopotassium initiators (Swarc and Van
et al., 1993). Otherwise, the introduction of Beylen, 1993). It appears that the arguments
solubilizing alkyl or alkoxy chains provid- describing the bonding situation of metal-
ed solubilized PPPs and, according to stabilized carbanions are equally valid for
Wegner and Schliiter, the substituents do not organic and macromolecular chemistry. In
seriously inhibit the Suzuki-type aryl-aryl general, the reactivity of the initiator has to
cross coupling reaction (Percec et al., 1992; be well tuned to prevent side reactions, es-
Rehahn et al., 1989). However, the substit- pecially in the case of block copolymer for-
uents induce an increased mutual distortion mation. For example, polystyrene-PMMA
of the inter-ring single bonds, and thus lead block copolymers cannot be obtained by the
to severe inhibition of the resonance (Park direct addition of MMA as the second
et al., 1996). A pathway circumventing this monomer to the living polystyrene anions,
shortcoming generates planarized PPPs by since the high nucleophilicity of the poly-
incorporating the conjugated PPP skeleton meric anion would lead to an ester cleav-
into a ladder geometry. The synthesis of per- age in the MMA (Young et al., 1984). An
fectly flat and nevertheless solution-pro- addition of diphenylethylene, however,
6 Organic Chemistry and the Synthesis of Well-Defined Polymers

produces a less reactive polymeric anion and I-(M)nt; + T'

suppresses the side reactions with MMA.
New polymerization processes have re- /
cently been proposed, which are closely re- I-@)* + T' 7 I-(M)rtt(mbT
lated to the classical anionic polymerization
active side dormant side
of acrylates. The focus is on the stabiliza-
tion of ester enolates. Webster introduced I = initiator, M = monomer, T = TEMPO 21, triazolinyl22
the group transfer polymerization (Webster,
1987) using silylenol ethers and Yasuda de-
scribed the polymerization of acrylates, ini- ditives in radical polymerization (Rizzardo,
tiated by complexes of alkyllanthanium and 1987; Georges et al., 1993). The concentra-
-samarium (Ihara et al., 1995). With these tion of the growing macroradical can be
methods, extremely narrowly distributed largely reduced, which helps to suppress bi-
polymers were made accessible, and the tac- molecular side reactions.
ticity of PMMA could even be controlled by Unfortunately, stable nitroxides only al-
using chiral complex ligands. lowed the polymerization of special
The major problem of anionic polymer- monomers such as styrene. Fukuda (Goto
ization is the labor that needs to be invest- and Fukuda, 1997) has suggested that the
ed in order to keep the carbanionic species above-mentioned side reactions of free rad-
unobstructed. Not surprisingly, therefore, icals cannot be completely surpressed by us-
polyacrylates or methacrylates are mostly ing additives. This will result in an increase
prepared via the less demanding radical of the concentration of counter radicals and
polymerization; thereby, however, complex shift the equilibrium between dormant and
architectures, such as block copolymers, are active species to the dormant side (see
difficult to achieve. Here again, metal catal- Scheme). Klapper and Mullen have intro-
ysis can play a central role. Copper com- duced triazolinyl radicals (Colombani et al.,
plexes or ruthenium salts were applied by 1997) 22 as counter radicals. Via controlled
Matyjaszewski (Qiu and Matyjaszewski,
1997) and Sawamoto (Sawamoto and
Kamigaito, 1996) to polymerize vinylic
monomers in a controlled fashion. Thus
high molecular weights and block copolym-
ers were made. The disadvantage is that ap-
preciable amounts of inorganic salts and/or
complex ligands are involved, rendering
this process difficult for an industrial appli-
cation. decomposition of the latter, the concentra-
The second approach to obtain block co- tion of the excess triazolinyl, formed via bi-
polymers uses counter radicals, such as molecular side reactions of the polymeriza-
stable nitroxides, mainly TEMPO 21,as ad- tion, is decreased and, at the same time, new
growing chains are initiated without the
need for thermal reinitiation.
The above examples have generally dealt
b. with activating monomers for polymeriza-
21 tion, in particular, via C-C-bond formation,
Organic Chemistry and the Synthesis of Well-Defined Polymers 7

and with achieving structural control at dif-

ferent levels of sophistication. Another im-
pact of fundamental chemistry on polymer
synthesis is the introduction of less common
monomers. This is, of course, a vast field
out of which only the functionalization and
subsequent polymerization of fullerenes
(Gugel et al., 1996) and the synthesis of re-
gioregular poly( 3-alkylthiophenes) 23 us- L a
ing McColloughs AB building block 24 R=+CH*
(McCollough et al., 1995) will be men-
tioned here.
R tial extension can be reduced by changing
the basic construction pattern. Accordingly,
\ I V-M
a second deviation from the classical poly-
mer chain motif, next to noncovalent bond-
R = alkyl ing, comes from the design of unconven-
tional topologies such as large rings, stars,
24 23
or dendrimers. Kricheldorf has used di-
Most of the synthetic methods mentioned oxastannanes as initiators for the efficient
so far revolve around the concept of a line- polymerization of Pbutyrolactones to yield
ar backbone made up of covalent bonds. A macrocyclic lactones (Kricheldorf and Lee,
first departure from this classical path has 1995). A more significant reduction of the
been suggested with the involvement of mean-square dimensions of linear chains is
noncovalent bonding, an approach that has produced in star-branch polymers. Convinc-
been strongly advocated by Lehn (1993) and ing examples have been presented by
which resulted in the formation of polymer- Hajichristidis, who made complex architec-
ic hydrogen bonded aggregates or of poly- tures such as star block copolymers (Sioula
meric coordination complexes. Major draw- et al., 1997). Thereby different arms, such
backs of the synthetic use of hydrogen as polystyrene and polyisoprene, were syn-
bonding have been the demanding synthe- thesized separately by anionic polymeriza-
ses of suitable monomeric building blocks tion and the living macroanions linked to-
and the formation of difficult-to-character- gether using dichlorosilanes as coupling
ize solid products. Meijer has recently in- elements.
troduced a readily available monomer, Closely related to macrocycle formation
which can activate four hydrogen bonds, is the use of topological bonds, like those
thus leading to extremely high equilibrium occurring in polyrotaxanes 26 (Gibson
constants of, e. g., dimerization. Coupling et al., 1997) or polycatenanes 27.
two such units through suitable spacers pro-
vides excess to the soluble high molecular
weight polymers 25 (Meijer, 1997).
A characteristic property of flexible line-
26 27
ar macromolecules is that they drastically
change their overall extension in space by While the pioneering catenane synthesis
conformational interconversions. This spa- of Schill and Liittringhaus (1964) only led
a Organic Chemistry and the Synthesis of Well-Defined Polymers

to very small yields, impressive contribu- enormous degree of reaction control. Also,
tions of researchers, such as Stoddart (Ash- it is highly appropriate in this context to
ton et al., 1997), Sauvage (Cardenas et al., point out the key role of new polymer ana-
1997), Hunter ( 1995), and Vogtle (Ottens- lytical methods, such as MALDI-TOF (ma-
Hildebrandt et al., 1995), have provided trix assisted laser desorption ionization-time
catenanes in such quantities that they could of flight) mass spectrometry, which are
be used in polycatenane synthesis (Muscat able to detect even minor structural defects
et al., 1997). The originality of poly[2]- (Spickermann et al., 1996). Dendrimers
catenanes arises on the one hand from the thus represent an ideal case to conclude a
introduction of topological bonds in the text devoted to the crucial role of synthesis
main chain, i. e., the repeating units are me- in tailoring material properties.
chanically connected, and on the other from Polymer scientists feeling closer to clas-
the new rotational and elongational ele- sical structures and to sound bread-and-
ments of mobility contained in the catenane butter chemistry might tend to consider,
units. Polyrotaxanes can be viewed as ele- e. g., polycatenanes or dendrimers as some-
gant macromolecules dressed with macro- what exotic species requiring nonpractical
cyclic necklaces, which are obtained by the and too sophisticated methods of synthesis.
threading of rings by growing polymer It cannot be stressed enough, however, that
chains. Polyrotaxanes are relevant for a va- such synthetic efforts provide access to fun-
riety of purposes, such as studies in materi- damental questions of polymer science.
al science or the synthesis of tubular poly- Whatever degree of complexity or simplic-
mers, but also represent a particular type of ity is intended with a polymer synthesis,
blends whose behavior deviates strongly structural precision and control of multiple
from the physical behavior of the individu- chemical functions are indispensible ingre-
al components. dients.
As is well known, the collapse of a chain
toward a globular shape can be brought
about by solvent effects. A synthetic equiv-
alent of this process comes from the con- Acknowledgements
struction of highly branched molecules.
Dendrimers (Zeng and Zimmermann, 1997; Stimulating discussions with T. Brand,
Tomalia et al., 1990) are the perfect mono- W. J. Feast, M. Klapper, and C. Troccon are
disperse case, while their structurally less gratefully acknowledged.
defined hyperbranched analogs represent
the polydisperse case (Malmstrom and Huh,
1997). The remarkable role of dendritic
structures for the creation of shape-persis-
tent macromolecules and for the under- Albagli. D., Bazan, G. C., Schrock, R. R., Wrighton,
\tanding of their surface properties is be- M. S. (1993), J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115, 7328.
yond the scope of this text. In this survey of Ashton, P. R., Diederich, F., Gbmez-Lbpez, M., Nie-
rengarten, J.-F., Preece, J. A,, Rayrno, F. M., Stod-
adventures in polymer synthesis, it must, dart, J. F. (1977). Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. EngL. 36,
however, be emphasized that the repetition 1448.
of branching steps using AB,-type build- Bazan, G. C., Schrock, R. R., Cho, H.-N., Gibson,
V. C. (1991). Macromolecules 24, 4495.
ing blocks and the manipulation of highly Bochmann, M., Lancaster, S . J. (1992), J . Or-g Chem.
functionalized molecular entities require an 434, c 1.
Organic Chemistry and the Synthesis of Well-Defined Polymers 9

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Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

1 Nonbiological Sequence-Specific Oligomers

by Repetitive Syntheses
Jeffrey S Moore and Ryan B Prince .
Departments of Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering and
The Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology.
The University of Illinois at Urbana.Champaign. Urbana. IL. U.S.A.

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.2 Bridging the Gap from Small Molecules to Macromolecules:
A Brief Historical Sketch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3 Overview of Synthetic Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.4 Repetitive Oligomer Syntheses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.4.1 Oligomerizations Based on Carbon-Carbon Bond Constructions . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.4.2 Oligomerizations Based on Heteroatom Bond Constructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.5 Architectures Derived from Sequence-Specific Oligomers . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.7 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
12 1 Nonbiological Sequence-Specific Oligorners by Repetitive Syntheses

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

n number
BOC t-butoxycarbonyl
DBU 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene
DMF N,N-dimethylformamide
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DNO diamino acid-N-substituted oligopeptide
DNP 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazone
EG end group
Et ethyl
FMOC 9-fluorenylmethoxy carbonyl
HBTU 2-(1H-benzotriazole- 1-yl)- 1,1,3,3-tetramethyluroniumhexafluorophosphate
HPLC high performance liquid chromatography
Me methyl
NMP N-methylpyrrolidine
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
NVOC 6-nitroveratryl methoxycarbonyl
pg protecting group
PNA polyamide nucleic acid
RNA ribonucleic acid
rt room temperature
RU repeat unit
THF tetrahydro furan
1.2 Bridging the Gap from Small Molecules to Macromolecules: A Brief Historical Sketch 13

1.1 Introduction er syntheses will be provided. Next, many

examples of the descriptive chemistry used
Oligomers, as a member of the family of to prepare well-defined series of oligomers
chemical substances, have perhaps suffered by repetitive methods will be presented. Ex-
from the syndrome of the middle child. cluded from this discussion are the natural-
Like the recognition-deprived middle child, ly occurring oligomers (i.e., oligopeptides,
oligomers have not captured the level of oligonucleotides, and oligosaccharides),
interest that has been given to their polymer- since these areas of chemistry are highly de-
ic big sibling or their small molecule lit- veloped and specialized fields in them-
tle sibling counterparts. Nonetheless, from selves. The final section describes some ex-
a historical perspective, it is easy to find ex- amples that illustrate recent uses of oligom-
amples where oligomers have provided in- ers in the design of controlled molecular ar-
valuable understanding in linking the be- chitectures for materials and biological ap-
havior of small molecule substances to mac- plications.
romolecules. Very recently, however, there
has been renewed interest in the field of ol-
igomer chemistry (Uglea and Negulescu,
1991; Tour, 1996), especially with regards 1.2 Bridging the Gap from Small
to structurally defined substances prepared Molecules to Macromolecules:
by repetitive syntheses (Moore, 1993). A Brief Historical Sketch
These compounds are shedding light in ar-
eas such as the supramolecular chemistry of While there can be no questioning the im-
macromolecules (e.g., protein-like folding) portance of synthetic polymeric materials,
and they are now being recognized for their it is worth remembering that these substanc-
importance in fields such as medicinal es are chemical mixtures, and mixtures are
chemistry and molecular biology, as well as fundamentally different from pure sub-
for the continued understanding that they stances. In many ways, the distinction
provide when addressing questions in poly- between mixtures and pure substances lies
mer physical chemistry. at the root of the historical separation of or-
The term oligomer is compounded from ganic and polymer chemistry. From the per-
the Greek prefix oligos meaning few and the spective of oligomer chemistry, it is a worth-
Greek combining form meros meaning part. while exercise to briefly examine how this
The general use of this term (Morawetz, separation came about. In 1907, at a time
1985) apparently dates back to 1943 and is when many chemists believed that high mo-
attributed to Larsen (1984). However, the lecular weight organic molecules simply did
terms oligosaccharide (Helferich et al., not exist, Emil Fischer (1907) succeeded in
1930) and oligopeptide (Helferich and preparing an oligopeptide chain of eighteen
Grunert, 1940) are recorded in the German amino acid residues. Fischer wrote, In
literature by Helferich as early as 1930 and studying substances of high molecular
1940, respectively. weight, molecular physics should restrict it-
Following a brief historical perspective self to synthetic products of known struc-
which highlights the role of oligomers in ture. I shall therefore continue experiments
substantiating Staudingers macromolecu- on the build-up of giant molecules (Mo-
lar hypothesis, an overview of repetitive rawetz, 1985). Fischer apparently held the
synthetic strategies used in modern oligom- belief that, just as physical chemistry is con-
14 1 Nonbiological Sequence-Specific Oligomers by Repetitive Syntheses

tion data showed that the lamellar spacing

of the crystalline oligomers increased line-
arly with chain length, although this behav-
ior did not continue to hold to the high poly-
.-z loo- mer limit because of chain folding.
M Soon after these results were published,
E 60- the practical and industrial significance of
40: polymeric materials became apparent, and
20 - synthetic efforts to make discrete, high mo-
I I I. I
0 0 lecular weight products of known structure
0 10 20 30 lost appeal. Industrial polymer chemist Wal-
oligomer length
lace Carothers set the agenda for the next
Figure 1-1. Plot showing the variation of melting
60 years. In a Chemical Reviews article
point and lamellar thickness as a function of oligom-
er chain length for acetoxy capped formaldehyde oli- titled Polymerization published in 1931,
gomers (Staudinger et a].. 1927). The melting point Carothers wrote: The step-by-step synthe-
of the oligomer increases smoothly. asymptotically sis of long molecular chains containing a re-
approaching the value of the high polymer (oligomer peating unit is illustrated by Fischers syn-
length = n).
thesis of polypeptides. Reactions of poly-
merization, however, lead to the formation
of polymeric chains in a single operation.
cerned with the details of atomic and mo- . . . It is true that synthetic linear high poly-
lecular structure, synthetic organic chemis- mers are invariably mixtures whose mole-
try should strive to clarify the limits of mo- cules are chains of slightly differing lengths.
lecular size. . . . Nevertheless, it must be admitted that a
It was 1920 when Staudinger proposed molecule does not lose any of its definite-
the hypothesis of hochrnolekulare Verbin- ness as an entity (because) it cannot be com-
dungerz, and within the short span of seven pletely separated from other similar but
years he gathered irrefutable evidence for slightly different molecules.
the chain structure of polymers. Some of his Thus beganthe polymer industry, leaving
strongest evidence came from a homolo- mostly only those chemists interested in bio-
~ O U Sseries of acetoxy end-capped oligom- polymers to study discrete, high molecular
ers of formaldehyde (Staudinger et al., weight substances. Fortunately, the situa-
1927). These oligomers were prepared as a tion changed dramatically in 1985 when
mixture by oligomerization and painstak- Don Tomalia and George Newkome dis-
ingly separated into discrete members by closed their invention of dendritic macro-
classical methods. Using these substances, molecules (Tomalia et al., 1985; Newkome
Staudinger showed that the changes in the et al., 1985). The construction of dendrim-
physical properties (e.g., solubility, melting ers represents a modern-day example of re-
point) versus the chain length smoothly ex- petitive constructions for preparing discrete
trapolated to the value of the polymer. For oligomeric substances. It might be said that
example, Fig. 1-1 shows a plot of melting this work helped to stimulate interest in
point versus oligomer length, where it can well-defined large molecules and thus
be seen that the melting point smoothly in- paved the road for a return to Fischers vi-
creases and asymptotically approaches that sion of high molecular weight products of
of the high polymer. Powder X-ray diffrac- known structure.
1.3 Overview of Synthetic Strategies 15

1.3 Overview of Synthetic so facilitate the use of excess monomer in

Strategies high concentrations to drive bimolecular
coupling processes to completion without
As shown in Fig. 1-2, there are three gen- the complication of a difficult monomer/ol-
eral strategies that have been used in the re- igomer separation once the reaction is fin-
petitive construction of oligomers. The re- ished. Moreover, solid phase methods can
actions involved in the repetitive cycles in- sometimes capitalize on the site-isolation
clude various combinations of coupling and principle (Leznoff, 1978), which allows
deprotection steps. In Fig. 1-2, the coupling readily available symmetrical difunctional
steps involve bond formation between reac- monomers to be used for oligomer growth.
tive groups represented as A and B, while Another attractive feature of the solid phase
the deprotection steps convert the protected methods is that they are easily adapted to
functionalities (represented as A, or BP) to combinatorial and automated procedures,
their reactive forms. Obviously, the most enabling the simultaneous preparation of as
important criterion of any successful repet- many as lo6 different peptide sequences
itive method is that all of the reactions be of (Jung and Beck-Sickinger, 1992). When the
extremely high fidelity (i.e., very high combinatorial approach is used in conjunc-
yields independent of monomer and chain tion with an effective screening protocol, a
length). wide variety of substrates can be tested for
Figure 1-2 a shows a simple repetitive se- a desired property or activity. Finally, it
quence in which a single monomer is add- should be noted that solid phase methods are
ed during each cycle. This particular scheme not restricted to oligomerizations in which
also illustrates the use of a solid support, as growth involves single monomer addition;
pioneered by Merrifield (1963) for oligo- they can be applied to the orthogonal and
peptides and now commonly used for a wide the divergenvconvergent methods de-
range of synthetic applications (Fruchtel scribed below.
and Jung, 1996; Thompson and Ellman, Figure 1-2b shows an orthogonal
1996). In the case of solid phase synthesis, coupling strategy for repetitive oligomer
the oligomerization process begins by synthesis (the reactive functional groups are
coupling a start monomer onto the poly- denoted A, B, A, and B). The main advan-
mer resin, as indicated in Fig. 1-2 a. For so- tage of the orthogonal approach is that each
lution phase synthesis, on the other hand, an synthetic step in the repetitive cycle produc-
inert end group (EG) would simply be intro- tively contributes to the chain growth. This
duced at the start of the synthesis rather than is achieved with a pair of complementary
attaching the monomer to the polymer sup- and selective coupling reactions, such that
port. Figure 1-3 shows a plot of oligomer group A only reacts with B while A only
length versus the number of repetitions. It reacts with B. Because of the orthogonal-
can be seen that a disadvantage of the sim- ity of these reactions, no protecting groups
ple repetitive sequence is the slow rate of or deprotection steps are required. Thus
chain growth relative to the other oligomer- with each repetitive cycle, two monomer
ization methods described below. units are added. The rate of growth is twice
The use of a polymer support for oligom- as fast as in simple monomer addition, as
er synthesis offers several advantages, in- seen in Fig. 1-3.
cluding the ease of workup and greatly sim- Figure 1-2c shows how oligomers are
plified purification. Solid phase methods al- prepared by the repetitive divergentlconver-
1 Nonbiological Sequence-Specific Oligomers by Repetitive Syntheses


A-( deprotect

B-RU-A, 4 ~- R

U ~ A



i repetitions, n = z i + l )


Figure 1-2. The three generalized strategies

for repetitive oligomer synthesis (RU repre-
sents the oligomers repeat unit; A, B, A,
and B are reactive functional groups used to
join new segments to the growing oligomer;
A, and B, are the protected forms of A and
B; EG is the end-group functionality).

couple I
(a) Simple repetitive oligomer synthesis on a
solid support in which a single monomer
A + B + A-B (B-RU-A,) is added with each repetition.
(b) Orthogonal repetitive synthesis with two
selective coupling steps per repetition.
(c) Molecular doubling strategy by the diver-
genvconvergent process in which growth
takes place at both ends allowing for a non-
linear dependence of the growth rate with re-
spect to the number of repetitions.
1.4 Repetitive Oligomer Syntheses 17

these various methods will be made clear in

the following sections which survey repeti-
15 - tive chemistry used in oligomer syntheses.
5M '
?i 5 0 -

1.4 Repetitive Oligomer

In the following section, specific exam-
0 2 4 6 8
repetition ples from recent literature illustrating the
Figure 1-3. Oligomer length (i.e., number of three oligomerization methods are present-
monomers per chain) VS. the number of repetitions for ed. These examples are categorized accord-
the three strategies shown in Fig. 1-2. The slope of the ing to the type of bond-forming reaction
line represents the rate of oligomer growth. For the di- used in the oligomerization process. ln the
vergentkonvergent growth strategy (c), it can be seen
that there is an acceleration in the growth rate as the
first section, the oligomerizations are all
chain length increases. (a) Single monomer growth. based On carbon-carbon bond forming reac-
(b) Orthogonal growth. (c) Repetitive divergentkon- tions. The second section describes hetero-
vergent growth. atom linkages used in chain growth.

gent scheme. In this case, growing oligo-

1.4.1 Oligomerizations Based on
meric fragments are coupled together
Carbon-Carbon Bond Constructions
(Wang, 1973) to greatly accelerate the olig-
omerization rate (Fig. 1-3), without sacri- The synthesis of long chain linear alkanes
ficing chemical integrity. The method be- by controlled oligomer growth has been
gins by selectively deprotecting each of the achieved using an exponential growth meth-
two ends of the diprotected monomer A B od that is shown in Scheme 1-1 (Whiting
p .p
yielding the two monoprotected intermedi- et al., 1987, 1996). The synthesis involved
ates A,B and AB,. These are then coupled three reactions for each repetitive cycle.
to give the dimer A,BAB,, protected in the Starting compounds 1 and 2 were readily
same way as the original monomer (one prepared in large quantities from commer-
repetition now complete). The process can cially available materials. A Wittig reaction
be repeated i times to give a sequence of between 1 and 2 provided monomer 3
length 2', with each cycle requiring a total (n= 1). This monomer was the starting point
of three synthetic steps. Figure 1-3 shows for subsequent growth of longer alkyl
how the rate of oligomer growth accelerates chains. The terminal aldehyde and phospho-
during the oligomerization process. Clearly nium salt were masked as the ethylene ace-
the divergentlconvergent method offers a tal and alkyl bromide, respectively. Further
faster way to construct long oligomers. Se- growth was performed by coupling mono-
quences of length other than 2', as well as protected oligomers. In particular, a portion
sequences having a particular arrangement of the material was converted to aldehyde
of comonomers, can be realized by merging 4b by acid-catalyzed acetal hydrolysis,
parallel repetitive cycles. For example, a while the remainder was transformed to the
hexamer sequence is realized by combining phosphonium salt 4a by reaction with tri-
tetramer and dimer sequences. The use of phenlyphosphine. A Wittig reaction be-
18 1 Nonbiological Sequence-SpecificOligomers by Repetitive Syntheses

3 Scheme 1-1. Repetitive

synthesis of long chain al-
kanes using a diver-
gentkonvergent method
(Whiting et al., 1987,
1996).Reagents: (a) lithi-
um diisoproylamide, THF,
-10 "C; (b) triphenylphos-
phine, 103 "C; (c) 25%
p-toluenesulfonic acid, wa-
ter : sulfolane ( I : 1), silica

tween 4a and 4b resulted in the formation Several different repetitive methods for
of 3 (n = 2). Upon reaching the desired oli- synthesizing sequence-specific phenylene
gomer length (n), oligomer 4b was "capped" ethynylene oligomers have recently been re-
with shorter chain phosphonium salts via the ported. One of these was described by
Wittig reaction. The halides of these oli- Moore and coworkers involving the use of
gomers were then removed with lithium tri- an insoluble polymer support to synthesize
ethylborohydride and the double bonds re- meta-connected oligomers (Moore et al.,
duced by hydrogenation, giving the desired 1994). As shown in Scheme 1-2, the termi-
alkanes. The longest alkane synthesized us- nal acetylene (Earborn and Walton, 1965)
ing this method was C390H782. Although this and aryl iodide moieties were orthogonally
method does allow for discrete, high molec- masked as the (trimethylsily1)-acetylene
ular weight alkanes to be obtained, there are and l-aryl-3,3-dialkyltriazene groups
some drawbacks. The major problem is that (Moore et al., 1991; Wu and Moore, 1994)
long reaction times are necessary for the for- respectively. Sonogashira coupling (Sonog-
mation of phosphonium salts (3 + 4a). In ashira et al., 1975) between polymer-bound
some cases up to 28 days were required for terminal acetylene 5 and aryl halide 6 af-
complete reaction. This resulted in the for- forded the polymer-bound dimer 7,which
mation of side products, with removal of the contains the orthogonal protecting groups
ethylene acetal being the major impurity. It suitable for subsequent oligomer growth.
was possible to determine the purity of the Utilizing a fragment condensation approach
intermediates by 'H NMR and HPLC. (Wang, 1973), a portion of the polymer-sup-
HPLC analysis required transformation of ported sequence 7 was liberated by treat-
aldehydes 4b to the corresponding DNP de- ment with methyl iodide to afford aryl
rivative. iodide 8a. The remainder of the supported
1.4 Repetitive Oligomer Syntheses 19

5 6


after i repetitions, n = 2

- (b)



Scheme 1-2. Repetitive synthesis of m-sub-

8b stituted phenylene ethynylene oligomers us-
ing a divergendconvergent method on a
R = tert-butyl solid support (Moore et al., 1994, 1996). Re-
repetition (i)l change in n Yield (%) agents: (a) bis(dibenzy1ideneacetone)palladi-
1 1+ 2 65 um(O), cuprous iodide, triphenylphosphine,
triethylamine, DMF, 65 "C, 24 h; (b) methyl
2+4 50
iodide, 110 "C,6 h; (c) potassium hydroxide,
3 4-18 80 THF, MeOH, 75 "C, 1 h.

sequence was then converted to the termi- attributed to the growing oligomers no long-
nal acetylene 8b. Coupling of 8a and 8b af- er being accessible on the polymer support
forded 7 ( n= 2). Each individual step of the due to the high polymer loading. It has since
reaction was monitored by infrared analysis been shown that it is possible to use a direct
of the polymer-bound oligomer. The over- triazene Iinkage to the solid support and that
all process doubled the chain length during a wide variety of monomers 6 can be used
each repetition allowing for the synthesis to synthesize sequence-specific oligomers
of 7 ( n = 8 ) , with 50% yield overall. This (Moore et al., 1996).
method has several advantages over the so- Related procedures have been used by
lution phase methods (Moore and Zhang, Tour et al. (1997) to synthesize para-con-
1992), with the major one being the reduced nected phenylene ethynylene oligomers, as
time required for purification of the prod- shown in Scheme 1-3. The terminal acety-
ucts. Synthesis of 7 ( n = 16) resulted in the lene and aryl halide moieties were again or-
formation of 95% desired product, with the thogonally masked as the (trimethylsily1)-
major impurity being 8b ( n = 8 ) . This was acetylene and 1-aryl-3,3-dialkyltriazene
20 1 Nonbiological Sequence-Specific Oligomers by Repetitive Syntheses


R = ethyl R = 3-ethylheptyl R = dodecyl

2-4 2+4 2+4

3 70 3 4+8 44
4 8 + 16 26 4 8 + 16 81

Scheme 1-3. Repetitive synthesis of p-linked phenylene ethynylene oligomers using a divergendconvergent
method (Tour et al., 1997). Reagents: (a) methyl iodide; (b) potassium carbonate, MeOH, or tetrabutylammoni-
um fluoride, THF; (c) bis(dibenzy1ideneacetone) palladium(O), cuprous iodide, triphenylphosphine, diisopropy-
lamine, THF, rt.

groups, respectively. Removal of the tri- step was monitored by infrared analysis and
methylsilyl group of 9 gave terminal acety- gel-phase I3C NMR. The solid phase meth-
lene lob. Conversion of triazene to aryl io- od allowed for the synthesis of 10a (n = 16),
dide 10a followed by subsequent coupling with an overall yield of 79%. This corre-
with 10b afforded compound 9 (n=2). Us- sponds to an average yield of 92% over the
ing this growth scheme, several different ho- three steps (deprotection, coupling, and
mooligomers with different R groups were cleavage). This result is an enormous im-
synthesized. It was found to be necessary to provement over the solution phase synthe-
use long, branched alkyl chains to ensure sis of the same oligomer. In the solution
solubility in the longer length oligomers 9 phase synthesis only a 24% yield was ob-
( n = 8). Using monomer 9 (n = l), function- tained for the desired oligomer.
alized with R groups of 3-ethylheptyl or An alternative approach to para-connect-
dodecyl, it was possible to synthesize oli- ed phenylene ethynylene oligomers has re-
gorner 9 ( n = 16), which is 128 A (12.8 nm) cently been described by Godt and Ziener
in its linear extended conformation. The (1997). As shown in Scheme 1-4, the termi-
synthesis of oligomer 9, where R =dodecyl, nal acetylene and aryl iodide are masked as
was also achieved by utilizing solid phase the (trimethylsily1)-acetylene and aryl bro-
methodology (not shown). Each reaction mide, respectively. Removal of the trimeth-
1.4 Repetitive Oligomer Syntheses 21

i repetitions, n = 2'

Scheme 1-4. Repetitive

synthesis of p-linked phen-
ylene ethynylene oligomers
using a divergentkonver-
Br gent method (Godt and
Ziener, 1997). Reagents:
12b (a) (1) n-butyl lithium, ( 2 )
1,2-diiodoethane; (b) sodi-
R = isopentoxy R = hexyl
um hydroxide, H 2 0 , THF,
M ~ O H(c); dichlorobis(tri-
phenylphosphine) palladi-
2+4 2+4 um (11), cuprous iodide,
4+8 65 50 diethylamine, rt.

ylsilyl group of 11 results in terminal acet- scribed is that it does not involve the use of
ylene 12b. Conversion of the aryl bromide volatile carcinogenic methyl iodide for the
of 11 to the aryl iodide 12a was achieved formation of the aryl iodide.
via metal-halogen exchange. The key step The repetitive, controlled growth of oligo-
in the growth sequence is the chemoselec- thiophenes is shown in Scheme 1-5 (Tour
tive palladium-catalyzed coupling of the and Pearson, 1997).Removal of the trimeth-
aryl iodide 12a and the terminal acety- ylsilyl group of 13 gave terminal acetylene
lene 12b, resulting in the formation of 11 14b. Introduction of the iodide group to the
( n = 2 ) . The authors reported that no reac- growing oligomers was achieved by the re-
tion was observed between the acetylene gioselective addition of iodine to the 5-PO-
and the bromide of 12b. Using this three- sition of the terminal thiophene moiety, re-
step divergendconvergent growth method, sulting in 14a. A palladium-catalyzed cross
it was possible to synthesize 11 ( n = S), with coupling between 14a and 14b provided 13
side groups of R = isopentoxy and R = hex- ( n = 2). Using this repetitive divergent/con-
yl. The overall yields of oligomers 11 ( n = 8) vergent approach, 13 ( n = 16) was synthe-
are 10% (R=isopentoxy) and 22% (R= sized with a 13% overall yield. As the oli-
hexyl). The yields of the coupling reactions gomer lengths became longer, the reaction
are lower for the longer length oligomers. yields decreased significantly, due to the ox-
This was due to a small amount of homo- idative instability of 14b ( n = 4 and n = 8).
coupling (5 - 10%as determined by 'H NMR) The synthesis of rigid oligophenylenes
which was observed between two molecules has been performed by Schluter et al. (1996)
of acetylene 12b. The main advantage that using the repetitive divergendconvergent
this method offers over those previously de- growth method that is outlined in Scheme
22 1 Nonbiological Sequence-Specific Oligomers by Repetitive Syntheses

after i repetiuons, n = 2'

R = hexyl
R = ethyl
repetition ( i ]
1 2-4

3 4-8 Scheme 1-6. Repetitive synthesis of oligopheny-
lenes using a divergentkonvergent method (Schluter
8 + 16
et al., 1996). Reagents: (a) iodine monochloride,
Scheme 1-5. Repetitive synthesis of thiophene ethy- CCI4, O T , (b) ( I ) n-butyl lithium, Et20, -78"C, (2)
nylene oligomers using a divergentkonvergent meth- triisopropyl borate; (c) tetrakis(tripheny1phosphine)
od (Tour and Pearson, 1997). Reagents: (a) lithium palladium(O), sodium carbonate, toluene, 1 12 "C,
dissopropylamide, Et,O, -78 -+ 0 "C then iodine, 48 h.
-78 "C: (b) potassium carbonate, MeOH, rt; (c) dich-
lorobis(tripheny1phosphine)palladium (11). cuprous
iodide, diisopropylamine, THE rt.
An orthogonal approach to the synthesis
of phenylenevinylene oligomers has been
1-6. The repetitive process involved mask- reported by Yu and coworkers (Scheme 1-7)
ing an aryl iodide as a trimethylsilyl group (Yu et al., 1997). This method offers the
and conversion of an aryl bromide to the cor- advantage that no protecting group is re-
responding boronic acid. Oligomer growth quired and each synthetic transformation
involved conversion of 15 to the iodo-bro- contributes to the oligomer group. The con-
mo oligophenylene 16a and the conversion cept is related to Zimmerman's orthogonal
of 15 to the corresponding boronic acid 16b. convergent dendrimer synthesis (Zimmer-
The key step in the synthesis is the selective mann and Zeng, 1996). To control the oli-
Suzuki coupling of iodide 16a and the bo- gomer growth, compound 17 was used to
ronic acid 16b, resulting in the formation of cap one end of monomer 18. The two reac-
15 (n = 2 ) . In all cases the conversion of 15 tions used for the orthogonal growth are a
to 16a and 16b resulted in high reaction Heck reaction between a terminal alkene
yields (>82%). Suzuki couplings of longer and aryl iodide, and a Horner-Wadsworth-
length oligomers gave reduced yields. Emmons reaction between an aldehyde and
Nonetheless, this methodology did allow for a phosphonate. Coupling of the first
the synthesis of the longest monodisperse monomer pair was performed by a Horner-
oligophenylene rod that has been reported Wadsworth-Emmons reaction between
to date (15, n = 8 ) . aldehyde 19 and phosphonate 20. The next
1.4 Repetitive Oligorner Syntheses 23

/ 19

Qfter i repetitions, n = 2i + ~b



R = octyl

4-15 59

Scheme 1-7. Repetitive orthogonal synthesis of phenylenevinylene oligomers (Yu et al., 1997). Reagents: (a)
palladiurn(I1) acetate, tri-o-tolylphosphine, tributylarnine, DMF; (a) sodium hydride, dirnethoxyethane.

monomer was added using the Heck reac- 1.4.2 Oligomerizations Based
tion between alkene 18 and aryl iodide 21. on Heteroatom Bond Constructions
The desired oligomers contained trans-sub-
stituted double bonds. However, both the As a result of their biological signifi-
Heck and Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons re- cance, oligopeptides are arguably the most
actions did result in the formation of the cis widely studied heteroatom-containing oli-
product. In the case of the Heck reaction, gomers. The repetitive methods used to pre-
<4% of the cis olefin was observed, while pare these oligomers have been thoroughly
-5% of the cis olefin was seen in the Horn- studied and reviewed (Barany and Merri-
er-Wadsworth-Emmons reaction, as deter- field, 1979; Bayer, 1991);therefore, the syn-
mined by NMR spectroscopy. The minor thetic chemistry used to construct oligopep-
cis-double bond impurities were removed tides will not be considered in further detail
by silica gel column chromatography. This here. Many researchers have capitalized on
orthogonal synthesis allowed for oligomer the well-established oligopeptide metho-
19 (n= 5), to be synthesized with an overall dology to prepare interesting new nonbio-
30% yield. logical oligopeptides. Figure 1-4 shows
24 1 Nonbiological Sequence-Specific Oligomers by Repetitive Syntheses

P-Peptide &Peptide &Peptide PNA Peptoid


Minor Groove-Binding Polyamide DNO

Figure 1-4. Recent examples of nonbiological oligoamides prepared by repetitive syntheses. (Base refers to a
nucleobase and Azo refers to an azobenzene chrornophore.) References to the original literature are as follows:
Ppeptides (Gellrnann et al., 1996; Seebach et al., 1996a. b), polyamide nucleic acids (PNAs) (Nielsen and
Haaima. 1997: Duchalrn and Nielsen, 1997), peptoids (Zuckerrnann et al., 1992), aedamers (Lokey and Iverson,
1995). minor groove-binding polyarnides (Trauger et al., 1996), diarnino acid-Na-substituted oligopeptides
(DNOs) (Berg et al., 1996).

representative examples that have recently growth of the oligomer involved removal of
been studied. Several of these, such as the the protecting group with piperidine to give
Ppeptides (Koert, 1997), will be discussed amine 24. This amine was then reacted with
in Sec. 1.5 of this Chapter. Here the repeti- another monomer to give dimer 23 (n=2).
tive chemistry used in the construction of This two-step cycle gave an overall yield of
other heteroatom-containing oligomers will >99% reaction efficiency for each round of
be provided. synthesis. In order to create libraries of the
The synthesis of carbamate oligomers is oligocarbamates, a light-directed parallel
shown in Scheme 1-8 (Schultz et al., 1993). synthesis method was carried out on glass
The monomers used for oligomer growth 22 substrates. In this case, the light removable
can be synthesized in two steps from com- protecting group (NVOC) was used for
mercially available, optically active amino monomer22 (Schultz et al., 1993). Reaction
alcohols. Over twenty oligocarbamate yields were still very high (>90%) and al-
monomers have been synthesized, which al- lowed for the synthesis of 256 different olig-
lows for a large amount of diversity in the ocarbamates 23 (n = 8).
growing oligomer chains (Schultz et al., The synthesis of n-alkylcarbamate oli-
1995). Each addition of a monomer required gomers has also been developed, as shown
two steps. The reaction of FMOC-protected in Scheme 1-9 (Schultz et al., 1996a). Four
monomer 22 with polymer-bound amine steps are required for the addition of each
gave carbamate 23 (n = 1). Subsequent monomer unit. Polymer-bound amine 25
1.4 Repetitive Oligomer Syntheses 25



Pg = Nvoc

Scheme 1-8. Repetitive solid phase synthesis of carbamate oligomers (Schultz et al., 1993). Reagents: (a) hy-
droxybenzotriazole, diisopropylethylamine, NMP, 25 "C, 4 h; (b) piperidine: NMP (2 : 8) (Pg=FMOC) or 365 nm
light (Pg=NVOC).

Scheme 1-9. Repetitive solid phase synthesis of n-alkylcarbamate oligomers (Schultz et al., 1996a). Reagents:
(a) hydroxybenzotriazole, HBTU, diisopropylethylamine, DMF; rt., 1 h; (b) (1) borane, THF, 5 0 C 1 h, (2) DBU,
NMP : MeOH (9 : l), rt.; (c) hydroxybenzotriazole, diisopropylethylamine, THF, 50 "C; (d) piperidine; NMP
(2 : 8).
26 1 Nonbiological Sequence-Specific Oligomers by Repetitive Syntheses



Nphth= @;-i

32 /
Scheme 1-10. Repetitive solid phase synthesis of oligoureas (Burgess et al., 1995, 1997). Reagents: (a) CH2C12,
rt., 1 1 h: (b) 60% hydrazine in DMF, 1-3 h.

( n =0) was used for the synthesis of the car- the sequence developed by Burgess and co-
bamate oligomers. The first step of the re- workers shown in Scheme 1-10 (Burgess
petitive cycle was acylation of the amine et al., 1995, 1997). Two steps were required
with a carboxylic acid 26. Benzoic, acetic, for the addition of each monomer unit.
and 2-methylpropionoic acid were utilized Monomer 32 was prepared in five steps from
for this acylation. The second step involved protected amino acids. In this sequence the
selective reduction of the amide linkage in urea linkage was formed via the in situ ac-
27 with borane, yielding n-alkyl amine 28. tivation of monomer 32 as an isocyanate.
Using these conditions, the amide linkage The amine was protected as a naphthali-
was selectively reduced in the presence of mide. Reaction of the polymer-bound amine
the carbamate linkage. The third step of the 31 and isocyanate 32 resulted in the forma-
cycle was the reaction of 28 with protected tion of the first urea linkage giving 33
monomer 29. This monomer is synthesized (n = 1). Subsequent growth was accom-
in two steps from commercially available plished by removal of the naphthalimide
amino alcohols. Deprotection of 30 to give protecting group on 33 by treatment with hy-
25 ( n = 1) brings the repetitive cycle back drazine to give free amine 34. This amine
to the beginning. Using this methodology, was then reacted with the next monomer 32
four pentamers were synthesized in overall to give 33 (n= 2). This process was used to
yields of 70 - 90%.A variety of side chains synthesize four different oligomers of 33
on the oligomer backbone were utilized, in- (n = 4). The overall yields were fairly low,
cluding amino, guanidine, and hydroxy. ranging between 9 and 46%. The major
Several methods have been developed for problem was the removal of the naphthali-
the synthesis of oligoureas. One of these is mide protecting group, which required fair-
1.4 Repetitive Oligomer Syntheses 27

Scheme 1-11. Repetitive solid phase synthesis of oligoureas (Schultz et al., 1996b). Reagents: (a) diisopropy-
lethylamine, CH2C12,rt., 4 h; (b) tin (11) chloride, triethylamine, thiophenol, THF, rt., <2 h.

ly long reaction times and did not give high used to synthesize four oligomers, up to
yields. n = 4 , with an overall purified yield of
In an alternative approach to the synthe- 54-76%. A related series of cyclic urea ol-
sis of oligoureas, Schultz and coworkers igomers has also been reported by Schultz
have used the process outlined in Scheme (Schultz et al., 1 9 9 6 ~ )Although
. this work
1-11 (Schultzet al., 1996b). Theprocessre- has not yet been applied to solid phase
quired the same number of steps, but it re- chemistry, it was possible to synthesize a cy-
sulted in a much higher yield of the desired clic urea trimer in moderate yields.
oligomers compared to the method devel- The synthesis of azatide oligomers is
oped by Burgess. Monomer 35 could be pre- shown in Scheme 1-12. Both a solution and
pared from commercially available amino liquid phase synthesis of these oligomers
alcohols in four steps to give a high yield have been reported (Janda and Han, 1996).
(50-80%). In this sequence the carbonyl The solution phase methodology only al-
group of the monomer was activated with lowed for the synthesis of dimers. Howev-
p-nitrophenol and the amine was masked as er, by utilizing a liquid phase "solid sup-
the azide. The reaction between the poly- port", it was possible to synthesize longer
mer-bound amine and monomer 35 formed oligomers. Monomer 40 was synthesized
the first urea linkage giving 36 (n = 1). Re- via reaction with hydrazine and an alkyl ha-
duction of the azide 36 with tin chloride lide followed by BOC protection of the hy-
gave free amine 37, with a quantitative yield drazide and in situ activation with bis(pen-
and short reaction times (<2 h). Reaction of tafluoro) carbonate. The addition of each
amine 37 with the next monomer 35 pro- monomer unit required two steps. The BOC-
duced 36 ( n= 2). This methodology was protecting group on the polymer-bound aza-
28 1 Nonbiological Sequence-Specific Oligomers by Repetitive Syntheses



MeO-PEG = poly(ethyleneglycol) monomethyl ether

Scheme 1-12. Repetitive solution phase synthesis of azatide oligorners (Janda and Han, 1996). Reagents: (a) tri-
fluoroacetic acid, CH2C12,diisopropylethylarnine, 30 min; (b) N,N-dimethylarninopyndine,CH,C12, rt., 30 min.

Scheme 1-13. Repetitive

solution phase synthesis of

vinylogous sulfonamide ol-
igomers (Gennari et al.,
1994). Reagents: (a) (1) tet-
rabutylammonium iodide,
acetone, 56 "C, 10- 16 h,
(2) thionyl chloride, triphe-
nylphosphine, CH,C12, 3 A
(0.3 nm) molecular sieves,
0 + 25C. 3 h; (b) 3 M
HCI, MeOH, 0 + 25 "C,
3 h; (c) cat. N,N-dimethyl-
aminopyridine, DBU,
43 CH2C12,25 "C, 18 h.

tide 38 (n = 1) was removed to give the poly- scribed using both solution (Gennari et al.,
mer-bound hydrazide 39. This was then re- 1994) and solid phase (Gennari et al., 1995)
acted with activated monomer 40 to give 38 methodology. As shown in Scheme 1-13,
(n= 2). Using the polymer-bound solution the synthesis can be performed using diver-
phase methodology allowed for easy purifi- gentkonvergent growth. However, the re-
cation of the intermediates by precipitating ports to date have only involved the addi-
the polymer-supported oligomers out of so- tion of one monomer unit per repetition to
lution and washing with the appropriate sol- the growing oligomer chain. Two steps were
vent. This process was utilized to synthesize required for each cycle. Monomer 41 was
a pentamer 38 (n= 5) with an overall yield synthesized in two steps from amino acids
of 57%. with a high yield (75-85%). Oligomer
A series of oligomers containing a viny- growth began by deprotection of the amine
logous sulfonamide linkage has been report- group to give 43, and a portion of the
ed. The formation of oligomers has been de- monomer was converted to the sulfonyl
1.5 Architectures Derived from Sequence-Specific Oligomers 29

chloride 42. Reaction of 42 and 43 gave 41 side chains, leading to tetragonal packing of
(n= 2). This scheme was used to synthesize the nanotubes (Fig. 1-5). Nanotube packing
oligomer 41 ( n = 4) with an overall yield of is thus dictated by the C, symmetry of the
20-30%. The oligomer growth using the macrocycle. This example nicely illustrates
solid-phase approach was only used for the the use of information-rich molecular pre-
synthesis of dimers, with an overall yield of cursors for the rational design of solids. This
52-75%. information can ultimately be traced to the
oligomeric sequence that was used to con-
struct the macrocycle.
Sequence-specific phenylene ethynylene
1.5 Architectures Derived from oligomers have proven to be extremely val-
Sequence-Specific Oligomers uable in the preparation of macrocycles such
as 45 (Scheme 1-14). Dropwise addition of
The diverse chemistry seen in the above a-mfunctionalized oligomers to an active
synthetic survey reflects the wide range of solution of a palladium catalyst gives mac-
scientific and technological areas in which rocycles in a good yield (Zhang et al., 1992,
nonbiological, structure-controlled oligom- 1994). Macrobicycles such as 47 and 49 are
ers are being studied. While homologous se- readily prepared by double cyclization of
ries of oligomers continue to provide fun- branched sequences 46 and 48 (Wu et al.,
damental understanding in the area of phys- 1992; Bedard and Moore, 1995). Many of
ical polymer chemistry, they have also had the macrocycles prepared by these methods
an impact on problems in materials science have shown interesting and sometimes
and molecular biology. Described below are unique behavior. One surprising observa-
a few selections that illustrate recent uses of tion was the discovery that hexaphenylacet-
sequence-specific oligomers in some of ylene macrocycles aggregate in solution to
these areas. a degree that is readily observable by
Structurally well-defined oligomers have H NMR (Shetty et al., 1996). While the
long been used for the preparation of site- geometry of these aggregates is not known
specifically functionalized and geometri- for certain, a series of structural studies
cally controlled macrocyclic compounds. A strongly suggest the formation of stacked
recent example is the peptide macrocycles rings. These findings led to the discovery of
derived from alternating oligomeric se- columnar liquid crystal phases based on
quences of D- and L-amino acids prepared these toroidal-shaped mesogens (Zhang and
by Ghadiri and coworkers (Fig. 1-5) (Hart- Moore, 1994), showing that these shape-
gerink et al., 1996). Interestingly, they persistent macrocycles are capable of pro-
showed that nanotubes spontaneously form ducing noncollapsible tubular mesophas-
from these macrocycles by a self-assembly es. Finally, molecular turnstile 49 was de-
process which utilizes psheet-like interac- signed with the intention of creating a
tions between macrocyclic D,L-peptides. system that exhibited conformational bi-
Structural studies based on electron diffrac- stability. NMR data showed that rotation of
tion data support the hypothesis that the the disubstituted spindle of 49 about its para
3D crystallographic organization is driven axis is slow on the experimental time scale
by nonspecific hydrophobic interactions at sub-ambient temperatures, but this mo-
between leucine side chains, as well as inter- tion becomes rapid at elevated temperatures
tube hydrogen bonding between glutamine (Bedard and Moore, 1995).
30 1 Nonbiological Sequence-Specific Oligorners by Repetitive Syntheses

1.5 Architectures Derived from Sequence-Specific Oligomers 31

44 45


47 R
R = -COztBu
4 6 R = -COztBu

R 50%

48 R = CHlOCHj 49 R = CH20CH:

Scheme 1-14. Site-specifically functionalized and geometrically controlled macrocycles derived from oligo-
meric phenylene ethynylene (Zhang et al., 1994). Reagents: (a) bis(dibenzylideneacetone)palladium(0), cuprous
iodide, triphenylphosphine,triethylamine, 70 "C; (b) bis(dibenzy1ideneacetone) palladium(O),cuprous iodide, tri-
phenylphosphine, triethylamine, benzene, 70 "C.

The motivation for synthesizing and stud- DNA mimetics). However, these oligomers
ying many of the heteroatom-containing 01- typically have the added benefit of enhanced
igomers (e.g., Fig. 1-4 and Schemes 1-8 to metabolic stability, which makes them vi-
1-13) stems largely from their similarity to able candidates for medicinal applications.
natural biopolymers (i.e., peptidomimetics, For example, peptide nucleic acids (PNAs,
32 1 Nonbiological Sequence-Specific Oligomers by Repetitive Syntheses

Fig. 1-4) are DNA mimetics derived from a 13-membered cyclic H-bonded motif of
pseudopeptide backbone composed of a-peptides. Interestingly, the solution stable
N-(2-aminoethyl)glycine units, with nucleo- secondary structures of Ppeptides are real-
bases attached to the glycine nitrogen via ized for oligomers containing as few as six
carbonyl methylene linkers. PNAs were pamino acid residues. Seebach has report-
first reported in 1991 (Nielsen et al., 1991) ed that these oligomers do not have muta-
and have since attracted broad attention genic properties, and yet they are resistant
within the fields of bioorganic chemistry, to peptidase degradation (Hintermann and
medicinal chemistry, physical chemistry, Seebach, 1997 b).
and molecular biology due to their chemi- In addition to foldamers derived from
cal and physical properties, especially with H-bond interactions, there have been a few
regard to sequence-specific binding to both reports on secondary structures driven by
single-stranded RNA and DNA, as well as less specific noncovalent interactions (Lo-
to double-stranded DNA (Nielsen et al., key and Iverson, 1995; Nelson et al., 1997;
1994; Nielsen and Haaima, 1997; Dueholm Bassani et al., 1997). H-bonded structures
and Nielsen, 1997). Another type of DNA- that are stable in nonpolar solvents often dis-
binding polyamide has been reported by integrate in aqueous solution because of sol-
Dervan and coworkers (Trauger et al., vent competition (Lawrence et al., 1995). In
1996). Their design incorporated a pair of proteins, hydrophobic interactions and
rigid, short-segment oligomers of N-methyl- compaction due to hydrophobic collapse
imidazole and N-methylpyrrole amino acids undoubtedly also play a role in guiding
connected by a short flexible spacer, which helix formation (Dill et al., 1995). Unlike
allowed the two rigid segments to fold back H-bonds, hydrophobic and van der Waals
against one-another. This folded motif was interactions are less selective and direction-
shown to bind in the minor groove of DNA ally specific, apoint that has dissuaded their
with high sequence specificity. Oligomers use in the design of conformational unique-
such as these, which can specifically bind ness (Whitesides et al., 1991). However, in
with high affihity to any predetermined 1995 Lokey and Iverson reported that
DNA sequence in the human genome, will aedamers (Fig. 1-4) fold in water into a
be useful tools in molecular biology and pleated secondary structure as a result of
potentially in human medicine. interactions between alternating electron-
There has been considerable activity in rich donor groups and electron-deficient ac-
attempting to design nonbiological oligom- ceptor groups. While this work represents a
ers that spontaneously acquire a well-de- significant achievement, these secondary
fined secondary structure (Le., foldam- structures, like the Ppeptides described
ers). Gellman (Gellman et al., 1996, 1997) above, lack a functional motif ( e g , for
and Seebach (Hintermann and Seebach, binding, molecular transport, or catalysis).
1997a; Seebach et al., 1996a) have inde- An important area for further study appears
pendently shown that stable 3 ,-M-helical to be the invention of foldamers that capture
structures are realized in short Ppeptide se- not only the basic structural features of pro-
quences (Fig. 1-4). This is in contrast to the teins, but also the functional characteristics
3.6,-P-helix typical of a-peptides. The driv- as well.
ing force for the 3,-M-helix is the formation For functions that require a cavity, two ol-
of a cyclic 14-membered hydrogen bond igomer-based supramolecular approaches
(H-bond) motif, which is comparable to the can be envisioned. The first approach in-
1.5 Architectures Derived from Sequence-Specific Oligomers 33
no nono no no nono no no nono no no no no on
r Y r Y r Y r Y


51 R = S(CH,).JH,

52 R = COI(CH,CH,O)$H,

Figure 1-6. Examples of oligomers with potential functional capabilities. Membrane-spanning oligophenylene
50 is postulated to form an ion channel in bilayer membranes (Sakai et al., 1997). Heteroaromatic oligomer 51
adopts a helical conformation in solution and in the solid state forming a 2.6 8, (0.26 nm) diameter channel (Bas-
sani et al., 1997). The presumed conformational equilibrium is shown at the bottom of the figure. This same
equilibrium governs dodecamer 52, which is driven into a helical conformation in solution by solvents that poor-
ly solvate the nonpolar backbone (Nelson et al., 1997). Molecular models show that the internal diameter of the
helix formed from 52 is ca. 6 8, (0.6 nm).

volves intermolecular aggregation of an solution as well as in the solid state by the

oligomeric bundle. This mechanism might preference of adjacent pyridine-pyrimidine
be responsible for the transport properties rings to adopt a trunsoid conformation. In
seen in the artificial ion channels derived the solid state, the helical form possess a
from oligo(-p-phenylenes) 50 (Fig. 1-6) 2.6 8, (0.26 nm) diameter interior void, as
(Sakai et al., 1997). The second approach determined by X-ray crystallography. The
involves the design of oligomers that fold crystal structure shows that the helical
into conformations to create large helical molecules are stacked one above the other
cavities. Two recently reported examples along a common axis, thus forming long
shown in Fig. 1-6 are Lehns (Bassani et al., channels which might be of interest for ion
1997) heteroaromatic oligomer 51 and channel design. In the case of 52, the basic
Moores (Nelson et al., 1997) oligo(pheny- design involves attaching polar side groups
lene ethynylenes) 52. In the case of 51, long- to a nonpolar aromatic backbone. The pos-
range conformational order is achieved in tulated helical secondary structure is real-
34 1 Nonbiological Sequence-Specific Oligomers by Repetitive Syntheses

ized from a conformation in which the oli- 1.6 Conclusions

gomer folds back upon itself, such that the
aromatic rings stack face-to-face along the Over seven decades ago, oligomers of
helix axis. This conformation maximizes formaldehyde played a vital role in estab-
the interactions between the polar solvent lishing the covalent character of macromol-
and the polar side groups; it maximizes ar- ecules. Today, nonbiological oligomers
omatic contacts and minimizes unfavorable continue to add to our understanding of the
interactions between the solvent and the hy- physical behavior of macromolecules, espe-
drocarbon backbone. The chain does not cially in the area of supramolecular polymer
form intramolecular hydrogen bonds, and chemistry. It is increasingly apparent that
solvophobic interactions drive the folding unique architectures can be realized from
transition, which is sensitive to chain length, oligomeric compounds, especially through
solvent quality, and temperature (Nelson combinations of covalent design and intra-
et al., 1997). These solvophobically driven molecular self-organization. These novel
helical structures produce a cavity with a architectures are opening new vistas in su-
large [ca. 6 A (0.6 nm)] internal diameter, pramolecular chemistry, materials science,
which may be capable of binding substrates and molecular biology. At the foundation of
or metal ions once properly functionalized. these molecular designs are well-controlled
The role of a secondary structure in non- repetitive synthetic sequences, many of
biological oligomers may have important which were outlined earlier. As the role of
implications for problems in materials oligomers in many areas of the molecular
chemistry as well. For example, Berg et al. sciences expands, there is a clear need for
( 1996) reported that a presumed helical ar- the continued development of new and more
chitecture adopted by DNO oligomers efficient repetitive synthetic methods. Oli-
(Fig. 1-4)is ideally suited for generating gomers of today, and those of tomorrow, are
light-driven holographic gratings. Their de- no longer the forgotten middle child.
sign is based on the notion that azobenzene
chromophores oriented around a helical ax-
is all have their transition moments perpen- 1.7 References
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Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

2 Transition Metal-Catalyzed Polycondensation

and Polyaddition
Walter Heitz

Philipps-Universitat Marburg. Fachbereich Physikalische Chemie. Polymere

und Wissenschaftliches Zentrum fur Materialwissenschaften. Marburg. Germany

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.2 Polycondensation Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.2.1 Model Reactions and Mechanistic Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Removing HX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Removing XY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Removing X, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.3 Polyaddition Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.3.1 SiH Addition to Carbon Double Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.3.2 ArH Addition to Carbon Double Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.3.3 Cycloaddition Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.4 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
38 2 Transition Metal-Catalyzed Polycondensation and Polyaddition

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

L ligand
m number
M molecular weight
11 number
T temperature
x number
?' number

%nh inherent viscosity

A wavelength

AB absorption
AC acetyl
biPY 2,2'-bipyridy l
Bog Bogdanovic
Bu butyl
CD circular dichroism
CP cyclopentadiene
CPA chloroplatinic acid
dba dibenzylidene acetone
DBU 1.8-diazabicyclo[5.4.O]undec-7-ene
dCYPb 1,4-bis(dicyclohexylphosphino)butane
dippb 1,4-bi s(di i sopropy 1phosphino)butane
DMAc dimethylacetamide
DMF dimethy lformamide
dPPP 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane
EL electroluminescence
Et ethyl
LC liquid chromatography
LDA lithium di-i-propylamide
LED light-emitting diode
NLO nonlinear optical
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
Ph phenyl
PL photoluminescence
PPP pol y -p-phen y lene
Pr ProPYl
quin quinoline
Tf triflate
THF tetrahydro furan
TMEDA tetramethylethylenediamine
top tri-o-to1y lphosphine
tPP triphen ylphospine
2.2 Polycondensation Reactions 39

2.1 Introduction chain reactions with a organometallic end

group, and require a constant metal valence.
Metal-catalyzed polymerizations (chain According to this definition, redox polymer-
growth reactions) are key technologies of izations are not considered as metal-cata-
polymer synthesis nowadays. A rapid in- lyzed polymerizations; the metal is not par-
crease of knowledge has occurred, starting ticipating in the chain growth reaction. Poly-
with the discoveries of Ziegler (Ziegler, condensations and polyadditions feasible by
1964; Ziegler et al., 1955) and Natta (Nat- metal catalysis are step growth reactions in-
ta, 1959; Natta et al., 1955), and the strong volving a change of the valence of the met-
push in that area by Kaminsky and Brint- al. This change of valence is predominantly
zinger (Kaminsky et al., 1985), caused by a two-electron process [Pd(O)=Pd(II),
the development of metallocene initiation Ni(O)ZNi(II),Ni(l)eNi(IlI)]. Therefore a
(Fink et al., 1995; Soga and Terano, 1994). single metal usually allows a variety of
A driving force here is a better understand- reactions (Fig. 2-1). Ni(I1) complexes are
ing of organometallic complexes and chem- able to polymerize butadiene (Hadjiandre-
istry (Collman et al., 1997; Hegedus, 1995; ou et al., 1984; Faza et al., 1997), norbor-
Togni and Hayashi, 1995; Heck, 1987; Lie- nene (Fazaet al., 1997; Goodall et al., 1993,
beskind, 1989; Percec and Hill, 1996). This or ethylene (Brookhardt et al., 1995).
has also prompted activities to prepare poly- Ni(O/II) allows for a polyaddition reaction
mers by metal-catalyzed polycondensation by a [2+2] cycloaddition. Ni(I/III) is in-
and polyaddition reactions (step growth re- volved in the polycondensation to poly-
actions) (de Meijere and Meyer, 1994). Met- phenylenes.
al-catalyzed polymerization reactions are

2.2 Polycondensation Reactions

2.2.1 Model Reactions and Mechanistic

t Considerations
In metal-catalyzed addition reactions, the
oxidative addition and the reductive elimi-
nation are key steps. With the catalytic cycle
of the Heck reaction, it is easy to exemplify
how we can tune the reaction towards poly-
addition or polymerization (Scheme 2- 1).
Starting from Pd (0), the oxidative addition

of, e.g., bromobenzene, results in a Pd(I1)
species. The next steps are the coordination
and insertion of an olefin. Decisive for tun-
ing the reaction is the subsequent P H elim-
I-\ ination, we are in a position to develop a cat-
alyst for polymerization. These catalysts
typically have a big gegenion (Sen et al.,
Figure 2-1. Polyreactions of nickel in different oxi- 1988), e.g., BFZ, SbFg. A typical example
dation states. of a monomer is norbornene (Mehler and
40 2 Transition Metal-Catalyzed Polycondensationand Polyaddition

rhodium and iridium complexes (Iyer,

1995). Removing HX
The use of the Heck reaction is one of the
L earliest examples of preparing a tractable
H- Pd-X poly(pheny1ene vinylene) derivative by a
metal-catalyzed reaction (Greiner and
Heitz, 1988; Heitz et al., 1988). The grow-
ing interest in this polymerization stems
from the fact that it is an LC polymer when
completely trans configurated, and it is an
excellent emitter in polymeric light-emit-
ting diodes (Burn et al., 1992; Vestweber et
Scheme 2-1.
al., 1993).

Risse, 1992; Haselwander et al., 1996). PH

elimination after the insertion would result
R pJ-R

in ring strain. The insertion of ethylene is

In the Heck reaction, a variety of substitu-
usually followed by P H elimination. How-
ents are tolerated. X usually represents io-
ever, in the presence of CO the CO insertion
dine, bromine, chlorine, and triflate. Iodine
is faster than the P H elimination. Perfectly
does not need a ligand for the palladium cat-
alternating copolymers of ethylene-car-
alyst. Oxidative addition of the other start-
bonmonoxide are then available (Zhao and
ing compounds requires reaction conditions
Chien, 1992; Abu-Surrah et al., 1996). In
where the palladium has to be stabilized by
the Heck type reaction, the leaving group is
ligands. The oxidative addition of the chlo-
given by the ArX used. Polymerization cat-
roarenes requires higher temperatures and
alysts usually have a weakly or non coordi-
dippb as the ligand (Ben-David et al., 1992).
nating anion, i.e., the active center for poly-
The reactivity of olefin decreases in the or-
merization is a cation in the catalytic cycle.
der arcylate > ethylene > styrene. Electron-
The reduction of the Pd(1I) species to the
withdrawing substituents R at the aryl com-
Pd(0) catalyst is favored by many bases. In
pound enhance the rate of reaction. Al-
most preparative procedures, a Pd(1I) salt is
though DMF is mostly used as the solvent,
used as the starting compound. The conver-
it is possible to perform the reaction in THF,
sion to Pd(0) is given in situ, e.g., by reaction
toluene, cyclohexane, alcohol, or biphasic
with amines, as shown by deuterating ex-
(toluene/water). The use of tert amines and
periments (Brenda et al., 1990) (Eq. 2-1).
inorganic bases is described: The ligands used
L2Pd X2 + 2 R2 NCD2R + (2- 1) are mono- and bidentate phosphines, amines,
and dibenzylidene acetone (Klingelhofer,
+ LZPd(0) + 2 [R2N = CDR]+X-
1996). Heck recommends the use of tri-o-
However, the reaction of Pd(I1) to Pd(0) can to1y lphosphine to suppress transarylation by
also give rise to side reactions, causing de- the phosphine. The synthesis of poly(pheny-
fects in the polymer chain. The vinylation lene vinylene) can be accomplished in dif-
of aryl iodides is also catalyzed by cobalt, ferent ways (Eq. 2-3a-c).
2.2 Polycondensation Reactions 41

X+X + 1 (2-3a) The reaction is completely stereoselective.

Only trans-stilbene is formed (Eq. 2-4).
All reports on the formation of cis-stilbene
in the literature can be disproved. The side
product is 1,l-diarylstilbene. Therefore the
problem of the reaction is its regioselectiv-
ity. Under the usual conditions of the Heck
reaction, the selectivity (1.2/1.1 ratio) is
R about 95/5 (Table 2-1).
The selectivity increases with decreasing
The reaction with ethylene is fast, requiring temperature. Higher regioselectivity is also
only a fraction of the total reaction time. As observed by adding LiCl or using Ag2C03
a consequence, the main structure stems as the base. Triflate as the leaving group re-
from a reaction according to Eq. (2-3c) sults in a loss of the selectivity. This is ex-
with R in m-position to vinyl. Starting from plained by the formation of a cationic Pd+
divinyl arenes, it is possible to prepare alter- intermediate (Cabri and Candiani, 1995).
nating copolymers. Specifically the use of As a consequence, an increase in selectivity
these materials for electrooptical purposes J < Br c C1 should be expected. However,
stimulated model reactions in order to min- the temperature required for oxidative addi-
imize and quantify defect structures. tion increases in the same order, which is
contraproductive for higher selectivity. With
(2-4) diazonium salts, the oxidative addition is
2 ( 3 x + =
1 2
possible at room temperature. High regiose-
lectivities are obtained with chlorine as well
as triflate as the leaving group (99/1). This
result is not compatible with the assumption
x + 9 5
3 4
that cationic species are responsible for a
change of the.regiocontro1of the reaction.

Table 2-1. Comparison of the ratio of 1,l-substituted olefins versus 1,2-substituted olefins obtained by palla-
dium-catalyzed coupling with different reaction conditions [Eq. (4 ah)].
~~ ~~

Olefin X Reaction characteristics' Yield 3 Ratio

(%I2 (3/4)3

2 Br 140"C, NEt,, tpp 57 86/14

2 Br 100"C, NEt,, top 88 941 6
2 Br 50 "C, NEt3, top 91 971 3
2 Br 100C, NEt3, top, LiCl 97 971 3
5 Br IOO'C, NEt,, top, LiCl 98 981 2
5 I 70"C, AgZCO, 78 991 1
5 c1 100C, NaOAc, dcypb 66 951 5
5 02CCF3 70 "C, NEt3, dppp 52 58/42
5 N;Cl- 25 "C, NBu3, Pd(dba),, toluene, H 2 0 91 991 1
5 N;O,CCF, 25 "C, NBu3, Pd(dba)2, toluene, H 2 0 91 991 1

'Reactions were performed with Pd(OAc)2 as the catalyst; the yields of 3 were determined gas chromatogra-
phically using internal standards; the ratio of 314 was determined by gas chromatography.
42 2 Transition Metal-CatalyzedPolycondensation and Polyaddition

Table 2-2. Comparison of the ratio of I , I-substituted olefins versus 1,2-substituted olefins obtained by palla-
dium-catalyzed coupling with different reaction conditions [Eq. (5a/b)].

Olefin X R Reaction characteristics' Yield' Ratio3

of 8 or 10 (8/9)
(%) or

2 Br C6HS I O O T , NEt3, top 61 70130

2 Br CH3 IOOT, NEt3, top 72 87/13
2 Br CF3 1OO"C, NEt3, top 85 95t 5
5 Br 2-ethylhexy loxy IOO'C, N B u ~top, 45 911 9
5 Br 2-ethylhexy loxy 100C, NBu3, top, LiCl 44 951 5
2 Br 2-ethylhexyloxy 100C, NBu,, top 42 61/39
2 Br 2-ethylhexy loxy 100C,NBu,, top, LiCl 50 64/36
5 Br C6HS IOO'C, NBu3, top 83 941 6
5 Br C6HS 100C, NBu3, top, LiCl 83 971 3
2 Br C6HS 1OO"C, N B u ~top , 48 60140
2 Br C6HS I O O T , NBu3, top, LiCl 52 72/28
5 N;CI- C6H5 2 5 T , NBu,, Pd(dba)24 12 991 1
5 N3CI- OCH, 25"C, NBu3, Pd(dba),4 77 991 1

' Reactions were performed with Pd(OAc)2 as the catalyst; the yields of 8 or 10 were determined by isola-
tion of the products (1,2-product and I,l-product) and comparison with the gas chromatographically determined
ratio of 1,2-product/l,l-product; the ratio of 819 or 10111 was determined by gas chromatography;

Substituents in the o-position of styrene ities (Table 2-2), but the selectivity in the
have a strong influence on the reaction. In conversion of 2-(2-ethyl hexy1oxy)styrene
Eq. 2-5a ethylene reacts fast to form an with bromo benzene is 77/23.
o-substituted styrene. Disubstitution occurs The results of these model reactions are re-
with low regioselectivity. Reacting o-sub- flected in the structure of poly(pheny1ene
stituted halogenoarenes or diazonium salts viny1ene)s prepared by the Heck reaction
with styrene results in good regioselectiv- (Klingelhofer et al., 1997).

-8: 9

6 R

7 R
+ 5



8" 11
2.2 Polycondensation Reactions 43

-R= -CH2-CH-(-CH2-)3-CH3

Starting from 1,4-dibrom0-2,5-di(oxy-2- (Eq. 2-6). This is evident from the absorp-
ethylhexy1)benzene and ethylene, the frac- tion, fluorescence, and photoluminescence
tion of 1,l-disubstition in the polymer is spectra compared to those of the same poly-
so high that the average conjugation length mer prepared by the Suzuki reaction (Fig.
is lower than that of defect-free polymer 2-2).

Wavelength [nm]


Figure 2-2. Photoluminescence

(2a) and electroluminescence

c 1
600 650
(2b) spectra of PPV 12 prepared
by the Heck reaction (-) and
b) Wavelength [nm] the Suzuki reaction (- - - -).
44 2 Transition Metal-CatalyzedPolycondensation and Polyaddition

The reactivity of the two bromines in 2,5- dominant intermediate is a styrene, which is
dibromo biphenyl is different. The 5-bromo not substituted in the o-position. As a result,
substituent reacts first (Eq. 2-7). The pre- the fraction of 1,l-disubstition is so low that

300 350 400 450

a) Wavelength [nm]


' \

b -
Figure 2-3. Absorption ( 3a) and
photoluminescence ( 3b) spectra
of PPV 12 prepared by the Heck
reaction (-) using dibromo
compounds and using bistriflates
350 450 (-. - .-) and the Suzuki route
b) Wavelength [nm] (----)
2.2 Polycondensation Reactions 45

Figure2-4. 'H-NMR of PPV 12 prepared by the

Heck reaction using dibromo compounds (A) and us-
ing bistriflates (B), and PPV 11 prepared by the Heck
reaction (C).

it is at the detection limit of NMR and there

is no difference in the optical properties
compared to those of the polymer obtained
by the Suzuki reaction (Fig. 2-3). Starting
from the corresponding triflate, the fraction
of 1,l-disubstitution is quite high, as re-
vealed by NMR (Fig. 2-4) and in agreement
with the model reaction.
By the Heck reaction a variety of soluble
poly(pheny1ene viny1ene)s was prepared
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
which were substituted with CH,, CF,, al-
8[PP~I kyl, and oxyalkyl groups (Greiner and
Heitz, 1988; Heitz et al., 1988; Klingelhofer
et al., 1997; Bao et al., 1993). Poly(pyridy1
vinylene) with a regiochemically pure
head-tail structure was obtained by the
same method (Marsella et al., 1995a) (Eq.
2-8). The tuning of the optical properties
was achieved by the combination of dif-
ferent chromophores (Eq. 2-9 and 2-10)
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (Weitzel et al., 1990; Bao et al., 1994; Grei-
6[PP~I ner et al., 1996).
46 2 Transition Metal-Catalyzed Polycondensation and Polyaddition

I pd (2-10)

C6H13 1,
M = Zn. Cu,Ni

Polycinnamamides were prepared by Palla- 1 990. Trimethylsilylacetylene has been

dium-catalyzed reaction of bisacrylamides used to avoid the preparative problems of
with diiodides (Imai, 1992). stoichiometric use of acetylene (Eq. 2-1 1).
The synthesis of poly(pheny1ene ethiny- Using the same synthetic approach, a
lene) by a palladiudcopper-catalyzed reac- wide variety of structures from this class of
tion was described by Trumbo and Marvel polymers was obtained. The soluble poly-
(1986) using the procedure of Hagihara (So- mers were mainly investigated with respect
nogashira et al., 1975). The solubility prob- to their NLO and conducting properties
lems of the para structure were reduced by (Moroni et al., 1994; Sanechikaet al., 1984).
synthesis of the meta products. Soluble The exponent 1.92 obtained in the viscosity
para-connected poly(pheny1ene ethinylene) molecular weight relationship confirms the
was synthesized by Giesa and Schulz in rod-like structure of these polymers.

OR (2-1 1)
2.2 Polycondensation Reactions 47


The adduct of acetylene and acetone al- L,Pd(II)X,

lows simple synthesis of poly(pheny1ene
ethinylene) (Solomin and Heitz, 1994). The
absorption, photo-, and electrolumines-
cence of these polymers are slightly blue-
shifted compared to those of poly(pheny-
lene vinylene). This absorption is reached at
a polymerization degree of 7-8.
D r d ( I 1 ) - 0C- R *
The catalytic cycle of this aryl/alkyne +oI G C - R L
cross-coupling reaction involves oxidative L - x-
addition and reductive elimination, as in the Scheme 2-2.
Heck reaction. A trans metallation instead
of insertion, however, is discussed as more
likely occur (Pugh and Percec, 1990). It is reactive catalyst solution can be obtained
possible to have direct anion exchange (X- (Eq.
. * 2-15),

vs. -C = C - R). Using a copper-free palla- (2-15)

Pd(PPh3),C12+SnC12 . 2H20 %
dium catalyst makes this an easy assump-
tion (Scheme 2-2).
which is not water-, but air-sensitive. Work-
RCzCH % RC=C-C=CR (2-13) ing in the presence of aqueous bases, Sn02
and salts can be removed. If this catalyst so-
RC-CH (2-14) lution is added to the reaction mixture con-
taining arylalkines, in addition to the nor-
The major defect structure in this synthesis mal reaction, diine formation and oligomer-
is the diine. This side product is not formed ization of the acetylene compound are ob-
with CuCl (Eq. 2-13), as long as oxygen is served. Meanwhile the bromo compound is
strictly excluded under the usual reaction not quantitatively consumed. This is a result
conditions, whereas Pd(I1) is readily re- of the high acetylide concentration during
duced, forming the diine [Hager and Heitz the reaction. If acetylide is gradually gener-
(1998), Eq. 2-14]. Pd(0) (PPhJ4 has a ated during the reaction, the ethinylation
low catalytic activity. By reduction of proceeds without detectable amounts of side
l ~ SnC12 . 2H20, a highly
P d ( t ~ p ) ~ Cwith reaction (Eq. 2-16).
48 2 Transition Metal-Catalyzed Polycondensation and Polyaddition

I +



u = cn2- C H CH+
~ CH~ Ar Ar
L- Pd -Af L-Pd-X
C2HS (2-16)

The resulting poly(pheny1ene ethinylene)

containing ester can be converted to a rod-
like polyelectrolyte. T
Af B(OH),
L- Pd -OH

Scheme 2-3. Removing XY
Carbon-carbon bond formation can also arylboronic acid. Similar to the homo
be accomplished by reacting RX with vinyl coupling of the Grinard reaction in the pres-
or aryl boronic acids [Suzuki type reactions ence of 1,4-dichlor0-2-butene (Cheng,
(Suzuki, 1982, 1991)] or with organotin re- 1988), the homo coupling of organoborox-
agents [Stille type reactions (Stille, 1985; ine results in high yields of the biaryl com-
pounds in the presence of o-di(bromome-
R X + Y R ~+R,R*
(2-17) thy1)benzene (Song and Wong 1994) (Eq.
2- 18).
where R,R' = vinyl or aryl.
X = halogen,triflate, (2- 18)
Y = B(OH)?, SnR:.

Mitchell, 1992)] in a palladium-catalyzed

reaction (Eq. 2- 17). the catalytic cycle in-
volves Pd(O/II) (Scheme 2-3).
Phosphines or dibenzylidene acetone
(dba) are typical ligands to palladium (Wal- Obviously, oxidative addition of the fury1
low and Novak, 1994). In the Suzuki reac- boronic acid to Pd(0) is involved in the
tion, deboronation is a typical side reaction. catalytic cycle. Evidence for the oxidative
This can be reduced by using anhydrous bas- addition of arylboronic acid is also given in
es in nonaqueous solvents (Watanabe et al., the reaction of PhB(OH)2 with styrene to
1992). Another side reaction is transaryla- rruns-stilbene [Cho and Uemura (1994),
tion. This may cause defect structures in the Eq. 2-19]. This reaction works with high
polymer or act as a chain-limiting reaction.
In transarylation, the aryls from the phos-
phine ligands get involved in the catalytic (2-19)

cycle. Measures to prevent this problem are Pd(0.4~)~
similar to those used in the Heck reaction. + NaOAdAcOH
25 "C
Transarylation can also be caused by the 99 %
2.2 Polycondensation Reactions 49

A @ + (2-20)

83 Q 10 %



yields in acetic acid. Under the same con- lower for oligomers (Eq. 2-21) and poly-
ditions, ArJ gives only 7% stilbene. Many mers.
solvents other than acetic acid, such as In particular, the synthesis of a variety of
DMF or benzene, are ineffective in this re- substituted poly-p-phenylenes was accom-
action, the yield of stilbene being lower plished by the Suzuki reaction. Well-defined
(14- 16%) with biphenyl (1- 16%) formed structures are obtained as a result of the re-
as a side product. A mechanistic study giospecificity of this reaction (Rehahn et al.,
showed that the self-coupling of aryl- 1989b). The solubility is increased by sub-
boronic acid is not negligible, if the Su- stituents (Rehahn et al., 1990a; Rau and Re-
zuki reaction is slow, i.e., when electron- hahn, 1993; Huber and Scherf, 1994; Hu et
donating substituents are present (Moreno- al., 1996a, b; Eq. 2-22). Alternating co-
Mafias et al., 1996). No biaryl coupling was polymers (Rau and Rehahn, 1993; Witteler
observed with dba as the ligand. Biaryl for- et al., 1993; Eq. 2-23) and ansa-polypheny-
mation is also observed in the reaction of lenes (Eq. 2-24) with a random configura-
phenylboronic acid with trans- 1,2-dibrorno tion were also obtained via the Suzuki route
ethylene (Koch and Heitz, 1992). It is (Huber and Scherf, 1994).


50 2 Transition Metal-Catalyzed Polycondensationand Polyaddition





Poly(ary1ene viny1ene)s with main chain It is possible to tune the photo- and elec-
chiral configurations were obtained by the troluminescence by combining conjugated
Suzuki route, and the chirality was demon- with nonconjugated monomers (Remmers
strated by the CD spectrum [Hu et al., et al., 1996; Eq. 2-28). Rod-like polyelec-
(1996 a, b), Eq. 2-25]. trolytes were synthesized starting with car-
A variety of groups can be part of the boxylic acid (Wallow and Novak, 1991) or
polymer chain. Ether-, keto-, and imide- the sulfonate [Rulkens et al. (1994), Schild
containing polymers were thus obtained and Reynolds (1994), Eq. 2-29].
(Rehahn et al., 1990b; Helmer-Metzmann
et a].. 1992; Eq. 2-26 and 2-27).
2.2 Polycondensation Reactions 51






r 1

Well-defined ladder-type polymers with a Again, the synthesis makes use of the toler-
variety of structures were prepared with the ance of palladium-catalyzed reactions to-
key step being the Suzuki reaction (Scherf wards functional groups.
and Miillen, 1991, 1992a, b; Eq. 2-30).
52 2 Transition Metal-Catalyzed Polycondensationand Polyaddition



a w
C6H13 n

(2-3 1)
L Jn

r 1

L Jn

B r d B r Bu3Sn-C~C-SnBu3 - (2-33)


x = 1.2

The Stille reaction allows a similar range of described. Many polymers with thiophene
structures to be synthesized. Examples of units were obtained using the Stille reaction
polyphenylenes (Quian and Pena, 1995; Eq. (Yu et al., 1993; Parakka et al., 1996; Mar-
2-3 1 ), poly(pheny1ene viny1ene)s (Marsella sella and Swager, 1993; Marsella et al.,
et al., 1995b; Eq. 2-32), and poly(pheny1ene I995 c; Eq. 2-34). Polythiophenes are of
acety1ene)s (Yu et al., 1993; Eq. 2-33) are growing interest due to their electrical and
2.2 Polycondensation Reactions 53


transport properties, which make them use- cec et al., 1996a). Reducing agents are lith-
ful for polymeric LEDs and sensors. Start- ium (Marakashi et al., 1979), magnesium
ing with acyl chloride, polyketones are (Tamao et al., 1972), and zinc (Knochel and
available (Moore and Decter, 1991; Eq. Singer, 1993). Nickel- and palladium-medi-
2-35). ated electrochemical reduction to polypyri-
dine is also described (Yamamoto and Sai- Removing X2 to, 1996). As catalyst, the use of nickel is
favored, but palladium (Kunada, 1980), sil-
Nickel-catalyzed reduction coupling of
ver and iron (Tamura and Kochi, 1971) can
aryl halides has been widely used to produce
be used as well. NiC12(PPh3), and Ni(0)
aromatic main chain polymers. This reac-
compounds are commonly applied catalysts
tion, described by Kumada (Tamao et al.,

precursors. However, in the catalytic cycle,
1972; Eq. 2-36), was first used by Yamamo-
Ni(I/III) species are involved (Kochi, 1980;
to et al. (1978, 1985)
Anton et al., 1984; Eq. 2-37-2-39).
2RX RR (2-36) Ni(I)X+ArX
oxidative addition
to synthesize poly-p-phenylene. As a result (2-37)
of the insolubility of the material, the poly- aryl exchange
mer precipitates at low molecular weights. ArNi(III)X,+ Ar'Ni(1I)X> - (2-38)
X can be halide (Tamao et al., 1976), triflate Ar'
(Sengupta et al., 1992), and mesylate (Per- Ni(II)X2+Ar-Ni(III)X


610.2 563.8 517.4 471.0 424.6 378.2

copolymer 1 : 1 copolymer 1 : 1

Figure 2-5. Photoluminescence spectra of different PPPs.

54 2 Transition Metal-Catalyzed Polycondensation and Polyaddition

I reductive elimination (2-39)
Ar-Ni(1II)X ArAt'+Ni(I)X

A variety of polyphenylenes have been syn- weight with the corresponding high bromine
thesized this way [Rehahn et al. (1989a), content are obtained. PPP with ester groups
Eq. 2-40; No11 et al. (1990), Eq. 2-41; Gold- was obtained using zinc as the reducing
finger and Swager (1993), Eq. 2-42], main- agent [Ueda and Yoneda (1993, Eq. 2-43].
ly to tune the solubility and the optical prop- This soluble PPP was saponified and de-
erties [Heitz (1995), Fig. 2-51. carboxylated.
In order to obtain high molecular weight- Polythiophenes with alkyl, alkylether, al-
material, activated magnesium (Bogdano- kylthioether, and phenyl substituents were
vic et al., 1988; Rieke 1989) should be used. prepared using magnesium [McCullough
The procedures described by Bogdanovic et and Williams (1993), Eq. 2-44] or zinc
al. (1988) and Rieke (1989) are adequate. (Chen et al., 1993; Ueda et al., 1991).
Otherwise, polymers of lower molecular Regioregular substitution is important for

Mg, THF, reflux, lh

NiCl, (bipy) (ca 1 %)
R reflux, 48h R

r = hexyl, n-octyl

Br 2 r


M (2-41)


2.2 Polycondensation Reactions 55

1. LDA, THF,- 78 "C, 45 min

2. MgBr2' OEt, ,4h

3. Ni(dppp)C12, -78 to 26 "C, 36h (2-44)
= CH20CH2CH20CH3
= CH20CH3

electroconductive polymers. The influence lecular weight limited by the solubility of

of the reaction conditions on the control of the crystalline polymer (Ueda and Ichikawa,
regioselectivity has been studied in detail 1990). Polimides were obtained in a palla-
(McCullough and Williams, 1993;Chen and dium-catalyzed reaction by the carbonyla-
Rieke, 1992; Chen et al., 1995). Regioreg- tion of diiodoesters with diamines (Perry
ular and regioirregular PPPs have been ob- et al., 1995 a, b). However, a soluble, hydro-
tained in a nickel-catalyzed homo coupling lytically stable precursor was not obtained.
with mesylate as the leaving group (Perce- Going through a poly(amic amide) interme-
cet al., 1996b). The nickel/zinc route was diate, ring closure can be delayed to the fi-
also used to prepare PPP containing nal thermal treatment [Perry et al. (1996),
Eq. 2-47].
M~*N-@+-J- soz-

as a substituent with second order NLO be-

havior (Wright and Toplikar, 1995). A poly- 0
n 0n 0n 0m0
thiophene with crown ether substituents
showed reversible changes of the electro-
conductivity [Marsella et al. (1994), Eq.
2-45]. A property that can be used to con-
1. BuLi (2 equiv.). LiCl(10 cquiv.). THF,0 'C
struct sensors. 2. znc1, (2.2 equi".), T H F
The synthesis of polyethersulfones with 3. 3-decyl-25dibmmothiophme( I equiv.). Pd(PPh& ( 3 9%)

high inherent viscosities (qinh=0.8 1 dl/g)

was accomplished by the nickel-catalyzed
reductive coupling of chloroarenes with
zinc [Cotan and Kwiatowski (1990), Ueda
and Ito (1991), Eq. 2-46]. Poly(ether ke-
tone)s prepared in the same way have a mo- L A"

NiClz (2 %), PPh3

bipy, Zn,70 "C, 24h


0 0 so2
56 2 Transition Metal-Catalyzed Polycondensation and Polyaddition



I- 1

L Jn

The acylic diene metathesis polymerization plausible mechanism can be formulated

is a polycondensation with a metathesis re- (Scheme 2-4). Oxidative addition of silicon
action as the chain-growing step (Brzezinska hydrides is presumed to be an obligatory
et al., 1996). By removing the ethylene, the step in catalytic hydrosilylation. It is un-
equilibrium is shifted towards polymer for- certain whether the olefin is coordinated
mation (Eq. 2-48). Typical metathesis cata- prior to the oxidative addition step. Relative
lysts can be used (Schwab et al., 1995; rates of ethylene hydrosilylation have been
Schrock et al. 1990). compared for three catalysts (Collman et al.,

2.3 Polyaddition Reactions

2.3.1 SiH Addition to Carbon Double
R3Si -C-C-H
The metal-catalyzed addition of the sili- I I
con-hydrogen bond to a carbon-carbon
multiple bond, termed hydrosilylation, is an
excellent method of preparing silicon-car-
bon bonds (Collman et al., 1987; Speier,
1979). On the basis of product analysis, a Scheme 2-4.
2.3 Polyaddition Reactions 57

1987); however, such comparisons depend The hydrosilylation of alkynes is also

upon the nature of the olefin and silane. possible with the addition being predomi-
nantly cis (Eq. 2-52). Alkynes are more re-
HZPtCl, > RhClL, > CO2(CO)g:4000 200 : 1 active than olefins.
The most commonly used catalyst for hy-
drosilylations is chloroplatinic acid (CPA). It
has the advantages of being effective at very
PhCECH + C1,SiH -
CPA ph+

low concentrations( M or even less in cer-
tain cases), the avoidance of excessive heat to Several examples of grafting reactions in-
carry out the reaction, and the ability to carry volving SiH-containing poly(dimethy1 si-
out the reaction in the absence of solvent. It is 1oxane)s are based upon hydrosilylation
also very tolerant of a range of organic func- (Ilgr et al., 1980). This reaction is a key step
tionalities, including nitro, cyano, ester, ami- in the synthesis of many LC side chain poly-
no, sulfonic esters, borate esters and even mers [Finkelmann (1987), Eq. 2-53] and the
phosphine oxides, among others. Hydrosily- crosslinking reaction in many dental medi-
lation with CPA occurs regioselectively to cal applications.
place the silicon on the terminal carbon (Eq.
2-49). The reaction does not proceed well with (2-53)
internal olefins, in which case olefin isomer-
ization is often observed (Eq. 2-50).

CHzCH3 (2-50) a-Hydro-oalkyl-oligo(dimethy1 siloxane)

* [Greber and Metzinger (1960), Eq. 2-54]

SiCl, and 1-hydro-3-vinylsilmethylene [Greber
and Degler (1962), Eq. 2-55] underwent
Starting from a ferrocene containing dis-
Terminal double bonds react preferential- ilane and a divinylsiloxane, an elastomer
ly over internal double bonds, as evidenced was obtained with a higher thermal stabil-
from the hydrosilylation of dienes (Eq. ity than poly(methylpheny1 siloxane) [Gre-
2-51). ber (1968), Eq. 2-56].
(2-5 1) Diacetylene monomer can be hydrosily-
lated as well (Lebedev et al., 1978; Andria-
nov and Zavin, 1972; Eq. 2-57). Obviously
no dihydrosilylation of the triple bond oc-
58 2 Transition Metal-Catalyzed Polycondensationand Polyaddition

- R
H (2-54)


where x= 1-3


H- Si- 0- Si- H


2.3.2 ArH Addition to Carbon Double Murai (h,Jrai et al., 993, 199# Kakiuchi
Bonds et al., 1995) uses this possibility in a catalytic
fasion, which allows the addition of olefins.
The direct and selective activation of ArH Dihydridocarbonyltris(tripheny1 phos-
bonds has been known for many years in phine) ruthenium [RuH,(CO)(PPh,),] cata-
stoichiometric reactions (Collman et al., lyzes the cleavage of ortho C-H bonds of
1987). The addition of hydrogen in the or- acetophenone and the subsequent addition
tho position to azomethine as opposed to of the C=C of the olefins to yield ortho al-
carbonyl groups is a reaction with high se- kyl substituted acetophenone [Murai et al.
lectivity [Heck (1987), Eq. 2-58]. (1993), Eq. 2-59].

2.3 Polyaddition Reactions 59




OMe L OMe Jn

It is not known if the olefin is inserted ond ortho position [Bhattacharjee and Heitz
into the Ar-Ru or Ru-H bond before (1996), Scheme 2-51. Electron-donating
reductive elimination takes place. With substituents (R2) enhance the reaction. A
CH,=CH-Si(OEt),, the regioselectivity variety of polymers have been obtained by

8 - gRuH
(1,2-addition versus 1,l -addition) is 99 : 1,
whereas it is only 84: 16 with styrene.
a-Olefins show a strong tendency to
double bond migration. Norbornene reacts [Ru]
exclusively to the exo addition product, / /
similar to the behavior in palladium-cata-
lyzed reactions (Percec and Hill, 1996; Ar-
cadi et al., 1989; Brunner and Krammler,
The reactivity of the second ortho posi-
tion is much lower than than of the first. This
results in long reaction times if disubstitu-
tion or polyaddition is aimed at. The ratio
of di- to monosubstitution is influenced by
R" ,

the olefin. Norbornene is an exception. This

is most probably due to a steric requirement
in the catalytic cycle which brings the coor-
dinated ruthenium in proximity to the sec- Scheme 2-5.
60 2 Transition Metal-Catalyzed Polycondensation and Polyaddition

NiBr2 + Zn + 0- + oligomers (2-62)


this ruthenium-catalyzed reaction [Guo and

Weber (1994, 1995), Guo et al. (1994, 2 /
1995a, b, c), Eq. 2-60, Bhattacharjee and
Heitz (1996), Eq. 2-61].

2.3.3 Cycloaddition Reactions

While ruthenium catalyzes only the [2+2]- +2

cycloaddition of alkynes with norbornene as

opposed to norbornadiene (Mitsudo et al.,
1994), Ni(0) can catalyze the [2+2]-cyclo-
addition of norbornadiene [Huang and
Cheng (1995), Eq. 2-62].
The catalytic species are reacted in situ
with norbornene. The em-trans-exo dimer
can be obtained in high yields by sublima-
tion. The reaction is enhanced in the pres-
ence of two equivalents of PPh, as the li- Scheme 2-6.
gand. If the reaction is run stoichiometrical-
ly, the catalytic species can be precipitated
by ethanol. The catalyst is stable against wa- in nearly equal amounts, which can be iso-
ter, but air-sensitive. The approximate com- lated and identified after short reaction
position is Ni (C,H,) (PPh3)2. The ethylene times. With longer reaction times, polymers
complex Ni (C2H4)(PPh,), is a well-defined are formed. Both chain ends contain one
catalyst giving the same reaction [Herth and double bond, as shown by NMR. With R=H,
Heitz (1998), Scheme 2-61. A proposal for the limit of solubility is at around M=4000;
the catalytic cycle includes a metalacyclo- with R=O-tert-butyl, the polymer is soluble
pentane. The stereochemistry is influenced with a molecular weight of 7000. As a re-
by the ligand. With the ligand-free catalyst, sult of the fact that exo-endo units should be
the dimer is formed in an exo-trans-exo to statistically present, the molecule is expect-
exo-trans-endo ratio of 92 :8. Phosphine- ed to have the shape of a two-dimensional
containing catalysts produce both isomers coil. It belongs to the class of polymers
2.4 References 61




CO, 10 bar
0 0
R = C4Hg (13 : 1)

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Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP)

and Related Processes
Robert H Grubbs and Ezat Khosravi

List ofSymbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.2 Development of Well-Defined ROMP Initiators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.3 ROMP Using Well-Defined Tungsten and Molybdenum-Based
Alkylidene Initiators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.4 ROMP Using Well-Defined Ruthenium-BasedInitiators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.4.1 Aqueous ROMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.4.2 Other Metathesis Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Telechelic Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Ring-Closing Olefin Metathesis (RCM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.5 Materials via ROMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.5.1 Conducting Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.5.2 Stereoregular Fluoropolymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
3.5.3 Stereoblock Fluorocopolymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
3.5.4 Synthesis of Electroluminescence Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.5.5 Fluorinated Block Copolymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3.5.6 Graft Copolymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3.5.7 Nanoscale Clusters via Microphase-Separated Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3.5.8 Side Chain Liquid Crystal Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3.5.9 ABA Triblock Copolymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
3.5.10 Synthesis of AB Crosslinked Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
3.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
3.7 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
66 3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Related Processes

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

FD Figure of merit
h Plancks constant
ki rate of initiation
kP rate of propagation
kals anti to syn rate constant
ksla syn to anti rate constant
m number
4 number average molecular weight
Mw weight average molecular weight
n number
Tg glass transition temperature
X average chain length

EU relaxed dielectric constant

GI permitivity
V frequency

Ac acetyl
BTFMND bis(trifluoromethy1)norbornadiene
Bu butyl
COT cyclooctatetraene
CP cyclopentadien yl
CY cyclohexy 1
DCNBD 5,6-dicarbomethoxynorbornadiene
DP degree of polymerization
DSC differential scanning calorimetry
Et ethyl
GPC gel permeation chromatography
LC liquid crystalline
M metal
Me methyl
MTD methyltetracyclododecene
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
PDI pol ydispersity
Ph phenyl
PL photoluminescence
PMMA poly(methylmethacry1ate)
PPV poly( 3,4-diisopropylidenecyclobutene)
Pr ProPYl
PROMP photoinitiated ROMP
PVDF poly(viny1idene fluroide)
PY pyridine
RCM ring-dosing metathesis
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 67

ROM ring-opening metathesis

ROMP ring-opening metathesis polymerization
SAXS small-angle X-ray scattering
SCLCP side chain liquid crystalline polymer
TEM transmission electron microscopy
TGA thermogravimetric analysis
THF tetrahydrofuran
to, p-toluenesulfonate
TSC thermally stimulated current
WAXS wide-angle X-ray scattering
68 3 Ring-OpeningMetathesis Polymerization(ROMP) and Related Processes

3.1 Introduction oxygen, water, and polar groups. The devel-

opment of metathesis initiators, which are
Over the last 15 years, metathesis initia- particularly tolerant of polar functional
tors have evolved from the poorly defined, groups and protic solvents, offers several
heterogeneous mixtures that characterized advantages, the most obvious being the use
early systems to well-defined, single com- of substrates and solvent without rigorous
ponent metallacycles and alkylidenes. purification and drying.
The ill-defined initiators suffer from In this chapter we illustrate recent ad-
many disadvantages. Of primary signifi- vances in the development of ROMP initia-
cance is the fact that such initiating systems tors. We hope to show that the development
are ill-defined; in other words the precise of more tolerant catalysts has resulted in
nature of the active site at the metal center broadening the scope of the metathesis re-
is not known, and species with other cata- action, enabling the well-controlled ROMP
lytic activities are formed. In addition, the of highly functionalized monomers.
metal carbene must be generated before in-
itiation and subsequent propagation can
commence. This process usually proceeds 3.2 Development of Well-
with very low yield, and the activity of a giv- Defined ROMP Initiators
en initiating system is dependent upon its
chemical, thermal, and mechanical history, The first example of a well-defined car-
and upon the order and the rate of mixing of bene complex (I, Fig. 3-l),in which olefin
the catalyst, the cocatalyst, and the metathesis could be observed via NMR, was
monomer. Since the propagation rates of reported in 1979 by Tebbe et al. The first
these catalysts are very high, the slow initi- well-documented example of the living
ation rates result in very poor control of the ROMP of a cycloalkene was the polymer-
molecular weight distribution in the final ization of norbornene with the related titan-
polymers. acyclobutane complexes (11, 111, Fig. 3-1)
In contrast, the well-defined initiators (Gillion and Grubbs, 1986;Grubbs and Tu-
react in controlled, predictable ways, and mas, 1989).
their activities can be fine-tuned through The metallacyclobutane exists in equilib-
simple ligand substitution. Moreover, sev- rium with its ring-opened carbene form,
eral of these well-defined alkylidenes in- which polymerizes the bicyclic olefin in a
itiate living ring-opening metathesis poly- living manner, as shown in Scheme 3-1. In
merization (ROMP). Historically, metathe- order to terminate the chain propagation, the
sis was limited to the polymerization of cy- metal site can be capped by adding a ketone
clic hydrocarbons in highly purified organ- (typically benzophenone) or an aldehyde.
ic solvents due to the extreme sensitivities This class of initiator has been exploited to
of early transition metal catalyst systems to produce diblock and triblock copolymers of

I I1 111 Figure 3-1.

3.2 Development of Well-Defined ROMP Initiators 69

living polymer

Ar et al., 1982, 1986; Kress and Osborn, 1983,

1987). These complexes require a Lewis ac-
id cocatalyst for high activity, probably in
order to generate four coordinate cation-
ic species [W(CH-t-Bu)(OCH,-t-Bu),X]+.
M=Mo, W Related complexes of the type W(CH-t-
Ar=2,6-CgH3i-Pr2 Bu)(OAryl),X2 have been synthesized and
R=CMe3, CMe2Ph used to metathesize olefins in the presence
OR'=OCMe3,OCMe2CF3,OCMe(CF3)2 of alkyl tin reagents, but the exact nature
Figure 3-2. of the active species in these cases has not
been fully established (Quignard et al.,
1986, 1987). The activity of W(CH-t-Bu)
norbornene, substituted norbornenes, and (OAryl),X2 catalysts can be controlled to
dicyclopentadiene (Cannizzo and Grubbs, some extent by altering the nature of the
1987,1988). However, there are some draw- OAryl ligand, with more electron-with-
backs associated with this initiator system. drawing phenoxides giving more active
Titanacyclobutanes require temperatures of catalysts.
50C in order to ring-open norbornenes, Well-defined tungsten and molybdenum
and, moreover, they are very reactive to- initiators with bulky alkoxide and arylimi-
wards functionalities owing to the highly do ligands of the type M(CHR)(NAr)-
electrophilic nature of the metal center. (OR'),, as shown in Fig. 3-2, only became
Therefore the range of suitable monomers synthetically available in the mid- 1980s
is limited to relatively stable hydrocarbons. (Schrock et al., 1988 a, 1990).
The next important step was the prepara- The X-ray structure of W(NAr)(CH-t-
tion of the first well-characterized tungsten Bu)(O-t-Bu), shows that it is a pseudo tet-
alkylidene complexes of the type W(CH-t- rahedral species with the alkylidene substit-
Bu)(OCH2-t-Bu),X2 (X = a halide) (Kress uent pointing towards the imido nitrogen
70 3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Related Processes

atom (syn rotamer). The linear triply bonded 1986, 1987,1991; Torekiet al., 1992; Knoll
imido unit ( W-N-C angle of 169)forces the et al., 1988; Knoll and Schrock, 1989;
Pcarbon atom of the alkylidene unit to lie Schlund et al., 1989; Krouse and Schrock,
in the same plane as the nitrogen, tungsten, 1988).
and a-carbon atoms (Schrock et al., 1988 a). The molybdenum catalyst is less active
The tetrahedral coordination of these com- than the tungsten analog, and molybden-
plexes allows relatively small substrates, acyclobutane complexes are much less stable
such as oletins, to attack the metal to give than analogous tungstacyclobutane com-
five coordinate metallacyclobutane inter- plexes towards the loss of olefins (Schrock
mediates, H hile the bulky alkoxide and 2,6- et al., 1987; Knoll et al., 1988; Krouse and
di-isopropy lphenylimido units help prevent Schrock, 1988; Knoll and Schrock, 1989).
decomposition. Another important difference between tung-
The acyclic olefin metathesis activity of sten and molybdenum, which correlates
these complexes is controlled by varying the with their relative reactivities towards ole-
nature of the alkoxide group. Hexafluoro-r- fins, is that tungsten appears to be much
butoxide cdtalysts are more active for more reactive towards functionalities. Such
metathesis of ordinary internal olefins, for differences will be extremely important in
which r-butoxide complexes are virtually polymerization reactions of cyclic olefins
inactive (Fcldman and Shrock, 1991; Fox which have a functionality that is remote
et al., 1992. 1993; Schaverien et al., 1986). from the double bond undergoing reaction.
This is becmse the interaction can be re- As well as the syn rotamer shown in the crys-
garded as ,in electrophilic attack on the tal structure, the anti rotamer, where the al-
olefin by the metal, and the metal is signif- kylidene substituent points away from the
icantly more electrophilic (and hence more imido nitrogen atom, is also possible
reactive) rn ith the electron-withdrawing (Fig. 3-3) (Feldman and Schrock, 1991;
fluorinated alkoxides present. This lower Schrock et al., 1978, 1991; Toreki et al.,
reactivity of the bis t-butoxide derivatives 1992; Schrock, 1986; Oskam and Schrock,
can be exploited in the polymerization of 1992, 1993; Feast et al., 1994a).
cyclic olefins, since both the molybdenum Rotamer interconversion rates have been
and tungsten complexes metathesize the measured for several members of the class
strained double bond of norbornene to yield of M(NR)(CHR)OR), complexes. The
polymers, H ithout reaction with the double most extensive study involved molybdenum
bonds in the resulting polymer (backbiting) complexes in which OR is a phenoxide
occurring. This gives the opportunity of pre- (Schrock et al., 1991). Such studies were
paring well-defined polymers in a con- possible because both rotamers could be
trolled manner (Schrock, 1986, 1990a, oberved, and therefore standard H NMR
1993; Bazan et al., 1989, 1990, 1991 a, b; techniques could be employed in order to
Feast et al.. 1992a, b; Schrock et al., 1978, determine rate constants and activation pa-

Ar Ar


Anti S Yn Figure 3-3.

3.2 Development of Well-Defined ROMP Initiators 71

diMezP t-B


R=phenyl t-B -BU

or naphthyl


rameters. The rate of rotamer isomerization Controlling the stereochemistry of poly-

in toluene-d8 slows dramatically as the mers prepared by the ring-opening of nor-
alkoxide ligands become more electron- bornenes and norbornadienes has been a
withdrawing. The rate of conversion of the topic of long-standing interest (Ivin, 1983;
anti to the syn rotamer in toluene is found to Draughton et al., 1985), one that could ulti-
vary by at least five orders of magnitude as mately be solved by employing well-char-
the alkoxide is changed from t-butoxide to acterized chiral catalysts with known struc-
OC(CF,),(CF,CF,CF,). Addition of bis(tri- tures and activities. A chiral catalyst might
fluoromethyl) norbornadiene (BTFMND) be prepared by using chiral diolates (tartar-
to mixtures containing both anti and syn ate derivatives, binaphtholates, etc.) or a
Mo(CHCMe2Ph)(NAr)[OCMe(CF3),], chiral imido ligand. Catalysts of the type
showed that the anti rotamer was orders of Mo(CH-t-Bu)(NAr)OR), have been shown
magnitude more reactive than the syn rota- to ring-open polymerize BTFMND to give
mer. It is clear that the polymerization path- highly tactic all-trans poly(BTFMND)
way could dramatically depend upon the when OR=O-t-Bu (in toluene or THF)
conditions, the nature of the alkoxide, and (Bazan et al., 1990), and all-cis poly
the inherent reactivity of the monomer, and (BTFMND) with a tactic bias of -74% when
that reactions could proceed entirely via the OR=OCMeCF3)2 (in THF) (Feast et al.,
minor, virtually unobservable anti rotamer, 1992 a). It has been shown that chiral cata-
if syn/anti interconversion is fast relative to lysts of this general type can be prepared
the rate of polymerization, or entirely via that contain the C2-symmetric chiral diolate
the major syn rotamer, if syn/anti intercon- ligands, as shown in Fig. 3-4, and that po-
version is slow relative to the rate of poly- ly(BTFMND) and related polymers can be
merization. The results of polymerizations prepared using chiral catalysts that are
(40- 100 equiv. of BTFMND) at 25 "C sug- >99% cis and >99% tactic (McConville
gests a relationship between alkylidene rot- et al., 1994; O'Dell et al., 1994).
amer isomerization rates and polymer cis/ It has been demonstrated that ruthenium
trans content when the initiator contains an complexes containing a ruthenium carbon
arylimido ligand; high-cis polymers are double bond of the type shown in Fig. 3-5
formed when rotamer isomerization rates are active catalysts for the metathesis of acy-
are negligible on the time scale of polymer- clic and cyclic olefins. The activity of the
ization, while high-trans polymers are ruthenium complexes of the general struc-
obtained when rotamer isomerization rates ture shown below can be varied by chang-
are fast on the time scale of polymeriza- ing the structure of the phosphine ligand
tion. (PR,), the substituent on the carbene carbon
72 3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Related Processes

A new method, which uses phenyldi-

azomethane as the carbon source and tris(tri-
phenylphosphine) rutheniumdichloride as
the metal precursor, has resulted in an in-
crease in the availability of an active cata-
R=Cy. i-Pr lyst (Schwab et al., 1996). The appropriate
Figure 3-5. phosphine is incorporated by ligand ex-
change. These complexes are more reactive
than the analogous vinylcarbene complex-
(R'), and the halide or anionic group (XI. es, such as those shown in Fig. 3-5. The ben-
The catalysts with bulky alkyl phosphine zylidene complexes will react with terminal
and X=Cl are the most active (Nguyen olefins to give the analogous metathesis car-
et al., 1992; Wu et al., 1992; Nguyen and bene product, as shown in Scheme 3-2.
All these ruthenium carbene complexes
Grubbs, 1993) (Fig. 3-5).
The original catalyst (Grubbs et al., 1994) polymerize norbornene in organic media,
was prepared in approximately 70% yield both in the absence and the presence of
from the reaction between diphenylcyclo- proticlaqueow solvents. The complexes are
propene and the tristriphenylphosphine ru- moderately stable in air, and they are stable
thenium dihalide complex. The triphenyl- in organic solvents in the presence of water,
phosphine complex would polymerize nor- alcohol, acetic acid, or a diethyl ether solu-
bornene and cyclobutenes without chain tion of HCl. They do not undergo Wittig-
transfer and termination. As expected from type reaction with either ketone or aldehyde.
earlier work with ill-defined systems, these These comlexes catalyze the ROMP of cis-
systems were more tolerant of functional cyclooctene, cyclooctadiene, 7-oxonorbor-
groups and protic impurities than the early nene derivatives, and cyclopentene. In each
metal analogs. Exchange of the triphenyl- of these cases, a propagating alkylidene can
phosphine ligand by tricyclohexylphos- be observed via 'H NMR spectroscopy. The
phine (or other bulky basic phosphines) pro- original vinylcarbene complexes produced
ceeded cleanly and gave a much more ac- polynorbornenes with polydispersities of
tive catalyst. This complex was active for PDI = 1.2- 1.3. However, the benzylcarbene
the ROMP of unstrained olefins, and would complexes gave polymers with PDI = 1.04
catalyze acyclic olefin metathesis and AD- (see Scheme 3-3). This difference can be
MET polymerization. traced to the increased reactivity of the ben-
zy lidene complex relative to the vinylidene
complex so that the kvlk; for the vinylcar-
bene complex is less than while the
kBlk: for the benzylidene complex is 9,
The living propagating carbene can be ob-
Cy=Cyclohexyl I 2 cY,p
served throughout the reaction and the
system passes all the required tests for a liv-
ing polymerization.
The tolerance of these initiators to impur-
ities and organic functionality has led to
their wide use in the synthesis of well-de-
Scheme 3-2. fined polymers by ROMP and ADMET, and
3.3 ROMP Using Well-Defined Tungsten- and Molydenum-Based Alkylidene Initiators 73


cl* 1 H


PDI= 1.3 for vinyl and 1.04 from benzyl Scheme 3-3.

for the synthesis of small molecules by cross search for a catalyst system effective for the
metathesis of acyclic olefins and by ring- polymerization of functionalized substrates
closing metathesis (RCM). This tolerance were met with limited success (Ivin, 1983).
and the growing ease of synthesis has led to One overwhelming problem with most of
a number of potential commercial applica- the early transition metal ROMP catalysts
tions, since this family of ruthenium cata- was the high reactivity of the catalyst with
lysts can now easily be prepared in multi- any polar functionality present in the
kilogram quantities. monomer. As a result, poisoning of the cat-
alyst and polymerization became competi-
tive processes. At present, polymers of com-
3.3 ROMP Using Well-Defined mercial interest prepared via ROMP contain
Tungsten- and Molydenum- only an olefinic functionality, as illustrated
Based Alkylidene Initiators in Fig. 3-6.
The preparation of such heteroatom-con-
The design and synthesis of functional taining materials using classical metathesis
polymers, polymers whose properties de- catalysts proved difficult in the past, due to
pend to a significant extent on the function- the sensitivity of these electrophilic metal
al group substituents along the backbone of complexes towards the heteroatom func-
the macromolecule, is an active area of re- tionality. However, living ROMP catalysts
search. The synthesis of these polymers have recently been prepared that are deac-
through the polymerization of functional- tivated to an extent that they do not react
ized monomers is ideal, as it enables the di- with the functionality, but still react with the
rect incorporation of functionality into the strained carbon-carbon double bond of the
polymer backbone and thus avoids the po- monomer. The tolerance of well-defined in-
tential difficulty of chemical transformation itiators towards functional groups also al-
on a polymeric substrate. In the case of lows the use of functionalized styrenes as
ROMP (Grubbs and Tumas, 1989; Schrock, chain transfer agents (Schrock et al., 1989;
1990a; Ivin, 1983), initial efforts in the Crowe et al., 1990; Mitchell, 1991; Hill-
74 3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Related Processes

myer and Grubbs, 1993) and functionalized the nature and disposition of any substitu-
benzaldehyde in the capping reaction (Ba- ent, the arrangements of ligands around the
zan, 1990; Mitchell et al., 1991; Bazan and active site, and the living polymer chain
Schrock, 1991; Dounis, 1994). The key to structure. These living polymers will react
controlled polymerization of norbornenes readily with aldehydes (e.g., benzaldehyde)
and norbornadienes is that, while M(CH-t- to give the metal oxide in a Wittig-like cap-
Bu)(NAr)(O-r-Bu), initiators do not react ping reaction, as shown in Fig. 3-7. The
rapidly with ordinary internal olefins, they polymers thus obtained have been shown to
do react rapidly with the strained double be essentially monodisperse (polydispersity
bond in norbornenes and norbornadienes indices as low as 1.03 for x=500), i.e., the
(Fig. 3-7). distribution about the average chain length
The living nature of these polymeriza- (x) is as narrow as possible, indicative of a
tions can be conveniently monitored by 'H well-behaved and irreversible living poly-
NMR spectroscopy. The downfield singlet merization (Schrock, 1990 a).
arising from the alkylidene proton of the in- In contrast, a completely reversible
itiator gradually disappears and is replaced ROMP using the well-defined initiator
by a series of resonances corresponding to (t-Bu0)2W(CH-t-Bu)(NAr) (IV), has been
the propagating alkylidene protons, the reported for cyclopentene (Schrock et al.,
number and multiplicities of which depend 1988b). In this case, the polymerization
upon the nature of the monomer, including mixture at 60 "C was reported to contain
-95% monomer, while at -60C the mix-
ture contained -95% polymer. When cyclo-
pentene was removed under vacuum,the in-
itiator was recovered in high yield. All these
characteristics are typical of classical cyclo-
pentene polymerization systems (Ivin,
For the polymerization of norbornene, the
configuration about the first double bond in
the polymer is solely trans, the polymer
chain contains both cis (40%) and trans
(60%)double bonds, and the Wittig reaction
L 1
yields a double bond that is -75% trans
Figure 3-6. (Schrock, 1990a).

+ PhCHO - W(O)(NAr)(Ot-Bu)

r 1

H-t-Bu Figure 3-7.

3.3 ROMP Using Well-Defined Tungsten- and Molydenurn-Based Alkylidene Initiators 75

Additional stereochemical complications example, it is not possible to polymerize

in polynorbornene arise from the fact that 5-cyanonorbornene with W(CH-r-Bu)
two tertiary carbon atoms in norbornene (NAr)(O-t-Bu), or with Mo(CH-t-Bu)
[C( 1) and C(4)] are chiral. Consequently, al- (NAr)(O-t-Bu), in a typical noncoordinat-
though the two C-C bonds at positions l and ing solvent such as toluene. In THF, how-
4 are constrained to have a syn relationship, ever, Mo(CH-t-Bu)(NAr)(O-t-Bu), will
norbornenes can be opened to give polymers polymerize 200 equiv. of 5-cyanonorbor-
in which the configurations of those two car- nene rapidly to give a homopolymer with a
bon atoms occur in one of the two regular polydispersity of 1.05. THF may compete
sequences where [=(R,S) = (R,S) = (R,S)=] with the functionality for the metal and
is isotactic and the alternative thereby inhibit a reaction between it and the
[=(R,S) = (S,R) = (R,S)=] is syndiotactic, or alkylidene ligand. Another possibility is a
be statistically distributed to give an atactic bulk solvent effect which keeps the polar
polymer (Fig. 3-8) (Ivin, 1983). Therefore, group pointed away from the metal and into
any given olefinic carbon atom can be in a the solution. A third possibility is that THF
double bond that is either trans and rucem- is intimately involved in opening the inter-
ic or meso, or cis and racemic or meso. In mediate metallacycles formed in these reac-
practice, completely tactic polynorborne- tions.
ness are, as yet, rare (Ivin, 1983; Draughton The rate of formation of a metallacycle is
et al., 1985). Further substitution on the nor- found to be greatly affected by substituents
bornene ring at a position unsymmetric with at the 7-position in norbornadiene (Schrock,
respect to the double bond creates the pos- 1990 a). An interesting example is shown in
sibility of head-to-head (H, H), tail-to-tail Fig. 3-9. The reaction between Mo(CH-t-

(T, T), or head-to-tail (H, T) placement of Bu)(NAr)(O-t-Bu), and 7-isopropylidene-
repeat units in the polymer and leads to an- 2,3-dicarbomethoxynorbomadiene is slow
other level of stereochemical complexity at room temperature, approximately 350
(Ivin, 1983; Draughton et al., 1985). times slower than the rate of polymerization
Tungsten-based initiators do not appear of 2,3-dicarbomethoxynorbomadiene(Bazon
to polymerize monomers that contain a va- et al., 1990). Only one equiv. reacts readily,
riety of functionalities, but molybdenum- even at 40C, i.e., the rate of the first in-
based systems will (Bazan et al., 1990, sertion step, although slow, is very much
1991a; Bazan and Albagli). The choice greater than the rate of the second inser-
of solvent is an important factor in the tion step (k,=O). The structure of this first
ROMP of functionalized molecules. For insertion product was found to be syn, in

cis - isotactic

-* R R
cis syndiotactic

trans - isotactic

trans - syndiotactic
Figure 3-8.
76 3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Related Processes

Mo(Cn-t-Bu) + &C02Me &*C-t-Bu


C02Me CQMe CqMe Figure 3-9.

\c, CI Figure 3-11.

which the isopropylidene group protects The first observable circumstance where
one side of the Mo-C bond while a carbo- metallacycle formation is reversible for a
methoxy group protects the other side. norbornene has been reported for the ROMP
Therefore this alkylidene is much less reac- of 5,6-dichloro-5,6-carbonatonorbornene.
tive towards a second equivalent of the The monomer reacts with Mo(CH-t-
monomer than the initial neopentylidene Bu)(NAr)(O-t-Bu), to give an observable
complex is. metallacycle, as illustrated in Fig. 3-1 1
It appears that norbornenes that have sub- (Schrock, 1990 a). When this metallacycle
stituents at carbons 5 or 6 , or 2,3-disubsti- is heated, the monomer is regenerated to
tuted norbornadienes, are those that yield give -50% of the starting neopentylidene
relatively stable metallacycles, and the in- complex.
itial (t-butyl-substituted) metallacycle is Benzonorbornadiene reacts rapidly with
more stable than subsequent metallacycles. Mo(CH-r-Bu)(NAr)(O-t-Bu), (Fig. 3- 12)
7-Oxanorbornadienes A, B, and C, shown to yield the living polymer (Bazan et al.,
in Fig. 3-10, react with Mo(CH-t- 1990). The alkylidene resonance at
Bu)(NAr)(O-t-Bu), to give isolable metall- 1 1.23 ppm is replaced by a relatively com-
acyclobutane complexes. The metallacycle plex set of alkylidene resonances further
prepared from A is remarkably stable to- downfield. A plausible explanation is that
wards rearrangement to an alkylidene com- when a flat ring is present, H a is sensitive
plex, that prepared from B is less so, and to the cis or trans configuration of at least
that prepared from C is the least stable the next double bond in the chain, and two
(Schrock, 1990a). different alkylidene rotamers are present.
3.3 ROMP Using Well-Defined Tungsten- and Molydenum-Based Alkylidene Initiators 77

Mo(CH-1-Bu) + n
WMe COZMf? C0,Me C02Me
Figure 3-13.

The percentage of trans double bonds is could not be polymerized in a controlled

76%. GPC analysis of the polymers pre- manner by tungsten initiators, the addition
pared showed polydispersities of 1.05. - of DCNBD to a molybdenum initiator quan-
Polybenzonorbornadiene with a degree of titatively converted it into polymer with a
polymerization of up to 500 is soluble in to- low polydispersity index (Fig. 3-13), char-
luene or dichloromethane and, except for its acteristic of a living polymerization catalyst
expected sensitivity to oxygen (El-Saafin system (Schrock, 1990a; Bazan et al.,
and Feast, 1982), the polymerization pro- 1990). The ratio of the rate of propagation
ceeds in a well-behaved manner. These to the rate of initiation (k,lki) was found to
properties contrast with those reported by be 3k0.3. Carbon NMR spectra suggest that
Cannizzo and Grubbs (1988) for polyben- the double bonds are 90-95% trans. The
zonorbornadiene prepared with a titanium polymer appears to be thermally unstable in
catalyst. Insolubility became a limiting fac- air, since the glass transition (-140 " C )does
tor, apparently due to differences in the ste- not appear to be reproducible. Instability
roechemistry when fewer than 10 equiva- was confirmed by TGA. The polymer be-
lents of benzonorbornadiene had been poly- gins to decompose at 200 "C and degrades
merized. Benzonorbornadiene has also been rapidly at 300 "C.
polymerized by classical catalysts (e.g., Cyanonorbornenes, such as V - VIII
WC16/SnMe4)(El-Saafin and Feast, 1982). shown in Fig. 3-14, have also been investi-
In this case, however, broad molecular gated and in some cases will undergo poly-
weight distributions and low solubilities merization (Feast et al., 1995). For exam-
were observed and ascribed (in part) to ox- ple, monomer VI gives a soluble polymer
idation of the polymer in air. Therefore it containing 97% trans vinylenes from which
appears that polymerization of benzonor- it is possible to cast tough transparent films
bornadiene by Mo(CH-t-Bu)(NAr)(O-t- for which DSC shows no Tg below the de-
B u ) is
~ the most successful of several routes composition temperature of 250 "C. This
investigated for the synthesis of polybenzo- work represents the first successful poly-
norbornadiene. In general, complications merization of polycyanomonomers using
due to oxidation may arise, in part from the well-defined initiators.
fact that the tertiary proton in the polymer The types of substituents in norbornene
is both allylic and benzylic. monomers appear to have considerable im-
It has been reported that, although 5,6- pact on the outcome of the initiation and
dicarbomethoxynorbornadiene (DCNBD) propagation steps in ROMP; for norbornene
78 3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Related Processes

and monosubstituted norbornenes, the rate tages that include lack of molecular weight
of propagation is found to be faster than the control and an element of irreproducibility.
rate of initiation. However, it has been re- Recent advances in the synthesis of well-de-
ported that the rate of propagation could be fined living ROMP initiators have made
modified by the addition of compounds such it possible to polymerize fluorinated
as trimethylphosphine (Wu et al., 1992)and monomers in a well-controlled manner
quinuclidine (Schlund et al., 1989). They (Schrock, 1990a; Bazan et al., 1990). Thus
bind to a significantly greater extent to the ROMP of a wide range of fluorinated bicy-
propagating alkylidene complex than to the clic olefins using a well-defined Schrock's
initial alkylidene complex, and thereby slow initiator based on Mo(CH-t-Bu)(NAr)(O-t-
down the rate of propagation significantly B u ) ~as, showninFig. 3-15, hasbeenreport-
more than the rate of initiation. ed.
Fluorinated cyclic olefins undergo
ROMP using classical initiator systems
based upon a transition metal chloride and 3.4 ROMP Using Ruthenium-
a Lewis acid cocatalyst. However, the clas- Based Initiators
sical initiators have suffered from disadvan-

3.4.1 Aqueous ROMP

b VI

The sensitivity of organometallic com-
pounds to oxygen, water, and heteroatom
functionalized substrates has often ham-
pered their evolution from research labora-
tories to full scale industrial processes.

Highly Lewis acidic transition metal com-
pounds, such as WCI6 and most of the well-
defined initiators introduced by Osborn or
Schrock, although more selective towards
VII VllI olefin metathesis, are still subject to deacti-
Figure 3-14. vating side reactions. These limitations are
3.4 ROMP Using Ruthenium-Based Initiators 79

tives proceeds rapidly in water alone to pro-

duce the desired ROMP polymer in nearly
quantiative yields. Initiation times de-
creased from 22 - 24 h, when using organic
solvents, to 30-35 min in aqueous solution
(Novak and Grubbs, 1988 a, b). Further, on
Figure 3-16. examining the used aqueous ruthenium so-
lutions after an initial polymerization, it was
primarily the result of reactions between the reported that not only is the solution recy-
heteroatoms in the monomers and the typi- clable, but these used catalysts actually be-
cally oxophilic metal centers of the ROMP come more active in the initiation of subse-
initiators (these side reactions include Wit- quent polymerizations. The initiation peri-
tig-type reactions with carbonyl groups and od drops from the initial value of 37.5 min
cationic ring opening of the heterocycle) to a limiting value (after two to three poly-
(Brown-Wensley et al., 1983; Wittbecker merizations) of only 10- 12 s. Solutions
et al., 1960). containing these aqueous catalysts have
As a result of the earlier work of Miche- been recycled for up to 14 successive poly-
lotti, and Rinehart (Michelotti and Keave- merizations without any detectable loss of
ney, 1965; Michelotti and Carter, 1965; activity (Novak and Grubbs, 1988 a, b).
Rinehart and Smith, 1965) on ill defined- The aqueous polymerization of 7-oxanor-
catalysts, Grubbs and co-worker studied the bornene derivatives (IX)by the very active
ROMP of 7-oxanorbornene derivatives R U ( H ~ O ) ~ ( ~(where
O S ) ~ tos =p-toluenesul-
(Fig. 3-16) in organic solvents by using a fonate) salt shows the same basic trends.
variety of transition metal salts (Novak and When n equivalents of IX are allowed to
Grubbs, 1988 a, b). The most successful cat- react with Ru(H,O),(tos), in D20), (n-1)
alysts were systems based on the group VIII equiv. of IX are polymerized, and conver-
metal complexes, such as RuCl,(hydrate) sion of the catalyst to the mono-olefin ad-
and OsC12(hydrate). duct Ru(H,O)~(II)(~OS)~ (X) is observed by
Polymerizations using these group VIII NMR (Fig. 3-17). Aqueous solutions of X
metals are sometimes preceded by a lengthy are highly active in subsequent polymeriza-
initiation period. It is during this initiation tions, displaying the same rapid initiation
period that a small amount of reactive met- times (10- 12 s) as the limiting initiation
al carbene is formed, which then very rap- times observed for the recycled Ru3+ solu-
idly polymerizes the cyclic olefin present. tions. The resulting poly(7-oxanorbornene)
During the efforts to decrease this initiation is of keen interest due to its potential iono-
period (typically 22 - 24 h for IX in organ- phoric properties (Schultz et al., 1988;
ic solvents), it was found that rigorous ex- Kyba et al., 1977; Lundberg et al., 1966;
clusion of water from the reaction mixture Blonsky et al., 1988). The simple rutheni-
actually had an unexpected effect. Rather um coordination complex R u " ( H ~ O ) ~ ( ~ O S ) ~
than deactivating these metal catalysts, wa- (tos =p-toluenesulfonate) was found to be
ter actually acted as a cocatalyst by dramat- the most active catalyst employed (Hillmyer
ically decreasing the initiation period re- et al., 1992), giving high molecular weight,
quired for the reaction. This unusual find- low polydispersity materials in almost
ing eventually led to the discovery that the quantitative yields. In addition, the catalyst
polymerization of 7-oxanorbornene deriva- is active for the polymerization of a variety
80 3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Related Processes

(n-1 ) equiv. Figure 3-17.

Me Figure 3-18.

of 7-oxanorbornene derivatives, including The polymerization process is quite sur-

hydroxyl-, carboxyl-, and alkoxy-substitut- prising, given that hydrolysis of the anhy-
ed monomers (Novak and Grubbs, 1988b). dride moiety occurs simultaneously produc-
The scope of the aqueous ruthenium poly- ing norbornene diacid, a known poison for
merization system was expanded to include other catalyst systems, as well as the desired
the polymerization of carboximide-func- polyacid materials.
tionalized 7-norbornenes (Hillmyer et al., The microstructures of polymers pre-
1992). The polymerization was accom- pared from the ROMP of 7-oxanorbornene,
plished under mild conditions using the endo-5-(methoxymethyl)-7-oxanorbornene,
ruthenium(I1) catalyst Ru'1(H20)6(tos)2 to and e m ,exo-5,6-bis(methoxymethyl)-7-0~-
yield high molecular weight polymer in near anorbornene were studied by 'H NMR
quantitative yields (Fig. 3-18). The resultant and I3C NMR spectroscopy (Benedicto
polymer possessed a high degree of thermal et al., 1992). Polymers prepared from
and oxidative stability, as well as a relative- RuC13.3H20have a high trans double bond
ly high glass transition temperature (225 "C). content and are believed to be highly
Attempts to polymerize the relatively de- isotactic. Polymers prepared from
activated anhydride in dry organic solvents [ R ~ ( H ~ O ) ~ ] ( t o s y I a t eexhibit
)~ roughly
resulted in catalyst deactivation. It was equal amounts of cis and rrans double bonds
found, however, that the monomer could be which are randomly distributed in the poly-
polymerized in aqueous solution (Novak mer chain and atactic.
et al., 1992), as shown in Fig. 3-19.
3.4 ROMP Using Ruthenium-Based Initiators 81


Figure 3-19.


Figure 3-20.

A hv
- Sol I L .

Figure 3-21.

Feast and co-worker have also reported proportionation of some of the Ru3+-olefin
the aqueous ROMP of exo,exo-5,6-bis complex to provide an Ru*+-olefin complex
(methoxymethyl)-7-oxanorbornene using and an Ru4+species which is trapped by ad-
the trichlorides of ruthenium, iridium, and ditional Ru3+. The olefin-Ru*+ complex
osmium as catalysts (Feast and Harrison, thus produced initiates the observed poly-
1991). The inclusion of cis-but-2-ene-l,4- merization chemistry. A ruthenium alkyli-
diol or its dimethyl ether in the reaction mix- dene complex is postulated as the propagat-
ture had a marked effect on both tin induc- ing species during these polymerizations
tion times and the reactivity, and allowed (France et al. 1993 a, b). However, little is
control of the molecular weight of the prod- known about the structure and reactivity
uct polymers. The yields of polymer ob- patterns of this active species or about the
tained using ruthenium(II1) and osmi- initiation mechanism leading to its forma-
um(II1) chloride were reported to be good tion.
(95%), whereas those from experiments us- In a recent application of these catalysts,
ing iridium(II1) chloride were poor (2%). Kiessling (Schuster et al., 1997; Manning
The carbon NMR spectra provided unam- et al., 1997) has reported the preparation of
biguous evidence that all samples produced a bioactive polymer (Fig. 3-20).
in this work contain predominantly trans Karlen et al. (1995) have described apho-
vinylenes, 60% for RuC1,. 3H20, 75% for toinitiated ROMP (PROMP) system in wa-
OsC1,. 3H20, and 90% for IrC13.3H20. tedethanol mixtures using a variety of ru-
A mechanism has been proposed (Novak thenium complexes with photo-labile
and Grubbs, 1988 b), which involves the dis- ligands. For example, the irradiation of
82 3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Related Processes

Ru catalyst
H20 CHzCIz
Me Figure 3-22,

+ 2PPh3

Figure 3-23.

IRu(CH&N)~,l(tos)2or [(C6H6)2R~l(t0~)2 linear, and it was demonstrated that the

leads to partially and fully solvated Ru2+ systems would reinitiate with little loss of
species, which initiate the ROMP of highly growing polymer chains. These observa-
strained olefins, presumably in the manner tions demonstrated the tolerance of these
outlined above (Fig. 3-2 1). systems to water and opened the possibility
The lessons learned from the studies of of controlled polymerization using a variety
these ill-defined catalysts led to the synthe- of monomers. The results also encouraged
sis of the well-characterized catalysts dis- the synthesis of water-soluble initiators.
cussed in the Sec. 3.3. With these well-de- To accomplish this goal, a family of wa-
fined complexes, which prove to be living ter-soluble phosphines, which contain
in organic solvents, came the opportunity to bulky trialkyl groups of the type required to
examine the potential for living polymer- produce highly active metathesis catalysts,
ization in water using well-defined com- was prepared (Fig. 3-23). These complexes
plexes. Since the initially prepared com- allow for emulsion polymerizations to be
plexes were insoluble in water, a suspension carried out. With these initiators, the prop-
polymerization was carried out using an agating species can be observed, the chains
emulsifier and a small amount of organic can be reinitiated, and the polymer is of low
solvent in water (Fig. 3-22). These systems polydispersity (Mohr et al., 1996; Lynn
led to high molecular weight polymer of nar- et al., 1997).
row polydispersity (PDI= 1.10)(Lynn et al., Consequently, the study of an ill-defined
1996). system led to the development of a well-de-
Under these conditions, a plot of molec- fined initiator, which resulted in a living,
ular weight against monomerkomplex was well-controlled polymerization system.
3.4 ROMP Using Ruthenium-Based Initiators 83

ROMP cross-metathesis of cyclic and functional-

ized acyclic olefins (Fig. 3-24) (Hillmyer
and Grubbs, 1993; Hillmyer et al., 1997).
The molar mass of the resulting polymer
is easily controlled by changing the ratio of
the cyclic to acyclic olefin, and the result-
- ethylene
ing polymers contain two functional end
groups, as is required for the synthesis of
high molecular weight condensation poly-
mers. Since the ruthenium catalysts tolerate
a variety of functional groups, this process
can be used to prepare a variety of telechel-
Scheme 3-4.
ics with a selection of useful terminal func-
tional groups.
3.4.2 Other Metathesis Reactions
A related set of reactions that involve Ring-Closing Olefin Metathesis
acyclic olefins can be used to prepare inter- (RCM)
esting polymer structures as well as small
The transition metal alkylidene-cataly zed
molecules. It is informative to define the re-
olefin metathesis reaction has been the fo-
lationship of these reactions to ROMP
cus of intense interest in recent years from
(Scheme 3-4). One of these, ADMET poly-
the standpoint of both mechanism and poly-
merization, is developing into a very useful
mer synthesis. In contrast, use of this trans-
process. This topic will not be covered fur-
formation in organic synthesis has been lim-
ther, since another chapter in this book is de-
ited until recently (Grubbs and Pine, 1991;
voted to this topic (Wagener et al., 1991).
Stille and Grubbs, 1986; Stille et al., 1990).
As part of a broader program directed to-
wards establishing transition metal alkyli- Telechelic Polymers
denes as versatile reagents for organic
A process for preparing polymers which chemistry, Fu and Grubbs (1992 a) reported
exploit the mechanism of metathesis is the the successful application of catalytic ole-
formation of telechelic polymers by the fin metathesis to the generation of a variety



( Y O- R u A
C I ~ (cR ~ P ) ~


Figure 3-24.

3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Related Processes

___) + H2C=CH2

Figure 3-25.
X=O, N. C

of unsaturated heterocycles. Their approach Figure 3-26.

to the synthesis of unsaturated oxygen het-
erocycles involves ring-closing metathesis
of diene-ethers to generate a cyclic and an
acyclic olefin (Fig. 3-25). In contrast to the
normal situation, where new methods are X=C02H. CHzOH, CHO
developed in synthetic organic chemistry
Figure 3-27.
and then applied to polymer chemistry, in
this case the catalysts developed for poly-

merization are now becoming widely used
in the synthesis of natural products (Grubbs
et al., 1995).
The treatment of a diallyl ether with cat-
*st /

a1y st Mo( CH-r-Bu)(NAr) [OCMe(CF,)2]

at 20 "C afforded the 2,3-dihydrofuran. Cat-
alytic ring-closing metathesis also afforded

efficient access to dihydro pyrans. Thus cat-

alytic ring-closing metathesis of diene-
ethers provides access to an array of unsat-
urated oxygen heterocycles (Fu and Grubbs,
1992 a). Grubbs and co-workers demon-
strated that the ruthenium carbene is also an
efficient catalyst for ring-closing olefin me-
tathesis (Fu et al., 1993). This new catalyst
possesses two important advantages over
the molybdenum-based initiator: dimin- 50% Z- isomer + 35% E-isomer
ished sensitivity to atmospheric oxygen and Figure 3-28.
moisture, and (Stille and Grubbs, 1986) in-
creased tolerance of most functionalities. tecting groups, including trifluoroacetyl,
This has led to the application of ring-clos- rerr-butoxycarbonyl, and benzyl.
ing metathesis to the generation of a variety Ruthenium carbene is remarkably toler-
of other cyclic structures (Fu et al., 1993; Fu ant of functional groups. In contrast to the
and Grubbs, 1992 b), as shown in Fig. 3-26. previous studied molybdenum catalyst,
Treatment of dienes with 0.1 -4 mol% of which is known to react with acids, alco-
ruthenium initiator at room temperature re- hols, and aldehydes, the ruthenium catalyst
sulted in the formation of a variety of unsat- is stable to these functionalities. Thus treat-
urated heterocycles and carbocycles in good ment of the illustrated dienes with the ruthe-
yields. The catalyst efficiently generates nium catalyst leads to clean cyclization to
five-, six-, and seven-membered nitrogen the substituted cyclohexenes (Fig. 3-27)
heterocycles, and it tolerates common pro- (Fu et al., 1993).
3.5 Materials via ROMP 85

Over the past couple of years, this reac- problems. It is therefore desirable to prepare
tion has become a major tool for the synthe- polymers that are soluble and amenable to
sis of complex biomolecules and, during the conventional purification and fabrication
past 1.5 years, over 40 papers have appeared techniques, but which can be converted eas-
which outline a number of the uses of this ily and quantitatively to polyacetylene.
reaction. Of particular importance is the ap- An effective and widely adopted solution
plication of these reactions in the construc- to this problem is the Durham precursor
tion of medium to large rings. An impres- route (Edwards et al., 1984; Feast and Win-
sive example is shown in Fig. 3-28 (Yang ter, 1985) to polyacetylene, in which a tri-
et al., 1997). cyclic triene monomer is subjected to ROMP
at the cyclobutene double bond using a
WC16/Me4Sncatalyst to give a high molec-
3.5 Materials via ROMP ular weight soluble precursor polymer,
which can be purified and analyzed using
standard polymer characterization tech-
3.5.1 Conducting Polymers
niques. The precursor can then be convert-
It has long been known that conjugated ed in a controlled manner to polyacetylene
organic polymers can have semiconducting in a variety of morphologies (Bott et al.,
properties (Berets and Smith, 1968). The 1985,1986; Edwards et al., 1984; Feast and
work of Shirakawa and of MacDiarmid and Winter, 1985) by a symmetry allowed elim-
co-workers (Shirakawa and Keda, 1971; ination of hexafluoroxylene (Fig. 3-29).
Shirakawa et al., 1977) has led to the real- This method was an important break-
ization that polymers such as polyacetylene through in polyacetylene research, since it
can be produced as flexible semiconducting could be employed to prepare oriented poly-
films, which can be made highly conduct- acetylene films by stretching the precursor
ing by either oxidation or reduction. The polymer film before the retro-Diels-Alder
material is air-sensitive, being fairly rapid- reaction (Kahlert and Leising, 1985; Mon-
ly oxidized to a point where its interesting taner et al., 1988; Perego et al., 1985); a sig-
electrical properties are lost; once made, it nificant advantage over classical Ziegler-
is infusible and insoluble and therefore fab- Natta methods of preparing polyacetylene
rication and morphological modification (Chien, 1984). However, the nature of clas-
(e.g., orientation) present fairly formidable sical metathesis catalysts in general is not

Figure 3-29.
86 3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Related Processes

well understood at a molecular level. There- polymerization can be conducted on sub-

fore their activity cannot be controlled to strates other than glass: metal, plastics, and
yield polymers with a relatively narrow dis- cellulose have proved to be effective. Poly-
tribution of predictable molecular weights, acetylene billets (cylinders, 1 mm diameter)
or block copolymers. have also been prepared, employing thin tef-
Using the well-defined molybdenum and lon tubing as the mold. Poly-COT films were
tungsten initiators, Schrock was able to ex- oxidatively doped by exposure to iodine to
ploit this methodology to prepare polyenes conductivities greater than 10' ohm-' cm-'.
with a variety of conjugated chain lengths An alternative precursor approach is the
(Knoll et al., 1988; Knoll and Schrock, polymerization of benzvalene (Fig. 3-3 1)
1989, Park et al. 1991 ), and was further able (Swager et al., 1988),the ring-opened prod-
to show that they could be incorporated into uct of which rearranges by heat, light or
low polydispersity di-blocks containing up HgCl to polyacetylenic materials with con-
to 100 equivalents of norbornene (Krouse ductivities ranging from lo-' to S cm-'
and Schrock, 1988). More recent develop- before doping and 0.1 to 1 .O S cm-' after
ments have witnessed microphase-separat- doping with iodine.
ed block copolymers incorporating poly- An interesting variation is provided by
acetylene as the central block (Saunders the ROMP of 3,4-diisopropylidenecyclobu-
et al., 1991), as well as polyacetylene at- tene (Swager and Grubbs, 1989), which af-
tached to microeletrodes (Ofer et al., 1991). fords a novel cross-conjugated polymer
Grubbs and co-workers have shown that (Fig. 3-32) which is colorless.
polyacetylene can be accessed via the Poly (3,4-diisopropylidenecyclobutene),
ROMP of cyclooctatetraene (COT) (Klavet- as an air-sensitive clear film or white pow-
ter and Grubbs, 1988) and substituted cy- der, was synthesized by ROMP of 3,4-dii-
clooctatetraene (Ginsburg et al., 1989; Sai- sopropylidenecyclobutene using titanocene
lor et al., 1990; Gorman et al., 1993; Jozefi- methylidene sources as catalysts.
ak et al., 1993), using Schrock's tungsten Poly( 1,4-phenyIvinylene) (PPV) is an-
hexafluoro-r-butoxide initiator, in which the other polymer attractive for its high electri-
monomer is polymerized in the neat state to cal conductivity when doped (ca. 5000 S
give a free-standing film (Fig. 3-30). The cm-'). It also possesses a large third-order

m r -

n Figure 3-30.
3.5 Materials via ROMP a7

XUa (R=-C(CHj)3)
Xllb (R=-CCH3(CF3)2)

Figure 3-33.

non-linear optical response and photo- and

electro-luminescence in the visible region.
Xllla (R=-C(CH3)3)
However, its extended planar topology ren- Xlllb (R=-CCHj(CF3)2)
ders it infusible and insoluble in nonreac-
Figure 3-34.
tive media and limits possibilities for post-
synthesis fabrication of the material.
Grubbs and co-workers have described a
precursor synthesis (Fig. 3-33) which ex- thermoplastic. DSC studies reveal a well-
ploits the 'living' ROMP of bis(carboxy1ic defined Tgat 97 "C an d a broad melting en-
ester) derivatives of bicyclo[2.2.2]octa- dotherm at 200C, the shape and area of
dienes using Schrock's molybdenum hexa- which is dependent on the sample history.
fluoro-t-butoxide initiator (Conticello In samples precipitated from solution, the
et al., 1992). Tg transition is not particularly marked and
The precursor polymers possess approx- the melting endotherm is consistent with the
imately equal distributions of cis and trans presence of multiple melting transitions. In
linkages and narrow molecular weight dis- melt-quenched samples the Tg transition is
tributions. Thermal treatment of an optical- marked and the melting peak area is small.
ly clear, coherent film of the precursor poly- The melting peak area increases on pro-
mer results in free-standing PPV containing longed annealing at 180 "C (72 h), indicat-
all-trans vinylene linkages. ing a slow ordering process which is consis-
tent with low chain mobility in the solid
state. All earlier atactic samples were amor-
3.5.2 Stereoregular Fluoropolymers
phous and only exhibit a well-defined Tg at
Polymerization of bis(trifluoromethy1) 125 "C. Dynamic mechanical thermal anal-
norbornadiene (BTFMND) (XI, Fig. 3-34), ysis of solution-cast films of both tactic and
initiated by Schrock alkylidenes (Mo(CH-t- atuctic samples show no energy dissipation
Bu)(NAr)(OR),, gives all trans poly- peaks below Tg,indicating that in the solid
(BTFMND) when R=t-butyl (Bazan et al., state both are relatively stiff polymers with
1989, 1990) (i.e., XIIa initiation, see little or no motion below T g . All-cis poly-
Fig. 3-34) and all cis poly(BTFMND) when mer exhibits a well-defined Tg at 145 "C and
R = hexafluoro-t-butyl (Feast et al., 1992a) no melting endotherm is observed.
(i.e., XI1 b initiation). Fibers for all-trans polymer can be drawn
All trans polymer shows behavior that from the melt exhibiting 500% elongation
would be expected for a semicrystalline on stretching, whereas fibers drawn from
88 3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Related Processes

&R (greater than 40, cf. PVDF ca. 15), the

all-cis polymer displaced a relatively low
relaxed dielectric constant ( E ca.
~ 6), where-
as the aracric polymer made via
WC16/Me4Sn initiation (54% trans-viny-
lene content) showed an E~ value of ca. 16

F3 F3
y3- FF3
cis - syndiotactic
(Davies et al., 1995). The explanation of
this large difference requires that in the
rrans polymer the polar bis(trifluorome-
thy1)cyclopentenyl rings in the chain
(Fig. 3-35) can act in a collaborative rein-
cis - isotactic forcing sense in response to an electric field,
whereas in the cis polymer their individual
effecs tend to cancel each other out (Davies
et al., 1992). This allowed an assignment of
syndioracticity unambiguously to all-trans
and, with a degree of uncertainty, to all-cis
trans - syndiotactic polymers. The assigment of the tacticity of
the all-cis polymer has proved to be more
Figure 3-35.
problematic since, although there is only
one way to obtain a very high E~ value
(cooperative reinforcement of individual
utuctic. polymer prepared by WC16/Me4Sn ring effects), there may be several ways of
are weak and cannot be stretched. effecting cancellation of dipoles and conse-
Detailed 13C NMR analysis showed that quently low E~ value (Davies et al., 1995).
the all-rruns polymer is 92% ructic and the The potentially high polarity of fluorinat-
all cis polymer is 75% rucric. It has recent- ed polymers led to the investigation of the
ly been shown that an initiator with a bi- pyroelectric properties of these materials for
naphthol replacing the two alkoxides and possible application as active components
the arlyimido isopropyl groups replaced by in various types of electrical devices, par-
methyls gives poly(BTFMND) with 100% ticularly heat sensors, electromagnetic radi-
cis-vinylenes, which is also 100% tactic ation detectors, and thermal imaging
(McConville et al., 1993). Schrock and co- systems. Much of the work on piezoelectric
workers (O'Dell et al., 1994) have reported and pyroelectric behavior of polymers has
that all-trans norbornadiene polymers are been focused on poly(viny1idene fluo-
syndiorucric and that all-cis norbornadiene ride) (PVDF). Trans-syndiotuctic poly-
polymers are isorucric regardless of the na- (BTFMND) has a high permittivity, greater
ture of the substituents in the monomers. I3C than 40 above T g ,and a saturation polariza-
NMR analysis of all-rmns poly(BTFMND) tion approaching 20 mC mP2 with a pyro-
did not allow an assignment of its micro- electric coefficient approaching 6 pC m-2
structure and, despite its high tacticit?: its K-'. While these values are less than for
degree of crystallinity was too low to obtain PVDF (50 mC m-* and 30 pC mP2 K-',re-
X-ray diffraction data capable of reliable spectively), the low tan 6(<0.001) and per-
analysis. The all-trans polymer displayed a mittivity at ambient temperature (&" = 2.6)
remarkably high relaxed dielectric constant allows favorable comparison with PVDF.
3.5 Materials via ROMP 89

One figure of merit, F ~ [ , F =~Y ( E tan freeze-dried, the residue treated with a so-
used to compare the pyroelectric response lution of dry hexafluoro-t-butanol in dry
of detectors (Whatmore, 1986) suggests that C6D6 for 30 min, freeze-dried, and the res-
in this respect poly(BTFMND) with a val- idue redissolved in C6D6 before recording
ue of 118 pC mP2K-' at 20 "C is better than the spectrum. Three new alkylidene doub-
PVDF [FD=64pC m-2 K-I; data taken at lets appeared in the spectrum. On the basis
1.69 HzfromDavies(1981)].Forthecispo- of earlier work, the doublet at 12.42 ppm
ly(BTFMND), the low E~ of 5.7 does not al- was assigned to the chain end alkylidene
low the attainment of high yor P at moder- XI11 b carrying two hexafluoro-t-butoxy
ate fields. ligands. The doublets at 11.86 and 11.92 ppm
arise from the alkylidene of structure XI11 c,
in which the molybdenum carries one t-
butoxy and one hexafluoro-t-butoxy ligand
3.5.3 Stereoblock Fluorocopolymers
and is therefore a chiral center; since the ter-
Living chain growth polymerization al- tiary carbon adjacent to the alkylidene is al-
lows the possibility of making block copol- so chiral, the alkylidene hydrogen may be
ymers, which in turn can allow control of located between centers of the same or dif-
the supramolecular organization via the ferent chirality, giving rise to diastereomer-
phase separation of incompatible blocks ic environments which occur at different
(Woodward, 1988). Blocks derived from the chemical shifts and in different abundanc-
same monomer, but having different micro- es. A further four repetitions of this reaction
structures may be incompatible, leading to sequence gave the product XI11 b, in which
the possibility of morphology control and all the alkoxy ligands are hexfluoro-t-butyl;
hence bulk property control in a material de- this was used to initiate the polymerization
rived from one monomer; such stereoblock of XI (1 5 equialvents). The resulting living
copolymers have been prepared via anionic stereoblock copolymer XIV was terminat-
(Poshyachinda et al., 1991) and metallo- ed by the addition of benzaldehyde (10
cene (Coates and Waymouth, 1995) meth- equivalents) to give a polymer which dis-
ods. played all the signals associated with cis and
It has been demonstrated that this is also trans vinylene sequences in blocks of poly-
possible using ROMP (Broeders et al., (BTFMND). The process was repeated on a
1996). Poly(BTFMND) has been synthe- larger scale (2x100 equivalents of XI) and
sized as a stereoblock copolymer contain- with the addition of THF to improve poly-
ing cis and trans vinylene blocks via ligand mer solubility, to give a stereoblock copol-
exchange in living stereoselective ROMP ymer having M , = 73 000 (Theoretical
initiated by a well-defined Schrock-type in- 46000) and M,/M,= 1.16 (Viscotek dif-
itiator. ferential refractometer/viscometer, PLgel
In NMR tube experiments, initiation of mixed column, THF, polystyrene calibra-
XI (10 equivalents) with well-defined tion). The relatively narrow polydispersity
Schrock molybdenum initiator (see observed is as expected for the product of a
Scheme 3-5) gave polymer XI11 a with a liv- well-defined living polymerization process.
ing chain end characterized by a doublet in The cidtrans blocks in the stereoblock
'H NMR (Varian VXR 400, C6D6 solution) copolymer are expected to have the same
at 1 I .34 ppm, arising from the alkylidene tacticity as their corresponding homopoly-
bound to molybdenum. The solution was mers, as shown in Fig. 3-36.
90 3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Related Processes

XI 'cF3


trans-syndiotactic cis-sy ndiotactic Figure 3-36.

3.5 Materials via ROMP 91

Differential scanning calorimetry (Perkin laxed dielectric constant and demonstrate

Elmer DSC7) revealed two transitions at ca. pyroelectric behavior (Davies et al., 1995).
95 "C and 145 "C, as expected for the trans Both homopolymers are accessible via
and cis blocks, respectively. ROMP, but require different molybdenum-
based Schrock-type initiators (Schrock,
1990b, 1994). PPV is derived from the cis-
specific living ROMP of XV, which works
3.5.4 Synthesis of Electroluminescence
only when very active initiators, such as mo-
lybdenum hexafluoro alkylidene, are used
Encapsulation of emissive polymers (Miao and Bazan, 1994a, b). Poly-
within a fluorinated matrix using the alkox- (BTFMND) requires an all-trans, highly
ide-ligand exchange strategy similar to tactic stereochemistry to maximize its pyro-
Sec. 3.5.3 has recently been reported (Ba- electric properties (Davies et al., 1995),
zan et al., 1996). The report involves the which is achieved by the less reactive mo-
synthesis of block copolymers containing lybdenum t-butoxide alkylidene initiator.
poly(p-phenylenevinylene) (PPV) and The detailed sequence of steps is shown in
trans-syndiotactic-poly(BTFMND). PPV Scheme 3-6. Adding XV to the hexafluoro
exhibits emissive electroluminscence and molybdenum initiator results in living cis-
can be implemented as an emissive materi- polyXV (D in Scheme 3-6). At this stage,
al in high-emitting diodes (Burroughes 3 -4 equivalents of LiOCMe3 are added,
et al., 1990). The fluorinated section has which completely replace their fluorinated
been shown to have, after poling, a high re- counterparts on molybdenum to generate a

2.2 LtOCMel
92 3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Related Processes

new propagating species E. The addition of to be the case in similar experiments with a
XI to the reaction mixture results in polyXI- range of fluorinated norbornenes and nor-
block-polyXV (F in Scheme 3-6). bornadienes.
GPC analysis on the block copolymer
samples revealed that the samples exhibit
3.5.5 Fluorinated Block Copolymers narrow molecular weight distributions.
Some of the fluorinated block copolymers
The ill-defined classical initiator systems
show two glass transition temperatures
are generally unsuited to the preparation of
which are well-defined; this observation has
block copolymers. In contrast, the well-de-
been confirmed by thermally stimulated
fined initiators are capable of producing flu-
current (TSC) studies. This provides clear
orinated block copolymers in a living man-
evidence that the two components are not
ner by the sequential addition of monomers
(Feast et al., 1994b). The advantage of these
systems. illustrated in Fig. 3-37, is that the
complete course of the copolymerization re-
3.5.6 Graft Copolymers
actions can be followed by H NMR. When
the first monomer is polymerized, charac- The potential of combining the capabil-
teristic propagating alkylidene resonances ities of living anionic and ROM polymer-
are seen in the H NMR spectrum. When the ization methods has been explored to pre-
comonomer is added, after complete poly- pare polymers with well-defined structures
merization of the first monomer, a new prop- and unusual topologies. This approach of-
agating alkylidene signal typical of the sec- fers access to a range of graft copolymers
ond monomer appears. In other words, the that can not be prepared by grafting onto
propagating alkylidene of the living poly- or from homopolymer backbones. Addi-
mer derived from the first monomer can tionally and importantly, the method allows
function as an initiator for the ROMP of the rational design and synthesis of graft copol-
second monomer. This is an obvious re- ymers with control over the main chain and
quirement for a successful living block co- graft-chain molecular weights and the graft
polymerization system, and has been shown density.

h \


\ \ F3 Figure 3-37.
3.5 Materials via ROMP 93

The preparation of polystyrene macro- The scaling up of the ROMP of the mac-
monomers containing a norbornene unit and romonomers of different molecular weights,
their living ring opening metathesis poly- i.e., different polystyrene graft lengths, re-
merization(R0MP) using Schrock initiator vealed the presence of a limit on the attain-
to produce well-defined comb graft copol- able length of the polynorbornene backbone
ymers has recently been reported (Feast chain in the graft copolymer, in addition to
et al., 1 9 9 4 ~ ) .Bicyclo[2.2.l]hept-5-ene- the limit on the length of polystyrene graft
2,3-truns-bis(polystyrylcarboxylate)smac- in the macromonomer (Feast et al., 1997).
romonomers (XVIII) have been synthe- The results indicated that the ROMP of mac-
sized according to Scheme 3-7. romonomers with different polystyrene
Macromonomers (XVIII) have been sub- graft lengths go to completion only up to a
jected to ROMP (Scheme 3-8) to give a certain molar ratio of macromonomer to in-
polynorbornene derivative carrying two itiator, and in these cases the graft copoly-
polystyrene grafts on each cyclopentane mers obtained exhibited single mode molec-
ring in the polymer backbone (XX). Well- ular weight distributions. However, when
characterized macromonomers and comb the molar ratio of macromonomer to initia-
graft copolymers with polystyryl grafts with tor is greater than a threshold value, two
average degrees of polymerization (DPs) of peaks appear in the GPC. The lower molec-
4,7, and 9 were successfully produced. The ular weight peaks are narrow and, in each
graft copolymers exhibit single mode mo- case, have the same retention volume as the
lecular weight distributions and narrow starting macromonomers; the higher molec-
polydispersities. ular weight peaks also have narrow molec-

0 Scheme 3-7.
94 3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Related Processes

r 1 I
cH3 0

I r 1


ular weight distribution and are due to the chain carrying one polystyrene graft in each
product graft copolymer. These results sug- cyclopentene ring revealed that, in contrast
gested that the graft copolymer backbone to the case discussed above, higher molec-
chain grows up to a certain length beyond ular weight graft copolymers can be pre-
which the metathesis polymerization reac- pared (Rizmi, 1997). Pure exo-5-nor-
tion becomes sterically hindered and even- bornene-2-(polystyrylcarboxylate) macro-
tually stops. It appears that as the length of monomers were prepared and polymerized
polystyrene graft in the macromonomer is following Scheme 3-7 and 3-8. 'H NMR
increased the length of polynorbornene spectra of living reaction mixtures showed
backbone chain in the graft copolymer is de- two broad propagating alkylidene signals
creased. which were attributed to head and tail inser-
The polymerization reactions are demon- tion of macromonomer repeat units in the
strated to be living by producing block polymer chain. The intensity of these two
and tapered copolymers with BTFMND alkylidene signals are approximately the
monomer (Feast et al., 1997). same, indicating that the graft copolymer
Recent work on the synthesis of graft co- contains 50 :50 head-tail placement of re-
polymers with a polynorbornene backbone peat units, which results in reduced steric
3.5 Materials via ROMP 95

congestion and hence allows increased mo-

lecular weights of these graft copolymers to
be attained.
Breunig et al. (1995) have synthesized L N
graft copolymers in a similar manner using
Figure 3-38.
oxylate) macromonomers and Schrock
hexafluoro molybdenum initiator. The graft
Schrock, 1993; Ng Cheong Chan et al.,
copolymers are reported to be difficult to
1992a, b). A type of monomer that has
hydrogenate due to the presence of ester
proved particularly effective for carrying
groups (Heroguez et al., 1996a). In another
metals into microphase-separated materials
approach, 5-methylene lithium norbornene
is the chelating diamide substituted norbor-
was synthesized and used as an initiator for
nenes (Cummins et al., 1991, 1992) illus-
the anionic polymerization of styrene to
trated in Fig. 3-38.
produce ring open polymerizable macro-
The morphologies of these copolymers
monomers with no ester linkages (Heroguez
were investigated by transmission electron
et al., 1996a). Macromonomer with
microscopy (TEM) and small-angle X-ray
M,= 2600, synthesized by this method, was scattering (SAXS).
subjeced to ROMP using the hexafluoro mo-
Depending on the ratio of norbornene to
lybdenum alkylidene initiator, and the poly-
metal-derivatized bis-amide, materials con-
merization was shown to go to completion.
taining lamellae, cylinders, or spheres of the
Synthesis of 5-norbornene-2-(polyethy-
metal-containing component embedded in
lene oxide) macromonomers and their
polynorbornene can be obtained. For the
ROMP has also been reported (Heroguez
purpose of film-forming and microtoming
et al., 1996b). The potassium alkoxide of
of samples, the higher Tg polymer arising
5-hydroxymethyl norbornene has been used
from methyltetracyclododecene (MTD)
as an initiator for the anionic polymeriza-
was found to be superior to polynorbornene
tion of ethylene oxide and the resulting mac-
(Ng Cheong Chan et al., 1992b). The mi-
romonomers were polymerized using the
crophase-separated polymers can then be
hexafluoro molybdenum alkylidene initia-
chemically treated to give aggregates of, for
example, semiconductor materials such as
ZnS and CdS (Cummins et al., 1992), and
nanoclusters of metallic palladium or plati-
3.5.7 Nanoscale Clusters via Micro- num (Ng Cheong Chan et al., 1992 a), silver
phase-Separated Materials or gold (Ng Cheong Chan et al., 1992 b).
Schrock has shown that the molybdenum
and tungsten catalysts can tolerate main
3.5.8 Side Chain Liquid Crystal
group and transition metal functionalities
appended to the norbornene skeleton, and
has exploited these monomers to prepare In recent years, considerable effort has
low dispersity block copolymers with well- been directed to the synthesis of novel side
defined microphase-separated regions chain liquid crystalline polymers because of
(Cummins et al., 1991, 1992; Sankaran a variety of applications, especially in the
et al., 1990, 1991; Ng Cheong Chan and field of electrooptics (Finkelmann et al.,
96 3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Related Processes

1983; Coles and Simon, 1985). Side chain Schrock, 1992; Komiya and Schrock,
liquid crystallinity generally requires a mo- 1993 a, b; Ungerank et al., 1995). Schrock
lecular structure in which a flexible poly- and co-workers have recently reported the
mer chain, or a flexible connector group living ROMP of mesogenic norbornene de-
between the mesogen and backbone, pro- rivatives using Mo(CH-t-Bu)(NAr)(O-t-
vides sufficient conformational freedom to B u ) ~as the initiator (Fig. 3-39) and de-
allow the rigid mesogenic units to form scribed the influence of spacer length, mo-
stacks or organized domains (Finkelman lecular weight, and molecular weight distri-
et al., 1978a, b). Side chain liquid crystal- bution on the phase behavior of the result-
line polymers (SCLCPs) have been pre- ing polymers (Komiya et al., 1992a;
pared mainly by radical polymerization of Komiya and Schrock, 1993 b). The transi-
mesogenic acrylates and methacrylates. Be- tions become independent of molecular
cause it is difficult to control both the mo- weight when the chains contain 30-40 re-
lecular weight and the polydispersity of the peat units or more, and polymers with an
resulting polymers, it is of limited use for odd number of methylene units in the spac-
determining the influence of molecular er display a higher transition temperature
weight distribution on the phase behaviour than those with an even number. This alter-
of SCLCPs (Percec and Pugh, 1989). nation vanishes when the spacer length is
Living polymerization methods allow greater than six. All the polymers prepared
synthesis of polymers with well-defined exhibited an enantiotropic nematic meso-
structures (Grubbs and Tumas, 1989; phase.
Schrock. 1990 a; Rempp and Merrill, 1986; Diblock copolymers having well-defined
Webster. 1991). Although anionic polymer- block lengths often produce microphase-
ization has been exploited the most, the liv- separated morphologies (lamellae, cylin-
ing nature of the system is often impeded by ders, or spheres) in cast films. If one of the
the presence of polar substituents on the blocks is an SCLCP, then a liquid crystal-
monomer (Nakamura and Hirao, 1990). line (LC) microphase would be expected to
More recent advances have witnessed the form within one of the microdomains. This
use of living ROMP in the synthesis of has been demonstrated in the synthesis of
SCLCPs (Komiya et al., 1992 a, b; Pugh and AB type block copolymers that contain an

9 CN
8 OMe
Figure 3-39.
3.5 Materials via ROMP 97

SCLCP block and an amorphous polymer polymers in a high yield with 5 - 100 repeat
block by employing living ROMP. Norbor- units and narrow molecular weight distribu-
nene, 5-cyano-2-norbornene, and methyl- tions (Pugh and Schrock, 1992). All the
tetracyclododecene were used for the polymers displayed enantiotropic nematic
amorphous polymer blocks, and n {[(4'- mesophases regardless of the spacer, molec-
methoxy -4-biphenyl) yl] oxy ] alkyl bicyclo ular weight, or length of the n-alkoxy sub-
[2.2.l]hept-2-ene-5-carboxylates (Fig. 3- stituent.
40) were used for the SCLCP block (Ko- The SCLCPs described above contain just
miya and Schrock, 1993 a). one pendant mesogenic group per norbor-
Norbornene derivatives 'containing lat- nene repeat unit. Stelzer and co-workers
erally attached 2,5-bis[(4'-n-alkoxyben- (Ungerand et al., 1995) have prepared
zoyl)oxy] mesogens (Fig. 3-41) were poly- SCLCPs with two pendant mesogenic
merized by controlled ROMP to provide groups per norbornene repeat unit (Fig. 3-
42). They studied the effect of spacer length
on the isotropization temperature. The poly-
mers are reported to be glassy with no side
chain crystallization occurring. Polymers
also show an odd-even effect which is very
clear for nematic polymers with a spacer

I length of 2 to 7, while quite vague for smec-
~ 3 . 6
tic polymers with a spacer length of 8 to 12.
I Discotic liquid crystalline polymers bear-
ing alkoxy-substituted triphenylene moie-
ties in the side chain have been synthesized
by ROMP using a well-defined ruthenium
initiator (Weck et al., 1997).
I To elucidate the effect of backbone flex-
ibility on the mesomorphism, norbornene
Figure 3-40. (XXIa-b, Scheme 3-9) and cyclobutene

r 1

98 3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Related Processes

DSC and powder diffraction X-ray scatter-

ing (wide-angle X-ray scattering, WAXS).
All polymers bearing a 2,3,6,7,19-decyl-
oxy-triphenylene based mesogenic unit ex-
hibited enantiotropic discotic hexagonal
mesophases, while the pentoxy analogs did
not display liquid-crystalline behavior. No
PI PI n=2-12
effect of backbone rigidity on the mesomor-
phism could be detected.
The effect of backbone flexibility on the
mesomorphic behavior of side chain liquid
I I crystalline polymers synthesized by ring-
opening metathesis polymerization have re-
cently been investigated (Maughon et al.,
1997). The synthesis of norbornene
CN CN Figure 3-42.
(XXVIa-d, Scheme 3-12) and cyclobu-
tene (XXVIIIa-d, Scheme 3-13) mon-
(XXIIIa-b, Scheme 3-10) monomers con- omers containing a p-nitrostilbene moiety
taining triphenylene moieties have also as the mesogenic group, and polymerization
been synthesized, which yielded the rela- of these monomers to produce side chain
tively rigid poly(norbornene)s (XXII a - b, liquid crystalline polymers with low poly-
Scheme 3-9) and the more flexible poly(bu- dispersities and defined molecular weights
tadiene)s (XXIVa-b, Scheme 3-10), re- have been accomplished.
spectively, after polymerization. The relatively rigid poly(norbornene)s
To further increase the backbone flexibil- (XXVIIa-d, Scheme 3-12) displayed enan-
ity, the poly(butadiene)s (XXIVa-b, tiotropic nematic mesomorphism with glass
Scheme 3- 1 1 ) were hydrogenated using transitions from 44 to 64 "C and isotropiza-
Crabtree's catalyst to yield triphenylene- tion temperatures between 108 and 121 "C,
substituted poly( 1,4-butylene)s (XXV a- b, whereas the more flexible poly (butadiene)~
Scheme 3- 1 1). The mesomorphic behavior (XXIX a - d , Scheme 3- 13) showed enan-
of the polymers has been investigated by tiotropic smectic A mesomorphism with

T 'R

Scheme 3-9. R d OR
3.5 Materials via ROMP 99




a: R = G o k r
b: R = G H i i

RO OR Scheme 3-10.




RO' OR Scheme 3-11.


XXVIa-d a :n=6
b :n=8
C :n=10
Scheme 3-12. d :n=12

glass transition temperatures from 14 to dered smectic A mesophase. The depen-

3 1 "C and isotropization temperatures dence of the degree of polymerization and
between 74 and 11 1 "C. flexible spacer length on the phase transi-
Surprisingly, a diblock copolymer con- tions of these systems was determined, dem-
taining a 1 : 1 mixture of the poly(nor- onstrating stabilization of the mesophase by
bornene) and poly(butadiene) (XXXI, both increasing the molecular weight and
Scheme 3-14) also exhibited the more or- the flexible spacer length.
100 3 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Related Processes

a : n=6
R = CCH2h 0 0 b : n=8
c : n=lO
OR d : n=12 Scheme3-13.


bR Scheme 3-14.

3.5.9 ABA Triblock Copolymers

Norbornene and 7-oxanorbornene deriv-
atives have been polymerized by ROMP in
a living manner by employing three new
well-defined, bimetallic ruthenium cata-
lysts (PR3)$12RU(=CH-p-C,H,-C(H)=)- Figure 3-43.
RuCl2(PR& (XXXIIa-c,Fig. 3-43)as in-
itiators to obtain ABA triblock copolymers
with low polydispersities (Weck et al.,
Reactions of 7-oxyanorbornenes XXXIII
and XXXIV or a silicon-containing norbor-
nene XXXV (Fig. 3-44)with XXXIIc re-
sulted in polymers with low polydispersities
ranging from 1.10 to 1.19, while polymer- OSiBuM e2
izations initiated by XXXII b displayed xxxw (exo) 0
higher polydispersities ranging from I .20 to
Figure 3-44.
1.35. The polymerizations catalyzed by
XXXII b and XXXII c fulfill the require-
ments for a living polymerization. Howev-
er, catalyst XXXIIa is not reactive enough monomers shown in Fig. 3-44.In all cases,
to polymerize functionalized norbornenes these ABA triblock copolymers have high-
or 7-oxanorbornenes. The living polymer- er molecular weights than the homopoly-
izations were successfully used to prepare mers, and all the polydispersities remained
three ABA triblock copolymers of low.
3.7 References 101


XXXVI XXXVll Figure 3-45.

3.5.10 Synthesis of AB Cross-Linked 3.7 References

Bazan, G. C. (990), Ph. D. Thesis, Massachusetts In-
The ROMP of 5-methacryloyl- l-cyclo- stitute of Technology, U. S. A.
Bazan, G., Albagli, D., unpublished.
octene, XXXVI, to produce a linear poly- Bazan, G. C., Schrock, R. R. (1991), Macromolecules
mer, XXVII, with methacrylate side chains 24, 817.
using initiator I (ruthenium initiator shown Bazan, G., Schrock, R. R., Khosravi, E., Feast, W. J.,
Gibson, V. C. (1989) Polym. Commun. 30, 258.
in Fig. 3-5) has been demonstrated (Mau- Bazan, G., Schrock, R. R., Khosravi, E., Feast, W. J.,
ghon and Grubbs, 1996).The copolymeriza- Gibson, V. C., ORegan, M. B., Thomas, J. K., Da-
tion of this monomer with cyclooctadiene vis, W. M. (1990), J. Am. Chem. SOC.112, 8387.
Bazan, G. C., Schrock, R. R., Cho, H., Gibson, V. C.
allowed for the incorporation of a varying (1991 a), Macromolecules 24, 4495.
number of methacrylate side chains on the Bazan, G. C., Oskam, J. H., Cho, H. N., Park, L. Y.,
polymer backbone (Fig. 3-45). These poly- Schrock, R. R. (1991b), J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113,
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Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

4 Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET) Polymerization

Tammy A Davidson and Kenneth B Wagener .
The George and Josephine Butler Polymer Research Laboratory. Department of Chemistry
and Center for Macromolecular Science and Engineering. University of Florida. Gaines-
ville. FL. U.S.A.

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
4.2 Catalysts in Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET) Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . 107
4.2.1 Classical Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
4.2.2 Well-Defined Catalyst Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
4.3 The Key to ADMET Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
4.3.1 The Step Polymerization Nature of ADMET Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
4.3.2 Effects of Lewis Acid Cocatalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
4.3.3 Synthesis of First High Molecular Weight Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
4.3.4 The ADMET Polymerization Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
4.4 Hydrocarbons in ADMET Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4.4.1 Nonconjugated Dienes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4.4.2 Conjugated Dienes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
4.5 Functional Groups in ADMET Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4.5.1 The Ether Functional Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4.5.2 Functionality and the Negative Neighboring Group Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
4.6 ADMET Depolymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
4.7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
4.8 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
106 4 Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET) Polymerization

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

n number
P extent of reaction
xn degree of polymerization

Ac acetyl
ADMET acyclic diene metathesis
Bu butyl
CY cyclohexy 1
Et ethyl
Me methyl
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
Ph phenyl
Pr P'OPY 1
PY pyridine
ROMP ring opening metathesis polymerization
to1 toluene
4.2 Catalysts in Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET) Chemistry 107

4.1 Introduction Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP)

The olefin metathesis reaction, which has

been studied for more than 40 years, contin-
ues to intrigue chemists with respect to the
many new molecules that can be synthe- Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET)Polymerization
sized using this technique. The word me-
tathesis originates from the Greek meta
meaning change and tithemi meaning
place. The term was first applied in an or-
ganic chemical sense by Calderon et al. Figure 4-1. Ring opening metathesis polymerization
(ROMP) and acyclic dime metathesis (ADMET)
(1967) to describe the interchange of two
olefins by the movement of bonding elec-
trons to form two new olefins.
The success of olefin metathesis as a syn-
thetic tool can be attributed to outstanding so shown in Fig. 4- 1. Acyclic diene metath-
advances in the fields of catalysis and esis (ADMET) is step polymerization chem-
organometallic chemistry. The reaction has istry which occurs by way of a condensation
prompted intense mechanistic investiga- reaction to produce high molecular weight
tions to explain how catalysts are able to ac- polymers. Opportunities here have begun to
complish this transformation at room tem- unfold over the past decade, and it now is
perature, and much is known today with re- evident that the ADMET reaction has the
spect to the nature of this chemistry. While potential to join ROMP polymerization as a
the reaction is employed both in the synthe- method of generating high molecular weight
sis of small molecules and in the prepara- molecules.
tion of polymers, this chapter only deals
with the utilization of olefin metathesis in
condensation polymerization chemistry. 4.2 Catalysts in Acyclic Diene
Two types of metathesis polymerizations
Metathesis (ADMET) Chemistry
have been defined to date, as illustrated in
Fig. 4- 1. Ring opening metathesis polymer-
4.2.1 Classical Catalysts
ization (ROMP) is a chain polymerization
process which generates high molecular Classical metathesis catalysts, as shown
weight polymers by exposing strained cy- in Table 4-1, are typically composed of a
clic olefins to an appropriate catalyst. The transition metal halide and a nontransition
reaction was known as far back as the 1950s metal cocatalyst, which form a metathesis
[Eleuterio, 1963 (filed 1957)], and is used active alkylidene in situ. These systems tend
commercially today to produce specialty to be ill-defined, since the true active cata-
polymers such as polynorbornene and poly- lyst in the system is not known, and further,
dicyclopentadiene. The ROMP reaction has the presence of a Lewis acid cocatalyst can
long dominated the field of metathesis poly- lead to side reactions which compete with
merization, and is discussed in detail in metathesis polymerization. Although they
Chap. 3 of this Supplement. are ill-defined, classical catalysts find favor
A more recent approach to producing ge- in industrial processes as they are relative-
nerically the same type of repeat unit is al- ly inexpensive to use.
108 4 Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET) Polymerization

Table 4-1. Representative classical catalyst systems for metathesis polymerization.

Catalyst system Solvent/ References

temp. ("C)

M o C I ~ ( N O ) ~ ( P P ~ , ) ~ / M ~ ~ A ~chlorobenzene/25
~C~~ (Grubbs et al., 1976; Zuech et al., 1970)
Bu4N [ M O ( C O ) ~ C O P ~ ] / M ~ A ~ C ~ ~chlorobenzene/20 (Kroll and Doyle, 1971)
(~~)MO(CO)&~A~CI,/NBU~CI chlorobenzene/20 (Farona and Motz, 1976;
Motz and Farona, 1977)
(toOW(CO)3 heptanel98 (Lewandos and Pettit, 1971)
WC14/BuLi benzene/20 (Grubbs et al., 1975)

PhWC13IAIC13 chlorobenzene/20 (Grubbs eta]., 1975)

chlorobenzene/90 (Farona and Greenlee, 1975)


Classical catalysts can be employed quite 4.2.2 Well-Defined Catalyst Systems

successfully in the production of ROMP
polymers, yet appear to be considerably less Although olefin metathesis aided by the
useful for ADMET polymerization. ROMP utilization of classical catalyst systems has
reactions are more forgiving in terms of cat- been carried out for some time, the advent
alyst selection, since they are based on chain of well-defined catalysts is a rather recent.
polymerization principles. The strict re- occurrence. Most of the research that has
quirements of step growth polymerization been conducted to date has been based on
chemistry demand precise catalyst struc- using well-defined catalyst structures first
tures in order for the ADMET polymeriza- reported by Schrock. These alkylidenes are
tion to proceed to the formation of high of the form M(NAr)[CHC(CH,),Ph]
polymer. For this reason, early efforts at [OCCH3(CF3)2]2,where M = W (Schrock
condensation of acyclic dienes were met et al., 1988) or Mo (Schrock et al., 1990),
with only limited success (Dall' Asta, 1973; and are illustrated in Fig. 4-2. Since these
Doyle, 1973; Zuech et al., 1970). alkylidenes are known for exclusively cat-
More recently, however, classical cata- alyzing metathesis chemistry, they have
lysts have been shown to hold promise for essentially permitted the evolution of
ADMET reactions if the Lewis acidity of the ADMET chemistry as it stands today by asI.
systems is properly addressed. Nubel et al. suring an exact mode of polymerization,
(1994) demonstrated that the presence of a which is required of step propagation.
Lewis base suppresses vinyl addition chem- Recently, other catalyst systems have
istry, such that macromolecules of number been shown to be effective in producing
average molecular weight 5000 can be gen- high molecular weight ADMET polymers.
erated by a pure metathesis mechanism. For example, the ruthenium catalysts report-
This discovery could lay the foundation for ed by Grubbs (Nguyen et al., 1992; Schwab
commercial expansion of the ADMET pro- et al., 1995; Schwab et al., 1996) are useful
cess, since classical catalyst systems offer a in ADMET reactions and can be distin-
great deal of versatility in terms of their guished from Schrock systems in that they
breadth and availability. are more tolerant of polymerization condi-
4.3 The Key to ADMET Polymerization 109


Cl'/,cy3 Ph

Cy = cyclohexyl
M = W or Mo

Schrocks Catalyst Grubbs' Catalyst

Figure 4-2. Well-defined catalysts systems em-
Nubel's Catalyst ployed in metathesis polymerization.

tions. These ruthenium alkylidenes can be ROMP, where the reaction conditions are
used in the presence of water and other pro- not extremely sensitive to impurities, a clas-
tic solvents (Nguyen et al., 1992), and re- sical catalyst system can be employed with
quire both less rigorous purification of great success. However, in experiments
monomers and less rigorous polymerization where a well-defined catalyst with an exact
conditions to produce high molecular structure is needed, such as acyclic diene
weight polymers. metathesis polymerization, a preformed al-
Recent kinetic studies show that the kylidene which does not require a Lewis
ADMET reaction is second order in acid cocatalyst must be employed.
monomer, as is expected in step polymer-
ization chemistry, and zero order in catalyst,
regardless of the catalyst choice. Reaction 4.3 The Key to
rates, however, are completely dependent
ADMET Polymerization
upon the identity of the catalyst with the
Schrock alkylidenes being at least an order
4.3.1 The Step Polymerization Nature
of magnitude faster than well-defined ruthe-
of ADMET Chemistry
nium catalyst systems. Further, the catalyst
choice can alter the nature of the competi- The nature of acyclic diene metathesis
tion between propagation (the intermolecu- chemistry is shown in Fig. 4-3, where the
lar reaction) and cyclization (the intramo- structural changes that occur during the re-
lecular reaction), particularly for monomers action are illustrated. The diene monomers
where intramolecular complexation be- condense to produce an ADMET "dimer",
tween the metal and an internal olefin can releasing ethylene from the reaction. This is
occur in a facile manner. an equilibrium polymerization which can be
The proper choice of catalyst is essential driven to form high molecular weight poly-
for the realization of metathesis polymeriza- mer by the continuous removal of ethylene
tion chemistry. For processes such as under vacuum.
110 4 Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET) Polymerization

ADMET Dimerization where experiments to condense 1,5-hexa-

diene resulted only in the formation of low
molecular weight oligomers. More recent-
ly, in the late 1980s (Lindmark-Hamberg
and Wagener, 1987), attempts were made to
condense 1,9-decadiene into polyoctenam-
ADMET Polymerization
er using a classical catalyst system. While
the monomer condenses to produce an
intractable polymeric product, the reaction
is not entirely selective for metathesis
chemistry (Fig. 4-4).Rather than construct-
ing a polymer exclusively derived from the
metathesis mechanism, other repeat units
are generated from a vinyl addition process.
The formation of these repeat units can be
50 t
0 .-I ./.'( I
attributed to the presence of the Lewis acid
0 0.5 1
cocatalyst in the polymerization system, and
P the consequence of using this type of cata-
Figure 4-3. The step nature of the ADMET reaction. lyst is to have two reaction mechanisms
competing for the same monomer, thereby
leading to an intractable, insoluble product.
Thus it becomes evident that competing re-
Keeping these events in mind, it becomes
actions hinder the progress of the metathe-
apparent that acyclic diene metathesis poly-
sis reaction.
merization is a step process, as opposed to
The effect of an acid catalyst on the reac-
the chain polymerization chemistry asso-
tion mechanism has been illustrated by a
ciated with ROMP reactions. A plot of
model compound study (Wagener et al.,
Carothers' equation (Fig. 4-3) illustrates
1990) to distinguish between competing
that in order for high molecular weight poly-
mechanistic types (Fig. 4-5).The model re-
mer to be formed, conversions of function-
agent, styrene, could either experience me-
al groups must be essentially quantitative.
tathesis chemistry producing stilbene, or
Even at 99% conversion, the degree of poly-
undergo vinyl addition polymerization to
merization is only Xn= 200. Without quan-
yield polystyrene. Only polystyrene is gen-
titative conversion, step polymerizations
are ineffective routes to generate high poly-
mer; the same holds true for ADMET poly- metathesis product

merization. In this regard, monomer purity +H=CH-(CH+
and perfect difunctionality are essential for n
obtaining high molecular weight polymers. +
EtOH vinyl addition product

4.3.2 Effects of Lewis Acid Cocatalysts f""'-y+

Attempts were made as early as 1970 to CH: CH2
produce ADMET polymers (Dall'Asta, Figure 4-4. The adverse effects of a Lewis acid on
1973: Doyle, 1973; Zuech et al., 1970), metathesis polymerization.
4.3 The Key to ADMET Polymerization 111


Vinyl Addition

J wCl6


Vinyl Addition

*w Stilbene
Figure 4-5. Styrene model study:
A. Classical catalyst. B. Well-defined

erated in the presence of the classical cata- acomplished by choosing a well-defined al-
lyst system (WCl,/EtAlCl,). However, the kylidene as an initiator, as suggested in the
mechanistic choice is completely reversed previous section (Nel et al., 1989). When
if a well-defined catalyst which does not re- 1,9-decadiene is exposed to Schrocks mo-
quire a Lewis acid cocatalyst is used, such lybdenum alkylidene, it is converted to an
as Schrocks tungsten alkylidene. This re- oligomer via the loss of ethylene under at-
sults in clean metathesis chemistry, produc- mospheric pressure. Figure 4-6 illustrates
ing stilbene in quantitative yields. This ob- the carbon spectrum of the clean metathesis
servation made it clear as to what should be oligomer, and in this case the sp2 region
done in order for ADMET polymerization shows only two signals, one for trans and
to be successful. i. e., a catalyst system that the other for cis internal olefins present in
does not employ a Lewis acid cocatalyst the repeat unit. The endgroups are also ev-
must be chosen in order to avoid competing ident in this spectrum, showing that the re-
vinyl addition chemistry. action is quite clean. Further, the sp3 region
shows only methylene carbons; no methine
carbons are present, which would have been
created as a result of vinyl addition chemis-
4.3.3 Synthesis of First High Molecular
Weight ADMET Polymers
Vacuum is applied to further remove
The synthesis of the first high molecular ethylene and continue the polymerization,
weight polymer by ADMET chemistry was and Fig. 4-7 shows the carbon NMR spec-
112 4 Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET) Polymerization

I ,
Figure 4-6. The first oligomers by
ADMET polymerization.
140 120 100 80 60 40 20 ppm

b (trans)

a (cis) 1
b (cis)
Figure 4-7. Poly(octeny1ene): The first
high molecular weight polymer generated
by ADMET condensation.
140 120 100 80 60 40 20 PPm

trum for the first high molecular weight ther, the polymer experiences recrystalliza-
ADMET polymer made by this method (Wa- tion upon cooling. This is a very well-de-
gener et al., 1990). The polyoctenylene that fined macromolecule and is considered to
is formed is more than 90% trans as assigned be pure in the sense that only one repeat unit
by the sp' carbons. It is a pure polymer with is present. Cyclics are also present, as is typ-
an intrinsic viscosity of 0.95 dl/g which cor- ical of any step polymerization, such as in
relates to a number average molecular the formation of nylon and polyester
weight of more than 50 000, and has a crys- (Odian, 1991).
talline melting point of around 70C. Fur-
4.3 The Key to ADMET Polymerization 113

4.3.4 The ADMET Polymerization monomer molecule (2). The polymerization

Mechanism cycle then proceeds by complexing this met-
allized monomer with another monomer
The acyclic diene metathesis polymeriza- unit, forming a new metallacycle ( 3 ) . For-
tion cycle is illustrated in Fig. 4-8. The prin- mation of this metallacycle ( 3 ) is essential
cipal reaction intermediate, a metallacy- to propagation, and understanding the fac-
clobutane, is identical to that found in all tors that lead to its formation is important in
other metathesis chemistry, including ring the elucidation of what type of monomers
opening metathesis polymerization and the can be used in ADMET polymerization.
formation of small molecules through me- This new metallacyclobutane (3) collapses
tathesis. The ADMET polymerization cycle to form an ADMET "dimer" and a methyl-
itself, however, is distinct and quite differ- ene alkylidene (4), the latter of which is the
ent from any other reaction scheme found in true catalyst for this system. The methylene
metathesis chemistry. alkylidene continues the cycle by reacting
Acyclic diene metathesis is an equilibri- with another monomer (or polymer chain
um process, whereas ROMP typically prop- end) to form metallacycle (3,which is the
agates in an irreversible manner. First, the precursor to the formation of ethylene.
alkylidine forms a n complex with one of Thus the cycle is complete - the conse-
the olefins of the monomer, then the com- quence being the condensation of two
plex undergoes an insertion to form the in- monomer units. The cycle must operate
itial metallacyclobutane (1). This metal- many times in order to produce a high mo-
lacycle can undergo productive metathesis lecular weight polymer by ADMET chem-
to eliminate a catalyst fragment and form istry. This mechanism has proven to be ac-
a new alkylidene at the terminus of a ceptable in explaining all experimental ob-


LnWCH, (4)
Figure 4-8. The ADMET polymeriza-
tion cycle.
114 4 Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET) Polymerization

servations made for both pure hydrocarbon Reactant Product

monomers, as well as those that possess
functional groups.
No Reaction
4.4 Hydrocarbons in
ADMET Chemistry
4.4.1 Nonconjugated Dienes
Determining the type of diene that is ca- No Reaction
pable of ADMET polymerization has been No Reaction
accomplished by systematically examining
the effect of substituents and functional No Reaction
groups on the polymerization mechanism I

described in the previous section. In the case

of nonconjugated dienes, substituent effects
were examined using methyl groups locat-
ed at appropriate places in the monomer
backbone (Fig. 4-9). For example, 1 S-hexa-
diene polymerizes easily, as does 2,6-octa- Figure 4-9. Structure reactivity study of nonconju-
diene (Konzelman and Wagener, 1992), gated hydrocarbon dienes.
where in both cases 1,4-polybutadiene is
generated. However, if the methyl groups
are moved to the internal carbon of the met-
athesizing olefin, then the reaction is com- illustrated in Fig. 4-9. It quickly becomes
pletely stopped. For example, 2,5-dimethyl- evident that steric interactions preclude easy
IS-hexadiene is completely inert to metathesis polymerization unless the sub-
ADMET chemistry. The likely explanation stituent is at least beta to the metathesizing
for this is that steric hindrance prevents the double bond. More forceful conditions may
formation of the required metallacycle (3) permit monomers to bypass this rule, al-
for productive metathesis between mono- though this has yet to be demonstrated.
mer units, as illustrated in the polymeriza- The facile nature of hydrocarbon poly-
tion cycle. merization by ADMET can be exploited to
In order to prove this point, one of the synthesize well-defined macromolecules,
methyl groups can be omitted, upon which and as a consequence it has been possible to
only dimerization occurs through the 5,6-ole- synthesize the simplest known hydrocarbon
fin bond to produce an unreactive dimer polymer, i. e., polyethylene, with no appar-
molecule in quantitative yields. The same ent branching. It is generally accepted that
experiment can be conducted by placing polyethylene prepared by chain polymeriza-
the methyl groups at the 3,4-position in tion possesses branching of varying degrees
1.5-hexadiene,which also prevents ADMET of complexity depending upon the type of
chemistry from occurring. Several other ex- initiation used in the polymerization. Per-
amples of steric effects on polymerization fectly linear polyethylene with no observed
(Konzelman and Wagener, 1995) are also branching has been prepared by ADMET
4.4 Hydrocarbons in ADMET Chemistry 115

- b

a) M~(CHCM~~P~)(N-~,~-C&I~-~-FY~)(OCM~(CF~~)~,
neat , Figure 4-10. Synthesis of perfectly line-
5 lo- mm Hg ar polyethylene via ADMET polymeriza-
tion of l$decadiene followed by hy-
b) TsNHNH2, n-Pr3N.o-xylene, reflux drogenation.

techniques (Fig. 4-10), since only one re- example, the tungsten version of Schrocks
peat unit is present in the parent polymer. alkylidene has been quite effective in pro-
For example, 1,9-decadiene can be con- ducing high molecular weight copolymers
densed to polyoctenylene followed by ex- in this way. Determination of the random na-
haustive hydrogenation with p-toluenesul- ture of this polymerization has been accom-
fonhydrazide (OGara et al., 1993b). plished by 13C NMR spectroscopy, where
Weight average molecular weights in the each of the crossover carbons between
range of 40 000 can be prepared in this man- 1,5-hexadiene and 1,9-decadiene generated
ner, and all experimental evidence collect- repeat units can be resolved unequivocally
ed on these samples supports the conclusion (Konzelman et al., 1990). These analyses,
that the polymer is perfectly linear. Hydrog- when compared with the statistically gener-
enation advances the crystalline melting ated data, demonstrate the random place-
point of the unsaturated polymer from about ment of comonomers in this copolymeriza-
67C for polyoctenylene to a very sharp tion.
melting point endotherm of 134 C for per- As noted earlier, the activity of an olefin
fectly linear polyethylene (Mandelkern is directly influenced by steric considera-
et al., 1953). Further, the molecular weight tions, and thus interesting copolymers can
after hydrogenation remains essentially the be prepared by exploiting these observa-
same. These linear polyethylene model tions. For example, Fig. 4-1 1 describes the
polymers can provide better understanding polymerization of 5-methyl- 1,5,9-deca-
of the thermal and mechanical behavior of triene. The monomer possesses three olefin
polyethylene and its copolymers. bonds, two of which are reactive towards
Copolymerizations are also possible metathesis and one of which is not. The
via ADMET polymerization. Hydrocarbon internal olefin is sterically blocked from
monomers, such as 1S-hexadiene and metathesis and is carried into the repeat unit
1,9-decadiene, can be copolymerized to of the polymer without change. Thus the
produce random copolymers. Since each of polymerization produces a perfectly alter-
the olefins is of equal reactivity, a statisti- nating butadiene-isoprene copolymer (Kon-
cal distribution of repeat units is expected zelman, 1993). Perfectly alternating copoly-
when using highly active, well-defined cat- mers made from a single monomer repre-
alysts to construct random copolymers. For sent a rare opportunity for the implementa-
116 4 Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET) Polymerization

b in this manner where the apparent rate of

polymerization is determined to a certain
b extent by the type of isomer used. While
EJZ = 0.77
2 p-dipropenylbenzene polymerizes rapidly,
E the ortho- and meta-derivatives propagate
at a slower rate. This can be attributed to
intramolecular n complexation between the
140 100 60 20 PPm
growing metallized chain end and the penul-
timate olefin unit in the polymer chain.
1 The behavior of aliphatic conjugated
WI dienes (Tao and Wagener, 1994) is illustrat-
- CH2CH2
ed in Fig. 4-13. It can be seen that 2,4-hexa-
diene polymerizes rapidly to yield methyl
terminated polyacetylene, as does the anal-
ogous monomer 2,4,6-octatriene. Both of
these compounds possess terminal methyl
groups. However, 1,3-butadiene and 1,3,5-
hexatriene do not polymerize at all.
In order to gain insight into this phenom-
enon, the copolymerization of 2,4-hexa-
diene and 1,9-decadiene was attempted
140 100 60 (Tao, 1994) with both the tungsten and mo-
Figure 4-11. Perfectly alternating copolymer from a lybdenum versions of Schrocks alkylidene.
single monomer via ADMET polymerization. In both cases, only unreacted monomers and
polyoctenamer oligomers were obtained. It
is believed that the 1,3-butadiene that is gen-
tion of ADMET polymerization reactions.
erated during the reaction is poisoning the
Other copolymerizations are possible and
catalyst, prohibiting copolymer formation.
remain under study.
To test this speculation, a mixture of meth-
yl-terminated monomers 2,4-hexadiene
4.4.2 Conjugated Dienes
While nonconjugated aliphatic dienes
polymerize in a manner that is easily ex-
plained, conjugated dienes currently remain p-dipropenylbenzene poly@-phenylenevinylene)

somewhat of a mystery in terms of their be-

havior. The reactivity of both aromatic and
aliphatic dienes towards ADMET polymer-
ization has been examined and is described

m-dipropenylkmne poly(m-phenylene vinylene)

in this section.
Aromatic dienes (Tao, 1994; Wolf and
Wagener, 199 1) polymerize rather well
under ADMET conditions, as illustrated in
Fig. 4- 12. Therefore it is possible to produce o-dipropenylbenzene poly(o-phenylenevinylene)
three isomers of poly(phenyleneviny1ene) Figure 4-12. Polymerization of aromatic dienes.
4.5 Functional Groups in ADMET Chemistry 117

Nn+ * olefins were shown not to metathesize at all

(Schrock et al., 1989). In fact, metathesis
chemistry can occur in the ADMET reaction
43 catalyg no reaction
only if the olefin group is properly posi-
1,3-butadiene tioned with respect to the functional group
in the monomer.
As a first example of this point, Fig. 4-14
shows a structureheactivity study of ether-
containing dienes under ADMET bulk con-
densation conditions (Brzezinska and Wa-
gener, 1991). Thus divinyl ether and diallyl
(=)- no reaction ether essentially produce no polymer,
1,3,5-hexatriene whereas bis-butenyl ether condenses to re-
Figure 4-13. Study of aliphatic conjugated dienes in lease ethylene. Further, as the number of
ADMET polymerization. methylene spacers between the oxygen and
the olefin increases, the reaction proceeds
at a rate sufficient to form polymer. Subtle
and 2,1O-dodecadiene, was exposed to the changes in monomer design induce dramat-
Schrock catalyst, and poly(acety1ene-co- ic changes in reactivity toward ADMET
octenylene) was formed. polymerization. These observations lead to
These findings suggest that n complexa- two conclusions: first, in spite of prior spec-
tion between the polymerizing metallized ulation within the field, intermolecular poi-
end and a penultimate olefin, either in the soning of the catalyst system is not suffi-
monomer or in the growing polymer chain ciently important to prevent ADMET poly-
end, poisons the catalyst, thereby prevent- merization occurring, and second, proper
ing polymerization. The effect of the meth- spacing of the functional group within the
yl group is apparently to disrupt this ncom- monomer itself prevents intramolecular poi-
plexation, permitting propagation to occur. soning from happening. We term this latter
This concept is presently speculation, and observation the negative neighboring
the area of conjugated dienes continues to group effect.
be actively investigated.
Monomer ADMET Active?

4.5 Functional Groups in &O% NO

ADMET Chemistry

4.5.1 The Ether Functional Group
w-0 \ Sluggish
Initially, the thought of conducting me-
tathesis chemistry in the presence of func-
tional groups was considered to be unlikely -0 \ YES

due to poisoning of the active metal cen-

ter by nonbonded electrons present in the - 0 \ YES
functional group. This Lewis-base phenom- Figure 4-14. Effects of the ether functional group on
enon was demonstrated previously, where ADMET condensation.
118 4 Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET) Polymerization

4.5.2 Functionality and the reactivity trends to the analogous ether

Negative Neighboring Group Effect dienes. These compounds polymerize easi-
ly once two methylene units remove the
Figure 4- 15 illustrates how the negative functionality from the olefin.
neighboring group effect operates. For ex- Carbonyl-containing dienes were origi-
ample, if the functional group (X) between nally assumed to be metathesis inactive,
dienes possesses Lewis-basic atoms, then since the carbonyl functionality reacts in a
intramolecular complexation can occur, Wittig-like manner with the alkylidene to
shifting the equilibrium to the left and gen- generate a metathesis-inactive metal-oxo
erating a "stable" complex which is metath- species (Schaverien et al., 1986). However,
esis inactive. This intramolecular poisoning knowledge of the negative neighboring
is apparently important with spacings of less group effect has permitted esters (Patton and
than two methylene units, for no propaga- Wagener, 1992 b), carbonates (Patton and
tion is apparent in this case. However, as the Wagener, 1992 a), and sterically hindered
spacing increases, the equilibrium shifts to ketones (Patton et al., 1992) to be polymer-
the right, leading to the propagation of ized under ADMET conditions. The re-
monomer units as shown in Fig, 4-8. There- quirements for the polymerization to be suc-
fore, if the potentially poisoning functional cessful are that the carbonyl group must be
group is kept at least beta to the metathesiz- placed at least beta to the metathesizing ol-
ing olefins, the negative neighboring group efin, and in the case of ketones the carbonyl
effect is overruled and productive metathe- must be sterically hindered by geminal
sis occurs. methyl groups on the alpha carbons. This
Systematic investigations of structurehe- steric hindrance serves to block the carbo-
activity relationships along with a thorough nyl from coordination with the active met-
understanding of the negative neighboring al center.
group effect have permitted many function- In addition to these Lewis-basic function-
al groups to be included in ADMET poly- al groups, a variety of other functional
mers, as illustrated in Fig. 4-16. Lewis- groups can be incorporated into polymers
base functionalities such as amines (Port- made by ADMET condensation. Electron-
mess and Wagener, 1995; Portmess and Wa- deficient boranes and boronates (Wolfe and
gener, 1996) and thioethers (O'Gara et al., Wagener, 1996) have been polymerized, and
1993a) have been shown to follow similar even ferrocenyl units (Boncella et al., 1992)

NAr X = 0,S,N, C=O, P,etc.


Precursor to Elimination Figure 4-15. The negative neigh-

A "Stable"Complex of Methylidene boring group effect.
4.6 ADMET Depolymerization 119

d (trans)

140 120 100 ! M) 40 20 Oppm
- c- 0- Figure 4-17. Synthesis of polycarbosilanes
Fl via
-Si- ADMET polymerization.
-0-c-o- C1

7H3 FH3
&P-- -Si- 0-qi- 4.6 ADMET Depolymerization
he CH3 CH3

As mentioned in Sec. 4.3 the ADMET re-

Figure 4-16. Functional groups that have been in-
cluded in ADMET polymerization.
action is an example of equilibrium step
polymerization chemistry, and as such the
reverse reaction can occur when an excess
of either ethylene or a 1-alkene is present in
have been shown to be stable to ADMET the reaction mixture. This process, known
polymerization. A broad range of unsaturat- as ADMET depolymerization, is quite use-
ed silicon-containing polymers has also ful for creating small molecules from rath-
been studied, including carbosilanes (Wa- er conventional polymers such as 1,4-poly-
gener and Smith, 199 l), carbosiloxanes butadiene, and could be applied to any un-
(Smith and Wagener, 1993), and chlorosi- saturated polymer which does not invoke
lanes (Cummings et al., 1995). steric or negative neighboring group consid-
Although the negative neighboring group erations.
effect plays no role in the polymerization of While ADMET polymerization is best
organosilane monomers, steric crowding in done under bulk conditions to maximize the
the proximity of the olefin hinders polymer- molar concentration of endgroups and to
ization. Monomers substituted at the allylic minimize intramolecular cyclization, de-
position, such as dimethyldivinylsilane, do polymerization chemistry is accomplished
not polymerize in the presence of a Schrock in solution. For example, ethylene can de-
alkylidene (Wagener and Smith, 1991). polymerize 1,4-~olybutadiene,poly(octen-
Once these substitutions are removed to at ylene), and even polyisoprene in toluene
least beta to the olefin, metathesis occurs. (Wagener et al., 1991) using Schrock alky-
Diallylsilane exhibits no resistance to me- lidenes as catalysts (Fig. 4-18). The number
tathesis polymerization and generates clean average molecular weights of the polymers
polycarbosilanes (Fig. 4-17). are decreased from values greater than
100000 to generate oligomers of 2000 to
5000. The oligomers are very clean, as not-
ed by NMR spectroscopy. Complete depol-
120 4 Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET) Polymerization

+ H2C%CHz + oligomers

~ ( c H ~ &+ H G C H 2 ~ ( C+ H ~ PFigure 4-18. ADMET depolymer-


ization of 1,4-polybutadiene, poly-

octenylene, and polysioprene.

ymerization with ethylene has not proven exact oligomers are formed. Examples
possible, however, most likely due to the of such depolymerizations are shown in
fact that excess ethylene coordinates with Fig. 4-19.
the catalyst, rendering it inactive for metath- When the 1-alkene chosen for depolym-
esis (Robbins et al., 1991). Consequently, erization contains a functional group, per-
the reactions slow dramatically as the active fectly difunctional telechelics can be con-
catalyst concentration decreases. structed (Fig. 4-19). For example, 1,4-poly-
Complete depolymerization is possible, butadiene has been successfully depolymer-
however, if 1 -alkenes (e.g., substituted eth- ized under these conditions to yield tele-
ylenes) are used in the place of ethylene. chelic oligomers, and even monomers pos-
Thus, when an unsaturated polymer is com- sessing diester, disilyl ether, and diimide
bined with an appropriate metathesis cata- functionalities (Marmo and Wagener,
lyst followed by the introduction of an ap- 1995). Protected amine, alcohol, and car-
propriate mono-olefin like ethylene or an- boxylic acid functionalized (Marmo and
other 1-alkene, depolymerization ensues to Wagener, 1994) telechelics have also been
generate mass-exact oligomers of various generated in a similar manner. This discov-
molecular weights (Marmo and Wagener, ery holds great potential in the area of poly-
1993). The degree of depolymerization de- mer recycling, since it provides a very clean
pends upon the ratio of 1-alkene to the num- method for producing small difunctional
ber of sites of unsaturation in the macromol- molecules from large polymers. These tele-
ecule. Reaction conditions also play an im- chelics could be further utilized as reagents
portant role in this chemistry. in organic synthesis or as monomers in con-
The mechanistic events associated with densation polymerizations.
depolymerization are somewhat different
from those associated with ADMET poly-
merization, principally because the nature 4.7 Conclusions
of the equilibrium in solution is different
from that observed in the bulk. Placing an The research completed during the last
unsaturated monomer in solution in the few years amply demonstrates that acyclic
presence of a metathesis catalyst leads to the diene metathesis (ADMET) polymerization
formation of an equilibrium concentration is useful step polymerization chemistry ca-
of cyclics, which are generated in high con- pable of creating pure hydrocarbon homo-
centration in dilute solution. Thus the first and copolymers, as well as polymers pos-
actual depolymerization involves the for- sessing functional groups. The polymeriz-
mation of rings. These cyclics then react ability of any given monomer is determined
with the 1-alkene, which is added at a later both by steric and electronic considerations,
stage, and, when solvent is removed, mass- and the technique is quite broad in scope.
4.8 References 121

n- toluene

R = Si(CH,),, Si(CH3),CI,

n = 1 and2 Figure 4-19. Synthesis of telechelic oli-

gomers via ADMET depolymerization of

Further, the depolymerization

- . chemistry Kroll, W. R., Doyle, G. (1971), J. Chem. Soc., Chem.
Commun., 839.
that has been accomplished suggests Lewandos, G., Pettit, R. (1971), J. Am. Chem. Soc. 93,
tunities for the synthesis of difunctional 7087.
telechelic oligomers, the preparation of fine Lindmark-Hamberg, M., Wagener, K. B. (l987), Mac-
organics, and for polymer waste recycling. romolecules 20, 2949.
Mandelkern,L., Hellmann,D. W., Brown, D. E., Rob-
erts, F. A., Quinn, F. A. (1953), J. Am. Chem. Soc.
75, 4093.
4.8 References Marmo, J. C., Wagener, K. B. (1993),Macromolecules
26, 2137.
Boncella, J. M., Gamble, A. S., Patton, J. T. (1992), Marmo, J. C., Wagener, K. B. (1994), Polym. Prepr.
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Brzezinska, K., Wagener, K. B. (1991), Polym. Prepl: Marmo, J. C., Wagener, K. B. (1995),Macromolecules
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(1995), Macromol. Rapid Commun. 16, 347. er, R. P. (1989), Polym. Prepl: 30 ( I ) , 283.
DallAsta, G. (1973), Pure Appl. Chern. I , 133. Nguyen, S. T., Johnson, L. K., Grubbs, R. H., Ziller,
Doyle, J. (1973), J. Caral. 30, 118. J. W. (1992), J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114, 3974.
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Farona, M. F., Greenlee, W. S. (1975), J. Chem. Soc., Macromolecules 27, 7000.
Chem. Commun., 759. Odian, G. (1991), Principles of Polymerization. New
Farona, M. F., Motz, V. W. (1976), J. Chem. Soc., York: Wiley.
Chem. Commun., 930. OGara, J. E., Portmess, J. D., Wagener, K. B. (1993 a),
Grubbs,R.H.,Burk,P. L.,Carr,D.D. (1975), J.Am. Macromolecules 26, 2837.
Chem. SOC.97, 3265. OGara, J. E., Wagener, K. B., Hahn, S. F. (1993 b),
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(1976), J . Am. Chem. Soc. 98, 3478. Patton, J. T., Wagener, K. B. (1992 a), Polym. P r e p
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(Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.) 33 ( I ) , 1072. Patton, J. T., Wagener, K. B., Forbes, M. D. E., Myers,
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J. M. (1990), Macromolecules 23, 5155. 36 ( I ) , 614.
122 4 Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET) Polymerization

Portmess, J. D.. Wagener. K. B. ( 1996).J. Polym. Sci., Tao, D., Wagener, K. B. (1994), Macromolecules 27.
Part A: Polym. Cbem. 34. 1353. 1281.
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Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin. Cycloolefin.

and Styrene Polymerization
Jun Okuda' and Rolf Mulhaupt2

Institut fur Anorganische Chemie. Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz. Mainz.

Freiburger Materialforschungszentrum and Institut fur Makromolekulare Chemie.
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg. Freiburg. Germany

Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

List of 124
5.1 History and Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
5.2 Polymerization Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
5.3 Supported Catalysts and Morphology Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
5.4 Polymerization Mechanisms and Stereoselectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
5.4.1 History and Principles of Metallocene Catalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
5.4.2 Regioselective and Stereoselective Polymerization of a-Olefins . . . . . . . . . 142
5.4.3 Polymerization of Cyclic Olefins, Cyclopolymerization, and Stereoselective
Polymerization of Styrene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
5.4.4 Late Transition Metal Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
5.5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Copolymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
5.6 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
5.7 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
124 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

kl,,kI2,k2,,k22 rate constants
kP polymerization rate constant
M molar mass
M" number-average molecular weight
w weight-average molecular weight
I1 number
r13 r2 copolymerization parameters
YE copolymerization parameter of ethylene
copolymerization parameter of propylene
RP polymerization rate
G glass transition temperature
Tm melting temperature
x, ?' number
r @I 28405 molar optical rotation
acac acetylacetonate(-o)
Benz benzanellation
Bu butyl
CDT cyclododecatriene
COT c yclooctadiene
CP qs-C5H5
E ethylene
EPDM ethylene/propylene/dienerubber
EPM ethylene/propylene rubber
ESR electron spin resonance
Et ethyl
HDPE high density polyethylene
LDPE low density polyethylene
LLDPE linear low density polyethylene
Ln rare earth metal
M metal
MA0 methy laluminoxane
Me methyl
Naph naphth y 1
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
P propy lene
Ph phenyl
PP polypropylene
Pr ProPYl
PS polystyrene
PV c pol y vin ylchloride
ROMP ring opening metathesis polymerization
SHOP shell higher olefin process
VLDPE very low density polyethylene
5.1 History a n d Trends 125

5.1 History and Trends processes to form polyolefin materials re-

taining oil-like high energy contents. When
The discovery of transition metal cata- the polymer products lifetime is completed,
lyzed olefin polymerization during the ear- the polyolefins are converted quantitatively
ly 1950s represents a landmark in the histo- back into liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons
ry of sciences and industry with outstand- upon thermal degradation at temperatures
ing impact on the development of modern typically above 400 C. Such hydrocarbon
commodity and specialty polymers, as well fractions can serve as sources of energy or
as modern technologies. The production of chemical feedstocks, which substitute oil
more than one third of plastic materials, and natural gas. No other materials can
amounting to approximately 40 million tons match this extraordinarily attractive energy
per year, involves transition metal catalyzed balance of environmentally friendly polyol-
olefin polymerization. Polyolefins such as efins. It is obvious that catalytic exothermic
polypropylene and polyethylene combine polymerization with very low energy con-
low price with strength, stiffness, impact re- sumption and no solvent emission is play-
sistance, low weight, corrosion resistance, ing a key role.
versatility in applications, recycling capa- Polyolefins represent a very young class
bility, and applications ranging from auto- of materials. Free radical ethylene polymer-
motive parts to packaging and textile fibers. ization, developed by ICI during the mid-
Crude oil and polyolefins are hydrocarbons 1930s, is initiated with radical initiators
with very similar molecular structures, a such as peroxides, and requires high poly-
similar high energy content, but different merization temperatures (above 150 C) and
molar masses. Therefore, as displayed in very high pressures exceeding 2000 atm
Fig. 5- 1, polyolefins offer the attractive po- (2000 MPa), to produce high molecular
tential for generating efficient product life mass polyethylene. As a result of chain
cycles: Crude oil is cracked to form olefin transfer reactions occurring during free rad-
monomers, which are polymerized with ical polymerization, as shown in Fig. 5-2,
highly efficient catalysts in solvent-free high pressure polyethylene contains short
and long chain branches, which reduce the
polyethylenes crystallinity and conse-
quently also its density. Therefore this class
catalytic of polyolefins became known as low den-
sity polyethylene (LDPE).
In 1953 Karl Ziegler at the Max-Planck
Institut fur Kohlenforschung in Mulheim an
der Ruhr observed that aluminum alkyls in-
sert ethylene into aluminum carbon bonds
(Aufbaureaktion, Fig. 5-3) to form low
molecular weight paraffins. This ethylene
insertion process is catalyzed by transition
polypropylene metal compounds, e.g., alkoxides and ha-
lides of zirconium and titanium, which are
activated according to Ziegler by means of
aluminum alkyls, e.g., triethylaluminum,
Figure 5-1. The polyolefin life cycle. thus producing much higher molecular mass
126 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization

Figure 5-2. High pressure

CHzCHz free radical ethylene polymer-

\ \
Pn-Ck \C% Pn-F;k CHz CH, ization producing low density
f f
.CH, H-CH, Ch, polyethylene (LDPE).

linear polyethylenes. Transition metal cata- Also during the 1950s the Philipps Pe-
lysts for olefin polymerization, which re- troleum Company disclosed activator-free
quire activation by means of main group catalyst systems consisting of C r 0 3 on sili-
metal alkyls, became known as Ziegler cat- ca gel. Standard Oil of Indiana used
alysts. In contrast to high pressure free rad- Mo03/Co0 mixed metal oxide catalysts
ical processes, catalytic polymerization which were pretreated with hydrogen. Zie-
takes place at room temperature and atmos- gler and Phillips catalysts, as well as other
pheric ethylene pressure (Mulheimer Nie- catalyst systems, function according to the
derdruckverfahren). The resulting poly- same principle, as displayed in Fig. 5-4.
ethylene is linear with higher crystallinity Transition metal alkyls, formed either by al-
and higher density compared to the LDPE kylation with aluminum alkyls or by reduc-
reported earlier. Linear polyethylene is ing chromium(V1) with ethylene, activate
also referred to as high density polyethy- ethylene by ncomplex formation, thus pro-
lene (HDPE), which was first prepared moting ethylene insertion into the transition
at the end of the 19th century on a labora- metal alkyl bond. Today, it is well estab-
tory scale by thermally decomposing dia- lished that chain growth occurs exclusively
zomethane (see Fig. 5-3). at the transition metal center. Chain termi-
nation results from Phydride elimination or
2nCH,N, - (CH,CH,), + 2nN, cleavage of the transition metal alkyls by
means of hydrogen, which is used as a chain
n H,C=CH, -C
(CH,CH,), transfer agent in industrial processes. Both
C = AlFi, => n 4 Q Q reaction pathways yield transition metal hy-
C = TiCiJAIR, => n>iQ,QOQ drides, which are considered to be the key
intermediates of the catalytic cycle.
Figure 5-3. Synthesis of polymethylene by means
of diazomethane decomposition and of high density The above-mentioned transition metal
polyethylene (HDPE) by transition metal catalyzed catalysts can polymerize ethylene and oth-
ethylene polymerization. C denotes the catalyst. er nonpolar 1-olefins such as propylene,
5.1 History and Trends 127

chain propagation $ <

x-complex polyinsertion
chain termination via p-hydride elimination
- -C=CHz
chain termination via transfer to monomer

G --
H H l c . s H

-..--k-AH, C=CH,

chain termination by means of hydrogen

M H M -H

+ H - -H,C-CH,-H

catalytic cycle
\ I
c=c H H
n c=cI


BH Figure 5-4. Elementary reac-

tions and catalytic cycle of
transition metal catalyzed eth-
M-(CH2CH2),CH2CHl ylene polymerization.

1-butene, 1-hexene, 1-octene, 4-methyl- 1- based catalysts can tolerate such comono-
pentene, vinylcyclohexane, dienes, such as mers (see Sec. 5.5). Copolymerization of
butadiene and isoprene, cycloolefins, such ethylene with 1-olefins such as 1-butene,
as norbornene or ethylidene norbornene, I-hexene, and 1-octene affords n-alkyl side
and styrene. Due to steric hindrance, inter- chains which reduce the crystallinity. Such
nal double bonds of monomers such as bu- short-chain branched polyethylenes, which
tene-2 and isobutene are frequently not suit- are displayed in Fig. 5-5, are referred to as
ed for polyinsertion. Most catalyst systems linear low density polyethylenes (LLDPE).
based on group 4 transition metals, such as An important application is packaging.
titanium and zirconium, are severely poi- When 40-70% propylene is copolymerized
soned by polar monomers, such as carbon with ethylene, the resulting poly(ethy1ene-
monoxide, whereas nickel- and palladium- co-propy1ene)s are comletely amorphous
128 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization

.~ R
-cH,cH,-/~HcH,- -CH,CH,-I-AHCH,-I-CHGH-



Figure 5-5. Ethylene copolymers with

1-olefins to form short chain branched
polyethylenes (LLDPE) and rubbers




Figure 5-6. Propylene polymerization

atactic and polypropylene stereoisomers.

and rubbery. The abbreviation for this satu- polymers by means of sulfur vulcaniza-
rated hydrocarbon rubber is EPM. Frequent- tion.
ly. a few percent of dienes, such as noncon- In 1954, Guilio Natta applied Zieglers
jugated 1.4-hexadiene or ethylidene norbor- catalyst system to produce isotactic poly-
nene, are copolymerized with ethylene/pro- propylene. In contrast to ethylene, propy-
pylene to incorporate olefin side chains, lene is prochiral and produces polymers
which can be used to crosslink such ethy- where the repeating unit contains a stereo-
lene/propylene/diene (EPDM, see Fig. 5 - 5 ) genic carbon atom (see Fig. 5-6). As a func-
5.1 History and Trends 129

tion of the polypropylene stereochemistry, 5000 T 1

i.e., the sequence of the two possible con-
figurations of the repeat units, the proper-
ties of polypropylene vary over a very wide
range. Due to the different solubilities of
8 3000
such diastereoisomers, stereoirregular poly- 2000
propylenes with a random distribution of the
two configurations are soluble in diethyleth- 1000
er, whereas highly stereoregular polypropy-
lene is insoluble in boiling n-heptane. The
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
stereoirregular polypropylene, which Natta
named atactic polypropylene, is amorphous Year
and tacky, with only a few applications, Figure 5-7. Western European production of com-
such as hot-melt adhesives. In contrast, the modity polymers (PVC: polyvinylchloride, PP: poly-
propylene, LDPE: low density polyethylene, LLDPE:
stereoregular polypropylene, where the linear low density polyethylene, PS: polystyrene).
stereogenic carbon atoms of the repeat units
exhibit the same absolute configuration
over prolonged sequences of the polypro-
pylene chain, is crystalline and melts at alyst and process technology account for the
165C. Natta used X-ray diffraction to explosive growth of polypropylene produc-
identify the molecular architecture of iso- tion worldwide from less than 1 million tons
tactic polypropylene. He called this crystal- in the early 1970 s to more than 13 million
line polypropylene isotactic polypropylene, tons during the 1990 s. Soon polypropylene
which is today one of the leading commod- production in Western Europe will surpass
ity plastics with diversified applications that of polyvinylchloride (PVC). This is
including automotive parts, baby diapers, only paralleled by the explosive growth
and membranes. Today, the stereoregularity of linear low density polyethylene
is readily analyzed by means of I3C-NMR (LLDPE) in Western Europe from a few
spectroscopy via the signals of pentad hundred tons in 1970 to 1.3 million tons in
sequences. Spectra of polypropylenes are 1994. As a result of the oil crisis, the quest
displayed in Fig. 5-28. The spectrum of for energy conservation promoted the pro-
isotactic polypropylene exhibits only one duction of LLDPE by means of the catalyt-
methyl group signal typical for the meso ic low pressure LLDPE processes at the ex-
(mmmm) pentad, whereas the racemic (rrr) pense of high pressure LDPE production,
pentad is typical for syndiotactic polypro- which is energetically much less favored.
pylene. Stereoselective catalysts were de- Thirty years ago, nobody expected poly-
veloped to produce stereoregular diene rub- propylene to be so successful. In fact, at that
bers such as poly(cis- 1,4-butadiene). The time low catalyst activities and poor stereo-
remarkable history of polyolefins is de- selectivities required extensive purification
scribed in reviews by Seymour and Cheng of the obtained polypropylenes. For exam-
(1989), Pino and Miilhaupt (1980), and ple, catalyst residues, which cause color for-
Wilke (1995). mation and corrosion of processing equip-
The growth of commodity plastics' pro- ment, and low stereoregular tacky polyprop-
duction in Western Europe is displayed in ylene were removed by means of solvent
Fig. 5-7. Innovations in polypropylene cat- extraction. Moreover, propylene polymer-
130 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization

.. . netallocenes

r I 1 1 I I I I
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
low P m u m leavein tailor-madepolyolefins
process catalysts 8 Figure 5-8. Innovations in poly-
gas phase propylenecatalyst and process tech-
Pm- nology.

ization using first-generation catalysts was in" catalysts). Supported catalysts were the
performed as a slurry in nonpolar diluents key to gas phase and liquid pool polypropy-
such as hexane. which required special sol- lene processes where the use of solvent was
vent recovery. For the production of 1 ton eliminated. As will be reported in Sec. 5.2
of icotactic polypropylene up to 200 kg of in more detail, modern particle-forming cat-
waste needed to be disposed of, at that time alysts produce pellet-sized polypropylene
preferably by landfill. The progress of poly- during polymerization in liquid propylene,
propylene manufacturing and application is thus eliminating the need for pelletizing ex-
reviewed in the polypropylene handbooks trusion. The assignment of numbers for the
published by Moore ( 1996) and van der Ven different generations is somewhat arbitrary
( 1990).Polypropylene applications include because of the extraordinary variety of in-
injection-molded parts, films, fibers, and novative approaches.
blow-molded containers. The special recy- Since the 1980s, novel metallocene cat-
cling potential of polypropylene and poly- alysts have become available to produce
olefins with respect to other plastics is out- tailor-made homopolymers as well as copol-
lined by Brandrup et al. (1996). Polypropy- ymers of ethylene, propylene, and other
lene wastes can be remolded or degraded to 1-olefins, cycloolefins, and styrenes. The
recover oil feedstocks as raw material, as advantages of metallocene catalysts are:
schematically presented in Fig. 5-1.
Since the 1950s, polypropylene produc- high catalyst activity ("leave-in" cata-
tion has been revolutionized every 15 years. lysts),
Innovations, as summarized in Fig. 5-8, the production of polyolefins with narrow
have promoted the competitiveness of poly- molar mass distribution due to the exclu-
propylene, which is today competing very sive presence of a single type of catalyti-
successfully with other materials and other, cally active site,
more expensive and less environmentally independent control of molar mass, ster-
friendly polymers. During the 1970s, high- eoregularity, end groups, long and short
ly active and stereoselective catalyst gener- chain branching, and comonomer incor-
ations gave isotactic polypropylene in very poration, and
high yields without by-product formation. the production of very uniform copoly-
At catalysts activities exceeding 1 ton per mers over the entire comonomer compo-
gram of titanium (corresponding to 1 ppm sition range, including comonomers such
residual titanium in the polymer), catalyst as long chain 1-olefins, cycloolefins, and
residues were left in the polymer ("leave- styrene.
5.1 History and Trends 131

Figure 5-10. Spherulite formulation by the crystal-

lization of polypropylene from a polypropylene melt,
imaged in polarized light and color-enhanced by com-
m puter.
isotactic polypropylene
Figure 5-9. Molecular and supramolecular architec-
tures of polypropylene. merization leads to isotactic polypropylene
with a helical conformation ( 3 helix). In the
solid state, such helical chains fold to pro-
Novel catalyst generations, e.g., nickel- duce crystallites which grow to form sphe-
and palladium-based catalysts, produce co- rulites, which are visible in polarized light
polymers of nonpolar ethylene and 1-olefins as Maltesian cross-like structures (see
with polar monomers such as carbon Fig. 5-10). Depending on the polymer con-
monoxide and methyl acrylate (see figuration and in particular the regio- and
Sec. 5.5). Similar to the biosynthesis of pro- stereoregularities, it is possible to control
teins, which are derived from twenty amino polymer crystallization and to influence the
acids, industrial catalysis today converts a mechanical as well as the optical properties
small number of petrochemical monomers of the resulting polymers. After forty years
into a large variety of polymeric materials, of mainly trial-and-error-like catalyst de-
with applications ranging from automotive velopment, novel uniform catalysts give a
parts, films and thin wall containers for much better insight into the basic correla-
packaging, rubbers, textile fibers, and tions between the catalyst and the polymer
electrical insulation of appliances to micro- architectures, as well as the solid state
porous membranes for separation technolo- properties. Some of these key principles of
gy. The control of the molecular architec- catalyst and polymer design are presented
ture by tailor-made catalysts is the key to in this overview.
tailor-made polyolefins. As shown in
Fig. 5-9, steric control in propylene poly-
132 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin. and Styrene Polymerization

5.2 Polymerization Processes For stable operation it is important to pre-

vent the formation of very small dustlike
The basic scheme of an olefin polymer- particles with low bulk densities and to re-
ization process is displayed in Fig. 5- 11. move the heat of polymerization, which
Polymerization is initiated by injecting the amounts to 108 kJ per 42 g polypropylene!
catalyst, e.g., aluminum alkyl activated Gas phase polymerization can be performed
transition metal compounds, into the reac- in stirred tank reactors (see Fig. 5-12) or
tor together with the olefin, optional comon- fluidized bed reactors. The heat of polymer-
omers, diluents, and hydrogen, which con- ization is removed by cooling the monomer
trols the molecular mass. The preferred stream. The polymer obtained in gas phase
polymerization processes for ethylene poly- polymerization is recovered in a disengage-
merization are gas phase, solution, and slur- ment zone by vaporizing off and recycling
ry polymerization (James, 1986). Propylene the olefin gas.
is polymerized in gas phase and slurry pro- In slurry polymerizations, which are per-
cesses (Lieberman and Barbe, 1985). In a formed in stirred tank or loop reactors, the
slurry process, hydrocarbon diluents, such polymer is separated via centrifugation, fob
as hexane or liquid proylene in the case of lowed by steaming with water vapor to dis-
polypropylene manufacturing, are used. Be- till off residual monomer and diluents. Typ-
cause such diluents are nonsolvents for the ical reaction conditions for gas phase and
polyolefin. the growing polyolefin precipi- slurry polymerizations are temperatures be-
tates as soon as the chain reaches a critical low the melting temperature of polyethy-
molecular mass, thus forming partcles. Par- lene (T,= 135"C), usually in the range of
ticle morphology is controlled by means of 60- 80 "C,pressures of 10 atm (1 Mn m-*),
tailored supported catalysts (see Sec. 5.3). and average hold-up times of 4- 8 h. In con-

1- e.g. water


remval of wax

Figure 5-1 1. Olefin polymerization process.
5.2 Polymerization Processes 133
fluidized bed reactor stirred tank reactor



Figure 5-12. Gas phase polymerization in

a fluidized bed reactor (Unipol process,
Union Carbide) and in a stirred tank reac-
olefin feed
tor (Novolen, Targor).

trast, in a solution process, polyethylene is traction, which was required to remove wax-
obtained in a solution, e.g., in cyclohexane, like low molar mass byproducts, atactic
at temperatures above the melting tempera- polypropylene, and catalyst residues. With
ture of polyethylene, typically in the range particle-forming supported catalysts (see
of 150-280C. Upon cooling below Sec. 5.3 and 5.4), pelletizing extrusion is al-
150C, the polyethylene melt phase separ- so eliminated, because pellet-sized particles
ates from the cyclohexane and can be ex- are formed in the reactor (Lieberman and
truded. During extrusion, residual solvent is LeNoir, 1996). Modern solvent-free pro-
vaporized by applying a vacuum. Due to the cesses for producing polyolefins represent
very limited lifetime of catalysts at high environmentally friendly processes with
temperatures, such polyethylene solution very high efficiencies with respect to the
processes operate at much shorter hold-up utilization of feedstocks and energy.
times of 10-30 min and higher pressures Modern polyolefins are tailored in reac-
of approximately 100 atm (100 MPa). At tor cascades containing two or more reac-
higher temperatures, the degree of efficien- tors in sequence. For example polyolefins
cy of energy recovery is enhanced. In fact, with bimodal molar mass distributions are
the polymerization reaction generates heat prepared in a two-reactor system, as dis-
which can be used to generate steam. Most played in Fig. 5-13. In the first reactor, a
commercial polymers are sold as pellets, small amount of very high molecular mass
which are obtained by pelletizing extrusion. copolymer (molar mass > lo6 g/mol) is pro-
During extrusion, stabilizers, e.g., phenolic duced by catalytic copolymerization in the
antioxidants and hindered amine light sta- absence of hydrogen. Then, in the second
bilizers, are added to the polymers. As men- reactor, hydrogen is added to produce poly-
tioned earlier, modern catalyst generations ethylene with a much lower molecular mass
are the basis for simplified olefin polymer- of 100 000 - 500 000 g/mol. The small frac-
ization processes. Highly active and selec- tion of high molecular weight comonomer
tive catalysts eliminate both deactivation, functions are tie molecules between the
e.g., by injecting water or alcohols, and ex- crystallites, thus enhancing the environ-
tensive purification, by means of solvent ex- mental stress-crack resistance. The produc-
134 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization


molar mass

Figure 5-13. Polyethylene with a bimodal

1 u u 1x'1 u u u u up\ log M Imolar mass distribution, prepared in a reactor
/' \
"tie molecules" (from reactor 1) cascade.

tion of bimodal polyethylene pipe resins catalyst activity, high stereoselectivity with
was reviewed by Bohm et al. from Hoechst respect to the formation of isotactic polyol-
AG (1992, 1995).As mentioned in Sec. 5.3 efins, and high bulk density of the resulting
in more detail. reactor granule technology, polyolefins containing no dust-like polyol-
as developed by Montell, employs a se- efin particle fraction (average particle sizes
quence consisting of a liquid pool loop re- <I0 pm). Even during the pioneering days
actor combined with a gas phase reactor in of transition metal catalyzed olefin poly-
order to produce multiphase polymers merization in the 1960s, it was well recog-
where either ethylene/propylene rubber is nized that catalyst activity is proportional to
dispersed in polypropylene (Montell's Ca- the number of active centers and monomer
talloy technology) or styrene or acrylic concentration (Eq. 5-1). Active center de-
monomers are incorporated into micropores termination revealed that the first genera-
of polypropylene by means of free radical tion of Ziegler catalysts gave less than l%
polymerization in polypropylene particles active titanium in propylene polymeriza-
(Montell's Hivalloy technology). Reactor tion! Since only transition metal alkyls lo-
cascades continue to play an important role cated on the catalyst surface offer free va-
in the tailor-making of polyolefin materials, cant coordination sites for olefin complex-
especially reactor blends, with new proper- ation and insertion into the transition metal
ty combinations (Galli et al., 1995). alkyl bond, catalyst development was di-
rected towards immobilization of transition
metal alkyls at the surface of inert support
materials with a high specific surface area
5.3 Supported Catalysts or a large pore volume. Moreover, during
and Morphology Control polymerization most first-generation cata-
lysts are embedded in a shell of polyolefins
Both slurry and gas phase processes re- impermeable to the gas which causes severe
quire tailor-made supported catalysts to limitation to monomer diffusion to the ac-
achieve \table operation, i.e., constant high tive centers. Therefore supported catalysts
5.3 Supported Catalysts and Morphology Control 135

+ MR4

M: Ti, Zr,Hf
R: CH2CMe3,CH2Ph, CMe2Ph


Figure 5-14. Supported activa-

tor-free transition metal alkyls.

are preferred where the catalyst particles (Colette et al., 1989). This reaction pathway
undergo fragmentation during polymeriza- is schematically presented in Fig. 5- 14.
tion. For activator-free transition metal al- Another important quest was the devel-
kyls, Ziegler-Natta, and metallocene cata- opment of stereoselective catalysts for the
lysts, different strategies have been em- production of isotactic polypropylene using
ployed to produce industrial supported cat- Ziegler-Natta catalysts based upon alumi-
alysts. It should be noted that there are no num alkyl activated titanium halides. Orig-
universal supports, because the support ma- inally, it was believed that only heterogene-
terials must offer very specific coordination ous catalysts were able to produce isotactic
sites which are different for individual tran- polypropylene. Therefore extensive re-
sition metal compounds. search during the last forty years was aimed
at the systematic modification of titanium
Rpkp rc*1 [MI (5- 1)
trichloride crystal structures (Boor, 1979).
where Rp is the polymerization rate, [C*]
A breakthrough occurred during the late
is the active center concentration, and [MI
1960s when MgCI, was applied as a high
is the monomer concentration.
surface area support in conjunction with
The performance of Phillips-type Lewis bases as catalyst modifiers. Since the
Si02/Cr03catalysts was improved signifi- crystal structure of MgC12 is equivalent to
cantly when low valency chromium was that of yTiC13, MgCI2 can substitute inac-
supported on silica. Chromium is attached tive bulk titanium halides and offers the ad-
to the silica support via reaction with sila- equate coordination site at the MgCI2 sur-
no1 groups at the silica surface. Similarly, face. Magnesium halides with high surface
ICI and Du Pont developed A1203-support- areas are produced by different routes, e.g.,
ed TiR4 and ZrR, (R=CH2Ph, CH2CMe3, grinding magnesium salts together with ti-
or CH2CMe2Ph), where Zr-0 bonds were tanium compounds in a ball mill, the chlor-
formed between the support surface and the ination of soluble magnesium alkyls, or the
catalytically active transition metal alkyls mixing of magnesium alkyls with aluminum
136 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization

donor can selectively poison nonstereose-

lective, catalytically active sites. Such less
stereoselective sites are complexed (prefer-

I grinding

solid catalyst (1% Ti, >40mz/g)

ably), because low stereoregularity is due to
less steric hindrance, which causes higher
Lewis acidity with respect to the highly
stereoselective, less Lewis acidic sites. To-

I + AliBu, + C,H,Si(OEt),

activated catalyst
day the use of 1,3-diethers has eliminated
the need for external donor addition.
During the 1980s Galli and co-workers at
Figure 5-15. Preparation of \tereowlecti\ e MgC12-
Montedison - now Montell - discovered
wpported titaniuin cdtalyrt\
that the solid catalyst acts as a template
for the formation of the polypropylene
particles. Spherical catalyst particles, form
spherical, pellet-sized polypropylene parti-
cles. In Montells Spheripol process such
particle-forming catalysts eliminate the
need for pelletizing extrusion, thus sim-
plifying olefin polymerization processes
(Albizatti et al., 1996). During the 1990s,
advanced morphology control catalyst
Figure 5-16. Reactor granule technology for poly- systems were developed for use in Montells
propylene (Spheripol. Catalloy. and Hivalloy technol- reactor granule technology (Galli, 1995)
ogies from Montell). (Fig. 5-16). Depending on the catalyst mor-
phology, it is possible to control the poros-
ity of the polypropylene particles. Micro-
alkyls prior to contact with titanium com- porous polypropylene granules have been
pounds. This remarkable development was used to incorporate separate microphases
reviewed by Tait and Watkins (1989). Al- into the continuous polypropylene matrix.
bizzati et al. (1995. 19961, and Chadwick In Montells Catalloy technology, ethylene/
( 1995). propylene copolymerization is performed in
According to Fig. 5- 15, anhydrous mag- the gas phase using the polypropylene gran-
nesium chloride is ground together with ules (formed i n liquid propylene) as micro-
TiC1, anddiethyl phthalate as an internal do- reactors. Since the deagglomeration pro-
nor to produce high surface area MgClz-sup- cess accounts for the uniform distribution
ported catalysts containing 1% Ti. These of catalytically active sites throughout the
catalysts are composed of agglomerates of particles, EPM rubber microphases are in-
very small primary catalyst particles. The corporated in the second gas phase reactor
addition of internal donors prevents irrever- by copolymerizing ethylene with propylene
sible agglomeration of such nanoparticles inside the polypropylene spheres. More-
and promotes deagglomeration during poly- over, microporous granules are used in
merization. The solid catalyst is activated Montells Hivalloy process to incorporate
with aluminum alkyl containing an external microphases of polystyrene or acrylic poly-
donor. preferably a silane or diether. At alu- mers, which are polymerized in such poly-
minum/donor molar ratios > 1, the external propylene micropores by a free radical
5.4 Polymerization Mechanisms and Stereoselectivity 137

mechanism. Morphology control is the key 1 : 0.05 -0.3) improved the productivity of
to polypropylene reactor blends for applica- the catalyst system Cp2TiEtC1/EtA1C12sig-
tions such as engineering plastics, which ex- nificantly, and this finding was attributed to
hibit improved properties such as a combi- the formation of aluminoxanes resulting
nation of stiffness, strength, impact resis- from the partial hydrolysis of aluminum al-
tance, and higher heat distortion temperature. kyls (Sinn and Kaminsky, 1980). After the
Special supported catalysts have been preparation of methylaluminoxane (MAO)
developed for metallocene-catalyzed gas as a most efficient cocatalyst for metallo-
phase polymerization. In order to preserve cene complexes of group 4 metals in the late
the single site nature of the homogeneous 1970s, the stage was set to develop structu-
metallocene catalysts, they are adsorbed in rally well-defined polymerization catalysts
porous silica which is first dehydrated and on the basis of group 4 metallocenes and to
coated with methylalumoxanes. The pros- investigate the nature of the active species
pect of metallocene-catalyzed gas phase in Ziegler-Natta catalysis on the molecular
polymerization was reviewed by Hungen- level. Even more intriguing is the funda-
berg et al. (1995). mental possibility of controlling the tactic-
ity of polypropylene through the molecular
structure of the metallocene catalyst, which
5.4 Polymerization Mechanisms was recognized by Ewen (1984) as well as
Kaminsky et al. in 1985. Since the pioneer-
and Stereoselectivity
ing work by Turner and Schrock (1983), Jor-
dan (1991), and others at a later date, it has
5.4.1 History and Principles of Metallo-
now been established in a great number of
cene Catalysis
studies that cationic 14-electron alkyl
Soon after the epoch-making discovery of (Cp2MR)+is the active site for chain prop-
Ziegler-Natta catalysts, metallocene com- agation. Elegant kinetic studies recently
plexes were used as soluble models for het- performed by the groups of Brintzinger and
erogeneous systems, the predominant cata- Bercaw have proved the decisive role of
lysts for commercial use in polyolefin pro- a-agostic interaction of the growing chain
duction. The combination of alkyl alumi- with the transition metal center (Coates and
num compounds and titanocene complexes Grubbs, 1996). More recently, worldwide
such as Cp2TiC12(Cp = qs-CsH5) was found effort has been concentrating on finding a
to be moderately active for the polymeriza- transparent relationship between the ligand
tion of ethylene but failed to polymerize a- properties of the catalyst and the polymer
olefins (Natta et al., 1957; Breslow and structure, as well as developing novel non-
Newburg, 1957). The Cossee-Arlman mod- metallocene catalyst precursors for the con-
el for the polyinsertion mechanism, pub- trolled polymerization of a-olefins and co-
lished in 1964 (Arlman and Cossee, 1964), polymerizations (Okuda, 1993; Mulhaupt
had to remain without direct proof from the and Rieger, 1996).
coordination chemistry point of view. In the From the early days of Ziegler-Natta
1970 s several groups noticed the activating catalysis on, it was recognized that the metal
effect of traces of water, commonly believed centers capable of performing polyinsertion
to be a strong catalyst poison, in such met- of olefins had to have two cis-configurated
allocene systems. Thus the addition of coordination sites (Arlman and Cossee,
a small amount of water (Al:H20= 1964). One of them would be an empty
138 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization

c "Back Skip"

Figure 5-17. Cossee- Arlman mechanism.

site where the olefin monomer would be co- the same. Thus the chain-growing step can
ordinated and. in the case of the a-olefin, be regarded as a repetitive migratory inser-
oriented in a stereospecific way. The other tion into the alkyl or hydrido bond, preced-
site would carry an alkyl or hydrido Iigand ed by coordination of the monomer both in
into which the olefin inserts. forming a new the heterogeneous and homogeneous cata-
metal-alkyl bond. Apart from the finer de- lysts (Fig. 5-4and Fig. 5-17).
tail\, the elementary steps occurring on het- Although the use of methylaluminoxane
erogeneous catalyst surfaces and in soluble as the cocatalyst results in a dramatic in-
metallocene complexes should be basically crease, by several orders of magnitude, of
5.4 Polymerization Mechanisms and Stereoselectivity 139

the efficiency of metallocene catalysts and copy (Shishta et al., 1992). Using tert-butyl-
allows the formation of high molecular aluminoxane this elementary step during the
weight polyolefins, there is still no comple- activation of metallocene complexes could
tely clear picture of its structure and func- be simulated (Fig. 5- 18).
tion. The reaction of trimethylaluminum If the neutral metallocene is regarded as
with water gives a very complex reaction a dormant species, then according to Fig. 5-
mixture of several aluminum species which 18 the increase in the number of cationic
still contain sizable amounts of unreacted species is related to the amount of methyl-
trimethylaluminum. Based on many differ- aluminoxane employed. In practice, a large
ent spectroscopic and model studies, it has excess of methylaluminoxane is required
been established that methylaluminoxane with respect to the transition metal. Molar
consists of a dynamic mixture of intercon- a1uminum:metal ratios of >lo0 are re-
verting cage-type oligomers formed from quired, although preferably ratios in the
AlMe20 and Me2A10A1MeOA1Me2units. range of 1000 and 5000mol/mol are em-
Both tri- and tetra-coordinate aluminum ployed. Analogous to the earlier metallo-
centers seem to be present. The activating cene catalysts activated with conventional
effect of methylaluminoxane can be divid- alkyl aluminum compounds for ethylene
ed into at least two functions: Firstly, meth- polymerization, the elementary steps in-
ylaluminoxane and/or the trimethylalumi- volve intermittent growth of the polymer
num contained in the cocatalyst mixture per- chain. During chain growth a very rapid
form alkylation of the metallocene dichlo- equilibrium is established between the neu-
ride Cp2MCI,, commonly employed as the tral contact ion pair, the dormant species,
metallocene component in homogeneous and the catalytically active cationic species
polymerization catalysts to give Cp2MRCl at the chain end. This equilibrium between
or Cp2MR2.In the case of titanium complex- dormant and active sites is very fast com-
es, it is known that such alkyl species may
decompose in a variety of ways, inter alia
producing titanium(II1) or alkylidene spe-
cies such as Tebbe's reagent, Cp2Ti(p-
Cl)(p-CH2)2AlMe2. This fact is related to
the shorter lifetime of many titanium-based
metallocene catalysts.
The second, more crucial function of
methylaluminoxane is to generate and sta-
bilize cationic metallocene species by ab-
stracting one anionic (alkyl or chloro) li-
gand. The Lewis acidic aluminum center is
transformed into a tetra-coordinate alumi-
num center A1X4-, which as part of a larger
cage is capable of distributing the negative
charge and functions as a so-called weakly
coordinating anion. The existence of cation-
ic metallocenium ions such as (Cp2ZrMe)+
in the presence of methylaluminoxane was Figure 5-18. Model for the function of methylal-
confirmed by I3C and 91ZrNMR spectros- uminoxane.
140 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization

pared to chain growth, and does not such as perfluorinated tetraphenylbo-

broaden the molecular weight distribution. rate [B(C,F,),]- or carborane ions
In fact, one of the key features of metallo- [M(C2B9H1 (M=Fe, Co, Ni). Several
cene catalysts is the presence of essentially routes towards generating a cationic metal-
one type of active center. which produces locene alkyl complex in the presence of a
polyolefins with narrow polydispersity weakly coordinating anion are now pos-
around the theoretically expected value for sible, and are summarized in Fig. 5-19.
M J M , , of 2.0 ("single-site catalysts" as op- According to crystallographic studies,
posed to the conventional multi-site cata- e.g. of (Cp,ZrMe)+[MeB(C6F,),1-, the
lysts with M,IM, > 5 ) . methyl group bridges zirconium and boron,
A wide variety of MAO-free cationic indicating the presence of a coordinat-
metallocene systems has been developed ing site at the electrophilic metal for the
(Jordan. 1991) where the active site for olefin coordination (Fig. 5-20). Model com-
chain propagation, the cationic 14-electron pounds for the so-called n-complex of ole-
alkyl (Cp,MR)+. is stabilized by a weakly fins have recently been synthesized and
coordinating anion. The simplest way to demonstrate the exceedingly weak bonding
generate an active system consists of between the do metal center and the olefin
reacting a dialkyl, such as Cp2ZrMe2, (Wu et al., 1995).
with the strong Lewis acid tris(penta- Isoelectronic species to the metalloceni-
fluoropheny1)borane to give (Cp,ZrMe)+ um ions of group 4 metals are neutral lan-
[ MeB(C6F5)?]-.The anionic species (MAO- thanocene complexes of the general type
X ) - can be replaced by other suitable anions Cp2LnR (Ln=rare earth metals; R = H , al-
kyl). They can be regarded as single-com-
ponent catalysts, since they do not require
any co-catalysts. Although many systems
are highly active (and virtually living, vide
infra) in ethylene polymerization, they suf-
fer from low activity towards a-olefins
(Watson and Parshall, 1985). Nevertheless,
they offer numerous versatile model sys-
tems for the investigation of homogeneous
olefin polymerization catalysts.
A = [RB(c6F5)3rt [B(c6F5)4r1[CO(CZB~HII)J As a way to control the molecular weight
M = Ti, Zr, Hf;R = H, alkyl and the molecular weight distribution, as
Figure 5-19. Methods of metaIIocenium formation. well as to prepare rational block copoly-


Figure 5-20. Crystallographic struc-
tures of metallocenium ions.
5.4 Polymerization Mechanisms and Stereoselectivity 141

mers for the construction of various macro- um(II1) diketonate/A1R2C1 were found to
molecular architectures, living or controlled polymerize propylene in a living manner.
polymerization of olefins has long been a Thus, at -78 "C, V(acac),/Et2A1C1 gives
challenge in polymer synthesis. The re- syndiotactic polypropylene (r dyad content
placement of multi-site heterogeneous cat- 81%) with M,/Mn=l.l (Doi et al., 1979).
alysts by structurally defined homogeneous The controlled polymerization of a-ole-
systems has opened up an unprecedented fins was reported more recently using non-
possibility to achieve this goal. An early ex- metallocene complexes containing linked
ample of the controlled polymerization of amido-cyclopentadienyl or chelating diami-
ethylene is performed by a tantalum alkyl do ligand systems. For example, the in situ
complex Ta(PMe3)212(CH2-t-Bu)that tauto- generated 12-electron scandium complex
merizes to the alkylidene hydrido complex (q5-C5Me4SiMe2N-t-Bu)ScR gives oligo-
Ta(PMe3),12H(=CH-t-Bu) (Turner and (propylene) at lower temperatures (Piers
Schrock, 1983). Several structurally well- et al., 1990), and the Lewis acid activated
defined complexes were reported to give diamido titanium Ti(ArNCH2CH2CH2NAr)-
polyethylene with narrow molecular distri- Me2/B(C6F& (Ar = 2,6-i-Pr2C6H3) com-
butions (M,/M, <1. l), suggesting that the plex has been claimed to polymerize l-hex-
chain transfer and termination is rather slow ene even at room temperature to give po-
relative to the propagation at a single metal ly( l-hexene) with polydisperisty values as
center (Fig. 5-21). a-Olefins were more dif- low as M,/M,= 1.05 (Scollard and McCon-
ficult to polymerize in a living fashion, since ville, 1996). The mechanism for this poly-
Phydride elimination effectively competes merization, however, is not clear to date.
with the insertion reaction. Furthermore, de- Regardless of the catalyst nature, once the
activation reactions such as o-bond meta- active center is formed, chain growth pro-
thesis to give alkanes or the formation of a ceeds by repetitive insertion of the monomer
stable $-ally1 complex may readily occur. into the metal-carbon bond until chain ter-
Albeit with low efficiency, homogeneous mination by Phydride elimination or chain
Ziegler catalysts systems based on vanadi- transfer occurs. End group analysis is infor-

/& N /sc-H
I Figure 5-21. Living catalysts for olefin
142 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization

o-Bond Metathesis

- LnM-CH3 +

P-CH3 Elimination

- AIR3
L,M--R + R2AI

H-Transfer ' 'n

Figure 5-22. Chain trriniriation pathways during propyleiie polymerization.

mative for determining the nature ofthe var- M , = 50 000, and the optimized catalyst
ious termination steps, as summarized in based on the benzindenyl ligand gives
Fig. 5-22. M,= 100000-SO0000 (vide infra). The
The metal hydride species resulting from metallocene active site, as depicted in
termination reactions. such as Phydride Fig. 5-23, clearly resembles the highly iso-
elimination. is capable of starting a new specific titanium center on the a-TiCI, sur-
chain. The orientation of the incoming face, which through the support environ-
monomer at the active center is well estab- ment basically exerts the same steric con-
lished using the quadrant model proposed trol on the monomer.
by Pino et al. ( 1987)for the chiral Brintzing-
er-type ansa-metallocene. It is now possible
to control the activity to a certain extent by 5.4.2 Regio- and Stereoselective
nianipulating the substitution pattern of the Polymerization of a-Olefins
metallocene catalyst. For example, a meth- During metal-catalyzed polymerization
yl group i n the ?-position of a dimethylsi- of a-olefins, the regioselectivity becomes
lanediyl bridged bis(cyclopentadieny1) li- an important issue (Fig. 5-24). If the I-po-
gand evidently decreases the probability of sition (tail) of the 1 -alkene is inserted, I ,2-
chain termination. Thus, at S O "C, Cp,. or primary insertion results, which is the
ZrC12/MA0gives M , = 1 -500, which is in- normal case in most of the heterogeneous
creased by C,H4( 1-indenyl),ZrCI, to and homogeneous catalysts. If the 2-posi-
5.4 Polymerization Mechanisms and Stereoselectivity 143

lene), but one that is formed from propylene

without using ethylene (Fig. 5-25).
The state-of-the-art Ziegler-Natta cata-
lysts supported on magnesium chloride
were optimized to produce highly isotactic
polypropylene containing less than 1% ster-
ic irregularities, such as head-to-head en-
chainment and isolated steric inversions due
to false insertion. It is well established that
chiral, catalytically active centers in the
Ti 0 CI case of stereoselective supported catalysts,
or the stereogenic carbon of the last
monomer unit at the chain end, control enan-
tiofacial discrimination of the prochiral
a-olefins. This results in stereoregular po-
ly(a-olefins), while the insertion type is
closely associated with the nature of the end
groups and the regioselectivity. I3C NMR
spectroscopic analysis of the polymer mi-
crostructure allows the evaluation of stereo-
regularity as a measure of stereoselectivity,
and head-to-head enchainment as a measure
of regioselectivity (Pino and Miilhaupt,
Using metallocene catalysts, the stereo-
Figure 5-23. Chiral metal sites on a-TiC1, and with- chemical course of the a-olefin insertion has
in the C2H4(q5-C9Hlo)2Zrfragment. now been well established: the cis addition
of the prochiral l-alkene across the metal-
carbon bond during the insertion is proven
tion (head) of the l-alkene is inserted, 2,l- by the polymerization of cis- 1,2-dideuteri-
or secondary insertion occurs. Regioirregu- opropylene-d,. According to Fig. 5-26, ex-
larities such as head-to-head coupling (2,l- clusive formation of erythro - rather than of
followed by 1,24nsertion) and tail-to-tail threo diisotactic polypropylene is observed.
coupling (1,2-followed by 2,1-insertion) Depending on from which enantioface (Si
may occasionally occur during propylene or Re) each insertion occurs, three possibil-
polymerization and can be detected by de- ities result, namely, isotactic (same enantio-
fects along the polymer chain. If a (relative- face, same absolute configurations along the
ly slow) 2,l-insertion is followed by P H chain), syndiotactic (alternating enantio-
elimination from the methyl group and 1,2- face and absolute configurations along the
reinsertion and insertion of the next chain), and atactic (random enantioface and
monomer, again in a 1,2-fashion, the poly- absolute configurations along the chain).
mer will exhibit a so-called 1,3-insertion Enantiomorphic site control is operative
with a tetramethylene segment within the whenever the chiral metal center discrimi-
chain. The polymer formed in this scenario nates between the two enantiofaces of the
is equivalent to a poly(propy1ene-co-ethy- prochiral monomer. The chirally arranged
144 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization


P-H Eliminatlon
I \

' 2

A LnM4+

i3-H Elimination


P-H Elimination

Figure 5-24. Regioselectivity of propylene insertion.

Zr *
/, Zr m Figure 5-25. Mechanism of
"2.1-inser tion" "1.3-insertion" "1.3-insertion".

coordination sphere around the metal cen- last-inserted monomer in the growing chain
ter is t h u h responsible for the stereoregular- directs the prochiral monomer (Fig. 5-27).
ity ofthe poly( 1 -alkene). On the other hand, Ideally, by I3C NMR spectroscopic analy-
a so-called chain-end mechanism is opera- ses of the methyl groups in the resulting
tive if the stereogenic carbon atom of the polymer, it is possible to distinguish
5.4 Polymerization Mechanisms and Stereoselectivity 145


Figure 5-26. Proof of cis-insertion of propylene using (E)-propylene- 1 ,2,3,3,3-d5.

Cotolytic-site control

m m m r r m m m

mmmr : mmrr : mmrm : m r r m = 2 :2 :0 :1

Chain-end control

m m m r m m m m

Figure 5-27. Chain end versus enan-

mmmr : m m r r : mmrm : mrTm = 1 : 0 : I : 0 tiomorphic site control.

between these two possibilities. In the case can be observed by a characteristic 2 :2 : 1

of chain end control, the error is propagat- pattern of mmmr, mmrr, and mrrm pentads
ed and can be detected by the presence of (Fig. 5-28).
mmmr and mmrm pentads in a 1 : 1 ratio. If With metallocene catalysts it has become
the catalyst site controls the insertion ste- possible to tailor various catalysts and to
reochemistry, any error which may occur produce almost at will a broad range of
during the propagation is corrected. This stereoisomeric polypropylenes, as summar-
146 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin. Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization

chemical chain end control (Ewen et al.,

The use of racemic C2-symmetrical zir-
conocene rac-[ I , I '-ethylenebis(4,5,6,7-tet-
rahydro- 1 -indenyl)]zirconium dichloride
(as developed by Brintzinger) leads to high-
ly isotactic polypropylene, as discovered in-
dependently and simultaneously by Ewen
(1 984) and Kaminsky et al. ( 1985). Here an
enantiomorphic site control is proposed to
be operative on the basis of defects within
the polymer chain. The diastereomeric me-
so derivative gives entirely atactic polypro-
pylene in low yields.
In the past decade, extensive variation of
the substitution pattern in metallocene cat-
alysts resulted in the development of opti-
mized systems with superb productivity,
stereospecificity, and molecular weights
The isospecific catalysts developed inde-
pendently by Brintzinger ( 1995) and Spa-
i ' ' ~ ' I ~ ' ~ ~ ,' ~ l ~ ,[
leck (1994) are able to match the perfor-
, , 3 8 * 5 , # I / I I I

23 0 22.0 21.0 20.0 $9.0


mance of the commercial heterogeneous

Figure 5-28. ' H NMR spectra of isotactic (above)
ant1 ;ti;rctic polypropylene (BrintLinger et al.. 1995).
catalysts with a productivity of 10' kg/g
metal, stereoselectivity >99% isotactic, and
M, > 500000. The rather tedious evolution
of such highly isospecific catalyst systems,
ized in Fig. 5-29 (Miihring and Coville. starting from the prototypical ansa-zircono-
1994). cene dichloride, is summarized in Fig. 5-30.
The simple metallocene dichloride The high degree of knowledge and under-
Cp.MC1, (M =Ti. Zr, Hf) is completely non- standing can be regarded as one of the most
stereoselective. and the polypropylene pro- impressive achievements in chemistry
duced by it is ideally atactic with the two (Brintzinger et al., 1995).
absolute configurations of the stereogenic The C,-symmetrical metallocene com-
carbon atoms of the repeat unit randomly plex with an isopropylidene-bridged cyclo-
distributed along the main chain. The poly- pentadienyl-tluorenyl ligand system yields
mer obtained is amorphous and tacky, at- syndiotactic polypropylene with a high con-
tracting only limited industrial interest. The tent of rrrr pentads. A site-control mecha-
achiral titanocene derivative Cp2TiPhz nism is indicated by the presence of defects
gives an isotactic stereoblock polymer be- of the rmmr type pentads (Ewen et al.,
low a temperature of -30C. although it is 1988). This can be accounted for by assum-
nonstereoselective at room temperature. ing that the position of the polymer chain in
The presence of perpetuated steric inver- the heterotopic sites within the coordination
sions indicates that the chirality of the last sphere determines the chirality of the metal
monomer unit is responsible for stereo- center. After each insertion step, the abso-
5.4 Polymerization Mechanisms and Stereoselectivity 147


isotactic stereoblock






low stereoregular,

Figure 5-29. Polypropylene by metallocene catalysis.

lute configuration of the metal center alter- urations of the stereogenic carbon atom in
nates (Fig. 5-31). Unless the chain does not the monomeric repeat units. Such fluoren-
migrate to the other side (back skip), the yl-based metallocene catalysts produce syn-
next incoming monomer always approach- diotactic polypropylene in high yields and
es the metal from the opposite side, result- are currently being considered for commer-
ing in the formation of syndiotactic poly- cial scale-ups, since this polypropylene ex-
propylene with alternating absolute config- hibits higher toughness and improved opti-
148 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization

15 24 36

85 78.5 81.7

125 132 137

1031~1, 19 330 875

%mmmm 94.3 88.7 99.1

Tnv "C 155 146 161

Figure 5-30. Evolution of highly isospecific metallocene catalyst. Polymerization conditions: Al: Zr = 150 000;
70C in liquid propylene (Spaleck et al.. 1994).

cal clarity with slightly reduced hardness of hemiisotactic and isotactic polypropy-
and stiffness. Syndiospecific polymeriza- lenes by merely increasing the steric bulk of
tion of propylene could only be performed the cyclopentadienyl ligand by introducing
with low efficiency at -78 "C using the clas- a methyl and tert-butyl substituent in the
sic Ziegler catalyst system VCI,/AIEt2CI. 3-position within the isopropylidene
In this case 2. I -insertion of propylene oc- bridged (cyclopentadienyl)(9-fluorenyl) lig-
curs predominantly and chain-end control and framework (Fig. 5-32). More recently,
seems to determine the syndiospecificity. the first nonfluorenyl-based metallocene
The correctness of the mechanistic inter- catalysts (Me,Si),( $CsH2R)( qs-Cs-i-
pretation for stereospecific metallocene cat- Pr2H)ZrC12for syndiospecific polymeriza-
alysts was corroborated by the development tion were developed; these also allow a
5.4 Polymerization Mechanisms and Stereoselectivity 149

Figure 5-31. Mechanism for the syndiospecific

Me Me Me Me Me propylene polymerization.

switch of the stereoselectivity by modifying Coates (1995) consist of nonlinked metal-

R (Herzog et al., 1996). locene complexes such as bis(2-phenylinde-
Stereoblock copolymers containing crys- ny1)zirconium dichloride. Upon activation
talline isotactic segments and highly flex- with methylaluminoxane, it is capable of
ible amorphous, less stereoregular segments producing stereoblock polypropylene with
form thermally reversible, crosslinked, melt- both isotactic and atactic segments, depend-
processable elastomers. According to ing on the monomer concentration and tem-
Chien (Llinas et al., 1992), the methyl- perature. The mechanism proposed implies
aluminoxane-activated, ethylidene-bridged the presence of rotational isomers of race-
tetramethylcyclopentadienyl indenyl de- mo-like and meso-like conformations,
rivative MeHC( q5-C5Me4)(q5-C9H6)TiC12 which result from the hindered rotation of
produces thermoplastic elastomeric poly- the substituted indenyl ligands about the
propylenes exhibiting high elongation, low metal-ligand axis. The C2-symmetric con-
modulus, and mechanical hysteresis. Ear- formation is believed to give rise to isospec-
lier heterogeneous multi-site systems, ificity, while the meso-like conformation re-
Zr(CH2CMe,Ph)4/alumina, were reported sults in aspecific monomer insertions
to form in situ blends of isotactic and stereo- (Fig. 5-33). Methylaluminoxane-activated
block polypropylenes. So-called oscillating bis( 1-methylfluoreny)zirconium dichloride
catalysts introduced by Waymouth and gives at 60 "C polypropylene with 83%
150 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization

8 %


... -. ---u-
Figure 5-32. Metallocene cata-
lysts for syndiotactic, hemiiso-
tactic, and isotactic polypropy-
syndiotactic hemiisotactic isotactic lene.

racemetike m e s e l ike


Figure 5-33. Oscillating met-

allocene catalysts for propylene

mmmm pentad distribution, suggesting that 5.4.3 Polymerization of Cyclic Olefins,

the chiral C2-symmetry is retained and the Cyclopolymerization, and Stereoselective
ligand rotation is prohibited (Razavi and At- Polymerization of Styrene
wood, 1993).Metallocene catalysts without
bridges have attracted some interest as syn- Strained unsaturated alicycles have been
thetically easier accessible alternatives for known to be polymerizable by a number of
the isospecific ansa-metallocenes, but the structurally well-characterized organome-
loss of stereorigidity normally gives a more tallic complexes under ring opening olefin
flexible catalyst which is better suited for metathesis polymerization (ROMP). On the
the synthesis of stereoblock polyolefins. other hand, some Ziegler catalysts induce
5.4 Polymeriz ation Mechanisms and Stereoselectivity 151

the polymerization of such monomers with- mogeneously catalyzed cyclopolymeriza-

out ring opening. ansa-Metallocenes were tion of 1,5-hexadiene giving poly(methy-
found to polymerize cyclobutene, cyclopen- lene- 1,3-~yclopentane)in order to utilize the
tene, and norbornene to give materials with stereoselectivity of the monomer insertion
very high heat distortion temperatures. Cy- for the construction of a polymer with main
clopentene undergoes a remarkable isomer- chain chirality. Cyclopolymerization is a
ization within the coordination sphere and chain growth reaction during which a con-
gives a polymer with strictly 1,3- instead of ventional insertion of a vinylic function into
1,2-enchainment (Collins and Kelly, 1992). the transition metal-carbon bond is followed
Depending on the metallocene structure, by an intramolecular insertion, resulting in
both cis and trans configuration of the 1,3- the formation of alicyclic rings connected
cyclopentanediyl units can be observed by methylene groups. Thus, from 1,5-hexa-
(Fig. 5-34). On the other hand, norbornene diene, a polymer chain is obtained in which
was found to be polymerized to give po- methylene and 1,3-~yclopentanediylfrag-
ly(norbornene) by cis-exo l ,2-insertions. ments are arranged in a strictly alternating
From the commercial standpoint, metallo- sequence (Fig. 5-35). By modifying the
cene-catalyzed copolymerization of ethy- catalysts ligand sphere, control over the di-
lene with cyclopentene and norbornene has astereoselectivity could be achieved: Cp2_
attracted major interest (see Sec. 5.5). ZrC12 leads to mainly trans, the sterically
Although optically active oligomers can more congested Cp*,ZrCI2 predominantly
be obtained in the presence of aresolved chi- to cis, connection of the cyclopentane frag-
ral metallocene complex, high molecular ments. An analysis of possible stereoisom-
weight isotactic, as well as syndiotactic, ers shows four structures of maximum or-
polypropylene contain mirror planes and are der, of which all but the racemo-diisotactic
therefore achiral (cryptochiral). Coates polymer are achiral. The latter does not con-
and Waymouth (1993) employed the ho- tain a mirror plane and is chiral due to


Figure 5-34. 1,3-Enchainment of cyclopentene.

152 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization

ane revaled a molar optical rotation of

[ @]'18405= +5 1.O", whereas the polymer
analogously prepared using the (+)-(S,S)-
enantiomer showed a value of [@]28405=
-51.2", consistent with the formation of
polymers with main chain chirality (Fig.
Cyclopolymerizations of functionalized
1,6-heptadienes such as 4-trimethylsiloxy-
1,6-heptadiene became possible using
Cp*,ZrC12 and B(C6F5)3 as the cocatalyst
(Fig. 5-36). Upon hydrolysis, poly(methy-
lene-3-hydroxycyclohexane) is obtained
(Kesti et al., 1992).
Methylenecyclobutane can be poly-
merized using ( q5-1,2-Me2C5H3),ZrMe2/
B(C6F5)3to give a new type of polyolefin
with methylene groups along the main
Figure 5-35. Enantioselective cyclopolymerization chain. The proposed mechanism implies the
of I .S-hexadiene.
1,2-insertion of one monomer and a b-alkyl
isomerization to give an alkyl intermediate
followed by the next insertion (Fig. 5-37).
The formation of the ring-opened polymer
by direct oxidative addition of the 2 - 3 bond
cat. OSiMe, OSiMe, OSiMe3
of the methylenecyclobutane was ruled out
since copolymerization with excess I3C-la-

( cat. * R z(i-!&
beled ethylene results in a copolymer where
every CH, group is flanked by one "CH,

R = N(i-Pr)z, OTBDMS
7F" and one I2CH2 unit. According to kinetic
studies, the monomer insertion and not the
cat = Cp'*ZrMe+ MeB(C6F&-
ring opening is the turnover-limiting step
Figure 5-36. Cyclopolymrriration of functionalized (Yang et al., 1993).
1.6-heptadiene. When soluble titanium complexes are ac-
tivated with methylaluminoxane or by any
of the protocols to prepare the titanium-cen-
configurationally determined main chain tered alkyl cations, styrene is polymerized
stereochemistry. By using a chiral catalyst to give syndiospecific polystyrene (Ishi-
[ I . l'-ethylenebis(4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1 -inde- hara et al.. 1988; Po and Cardi, 1996). In
nyl)]zirconium, 1,l'-binaphtholate, which contrast to amorphous atactic and also iso-
had been prepared from optically active ( R ) - tactic polystyrene, previously prepared by
or ( S ) -1 .1'-binaphthol, the enantioselective classical Ziegler catalysts TiCLJAlEt,, and
cyclopolymerization of 1 ,5-hexadiene was easily discerned by NMR spectroscopy
in fact possible. Poly(methy1ene- 1,3-cyclo- (Fig. 5-38), syndiotactic polystyrene is a
pentane) synthesized in the presence of potentially useful material. It shows a re-
(-)-(R,R)-enantiomer and methylalumox- markably high melting temperature of about
5.4 Polymerization Mechanisms and Stereoselectivity 153

* 111

Figure 5-37.
p-Alkyl Elimination methylenecyclobutane.

270 C (isotactic polystyrene: T, = 224 C) of tetravalent titanium [(q5-C5R5)TiR2]+,

and high crystallinity along with a good rate which undergoes homolytic cleavage of one
of crystallization. It is resistant to chemi- of the two alkyl groups. The observation that
cals, steam, and electric and mechanical other metal centers, including the homolo-
stress, and is expected to become a new en- gous zirconium as well as bis(cyc1openta-
gineering plastic. The crystal structure of dieny1)titanium complexes, are far less ac-
syndiospecific polystyrene has been studied tive, supports this activation mechanism,
in much detail and the different modifica- which is fundamentally different from the
tions analyzed in terms of its chain confor- usual metallocene catalysis involving cat-
mations (zigzag chain versus 2,-helix). ionic alkyl species of tetravalent metal cen-
Since the original discovery by Ishihara ters. One of the requirements for a catalyst
et al. in 1985, it has been recognized that to be able to polymerize styrene stereose-
mono(cyclopentadieny1)titanium complex- lectively, apart from being a cationic alkyl
es of the general type (q5-C5R,)TiX3 are the (or hydride) species, is the presence of one
most efficient catalysts when activated with sterically demanding ligand such as pen-
methylaluminoxane (Fig. 5-39). Despite tamethylcyclopentadienyl. However, Ti(I1)
many contradictory and inconsistent claims, species containing a neutral arene ligand
the most reasonable model for the catalyti- (including styrene) may be another choice,
cally active species to date implies a cation- which would explain the activity of simple
ic Ti(II1) alkyl of the type [(q5-C5R5)TiR]+, titanium alkoxides such as Ti(OPh)4 (Zam-
which is formed in the reaction mixture. belli et al., 1991).The chain propagation oc-
This presumably exceedingly sensitive spe- curs by secondary insertion, i.e., the benzyl-
cies, so far detected by ESR spectroscopy, ic carbon is attached to the metal center, and
results from the initial cationic species cis opening of the double bond was demon-
154 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization

-..,.........,.. '.... .................................................

149 148 147 146 105 144 143

' . , . . . . , . . . . I . - - . ' .
3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.o 0.5 0.0

Figure 5-38. 'Hand "C NMR spectra of (a) syndiotactic. (b) atactic, and (c) isotactic polystyrene.

strated in analogy to the metallocene cata- served (>90%;isolated m dyads) can be ra-
lysts for a-olefins (vide supra). The ex- tionalized by a 1,3-asyrnmetric induction,
tremely high stereoselectivity usually ob- caused by repulsive interactions of the in-
5.4 Polymerization Mechanisms and Stereoselectivity 155

Relative Order of Activity

Transition State Model

ligand exchange to become active for
ethylene polymerization (Klabunde and
Mulhaupt, 1987). In particular, nickel com-
plexes containing phosphorus ylides
R,P = CH2 as the controlling ligands proved
to be active, forming polyethylene with a
molecular weight up to lo6 (Ostoja-Star-
Figure 5-39. Syndiospecific polymerization of sty- zewski and Witte, 1987). Recently, nickel
rene. and palladium complexes of 1,2-diimine
ligands of the type M(ArN = CRCR =
NAr)Br2 (Ar = 2,6-i-Pr2C6H3, R = H, Me,
coming styrene monomer and the phenyl
1,8-naph) were reported as a new class of
group at the stereogenic carbon of the last-
structurally well-defined olefin polymeriza-
inserted styrene.
tion catalysts, when activated with methyl-
Conjugated 1,3-dienes can also be poly-
aluminoxane (Johnson et al., 1995). The
merized by mono(cyc1opentadieny)titani-
active species appear to be tricoordinate 14-
um complexes such as CpTiClJMAO to
electron alkyl cations [M(ArN = CRCR =
give mainly cis- 1,2-polydienes, but a strong
NAr)R']+, quite similar to the metalloceni-
dependence of the stereoselectivity on the
urn ions described above for the group 4
polymerization conditions has been noted
metallocene dichlorides. For M = Pd, de-
(Ricci et al., 1995).
tailed studies were carried out on the struc-
ture and dynamic behavior of the cation.
When nickel derivatives were used, both
5.4.4 Late Transition Metal Catalysts
highly linear and new types of branched
Nickel catalysts for ethylene oligomer- polyethylenes with predominantly methyl
ization, such as the ones used commercial- groups were obtained. The branching is a
ly in the SHOP process, can be modified by function of the catalyst structure as well as
156 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization

Pr QPr bond gives a secondary alkyl group. Com-

plexation of ethylene and further insertion
produce a methyl branch, while further
chain migration via Phydride elimination
and readdition processes lead to longer
M = Ni, Pd
R = H, Me, 1,8-naph When 1-alkenes such as propylene and 1 -
hexene are polymerized using this type of
catalyst, the resulting poly( 1-alkene)s ex-
hibit fewer branches than theoretically ex-
pected in polymers where chain growth oc-
curs exclusively by 1,24nsertions [polyprop-
ylene: 330 CH3 groups per 100 carbon at-
oms; poly( 1-hexene): 167 CH3 groups per
1000 carbon atoms]. This phenomenon
was coined "chain straightening" and can be
accounted for by assuming a mechanism
with extensive chain migration. Fink and
Mohring (1985) had previously developed
an interesting, novel approach to incorpo-
rate methyl short chain branches into poly-
ethylene chains. A catalyst system made
from nickel (0) complexes such as Ni( 1 5 -
COD) or Ni( 1,5,9-CDT) (COD = cycloocta-
diene, CDT = cyclododecatriene) and bis(tri-
propagation of
new chain methylsilyl)aminobis(trimethylsilyl)phos-
phorane polymerizes 1-pentene to give
strictly alternating poly(ethene-alt-pro-
propagation of pene) with exclusive methyl side chains.
branched chain
This remarkable 2w-polymerization is at-
Figure 5-40. Ethylene polymerization by nickel and tributed to the migration of nickel alkyls
palladium complexes with I .I-diimine ligands. (Fig. 5-41).
Finally, cationic palladium complexes of
the type (PdL4)2+,recognized as the active
the temperature and monomer concen- species for the copolymerization of olefins
tration. At lower temperatures, highly with carbon monoxide (see Sec. 5 . 9 , poly-
branched polymer is obtained, whereas merize strained cyclic olefins such as 3,3-
at higher ethylene pressure or by using dialkylcyclopropene and norbornene with-
smaller aryl substituents, linear polymer is out ring opening (Rush et al., 1996). Relat-
formed. According to Fig. 5-40, the resting ed cationic nickel catalysts [Ni( 1 3 -
state of the catalyst is an ethylene alkyl cat- COD)( q3-C3H,)]+ are presently being com-
ion which can undergo insertion followed mercialized by B. F. Goodrich for the poly-
by Phydride elimination, resulting in the merization of norbornene to give novel sat-
formation of an olefin hydride complex. 2,l- urated glassy polymers.
Insertion of the olefin into the nickel hydride
5.5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Copolymerization 157

Me,SiN Figure 5-41. 2,mPolymerization of
1-pentene to give poly(ethy1ene-alr-
Me,Si N-
J 5 propene).

5.5 Transition Metal Catalyzed poly(ethenet0-propene)

Copolymerization -EEEEPEEPPPEEEPEEPPP- random

Tailoring polyolefin materials frequently Figure 5-42. Sequence distribution of poly(ethy-
involves transition metal catalyzed olefin lene-co-propylene).
copolymerization in single or multi-staged
reactors. According to Fig. 5-42, the copol-
ymerization of ethylene (E) and propylene Table 5-1. Classification of ethylene copolymer fam-
(P) can afford random, alternating, or seg- ily according to the comonomer content
mented copolymers. Based on the 1-olefin
Comonomer Copolymer type
comonomer content, there are several class- content
es of semi-crystalline, amorphous, flexible,
and rubbery materials in the ethylene copol- 0% high density polyethylene (density
ymer family, which are classified according 0.96 g/cm3)
0 - 5% linear low density polyethylene
to their comonomer content (Table 5-1).
(density 0.91 - 0.96 g/cm)
Many of the traditional Ziegler-Natta and 5 - 15% very low density polyethylene
Phillips catalysts are composed of different (density 0.88 - 0.91 g/cm)
active sites with greatly varied reactivity to- 15 - 40% amorphous, flexible plastomers
wards comonomer incorporation. Frequent- 40 - 70% amorphous rubbers
70 - 99% impact-modified poly( I-ole fin)^
ly, the comonomer was incorporated into the
100% poly( I-olefin), e.g., polypropylene
low molecular weight, wax-like fractions,
which caused tackiness of the resulting
polymer and migration problems in packag-
ing applications. Therefore such multi-site changed dramatically when single-site me-
catalysts produced very heterogeneous eth- tallocenes were developed during the late
ylene copolymers containing homopoly- 1980s. With metallocene catalysts it became
mer, as well as waxes. In the absence of mul- possible to vary the comonomer composi-
tipurpose catalyst systems, specific systems tions over the entire composition range
were developed for HDPE, LLDPE, EPM, without scarificing high molecular mass
and polypropylene production. VLDPE and and uniform comonomer incorporation
plastomers were not available with conven- (Mulhaupt, 1996). VLDPE and plastomers,
tional catalyst systems. This situation as well as a wide range of oligomers, were
158 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization

introduced commercially during the 1990s. sertion of monomer 1 or monomer 2 after

VLDPE exhibits much higher impact inserting monomer 1 (see Fig. 5-43). Copoly-
strength and significantly higher optical merization parameters can be determined
transparency, because polyethylene homo- by the method of Mayo and Lewis (1994) at
polymer impurities are not formed as by- low conversion using different monomer
products. Random incorporation of more feed ratios and analyzing the effect of this
than 20% 1-octene comonomer gave plas- feed ratio on the comonomer content of the
tomers that crystallized to form fringed mi- resulting copolymer. According to Uozumi
celle nanostructures. Also, EPM and EPDM and Soga (1992), NMR spectroscopic anal-
were improved with respect to their homo- ysis of dyad distribution, taking into account
geneity. the monomer concentration, can be applied
According to Markovian first-order sta- to determine the r-parameters from only one
tistics, the incorporation of two monomers copolymerization experiment.
can be described using two copolymeriza- The sequence distribution of copolymers
tion parameters r l and r2. The copolymer- can be evaluated with r l r 2>> 0 for block co-
ization parameter I-, is equivalent to the ra- polymers or mixtures with homopolymers,
tio of the propagation rate constant for in- r1r2= 0 for alternating copolymers, and
r I r 2 =1 for random copolymers (see Fig. 5-
42). Typical copolymerization parameters
are listed in Table 5-2 for various catalyst
Pol-M,-A' + M1 & Pol-Ml-M1-A*
systems. Most conventional TiCl,-based
Pol-Ml-A' + & PolM1-&-A* catalyst systems exhibit large copolymer-
ization parameters rE and rErp> 1, which is
Pol-&-A* + Ml -!& PoIUCMI-A'
typical for predominant ethylene homo-
pol-&-A' + & -% Pol-k&&-A* polymerization. Therefore special vanadi-
copolymerization parameters rl=klllkla; rZ=kpjk2, um catalysts have been developed to pro-
Figure 5-43. First order Markovian statistics of bi- duce poly(ethene-co-propene) rubbers.
nary copolymer\. With metallocene catalysts, the copolymer-

Tahle 5-2. Copolymerization parameters for various metallocene catalysts of ethylene and I -alkenes. Ethenel
1 -ole f i n copolymerization

TIC1 ./AIEt,CI propene 24 0.10 2.5

;L4$12/EB/TICIJAIEt 4'' propene 13.4 0.40 5.4
VCIq'AIEt~CI propene 5.9 0.029 0.14
( Me,Cp)ZZrCI-JMAO propene 250 0.002 0.50
Et(lnd),ZrCI,/MAO propene 16.6 0.06 0.40
MezC(Cp)(Flu)ZrCI,/MAO propene I .3 0.20 0.26
Me,Si(Me,Cp)( N-'Bu)TiCI,/MAO 1-octene 1.I 0.290 1.19
MezSi(Ind)2ZrC12/MA0 1 -octene 18.9 0.014 0.27
Me2Sr(2-Me-Ind ),ZrCI2/MAO 1-octene 19.5 0.0 13 0.25
Me2Si(Ben/-Jnd)2ZrC1,/MA0 1 -octene 10.7 0.076 0.8 1
MezSi(2-Me-Ben~-lnd)2ZrC12/MA0I-octene 10.1 0.1 18 I .20
Cp2ZrCII/MA0 1-octene 32.8 0.050 0.17
5.5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Copolymerization 159




Figure 5-44. Glass transition ternper-
- 0 I I I
0 20 40 60 80 atires for the copolymers of ethylene
cycloolefin content (mol-%) with norbornene.

ization parameters can be varied over a very transition metals, such as palladium and
wide range as a function of the metallocene nickel, have been developed. Drent and
structure. While ( $-CSMes)2ZrC12/MA0 Budzelaar (1996) described several catalyst
fails to incorporate higher I-olefins into systems which tolerate the well-known cat-
polyethylene chains, the half-sandwich alyst poison carbon monoxide (CO) and
complex ( $-CSMe4SiMe2N-t-Bu)TiC12, produce strictly alternating copolymers
activated with MAO, gives random incor- with ethylene (see Fig. 5-45) and various
poration of very large amounts of higher other olefins and dienes. When a few per-
1-olefin comonomer. cent of propylene is present during ethy-
Moreover, metallocene catalysts have lene/CO copolymerization, the resulting co-
been tailored to manufacture random copol- polymer exhibits a melting temperature of
ymers of ethylene and styrene (Sernetz 225C and properties similar to those of
et al., 1996), as well as cycloolefins such as polyamide 6. In 1996 Shell started commer-
norbornene (Cherdron et al., 1994). As a cial production of such polyketones (Caril-
function of the metallocene catalyst struc- lon).
ture, crystalline or amorphous random and 1,2-Diimine complexes of nickel and pal-
alternating copolymers of ethylene and nor- ladium can be activated to form branched
bornene can be obtained. As shown in polyethylene derived from ethylene without
Fig. 5-44, the glass transition temperature adding 1-olefin comonomer (see Sec. 5.4.4)
of poly(ethy1ene-co-norbornene)increases and also poly(ethy1ene-co-methylacrylate)
with increasing norbornene content. High (Brookhart et al., 1996). The chain migra-
Tg cyclolefin copolymers exhibit high di- tion mechanism, as shown in Fig. 5-40, ac-
mensional stability, strength, and excellent counts for the formation of branched poly-
optical properties. Such materials qualify ethylene containing n-alkyl and cucarboal-
as engineering resins and medical pack- koxy alkyl side chains (see Fig. 5-46). The
aging. n-alkyl chains result from cooligomeriza-
Most traditional Ziegler-Natta catalysts
and metallocenes based upon group 4 tran-
sition metals are severely poisoned by Lew- H H 0 H H H H 0 H H H H
is bases because of the high Lewis acidity
of the catalytically active transition metal
sites. Recently, novel catalyst families
based upon much less Lewis acidic group 8 Figure 5-45. Poly( 1 -olefin-alt-CO).
160 5 Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin, Cycloolefin, and Styrene Polymerization

R' = Me, t-Bu, CH2(CF2)&F3

P rJ Q P r



R = H, Me, 1,&naph

t i
Figure 5-46. Low pressure copol-
ymerization of ethylene with
OR' methy lacry late.

tion of ethylene with methyl acrylate and si- It is now quite evident that future endeav-
multaneous copolymerization with ethy- ors will be directed towards developing new
lene. The controlled formation of polar and families of nonmetallocene, single-site cat-
nonpolar short chain and long chain alysts with their capability expanding to po-
branched ethylene copolymers opens up the lar monomer incorporation and to even bet-
attractive potential of manufacturing novel ter control of the macromolecular architec-
tailor-made polyolefins. The tolerance of ture.
polar comonomers in low pressure catalyt-
ic copolymerization will lead to novel low
cost materials, which overcome the proper- 5.6 Acknowledgements
ty limitations of the nonpolar, hydrocarbon-
based polyolefins. such as lack of dyeabil- Financial support by the Bundesministe-
ity, adhesion, and moisture absorption. rium fur Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung
5.7 References 161

und Technologie, and BASF AG is grateful- Fink, G., Mohring, V. (1985), Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.
Engl. 24, 1001.
ly acknowledged. We also thank Professor Fink, G., Mulhaupt, R., Brintzinger, H. H. (Eds.)
H.-H. Brintzinger for providing us with (1 995), Ziegler Catalyst, Recent Scientific Innova-
some illustrations. tions and Technological Improvements. Springer:
Galli, P., Haylock, J. C., DeNicola, A. (1995), Mac-
romol. Symp. 100, 95.
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Springer, p. 413. zinke, B. R. (1995), in: Ziegler Catalysts: Fink G.,
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Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

6 Living Radical Polymerization

Mitsuo Sawamoto and Masami Kamigaito

Department of Polymer Chemistry. Graduate School of Engineering. Kyoto University.

Kyoto. Japan

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
6.1.1 Control of Free Radical Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
6.1.2 Living or Controlled Radical Polymerization: General Principles . . . . . . . . . 166
6.2 Living Radical Polymerization Involving Covalent Dormant Species . . . 168
6.2.1 Carbon-Carbon Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
6.2.2 Carbon-Oxygen and Carbon-Sulfur Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Carbon-Sulfur Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 C-ON Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Other Carbon-Chalcogen Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
6.2.3 Carbon-Halogen Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Carbon-Iodine Bonds for Degenerative Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Carbon-Halogen Bonds Activated with Transition Metal Complexes . . . . . 181
6.2.4 Carbon-Metal Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
6.2.5 Other Controlled Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
6.3 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
6.4 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
164 6 Living Radical Polymerization

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

h Planck constant
K equilibrium constant
kI- trapping rate constant
b propagation rate constant
brag fragmentation rate constant
kgral t grafting rate constant
I integer
111 integer
M" mean number-average molecular weight
M&, mean weight average molecular weight
M"/MW molecular weight distribution
I2 integer

A heat
1' frequency

AC acetyl
AIBN azobisisobutyronitrile
AN arylonitrile
ATRP atom-transfer radical polymerization
BA 11 -but y 1 acry 1ate

BMA n - bu t y 1 met hac r y late

BPO benzoyl peroxide
Bu butyl
CSA camphorsulfonic acid
DMF dimethylformamide
EA ethyl acrylate
eacac ethyl acetoacetate
ESR electron spin resonance
Et ethyl
FMPTS 2-fluoro- 1 -methylpyridinium p-toluene sulfonate
HMPA hexamethylphosphoramide
L ligand
M metal
MA methyl acrylate
Me methyl
MMA methyl methacrylate
MWD in01ec ul ar weight distribution
NMK nuclear magnetic resonance
ODBP 2.6-di-tert-butyl phenoxy
Ph phenyl
PhMA phenyl methacrylate
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 165

PS polystyrene
SEC size exclusion chromatography
St styrene
TEMPO 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine- 1-0xy1
TG thermogravimetry
THF tetrahydrofuran
TMP tetramesit ylporphyrinato
uv ultraviolet
VAc vinyl acetate
166 6 Living Radical Polymerization

6.1 Introduction tions are virtually absent (Szwarc, 1956). In

this case, the realization of a living process
6.1.1 Control of Free Radical is due to the inherent stability of the carban-
Polymerization ionic species per se, which does not lead to
undesirable reactions and stays alive for a
Radical, or free radical, polymerization long time if only under such stringent con-
has been considered difficult to control for ditions as anhydrous, oxygen free, and low
a long time due to the highly reactive radi- temperature. The last decade, in particular,
cal intermediate that usually undergoes fast has witnessed further progress in the preci-
reactions with low selectivity, as in the rad- sion control of chain polymerizations via
ical reactions of small molecules (Curran et anionic, cationic, metathesis, and coordina-
al., 1996: Moad and Solomon, 1995). The tion mechanisms (Webster, 1991; Aida,
most unfavorable reaction therein is in one 1994; Hirao and Nakahama, 1994; Sawamo-
between the radical species themselves, to, 1993; Kennedy, 1995; Hsieh and Quirk,
which occurs much faster (often at the dif- 1996; Matyjaszewski and Sawamoto, 1996;
fusion-controlled limit) than favorable re- Breslow, 1993).
actions between the radical and the sub- Despite the inherent undesirable reac-
strate. In conventional radical polymeriza- tions, radical polymerizations have been
tions, for example. the growing radical widely used in both industrial and laborato-
reacts not only with monomer to induce ry scale processes, because they have ad-
propagation but also with another growing vantages that readily override the disadvan-
radical end to terminate the propagation via tage, i.e., the radical intermediates are high-
combination or disproportionation [Eq. (6- I). ly tolerant to impurities like water and po-
lar hydroxy or amino functional groups.
This makes it possible to conduct radical re-
actions under mild conditions (e.g., in wa-
ter) and without stringent purification of
chemicals and protection of the functional
groups. However, radical polymerization
has rarely been used for the precision syn-
thesis of polymers with well-controlled
These bimolecular chain-terminating reac-
tions render radical polymerizations less
6.1.2 Living or Controlled Radical
controllable than their ionic counterparts,
Polymerization: General Principles
where the charged growing ends are repul-
sive to each other and free from such reac- Such a pessimistic view of uncontrolla-
tions. although ionic polymerizations often ble radical reactions has been changing in
suffer from other side reactions, such as both polymer and small molecule synthesis,
chain-transfer and unimolecular termina- as described in recent reviews. In organic
tion reactions. Indeed. about 40 years ago, synthesis, on the one hand, numerous radi-
Szwarc and his associates discovered the cal reactions are now both chemo- and re-
living anionic polymerization of styrene gioselective (Curran et al., 1996). Even ster-
with sodium naphthalenide in which chain eoselectivity can be achieved with an under-
transfer. termination, and other side reac- standing of the structure of the radical inter-
6.1 Introduction 167

mediate. In polymer chemistry, on the oth- ical) or chemical (catalytic) stimulus. The
er hand, radical polymerizations have be- existence of such a rapid and reversible
come increasingly controllable with the use interchange equilibrium between dormant
of judiciously designed initiating systems and active growing species is crucial in the
(Georges et al., 1994a; Davis et al., 1995a; precision control of radical polymerizations
Hawker, 1996; Sawamoto and Kamigaito, from at least the following two viewpoints.
1996a; Davis and Haddleton, 1995). It is First, it lowers the concentrations of the
not accidental but surprising that the key to growing radical species and thereby sup-
controlling both radical addition reactions presses their bimolecular termination reac-
and radical polymerizations appears to be tions [see Eq. (6-l)]. Second, its reversibil-
common, namely, to lower the concentra- ity and fast exchange give an almost equal
tions of transient radical species (Curran et opportunity of propagation to each growing
al., 1996; Matyjaszewski and Sawamoto, polymer, which results in the formation of
1996). This can minimize the rate of reac- polymers with nearly uniform molecular
tion between the radical species themselves, weights or narrow molecular weight distri-
suppress the unfavorable reactions, and butions (MWDs).
thereby promote favorable selective reac- Thus, to effect such a dynamic, homolyt-
tions between the radical intermediate and ic equilibrium for radical propagation, an ef-
a substrate molecule or monomer. Such con- fective capping reagent that fulfills the fol-
ditions can be accomplished by a judicious lowing criteria should be selected. The cap-
choice of the radical resources, reaction ping reagent should effectively react with
partners, temperature, and other variables. the propagating carbon-centered radical to
The recently developed living radical supress its concentration. The resultant co-
polymerizations, in general, adopt a similar valent bond, in turn, can be cleaved homo-
strategy to decrease the concentration of the lytically and rapidly to regenerate the grow-
radical intermediate, i.e., the growing reac- ing radical species and the capping moiety.
tive radical species is reversibly converted The equilibrium is shifted to the dormant co-
into the dormant species with a covalent valent species. The capping reaction should
bond such as C-S, C-ON, C-halogen, proceed at least as fast or faster than the
C-Co, etc. [Eq. (6-2)] (Sawamoto and Ka- propagation. The capping reagent should
nigaito, 1996a). The growing carbon-cen- preferentially react with the carbon-cen-
tered radical therein is rapidly and rever- tered radical and not the monomer.
sibly capped with its counterpart, mostly a In parallel with the selection of the cap-
heteroatom-centered radical, to be convert- ping reagent, the design of an effective in-
ed into the covalent bond (or dormant spe- itiator which can induce rapid and quantita-
cies) which can be easily and homolytical- tive initiation is important for controlled
ly cleaved again into the growing radical polymerizations. Most typically, such an in-
species by physical (thermal or photochem- itiator mimics the dormant polymer termi-
nal, e.g., (CH,)2CBr(C0,CH3) for methyl
methacrylate, where the bromine is the cap-

(Physical, Chemical) MNVC. .Y ping moiety. This ensures that initiation pro-
-C-Y -

ceeds at almost the same rate as the propa-

Dormant Fast and Active
Reversible gation.
(6-2) Briefly speaking, the controlled radical
Polymer Polymer polymerization stems from the introduction
168 6 Living Radical Polymerization

of the dormant species with a potentially ac- groups ( 1 ) C-C, (2) C - 0 and C-S, (3)
tive covalent bond into polymer terminals C-halogen, and (4) C-metal [Eqs. (6-3) to
as well as initiators, which warrants sup- (6-9)]. On the basis of this classification,
pression of the undesirable radical-radical various living (or controlled) radical poly-
reactions and virtually equal probability of merization systems are discussed, where the
growth for all polymer chains. covalent bonds are activated into radical
This chapter discusses recent develop- species thermally, photochemically, or by
ments in living or controlled radical poly- transition metal complexes. The degree of
merizations in relation to the use of cova- controllability and the kind of applicable
leddormant species; literature coverage is monomer depend on both the bonds and the
up to around the end of 1996. The follow- stimuli employed. Detailed information was
ing sections are thus organized in terms of added where necessary.

the types of covalent bonds utilized for
growing radical formation; relatively large

- C H 2 - & -FH3
--G A - C H z - ?43
portions are devoted to the systems involv-
ing C-ON bonds (nitroxides, Sec. I
and C-halogen bonds (with metal-assisted. OCH3 OCH3

Sec., as judged from the current lit- (6-3)

erature trend. In organic chemistry the term

d s- b S
living radical sometimes means a radical -cH2-cH-s~NEt2 h,, -CH,-CH. -s$NEt2
that is stable for such a long period as to be
detected by electron spin resonance (ESR). (6-4)
I n this chapter, however, we will use the
term living for any polymerization that
can control the molecular weights and the
MWDs of the produced polymers. The term
living is now extensively under discus-
sion, and it is not always easy and straight-
forward to distinguish truly living poly- CH3 FH3
--4.X2-+-O-BeA -CH2-79 . O - B S
merizations from their controlled coun- c=o c=o
terparts. OCH3 OCH3 (6-6)

-CH2-CH-I + R* -CH2-CH* + R-1
6.2 Living Radical
Polymerization Involving (6-7)
Covalent Dormant Species

Because of the current rapid development

of living radical polymerization, an increas-
MX,Lm -cH~-F=
~ C

H (6-8)
ingly wide variety of covalent bonds have

3- 3
been utilized for dormant species from
which actual growing radicals form [Eq. (6- ---CH2-FH-Co(lll) A -CH~-CH= -co(ii)
2)j. For aimplicity in this chapter, these co- F=O 70
valent bonds are classified into four large (6-9)
6.2 Living Radical Polymerization Involving Covalent Dormant Species 169

6.2.1 Carbon-Carbon Bonds transfer agent, and terminator [see Eq. (6-1O)]
(Otsu and Yoshida, 1982). The yield and
Free radical chemistry dates back to 1900
the molecular weight obtained with these
when Gomberg discovered that the triphe-
aryl-substituted iniferters increased with
nylmethyl radical (Ph,C*) exists in equilib-
time, but the MWDs were rather broad
rium with its dimer. This radical is stable in 1.5-5). The broadening may be
oxygen-free benzene due to the delocaliza-
due to the irreversible termination between
tion of an unpaired electron on the three phe-
the polymer terminal and the phenyl ring of
nyl rings as well as steric hindrance around
the counter radicals, as well as slow inter-
the carbon radical center. Such stable car-
conversion between the activated and the
bon-centered radicals can form covalent but
dormant species. Recently, it has been report-
labile C-C bonds with radical growing
ed that Ph,C(OH)- and related diary1 groups
polymer terminals, where the bonds can be
introduced onto polyethylene films led to
cleaved thermally and reversibly to gener-
graft polymerization of methacrylic acid
ate the stable radicals and the radical grow-
(MAA) and an increase of poly(MAA) yield
ing species [Eq. (6-3)]. with time (Yang and Rinby, 1996).
In fact, phenylazotriphenylmethane (1)
(Fig. 6-1), induced the controlled radical
polymerization of methyl methacrylate
6.2.2 Carbon-Oxygen and
(MMA), where the phenyl radical from 1
Carbon-Sulfur Bonds
adds to the monomer to initiate the polymer-
ization, whereas the triphenylmethyl radical Carbon-chalcogen (oxygen, sulfur, and
reversibly forms a covalent bond with the selenium) bonds can undergo photochemi-
growing end (Otsu et al., 1982). A series of cal or thermal homolysis to generate a pair
compounds with multi-aryl substituents of carbon- and chalcogen-centered radicals.
(2-6) (Fig. 6-1) have also been employed Some of such group 6 heteroatom-centered
as iniferters for thermal polymerizations radicals are stabilized by the resonance ef-
of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and styrene fects of the substituents and are effective in
at 60-90C (Otsu et al., 1982, 1987; Bledz- the control of radical polymerizations. In
ki and Braun, 1983; Otsu and Tazaki, 1986). fact, there are a number of examples of the
The term iniferter was given by Otsu and use of C-S and C - 0 bonds for living/con-
Yoshida for compounds that act as initiator, trolled radical polymerizations [Eqs. (6-4)




3 h e OMe 5 6
4 Figure 6-1.
170 6 Living Radical Polymerization

E? E' Aor hu Et\ Et

N-$-S-S-C-N, N-$-S* .S-$-N
Ef s 4 Et mtiation ~ t 's s Et
7 I CH2=CH


to (6-6)j. Among them. the nitroxide-medi- other radical acts as a terminator that can re-
ated living radical polymerization is now versibly form the dormant C-S bond with
one of the most extensively studied systems the propagating radicals. Such a C-S bond
in this field (Georges et al., 1994a; Hawk- is also generated by chain-transfer reaction
er, 1996). with 7.Thus 7 acts as an iniferter and results
in the C-S bond which is activated photo-
chemically. Carbon-Sulfur Bonds
A problem with the use of such a symmet-
Living radical polymerization based on rical sulfur compound is that propagation
C-S bond activation was first reported by may take place at both the a-and w-ends of
Otsu and Yoshida in 1982. A series of sul- the C-SC(S) bonds, although the primary
fur compounds has been employed as in- carbon radical at the a-end seems more dif-
iferters for living radical polymerizations of ficult to form than the secondary benzylic
styrene and MMA (Otsu and Yoshida, 1982; at the w-end. Recently, spin-trapping ex-
Kuriyama and Otsu, 1984; Otsu et al., 1989; periments with model compounds for both
Endo et al., 1992: Doi et al., 1994a, b; Turn- a- and w-terminals suggested that the
er and Blevins, 1990; Lambrinos et al., C-SC(S) bond at the polystyryl a-ends
1990). For example, tetraethyldithiuram di- does not cleave (Doi et al., 1994). Howev-
5ulfide ( 7 ) induces the living radical poly- er, such a problem is fully avoidable with
merization of styrene under UV irradiation the use of benzylic dithiocarbamates like 12
at 3 0 T [Eq. ( & l o ) ] (Otsu and Yoshida, (Fig. 6-2), because the polymerization is in-
1982). Photochemical or thermal cleavage itiated by a more reactive alkyl radical gen-
of the S-S bond of 7 generates two identi- erated by the photochemical cleavage of the
cal sulfur-centered radicals, one of which C-S bond, whereas the propagating chain
subsequently adds onto the monomer. The end is capped with a less reactive sulfur-cen-
6.2 Living Radical Polymerization Involving Covalent Dormant Species 171

Et\ Et Me, Me
N-E-S-S-C-N: CH-O-$-S-S-$-O-CH
Ef s s Et Me/ S S Me
7 8

Et Et
OCH,-S-$-N Et;l'J-$-S-CH2eCH2-S-C-N Et
S Et Et s
12 13

Et\ Et
N-C-S, .S-$-N
Ef H
2.c-;: s Et
Et\ H2C Et
N-s-S' S-C-N
Et' s s Et
14 Figure 6-2.

tered radical (Otsu et al., 1982). In this case, lem is the possible generation of new poly-
a low temperature is favorable for better- mer chains via addition of the sulfur-cen-
controlled polymerizations to minimize in- tered radicals to the monomers, although the
itiation from the sulfur-centered radical. reactivity of the sulfur radicals is smaller
Control of acrylates polymerizations had than that of the carbon-centered growing
been difficult by sulfur iniferters (Turner radicals. These defects should be overcome
and Blevins, 1990; Lambrinos et al., 1990), for better-controlled polymerizations.
but has recently been achieved by two-com-
ponent initiating systems consisting of 12
and 7. The latter serves as an efficient do- C-ON Bonds
nor of the sulfur-centered radical which pre-
Discovely and Mechanistic Aspects of
vents irreversible bimolecular termination
Nitroxide-Mediated Living Polymerization
between the growing polymer radicals,
whereas 12 serves as an initiator (Doi et al., Nitroxides such as 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-
1994b). Initiation preferentially occurs piperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO, 15) are stable
from 12, because 7 is less reactive for acry- radical species. They do not react with oxy-
late polymerizations. Telechelic and star gen-centered radicals but form C-ON
polymers are prepared with benzylic multi- bonds with carbon-centered radicals. The
functional iniferters (13 and 14) (Kuriyama latter process is reversible where the C-ON
and Otsu, 1984). bonds can be cleaved thermally to regener-
In general, sulfur-based living radical ate the carbon-centered and the nitroxide
polymerizations lead to an increase of mo- radicals. The use of C-ON bonds for con-
lecular weight with time and conversion, trolled radical polymerizations was report-
while the MWDs are relatively broad ed by Rizzardo and Solomon about 10 years
(Mw/Mn21. 5 ) and the reactions are slow and ago for acrylate monomers (Salomon et al.,
sometimes unquantitative. Another prob- 1986). Subsequently a similar strategy was
172 6 Living Radical Polymerization

more extensively employed for styrene by As shown in Eq. (6- 1 1 a), the living poly-
Georges et al. (1993), who used TEMPO in merization is initiated by the decomposition
conjunction with benzoyl peroxide (BPO) of BPO, the formation of the adduct (16) of
[Eq. (6-1 I a)]. This marks the beginning of BPO, styrene, and TEMPO, and thermal ac-
recent developments in this field, because tivation of the C-ON bond therein. ESR
the degree of molecular weight control is studies have shown that the added TEMPO
much superior to that of all the former reversibly forms C-ON bonds with the
systems. growing radical terminals. Another role of
For example, polymerization was initiat- TEMPO is to induce the decomposition of
ed by preheating a mixture of styrene, BPO, BPO (Eq. (6-1 1 b)], the activation energy of
and TEMPO at 95 "C for 3.5 h, where ben- which is 40k5 kJ/mol, lower than for the
zoyloxy radicals from BPO added to the thermal decomposition of BPO (125 kJ/mol).
monomer. and subsequent heating to 123"C The adduct 16 seems to be a real initia-
for 69 h in bulk gave polymers with a nar- tor, and in fact has been employed as an in-
row MWD (MW/Mn=1.27) and Mw of 10000 itiator for the living radical polymerization
(Veregin et al., 1993).This temperature pro- of styrene at 130C (see the next section)
gram uses the fact that BPO decomposes at (Veregin et al., 1995; Hawker, 1994). The
95 "C whereas the styrene-TEMPO linkage obtained polymers had narrow MWDs
does not. This linkage dissociates above (fiW/fin= 1.1 - 1.4) and controlled molecular
135"C. Throughout the nearly quantitative weights up to A&= 100000, which agreed
polymerization, the polymer MWDs are well with the calculated values assuming
fairly narrow and Mn increases in propor- that one molecule of 16 generates one liv-
tion to monomer conversion. BPO can be re- ing polymer chain. According to a recent
placed with azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN), paper, such a one-component initiating
but the polymer MWDs are apparently system is superior to the original BPO/
broader than those with BPO (Ode11 et al., TEMPO two-component counterpart in
1995; Hawker et al., 1996b). terms of the control in high molecular


CHp-CH. * O - o


(6-1 1b)
6.2 Living Radical Polymerization Involving Covalent Dormant Species 173

weight regions (Hawker et al., 1996b). from the gel effects which are observed in
Some papers on this and similar two-com- usual radical polymerizations (Saban et al.,
ponent systems also suggest that the molec- 1995). This may afford significant benefits
ular weights depend on the concentration of to industrial scale bulk polymerizations.
nitroxide radicals as well (Veregin et al., The nitroxide-mediated radical polymer-
1996a; Yoshida and Okada, 1996; Puts and ization is believed to occur via the radical
Sogah, 1996), which cannot be explained species generated from the homolytic and
simply by the mechanism shown in Eq. reversible dissociation of the terminal C-ON
(6-1 1a). Despite some complexities, how- bond [Eq. (6-1 1 a)]. Although this mecha-
ever, these results suggest that the nitroxide- nism implies that the polymerization rate is
mediated polymerizations proceed via the proportional to the C-ON concentration,
thermal activation of the C-ON bonds at it has recently been revealed that the rate
polystyrene terminals. does not depend on it (Catala et al., 1995;
Extensive kinetic and ESR analyses have Hammouch and Catala, 1996). One possible
been done for elucidating the mechanism of explanation would be aggregation of the
the nitroxide-mediated living polymeriza- dormant polymers, but the most plausible
tion. When the polymerization is initiated explanation has been provided by kinetic
by the mixture of BPO and TEMPO, a slight and ESR analyses of the polymerizations
excess of TEMPO is necessary over BPO mediated by the adduct of polystyrene and
(usually TEMPO/BPO= 1.1- 1.3 mole ra- TEMPO (PS-TEMPO, 17) (Fukuda and Te-
tio) (Veregin et al., 1996a). The polymer- rauchi, 1996; Fukuda et al., 1996b). First,
ization rate was inversely proportional to the polymerization rate with PS -TEMPO
the TEMPO concentration. This suggests turned out to be equal to one without it, i.e.,
the existence of equilibrium between the the rate of thermal polymerization. Even in
growing end and TEMPO. Therein the for- controlled-radical polymerizations, irrever-
ward process, the dissociation of TEMPO, sible termination between the polymer ter-
is more favored from a polymeric chain end minals occurs, and thermal initiations are
than from a unimer (16); the activation en- necessary for a constant supply of initiating
ergy was 82 as opposed to 130 kJ/mol (Ver- radicals to compensate for the loss of grow-
egin et al., 1996a). In the backward process, ing radicals. The role of the nitroxide adduct
the trapping rate of the growing polymer is therefore to afford almost the same op-
radical by TEMPO (kL= 1.5x lo7 M-' s-l) is portunity of growth to all the polymer ter-
over 3 orders of magnitude slower than a minals via the fast equilibrium between the
diffusion-controlled reaction but as fast as dormant C-ON species and the growing
polystyrene radical-radical termination radical species. Also, the total number of
and other nitroxide-trapping reactions in or- thermally initiated polymer terminals is much
ganic chemistry (Veregin et al., 1996b). smaller than the number of PS-TEMPO
However, the excess nitroxide is to permit polymers. Thus the molecular weights were
a faster exchange reaction between the dor- controlled by the ratio of the concentration
mant and the growing species. Similar Val- of monomer to the TEMPO adduct, and the
ues of these rate constants have also been MWDs stayed narrow because of the rapid
obtained by a computer simulation, where interconversion between the dormant and
k,=8x107 M-' s-l andK=lO-" M-'(Gresz- the active growing ends.
ta and Matyjaszewski, 1996b). The nitrox- Similar conclusions have been derived by
ide-mediated living polymerization is free other research groups (Greszta and Matyjas-
174 6 Living Radical Polymerization

zewski, 1996; Hammouch and Catala, tional radical initiator and a stable nitroxide
1996b). The polymerization rates can be in- radical (e.g., BPO and TEMPO) and one-
creased by the addition of conventional rad- component initiators with pre-formed
ical initiators like l,l'-azobis(2-cyclohexa- C-ON bonds. For both groups, the choice
necarbonitrile) without affecting molecular of the nitroxide moiety is important for con-
weights up to about 40% conversion (Ham- trolled polymerization to occur. For the one-
mouch and Catala, 1996b). Irreversible de- component initiating systems, choice of the
composition of the adducts and the contri- carbon-centered radical species to be gen-
bution of thermal initiation have also been erated via the dissociation of the C-ON
suggested (Li et al., 1995; Greszta and bonds is important as well.
Matyjaszewski, 1996a). In addition to TEMPO (15), related ni-
Living polymerizations with nitroxides troxide compounds (18-23) (Fig. 6 - 3 )have
are usually performed in bulk. The effects also been effective in controlled radical
of solvents like chlorobenzene were stud- polymerizations of styrenes. Compounds
ied, and larger amounts of solvent some- 18-20 induced faster living polymeriza-
times led to bimodal MWDs of product tions of styrene than TEMPO (Kazmaier et
polymer (Hawker et al., 1996b). This may al., 1995; Veregin et al., 1995; Catala et al.,
be due to the occurrence of thermally initiat- 1995; Puts and Sogah, 1996). Effects of the
ed autopolymerization of styrene for long- nitroxide substituents on the polymeriza-
er reaction times. These results mean that tions have been investigated independently
the irreversible side reactions are not entire- by two groups, based on the semiempirical
ly suppressed i n the nitroxide-mediated molecular orbital calculations of the model
polymerizations, and control of the molec- compounds with a C-ON bond (Moad and
ular weights and MWDs is simply ascribed Rizzardo, 1995; Kazmaier et al., 1995; Ve-
to the existence of compounds that can re- regin et al., 1995). The principal conclusi-
versibly form the covalent species so as to on of these studies is that the polymeriza-
give the same growth chance to all the poly- tions proceed faster using a C-ON bond with
mer terminals. This is in contrast to recog- less bond dissociation enthalpy. For example,
nition of the nitroxide-mediated living rad- the polymerization with 19 proceeded about
ical polymerizations where irreversible ter- three times faster than with TEMPO, where
mination is suppressed by the reversible for- the bond dissociation enthalpy of the former
mation of stable C-ON bonds. Such me- is smaller (92 versus 109 kJ/mol). The bond
chanistic studies are now being carried out dissociation enthalpy may also affect the
extensively and we hope that conclusions controllability of the molecular weights and
will be reached shortly. MWDs. The bond dissociation enthalpy of
C-SC(S)NR2, which has been employed
for living radical polymerizations but is less
Design of Initiating Systems
controllable than TEMPO, is much larger
Despite some mechanistic controversies, than for the C-TEMPO bond (1 63 versus
as summarized above, progress has been 109 kJ/mol). This means that a weaker bond
made in devising new initiating systems for is suited to controlled radical polymeriza-
the nitroxide-based living processes. These tions based on such homolytic cleavage. The
systems can be divided into two groups in nitroxyl radical with phosphoric acid, 23,
terms of the number of components of the accelerates the polymerization probably due
initiating systems: mixtures of a conven- to the induced dissociation of the C-ON
6.2 Living Radical Polymerization Involving Covalent Dormant Species 175

produced polystyrene became narrower,

whereas the bond became more easily de-
composed. The stereocontrol has been also
examined by the use of a chiral nitroxide,
20 (Puts and Sogah, 1996). The polysty-
renes obtained with the chiral nitroxide had
the same tacticity as those with achiral com-
pounds. This suggested that the polymeriza-
tion proceeds predominantly from the state
where the nitroxide dissociates completely
from the growing polymer terminal. The
25 physical effect on the suppression of the ir-
reversible terminations imposed by the ster-
ic hindrance is expected in the system with
a dendrimer nitroxide like 26 (Matyjaszew-
ski et al., 1996). Contrary to what was ex-
pected, the molecular weights and MWDs
were less controlled. The nitroxide radical
with a polymer chain (27) can be employed
for the synthesis of block copolymers as de-
scribed below (Yoshida and Sugita, 1996).
For the one-component initiators, a series
27 of compounds that have nitroxide moiety
Figure 6-3.
and aryl groups in the counterpart moiety
have been synthesized via various methods
and employed for polymerizations of sty-
bond via intramolecular interaction with the renes (Kazmaier et al., 1995; Hawker, 1994;
phosphoric acid function (Matyjaszewski Hawker et al., 1996b; Catala et al., 1995;
et al., 1995a). Connolly et al., 1996; Howell et al., 1996).
A similar oxygen-centered radical, 24, Mostly, they are nitroxide-capped phenyl-
can be generated from the one-electron ox- ethyl compounds. It has been revealed that
idation of arene diazonium ions and has been an a-methyl group is essential for radical
used for acrylate polymerizations (Dru- polymerizations where the molecular
liner, 1991). Its controllability is inferior to weights are controlled by the feed ratio of
that of the usual nitroxides, which can also the initiator to the monomer, and the MWDs
be predicted from the larger dissociation en- were as narrow asMW/Mn-1.2 (Fig. 6-4). As
ergy of the C-ON bond (142 kJ/mol) de- far as the a-methyl group exists in the in-
rived from 24 on the basis of semiempirical itiator, a variety of substituents can be in-
calculation (Kazmaier et al., 1995). The use troduced on the aryl groups or the P-carbon
of 25 permitted the study of the electronic atom without seriously affecting the molec-
effects of the nitroxide radicals, although ular weights and MWDs of the produced
the polymerizations were less controlled polymers.
than the others (Shigemoto and Matyjas- One of the problems of nitroxide-mediat-
zewski, 1996). On increasing the electron ed living radical polymerizations is the slow
density of R groups of 25, the MWDs of the rate of the polymerizations. For example, in
176 6 Living Radical Polymerization

Efficient Initiators M a n = 1.1-1.2

CH3$-0-0 CH36-0-N %


Less Efficient Initiators

4 4
CH2-0-9 CH2-0-9

- -
M a n= 2.2 cF3 1.65 3.5 Figure 6-4.

bulk polymerizations of styrene at 130 "C, was only 24% in its absence under other-
over SO h are needed for over 90% conver- wise the same conditions. Larger accelera-
sion of the monomer in both the one and tion effects were observed with the use of
two-component initiating systems (Hawker 2-fluoro- 1-methylpyridinium p-toluenesul-
et al.. 1996b). To improve the slow reac- fonate (29, FMPTS) (Odell et al., 1995).
tions, some protonic acids have been added However, such rate increase was not ob-
(Georges et al., 1994b, 1995: Odell et al., served with benzoic acid 30 and diphenyla-
1995; Veregin et al., 1996c: Li et al., 1995; cetic acid 31. Originally, the addition of
Baldoviet al., 1996; Puts and Sogah, 1996; CSA was intended to suppress thermal in-
Howell et al., 1996). The acceleration ef- itiation, but such effects were not actually
fects of camphorsulfonic acid [28, CSA observed in the presence of TEMPO
(Fig. 6-51] were first observed in the (Georges et al., 1995). The acceleration can
BPO/TEMPO-mediated systems (Georges be explained in two ways, either by a de-
et al.. 1994b). For example, conversion crease in the free TEMPO concentration
reached 92% in 5.5 h at 130C in the pres- (Veregin et al., 1996c) or a decrease in the
ence of 0.027 M CSA, while the conversion trapping reaction rate of the growing poly-
6.2 Living Radical Polymerization Involving Covalent Dormant Species 177

mer terminal by TEMPO via a kind of sol- (K2S208)as the radical initiator in the pres-
vation effect by CSA (Baldovi et a]., 1996). ence of TEMPO in aqueous ethylene glycol
At present, the roles of such acids seem un- (80%) at 125C (Keoshkerian et al., 1995).
clear because FMPTS does not affect the Increases in conversion and molecular
TEMPO concentration (Ode11 et al., 1995) weight with time have been observed, and
and some systems with other nitroxides like the MWDs were narrow throughout the re-
20 are free from such acceleration effects of actions 1.1-1.3). Such aqueous
CSA (Puts and Sogah, 1996). More compre- living polymerizations have not been ac-
hensive explanations are awaited. cessible by anionic mechanisms either.
There have been several efforts to control
radical polymerizations of acrylic monomers
Monomers and Block or Random
with nitroxides, which were in fact first em-
ployed for methyl acrylate (MA), ethyl ac-
The nitroxide-mediated living polymer- rylate (EA), etc. (Solomon et al., 1986). For
izations can be applied not only for styrene example, the polymerization of MA in bulk
but also for its derivatives bearing function- at 100C gives polymers withMn=2500and
al groups on the phenyl ring (Keoshkerian Mw/Mn=1.7. Block and random copolymer-
et al., 1995; Hawker, 1994; Hawker et al., izations between MA and EA are also pos-
1996a; Yoshida, 1996; Bertin and Boutevin, sible, affording copolymers of similar
1996). For example, the BPO/TEMPO MWDs. Under the required conditions, the
systems induced controlled polymeriza- polymerization of MMA is less controllable
tions of p-chloromethylstyrene [32 (Fig. 6- with an oxygen-centered radical (24) (Dru-
61) to give polymers with controlled molec- liner, 199 1) or with TEMPO in the presence
ular weights (Mn=12000) and relatively of CSA (Steenbock et al., 1996). This is
narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn-1.5) (Bertin and partly due to P-H abstraction from the ter-
Boutevin, 1996). Similar control cannot be minal methyl group of poly(MMA) by the
attained in anionic polymerization because nitroxide moiety (Solomon et al., 1986).
of the side reactions between the ionic grow- In contrast, the nitroxide-based systems
ing terminal and the functional groups in the are effective in controlled random copoly-
monomers. Well-defined block and random merizations between styrene and such
copolymers with styrene and 32 (Hawker et monomers as acrylonitrile (AN), MA, EA,
al., 1996; Bertin and Boutevin, 1996), 33 MMA, vinyl carbazole, and butadiene
(Hawker 1994), or 34 (Yoshida, 1996) have (Georges et al., 1993; Hawker et al., 1996a;
also been synthesized by the nitroxide- Fukuda et al., 1996). The MWDs of the co-
based living radical systems. Among these, polymers were narrow (fiw/Mn-l .2) when
of particular interest is the living polymer- the molar composition of styrene was above
ization of the styrenesulfonic acid sodium 0.8; with decreasing the styrene content, the
salt (35) initiated with potassium persulfate molecular weights became lower than the

b 1
Qop Na@
32 33 34 35 Figure 6-6.
178 6 Living Radical Polymerization

calculated values, and the MWDs became tuted nitroxide (27)obtained by cationic liv-
broader (Hawker et al., 1996). The latter de- ing methods can be employed as a nitroxyl
viation may be attributed to the lower stabil- radical for living polymerizations of styrene
ity of the C-ON bonds at the acrylic poly- to afford poly (THF)-block-polystyrene, al-
mer terminals (Solomon et al., 1986), or to though the two segments are connected with
the difficulty of effective thermal initiation a weak C-ON bond (Yoshida and Sugita,
from the acrylic monomers (see above) (Fu- 1996).
kuda and Terauchi. 1996). The sequence
distribution and tacticity of the random co-
Synthesis of Well-Defined Polymers
polymers were the same as those obtained
in conventional radical polymerizations Unimolecular initiating systems permit
(Hawker et al., 1996a; Fukuda et al., the synthesis of polymers with well-con-
1996b). The TEMPO-based systems also trolled structures like end-functionalized,
led to living donor-acceptor copolymeriza- multi-armed, hyper-branched, and graft
tion between styrene and N-cyclohexylma- polymers, in addition to the block copoly-
leimide which is faster than the correspond- mers discussed above.
ing homopolymerization of styrene (Schmidt- Hydroxy- and amino-terminated polysty-
Naake and Butz, 1996). Block copolymers renes have been obtained via the living poly-
consisting of polystyrene and random co- merization of styrene with functionalized
polymers such as poly(styrene-co-AN) or TEMPO adducts, 36 and 37 (Fig. 6-7), re-
pol y( styrene-Lo-N-cyclohexylmaleimide) spectively (Hawker and Hedrick, 1995;
can be prepared (Fukuda et al., 1996a; Frank et al., 1996). Both end-functionalized
Schmidt-Naake and Butz, 1996). polymers had narrow MWDs (Mw/Mn=
The synthesis of block copolymers con- 1.1-1.2) and one initiator moiety at the
taining homosegments of acrylic monomers a-end, as confirmed by 'H NMR and titra-
is difficult, as anticipated from the unsatis- tion of the functional groups. The merit of
factory results on the homopolymerization the use of nitroxide-mediated radical poly-
of acrylic monomers with the nitroxide- merizations for end-functionalization is that
based systems. The sequential addition of protection of functional groups like OH
MMA or EA into living polystyrene pre- groups is unnecessary, because the dormant
pared by AIBN/TEMPO gave mixtures of terminal as well as the radical growing ter-
the block copolymers and homopolymers minal is robust for such polar functions. The
(Steenbock et al., 1996). Another method end-functionalized polymers with fluores-
for the synthesis of block copolymers is a cent labels can be obtained with 38.
combination of a nitroxide-mediated radi- Bifunctional (39 and 40) (Hammouch and
cal living polymerization with the anionic Catala, 1996a; Connolly et al., 1996) and
or cationic counterparts. For instance, the trifunctional (41) (Hawker, 1995) initiators
nitroxide-terminated polystyrene (17) pre- with TEMPO groups have been employed
pared by anionic living methods has been for controlled radical polymerizations of
employed as a macroinitiator for a subse- styrene. For example, 41 generates a three-
quent nitroxide-mediated radical polymer- armed polystyrene with Mn=53000 and
ization of acrylates (Yoshida et al., 1994). MW/Mn=1.19 in bulk at 130"C (Hawker,
In contrast to the sequential living radical 1995). Subsequent hydrolysis of the ester
polymerization, a high blocking efficiency linkage at the core part gave polymers
(96%) was obtained. A poly(THF)-substi- of fin=22000 and MW/Mn=1.09, which
6.2 Living Radical Polymerization Involving Covalent Dormant Species 179

(R = H, Me)
36 37 38

%-N-O-FH+~H-O-N #-
% CH3
CH3 '%
($-O&C-&O-N fl
3 41


42 Figure 6-7.

indicates that the arms possess narrow Other Carbon-Chalcogen

MWDs. Bonds
A styrene derivative (42) with a pendent
nitroxide can be used for the synthesis of Carbon-chalcogen bonds other than
graft polymers and hyper-branched poly- C-ON are also utilized for controlled poly-
mers. Thus copolymers of styrene and 42 are merizations, although the controllability is
first prepared by a conventional radical pro- generally inferior. For instance, the oxida-
cess with AIBN at 65 "C (i.e., below the dis- tion adduct of 1-octyl-9-borabicyclononane
sociation temperature of the C-ON bond). has also been utilized for MMA polymer-
By raising the temperature to 130 "C, the ni- ization, where the C-OB bond is thermally
troxide groups in the side chain are subse- activated into a carbon-centered radical and
quently allowed to initiate the nitroxide-me- the borinate counter-radical [Eq. (6-6)]
diated living polymerization of styrene to (Chung et al., 1996). The MWDs of poly-
give graft polymers with arms of nearly uni- mers thus formed are broader (&fw/~,,=2.5),
form molecular weights (Hawker, 1995). but it is interesting that the borinate radical
Alternatively, the homopolymerization of is stabilized by the empty p-orbital of the
42 gave hyperbranched polymers, and the boron, which is in contrast to the stabiliza-
subsequent addition of styrene gave multi- tion of nitroxide radicals by the filled p-or-
arm star polymers, because the precursors bital of the nitrogen.
possessed nitroxide-initiating points in the Recently, selenide compounds like diphe-
core (Hawker et al., 1995). Copolymeriza- nyl diselenide (PhSe-SePh) and benzyl
tions of styrene and 42 at 130C led to hy- selenide (PhCH,-SePh) have been em-
perbranched polymers with larger and less ployed as photoiniferters for controlled rad-
constrained cores. ical polymerizations of styrene and MMA
180 6 Living Radical Polymerization

(Kumazawa et al.. 1995). The molecular permits the molecular weight to be con-
weights increased with conversion, and the trolled by the feed ratio of the monomer to
MWDs were relatively broader (M,,,/Mn= the iodide compound to give narrow MWDs
1.5-2.0). although the details and the rele- (Mw/Mn= 1.3).
vance to living polymerization are still to be A similar approach has been adapted for
examined. controlled polymerizations of styrene, BA,
MA, MMA, and vinyl acetate (VAc) with
AIBN or BPO [Eq. (6-12)] (Kato et al.,
6.2.3 Carbon-Halogen Bonds
1994; Matyjaszewski et al., 1995b; Gaynor
As with the carbon-chalcogen bonds, et al., 1995; N. Ueda et a]., 1996). Control
some carbon-halogen bonds are suscepti- of the molecular weights and their distribu-
ble to homolytic cleavage. The carbon-cen- tions was possible for styrene and acrylates,
tered radicals can be formed by the abstrac- although the MWDs were broader than
tion of halogen atoms by radical species or those for perfluoroalkenes [Mw/Mn--l.5
by organometallic compounds (e.g., tin de- (styrene) and 2.0 (acrylates)]. The available
rivatives). In organic synthesis, many or- iodides include not only perfluoroalkyl io-
ganic halides have been employed as pre- dides but also the hydrogen-iodide adduct
cur\ors for radical intermediates to effect se- of styrene [CH,CH(Ph)I] and vinyl ethers
lective reactions. Such labile C-X ( X = I , [CH,CH(OR)I]. Such iodide compounds
Br, CI) bonds have recently been applied for serve as degenerative transfer agents which
controlled radical polymerizations as well. can produce C-I bonds reversibly. The
This section will treat the living or con- mechanism may be similar to that for the ni-
trolled radical polymerizations where the troxide-mediated living polymerizations
carbon- halogen bond%are activated by (1) where the dormant species is C-ON bonds
a small amount of carbon-centered radicals and the radical species is supplied by ther-
[Eq. (6-7)] or by (2) transition-metal com- mal initiation. However, the polymerization
plexes [Eq. (6-8)j. based on C-I bond activation needs radical
resources probably due to the low reactiv-
ity C-I bonds. Control of MMA polymer- Carbon-Iodine Bonds
izations was difficult with iodide-based
for Degenerative Transfer
systems. Controlled polymerizations of
The dissociation energy of carbon-io-
dine bonds is relatively low and susceptible
to homolytic cleavage in the presence of
radical species generated from convention-
al radical initiators. C-I bond cleavage for
controlled polymerizations was first em-
ployed i n the polymerization of perfluoroal-
kenes like CF,=CF7. initiated with ammo-
nium persulfate in the presence of perfluo-
roalkyl iodide. e.g., (CF3)2CF-I (Oka and
Tatemoto. 1984). The growing radical spe- (6-12)
cies is in fast equilibrium with the dormant
C-1 species. where the latter species is
much more abundant than the former. This -4 + c-1 ====
6.2 Living Radical Polymerization Involving Covalent Dormant Species 181

VAc have proved possible recently with the

CC4 + RU(ll) CC$' CI-RU(III)
use of a larger amount of AIBN than of the

iodide compounds (N. Ueda et al., 1996). CH2=CH
The obtained poly(VAc) had a relatively A - RU(II) CCb-CHz-CH-CI
(6- 13)
narrow MWD (Mw/fin=1.3 -1.5), but a still R
uncontrolled head-head linkage in the main [ R ~ ( l l =) R~C12(PPh3)3I
chain structures.

um center undergoes a reversible redox re- Carbon-Halogen Bonds Activated
action between the divalent and the trivalent
with Transition Metal Complexes
states. Such addition reactions are known as
Transition metal complexes are now in- Kharasch, or atom-transfer, addition reac-
dispensable for the precision synthesis of tions, and are widely employed for inter-
organic compounds, as well as polymers and intramolecular reactions for organic
from almost all perceptible mechanisms in- synthesis (Curran, 1991; Curranet al., 1996;
cluding ionic, radical, and coordination Iqbal et al., 1994). The suitable metal cen-
(Trost, 1995). The recognition of radical re- ters include not only Ru(I1) but also Cu(1)
actions has also changed from uncontrolla- (Asscher and Vafsi, 1961, 1963; Bellus,
ble to controllable by the emergence of var- 1985; Udding et al., 1994; Pirrung et al.,
ious transition metal complexes that can 1995; Nagashima et al., 1992, 1993), Ni(I1)
promote controlled reactions. Owing to their (Inoue et al., 1978; Grove et al., 1988,
wide range of oxidation states, these com- 1989), Fe(I1) (Hayes et al., 1986, 1988; Lee
plexes generally serve as effective oxidants et al., 1988; Lee and Weinreb, 1990), Mo(0)
or reductants to generate radical species from (Davis and Groves, 1982), etc. The efficien-
organic precursors. Furthermore, the metal cy of the metal-catalyzed reactions depends
complexes with designed ligands can even on the central metal, the ligands on the com-
permit the stereocontrol of radical reactions. plex, and the halide precursors. Important-
In metal-catalyzed radical reactions, car- ly, such specific, metal-catalyzed addition
bon- halogen bonds can be homolytically reactions to regenerate a potentially active
cleaved by some transition metals. For ex- carbon-halogen bond in the products are
ample, a ruthenium complex, RuCl,(PPh,),, more prominent than the stannanes-induced
homolytically cleaves the C-C1 bonds in radical reactions where the C-X bonds in
CCI4 to generate a carbon-centered radical the products are usually reduced into unre-
(CC13*),where the ruthenium center is oxi- active C-H bonds by hydrogen-atom trans-
dized from divalent to trivalent [Eq. (6-13)] f er.
(Matsumoto et al., 1973, 1978; Davis and Recent developments on transition metal
Groves, 1982). In the presence of an olefin, mediated radical reactions in organic syn-
the trichloromethyl radical adds to the dou- thesis again stimulate polymer chemists to
ble bond to give a new carbon-centered rad- use transition metals for radical polymeriza-
ical. The radical species subsequently ab- tions, although their use for radical poly-
stracts a chlorine atom from the trivalent ru- merizations dates back 20-30 years when
thenium species to regenerate a C-C1 bond transition metal complexes like Pt(PPh,),
along with a CC14-olefin adduct and the (Bamford et al., 1968), Ni[P(OPh),], (Bam-
original divalent ruthenium species. During ford and Sakamoto, 1974a), Mo(CO),
the addition reaction, therefore, the rutheni- (Bamford and Sakamoto, 1974b), and RhCl
182 6 Living Radical Polymerization

(CO)(PPh& (Kameda and Itagaki, 1973) transition metal complexes was for MMA
were employed i n conjunction with CC14 or with C C I , / R U C ~ ~ ( P Pin
~ ,toluene
)~ at 60C
the related polyhalogeno compounds as re- (Kato et al., 1995). The polymerization was
dox initiators. In these now classical systems, initiated by the ruthenium-catalyzed forma-
the initiation involves a similar redox reac- tion of CC1,. followed by its addition to
tion via homolytic cleavage of a carbon- MMA and formation of the adduct with a
halogen bond, but propagation proceeds by C-C1 bond. Subsequently, the C-CI bond
the conventional, poorly controlled radical is reversibly and homolytically activated by
mechanism, which may be due to the irre- the ruthenium complex in the presence of
versible formation of the radical species aluminum compounds like MeAl(ODBP)*
from such metal complexes. Polymerization (ODBP=2,6-di-terr-butylphenoxy) to in-
with reduced nickel [Ni(O)] in conjunction duce repetitive similar additions of the car-
with benzyl halides was also reported, bon-centered radical to MMA. The molec-
where the molecular weights increased with ular weights can be controlled by the feed
conversion, while the MWDs were bimod- ratio of MMA to CC1, (initiator), and the
al (Otsu et al., 1990). MWDs were fairly narrow (MW/Mn--1.3).
However, recent uses of transition metal Narrower MWDs (A?,/ Mn--1. I ) are afford-
complexes like RuCl,(PPh,), and CuCl able when the ruthenium catalyst is coupled
(complexed with bipyridine ligands) enable with CHC12COPh, (CH3),C(C02Et)Br, or
living or controlled radical polymerizations CCl3CO2Meas an initiator and Al(OiPr), as
of methacrylates, acrylates, and styrenes, an additive [Eq. (6-14)] (Ando et al., 1996;
opening a new vista in radical polymeriza- Sawamoto and Kamigaito, 1996b).
tion. The recent developments in transition- Similar living polymerizations of styrene
metal catalyzed radical polymerizations are were reported almost simultaneously and
comparable to those in the nitroxide-medi- independently by another group (Wang and
ated counterparts in terms of degree of con- Matyjasewski, 1995 a). The initiating system
trol. and have given the variety and versa- consists of 1-phenylethyl chloride, CuCI,
tility of transition metal complexes; these and 2,2-bipyridine,where the terminal C-CI
processes might be applicable to a wider bond is reversibly and homolytically acti-
range of vinyl monomers or under varying vated via the redox reaction of CuCl (I) com-
reaction conditions. The following section plexed with the bipyridine to give polymers
will deal with the developments in such with narrow MWDs (?I?JA?~--I.~)in bulk at
transi tion-metal catalyzed radical polymer- 130C [Eq. (6-15)] (Wang and Matyjasew-
izations. I t is important to note here that ski, 1995a). A more judiciously designed
these systems employ chemical stimuli to
generate radical intermediates, whereas
those with TEMPO and related nitroxides (Ru(l1) = RuCiz(PPh3), ) (6-14)
employ physical stimuli, mostly thermal. 7
Ru(l!! FH3
CH3-C* Br-Ru(ll1)

m d Mechanistic Aspects
L)\~ei:\. y 3
of Tr~insitionMettil Mecliuted Living CH2=7
Polj,merixrtion CO2CH3

The first living radical polymerization

yH3 Ru(I1) y 3
-CHZ-C-Br -CHZ-C- Br-Ru(ll1)
based on the activation of C-X bonds with COzCH3 COzCH3
6.2 Living Radical Polymerization Involving Covalent Dormant Species 183

ization proceeds via a radical mechanism

and not via an ionic or an insertion mecha-

Design of Initiating Systems

The transition metal mediated systems
discussed above involve multi-component
-CH2-CH-Br initiating systems that consist of an initiator
with a carbon-halogen bond, a metal com-
plex, and sometimes an additive such as
Al(OiPr), ;for example, R-X/RuCl,(PPh,),/
system, PhEtBr/CuBr/4,4'-di-n-heptyl-2,2'- Al(OiPr)3. Figure 6-8 summarizes the com-
bipyridine, affords much better controlled ponents reported thus far.
polymers with very narrow MWDs (&fW/Mn The available transition metal com-
<1.1) (see below) (Patten et al., 1996). It plexes include not only RuCl,(PPh,), and
has been proposed that these processes be CuX (with 2,2'-bipyridine; X=C1, Br), but
called atom-transfer radical polymerizations also FeCl,(PPh,), (Ando et al., 1997),
(ATRPs) (Wang and Matyjasewski, 1995a). NiBr,(PR3), (R=Ph, nBu) (Uegaki et al.,
Although there have been no reports on 1 997), Ni [C6H3(CH2NMe2),-o,0'1 Br (Gra-
the detection of the radical intermediate by nel et al., 1996) and RhCl(PPh,), (Percec
ESR spectroscopy, these polymerizations et al., 1996). Thus the metal centers cover
most probably proceed via a radical path- groups 8 to 11, all of which undergo rever-
way, as suggested by the following facts: sible one-electron redox reactions with
Both the Ru(I1)- and Cu(1)-based systems C-X bonds at the polymer terminals.
gave polymers with similar stereochemistry The polymerizations depend on the li-
to those obtained with a conventional radi- gands on the complexes as well as on the
cal initiator like AIBN (Kato et al., 1995; central metals. Most typically, the heteroge-
Wang and Matyjasewski, 1995a). The met- neous polymerization with CuX/2,2'-bipyri-
al-catalyzed radical polymerizations were dine can be altered into a homogeneous one
stopped by the addition of radical scaven- by introducing longer alkyl substituents like
gers like galvinoxyl and TEMPO (Kato et n-heptyl (Patten et al., 1996) and n-nonyl
al., 1995; Wang and Matyjasewski, 1995 a). (Percec et al., 1996) groups at 4,4'-positions
The most distinguished finding may be that of the bipyridine, as is often done in the cor-
the ruthenium system induces smooth poly- responding organic syntheses. The poly-
merizations even in the presence of metha- mers obtained with the homogeneous cop-
nol and water, which serve as terminators in per-based system had very narrow MWDs,
ionic polymerizations, and gives living as described above (Patten et al., 1996). It
polymers with narrow MWDs (MW/A?*--l .2) has been reported that the copper-based
(Nishikawa et al., 1997). All the polymer system also needs a very small amount of
chains possess the carbon-halogen bond at CuCl,(II) (-2 mol% to CuC1) for better con-
the wterminal without it being converted trolled polymerizations (Patten et al., 1996).
into a carbon-metal bond (Ando et al., This may reduce the uncontrolled growing
1996; Wang and Matyjasewski, 1995c), radical center by oxidizing it into the dor-
which supports the idea that the polymer- mant C-C1 species.
184 6 Living Radical Polymerization

Transition Metal ComDlexes:

PPh3 CI,,. ..cPPh3
CI- Ru **8aPPh3Ph3PYRh*PPh3
PhaP %I Br,,. ......slPnBu3

8 rNMe2
, I ...* N,i I ...,, 1
P i - B ;
CI \ PPh3 Br \ pph3
PPh3 PPh3 NMe2
CC13C02CH3 CHC12C02CH3
1 1
I Haloalkanes I 3 - ~
C02Et c02et C02Me
7H3 1
CH3-C-Br CH3-C-Br
I 1
C02Et C02Et Haloesters
I Haloketones I

1 1
Q d d

(Y = H, Me, OMe, F, CI, NO2)

Sulfonvl Chlorides

Added Metal ComDounds:

Ti(OPh)4 Me+

Figure 6-8.

The added aluminum compounds in the to the terminal ester group of the polymers.
ruthenium-mediated systems can be re- A plausible explanation of the role of the
placed with titanium(1V) and tin(1V) alkox- added compounds should be awaited. In con-
ides (Ando et al., 1995; Sawamoto and Ka- trast, the systems with CuC1, FeC12(PPh&,
nigaito, 1996b).These metal alkoxides were NiBr2(PnBu&, or Ni[C6H3(CH2NMq)2-o, o]Br
needed for increasing the polymerizations do not need such added metal alkoxides.
rate with RuC12(PPh3)3 or NiBr2(PPh3)2. The effective initiators include organic
They may interact with the ruthenium com- halides that almost invariably possess mul-
plex to change the redox potential of the tiple chlorine atoms, carbonyl, or phenyl
metal center or, alternatively, they may ac- groups which stabilize radicals via inductive
tivate the C-X bond via complexation on- and/or resonance effects. Some systems fa-
6.2 Living Radical Polymerization Involving Covalent Dormant Species 185

vor a bromide initiator for better controlled covalent species with a C-CI bond by the
polymerizations, probably due to the lower abstraction of chlorine from CuC12, where
dissociation energy of the C-Br bond (Ue- the copper center is reduced from divalent to
gaki et al., 1997; Wang and Matyjaszewski, univalent. In contrast to the R-CIKuCl (I)/
1995c). On the other hand, simple alkyl ha- bipyridine system, the first step in this poly-
lides like n-butyl chloride cannot act as ef- merization involves oxidation of the copper
ficient initiators and result in uncontrolled center from CuCl,(II) into CuCl (I). Howev-
polymerizations. Polyhalogeno compounds er, the subsequent polymerizations proceed
such as CC14 are effective initiators because via the same mechanism as the R-Cl/CuCl(I)/
of the inductive effects of plural chlorine at- bipyridine system, where the catalyst is the
oms, but there is a possibility that they may univalent copper complex. The initiation ef-
act as multifunctional initiators or chain- ficiency of AIBN is nearly unity (0.95).
transfer agents, although it has been con-
firmed that in Ru(II)/CC14 system the chlo-
ride was rapidly depleted in initiation during Monomers
the very early stages of the polymerization
The transition metal catalyzed living rad-
(Kato et al., 1995).
ical polymerizations are applicable for var-
In general, the excellent initiators are most
ious radically polymerizable monomers to
likely the unimer counterparts for the
give controlled molecular weights and MWDs
dormant polymer terminal, for example,
( ~ w / ~ n = l . l - l .(Kato
5 ) et al., 1995; Ando
(CH3)2CBrC02C2H5 for methacrylates,
et al., 1996; Kotani et al., 1996a, b; Wang
CH3CHXC02R (X=C1, Br; R=Me, Et) for
and Matyjaszewski, 1995a, c). As listed in
acrylates, and CH,CHXPh (X=Cl, Br) for
Fig. 6-9, the reported examples include me-
styrene. However, some unimers were less
thacrylates [CH,=C(CH,)CO,R; R=Me,
efficient in some systems, because the reac-
Et, nBu], acrylates [CH,=CHCO,R; R=Me,
tivity of their C-X bond is lower than with
Et, nBu], and styrenes [CH2=CH(p-R-
polymers with high degrees of polymeriza-
C,H,); R=H, Me, Cl]. Relative to the
tion, thus the best may be the dimer coun-
TEMPO-based counterparts, the metal-me-
terparts. Arenesulfonyl chlorides also under-
diated systems are apparently more versa-
go Kharasch addition reactions in the pres-
tile or less specific to the structur of
ence of R u C ~ , ( P P ~and
~ )CuX
~ complexed
monomers. For example, the Ru(I1) and
with bipyridine (Asscher and Vofsi, 1964;
Amiel, 1974; Kamigata, et al., 1983; Kame-
yama et al., 1987), and in fact serve as func-
tional initiators for MMA (Matsuyama et al., y 3

1996) and styrene (Perec and Barboiu, 1995; CH2=F

Percec et al., 1996) polymerizations.
Though mechanistically different, the
system also I
C02CH3 C02Et
induced controlled polymerizations of sty-

rene (Wang and Matyjaszewski, 1995b; CHz=CH
Gaynor et al., 1996b). The first step of this
living polymerization is the formation of an
initiating radical from AIBN and its addition he
to styrene, followed by the formation of the Figure 6-9.
186 6 Living Radical Polymerization

Cu(1) initiating systems are able to polymer- End-Functional

ize both methacrylates and styrenes; in con- HOwO-$-CHC12
trast, TEMPO seems to work on styrene but 0
not on methacrylates. 4a 44 45

Synthesis of Well-Defined Polymers
Because of the wide variety of applicable 46
monomers for metal-catalyzed living poly-
merizations, several block copolymers have C12CH$-OaO-CCHCI2
0 , ;
been prepared by sequential living polymer- 47
izations. For example, the ruthenium-based Trlfunctional
system gives diblock copolymers of MMA
and BMA with narrow MWDs (M,,,/M,,-I .2) 1
by the sequential addition of BMA into the \ /
livingpoly(MMA) [Eq. (6-16) (Kotani et al.,
1996a). Further addition of MMA into the
o # )
diblock MMA-BMA living polymers gen-
erates triblock copolymers of MMA- ::
BMA-MMA (h&,/fin-l.3). The copper-
based system also leads to block copolymers
of styrene and MA with Mw/fin=l.35
(Wang and Matyjaszewski, 1995a). Thus
many types of block copolymer have been C12CH$-O

synthesized using transition metal catalyzed 0 51

living polymerizations.
Figure 6-10.
Ru(ll) MMA
I4 Al(0iPr; -+- ~ M M A ) ~ (6-16)
The polyhalides where the halogens are
separated by the use of an appropriate spac-
er act as well-defined multifunctional initia-
tors (J. Ueda et al., 1996; Wang and Maty-
jaszewski, 1 9 9 5 ~ ) .For example, 46-49
End-functionalized polymers have been serve as bifunctional initiators, and 50 and
prepared with functional initiators (43) that 51 as trifunctional counterparts.
contain hydroxy groups in the ester moiety The polymerization of p-chloromethyl-
[Fig. 6-10 and Eq. (6-17)]. Halolactones styrene gave hyperbranched polymers
like 44 and 45 are also available as function- where the benzylchloride part acts as the in-
al initiators that produce polymers with a itiating point in conjunction with Cu(1) and
lactone unit at their terminals. bipyridine (Gaynor et al., 1996a). The hy-

e c - x Y ~ R0-0
ARu(ll) ~ X-RU(III)
O~.MA)-X n (6-17)
@: Functional Group
6.2 Living Radical Polymerization Involving Covalent Dormant Species 187

perbranched structure has been confirmed rhodium, and cobalt [Eq. (6-9)]. The system
by H NMR and SEC analyses. Copolymer- based on the C-metal bond activation has
izations of the monomer with styrene af- similarities to both the C-halogen-based
forded another hyperbranched polymer with system with transition metal complexes and
a looser structure. the C-ON-based system. The system in-
As described above, transition metal cat- volves one-electron redox reactions on the
alyzed living radical polymerizations are equilibrium between the dormant and acti-
apparently more applicable to a wide varie- vated species like the C-halogen-based
ty of monomers than the nitroxide-mediat- system. The generating metal species on the
ed counterparts at present. The transition reversible homolytic cleavage is per se
metals serve catalytically, and the initiators stable like a nitroxyl radical generated in the
that generate polymer chains are commer- C-ON-based system. However, the transi-
cially available organic halides. The poly- tion metal in this system is reduced on acti-
merization can be conducted in solution and vation, and it does not serve in a catalytic
at lower temperatures, often below 8 0 C way for the polymer chain, unlike in the case
particularly with the use of efficient addi- of the C-halogen-based system. In this
tives. However, it is still unknown whether sense, these systems (with carbon-metal
the side reactions inherent to radical poly- bonds plus physical stimuli) are intermedi-
merizations are truly suppressed or not. Al- ate between the nitroxide systems (with car-
so, possible disadvantages may include low- bon-heteroatom bonds plus physical stim-
er reaction rates, the relative complexity of uli) and the transition metal based systems
procedures because of the multicomponent (with carbon-heteroatom bonds plus chem-
initiating systems, and the resulting need to ical stimuli).
remove metal-containing residues from the An excellent system based on this meth-
products. As for future aspects, further de- od is the living polymerization of MA with
sign of the metal complexes including the a cobalt(II1) porphyrin (52) (Fig. 6-1 1) in
ligands and the metal centers may make con- benzene at 60C (Waylandet al., 1994). The
trolled polymerizations of other monomers initiator, (tetramesity1porphyrinato)cobalt
possible, especially nonconjugating deriva- neopentyl [(CH,),CCH,-Co(TMP)], gen-
tives such as vinyl acetate, vinyl chloride, erates a stable Co(II)(TMP) species and
and other industrially important monomers. a reactive carbon-centered neopentyl radi-
Another area of prime importance is of
course stereospecific radical polymeriza-
tions, which seem inherently very difficult

for conventional free radical processes.

6.2.4 Carbon-Metal Bonds

-N / \ \
Some transition metals form stable but
potentially reactive covalent carbon-metal \

bonds directly with growing polymer termi-

nals where the bonds can be reversibly
cleaved by thermal or photochemical stim-
uli. Metals utilized for such controlled rad- 54
ical polymerizations include chromium, Figure 6-11.
188 6 Living Radical Polymerization

cal. The carbon-centered radical adds to 1992). Cobaltocene [Co(C,H,),] was em-
monomer to initiate the polymerization, ployed for MMA in conjunction with bis
whereas the Co(I1) species reversibly forms (ethyl acetoacetato)copper [ C u ( e a ~ a c ) ~ ]
a C-Co bond with the propagating radical (Mun et al., 1984a, b) and although the con-
via the redox reaction between Co(II1) and trollability is inferior to the porphyrin ver-
CoUI). The produced polymers had molec- sion this system can afford block copoly-
ular weights up to A?,,- 150000, which are mers of styrene and MMA (Mun et al.,
controlled by the feed ratio of monomer to 1984b).
the cobalt complex, and very narrow MWDs Although the degree of controllability is
(MW/Mn-l.2).This system also affords the also a problem, the possibility of living rad-
synthesis of block copolymers of MA and ical polymerizations catalyzed by transition
BA. metals has been suggested perhaps for the
The use of the C-Co bond for organic first time for the polymerization of MMA
synthesis (Pattenden, 1988) and radical with the aged complex of chromium(I1) ac-
polymerizations most likely originated from etate [Cr(OAc),] and BPO in DMF at 30C
the chemistry of the coenzyme B I 2 , where (Lee et al., 1978). The polymerization was
the cobalt center undergoes a similar redox presumably initiated by the benzoyl radical
reaction in metabolic processes. The suc- generated from BPO and the Cr(I1) com-
cess in living polymerization with the co- pound during the aging at IO'C, where the
balt porphyrin is due to the stable Co(I1) spe- chromium center is reduced into the trival-
cies, the low dissociation energy (-80 ent state. The interaction between the car-
kJ/mol) of the C-Co bond (Woska et al.. bon-centered radical and the chromium cen-
1996). and the bulkiness of the porphyrin li- ter has not yet been clarified, but there is a
gand. In contrast. the polymerization with possibility that the chromium center rever-
similar cobalt complexes that possess small- sibly forms aC-Cr bond viaredox reactions
er ligands like dimethylglyoxime (53)(Da- of the chromium center (111 ++IV or I1 t)
vis et al., 1995a) and salophen (54) (Bana- 111) (Gaynor et al., 1994). The polymeriza-
daranayake and Pattenden, 1988) is not liv- tion rate and initiation efficiency can be in-
ing because they are effective chain-trans- creased with the use of aprotic solvents with
fer agents that abstract the p-hydrogen at- high donor numbers, like HMPA or nitrogen
om from the methylene group at the poly- ligands like phenanthroline and bipyridine
mer terminal. Possible control of the stereo- (Lee et al., 1979, 1982). Recent reports also
regularity has recently been investigated in suggest the controlled polymerization of vinyl
the presence of the chiral cobalt(I1) complex acetate using macrocyclic ligands like
for MA polymerizations (Nakano et al., 1.4,7,10,13,16-hexaazacylooctadecane trisul-
1996). fate in conjunction with the BPO/C~(OAC)~
In contrast to controlled acrylates poly- system (Gaynor et al., 1994).
merizations. the cobalt porphyrin complex
is not effective for methacrylates, because
6.2.5 Other Controlled Systems
the P-H abstraction from the a-methyl
group of the terminal gives the inactive hy- As stated for the system using C-I bonds,
dride. A similar rhodium(I1) porphyrin com- degenerative transfer agents can control
plex led to molecular weight increases in molecular weights and MWDs. Recently,
polymerizations of MA, but the MWDs it has been demonstrated that macro-
were broader (A?JA?"--2) (Wayland et al., monomers with a CH2=C(C02R)CH2-
6.2 Living Radical Polymerization Involving Covalent Dormant Species 189

group can serve as efficient addition-frag- BMA units, originally generated from con-
mentation chain-transfer agents in the radi- ventional radical initiators like K2S208,
cal polymerization of methacrylates to form reacts with the CH2=C(C02Ph)CH2-group
block copolymers with controlled mo- to form an adduct with a mid-chain radical.
lecular weights and narrow MWDs The adduct does not produce graft copoly-
(&fW/A?fn--1.4)(Kristina et al., 1995). This mers by reacting with BMA but undergoes
controlled polymerization proceeds as if the fragmentation to regenerate the two starting
CH2=C(C02R)CH2-terminal were the dor- compounds or to give a new PhMA propa-
mant species, like the C-I species. As gating species and a BMA macromono-
shown in Eq. (6-18), block copolymers can mer with a CH2=C(C02Ph)CH2-group.The
be attained from the phenyl methacrylate PhMA propagating species subsequently
(PhMA) macromonomer and the BMA reacts with the BMA monomer and then
monomer by this method. Thus a small combines again with the BMA or PhMA
amount of propagating radical species of macromonomer. Such a sequence of addi-

i CH2=C

(6- 18)
190 6 Living Radical Polymerization

tion fragmentation and propagation eventu- be accomplished by the physical stabiliza-

ally leads to block copolymers. The chain- tion of radical species using micelles and ze-
transfer constants of the macromonomers olites. Polymerizations by this method are
with certain chain lengths were obtained, summarized elsewhere (Tanaka, 1992), and
and their chain-length dependence was dis- the details are omitted in this review. More
cussed (Moad et al., 1996). In this process, recently, there was a report on the control of
the fast and reversible addition-fragmenta- molecular weight by the size and length of
tion reaction ensures controlled molecular nearly uniform-sized mesoporous zeolites
weights by the feed ratio of BMA monomer (Ng et al., 1996). The stability of the prop-
to PhMA macromonomer and narrow agating radical species in the mesopore is
M WDs. as in the radical polymerizations us- supported by the ESR studies. The molecu-
ing alkyl iodides as degenerative transfer lar weights seemed to be controlled by the
agents. length of the mesopore, though the MWDs
Another approach to living radical poly- were broad (MW/Mn=1.7-6). Evidently, the
merizations is stabilization of the radical use of mesopores is intended to isolate the
species itself via interaction with a Ir-donor. growing free radicals from each other to
The addition of tetrathiafulvalene (55) (Fig. suppress bimolecular termination while
6-1 2) narrowed the MWDs of poly(MMA) keeping a relatively large space around the
from 2.6 to 1.5 i n the polymerization with growing end, so that monomers can move
AIBN at 60C (Wunderlich et al., 1996). into the active sites.
The absence of irregular structures due to
bimolecular termination (disproportiona-
tion and recombination) was indicated by 6.3 Concluding Remarks
the TG analysis of the products. This sug-
gests that the propagating radical species are As discussed in this article, it becomes in-
shielded by the x-donor. Such interactions creasingly evident that radical polymeriza-
have also been investigated by ESR analy- tions can be controlled by the use of care-
sis on the polymerization of MMA with fully designed initiating systems. Most of
AIBN in the presence of diphenylacetylene the living or controlled radical polymeriza-
(56) (Hwang and Ogawa, 1990). Such a liv- tions involve the fast equilibrium between
ing polymerization based on organic Ir-do- the reactive radical species and the dormant
nor-induced stabilization is of interest be- species with a potentially active covalent
cause of the possible existence of the truly bond, where the equilibrium is shifted to the
stabilized radical species that can complete- latter. Table 6-1 summarizes the character-
ly elude side reactions. istics of representative living or controlled
All the above-mentioned systems are radical polymerizations of commercially
based on the chemical stabilization of radi- available monomers like MMA, MA, and
cal species. Quite different stabilization can styrene in terms of the bonds and stimuli for
radical generation, the polymerization tem-
perature, and the polymer MWDs. Appar-
ently, some systems cannot be available for
certain monomers, because the nature of the
carbon-centered radicals differ in each
55 56
monomer and accordingly affects the effi-
Figure 6-12. ciency of the radical-capping reactions and
6.3 Concluding Remarks 191

Table 6-1. -C-Y *C.+'Y

-c-Y Stimuli Temp. Monomer MJM,

wC-CPh3 A 60-90C MMA, St 2 1.5

-c-s hv 30 "C MMA, St 21.5
-C-ON A 90- 130 "C St 1.1-1.2
-c-I R' 60-80C St, VAc 2 1.3
-C-X (X=CI, Br, I) metal 60-130C MMA, MA, St 1.1-1.2
-c-co A 60C MA 1.1-1.2

the stability of the dormant species. The transition metal complexes and those of the
kinds of monomers thus far polymerized cationic counterparts with Lewis acids
with nearly perfect control (A?"- 100 000, (Kamigaito et al., 1993). The former system
Mw/Mn<1.2) are restricted to styrenes, involves reversible and homolytic cleavage
methacrylates, and acrylates. Thus far, no of the C-halogen bonds, whereas the latter
system has succeeded in the well-controlled involves reversible but heterolytic cleavage.
radical polymerization of other radically The cobalt porphyrin-mediated radical liv-
polymerizable and commercially available ing polymerization of acrylates is similar to
monomers like vinyl acetate, (meth)acry- the aluminum porphyrin-mediated anionic
lonitrile, (meth)acrylamide, vinyl chloride, living polymerization of methacrylates, be-
butadiene, ethylene, etc. The studies on cause both involve the equilibrium between
controlled radical polymerizations are still the dormant species with covalent C-met-
developing and will be applied for such a1 and 0-metal bonds, respectively, which
monomers in the near future. The mecha- are converted into reactive growing poly-
nism of living radical polymerizations will mer terminals and metal porphyrins (Aida
also be clarified further. and Inoue, 1996). The sterically large por-
Such a design of polymerization systems phyrin ligands are crucial in both controlled
based on the reversible formation of reac- polymerizations.
tive growing species from the dormant spe- From another view point of controlling
cies is not specific to the radical pathways the polymer structure, stereocontrol is one
but it is, apparently, specific to other mech- of the most important targets. Stereocontrol
anisms, including living anionic polymer- has already been accomplished in coordina-
izations of (meth)acrylic monomers and liv- tion olefin polymerizations with Zie-
ing cationic polymerizations of vinyl gler-Natta and Kaminsky-type catalysts
monomers, where the actual growing spe- (Binzinger et al., 1995; Bochmann, 1996),
cies are susceptible to side reactions (Web- anionic living polymerizations of acrylates
ster, 1991 ; Aida, 1994; Hirao and Nakaha- with elemental metals (Kitayama et al.,
ma, 1994; Sawamoto, 1993;Kennedy, 1995; 1990), lanthanoid-mediated living polymer-
Hsieh and Quirek, 1996; Matyjaszewski and ization of methacrylate (Yasuda and Tamai,
Sawamoto, 1996; Breslow, 1993; Sawamo- 1993), etc. In the olefin polymerization with
to and Higashimura, 1989; Kennedy and metallocenes, it has recently been suggest-
Ivin, 1992). For example, there are similar- ed that the structure of the dormant species
ities between the radical living polymeriza- plays important roles in determining the
tions based on C-halogen activation by steric structure of the product polymers.
192 6 Living Radical Polymerization

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Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances

Philippe Dubois

Laboratory of Polymeric and Composite Materials. University of Mons.Hainaut. Mons.


Robert JCrGme and Philippe TeyssiC

Center for Education and Research on Macromolecules (CERM) University of Likge.

Institute of Chemistry B6a. Likge. Belgium

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196

7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
7.2 General Aspects of Anionic Living Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
7.3 Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
7.4 Group Transfer Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
7.4.1 A Discussed Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
7.4.2 A Remarkable Macromolecular Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
7.5 Metal-Free Anionic Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
7.6 Nucleophilic/CoordinativePolymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
7.6.1 Organolanthanides (111)-Initiated Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
7.6.2 Metalloporphyrin-Mediated Nucleophilic Polymerizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
7.7 Ligated Anionic Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
7.7.1 Ion-Pairs complexation : Nature of Ligands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
7.7.2 Effect of Ligands on Thermodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Coordination Strength of o-Chelating Ligands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Steric Hindrance Around the Ligated Ion-Pairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
7.7.3 Effect of Ligands on Kinetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Modification of the Association Equilibria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Modification of the Solvation Equilibria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
7.7.4 A Golden Tool for Macromolecular Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
7.8 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
7.9 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
196 7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

preexponential factor
number average degree of polymerization
activation energy
Planck constant
negative logarithm of equilibrium constant for association
equilibrium rate constant
propagation rate constant
number average molecular weight
weight average molecular weight
polydispersity index
reactivity ratio
glass transition temperature

Ac acetyl
acac acetylacetonate (-0)
AIBN azobiisobutyronitrile
B (BD) butadiene
CE crown ether
CHx cyclohexane
DIB 1,3-diisopropenylbenzene
DME ethylene glycol dimethyl ether
DMF N ,N-dimethy lformamide
DPE dipheny lethylene
DPMLi diphenylmethyllithium
EtA ethyl acrylate
2 EtHA 2-ethyhexyl acrylate
GTP group transfer polymerization
H high molecular weight
HMPA hexamethylphosphoramide
HP high molecular weight (after polymerization)
L low molecular weight; ligand
LAP ligated anionic polymerization
LiOE&l lithium 2-(2-methoxyethoxy) ethoxide
LP low molecular weight (after polymerization)
M metal; MMA; rBuMA
MALDl- TOF matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization - time of flight
Me methyl
MeA methyl acrylate
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 197

MIBLi methyl a-lithioisobutyrate

MMA methylmethacrylate
Mt metal
MTS 1 -methoxy-2-methyl- 1 -trimethylsiloxypropene
MW molecular weight
MWD molecular weight distribution
nBuA n-butylacrylate
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
Nu nucleophile
PBD pol ybutadiene
PCL poly c aprolactone
Ph phenyl
PMMA poly (methylmethacrylate)
PS polystyrene
PVA pol yvinylalcohol
R alkyl
S styrene
SAP screened anionic polymerization
SBS styrene-butadiene- styrene triblock copolymer
SEC size exclusion chromatography
TAS(+) tris (dimethylamino) sulfonium ion
TASF tris (dimethy lamino) sulfonium fluoride
TASHF, tris (dimethylamino) sulfonium bifluoride
TASMe3SiF2 tris (dimethylamino) sulfonium difluorotrimethylsiliconate
TBAMF tetrabutylammonium methylfluorenide
tBIBLi tert-butyl a-lithioisobutyrate
tBuA tert-butylacrylate
tBuMA tert-butylmethacrylate
THF tetrahydrofuran
To1 tolyl
TPP tetraphenyl porphinato
uv ultraviolet
198 7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances

7.1 Introduction ic polymerization are already available

(McGrath, 1981; Young et al., 1984; Van
The development of anionic chemistry Beylen et al., 1988; Szwarc and Van Bey-
over the past four decades has led to the len, 1993; Hsieh and Quirk, 1996; Szwarc,
emergence of new polymeric processes and 1996). Emphasis will instead be on very re-
products of industrial importance, the most cent developments in anionic living poly-
significant being the family of thermoplas- merization and especially in the polymer-
tic elastomers. These unique elastomers are ization of polar unsaturated monomers, such
presently commercialized by the Shell as (meth)acrylic esters, since the most re-
Chemical Company as Kratons and by the markable progress has been made in this ar-
Phillips Chemical Company as Solprenes. ea in the last decade. Before discussing the
Their phenomenal growth in commercial recent strategies investigated in order to get
production can be attributed to the unpre- better control in anionic polymerization, we
cendented control the anionic process pro- will briefly survey the main characteristic
vides over the polymer properties, i.e., de- features of livingness in anionic polymer-
liberate design of the polymeric structure ization.
and composition.
The impressive advances in anionic poly-
merization stein from the early work of
7.2 General Aspects of Anionic
Szwarc and co-workers in 1954 on the so- Living Polymerization
called living polymerization (Szwarc et The chief feature of anionic living poly-
al., 1956). These living systems, resulting merizations in aprotic solvents is that they
from propagation free of termination and involve only two reactions :initiation and
chain transfer, make macromolecular engi- propagation. Spontaneous transfer or termi-
neering possible; this is defined as the syn- nation reactions will not take place if prop-
thesis and characterization of polymers ex- er systems and adequate reaction conditions
hibiting well-defined molecular structures, are chosen. As a consequence, molecular
low compositional heterogeneities, and nar- weight control is easy to achieve, provided
row molecular weight distributions. These initiation is fast with respect to propagation.
well-tailored polymers have also led to de- The number average degree of polymeriza-
tailed and deep understanding of the mech- tion is given by the monomer consumed to
anism of ionic polymerization, because the initiator molar ratio
stability of the growing end groups permits
the chemists to examine their nature and the (7- 1
modes of their reactions. Not surprisingly,
these developments had, and continue to Furthermore, the reaction scheme implies
have, a striking impact on progress in other that the molecular weight distribution is
fields of polymer chemistry and physics, as Poisson-like, i.e., very narrow, as has been
well as in the advancement of polymer en- shown elsewhere on a theoretical basis by
gineering and technology. Flory (1940). Even though two (or more)
It is out of the scope of this chapter to cov- types of active species add monomer at very
er the literature on anionic living polymer- different rates, the polydispersity remains
ization exhaustively; several excellent re- narrow, provided the solvation/desolvation
views and books dealing with the kinetics, and ionic dissociation/association processes
thermodynamics, and mechanisms of anion- are fast (Figini, 1967)
7.2 General Aspects of Anionic Living Polymerization 199

-cH~-F, M+ -CH~-?H//M+ e-cH~-~H + M

li k (7-2)
Contact Solvent separated Free ions
ion-pairs ion-pairs

It is interesting here to compare the an- that most of the macromolecules present in
ionic and radical modes of polymerization. a radical polymerization are dead. Only a
Radical polimerization is initiated by the ad- minute fraction of them contributes to the
dition reaction of a monomer onto a radical propagation at any time. However, it is
moiety formed by the homolytic cleavage of worth pointing out the very recent break-
a suitable initiator. The added radical is through achieved in the field of con-
found attached to the growing polymer trolledPliving radical polymerization,
chain as the tail group, but its nature, and which allows for the synthesis of well-tail-
therefore the nature of its precursor, does not ored poly(meth)acrylic and polystyrenic de-
influence the kinetics or the (stereo)selec- rivatives. Purposely, the radical chain ter-
tivity of the propagation step. These char- mination, i.e., recombination and dispro-
acteristics are actually dependent upon the portion, might be suppressed, or at least
nature of the monomer, the temperature of drastically reduced, by generating growing
the free radical polymerization, and, to a species where the growth active radical spe-
lower extent, the nature of the solvent. In cies is in a rapidly exchanging equilibrium
contrast, the mode of anionic propagation is with a stable dormant counterpart. Current
affected substantially by the nature of the literature shows that there are, among oth-
initiator, since its counterion remains asso- ers, two major strategies to achieve living
ciated in some manner with the growing ac- radical polymerization: one with a stable
tive site [see Eq. (7-2)]. The active propa- radical end-capper, e.g., nitroxyl-type radi-
gating groups may exist as ion-pairs, which cals (Georges et al., 1994; Hawker, 1996),
can be solvated and even dissociate into free and the other with metal complexes as a
ions. All these species are in equilibrium component of the initiating systems (Sawa-
and, since the observed kinetics and mech- mot0 and Kamigaito, 1996; Patten et al.,
anism of polymerization depend on their rel- 1996). In the second approach, for instance,
ative content in the reaction medium, the the active radical species is in a rapidly ex-
course of anionic polymerization is more changing equilibrium with a halogen-
complex, but also more versatile, than that capped covalent counterpart. If the dormant
of radical polymerization. carbon-halogen terminal linkage can be ho-
The bimolecular termination through the molytically and reversibly cleaved, and if
coupling or disproportionation of two free the equilibrium is favored for the dormant
radicals makes their lifetime very short, of- side, then the instantaneous concentration
ten less than a few seconds. This accounts of the growing radical end will be extreme-
for the almost constant molecular weight of ly low so as to suppress the bimolecular ter-
the resulting polymer chains, independent mination reactions.
of the degree of monomer conversion. The During most of the anionic polymeriza-
inevitability of the bimolecular termination tion, collision of the active ionic species
is also responsible for a drastic limitation of does not annihilate them and consequently
the radical concentration. Their stationary does not destroy their capacity to grow fur-
concentration barely exceeds lo4 M, so ther. In fact, the concentration of growing
200 7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances

polymers can be as high as M in anion- induce deactivation or side reactions. Typi-

ic polymerization (Szwarc and Van Beylen, cal examples of monomers suited to be an-
1993). Thus. in numerous anionic polymer- ionically polymerized in a living manner are:
izations. it is possible to avoid termination substituted or unsubstituted styrene, vinyl-
and chain transfer. Different synthetic strat- pyridine, conjugated dienes, alkyl (meth)ac-
egies have been investigated to obtain the rylates, and also monomers with protected
livingness of the process. As we will re- hydrogen-containing functions. For in-
port in the following sections, the nature of stance, hydrox yethylmethacry late and glyce-
the counterion, the addition of coordinative ryl methacrylate can undergo anionic poly-
ligands, the polarity of the aprotic solvent, merization as silyl-ether or -acetal, respec-
and the polymerization temperature consti- tively. After polymerization, the alcohol
tute key parameters which have to be taken functions are recovered by mild acid hydrol-
into account. Indeed, as remarked earlier, ysis (Rempp et al., 1988).
the end groups of anionic living polymers Living systems imply the occurrence of
exist in a variety of distinct forms, the rela- microreversibility, i.e., propagatiodde-
tive content of which depends on the afore- propagation reactions (Brown and Szwarc,
mentioned parameters. For example, in ad- 1958). However, for practical reasons, the
dition to the equilibrium between free ions equilibrium monomer concentration is gen-
and ion-pairs, aggregates of polymers re- erally very low, and quantitative conver-
main in equilibrium with the nonaggregat- sions can be attained. There are never-
ed ones, covalently and ionically bonded theless, a number of 1 , l -disubstituted
species may be in equilibrium with each oth- monomers, such as a-methylstyrene, in
er, and so forth. The propagation constant which propagation/depropagation equilib-
of each of these species is different, and for ria trigger a lowering of the yields and a
some might be virtually zero. Although the broadening of the molecular weight distri-
latter do not contribute directly to the prop- butions. In these cases, it is necessary to op-
agation, they are not dead either, since a erate at a low temperature (although the re-
spontaneous and reversible interconversion action is then quite slow) and to deactivate
transforms them into the propagating poly- the anionic species at a stage where the equi-
mers. Such temporary. inactive species are librium is still far from being reached
usually referred to as dormant polymers. (Rempp et al., 1988).
The span of their dormancy is determined Anionic living polymerization thus pro-
by the reciprocal of the rate constant to their vides the synthetic polymer chemist with
conversion into the active form, which in perfect control of the molecular parameters
turn is strongly affected by the polymeriza- of the produced polymers. The preparation
tion conditions, e.g., concentration, polarity of block copolymers, free of homopoly-
and temperature of the reaction medium, ad- mers, having the desired sequence and size
dition of complexing agents, nature of the of blocks, is probably the major application,
counterion and monomer, etc. but the synthesis of functionalized polymers
To be eligible for living anionic polyrner- also arises directly from the long lifetime of
ization, a vinylic monomer should carry an the active sites. The reactivity of the end
electron-attracting substituent to induce po- groups permits their conversion into the re-
larization of the unsaturation. However, it quired functional groups so that a- or a,
should contain neither acidic hydrogen nor w-functional (telechelic) polymers are
a strongly electrophilic function which could made available. By this procedure, macro-
7.3 Strategies 201

monomers can be produced, i.e., linear poly- 7.3 Strategies

mers fitted at a chain end with a polymeriz-
able unsaturation, most commonly styrene As already emphasized, the most recent
or a (meth)acrylic ester. These species in progress achieved in the field of anionic liv-
turn provide easy access to graft copolym- ing polymerization deals with the tailoring
ers upon radical copolymerization with vi- of poly(meth)acrylic esters derivatives. Un-
nylic or acrylic comonomers. The use of til about the late 1970s, perfectly controlled
linking or coupling agents allows the con- polymerization of alkyl acrylates and me-
version of bifunctional linear living chains thacrylates had been a permanent, but poor-
into macrocyclics. A modification of these ly answered challenge in polymer science.
procedures yields star-shaped and comb- And yet the incentives were huge and nu-
like polymers. The successful contribution merous, i.e., increasing availability of the
of anionic polymerization to macromolecu- corresponding monomers (production now-
lar engineering has been elegantly reviewed adays approaching 6x106 tonne per year),
by Rempp et al. (1988). versatility of the obtained materials, includ-
Before discussing the most recent ad- ing plastics, fibers, adhesives, and elasto-
vances achieved in anionic living polymer- mers, which may contain a number of dif-
ization, it is worthwhile recalling that liv- ferent reactive functions, and a higher us-
ing polymers are not immortal, as pointed age temperature, e.g., by increasing Tg to
out by Szwarc in his very first paper intro- 130C or higher for poly(methy1methacry-
ducing the concept of living polymers late) (PMMA) having a syndiotactic content
(Szwarc, 1956). It is indeed inconceivable of at least 80%.
for propagation to proceed indefinitely with Methacrylates and acrylates are tradition-
the rigorous exclusion of termination and ally polymerized by free radical techniques.
chain transfer. With time, any living chain Even though the versatility of this synthet-
eventually decomposes, isomerizes, or ic route has been exploited for industrial
reacts with its surroundings. Therefore purposes, ranging from bulk polymerized
Szwarc suggested that the first condition optically transparent materials to paints and
had to be relaxed to the point where a poly- surface coatings, a more controlled method
mer could be referred to as living if the end of polymerization has been demanded. The
groups retain the propensity of growth for conventional anionic initiators, and more
at least as long a period as needed for the particularly sec-butyllithium, have long
completion of an intended synthesis proven very efficient in the controlled poly-
(Szwarc, 1992). In other words, a maximum merization of styrenes, conjugated dienes,
molecular weight polymer should be ob- and other vinylpyridines. However, the an-
tained without being interrupted by termi- ionic living polymerization of (meth)acryl-
nation or chain transfer. In fact, even this re- ic esters was barely achieved. There were
quirement could be relaxed. Szwarc and Van essentially two problems:
Beylen (1993) recently wrote: One is often
satisfied if not more than say 2% of the 1) Poor selectivity of the nucleophilic addi-
growing species are terminated, or undergo tion; the expected Michael 1,4-addition
chain-transfer, when polymers of the de- was contaminated by a 1,2-attack on the
manded size are formed. carbonyl group and, to a lesser extent, by
an acid-base reaction with the hydrogen
atom in the a-position of the carbonyl
202 7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances

function. The major mechanism for ter- These different methods will be discussed
mination under normal experimental in turn.
conditions is an intramolecular reaction,
i.e., a back-biting reaction, yielding a six-
membered ring with the evolution of alk- 7.4 Group Transfer
oxide ions (for further discussion, see Polymerization
Sec. 7.4.1).
2) A coordinative aggregation of the anion- In 1983, Webster and his co-workers at
ic active sites, either alkylmetal or eno- DuPont reported a new living polymeriza-
late, i.e., formation of p-type complexes. tion method called group transfer polymer-
The tendency to aggregate is more pro- ization (GTP) for acrylic monomers, espe-
nounced in less polar solvents. cially methacrylates (Webster et al., 1983).
Several (partially) successful strategies It involves the catalyzed addition of the
have been followed i n order to gain control monomer to a growing polymer chain end
over the polymerization process in terms of which carries a reactive silyl ketene acetal
the molecular weight (MW), the MW distri- group. During the addition, the silyl group
bution (MWD), the stereochemistry, and the transfers to the incoming monomer, regen-
process livingness (necessary for the tail- erating a new ketene acetal function ready
oring of the chain architecture and the intro- for reaction with more monomer [see Eq.

duction of functionality). As imposed by the (7-3)], hence the name group transfer poly-
electron-withdrawing ester substituent, all merization (Webster, 1987)
of these strategies have logically called for -0 + catalyst
I- ,
\ 1-51
nucleophilic processes and may be catego-
rized as follows: Me OMe
Group-transfer polymerization, as pro- OSiMe3
posed by DuPont (Webster et al., 1983;
Sogah et al., 1987).
Metal-free anionic polymerization: use The group transfer process involves a si-
of all-organic large and delocalized ion- lyl ketene acetal initiator, most commonly
pairs (Reetz, 1988: Sivaram et al., 1991). 1-methoxy-2-methyl- 1-trimethylsiloxy-
Nucleophilickoordinative polymeriza- propene (MTS), which on its own is inac-
tion (Collins and Ward, 1992; Yasuda tive. MTS only initiates polymerization in
et al.. 1993) and the metalloporphyrin- the presence of a catalyst, which may be ei-
mediated polymerization proposed by ther a nucleophile or a Lewis acid (Sogah
lnoue et al. (1990). and Webster, 1983). The degree of polymer-
Ligated anionic polymerization stud- ization is dictated by the monomer-to-initia-
ied by several research groups depend- tor molar ratio and is independent of the cat-
ing on the nature of the added ligand: alyst concentration, which, however, affects
MR, (Hatada et al., 1986), R,MOAr the propagation kinetics (Mai and Muller,
(Ballard et al., 1992), MOR (Lochmann 1987; Brittain, 1988). Nucleophilic cata-
et al., 1974. 1979). and LiCI, hindered lysts such as soluble fluoride, bifluoride,
crown ether, and LiOE,,R developed by azide, and cyanide are usually introduced as
our group (Fayt et al., 1987; Varshney et salts of an organic cation, e.g., the tris(di-
al., 1990a, 1992; Bayard et al., 1994). methylamino) sulfonium or tetrabutylam-
7.4 Group Transfer Polymerization 203
monium ion. Electrophilic catalysts include Nu
M e t S iI - M e Mell,,, 1Q
zinc halides, alkylaluminum chlorides, and I + NuQ Me/(,
alkylaluminum oxides (Hertler et al., 1984). ?
However, nucleophilic catalysts are pre-
ferred because only small amounts are need-
ed, typically 0.12 mol% based on the initia-
tor. On the other hand, electrophilic cataly-
sis require as much as 10%catalyst, based
on the monomer. Note that more recent ev-
idence has shown that 1% catalyst, especial-

ly for HgI,, could be sufficient (Zhuang and
Muller, 1995).
Typical solvents include toluene, tetrahy-
drofuran (THF), and N,N-dimethylforma-
mide (DMF) for nucleophilic catalysis, and
toluene and dichloromethane for Lewis ac- 2

id catalysis.
The polymerization of methacrylates t
yields polymer with a predictable molecu-
lar weight and narrow polydispersity index
(M,/Mn<l .2). In contrast, the M,/Mn broad-
ens for acrylate polymerization. Note that
functional groups sensitive to free radicals,
such as ally1 or sorbyl, can be present on the
ester groups of the monomer and remain un- 4
3 (7-4)
reacted in the polymer (Webster, 1987).
GTP was a significant new development, The nucleophilic catalyst, e.g., HF,, co-
since it combined the important advantages ordinates with the silicon atom of the initia-
of living polymerization with the ability to tor (MTS) to provide a pentacoordinate spe-
carry out polymerization at room tempera- cies 1. The activated initiator and monomer
ture and above (ca. 80 "C).This was an im- (MMA, for instance) were proposed to form
provement over classic anionic living poly- a hexacoordinated (hypervalent) silicon
merization, which requires a low tempera- intermediate 2 and a rather unusual eight-
ture (I-60C) for its successful operation. membered ring transition state. A new car-
The mechanism of GTP has been the sub- bon-carbon bond is created between the in-
ject of considerable debate, and various ap- itiator and monomer, and the trimethylsilyl
proaches have been made in order to under- group is transferred to the carbonyl oxygen
stand it. of the monomer. The structure of 4 is there-
fore similar to that of the initiator (MTS)
(Sogah and Farnham, 1985).
This mechanism, known as the associa-
7.4.1 A Discussed Mechanism
tive one, could be treated as a pseudoanion-
The mechanism of GTP proposed in the ic process, since propagation results from
original papers of the DuPont team is de- the insertion of a monomer caused by the re-
picted in Eq. (7-4). arrangement of covalent bonds, and not from
204 7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances

1 5


Meou Meo OSiMq


the addition to an ion. This mechanism does

not involve dissociation of the activated si-
+ MeSiNu

polymerization was quenched and the two

polymers separated by solubility, i.e., one
lylketene acetal and a silane. However, such homo P(tBuMA) and the other a block co-
a dissociative mechanism [Eq. (7-S)] was polymer of rBuMA and MMA. The exclu-
plausible, as Noyori et al. (1983) had report- sive isolation of these two polymers showed
ed that enolates may be produced from the that there had been no exchange of end
reaction between silyl enol ether and a flu- groups, thereby precluding the dissociative
oride ion source. Accordingly, the enolate 5 mechanism.
[Eq. (7-5)), capable of adding the monomer, The associative mechanism was also
is formed by dissociation of complex 1, so confirmed by the unsuccessful attempts to
releasing the Me,SiNu fragment. The nucle- trap the Me,SiNu intermediate which would
ophile accelerates the formation of the eno- be produced according to Eqs. (7-5) and
late. Note that next to this so-called rever- (7-6) (Sogah and Farnham, 1985). However,
sible dissociative mechanism, the Me+ the kinetics and tacticity measurements per-
moieties can also be expected to be ex- formed by Miiller and co-workers (Miiller
changed rapidly between the different poly- and Stickler, 1986; Mai and Miiller, 1987)
meric chains, i.e., an irreversible dissocia- provided evidence for a monomer addition
tive mechanism with a transfer of propaga- occurring through a two-step process rath-
tion from one chain to another [Eq. (7-6)] er than in a concerted manner. For instance,
(see Davis eta].. 1994). the Arrhenius plots derived from the kinet-
The double-labeling experiments report- ics study of the group transfer propagation
ed by Sogah et al. ( 1987) demonstrated that of methyl and t-butylmethacrylate are sig-
the silyl groups were not exchanged be- nificant. The kinetic data, such as the acti-
tween different polymer chain ends. A mix- vation energy, the preexponential factor,
ture of living PMMA and living poly(rerr- and the propagation rate constant of GTP are
butylmethacrylate) (rBuMA) chains with very similar to those obtained for classic an-
dimethyltolylsilyl and dimethylphenylsilyl ionic polymerization, particularly when large
ketene acetal end groups, respectively, was counterions were used (Table 7- 1). In the
used to initiate the polymerization of rBuMA latter case, the monomer addition proceeds
in the presence of TASF as a catalyst [Eq. via a direct attack of the carbanion on the
(7-7)]. After 5 min in THF at -9OC, the monomer vinyl group, similar to radical poly-
7.4 Group Transfer Polymerization 205

>=< OtBu


THF, -9O"C, 5 min



>=<OSiMqTol + OSiMe2Ph

merization. Coordination of the monomer methacrylates for both GTP and anionic
carbonyl group to the hypervalent silicon at- polymerization. In both cases, the ratios are
om simultaneous with the vinyl addition [cf. quite different from unity, in contrast to free-
Eq. (7-4)] should result in much higher ac- radical copolymerizations for which the re-
tivation entropies (corresponding to lower activity ratios do not significantly differ
frequency exponents) than those observed from unity (Table 7-2; Muller, 1990).
in anionic polymerization (Muller, 1990). Further experimental observations led
Consequently, it seems more likely that Quirk and Ren (1 992) to propose that GTP
monomer addition is a two step process. occurs solely by the nonreversible dissoci-
It is also worth pointing out the similar- ative mechanism [Eq. (7-6)]; the key step of
ity between the reactivity ratios of different which is a rapid complexation of the prop-
206 7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances

Table 7-1. Kate constants (in 1 niol I 5.') and activation parameters for the anionic and GTP polymerizations of
MMA and tBuMA in THF".

Anionic polymerization GTP

Li+ Na+ cs+

kP" 100 800 860 1250

MMA E, (kJ mol-I) 24.0 18.3 19.5 16.9
lOel,lA 7.4 7.0 7.3 6.8
kph 6 56 180 800
rBuMA E, tkJ mol ' ) 32.8 31.2 23.0 19.1
log,,,A 82 8.7 7.5 7.05
k,,( t B u MA )fk,,(MM A ) 0.06 0.07 0.2 I 0.64

Talien from Muller ( 1990): at -40C.

Table 7-2. Reactivity ratios for the polymerization of MMA (M,)

with other methacrylates (MZ)in THF".

E\ter Pol y m . Temp. rl 1'2

M, method" ("C)

Ethyl GTP (TAS+) 20 1.36k0.13 0.5 I kO.06

anionic (Na+) -75 I .6 0.8
radical 60 0.92 1.1
r-Butyl GTP (TAS+) 20 4.59k0.35 0.16t0.06
anionic "a') -69 7.1 21.5 0.1 1 c0.07
radical 60 0.96t0.09 1.3 k0.19
Dccyl GTP (TAS+) 20 1.66kO. 14 0.48t0.03
Decyl anionic (Na+) -YO 1.5 c0.4 0.7 k0.2
Nonyl radical 60 1.1 0.9

Taken from Muller ( 1990): free-radical copolymerization initiated with AIBN in benzene

agating enolate intermediate with a silyl ke- type chain end 6, which is analogous to
tene acetal chain-end function. the termination product of ester enolate
- The primary termination reaction in anions in corresponding anionic poly-
MMA GTP involves a chain-end cycliza- merizations [Eq. (7-8)] (Brittain and
tion reaction to form a cyclohexanone- Dicker, 1989)

X = LI', Na+, Cs', SiR-rNu

7.4 Group Transfer Polymerization 207

- A chain transfer is observed to carbon ac- the presence of TASHFz as the catalyst
ids with pK, values in the range 18-25 [Eq. (7-lo)]. Fractionation of the result-
for MMA GTP (Hertler, 1987). ing polymeric mixture indicated that ex-
- Enolate anions can function as the nu- change of end groups had occurred.
cleophilic catalysts for anionic GTP
(Quirk and Bidinger, 1989). Indeed, in These results provide strong evidence for
anionic polymerization of MMA initiat- a dissociative mechanism and appear to
ed with tetrabutylammonium methylflu- somewhat contradict the double-labeling
orenide (TBAMF), this fluorenide should experiments of Sogah and Farnham (1985).
generate enol groups at the reactive end Interestingly enough, Webster (1994) has
of the growing chain. However, on the ad- recently pointed out the effect of the poly-
dition of a large excess of MTS to the so- merization temperature. The double-label-
lution of TBAMF prior to addition of the ing experiments by Sogah and Farnham
monomer, the MW was controlled by the were initially conducted at -90C [see Eq.
MMA to MTS molar ratio rather than by (7-7)]. When carried out at -70 C,some end
the amount of TBAMF [Eq. (7-9)]. With- group scrambling did, however, take place.
out the added GTP initiator, only a 14% This observation led Webster to suggest that
yield of PMMA was obtained. These re- the quite strong fluoride ion donator, i.e., di-
sults dramatically demonstrate the stabi- fluoromethylsiliconate [7 in Eq. (7-1 l)],
lizing effect of trimethylsilyl ketene ace- reacts with the trimethylsilyl ketene acetal
tal, and since PMMA with a quite narrow end group leading to two molecules of flu-
polydispersity (M,/M,= 1.2) was ob- orotrimethylsilane and TAS enolate, in
tained, the enolate end groups must be in agreement with the reversible dissociative
rapid equilibrium with neutral chain ends mechanism [Eq. (7-5)]. The small amount
and thus be available for the monomer ad- of TAS enolate could then catalyze the GTP
dition. polymerization by a dissociative mecha-
- An unusual negative reaction order (-0.27) nism.
kinetic dependence on the silyl ketene ac- Schneider and Dicker (1988) have report-
eta1 end-group concentration (initiator) ed that when catalyzed by oxyanions, such
for GTP polymerization of MMA (Mai as acetate anions, GTP displayed an en-
and Muller, 1987) and tBuMA (Doherty hanced livingness, particularly at higher
and Muller, 1989) fits the inhibition of the temperature in the presence of a silylated
reaction by the initiator and is in agree- oxyanion, e.g., Me,SiOAc. It is interesting
ment with the dissociative mechanism. to note that the propagation rate is slowed
- In double-labeling experiments, using under these conditions, which could appear
PMMA of two different molecular to be consistent with the reversible dissoci-
weights designed for separation by solu- ative mechanism.
bility difference in the two samples, par- There is evidence for all three of the
tial exchange has recently been reported mechanisms which have been proposed, and
by Quirk and Ren (1992). Living PMMA the mode of the GTP polymerization more
of two distinct molecular weights (H, likely depends upon the precise reaction
high MW, and L, low MW), one with tri- conditions, particularly the nature of the cat-
methylsilyl and the other with a phenyl- alyst. As concluded by Webster (1994), Al-
dimethylsilyl end group, were mixed and though all of the data do not quite fit, the ev-
used to initiate MMA polymerization in idence weighs heavily on the side of a dis-
208 7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances



+ +

11 -70C (7-1 1 )


PMMA - +
\ /
\ /
7.4 Group Transfer Polymerization 209

L* (7-12)

(M,/M. = 1.10)
(M,/M.= 1.32)
65 X I 2.29

sociative process for anion-catalyzed GTP, acrylic esters. From the technology point of
especially for the strongly nucleophilic view, this solves in the same way the cru-
systems; for carboxylate-catalyzed GTP, the cial problem of heat transfer in fast and ex-
jury is still out. Indeed, some evidence for othermic reactions (a dramatic drawback of-
the associative mechanism has recently ten encountered in the polymerization of
been found in dual initiator systems (Web- methacrylic esters). Even though most ac-
ster, 1994). Under an associative mecha- tivity has concentrated on (meth)acrylates,
nism with dual initiators, each set of chains other polar monomers, e.g., acrylonitrile
would grow at slightly different rates. and N,N-dimethylacrylamide, have also
Therefore the MWD would get broader than been polymerized by GTP (Sogah et al.,
when only one initiator is operating. This is 1987).
the case when dimethylphenylsilyl ketene Random copolymers have been synthe-
acetal and trimethylsilylketene acetal were sized by adding a mixture of monomers of
used to polymerize MMA with tetrabutyl- the same family, either all methacrylate or
ammoniumbiacetate as acatalyst [Eq. (7- 12)]; all acrylate, to the initiator and catalyst
the M J M , increased from 1.71 to 2.29 on (Webster et al., 1983). The large difference
increasing the monomer conversion from 20 in reactivity between the various acrylic
to 65%. monomers prevents random group transfer
copolymerization of their mixtures. Simi-
larly block copolymers within the same
7.4.2 A Remarkable Macromolecular
family form easily. An AB block copolymer
with methacrylate and acrylate segments is
Whatever the issue of the mechanistic dis- prepared by polymerizing the less reactive
cussions, GTP has provided the polymer methacrylate monomer first and then add-
chemist with a synthetic tool that is versa- ing the acrylate monomer. An ABA triblock
tile and tunable for macromolecular engi- copolymer where A=PMMA and B =poly-
neering. caprolactone (PCL) has been readily syn-
As in other living polymerizations, the thesized by the addition of two equivalents
MW of the poly(meth)acrylates obtained by of trimethylsilylcyanide to a, w-diacrylo
GTP is determined by the monomer-to-in- PCL, which produced a macroinitiator in
itiator molar ratio. Although MW can easi- situ. Upon the addition of MMA, rapid poly-
ly be controlled in the 1000-20000 range, merization occurs at both chain ends (Sogah
higher molecular weights are difficult to ob- et al., 1984).
tain. However, the major advantage over Also, a- and a,wfunctional (telechelic)
classical anionic living polymerizations is polymers, including poly(meth)acrylate mac-
the possibility of operating at (and above) romonomers, have been prepared by GTP
ambient temperature, at least for the meth- (Sogah and Webster, 1983). The functional-
210 7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances


- 1 PMMA


0I I


(7- IS)

ity (or its masked form) must be present in divided attention. These high MW (>5x lo4)
the initiator, as illustrated for hydroxy and super-star buildings with numerous branch-
carboxylic acid groups in Eqs. (7-13) and es display a much lower dynamic viscosity
(7- I4),respectively. The cc cudifunctional than the linear chains with a similar MW.
polymers could be obtained by coupling Owing to attractive physicochemical per-
polynier 8. bearing a silyl enolate at one end formances and rheology, original applica-
and the functionality at the other, withy-xy- tions such as automotive paintings can be
lylene dibromide [Eq. (7-lS)J. foreseen. Finally, it is worthwhile empha-
Star-shaped homo- and copolymers syn- sizing the aldol-GTP polymerization report-
thesized by the arm-first process and the ed by Sogah and Webster (1986). It was
use of ethylene bismethacrylate deserve un- found that the addition of a several-fold ex-
7.5 Metal-Free Anionic Polymerization 21 1

+ H2C=&-i
- catalyst

0-Si (Me)$Bu 0
---+ I

+ McH3 CH3
OSiRl R3SiO CH&+-CHz*


cess of silyl vinyl ether 9 to an aldehyde known to strongly coordinate not only to the
as initiator gave a silylated vinyl alcohol incoming silyl vinyl ether, but also to the
polymer with a terminal aldehyde group backbone siloxy groups. Besides aldehydes,
[Eq. (7-16)], the MW of which was con- electrophiles such as benzylhalides and ac-
trolled by the molar ratio of the silyl vinyl etals can also be used as initiators. Interest-
ether to the aldehyde initiator. The best con- ingly enough, diblock copolymers of sily-
trol of molecular weight was obtained with lated vinyl alcohol and MMA were synthe-
tert-butyldimethyl silyl vinyl ether over a sized by treatment of the aldehyde-terminat-
wide temperature range (-80 to +70C). ed polymer with living PMMA made by
Unlike the GTP of methacrylic esters in GTP [Eq. (7-17)]. Upon cleavage of the si-
which the silyl group is transferred from the lyl groups with fluoride ions in the presence
initiator to the monomer, the polymerization of methanol, a copolymer containing hy-
of silyl vinyl ethers, referred to as aldol- droxyl groups was obtained, the degree of
GTP, involves transfer of the silyl group hydrophilicity of which was tuned by vary-
from monomer to initiator. A catalyst (ca. ing the size of the PVA blocks.
lop3mol% relative to monomer) is required
for the process to occur. Although Lewis ac-
ids such as diisobutylaluminum chloride 7.5 Metal-Free Anionic
and titanium tetrachloride are effective as Polymerization
catalysts, the preferred catalysts are zinc ha-
lides. In contrast to the GTP of MMA, an- Reetz (1988) has explored the possibility
ionic catalysts, particularly fluoride sourc- of employing metal-free carbon nucle-
es, are less efficient for the aldol-GTP than ophiles as initiators in the anionic polymer-
Lewis acids. Anionic catalysts are actually ization of acrylates. By using the resonance-
212 7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances

[RC(C02R'),J " ( ~ ~ B u ) ~ ] still difficult at present to explain why the

10a: R=R'=Et ammonium carbanions are such excellent
initiators at room temperature. Reetz (1 988)
lob; R=Et. R'=Me
has suggested that the positive charge is not
localized on the nitrogen atom, but rather on
the four a-carbon atoms, leading to a tetra-
hedral distribution of charge. The acrylic
stabilized initiators 10 and 11 with the non- monomer may approach one corner of the
metallic tetrabutylammonium counterion, tetrahedron in such a way that a kind of sol-
n-butyl acrylate was polymerized almost vation may be seen. Larger tetraoctylammo-
quantitatively at room temperature both in nium did not allow controlled polymeriza-
THF and toluene. tions, leading to polyacrylates with broad
Good control of the MW up to at least MWD. The long substitutents pointing from
20 000 and a narrow MJM, of ca. 1.3 were the tetrahedral position probably prevent a
reported. Similarly, the dianion 12 also tight and ordered transition state. Further
proved to be an effective initiator in the experimental data, including the tacticity of
polymerization of nBuA [Eq. (7- 18)]. More the polymers, would be enlightening.
recently. Sivaram et al. (199 1 ) reported on The much more stable P4f ion, i.e.,
the controlled polymerization of methyl ac- ( [(Me,N),P-N]3P-NH'Bu}+, may be a
rylate as initiated by the functional carban- better gegenion than the tetrabutylammoni-
ionic initiator 13 at ambient temperature i n um counterion. P4f ester enolate polymer-
THE Methyl acrylate oligomers (M,c5000) ized MMA at 60C to give a very low mo-
with reactive chain ends, i.e., bearing oxaz- lecular weight distribution (M,/M,= 1.1)
oline groups. have accordingly been synthe- (Pietzonka and Seebach, 1993). Unlike oth-
sized. er anionic polymerization processes, this
Although these preliminary results pro- one did not work well at low temperature.
vide very exciting prospects for the living At -78"C, a polydispersity of 2.3 was ob-
polymerization of acrylate monomers, it is served. Very recently, Hogen-Esch and co-

2) MeOH
@ N(nBu)4 I
C02Et CozEt C02nBu
(7- 18)

(3 N ( ~ B U ) ~
7.6 Nucleophilic/Coordinative Polymerization 213

workers found that the polymerization of

MMA in THF at ambient temperature was
living (M,/Mn< 1.2) when initiated by
Ph,C-, +PPh4 (Dimov et al., 1996; Zagala
and Hogen-Esch, 1996). In contrast, the
polymerization of nBuA under identical
conditions was not under control. Polymer
Ln = Sm, Yb, Y, Lu
yields, although high, were not quantitative, \

and the polydispersities were broader and
the initiator efficiencies were higher than
unity. Interestingly enough, multinuclear
Yb\ ,Yb
NMR studies indicated the presence of
phosphorylides in these polymerizations,
formed by the addition of the PMMA eno- 1
late anion to one of the phenyls of the +PPh4
(Baskaran et al., 1997). Furthermore, the ki- hydrides, trialkylaluminum complexes of
netics of MMA polymerization were consis- alkyllanthanides, and simple alkyl com-
tent with the presence of a small fraction of plexes that were synthesized starting with
a highly reactive phosphonium enolate in Ln (C5Me&C1.
equilibrium with the unreactive, or the much The polymerization proceeded over a
less reactive, ylide (Baskaran and Muller, wide range of temperature from -95 to
1997). The fact that the MWD of the PMMA 60 "C. Syndiotacticity exceeding 95% was
prepared in the presence of +PPh4 is quite observed when the polymerization was con-
narrow (M,/Mn< 1.2) suggested that equi- ducted in THF or toluene at the lower tem-
librium between the phosphonium enolate peratures. The apparent rate of polymeriza-
and the ylide is rapid on the polymerization tion was found to increase on increasing the
time scale. So far, this is the first example ionic radius of the metal (Sm>Y>Yb>Lu)
of an ylide-mediated vinyl polymerization. and to decrease on increasing the steric bulki-
The precise role of the ylides in these poly- ness of the auxiliary ligands (C5H5>C,Me,)
merizations remains to be elucidated. (Yasuda and Ihara, 1995).
Yasuda et al. (1992) have isolated the 1 :2
adduct of [(C5Me5)2SmH]2and MMA, and
7.6 Nucleophilic/Coordinative determined its structure by single crystal
X-ray analysis. One of the MMA units is
linked to the metal in its enolate form, while
at the other end the second (penultimate)
7.6.1 Organolanthanides (111)-Initiated
MMA unit is coordinated to the metal by its
carbonyl group. Therefore, in the initiation
The organolanthanide (111) complexes step, the hydride is expected to attack the
were the first initiators found to cause living CH, group of MMA, generating a transient
polymerization of MMA, leading to PMMA Sm-OC(OCH,)=C(CH3)2 species. Then
chains of very high MW (Mn>5x105)with the next incoming MMA molecule could
extremely narrow MWD (M,/M,<l .05) participate in a nucleophilic 1,4-addition to
(Yasuda et al., 1992, 1993). Organolantha- afford an eight-membered cyclic intermedi-
nides used by Yasuda include lanthanide ate [Eq. (7-19)]
214 7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances

\ Me
/: Me C,

0 Me ,OMe (7-19)

On the basis of the X-ray structural data trol by altering the chirality of a metal-based
and of the mode of polymerization, Yasuda 1igand.
described these organolanthanide initiated Yasuda also disclosed the efficient initiat-
polymerizations as occurring owing to a ing properties of SmMe (C,Mes)2 (THF)
coordinated anionic mechanism with an and of YMe(C5MeJ2 (THF) in the living
8-membered transition state. The observed polymerization of acrylic esters, i.e., meth-
unique initiator could primarily originate yl acrylate (MeA), ethyl acrylate (EtA), and
from the large ionic radii [l.O-1.1 A butylacrylate (nBuA), although these reac-
(0.1-0.1 I nm)] of the rare earth metals tions are nonstereospecific (Yasuda and
compared to those of Li, Mg, and A1 Ihara, 1995). Again, M,IM, is extremely
10.68-0.73 A (0.068-0.073 nm)], in addi- narrow, i.e., ~1.05, even for polyacrylates
tion to their sufficiently small electronega- of M , = 4 x lo5. The rate of polymerization
tivity ( 1 . 1 - 1.2). increases with increasing bulkiness of the
Chiral organolanthanides have also been alkyl acrylates. In the case of MeA, the poly-
used in the stereoregular polymerization of merization in toluene at 0 C is complete in
MMA. Isotactic (290%) polymerization of 300 s, the M, and conversion increasing
MMA was achieved using Me2Si(CsMe,) with polymerization time, whereas the poly-
C5Me4-1 S,2S,SR-neornenthyl)-LaR with merization is complete in 5 s for the poly-
R=CH(SiMe& or N(SiMe3)2; while merization of EtA and nBuA.
Me# (CSMes) (CsH4-lS,2S,SR-menthyl) Random and block copolymers of alkyl-
LnR [Ln=Lu, Sm; R=CH(SiMe3)2 or N acrylates and MMA have been synthesized
(SiMe3)?1 produced syndiotactic PMMA in a perfectly controlled way. A typical ex-
(ca. 70%) (Yasuda and Ihara, 1995). The ample is provided by the ABA type triblock
molecular weight control is very poor and copolymerization of MMAInBuAIMMA, as
M,IM, is as broad as 15, even with bimod- initiated by SmMe(CsMe5)2 (THF) in to-
al distributions. Nevertheless, this is the first luene at 0C. The resulting triblock co-
example of polymer stereochemistry con- polymers P(MMA-b-nBuA-b-MMA), of
7.6 Nucleophilic/Coordinative Polymerization 215

M,>100000 with M,/M,<l.l, exhibited itiation with organolanthanide complexes,

interesting thermoplastic elastomer proper- but still in the range M,/M,= 1.2- 1.4. The
ties (Yasuda and Ihara, 1995). polymerization of nBuA was also studied
It is also worth mentioning that rare earth and poly (n-butyl acrylate) could be pre-
metal initiated polymerizations of lactones pared in high yield at low temperature with
such as &-caprolactone, Gvalerolactone, narrow MWD, e.g., M J M , of ca. 1.25 at
and /?-propiolactone again produce high -78 "C. This polymerization was not living
MW polyesters with narrow MWD. Block and the principal termination process in-
copolymerizations of such lactones and volved back-biting cyclization, as revealed
MMA proceed smoothly to give copolym- by MALDI-TOF mass spectra of low MW
ers with M,/M,= 1.10-1.25. Similar or- polymer. At higher temperatures, the grow-
ganolanthanide (111) complexes were found ing chains were deactivated by this process
to display excellent catalytic behavior to- and also by competitive a-hydrogen trans-
wards polymerization of olefins and a-ole- fer, such that high monomer conversions
fins, including their copolymerization with were not obtained (Li et al., 1997).
polar monomers such as (meth)acrylates
and lactones. Finally, more complex
systems like Ln (acac),/AlR,/H,O also ex- 7.6.2 Metalloporphyrin-Mediated
hibit good activity towards the polymeriza- Nucleophilic Polymerizations
tion of oxiranes. All these extremely inter-
Both methacrylates and acrylates are
esting horno- and copolymers have been re-
readily polymerized by tetraphenylporphin-
viewed very recently by Yasuda and Ihara
atoaluminum derivatives having the follow-
ing structures
It is interesting to point out the work by
Collins and Ward (1992), in which the
MMA polymerization is initiated in CH2C12
by cationic zirconocene compounds such as
[Zr(C5Me5)2Me(THF)]+(BPh4)-. A mecha-
nism involving an eight-ring intermediate,
analogous to that described by Yasuda, has
also been proposed.

flPP)ALX : (TPP)AIMe (X = CHJ)

(TPP)AISPr (X = S-nPr)

Initially, the MMA polymerization was

initiated by the methyl-substituted alumin-
oporphyrin (TPP)AlMe (Kuroki et al., 1987;
Hosakawa et al., 1991). The polymerization
In the presence of a proton source, this was living at room temperature, leading to
cationic complex is able to polymerize perfect control of every molecular parame-
MMA up to high monomer conversion. ter. As a typical example, block copolymers
However, the molecular weight distribu- of MMA with propylene oxide could easily
tions are broader than those obtained by in- be synthesized (Kuroki et al., 1988). How-
21 6 7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances



ever, the polymerization that required irra- In order to extend the concept of the so-
diation by visible light was slow. so only 6% called high-speed anionic living polymer-
of monomer conversion was reached with- ization obtained by the combination of a
in 2.5 h in CH,C12 at 35 C. The mechanism metalloporphyrin initiator and a bulky Lew-
proposed by Inoue is basically based on nu- is acid catalyst, Inoue et al. (1995) designed
cleophilic reactions involving an ester eno- a novel type of initiator carrying a nucle-
late as the growing active species [Eq. (7-20)1. ophilic site and a Lewis acidic site in one
It was anticipated that activation of the molecule of porphyrin 13.
monomer by a judiciously chosen Lewis ac-
id should enhance its reaction with the por-
phyrin catalyst provided that the chosen Me. Me
acid does not polymerize the monomer
(Scheme 7- 1 ).
This condition is fulfilled by the use of
bulky aluminum phenoxides (Kuroki et al..
1991 ). the addition of which to (TPP)AIMe
and MMA is reported to trigger a 45000- ~ e he
fold acceleration of the polymerization so GHS
that narrow MWD (M,/M,<1.07) PMMA 13
chains are quantitatively formed in less than
3 s at 35C [see Eq. (7-20)). When less The strategy is to bind a Lewis acidic site
bulky aluminum alkyls were used, e.g., for monomer activation covalently to the
Me3Al. Et,AI. no acceleration took place. rigid skeleton of a porphyrin, so that the site

Coordination & Activation

Al- 0- Polymer Monomer - - - A1

Aluminum Porphyrin Stericallv Crowded Scheme 7-1.

(Bulky Nurleophile) Lewis acid
7.6 NucleophiliclCoordinative Polymerization 217

Scheme 7-2.

for monomer activation is located at an ap- M," Me Polymei

propriate distance and steric position for A'I
them to cooperate with each other (Scheme Med
The monomer activation by the intramo-
lecular Lewis acid site is illustrated by the
MMA polymerization with 13 as initiator in
CH2C1, at room temperature (Fig. 7-1).
It is worthwhile noting the synthesis of
ultra-high molecular weight (>1x106)PMMA
with narrow polydispersity (M,/M,= 1.2)
(Adachi et al., 1992). Acrylates have also
been polymerized successfully, as illustrat-
ed by the synthesis of PtBuA with a narrow
MWD (M,/M, of ca. 1.1). Less bulky acry- Time in min
lates, e.g., ethyl and isobutyl acrylates, re-
quire a lower polymerization temperature
(-70 "C), but, even at this temperature, side
termination reactions could not be avoided,
as illustrated by the broader polydispersity GPC Profile

(M,/M,= 1.2- 1.4). (TPP) AlSPr has recent-

ly proved very efficient at promoting the (Mcalc = 10 000)
MMA polymerization in the dark (Adachi Mw/Mn = 1.44
et al., 1993). At 35"C, this porphinatoalu-
minum thiolate polymerizes MMA quanti- 100% Conv.

tatively within 18 h to give a polymer of

M,= 22 000 with an M,IM, of 1.12. Again,
the addition of a bulky Lewis acid leads to , I 1

complete conversion within a couple of 25 30 35 Retention

Time (min)
minutes. The fact that the MMA polymer-
36.7 2.4 0.4 MGpc x lo4
ization does not require irradiation when in-
itiated by (TPP)AISPr has been initially ac- Figure 7-1.Time-conversion profile for the MMA
counted for by the highly nucleophilic na- polymerization as initiated by 13 ([MMA]Jl3],=100)
ture of the thiolate aluminum porphyrins. in CH2C12 at room temperature [from Inoue et al.
However, Davis et al. (1994) have also pro- (1995), with the permission of Hiithig & Wepf Pu-
blishers, Zug, Switzerland].
posed that the initiation step could occur by
a bond homolysis followed by a radical at-
218 7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances

tack on the methacrylate, and further by co- to be much faster than the propagation,
ordination of the formed end radical with hence the MWD of the resulting polymers
the TPP-A1 radical to yield the propagating remains narrow, in spite of the chain trans-
species [Eq. (7-21 )]. Comparatively, Reddy fer. Note that no data are available concern-
et al. (1993) reported that methylaluminox- ing a possible extension of this immortal
ane forms a weak complex with MMA so polymerization to (meth)acrylates.
that. on exposure to UV radiation, it poly-
merizes to high conversion. The process ex- (TPP)Al-OmX+R-OH - (7-22)
(TPP)Al-0-R + H-0-X
hibits a living behavior. although the MJM,
or 1.5- 1.7 suggests the occurrence of side (TPP)Al-0-R + n nonomers
termination and/or transfer reactions. The (TPP)Al-O-R
authors claimed that the active species are
free radicals, which are stabilized by meth- (TPP)Al-OmR+H-OmX +
ylaluminoxane. ( T P P ) A I - O m X + H-ON--. R
Very recently, the accelerated living poly-
merization of methacrylonitrile with alumi-
num porphyrin initiators has been achieved
by the selective activation of the growing
species. Whereas the monomer was previ-
ously activated by bulky Lewis acids, the
propagating sites activation involves less-
hindered Lewis bases such as pyridine,
triphenyl phosphine, or 1 -methylimidazol
RAI(0Ar)Z (Sugimoto et al., 1996). This strategy has
-* (TPP).A-O allowed for the controlled synthesis of P
M hlA
Me0 MMA (MMA-b-methacrylonitrile) diblock co-
It has also been demonstrated by Inoue
that (TPP)Al-X derivatives are very effi-
cient and versatile initiators for the living 7.7 Ligated Anionic
ring-opening polymerization of lactones, Polymerization
lactides, and epoxides (X=OR, C1. 02CR)
(Inoue et al., 1990; Inoue and Aida, 1993). If the goals of general and practical mac-
The addition of alcohols to the lactones or romolecular engineering of poly(meth)-
epoxides polymerizing solution does not acrylic esters are considered, a number of
terminate the polymerization. Alcohols act important requirements should be met, such
in this cystem as chain-transfer agents [Eq. as: living, high MW homo- and copolymer-
(7-22)1. The inability of alcohols to termi- ization processes compatible with classi-
nate the polymerization led Inoue to coin the cal monomers such as styrenes, dienes, vi-
term immortal polymerization. The most nyls, and oxiranes; stereoselectivity, partic-
remarkable feature of the proposed process ularly for PMMA (over 80% syndiotactic-
arises from the rapid exchange between the ity); and in different solvents, preferably in
growing polymers attached to the (TPP)Al hydrocarbons (and possibly avoiding THF).
moiety and the dead ones possessing the OH If the wish is now rightly to implement
endgroup [Ey. (7-23)).Theexchange seems (co)polymerization processes where these
7.7 Ligated Anionic Polymerization 219

goals would be achieved all together, it has provision of a steric basic barrier block-
to be admitted that, despite their real mer- ing a large enough space area around the
its, none of the first three strategies men- metal containing ion-pairs, and thus pos-
tioned above meets that demanding chal- sibly minimizing the extent of secondary
lenge. This is the reason why the last aspect reactions;
involving ligated anionic species, which in promotion of new complexation equi-
principle appeared able to be answered, has libria displacing classical equilibria be-
been thoroughly revisited, in depth, and tween different ion-pairs and/or aggre-
significantly improved to a point where gates, hopefully leading to the existence
the above-described prospects have mostly of a unique active species.
been implemented.
The basic idea of a ligand-modified or li- 7.7.1 Ion-Pairs Complexation:
gated anionic polymerization (LAP) is to Nature of Ligands
use a suitable ligand (or ligands) to interact
Coordination chemistry offers us two dif-
coordinatively with a very active metal con-
ferent families of ligands able to modify
taining (usually alkali metals) initiating
both the electronic distribution and the steric
and/or propagating ion-pairs; in this situa-
hindrance around the ion-pair: the so-called
tion, these ligands fulfill a variety of func-
p-(four-center delocalized) and o-(simple
dative bonds) complexes (Scheme 7-3; for
1) modulation of the electron density at the clarity, carbanions are represented rather
metal enolate ion-pair and, therefore, of than the enolate anions). Several examples
its stability and reactivity; of the first type appeared during the last two


p/cr-type of dual mixed cation-bmdmg


Scheme 7-3.
220 7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances

decades. e.g., the Al-alkyls of Hatada et al. given space area around the p-type complex
(1986), the alkyl metal alkoxides of Loch- in order to avoid the attack of the very ac-
mann and co-workers. (Lochmann and Tre- tive complex on the small methoxy group of
koval, 1979: Lochmann et al., 1992; Vleck, the MMA antipenultimate unit in the poly-
1990). and the Al-phenoxides of Ballard et mer chain (see also Sec.
al. (1992). Playing on that concept of the ligand
TeyssiC and his co-workers have pro- structural characteristics, TeyssiC could first
posed the use of LiCl for lithium alkyl-in- demonstrate that in nonpolar (hydrocarbon)
itiated polymerization. a somewhat more ef- media, an hindered chelating o-ligand, i.e.,
ficient combination (Varshney et al., 1990a, dibenzo- 18-crown-6-ether (DB 18CE6) with
1990b). Multinuclear NMR spectroscopy a sodium cation, was a better alternative to
has shown the formation of a stable trinu- control a number of problems such as high-
clear p-type complex, which contains two er temperature (up to 5 C), random copol-
LiCl per enolate active site (Wang et al., ymerization, etc. (Varshney et al., 1992).
1993a, 1994a. 1995a). Thus the p-type of Nevertheless, the o-type of lithium cation-
complexation between lithium enolate and binding ligands studied, i.e., HMPA, DME,
LiCl (or LiOrBu) benefits from strong spon- and substituted or unsubstituted crown
taneous electrostatic interactions, all cat- ethers, were still not powerful enough to de-
ions in the system being associated with en- stroy the self-aggregation of lithium ester
olate oxygen (and probably carbanion as enolates (Wang et al., 1994a). This is prob-
well), while also in close contact with the li- ably due to the presence of relatively strong
gand ions. Accordingly, the self-associative 0-Li associative bonds in lithium ester en-
0-Li bond in lithium ester enolates can be olates leading to a coexistence of ligand-
completely perturbed, resulting in a rear- free and -added species (see also Sec.
ranged tight and highly charged delocalized
p-complex. Undoubtedly, this is an impor- It was hence a logical step to combine
tant feature in stabilizing the formed active both concepts and use a family of N o dual
complex (TeyssiC et al., 1990) at the origin ligands, the best example as yet (Bayard et
of living polymerizations, as promoted by al., 1994) being lithium 2-(2-methoxyeth-
LiX (X=halogen. OtBu) but also by simple 0xy)ethoxide (LiOE2M).A first multinucle-
R,Al ligands (Hatada et al.. 1986). ar NMR spectroscopic characterization
For instance, LiCl (five molar excess with (Wang et al., 1994b) of complexation be-
respect to the lithium active sites) is a very tween LiOEzM and a lithium ester enolate,
practical and efficient ligand to work in i.e., methyl a-lithioisobutyrate (MIBLi), in-
moderately polar solvent (pure THF or its dicated that such a Nodual ligand is excep-
mixtures with hydrocarbons) at a low poly- tionally effective by reacting with highly
merization temperature LiCl promotes the aggregated lithium enolate through a
perfectly living homo- and block (two-di- p-mixedlo-binding pathway, with the
rectional) (co)polymerization of MMA and formation of a bulky and relatively large
rerr-butylacrylate (rBuA) in THF at -78C. charge-separated p / o complex of the type
However. the anionic copolymerization of sketched in Scheme 7-3.
MMAItBuA mixtures under the same con- The new p/o-ligated anionic initiators
ditions always leads to very poorresults (Ja- are remarkably efficient at controlling liv-
cobs et al., 1990). In other words, the chlo- ing, high MW polymerizations of acrylic es-
rine ligand is not bulky enough to block a ters, including primary ones down to butyl,
7.7 Ligated Anionic Polymerization 221

as well as their block and random copolym- hindered. Along the same lines, the K211-
erization and end-group functionalization at Li pair was also found to work efficiently
moderately low temperatures; all of which by inducing a very narrow polydispersity of
can be done in hydrocarbon media (a defi- living PMMA in THF at -78 C (Johann and
nite advantage over THF for process scal- Miiller, 1981; Wang et al., 1994a). Howev-
ing-up) while maintaining a high (ca. 80%) er, no control was observed when the n-bu-
syndiotacticity (PMMA displacing a 130 C tylacrylate (nBuA) was polymerized at
T,) (Wang et al., 1995a, 1995b). -78C in the presence of various types of
cryptands (Table 7-3).
These results pave the way for two prom-
7.7.2 Effect of Ligands ising approaches to successful o-ligation in
on Thermodynamics relation of the process livingness: Coordination Strength 1) enhancing the coordination of the com-
of o-Chelating Ligands plexing agent versus lithium atoms by
using an even more powerful ligand
The lack of a sufficient coordination
(e.g., K21 l),
strength of crown ethers towards lithium es-
2) reducing the associative strength of the
ter enolates, particularly of 12CE14, i.e.,
0-Mt bond in the metal enolate by in-
one of the most specific o-coordinating li-
creasing the size of the associated cat-
gands for the lithium cation (Power, 1988),
is directly reflected in their very low effi-
ciency at promoting the anionic living poly-
merization of (meth)acrylates (Table 7-3). Steric Hindrance Around the
Nevertheless, substitution of the sodium
Ligated Ion-Pairs
cation for the lithium cation in several
crown ether-Mt+ complexed initiator pairs As remarked in Sec. 7.7.1, p-type ligands
greatly improved the situation (Varshney et exhibit a high propensity to coordinate with
al., 1992). A perfectly living polymerization lithium enolate ion pairs, in sharp contrast
of MMA can indeed be achieved even at 5 C to the complexation with crown ethers. Ac-
in toluene, as long as the CEs are sterically cordingly, an increase in the steric hindrance

Table 7-3. Anionic polymerization of alkyl(meth)acrylates initiated with complexed (diphenylmethy1)lithium (I).
([1],=4.Ox10~ mol I-).

Monomer Ligand THF: tol- Temp. Time Yield M,,,c MJM, Initiator
(L) uene ( v h ) (C) (min.) (wt.%) (x~o-~) efficiency

MMA 12-crown-4 5:95 -7 8 30 72 -
12-crown-4 1oo:o -20 60 85 64.0 1.20 0.38
12-crown-4 5:95 -20 30 60 -d
15-crown-5 1oo:o -20 5 95 23.0 4.50 0.55
18-crown-6 1oo:o -20 5 90 14.0 3.50 0.45
nBuA 12-crown-4 5:95 -78 120 12 -
K211 10o:o -78 120 0
K211 0:lOO -78 120 16

a Taken from Wang et al. (1995a); [L],/[I],=2; K211 cryptand ([1],=2.Ox lo4 moll-); multimodal MWD.
222 7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances

around the formed stable complex, whatev- which the living character of the MMA
er its origin. brings about a significant im- polymerization is preserved increases
provement of the "livingness" of the poly- from -78 to 0C and even 40C in the
merization under more demanding condi- following sequence (Wang et al., 1995a).
tions. Such a steric hindrance effect around
the active complex is strongly supported by
numerous examples:
1 ) The so-called "screened" anionic poly-
merization (SAP) (Davis et al., 1994) 5
provides unequivocal proof of the impor-
tant steric influence on the living process with R=Me, Et, iBu and R'=H, Me, tBu.
of the bulky substituents, e.g., 2,6-ter-r- 2) The living character of the 2-ethylhexyl
butyl substituted phenoxy, in an alkyl- acrylate (2EtHA) under the conditions
aluminum based p-type ligand. For in- given in Table (7-4) dramatically decreas-
stance. the controlled synthesis of high- es with a diminishing steric barrier of the
ly syndiotactic PMMA can be promoted X moiety around the formed LiX-LiR
by a t-BuLi, aluminum alkyl/phenoxide complex, Me20-> tBuO->CI-.
initiator system in toluene solution. Inter- 3) As illustrated in Table (7-5), the very sen-
estingly enough, the upper temperature at sitive random copolymerization of MMA-

Table 7-4. Anionic polymerization of 2-ethylhexyl acrylate in 9 : 1 (vlv) toluene-THF using the LiX-RLi in-
itiator system".


LiCllDPMLi ( 5 : 1 ) -78 60 25 5.0 17.5 2.50 no

LiOtBultBiBLi (3: I ) -60 2 100 9.2 16.6 1.09 partial
LiOE2M/DPMLi ( 10: 1 ) -7 8 1 100 15.0 16.1 1.05 yes

taken from Wang et al. 1995a )

Table 7-5. Anionic "random" copolymerization of an MMA-tBuA mixture" in THF at -78C using (diphenyl-
methyl)lithium as an initiator and in the presence of various ligands'.

Ligand' Timc Yield tBuA MJM, Initiator Living

(min) (Wt8) in copolymer efficiency character

- 60 6.8 87.1 2.5 0.64 no

I7Ct4 60 25.0 99.0 2. I 0.19 no
LICI 60 18.2 95.0 2.0 0.33 no
LlOtSU 60 45.0 95.0 2.0 0.4 1 no
LiOEZM 3 100 42 1.15 0.9 1 yes
DBIXCE6" 10 I00 42.5 1.1 0.96 yes

Molar ratio in the feed: MMA/rBuA=58/42; taken from Wang et al. (1995a); 10 mol. equiv. of ligand rela-
tive to initiator: (diphenylmethyl) sodium was used as initiator with 2 mol. equiv. of DB 18CE6.
7.7 "Ligated" Anionic Polymerization 223

'fLZ-CO2tBu H' 'CO2tBu


tBuA at -78 "C in THF requires to be liv-
Mw I Mn
ing a bulky environment around tBuA-
1.15 ..............
based active species in order to avoid their
vigorous nucleophilic attack on the very
sensitive, small OCH3 group. Two steri- 1 .I

cally more hindered ligated systems, i.e.,

DB 18CE6-Na' and LiOE2M-Li+, effi- 1.05

ciently, and for the first time, prevent the

aforementioned back-biting attacks [Eq. 1
0 2 4 6 8 10
(7-24)], resulting in well-defined, mono- [LiCI] I [I]
dispersed, statistical P (MMA-co-tBuA)
copolymers (Table 7-5). i B
............. :.............. : .............. :...............
Mw I Mn
7.7.3 Effect of Ligands on Kinetics 3 Modification of the Association 2.5

Equilibria 2

In contrast to the conventional anionic 1.5

polymerization of (meth)acrylates, poly-
merization of MMA and tBuA has proven to 1
0 2 4 6 8 10
be free of side termination reactions and [LiCI] I [I]
quantitative when initiated by diphenylhex-
yl lithium in THF at -78C. However, the Figure 7-2. MWD of (A) PMMA and (B) PrBuA as
a function of LiC1-to-initiator molar ratio. Initiator,
MWD of the resulting poly(meth)acrylate
DPMLi; solvent, THF; temperature, -78 "C; yield,
chains usually remains broad and is even 100% [from Wang et al. (1995a)l.
multimodal in tBuA polymerization (Fayt et
al., 1987; Lochmann et al., 1988), as illus-
trated in Fig. 7-2, the M,IM, of 1.02 and ciation-complexation equilibria in the an-
1.04, respectively. ionic polymerization of MMA and tBuA.
This evolution reasonably agrees with a An equilibrium between dimeric and mono-
significant effect of the ligand on both the meric living PMMA-Li+ or PtBuA-Li+
initiation and propagation steps, rather than chains in THF should occur. However, com-
on the termination step. Kinetic (Kunkel et plexation of the active centers by LiCl com-
al., 1992) andNMR (Wang et al., 1993a) in- petes with the association of the living PO-
vestigations support the key effect of asso- ly(meth)acrylate chains, and shifts the ag-
224 7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances

gregation equilibrium towards the forma- As expected, these slowly exchanging

tion of a single mixed species. The formed solvation equilibria are affected by the liga-
single active complex can thus give rise to tion dynamics, so that the MWD of the re-
a living polymer of very narrow MWD, i.e., sulting polymer is also modified. Table 7-6
M J M , close to 1. Similar observations have summarizes the effect of p - , 0-, and p h -
recently been achieved for PtBuA initiated type ligands on tBuMA anionic polymeriza-
with MIBLi in the presence of LiOE2M tion in a 70:30 toluene-THF mixture at
(Wang et al.. 1994b). -78 "C. Again, the much narrower MWD of
PrBuMA chains obtained in the presence of
LiCI, LiOE2M, and K2 1 I can be accounted Modification of the Solvation for by their high propensity to coordinate
Equilibria with lithium ester enolates. This results in a
fast exchanging ligation equilibrium and the
In pure THF or pure toluene at -78 "C, the
formation of a single type of active complex
anionic polymerization of rBuMA, as in-
(Wang et al., 1993a, 1994a, b, 1995a).
itiated by DPMLi. proceeds in a living fash-
The ligation dynamics therefore control
ion and yields a narrow MWD (Wang et al.,
the MWD of the formed poly(meth)acrylate
1995b). However, broad bi- and multi-
chains by a similar and concomitant effect
modal MWDs were obtained in THF-to-
on the association and solvation equilibria.
luene mixtures. Moreover, increasing the
Scheme 7-4 illustrates how the dynamics of
temperature from -78 "C to 0 "C promotes
the ligation process may affect the anionic
a narrower MWD, atypical of termination
living polymerization (Wang et al., 1995a).
reactions; indeed at 0 C a very narrow uni-
It is worthwhile pointing out that such amul-
modal MWD is again obtained. A solvation
ti-state dynamic equilibria mechanism also
equilibria mechanism has recently been pro-
governs the stereochemistry of MMA an-
posed in order to interpret these observa-
ionic polymerization (Wang et al., 1993b,
tions. There coexist (several) THF-solvated
. far as the MMA polymerization
1 9 9 4 ~ )As
and nonsolvated active species, exchanging
in toluene/THF mixtures is concerned, the
slowly compared with the monomer addi-
following conclusions have been drawn:
tion rate, but fast at 0 "C, thus resulting in a
multimodal MWD in the former case and a 1 ) The associated and nonassociated spe-
narrow one in the latter. cies could selectively produce the meso

Table 7-6. Anionic polymerization of tBuMA in a 70: 30 toluene-THF mixture at -78C. using DPMLi in the
presence of various types of ligands (L) ([DPMLi],,=SxlO-' mol I-')".

Ligand ILI~JLDPML~I~, Time' M",, < MJM, Initiator

(mln) efficiency

- - 240 9900 2.00 0.8 I

12CEJ 1011 1 so 9500 1.35 0.84
K21 I 21 1 360 8900 1.05 0.90
LiCl I01 I 60 8200 1.04 0.97
LiOE2M 10/1 30 8700 1.03 0.92

Taken from Wang et al. (199Sa): 100 wt.% yield.

7.7 Ligated Anionic Polymerization 225

+ (n-1) L
(P . nL)

I +M
PX* (P* . L) L

1+M V
I .
1+M 1+M I

Ligation dynamics:
propagation): o slow process : broad and even multi modal MWD
(association, solvation,. ..) o fast process : unimodal and narrow MWD

extremely narrow MWD, i.e., close to1

Scheme 7-4.

and racemic placements, respectively, ingly established. It allows very fine tun-
even though the effect of some intra- ing of the reactivity of the complexed ac-
molecular coordination can not be pre- tive species, its stability, and to some ex-
cluded. tent its stereoselectivity, these being the
Complexation of active species by lith- key parameters to be controlled with a
ium cation-binding ligands, such as view to developing a sufficiently broad and
12CE4 and K211, simply shifts the as- versatile macromolecular engineering.
sociation equilibrium towards the for- These potentialities have been illustrat-
mation of nonassociated species, result- ed by the practical, straightforward syn-
ing in syndiotactic placements. thesis, under convenient solvent and tem-
The effect of ap-type ligand strongly de- perature conditions, of the wealth of
pends on the aggregation degree of the promising new products:
living polymer chains in the formed ac-
- monodisperse homo-PMMA (M,IM,
tive complex.
< 1.05) with a high (ca. 80%) syndiotac-
Since a dual p/o lithium alkoxide,
ticity and displaying a 130C Tg (Wang
LiOE2M, promotes the formation of the
et al., 1995a);
same type of nonassociated p/o loser
- monodisperse polyacrylates and poly-
complex, whatever the solvent, a highly
acrylic acid, directly obtained from PtBuA
syndiotactic PMMA results in all cases.
owing to a easy hydrolysis reaction
More details, including the PMMA ster- (Teyssik et al., 1990);
eoregularity and its likely control by either - poly(meth)acrylate macromonomers (An-
the E-Z stereoisomerism (Baumgarten et tolin et al., 1990), telechelics (Varshney
al., 1991) of the living chain end or the et al., 1990a), and halatotelechelics with
penultimate mechanism, can be found in unexpected mesomorphic-type phase or-
a recent review by TeyssiC and co-workers ganization (Maus, 1994);
(Wang et al., 1995 a). - monodisperse random copolymers (Wang

et al., 1994d), diblock copolymers with

styrenes and dienes useful as emulsifiers
7.7.4 A Golden Tool
and compatibilizers (Hautekeer et al.,
for Macromolecular Engineering
1990; Forte et al., 1990);
The efficiency of the ligated anionic - triblock (Wang et al., 1994e) and star di-
polymerization (LAP) has been convinc- block copolymers (JCr8me et al., 1996).
226 7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances

Undoubtedly, the same approach can al- mechanical properties and an extended ser-
so be applied. when necessary, to other vice temperature compared to traditional
monomers susceptible to nucleophilic initi- SBS thermoplastic elastomers have been re-
ation and attacks. i.e.. styrenes, dienes, vi- ported for the methacrylate-based copolym-
nylpyridines. oxyranes. and cyclosiloxanes, ers. Upon hydrolysis and further neutraliza-
in combination or not with (methjacrylates. tion of the PrBuMA end blocks, the upper
A typical example is provided with the well- glass transition temperature (T,) of the five-
tailored synthesis of triblock copolymers of block copolymers has been raised up to
styrene and butadiene (SBS), MMA and bu- about 150C. A further increase in this ser-
tadiene (MBM). and even MSBSM five- vice temperature (up to ca. 160C) has re-
block copolymers, where B stands for buta- sulted from the blending of sPMMA-SBS-
diene. S for styrene, and M for either MMA sPMMA five-block copolymers with isotac-
or rBuMA (Yu et al., 1996a. b, 1997). These tic polymethylmethacrylate (I'PMMAj, due
block copolymers have been synthesized by to the formation of a stereocomplex (Yu et
sequential anionic polymerization in apolar al., 1997a). The tensile properties of these
and polar solvents using a difunctional an- modified five-block copolymers have re-
ionic initiator derived from 1,3-diisoprope- mained essentially unchanged (Yu et al.,
nylbenLene (DIB) [Eq. (7-25j]. Improved I997 b).


15/85 (v/v) anisole/CHx

DIB-Li? + 40BD w Li@?'BD-DIB-PBD @@ Li
25"C, overnight

L,@@ p g ~ Q
CHx, 40T,overnight

. Li@Q pgDO@Li (1) mSt,4O0C,-4h

* Li@QPS--PBWPS@@Li (7-25)
(2) THF/CHx/ DPE,-7S0C,0.5h

(1) MMA,-78"C,lh
(2) CH~OH,H+

.~ i Q@pgD O o Li (1) THF/CHx/ DPE,-7S0C,O.5h

(2) MMA,-78"C,lh
(3) CH~OH,H+
7.8 Conclusions 227

7.8 Conclusions - Control of apparent relative reactivities,

as typically illustrated by the anionic co-
In the past 10 to 15 years, we have wit- polymerization of styrene and butadiene:
nessed a spectacular revival of polymer sci- in a polar medium (THF), a random co-
ence owing to the huge advances achieved polymer is generated as a result of Ber-
in anionic, or more widely, nucleophilic nouillian statistics of monomer incorpo-
polymerization. The achievements sum- ration whereas, in a hydrocarbon solvent,
marized in this chapter definitively provide the polyaddition process yields a tapered
confidence in the belief that organic chem- copolymer. Surprisingly, this very attrac-
istry mechanisms might be applied for the tive observation and the concomitant con-
implementation of new polymerization pro- cept have not been explored very much.
cesses. The GTP and aldol-GTP mecha- - Raising of the relative reactivities: This
nisms represent unique examples of such an ambitious challenge is most interesting
application. Similarly, coordination (and or- for the synthesis of triblock copolymers,
ganometallic) chemistry principles consti- because this strategy would allow the
tute other golden tools for tailoring active malediction of the decreasing reactiv-
sites in anionic polymerizations and, subse- ity cascade to be avoided. Indeed, block
quently, for obtaining the expected macro- copolymerizations require the addition of
molecular engineering of the related poly- the comonomers in an order rigorously
mers. dictated by their relative reactivity to-
Even though remarkable and substantial ward the active anionic end groups of the
progress has been achieved, the field of an- polymeric chains previously formed.
ionic polymerization still provides the syn- This reactivity scale usually constitutes a
thetic chemist with fascinating challenges serious limitation in the synthesis of
of prime interest. Such challenges could be A-B-A, and even A-B-C, triblock co-
approached in terms of molecular engi- polymers, all the more so since efficient
neering of the active anionic sites by tail- and quantitative coupling methods for
oring and tuning their electronic distribution living diblock copolymers are hardly
as well as their steric barriers. Targets could available. The main idea should rely upon
be achieved in several directions: a tuning up of the active site end-capping
of the diblock copolymer, so that it could
- Controlled polymerization of functional manage to initiate a more exacting
monomers: Key monomers are, among monomer.
others, acrylonitrile, vinylic, and vinyli-
dene halogenides. The above four examples clearly show
- Control of polymer microstructure and that, even though more than 40 years old,
beyond, of their macroscopic properties, the field of anionic polymerization remains
such as crystallinity, glass transition tem- rich in unexploited directions and potential
perature, and so forth: A first example of technological applications.
polymer stereochemistry control can al-
ready be found in methacrylates polymer-
ization initiated with chiral organolantha-
nides, as discussed in Sec. 7.6.1. Heaps
of possibilities remain, of course, open in
this perspective.
228 7 Anionic Polymerization: Recent Advances

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Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

8 Cationic Polymerization
Henri Cramail and Alain Deffieux

Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymttres Organiques. Universitt Bordeaux. Talence. France

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232

8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
8.2 Carbocationic Polymerization of Ethylenic Monomers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
8.2.1 General Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Chemistry of Initiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Propagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 Transfer Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 Termination Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
8.2.2 Principles and Methods of Controlled Cationic Alkene Polymerization . . . 242 General Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 Vinyl Ethers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Functional Vinyl Ethers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Isobutene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Styrene and Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
8.2.3 Macromolecular Engineering by Carbocationic Polymerization . . . . . . . . . 248 Synthesis of End-Functionalized Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 Synthesis of Block Copolymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Star-Shaped and Macrocyclic Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
8.3 Cationic Polymerization of Heterocyclic Monomers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
8.3.1 General Features of Cationic Ring-Opening Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Chemistry of Initiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Propagation Reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 Chain Transfer to Polymer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Other Main Transfer and Termination Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
8.3.2 Main Families of Heterocyclic Monomers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 Cyclic Ethers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 Cyclic Acetals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 Cyclic Sulfides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 Cyclic Amines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Cyclic Esters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Cyclic Amides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Cyclic Iminoesters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Cyclic Phosphorous-Containing Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 Cyclic Silicone-Containing Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
8.4 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
232 8 Cationic Polymerization

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

DPI, mean degree of polymerization
G free energy
H enthalpy
K equilibrium constant
KD dissociation constant
4 initiation rate constant
Kl ionisation constant
kP propagation rate constant
k;, k t propagation rate constant of free cations and of ion fairs
Kdp depropagation rate constant
Pjll negative logarithm of equilibrium constant for association
M"- mean number-average molecular weight
M, mean weight-average molecular weight
rz number
S entropy
7 temperature
7, ceiling temperature
Bu butyl
CEVE chloroethyl vinyl ether
dP depropagation
Et ethyl
EVE ethyl vinyl ether
IB isobutene
IBVE isobutyl vinyl ether
IMA incremental monomer addition
L. A. Lewis acid
Me methyl
MM molar mass
MMD molar inass distribution
M, metal
MVE methyl vinyl ether
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
Nu nucleophile
NVC N-vinyl carbazol
P propagat ion
Ph phenyl
PMMA poly(methylmethacry1ate)
Pr ProPY 1
St ftyrene
THF tetrahydrofuran
TMPCl 3-chloro-2,4.4-trimethylpentane
TMSl triniethylsilyl iodide
uv ultraviolet
8.1 Introduction 233

8.1 Introduction nium, etc., respectively for oxygen, sul-

fur, phosphorous, etc., as the heteroatom
Cationic polymerization can be defined [Eqs. (8-2) and (8-3)]. For onium ions,
as an addition polymerization reaction in- the central atom has its valence state in-
volving positively charged active species creased by one unit.
acting as electrophiles and associated to en- In between these two categories, the poly-
tities of opposite charge, i.e., the counteran- merization of aldehydes and acetals resem-
ions. bles the carbocationic reaction but involves
Most of the time, the electrophilic active a strong positive charge delocalization on
species is located at the end of the growing the neighboring oxygen atom [Eq. (8-4)].
chains, while the monomer acts as a nucle-
ophile [Eqs. (8-1) and (8-2)]. However, a m O k H 2 , x- + W H 2 - (8-4)
reverse situation prevails in some specific -o-cH~-o&H~, x-
cases, typically in the activated monomer
mechanism [Eq. (8-3)]. The active species involved in cationic
polymerizations can either be clearly iden-
tified ions or transient cationic species ap-
pearing in the transition state. Covalent
species with polarized bonds allowing
monomer insertion have also been postulat-
ed in the so-called pseudo-cationic poly-
merization. Indeed, a continuous spectrum
of ionicities ranging from polarized cova-
lent species to fully dissociated ions (free
1 +nions) (Scheme 8-1) has been proposed (Win-
stein et al., 1956).Obviously, the ionicity of
species of a particular system strongly de-
pends on the nature of the two oppositely

.. charged fragments and on the experimental
conditions (solvent, temperature etc).
m C H 2 - 0 CH20H + ?,X- The nature of the interactions between
positively charged species and their nega-
Monomers that polymerize by cationic
tive counterparts is very important for the
polymerization may be classified in two
control of cationic polymerizations, since it
main categories:
largely determines the intrinsic reactivity
ethylenic monomers, for which the reac- and behavior of the active species. Free car-
tive entity is assumed to be a carboca- benium ions, which are often predominant
tionic species [Eq. (8-l)], with the triva-
lent carbenium ion as the limiting struc-
ture, and

heterocyclic monomers containing one covalent contact
or more heteroatoms within the ring, for polarized ion pairs
which the active species (either the chain R+l/A R++ A
end or the activated monomer) is the oni- separated
free ions
um ion (oxonium, sulfonium, phospho- Scheme 8-1. ion pairs
234 8 Cationic Polymerization

in traditional carbocationic polymeriza- bined result of four basic reactions: initia-

tions, are highly reactive but unstable and tion, propagation, transfer, and termina-
subject to numerous side chain transfer and tion. The chemistry and kinetic features of
termination reactions. As a result, it has long these elementary processes wil be examined
been considered almost impossible to syn- first.
thesize polymers of controlled structure by
carbocationic polymerization. Chemistry of Initiation
One focal point of modern cationic
polymerization since the 1980 s has been to The initiation of carbocationic polymer-
deal with the ionicity level of active species, ization generally proceeds in two steps
with the aim to suppress or at least to con- (Scheme 8-2):
siderably limit side reactions and therefore
1 ) The generation of primary charged spe-
to control the kinetics of the successive ele-
cies from an initiator, and
mentary events of the chain formation. This
2) the electrophilic addition of the initiator
approach makes it possible to control the
onto the monomer unsaturation (cation-
molar mass (MM) (at least over a certain
range), the molar mass distribution (MMD),
the end-functionality. and the chain archi- Primary active species are commonly is-
tecture, etc. of an increasing number of cat- sued from protonic acids, Lewis acids, or-
ionic-made polymers. ganic salts, or polarized organic molecules
A series of excellent books for specialists (organic esters or halides). These charged
has recently dealt with controlled alkene and species can form spontaneously by auto-
heterocyclic cationic polymerization (Ken- ionization (Scheme 8-2, reaction 1 a) or
nedy and MarCchal, 1982; Kennedy and may require the assistance of a second com-
Ivan, 1991; Matyjaszewski, 1996). This re- pound (reaction 1 b). Physical methods (ion-
view is more oriented for advanced students izing or UV radiation, electric fields, etc.)
or nonspecialists interested in cationic poly- can also be used to generate primary charged
merization. The first section is devoted to species.
carbocationic polymerization, and the new As will be shown in the following sec-
principles developed in the polymerization tions, the addition rate of the charged initia-
of ethylenic monomers will be specially ex- tor fragment (E+) on the alkene (step 2) de-
amined and illustrated by examples. The ba- pends on both the electrophilic character of
sic features of the ring-opening cationic E+ and the nucleophilicity (electronic den-
polymerization of heterocyclic monomers,

as well as recent developments in this area,
will be presented in the last section. 1 ) primary ion generation

+ -
E-A E,A 1a)
8.2 Carbocationic Polymerization E-X E, XLA Ib)

of Ethylenic Monomers 2) cationation

8.2.1 General Features c,A + C H z T - E-CH~-~H,A

Like most chain growth polymerizations,
carbocationic polymerization is the com- Scheme 8-2.
8.2 Carbocationic Polymerization of Ethylenic Monomers
~ 235

sity) of the double bond. Stabilization of the nic acid molecule involves two or more un-
resulting carbocationic centers by electro- dissociated acid molecules which aggregate

donating substituents is also crucial to allow with the anion and the proton [Eq. (8-S)].
ionization and to avoid or limit competitive
reactions with other nucleophiles present in 2CF3S03H H(CF3S03); + Hf (8-5)
the system.
Acids with lower acidity (HCI, CH3
COOH) either do not add onto the monomer
Initiation by Self-Ionized Species: double bond or yield covalent inactive
monoadducts by rapid recombination of the
Protonic Acids: carbocation with the nucleophilic counter-
ion. The isobutene/HCl system is shown as
Protonic acids (HX, RCOOH) can initiate an example [Eq. (8-6)]. Under similar con-
the cationic polymerization of ethylenic ditions, initiation of the polymerization of
monomers. Their initiating capacities usu- n-vinylcarbazole by HC1 takes place due to
ally vary with the acid strength (see data in the much lower electrophilic character of
Table 8- 1) and depend on the monomer ba- the formed species which remains partially
sicity. ionized (Sawamoto et al., 1987 a).
The most reactive Bronsted acids are
those with the highest acidity (low pK,).
This generally corresponds to the lower ba-
sicity of their counterions, A-. Even for the CH3
stronger acids, such as trifluoromethane sul- CH3-C-Cl +
fonic acid (triflic acid), the initiation in AH3
chlorinated solvents is a complex process.
Polymerization kinetics show high order
with respect to the acid (Vairon et al., 1992), Lewis Acids:
indicating that the ionization of one proto-
Although a more general initiation mech-
anism will be described later on, in specif-
Table 8-1. Estimated pK, values of some protonic ic cases, metal halides such as BC13, TiC14,
acids in organic solvents. AlCl,, SbCl,, etc., initiate the polymeriza-
tion of some ethylenic monomers on their
Acid CH,CN C2H4C12
own. The direct addition of BC1, to isobu-
~ 1 0 ~ ~ 1.6" 3d tene was recently demonstrated (Balogh
CF3S03H 2.6" 7.3" et al., 1994), [Eq. (8-7 a)]. Autoionization
FS03H 3.4" of AlX, (X=Br, Cl) by a 2 :2 ionogenic
IH 7.0" equilibrium [Eq. (8-7 b)], followed by elec-
BrH 5.5b 8.7e
trophilic addition of the Lewis acid frag-
CIH 8.9b 10.8' ment to the monomer has also been pro-
CF,COOH 10.6' 7f posed (Grattan and Plesch, 1977). Howev-
CC13COOH 12.7' er, the initiating efficiency of Lewis acids
CH 3C00H 22.5' used alone is extremely low and yields slow
a Fujinaga and Sakamoto (1977); Kolthoff et al.
and incomplete initiation. The prevailing
(1961); Jasinski et al. (1978); Coutagne (1973); mode of action is undoubtedly in associa-
" Bos and Dahmen (1973); Bolza and Treloar (1972). tion with a cationogen (see later).
236 8 Cationic Polymerization

+ BC13 - BCl2-CHfl-Cl
Initiation Involving Chemically Assisted
LH3 An important breakthrough in initiation
(8-7a) control has been achieved by the use of bi-
-- (8-7b)
nary systems formed by the association of a

2 AICI~ M C I ~+ NCI~
cationogen and a Lewis acid.
+ -
AlCl;;f + AlCl2-CH2-CH , NCI4
k R' Protonic Acid/Lewis Acid Initiating
Stable Ca &en iurn Sci 1ts:
The conjoint participation of a Bronsted
Direct initiation of carbocationic poly- and a Lewis acid was first proposed in the
merization by carbenium ions (triphenylme- so-called "cocatalysis" initiation mechanism
thylium, tropylium), stabilized by delocal- as an alternative hypothesis for the initia-
ization and associated to weakly nucleophil- tion by weak Lewis acids of alkene poly-
ic counteranions (SbCl,, SbF;. AsF;), has merization. The first examples refer to cat-
been extensively investigated. These organ- ionic polymerizations in which adventitious
ic salts, fully ionized in chlorinated sol- water (or an HX impurity) behaves as the
vents, are extremely useful for basic stud- protonogen, the Lewis acid playing the role
ies. In particular. spectroscopic investiga- of the activator (or the catalyst) [Eq. (8-8 a)].
tion of the addition kinetics of carbenium This scheme, proposed by Plesch et al.
ions onto ethylenic monomers permits a ( 1947), was confirmed in further studies.
comparison of the alkenes' reactivity. Car- The behaviour of H,O/M,X, initiating
benium ions. however, exhibit low reactiv- systems is complex, since water can react
ities ( lo-'- lo-' and lower) compared to with both the metal halide, yielding a varie-
most of the propagating species, as may be ty of Lewis acids of decreasing acidity
seen in Table 8-2: This irremediably leads [Eq. (8-8 b)], and with the chain end as a ter-
to a slow and incomplete initiation step of minating agent: The polymerization rate goes
the alkene polymerization. Hence stable through a maximum at a low H20/M,X,
carbenium ions are not useful for controlled ratio and then rapidly decreases for higher
polymerization synthesis. proportions of protonogen.

Table 8-2. Rate constants of initiation and propagation in the cationic polymerization of some alkene mono-
mers initiated by trityl or tropylium salts.

Monomer" T 4 k, ( X I 0 3 Reference
(T) (rn0l-lL 5 - l ) (moI I L s - ' )

p-MeOSt I0 0.28 2.8 Cotrel et al. (1976)

a-MeSt -70 17 -.-
3 7 Villesange et al. (1977)
MVE 0 0.6 0.026 Subira et al. (1988)
EVE 0 2.3 0.7 Subira et al. (1988)
IBVE 0 5.4 I .5 Subira et al. (1988)
NVC 20 I30 10 Rooney ( 1976)
SI 0.0009 0.05 Johnson and Pierce ( 1976)

St: styrene, MVE: methyl vinyl ether. EVE: ethyl vinyl ether, IBVE: isobutyl vinyl ether, NVC: N-vinyl car-
b u d : 70C: ' 0C.
8.2 Carbocationic Polymerization of Ethylenic Monomers 237

associated to organic halides or esters, even

weak Lewis acids (ZnC12, BCl,) are active
RX + MtXn P R+ , MtXi+l

Indeed, the latter organic compounds may

be visualized as adducts of protonic acids
Depending on the reaction conditions and (hydrogen halides or carboxylic acids) and
on the order of components addition, dif- alkenes. The RX/Lewis acid initiating
ferent reaction pathways may also take systems resemble those involved in the in-
place, leading to different ionic species itiation process described in Eq. (8-9 b).
[Eq. (8-9 a, 8-9 b)]. In controlled cationic It is worth noting that the relative rates of
polymerization, as detailed in Sec. 8.2.2, initiation and propagation will be very close
path b) is privileged: This is achieved by when the RX compounds and the growing
synthesizing the HX mono-adduct prior to ends have almost the same structure. In
adding the Lewis acid activator. In living vi- other cases, i.e., when the initiating frag-
nyl ether polymerization, for example, the ment has a different structure from the poly-
protonic acid is reacted first with the mer terminal, it is difficult to predict the rel-
monomer to quantitatively give an a-halo- ative rates of initiation and propagation,
geno ether adduct (Sawamoto and Higashi- since both the ionization ratio and intrinsic
mura, 1986). Initiation of the polymeriza- reactivity of the species, which vary in op-
tion is then triggered by ionization of the posite directions, contribute to the observed
adducts carbon-halogen bond by adding a rate.
Lewis acid (see Sec. The efficiency of a series of chloride
derivatives (associated with various weak
Lewis acids) for the addition of 2-methyl 1-
pentene has recently been compared (Mayr,
1989). The best results are observed with
chloride derivatives, which lead to both high
(8-9) ionization yields and carbocations of suffi-
cient reactivity. For example, in the series
Indeed, in binary initiating systems the
of diarylmethyl chlorides (R,Ph)(R,Ph)
Lewis acid is the catalyst and not (as it is in-
CHC1, a gain in electron donation increases
correctly called) the cocatalyst, whereas the
the relative reactivity by several orders of
proton of the Bronsted acid may be consid-
magnitude due to a higher degree of ioniza-
ered as the initiator.
tion. However, the reactivity decreases
when carbocations are too stable.
RX/LewisAcid Systems:
The nature of the associated Lewis acid
Alkyl halides, arylalkyl halides, or their is also of prime importance. Arylalkyl chlo-
corresponding organic esters are covalent ride in conjunction with BC13 leads to poly-
compounds in commonly used cationic isobutene with controlled and predicted mo-
polymerization solvents. However, in the lar masses, in agreement with the formation
presence of a Lewis acid (SnC14,A1Cl3,etc.) of one chain by the chloride derivative,
their cationation may proceed [Eq. (8-lo)] whereas the use of BF3 leads to a rapid IB
and initiate alkene polymerization. When polymerization into polymers with higher
238 8 Cationic Polymerization

molar masses than predicted, due to incom- postulated in the pseudocationic polymer-
plete cationation of the precursor. ization theory (Gandini and Plesch, 1965;
Cationation of' organic esters, ethers, and Plesch, 1988) (Scheme 8-3), or through
acyl halides by Lewis acids (BCI,, TiCl,) to intermediate ionic species present in very
initiate the polymerization of alkenes (IB) low concentration (Matyjaszewski, 1987;
has also been reported. Depending on the Williams, 1994) (Scheme 8-4), was the ba-
structure of the cationogen, initiation can be sis of a long controversy. Theoretical con-
partial or quantitative (Kennedy and Ivan, siderations and recent experimental results
1991). tend to support the second mechanism,
which involves the transient and reversible
formation of ions as the true active species, Propagation
whereas covalent species are inactive and
Chain propagation is the repeated reac- serve only as a reservoir.
tion between the monomer and the growing In systems where covalent ends are in low
polymer with subsequent reformation of the proportion (conventional carbocationic
same active species. systems), the cationic propagation rate con-
Cationic active centers are identified stants of most alkenyl monomers (at O O C )
most of the time as ionic species (contact are in the range of lo4- 10' mol-' L s-'
ion pairs. separated ion pairs, unpaired cat- (Matyjaszewski, 1996). In contrast to anion-
ions), but polarized covalent species have ic polymerization of vinyl monomers,
also been postulated as potential growing where the reactivity between contact and
species. Polymerizations that proceed via free ions may differ by a factor lo5, the ab-
apparently covalent growing ends were pos- solute reactivity of ion pairs and free ions is
tulated in several cases (Gandini and Plesch, relatively close (less than a factor of ten).
1965; Gandini and Cheradame, 1980). This results from the larger size of the coun-
These polymerizations are characterized by teranions (low charge density, weak cou-
a much lower overall reactivity than typical lombic interaction with the cation) com-
carbocationic systems, as well as by a less- pared to the counteractions (Li+, Na+) gen-
er contribution of side reactions. Whether erally used i n anionic polymerizations. The
these covalent species directly react with the k , values of a series of monomers are indi-
monomer via multicenter rearrangement, as cated in Table 8-2. Since, in principle, the


d Scheme 8-3.

Ki +
- KD
+ X-

Inactive kpf kP+ Scheme 8-4.
8.2 Carbocationic Polymerization of Ethylenic Monomers 239

more stable carbocation corresponds to the Transfer Reactions

more reactive monomer, a leveling off of the
Transfer reactions are the most important
reactivity is observed in homopolymeriza-
side reactions in alkene carbocationic poly-
merization; displacement of the active cen-
Monomer reactivity orders can be deter-
ter from the initial polymer growing end re-
mined either by a study of random copol-
sults in the formation of new macromole-
ymerization kinetics or by measuring the ad-
cules and leads to a decrease of the final
dition rate of monomers on a similar nucle-
polymer molar mass.
ophile. Information on reactivities and ad-
Transfer reactions in cationic polymer-
dition mechanisms obtained by this last ap-
izations may be visualized as the competi-
proach have recently been reviewed (Mayr,
tive reaction between the electropilic poly-
1996). The general order of reactivity in the
mer ends and the various nucleophiles
alkene monomer series is n-vinyl carbazole
and bases present in the polymerization
> vinyl ethers > a-methyl styrene > styrene
system. The former can react either direct-
> isoprene > butadiene > propylene.
ly through their positively charged carbon
Substitutent effects on alkene reactivity
or via other neighboring atoms activated by
are usually discussed in terms of steric and
partial displacement of the positive charge
electronic contributions. Important steric
(Scheme 8-6).
effects are mainly found when a bulky sub-
stituent is present at the position of electro-
philic attack (Mayr et al., 1990), as shown
in Scheme 8-5. These effects usually be- Scheme 8-6.
come negligible when the substituents are
far from the reaction center. Apart from ster-
ic hindrance, electrodonating substituents B-Hydrogen Elimination
tend to increase the monomer reactivity. In
Charge delocalization by hyperconjuga-
the styrene series, the reactivity increases
tion results in an appreciably positive charge
with the basicity of the double bond, i.e.,p-
on each Phydrogen atom of the propagat-
OMe >p-Me >p-H > p-C1> m-C1 S m-NO2.
ing carbenium ions involved in isobutene,
In a similar way, the relative reactivity of
vinyl ether, styrene, etc., cationic polymer-
propagating carbocations was determined
ization. In the case of polystyrene, the
by studying their addition rate on a similar
charge on the phydrogens may reach up to
n-electrophile. The addition kinetics of cat-
30% of the total charge (Matyjeszewski,
ions on a series of alkenes were investigat-
1996). Indeed, the distribution of the posi-
ed bv Mavr and Striepe (1983).
tive charge between PH atoms and C+ will
determine the relative ability for a terminus
to ptransfer or propagate.


Scheme 8-5.
240 8 Cationic Polymerization

(8-1 1 )

Although spontaneous proton elimination Hvdride Transfer

remains unlikely, Pprotons are easily ab-
The driving force of this reaction is the
stracted by the monomer and any basic com-
formation of a more stabilized carbocation
pounds present in the system [Eq. (8-1 l)].
[Eq. (8-13)]. Although some of the new car-
PH elimination by the solvent or coun- bocations are reactive, in most cases they
terion with a basic character may also take
are too stable and unreactive towards
placc. This is particularly the case for coun-
monomers, and therefore hydride abstrac-
terions derived from protonic acids. Triflic
tion may be seen as a termination reaction.
acid, for example, produces predominantly

unsaturated dimers and low molar mass
styrene oligomers. Complex metal halides + /
counterions, M,X:+, should be preferred to
limit this type of P-H transfer. (8-13)

Carhoccition Reciction.\ Termination Reactions

Friedel-Crafts alkylations are another In contrast to transfer reactions for which
important type of transfer reaction involv- the charged species expelled from the chain
ing the electrophilic alkylation of aromatic can re-initiate the polymerization, termina-
rings of the solvent, the monomer, or the tion reactions are characterized by the dis-
polymer with the elimination of a proton. appearance of the positive charge due to re-
The rate of ring substitution increases with combination with an ion of opposite charge,
the presence of electrodonating substituents or by the formation of a stabilized cation
on the aromatic ring and with the charge which is unreactive towards the monomer.
density of the carbocation. Termination and transfer processes mainly
In the case of aromatic monomers, elec- differ by the reactivity of the species formed
trophilic substitution may occur inter- or rather than by the type of mechanism in-
intramolecularly [Eq. (8-12a)and(8-12b)], volved.
yielding indanyl end groups in the latter
case. Formation ojStable and
Unreactive Carbocationic Species
As already discussed, the possibility for
(8- 12 a) a propagating carbocation to form a more
stable cation by abstraction of an ionic frag-
1 ment (H-, CH;) is eased by the formation
of a more stabilized carbocationic species.
Therefore this process tends to preferential-
(8- 1 2 b) ly yield unreactive cations.
8.2 Carbocationic Polymerization of Ethylenic Monomers 24 1

Collapse with the Counterion able to ionize the polymer ends and poly-
merization is stopped. Strong bases may
Halides or other ligands of large metal also abstract and trap Phydrogen atoms,
complexes used as counterions can be ab- which thus remain inactive towards alkene
stracted by the carbocation, thus forming a addition.
covalent species [Eq. (8-14a, 8-14b)l. This Analysis of the chemistry and kinetics of
process is slow in the case of fluoride li- elementary reactions involved in conven-
gands, but the reaction is irreversible and tional carbocationic polymerization shows
leads to true termination (Pepper, 1975). On that these processes are mainly governed by
the other hand, in the case of chloride li- the interactions between the various nucle-
gands, a fast and reversible abstraction may ophiles and electrophiles present in the
take place. system.
Carbenium ions participate in the chem-
istry of nearly all the elementary reactions.
They are very reactive electrophilic species
(8-14a) which must be appropriately stabilized by
substituents or counterions to allow their
formation, prolong their lifetime, and selec-
tively orientate their reaction towards
(8-14 b) monomer addition. In this respect, strong
stabilization by substituents will facilitate
their quantitative formation by ionization
Reactions with Nucleophilic Impurities and will lower the electrophilic character of
and Additives the carbenium formed, thus limiting side re-
Carbenium ions are able to react with nu- actions.
cleophilic compounds. Neutral ones con- The reactivity of carbenium ions towards
taining heteroatoms generally give unreac- alkenes approximately follows the variation
tive onium ions. However, in the case of of charge density on the positively charged
weak nucleophiles, this reaction is equili- carbon atom. Its increase is accompanied by
brated and reversible. Although this equi- a lower tendency to ionize, whereas hyper-
librium is shifted to the right, the small frac- conjugation and side reactions are favored.
tion of carbenium ions present, constantly The aim of modern cationic polymeriza-
renewed, can still propagate. The use of re- tion is to control all the elementary events
versible termination to produce well-de- of the cationic polymerization process by
fined polymers is described in the section designing systems based on carbenium spe-
devoted to controlled carbocationic poly- cies of appropriate reactivity in terms of se-
merization. lectivity and kinetics. This means that a pro-
Nucleophiles can also react directly with cedure developed for a particular system
counterions, thus reducing their Lewis acid cannot be generalized for another monomer.
character [Eq. (8-15)]. In the case of strong The general principles of controlled cation-
nucleophiles, the complexes formed are not ic polymerization and their application to

MtX, + Nu - (8-15)
242 8 Cationic Polymerization

specific polymerization systems will be re- under the term of controlled polymeriza-
viewed i n the following section. tions.
This chapter aims to discuss the general
principles and methods developed in mod-
8.2.2 Principles and Methods ern carbocationic polymerization to achieve
of Controlled Cationic Alkene controlled cationic polymerization of al-
Polymerization kene monomers.
As discussed in the preceding section, the General Features
main side reaction in carbocationic poly-
A living polymerization is a chain poly- merization is chain transfer. This often oc-
merization that proceeds through persistent curs due to the acidity of the P H atoms as-
propagating species without chain-breaking sociated to the high delocalization of the
reactions (Szwarc. 1968).Providing that in- carbocationic positive charge. However, an-
itiation is fast, the molar mass of the poly- other important parameter for the control of
mer is directly related to the molar ratio of carbocationic polymerization involves the
monomer consumed to initiator, and the kinetics of the initiation and propagation
polydispersity of the chains is narrow steps (Matyjaszewski and Sigwalt, 1994):
(M,/M,< I . I ). According to this definition, Fast and complete initiation should proceed
each chain infinitely retains its capacity to to allow all chains to grow at the same rate.
add new monomer molecules. After the ad- In order to control these parameters in al-
dition of a new increment of monomer, the kene carbocationic polymerization, a series
polymerization resumes at the same rate and of specific and reversible interactions
a linear increase of the molar mass is again between the propagating carbocations and
observed, indicating that the number of ac- various nucleophiles have been used in or-
tive species (no deactivation) and the num- der to adjust (lower) their reactivity. Three
ber of chains (no transfer) are constant dur- main general approaches have been pro-
ing the whole polymerization. Under these posed:
conditions, the chemistry of reactive chain
- the use of nuelophilic counteranions,
ends allowing the preparation of block co-
- the addition of weak nucleophiles,
polymers, telechelics, and other macromo-
- the addition of salts.
lecular architectures can be developed.
Actually, in real living systems the gen- The different mechanisms involved are
eral characteristics of living polymerization described below.
are only fulfilled to a certain extent. In par-
ticular, some limited deactivation or trans- Controlled Polymerization Involving
fer reactions may take place (Matyjaszew- Nucleophilic Counterions
ski. 1993). If they do not affect the final
polymer characteristics too much, these Polymerizations with RX/L. A. initiating
polymerizations are often classified as liv- systems of vinyl ethers (Higashimura and
ing, pseudo living. apparently living, etc. Sawamoto, 1989; Sawamoto, 199 1) and iso-
Recently Matyjaszewski proposed the clas- butene (Kennedy and Ivan, 1991) are typi-
sification of systems allowing the prepara- cal examples of this type of reaction [see
tion of well-defined polymer structures Eq. (8-16)].
8.2 Carbocationic Polymerization of Ethylenic Monomers 243

cH2=r - CH3-l H-x +

c-- CH3-CH--X----L.A.
k 1 monomer (8-16)

RX species are generally obtained by the right (active species) and a very fast poly-
addition of a protonic acid on the monomer, merization takes place. For such systems, it
and therefore possess a structure and reac- was shown that the addition of an external
tivity close to those of the polymer chain weak nucleophile (ester, ether, sulfide, etc.)
end. In most cases, these species are cova- yields better control of isobutene (Kaszas
lent and too stable to initiate propagation on et al., 1988) and vinyl ether (Higashimura
their own. However, in the presence of a et al., 1989a; Higashimura and Sawamoto,
Lewis acid of appropriate nucleophilicity, 1989) polymerizations. This may be ex-
which interacts with the terminal halide (or plained by a lowering of the reactivity of the
ester), a temporary and reversible ionization propagating species. This may result from a
of the carbon-X bond occurs, allowing suc- solvation effect [Eq. (8-17 a)], or more like-
cessive monomer insertion. The covalent ly from a reduction of the instantaneous
species are considered as dormant, whereas concentration of the active species due
the active ones are carbocations stabilized to the formation of a dormant species
via nucleophilic interaction with the coun- [Eq. (8-17 b)]. It has been proposed that the
terions (ion pairs). It is important to note that added nucleophiles and the carbocations
the appropriate nucleophilicity of the form onium ions that serve as the dormant
counterion is strongly related to the nature species (Matyjaszewski, 1992; Penczek,
of the carbocation and monomer. A more de- 1992).
tailed presentation of the polymerization
pathways involving these systems is given Addition of Salts
for vinyl ethers and isobutene in Secs.
The use of nonpolar or weakly polar sol- and
vents is not sufficient to suppress the con-
tribution of free carbocations to the poly-
Addition of Nucleophiles
merization. The addition of a common ion
When the counteranion of a polymeriza- salt to reduce the ionic dissociation and al-
tion system is too weakly nucleophilic, the low control of the polymers molar mass has
equilibrium of the equation is shifted to the been reported for many systems.


(8- 17b)
244 8 Cationic Polymerization


(8-18 b)

Other positive salt effects, operating presence of HU12 as the initiating system, in
through different mechanisms and allowing a nonpolar solvent and below -1 5 C. The
control of the cationic polymerization of vi- polymerization pathway shown in Scheme
nyl ethers and isobutene, have also been re- 8-7 was finally proposed (Sawamoto and Hi-
ported. A first series of salts operates by ex- gashimura, 1986; Higashimuraet al., 1988):
changing the counterions for the polymer
- Primary a-iodo ether compounds are gen-
end groups. The added salt may carry either
erated by the quantitative addition of hy-
nucleophilic anions. such as tetrabutyl am-
drogen iodide onto the vinyl ether unsat-
monium halides, which decelerate the poly-
merimtion (Higashimura et a]., 1993a; Lin
- a-iodo ether derivatives are inactive per
et al., 1993) [Eq. (8-18a)l or. on the other
se and an electrophilic derivative (iodine)
hand, less nucleophlic anions, which acti-
should be added to trigger the polymer-
vate the polymer terminals (Nuyken et al.,
1990) (Eq. (8-18b)l. Modification of the
- The vinyl ether polymerization proceeds
nucleophilicity of the counterions by inter-
by monomer insertion into the activat-
action with the anion ofthe salt has also been
ed carbon-iodide bonds of a-iodo ether
proposed in some specific cases.
derivatives. Vinyl Ethers On these grounds, a series of new initiat-

ing systems was thus developed with the
Owing to the presence of an electron-do- aim to prepare well-controlled poly(viny1
nating alkoxy substituent, vinyl ethers ether)s (block copolymers, stars, dendrim-
(CH2=CH-OR) are among the most cation- ers, macrocycles, .etc.). Other approaches
ically reactive ethylenic monomers. Their have also been explored.
polymerization can be initiated by various
acidic compounds: protonic acids [HX Initiating Systems with Nucleophilic
(X=CI. Br. I), CF3COIH, CF3S03H, etc.), Counteranions
halogens (I?). metal halides (BF3, BF,OEt,,
SnCl,, TiCI,, TiCI,.OR,-,, , etc.), halogenat- The principle developed in the case of the
ed metal alkyls (AlClrR3..,), organic salts HI/12initiating system has been generalized.
[Ph3C+,SnClS. (EtO),CH+BF;, etc.], etc. It has been shown that combinations of a-
Although the polymerization of vinyl halogeno ethers or a-carboxy ethers with
ethers was described a long time ago (Wis- mild L.A. are also well suited to prepare
licenus, 1878). the preparation of truly liv- living poly(viny1 ether)s.) For example,
ing poly(viny1 ether)s was first achieved in the polymerization of IBVE initiated by
1984 (Miyamoto et al., 1984). Isobutyl vi- HI/Zn12 or 2-acetoxyethylvinyl ether/Zn12,
nyl ether (IBVE) was polymerized in the in toluene or CH2C12,is living in the range
8.2 Carbocationic Polymerization of Ethylenic Monomers 245

bR Scheme 8-7.

-40 "C to room temperature (Sawamoto polymerization to the fact that ionic species
et al., 1987b). Good agreement between n?, are not present or detectable in the presence
(experimental) and M, (theoretical, a linear of salts. Cramail and Deffieux (1994, 1995)
growth of fin(exp.) with conversion, as well used the common ion salt effect to induce
as a narrow MMD are observed. Recently, the living polymerization of very reactive
Kamigaito et al. (1995) showed that isopro- vinyl ethers such as cyclohexyl or isoprop-
pyloxy-substituted titanium chlorides are yl derivatives. In this case, activation by
also efficient activators for the living poly- L.A. is not necessary to start the polymer-
merization of IBVE initiated by the IBVE- ization, but the addition of tetrabutylammo-
HC1 adduct in CH2Cl, at -15 "C. nium iodide in minute amounts ([NBu,I]/
Trimethyl silyl halides associated to car- [HI] = l/lOO) is sufficient to shift the equi-
bony1 compounds (Kamigaito et al., 1993 a) librium towards ion pairs and to induce a
or aryl phosphates (Kamigaito et al., "living" process. Taking into account the ki-
1993b), and activated by a mild L.A., such netic data, the concentration of active spe-
as ZnX2, also initiate the living polymeriza- cies and kp+ and kp' values could be esti-
tion of vinyl ethers. mated.
In addition, it is worth noting that salts
Polymerization in the Presence of Added may operate according to a different mech-
anism. The activation of mixed inactive
a-iodo and a-chloro ether termini by
The possible effect of common ion salts NBu4C104, involving counteranion ex-
on the living character of vinyl ether poly- change, has also been reported (Cramail
merization was well demonstrated in the et al., 1993). It is also worth noting that the
case of IBVE polymerization initiated by combination of triflic acid with tetrabutyl-
the HC1-IBVE adduct (or CF3C02H) and ammonium iodide was used to generate HI,
activated by SnC14in the presence of NBu4X allowing the controlled polymerization of
(X=I, C1, Br, CH3C02) (Kamigaito et al., vinyl ethers (Haucourt et al., 1993). More-
1993 c; Katayama et al., 1995 a, b). The au- over, poly(1BVE) (i@,,=45000 g/mol, a,/
thors were able to show the influence of the M,,= 1.l), initiated by MeCH(OiBu)Cl/
added salt on the nature of the chain termi- nBu4NTiC15,was readily prepared at -20 "C
nals by in situ, direct NMR analysis. They in CH2C12(Lubnin and Kennedy, 1992).
correlated the observed livingness of the
246 8 Cationic Polymerization

Pnlymerizntion in the Presence formed with 2-chloroethyl vinyl ether, since

cf Niicleophiles the chloro function can easily be derivatized
into various groups (Higashimura et al.,
In the case of systems for which the coun-
1984; Nuyken et al., 1995). The synthesis
teranions are not nucleophilic enough to sta-
of poly(viny1 ether)s with perfluoroalkyl
bilize the growing carbocationic species,
pendant groups has also been described
very fast and uncontrolled polymerization
(Hopkenet al., 1992; Vandoorenet al., 1994).
takes place. The addition of an external
The synthesis of telechelics, block copol-
Lewis base lowers the polymerization rate
ymers, and other new architectures based on
and may allow control of the reaction. This
vinyl ethers is described in the following
is the case when a chloro alkyl aluminum is
used as the catalyst (typically AIEtCI?) (Hi-
gashimura et al., 1987). The addition of nu-
cleophile (ester, ether, amine, sulfide, etc.) Isobutene
to the system, generally in excess with re-
spect to the initiator, yields a living poly- For many important industrial applica-
merization. Under these conditions, living tions, isobutene (IB) is one of the most at-
poly(1BVE)s with high molar mass tractive hydrocarbon monomers in cationic
(M,,= 1Os g/mol) and narrow MMD could be polymerization. Faust and Kennedy (1 986)
obtained even at a temperature of up to 70 C were the first to report on the living poly-
(Kishimoto et al.. 1989). merization of isobutene. Tertiary acetates
In the same way, the first controlled poly- (cumyl acetate, 2-acetoxy-2,4,4-trimethyl-
merization of tert-butylvinylether has re- pentane), in conjunction with boron trichlo-
cently been achieved using 1-isobutoxyeth- ride, were used as the initiating systems
ylacetatelEt, ,,AlCI I ,,/THF as the initiating (Faust and Kennedy, 1987). As for vinyl
system. This method allowed the prepara- ethers, a large number of initiating systems
tion of polyvinylalcohol with a controlled has been described since then.
chain length (Aoshima et al.. 1994).
Swtems Involving Nucleophilic
Counteranions Functional Vinyl Ethers
A broad variety of tertiary esters, ethers,
Similar to the alkyl derivatives, a series and alcohols, activated by BC13, has been
of side-functional vinyl ethers readily poly- used to initiate the polymerization of IB.
merizes in controlled conditions. A detailed Some typical examples are given in Scheme
list of functional vinyl ether monomers that 8-8. Through complexation with the L.A.,
undergo controlled polymerization is avail- the carbon-ether or the carbon-ester bond
able in several reviews (Sawamoto, 1991; is weakened (ionized), thus allowing mono-
Deffieux, 1996a). Many studies were per- mer incorporation.
8.2 Carbocationic Polymerization of Ethylenic Monomers 247

Polymerization is usually performed in Initiation in the Presence of Ammonium

mixed solvents (CH3Cl/nC6HI4;40/60 vol.) Salts
to prevent precipitation of the polymer, and
In the case of isobutene polymerization
at rather low temperatures (-80 C to 0 C).
initiated by 2-chIoro-2,4,4-trimethylpen-
Since the overall rates are quite high and
tane (TMPC1)/TiC14 in a CH2C12/hexane
transfer to the monomer is important, the in-
mixture (60/40), Pernecker et al. (1993)
cremental monomer addition (IMA tech-
showed that the addition of nBu4NC1slows
nique) has been used. Under these condi-
down the apparent propagation rate con-
tions, which avoid or limit chain transfer to
stants drastically and allows better control
the monomer, the polymerization was qua-
of the polymerization.
Macromolecular engineering based on
Nevertheless, even with these systems,
these controlled isobutene polymerizations
the polyisobutene MMDs are generally
has been widely investigated and is de-
broader than 1.2 due to some chain transfer
scribed in Sec. 8.2.3.
and termination reactions. Only recently, it
was shown that ter-butoxy benzenes (and
analogs) activated by TiC14 could initiate Styrene and Derivatives
the clean polymerization of isobutene. A
slight increase of the solvent polarity in- Although the cationic polymerization of
creases the catalyst efficiency (Flensberg styrene was discovered more than a centu-
et al., 1995). ry ago, the conditions for its living poly-
merization by cationic initiators were only
Polymerization in the Presence of Added reported in 1988 (Faust and Kennedy,
Nucleophiles 1988 a). Nevertheless, in this first con-
trolled system, only polystyrene with a low
The addition of nucleophiles to initiating molar mass was prepared and its MMD was
systems is frequently employed to avoid still rather broad.
side reactions. The combination of ter- Since that time, much effort has been de-
tiary chlorides (cumyl chloride, dicumyl- voted to improving the living polymeriza-
chloride), BCl,, and a Lewis base tion of styrene. The rather poorer reactivity
[(CH,)$=O, (CH3)2NCHO,(CH3)2NCOCH3, of this monomer towards cationic initiators
CH3COOCH2CH,, etc.] yields truly liv- necessitates the use of a strong L.A. to trig-
ing isobutene polymerization. The nature ger the polymerization. Living conditions
and concentration of the added base strong- were obtained by tuning the interactions
ly influence the MMD of the polymer (Si between the carbocationic species and add-
and Kennedy, 1994). ed nucleophiles or salts.
Although the presence of a Lewis base is Ester compounds activated by BCl, were
not absolutely required with BC1, as the cat- found to be well suited as initiating systems
alyst, its use is necessary with a stronger too (Sigwalt et al., 1988). Ishihama et al.
L.A. (typically TiCl,). A proton trap (2,6- (1990 a, b), reported on a polymerization in-
di-tert-butylpyridine) may also be added to volving 1-phenylethylchloride (or metha-
avoid side protic initiation (Gyor et al., nesulfonic acid) and SnC1, in the presence
1992). of an ammonium salt (nBu,NCl). These
systems afford living polystyrene with
M , up to 104g mol- and low MMD
248 8 Cationic Polymerization

M , / M , = 1.1 ). The ionic nature of the grow- The polymerization of alkylstyrenes and
ing active species, as well as fast exchang- related derivatives was achieved using the
es between the halogen termini, were dem- binary initiating systems HI/ZnCI2 (Kojima
onstrated by NMR studies (Higashimura et al., 1990b) and PhC(CH,),OCOCH,/
et al.. 1993a). The effects of ammonium BC13 (Faust and Kennedy, I988 b). Never-
salts on the kinetics and on the MMD of the theless, it has to be pointed out that the use
resulting polystyrene were studied by Lin of a stronger L.A. is generally required with
et al. (1993). Limitations in the living char- these monomers than for p-alkoxystyrene
acter of these systems, as well as the effect derivatives.
of solvent polarity. were also discussed Finally, it is worth noting that the living
(Matyjaszewski et al., 1993; Kwon et al., polymerization of indene could be obtained
1993). More recently. Sawamoto and Kam- using cumyl methyl ether or cumyl chloride
igaito (1 995) showed that titanium-based in the presence of titanium derivatives
initiators (HC1/TiCl3(OiPr)/nBu,NCI) also (Thomas et al., 1995).
allow the preparation of living polysty-
rene in CH2CI, at -1 5 C.
Living poly(a-methylstyrene) could also 8.2.3 Macromolecular Engineering
be prepared using the HCI adduct of 2-chlo-
by Carbocationic Polymerization
roethyl vinyl ether and SnBrJ (CH2CI,.
-78 C) (Higashimura et al., 1993 b).
The discovery that alkenyl monomers can
The reactivity of styrene derivatives be polymerized in controlled conditions
strongly depends on the nature of the sub-
rapidly led to the development of new, tail-
stituent on the aromatic ring; p-alkoxysty-
or-made polymers. The synthesis by cation-
renes are the most reactive. Their controlled
ic techniques of functional polymers, tele-
polymerization can be achieved readily,
chelics, block and graft copolymers, star-
even at room temperature. in the presence
shaped polymers, and macrocycles is exam-
of initiators such as HT/Zn12 (Kojima et al.,
ined below.
1990 a). The living polymerization of
p-chlorostyrene was first achieved by Ken-
nedy and Kurian ( 1990). The authors used
a combination of 2-chloro-2,4,4-trimethyl- Synthesis of End-Functionalized
pentane (TMPCI) and TiCl,, as the initiating Polymers
system in a CH,Cl/methylcyclohexane mix-
ture (40/60 v/v) at -80C; the presence of Functional Initiation
dimethylacetamide as an electron donor and
2.6-diterbutyl pyridine as a proton trap was The anchorage of a functional group at the
also required. Recently, Kanaoka et al. chain head can be achieved using function-
( 1996) reported that living p-chlorostyrene al initiators, provided the function is inert
could also be obtained in CH2Cl2at room or protected.
temperature using I -phenyI ethyl chloride/
SnC14/nBu4NCIas the initiating system. I t Viriyl Ethers:
is worth noting that i n these conditions the
polymerization of p-chloromethylstyrene Typically, this method consists of adding
and p-acetoxymethylstyrene does not ex- a stoichiometric amount of protonic acid on-
hibit any living character. to a functional vinyl ether (initiating step).
8.2 Carbocationic Polymerization of Ethylenic Monomers 249

The propagation step is then performed with Isobutene:

the desired vinyl ether monomer. A very
large series of poly(viny1 ether)s bearing an The head-functionalization of polyisobu-
organic function or a polymerizable group tene chains has been widely investigated by
at the chain head (macromonomer) has been Kennedy and his group (Kennedy and Ivan,
prepared accordingly (Sawamoto, 1991; 1991). Various routes yielding a-hydroxy
Deffieux, 1996a). polyisobutenes have been reported; one re-
In the same way, the use of trimethylsil- cent example deals with the direct addition
yl iodide (TMSI) in conjunction with a car- of BC13 onto the monomer. Derivatization
bony1 or an acetal compound as the initiat- of the BC12head group into hydroxyl is then
ing system enables the preparation of a-hy- achieved by treatment with H202 (Balogh
droxy poly(viny1 ether)s (Kamigaito et al., et al., 1994).
1990; Meirvenne et al., 1990; Cramail et a]., Unsaturated or chloride head groups were
1994). easily anchored in the presence of a func-
tional cationogen used in conjunction with
an L.A. A phenol group was selectively an-
Styrene and Derivatives:
chored using p-hydroxycumylchloride as
The synthesis of a-chloro polystyrene the initiator in association with HC1/BC13
starting from C12/A1Me3 or BrC(CH3)2 (Balogh et al., 1994). The preparation of
(CH2)3C(CH3)2Cl/AlEt3as the initiating polyisobutene macromonomers with a
system was first described by Kennedy and styrenyl or a dicyclopentadienyl head group
co-workers (Kennedy and Sivaram, 1973; has also been described (Kennedy and Ivan,
Kennedy and Melby, 1975). More recently, 1991).
a-functional poly(styrene)s, polyb-meth-
y1styrene)s (Miyashita et al., 1994a), po- Functional Termination
lyb-ch1orostyrene)s (Kanaoka et al., 1996),
and poly( a-methy1styrene)s (Higashimura This technique is particularly useful pro-
et al., 1993 b) were synthesized by initiation vided the polymerization exhibits a living
of the polymerization by a functional vinyl character (absence of transfer and termina-
ether-hydrogen halide adduct in the pres- tion reactions) and the propagating ends are
ence of SnC14 and an ammonium salt. reactive enough.
Through this procedure, benzoate, acetate,
phthalimide, and methacry late groups could Vinyl Ethers:
be anchored at the chain head. Following The preparation of w-telechelic poly(vi-
the same principle, a-hydroxy, a-carboxy, nyl ether)s can be readily achieved by
a-amino, and poly(p-methoxy- and p-tert- quenching the growing chains with a nucle-
butoxystyrene)s can be readily prepared ophile bearing afunctional group [Eq. (8-19)].
(Shohi et al., 1992 a). The addition of alcohols onto a-haloge-
no ether polymer ends yields acetal termi-
nals which may be further quantitatively de-

250 8 Cationic Polymerization

rivatized into aldehyde functions (Benne- Isobutene:

vault et al., 1995). The latter may also be
transformed into alcohol groups after reduc- o-Functionalization of polyisobutene has
tion with a metal hydride. been widely studied by Kennedys group
Poly(viny1ether)s were successfully end- (Kennedy and Ivan, 1991). As mentioned
capped by amino groups using various earlier for styrene, the presence of chlorine
amines in large excess. The use of substitut- in the initiator or in the catalyst yields po-
ed anilines allowed the preparation of w-hy- ly(isobutene)s with tert-butyl chloride ter-
droxyl- and w-carboxyl-poly(alky1 vinyl mini. Nevertheless, the synthesis of allyl-
ether)s (Sawamoto et al., 1987 c). The prep- capped poly(isobutene) was achieved by
aration of stable carboxylic acid end groups quenching the chain termini with allyltrim-
by deactivation of the polymer chain with a ethylsilane and allyltrimethylstannate (Ivan
codiomalonic ester [NaCH(C02Et)2] was and Kennedy, 1990).
also described (Sawamoto et al., 1987d). Other types of w-functionalized poly(is0-
Following the same technique, vinyl ether butene)s were prepared by post-polymeriza-
macromonomers of isobutyl and 2-benzoyl- tion reactions through derivatization of the
oxyethyl vinyl ethers were prepared (Sawa- tertiary chlorine termini. w-Hydroxyl, w -
moto et al.. 1986). carboxyl, a-phenyl (phenol, tolyl), or w-ep-
oxy polyisobutene was obtained. From
these derivatives, a very large series of new
polymeric materials can be prepared (Ken-
nedy and Ivan, 1991).
p-Alkoxystyrenes exhibit a reactivity
close to those of vinyl ethers. Therefore, ut
telechelic poly@-a1koxystyrene)s are easi- Synthesis of Telechelics
ly prepared (Higashimura et al., 1989b).
Telechelics and more generally pluri end-
utFunctionalization of cationic polysty-
functional macromolecules are interesting
rene is much more difficult due to the high-
precursors of multiblock structures and net-
er nucleophilic character of the halide ter-
works. Two main approaches have been de-
minal, which stays attached to the chain end,
veloped to prepare telechelics:
thus forming a sec-benzylic halide termi-
nus. Typically, conventional nucleophiles - multifunctional growth followed by func-
(methanol. amines, sodiomalonate, etc.) tional termination, and
failed to react with the growing polystyrene - functional initiation of the polymeriza-
chain. To overcome this drawback, Miya- tion and termination by the addition of
shita et al. ( 1994 b) recently reported the use functional molecules.
of various end-capping agents based on or-
ganosilicon compounds (Me3Si-Z, Z = acet- Vinyl Ethers:
oxy. allyl, methacryloxy) [Eq. (8-20)].
a,wDifunctional poly(viny1 ether)s were
MejSi-Z readily obtained by bifunctional initiation
(8-20) using divinyl ethers/HX or diacetal com-
pound/TMSI systems (Bennevault et al.,
W H z T H - Z + Me3SiCI 1995). Dicumylhalides have also been de-
scribed as difunctional precursors (Schap-
pacher and Deffieux, 1991).
8.2 Carbocationic Polymerization of Ethylenic Monomers 25 1

1)CH2=CH , L.A.

6Y 2)Nu-Z bY bR 6R Scheme 8-9.

The preparation of hetero telechelics Isobutene:

bearing distinct a-Y or o-Zend groups was
The preparation of multitelechelic po-
also reported (Shohi et al., 1990). Their syn-
ly(isobutene) has been extensively studied.
thesis is depicted in Scheme 8-9. The prep-
A series of chain initiators bearing different
aration of telechelic three branch star po-
functions (X=Cl, Br, OCH3, OAc, or OH)
ly(viny1ether)s starting from a trivinyl ether
is reported in recent reviews (Kennedy and
precursor, activated by AlEtCl,, has also
Ivan, 1991; Deffieux, 1996 a).
been described (Shohi et al., 1991).

Styrene and Derivatives: Synthesis of Block Copolymers
Access to telechelic polystyrenes (with
The synthesis of block copolymers is of
functional groups different from the chlo-
great interest, since it allows the preparation
ride termini) is more limited by the cation-
of amphiphilic or novel thermoplastic elas-
ic technique for the reasons previously dis-
tomeric materials.
cussed. Chloro-telechelic poly@-chlorosty-
rene) prepared from dicumylchloride/BC13
Sequential Living Polymerization
has been described by Zsuka and Kennedy
(1991). A monomer, A, is first polymerized to
In the series of poly(p-alkoxy styrene)s, give a living polymer from which the poly-
for which the end group is more labile, a,o- merization of a second monomer, B, is in-
homo and hetero-telechelics were prepared itiated. The use of difunctional initiators
using the association of both the functional gives B-A-B triblock copolymers. The se-
initiation and termination steps (Shohi quential living polymerization of a series of
et al., 1992b): Functional initiation in- vinyl ethers (typically an alkyl vinyl ether
volved a-functional halogeno ether adducts for block A and a pendant functionalized vi-
activated by ZnCl,, whereas end-capping of nyl ether for block B) has been described
the polymer was performed with various with HID2 or HI/ZnX2 as the initiating
functional nucleophiles. system (Miyamoto et al., 1985). Derivatiza-
Following the same procedure, a-func- tion of the protective side functional groups
tional, o-chloro telechelic poly(styrene) (block B) into a polar function yields new
and poly(a-methylstyrene) were obtained amphiphilic diblock copolymers (Sawamo-
(Miyashita et al., I994 a). Recently, Cloutet to, 1991).
et al. (1994) synthesized a hexa-armed The same type of initiating system was
polystyrene with chloride termini from a used to induce the sequential polymeriza-
precursor composed of six 1-phenylethyl tion of a vinyl ether (block A) and an alkoxy
chloride groups. styrene (block B) (Sawamoto, 1991). Since
then, many other block copolymers have
been obtained: poly(N-vinylcarbazo1e-b-
252 8 Cationic Polymerization

IBVE) (Nuyken et a].. 1995), poly(CEVE- an o-2-chloroethyl ether poly(1BVE) (Liu

h-a-methylstyrene) (Sawamoto et al.. et al., 1993), cationic polymerization of
1994). poly(styrene-b-methyl vinyl ether) vinyl ethers from a-acetal polystyrene
(Ohmura et al., 1994). The preparation of (Cramail et al., 1994), and radical polymer-
amphiphilic star-shaped block copolymers ization of methacrylonitrile from an a-azo
based on two distinct vinyl ethers was de- poly(1BVE) (Nuyken et al., 1988).
scribed by Kanaoka et al. ( 1993). Polymer coupling was used to prepare
The literature is particularly abundant in poly(isobutene-6-methylmethacrylate) co-
the case of copolymers possessing one PO- polymers through the termination of liv-
ly(isobutene) block: poly(isobutene-0- ing carbocationic polyisobutene by living
methyl vinyl ether) (Perneckeret al., 1992). PMMA obtained by group transfer polymer-
poly(isobutene-b-isobutyl vinyl ether) ization (Takacs and Faust, 1995).
(Hadjikyriacou and Faust, 1995), poly(is0- Finally, novel thermoplastic elastomeric
butene-h-isoprene) (Kaszas et al., 1992), polyisobutene-h-polyamide multiblocks were
poly(isobutene-h-styrene) (Faust, 1994), obtained by the chain extension technique
poly(isobutene-h-p-methyl styrene) (Nagy (Zaschke and Kennedy, 1995).
et al.. 1995). etc.
The preparation of thermoplastic elasto-
mers such as poly(indene-0-isobutene-0-in- Star-Shaped and Macrocyclic
dene) (Kennedy et a].. 1993). or poly(a- Polymers
rene) (Tsunogae and Kennedy. 1994) is al- A broad series of star-shaped poly(viny1
so described. ether)s and polystyrene have been prepared
In addition, Verma et al. ( 199 1 ) reported using cationic techniques. In addition, the
the preparation of the PVE-0-PMMA block synthesis of macrocyclic polymers of con-
copolymer ucing a combination of living trolled ring dimension based on the cation-
cationic and group transfer polymeriza- ic reaction has also been reported recently
tions. (Deffieux, 1996 b).

Heuction of' End- Firnctioniilized Polymers

8.3 Cationic Polymerization of
A very large number of block copolym- Heterocyclic Monomers
ers was prepared from end-functionalized
chains. Depending on the functionality of Owing to the nature of the heteroatoms
the starting polymers. three approaches and of the ring strain, heterocyclic com-
were developed to obtain block copolymers: pounds containing one or several heteroat-
polymerization from a macro-initiator, om(s) in their structure may polymerize the
polymer coupling, and chain extension. An ionic ring-opening reactions. The main het-
exhaustive list of copolymers obtained from erocyclic monomers that polymerize by cat-
these different routes was recently pub- ionic mechanisms are listed in Table 8-3.
lished (Matyjaszewski, 1996). Cationic heterocyclic polymerizations
Copolymerization of monomer B from a usually involve nucleophilic attack of the
macro-initiator is illustrated by the fol- monomer on a tertiary onium ion located at
lowing examples: cationic ring-operating the chain end [Eq. (8-2), Sec. 8.11. How-
polymerization of 2-ethyloxyazoline from ever, a reverse situation involving the nu-
8.3 Cationic Polymerization of Heterocyclic Monomers 253
Table 8-3. Some of the main heterocyclic monomers that can polymerize by a cationic mechanism.

Main Number of atoms in the ringa

3 4 5 6 8

Cyclic ethers
O 3

oxirane oxetane
Cyclic sulfides s3

Cyclic amines
aziridine azetidine
Cyclic acetals

1.3-dioxane 1,3,5-trioxane

Cyclic esters 0

0-propio- ethylene lactide

lactone carbonate

Cyclic iminoesters
.qN) 0


Cyclosiloxanes R\ f' R. #R

' ,". R

0 R. .O ,R
R-' .SL,,SI.*
i k
D3b D4'

aThe numbers in parentheses correspond to ring strain energies (kJ/mol) (Cox, 1963); D3: hexamethyltrisil-
oxane; D4: octamethyltetrasiloxane.

cleophilic attack of a heteroatom of the ization is the conservation of nucleophilic

chain end on the protonated monomer (sec- sites in the polymer chain after the polymer-
ondary onium ion) may also take place in ization of heterocyclic monomers, whereas
some cases [Eq. (8-3), Sec. 8.11. the alkene double bond is consumed during
The first major difference between het- the reaction in alkene polymerization. The
erocyclic ring-opening and alkene polymer- presence of nucleophilic heteroatoms en-
254 8 Cationic Polymerization

ables the polymer backbone to react with monomers, their nucleophilic anions rapid-
electrophilic entities including propagating ly recombine with the onium ions to form
species through a series of reactions, intrin- covalent species, which are usually inactive
sic of heterocyclic ring-opening polymer- towards the ring-opening of heterocycles.
ization systems. The relief of monomer ring Only the more nucleophilic monomers, such
strain during insertion is the main driving as oxazolines, are polymerized in the pres-
force for ring-opening polymerizations. For ence of Br- or I- counteranions (Saegusa
example, in the ether. sulfide, and amine se- et al., 1976).
ries, three- and four-membered rings readi-
ly polymerize, whereas the corresponding
heterocycles with five. six. or seven atoms Lewis Acids
of lower ring strain are not polymerizable in
normal conditions. A large number of Lewis acids, used as
Several books and reviews dealing with such or in the form of stable ether complex-
the cationic polymerization of heterocycles es. have been reported to initiate the cation-
may be found in recent literature (Allen and ic polymerization of heterocyclic mono-
Bevington. 1989: Matyjaszewski, 1996). mers. BF3, for example, is commercially
available in the form of its ether complex
(BF,. OR2).
8.3.1 General Features of Cationic In fact, the initiating efficiency of Lewis
Ring-Opening Polymerization acids is low and their reaction mechanism
with heterocyclics often remains unclear. Chemistry of Initiation Direct initiation, though claimed, is not sup-
ported by experimental evidence. In most
As indicated for alkenes, initiation of the cases, it is believed that the protonogen
polymerization may involve several ele- present, i.e., H 2 0 , plays the role of initiator,
mentary reactions to generate from a pri- the Lewis acid acting as the catalyst (Col-
mary species an active center with a struc- lins et al., 1979; Stasinski and Dmowska,
ture identical to the propagating one. The 1987).
main families of compounds that are able to
generate primary species are presented be-
Stable Organic Salts

Protonic Acitis A series of stable carbenium, oxocarbe-

nium, and carboxonium ions, stabilized by
Stronger acids with weakly basic coun- charge delocalization, have been used to in-
terions, triflic acid, fluorosulfonic acid, per- itiate the polymerization of heterocyclic
chloric acid (see pK, values in Table 8- 1. monomers. Most of them directly react
Sec. 8.2). are generally the best initiators. with heterocycles to form an oxonium
This may be explained by the rapid addition ion. However, some initiation reactions are
of the acidic proton on the nucleophilic het- more complex and involve hydride or pro-
eroatom of the monomer and the formation ton abstraction, as shown below for the
of stable onium ions. Although weaker polymerization of 1,3-dioxolane by a trityl
acids (HX, X=CI. Br, I) may also rapidly salt [Eq. (8-2 l)] (Penczek and Kubisa,
and quantitatively add onto heterocyclic 1973).
8.3 Cationic Polymerization of Heterocyclic Monomers 255


Alkylating or Acylating Agents Propagation Reaction

Covalent esters of strong protonic acids A distinction should first be made
(triflic, fluorosulfonic, etc.) or their anhy- between the reactivity of a monomer and its
dride are able to directly initiate the polymerizability. The latter is related to the
polymerization of weakly nucleophilic thermodynamics of the system and should
monomers (ethers, siloxanes, acetals). In be distinguished from the kinetics of poly-
the same way, trimethylsilyliodide and tri- merization. For example, a highly reactive
methylsilytriflate initiate the polymeriza- monomer may exhibit a low polymerizabil-
tion of oxazoline. ity; in which case, a small fraction of polymer
rapidly forms and stays in equilibrium with
a large fraction of the unreacted monomer.
Compounds Activated by Anion Exchange
Let us first examine the parameters
or Lewis Acids
governing the thermodynamic behavior in
Bronsted acids, covalent organic halides, heterocyclic ring-opening polymerization
or esters, which are inactive or too weakly systems.
reactive to give efficient initiating systems,
can be activated in situ by anion exchange Thermodynamics of the Propagation
(Olah and Von R. Schleyer, 1973) or by the Reaction
addition of a Lewis acid (Olah, 1965). For
example, a series of reactive oxocarbenium The thermodynamics of heterocyclic
and carboxonium can be prepared in situ by ring-opening polymerization have been ex-
the silver salt method [Eq. (8-22)]. amined in several recent reviews (Penczek,
RCOCI + AgSbF6 - RCO', SbF6 + AgCl
1989; Kubisa, 1996). Conversion of a
monomer into polymer [Eq. (8-23)] is only
(8-22) possible when the change of free energy ac-
Alkyl halides or acyl halides may also be companying the propagation, AG = AH -

TAS,is negative.
readily ionized by fluorine-containing Lew-
is acids through the formation of stable and "M [MI, (8-23)
weakly nucleophilic counteranions of the
type MtF,X-. In heterocyclic ring-opening polymeriza-
As previously mentioned for alkenes, the tion, the propagation driving force (p) is the
use of binary initiating systems allows the negative enthalpy variation corresponding
formation of reactive ionic species yielding to ring strain release of cyclic monomers,
fast and efficient initiation of the heterocy- whereas the entropy term (-TAS) generally
cles polymerization. favors the reaction in the opposite way (dp).
256 8 Cationic Polymerization

The entropy variation accompanying het- On increasing the reaction temperature,

erocyclic polymerization is mainly due to [ M e ] increases and finally equals the
the loss of translational entropy of the monomer concentration in the bulk. This
monomer, and only weakly depends on the temperature corresponds to the ceiling tem-
heterocyclic monomer structure. On the oth- perature at which the polymerization cannot
er hand, the enthalpy of polymerization is proceed anymore. Note that another defini-
strongly related to the monomer ring strain. tion of the ceiling temperature correspond-
The latter results from several structural ing to standard conditions is also used. In
parameters. i.e., nonbonded repulsions be- this case, T, is equal to AH"IAS", which
tween atoms, bond angle distortions, and refers to solution polymerizations with
bond length deformations. As may be seen [M],=l M.
in Table 8-3, the nature and the number of The second equation shows that at any
heteroatoms in the ring strongly affect the temperature there is a limit to the monomer
strain energy. For monomers constituted of concentration corresponding to [M,], under
carbons and one heteroatom, the strain is which the polymerization does not occur
usually maximal for three- to four-mem- (k,[M,]<k,,). If the initial monomer con-
bered rings and becomes minimal for five- centration is higher than [M,], the polymer-
to seven-membered rings. It then increases ization takes place but then stops (equili-
again for larger rings (8- 12) due to trans- brates) at a partial monomer conversion cor-
annular interactions. responding to [M,]-[M,]/[M,], for which
The enthalpy (AH) of polymerization of kdp equals kJM,].
a system, is practically independent of the
temperature, whereas the term -TAS obvi- Nuture and Reactivities of Active Species
ously increases with temperature. There-
fore, at a certain "ceiling" ( T c ) ,-TAS will Active species involved in the ring-open-
finally equal AH, thus yielding AG = 0. ing polymerization of heterocycles are
At T, (T,=AHIAS) and above, the poly- mainly onium ions. However, polymer
merization is prohibited. Considering that chains with carbenium ions or covalent es-
the propagation is a reversible process ter terminals, resulting from the transforma-
[Eq. (8-24)1, this may be visualized by the tion of onium ions, may also be present. The
predominance of the depolymerization re- relative contributions of these different

action. where polymer end groups to the ring-opening
polymerization reaction have been investi-
M,' + M Mn+l* (8-24) gatd by several research groups.
The first equilibrium exists between cy-
k, and k,, are respectively propagation and clic onium ions and their opened form cor-
depropagation rate constants, and K, the responding to carbenium ions (Penczek,
equilibrium constant. is equal to k,lkd,. 1989) [Eq. ( 8 - 2 5 ) ] . The equilibrium is de-
At equilibrium. we can write termined by the balance of energies corre-
k, W,TI[Me 1 = kdp I M,T, I1 sponding both to the release of ring strain,
which favors the carbenium ion form, and
where [Me] is the equilibrium monomer to the strong stabilization gain when going
concentration, and since for polymers [M:] from high energy carbenium ions to much
may be assumed identical to [M,T,,] more stable onium ions. Generally, this sec-
k,lkdp= K = ll[M,J ond effect exceeds by far the strain release
8.3 Cationic Polymerization of Heterocyclic Monomers 257

of the usual heterocycles, and the propor- proportion depends on the solvent, on the
tion of carbenium ions is extremely small. type and nature of the onium ion, and, to a
Despite the much higher reactivity of car- lesser extent, on the counterion. In polar sol-
benium ions, their contribution to the poly- vents (nitromethane), the dissociation con-
merization is usually negligible (Penczek stants are relatively high and the proportion
and Szymanski, 1980). In the most favor- of free ions can be important (Ledwith and
able situations, such as in the polymeriza- Sherrington, 1975; Matyjaszewski et al.,
tion of cyclic acetals, the contribution of 1979a, b; Brzezinska et al., 1978). This al-
carbenium ions to the propagation reaction lowed the measurement of their reactivity.
was evaluated as a few percent. Indeed kinetic studies performed on sever-
al heterocycles have shown that the abso-
lute propagation rate constants of ion pairs
and free ions are essentially the same. This
is explained by weak electrostatic interac-
Located on the other side of the Winstein tions in the ion pairs due to the relatively
large size of the counterions, as well as by
equilibrium, chains with a covalent end
stronger solvation of the free cations by the
group have also been identified in ring-op-
monomer, which reduces their reactivity.
enin polymerization systems. These termi-
Therefore onium ions may be considered as
nals are formed by the recombination of ion-
a unique entity which predominates in the
ic ends (onium or carbenium ions) with their
polymer formation.
counterion [Eq. (8-26)]. When the latter is
a strong nucleophile, the reaction may be ir-
reversible and terminate the polymeriza-
tion. However, since heterocycles are high- Chain Transfer to Polymer
ly nucleophilic monomers, they may com-
In cationic heterocyclic polymerization,
pete with the collapsed counterions and in-
the electrophilic propagating species (oni-
sert in the covalent bond. It was proposed
that an ionic chain end is then reformed af- um ions) can react with the nucleophilic
sites of the monomer and of the polymer
ter the monomer insertion (Penczek and
chain, or with the counterion.
Kubisa, 1993). In this case, covalent poly-
Reaction of onium ions with the monomer
mer ends may still be considered as active
leads to chain propagation. As discussed
species. Their reactivity is, however, much
earlier, monomer insertion is an equilibrat-
lower than that of onium (and carbenium)
ed process. At low monomer concentrations
ions (Penczek and Matyjaszewski 1976;
or in the presence of large monomer rings,
Saegusa et al., 1976) except in some very
the reformation of monomer or other heter-
particular cases (Baran et al., 1983).
ocycles of lesser ring strain may become
predominant. These depolymerization
and back-biting processes result from
the reaction of polymer end groups with
one heteroatom of their own chain to form
Hence onium ions are the predominant a new onium ion [Eq. (8-27 a)]. They yield
active species in most cationic ring-opening a series of heterocycles with their own
heterocyclic polymerizations. They can ex- polymerizability, which may react again
ist in the form of ion pairs and free ions; their with the onium ions to reform a linear poly-
258 8 Cationic Polymerization

+n t

>H22+ I (8-27b)

mer. If the onium ions formed in these pro- 8.3.2 Main Families of Heterocyclic
cesses are unreactive, the reaction leads to Monomers
A similar nucleophilic substitution may After examination of the general features
involve the onium ion of a chain end and nu- of heterocyclic monomer polymerization,
cleophilic sites located on another polymer the specific characteristics of the most im-
chain [Eq. (8-27 b)]. Again, these reactions portant families of heterocycles (see Table
can be either reversible or irreversible. If the 8-3) will be reviewed.
new oxonium ion formed is able to react
with another heteroatom of the monomer or Cyclic Ethers
the chain. propagation and/or chain redistri-
bution will occur. On the other hand, the for- The six-membered cyclic ethers do not
mation of highly stabilized onium ions will polymerize due to the lack of ring strain,
result in a termination. whereas the three- and four-membered
rings, oxiranes and oxetanes, readily oligo- Other Main Transfer merize.
and Termination Processes
In addition to the above reported reac-
tions of active species with the nucleophil- In the presence of cationic initiators, eth-
ic sites of the chain, and provided that im- ylene oxide polymerization generally pre-
purities are absent. the main other transfer dominantly yields a cyclic dimer (dioxane)
and termination processes predominantly with a small fraction of oligomers (a,,
involve recombination with counterions. <lo" g mol-') (Kobayashi et al., 1979). This
Irreversible collapse of ionic species with is due to the predominance of back-biting
the counterion is the most important ter- reactions when the active chain end mech-
mination process in heterocyclic cationic anism is operating. This high tendency to
polymerization. Counterions with a pro- form cyclics was exploited to prepare
nounced nucleophilic character are able to crown-ether derivatives (Scheme 8- 10).
successively compete with the monomer to- The proportion of cyclics is maximal
wards the active species and to form irrever- when tertiary oxonium ions are the growing
sibly (true termination) or reversibly (rever- active species. When ethylene oxide poly-
sible termination) covalent terminals [Eq. merization is performed in the presence
(8-26)J. of hydroxy compounds, a different mecha-
8.3 Cationic Polymerization of Heterocyclic Monomers 259

1 Met+

Scheme 8-11.

nism, involving monomer activation, pre- cally CF3S03H).The main characteristic of

dominates. Under these conditions, the for- the five-membered ring family is the slow
mation of linear oligomers is favored, reversibility of the propagation step. The
whereas the amount of cyclics formed is latter is both governed by covalent esters
minimized (Penczek et al., 1984; Penczek and ionic species (Penczek and Matyjasz-
and Kubisa, 1993) (Scheme 8-1 1). weski, 1976). For kinetic reasons, intramo-
lecular chain transfer to the polymer (back-
Oxetanes biting) is negligible during the polymeriza-
tion, thus allowing the preparation of linear
The polymerization of oxetane initiated polymer without cyclics. The formation of
by (C2H,),O+, P F i yields poly(oxetane)s of the latter is only observed when the reaction
rather low molar mass with broad molar mixture is kept for a long time without de-
mass distributions: M,= 35 000 g mol-' and activation of the active chain ends. Since
M,/M,= 1.5-4 (Black and Worsfold, other side reactions (termination and trans-
1976). Substitutions on the ring influence fer) are negligible, the cationic polymeriza-
the ratio of linear polymer to cyclics. For tion of THF may be considered as living.
example, 3-methyl-3-chloromethyloxetane These characteristics enable the preparation
leads to high molar mass polymers of telechelics and block copolymers (with
(M,=76000 g mol-' and a,/@,,~ 1 . 3 in ) polyesters and polyamides) based on the po-
the presence of AIR,. H 2 0 at 20 "C (Alek- ly(THF) backbone. An industrial route to
siuk et al., 1981). a,w-OH poly(THF) is depicted in Scheme
Oxolanes Other routes leading to telechelic po-
ly(THF), involving difunctional initiation,
In this series, THF polymerization has have also been described (Hofman et al.,
been the most widely studied (Dreyfuss, 1987).
1982). Quantitative and fast initiation may
be achieved with different initiators (typi-
260 8 Cationic Polymerization

HOSO2F + no
3-- '3

H- + HOSO2F Scheme 8-12.

n Cyclic Acetals I ,3,5-

These monomers polymerize exclusively Polyoxymethylene is industrially pro-
by cationic polymerization. Among the var- duced by the cationic polymerization of
ious cyclic acetals, 1.3-dioxolane and 1,3,5- I .3,5-trioxane. Typical initiators are
trioxane have been the most widely studied. CF3S03H or BF3.0Bu2. Again, with this
The latter yields polyoxymethylene. a poly- monomer the formation of cyclics by back-
mer produced industrially. biting reactions does occur during the poly-
merization. Therefore a few percent of 1,3-
I.3-Dio.rolane dioxolane is generally added as comonomer
I n the presence of an electrophile, the to limit depropagation, which proceeds
abstraction of hydride from -0-CH,-0- through the acetal ends. The latter process
monomer units leads to the formation of car- is stopped when a stable -CH,-CH2-OH
boxonium ions, which react with the group is present at the chain end.
monomer to finally form tertiary oxonium
ions, the main propagating species [Eq. Cyclic Sulfides
(8-21)]. The latter are in equilibrium with
the corresponding carboxonium ions [Eq. Among the cyclic sulfides, three- and
(8-28)], which also contribute to the propa- four-membered rings can be readily poly-
gation reaction but to a lesser extent (Penc- merized by cationic initiators. The polymer-
zek and Szymanski, 1980). ization equilibrium is shifted towards the
Unlike THF polymerization. one main formation of linear polymers.
characteristic feature of the cationic poly-
merization of cyclic acetals is the important
contribution of the polymer chains to trans-
fer (Chwialkowska et al., 1982), leading, in Similar to oxiranes, unsubstituted thi-
particular, to the formation of cyclics dur- irane (ethylene sulfide) yields polymer of low
ing the polymerization. molar mass, while mono- and disubstituted
The use of initiating systems with coun- thiiranes can be converted into medium mo-
teranions of very low nucleophilicity, such lar mass polysulfides. Intra- and intermolec-
as C,HSCO+SbF,-. enables, however, the ular transfer processes to poly(alky1 sulfide)
preparation of living poly( 1,3-dioxolane) chains yield cyclics and branched polymer
(Kubisa and Penczek. 1978). structures through the formation of sulfoni-

8.3 Cationic Polymerization of Heterocyclic Monomers 261

um ions (Simmons et al., 1979). In addition, due to the intermolecular formation of

the ability of the sulfur atoms of the chain aziridinium ions (Dick and Ham, 1970 [Eq.
to attack the sulfonium ions may also lead (8-3 l)].
to isomerized products with disulfide bonds,
as depicted in the case of dimethylthiirane
polymerization in Eq. (8-29)

(8-3 1)
The polymerization of thietanes is char- Indeed, the synthesis of linear poly(ethy-
acterized by important transfer processes to lene imine) can only be achieved through in-
polymer chains. The reaction mechanism direct processes based on oxazoline poly-
[Eq. (8-30)], yielding branched macromo- merization. In the case of N-substituted azir-
lecular sulfonium ions, has been investigat- idines with bulky groups, e.g., N-terbutyl-
ed in some detail by 'H NMR spectroscopy aziridine, chain transfer to the polymer is re-
(Goethals and Drijvers, 1973). duced and may even be suppressed. The
polymerization of this last monomer is al-
most living, providing that alkylating agents
such as triethyl oxonium salts are used as
initiators (Goethals et al., 1977).
The controlled polymerization of N-ter-
(8-30) butylaziridine enabled Goethals and co-
workers to synthesize telechelics (Munir
Significant limitation of these transfer
and Goethals, 1985), macromonomers
and termination reactions to polythietane
(Goethals and Viegels, 1981), block copol-
chains can be achieved using substituted
ymers (Goethals et al., 1984), and network
monomers. For example, in CH2C12 at
(Van de Velde and Goethals, 1986) with a
20 "C, 2,2-diethylthietane is converted
poly(N-terbutylaziridine) backbone.
quantitatively to a polymer while, under the
same conditions, only 20% conversion can
be achieved with thietane. Azetidines
The polymerization of these four-mem- Cyclic Amines bered rings proceeds in a similar way and
yields branched polyazetidines (Schacht
Most studies have dealt with the polymer-
and Goethals, 1974).
ization of three- and four-membered cyclic
amines. Cyclic Esters
This section includes monomers like lac-
The polymerization of unsubstituted azir- tones, carbonates, anhydrides, orthoesters,
idine yields branched poly(ethy1ene imine) etc.
262 8 Cationic Polymerization

Lcictones SnC14, etc.), although the polymerization

mechanism is still not well established.
A broad series of cationic initiating
systems can be used to initiate the polymer- Cyclic Carbonates
ization of four- and five-membered ring lac-
tones. As a typical example, RCO+. SbCI, The main characteristics of cyclic carbo-
initiates the polymerization of ppropiolac- nate polymerization are very close to those
tone giving high molar mass poly(gpropi- observed for lactones. Moreover, some de-
olactone) (M,=3x 10' g mol-') with an ex- carboxylation may take place under certain
perimental FP,, close to the theoretical val- conditions, leading to the formation of ether
ue. whereas the formation of cyclic oligom- units in the poly(carbonate) chains (Krichel-
ers is not observed (Khomyakow and Lyud- dorf et al., 1992).
vig, 197 1). In the case of lactone with a larg-
er ring, transesterification and cyclization Cyclic Amides
have to be considered (Ito et al., 1979): The In addition to the polyaddition reaction,
cationic polymerization of lactones was ap- polyamides can be prepared by the anionic
plied t o the preparation of macrocyclic es- or cationic polymerization of lactams. Al-
ters that exhibit a selectivity for cation com- though the anionic process is preferred for
plexation (Tajima et al.. 1981). unsubstituted lactams, in the case of N-sub-
Cyclic fractions, on the other hand, can stituted lactams the cationic approach is the
be drastically reduced when polymerization only one possible.
is performed in conditions where the acti- As for other heterocyclics, the polymer-
vated monomer mechanism is predominant ization of unsubstituted lactams should
(Rosenberg, 1992). preferably be performed by the activated
monomer mechanism (Sebenda, 1988)
C'lycolide (Scheme 8- 13), since large amounts of cy-
clic oligomers are formed when the activat-
Cyclic dimers of a-hydroxyacids, glyco-
ed end mechanism is operating.
lide, or lactide yield high molar mass po-
ly(ct-hydroxyacid)s. which find applica- Cyclic Iminoesters
tions as biodegradable materials (Vert et al.,
1984). Usually their cationic polymeriza- A general, comprehensive review on the
tion is initiated by Lewis acids (SbF,. ZnCl?. polymerization of cyclic iminoesters, name-


Scheme 8-13.
8.3 Cationic Polymerization of Heterocyclic Monomers 263

ly oxazolines, has recently been published interesting biopolymer mimics (nucleic ac-
(Aoi and Okada, 1996). Interestingly, the ids).
iminoester function of the monomer is trans- The polymerization of cyclic com-
formed into an amido group during the poly- pounds containing a trivalent phosphorous
merization. The proposed propagation atom, including phosphites, phosphonites,
mechanism is shown in Eq. (8-32). The six- and deoxophosphones, has also been stud-
membered ring oxazolines also polymerize, ied.
although they are not particularly strained: Finally, it is worth mentioning in this
It is postulated that the conversion of the section the cyclophosphazene monomers,
monomer iminoether group into an amido which yield in the presence of Lewis acids
one is the driving force of the polymeriza- inorganic synthetic polymers of specific
tion. physico-chemical properties (Horn and
Kolmann, 1982). Cyclic Silicone-Containing

k k Compounds

k The polymerization of cyclic dimethyl-

siloxanes (D3 and D4 monomers, Table 8-3)
is of great interest for the preparation of
Since the formed amido group is stable silicon materials and has been widely stud-
and much less nucleophilic than the imi- ied.
noester one, chain transfer to the polymer is Although the anionic polymerization is
nearly absent and the polymerization of ox-
easier to control, these monomers readily
azolines may exhibit a living character.
cationically and polymerize in the presence
Recently, Kobayashi and co-workers of protonic or Lewis acids. Trifluorometh-
prepared difunctional and star-shaped anesulfonic acid or its derivatives are used
polyoxazolines (Mn= 10000 g mol-' and
as initiators (Gupta et al., 1993). Together
Mw/mn= 1.3) using allylic and benzylic di- with a linear, high molar mass polymer, cy-
halides, as well as tetrahalides, as initiators
clics are formed by back-biting. D3 poly-
(Kobayashi et al., 1992). Macromonomers,
merization is particular, since the presence
telechelics, and block copolymers of po- of cyclic oligomers containing 3n dimethyl-
ly(oxazo1ine)s have also been prepared siloxane units is only observed (Sigwalt
(Goethals et al., 1992, 1994, 1995). et al., 1993). Their formation has been ex-
plained by a ring expansion polymerization Cyclic Phosphorous-Containing mechanism and by the end-to-end ring clo-
Compounds sure of the growing polymer.
Many cyclic phosphates have been re-
ported to polymerize, including five- and
six-membered rings (Lapienis and Penczek, The cationic ring-opening polymeriza-
1984). The polymers issued from the ring- tion of strained cyclotetrasilanes yields in-
opening polymerization of cyclic pentaval- organic polysilylenes with high molar mass-
ent phosphorous-containing compounds are es. The best initiators are derivatives of tran-
264 8 Cationic Polymerization

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Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

9 Emulsion Polymerization
. .. .
Annemieke M Aerdts Alex M van Herk2. Bert Klumperman3.Jenci Kurja4
and Anton L German5

Eindhoven University of Technology. Department of Polymer Chemistry I . 23 395 .

Eindhoven . The Netherlands

Eindhoven University of Technology. Department of Polymer Technology 4.

Eindhoven. The Netherlands

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271

9.1 Polymerization Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
9.2 Emulsion Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
9.2.1 Mini- and Micro-Emulsion Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
9.2.2 Basic Principles of Emulsion Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
9.2.3 Particle Nucleation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
9.2.4 Particle Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
9.2.5 Molar Mass and Molar Mass Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
9.2.6 Particle Size Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
9.2.7 Ingredients in Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 Monomers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 Initiators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 Surfactants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
9.3 Emulsion Copolymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
9.3.1 Penultimate Unit Effect in Copolymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
9.3.2 Monomer Partitioning in Emulsion Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
9.3.3 Composition Drift in Emulsion Co- and Terpolymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 Ternary Emulsion Copolymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
9.3.4 Chemical Composition Distribution and Molar Mass Chemical
Composition Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
9.3.5 Process Strategies in Emulsion Copolymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Constant Addition Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292 Controlled Composition Reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292 Optimal Addition Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
9.3.6 Batch, Semi-Batch, and Continuous Emulsion Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . 294
9.4 Particle Morphologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
9.4.1 Introduction to Particle Morphologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
9.4.2 Core-Shell Morphologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296 Organic Cores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296 Encapsulation of Inorganic Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296 Hollow Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
270 9 Emulsion Polymerization

9.5 Special Chemistry in Conventional Emulsion Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . 301

9.5.1 Reactive Latices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
9.5.1.I Crosslinking of Polymers by Low Molar Mass Crosslink Agents . . . . . . . . . 301 Crosslinking Between Polymers with Complementary Reactive Groups . . . . 303
9.5.2 Reactive Surfactants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
9.6 Unconventional Emulsion Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
9.6.1 Unconventional Free-Radical Emulsion Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
9.6.2 Ionic Emulsion Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
9.6.3 Transition Metal Catalyzed Emulsion Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
9.6.4 Enzyme-Catalyzed Emulsion Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
9.6.5 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
9.7 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
9.7.1 Paints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
9.7.7 Papercoatings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
9.7.3 Adhesives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
9 .7.4 Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
9.7.5 lmpact Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
9.8 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Appendix1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Appendix I1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 27 1

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

concentration of monomer i in the polymer particles
saturation concentration of monomer i/j in the polymer particles
cln monomer concentration in particles
W saturation concentration of monomer in the waterphase
mole fraction of monomer i/j in the monomer droplets
mole fraction of monomer i/j in the polymer particles
volume fraction of polymer in particles
mole fraction of styrene in the copolymer
partial molar free energy of aqueous phase, colloidal phase,
monomer droplets
rate coefficient of exit of radicals from particles
propagation rate coefficient
termination rate coefficient
rate coefficient for bimolecular termination of radicals in particles
monomer concentration
concentration of monomer in the aqueous phase
the saturation concentration of monomer in the aqueous phase
number-average molecular weight
weight-average molecular weight
z-average molecular weight
ratio of the molar volume of monomer i over monomerj
number of radicals
average number of radicals per particle
number of particles
Avogadro's number
number of particles containing n radicals
initially added number of moles of monomer per unit volume
number average degree of polymerization of the polymer
reactivity ratio
gas constant
radius of unswollen micelles, vesicles, and/or polymer particles
radical concentration
rate of polymerization
reactivity ratio
volume of a monomer-swollen particle
molar volume of monomer
volume fraction of polymer
volume fraction of monomers i a n d j in the monomer droplets
volume fraction of monomers i and j in the polymer particles
272 9 Emulsion Polymerization

W water
.r chain length, fractional conversion

Y particle- water interfacial tension

P;, rate coefficient of entry of free radicals
X Flory - Huggins interaction parameter
Xk I Flory -Huggins interaction parameter between monomers i and j
X,.p* x,.p Flory -Huggins interaction parameter between monomers i and j

ABS acrylonitrile-butadiene - styrene

AMA sodium di-hexyl sulfosuccinate
AOT sodium di(2-ethy1hexyl)sulfosuccinate
BA butyl acrylate
BMA butyl methacrylate
BMM-7-ON methoxymethyI)-7-oxanorbornene
CCD chemical composition distribution
CMC critical micelle concentration
CSTR continuously stirred tank reactor
CTA chain transfer agent
DA dodecyl acrylate
DBSA dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid
DMA dodecyl methacry late
DMF dimethy lformamide
DSC differential scanning calorimetry
EHA ethyl hexylacrylate
EMA ethyl methacry late
EPUE explicit penultimate unit effect
EO ethylene oxide
FID flame ionization detection
HBMA 4-hydroxybutyl methacrylate
HEMA 2-hydroxyethyl methycrylate
HPLC high performance liquid chromatography
HPMA 3-hydroxypropyl methacrylate
HUFT Mansen-Ugelstack-Fitch-Tsai
IPUE implicit penultimate unit effect
IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
MA methyl acrylate
MAA methacrylic acid
MM molar mass
MMA methyl methacrylate
MMCCD molar mass chemical composition distribution
MMD molar mass distribution
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
PAG photoacid generator
PAN1 pol yaniline
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 273

PB polybutadiene
PHA poly-(R)-3-hydroxyalkanoate
PHB poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate
PLP-SEC pulsed laser polymerization with size exclusion chromatography
PMOS para methoxystyrene
PPC pulsed packed column
PPY polypyrrole
PSA pressure-sensitive adhesive
PVAc polyvinyl acetate
PCV polyvinyl chloride
ROMP ring-opening metathesis polymerization
S styrene
SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate
SEC size exclusion chromatography
SEM scanning electron microscopy
TEM transmission electron microscopy
TFE tetrafluroethylene
THF tetrahydrofuran
TLC thin layer chromatography
uv ultraviolet
VAc vinyl acetate
274 9 Emulsion Polymerization

9.1 Polymerization Techniques the product is a dispersion of polymer par-

ticles. A stable micro-emulsion of monomer
A free-radical polymerization can be car- droplets can also be formed (typical parti-
ried out using different techniques. Tech- cle radius 10-30 nm), and a co-surfactant
niques most often used are bulk and solu- (e.g., hexanol) is usually applied. In micro-
tion polymerization where the monomer (a emulsion polymerization there is no longer
solvent) and the initiator are in one phase. a separate monomer phase (Holt, 1980; Guo
The formed polymer remains soluble (either et al., 1992). This is also the case in mini-
in the monomer or the solvent) until a high emulsion polymerization, where the ther-
level of conversion is achieved. When the modynamically unstable droplets have a ra-
polymer precipitates from the continuous dius between 30 and 100 nm (Tang et al.,
phase to form polymer particles which are 1992). It is also possible to perform inverse
not swollen with monomer, this is called emulsion polymerizations, where the con-
precipitation polymerization. When the poly- tinuous phase is organic in combination
mer particles swell with monomer, the tech- with a water-soluble monomer (e.g., acryl-
nique is called dispersion polymerization, amide; Vanderhoff et al., 1962).
and as well as for polymerization in the con-
tinuous phase, the polymer particles are now
also a locus of polymerization in contrast to 9.2 Emulsion Polymerization
the case for precipitation polymerization.
Precipitation polymerization (Guyot, 1989) Emulsion polymerization involves the
is often performed in aqueous media (for dispersion of monomers in a continuous
example. acrylonitrile polymerization in aqueous phase and stabilization of this
water). system by a surfactant. Usually, a water-sol-
Dispersion polymerization is usually per- uble initiator is used to start the free-radical
formed i n organic solvent. which are poor polymerization. This results in a reaction
solvents for the formed polymer (Barrett. medium consisting of submicrometer poly-
I975 ). (Supercritical) liquid carbon dioxide mer particles swollen with monomer and
( C 0 2 )is used as a continuous medium for dispersed in an aqueous phase. The final
dispersion polymerization (Canelas et al. product is called a latex and consists of a
1996). Suspension polymerization is poly- colloidal dispersion of polymer particles in
merization in the monomer droplets; this is water. Emulsion polymerization differs
different from emulsion polymerization in from suspension polymerization in the
that the initiator is oil-soluble and a nonmi- smaller size of the particles in which poly-
celle forming stabilizing agent is used. PVC merization occurs, the applied stabilizing
is manufactured using this technique. agents, the kind of initiator employed, and
The emulsion polymerization technique its mechanism and reaction characteristics.
usually comprises a water-soluble initiator, The emulsion polymerization process is of-
a water-insoluble monomer, and a micelle- ten used for the (co)polymerization of
forming surfactant. The main locus of poly- monomers like vinyl acetate, ethylene, sty-
merization. in contrast to suspension poly- rene, acrylonitrile, acrylates, and methacry-
merization, is the monomer-swollen latex. lates. Also, conjugated dienes such as buta-
Therefore the term 'emulsion polymeriza- diene and isoprene are polymerized on a
tion' is a misnomer: the starting point is an large industrial scale via the emulsion poly-
emulsion of monomer droplets in water, but merization method. One of the advantages
9.2 Emulsion Polymerization 275

of emulsion polymerization is the excellent Appendix 11). For water-soluble monomers,

heat exchange due to the low viscosity of as well as in emulsion polymerization, aque-
the continuous phase during the whole re- ous phase polymerization can also occur.
action. Examples of applications are paints, In the case of highly water-soluble (e.g.,
coatings, glues, finishes, and floor polishes. acrylamide) or even water-miscible mono-
Another important application is core- shell mers (e.g., acrylic acid) inverse emulsion
emulsion polymerization, i.e., the produc- polymerization can be used. In inverse
tion of polymer particles with a layer struc- emulsion polymerization the continuous
ture. Core-shell products are used by the phase consists of an oil like kerosene or par-
coating industry, in photo and printing ma- affin, in which water with dissolved mono-
terials, and especially in the production of mer is emulsified, for example, with a high
high impact materials; in this case with a shear mixer like the Ultra Turrax in the pres-
core of rubber and a shell of an engineering ence of special emulsifiers (e.g., triblock co-
plastic. polymers). Polyacrylamide, used as a thick-
By far the most important difference ening agent in paints and a pushing fluid in
when compared with other polymerization tertiary oil recovery, is produced industrial-
techniques is the emulsion polymerization ly by inverse emulsion polymerization.
kinetics. Emulsion polymerization is unique In the case of monomers with low water-
in the sense that an increase in molar mass solubility another problem arises. In emul-
can be achieved without reducing the rate of sion polymerization the transport of mono-
polymerization. The molar mass and rate of mer from monomer droplets to the growing
polymerization can be varied independent- polymer particles is needed, and this de-
ly over a large range. Emulsion polymeriza- mands a minimum water solubility of the
tion is known for its relatively high rates of monomer. For example, dodecylmethacry-
polymerization compared to other process late (water solubility 0.065 mmol/L) cannot
strategies. A disadvantage of emulsion be polymerized by emulsion polymeriza-
polymerization is the contamination of the tion, and even the polymerization kinetics
polymer with surfactant and other additives. of vinyl-2-ethylhexanoate with a reasonable
This is one of the obstacles for the break- water solubility (0.01 wt.% as compared to
through of latex paints, since the low mo- styrene with a water solubility of 0.03 wt.%)
lecular weight contaminants are often re- reflect some diffusion limitations for the
sponsible for poor film-formation proper- transport of monomer (Kitzmiller et al.,
ties and water-sensitive paint films. 1995).
One solution to this problem is to direct-
ly polymerize in the monomer droplets
which then have to be very small in order to
9.2.1 Mini- and Micro-Emulsion
keep the benefits of producing polymer in
the form of a latex. As opposed to emulsion
From a synthetic point of view, emulsion polymerization, where the droplets are the
polymerization is not suitable for all same size as those in suspension polymer-
monomers. For monomers that are highly ization (1-10 pm), in mini- and micro-
water-soluble or, on the other hand, almost emulsion polymerization the droplets are
insoluble in water, the standard emulsion very much smaller and enable the polymer-
polymerization technique is not suitable (for ization to commence in the monomer drop-
the water solubilities of some monomers see lets.
276 9 Emulsion Polymerization

In mini-emulsion polymerization the 9.2.2 Basic Principles of Emulsion

droplets are in the range of 50-500 nm in Polymerization
diameter. A mixed surfactant system com-
The physical picture of emulsion poly-
prising an ionic surfactant (e.g., SDS) and a
merization was based originally on the qual-
cosurfactant (for example. a long chain al-
itative picture of Harkins (1947) and the
kane or alcohol) stabilizes the droplets,
quantitative treatment of Smith and Ewart
which are formed by a high shear field creat-
( 1948), with more recent contributions
ed by devices such as an ultrasonifier. The
by Ugelstad and Hansen (1976), Gardon
mini-emulsions are thermodynamically un-
( 1977 a, b), Gilbert and Napper ( 1974,1975,
stable and are therefore only stable for a lim-
1977), Blackley (1973, Gilbert (1999, and
ited period of time. ranging from hours to
Love11 and El-Aasser (1997). The main
components of an emulsion polymerization
In principle polymerization proceeds in
recipe are the monomer(s), the dispersing
the monomer droplets, and the final particle
medium (usually water), the surfactant
number is close to the initial number of
(combination), and the initiator.
monomer droplets. However, in many cas-
During the progress of the polymeriza-
es i t turns out that not all the droplets are in-
tion, three distinct intervals can be ob-
itiated to become polymer particles. but on-
served. Interval I is the initial stage, where
ly a fraction (520%) of the initial number
particle formation takes place. Several
of monomer droplets. Miller et al. observed
mechanisms of particle nucleation have
( 1995) that the addition of pre-formed poly-
been proposed, which will be discussed in
mer greatly increases this fraction.
Sec. 9.2.3.
In micro-emulsions the droplets are even
Interval I1 is characterized by a constan-
smaller (5-20 nm) and the micro-emulsion
cy of particle number, while polymerization
is thermodynamically stable. Also here, a
mixed emulsifier system is used (Guo et al.,
in the particles proceeds in the presence of
1992). As a result of the fact that in micro-
a separate monomer phase. The monomer-
swollen particles grow at the expense of the
emulsion polymerization the polymer parti-
monomer droplets. The beginning of inter-
cles are much smaller. monomer partition-
val I1 is usually taken as the point where the
ing in copolymerizations is affected and
surfactant concentration drops below its
special structures can be formed. Also, the
critical micelle concentration. Interval I11
apparent reactivity ratios can be different in
begins with the disappearance of monomer
micro-emulsion copolymerizations (Can-
droplets, after which the monomer concen-
dau et al., 1986).
tration in the particles and the water phase
An interesting development is the use of
starts to decrease continuously.
phase transfer catalysts in order to increase
the water solubility of monomers like dode-
cyl methacrylate and to facilitate normal
9.2.3 Particle Nucleation
emulsion polymerization for these monomers
(Lau. 1996). The nucleation stage constitutes so-called
interval I in an emulsion polymerization, the
initial period in which the particle number
is changing due to particle formation. The
consequence is that in the particle-forma-
tion period the rate of polymerization is not
9.2 Emulsion Polymerization 277

constant but will increase to a maximum val- Although the Smith-Ewart nucleation
ue. When this value is reached, particle model was successful for describing the sty-
formation is finished and, in the ideal situ- rene system, large deviations were observed
ation, the number of polymer particles will for emulsion polymerization with other
stay constant, which is the start of interval monomer systems, and in some cases when
11. the surfactant concentration was varied
Particle nucleation in emulsion polymer- from above the CMC to lower concentra-
ization is a complex process which is still tions no discontinuity in, for example, par-
not well understood. Numerous investiga- ticle number was observed. The situation
tions have been conducted in attempts to became even more complex when it was
clarify this phenomenon. Harkins (1947) shown that even without the use of a surfac-
proposes the micelles in his widely used the- tant, stable polymer particles could be
ory as the locus of nucleation (so-called mi- formed (El-Aasser and Fitch, 1987). Some
cellar nucleation mechanism). Entry of a important arguments against the Smith-
radical in a micelle produces a new polymer Ewart nucleation model are: Particles are
particle. As a result of compartmentaliza- formed even when no micelles are present,
tion of the radicals in the micellar phase and more water-soluble monomers do not fit the
the resulting high radical concentration in theory, and a maximum in the polymeriza-
the micelles and subsequent particles, the tion rate at the end of the nucleation period
polymerization rate will be high in micelle is predicted but has rarely been observed.
and particle phases compared with the rate These observations called for alternative
of polymerization in the monomer droplets. models of nucleation (Willes, 1949; Good-
This nucleation mechanism is elegantly win et al., 1973, 1974, 1978; Munro et al.,
quantified by Smith and Ewart (1948) who 1979; Goodall et al., 1977; Song and Poeh-
stated that particle nucleation will stop lein, 1989). A homogeneous nucleation mod-
when the surfactant concentration drops be- el was proposed (Goodall et al., 1977; Fitch
low its CMC due to the adsorption of sur- and Tsai, 1971) in which radicals react in the
factant onto the newly formed polymer par- aqueous phase with solubilized monomer to
ticle surface. Systems of monomers with form growing oligomeric species. These
low water solubility (e.g., styrene) partially species will form particles when the critical
dissolved in micelles of a surfactant with water solubility length is reached. The con-
low CMC and seemed to work well for such sequence is that the water solubility of the
systems. monomer, the initiator concentration, and
the water solubility of the initiator are cru-
cial parameters in the emulsion polymeriza-
tion process. The formation of primary
Table 9-1. Comparison of surface area between mo- particles is described by the homogeneous
nomer droplets, micelles, and polymer particles. nucleation theory of Fitch and Tsai (1971),
Monomer Micelles Polymer
and is known as the HUFT theory (Han-
droplets particles sen-Ugelstad-Fitch-Tsai), which implies
that precursor particles are formed in the
Number (ml-') lo7 10'8 1015 aqueous phase by precipitation of oligomer-
Diameter (nm) lo5 10 100 ic radicals above a critical chain length.
Surface area 0.314 314 31
(m2 m1-l)
No particles are nucleated before the oli-
gomer radicals have reached a critical chain
278 9 Emulsion Polymerization

length x. and this will take some time. The en polymerization system is very difficult.
precipitation of precursor particles is in fact The reason is that there is no general nucle-
a thermodynamic effect. ation mechanism that can describe all the as-
Feeney et al. ( 1984) proposed a refine- pects of a given polymerization system.
ment of this theory in which it is assumed Thus the nucleation mechanism is depen-
that initially colloidally unstable precursor dent upon the emulsion polymerization
particles are formed as a result of the previ- system characteristics. These characteris-
ously described growth of oligomers in the tics are the type of monomer, the type of in-
aqueous phase; these particles will precipi- itiator, the temperature, the importance of
tate after reaching a critical length and then aqueous phase kinetics, the water solubility
coagulate with each other and with mature of the monomer and the initiator, the prop-
particles to form growing polymer particles. agation rate constant, etc. However, the
Precursor particles may coagulate with emulsion polymerization system can be di-
other precursor particles. Eventually the vided into two categories: systems starting
size of the coagulatedentities becomes large from surfactant concentrations above the
enough to allow appreciable monomer CMC, and systems with surfactant concen-
swelling to occur by excluding water, i.e., trations below the CMC, including the sur-
the monomer concentration in the particles factant-free systems. For these two options
increases. Thereafter, the coagulated entity some general conclusions can be drawn (Ca-
i s considered to be a stable polymer parti- sey et al., 1993):
cle which may grow more rapidly due to - Nucleation mechanism below the CMC:
higher monomer concentration and lower In an emulsion polmerization where the
radical loss. The coagulation events in- amount of surfactant is below the CMC of
volved in the nucleation mechanism explain the surfactant, there are no micelles present.
the maximum in the particle numbers in The most likely nucleation mechanism will
interval I for systems without or with low then be homogeneous nucleation. However,
surfactant content. Recently, new insights due to the aqueous phase kinetics, termina-
(Gilbert et al.. 1992; Hansen, 1992) and the tion products are formed (dead products).
quantificationof nucleation models have re- These termination products may adsorb
vealed that in most cases micellar and ho- upon the polymer particles if their chain
mogeneous nucleation occur concurrently, lengths are larger than their critical chain
which is also intuitively more acceptable. length. In addition, the moieties may act as
Tauer and Kuhn (Tauer and Kuhn, 1995; in situ formed surfactant, stabilizing the
Kuhn and Tauer, 1996)used the classical nu- polymer particles. The in situ formed sur-
cleation theory in combination with the Flo- factant, if its concentration is high enough,
ry-Huggins theory of polymer solutions to may reach its CMC. The final conclusion is
explain the particle formation process. The that the dominant nucleation mechanism for
difference with the homogeneous coagula- polymerization systems below the CMC is
live nucleation model is the definition of the the homogeneous coagulative mechanism,
time period in which nucleation takes place. although micellar nucleation cannot always
It is very difficult to discriminate between be completely ruled out.
these models on the basis of experimental - Nucleation mechanism above the CMC:
data. The nucleation mechanism in (commercial)
In conclusion. the determination of the emulsion polymerization processes above
nucleation mechanisms operative in a giv- the CMC is usually very complex, because
9.2 Emulsion Polymerization 279

then micelles are also present. It can simul- ing to

taneously involve all three types of nuclea- k, ?i C, N
tion processes (Morrison et al., 1992); how- Rp = (9-2)
ever, the mechanism of micellar nucleation Na
often dominates. When micelles are present, where C, is the monomer concentration in
aqueous phase propagation continues only the particles, ii is the average number of rad-
until an oligomer becomes surface active. icals per particle, and Na is Avogadro's num-
Particle formation takes place when a sur- ber. The time evolution of the fractional con-
face-active z-mer enters a micelle by pick- version in a batch process, x is then
ing up sufficient additional conventional
surfactant. Coagulation of newly formed (9-3)
particles also takes place. Particle formation
stops when the number of particles is suffi- where A = kp C, N/N, nmo and nmois the in-
cient to capture all new radicals. A complete itially added number of moles of monomer
mathematical model that combines the dif- per unit volume. Equation (9-3) is valid for
ferent mechanisms has not yet been devel- intervals I1 and 111, and, for interval I, Nand
oped, and it is seen as an important task for C, should be replaced by N(t) and C,(t),
the future (Gilbert, 1995). respectively. In interval 11, k , and C, are
constant at least to within an excellent ap-
proximation. The k, of several types of
9.2.4 Particle Growth
monomer is given in Appendix I.
Once formed and given colloidal stabil- The value of ii (the average number of
ity, the particles will take part in the poly- radicals per particle) is determined by three
merization process in intervals I, 11, and 111. processes, namely
The kinetics are mainly controlled by the
1) absorption of radicals from the water
distribution and exchange of radicals over
phase into particles;
the various phases and cannot be oversim-
2) desorption of radicals from particles; and
plified. Models are numerous but well de-
3) bimolecular termination of radicals in the
scribed in excellent reviews (Ugelstad and
Hansen, 1976; Hansen and Ugelstad, 1982;
Gilbert, 1995; Gilbert and Napper, 1983). Smith and Ewart (1948) were the first at for-
The basic rate equation for homogeneous mulating an equation for ii in the form of a
batch free radical polymerization is set of population balance equations describ-
ing the number of particles N, containing n
Rpol = - d'M1 = k,[M] [R'] (9-1) radicals

where Rpol is the rate of polymerization per dt

= %(Nn-, - N,) (9-4)
unit volume, k, the propagation rate coeffi-
cient, [MI the monomer concentration, and + k [(n+ 1) Nn+l- nN,] + ktPV -

[R'] the radical concentration. In the emul- +[(n+2)(n+l) N n + ~ - n ( n - l ) N n l

sion polymerization process the main loci
of polymerization are the particles; thus the where pa is the rate coefficient of entry of
rate equation must contain the number of free radicals, k is the rate coefficient of ex-
particles, N, as well as the concentration of it of radicals from particles, ktp is the rate
monomer and radicals in the particles, lead- coefficient for bimolecular termination of
280 9 Emulsion Polymerization

radicals in the particles. and v the volume of Case 111: ( k t p / v ) 4(pa/N):ii%0.5

a monomer-swollen particle. Several work-
ers have reported various ways of solving This situation occurs when bimolecular
this general set of equations. Smith and termination is no longer instantaneous upon
Ewart presented very useful solutions for entry of a second radical in an active parti-
three limiting cases determined by the ratios cle. Smith and Ewart neglected radical exit
of entry, exit, and termination: in their treatment of this case. With a suffi-
ciently large A , the steady state condition is
Case I: ( p , / N ) 4 k : ri 40.5 p a / N = 2 k t p fi2/v. Since the total volume of
This situation is the result of faster de- polymer per unit volume of aqueous phase
sorption than absorption of radicals by par- is V = N x v , the rate of polymerization be-
ticles. Consequently. particles contain at comes
most one radical at a time and on average a Rpol =k, C,,,(paV / 2k,)o.s (9-7)
number far smaller than unity. On neglect-
ing the extremely few particles with more Ugelstad et al. (1967) extended the gen-
than one radical. Eq. (9-4) simplifies to eral equation Eq. (9-4), to include aqueous
phase kinetics. Gilbert and Napper have
contributed and still contribute important
work in this field. They were the first to
As in this case there will be far more No par- present a general solution to Eq. (9-4) using
ticles as compared to N 1 particles. it follows modern numerical techniques (Gilbert and
that No= N . leading to Napper, 1989) and re-examination of the
Smith-Ewart cases. In their treatment of the
zero-one equations, termination is instan-
taneous and therefore not rate-determining.
As a consequence, only entry and exit of rad-
Case 11: k 4 ( p a / N ) 4 ( k , , , / v )ri=0.5
: icals are taken into account.
This situation is the result of instantane-
ous termination when a second radical en-
9.2.5 Molar Mass
ters a particle already containing a radical,
and Molar Mass Distribution
and with negligible desorption of radicals
from particles. The. time interval between In the case of a homopolymer molecule,
entries varies in a random fashion. When a the most important characteristic is its size
radical enters a particle, this particle imme- or molar mass. The molar mass (defined by
diately starts to polymerize at a steady state various averages and especially the molar
rate. As soon as a second radical enters, this mass distribution) determines a large range
rate abruptly falls to zero. Under these con- of properties of the polymer material. Nat-
ditions it is obvious that on average the urally this applies to copolymers as well, in
active and inactive periods of each particle which case the chemical composition distri-
are equal in length, so that N,=N, and bution also plays an important role.
NI/N=ri=0.5 ( N = N,+N,). Case I and I1 are The molar mass (MM) and its distribution
known as zero-one systems. Note that with- (MMD)can be measured in many ways. For
out careful examination, it cannot be pre- definitions of M M averages see Young and
sumed that an emulsion system can be de- Love11 (1991). A distinction can be made be-
scribed with case I1 approximations. tween absolute, relative, and equivalent
9.2 Emulsion Polymerization 281

methods, and also between the particular av- several groups (Tobita et al., 1994; Giannet-
erage (number-average M , or weight-aver- ti et al., 1988a; Lichti et al., 1982).
age M,, or higher averages like the z-aver-
age) or distribution resulting from these
methods. Absolute methods give the MM 9.2.6 Particle Size Distribution
without the need of calibration by other
If the polymer produced by an emulsion
methods. Relative methods require a cali-
polymerization is applied in the form of a
bration relationship between the quantity
latex, the particle size distribution is an ad-
measured and the MM. Equivalent methods
ditional factor that determines the proper-
(like end-group titration giving M,) require
ties of the latex. For example, latex rheolo-
knowledge about the chemical structure of
gy, film formation of a latex paint, light scat-
the compound. Absolute methods include
tering, and the appearance of a coating are
osmometry (M,), ebullioscopy (M,), cryos-
influenced by the particle size and the par-
copy (M,), light scattering (M,), and ultra-
ticle size distribution. There are many tech-
centrifugation (M,, Mz). Viscometry (vis-
niques for the measurement of average par-
cosity average MM), size exclusion chrom-
ticle size and particle size distribution. No
atography (MMD), and field-flow fraction-
single technique is universally applicable
ation (MMD) are relative methods. These
and each one can address its own range of
methods also differ in the range of MM that
particle sizes. Transmission electron mi-
can be analyzed. A short overview has been
croscopy is one of the more reliable tech-
given by Springer et al. (1992) and a more
niques, although even with this technique
extensive overview can be found in Hunt
artifacts can occur, for example, if the poly-
and James (1993).
mer particles are soft and change their shape
In particular, in an emulsion polymeriza-
during analysis. Other techniques are static
tion the MMD is determined by the events
and dynamic light scattering, ultracentrifu-
that can start, continue, or stop the growth
gation, capillary hydrodynamic fractiona-
of a polymer chain. These events are entry
tion, field-flow fractionation, disk centri-
of a radical in a particle, propagation, and
fuge, and the coulter counter technique. A
termination. Considering termination, we
review of these techniques is given in Hunt-
can distinguish two types of chain-stopping
er (1993).
process bimolecular termination and trans-
Models to predict particle size distribu-
fer of the free-radical activity of the chain
tions not only have to account for particle
end to another molecule. Bimolecular ter-
nucleation and growth (Gilbert, 1995), but
mination can occur through disproportion-
partial coagulation or coalescence during
ation or combination. Transfer can occur to
the emulsion polymerization sometimes al-
transfer agents, deliberately added, or to
so has to be taken into account (Weerts et
components present in the recipe (e.g., sur-
al., 1991).
factant, initiator, monomer, polymer). In
particular, in emulsion polymerization
transfer to monomer is a very important
9.2.7 Ingredients in Recipes
chain-stopping process because it generates
a small radical that can also exit the poly- In this and the following sections an over-
mer particle. view is given of the major ingredients in
Theories to predict the MMD in emulsion emulsion polymerization. A laboratory
polymerization have been developed by scale recipe for an emulsion polymerization
282 9 Emulsion Polymerization

contains monomer, water, initiator, surfac- When the polymerization should be per-
tant, and sometimes a buffer and/or chain formed at lower temperatures (less than
transfer agents. The commercial emulsion 50C), a redox system can be used. A low-
polymerization recipes are rather complicat- er polymerization temperature has the ad-
ed, rather indistinct, and for one specific ap- vantage of reducing chain branching and
plication only. Small changes in recipe or re- crosslinking in the synthesis of rubbers; a
action conditions often result in unacceptable typical example of a redox systems is Fe(I1)
changes in the quality of the product formed. and cumene hydroperoxide.
These recipes may contain 20 or more ingre- There are also other methods to create
dients, such as water, monomer (and comon- free radicals such as yradiolysis. UV, and
omers), surfactant (often a mixture), initia- laser in combination with photoinitiators,
tion system, additives (electrolytes, pH con- and electron beam techniques.
troller, chain transfer agents (often a mix-
ture), sequestering agents, and contaminants
from chemicals and from corrosion. Surfactants
A surfactant [(surface active agent) also Monomers referred to as an emulsifier, soap, or stabi-
lizer] is a molecule with both hydrophilic
The monomers used in an emulsion poly- and hydrophobic segments. The general
merization must have at least a minimum, name for this group is amphiphatic mole-
but also a limited solubility in water and cules, indicating their tendency to arrange
swell its product polymer. The most com- themselves at oil-water interfaces. In emul-
mon monomers are styrene, butadiene, vin- sion polymerization, surfactants serve three
ylacetate, acrylates and methacrylates, important purposes: stabilization of the
acrylic acid, and vinyl chloride. More types monomer droplets, generation of micelles,
of monomer are listed in the tables of Ap- and stabilization of the growing poly-
pendices I and 11. mer particles leading to a stable end prod-
uct. Initiators As mentioned earlier, a surfactant mole-
cule consists of a (polar) hydrophilic and a
The most commonly used laboratory and
(apolar) hydrophobic segment. Surfactants
industrial water-soluble initiators are potas-
are mostly classified according to the hydro-
sium, sodium, and ammonium salts of per-
philic group:
sulfate. Next in line are the water soluble
azo-compounds, especially those with an anionic surfactants, where the hydrophil-
ionic group, such as 2,2'-azobis(2-amino- ic part is an anion,
ptopane)dihydrochloride. cationic surfactants, where the hydrophil-
Above pH 6 and a temperature of 5OoC, ic part is a cation,
persulfate dissociates at the 0-0bond by amphoteric surfactants, where the prop-
which two identical radicals are formed: erties of the hydrophilic function depend
S 2 0 g - - + 2 SO;-. Strong evidence suggests on the pH,
water molecules play a role in the dissocia- nonionic surfactants, where the hydro-
tion to form HSO;, which lowers the pH. philic part is a nonionic component, for
Therefore a buffer is necessary to control the instance, polyols, sugar derivatives, or
pH and thus the efficiency of the initiator. chains of ethylene oxide.
9.3 Emulsion Copolymerization 283

Other types of surfactant are the polymer- 9.3 Emulsion Copolymerization

ic (steric) stabilizers, such as partially hy-
drolyzed polyvinyl acetate. Also the oligo- 9.3.1 Penultimate Unit Effect
meric species formed in situ, when SO,. in Copolymerization
radicals react with some monomer units In the usual copolymerization approach,
in the aqueous phase, will have surface ac- four propagation reactions are distin-
tive properties, and can even form a colloid- guished. Two different radical chain ends
ally stable latex (El-Aasser and Fitch, can react with two different monomers. The
1987). model that describes this kind of copolym-
Important technical emulsifiers are fatty erization is referred to as the terminal mod-
alcohol-ethylene oxide (EO) adducts as el, or the Mayo-Lewis model. In the major-
well as nonylphenol-EO adducts. The most ity of cases, this approach appears to be in-
commonly used anionic surfactants are so- sufficient to describe the copolymerization
dium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and the aerosol kinetics. In arelatively small number of cas-
series (sodium dialkyl sulfosuccinates), es this approach fails to describe the copol-
such as aerosol OT [AOT, sodium di(2- ymer composition and the monomer se-
ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate] and aerosol MA quence distribution. In order to provide a
(AMA, sodium di-hexyl sulfosuccinate). good description of the systems that do not
These surfactants are often used when obey the terminal model, a large variety of
monodispersed latices are required, due to models has been proposed in the past. The
their high critical micelle concentration model that received the most attention is an
(CMC) and a relatively large aggregation extension of the terminal model. Instead of
number (number of surfactant molecules per taking only the terminal monomer unit into
micelle). account with respect to the reactivity of a
chain end radical, the second to last (penul- Others timate) monomer unit is also considered im-
portant (Fukuda, 1992).
Electrolytes: These are added for several The penultimate unit model uses eight dif-
reasons. For example, they can control the ferent propagation reactions, i.e., four differ-
pH, which prevents hydrolysis of the sur- ent chain ends and two different monomers.
factant and maintains the efficiency of the The propagation reactions in the penultimate
initiator. Electrolytes can induce particle unit model are represented in Scheme 9-1.
size monodispersity and also particle coag-
ulation. -MiMT +
Chain transfer agents: Emulsion poly- -MqMT +
merization often results in an impractically
high molecular mass polymer. Therefore, to -MiW +
moderate the molar mass, chain transfer -MiW +
agents (CTAs), usually mercaptans, are fre-
-&Mi +
quently used. The mercaptan is introduced
into the reactor together with the monomer -&Mi' +
phase. The consumption of the mercaptan
-MZMZ- +
taking place in the loci should be properly
kept in balance with monomer consump- -M2W -t

tion. Scheme 9-1

284 9 Emulsion Polymerization

i n case of the penultimate unit model, the Table 9-2. Reactivity ratios of copolymerizations
reactivity ratios are defined as follows with an IPUE.

Monomer I/monomer 2 rl r2 SI $2

Styrene/methyl methacrylate 0.47 0.45 0.43 0.16

Styrenelmethyl acrylateh 0.73 0.19 0.59 0.02

Davis (1989); Schoonbrood (1994).

Table 9-3. Reactivity ratios of copolymerizations

It is easy to understand that the terminal with an EPUE.
model is a special case of the penultimate
Monomer Umonomer 2 rlI r2, rI2 r2,
unit model, i.e., when r l 1 = r 2 1 r12=r22,
, and
SI=S*=l. Styrene/acrylonitrile 0.250 0.604 0.105 0.070
It has been known for a long time that the S tyrendmaleic 0.018 0.046 0 0
copolymerization of styrene and acryloni- anhydride (DMF)
trile does not obey the terminal model (Hill,
1982).Copolymer composition and monomer

Klumperman and Kraeger (1 994); Klumperman and
Vonk (1994).
sequence distribution require the use of the
penultimate unit model for an adequate de-
scription. This type of behavior, according
er composition and the microstructure, as in
to the penultimate unit model, is the classi-
the earlier mentioned copolymerization of
cal case; here only the rij reactivity ratios
styrene and acrylonitrile. This copolymer-
are considered and it is called the explicit
ization is carried out in emulsion on a large
penultimate unit effect (EPUE) because of
scale, i.e., for the synthesis of ABS the co-
the introduction of the si reactivity ratios
polymerization of styrene and acrylonitrile
(Fukuda, 1991). This in contrast to the im-
is carried out in the presence of a polybuta-
plicit penultimate unit effect (IPUE) where
diene seed latex. This results in the produc-
copolymer composition and monomer se-
tion of a rubber-modified material with
quence distribution are adequately de-
interesting properties.
scribed by the terminal model, but k, de-
viates from the terminal model. The devia-
tion of k, from the terminal model is ac-
9.3.2 Monomer Partitioning
counted for by s i values that are not equal to
in Emulsion Polymerization
unity. This means that the penultimate unit
affects the rate of the homopropagation re- As a result of the intrinsic heterogeneity
action. Typical examples of copolymeriza- of an emulsion polymerization system, the
tions that exhibit an IPUE and an EPUE kinetics and mechanisms which control this
are shown i n Tables 9-2 and 9-3, respective- polymerization are difficult to describe. In
ly. order to get more insight into the kinetic pro-
In terms of emulsion copolymerization, cesses involved in an emulsion (co)poly-
the IPUE will only affect the rate of copoly- merization, a detailed knowledge of the par-
merization compared to the prediction titioning of monomer(s) over the different
based on the terminal model. The EPUE on phases present is necessary. The monomer
the other hand will influence the copolym- concentration in the polymer particles di-
9.3 Emulsion Copolymerization 285

rectly determines the rate of polymeriza- monomer droplets

tion, while the monomer ratio in the poly-
mer particles determines the chemical com-
position of the copolymer formed (see also
Sec. 9.3.1, 9.3.3, and 9.3.4). Therefore ac-
curate knowledge of the concentration of the
monomer in the different phases of the poly-
merization system is necessary to develop where vp is the volume fraction of polymer,
and test kinetic models for the emulsion p, is the number average degree of polymer-
polymerization process. These models can ization of the polymer, x i s the Flory-Hug-
be useful in the design of polymerization re- gins interaction parameter between the
actors, process control, and product charac- monomer and the polymer, while R is the
teristics, such as molar mass and chemical gas constant, and T the temperature. V , is
composition distributions of the copolym- the molar volume of the monomer, yis the
ers formed. In this section, a thermodynam- particle- water interfacial tension, and r, is
ic model based on the Flory-Huggins the- the radius of the unswollen micelles, vesi-
ory (Flory, 1953) of polymer solutions will cles, and/or polymer particles. [MI,, is the
be discussed and applied to experimental re- concentration of monomer in the aqueous
sults on the partitioning of monomer(s) over phase and [MI,,, sat the saturation concentra-
the different phases present during an emul- tion of monomer in the aqueous phase. Fig-
sion (co)polymerization. The dynamics of ure 9-1 shows the contributions of the dif-
swelling depend on the particle size; but not ferent terms of Eq. (9-9) to the Vanzo equa-
on the absolute concentration, as will be dis- tion.
cussed in this paragraph. The partitioning of monomer between the
At equilibrium the partial molar free en- aqueous phase and the polymer particles,
ergy of the monomer will be equal in each below and at saturation, can be predicted by
of the phases present, i.e., the monomer- Eq. (9-9). However, this requires both the
swollen colloid (micelles, vesicles, and/or Flory -Huggins interaction parameter and
polymer particles), the monomer droplets, the interfacial tension to be known. These
and the aqueous phase (Morton et al., 1954; parameters may be polymer volume fraction
Ugelstad, 1983; Gardon, 1968) dependent [see Maxwell et al. (1992a, b) for
prediction of monomer partitioning]. Equa-
AGc = AGd =AG, (9-8) tions similar to Eq. (9-9) can be derived for
where AGc ,AGd, and AG, are the partial mo- the swelling of micelles and vesicles with
lar free energies of the colloidal phase, the one or more monomers, and of homopoly-
monomer droplets, and the aqueous phase, mer, co- and terpolymer polymer particles
respectively. Utilizing the appropriate equa- with two or more monomers at and below
tions for the partial molar free energy of the saturation (Noel et al., 1993; Schoonbrood
colloidal and aqueous phase [see, for deriva- et al., 1994). Here we will discuss two typ-
tion, e.g., Maxwell et al. (1992a)], Eq. (9-9) ical examples: the swelling behavior of
can be obtained, also known as the Vanzo poly(styrene-co-methyl methacrylate) and
equation (Vanzo et al., 1965), which de- polybutadiene-graft-pol y (styrene-co-meth-
scribes the partitioning of monomer be- yl methacry late) polymer particles with sty-
tween the aqueous phase and the polymer rene and methyl methacrylate (Aerdts et al.,
particles in the absence of, in general, 1993).
286 9 Emulsion Polymerization


3 -0.20
z -0.60


0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1 .oo

Figure 9-1. Comparisonof theoretical predictionsand experimental measurements of methyl acrylate partition-
ing at 45C for a polymethyl acrylate seed latex with an unswollen radius of 91 nm (closed squares). Theoreti-
cal predictions: Different terms of Eq. (9-9) are depicted for the Vanzo equation: x=0.2 and ~ 4 . 5
mN/m were
taken from literature (Maxwell et al., 1992a).

An expression was derived earlier that interaction parameter between monomers i

can describe the swelling behavior of a poly- andj, while xi,
and xj, are the Flory -Hug-
mer particle with one monomer below and gins interaction parameters between
at saturation. In the case of saturation swell- monomers i a n d j and the polymer, respec-
ing with two monomers, substituting the ap- tively, mu is the ratio of the molar volume
propriate expression for the partial molar of monomer i over monomer j , and vd, j and
free energy of the different phases into Eq. vd.j represent the volume fraction of
(9-8), Eq. (9-10) for monomer i can be ob- monomers i and j , respectively, in the
tained [for exact derivation see, e.g., Max- monomer droplets. It can be shown from Eq.
well et al. (1992a, b) and Noel et al. (1993)], (9-10) that, at saturation swelling, the mole
which is quite similar to Eq. (9-9) fraction of monomer i in the monomer drop-
lets (fi,d) is equal to the mole fraction of
monomer i in the polymer particles (fi.,p).
This also holds for monomerj. This is envis-
aged in Eq. (9-1I) (Maxwell et al., 1992b)
.fi.p = f i , d and 4,p=&, d (9-1 1)
whereJ.d and&,, are the mole fractions of
monomer j in the monomer droplets and in
(9-10) the polymer particles, respectively. Making
the assumption that the total monomer con-
where vPaiand vPJ are the volume fractions centration in the polymer particles is equal
of monomers i and j in the polymer parti- to the sum of the concentrations of the indi-
cles, respectively. is the Flory-Huggins vidual monomers, together with Eq. (9-11)
9.3 Emulsion Copolymerization 287

the concentration of monomer i in the poly-

mer particles can be predicted from the
individual saturation concentrations of
monomers i a n d j in the polymer particles,
i.e., Ci,
sat and Cj,sat, respectively. For a giv-
en seed latex, the concentration of monomer
i in the polymer particles (CJ is related to
the mole fraction of monomer i in the
monomer droplets (f.,d) and given by the fol-
lowing equation (Maxwell et al., 1992a, b)

c;=h,d [(ci, sat-cj, sat) fi,d + cj, sat] (9-12)

MMA fraction in droplets
A similar expression can be deduced for Figure 9-2. Experimentally determined monomer
monomerj. Figures 9-2 and 9-3 represent concentrations in the polymer particles as a function
the partitioning of styrene and methyl me- of the fraction of methyl methacrylate in the droplet
thacrylate between monomer droplets and phase (symbols) compared with theoretical predic-
tions according to Eq. (9-12) (full lines), where
polymer particles consisting of poly(sty-
[MMA],,,=7.00 mol/l and [S],,,=5.56 mol/l; Methyl
rene-co-methyl methacrylate) and polybu- methacrylate concentrations (open circles) and sty-
tadiene-graft-poly(styrene-co-methyl metha- rene concentrations (closed squares) in poly(styrene-
crylate), respectively (Aerdts et al., 1993). co-methyl methacrylate) (25175).
As shown in Figs. 9-2 and 9-3, the experi-
mental data can be described by the devel-
oped model, i.e., by Eq. (9-12). Figure 9-4
displays the mole fraction of methyl methy-
crylate in the polymer particles as a function
of the m ole fraction of methyl methacrylate
in the monomer droplets with x=0.2 and
p 4 5 mN/m (this is the surface tension be-
tween the surfactant and water). Here again,
the experimental results can be described by
the developed model extremely well.
The above-discussed thermodynamic
model for describing, explaining, and pre-
dicting monomer partitioning during an ,,,f Droplet Phase
emulsion polymerization has also been suc-
cessfully applied to the swelling of phos- Figure 9-3. Experimentally determined monomer
concentrations in the polymer particles as a function
pholipid bilayers by an organic solvent of the fraction of MMA in the droplets (symbols) com-
(Maxwell and Kurja, 1995). pared with the theoretical predictions of Eq. (9-12)
In conclusion, it can be said that the par- (lines): Styrene concentrations in SMMA-free (open
titioning behavior of monomers between the circles) ([S],,,=5.51 molll), SMMA-graft (open tri-
different phases present during an emulsion angles)] ([S],,,=7.44 molll), and PB (open squares)
([S],,,=6.64 molll); MMA concentrations in SMMA-
polymerization can be described and pre- free (closed circles) ([MMA],,,=7.16 mol/l), SMMA-
dicted using a simple thermodynamic mod- graft (closed triangles) ([MMA],,,=7.77 mol/l), and
el derived from the classical Flory -Huggins PB (closed squares) ([MMA],,,=6.25 mol/l) in apoly-
theory for polymer solutions. butadiene-graft-poly(styrene-co-methylmethacry late).
288 9 Emulsion Polymerization

1 .oo
Figure 9-4. Experimentally determined
(u fractions of methyl methacrylate (MMA)
.O 0.80 in the droplet phase as a function of the
m fraction of methyl methacrylate in differ-
.-t 0.60 ent polymer particles: MMA and styrene
C in PB (open circles), SMMA-free (open
.-0 squares), and SMMA-graft (open trian-
Z 0.40
2 gles) from polybutadiene-grufr-poly(sty-

rene-co-methyl methacry late) polymer
particles, while the closed squares repre-
z sent a poly(styrene-co-methyl methacry-

0.08.g i - L-_- u late) latex swollen with styrene and

o20 040 o60 MMA. The solid line gives the theoreti-

MMA fraction in droplets cal prediction according to Eq. (9-1 I).

9.3.3 Composition Drift in Emulsion ymerization, two situations can be distin-

Co- and Terpolymerization guished: (1) If the more reactive comono-
mer is the less water soluble one, then there
A special aspect of (emulsion) copoly-
will be a stronger composition drift as the
merization is the occurrence of composition
amount of water increases in the recipe [e.g.,
drift. In combination with the instantane-
styrene-methyl acrylate (Schoonbrood et
ous heterogeneity (statistical broadening
al., 1995 a)]; (2) If the more reactive comon-
around the average chemical composition),
omer is the more water soluble one, then a
this phenomenon is responsible for the
smaller composition drift can occur as the
chemical heterogeneity of the copolymers
amount of water increases [e.g., indene-
formed. Composition drift is a consequence
methyl acrylate, methyl acrylate-vinyl2,2-
of the difference between instantaneous co-
dimethyl-propanoate (Noel et al., 19941. In
polymer composition and overall monomer
the latter cases the composition drift may
feed composition. This difference is deter-
even be reserved at very high water con-
mined by: (a) the reactivity ratios of the
monomers (kinetics) and (b) the monomer
In order to be able to describe and control
ratio in the main loci of polymerization (i.e.,
an emulsion copolymerization, both the re-
the polymer particles), which can differ
activity ratios and monomer partitioning
from the overall monomer ratio of the feed
(Sec. 9.3.2) have to be known.
(as added according to the recipe), which in
There are three experimental data sets
turn is caused by monomer partitioning. In
(exp. data as a function of feed composition)
most cases the monomer ratio in the poly-
that can be used to obtain information on the
mer particles equals the monomer ratio in
copolymerization model to be used (Sec.
the monomer droplets; the water solubility
9.3.1) and on the reactivity ratios:
of the monomers is therefore the main fac-
tor that has an effect on the monomer ratio - Chemical composition: This is in gener-
in the polymer particles. A list of water sol- al properly described by the ultimate
ubilities of some common monomers is giv- model.
en in Appendix 11. - Triad fractions: These are determined by
In principle, on comparing solution or the same conditional probabilities as the
bulk copolymerization to emulsion copol- composition.
9.3 Emulsion Copolymerization 289

- Propagation rate constants (kp): the pe- sion copolymerization, most attention has
nultimate model is favored here in most been given to binary copolymerization, i.e.,
cases. the polymerization of two monomers. Far
less attention has been paid to ternary emul-
In general it is found that the chemical com-
sion copolymerization (three monomers),
position (distribution) can be described by
hereafter referred to as terpolymerization.
the ultimate model and kp by the implicit
Emulsion terpolymerization investigations,
penultimate model. Although this situation
mostly dealing with properties and applica-
seems surprising at first sight, it is possible
tions, have been published mainly as pat-
when r21=r11 and r12=r22.
In this restricted penultimate model there
It is obvious that the typical aspects that
are four reactivity ratios ( r l, r 2 , sl, s2); the
distinguish emulsion copolymerization
r-values are usually determined from com-
from homopolymerization, e.g., monomer
positional data and the s-values can then be
partitioning, the dependence of kinetics on
determined by fitting these to the kp data (see
the local monomer concentration ratio, etc.,
also Sec. 9.3.1).
are rapidly becoming more complex when
Batch processes are known to give two-
three monomers are involved, not to men-
peaked distributions of copolymer compo-
tion the complications in terpolymer analy-
sition when a strong composition drift oc-
curs during the course of the (emulsion) co-
However, since it can easily be under-
polymerization. Moreover, in emulsion co-
stood that using three monomers gives the
polymerization the degree of bimodality ap-
possibility to obtain an even larger variety
pears to depend on the monomer/water ra-
and refinement of copolymer properties,
tio (Guillot, 1987; Van Doremaele, 1990;
more effort is being put into research on
Schoonbrood et al. 1995 a). Semi-continu-
emulsion terpolymerization, although it is
ous processes (i.e., addition of monomer
to be expected that there will be little or no
during polymerization) can be used to pre-
fundamental, mechanistic differences be-
pare more homogeneous copolymers. Dy-
tween binary and ternary emulsion copoly-
namic mechanical spectroscopy or differen-
merization systems.
tial scanning calorimetry and transmission
So far the majority of papers that have ap-
electron microscopy combined with prefe-
peared in the literature about terpolymeri-
rential staining techniques have been used
zation only relate the average terpolymer
to determine the possible occurrence of
composition to the terpolymer properties
phase separation due to double-peaked
(Coker, 1975; Saric and Janovic, 1983, Wal-
chemical composition distributions (CCDs).
lace and Chen, 1985). The microstructure of
It has been shown that the compositional
emulsion terpolymers of vinyl chloride, vi-
heterogeneity of the copolymer has a dra-
nylidene chloride, and hydroxyethyl acry-
matic effect on the mechanical properties
late, prepared in batch and semi-continuous
(Schoonbrood et al., 1995a).
reactions, were studied by means of diffe-
rential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and I3C
NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) (Pou- Ternary Emulsion
rahmady and Bak, 1990). Schoonbrood
studied the emulsion terpolymerization of
In the fundamental investigations de- styrene, methyl methacrylate, and methyl
scribed in the literature dealing with emul- acrylate (Schoonbrood, 1996), and for the
290 9 Emulsion Polymerization

first time he also determined the propaga- copolymer properties (Rodriquez, 1983).
tion rate coefficients for this ternary system Therefore it is generally recognized that a
by means of pulsed laser polymerization detailed revelation of the copolymer micro-
(Schoonbrood et al., 1995b). He also deter- structure is a major factor contributing to a
mined and predicted the microstructure (in better understanding of both the process and
terms of CCD) of these terpolymers the polymer properties, and that, in the de-
(Schoonbrood et al., 1996). tailed modeling of the entire emulsion co-
In many cases two relatively water-insol- polymerization process, microstructural
uble comonomers (e.g., styrene, butyl acry- modeling is a prerequisite.
late, methyl methacrylate) are used and Several experimental techniques have
small amounts of a third, highly water-sol- now become available to determine not on-
uble comonomer (Ronel and Kohn, 1975; ly the average copolymer composition but
Huo et al.. 1988; Bonardi et al., 1989) [e.g., also the complete MMCCD (Tacx and Ger-
(meth)acrylic acid, 2-hydroxyethyl methac- man, 1989b; Glockner, 1989). In general,
rylate] or even a surface-active comonomer two chromatographic separation techniques
(Guillaume et al., 1990). These water-solu- are combined in the determination of the
ble comonomers are generally introduced to MMCCD, one based on the separation ac-
obtain functionalized latices, for example, cording to molar mass, where the exclusion
to improve the adhesive product properties mechanism is operable, and the other based
ortopreparereactivelatices(seeSec. 9.5.1). on separation according to chemical com-
position, where solubility and column ad-
sorption contribute to the separation mech-
anism. Together with experimental se-
9.3.4 Chemical Composition
quence distribution information obtained by
Distribution and Molar Mass Chemical
means of NMR, detailed information about
Composition Distribution
the copolymer microstructure was gained by
The molecular microstructure can be Van Doremaele (1 990), while also provid-
characterized in terms of sequence distribu- ing the necessary experimental proof of the
tion, tacticity. molar mass distribution reliability of the model calculations.
(MMD. see Sec. 9.2.4), and chemical com- A limited number of models for calculat-
position distribution (CCD). These can be ing the (instantaneous) (MM)CCD and the
combined in a three-dimensional distribu- sequence distribution of emulsion copolym-
tion of molar mass and chemical composi- ers has been developed in the last few years,
tion (MMCCD). In addition to the intramo- using either kinetic (i.e., stochastic) (Storti
lecular sequence distribution, the molecular et al., 1990; Van Doremaele et al., 1990) or
microstructure not only comprises the aver- probabilistic approaches (Giannetti et al.,
ages of molar mass and chemical composi- 1988b).
tion but also their complete distributions as German and co-workers developed meth-
a whole (MMCCD). The MMCCD can be ods of experimentally measuring the (MM)
considered as a fingerprint of all the molec- CCDs of emulsion copolymers of styrene-
ular events that contribute to polymer ethyl methacry late, but in the first instance
growth, and it constitutes the linkage be- did not make the comparison with appli-
tween the fundamental mechanistic chemi- cable model calculations (Tacx and Ger-
cal processes occurring in the reaction loci man, 1989a, b). The copolymers were sep-
(Stockmayer, 1945; Koenig, 1980) and the arated according to molar mass by means of
9.3 Emulsion Copolymerization 29 1

size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and polymer particles, together with the reactiv-
each SEC fraction was subsequently ana- ity ratios, mainly governs the instantaneous
lyzed according to chemical composition by copolymer composition.
means of either gradient elution quantitative
thin layer chromatography (TLCIFID) or
gradient high performance liquid chroma- 9.3.5 Process Strategies in Emulsion
tography (HPLC). In both cases, a gradient Copolymerization
of a solvent and nonsolvent is applied to the
The emulsion polymerization strategy,
copolymer. Later they also developed the
i.e., the kind of process, can have consid-
MMCCD determination of emulsion sty-
erable effect on the molecular structure and
rene-methyl acrylate copolymers (Van
particle morphology. The intrinsic factors
Doremaele et al., 1991) and compared the
as well as the process conditions determine
results with appropriate model calculations.
the colloidal aspects of the copolymer latex
Guillot and co-workers (Ramirez-Marquez,
(particle diameter, surface charge density,
1987; Ramirez-Marquez and Guillot, 1988)
colloidal stability, etc.), the characteristics
investigated several styrene-acrylate
of the polymeric material in the particles
(S-MA) emulsion copolymers using diffe-
(MMCCD, see Sec. 9.3.4), and the structure
rential scanning calorimetry (DSC) in an at-
of the particles (copolymer composition as
tempt to determine the copolymer CCD. Un-
a function of particle radius, etc.). In turn,
fortunately, this technique does not give the
these factors determine the properties of the
full MMCCD, but only (fractional) average
latex and the copolymer product.
The ultimate goal of most of the investi-
Guillot and co-workers reported aqueous
gations on emulsion copolymerization is to
phase polymerization in the case of S-MA
be able to control the process in such a way
(Ramirez-Marquez and Guillot, 1988),
as to produce a copolymer product (latex or
vinyl acetate-butyl acrylate (VAc-BA)
coagulate) with the desired properties. For
(Kong et al., 1988), and styrene-ethyl acry-
this purpose the semi-continuous (some-
late (S-EA) (Djekhaba et al., 1988) batch
times called semi-batch) emulsion copoly-
emulsion copolymerization. Capek et al.
merization process is widely used in indus-
(1985) reported similar behavior for acry-
try. The main advantages of this process as
lonitrile- butyl acrylate. Polymerization in
compared with conventional emulsion batch
the aqueous phase results in the formation
processes include convenient control of the
of copolymer that is enriched in the water-
emulsion polymerization rate in relation to
soluble monomer. This effect is enhanced
heat removal and control of the chemical
by low monomer/water ratios. This effect is
composition of the copolymer and the par-
expected to show up most explicitly during
ticle morphology. These are important fea-
interval I (the nucleation stage). During
tures in the preparation of speciality or high
intervals I1 and 111, the (co-)oligomers
performance polymer latices.
formed in the aqueous phase were shown to
Semi-continuous emulsion copolymer-
be scavenged by the polymer particles at
ization processes can be performed by
already relatively short length. Neglecting
applying various monomer addition strate-
aqueous phase polymerization, which gen-
erally comprises less than 1% of the total
amount of polymer formed (Arzamendi and
Asua, 1990), the monomer ratio inside the
292 9 Emulsion Polymerization Constant Addition Strategy measurements to monomer addition steps

(controlled composition reactor), or the pro-
The most widely investigated and de-
files can be predicted by emulsion copolym-
scribed procedure is the addition of a given
erization models on a conversion basis. The
mixture of the monomers (sometimes pre-
required conversion-time relation is then
emulsified monomers) at a constant rate
obtained by on-line measurements.The pro-
(Snuparek, 1985; Rios et al., 1985; Omi et
cess of filtering the obtained conversion
al., 1985).
data with the aid of a polymerization mod-
For instance, this procedure is followed
el, the so-called Kalman-filtering (Chien
in many papers dealing with the semi-con-
and Penlidis, 1990) or the model reference
tinuous emulsion copolymerization of vinyl
adaptive control (Leiza et al., 1992-93),
acetate and butyl acrylate (e.g., El-Aasser et
makes it possible to accurately control the
al., 1983). With respect to the monomer ad-
process and to obtain the desired micro-
dition rate, two main situations can be dis-
structure. On-line methods of determining
tinguished: (a) Flooded conditions: The ad-
monomer conversion are, as outlined above,
dition rate is higher than the polymerization
important for controlling the emulsion
rate. (b) Starved conditions: The monomers
(co)polymerization process. Excellent re-
are added at a rate lower than the maximum-
views have appeared on on-line sensors for
attainable polymerization rate (if more
polymerization reactors (Chien and Penli-
monomer were present). The latter process
dis, 1990; Schork, 1990; German et al.,
(starved conditions) is often applied in the
preparation of homogeneous copolymers/
polymer particles. In this case, after some
reaction time, a steady state is attained be- Optimal Addition Profile
cause of the low addition rates in which the
Arzamendi and Asua (1989) developed
polymerization rate of each monomer is
the so-called optimal monomer addition
equal to its addition rate. A copolymer is
strategy. By using this method, Arzamendi
made with a chemical composition identi-
and Asua demonstrated that within a rela-
cal to that of the monomer feed. Sometimes
tively short period of time homogeneous
semi-continuous processes with a variable
vinyl acetate (VAc)-methyl acrylate (MA)
feed rate (power feed) are used to obtain
emulsion copolymers can be prepared in
polymer particles with a core-shell mor-
spite of the large difference between the per-
phology (Basset, 1983).
taining reactivity ratios. The reactor was in-
itially charged with all of the less reactive
monomer (i.e., VAc) plus the amount of the Controlled Composition
more reactive monomer (i.e., MA) needed
to initially form a copolymer of the desired
Intelligent monomer addition strategies composition. Subsequently, the more reac-
in copolymerizations strongly rely on the tive monomer (MA) was added at a comput-
monitoring of monomer conversions. In co- ed (time variable) flow rate (optimal addi-
polymerization, control of the copolymer tion profile) in such a way as to ensure the
composition can also be obtained when ap- formation of a homogeneous copolymer.
plying monomer addition profiles. These The key problem in this method is the cal-
monomer addition profiles can either be culation of the amount of methyl acrylate to
based on the direct translation of on-line be initially charged in the reactor and the op-
9.3 Emulsion Copolymerization 293

timal addition rate profile of the remaining merization of styrene (S) and methyl acrylte
amount of methyl acrylate. The calculations (MA). The batch emulsion copolymeriza-
are based on the following assumptions: tion of S and MA is known to often produce
highly heterogeneous copolymers (styrene
a) Copolymerization is carried out starting
being the more reactive and less water-sol-
from a monodisperse seed latex of the de-
uble monomer).
sired composition.
Rather than a large difference between the
b) The number of particles remains constant
reactivity ratios (VAc-MA), the large dif-
during the reaction.
ference between the water solubilities of S
c) Aqueous phase polymerization is negli-
and MA is the main problem here. As stat-
ed, the time-evolution of ii was not actually
d) Thermodynamic equilibrium determines
calculated but it was set equal to 0.5 as a
the various monomer concentrations.
first estimation. It would be highly fortui-
By applying the instantaneous copolymer tous if the first estimated addition profile,
composition equation, the desired monomer based on ii=0.5, was optimal, because the
concentration ratio inside the polymer par- average number of radicals will generally
ticles is calculated. In combination with the deviate from this first estimation (i.e.,
thermodynamic equilibria equations, this ii=0.5). Nevertheless, a first addition profile
ratio allows the calculation of the amount of was calculated, presuming fi=0.5. Separate-
methyl acrylate to be initially charged in the ly, the correlation between the amount of
reactor. styrene to be added and the conversion was
Arzamendi and Asua (1989) applied a calculated from thermodynamic equilibri-
semi-empirical method to calculate the um data which would lead to the desired co-
time-dependent evolution of ii. This evolu- polymer composition. Combining the re-
tion is calculated from a semi-continuous sults, i.e., the conversion-time curve from
experiment carried out under similar condi- the experiment carried out with this addition
tions as the final optimal process, but apply- profile and the correlation between the
ing an estimated, constant addition rate of amount of styrene to be added and conver-
methyl acrylate. The evolution of ii is cor- sion, a new addition profile could be calcu-
related with the volume fraction (f,)of poly- lated. In the case of the S-MA system the
mer in the particles. This correlation is then iteration converges rapidly; only four itera-
used to calculate an addition profile. An- tion steps appeared to be required in S-MA
other semi-continuous experiment is then emulsion copolymerization to arrive at in-
carried out using this addition profile. If the distinguishable monomer addition rate pro-
copolymer composition deviates too much files.
from the desired value, another correlation In order to evaluate the results, Van Dore-
of i withf, is then calculated from the last maele analyzed the copolymers formed by
experiment. This procedure can be repeated means of high performance liquid chroma-
until the addition profile is optimal. tography (HPLC), providing detailed mi-
Alternatively, Van Doremaele (1990) ap- crostructural information (i.e,, chemical
plied an even more pragmatic approach. composition distribution, CCD) of the co-
This method can be applied without actual- polymers. In Fig. 9-5 the CCDs are depict-
ly calculating ii ( t )or fi (&) and may there- ed of three high conversion S/MA copolym-
fore be more generally applicable. This ers having the same average chemical com-
method was applied to the emulsion copoly- position but prepared by different process-
294 9 Emulsion Polymerization

20 erated stirred tank reactor (CSTR) would be

preferable because of its lower operating
15 costs and its more consistent product qual-
v ity. For copolymerization, in a single CSTR
a:3 10
a completely homogeneous copolymeriza-
tion can be produced (Van den Boomen
et al., 1996). The disadvantage of polymer-
ization in a single CSTR arises from the
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 I residence time distribution, which leads to
Fs (-4 products with a much lower conversion, a
Figure 9-5. CCDs. experimentally determined with lower particle concentration, and a much
HPLC. of three styrene/methyl acrylate emulsion co- broader particle size distribution when
polymers, all with F,=0.25 and (M/W),,=0.2 ( g l g ) : ( a ) compared to batch (Nomura et al., 1971;
semi-continuous. starved conditions (32 h). (b) semi- DeGraff and Poehlein, 197 1).
continuous. optimal addition profile (S h), (c) conven-
tional batch process (3 h). [Reproduced with permis-
Further sustained oscillations in conver-
sion from Van Doremaele ( 1990).I sion and particle concentration occur for a
lot of recipes (Kiparissides et al., 1980).
This can be overcome, in principle, by the
es. The one prepared by the conventional development of a continuous reactor system
batch process exhibits bimodality, has two where the stage of particle nucleation is spa-
glass transition temperatures, and has a min- tially separated from the other stages of the
imum film formation temperature of 17 "C. process. A small plug flow reactor as a seed
Both the one prepared in a semi-batch pro- reactor followed by a CSTR, or a pulsed
cess under starved conditions (32 h) and the packed column (PPC), are examples for
one obtained in a semi-continuous process continuous emulsion polymerization (Hoe-
while applying the optimal monomer addi- demakers and Thoenes, 1990). In the PPC,
tion strategy ( 5 h) are homogeneous with re- good local agitation is combined with low-
spect to chemical composition and have a er flow rates and little backmixing, which
minimum film formation temperature of provides the same conversion and particle
27 "C. In general it can he stated that the re- concentration as the equivalent batch pro-
actions based on the optimal addition rate cess (Hoedemakers and Thoenes, 1990;
profile proceed more rapidly than those Meuldijk et al., 1992). Proper control of the
based on constant addition rate strategies. intermolecular composition distribution
seems to be possible with a series of CSTRs
(Van den Boomen 1997).
9.3.6 Batch, Semi-Batch, and
Continuous Emulsion Polymerization
Commercial emulsion polymerizations 9.4 Particle Morphologies
are usually carried out in batch or semi-
9.4.1 Introduction to Particle
batch reactors. Almost complete conversion
can be obtained and the preparation of dif-
ferent products is possible in the same reac- Composite polymer particles are usually
tor. prepared by seeded emulsion polymeriza-
For the production of large amounts of the tion. In the first stage, well-defined particles
same product, the use of a continuously op- are prepared, while in the second stage an-
9.4 Particle Morphologies 295

other monomer is polymerized in the pres- minimization of the interfacial energy

ence of these well-defined particles. Multi- change have been reported by Sundberg et
stage emulsion polymerization produces a]. (1990) and Chen et al. (1991 a, b). The
structures such as core-shell (Min et al., morphology may also be determined by ki-
1983; Hourston et al., 1986), inverted netic processes, as described by Chern and
core-shell (Muroi et al., 1984; Lee and Ish- Poehlein, (1987, 1990a, b) and Mills et al.,
ikawa, 1983), and phase-separated struc- (1990). The interfacial tension seems to be
tures such as sandwich structures (Cho and one of the main parameters controlling par-
Lee, 1985), hemispheres (Cho and Lee, ticle morphology in composite latexes. De-
1985; Stutman et al., 1985), raspberry- pending on the type of initiator, the surface
like (Okubo et al., 1980a, b), and void par- polarity can be different, and therefore also
ticles (Okubo et al., 1981, 1982). Control of the particle surface polarity rather than the
the composite polymer particle morpholo- polymer bulk hydrophilicity could be the
gy is important for many latex applications, controlling parameter in determining which
such as adhesives and coatings (Vandezande phase will be inside or outside in compos-
and Rudin, 1994), and the impact modifica- ite particles. The kinetic parameters (such
tion and toughening of polymer matrices as the viscosity at the polymerization loci,
(Lovell, 1995). The structures have a major molar mass of the polymers, and mode of
influence on the properties. The particle addition of the second stage monomer) in-
morphology can be affected by many of the fluence the rate of formation of a certain
polymerization parameters and conditions, morphology which is basically determined
for examples, water solubility of the by the interfacial tensions (Chen, 1993).
monomers; type, amount, and addition Asua and Gonzrilez-Ortiz (Gonzrilez-Ortiz
mode of other ingredients such as surfac- and Asua, 1996a, b) also developed a math-
tant, initiator, chain transfer, or crosslinking ematical model for the development of par-
agents, degree of compatibility of the poly- ticle morphology in emulsion polymeriza-
mers, viscosity of the polymerization loci tion. This model is based on the migration
(swelling of the core particle and the molar of clusters. The clusters are formed if the
mass of polymer), degree of grafting of the newly formed polymer chain is incompat-
second stage polymer onto the core particle, ible with the polymer existing at the site
polarity of the polymers, interfacial tension where it is formed, thus inducing phase sep-
at the polymer-polymer and polymer-wa- aration. The equilibrium morphology is
ter interphases, degree of crosslinking, reached when the polymer chains diffuse
methods of monomer addition, and poly- into the clusters and the clusters migrate in
merization temperature. order to minimize the Gibbs free energy.
Modeling the particle morphology is ex- This motion of the clusters is due to the bal-
tremely complex and no broadly applicable ance between the van der Waals forces and
approach is available yet. Particle morphol- the viscous forces.
ogy can be controlled by kinetics and/or Particle morphologies with more than
thermodynamics. A thermodynamic ap- three phases have been studied by Sundberg
proach is described where the interfacial and Sundberg (1993). Characterization of
tensions between the two polymers and be- the particle morphologies is very important
tween each of the polymers and water are in order to control the seeded emulsion poly-
the determining factors. Calculations of the merizations and to achieve certain proper-
polymer particle morphology on the basis of ties. The different applications of the core/
296 9 Emulsion Polymerization

shell particles require advanced character- Organic Cores

ization techniques to determine the mor-
The cores of organic composite polymer
phology down to the molecular level. Im-
particles can be varied along with the de-
portant and powerful characterization tech-
sired properties. The most important param-
niques are, for example, transmission elec-
eters of the polymer in the core are the glass
tron microscopy (TEM) (Lee and Rudin,
transition temperature (T&, the molar mass,
1992), scanning electron microscopy
the crosslink density, and the type of
(SEM), small angle neutron scattering
(co)polymer. Composite polymer particles
(Hergeth et al., 1989), light scattering (Mills
used for impact modification consist of a
et al., 1993, Ottewil et al., 1995), and NMR
rubbery core and a glassy shell which is mis-
(Clauss et al., 1993). Moreover, it is also im-
cible or can react with the matrix. Examples
portant to know whether the composite
of such types of polymer are the very im-
polymer particles contain graft or block co-
portant acry lonitrile -butadiene -styrene
polymers, since these may act as compati-
(ABS) composite polymer and also the
bilizers and thus have a large effect on the
methyl methacrylate-butadiene-styrene
extent of phase separation. For these de-
transparent composite polymer for the im-
tailed characterizations, chromatographic
pact modification of PVC. The latter exam-
techniques, titrations. and extraction meth-
ple has been modified with glycidyl metha-
ods are very useful.
crylate in order to perform reactive extru-
sion with a polyamide (Aerdts et al., 1997).
9.4.2 Core Shell Morphologies
For coating applications, the polymer parti-
cles often consist of a glassy core and a low
It is not obvious if seeded emulsion poly- Tg shell which facilitates the film-forming
merization always leads to core/shell mor- properties (Vandezande and Rudin, 1994).
phologies. This has been discussed in Sec.
9.4.1. The design of the core/shell particles Encapsulation of Inorganic
is dictated by the desired properties and ap- Particles
plications. The properties that core/shell
polymer particles exhibit depend on a num- Applications of Micro-encapsulated
ber of parameters, such as the polymer or Particles
copolymer type, the molar mass, the amount
The micro-encapsulation of pigment and
of grafted material between the core and the
filler particles is an important area of re-
shell, the particle size and particle size dis-
search, both in the academic research world
tribution, the relative proportion of the core
and in industrial laboratories. Much activ-
to the shell material, and the Tg of the poly-
ity in the past decade has been aimed at ob-
mer in the core and in the shell. Three main
taining inorganic powders coated with an
types of core/shell composite particles can
organic polymer layer. Such systems are ex-
be distinguished, i.e., composite particles
pected to exhibit properties other than the
with organic or inorganic cores, and those
sum of the properties of the individual com-
with an empty core, the so-called hollow
ponents. In general, several benefits from
particles. These three types will be dis-
this encapsulation step can be expected
cussed in the following sections.
when the particles are incorporated in a
polymeric matrix (e.g., plastics or emulsion
9.4 Particle Morphologies 297

Better particle dispersion in the polymer- In encapsulating the pigment particle an

ic matrix. important adverse effect of the pigment
Improved mechanical properties. could be influenced, that is, the generation
Improved effectiveness at light scattering of radicals under the influence of UV light.
in a paint film. These radicals can lead to degradation of the
Protection of the filler or pigment from matrix polymer and thus lead to reduced
outside influences. durability. With proper choice of the poly-
Protection of the matrix polymer from mer layer, the durability might also be im-
interaction with the pigment. proved. Other advantages are improved
Improved barrier properties of a paint block resistance, less dirt pick up, better ad-
film. hesion (Hoy and Smith, 1991), and improved
chemical resistance (Godard et al., 1989).
The applications of these encapsulated For the above-mentioned reasons, most
particles relate to the above-mentioned ben- commercial pigments already have inorgan-
efits and the particles can be found in filled ic and/or organic surface modifications. An
plastics, paints, inks, paper coatings, etc. additional benefit can be brought about by
(Hofman-Caris, 1994; Van Herk and Ger- the formation of multi layers of polymer on
man, 1997). inorganic particles (Janssen et al., 1993a),
A very important application of encapsu- where additional, for example, rubber
lated pigment and filler particles is in emul- toughening effects can be introduced (Kol-
sion paints. One of the more expensive com- arik et al., 1990). Other applications of en-
ponents of waterborne paints is the white capsulated pigments can be found in inks,
pigment, usually titanium dioxide (rutile paper coatings, and electro-photographic
form). The pigment is added to obtain hid- toners.
ing power. The hiding power or opacity de- When the inorganic particles are magnet-
pends on the occurrence of light absorption ically responsive, pathways open to special
and light scattering. For pigments with a applications like the coupling of enzymes
high refractive index, like titanium dioxide, and antibodies to the surface of the magnet-
light scattering forms the main contribution ic particles, after which drug targeting be-
to the hiding power. The light-scattering ef- comes possible. These particles can also be
fectiveness of the pigment particles depends used in biochemical separations (Arshady,
on their particle size and on the interparti- 1993). Furthermore, magnetic particles can
cle distance. Agglomerates of pigment, al- be used in magnetic recording media, oil
ready present in the wet paint film or formed spill clean up, and moldable magnetic pow-
by flocculation during the drying process, ders (Buske and Goetze, 1983). Huang
will reduce the scattering effectiveness of (1986) described the preparation of magnet-
the dispersed pigment particles. By encap- ic polymer particles through inverse emul-
sulating the pigment particles, it is expect- sion polymerization. He encapsulated iron
ed that the chance of flocculation is reduced oxide with crosslinked hydrophilic poly-
and that the dispersion in the final paint film mer. These particles can be used as a seed
is improved. It has been suggested that the to prepare aqueous hydrophobic magnetic
layer thickness could be optimized to obtain polymer particles. The use of encapsulated
optimum spacing between the titanium particles as catalyst carriers has recently
dioxide particles to achieve maximum light been reported (Hong and Ruckenstein,
scattering (Templeton-Knight, 1990). 1993).
298 9 Emulsion Polymerization

Principle qf En ccrpsulation Through cial stabilizing agents for the inorganic par-
Emulsioii Polymerizntion ticles should be added, or the surface should
be hydrophobized in order to be able to use
The inorganic particles (after hydrophob- conventional emulsion polymerization sur-
ization) are dispersed with the normal sur- factants. Ultrasound has been applied to im-
factants and an emulsion polymerization is prove the dispersion of the pigment parti-
performed where the locus of polymeriza- cles (Templeton-Knight, 1990; Lorimer et
tion is the hemi- or admicelle around the in- al., 1991). Many types of pigment particle
organic particle ( Janssen et al., 1993b) (Fig. can be obtained commercially with organic
9-6). surface modifications, or alternatively they
Usually maximum properties are ob- can be modified with silanes or titanates.
tained when the inorganic particles are dis- Polymerization on the surface is in compe-
tributed evenly and as single (primary) par- tition with the process of new, pure polymer
ticles in the matrix. This means that, in the particle formation. Therefore the normal
steps towards obtaining the final product, stabilization with micelle-forming surfac-
keeping the particles well dispersed is of tants is not straightforwardly applicable,
major importance. Initially the particles and the surface area offered by the inorgan-
should be well dispersed in the aqueous ic particles is very important (Janssen,
phase and (partial) coagulation during the 1995) (Fig. 9-7).
emulsion polymerization must be avoided, Using less water soluble monomers in
because this leads to irreversible fixation of combination with a nonionic initiator, the
the coagulates. formation of surface active oligomers in the
In order to be able to disperse the inor- aqueous phase can be minimized, thus in-
ganic particles in an aqueous medium, spe- creasing the encapsulation efficiency. Jans-

Figure 9-6. Schematic representation of encapsulation of inorganic (submicrometer) particles through emulsion
9.4 Particle Morphologies 299
Table 9-4. Efficiency and glass transition temperatu-
res '.

Monomers Ratio Effi- Polymer Tg

ciencyb content'

(mollmol) (wt.%) (wt.%) ("C)

MMA - 7.0 5.7

MMAIBMA 1.390 8.6 11.6
SIMMA 0.920 8.6 6.9
S - 33.4 25.0 103.fjd
MA - 6.6 6.2 5.7
SIMA 0.082 4.8 8.7 17/65
SIMA 0.827 6.8 11.7 50.0
SlMA 1.000 1.7 12.6 6S.Oe
Figure 9-7. Transmission electron micrograph of the S/MA 1.654 7.8 12.8 75.0
product of an encapsulation of TiO, with polymethyl
methacrylate (Janssen, 1995) showing an encapsulat- "Data from Janssen et al. (1993a) and Van Herk et al.
ed particle. (1993): efficiency: weight percentage of monomer re-
acted to the surface: ' polymer content: weight percent-
age polymer of the encapsulated particles; free poly-
mer shows a Tg of 99C; free polymer shows two Tfs
sen (1995) used cumene hydroperoxide in of 7 and 67C.
combination with iron (11) sulfate as a re-
ductor, thus aiming at initiation at the hy-
In conclusion, it can be said that the small-
drophobichydrophilic interface of the mod-
er the inorganic particles, the more efficient
ified Ti02 particles.
encapsulation reactions proceed. To encap-
In order to improve compatibility be-
sulate particles larger than 500 nm, other ap-
tween the polymer layer and the matrix, it
proaches than emulsion polymerization
is interesting to vary the composition of the
should be applied, for example, heterocoag-
polymer layer by copolymerization. In this
ulation with in situ formed (unstable) poly-
way the glass transition temperature (T,) of
mer particles (Van Herk and German, 1998).
that layer can also be adjusted. Several co-
A new approach is the use of special sur-
polymerizations were performed on titani-
factants that can form bilayers on the sur-
um dioxide pigment particles, including the
face of inorganic particles. These twin-
monomer combinations styrene (S)/methyl
tailed surfactants are normally used to pre-
acrylate (MA), styrene/methyl methacry late
pare vesicles (Van Herk and German, 1998)
(MMA), and methyl methacrylatehtyl me-
(see also Sec.
thacrylate (BMA) (Janssen et al., 1993a;
Van Herk et al., 1993). On increasing the Hollow Particles
MA content in the S/MA copolymerizations
(Table 9-4), the encapsulation efficiency de- The preparation of hollow particles
creases. through emulsion polymerization is very
On increasing the water solubility of the interesting, for instance, in the light of us-
monomer in a homopolymerization or in- ing these particles as drug carriers in con-
creasing the content of this water-soluble trolled drug release (Juliano and Layton,
comonomer in a copolymerization, the effi- 1980). Other applications are in surface
ciency decreases (Table 9-4). coatings and as opacifiers.
300 9 Emulsion Polymerization

In principle, there are two routes to ob- structures ranging from one void to a fine
tain hollow particles through emulsion multi-voided structure.
polymerization; one possibility is preparing
particles that after isolation undergo a fur- Vesicle Polymerization
ther treatment to render them hollow. the
There are several ways to achieve poly-
other route is designing the synthesis in such
merization in or of vesicles (Paleos, 1990):
a manner that hollow particles are obtained
directly. The first route starts with the prep- 1 ) Polymerize the surfactant molecules when
aration of core-shell particles. The core can these contain polymerizable groups.
then either be removed by dissolving it in 2) Polymerize the counterions of the surfac-
an appropriate solvent, or it could shrink tants.
more strongly than the shell upon drying or 3) Polymerize monomer that is contained in
treatment with an acid or a base. The sec- the bilayer.
ond route can be based on various vesicle 4) A combination of 1 or 2 and 3.
polymerizations strategies.
The most flexible route is the one where the
bilayer is swollen with the monomers of
Core-Shell Emulsiori Polymerization choice. In this case the glass transition tem-
Vanderhoff et al. ( 199 1 ) prepared parti- perature, permeability, layer thickness, and
cles consisting of a core of a copolymer of degradability of the polymer layer can be
methacrylic acid and methyl methacrylate varied more easily than in the other ap-
and a shell of crosslinked material. After proac hes .
neutralization with NH40H, the core ma- One of the first reports on polymerizing
terial dissolves and the particles contain monomer in vesicle bilayers stems from
voids of between 130 and 760 nm. A sim- Kurja et al. (1993). Recently Poulain et al.
ilar approach was applied by Okubo and (1996) described the polymerization of iso-
Ichikawa (1994), where the particles were decyl acrylate in vesicles made of sodium
produced by an emulsion-free terpolymer- di-2-ethylhexyl phosphate. The polymer-
ization of styrene, butyl acrylate, and meth- ization was either initiated by potassium
acrylic acid. The effects of pH, tempera- persulfate or azo-bis-isobutyronitrile. Hol-
ture, and time of acid treatment on the mul- low particles with a mean diameter of 50 nm
ti hollow structure formed were investigat- were obtained. An extensive overview of
ed. vesicle polymerization is given by Kurja et
A somewhat different approach is where al. (1996). A report on the use of adsorbed
an organic solvent is used to extract the core bilayers to encapsulate inorganic particles,
material. In one cxarnple (Okubo et al., using surfactants that normally form vesi-
1991: Okubo and Nakagawa, 1994), large cles, will appear soon (Zirkzee, 1997). A
polystyrene seed particles, produced by dis- critical step in vesicle polymerization is
persion polymerization. were used as a seed swelling the preformed vesicles with
in a second stage polymerization where a monomer. Care must be taken that the ves-
shell of polystyrene-divinylbenzene was icles do not break up during this step (Kur-
polymerized around the core. The core ma- ja et al., 1993; Poulain et al., 1996).
terial was then extracted with toluene under
retlux. Depending on the divinylbenzene
content. particles could be obtained with
9.5 Special Chemistry in Conventional Emulsion Polymerization 301

9.5 Special Chemistry in Conven- one particle into the other after coales-
tional Emulsion Polymerization cence of the particles in the film-forma-
tion process. However, the effect of this
9.5.1 Reactive Latices interdiffusion on the strength develop-
ment is not very large.
In the development of waterborne coat-
2) Polymer with a higher molar mass is hin-
ings, a main area of current research activ-
dered in its diffusion to a larger extent.
ities is the crosslinking of the polymer film.
However, the contribution of this diffu-
Traditionally, solvent-based coatings yield
sion process to the development of the co-
a crosslinked film after the drying process,
hesive strength is much larger than for
whereas waterborne coatings result in a
low molar mass polymer.
thermoplastic polymer film. A result of this
is that the solvent resistance of solvent- The crosslinking method determines to
based coatings is superior to that of water- some extent the requirements with respect
borne coatings. to polymer-polymer interdiffusion. Two
It is well known that the process of cohe- examples will be given below. One consists
sive strength development in a waterborne of a polymer that is to be crosslinked by a
polymeric coating consists of three main low molar mass crosslink agent. The other
mechanisms (Daniels, 1991): consists of two different polymers contain-
ing complementary reactive groups. Terms
1) molecular interdiffusion of polymer chains
like interfacial crosslinking followed by re-
from one particle into another,
sidual crosslinking apply to the former of
2) interfacial crosslinking,
these examples, but not really to the latter.
3) residual crosslinking.
This process of cohesive strength develop-
ment is the final stage in the complex pro- Crosslinking of Polymers by
cess of film formation. The two preceding Low Molar Mass Crosslink Agents
stages are the evaporation of water and the
The most elementary form of a crosslink-
coalescence of the polymer particles. These
ing waterborne coating is where the emul-
two stages have been investigated exten-
sion polymer contains functional groups
sively, and a few different models have been
that are crosslinked in a reaction with a low
proposed to describe these physical process-
molar mass crosslink agent. The crosslink
es. In this section, we will mainly focus on
agent will generally be added to the latex,
the third stage of film formation, i.e., the co-
immediately prior to application on the sub-
hesive strength development.
strate. This type of system is referred to as
The first process of interest in the cohe-
a two-component coating for obvious rea-
sive strength development is the interdiffu-
sons. In general, the crosslink agent will re-
sion of polymer chains. It is well known that
side in the aqueous phase. Diffusion of the
the diffusion of polymer chains in a poly-
crosslink agent into the polymer particles is
mer matrix is strongly dependent on the mo-
crucial in order to obtain a homogeneously
lar mass of the chains. In terms of develop-
crosslinked film. One of the concerns here
ment of the cohesive strength, two oppos-
is that, upon coalescence of the particles, a
ing effects can be recognized:
relatively high concentration of crosslink
1) Polymer with a relatively low molar mass agent is present at the interface between the
ensures facile diffusion of chains from particles. This may result in a densely cross-
302 9 Emulsion Polymerization

linked film at the interface, which greatly leased from the top layer of the film, how-
reduces the mobility of polymer chains ever, will ensure the crosslinking of the
across the interface. and may result in inho- lower layers as well.
mogeneous crosslinking. In the previously
One additional aspect concerning the ho-
indicated scheme, the third step, i.e.. resid-
mogeneity of the crosslinked network is the
ual crosslinking, is hindered to some extent.
homogeneity of the polymer phase. Copoly-
One solution to this problem is the homo-
mers prepared by radical polymerization in
geneous distribution of crosslink agent
general and emulsion polymerization in par-
throughout the polymer phase. In the regu-
ticular may exhibit inhomogeneity in their
lar systems this will result in crosslinking of
chemical composition distribution. There
the polymer particles before film formation.
are two main reasons why this phenomenon
These crosslinked particles will not be able
to undergo film formation, hence an inferi-
or quality coating will be achieved. Howev- 1) Composition drift caused by differences
er, when the crosslinking reaction is intrin- in the reactivities of the monomers ap-
sically slow but its rate can be enhanced by plied, and
some catalyst, this problem may be solved. 2) differences in water solubility, which
In the area of microlithography, a possible may result in two types of polymer
solution is found in the use of photo acid chains, one rich in the hydrophobic
generators (PAGs). PAGs are compounds monomer, the other rich in the hydrophil-
that upon irradiation with light undergo a ic one (Noel et al., 1993).
photochemical reaction, releasing an acid.
Generally, this reaction leads to the produc- One of the common functional monomers
tion of protons. These protons easily diffuse to induce crosslinking is 2-hydroxyethyl
in the polymer phase and may catalyze a re- methacrylate (HEMA). This is a highly wa-
action, as in the crosslinking reaction of the ter soluble monomer compared to typical
polymer with a low molar mass crosslink- comonomers applied i n waterborne coat-
ing agent (Verstegen, 1998). The approach ings [butyl (meth)acrylate, 2-ethylhexyl
where PAGs are used to crosslink the poly- (meth)acrylate]. This large difference in wa-
mer film has two main advantages: ter solubility results i n strong variations of
the comonomer ratio between the different
1 ) Homogeneous crosslinking may be phases of the polymerization mixture. To
achieved on the scale of a particle. since overcome this potential micro inhomogene-
the actual crosslink agent can be homo- ity problem, the use of other hydroxy func-
geneously distributed throughout the par- tional monomers can be considered. The
ticles. first obvious candidates are other o-hy-
2 ) Homogeneous crosslinking may be droxyalkyl methacrylates, and more spe-
achieved on the scale of the thickness of cifically 3-hydroxypropyl methacrylate
the polymer film. In particular, in the case (HPMA) and 4-hydroxybutyl methacrylate
of UV curing, the effect of pigments on (HBMA). The reactivity ratios of HEMA,
the homogeneity of the crosslink density HPMA, and HBMA in their copolymeriza-
can be quite dramatic. Extensive light tion with styrene are listed in Table 9-5.
scattering by the pigment particles may Presently, the commercial availability of
cause the lower part of the polymer film these monomers is a major drawback.
not to be irradiated at all. The protons re- However, from a product quality point of
9.5 Special Chemistry in Conventional Emulsion Polymerization 303
Table 9-5. Terminal model reactivity ratios for the mences. As mentioned before, the diffusion
copolymerizations of hydroxyalkyl methacrylates of polymer chains is related to its molar
with styrene.
mass. This means that as soon as a polymer
Comonomer rH rsrY
chain links to another one, its molar mass
increases, and consequently its diffusion co-
HEMA" 0.48 0.27 efficient decreases. After a few reactions on
HPMA~ 0.256 0.161 one polymer chain, this chain will become
HBMA~ 0.159 0.103
virtually immobile. This means that there is
a Schoonbrood (1994); Verstegen (1998). a serious risk that the interface between ad-
jacent polymer particles (carrying comple-
mentary reactive groups) will turn into a
barrier for polymer diffusion shortly after
view, these monomers appear to be very
coalescence of the particles takes place. The
promising. This may result in an increase
result of this would be a random structure
in future production volume of these
of crosslinked walls separating the two
types of copolymer with uncrosslinked ma-
terial on both sides of the wall. It is clear Crosslinking Between Polymers
that this problem is harder to solve than in
with Complementary Reactive Groups
the previous example, where diffusion of a
Polymer particles in a latex are stabilized mobile catalytic species is sufficient to
from coagulation by the presence of surfac- overcome the inhomogeneous crosslink-
tants on their surface. This means that poly- ing. In the present case, the only way to en-
mer from one particle will never be in con- sure homogeneous crosslinking is to opti-
tact with polymer from another particle. mize the ratio of the diffusion rate and the
Now, if we speak about reactive groups built rate of the chemical (crosslinking) reac-
in those polymers, they would be separated tion.
from polymer from other particles by the In order to test the system with comple-
same mechanism. This characteristic fea- mentary reactive groups, two mixed latices
ture can be used to let copolymers with com- were investigated (Geurts, 1997):
plementary reactive groups coexist in one
1) Epoxy-functional (glycidyl methacrylate
latex. This should be possible as long as a
containing) copolymer with amino-func-
single particle contains only one function-
tional (aminoethyl methacry late contain-
ality (Geurts, 1997).
ing) copolymer.
Upon film formation, the particles all
2) Acetoacetoxy-functional copolymer with
come into close contact. Eventually they co-
amino-functional copolymer.
alesce and polymer-polymer interdiffusion
as well as reaction can take place. In order Measurements of the crosslinking rate in-
to obtain a homogeneously crosslinked film, dicate that the latter system has by far the
interdiffusion needs to take care of complete highest rate. Recent conclusive results indi-
randomization on a molecular level in the cate that the epoxy-amine reaction is bet-
polymer film. The initial strict separation ter suited for the purpose of crosslinking in
between polymers with different function- a waterborne coating. Its rate of crosslink-
alities needs to vanish completely. While ing enables better randomization of the
this process is taking place, chemical reac- polymer chains by diffusion, before the
tion between the functional groups com- chemical reaction immobilizes the system.
304 9 Emulsion Polymerization

9.5.2 Reactive Surfactants the latex. Too slow consumption results in

residual transsurf at the end of the polymer-
An often unwanted effect of low molar
ization, and thus to similar problems, as ob-
mass surfactants is their migration to inter-
served with ordinary surfactants.
faces. In particular, in those cases where la-
In the case of inisurfs it is often found that
texes are used in coating applications, this
the initiator efficiency is poor. This is main-
may lead to sticky surfaces and/or poor ad-
ly ascribed to the formation of two radicals
hesion of the coating (Dickstein, 1986). In
in close proximity, which favors bimolecu-
order to circumvent this disadvantage, reac-
lar termination. This problem may be cir-
tive compounds may be used as surfactants
cumvented by the application of surfactants
(Kusters, 1994). These reactive surfactants
containing a hydroperoxide moiety which
are in some way incorporated in the poly-
can be dissociated with a redox mechanism.
mer. This covalent binding to the polymer
However, this approach is rather cumber-
chain prevents migration during application
some from a synthetic point of view.
or the lifetime of the coating.
Different possibilities exist to make the
surfactant reactive in a free-radical poly- 9.6 Unconventional Emulsion
merization process. The names of the com-
pounds indicate the type of functionality
that is incorporated:
There are many unique polymerization
1 ) inisurf, a surfactant with an initiator func- processes that share acommon heritage with
tionality, emulsion polymerization, but they are often
2) surfmer. a surfactant that reacts as a co- not recognized as such. It is the purpose of
monomer in the polymerization, this review to describe some of these emul-
3) transsurf. a surfactant that contains a sion polymerization-like processes and
moiety susceptible to chain transfer. their products. Some further definition is in
order: Unconventional emulsion polymer-
Each of the three techniques has certain izations can be described as those process-
advantages and disadvantages. A general es whereby the product is a polymer latex
concern is the even distribution of reactive that physically resembles latexes from
surfactants over the polymer chain. For ex- emulsion polymerization and cannot be
ample. in the case of a surfmer, favorable grouped into any other recognized hetero-
reactivity ratios are required to prevent the geneous polymerization technique. In many
formation of polymer with a large composi- cases the reason why a process is not recog-
tion drift. Homopolymerization of the surf- nized as an emulsion polymerization is that
mer is unwanted due to the increased mois- the polymerization does not occur via a free-
ture sensitivity of this material. Similarly, radical process. In the following sections
for transsurfs it is necessary for the chain unconventional emulsion polymerizations
transfer constant to have a value close to that take place according to four distinct
unity, so that its consumption rate is nearly types of polymerization mechanism will be
equal to that of the monomer. In any other discussed. All of these cases have examples
case, unwanted side effects may arise. Too where polymer particles are produced, and
fast consumption leads to a too low level of in many ways these processes can be de-
surfactant in the latter stages of the polymer- scribed as unconventional emulsion poly-
ization, and thus potentially to instability of merizations. The relevant systems are free-
9.6 Unconventional Emulsion Polymerization 305

radical polymerization, ionic polymeriza- polymer particle volume, as is usually the

tion, transition metal-catalyzed polymeriza- case in emulsion polymerization.
tion and enzyme-catalyzed polymerization. Another unusual free-radical polymeriza-
For a more detailed review of unconvention- tion of vinyl monomers utilizes ultrasound
al emulsion polymerizations, see Kurja et al. to both emulsify monomer and to create free
( 1 997). radicals (Cooper et al., 1995). The ultra-
sound (at 20 kHz) acts on the water to create
hydrogen and hydroxyl-initiating radicals,
an initiating system that bears resemblance
9.6.1 Unconventinal Free-Radical
to many radiation-induced polymerizations.
Emulsion Polymerization
The first-claimed emulsion polymerizations
There is an important category of free- by ultrasound were those of butyl acrylate
radical emulsion polymerizations where the and vinyl acetate (Cooper et al., 1995). In
hydrophobic polymer does not dissolve in most cases it was observed that the particle
its own monomer (Guyot, 1989; Putman, sizes obtained by ultrasound initiation are
1989; Murray and Piirma, 1993; McCarthy smaller than those of equivalent chemical-
et al., 1986) or is only sparingly soluble in ly initiated polymerizations, although they
its own monomer (Guyot, 1989). Some ex- may be dependent upon the energy input. It
amples of these kinds of polymerization are is interesting to note that this approach to
the emulsion polymerization of fluorinated initiation is a possible alternative to radia-
monomers, e.g., tetrafluroethylene (TFE) tion-induced initiation in (pulsed) kinetic
(Putnam, 1989; Murray and Piirma, 1993), studies of (emulsion) polymerization mech-
and acrylonitrile (McCarthy et al., 1986). anisms.
The polymers formed by these polymeriza- The preparation of conducting polymers
tions all have significant industrial impor- in an emulsion is generally via an oxidative
tance, particularly as engineering polymers, coupling mechanism in which the active
e.g., Teflon, acrylonitrile-butadiene - sty- polymerizing species are free radicals. This
rene rubber (ABS). The fact that these poly- polymerization process, which is distinct
mers do not dissolve in their own monomers from radical (vinyl, acrylic, etc.) chain poly-
causes phase separation between monomer merization, is described in detail elsewhere
and polymer at very low conversions during (Lux, 1994). As a result of their conjugated
the polymerization process. Due to this backbones, conducting polymers are intrin-
phase separation, the locus of polymeriza- sically intractable polymers, making them
tion is not the interior of the polymer parti- very hard to process. Preparing these poly-
cles, simply because there is no monomer in mers in an emulsion may overcome many of
the interiors, but polymerization mainly oc- these processing problems. Examples of
curs at the surface of the polymer particles conducting polymers which have been pro-
(Murray and Piirma, 1993; McCarthy et al., duced in an emulsion are polyacetylene,
1986). Evidence for this behavior is that the polypyrrole (PPy), and polyaniline (PANI)
rate of polymerization is proportional to the (Edwards et al., 1983; Armes et al., 1987;
total surface area of the polymer particles Arnes and Vincent, 1988; Osterholm et al.,
(Murray and Piirma, 1993). Therefore a ki- 1993). The literature on the oxidative poly-
netic treatment of these polymerization pro- merization of aniline in an aqueous medium
cesses necessarily considers the surface describes both dispersion and emulsion
area of the polymer particles rather than the types of polymerization, each with different
306 9 Emulsion Polymerization

types of stabilizer (Osterholm et al.. 1993, at 50- 100C. There are two major differ-
1994; Banerjee et al., 1994; Stejskal, 1993). ences between cationic polymerizations of
Depending on the kind and concentration of siloxane and conventional emulsion poly-
surfactant/polymeric stabilizer, polymer merizations. Firstly, there is a distinct dif-
particles ranging from 300 to 400 nm can be ference between the catalyst used, i.e., a cat-
obtained. In the case of the polymerization ionic catalyst instead of a free-radical one.
of pyrrole in water. the size of the formed Secondly, there is a different role of water
polymer particles can be adjusted over a rel- in the polymerization mechanism. In the
atively broad range, i.e., between 10and 250 case of the free-radical emulsion polymer-
nm, depending on the oxidizing agent, sta- ization, water serves as an inert suspending
bilizer, and so on (Armes et al., 1987; Caw- medium. However, in the siloxane polymer-
dery et al., 1988: Eisazadeh et al., 1994). ization,water serves as a reactant and con-
sequently affects the molar mass of the poly-
9.6.2 Ionic Emulsion Polymerization
Numerous studies have been conducted
9.6.3 Transition Metal Catalyzed
concerning the polymerization of siloxanes
Emulsion Polymerization
(Andranov et al., 1979; Sigwalt and Stan-
nett, 1990: Andrianov and Dabagora, 1960), Generally speaking, transition metal cat-
but have focused mainly on bulk polymer- alyzed polymerization cannot be performed
ization. Emulsions of polysiloxanes have at- in aqueous media, since water destroys ac-
tracted great attention since the 1980s due tive catalyst complexes. However, there are
to the fact that they can be utilized in sur- a few monomers that have been polymer-
face coatings. Hyde and Wehrly (1959) de- ized in pure water via transition metal cata-
scribed the emulsion polymerization of per- lyzed reactions.
methylcyclosiloxanes, which proceeds via Palladium-based catalysts can be used for
an anionic polymerization mechanism in- the polymerization of norbornene (Mehler
volving a basic catalyst with a cationic sur- and Risse, 1992) and the copolymerization
factant. Weyenberg et al. (1969) developed of ethylene and carbon monoxide (Drent et
an analogous acid-catalyzed anionic emul- al., 1991; Jiang and Sen, 1994). However,
sion polymerization. which employs dode- there are only two reports of these polymer-
cylbenzenesulfonic acid (DBSA) as the cat- izations in aqueous media, namely, the olig-
alyst and surfactant. The cationic polymer- omerization of norbornene (Eychenne et al.,
ization can be compared with a conventional 1993) and the alternating copolymerization
free-radical emulsion polymerization: The of ethylene and carbon monoxide (Jiang and
cationic polymerization involves monomer, Sen, 1994). In the case of the oligomeriza-
water, surfactant, and catalyst, and the par- tion of norbornene, a micro-latex was ob-
ticle size of the resulting polymer dispersion tained with an average particle diameter of
is normally much smaller than that of the in- approximately 10 nm with PdC12 as the cat-
itial monomer droplets. Polydimethylsilox- alyst and sodium dodecylsulfate as the sur-
ane emulsions with particle diameters of factant. In 1969, Rinehart et al. ( I 962) and
50-500nm can be obtained on heating Canale et al. ( 1 962) independently reported
aqueous dispersiculs of permethyl cylcosi- on the .rhodium-catalyzed emylsiqn poly;
loxanes with dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid merization of butadiene to a high trans-1,4
9.6 Unconventional Emulsion Polymerization 307

polymer utilizing sodium dodecylbenzene- 9.6.4 Enzyme-Catalyzed Emulsion

sulfonate as the surfactant. Almost ten years Polymerization
later, Entezami et al. (1977) showed that
trans- and cis- 1,3-pentadiene can be poly- The initial motivation behind the emul-
merized in an emulsion using RhC1, as the sion polymerization of butadiene in the late
catalyst and sodium dodecylbenzenesulfo- 1920s was the search for a substitute for nat-
nate as the surfactant. Unfortunately, these ural rubber. The appellation latex is used
authors did not mention polymer particle for the extract tapped from the rubber tree.
sizes. Finally, ethylene can also be polymer- This is also used to describe the product of
ized in an emulsion (Stryker et al., 1969) a synthetic emulsion polymerization. Natu-
using a rhodium-based catalyst. ral rubber is one of three biopolymers
The first true ring-opening metathesis formed by an enzyme-catalyzed polymer-
polymerization in an emulsion of different ization, which is recognizable as an emul-
norbornenes, using transition metals as sion polymerization. Bacterial polyhydroxy-
catalysts, was reported by Rinehart and alkanoates and cellulose are the other
Smith (1965). These ROMP polymeriza- two.
tions were carried out with (NH&IrC16 and Natural rubber is synthesized by a wide
RuC13 as the catalysts, plus a reducing variety of plants. The botanic rationale for
agent, and different surfactants depending this synthesis is still a mystery. The biosyn-
on the monomer polymerized. One of the thesis of natural rubber has been studied ex-
major problems encountered with these tensively in the past (Backhaus, 1985; Arch-
polymerizations is the low yield of polymer. er and Audley 1987; Tanaka, 1989; Pater-
Several years ago, Novak and Grubbs son-Jones et al., 1990), and the basic poly-
( 1 988 a, b) reported on the ROMP of certain merization reactions have been defined.
heteropol ycyclic alkenes (7-oxanorbornene However, the full mechanism of formation
derivatives) in pure water using ruthenium of the rubber particles has still not been elu-
salts. Feast and Harrison (1991) investigat- cidated, although some suggestions have
ed the aqueous emulsion ROMP of exo,exo- been made (Archer and Audley, 1987; Pa-
2,3-bis(methoxymethyl)-7-oxanorbornene terson-Jones et al., 1990; Hager et al., 1979).
(BMM-7-ON) using ruthenium, iridium, The formation of cis-poly- 1,4-isoprene is a
and osmium chloride as the precursors of the heterogeneous polymerization where the
active catalysts. Only very recently, Lu et polymerization mainly occurs at the surface
al. (1993) were the first to report the aque- of the rubber particles. The propagating rub-
ous dispersion (emulsion) polymerization ber transferase molecule is mainly situated
of BMM-7-ON, using RuC1, as the catalyst at the surface of a rubber polymer particle
and a polyethylene oxide-polypropylene (Cornish, 1993; Lynen, 1969). The sizes of
oxide tri-block surfactant. With increasing the rubber polymer particles can vary from
surfactant concentration, the diameter of the 10 nm to several micrometers (Paterson-
polymer particles became smaller, which is Jones et al., 1990).
a general observation in emulsion polymer- Poly-(R)-3-hydroxyalkanoates(PHAs) are
ization. The particle diameters were typical- linear biopolyesters produced by a wide va-
ly in the range of 40-60 nm. riety of bacteria as a reserve of carbon and
energy (Anderson and Dawes, 1990). Very
recently, De Koning and Maxwell (1993)
drew an analogy between the conventional
308 9 Emulsion Polymerization

emulsion polymerization process and the 9.6.5 Concluding Remarks

biosynthesis of PHAs. Based on this, Kurja
If the product of a polymerization is a la-
et al. (1994, 1995) made a more quantitative
tex, then the process of polymerization can
description of the accumulation of poly-(R)-
be considered either in part or in full as an
3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) in Alcaligenes
emulsion polymerization. The advantage of
eutrophus. PHAs are synthesized via a poly-
doing so is that the physical chemistry of
condensation reaction (Anderson and
emulsion polymerization combined with the
Dawes, 1990).However, the molar mass of
appropriate polymer chemistry allows, in
the polymer formed during the early stages
many cases, fuller understanding of the un-
(low conversions) of the accumulation pro-
conventional emulsion polymerization. In
cess is high, typically of the order of los g
the last few sections, a brief survey of those
mol-' (Anderson and Dawes, 1990), indi-
heterogeneous polymerization processes
cating a chain mechanism of polymerization
that can be considered as unconventional
(Kurja et al.. 1994. 1995). The biosynthesis
emulsion polymerizations has been given.
of PHB can be understood in terms of the
Since it is likely that many other unconven-
kinetic processes of initiation, propagation,
tional emulsion polymerizations exist, the
and chain transfer, and the effect of polymer
purpose of this section is to only give an in-
particle size on these. The polymerization
troduction to this field. The polymerizations
process takes place mainly at the surface of
described have mainly not been the subject
the granules (read: polymer particles), which
of in-depth kinetic studies, which is reflect-
is also observed for the emulsion polymer-
ed in the summaries of their processes. Al-
ization of monomers that are poor solvents
though analogies have been drawn between
for their own polymers (see Sec. 9.6.2). Fur-
unconventional and conventional emulsion
thermore, the colloidal aspects of the forma-
polymerizations, there are still many fea-
tion of PHB polymer particles can be ex-
tures of the former that cannot be under-
plained by the homogeneous nucleation
stood by such analogies. There is clearly
mechanism, well known in conventional
scope for much work in this field.
emulsion polymerization processes.
It is apparent that the mechanism of rub-
ber formation displays similarities to that of
PHB. For this reason it is likely that useful 9.7 Applications
comparisons can be made between the
mechanisms of conventional emulsion Polymer colloids find their way into many
polymerization and the emulsion polymer- industrial products and applications, such as
ization producing natural rubber, particular- synthetic latices [styrene-butadiene co-
ly in a fashion as already applied to PHB. A polymers, acrylonitrile- butadiene rubbers,
very important aspect of these biological chloroprene rubbers, acrylic (co)polymers,
emulsion polymerizations is the fact that vinyl acetate (co)polymers, vinyl chloride
they produce uniyue and different polymer (co)polymers, synthetic cis-polyisoprene,
latexes, i.e., a polyolefin. a polyether, and a and butyl rubber], paints, (paper) coatings,
polyester, all from renewable resources. adhesives, biomedical and pharmaceutical
This may be of future interest in polymer applications, impact modifiers for thermo-
science, especially as oil reserves are deplet- plastic matrices, and conducting polymers
ed. such as polyaniline.
9.7 Applications 309
9.7.1 Paints of coating papers and paper boards are to
improve their aesthetic appearance and
Emulsion polymers are widely used in
printability. The coatings consist of pig-
waterborne paints (Lambourne, 1987). The
ments, binders, and water, together with mi-
latices are prepared by emulsion polymer-
nor quantities of functional ingredients such
ization of acrylic, methacrylic, or vinyl
as defoamers, flow modifiers, and fluores-
monomers. Other ingredients are pigments
cent whitening agents. Various types of soft
(usually organically modified), colloidal
latexes, such as styrene-butadiene (S/B),
stabilizers (usually a mixture of ionic and
styrene-butylacrylate (S/BA), and polyvi-
nonionic surfactants), and a large quantity
nyl acetate (PVAc) latexes are widely used
of additives like anti-foaming agents, thick-
as binders in paper coatings. Their function
eners, etc.
is to fix the pigment particles to the paper
Waterborne paints can be found in such
surface. The nature and level of binder
application fields as decorative coatings,
present will influence the coating mix rhe-
automotive coatings, and can coatings.
ology and modify the printability character-
Challenges in the field of developing water-
istics. Future research is focused on super-
borne coatings are for example to reduce the
binder, super-runnability binder, high gloss
amount of coalescing agents necessary to
and easy finishing binder coating structure
obtain good film formation. These coalescing
control, and better fundamental understand-
agents have to evaporate out of the film to
ing of coatings, drying, finishing, and print-
obtain a Tg high enough to prevent block-
ing processes (Lee, 1996).
ing, and are therefore environmentally haz-
ardous. One way to overcome the need for
coalescing agents is to increase the Tg by
crosslinking the latex after film formation 9.7.3 Adhesives
(see Sec. 9.5.1).
The pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs)
The water resistance of films resulting
market is dominated by solvent-based ma-
from waterborne paints is sometimes not op-
terials. The change in the environmental and
timal because of the surfactants still present
economic climate offers opportunities for
in the dry film and the poor interaction be-
water-based PSAs. However, there are some
tween pigment particles and matrix poly-
problems in emulsion PSA that need to be
mer. The application of reactive surfactants
overcome. The shortcomings of emulsion
and the modification of pigment particles by
PSAs are: (1) lower peel adhesion than cor-
encapsulation with polymer (see Sec.
responding solvent PSAs, (2) sensitivity to are two topics of current research
watedhumidity, (3) colloidal stability dur-
to improve the water resistance. Further-
ing pumping and coating, (4) foaming dur-
more, the use of polymer particles with
ing coating, and ( 5 )poor wetting of low sur-
core-shell morphologies (see Sec. 9.4.2)
face energy substrates. These problems are
can be advantageous for the film's proper-
mainly due to the heterogeneous nature of
emulsion polymerization, which affects the
copolymer composition. Also, the surfac-
tants, wetting agents, and defoamers affect
9.7.2 Paper Coatings
the PSA's properties.
One of the largest users of latexes is the In PSA synthesis, polar monomers are
paper coating industry. The main objectives used, such as acrylic acid, methacrylic ac-
31 0 9 Emulsion Polymerization

id, acrylamide hydroxyethyl methacrylate, - hydrophilic and stimuli-responsive parti-

glycidyl methacrylate, r-butyl acrylamide, cles (smart material) for various bio-
dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate, and ma- technology (sensors) and biology purpos-
leic anhydride. In heterogeneous emulsion es.
copolymerization with these polar monomers,
Not only is the polymer synthesis very
water solubility of these monomers is high
important, but the characterization tech-
and therefore heterogeneous copolymers
niques cannot be neglected in this field of
are formed. The copolymers composition
research either. There are many problems in
is often different from that of its solvent-
defining the interactions with biologically
polymerized counterpart. Differences in the
active macromolecules or drugs. Many and
true copolymer composition result in total-
complex questions remain with respect to
ly different PSA performance. Therefore the
the mechanism of interactions and their ef-
emulsion polymerization reaction engineer-
fects on the performance of the biomolecule
ing is very important for the control of these
compositional effects (Yanagihara, 1983).

9.7.5 Impact Modifiers

9.7.4 Biomedical and Pharmaceutical
Applications Amorphous thermoplastics (e.g., poly-
styrene and polymethyl methacrylate) and
The use of polymer colloids for biomed-
crosslinked resins (e.g., epoxy resins and
ical and pharmaceutical applications is very
polyester resins) are very brittle and to im-
interesting. Examples of such polymer col-
prove these fracture properties, rubbers are
loids are the polystyrene latexes used in the
dispersed in the polymer matrix i n discrete
medical field (Singer, 1987; Singer and Plotz,
micrometer or sub-micrometer size do-
1996). Furthermore, extended research on
mains. The conventional route to prepare
free-radical heterogeneous polymerization
rubber-toughened plastics is the formation
has led to well-defined polymer nanoparti-
of toughening particles by phase separation
cles suitable for numerous applications in
from the matrix material. This can lead to
medicine and biology. There are still many
major difficulties in the simultaneous con-
challenges to develop new kinds of nano-
trol of matrix properties and toughening par-
particles with innovative properties (Pichot
ticle size, morphology, and chemistry. How-
al.. 1996), such as:
ever, when the rubber is made by emulsion
polymer particles with a specific struc- polymerization, the preformed particles
ture, mimicking various phenomena in- (i.e., pre-defined diameter, morphology, and
volved in living systems. chemical composition) can be easier and
reactive particles with better control of more finely dispersed in the polymer matrix
the accessibility, reactivity, and surface and will therefore be less dependent on the
density of the functional groups, processing parameters. An overview of the
very small nanoparticles (below 60 nm), preparation and use of emulsion polymer
as produced by microemulsion or micel- particles for the toughening of plastics is
lar polymerization processes, taking into given by Love11 (1 995). These rubber parti-
account the extensive understanding in cles are mostly prepared by seeded emul-
the physiochemistry of these dispersed sion polymerization. The shell of the com-
systems, posite particle improves the compatibility of
9.8 References 31 1

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34. 32. sity of Technology, The Netherlands.
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University of Technology. The Netherlands. Emulsion Polymerization, a Mechanistic Approach,
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Weerts, P. A,. German. A. L.. Gilbert, R. G. (1991). Polymer Colloids, a Comprehensive Introduction,
Macromolecules 24. 1623. Fitch, R. M. ( 1 997), London: Academic Press.
Weyenberg, D. R.. Findlay. D. E., Cekada, J.. Jr., Bey, Polymer Lattices, Science and Technology, Vol. I,
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Wiles. J . M. (1949). Ind. Eng. Cheni. 4 / ( 1 0 ) , 2272. don: Chapman and Hall.

A1yendi.x 1. Propagation rate coefficients and activation parameters: Pulsed laser polymerization combined with
size exclusion chromatography (PLP-SEC) is the most accurate method to date to obtain propagation rate co-
efficients, as concluded by the IUPAC working party on kinetics and modeling of polymerization reactions [see,
for example, Buback et al. ( 1995)]. In the table a compilation of the latest (August, 1996) k , values and activa-
tion parameters is given, which was obtained with the PLP- SEC method (see Table p. 317). b

Appendix I/. Water solubilities of monomers: The water solubility of monomers applied in emulsion polymeriza-
tion is very important, because in copolymerizations it will have an effect on the composition drift. Furthermore,
monomers with a high water solubility can also given solution polymerization, next to emulsion polymerization.

Monomer CzAT(mol dm-) Reference

Acrylamidc -h VSe Polymer Handbook (1989)

Acrylic acid -h mf Polymer Handbook ( 1 989)
Acrylonitrile -h SC Polymer Handbook (1989)
1-3 Butadiene. 1 atmg 0 3 . 8 lo-
~ Saltman (1965)
1-3 Butadiene, I atmg 50 6 x lo- Saltman (1965)
1-3 Butadiene. sat.a 50 3 . 7 10
~ Reed and McKetta (1955)
1-3 Butadiene. sat. 70 4.3x 10-2 Reed and McKetta (1955)
1-3 Butadiene. sat. 100 5.7x10- Reed and McKetta (1955)
Butyl acrylate 50 6 . 4 lo-
~ Capek et al. (1984)
Butyl methacrylate 50 7.5x 10-3 Halnan et al. (1984)
Hydroxy ethyl methacrylate 50 c of Van Es et al. ( 1997)
Hydroxy propyl methacrylate 50 0.382 Van Es et al. (1997)
Hydroxy butyl methacrylate 50 0.17 Van Es et al. (1997)
Hydroxy hexyl methacry late 50 3.7x 10-2 Van Es et al. (1997)
Hydroxy octyl methacry late 50 5 x 10-3 Van Es et al. (1997)
Methacrylic acid -h s Polymer Handbook (1989)
Methyl acrylate 50 6 . 1 ~ 1 0I Van Doremaele et al. (1 992)
Methyl methacrylate 50 1.5x10- Ballard et al. (1984)
Styrene 50 4.3x 10-3 Lane ( 1946)
Vinylacetate 50 5 . 0 10-1
~ Hawkett ( I 974)
Vinyl chloride -h s Sd Po1.vmer Handbook (1989)
At saturation pressure of 1-3 butadiene; - temperature not specified, ambient; s soluble; ss slightly

aoluble; v 5 very soluble; 00 miscible with water; lo5 N m ,
Appendix I

Monomer Solvent A E, I0"CC 25C' 30C' 4O0CC 50C' 60C' 70C' Reference
(L mol-' s-l) (kJ/mol)
Acrylamide water, pH= 1 20 I6 000 Pascal et al. (1990)
Methacrvlamide water. DH= I
. I
20 1000 Pascal et al. (1990)
BA hulk 2.5 I x 107 20 Meuts et al. (1994)
BA THF/toluene 1 . 6 6 ~ 1 0 ~ 17.27 I0 800 15 600 17500 21 800 26 800 32 500 39000 Lyons et al. (1996)
BAa hulk 1.8X1O7 17.4 I 1 000 16 100 18100 22500 27700 33 700 40400 Beuermann et al. (1996)
n-BMA bulk, 1000 bard 7 . 2 8 ~ 1 0 ~ 22.9 434 !U 708 824 1100 1450 1870 2380 Bergert et al. (1995a)
n-BMA bulk 3.44x lo6 23.3 274 Davis et al. (1990)
n-BMA" bulk 1.8 1x 1O6 20.55 289 454 523 676 857 1108 I394 Hutchinson et al. ( I 995 a)
r-BMA bulk 2.51x lo7 27.7 352 836 Pascal et al. (1993)
I-BMA" hulk 2.47~ lo6 21.53 252 41 7 496 633 798 I040 1336 Hutchinson et al. (1995a)
Butadiene chlorobenrene 8.05~10' 35.71 20.8 44.6 56 85 138 204 295 Deibert et al. (1992)
Choroprene hulk 1 . 9 5 10'
~ 26.63 235 447 485 673 988 I300 I720 Hutchinson et al. (1993)
DA hulk 17 660 22 113 Beuermann et al. (1996)
DA hulk, 100 bard 1 . 0 9 lo7
~ 15.8 13 300 18 600 20700 25300 30500 36400 43000 Bergert et al. (1998)
DMA bulk 3.44X1O6 21.72 339 538 622 81 9 1060 1350 1700 Hutchinson et al. (1995 b)
DMA toluene ~
2 . 9 3 10' 16.19 300 427 452 60 I 796 848 I010 Davis et al. (1990)
EHA bulk 13 180 18 030 Beuermann et al. (1996)
EMA bulk I s o x 106 20.46 258 Davis et al. (1990)
EMA" bulk 3.65~10' 22.89 206 356 400 590 676 939 I 160 Hutchinsou et al. (1995a)
PMOS toluene 5.90~ 10' 23.0 33.7 52 64.2 85.9 113 146 I86 Piton et al. (1990)
MA bulk, 1000 bard 3.61~10~ 13.9 9 860 13 300 14600 17400 20500 24000 27700 Bergert et al. (1998)
MAA methanol ~
0 . 6 lo6 17.7 326 477 536 6 71 828 1009 1215 Beuermann et al. (1997a)
MAN bulkhenzene 2.69~ lo6 29.7 8.9 16.8 20.5 29.9 42.5 59.3 81 Shipp et al. (1995)
MMA bulk ~
2 . 3 9 lo6 22.18 193 311 360 470 621 769 989 Hutchinson et al. (1993)
MMA" bulk 2 . 6 5 lo6
~ 22.34 200 323 3 75 497 649 833 I050 Beuermann et al. (1997h)
MMA bulk 4.94x 106 23.94 316 667 Bergert et al. (1995b)
MMA toluene/ 384 Beuermann et al. (1994a)
MMA bulk/ethylacetate/ 294 Davis et al. (1989)
MMA hulk 364 Beuermann et al. ( I 994b)
MMA bulk 313 Olaj and Schnoll-Bitai (1989)
'H,-MMA bulk 270 Olaj and Schno&Bitdi (1990)
Z ~ , - hulk
~ ~ ~ 342 Olaj and Schnoll-Bitai (1990)
s bulk 77 Olaj and Schnoll-Bitai ( 1 989)
s toluene 79 Olaj and Schnoll-Bitai (1989) 2
s bulk/methanol/ 78 Davis et al. (1989) ax
ethylbenzene -
s bulk 1.99x107 30.78 41.7 80.6 98.9 146 211 297 411 Davis et al. (1989)
s bulk 3.04~10~ 3 1.48 1 I6 248 490 Buback and Kuchta (1995)
Sh bulk 4 . 2 7 lo7
~ 32.51 42.9 85.9 107 161 23 7 34 I 480 Buhack et al. (1995)
Vinylacetate bulk 2.7~10' 27.82 I935 3 420 Hutchinson et al. (1995a)
Vinylacetate" bulk I . 4 9 lo7
~ 20.39 2 5x0 3 990 4570 5910 7 540 9460 11 700 Hutchinson et al. (1995b)
- - 0
Most recent values; IUPAC values; Values calculated from the Arrhenius parameters in italics; x 10' N m ? 4
Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

10 Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Polymers

Matthias Rehahn

Polymer.1nstitut. Universitat Karlsruhe. Karlsruhe. Germany

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320

10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
10.2 Scope and Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
10.3 Polymers with only Main Group Elements in Their Backbone . . . . . . . 323
10.3.1 Polysilanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
10.3.2 Polygermanes and Polystannanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
10.3.3 Polysiloxanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
10.3.4 Polycarbosilanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
10.3.5 Polyphosphazenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
10.3.6 Polysilazanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
10.3.7 Further Main Group Hybrid Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
10.4 Polymers that have Transition Metals as Integral Parts
of Their Main Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
10.4.1 Poly( 1,l '-metallocenylenes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
10.4.2 Poly( 1,1'-metallocenylene arylenes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
10.4.3 Further Poly( 1,l'-metallocenylene) Derivatives
with n-Conjugated Bridging Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
10.4.4 Poly( 1,1'-metallocenylene ethylenes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
10.4.5 Phosphorus-, Sulfur-, and Selenium-Bridged Poly( 1,l '-metallocenylene)
Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
10.4.6 Further Poly( 1,l'-metallocenylene) Derivatives
with Nonmetallic Bridging Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
10.4.7 Poly( 1,1'-ferrocenylene silanes) and Poly( 1,l'-ferrocenylene germanes) . . 349
10.4.8 Poly(meta1laines) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
10.4.9 Polymers from Octahedrally Coordinated Polyimine-Transition Metal
Complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
10.4.10 Polymers from Tetrahedrally Coordinated Polyimine-Transition Metal
complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
10.4.1 1 Schiff-Base Coordination Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
10.4.12 Further Transition Metal Coordination Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
10.5 Poly(phtha1ocyaninato)siloxanes and Related Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
10.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
10.7 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
10.8 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
320 10 Organicllnorganic Hybrid Polymers

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

a Mark-Houwink exponent
12 Planck constant
'P persistent length
m number
M,, number-average molecular weight
M w weight-average molecular weight
n number
P" number-average degree of polymerization
pw weight-average degree of polymerization
Tg glass transition temperature
Trn melting temperature
x , .Y. z number

& extinction coefficient

I171 intrinsic viscosity
il wavelength
V frequency
0 electric conductivity
z, electro-optic switching time
x'z' second-order nonlinear optical susceptibility
X'?' third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility

Ac acety1
acac acetylacetonate(-o)
ADMET acyclic diene metathesis
bPY 2,2'-bipyridine
Bu butyl
BuLi n-butyllithium
CP cyclopentadienyl
DMA dimethylacetamide
DMSO dimethylsulfoxide
ESR electron spin resonance
Et ethyl, C2Hs
GPC gel-permeation chromatography
IR infrared
LAH lithiumaluminumhydride, LiAlH4
LB Langmuir-Blodgett
LED light-emitting diode
M metal
Me methyl. CH,
Mt metal
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
Nu nucleophil
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 321

Ph phenyl
ROP ring-opening polymerization
SAXS small-angle X-ray scattering
TEM transmission electron microscopy
THF tetrahydro furan
TMEDA N,N,N:N-tetramethylethylendiamine
TPFPB tetrakis (pentafluorophenyl)borate
tPPZ tetrapyridophenazine
uv ultraviolet
322 10 Organic/lnorganic Hybrid Polymers

10.1 Introduction version of these monomers - radical or

ionic chain polymerization of unsaturated
The overwhelming majority of synthetic monomers proved to be possible only in
macromolecules known today is character- some specific cases - and the apparently
ized by a backbone that contains either on- easier step-growth processes were also
ly carbon or carbon in combination with a problematic. Consequently, only low mo-
selection of nonmetallic heteroatoms like lecular weight products of irregular consti-
oxygen, nitrogen. sulfur, or phosphorus. tution became available in most cases. Fun-
This predominance of organic polymers damental progress has only been possible
is contrasted by a tremendous lack of well- since the late 1980s when modern polymer-
defined organic/inorganic hybrid polymers, ization reactions were applied, such as ring-
i.e., macromolecules where carbon does not opening polymerization or transition metal
play the key role in the backbone. Of course, catalyzed polycondensation reactions.
there are plenty of well-known inorganic or These novel synthetic techniques - in com-
organometallic chain molecules in inorgan- bination with new concepts like using
ic and solid-state chemistry, but almost all solubilizing side chains and dendritic
of them are insoluble and infusible or de- growth - opened up access to an impressive
compose when heated or brought into con- variety of soluble hybrid polymers and
tact with a potential solvent. Hence they are hence revolutionized our knowledge about
inaccessible for profound polymer analysis this fascinating class of macromolecular
and, i n general, not considered to be well- systems.
defined macromolecules. The obvious pref-
erence of organic polymers in todays sci-
ence and technology is mainly due to the fact
that the exploitation of fossil carbon sourc- 10.2 Scope and Structure
es like oil. coal, or gas is cheap and conven-
ient. Hence people preferred the develop- In this chapter, well-defined macromole-
ment of organic to inorganic processes, and cules are described whose chemical struc-
macromolecular science clearly became a ture is represented by one of the three sche-
part of organic rather than inorganic chem- matic drawings A - C shown in Fig. 10.1.
istry. Thus polymers with carbon-containing
Research on soluble hybrid polymers has building blocks in the main chains are con-
increased dramatically only i n the last two sidered, if these organic blocks are (i) short
decades. The search for novel synthetic and (ii) connected covalently or coordina-
challenges was one important reason for this tively to one another by (semi)metals (A, B).
development. but also the new interest in su- In contrast to this, systems C have a com-
pramolecular chemistry and the need for pletely carbon-free main chain but bear or-
new materials with exceptional properties ganic substituents as side groups. On the
helped induce this impressive catch-up pro- other hand, macromolecules that have strict-
cess (Ciardelli et al., 1996; Manners, 1996; ly carbon-free chemical structures (D) are
Mark et al., 1992). First. however, these ef- disregarded here as well as all those macro-
forts were hindered by the lack of appropri- molecule metal complexes in which (semi)
are organic/inorganic hybrid monomers and metals are laterally attached to an otherwise
optimized reaction conditions, which would purely organic polymer (E-G). The second
ensure homogeneous and quantitative con- prerequisite for considering a hybrid poly-
10.3 Polymers with only Main Group Elements in Their Backbone 323

L Jn

: organic residues containing

chemical elements like C, 0, N, S , P

Figure 10-1.
: covalent bond

: coordinative bond
@ : (semipnetat
X : any element except carbon

mer here is that it must be soluble and thus 10.3 Polymers with only
have a constitution and an average molecu-
lar weight that can be determined experi-
Main Group Elements in
mentally. Their Backbone
The following description of the individ-
ual hybrid polymer classes is divided into 10.3.1 Polysilanes
three parts. In the first part (Sec. 10.3),poly-
mers are described that only have main Polysilanes 1 (Scheme 10-l), i.e., poly-
group elements in their backbone, while the silylenes, have a main chain that is made up
second part (Sec. 10.4) deals with polymers entirely of silicon atoms. The two remain-
that additionally contain transition metals. ing valences at each silicon bear substitu-
In the third part (Sec. 10.5), some macro- ents R, R: which are typically organic (al-
molecules are presented that contain kyl, aryl) but may also be H, Me& or oth-
stacked planar ring systems, irrespective of ers. Oligomeric silanes have been studied
whether the main chains contain transition for more than 70 years (Kipping, 1924), but
metals or not. the belief that silicon has only a limited ca-
pability for catenation persisted until quite
recently (Mark et al., 1992). In 1975, Yaji-
ma observed that the insoluble polydime-
thylsilane l a (a: R=R=CH3), as well as its
cyclic oligomer (Me,Si),, transform into sil-
icon carbide at high temperatures (Yajima
324 10 Organic/lnorganic Hybrid Polymers


c H3
2 3 Ib

y 3
CI-Si-CI 2 eq CaK t +liH+,
THF, 0 "C

L o 4 + O i C H3 bo&01cH3
Scheme 10-1.

et al., 1975 a. b). This important finding in- ter observation has been interpreted as a re-
itiated renewed attempts to make well-de- sult of the complex reaction mechanism in-
fined polymers 1 of high molecular weights volving radical, anionic, and silylene inter-
available. Only three years later, West et al. mediates (Odian, 1991 ;Gauthier and Wors-
showed that the introduction of some ran- fold, 1989; Matyjaszewski et al., 1988). A
domly distributed phenyl groups into poly- recent reappraisal of the origins of the poly-
silane homopolymers such as l a greatly re- modal molecular mass distributions, how-
duces their crystallinity and thus increases ever, rationalizes this phenomenon in terms
their solubility and lowers their melting of a competition between polymer forma-
temperatures: Soluble and thermoplastic tion and degradation processes (Jones et al.,
polysilane copolymers l b became available 1996). Thus a satisfactory and unifying me-
via Wurtz coupling of mixtures of 2 and 3 chanistic theory as well as a general best
with sodium metal in boiling toluene (Maz- procedure for the Wurtz reaction are still not
dyasni et al.. 1978: West et al., 1981). available. To alleviate these drawbacks nu-
Since then, many other well-defined merous modifications of the classic proce-
polysilanes 1 of high molar mass (Mn>lOs) dure were tested (Cragg et al., 1990; Miller
have been prepared using the Wurtz and Jenker, 1994; Jones et al., 1995; La-
coupling. Nevertheless, the classic Wurtz cave-Goffin et al., 1995; Uhlig, 1995). For
reaction (Burkhard, 1949) also has some example, THF-soluble alkali metal com-
specific disadvantages, i.e., low tolerance plexes with 18-crown-6 have been used
towards functional groups, low yields, and (Jedlinski et al., 1997). Here well-defined
bimodal or even multimodal molecular alkali-metal ion pairs (Mt+/l8-crown-6,
weight distributions in the products. The lat- Mt-) are the reducting agents rather than
10.3 Polymers with only Main Group Elements in Their Backbone 325

5 Id le


R Li
- - - +

Q 9
7 lg Scheme 10-2.

electrons (Jedlinski and Sok61, 1995). The Despite these important improvements,
polymers thus obtained have a narrow mo- the Wurtz process still has obvious limita-
lecular weight distribution and molecular tions because it does not allow the prepara-
weights of up to Mw=8500,with cyclic tion of functionalized polysilanes and is
oligomers being formed along with linear highly unattractive for large scale synthesis
chains. Graphite-potassium (C8K), on the (Market al., 1992). Some alternative proce-
other hand, has been used recently for the dures were therefore developed, such as the
preparation of nonionic, water-soluble poly- dehydrogenative coupling of silicon hy-
silane derivatives l c of high molecular drides like 5 (Scheme 10-2), which pro-
weight and low polydispersity (Mw/M,<2.0) ceeds rapidly and nearly quantitatively in
(Cleij et al., 1997). Moreover, activation of the presence of dimethyltitanocene as a cat-
the sodium surface by ultrasound irradiation alyst, but gives polysilanes like Id of only
greatly accelerates the polymerization even very low molecular weight (P,=lO) (Aitken
at low temperatures and produces polymers et al., 1985, 1986a, b; Campbell et al.,
with a much higher molecular weight and a 1989; Woo et al., 1991; Tilley, 1993). Using
monomodal molecular weight distribution zirconium catalysts, the P, could mean-
(Kim and Matyjaszewski, 1988; Fujino and while be doubled, but the preparation of
Isaka, 1989; Matyjaszewski et al., 1995). really high molecular weight polymers
326 10 Organicllnorganic Hybrid Polymers

(M,>8000) has failed so far (Tilley, 1993). Theoretical as well as experimental evi-
On the other hand, this route is important dence indicates that &, increases as the
because it provides polysilanes with Si-H number of trans Si-Si-Si-Si conformations
groups. Substitution of the hydrogen atoms increases (Trefonas et al., 1983; Takeda
(Id -+le) allows the introduction of func- et al., 1986; Michl et al., 1988; Miller et al.,
tional side groups into the polysilane back- 1988). Therefore the 0-a" "
separation de-
bone (Hsiao and Waymouth, 1994). pends on the conformation of the polysilane
A second alternative to the Wurtz process chains, and many polysilanes show rever-
is the ring-opening polymerization (ROP) sible thermochromism (Lovinger et al.,
of strained cyclosilane oligomers such as 6 1986; Miller and Michl, 1989; Weber et al.,
under kinetic control (Cypryk et al., 1991; 1989; Schilling et al., 1990). Another con-
Fossum and Matyjaszewski, 1995). More- sequence of cr-electron delocalization is the
over. Sakomoto et al. (1989) could show substantial electric conductivity of polysi-
that polymerization of disilabicycloocta- lanes after doping (Kepler et al., 1983,
dienes like 7 - a masked disilene - leads to 1989): While the parent systems have con-
pol ysilanes such as Ig. The polymerization ductivities of less than lo-'* S cm-', treat-
most likely proceeds anionically, with elim- ment with oxidizing agents like AsF5 af-
ination of the disilene fragment as a new si- fords materials with conductivities of up to
lyl anion which can continue the reaction 0.5 S cm-' (West et al., 1981; Mark et al.,
chain. Finally, some condensation reactions 1992). Moreover, polysilanes are photocon-
were tested to produce polysilanes: Poly- ducting (Kepler et al., 1982; Frey et al.
condensation of a,mdilithiooligosilanes 1994), can be used as charge transport ma-
with dichlorosilanes (Wesson and Williams, terials in electrophotography (Stolka and
1980) and the thermal decomposition of si- Abkowitz, 1987; Stolka et al., 1987) or as
lyl-mercury polymers (Maxka et al., 1991) transport layers in LEDs (Suzuki et al.,
may serve as examples. 1993), and exhibit marked nonlinear optical
Scattering data obtained from poly(di-n- properties (Baumert et al., 1988; Kajzar
hexylsilane) (M,= 6 000 000) indicate that et al., 1986; Lovinger et al., 1989): The val-
polymers 1 form random coils in solution, ue of x"'= 1 1 ~ 1 0 - esu
' ~ observed for po-
but have a slightly higher chain stiffness ly(di-n-hexylsilane) is the largest ever ob-
than typical polyolefins (Cotts et al., 1987). served for a polymer that is transparent in
The electronic and photochemical proper- the visible region. Upon irradiation with
ties of polysilanes differ from those of all ultraviolet light, most polysilanes undergo
organic high polymers in that o-electron chain scission into smaller fragments (Tre-
delocalization is possible along the cumu- fonas et al., 1985; Karatsu et al., 1989).
lated Si-Si bonds (Bock and Ensslin, 197 1 ; Thus polysilanes can be used as photoresists
Trefonas et al., 1983; Nelson and Pietro, in microlithography (West, 1986; Miller and
1988; Teramae and Takeda, 1989; Miller Michl, 1989; Mark et al., 1992).
and Michl, 1989; Michl. 1990; Savin et al., Finally, they play an important role as pre-
1992). Because the cr cr* transition cursors of silicon carbide ceramics (Miller
(Lax = 300-400 nm) is permitted, the elec- et al., 1988). In this context, a novel syn-
tronic absorptions are intense, with extinc- thetic route has been published recently
tion coefficients E between 5000 and 10000 which opens up access to Fe/Si/C compos-
per Si-Si bond (Trefonas et al., 1983; Take- ites as well: Iron tricarbonyl functionalized
da et al., 1986: Klingensmith et al., 1986). polysilanes Ik (Scheme 10-3) were pre-

- +!+
10.3 Polymers with only Main Group Elements in Their Backbone

I toluene
Na =+#j# ' n
a Ih li

Ik (C0)3 Scheme 10-3.

pared via hydrosilylation of conjugated polysilanes 1 (Aitken et al., 1988; Miller

trienes using l h followed by the treatment and Michl, 1989; Hallmark et al., 1990;
of l i with triiron dodecacarbonyl (Ungure- Welsh and Johnson, 1990): Polygermanes
nasu, 1996). First investigations concerning decompose and volatilize upon exposure to
the thermal conversion of l k into ceramic radiation (Mochida and Chiba, 1994) and
materials have been reported to be promis- thus might be useful in microlithography
ing. (Miller and Michl, 1989; Hallmark et al.,
1990). a-Electron delocalization is more
pronounced than in 1 and thus Lax is shift-
10.3.2 Polygermanes and Polystannanes
ed bathochromically by about 20 nm in
In the 1980s, the first successful Wurtz high molecular weight polygermanes (Tre-
synthesis of polygermanes, (R,Ge),, with fonas and West, 1985; Miller and Sooriya-
M , >500 000 was published (Trefonas and kumaran, 1987). An even more pronounced
West, 1985; Miller and Sooriyakumaran, a-electron delocalization was expected for
1987; Miller and Michl, 1989). Later on, polystannenes, (R,Sn), (Adams and Drager,
Mochida and Chiba (1994) developed an al- 1987; Takeda and Shiraishi, 1992; Sita
ternative route to polygermanes using diio- et al., 1995). However, until 1992 the long-
dogermylene, GeI,, and alkyl Grignard re- est known stannane chain had only nine met-
agents or organolithiums. This latter meth- al centers (Devylder et al., 1996; Brown and
od is experimentally easier and safer than Morgan, 1963; Neumann and Pedain, 1964;
the Wurtz process and gives higher yields Mitchell, 1975; Grugel et al., 1977; Adams
of narrowly distributed but relatively and Drager, 1987). Zou and Yang (1992)
low molecular weight polygermanes were the first to prepare really high molec-
(M,=103 - lo4). After further optimization, ular weight linear polystannanes via 15-
the titanocene- or zirconocene-catalyzed crown-5-catalyzed Wurtz coupling of Bu2-
dehydrogenative coupling of germanium SnC1,. Subsequently, Imori and co-workers
hydrides might also develop into an efficient (Imori and Tilley, 1993; Imori et al., 1995)
synthetic route to polygermanes (Harrod, obtained similar polymers through zirconi-
1988). um-catalyzed dehydrogenation of secon-
The chain structure and material proper- dary stannanes. Finally, an improved Wurtz
ties of polygermanes are similar to those of synthesis has been described by Devylder
328 10 Organic/lnorganic Hybrid Polymers

et al. ( 1996) which yields poly(dibuty1stan- are hydrolyzed to give long chain linear (12)
nanes) of very high molecular weights and/or cyclic siloxanes such as 10 and 11
(M,,=lOh;GPC). In this study, the reaction via hydroxy intermediates. Basic catalysts
time was identified as the key parameter, and high temperatures favor linear, high mo-
since polymers degrade upon prolonged re- lecular weight polymers, while acidic cata-
action. A detailed investigation of the poly- lysts tend to produce cyclic and/or linear oli-
stannanes thus available (M,=96000, gomers (Odian, 1991). Today, this hydro-
M,,=22 000) showed a highly extended lysis approach has been largely replaced by
o-delocalization in these polymers the ROP of organosilicon cyclic trimers
(A,,,,,,, = 384 - 388 nm; THF). Upon doping and tetramers 10 and 11, respectively
with AsF,, an electrical conductivity of up (Scheme 10-4B)(Rochow, 1987; Kendrick
to 0.3 S cm- was determined (Imori et al., et al., 1989; McGrath, 1985; Saam, 1990;
1995). Chojnowski, 199 1 a). Typical catalysts for
the anionic ROP are alkali metal oxides, hy-
droxides, and bases in general. The con-
10.3.3 Polysiloxanes
trolled polymerization of hexa-n-alkylcy-
Polysiloxanes represent by far the most clotrisiloxanes using cryptated lithium,
studied and economically most important moreover, yields polymers with low poly-
hybrid polymers worldwide (Archer, 1986; dispersity, demonstrating the presence of a
Zeldin. 1986: Rheingold, 1987; Rochow, single growing species in this case (Molen-
1987; Patai and Rappoport. 1989; Bock, berg et al., 1997). Finally, the living an-
1989; Goodwin and Kenney, 1990; Zeigler ionic ROP of cyclic siloxanes opens up el-
and Fearon, 1990; Allcock and Lampe, egant access to block copolymers (Choj-
1990; Semlyen and Clarson, 1991; Sheats nowski, 1991 b; Stein et al., 1991).
et al., 1991; Clarson and Semlyen, 1991: Cationic ROP of cyclosiloxanes, on the
Market al., 1992;Manners, 1996).They can other hand, has not received as much atten-
be produced via polycondensations, or via tion as the anionic variety. Despite the fact
anionic or cationic ROP reactions. that the results are generally similar to those
In the polycondensation approach of the anionic ROP, the mechanism is very
(Scheme 10-4A), dichlorodialkylsilanes 9 different (Wilczek et al. 1986; Kendrick

R, P heat, anionic
\ I
o/si, 0 initiators
o/si\ 0 \ 3
I I R\ 1 fi\R
R-,Si, ,S\-R o,sio
R o R
d R
10 11
10.3 Polymers with only Main Group Elements in Their Backbone 329

1) Ph3C-TPFPB R R' R y - y
* R3SiO-Si-O-Si-O-Si Si-Nu
2) Nu' I I I I
R R R R'
R /R R,' /R I Nu-

- ...-.....- - R
--... R3SiO-Si-hMlvn"-O-Si 0,

Scheme 10-5.

et al., 1989). It is assumed that two active who report on liquid-crystalline polysilox-
ends per chain are involved in the propaga- anes 14c (Scheme 10-7) (M,=lO000;
tion process, and both condensation and ad- M J M , <1.2; GPC) whose electro-optic
dition polymerization must be considered switching times are z, = 1 min at 20 "C and
here. However, Wang et al. ( 1 996) recently 7 s at 32C. Very recently, the controlled
described a modified cationic ROP of cy- synthesis of siloxane copolymers 14 d
closiloxanes which was initiated by electro- (Scheme 10-8) having organosulfur groups
philic organosilicon reagents such as R3- has been reported (R6zga-Wijas et al.,
SiH-Ph3Cf B(C,F,), (Ph3C-TPFPB) in the 1996). Here, a cryptand-lithium silanolate
absence of protic acids. This latter ROP is complex was selected as the initiator for the
of substantial interest from the mechanistic ROP synthesis, and the sulfur groups were
and synthetic point of view, as in this case generated by the ene-thiol addition to the vi-
the chains propagate at only one single nyl functions bound to silicon. Both synthet-
"long-lived" oxonium ion end. The proposed ic routes (shown in Scheme 10-8) give high
mechanism is outlined in Scheme 10-5. yields of copolymers 14d of fairly regular
A versatile method for subsequent mod- chain structure.
ification of the substitution pattern of Another development is the preparation
polysiloxanes is hydrosilylation. The reac- of poly(dimethylsiloxanes), randomly sub-
tion of poly(methylhydrosi1oxane) 13 stituted with up to 37% calix[4]arene or ben-
(Scheme 10-6) with vinyl compounds, for zo-15-crown-5 moieties (Klok et al., 1997),
example, allows the introduction of side or with polar cyanopropyl and crosslinkable
chains and thus opens up access to an enor- methacryloxypropyl groups. The latter
mous variety of products (Boileau and Teys- polymers have superior diffusion and
sie, 1991), such as the ferroelectric liquid- permeability coefficients and might be use-
crystalline polysiloxane 14 a (Poths and ful as matrices for Na+-sensitivemembranes
Zentel, 1994) or carbazole-containing poly- in chemically modified field effect transis-
mers like 14 b, some of which show smec- tors (Gankema et al., 1994). Polysiloxanes
tic thermotropic mesophases (Arnim et al., 14 e bearing Ru(bpy)32+ pendant groups
1996). have been reported by Nagai et al. (1996).
A modified hydrosilylation strategy was The emission of films of 14e was quenched
used by Hempenius et al. (1996 a, b, 1997), by oxygen in water more efficiently than in
330 10 Organicllnorganic Hybrid Polymers

13 FH2


Scheme 10-6.
Me, ,CH=CHz

Me H
(7Hdm Me

Me Me
Me Me


CN CN 14c Scheme 10-7.

the gas phase. From this result, the authors bone is one of the most flexible of all known
conclude that polysiloxane chains have a polymers (Flory, 1969; Oberhammer and
specific affinity for oxygen molecules in Boggs, 1980; Lukevics et al., 1989; Mark,
water. In addition to this, the siloxane back- 1990). Even at very low temperatures, these
10.3 Polymers with only Main Group Elements in Their Backbone 331

Me, ,CH=CH, Me\ ,CH-CH2-S-t-Bu

l I I
Si-Me AlBN M
l I I
\o/ Si-Me
/ \
/ \o/ \
Me Me

MeaSiCHzLi + [211] Me3SiCHzLi + [211]

in toluene in toluene



Scheme 10-8.

materials maintain their elasticity: po- gies and are therefore widely used as coat-
ly(dimethylsi1oxane) for example has a Tg ings, mold-release agents, surface modifi-
of -123 "C, and poly(methylhydrosi1ane) ers, or separation membranes. Finally, their
has a still lower glass transition temperature chemical inertness and high gas permeabil-
(Tg=-137 "C). ity make them attractive in biomedicine
Another important property of polysilox- where they are used for soft contact lenses,
anes is their exceptional stability against artificial skin, body implants, or controlled-
heat, oxidation, and UV radiation. Depend- release systems (Arkles, 1983; Rochow,
ing on the side chains, morepver, polysilox- 1987; Semlyen and Clarson, 1991; Mark
anes may have very low surface free ener- et al., 1992).
332 10 Organic/lnorganic Hybrid Polymers

10.3.4 Polycarbosilanes thus-developed route, a variety of further

poly(sily1ene methylene) derivatives have
The first polycarbosilanes were reported been prepared, such as 19-26 (Shen and
in the 1960s. but intensive polycarbosilane Interrante, 1996; Rushkin and Interrante,
research started about ten years ago (Wey- 1996a). Also, some [Si(Me)(C3H6R)CH2],
enberg and Nelson. 1965; Cundy and Lap- polymers were obtained by hydrosilylation,
pert, 1978; Yamashita et al., 1995). A mile- having R = C3H7. NEt,, carbazole, and
stone in polycarbosilane research was the OC2H40C2H40CH3(Rushkin and Inter-
synthesis of poly(sily1ene methylene) rante, 1996 b).
17 (Scheme 10-9). i.e., polysilaethylene, as While polymer 17 (Tm=25"C, Tg=-135 to
recently published by Interrante et al., -140C) is stable in air and dissolves read-
which involves the platinum-catalyzed ROP ily in common organic solvents, the hydro-
of 15, leading to poly( dichlorosilaethylene) lytic sensitivity and glass transition temper-
16, followed by reduction using LAH (Wu ature of polymers 20 were found to vary
and Interrante, 1992; Interrante et al., 1994; widely depending on their R groups. Koop-
Rushkin and lnterrante, 1995). Using the mann and Frey (1996) report poly(si1ylene

I 1
1 1

H2PtC16 ~ ~ ~ - -
H 2 t ~f - C H z t

I I n
15 16 17

Me-Si-CH2 Me or Me

H2C --S-iMe
18 19 20

22 21 23

CH2 24 19 25

Scheme 10-9. R = Et. OCHzCF3, C(O)CH3, C6H5

10.3 Polymers with only Main Group Elements in Their Backbone 333



R = H, propyl, phenyl

20 29

n Me-Si-Me - hv
[he In

31 32 Scheme 10-10.

methylenes) with long n-alkyl side chains been found by Fry and Neckers (1996).
which have been prepared via cationic ROP Once photoactivated, the catalyst remains
of tetraalkyl-substituted 1,3-disilacyclobu- active for an indefinite period of time, and
tanes. Longer polymerization times were the poly(dimethylvinylsi1ane) oligomers 32
found to be necessary in comparison to the formed shortly after irradiation ( M , = 5500)
case for monomers with methyl groups on- grow further up to M , = 12 300 after six
ly, and the backbone flexibility of these po- months due to end-linking of their hydride
ly(sily1ene methylenes) proved to be lower and vinyl termini.
than that of the analogous poly(di-n-alkyl- A variety of polycarbosilanes is known
siloxanes). Unusual polycarbosilanes have whose main chains contain unsaturated hy-
been described by Matsumoto et a]. (1997): drocarbon moieties (West et al., 1991; Wa-
Anionically initiated ROP of 3-methylene- gener and Smith, 1991; Anhaus et al., 1991;
silacyclobutanes 26 (Scheme 10-10) gave Corriuet al., 1992; Brkfordet al., 1992; Ish-
polymers 27 ( M , = 28 000, M,/M, = ikawa et al., 1992; Sargeant et al., 1992;
1.8- 2.9; GPC) which were subsequently Theurig et al., 1992): Poly(sily1ene ethyny-
subjected to (i) hydroboration followed by lene-ah-phenylene ethynylenes) were pre-
oxidative work-up or (ii) cyclopropanation, pared for example by dehydrogenative poly-
leading to polymers 29 and 30, respective- merizations using MgO as a catalyst, or by
ly. The hydroboration occurs without side condensation reactions using Grignard
reactions, while a somewhat less homoge- intermediates. Silicon analogs of poly(p-
neous conversion was found for the cyclo- phenylenevinylene) were also synthesized
propanation reaction. A photoactivated using the Wittig reaction (Kim et al., 1997).
platinum-catalyzed hydrosilylation poly- The photoluminescence of the polymers
merization of vinyldimethylsilane 31 has thus obtained ( M , = 2500-2800; GPC) ap-

10 Organichorganic Hybrid Polymers

+ X-Ar-X

33 n

R1 I R2 = MeIOct or Ph / Ph

Ar= 4oHo)-

L 35 Jn

pears at around Anax=440-480 nm in the which have been shown to be versatile and
blue emission region, and makes these poly- efficient precursors to, on the one hand,
mers attractive for LED applications. Co- polymers such as 36 and 37. On the other
balt-containing polycarbosilanes 34 hand, 35 degrades upon heating, leading to
(Scheme 10-11 ) were prepared by Corriu the cyclic trimer.
et al. (1993) from precursor polymers 33 Ohshita et al. (1997) published the
[which are semiconducting after doping synthesis of poly[(ethoxysilylene)pheny-
(Corriu et al., 1991) and have a high and lenes] 39 (Scheme 10-12) by the treat-
stable nonlinear optical x ' ~value
' if Ar is a ment of 38 with magnesium metal. The
donor-acceptor group (Cross et al.. 1992)1 OEt groups of the soluble polymers 39
by reaction with dicobalt octacarbonyl. Mao ( M , = 10000- 30000; M,IM,= 1.6- 1.8)
and Tilley (1995) describe a simple proce- could be replaced by many other substitu-
dure for the incorporation of zirconacyclo- ents including H, F, C1, or another substit-
pentadienyl rings into polymers such as 35 uent R'.
10.3 Polymers with only Main Group Elements in Their Backbone 335

B I i - O E t
38 39


L Jn



42 43 44-

m = 1 , 2 , 3,4,6 Scheme 10-12.

In 1995, Fang et al. described soluble sil- 42-44 was described consisting of alternat-
ylene-phenylene and silylene-thienylene ing dimethylsilylene and aromatic units.
copolymers 40 and 41, respectively Here as well, the emission decay and the
(Mw=2500-7500). An enhancement of 0- quantum yield suggest 0 - x conjugation
nconjugation between the dimethylsilylene along the organosilicon copolymer chains
units and the n-conjugated units with in- (Fang et al., 1996). In 1997, Isaka reported
creasing dimethylsilylene chain length was the Si,C-type periodic polycarbosilane 46
suggested. Later on, another series of 0-n (Scheme 10-13) which was prepared via
conjugated organosilicon copolymers Wurtz coupling of 45. Its 0-0Ftransition en-
336 10 Organic/lnorganic Hybrid Polymers

M e H Me Me THF
I l l
CI-Si-c-Si-CI + 2 ( @ & i - H
I l l I hexane
Me H Me Me Me M e H Me Me

-HCI [AIC13]

Me Me
I I l
I / /
Me Me H Me Me


Na. 15-crown-5
Me M e H Me Me

Me Me H Me Me
45 46


49 Scheme 10-13.

ergy is shown to vary from 5.2 to 4.5 eV. Coen et al., 1996; Lach et al., 1997), such
Strong Stokes shifts (1.2 eV) indicate that as the mesogen-functionalized G1 dendrim-
the emission is due to a self-trapped ex- er 47 bearing 12 cholesteryl end groups. The
citon state. corresponding G2 and G3 systems bearing
Some carbosilane dendrimers have been 36 and 108 mesogenic groups, respectively,
reported as well (van der Made and van are also described (Coen et al., 1996). Fi-
Leeuwen. 1992: Zhou and Roovers, 1993; nally, some papers deal with the germani-
10.3 Polymers with only Main Group Elements in Their Backbone 337

um- and tin-analogs of polycarbosilanes. In 51 into hydrolytically more stable deriva-

general, the same synthetic methods can be tives: Treatment of 51 with organic nucle-
used for their preparation [see, for example, ophiles such as the sodium salts of alcohols
Corriu et al. (1990), BrCfort et al. (1992, or phenols, or with primary or secondary
1994)l. In addition to this, Wolfe et al. amines, brought about total replacement of
( I 997) reported an elegant acyclic diene me- the chlorine atoms by the organic units (All-
tathesis leading to well-defined polycarbo- cock and Mack, 1970; Allcock and Chu,
stannanes 49, utilizing both a well-defined 1979; Allcock et al., 1977; Allcock, 1992,
molybdenum alkylidene and an aryloxo 1994 a, b).
tungsten classic catalyst system. In Still today, this macromolecular substitu-
both cases, the polymerization proceeded tion route is used as the standard synthetic
smoothly to produce linear polymers 49 route for many polyphosphazene deriva-
which were characterized using proton, car- tives, and is perhaps the most important fea-
bon, and tin NMR. Molecular weights of ture of polyphosphazane chemistry as it al-
about 16000 can be reached. lows variation of the side groups R over a
very wide range. Recent publications deal-
ing with the derivatization of 51 and relat-
ed compounds describe the introduction of
10.3.5 Polyphosphazenes
side groups R which result in liquid crystal-
Polyphosphazenes, by far the largest class linity (Allcock and Kim, 1989), photo-
of hybrid polymers known today, have a chromism (Allcock and Kim, 1991), photo-
backbone that consists of alternating phos- crosslinkability (Allcock et al., 1991a; Fac-
phorus and nitrogen atoms with two side chin et al., 1991; Allcock and Cameron,
groups, R, being attached to each phosphor- 1994), and short chain branches (Ngo et al.,
us (Mark et a]., 1992). R may be organic, 1991; Allcock et al., 1994 a). A new type of
organometallic, or inorganic. Stokes phosphazene high polymer containing 2,2-
(1895- 1898) was the first to suggest that dioxybiphenyl groups was reported by Car-
the reaction of PC15 and NH3 leads to a mix- riedo et al. (1996), who showed that the di-
ture of cyclic products (NPC12),<8 which rect reaction of 51 (Mw=lOOOOOO) with the
transform into a crosslinked elastomeric difunctional reagent 2,2-dihydroxybiphe-
material known today as inorganic rubber nyl and K2C03in THF gives soluble, line-
when heated. This material, however, re- ar polyphosphazenes 52 instead of the ex-
mained a curiosity for a long time because pected crosslinked products.
it was insoluble, unprocessable, and very Yet the macromolecular substitution
unstable against water. This situation per- route also has limitations if the target poly-
sisted until the mid-1960s when Allcock mers are to contain essentially organic side
et al. (Allcock and Kugel, 1965, 1966; All- groups linked to the skeleton through car-
cock et al., 1966; Neilson and Wisian-Neil- bon-phosphorus bonds. Unlike their oxo-
son, 1988) showed that unbranched, soluble or nitrogen-nucleophile counterparts, orga-
polymers 51 (Scheme 10-14) are available nometallic reagents generate more compli-
when the thermal ROP of 50 is carried out cated reactions (Allcock et al., 1977; All-
with careful control of the reaction condi- cock and Chu, 1979). For example, the inter-
tions. Moreover, they took advantage of the action of 51 with RMgX or RLi usually fol-
high reactivity of the P-C1 bonds to trans- lows two competitive and conflicting path-
form the hydrolytically unstable polymers ways. Replacement of chlorine by the group
338 10 Organic/lnorganic Hybrid Polymers

N@ \N
/ \N/

250 'C
< 70%

"inorganic rubbet'

50 51

+ RONa


t Jn

53 54 Scheme 10-14.

R certainly occurs, but this is accompanied ganometallic) side groups at the cyclic
by (or followed by) cleavage of the phos- trimer level, followed by ring-opening poly-
phorus-nitrogen bonds in the skeleton. Thus merization (Prons et al., 197 1 ; Ritchieet al.,
special techniques are required to replace 1979; Allcock, 1980; Scopelianos,
chlorine (or fluorine) side units without sig- 1980; Allcock et al., 1985; Allcock and
nificant \keletal cleavage (Allcock et al., Brennan, 1988). However, while cyclic tri-
1987).Two alternative approaches were de- mers with only one or two organic or orga-
veloped which completely avoid the inter- nometallic side groups usually polymerize
action of organometallic reagents with high almost as easily as (NPCl,)3 or (NPF2)3,the
polymeric phosphazenes. The first one in- tendency towards polymerization declines
volves the introduction of the organic (or or- as more and more halogen atoms in the
10.3 Polymers with only Main Group Elements in Their Backbone 339
I 190'C
- (CHS)~S~OR
55 56

R = alkyl or aryl

56a 56b 57

R = Ph, R = CI
R = Me, R' = Et

1 R

61 60

- MesSiOPh
/ \\
PhO NSiMe3
62 63 Scheme 10-15.

trimer are replaced by organic groups (All- The second way to prepare polyorgano-
cock and Moore, 1975). This restriction phosphazenes is condensation reactions
does not exist if the phosphazene ring is such as 55 + 56 (Scheme 10-15) (Wisian-
strained by, for example, the presence of a Neilson, 1980; Neilson et al., 1987; Neilson
transannular ferrocenyl group like in 53 and Wisian-Neilson, 1988). Although this
(Manners et al., 1989 a). Here, polymeriza- approach is somewhat restricted, in the
tion takes place to give polymer 54 even if sense that the variety of side groups that can
no halogen atoms are attached to the phos- be incorporated is limited, the polymers ob-
phorus atoms. tained by this route are exactly those that are
340 10 Organic/lnorganic Hybrid Polymers

so difficult to produce by the macromolec- of [NP(OC3H7)2]rlis -100 C. Also, poly-

ular substitution approach. Moreover, poly- phosphazenes are distinguished by a high
mers such as 56a undergo lithium-hydrogen thermal and oxidation stability, optical
exchange reactions to give anionic species transparency from 220 nm up to near IR, and
56b, and these react with organic or orga- high stability towards hydrocarbons.
nometallic halides to give further deriva- The bond structure in the polyphospha-
tives such as 57 (Wisian-Neilson et al., zene backbone is formally represented as a
1986). Very recently, Allcock et al. (1996) series of alternating single and double
reported the living cationic polymeriza- bonds. However, this formulation is mis-
tion of phosphoranimines as an ambient leading as all the bonds along the chain are
temperature route to polyphosphazenes equal or nearly equal in length, but without
with controlled molecular weights. This an extensive conjugation. It is believed that
new method involves the initiation of the electron on nitrogen is accommodated
C13P=NSiMe3 ( 5 8 ) with small amounts of in a 2p, orbital while the one from phosphor-
PC15 in CH,C12 to yield poly(dich1orophos- us is in a 3d orbital (Dewar et al., 1960).
phazenes) with narrow polydispersities. Thus, although the n-bonds are delocalized
PBr,, SbCl,, and Ph3C+[PF6]- were also over three atoms (island n-bond struc-
found to be effective initiators in CH,C12 at ture), they are not broadly delocalized over
room temperature. Moreover, the polymer the whole chain because of the orbital mis-
chains 59 were found to be active after chain match and nodes that occur at every phos-
propagation. Thus this method allows the phorus. This may explain why most poly-
synthesis of block copolymers like 60 and phosphazenes are colorless materials. On
61 (Montague and Matyjaszewski, 1990; the other hand, because each phosphorus at-
Matyjaszewski. 1992: Matyjaszewski et al.. om can use as many as five 3d orbitals, tor-
1993. 1994; Allcock et al., 1997). sion of a P-N bond brings the nitrogen p or-
The synthesis of a new phosphazene bital into an overlapping position with a
polymer, i.e., poly(phospho1enazene) 63 phosphorus d orbital at virtually any torsion
( M w=: 40 000-50 000, M,/Mn=3.3, GPC) angle. Hence the inherent torsional barrier
has been reported recently by Gruneich and is much smaller than in a p,-p,double bond
Wisian-Neilson (1996). It was found that of the type found in organic molecules.
only small amounts of the 3.4-isomer 62
were converted to the 2,3 isomer during
thermolysis. After extensive handling in air.
10.3.6 Polysilazanes
however, the solubility of63 decreases, pre-
sumably due to reactions at the unsaturated Up to recently, the ROP synthesis of high
sites in the ring. In addition to the polymers molecular weight linear polysilazanes
shown. many other polyphosphazenes exist failed due to termination, transfer, and ring-
which may serve as solid electrolyte mate- condensation side reactions (Andrianov
rials. for optical applications, or as gas per- et al., 1965; Blum and Laine, 1986; Seyferth
meation membranes (Mark et al.. 1992; eta]., 1989; Bruzaud and Soum, 1996).
Manners, 1996).Moreover, many polyphos- However, this reaction was reinvestigated
phazenes are of interest since they have an recently, and it was established that high
enormous chain flexibility and thus very molecular weight linear polymers are avail-
low glass transition temperatures: (NPCI?),,, able via both anionic and cationic ROP of
for example. has a Tg of -66 C, and the Tg specific cyclodisilazanes (Duguet et al.,
10.3 Polymers with only Main Group Elements in Their Backbone 341

PhCH*----Li+ +
/ \ Vi tolueneITHF phCH& \ yi ,,,'
THF Me! \N/ Me 20 "C
/":\/ SLMe
Me Me N
Me \

Me Me Vi Me,,.,Li'--..
I I I 1.1 ':N
Si-N-Si-N..= . ,,'
I \ Vi + n 64
Vi ,Li+
PhCH+3i-N-&--N: THF
Me I
Me ''si SL
toluene I THF I l l
/ i\ N
Me Me / Me 20 "C MeMeMe Me

l y e I yjye vi ,Li+THF Me = CH3

PhCH2 Si-N-Si-N Si-N-ii-Ni THF Vi = CH=CHp

I l l
MeMeMe MeMeMe Me Ph = CsH5
L J"

65 Scheme 10-16.

1992). Moreover, when optimized condi- 10.3.7 Further Main Group Hybrid
tions are adhered to, the anionic ROP initiat- Polymers
ed with organosodium and organolithium
initiators exhibits all the characteristics of a In recent years, novel synthetic methods
living process. On the basis of kinetic meas- such as the ROP technique have opened up
urements, a mechanism of the anionic ROP access to many further hybrid polymers with
is proposed, which is shown in Scheme 10- main group elements in their backbone, like
16 (Bruzaud and Soum, 1996; Bruzaud polyoxothiazenes (See1 and Simon, 1960;
et al., 1997). Parshall et al., 1962; Roy, 1992; Roy et al.,
In another recent paper, the solid state 1993), polycarbophosphazenes (Manners
structure and transition properties of three et al., 1989b; Allcock et al., 1991 b; All-
poly(N-methylsilazanes) are described cock et al., 1993 a; Allcock et al., 1994b),
(Tang et al., 1997). These results will stim- and sulfur-nitrogen-phosphorus polymers
ulate for sure further research activities on (van de Grampel, 1981; Dodge et al., 1990;
polysilazanes which are of particular inter- Liang and Manners, 1991 a, b; Allcock
est as precursors to ceramics or fibers us- et al., 1993b; Ni et al., 1996 a). An interest-
able at very high temperatures (Laine et al., ing system is the recently reported copol-
1988; Soula, 1988; Duguet et al., 1992; ymer66 (Scheme 10-17), which is available
Bouquey et al., 1996; Bruzaud and Soum, via copolymerization of cyclic germylenes
1996). and p-benzoquinones (Kobayashi et al.,
1994). Another high molecular weight ger-
342 10 Organidlnorganic Hybrid Polymers

1 (H3C)3Si-N m
\ /
N-Si(CH3)3 bR2


GeR2 + 1-S

1 $&-S-CH2-CH2-CH2
67: G ( N a or Ge[N(SiMe3)2]2

67 68
69 F:SiMe3

~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ - ~ 0 0.2
1 ~0.8 0.2
- ~ ~ c ~ c
1 0.9 0.1
Y z n
2 0.9 0.1
70 Scheme 10-17.

inanium containing copolymer 69 ( M , thermally to give stable networks at elevat-

>loh; GPC) was recently prepared by the ed temperatures, and the silicon and boron
combined use of a germylene 67 and thie- incorporated into the host polydiacetylenic
thane 68 (Shoda et al., 1996). Sundar and polymers were found to enhance the oxida-
Keller (1996) report on linear boron-silicon- tive stability of the material.
diacetylene copolymers 70. The diacetylen-
ic functionalities were found to crosslink
10.4 Polymers that have Transition Metals as Integral Parts of Their Main Chains 343

10.4 Polymers that have was not difficult, it proved to be extremely

Transition Metals as Integral hard to synthesize macromolecules in which
the metallocenylene moieties are linked (i)
Parts of Their Main Chains
directly to each other, (ii) via short bridges
[Fe-Fe distances <7 8, (0.7 nm)], or (iii) via
10.4.1 Poly( 1,l-metallocenylenes)
z-conjugated comonomers. A multitude of
Soon after the discovery of ferrocene competing side reactions which ferrocene
(Kealy and Pauson, 1951; Miller et al., and other metallocenes tend to undergo
1952; Togni and Hayashi, 1994), an attempt have hindered clean and homologous prop-
was made to use this organometallic com- agation steps for many years. Much effort
pound in polymer science (Neuse and Ro- was nevertheless invested to make such
senberg, 1970; Neuse, 1981; Sieber, 1991; polymers available in which the ferroceny-
Rosenblum, 1994; Manners, 1994; Ciardel- lene moieties can interact intramolecularly.
li et al., 1996). The technological interest They therefore, should display interesting
was in particular areas such as thermal electrical (Morrison and Hendrickson,
stability, radiation protection, combustion 1975; Kramer and Hendrickson, 1980;
catalysis, rubber vulcanization, and redox Mueller-Westerhoff, 1986; Nalwa, 1990),
properties. Although the preparation of magnetic (Kollmar et al., 1991; Chi et al.,
polymers with metallocene-containing side 1991; Hmyene et al., 1994), and optical
groups (Pittman et al., 1970) and of poly- (Wrighton, 1979; Niishikata et al., 1989;
mers that contain isolated metallocenylene Nalwa, 1991; Wright et al., 1992, 1994)
moieties in polyester, polyamide, or poly- properties.
urethane main chains (Patterson et al., The earliest and most widely explored ap-
1974; Gonsalves et al., 1984; Wright and proach to the parent polymer poly( l,l-fer-
Sigman, 1992; Wright and Toplikar, 1994) rocenylene) 72 (Scheme 10-18) involves

Fe - I Fe

71 72 72a 72b

73 74 72 Scheme 10-18.
344 10 Organicllnorganic Hybrid Polymers

free radical processes (Neuse and Rosen- molecular masses and free from structural
berg, 1970: Neuse, 1981): Ferrocene radi- imperfections. The same applies to po-
cals are generated via thermolysis of ferro- ly( l , Imthenocenylenes), where low mo-
cene 71 in the presence of peroxides, and lecular weight materials ( M , <2000) are
polymer growth occurs via polyrecombina- constantly obtained.
tion mechanism. However. the degrees of
polymerization of 72 were typically lower
than M,=7000. Moreover, all three possible
10.4.2 Poly( 1,l-metallocenylene
constitutional isomeric constituents were
present in the products as well as defects like
CH, and 0 groups. Finally, most products Two successful strategies have been de-
were crosslinked, clearly attesting both the veloped in the last decade for the synthesis
lack of regioselectivity in the primary free of well-defined poly( 1,1 -ferrocenylene ar-
radical attack and the potential polyfunc- ylenes), both taking advantage of the con-
tionality of the dicyclopentadienyl iron cept of solubilizing side chains (Ballauff,
system. Therefore a variety of condensation 1989). Rosenblum et al. obtained polymer-
reactions was tested including the Ullmann ic metallocenylene polydecker sandwich
coupling of 1, 1-dihaloferrocenes (Nesmey- complexes in which the repeating metallo-
anov et al., 1963; Rausch et al., 1970; Rol- cene units are held face-to-face by naphtha-
ing and Rausch, 1972). the self-condensa- lene spacers (Arnold et al., 1988; Foxman
tion of chloromercuriferrocenes (Izumi and et al., 1991; Foxman and Rosenblum, 1993;
Kasahara. 1975). the oxidative coupling of Nugent et al., 1993; Rosenblum, 1994; Ro-
dilithioferrocene (Spilners and Pellegrini, senblum and Reiff, 1995). Initially, the au-
1965: Watanabe et al., 1966; Rausch and thors tested the palladium-catalyzed poly-
Ciappenelli, 1967; Rauschet al., 1973; Bed- condensation of bis(ch1orozinc)ferrocene
narik et al., 1977). the treatment of 1,l-di- 76 (Scheme 10-19) with 1,8-diiodonaph-
lithioferrocene with 1 ,1-diiodoferrocene thalene 75 to obtain polymers 77. However,
(Neuse and Bednarik, 1979a, b), and the because the formed products 77 were of
conversion of I , 1 -dihalogenated ferrocene rather low molecular weight (MI,<4000), an
monomers i n the presence of stoichiometric ameliorated coupling technique was devel-
quantities of magnesia (Yamamoto et a]., oped where a monomeric dianion is gener-
1983) to make constitutionally homogene- ated in situ from compound 78, which is sub-
ous polymers 72 with high molecular sequently reacted with FeCl, to give the pur-
weights available. However. values of M , ple polymer 79 (M,= I8 000) (Nugent et al.,
<SO00 were determined throughout for the 1993; Rosenblum, 1994). When [ N i ( a ~ a c > ~ ]
soluble parts of the products, and the other- is used instead of FeC12,alternating copoly-
wise highly efficient palladium-catalyzed mers were obtained having both iron and
aryl-aryl coupling reaction also failed to nickel atoms in their main chains. Howev-
couple lerrocene- 1.1 -diboronic acid 73, er, the soluble fractions of these latter poly-
which is stable in air and water and can thus mers only have low molecular weights ( M ,
be isolated and purified, with 1,l-dihalofer- <3000) so far. Investigation of the electrical
rocenes 74 (X=Br, I ) (Knapp and Rehahn, and magnetic properties of these rather un-
I993a. b; Knapp et al., 1998). Thus there usual polymers and copolymers showed
has been no method so far that provides po- electrical conductivities of up to 6.7x1V3 S
ly( l . 1 -ferrocenylenes) 72 of acceptable cm- for I?-doped materials (Rosenblum,
10.4 Polymers that have Transition Metals as Integral Parts of Their Main Chains 345

r 1

1 J
75 76 77

78 79

R = H, 2-0ctyl Scheme 10-19.

1994; Rosenblum and Reiff, 1995). From process. To circumvent this difficulty, an al-
structural investigations of oligomers, it tered strategy was developed and indeed,
was concluded that the stacked arrays in high molecular weight poly( 1,l-ferroceny-
these polymers have a helical structure lene-4,4-p-oligophenylenes)84 - 86 were
(Foxman et al., 1991). obtained when 1, 1-bis(p-bromopheny1)fer-
The palladium-catalyzed polycondensa- rocene 83 was used as the ferrocene-con-
tion reaction of haloaromatics and arylbo- taining monomer. Constitutionally homoge-
ronic acid derivatives constitutes the second neous polymers 84 (P,=55), 85 (P,-40), and
successful route to well-defined poly( 1,l- 86 (P,=lO) were obtained as soluble orange
ferrocenylene arylenes) (Knapp and Re- solids in nearly quantitative yields.
hahn, 1993 a, b; Knapp et al., 1998). Initial- The poly( 1,l-ferrocenylene arylenes)
ly, an attempt was made to prepare po- 84,8S and 86 are stable up to about 380 C.
ly( l , l-ferrocenylene- l ,4-phenylenes) 82 Poly ( 1,l-ferrocenylene-p-terphenylenes)
(Scheme 10-20). However, side reactions 84 form amorphous glasses and have glass
were found to prevent the formation of high transitions at Tg=80C (84a) and 20 C
molecular weight products in all polycon- (84 b), respectively. Polymers 85 and 86, on
densations where a phenyl-ferrocenyl bond the other hand, are semicrystalline.
formation step was the polymer propagation
346 10 Organicllnorganic Hybrid Polymers

80 81a,b 82a,b


o c c c c


84a,b (v = 0)
85a,b (v = 1) n
Scheme 10-20. 86a,b (y= 2)

10.4.3 Further Poly(1,l'-metalloceny- having molar masses of up to M, = 17 700

lene) Derivatives with n-Conjugated (after fractionation) were obtained.
Bridging Units
In 1993, Gamble et al. reported the acy-
10.4.4 Poly(1,l'-metallocenylene
clic diene metathesis (ADMET) polymer-
ization of 1.1'-divinylferrocene 87
(Scheme 10-21) to form oligomeric po- While an efficient synthetic route for po-
ly( l , l '-ferrocenylene vinylenes) 88. Steba- ly( l , l '-ferrocenylene methylenes) is still
ni et al. (1993) obtained soluble poly(ferr0- unavailable (Manners, 1996; Neuse and Ro-
cenylene dimethylvinylenes) 90 via poly re- senberg, 1970), the corresponding macro-
ductive coupling of 1 ,1'-diacetylferrocene molecules having two carbon atoms
91 using low valency titanium compounds. between the ferrocenylene moieties, i.e., po-
Constitutionally homogeneous polymers 92 ly(ferroceny1ene ethylenes) 92, are avail-
10.4 Polymers that have Transition Metals as Integral Parts of Their Main Chains 347


- HzC=CHz

87 88

89 90

91 92 Scheme 10-21.

able in excellent yields by the recently de- 10.4.5 Phosphorus-, Sulfur-,

veloped thermally induced ROP synthesis and Selenium-Bridged Poly( 1,l'-
of carbon-bridged [2]ferrocenophanes 91 metallocenylene) Derivatives
(Nelson et al., 1993; Manners, 1994;
Hmyene et al., 1994). The driving force of Until recently, poly( 1 ,1'-ferrocenylene
this polymerization is the ring strain in- phosphanes) were only available via poly-
duced by the tilt angle (approx. 21") of the condensation reactions. Among these, the
two cyclopentadienyl rings of 91 (Manners, most efficient route is the reaction of 1,l'-
1995). The ring strain is further increased dilithioferrocenexTMEDA 93 (Scheme 10-
when the larger ruthenium atom is placed 22) with phenyldichlorophosphine (Withers
into the [2]metallocenophane. Hence, hy- et al., 1982; Fellmann et al., 1983). Poly-
drocarbon-bridged [2]ruthenocenophanes mers 94 ( M , = 8900 - 161000) were ob-
(tilt angle ~ 3 0 "can
) be readily polymerized tained which are thermally stable up to
as well via ROP, leading to poly(ruthen0- 350 "C. Recently, the thermally induced
cenylene ethylenes) (Nelson et al., 1995). ROP of phosphorus-bridged [ llferroceno-
348 10 Organic/lnorganic Hybrid Polymers

- LiCl

93 94

r"- %"'

95 96


R',R", R"' = alkyl, aryl


99 R = n-butyl. t-butyl 100 Scheme 10-22.

phanes 95 was shown to be an efficient route 95 to yield poly(ferroceny1ene phosphanes)

to poly( 1,I/-ferrocenylene phosphanes) 96 96 of controlled molecular mass, as well as
and poly( 1 ,1'-ferrocenylene phosphanesul- block copolymers.
fides) 97 (Honeyman et al., 1995). Sulfur- In 1992, Brandt and Rauchfuss showed
bridged [ 1 lferrocenophanes can be convert- that even the nearly unstrained [3]trithiafer-
ed analogously to give poly( 1 ,l'-ferroceny- rocenophanes 99 can be used as monomers:
lene sulfides) 98 (Pudelski et al., 1995a). Poly( 1, 1'-ferrocenylene persulfides) 100
More recently, Honeyman et al. ( 1996) also are formed in atom-abstraction polymeriza-
described the living anionic ROP (n-BuLi, tion using PBu, as the desulfuration agent.
THF, 25 " C )of I 1 jferrocenophanes such as The molecular weights of 100 depend on the
10.4 Polymers that have Transition Metals as Integral Parts of Their Main Chains 349


1 -S--C-(CH2)rc
I1 fl -S-yH-CH2-C-CHZ-CH

I Fe

102 103 Scheme 10-23.

solvent and vary from M , = 12 000 to lished recently by Wilbert et al. (1995). In
395 000 (GPC). Moreover, polymers 100 the course of these investigations it was
are distinguished by many interesting prop- shown that the redox potential of the ferro-
erties (Nuyken et al., 1992; Brandt and cenylene units increases by about 40 mV
Rauchfuss, 1992; Galloway and Rauchfuss, upon polyester formation. Since the ester
1993; Compton and Rauchfuss, 1994; groups are four to six o-bonds away from
Compton et al., 1995). The S-S bonds, for the ferrocenylene moieties, this increase is
example, can be cleaved reductively using assumed to be due to through-space charge-
Li[BEt,H], and reformed subsequently via transfer interactions. Rheological measure-
oxidation with 12.The electrochemical be- ments also show an unusual rubber-like be-
havior is similar to that of poly( l,l-ferro- havior of the ferrocene-containing polyes-
cenylene silanes), but the interactions ters. Nuyken et al. (1996), on the other hand,
between the iron centers seem to be even prepared sulfur-containing polymers such
stronger. Finally, crosslinked polymers 100 as 102 and 103 via polyaddition of l,l-di-
were prepared by using [3]ferrocenophanes mercaptoferrocene and 1,1-bis(2-mercap-
with two trisulfide bridges (Galloway and toethyl)ferrocene, respectively, to diolefin-
Rauchfuss, 1993), and linear poly( 1,1-fer- ic monomers, or via polycondensation of
rocenylene perselenides) of lower molecu- 1,1-dimercaptoferrocene with bifunctional
lar weight became available upon conver- acid chlorides.
sion of the respective selenium-bridged
10.4.7 Poly(1,l-ferrocenylene silanes)
and Poly( 1,l-ferrocenylene germanes)
10.4.6 Further Poly(1,l-metallo-
The first low molecular weight poly( 1,1-
cenylene) Derivatives with Nonmetallic
ferrocenylene silanes) 105 (Scheme 10-24)
Bridging Units
(Mn<7000) were prepared using polycon-
Novel ferrocene-containing copolyesters densation reactions (Neuse and Rosenberg,
such as 101 (Scheme 10-23) have been pub- 1970; Tanaka and Hayashi, 1993; Park
350 10 Organic/lnorganic Hybrid Polymers

I04 I05
R, R' = alkyl, aryl, ferrocenyl

104a 106 107

Y "


I 'Z
ioa Scheme 10-24.

et al., 1995). Really high molecular weight Since then, many other silicon-bridged
poly(l,l'-ferrocenylene silanes) ( M , = lo5 [ l]ferrocenophanes have been prepared and
to lo6, Mn>105), on the other hand, have polymerized analogously (Manners, 1993;
been available since 1992 when Foucher Nguyen et al., 1993; Finckh et al., 1993;
et al. took advantage of thermally induced Foucher et al., 1993a, b; Manners, 1994;
ROP for the preparation of 105 and well- Rulkens et al., 1994a; Foucher et al.,
defined poly(ferroceny1ene germanes) 1994c; Pudelski and Manners, 1995; Pudel-
(Foucher and Manners, 1993; Foucher ski et al., 1995 b; Manners, 1995; Pudelski
et al., 1994a, b). The driving force for the et al., 1996; Peckham et al., 1996). More-
ROP is the ring strain in monomers like 104 over, the living anionic ROP of 104 (n-Bu-
(= 80 kJ mol-'), whose cyclopentadienyl Li, THF, 25 "C) has been found to be an ef-
rings are tilted by about 21" towards each ficient alternative to the thermally induced
other. process (Rulkens et al., 1994b; Ni et al.,
10.4 Polymers that have Transition Metals as Integral Parts of Their Main Chains 351

Me Me

Me Ph-Si-Si-Ph il
Me Me
'X J"
104a 109 110

Ill 112 Scheme 10-25.

1996b), as the molecular weights can be via the thermal ROP reaction (MacLachlan
predetermined, narrow molecular weight et al., 1996), and the ROP of silicon-bridged
distributions can be realized, and even block [ 11ferrocenophanes with silicon-bridged
copolymers are available. Another recent bis(benzene)chromium complexes has been
success is the platinum- or palladium-cata- shown to lead to unusual dimetallic po-
lyzed ROP of [llsila- and [llgerma-ferro- ly( l , l '-ferrocenylene si1ane)-poly(chrom-
cenophanes, which gives poly( 1,1'-ferro- arylene silane) copolymers (Eschenbroich
cenylene silanes) 105, poly( 1,l'-ferroceny- et al., 1990; Hultzsch et al., 1995).
lene germanes), and copolymers thereof High molecular weight poly(ferroceny-
even at room temperature (Ni et al., 1995; lene silanes) 105 a (a: R = R' = Me) display
Reddy et al., 1995). It also provides access two reversible oxidations in a 1 : 1 ratio
to block copolymers such as 107 (M,=104, (Foucher et al., 1992; Rulkens et al.,
M,/M,= 2.3) (Sheridan et al., 1996) or graft 1994a). This is interpreted to be the result
copolymers such as 108 (G6mez-Elipe of intramolecular electronic interactions
et al., 1997). Moreover, random copoly- between the metallocene centers which first
mers 110 were prepared via thermal co- cause only every second iron atom to be
polymerization of 104a and 109 (Fossum oxidized, and a further increase of the volt-
et al., 1995). These polymers are expected age is needed to transfer all the iron centers
to display interesting photophysical and into Fe3+.Similar behavior was also report-
charge carrier properties, and their back- ed for other poly( 1,If-ferrocenylenesilanes)
bone can be degraded by UV-induced cleav- (Foucher et al., 1993b; Manners, 1993;
age of the oligosilane segments. Finally, Nguyen et al., 1993; Manners, 1995). If
thermotropic poly(ferroceny1ene silanes) 105a is doped with I*, semiconducting ma-
bearing 4-pentoxy-4'-hydroxyhexanoxyazo- terials are obtained (oapprox. S cm-')
benzene acrylate side chains have been pre- (Manners, 1995). The thermal behavior of
pared (Liu et al., 1997), spirocyclic [ llferro- polymers 105 depends on their substituents,
cenophanes such as 111 and 112 have been R: The dimethyl derivative, for example,
found to function as crosslinking agents for forms amber-colored films (T , = 122 "C,
poly(ferroceny1ene silanes) when prepared T g =33 "C), while its di-n-hexyl analog is
352 10 Organidlnorganic Hybrid Polymers

described as rubber-like at room tempera- were prepared analogously by the dehydro-

ture (T,=-26 "C) (Manners, 1995; Rasburn halogenation route, i.e., via reaction of
et a].. 1995j. Poly( 1.1'-ferrocenylene si- rrnns-LzMClzcomplexes (L = various phos-
lanes) do not lose weight up to temperatures phines. M = Pt, Pd) with bisacetylides
of 400C. but form Fe/Si/C ceramic com- (Sonogashira et al. 1977, 1978; Takahashi
posites when heated up to 500- 1000C et al., 1978, 1979; Hagihara et al., 1981;
(Tang et al., 1993; Petersen et al., 1995: Lang, 1994). More recently (Sonogashira,
Corriu et a].. 1996). 1980), high molecular weight nickel- and
platinum-containing polymers 119 were ob-
tained in good yields via the alkynyl-ligand
exchange approach and thus via conversion
10.4.8 Poly(metal1aines)
of rmns-bis(tri-n-buty1phosphine)diethy-
In general. o-bonds between a transition nylnickel 117 with a,o-diethynyl com-
metal and a carbon atom are thermodynam- pounds 118. Finally, well-defined poly(p1at-
ically and kinetically unstable. Therefore it inaines) 121 (M,=100000, GPC) could be
seemed unlikely for a long time that poly- prepared via oxidative coupling of rrans-
mers held together by such bonds may be PtC12(PR3)2complexes like 114 with met-
stable enough to be isolated under normal al-terminated oligoethynyl compounds
conditions. Nevertheless. some transition such as bis(trimethylstanny1)diins 120 (Da-
metal acetylide complexes were found to vies et al., 1991). Analogously, high molec-
satisfy the prerequisities concerning the ular weight polymers 124 (M,=
stability of the M-C a-bonds (Davidson 96000-210000) and 125 having oligo-
et al.. 1976; Schrock et al., 1976; Hagihara acetylenic blocks in the main chains were
et al.. 1081; Ciardelli et al., 1996). Today, prepared in excellent yields as well as iron-
poly(metal1aines) number among the best containing polymers 128 by the application
characterized transition metal containing of 127 as the transition metal containing
polymers (Chisholm, 1991). Three copper- monomer (Johnson et al., 1991).
catalyzed methods have been developed for The solution properties of the above po-
their preparation, i.e., dehydrohalogenation ly(metal1aines) suggest that they have a rod-
of a,o-bisethynyl compounds (Hay, 1969; like structurc. Mark-Houwink exponents of
Sonogashira et al., 1977: Hagihara et a].. a= 1.7 and independency of the intrinsic vis-
198I ; Matsuda et a].. 1984), oxidative cosity from solvent were found (Takahashi
coupling of metal-tcrminated oligoethynyl et al., 1978), and viscosity and sedimenta-
compounds (Takahashi. 1980), and the al- tion velocity measurements led to persistent
kynyl-ligand exchange (Sonogashira, lengths of I,= I3k3 nm. Moreover, some
1980). In 1977, Hagihara and co-workers poly(metal1aines) display lyotropic nemat-
described yellow, film-forming nickel-. pal- ic mesophases (Abe eta]., 1991a,bj, or
ladium-, and platinum-containing polymers form crystallites with a diameter of up to
115 (Scheme 10-26) of high molecular 50 nm (Dray et al., 1992). The electronic
weight (M,= 120000, P,%=l85,[Q]=2.11 dL spectra and the luminescence behavior of
g') (Sonogashira et al., 1977; Takahashi poly(meta1laines) show the 15-electron con-
et al.. 1978; Hagihara et al., 1981). jugation to be expanded over the whole
Soon after this success, further soluble polymer chain (Johnson, 1991), and the
poly(metallaines) such as 116 (M,= third-order nonlinear optical properties are
13000- 120000) (Takahashi et a]., 1978) greater than those of the corresponding
10.4 Polymers that have Transition Metals as Integral Parts of Their Main Chains 353


120 121

(H&)3Sn-C=CtCEC*=C-Sn(CH3)3 X = P, As
122 R = n-butyl

poly(diacety1enes) (Blau, 1991; Abe et al., lenic than for the diacetylenic polymeric
1991 b). The optical absorption and photo- complexes. A well-resolved vibronic struc-
luminescence spectra of 124, moreover, ture associated with the C=C stretching fre-
show a lower z-n? energy gap for triacety- quency is observed for both absorption and
354 10 Organic/lnorganic Hybrid Polymers

H5C2\ ,C2H5
R = H, methyl, 127: Fe(DEPE)2C12, p? = DEPE = P-CHz-CHz-P,
H5C2' C2H5

OC, ,PBu~
+ CI-,R+I
Bu'P130 co * + R ~ ~ c - c - R - c = c

129 133

(H3C)3Sn-CrC-R-C=C-Sn(CH3)3 -

+ Cl-,~~-Cl

X = none, p-C&, p-C6H&&, p-CeF4, R = methyl, n-butyl, L = PR3 Scheme 10-27.

emission, indicating strong electron-pho- interconnected by n-conjugated acetylide-

non coupling for the di- and triacetylenic arene bridges of different lengths, the band
polymers 124 (Lewis et al., 1992; Lhost gaps for the electronic transitions in the vis-
et al., 1993; Frapper and Kertesz, 1993; ible range lie between 2.5 and 3.1 eV. These
Khan et al., I994a). For poly(p1atinaines) values are smaller than those of model com-
such as 125, whose platinum centers are plexes and are thus in full agreement with a
10.4 Polymers that have Transition Metals as Integral Parts of Their Main Chains 355

139 140

EC -@c =c f
143 144 Scheme 10-28.

conjugation over the transition metal cen- phosphane ligand (Fyfe et al., 1991j. While
ters (Khan et al., 1994a). the rodlike trimethylphosphane derivative
Recently, moreover, the synthesis and the is insoluble, the soluble tri(n-buty1)phos-
electronic structure were described of rigid- phane compound permitted films to be cast
rod octahedral iron-, ruthenium-, and os- from THF solution. Hunter and co-workers
mium-o-acetylide complexes such as showed that even arene-bridged organome-
133-135 (Scheme 10-27) (Atherton et al., tallic polymers such as 141 and 142
1993; Faulkner et al., 1994; Khan et al., (Scheme 10-28) are available via a metath-
1994b). In this study, the important role that esis reaction between organolithium re-
the transition metal, the auxiliary ligands, agents like 140 and nickel bromide com-
and the bridging alkyne units play in deter- plexes 139 (Sturge et al., 1992; Guo et al.,
mining the degree of n-electron delocaliza- 1994).
tion in such polymers was demonstrated Structural elucidation was done by means
again. The linear arrangement of the acety- of low molecular weight model complexes.
lenic units around octahedral metal centers The 'H, I9F,and 31PNMR data suggest that,
has been confirmed by single crystal X-ray in contrast to the C6F4-bridgedspecies 142,
structure determination performed with low there is no significant electronic interaction
molecular weight model complexes. An- between adjacent metal centers in the
other interesting development is the synthe- C6F4- C6F4-bridged complexes 141. This
sis of the rhodium-containing poly(meta1- suggestion is consistent with the large twist
lainesj 138 via the conversion of diines 137 angles (ca. 52") observed between rings of
with [Rh(PR3)&H3] 136, which involves the octafluorobiphenyl groups. Bunten and
reductive elimination of methane and one Kakkar (1996) describe a number of 2,5-
356 10 Organic/lnorganic Hybrid Polymers

and 2,6-diethynylpyridine-basedPt-o-acet- been undertaken to make such linear-chain

ylide monomers and polymers like 143. macromolecules available. In 1996, finally,
Quaternization of the pyridine nitrogen with the first synthesis of readily soluble, linear
methyl iodide yields stable pyridinium an- ruthenium(I1) coordination polymers was
alogs like 144, and is accompanied by strong reported (Knapp et al., 1996; Kelch and Re-
red shifts in the UV-vis absorption spectra. hahn, 1997): Macromolecules 148 were
The uncharged polymers exhibit strong shown to be easily available via the conver-
fluorescence with quantum yields of sion of tetrapyridophenazine (tppz) 146
0.060-0.223. Quaternization further en- with ruthenium monomers [Ru(R2bpy)C1,],
hances fluorescence and quantum efficien- 147 (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine).
cies. Upon doping with 12,the polymers dis- While the polymers 148 prepared were in-
play semiconducting behavior. itially of only low molecular weight (P,=15,
NMR: Knapp et al., 1996), due to a nonre-
movable impurity in the monomers 147, an
improved synthesis of monomers 147 final-
10.4.9 Polymers from Octahedrally
ly resulted in sufficiently pure starting ma-
Coordinated Polyimine-Transition
terials (>98%, NMR; Kelch and Rehahn,
Metal Complexes
1997) and consequently in really high mo-
Multinuclear polyimine-transition metal lecular weight polymers 148 (M,-47 000 g
complexes of well-defined constitution are mol-', P,=43; SAXS). Moreover, the
of special interest as they may serve as mod- brownish-black polymers 148 can be dis-
el systems for the development of a pro- solved in a variety of solvents such as ace-
found understanding of energy- and elec- tonitrile, ethanol, or dimethylacetamide
tron-transfer processes occurring in orga- (DMA) and, with C1- as the counterion, even
nometallic compounds, and because of their in pure water easily and completely. In eth-
potential technical benefit which may be anol/water or DMA solution, polymers 148
based upon their unusual magnetic, elec- display a pronounced polyelectrolyte effect
tronic, and photooptical properties (Balza- when measurements are performed without
ni et al.. 1996; Harriman and Ziessel, 1996; a foreign salt. In the presence of a foreign
Lehn, 1995; Ward, 1995; Sauvage et al., salt, on the other hand, intrinsic viscosities
1994; Denti et al.. 1992a). Ruthenium(I1)- of [ q]=15 mL g-' were determined. Accord-
and osmium(I1)-polyimine complexes may ing to the SAXS and viscosity data, poly-
play a key role here, since they combine con- mers 148 have a rigid, randomly coiled
siderable thermal. chemical, and photo- chain conformation with densely packed
chemical stability with advantagenous elec- chain segments. This is possible due to the
tronic properties. Even in the early 1950s, random occurrence of the differentiy con-
the first macromolecular complexes like figurated, chiral ruthenium(I1) complexes
145 (Scheme 10-29) were aimed at. but it (A or A configuration) along the ribbon-like
was concluded from the rather disappoint- polymer backbones.
ing results that such coordination polymers Other linear, high molecular weight coor-
are hardly accessible (Goodwin and Lions, dination polymers from octahedrally coor-
1959). In the following decades, there was dinated polyimine-transition metal com-
an almost complete lack of papers that deal plexes have not been described so far. How-
with coordination polymers like 145. Only ever, a variety of bis-chelating ligands ex-
in the last five years have renewed attempts ist, as well as a variety of oligomeric com-
10.4 Polymers that have Transition Metals as Integral Parts of Their Main Chains 357

2ci 2 cl- 1

1 J ni2

plexes. Hence it is lighly probable that quite es that are branched or even dendritic, the lat-
soon many further soluble, linear-chain co- ter being prepared both via convergent and
ordination polymers will be available, such divergent approaches (Serroni et al., 1992;
as systems like 149 (Scheme 10-30), the Denti et al., 1992b; Newkome et al., 1993;
oligomeric species of which are currently Achar and Puddephatt, 1994a, b; Alonso
under investigation in different research et al., 1995; Campagna et al., 1995; Arm-
groups (see, for example, Constable et al., spach et al., 1996; Constable et al., 1996a;
1993; Barigelletti et al., 1996; Romero Constable and Harverson, 1996; Warnmark
et al., 1996; Harriman and Ziessel, 1996; et al., 1996; Serroni et al., 1996, 1997; Con-
Vogler and Brewer, 1996). stable, 1997; Newkome and He, 1997).
On the other hand, there is a well-known, While in the early 1990s the largest den-
enormous variety of multinuclear complex- drimer was the decameric complex 150
358 10 Organicllnorganic Hybrid Polymers

M = Fe, Ru. Os,Co

Scheme 10-30.

(Serroni et al., 1992), many systems are 10.4.10 Polymers from Tetrahedrally
known today with approximately 20 metal Coordinated Polyimine-Transition
centers, and the largest well-defined den- Metal Complexes
drimers have as many as 40 transition met-
als. Presently, the research activities are di- As a result of the fact that tetrahedral poly-
rected towards the development of even imine-transition metal complexes like those
larger, well-defined coordination com- of copper (I) and silver (I), widely used to
pounds and the profound investigation of build up fascinating supramolecular assem-
these supramolecular species to develop re- blies such as helicates, catenanes, rotax-
liable structure-property relationships. anes, or grids [see, for example, Lehn (1990,
10.4 Polymers that have Transition Metals as Integral Parts of Their Main Chains 359

[C u(C H3CN)f P F F (152)

+ or

Y Ago B F P (153)

154a,h,c (MX = [ C U ( C H ~ C N ) ~ ] @)P F ~

155a,b1,c(M@X = Ago BFf )

R = C6ti13, Y = (a) H, (b)CI, (c) OCH3, Ar = CeH4-Y Scheme 10-31.

1995), Schneider and Durr (1991), Amabi- ly noncoordinating and thus rather apolar
lino and Sauvage (1996), CArdenas et al. solvents, apolar n-alkyl side chains should
(1996), Constable et al. (1996 b, 1997), Col- also be introduced into the planned coordi-
lin et al. (1996), Smith and Lehn (1996). nation polymers. Thus 4,4-bis[(9-aryl)-
Weidmann et al. (1996), Baxter et al. (1996, 2-o-phenanthroline]-2,5-di-n-hexyl-p-ter-
1997), Meyer et a]. (1997)], are kinetically phenyls 151 (Scheme 10-31) were reacted
unstable, they were believed until very re- with metal monomers like 152 and 153 to
cently to be inappropriate for the prepara- yield the soluble coordination polymers 154
tion of well-defined coordination polymers. and 155.
In 1996, however, Velten and Rehahn devel- After isolation from their viscous reaction
oped a novel synthetic strategy that made mixtures as reddish-brown (154) or yellow
the first soluble, constitutionally well-de- (155) fibrous materials, the constitutionally
fined copper (1)- and silver (1)-coordination well-defined polymers proved to be stable
polymers available (Velten and Rehahn, over months. In solution, however, prop-
1996; Velten et al., 1997). Exclusion of even er coordination polymers, i.e., polymers
traces of (co-)solvents from the polymer so- having a constant number of repeat units per
lutions, which can act as competitive li- individual chain, are only guaranteed if pure
gands for the metal ions, proved to be one halogenated hydrocarbons or acetone are
central prerequisite for this success. To sol- used for their dissolution. Otherwise, only
ubilize the desired polyelectrolytes in strict- solution-aggregates exist, according to
360 10 Organic/lnorganic Hybrid Polymers

NMR investigations. The precise determi- solvents such as DMSO, have molecular
nation of the achieved molecular weights weights of up to M , = 18 000, and are expect-
and a profound analysis of the properties of ed to exhibit interesting photophysical prop-
the novel coordination polymers 154 and erties.
155 is still outstanding.

10.4.12 Further Transition Metal

10.4.11 Schiff-Base Coordination Coordination Polymers
Serrano and co-workers developed liq-
The first soluble and linear Schiff-base uid-crystalline polymers 161 (Scheme 10-
rare earth coordination polymers such as 33) which contain paramagnetic copper (11)
159 (Scheme 10-32) (M,=30000) were re- centers within their polymer main chains
ported in 1994 by Chen et al. The polymers (Marcos et al., 1992; Alonso et al., 1993;
were characterized using NMR, viscosime- Oriol et al., 1994). Electron paramagnetic
try. and GPC, and exhibit high thermal resonance, magnetization, and susceptibil-
stability and high glass transition tempera- ity measurements indicate that all the sam-
tures. ples show paramagnetic behavior with a
Later on. the scope of the shown strategy weak exchange interaction of antiferromag-
was broadened to other well-characterized netic character between the copper ions. In
cerium (IV) coordination polymers bearing powdered samples, changes in magnetic
modified ligand moieties, and lanthanoide- properties are related to thermally induced
containing polymers such as 160, which are structural modifications. Melt-drawn fibers
polyelectrolytes (Chen and Archer, 1995, display a large nematic order parameter.
1996; Chen et al., 1995). Some of these Thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers
polymers readily dissolve in polar organic 162 linked via the bis(pdiketonato)cop-


156 159


160 Ln = La, Gd, Y, Yb 157 Scheme 10-32.

10.4 Polymers that have Transition Metals as Integral Parts of Their Main Chains 361



~,jqfC L -

c-C' :

Scheme 10-33.

per(I1) complex were furthermore reported Wang and Reynolds (1990) reported a
by Hanabusa et al. (1993). Electron spinres- new series of presumably oligomeric mate-
onance (ESR) spectra of the melt-drawn fi- rials 166 and 167 (Scheme 10-34) contain-
bers indicate that the plane of the square pla- ing nickel bis(dithio1ene) linkages along
nar bis(b-diketonal.o)copper(II) complex in their polymer main chains. A variety of flex-
the fiber is oriented parallel to the fiber ax- ible linkages, R, was utilized to separate the
is. Perreault et al. (1992) reported the lumi- nickel complexes including 0, S, CH2,
nescent, silver-containing coordination (CH,)lo7(CH2)22,and (OCH&H2)30. Poly-
polymers 163, which are insoluble in non- mers 166 with short flexible linkages are
polar or weakly polar solvents and water, highly soluble in both aqueous and organic
but readily dissolve (60- 100 mg L-') in, solvents, while the oxidized forms 167 are
for example, acetone, ethers, and alkyl al- only slightly soluble. Increasing the length
cohols. The Ag-Ag distance in 163 [-5.0 of R increases the solubility of the oxidized
(0.5 nm)] is believed to be sufficiently large polymers 167. The electrochemical and
to conceive the possibility of encapsulating spectral properties of the polymers are con-
small monoatomic anions or cations and sistent with a stable main chain nickel
hence of generating chains with relatively bis(dithio1ene) structure where the metal
close contacts. complex can attain -2, -1, and neutral oxi-
362 10 Organichorganic Hybrid Polymers

167 166

R = urethane moiety

r 1

R = urethane or
oligosiloxane moiety

1 0 J"
169 Scheme 10-34.

dation states. Many other coordination poly- ular weights of up to M,=5000-20000. As

mers of tetrathiolates with M=Fe(II), a result of the metal-metal bonds along the
Co(II), Cu(II), Pd(II), and Pt(I1) have been backbones, these polymers undergo metal-
prepared from tetrathiooxalate (Reynolds metal bond photolysis reactions. As this
et al., 1987), tetrathiosquarate (Schumater bond cleavage is induced by visible light,
and Engler, 1977), tetrathiofulvalene tetra- these materials are of interest as photoreac-
thiolate (Rivera et al., 1979; Ribas and Cas- tive polymers. Finally, Moran et al. (1993)
soux, 198l), benzene- 1,2,4,5tetrathiolate also report some polymers 169 having oli-
(Dirk et al., 1986), and naphthalene tetrathi- gosiloxane bridging units R. These poly-
olate (Tec et al., 1977). Unfortunately, the mers are also distinguished by interesting
black powders are insoluble and infusible. electrochemical properties.
The polymer metal complexes exhibit con-
ductivities of up to 30 S cm-' and their elec-
tronic structures were investigated theoret- 10.5 Poly(phtha1ocyaninato)-
ically (Bohm, 1984). siloxanes and Related Polymers
Tenhaeff and Tyler (1991, 1992) de-
scribed some of the first soluble coordina- Bridged one-dimensional macrocyclic
tion polymers 168 and 169 having metal- metal complexes containing phthalocya-
metal bonds within their polyurethane back- nine (Metz and Hanack, 1983; Schneider
bones. Some of these polymers have molec- and Hanack, 1983; Die1 et al., 1984; Hanack
10.5 Poly(phtha1ocyaninato)siloxanesand Related Polymers 363



171 oR 172 oR
FeC13, ZnC12,

AICI3, CaCI2, CsCI, ...

200 "C
/ AgSO&Fj

174 Scheme 10-35.

and Munz, 1985; Kobe1 and Hanack, 1986), atom, e.g. iron, ruthenium, cobalt, and rho-
tetrabenzoporphyrine (Hanack and Hedt- dium, as the central metal atom, and a line-
mann-Rein, 1985:1, and naphthalocyanine ar bidentate ligand such as cyanide, pyra-
(Deger and Hanack, 1986; Keppeler et al., zine, tetrazine, or 1,4-diisocyanatobenzene
1987) as the macrocycle, a transition metal as the bridging ligand, are well known to ex-
364 10 Organichorganic Hybrid Polymers

hibit good semiconducting properties, even polymers [Si(O)PcR,],, was investigated in

without external oxidative doping. There- the solid state by two-dimensional NMR
fore these polymers have been widely inves- spectroscopy (Schwiegk et al., 1993). By
tigated, and many excellent papers are avail- this technique it was shown, for example,
able dealing with them (Ciardelli et al., that the individual phthalocyanine moieties
1996; Hedtmann-Rein et al., 1987). More- rotate round their covalent Si-0 bonds rath-
over. transition metal containing macromol- er than that the molecules as a whole rotate
ecules such as 170 (Scheme 10-35), as well around their columnar axis.
as their covalently bound polysiloxane and Study of the phase behavior of alkoxy
polygermanoxane analogs, are of consider- substituted polymers reveals the existence
able importance as building blocks of su- of three different classes of this type of poly-
pramolecular assemblies (Shimidzu and Iy- mer, depending on the side chain length
oda, 1981; Dirk et al.. 1981; Hanack and (Sauer, 1993). Short side chain derivatives
Pawlowski, 1982: Simon et al.. 1984; Ha- do not show any phase transition up to the
nack et al. 1986; van der Pol et al., 1990; decomposition temperature. Medium side
Adam et al., 1993). However, because of chain derivatives show a transition to ahigh-
their rod-like main chain conformation, ly viscous liquid-crystalline phase, while
most of these macromolecules are insoluble the long side chain derivatives have an ad-
and infusible materials. Therefore the con- ditional fluid mesophase at higher temper-
cept of solubilizing side chains has been ap- atures. In all solid and liquid-crystalline
plied to these macromolecules as well, and phases, the rodlike molecules are packed in
indeed readily soluble phthalocyaninato a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice with no
polysiloxanes and -germanoxanes 174 hav- discontinuous structural variations at the
ing a variety of different solubilizing side phase transition temperature (Sauer and
groups, R, have been published (Metz et al., Wegner, 1989; Kentgens et al., 1990; Sauer,
1983; Orthmann and Wegner, 1986 a, b; Sir- 1993; Dulong et al., 1993a, b). Polymers
linet al., 1988a.b:Caseriet al., 1988, 1990; with longer side groups, R, were investigat-
Sauer and Wegner, 1989, 1991; Schwiegk ed with regard to their ability to form Lang-
et al.. 1991: Ferencz et al., 1993). In addi- muir-Blodgett (LB) films (Orthmann and
tion to the alkyl and alkoxy substituted de- Wegner, 1986 b; Crockett et al., 1990;
rivatives, the p-oxo-phthalocyaninatosili- Schwiegk et al., 1992; Ferencz et al., 1993;
con compounds might also contain R groups Dulong et al., 1993a, b). Recently, more-
such as methyleneoxyalkyls. crown ethers, over, highly ordered phthalocyaninatopoly-
and ester groups (Sielken et al., 1990; Kent- siloxane thin films were produced on a va-
gens et al.. 1990: Crockett et al., 1990; Du- riety of substrates using the LB thin-film
long et al.. 1993a. b). deposition techniques, with coverages ran-
The homogeneous molecular constitution ging from 1 to 100 molecular layers (Ferencz
and the rod-like shape of these "shish-ke- et al., 1994). These ultra-thin films show fa-
bab" polymers could be proved, and the de- cile electron and ion transport during elec-
grees of polymerization were determined to trochemical and chemical oxidation, and
be I>,? = SO- 160 (M,lM,=2; SAXS) for notable stability of the phthalocyaninato
polymers having R = n-alkyl, while for poly- cation radicals in the polymer chains in con-
mers bearing ester groups values of M , as tact with both aqueous and nonaqueous me-
high as 360 000 (M, = 140000) were report- dia. Finally, very recently Wu et al. (1996)
ed. The rotational dynamic behavior of succeeded in directly imaging individual
10.8 References 365

shape-persistent macromolecules and their and (iii) a profound characterization of the

interaction by transmission electron micros- thus-obtained polymers is imperative. Con-
copy (TEM). Cospreading of different types sequently, research on soluble, constitution-
of hairy rod macromolecules from a com- ally well-defined hybrid polymers is an ex-
mon solvent in a Langmuir trough gives ceptionally fruitful field of todays macro-
two-dimensional liquid-crystalline mix- molecular research, both with regard to fun-
tures of the constituents. Individual chains damental and materials science, and for sure
and clusters of parallel chains of the minor- the continuously increasing number of re-
ity constituent can be clearly discerned by search groups working in this area will make
TEM. The micrographs thus provide hither- plenty of novel and unexpected results
to unknown insights into the details of the available in the near future.
chain-packing behavior of macromolecules
close to liquid-crystal defects (disclina-
tions). 10.7 Acknowledgements
Financial support given by the Deutsche
10.6 Conclusions Forschungsgemeinschaft is gratefully ac-
knowledged. Moreover, the author is in-
The aim of the present chapter was to debted to B. Lahn and s. Kelch for careful
show that organic/inorganic hybrid poly- proofreading of this chapter.
mers are a highly attractive, but neverthe-
less rather unexplored class of macromolec-
ular materials. Since the synthesis of most 10.8 References
of these systems is still a challenge today,
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Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

11 Chiral Folymers .The Synthesis of Optically Active

Vinyl and Vinylidene Polymers with Main Chain Chirality
Gunter Wulff

Institut fur Organische Chemie und Makromolekulare Chemie. Heinrich-Heine-Universitat

Dusseldorf. Dussddorf. Germany

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376

11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
1 1.2 Stereochiemical Considerations for the Synthesis of Chiral Polymers . . . 378
11.3 Syntheses of Copolymers with Chirality of the Main Chain . . . . . . . . . . . 380
1 1.3.1 Copolymers Prepared with Template Monomer M1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
11.3.2 Other Types of Template Monomer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
11.4 Synthescts of Optically Active Homopolymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
11.5 Syntheses of Chiral Atropisomeric Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
11.5.1 Resolution of Polymer Racemates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
1 1S.2 Anionic Polymerization with Chiral Chelating Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
1 1.5.3 Anionic Polymerization with a Chiral Initiator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
11S.4 Anionic Polymerization of Monomers with Chiral Propellers . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
1 1.5.5 Helix-Sense-Selective Radically Initiated Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
11.6 Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
11.7 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
376 11 Chiral Polymers - The Synthesis of Optically Active Vinyl and Vinylidene Polymers

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

111, I? number
M,, number-average molecular weight
M, weight-average molecular weight
p, number-average degree of polymerization
r reactivity ratio

la1 specific optical rotation

& extinction coefficient
I01 molar ellipticity
A wave 1eng t h
IYVl specific ellipticity

A,B different substituents at the main chain

AIBN azobis(isobutyronitrile)
Ar aryl (e.g. phenyl)
CD circular dichroism
DDB 2J-dimethoxy- 1,4-bis(dimethyLamino)butane (either (2S,3S)-(+)-or
Et ethyl
MMA methyl methacry late
PMMA poly(methy1 methacrylate)
PMP ( S )- 1-( 2-pyrrolidinylmethyl)pyrrolidine
TADDOL (4R,5R)-2,2-dimethyl-cx,cx,a,a-tetraphenyl-
Trit triphenylmethyl
uV ultraviolet
11.1 Introduction 377

11.1 Introduction chirality) (Arcus, 1962;Pino, 1965;Good-

man et al., 1967).
Chiral polymers comprise a very large Incidentally, vinyl or vinylidene poly-
group with different types of structure. They mers are economically the most important
can be constructed of optically active build- and constitute a large segment of industrial
ing blocks forming the main chain, like their applications. It is of great scientific and
biological counterparts such as polysaccha- practical interest to incorporate chirality
rides, polypeptides, or polynucleotides. An- and optical activity into polymers of this
other possibility exists if optically active type, since it might add specific unprece-
side groups are attached to an otherwise dented properties to these materials.
achiral polymer [for reviews on optically ac- In this chapter, the discussion of chiral
tive polymers in general, see, Arcus (1962), polymers will concentrate on vinyl and vi-
Selegny (1979),Leborgne et al. (1984),Fa- nylidene polymers because these are used
rina (1987),and Ciardelli (1987)l. most frequently. Furthermore, only poly-
Optically actia e polymers consisting of mers with main chain chirality will be dis-
C-C chains with main chain chirality are cussed, since the most remarkable progress
more interesting from a stereochemical during recent years was found for this group.
point of view. Their optical activity arises The stereochemical background of their
from the configuration of stereogenic car- syntheses is somewhat complicated and not
bon atoms in the main chain. The first ex- found in the usual textbooks, so this chap-
amples of this type were found for 1,2-di- ter begins with a short overview of the sym-
substituted olefiris and certain substituted metry properties of polymer chains. This is
dienes [for reviews, see, Farina (1987), followed by the description of syntheses of
Wulff (1989)l. optically active polymers which owe their
It was just recently that yet another type chirality to the configuration in the main
of chiral polymer was found and investigat- chain. Another group of polymers dis-
ed in detail. When prochiral monomers such cussed are those with optical activity
as vinyl or vinylidene monomers are poly- caused by the chirality of a rigid conforma-
merized with asymmetric induction, opti- tion of the main chain, such as single-hand-
cally active polymers with main chain chi- ed, helical poly(trity1 methacrylate). Chiral
rality are obtained [see, Wulff et al. (1978, crosslinked polymers (due to asymmetric
1987), Okamoto et al. (1979),Wulff and crosslinking) will not be discussed in this
Hohn (1982), arid reviews, Wulff (1989, chapter. They can be prepared by an im-
199 1 a, b), Okam oto and Nakano ( 1994)]. printing procedure using chiral template
This optical activity can only be produced molecules during the crosslinking step, fol-
under very special structural requirements. lowed by removal of the template after-
Though formally asymmetric carbon atoms wards (Wulff et al., 1973).This procedure
are generated during chain growth polymer- leads to chiral microcavities of a specific
ization, this does not usually result in opti- shape and with an arrangement of function-
cal activity, even if only one optical anti- al groups complementary to the template.
pode is obtained. Therefore, for a long time, This research area has been reviewed re-
it was principally thought to be impossible cently by different groups (Wulff, 1995;
to generate optical activity in these poly- Mosbach, 1994;Shea, 1994).
mers due to the chiral configuration or
conformation of the main chain (main chain
378 1 1 Chiral Polymers - The Synthesis of Optically Active Vinyl and Vinylidene Polymers

11.2 Stereochemical eoregular polymers are never completely

Considerations for the Synthesis regular in reality, and thus it is necessary to
use a model of the polymer chains, assum-
of Chiral Polymers ing that they possess an ideal stereoregular
Chirality and optical activity are well- structure, i.e., that they are made up of re-
documented properties of low molecular peating units with identical constitution and
weight compounds, especially natural prod- configuration. They can be best described
ucts. A molecule is said to be chiral if its im- by specifying the smallest regularly repeat-
age and mirror-image are not superimpos- ing configurational unit (called dyad, triad,
able. In most synthetic methods, both anti- etc.).
podes (enantiomers) are obtained in equal The second problem is concerned with the
proportion (racemic mixture). In the major- end groups. A chain composed of triads like
ity of cases (but not necessarily), a pure anti- 1, with nonidentical chain ends, is in prin-
pode (enantiomer) exhibits optical activity, ciple chiral. In practice, it is to be expected
i.e., the plane of linearly polarized light is that with very long chains the difference
rotated during its passage through a solution between the end groups becomes negligible
of this compound. Compounds containing and hence the compound behaves like an
asymmetric carbon atoms are classical ex- achiral compound 2. The compound 1 can
amples of chiral substances. then be called cryprochiral since no chirop-
We will now discuss which polymers can tical properties can be measured (Mislow
be expected to be optically active due to and Bickart, 1977; Green and Garetz, 1984).
main chain chirality (Wulff, 1989). Since It is an interesting question, whether or not
chirality is a necessary but not a sufficient such compounds can be synthesized, and at
condition for optical activity, polymeric what chain length chirality turns into cryp-
structures are first theoretically inspected tochirality. This will be discussed for iso-
for their chirality, i.e., their symmetry prop- tactic chains in a later section (See. 11-4).
erties will be examined. Here, the symme- For very high molecular weight poly-
try properties of polymers of 1-substituted mers, the end groups can be totally neglect-
olefins (CH2= CHA) and of nonsymmetric ed, since they do not affect the properties of
1,1 -disubstituted olefins (CH2= CAB), the polymer to a measurable extent. The
which have the same symmetry properties, model of the infinite chain (endless chain)
are discussed together. The symmetry con- 3 is then applicable. This has been demon-
sideration of these polymers is not as strated to be particularly valuable for ster-
straightforward as with low molecular eochemical considerations of macromole-
weight compounds. Even the so-called ster- cules. All the units of a stereoregular poly-


2 3 4
11.2 Stereochemical Considerations for the Synthesis of Chiral Polymers 379
mer of 3 are exaclly identical and there are rational arrangements in the main chain. If
no longer any end groups. For symmetry these structures can be obtained as individ-
considerations, an infinite chain can be re- ual optical antipodes, they should be opti-
placed by a ring containing the stereogenic cally active. Hence the prevailing belief re-
centers of the smallest repeating unit. This garding the impossibility of obtaining opti-
ring may be regarded as an endless chain cally active vinyl polymers due to main
with a finite number of units (see 4 as a mod- chain chirality needed to be changed.
el of 3) (Farina et al., 1965; Wulff, 1989). The inspection of all possible stereoreg-
It has long been known that the three ular structures for homopolymers represent-
kinds of typical polymer chain arrange- ed by dyads to pentads showed them to be
ments, i.e., atactic, isotactic, and syndiotac- achiral according to model 3. On the other
tic depending on 1 he model used, are cryp- hand, one repeating unit of six monomers
tochiral or achiral and are not able to show out of eight possible hexads is chiral. Poly-
optical activity. The same also holds good mer 5, which is built up of such hexads,
for stereoregular, alternating copolymers so should thus be able to show optical activity.
long as only dyads, and tetrads are taken into In contrast, many more of the stereoreg-
account. On the basis of these observations, ular arrangements are chiral in copolymers.
it was subsequently concluded that general- While in alternating copolymers both pos-
ly all the polymers obtained from l-substi- sible stereo-arrangements for dyads are
tuted or unsymnietrical 1,l-disubstituted achiral, in stereoregular copolymers, which
olefins cannot be optically active. are built up of triads, one out of three pos-
Several years ago, we initiated a system- sible arrangements is chiral (6). All four
atic analysis of the symmetry properties of possible triads 7- 10 in a stereoregular ter-
different structural types present in vinyl polymer are chiral. With more complex ar-
homo- and copolymers [Wulff et al. (1978, rangements, the number of chiral configu-
1987), Wulff and Hohn (1982), and reviews, rations increases steadily. In longer repeat-
Wulff (1989, 199 1 a, b)]. The surprising re- ing units of stereoregular copolymers, the
sult was that there are indeed many struc- vast majority of structures is chiral and
tures possible for stereoregular polymers should be obtainable in optically active
which exhibit chirality due to the configu- form.

i i1





380 11 Chiral Polymers - The Synthesis of Optically Active Vinyl and Vinylidene Polymers

In order to prepare these tailor-made Table 11-1. Optical rotation of copolymers of M1

structures as pure or enriched optical anti- with different comonomers after removing the tem-
podes showing optical activity, strategical-
ly designed efficient synthetic schemes No Comononier Mol fraction [a]:&
needed to be developed. The following par- of M1 in (degrees)
agraphs describe some of the examples of copolymer
this venture.
1 methyl methacrylate 0.21 -85
2 methacry lonitrile 0.28 -85
3 styrene 0.40 -40
4 0.49 -9
11.3 Syntheses of Copolymers 5
4-aminost yrene
4-chlorost yrene 0.58 +1.5
with Chirality of the Main Chain 6 4-c yanostyrene 0.52 t21
7 4-vinylbiphenyl 0.65 +90
8 4-vinylstilbene 0.65 +145
11.3.1 Copolymers Prepared __
with Template Monomer M1
The first attempt to prepare optically ac-
10- 20%, soluble linear polymers were ob-
tive polymers with main chain chirality was
tained, indicating that some sort of cyclo-
aimed at regular copolymers consisting
polymerization must have taken place. Af-
of type 6 triads (Wulff et al., 1978, 1987;
ter complete removal of the chiral template
Wulff and Hohn, 1982). To achieve such
(3,4-O-cyclohexylidene-~-mannitol) from
triads, we fixed two monomeric units in a
the polymer (by repeated reprecipitation
definite geometry on a chiral template mole-
from acetone/water 9 : 1 in slightly acidified
cule and tried to copolymerize the resulting
water), a copolymer of 4-vinylphenyl bo-
template monomer with various other vinyl
ronic acid with methyl methacrylate (Plb)
monomers. After polymerization, the tem-
was obtained with a molecular weight of
plate molecule was intended to be removed
80 000 - 100000 g/mol showing appre-
quantitatively from the polymer to yield the
ciable optical activity (see Table 11-1).
desired chiral polymers.
Polymerization was usually stopped at
10- 20% conversion to ensure uniform co-
polymers. It can also be polymerized to
100%conversion, which results in polymers
of similar optical rotation (Wulff and Hohn,
Detailed studies on the mechanism of this
asymmetric copolymerization have shown
(Wulff et al., 1987) that M1 undergoes a cy-
M I clopolymerization involving a nineteen-
membered ring 11 (see Scheme 11-1). The
Towards, this end, 3,4-O-cyclohexyli- 4-vinylphenyl boronic acid dyads thus ob-
dene-r>-mannitol-1.2,5,6-bis(4-vinylphenyl tained are mainly in (S,S)-and (R,S)-config-
boronate) M1 was copolymerized by free uration. These configurational assignments
radical initiation, e.g., with methyl methac- are based on conformational analysis of the
rylate as a typical comonomer (see transition state of the polymerization reac-
Scheme 11-1). After a conversion of tion and have also been unambiguously as-
11.3 Syntheses of Copolymers with Chirality of the Main Chain 381



: x O e- hydrolysis





Scheme 11-1. Schematic representation of the asymmetric cyclocopolymerization of M1 with methyl methac-
rylate. In the formula iof the initial cyclization product 11, only one stereoisomer is presented. In the formula of
the open chain polymer P1, the two main dyads [meso dyad and (S,S)-dyad] in the chain are shown. [Pla R = H,
P l b R=B(OH),.]

certained by the s,ynthesis of suitable mod- stereomers are formed in nearly equal
el compounds. amounts. Dimers 15 and 16 represent a me-
A more detailed picture of the stereo- so dyad in a polymer and will not contrib-
chemical course of the reaction was only re- ute to the optical activity. isomers 13 and 14
cently obtained (FVulff et al., 1994c; Wulff represent the chiral dyad with an enantio-
and Kiihneweg, 1996). Radically initiated meric excess of 85.7%. The same distribu-
cyclization of MI1 with an excess of azo- tion of dyads is expected in the polymer.
bis(isobutyronitri1e) furnishes the mono- Now for the first time, the ratio of the dif-
meric cyclization product 12 in good yields. ferent dyads in the polymers can be deduced
This reaction is a good model for the ster- from these experiments.
eochemical course of the asymmetric cyclo- A large variety of different comonomers
copolymerization involving 11 with, e.g., can be used for the asymmetric cycloco-
methyl methacrylate. Unlike in a polymer polymerization with M1. After splitting off
11 or P1, the stereoisomers in 12 can easi- the template, copolymers with appreciable
ly be determined. 'The template molecule as optical activity are obtained (for some ex-
well as the boron could easily be removed amples, see Table 11-1). The rotations have
from cyclization product 12, resulting in the strong negative to strong positive values de-
stereoisomers 13, 14, 15, and 16 (see pending on the nature of the comonomers.
Scheme 11-2). Their ratio was determined Interestingly, it could be shown that all co-
quantitatively to tie 13 44.2%, 14 3.4%, 15 polymers, regardless of their sign of rota-
48.4%, 16 4.0%. This means that two dia- tion, possess the same absolute configura-
382 1 1 Chiral Polymers -The Synthesis of Optically Active Vinyl and Vinyiidene Polymers

NC-C-(C H3h


Ak H

( 3.4 % )

12 H--bAr ~r-4-H
NC-C-C H3)z NC-k-(CH3)2

15 16
(48.4 % ) ( 4.0 % )
Scheme 11-2. Schematic representation of the radical cyclization of M I with azobis(isobutyronitri1c)
(AIBN) and the preparation of dimers 13- 16. For the cyclization only one stereoisomer is represented, where-
as all four possible stereoisomers of the dimers are shown (Ar=phenyl) (Wulff and Kiihneweg, 1996).

tion (S,S) for the (4-vinylphenyl) boronic if the (S,S)-dyads are isolated in the chain.
acid dyads (Wulff and Dhal, 1988). This was Therefore the maximum optical rotation is
shown by a chemical transformation of the at a mole fraction of 0.25-0.30 for the chi-
copolymer of 4-cyanostyrene into a copoly- ral dyads. Comonomers that have strong UV
mer of 4-aminomethylstyrene, which turns absorption above 250 nm (e.g.. 4-vinylbi-
the positive optical rotation of +27 O into a phenyl) often cause an additional positive
negative one of -9 '. A similar rotation was Cotton effect (see Fig. 1 1 - 1 ) and give rise
also obtained by direct copolymerization of to positively rotating polymers (see Ta-
a derivative of 4-aminomethylstyrene (see ble 11- 1, entries 7 and 8). The comonomer-
Table 1 1- 1). Therefore (S,S)-distyryl dyads ic units show the strongest influence on the
are present in both cases. chiroptical properties if they are present as
It appears that the optical rotation as well isolated units along the main chain. The
as the circular dichroism (CD) of copolym- highest optical (positive) rotations of the co-
ers composed of (S,S)-[(4-~inylphenyl)bo- polymers are obtained when the mole frac-
ronic acid] dyads and comonomers of dif- tion of the chiral dyads is 0.65.
ferent types can be influenced by both co- Figure 11- 1 shows the CD of the copol-
monomeric partners (Wulff and Dhal, ymer of 4-vinylbiphenyl with 4-vinylphenyl
1990). If the comonomer does not possess a boronic acid dyads. The strong positive Cot-
UV absorption band above 210 nm (as with ton effect at 255 nm is due to the aromatic
methyl methacry late or methacry lonitrile), chromophore; the negative one is due to the
optical rotation and CD are determined by (S,S)-distyryl dyads. If the aromatic chro-
the ( S , S ) dyads. These copolymers are mophore is more remote from the chiral
strongly negatively rotating and show a backbone, its influence on the chiroptical
strong negative Cotton effect at 233 nm. properties becomes less effective. Copol-
The rotational power per unit is the highest ymers of 4-biphenyl methacrylate still show
11.3 Syntheses of Copolymers with Chirality of the Main Chain 383

The boronic acid can be removed easily

and quantitatively from all optically active
copolymers. Treatment with AgN03/NH3
transforms the copolymer of 4-(vinylphe-
nyl) boronic acid and methyl methacry late
into poly(styrene-co-methyl methacrylate)
(P2, see Scheme 11-3), a very common and
structurally simple copolymer. In this way,
styrene copolymers can be derived from all
our copolymers.
Polymer-analogous reactions allow us to
further modify these optically active copol-
ymers. Different reaction pathways made it
210.0 Wavelength (nm) 300.0
possible to introduce 4-bromo, 4-iodo,4-ben-
zoyl, 4-acetyl, 4-chloromethyl, and 4-nitro
Figure 11-1. Circular dichroism of copolymers of
substituents in good yields on the phenyl ring
M1 with (a) 4-vinyltiiphenyl, (b) 4-biphenyl meth-
acrylate, and (c) 4-biphenylmethyl methacrylate of the styrene dyad. The comonomeric part
(Wulff and Dhal, 1990). (e.g., from acrylonitrile or methyl methacry-
late) can also be modified. Some examples of
modifications are shown in Scheme 11-4
a positive Cotton effect, whereas those of 4- (Wulff and Dhal, 1987; Dhal, 1992).
biphenyl-methyl inethacrylate do not. To obtain a copolymer of defined compo-
As a result of borderline cases, as in co- sition, the polymerization has to be stopped
polymers having comonomers with UV ab- after 10-20% conversion since, due to the
sorption between 210 and 250 nm, all opti- higher reactivity of M1, it prefers to be in-
cal rotations between strongly negative and corporated in the polymer [for example, co-
strongly positive can be obtained depending polymerization reactivity ratios for M1 ( 1 )
on the chemical structure of the comono- and methyl methacrylate (2) are r1= 1.33,
mers (see Table 11-1). The asymmetry of r2=0.22]. In contrast, almost complete al-
the comonomer c hromophore clearly does ternating copolymerization was observed
not arise from the configurational arrange- when M1 was copolymerized with maleic
ment of these units in the main chain, but by anhydride or N-substituted maleimides,
a conformational perturbation through the which gave strictly alternating copolymers
neighboring (S,S:i dyads (Wulff and Dhal, of type P4 (Scheme 11-5) (Wulff and Krie-
1990). ger, 1994 a).

Scheme 11-3. Deborona-

t tion of polymers of type P1
with AgNO3/NH3 (Wulff
PI P2 et al., 1987).
384 11 Chiral Polymers - The Synthesis of Optically Active Vinyl and Vinylidene Polymers

""t"" "'T Scheme 11-4. Polymer-analo-

gous modifications of deboronat-
ed copolymers of M1 and methyl
- .
R'= H. Br, I, methacrylate and M1 and me-
0 - thacrylonitrile (Wulff and Dhal,

C--CH3,CH2CIr N 4 1987).

Q:>. It

+Mi P4 P5
Scheme 11-5. Copolymer M1 and maleic anhydride (P4)reaction with decanol and removal of the template
(P5)(Wulff and Krieger. 1994a).

Different compositions of the comono-

meric ratios gave nearly 1 : I compositions

of comonomers in the polymer. Further-
more, the optical rotations of all these pol-
mers are nearly identical, and, more impor-
- tantly, we can now polymerize to 100%con-
!?a version and obtain the same composition
and the same optical activity. In Fig. 11-3

the optical rotation and CD of polymers
from different N-substituted maleimides are
shown. Note the strong negative rotation
and the CD of the maleic anhydride copol-
0 2 o a m 80 100
md%Mlinmonomericmbdum Copolymers of maleic anhydride can eas-
Figure 11-2. Copolymerization diagram of M1 with ily be transformed into a variety of other
N-phenyl nialeimide (Wulff and Krieger. 1994 a). interesting, optically active, functional co-
polymers. Thus it was possible to react P4
with 1-decanol and to obtain ester P5 with
Figure 1 1-2 shows the copolymerization strong optical rotation (see Scheme 11 -5).
behavior for the mannitol derivative M1 It should be kept in mind that, in the case
with N-phenylmaleimide. of copolymers with maleic anhydride or ma-
11.3 Syntheses of Copolymers with Chirality of the Main Chain 385
2000 I , I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I

yl 0

I - b C d
[u]565-733 - nm)
21.5 (49~ - 6.7 - s8.1
Figure 11-3. Circular dichroism and optical rotation of alternating copolymers of M1 with substituted malei-
mides and maleic anhydride (Wulff and Krieger, 1994a).

leimides (P3, P4), the triads contain four 1989). However, copolymerization of M1
stereogenic centers instead of two, as in the and MMA in the presence of AlEt1.5C11,5
case of P1. The present investigations show does not yield the desired structure. Instead,
that the chiroptical properties of the poly- it gives a 21-membered ring 17 owing to in-
mers are essentially governed by the stereo- sertion of an MMA monomeric unit between
genic centers of the (S,S) dyads. It remains the two double bonds of M1 (see
uncertain at present whether there is an Scheme 11-6) (Wulff and Krieger, 1994 b).
asymmetric induction during polymeriza- The reaction, after removal of the template
tion on the stereocenters of the maleic an- and the boronic acid, results in mostly alter-
hydride or maleirnide unit. nating styrene-MMA copolymers P6. In
When a similar alternating structure with such a case, much lower optical activity is
MMA as the comonomer is envisaged, poly- expected and observed.
merization condi1:ions known to produce al- The availability of optically active poly-
ternating copolymers of MMA and styrene mers with main chain chirality inspired us
have to be used (see, e.g., Rogueda et al., to prepare side chain liquid-crystalline poly-
386 1 1 Chiral Polymers - The Synthesis of Optically Active Vinyl and Vinylidene Polymers


17 P6
Scheme 11-6. Formation of a polymer with 21-membered rings (17) on copolymerization of M1 with methyl
methacrylate in the presence of aluminum sesquichloride. Alternating copolymers P6 are formed after removal
of the template.

M l

I l8

Scheme 11-7. Copolymerization of M1 with 18 and re-

p7 R=B(OHh
moval of the template. The phenylboronic acid dyads were
p8 R -S a transformed by Suzuki reaction with 4-bromo biphenyl to
terphenyl dyads (Wulff et al., 1994a).

mers and to investigate the possible chiral- with comonomers carrying mesogenic
ity transfer from the main chain to the liq- groups such as 18 (Scheme 11-7). After
uid-crystalline phase (Wulff et al., 1994a). splitting off the template, polymer P7 was
For this. monomer M1 was copolymerized obtained. This polymer proved, after re-
11.3 Syntheses of Copolymers with Chirality of the Main Chain 387

moval of the boron, to be nematic, and CD pound M1 (see Schemes 11-8 and 11-3).
measurements in solution revealed that the However, the chiroptical properties (optical
chromophore of the mesogen showed no rotation and CD) are of opposite sign. This
Cotton effect. Elongation of the chiral dyad means that the distyryl dyad predominantly
of polymer P7 by the Suzuki reaction led to possesses (R,R) configuration. Thus it is
polymer P8, which possessed terphenyl possible to prepare both enantiomers of the
groups in the chiral dyad. This polymer was polymers discussed here. The same polymer
liquid crystalline with a cholesteric texture. with (R,R)dyads is obtained when in M1 the
No chirality transfer to the mesogenic chro- L-mannitol derivative is used instead of the
mophore was observed in solution accord- D-mannitol derivative (Wulff and Hohn,
ing to CD, but films of polymer PS showed 1982). We now have two different possibil-
a strong exciton couplet. Therefore only in ities in hand to prepare the optical antipodes
the liquid-crystalline phase is a special chi- of the chiral polymers with (S,S) dyads.
rality transfer possible through space.

11.3.2 Other Types of Template

Symmetry properties within the
monomer will differ distinctly if a meta-
substituted compound [in monomer M2
(Scheme 11-8)] is used instead of the para-
vinyl derivatives in M1 (Wulff and Gladow, M3
1995). In this case, different conformations
originate from rotation around the B-C The nonequivalence of different rotamers
bond. The standard copolymerization of M2 in naphthyl derivative M3 is even more pro-
with MMA, removal of the template, and de- nounced (Wulff et al., 1995).What is more,
boronation afford 1.he same type of structure restricted rotation might occur in this case.
as in the case of the para-substituted com- In addition. we have a different chromo-

M2 P9 P 2*

Scheme 11-8. Copolqmerization of M2 with methyl methacrylate and removal of the template yields polymer
p9 ([a]!:5=+31 "). Deboronation yields polymer Plb* which is an enantiomer to Plb (Plb*: [a]it5=+290;
Plb: [a];g5=-25 ") (Wulff and Gladow, 1995).
388 11 Chiral Polymers -The Synthesis of Optically Active Vinyl and Vinylidene Polymers

loooo 1 It shows an extremely strong exciton

coupling in CD with a [O] of - 3 ~ 1 0at~
224.3 nm, and of +2.7x105 at 240.8 nm.
Since the starting compound M3 shows al-
most no CD, this system might provide a
very sensitive method for information stor-
age, in which light of a defined wavelength
can be detected very sensitively by analyz-
ing the CD of the cyclization product (Wulff
et al., 1994 b).
Monomer M3 undergoes a typical asym-
metric cyclocopol ymerization, for example,
210.0 Wavelength (nm) 270.0
with MMA (see Scheme 11-9). After re-
moval of the template, polymer P10 also
Figure 11-4. Dependence of the circular dichroism
of M3 on the recording rate. Curves (a) and ( b j rep- shows an extremely intense exciton
resent measuring starting at 270 nm, (c). (d). and (e) coupling in CD as does compound 19. From
srarting at 350 nm (downwards). Recording rate this fact and application of the exciton chi-
5 nm/min i n (b) and (d). 10 nm/min in the case of (cj. rality rule, the absolute configuration (S,S)
and 2 nni/min in the case of ( e j Wulff et al.. lY94b). as well as the conformation of polymer P10
can be deduced. The ratio of the dyads and
the enantiomeric excess is similar to that for
phore with absorptions at a A of 225 nm the polymerization of M1 (Wulff and
( E = IOOOOO), 290 nm ( ~ = 5 8 0 0 ) , and Kuhneweg, 1996). Very high optical activ-
310-340 n m (&=200).This monomer M3 ity can be obtained using monomer M4 con-
shows unexpected behavior. During CD taining 2-vinyl-naphthyl- 1 -boronic esters
measurements it undergoes an intramolecu- (Wulff et al., 1995). Though these polymers
lar [ 2+2] cycloaddition yielding a cyclobu- have opposite optical rotation compared to
tane derivative (see Fig. 11-4)(Wulff et al., those from 4-vinyl-naphthyl derivatives, the
1994 b). The pure cycloadduct 19 can be ob- same absolute configuration in the chiral
tained by prolonged irradiation at 320 nm. dyad is responsible for optical rotation.
The new monomer M5 was prepared; this
is not only more stable than M1, but can al-
so be polymerized by anionic initiation
(Wulff et al., 1994 c). In order to achieve this,
an oxazoline ring was chosen instead of a
boronic ester for the connection between
template and monomeric unit. The stereo-
chemical properties of an oxazoline ring are
very similar to those of the boronic ester. An
almost planar five-membered ring is present
in both cases. Monomer M5 can be copoly-
merized with 2-vinylpyridine by radical as
well as anionic initiation. After removal of
the template and reesterification, copoly-
19 mers with high optical activity are obtained
11.3 Syntheses of Copolymers with Chirality of the Main Chain 389

P 10
Scheme 11-9. Copolymerization of M3 with methyl methacrylate and removal of the template yields PI0
[R=B(OH), or R=H] (Wulffet al., 1995).

+ 2 vinylpyridine

M5 P 11
Scheme 11-10. Copolymerization of M5 with 2-vinylpyridine and removal of the template yields P11
(Wulff et al., 1996).

(see Scheme 11-10). The properties of the H

copolymers prepared by different types of
initiation did not vary significantly. The cir-
cular dichroism (CD) of the ester polymers
exhibited a strong negative exciton couplet,
showing that, according to Nakanishi's ex-
citon chirality rules (Nakanishi and Berova,
1994), the configuration of the dyads is pre-
dominantly (S,S).
Copolymers with identical dyads as in M4
P11 (prepared by using template molecules
like M6 and M7 containing ester connec- This type of asymmetric cyclopolymer-
tions between template and monomeric ization using ester connections has been
units instead of oxazolines) have been systematically investigated by the group of
reported by Kakuchi et al. (1995, 1996a, Kakuchi and Yokota [see review, Yokota
b, c). et al. (19991. For example, 2,3-O-isopro-
390 11 Chiral Polymers - The Synthesis of Optically Active Vinyl and Vinylidene Polymers

0 0
nosid (Haba et al., 1995). In all these cases
the copolymers exhibited significant optical
activity, although the absolute values of the
specific rotation are relatively small com-
pared to those of polymers prepared from
M1 or M2. It seems that a higher amount of
meso-dyads is produced with monomers
M6 x like M6 and M7.
Using a very similar but sterically much
more demanding template such as the TAD-
M7 DOL dimethacrylate M8 (see Scheme 11-
1 1) produced only meso-dyads on copolym-
pylidene-D-threitol-1,4-bis(4-vinylbenzoate) erization with styrene (Wulff et al., 1994c
(M7) and the 1,4-dimethacrylate as well and 1996). The resulting polymer does not
as (2S,35)-2,3-butanediyl-bis(4-vinylben- exhibit any optical activity (for homopoly-
zoate) (M6) and (2S,4S)-2,4-pentanediyl- merization of M8 see Sec. 11-4). CD spec-
bis(4-vinylbenzoate) have been copolymer- troscopic investigations on copolymers of,
ized with styrene. After removal of the tem- e.g., M6 and M7 have been performed ap-
plate, a poly[(4-vinylbenzoic acid)-co-sty- plying the exciton coupling method of
rene] and a poly[(methacrylic acid)-costy- Nakanishi (Nakanishi and Berova, 1994) to
rene]. respectively, were obtained (Yokota elucidate absolute configuration of the poly-
et 31.. 1992; Kakuchi et al., 1995, l996a, b). mers (Yokota et al., 1995).
Other template molecules used were It has long been known that copolymers D-mannitol and of 1.2-disubstituted olefins with I-olefins
methyl 4.6-isopropylidene-~-glucopyra- are chiral and can be obtained optically ac-

M8 P 13


P 12
Scheme 11-11. Anionic homopolymerization of TADDOL dimethacrylate M8 yields P12 and, after removal of
the template, iaotactic PMMA PI3 (Wulff et al.. 1 9 9 4 ~ 1996).
11.4 Syntheses of Optically Active Homopolymers 391

tive by asymmetric induction using the tem- (2000-2500 g/mol), but a noticeable opti-
plate approach (Beredjick and Schuerch, cal rotation of [a]435=-17.1'. In this case
1958). In this case, the configuration at the the stereoisomer causing optical rotation
I ,2-disubstituted monomeric unit in the possessed (S,S) configuration, as was shown
main chain determines the chirality. Recent- by the synthesis of model compounds.
ly, De et al. (1992) studied the copolymer- Whereas many examples of chiral copol-
ization of maleimides and indene with sty- ymers and helical atropisomeric polymers
rene derivatives carrying easily removable are already known, much less is known on
chiral side chains. After removal of the chi- the structural chirality of homopolymers
ral template, optically active copolymers without attached cycles to the main chain.
with relatively low optical rotation were ob- One route to prepare optically active homo-
tained. polymers with main chain chirality uses the
preparation of a heterotactic polymeric
chain in which chiral dyads of defined ab-
11.4 Syntheses of Optically solute configuration [ ( S , S ) or (R,R)]alter-
Active Homopolymers nate with atactic sequences of the same
monomeric unit (Wulff and Dhal, 1989).
Optically active homopolymers are more This type of polymer can, e.g., be prepared
difficult to obtain than copolymers. In some by copolymerization of M1 with styrene,
very special cases it was possible to use chi- followed by removal of the template to give
ral catalysts for the polymerization reaction. P15 (see Scheme 11-12). Deboronation
This has long been tried, but in case of yields the homopolymer P16 with signifi-
monovinyl compounds only optically active cant optical activity. This was the first time
oligomers of propylene could be obtained that an optically active vinyl homopolymer
by Pino et al. (1987). More recently, Coates (in this case polystyrene) was obtained.
and Waymouth (1991) succeeded in an Another stereochemically interesting
asymmetric cyclopolymerization of 1,5- case is illustrated by isotactic homopoly-
hexadiene. Polymer P14 was obtained with mers of type 21 in which RICH2 and R2 are
high optical activity by coordinative poly- different. Unlike 20, the resulting polymer
merization in the presence of (S)-ethylene- becomes chiral. It is usually assumed that
bis-(tetrahydroindenyl)zirconium(S)-binaph- with polymeric chains the difference of the
tholate together with methylaluminox- end groups can be neglected, so that even in
ane. The stereoisomer shown is the main the case of a single enantiomer no chiropti-
isomer. cal properties will be measurable.
Haba et al. (1993) homopolymerized the In analogous cases (Mislow and Bickhart,
divinyl acetal of benzaldehyde with cation- 1977), such behavior has been called cryp-
ic initiation using ZnC12/(+)-camphorsul- tochiral. As a result of new preparative
fonic acid. The corresponding polymers methods, it has now become possible to pre-
had relatively low molecular weight pare single enantiomers of isotactic chains

L n

P 14
392 11 Chiral Polymers - The Synthesis of Optically Active Vinyl and Vinylidene Polymers

P 15 P 16
Scheme 11-12. Preparation of
[a - 36.11~ 30
[ a ] 365=-3.5
o optically active, heterotactic ho-
mopolymers of polystyrene P16.

R' I

1 n

20 21 22 23

of defined chain length, which allow the ex- tion reaction (Wulff et al., 1986, 1988; Ok-
tent of cryptochirality to be investigated. amoto et al., 1987 b; Nakano et al., 1992),
Anionic polymerization of trityl methacry- however, show that the stereogenic centers
late in the presence of chiral catalysts, first in the main chain are formed with high
introduced by Okarnoto and co-workers asymmetric induction and with uniform ab-
(Okamoto et al.. 1979; Okamoto and Naka- solute configuration. Anionic polymeriza-
no. 1994). gives highly isotactic polymers tion therefore offers the possibility for the
that exhibit strong optical activity and are preparation of defined single enantiomers of
present as stable, one-handed (atropisomer- isotactic PMMA.
ic) helices (see Sec. I 1-5j. After replace- Another possibility for the synthesis of
ment of the trityl group by the much small- single enantiomers of isotactic PMMA was
er methyl group, the polymer adopts a ran- found recently (Wulff et al., 1994c and
dom-coil conformation and its optical activ- 1996). The anionic polymerization of the
ity becomes very small. Investigations of TADDOL dimethacrylate M8 results in a di-
the oligomers obtained in this polymeriza- astereoselective cyclopolymerization yield-
11.4 Syntheses of Optically Active Homopolymers 393

P 17

b R' = atactic polystyrene R =CH3

ing isotactic chains P12 (see Scheme 11-

11). It was shown that cyclization with ster-
ically demanding anionic initiators, yield-
ing the terminated analog of the monocycle
24, produced with high diastereoselectivity
of one diastereoisomer. An 1 1-membered
Compounds are prepared from R = Trityl
ring is formed in this case. Anionic homo-
polymerization leads to the formation of
meso-dyads only. Therefore, after removal that the obtained PMMAs P17 a show opti-
of the template, a highly isotactic polymer cal rotations [a]52&from -3.0 O to -0.5 O in
P13 is obtained in which all chains start with the range of molecular weights M , 3050-
the same absolute configuration. Thus it is 26 050 g/mol. Stereocomplexing of these
possible to prepare chiral and optically ac- isotactic PMMAs with achiral syndiotactic
tive isotactic PMMA if the end groups are PMMA ( M , = 35 000 g/mol) resulted in en-
not identical. In contrast to the asymmetric hanced optical rotations. Depending on M,,
polymerization of trityl methacrylate, this the stereocomplexes show a negative opti-
leads to an already high enantiomeric excess cal rotation at lower molar masses, where-
in the oligomeric state. Isotactic polymers as at higher molar masses a positive optical
from M8 without investigating optical ac- rotation is observed (see Fig. 1 1-5 a). These
tivity have also been described by Sogah values indicate that cryptochirally in isotac-
et al. (1996) and Nakano et al. (1995). tic PMMA (and similarly in other polymers)
Our attempts to prepare enantiomerically exists only at relatively high molecular
pure or enriched isotactic PMMA P17 via weights. It may be expected that only above
the trityl methacrylate route (Wulff and Pet- a P, of 500 will chiroptical properties dis-
zoldt, 1991; Wulff et al., 1996) showed that appear, i.e., the difference of the chain ends
optical activity increases as the difference can then be neglected.
of the end groups becomes more pro- In our model polymers with isotactic
nounced, and decreases with higher chain chains such as 20, the tertiary carbon atoms
length. The optical activity is much strong- of the chain can be assigned an absolute con-
er if the enantiomerically pure, isotactic figuration in which the substituents are A
PMMA is forced into a helical conforma- and B and the two chain ends are of differ-
tion by the formation of a stereo-complex ent length. If, for example, the @)-config-
with syndiotactic PMMA. Fig. 11-5 a shows uration is assigned to carbon atoms of the
394 11 Chiral Polymers - The Synthesis of Optically Active Vinyl and Vinylidene Polymers

0 10000 20000 30000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000

(a1 mn (b) mn
Figure 11-5. Optical rotation of isotactic polymers versus the molecular weight: (a) lower curve: isotactic poly-
mers P17a; upper curve P17a as stereocomplexes: (b) lower curve: isotactic polymers P17b as stereocomplex-
e4: upper curve: inverse-diblock isotactic polymers P18 as stereocomplexes (Wulff et al., 1996).

upper part (e.g., with priority: A > B > chain As shown before, isotactic poly(methy1
ends), then the carbon atoms of the lower methacrylates) P17 with high enantiomeric
half of the chain will have (S)-configuration purity and varying molar masses are access-
because the chain end, which was previous- ible. Polymer type P17a still contains a re-
ly shorter, now becomes the longer chain. In active secondary amino group (from the in-
an isotactic chain like 20, therefore, one half itiator molecule) which is capable of under-
is (formally) in the (R)-configuration and going a coupling reaction. These polymers
the other in the (S)-configuration. It has P17a can indeed be coupled to adipoyl chlo-
been pointed out before (Wulff, 1989) that ride in methylene chloride in the presence
the mirror symmetry of an isotactic chain of triethylamine (see Scheme 11-13) (Wulff
like 20 can be eliminated if, starting near the et al., 1996). The reaction proceeds slowly
middle of the chain, substituents are and is finished after about 24 hours. Within
switched to the opposite side of the chain experimental error, the molar masses of the
with respect to the Fischer projection (struc- resulting polymers P18 are double those of
tural type 22).The stereogenic centers in the the starting polymer P17a, and the polydis-
chain now have continuous sequences of ei- persity indices M,IM, are very similar to
ther (R)- or (S)-configuration. Since each those of polymers P17a. This definitely
section of the chain model is strictly isotac- shows that the coupling reaction was suc-
tic, we have proposed the description of cessful and that polymers of type 23 with
such structures as "inverse diblock isotac- C2-symmetry have been prepared. These
tic". Structure 22 has only a twofold axis of C,-symmetrical polymers even show at
symmetry and is therefore chiral. It is to be higher molecular weight a considerable op-
expected that with higher molecular weights tical rotation that can be enhanced by a fac-
structure 22 becomes cryptochiral; the tor of 7-8 by the formation of stereocom-
upper limit might be considerably higher, as plexes. Compared to the stereocomplexed
i n the case of 21 (R'CH2#RR'). isotactic structures of P17a, from which
11.5 Syntheses of Chiral Atropsiomeric Polymers 395

+ I


they have been prepared, the optical rota-

tion is much higher for polymers P18.
Figure 11-5b shows that, even for M ,
values as high as 40000 g/mol, optical
rotations of [a]=+3.4' still exist. It is N
clear that at higher M , the optical rotation o=cI
will gradually decrease, but up to M,=
100000 g/mol, optical activity can still
be expected. At much higher M,, no chi-
roptical properties will be measurable and
polymers P18 will also become cryptochi-
ral. P 19
In a fashion similar to P18, C3-symmet-
ric star-shaped polymers can be prepared
(Wulff et al., 1996). For this,l,3,5-benzene- monomers with structural chirality in the
tricarbonyl chloride is reacted with poly- polymer backbone.
mers P17a, and polymers P19 (schematic
representation) are obtained after long reac-
tion times. Optical rotations of the three- 11.5 Syntheses of Chiral
armed polymers P19 are somewhat lower Atropsiomeric Polymers
than for P18, but increase considerably on
stereocomplexing. To our knowledge, these In the foregoing Section, it was men-
are the first examples of C2- and C3-sym- tioned that chiral atropisomeric polymers
metric polymers from vinyl or vinylidene with a one-handed helix can be synthesized.
396 11 Chiral Polymers - The Synthesis of Optically Active Vinyl and Vinylidene Polymers

This is possible when isotactic polymer (3) By anionic polymerization using an op-
chains possess bulky substituents which im- tically active initiator and an achiral che-
pose severe steric hindrance. In such a case lating agent (Okamoto et al., 1980;
a one-handed helix can be stabilized, and Wulff et al., 1988).
there is no conformational equilibrium at (4) Helical polymers with one-handed heli-
room temperature or often even at higher cal structure can also be obtained by an-
temperatures. For every individual chain, ionic polymerization if the trityl propel-
only one type of helix occurs. Under usual ler consists of three different blades or
achiral conditions, the helices will be left- an otherwise optically active structural
or right-handed and this with equal prob- unit (Okamoto et al., 1991 a).
ability. ( 5 ) In some cases, radical initiation in the
Nolte and co-workers (Nolte et al., 1974) presence of optically active factors also
were the first to obtain one-handed helices provides one-sense helical polymers
of polyisocyanides [for reviews see, Drenth (Okamoto and Nakano, 1996).
and Nolte (1979) and Nolte and Drenth
( 1 987)j. Okamoto and co-workers (Okamo- Poly(trity1 methacrylates) or similar
toet al., 1979)were successful withpoly(tri- polymers are thus obtained with high opti-
tyl methacry late), and Vogl and co-workers cal activity. If the bulky substituents (e.g.,
(Corley and Vogl. 1980: Vogl and Jaycox, trityl groups) are removed and replaced by
1987) obtained polychlorals as optically ac- methyl groups, highly isotactic poly(meth-
tive polymers with stable, one-screw-sense yl methacrylates) are obtained. The helical
helices derived from achiral monomers. conformation is then lost and a random coil
This type of isomerism can be described as conformation is adopted. The optical activ-
atropisomerism. since it is a form of confor- ity is greatly reduced (see Sec. 1 1-4) and is
mational isomerism in which particular iso- only due to configurational chirality, e.g.,
mers are stabilized by rotational hindrance the difference between the two end groups
about single bonds. of the isotactic chain (Wulff and Petzoldt,
Since this chapter deals with the synthe- 1991; Wulff et al., 1996).
sis of optically active vinyl and vinylidene
polymers. only atropisomeric polymers of
the poly( trityl methacrylate) type will be 11 S.1 Resolution of Polymer Racemates
disc ussed here.
A predominance of one helical screw Okamoto et al. (198 1 a) separated, e.g.,
sense in poly(trity1 methacrylate) and simi- soluble poly(trity1 methacrylate) obtained
lar polymers can be obtained by one of the with low optical activity on one-handed hel-
following methods: ical, insoluble (+)poly(trityl methacrylate)
and obtained a positively and a negatively
(1) By re6olution of an equimolar mixture rotating polymer which showed high opti-
ofright- and left-handed helices with the cal activity. This clearly demonstrates that
aid of c h i d adsorbents (Okamoto et al., the helices are growing with almost no he-
1981 a, 1989; Nakano et al., 1996a). lix reversals and are stable under the separ-
( 2 ) By anionic polymerization of trityl me- ation conditions.
thacrylate using an achiral initiator as
well as an optically active chelating
agent (Okamoto et al., 1979).
11.5 Syntheses of Chiral Atropsiomeric Polymers 397
11.5.2 Anionic Polymerization used together with an optically active che-
with Chiral Chelating Agents lating agent such as 30,31, o r 3 2 Most inter-
esting are the DDB (31)initiators which are
Most frequently, helix-sense-selective derived from tartaric acid and can easily be
polymerizations are performed by anionic obtained as (S,S) and (R,R) forms. Some
polymerization in nonpolar solvents such as monomers give higher enantioselectivity
toluene and at low temperature (e.g., with (+)PMP (32) (obtained from L-proline).
-78 " C ) (see Okamoto and Nakano, 1994). Typical monomers include trityl methacry-
Achiral initiators, e.g., 25, 26, or 27, are late M9a and diphenyl-2-pyridylmethyl

Q CHleLi
rn e

25 26 27

7OOTrit COOTrit
le e
C H ~ - O - C H ~ & - C H Z - C I Li

28 29

( - ) Sparteine DDB

30 3f


32 33
398 11 Chiral Polymers - The Synthesis of Optically Active Vinyl and Vinylidene Polymers

of the oligomers with P, 1 - 8 was performed

by Okamotos group (Nakano et al., 1992).
From all these investigations, it became
clear that the first steps of polymerization
are not highly diastereoselective. Only the
isotactic chains propagate to higher poly-
M 10 mers. After the formation of the octamer,
monomer addition becomes much faster and
is highly stereoselective due to a helix con-
trol mechanism. At a P , = 7 - 9 probably two
turns of the helix are finished.
Optically active (one-handed helical) po-
ly(trity1 methacrylate) has been given spe-
cial attention, since it can be used as a chro-
matographic support for racemic resolution.
Chromatographic columns filled with po-
ly(trity1 methacrylate) supported on silica
gel are now commercially available (Oka-
mot0 et al., 1981 b). A drawback of these
materials is their chemical instability dur-
ing prolonged use. Owing to fission of the
trityl groups, the helicity is destroyed and
the ability for racemic resolution is lost. For
this reason, new poly(triarylmethy1 meth-
acrylates) with better hydrolytic stability
were investigated (Okamoto and Nakano,

e=Rcs-;Q 1994). Another interesting example is

monomer M9e (Nakano et al., 1996b),
which affords a very stable, one-handed hel-
ical polymer. A very stable chiral polymer
methacrylate M9b. The advantage of the lat- is also formed from a-(trity1oxymethyl)ac-
ter. though more difficult to prepare, is that rylonitrile M10, which belongs to a differ-
the amount of oligomers formed during the ent structural type (Wulff and Wu, 1990a).
polymerization is much lower than with tri- The structural requirements for monomers
tyl methacry late. to form a stable one-handed helix have been
With trityl methacrylate. half of the initia- investigated further (Wulff and Wu, 1990 b;
tor molecules remain in the form of oligo- Okamoto and Nakano, 1994).
mers. These oligomers are a mixture of di-
astereoisomers, which for steric reasons do
11.5.3 Anionic Polymerization with a
not propagate further and can be isolated
Chiral Initiator
and elucidated in their structure (Wulff
et a]., 1986; Okamoto et al., 1987b). A de- The stereochemical regulation of the
tailed investigation with different initiator chain growth up to P, = 8 is mainly governed
systems and an analysis of the diastereomer- by two factors: (1) a chelate control of the
ic as well as the enantiomeric composition optically active chelating agent and (2) a
11.6 Acknowledgement 399

backbone control of the stereogenic centers (-DDB [a]:&=-845 O (Okamoto et al.,

of the growing macroanion. Okamoto et al. 1991 a). These results show that the chiral
(1980) used the optically active initiator 28 chelating agents have a much stronger in-
together with the achiral chelating agent fluence on the helix-sense-selective poly-
TMEDA 33 for the polymerization of trityl merization than the propeller, and control
methacrylate. They obtained polymers with the formation of the helix sense. After treat-
optical activities of around 17-30% com- ment of these three polymers at 60C for
pared to those poly(trity1 methacrylates) some time, a mutarotation occurs, resulting
which have been prepared with optically ac- for all three polymers in nearly the same op-
tive chelating agents. tical rotation of [ a]:565= + 1370 O to + 1646 ".
In order to get a better picture of the back- The helicity seems to have become the same
bone control we prepared optically active in all three cases under the influence of the
dimers 29 with (R) and (S) configurations, chirality of the ester group through a helix-
which are very similar to the end groups of helix transition. This means that the kineti-
the macroanion (Wulff et al., 1988; Vogt and cally controlled formation of the helices is
Wulff, 1989). With these initiators and replaced by thermodynamic control during
TMEDA, the optical activities are higher a helix-helix transition. In the case of poly-
(-50%) than with 28, but compared to op- mers of M9d, a reversible helix-helix tran-
tically active chelating agents the backbone sition has been observed, depending on the
control is apparently less efficient. This is solvent (Okamoto et al., 1991 b). Helix-he-
further demonstrated by the addition of op- lix reversals have also been reported for op-
tically active chelating agents such as (+) or tically active polymers from M9b (Okamo-
(-) DDB. Regardless of the chirality of the to et al., 1989).
initiator, the chelating agents completely
determine the helix sense and the optical ac-
tivity of the polymers. Thus the backbone 11.5.5 Helix-Sense Selective Radically
control is overruled by the chirality of the Initiated Polymerization
chelating agent.
Whereas until now it was not possible to
polymerize trityl methacrylate helix-sense-
selectively by radical initiation, Okamoto
11.5.4 Anionic Polymerization et al. were recently more successful with
of Monomers with Chiral Propellers monomer M9e (Okamoto and Nakano,
If methacrylates with an optically active 1996; Nakano et al., 1996a). Helix-sense-
propeller like M9c or M9d are polymerized, selective radical polymerizations were
the chirality of the propeller induces a he- brought about by using optically active in-
lix-sense-selective polymerization. In this itiators, chain-transfer reagents, or a transi-
case, no chiral initiator or chelating agent tion metal complex radical species.
has to be added. These helical polymers ex-
hibit some very interesting special features.
If (+)M9c is polymerized in the presence of 11.6 Acknowledgement
TMEDA, a polymer with [a]$565 = +262 O
is obtained. In the presence of (+)DDB, Financial support from the Deutsche
the rotation of the resulting polymer is Forschungsgemeinschaft, the Ministry of
[a]'&=+1125", and in the presence of Science and Research in Nordrhein-West-
400 11 Chiral Polymers - The Synthesis of Optically Active Vinyl and Vinylidene Polymers

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Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

12 The Synthesis and Characterization

of Dendritic Molecules
. .
H M Janssen and E W Meijer . .
Laboratory of Macromolecular and Organic Chemistry. Eindhoven University
of Technology. Eindhoven. The Netherlands

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404

12.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrimer Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
12.2.1 Divergent Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 Newkomes Arborols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 Tomalias Starburst Dendrimers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417 Poly(propy1ene imine) Dendrimers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
12.2.2 Convergent Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436 FrCchets Polyether Dendrimers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436 Hydrocarbon Dendrimers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
12.3 New Developments in the Chemistry of Dendritic Molecules . . . . . . . . 446
12.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
12.5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
404 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

C concentration
d diameter
D effective diffusion coefficient
fbr branching factor
J coupling constant
kB Boltzmann constant
m mass
m1 generation at which full congestion is reached
M molecular weight
MR molecular mass
MwIMn pol ydispersity
n number
P branch segment length
RH hydrodynamic radius
T absolute temperature
T1 spin lattice relaxation
T2 relaxation
Tg glass transition temperature
X number, number of benzene units
Y number
2 charge

a branching efficiency
17 viscosity at T
[ 171 intrinsic viscosity
a wavelength
n compression

AFM atomic force microscopy

ANB average number of nonlinear branches per nonterminal unit
ATRP atom transfer radical polymerization
biPY 2,2-bipyridene,2,2-bipyridyl
Bn benzyl
BOC tert-butoxycarbonyl
Bu butyl
C core
CAD collision-activated dissociation
CD circular dichroism
COSY correlated spectroscopy
D dendrimer
DAB diamino butane
DABCO 1,4-diazabicyclo[2,2,2]octane
DB degree of branching
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 405

dba dibenzylideneacetone
DCC dicyclohex ylcarbodiimide
DEAD diethylazodicarboxylate
DLS dynamic light scattering
DMF dimethylformamide
DOSY diffusion ordered NMR spectroscopy
DSC differential scanning calorimetry
ESI-MS electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
Et ethyl
FAB fast atom bombardment
G generation
GPC gel permeation chromatography
GTP group transfer polymerization
1-HBT 1-hydroxybenzotriazole
HMPA hexamethylphosphoramide
HPLC high performance liquid chromatography
IR infrared
LC liquid-cry stal
LDA lithium di-isopropylamide
LLS laser light scattering
M monomer
MALDI-TOF matrix-assisted laser desorption time-of-flight
Me methyl
MS mass spectrometry
MW molecular weight
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
PAD phenyl acetylene dendrimer
PAM phenylacetylene macrocycle
PAMAM polyamidoamine
PEO polyethylene oxide
Ph phenyl
PMMA poly(methylmethacry1ate)
PS polystyrene
QELS quasi elastic light scattering
RT room temperature
SCVP self-condensing vinyl polymerization
SEC size-exclusion chromatography
t-BOC-L-Phe t-BOC protected L-phenylalanine
TEA triethy lamine
TEM transmission electron microscopy
TEMPO tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxide
TGA thermogravimetric analysis
THF tetrahydrofuran
TLC thin layer chromatography
TMEDA N,N,N:N-tetramethylethylenediamine
406 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

TMS trimethylsilyl
Ts tosyl
TTF tetrathiafulvalene
uv ul t rav ioiet
VPO vapor pressure osmometry
W wedge
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrimer Synthesis 407

12.1 Introduction supposed properties of dendritic materials

are related to their well-defined, three-di-
The synthesis of molecules with precise mensional architecture and their high num-
dimensions has always been the domain of ber of end groups. These features indicate
the organic chemist. The recent progress possibilities for a densely packed surface
made in natural product synthesis is fasci- with cavities present in the dendrimer inter-
nating (the complexity of the targeted struc- ior and allow simple modification methods
tures has increased significantly) and is leading to the use of dendritic materials in
mainly due to advances in synthetic metho- catalysis, nanotechnology, polymer tech-
dologies on one hand and enormous devel- nology (polymer additives), and biomedical
opments in new characterization techniques applications (e.g., controlled drug release
on the other. In the synthesis of polymers, systems).
the progress is equally impressive, as is ob- Various authors have written excellent
vious from the other chapters in this series. books and reviews on dendritic molecules
However, in contrast to those active in the (Newkome et al., 1996; Issberner et al.,
area of organic chemistry and biochemistry, 1994; Tomalia et al., 1990a; Ardoin and
polymer chemists have accepted that molec- Astruc, 1995; FrCchet et al., 1996; Malm-
ular weight distributions are present in high strom and Hult, 1997). For details on the
molecular weight materials as synthesized many possible applications of dendrimers,
by various polymerization methodologies. the reader is referred to these excellent re-
These molecular weight distributions are views. Here, we will not attempt to describe
the result of the statistical nature of all poly- all known dendritic molecules, but we will
merization procedures known in polymer emphasize on the synthetic methodologies
chemistry: Even in living polymer sys- that are the basis for the production of den-
tems, polymers have a statistical distribu- drimers. Furthermore, the molecular char-
tion of chain lengths, although the polydis- acterization of dendrimers will be stressed.
persity can be as low as 1.01. Finally, the structural properties of a select-
Recently, dendrimers have been intro- ed number of dendrimers will be discussed.
duced as a new class of macromolecules
(Newkome et al., 1985; Tomalia et al.,
1985, 1986). These types of molecules fit 12.2 Methodologies in
perfectly in the no-mans-land between or- Dendrimer Synthesis
ganic and polymer chemistry: Dendrimers
are macromolecules with a completely de- Dendrimers are highly and regularly
fined structure, made by a step-by-step pro- branched polymers with a layered structure
cedure and, in theory, lacking polydisper- (every layer is a so-called generation). In
sity (i.e., D = 1). The seminal contributions Fig. 12-1, a fifth generation poly(propy1ene
of Newkome (Newkome et al., 1985) and imine) dendrimer is shown as an example.
Tomalia (Tomalia et al., 1986) have initiat- The architectural features of dendrimers re-
ed a tremendous activity in the fields of den- semble trees and cauliflowers. As a result,
drimer chemistry and chemistry related to trivial names like arborols (arbor, Latin =
other well-defined, highly branched macro- tree), cauliflower polymers, cascade poly-
molecules. Many intriguing properties of mers, and molecular fractals have been
dendrimers have been proposed, and some coined for these macromolecules. Of
of them have been disclosed recently. The course, the word dendrimer, which is now
408 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

Figure 12-1. The fifth generation ofthe commercially available poly(propy1ene imine) dendrimers: DAB-dmdr-
(NH21b4(de Brabander-van den Berg and Meijer. 1993). DAB is an indication for the diaminobutane core.

used by every author in the field, is also vergent and the convergent approaches.
trivial (dmdru, Greek = tree-like). The cur- More recently, combinations of the two have
rent scientific nomenclature rules do not been explored.
suffice to describe the molecular structure The oldest methodology towards den-
of dendrimers efficiently. Therefore elegant drimers is the divergent synthesis. Using
cascade nomenclature rules have been pro- this approach, the addition of a monomer to
posed by Newkome et al. (1993 a). a multivalent core molecule is followed by
The molecular structure of dendrimers an activation (or deprotection) step result-
finds its origin in the stepwise synthesis of ing in a structure with a multiplied number
these structures. The same chemistry and of end functionalities at the periphery. With
building blocks are used for every new gen- every sequence of (generally two) reactions,
eration. Two completely different synthetic one generation is added. Independently,
approaches towards dendrimers of higher Newkome and Tomalia have introduced this
generations have been introduced: the di- strategy to synthesize well-defined dendrit-
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrimer Synthesis 409



&, 0 ' R(COOH)4 "

Newkome's synthetic mpeat

NH3 v
b N
P N H 2
0 NH
Tomalia's synthetic repeat

Figure 12-2. The divergent approach towards dendrimers. Newkome uses a branched building block and To-
malia uses the chemistry to obtain branched structures.

ic macromolecules of high molecular tion, and it therefore becomes increasingly

weight. The divergent dendrimer synthesis difficult to achieve full conversion. At a cer-
is an adaptation of the iterative chemistry tain generation, the conversion will be con-
leading to cascade molecules as reported on trolled by steric circumstances. 100% con-
by Vogtle (Buhleier et al., 1978).Within the version will not be possible at this point,
divergent approach, we can differentiate simply because there is not enough space to
two slightly different reaction schemes, as accommodate all the new end groups. The
illustrated in Fig. 12-2. In one scheme, the conversion will stop at the so-called 'steri-
branching originates from the building cally controlled stoichiometry ' . However,
blocks which are branched (used by, e.g., long before this generation is reached, full
Newkome). In the other scheme, the branch- conversion will also be problematic. In a di-
ing is obtained by the chemistry employed: vergent dendrimer synthesis, a huge num-
The double Michael addition of methyl ber of reactions have to be performed on the
acrylate to a primary amine (used by, e.g., same molecule, meaning that only 100%
Tomalia). Both reaction schemes will be conversion per reaction will lead to defect-
discussed in detail later. free dendrimers. An average yield of 99.5%
In both reaction schemes, the number of per reaction will, in the case of the synthe-
reaction sites multiplies with every genera- sis of the fifth generation poly(propy1ene
410 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

- -

S-fR s>lp

s s s ss s s s


c- core -c

L .fR

s s s ss s s s
Figure 12-3. The concept of a convergent dendrimer synthesis. Every step involves a wedge with a focal group
( f ) that is protected (fp) or reactive (fR).An activated wedge reacts with a monomer to afford a dendrimer with
a higher generation: a monomer is a molecule with (at least) two coupling sites (c) and a protected focal point.
The synthesis begins at the surface (s) and ends at the core.

imine) dendrimer (this molecule needs 248 ber of side products can be formed, and it is
reactions), only result in (0.995248)x100= possible to purify every generation by meth-
29%- of defect-free dendrimer. Therefore ods well known in organic chemistry (typ-
the divergent synthesis can be referred to as cally, column chromatography and precipi-
the macromolecular approach to dendrim- tation are used). These purifications are in-
ers, since the presence of a small number of conceivable for divergently produced den-
statistical defects cannot be circumvented. drimers of higher generations. Therefore the
Such statistical defects are also well known convergent synthesis can be referred to as
from Merrifield syntheses of polypeptides the organic approach to dendrimers: Prod-
and polynucleotides (Solomons, 1996). ucts can be purified and will, in general, be
In order to overcome the difficulty of the defect-free.
many reactions that have to be performed at Following the above synthetic methodol-
the steadily growing number of end groups, ogies, a large variety of dendrimers have
FrCchet and co-worker introduced the con- been prepared and characterized. We have
vergent synthesis of dendrimers (Hawker chosen to highlight a limited number of den-
and Frkchet. 1990). Instead of divergently drimers to illustrate the different approach-
growing the dendrimer from the core to the es, chemistries, characterizations, and ap-
periphery. the convergent growth strategy plications. In our personal selection, we
\tarts from the periphery and ends at the core have been led by the idea that those den-
(see Fig. 12-3). This approach eliminates drimers that have attracted the attention of
the exponential increase of reactive sites a major part of the polymer community are
which is characteristic for divergent syn- worth mentioning here. Therefore the first
thetic procedures. In fact, the strength of a part of this chapter will deal with
convergent synthesis is the constant number Newkomes arborols, Tomalias Starburst
of reactive sites for the production of every dendrimers, DSMs poly(propy1ene imine)
new generation. Thus only a limited num- dendrimers, FrCchets polyether dendrim-
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrimer Synthesis 41 1

ers, and Moores phenylacetylene dendrim- name these molecules arborols (arbor=
ers. These dendrimers have not only been tree, Latin) (Newkome et al., 1985). The
studied and applied by the original authors, synthetic procedure towards these dendrim-
but have also been used and characterized ers does not rely on an exact iterative pro-
by others. Obviously, our personal selection cess, but uses three different building
is limited and does not reflect the impor- blocks, each possessing a three-directional
tance or beauty of many other dendritic (1 + 3) branching center (see Fig. 12-4).
structures with special functions. In the sec- The trifunctional core molecule, 1,1,1-
ond part of this chapter, we will discuss tris(hydroxymethyl)hexane, is extended by
some new developments in the synthesis reacting the alcohols with chloroacetic ac-
and characterization of dendrimers as well id. After esterification of the carboxylic ac-
as hyperbranched polymers. ids, reduction of the resulting methyl esters,
and activation of the three alcohol functions
by tosylation, the next branching unit, the
sodium salt of triethyl methanetricarboxy-
12.2.1 Divergent Methods late [NaC(CO,Et),], can be introduced via
a Williamson coupling reaction. The final Newkomes Arborols
branching molecule, tris(hydroxymethy1)-
In 1985, Newkome presented highly aminomethane, is simply introduced in an
branched, tree-like molecules with terminal amidation reaction. In addition to this first
alcohol functions, prompting the author to arborol, structural variations have been re-

Figure 12-4. The first reported synthesis of so-called arborols by Newkome: a) 1. C1CH2COOH, t-BuOK,
t-BuOH, 2. MeOH, H+; b) 1 , LiAIH4, 2. TsCI, pyridine; c) NaC(COZEt),; d) H,NC(CH?OH),, KzCO3, R=n-alkyl.
41 2 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules


orthogonal lessthan orthogonal

Figure 12-5. Three types of bola-amphiphiles with arborol polar head groups and various apolar spacers. Two
modes of packing (orthogonal and less-than-orthogonal) of the bola-amphiphile molecules have been proposed.
These amphiphiles can schematically be drawn as dumbbell structures.

ported in which other core molecules have showing that not every design gives gel for-
been applied; 1.3.5-tris(bromomethyI)ben- mation in water, i.e., not every spacer has
Lene (Newkome et al., 1986a) and even ca- the proper steric parameters to allow a pack-
lixarenes (Newkome et al., 1991 a) have ing process in water. In fact, in the series of
been used effectively as cores. amphiphiles with alkyl spacers, only the
Based on a \imilar sequence of reactions, Clo-derivative forms a gel in water. TEM
variou\ bola-amphiphiles have been pro- photographs of this derivative show the
duced. Bola-amphiphiles are molecules presence of linear assemblies with diame-
bearing two polar end functionalities separ- ters in the order of the length of one mole-
ated by an apolar (alkyl) spacer (Fuhrop and cule (ca. 35 A)(3.5 nm) (Newkome et al.,
Mathieu. 1984). These amphiphiles are 1986b). It has been suggested that one C l o
known to assemble in long rod-like micelles alkyl spacer has an extended conformation
in water, resulting in the formation of aque- and is orthogonally stacked on top of an-
ous gels. Bola-amphiphiles with varying other spacer (Fig. 12-5). When an alkyne
spacer\ have been investigated (Fig. 12-5), moiety is introduced in the alkyl spacer, ag-
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrimer Synthesis 41 3

Beheras amine



dodeca-carboxylic acid I---

Beheras amine

higher generations

Figure 12-6. Newkomes iterative synthetic procedure towards dendrimers with carboxylic acid end function-
alities. A repetition of coupling reactions with Beheras amine and deprotections of the tert-butyl esters can be
used to build up higher generation dendrimers.

gregation of the linear strands to rope-like an iterative procedure has been found in
higher structures is observed (Newkome Beheras amine (see Fig. 12-6) (Young
et al., 1992). The origin of the helical rope et al., 1994; Newkome et al., 1 9 9 3 ~ ) .
structures is sought in a less-than-orthogo- Beheras amine can be coupled to a four-
nal chain alignment of the hydrophobic directional tetra-carboxylic acid core using
spacers in the linear strand. String-like high- standard amidation conditions, i.e., condi-
er structures have also been observed for tions also applied in peptide synthesis [di-
bola-amphiphiles with tetrathiafulvalene cyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC), 1-hydroxy-
(TTF) moieties incorporated in the hydro- benzotriazole (1-HBT), dimethylform-
phobic spacers (J@rgensenet al., 1994). Fi- amide (DMF), 25 C ] . Subsequently, the
nally, when spirane or biphenyl hydropho- tert-butyl ester masking groups are hydro-
bic spacers are used, the resultant amphi- lyzed under acidic conditions (pure
philes fail to gel in aqueous solutions (New- HCOOH) to afford the first generation den-
kome et al., 1993b). drimer with 12 terminal carboxylic acid
The tris(hydroxymethy1)aminomethane functionalities. Repetitive amidation and
building block is not suited for an iterative hydrolysis has produced dendrimers up to
synthesis of higher generation dendrimers, generation G,; this is the dendritic material
because the neopentyl electrophile centers with, ideally, 972 carboxylic acids at the
cannot be used in S& reactions (March, periphery. All dendritic materials with car-
1992). A successful building block for such boxylic acid terminal functionalities have
414 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

Figure 12-7. Two alternative building
blocks for Beheras amine: tricarbamate A
tricartjarnate A tri-esterB and tri-ester B.

been isolated as white solids, most of which studied by diffusion-ordered 2D NMR

display melting trajectories. (DOSY) (Young et al., 1994). In this NMR
The applied synthetic route to higher gen- technique, a pulsed field gradient is em-
eration dendrimers can be modified to gen- ployed to allow the measurement of diffu-
erate dendrimers with exterior alcohol or sion coefficients (Morris and Johnson,
amine functions (Young et al., 1994). For 1993). The diffusion coefficient of a poly-
this purpose, two alternative building mer in a solvent (D)is related to the effec-
blocks with I --+ 3 branching points have tive hydrodynamic radius (RH)of this poly-
been synthesized (see Fig. 12-7); both these mer by the Stokes-Einstein equation, i.e.,
molecules (the tri-carbamate A and the ace- RE,= kBT/(6Dn:q),in which kB is the Boltz-
tyl protected tri-alcohol B) originate from mann constant, T is the absolute tempera-
nitromethane. In Fig. 12-8, the uses of these ture, and q is the viscosity of D 2 0 at tem-
two building blocks A and B are explained. perature T. The hydrodynamic radii of the
Dendrimers with amine terminal func- three types of dendrimers have been deter-
tionalities can be obtained by interrupting mined at different pH values, showing that
the synthesis schematically drawn in the acidic and basic dendrimers swell or
Fig. 12-6 at any desired generation. Instead shrink upon pH change, whereas the neutral
of coupling Beheras amine to the carboxy- dendrimers do not adjust their size in re-
lic end groups. building block A should be sponse to a pH stimulus. Apparently, charge
coupled. Acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of the repulsion at the surface forces the dendrim-
terminal r-BOC moieties yields dendrimers ers to more extended conformations, where-
with amine terminal functions. In a similar as the absence of such repulsion facilitates
fashion, building block B can be used to ac- backfolding of the flexible branches.
quire arborols of various generations. Af- The various masked dendritic materials
ter building block B has been introduced by have been purified by aqueous extraction
applying the standard amidation conditions, and column chromatography, whereas the
the acetyl masking groups can be removed dendrimers with the carboxylic acid, amine,
by a simple base-catalyzed hydrolysis or alcohol termini have been worked up by
(K2C03,EtOH) to afford the corresponding dialysis procedures and, in some cases,
dendritic polyols. preparative reversed phase HPLC tech-
The three series of cascade polyamides niques. All dendrimers have been character-
possessing either acidic (-COOH), neutral ized by NMR methods, IR, elemental anal-
(-OH), or basic (-NH2) termini have been ysis, and SEC, showing that the obtained
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrimer Synthesis 415

tricarbamate A ? /
tri-ester B


2. i. HCOOH
ii. HCI
2. K2C03. EtOH

", iR

R, Y

Figure 12-8. Newkome's syntheses of dendrimers with amine (left route) or alcohol (right route) end function-
alities. In this example, the starting compound is a tetrafunctional acid; multi-acid functionalized dendrimers ob-
tained from the iterative synthesis shown in Fig. 12-6 can also be used as starting compounds.

data are in agreement with the assigned the expression of small defects is well
structures. However, the used characteriza- known in this area. For example, the 124
tion techniques are not suited to determine amino acid ribonuclease has been synthe-
the presence of small amounts of defect sized to 17% purity after 369 chemical con-
structures, especially when higher genera- versions (the other 83% of the material pos-
tion material is considered. In fact, defect sess one or more defect in the amino acid
structures should be expected in the higher sequence) (Solomons, 1996).
generations, since standard amidation con- Newkome has reported titration experi-
ditions are used in the iterative syntheses of ments indicating that a high level of purity
these materials. Such amidation conditions is routinely obtained with the applied syn-
are routinely applied in Merrifield synthe- thetic procedure (Newkome et al., 1997).
ses of polypeptides, and the phenomenon of Detailed mass spectrometry data on the de-
416 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

tri-ester A

la_ multi-methylester

rnulti carboxyiic acid 2 L rnu~-methylester

multi carboxylic acid
Figure 12-9. Dendritnen with a cyclophane or a porphyrin core, as synthesized by Diederich. The
'dendrophanes'. 1.e.. cyclophanes covalently linked to a dendritic substructure. are receptor molecules (Mattei
el at.. 1995). The porphyrin derivatives can be regarded as the synthetic analogs of globular heme proteins (Dand-
liker et al., lY9-l). a ) A. DCC. I-HBT. THF: b) LiOH. THF/MeOH/H,O; c) LiOH, MeOH/H20.

scribed dendritic structures have not been testify that the synthesis of small amounts
reported by Newkome. Diederich, however, of defect dendritic structures cannot be cir-
has produced similar dendritic systems that cumvented when the divergent approach, as
have been analyzed by fast atom bombard- introduced by Newkome, is followed. In a
ment (FAB) and matrix-assisted laser de- broader sense, these data indicate that all
sorption time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) dendrimers prepared via divergent methods
mass spectroscopy (Mattei et al., 1995; will, to a certain extent, suffer from these
Dandliker et al.. 1994). A tri-methyl ester defect structures.
building block and a four-directional por- Apart from the structures shown in
phyrin or cyclophane core have been em- Figs. 12-4 to 12-6 and Fig. 12-8, Newkome
ployed to construct the targeted molecules (Newkome et al., 1991 b) has reported nu-
(see Fig. 12-9). Analogous to the iterative merous other dendritic systems such as, for
dendrimer syntheses described by New- example, Micellanol and Micellanoic acid
kome, standard amidation conditions (DCC, (see Fig. 12-10). These all-saturated struc-
1 -HBT. DMF) have been used by Diederich tures with hydrophobic hydrocarbon interi-
Purification by preparative gel permeation ors and hydrophilic alcohol or carboxylic
chromatography (GPC) has afforded den- acid exteriors have been prepared by using
drimers up to generation G,. The MALDI- the tri-benzylic alcohol depicted in Fig. 12-
TOF mass spectrum of the G 2 material pos- 10. This molecule is prepared in seven steps
sessing the porphyrin core indicates a base from nitromethane and serves as a precur-
peak corresponding to the molecular ion, sor to both the tetrabromide core and the
and small additional peaks corresponding to three-directional acetylene branching unit.
defect ions missing one or more branch units Micellanoic acid can be modified with tet-
are observed. Consequently, these mass data ramethylammonium hydroxide to yield Mi-
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrimer Synthesis 41 7


ic b
coremolecule H monomer A

Figure 12-10. The synthesis of

Micellanol, Micellanoic acid, and
Micellanoate. Micellanoate has 36

- -
carboxylate end functionalities
with 36 tetramethylammonium
a d, e counter cations. a) SOC1,; b) lithi-
dodeca chloride 36-MiceltanolTM um acetylide; c) HBr, H,SO,;
d) monomer A, HMPA, LDA,
f 9 TMEDA; e) Pd/C, H2, EtOH; f)
36-Micellanoic acidTM 36-MicellanoateTM RuO,; g) N(CH,),OH.

cellanoate. This unimolecular micelle is Tomalias Starburst

able to carry hydrophobic guest molecules Dendrimers
(Newkome et al., 1991 c).
The versatility of the synthetic route to Tomalia and co-workers (Tomalia et al.,
the various micellar structures is demon- 1985, 1986) have introduced the so-called
strated by the modification of their polyal- PAMAM (polyamidoamine) Starburst
kyne precursors. Reaction of the alkyne dendrimers. These dendrimers are built in
moieties with decaborane (Bl0HI4) (New- arepetition of two synthetic steps: aMichael
kome et al., 1994a) or dicobalt octacarbo- addition of methyl acrylate on an amine fol-
nyl (Co2C08)(Newkome and Moorefield, lowed by an amidation with ethylenedia-
1994b) affords dendrimers with site-speci- mine on the resulting methyl ester. This
fied functionalities within their structure branching theme has been utilized starting
(see Fig. 12-1 1). with various core molecules such as (most
41 8 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules







Figure 12-11. The conversion

BnO OBn of an alkyne-bearing precursor
of Micellanol to a cobalt-func-
tionalized dendrimer. In a simi-
lar fashion, borane derivatives
OBn can be made [using B,oH,4,
MeCN in toluene instead of
Co2(CO), in CH2CI2]. L = CO-
OBn hgand.

importantly) NH, and ethylenediamine. .

drimer in a 99% yield Repeating this se-
Aryl triesters (Tomalia and Dewald, 1985, quence of reactions, dendrimers up to gen-
a hexa-ester (Evans et al., 1993), and a wide eration G4,5have been synthesized, with
variety of difunctional molecules (Tomalia yields of intermediate generations always
et a]., 1993) have also been used as cores. exceeding 91 %. In articles of later date, den-
The applied synthesis allows modification drimers of even higher generations (up to
of the dendrimer exterior (Tomalia et al., G9) have been reported (Meitzer et a].,
1993; Meltzer et al.. 1992), for instance, hy- 1992). Work-up procedures involve the in
droxyl-terminated dendrimers have been vacuo removal of volatiles and, for the high-
produced by using 2-aminoethanol as the er generation materials, dialysis and ultra-
amidation reagent (Meltzer et al., 1992). centrifugation. The PAMAM dendrimers
The first published PAMAM dendrimer in- are isolated as viscous syrups or glasses.
itiates from an NH, core molecule (see
Fig. 12- 12) (Tomalia et al., 1986). The ad- In the initial article (Tornalia et al., 1986), this tri-
dition of methyl acrylate to a methanolic a m h e is called the first generation PAMAM dendrim-
NH3 solution affords the tri-ester in a 98% er. Later (Tomalia et al., 1990), this convention was
changed, effectively reducing the numbering of every
yield. Subsequent amidation in methanol generation by one. Here, the latest numbering conven-
using an excess of ethylenediamine gives tion is used. In any case, amines are whole genera-
the so-called zero generation PAMAM den- tions and esters are half generations.
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrirner Synthesis 41 9

generation zero


Figure 12-12. The synthesis of PAMAM dendrimers comprises a sequence of (i) Michael additions with meth-
yl acrylate and (ii) amidations with ethylene diamine.

Optimization of both steps in the synthe- action is typically executed at 20 " C , apply-
sis of the PAMAM dendrimers is of key im- ing only a small molar excess of methyl ac-
portance to the purity of the final product. rylate (molar excesses of typically 10%
Therefore these two steps have been exam- have been used). Second, the amidation re-
ined, focusing on possible side reactions action has been found to be a slower pro-
(Smith et al., 1987). First, the applied Mi- cess, implying that total conversion is prob-
chael addition has been found to be fast, pro- lematic. Moreover, unwanted side reactions
ceeding without the formation of significant such as retro-Michael reactions, intramolec-
amounts of by-products. Therefore this re- ular lactam formations, and intermolecular
420 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules




Figure 12-13. Top: the correct amidation to PAMAM dendrimer Go. Unwanted reaction products arise from:
incomplete amidations ( A ). retro-Michael reactions (B). intramolecular lactam formations (C), and intermolec-
ular amidations (D).

coupling reactions compete in this amida- nolic reaction medium. Thus, the study has
tion step (see Fig. 12-13). In order to esti- resulted in amidation conditions that in-
mate the importance of these side reactions, volve the use of large excesses of ethylene-
a combined experimental and theoretical diamine ('exhaustive amidation'). Further-
study using I3CNMR spectroscopy, size ex- more, long reaction times (typically days),
clusion chromatography (SEC), mass spec- a methanolic medium, and low temperatures
trometry, and statistical modeling has been (0-5 " C )are required in this step.
carried out (Smith et al., 1987).It was found The ideal growth of dendrimers is stopped
that the retro-Michael reaction could be at the so-called dense-packed state, as point-
largely suppressed by applying low reaction ed out in a theoretical exposition by de
temperatures and providing a sufficiently Gennes (de Gennes and Hervet, 1983). The
methanolic reaction medium. Intermolecu- dense-packed state is reached when the sur-
lar linking reactions could be overpowered face area per end functionality equals the
by using a large excess of ethylenediamine. van der Waals dimensions of such an end
However, at higher generations, the required functionality. The generation m l at which
excess of ethylenediamine to prohibit link- full congestion is reached can be derived
ing reactions was calculated to be experi- from a simple equation ( P = branch segment
mentally unfeasible. The formation of intra- length) (de Gennes and Hervet, 1983).
molecular lactam adducts, which were ob-
served by mass spectrometry and I3C NMR,
inl =2.88x(ln P + 1.5). (12-1)
has not been studied in detail. Presumably, Thus, for PAMAM dendrimers, the dense-
lactam formation can be minimized by us- packed generation (ml) has been predicted
ing ethylenediamine in excess in a metha- to lie in-between generations G9 and GI".
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrimer Synthesis 421

The characterization of PAMAM den- G4. As opposed to the characterization of

drimers has been carried out applying vari- dendrimers in terms of polydispersity, it is
ous techniques including H NMR, 2H also possible to directly calculate the den-
NMR, and I3C NMR spectroscopy (Meltzer dritic purity of the perfect dendrimer from
et al., 1992; Smith et al., 1987), SEC (Smith the ESI-MS data available (the dendritic
et al., 1987), intrinsic viscosity measure- purity is defined as the percentage of error-
ments (Tomalia et al., 1990), and electro- free dendrimer molecules). Performing
spray ionization mass spectrometry (Kallos such a calculation, a purity of ca. 8% can be
et al., 1991) (ESI-MS). The intrinsic viscos- derived for from the G4 dendrimer.
ity ( q )measurements on the PAMAM ma- The PAMAM dendrimers were the first
terials have been proposed to support the dendrimers available for detailed studies.
idea of an increasingly packed dendrimer Therefore other research groups have also
surface. Initially, the intrinsic viscosity in- reported on the characteristics of PAMAM
creases as a function of the molar mass, but dendrimers. Furthermore, these dendrimers
at generation G4, the onset of a viscosity de- have been used to probe many of the prop-
cline is observed. It is argued that from gen- erties that have been proposed for dendritic
eration G4 on, surface congestion starts to structures. For those interested in the men-
reduce the optimum surface-solvent inter- tioned studies, we would like to refer to the
actions, and therefore the dendrimer is be- original publications (Caminati et al., 1990,
ginning to act more like an Einstein spher- 1991; Ottaviani et al., 1995; Miller et al.,
oid. Another explanation for the decreasing 1995; Farin et al., 1990; Watanabe and Re-
intrinsic viscosity as a function of the mo- gen, 1994), and to several excellent reviews
lecular weight is simpler. With increasing (Newkome et al., 1996; Issberner et al.,
molecular weight, the density of dendrim- 1994; Tomalia et al., 1990; Ardoin and
ers increases, thus it is plausible that the in- Astruc, 1995; FrCchet et al., 1996; Malm-
trinsic viscosity decreases accordingly strom and Huh, 1997).
( [ q ]=(q,pecl~),,O;c in mass per volume)
(FrCchet et al., 1996).
Electrospray ionization mass spectrome- Poly(propy1ene imine)
try (ESI-MS) is extremely useful in the de-
termination of the exact nature of the pro-
duced PAMAM materials, especially with Acrylonitrile is a convenient building
respect to the higher generations. Although block in the synthesis of dendrimers, as was
higher generation dendrimers have been an- recognized for the first time by Vogtle in
alyzed with ESI-MS, detailed and minutely 1978 (see Fig. 12-14) (Buhleier et al.,
examined ESI-MS data are only reported on 1978). Unfortunately, his attempts at pro-
the PAMAM dendrimers of generations as ducing so-called cascade molecules on the
high as generation G4 (this is the material basis of this building block were severely
with, ideally, 48 amine end groups, corre- hampered by difficulties in the reduction of
sponding to a molecular weight of 10632 the nitrile moiety and by complications in
Dalton). The analysis of G4has shown the the subsequent purification of the amines.
presence of imperfect components, result- Independently, these problems have been
ing from incomplete reaction and lactam solved by Mulhaupt (Worner and Mulhaupt,
formation reactions. Nevertheless, a poly- 1993) and de Brabander (de Brabander-van
dispersity of 1.0007 has been calculated for den Berg and Meijer, 1993), who showed
422 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

7CN 7 reduction
___t etc.

Nc H2NJ N L N b

Figure 12-14. The reaction sequence, as introduced by Vogtle, used for the production of poly(propy1ene imine)

that the application of heterogeneous hy- Michael addition of acrylonitrile on an

drogenation catalysts (i.e., Raney-nickel amine (cyanoethylation) and (ii) hydrogen-
and Raney-cobalt catalysts, respectively) eration of the resulting nitrile (see Fig.
can overcome the previously mentioned 12-15). The cyanoethylation is executed
problems. Apart from the use of different with 2.5 -4 equivalents of acrylonitrile per
hydrogenation catalysts, the syntheses of primary amine and is performed in H20.
Mulhaupt and de Brabander make use of two The first equivalent is added and reacts at
different core molecules [NH3 and I ,4-di- room temperature, whereas the reaction
aminobutane (DAB), respectively], result- of the second requires 80C. Even for the
ing in poly(propy1ene imine) dendrimers higher generation amines, this reaction is
with different numbers of end functional- quite smooth and complete conversion is
ities. Both Mulhaupt and de Brabander have achieved within a few hours (incomplete
applied comparable reaction conditions for cyanoethylation can readily be concluded
the two consecutive synthetic steps, but the from surplus I3C NMR signals).
approach of de Brabander has been opti- Hydrogenation of the various DAB-
mized, facilitating the production of the po- dendr-(CN), materials is performed in H,O,
ly(propy1ene imine) DAB dendrimers on a applying H, pressures of 30 - 70 bar and us-
large scale. Apart from generation Go.s , ing the Raney-cobalt catalyst. Hydrogena-
which is a crystalline solid, all other gener- tion is the difficult step in the production of
ations of poly(propy1ene imine) DAB den- poly(propy1ene imine) dendrimers, mainly
drimers are colorless oils. The DAB-dendr- because unwanted side reactions can occur.
(CN), generations are soluble in organic These side reactions are (i) the retro-
solvents, whereas the DAB-dendr-(NH,), Michael reaction and (ii) the intramolecular
generations dissolve in H 2 0 and MeOH. All addition of amines to imines - these are
poly(propy1ene imine) dendrimers up to Gs intermediates in the hydrogenation process
(64 amine end groups) are now commercial- - resulting in the formation of cyclic spe-
ly available. cies and NH3 (see Fig. 12-16). The products
Production of poly(propy1ene imine) of the retro-Michael reaction can be ob-
DAB dendrimers. comprises (i) the double served in the I3C NMR spectrum, in which
an extra set of signals becomes visible.
The numbering and notation convention for the Slight adjustments of the hydrogenation
poly(propy1ene imine) DAB dendrimers is a follows: conditions at every generation can minimize
The nitrile-terminated components are half genera- the occurrence of the retro-Michael reac-
tions. whereas the amine-terminated components are tion. The formation of cyclic species can be
whole generations. The compound with four nitrile
functions is generation G,, and is denoted as DAB-
minimized by applying ammonia in the re-
dendr-(CN),; the following generations are DAB-dedr- action mixture. It should be stressed, how-
(NH2f4,DAB-dendr-(CN),, DAB-dendr-(NH&, etc. ever, that the process window for an ideal
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrirner Synthesis 423

.. .
J repeat 4 times

DAB-dendr-(NH2)M (see Figure 12-1)

Figure 12-15. The divergent synthesis of poly(propy1ene imine) DAB dendrimers starting from diaminobutane
(DAB). The sequence comprises (1) a cyanoethylation and (ii) a Raney-cobalt reduction.

Figure 12-16. Top: the correct hydrogenation to DAB-dendr-(NH2)4. Unwanted reaction products arise from
(A) retro-Michael reactions and, (B) intramolecular amine formations. Products from incomplete hydrogenation
might also be formed.

hydrogenation is small, since the mentioned both reaction steps have been modified, im-
side reactions can occur easily. proving the purity of the products without
Since both reactions in the production se- decreasing the attractiveness of the synthe-
quence of poly(propy1ene imine) dendrim- sis (DSM Research, 1997).
ers are performed in H20, it is not required The poly(propy1ene imine) DAB den-
that all the individual intermediates be iso- drimers have been characterized by a range
lated. After hydrogenation, the solution is of techniques (de Brabander-van den Berg
filtered, the concentration of the filtrate is and Meijer, 1993), including various NMR
adjusted by water evaporation, and the Mi- spectroscopy methods [ 'H NMR, 13CNMR,
chael addition is started. After the Michael and I5N NMR (Van Genderen et al. 1994)],
addition, azeotropic distillation of excess IR spectroscopy, high pressure liquid
arcylonitrile (with H20) is carried out, fol- chromatography (HPLC), SEC, differential
lowed by washing the product with H20. Fi- scanning calometry (DSC), thermogravi-
nally, the concentration of the nitrile-termi- metric analysis (TGA), and intrinsic viscos-
natedproduct is adjusted to perform the next ity measurements. HPLC data on DAB-
hydrogenation. Recently, solvents used in dendr-(CN)8 have shown the presence of a
424 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

Figure 12-17. HPLC chroma-

I togram of DAB-dendr-(CN),.
0 5
t [min] -
10 15 20

small amount of DAB-derzdr-(CN)7,on the increase. However, on going from G3.sto

basis of which an average selectivity per G1,s and G5.s,a viscosity drop is measured.
conversion of 99.8% could be derived for Such a development in the intrinsic viscos-
the first three steps (see Fig. 12-17). ity as a function of molecular weight is typ-
DSC results have shown that the glass ical for dendritic materials (Tomalia et al.,
transition temperature (T,) of the poly(prop- 1990; Mouray et al., 1992). The spectral
ylene imine) DAB dendrimers is low and data (primarily NMR data) of the isolated
increases with increasing generation. The poly(propy1ene imine) DAB dendrimers are
nitrile-terminated half generations have consistent with the proposed dendrimer
higher T, values, as expected on the basis of structures. However, especially at higher
the dipole-dipole interactions of the CN generations, the applied spectroscopic tools
moieties Further thermal analysis shows are no longer suitable for the detection of
that the amine-terminated materials are re- small amounts of defect structures. There-
markably stable. TGA data show increasing fore a detailed electrospray ionization mass
stability for every next generation, e . g , spectrometry (ESI-MS) study has been
TGA,,,,, values of 330 "C and 470 "C have performed to elucidate the exact nature of
been determined for G I and G4, respective- the commercially available poly(propy1ene
ly. The nitrile-terminated materials are less imine) DAB dendrimers (Hummelen et al.,
stable due to thermally induced retro-Mi- 1997). In the following, the results of this
chael reactions. The intrinsic viscosity ( q ) study will be described and discussed.
of the nitrile-terminated components shows
an initial increase upon a molecular weight Electrospmy tonization Mass Spectrometry
(ESI-MS)Analysis of Poly(propy1ene imine)
Dendrirne rs
The DAB-clcridr-(NH21, materials of generation G 2
and higher have T , values of ca. -65C: the DAB-
dendr-(CN)tinaterials of generation and higher The poly(propy1ene imine) dendrimers
havc Tg valuec of ca. -SO "C. with either the amine or the nitrile end group
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrimer Synthesis 425

Figure 12-18. The synthesis of poly(propy1ene imine) dendrimers (reactions A and B)and alternative pathways
C and D. Path C illustrates a missed Michael addition (either by an incomplete cyanoethylation or by a retro-
Michael reaction). Path D illustrates a cyclization reaction. Paths C and D describe defect reactions on going
from one amine generation to the next.

have been synthesized on a large scale fol- Both types of poly(propy1ene imine) den-
lowing the reaction sequence given in drimer, i.e., DAB-dendr-(CN), and DAB-
Fig. 12-15. The alternating sequence of Mi- dendr-(NH2),, are polar and poly-basic
chael additions and hydrogenation reactions components which are partially protonated
leads in ten steps from diaminobutane when dissolved in methanol-water mix-
(DAB) to D A B - ~ ~ I I ~ ~ - ( After
N H ~248
)~~. tures. This property allows for the direct
successful consecutive reactions, the ideal analysis of the dendrimer solutions by pos-
structure, as given in Fig. 12-1, is formed. itive ion ESI-MS (Hummelen et al., 1997).
However, the probability of (i) incomplete The actual and deconvoluted ESI-MS spec-
Michael additions and (ii) the formation of tra of DAB-~derzdr-(NH&~are given in
cyclic structures or retro-Michael reactions Fig. 12-19. The measured spectrum shows
during hydrogenation must be acknowl- different clusters of peaks, every peak cor-
edged. These three side reactions can be in- responding to a component with a certain
corporated in two side paths C and D (see rnlz value and each cluster corresponding to
Fig. 12- 18) . In conclusion, the dendritic dendrimers with a particular charge z ( z= 4,
product should suffer from a small number 5 , . . ., 11, 12). No counterion interactions
of statistical defects and, hence, should have are observed. Deconvolution using stan-
a polydispersity, even in the case where the dard methods gives a spectrum in which the
reactions involved are optimized to the ex- largest peak at MR= 7 168 corresponds to the
treme. perfect fifth generation dendrimer DAB-

Paths C and D are the overall results of side reac- Deconvolution, which is a standard procedure in
tions occurring from one amine generation to the next. ESI-MS, converts the measured m/z values of the com-
Note that path D is an actual side reaction in the hy- ponents to the m values of the components by collect-
drogenation procedure and that path C is a pathway ing the clusters in so-called envelopes. Every enve-
which accounts for both an incomplete Michael addi- lope corresponds to a z value, so the rn value can be
tion and a retro-Michael reaction. calculated.
426 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

1 .2X1O6

1.0x106 94


0.0 I 1.. L
I . 1.1.
1 . h 1 1
5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7 0
Mass (amu)
Figure 12-19. The experimental (inset) and deconvoluted ESI-MS data on DAB-dendr-(NH2),,. For the expla-
nation of A. B. C, F. G. and H the reader is referred to Fig. 12-23 and to Table 12-1.

dendr-(NH&. Furthermore, a series of generations with both end functionalities

peaks is found, in which every peak is have been recorded. The deconvoluted
positioned at discrete mass intervals of spectra of the DAB-dendr-(CN), series with
AMR= n x 57.1 from the perfect dendrimer at x=8-64 are given in Fig. 12-20. The low-
MR= 7 168. These peaks correspond to den- est generations (up to x = 8) are seemingly
drimers with n missing propylamine units defect-free (e.g., a molecular ion peak is
(via path C: see Fig. 12-18). Additionally, found at MR=740.6 for x=8). For the ni-
the peak at MR=7151 (AMR=17) is as- trile-terminated, third generation DAB-
signed to the dendritic component with 62 dendr-(CN), 6 , the perfect dendrimer struc-
primary amine end groups and one cyclic ture is found at M R =1622.0, while at least
secondary amine structure; this dendrimer one defect structure is recorded at 1569.0
is formed as a result of the splitting off of (AM, = 5 3 ; missing acrylonitrile). For the
ammonia via path D (Fig. 12-18). Again, fourth and fifth generation, a repetition of
this peak is related to a series of peaks defects at intervals of mR=53 is found, as-
that can be found at mass intervals of signed to missing acrylonitrile units. Peaks
AMR=nx57.1 from MR=7151. In short, at AMR= 17 originate from cyclization reac-
all peaks in the deconvoluted spectrum can tions in the synthesis of the earlier genera-
be assigned to defect structures arising from tions (path D), whereas the peaks at
(a combination of) the defect pathways out- AMR= 57 originate from missed acrylon-
lined in Fig. 12- 18. itrile units in earlier generations (path C).
In order to fully understand the origin of The recorded peaks are not the result of frag-
the smaller peaks, ESI-MS spectra of all mentation in the apparatus, as an MS/MS
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrimer Synthesis 427



I '


Figure 12-20. The decon-

voluted ESI-MS data of
DAB-dendr-(CN), with,
from left to right, x = 8 , 16,
500 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 32. and 64.

study on a number of dendrimers with small tained by the interruption of the hydrogen-
defects has shown '. ation of DAB-dendr-(CN)32. The ESI-MS
The spectra of the DAB-dendr-(NHz), se- spectra, using two envelopes to deconvolute
ries have also been investigated in detail. the spectrum5, clearly show the presence of
Despite the fact that IR spectral data on the only two products: fully converted dendrim-
DAB-dendr-(NH,), dendrimers sometimes er and completely unreacted starting mate-
indicate the presence of small amounts of rial (Fig. 12-21). Apparently, the nitrile den-
residual CN groups, the deconvoluted ESI- drimer is fully hydrogenated before it is re-
MS spectra clearly show that shoulders at leased from the surface of the Raney-Cobalt
WR=4 are not present. Remarkably, how- catalyst.
ever, ESI-MS is indicative for the presence All defect structures found in the ESI-MS
of traces of starting material DAB-dendr- spectra of both series of poly(propy1ene
(CN), (for example, see the small cluster imine) dendrimers originate from two side
around dz, = in Fig. 12-19). This ob-
1728.7 pathways (paths C and D in Fig. 12-18).
servation was investigated with material ob- Once the probability of both side paths is
known from the individual ESI-MS spectra,
' Collision-activated dissociation (CAD) can be used
it is possible to simulate the ESI-MS spec-
tra for all generations, provided that the iso-
to execute well-defined fragmentation processes. Af-
ter filtering an ion in the first quadrupole of the instru- tope distributions are accounted for, and as-
ment, this ion is fragmented by collision with neutral suming that the response factors are equiv-
molecules in the gas phase. Finally, full characteriza- alent for the perfect and imperfect dendrim-
tion is performed with the second quadrupole. The
fragmentation of defect DAB dendrimer structures has
ers. The simulated spectra can then be fit-
been studied and the results of this study will be pub- ted on the actual deconvoluted spectra in an
lished in due course. iterative process. The result of the DAB-
428 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

3514.7 3384.0

1 I L .L 1
1 1
3500 3500

I \
I \
\ \

\ I \
\ I \

- c
.-,I I , ., - _ _ .
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Figure 12-21. ESI-MS spectrum of the interrupted hydrogenation of DAB-dendr-(CN)32. Inset A depicts the
selective deconvoluted spectrum of the low mass region (see the deconvolution envelope). The totally convert-
ed material is clearly visible [DAB-dendr-(NH,),,, MR=35 14.71. Inset B depicts the selective deconvoluted
spectrum of the high mass region. From this inset, unreacted DAB-dendr-(CN)32 (MR= 3384.0) is apparent.

Figure 12-22. The deconvoluted (upper

I 1
graph) and the simulated (lower graph)
5000 6000
1 I I I
5500 6500 7000 7500 ESI-MS spectrum of DAB-cier~dr-(NH,)~~.

dendr-(NH&, simulation is given in Fig- Table 12-1. Additionally, the yield of both
ure 12-22, and an almost perfect fit is found side paths in the formation of every amine
with the actual spectrum, as given in generation can be determined (see Table 12-
Fig. 12-19. With this simulation in hand, all 2). Thus the origin of the defect structures
of the peaks in the spectrum can be assigned, can be traced, and therefore the simulation
e.g., a number of assignments are given in results give an insight into the history of the
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrimer Synthesis 429
Table 12-1. Interpretation of the most prominent structures present in the mass spectrum of DAB-dendr-(NH2)64.

Isotope cluster Structure Defect history Abundance

at MRa (%I
A = 7 167.8 DAB-dendr-(NH2)64(s) no defects 100
B =7150.6 DAB-~~~~~-(NHz)~~(s)(NH)I(s)
1 * D at gen. 5 18.7
C=7111.7 DAB-dendr-(NHz),,(s)(NH) I (4) I* C at gen. 5 36.2
D = 7053.2 D A B - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ( N H ~ )i(4)
~ z ( s ) ( N H ~ )1* C at gen. 4
DAB-dendr-(NH2)62(5)(NH)~(4) 2* C at gen. 5 35.8
E=6995.6 1* C at gen. 4 + I * C at gen. 5
DAB-dendr-(NH~kI (s)(NH)3(4) 3* C at gen. 5 17.1
F = 6979.1 DAB-dendr-(NH2)61(5)1 ring N3-4 1 * D at gen. 4
3* C at gen. 5 + 1* D gen. 5
DAB-dendr-(NHz),9~s,(NH2)3(4)(NH)1(s, 14.1
G=6939.7 DAB-~~~~~-(NHz)~o(s)(NH~)z(~) I * C a t gen. 3
DAB-dendr-(NH2)60(~)(NH2)2(3) 2* C at gen. 4 37.8
H=6711.2 DAB-dendr-(NH2)~6(s)(NH2)4(4) 1* C at gen. 2 12.4

a The isotope clusters used are taken from the spectrum shown in Fig. 12-19. See also Fig. 12-23, in which the
defect structures A, B, C, F, G , and H have been drawn; The notation used: (NH2)1(y,means xNH2 end groups
at generation y ; The notation used: 3* C at gen. 5 means three randomly missing Michael additions in the
5h generation (path C in Fig. 12-18), 1* D at gen. 4 means one ring formation in the qfhgeneration (path D in
Fig. 12-18, followed by normal growth; Normalized abundance from the deconvoluted mass spectrum.

cascade synthesis of the poly(propy1ene Table 12-2. Data of the D A B - C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~series

imine) DAB dendrimers. In Fig. 12-23, the calculated from the simulated spectrum of DAB-
main defect structures in DAB-dendr-
(NH2)64 are shown. Product Path C Path D Dendritic
The experimental ESI-MS data and the (%per (%per purity
simulation data7 can be used to calculate end end (%of
the polydispersity, the dendritic purity, and group) group) total)
the branching efficiency of DAB-dendr- D A B - ~ ~ ~ ~ F ( N H 1.0
~)~ 0.0 96
(NH2)64. Polydisperities of 1.0018 and H ~ ) ~ 0.55
D A B - ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ - ( N1.0 86.7
1.0024 and purities of 15% and 23% have DAB-dendr-(NH2)16 1.65 0.50 63.8
been calculated from the deconvoluted and H ~ ) ~0.77
D A B - ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ - ( N0.97 ~ 41.3
the simulated spectra, respectively. The DAB-~~~z~~-(NH ~ ) , ~ 0.65
0.58 23.1
polydispersity M J M , is calculated the same
way as it is normally done for macromole-
cules, whereas the dendritic purity is de-
This ESI-MS analysis raises the question
fined as the number of error-free dendrim-
ers divided by all the dendritic structures. of whether the statistical defects in dendrim-
ers made by the divergent route should be
The branching efficiency, as typically de-
discussed in terms of polydispersity or in
fined and used for hyperbranched polymers
terms of dendritic purity. Since it is prefer-
(vide infra), is calculated at a=0.987.
able to use a terminology that is most infor-
For the polydispersity calculations, the region from
mative, we would like to propose that in the
case of dendrimers, in which the fully con-
4000 to 7250 amu in the simulated mass spectrum has
been used. verted and perfect product is the dominant
430 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

F= DAE3-dendT-(NHz)61(5,1 ring N34

species, it is appropriate to present these also difficult to use the methodology pre-
products in terms of dendritic purity. The sented here, because too many defects in the
polydispersity of dendrimers is only useful different m/z regions will not allow an ac-
when an imperfect dendrimer is the main curate deconvolution of the ESI-MS spec-
product or when it is impossible to detect trum.
the individual molecules. In that case, it is
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrimer Synthesis 431

G=DAB-~~~~~-(NH*)~oI~I(NH~)zI~) H= DAB-denrl-(NH2)56ci,(MI2)4(4,
Figure 12-23. Prominent structures A, B, C, F, G , and H present in D A B - ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ - (See
N HFig.
& , ~12-19
. for the
full (deconvoluted) spectrum of DAB-dendr-(NH&,. More details can be found in Table 12-1 where the formu-
las are explained

The Functionalization of Poly(propy1ene DAB-dendr-(NH-t-BOC-L-Phe)64, leading

imine) Dendrimers to internal compensation of the optical ac-
tivity (Peerlings and Meijer, 1997). Indeed,
(1) The Dendritic Box H NMR data show that intramolecular hy-
Modification of the outer amine function- drogen bonding interactions between the
alities of DAB-dendr-(NH2)64 with bulky t-BOC-L-Phe moieties are stronger in the
substituents - typically, t-BOC protected L- higher generation poly(propy1ene imine)
phenylalanine (t-BOC-L-Phe) is used - re- DAB dendrimers, and therefore it is be-
sults in the formation of a structure with a lieved that these hydrogen bonds add to the
solid shell and a flexible core (Jansen et al., solid phase character of the shell.
1996a). Evidence for this framework has The soft-core, hard-shell framework of
been found in spin lattice relaxation meas- modified poly(propy1ene imine) dendrim-
urements ( T I )on carbon atoms in the shell ers has also been named the dendrimer box
(see Fig. 12-24). T I increases after the third structure, since it can trap small molecules
generation, indicating a decrease in molec- in the cavities of its core (Jansen et al.,
ular motion. Further evidence for the close 1994). The encapsulation of molecules is
packing of the outer layer is found in a com- performed by reaction of DAB-dendr-
bination of chiroptical data and H NMR (NH2)64with an activated ester of t-BOC-L-
data. Specific optical rotations reduce to Phe in the presence of guest molecules with
zero on going from DAB-dendr-(NH-t- some affinity for the tertiary amine func-
B O C - L - P ~ ~ )to
~ DAB-dendr-(NH-t- tions in the interior of the dendrimer. Excess
BOC-L-P~~),,.This behavior may be ra- guest molecules and molecules adhered to
tionalized by assuming frozen-in conforma- the surface of the box can conveniently be
tions of the L-Phe moieties in the shell of removed by a dialysis procedure. Lower
432 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

RT. CyC12, EtjN

0 x = 4, a, 1 6 , 3 2 , 6 4

-0.4 Figure 12-24. Top: the syn-

thesis of a poly(propy1ene
I- -0.8 imine) dendrimer with a shell
(for x= 64, a dendritic box
-I -1.2 is created). Bottom: double
logarithmic plot of the relax-
ation data ( T , and T,) of the
-1 .6
carbon atoms 1, 2, and 3 ver-
sus the molecular weight
-2 (generation) of the inspected
3 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.5 dendrimers. The data have
been recorded at 75 MHz in
log MW CDCI,.

generation poly(propy1ene imine) dendrim- achiral compound, is trapped, a CD spec-

ers cannot be used as boxes, since the shells trum similar to the UV spectrum is found
in these systems are not dense enough to (see Fig. 12-25). When four molecules are
capture guest molecules: Dialysis will re- trapped, however, an exciton-coupled Cot-
lease all adhered molecules. The encapsu- ton effect is observed, indicating the close
lation of dye molecules in general and of proximity of chromophores with a certain
Rose Bengal in particular has been studied fixed orientation. Therefore the cavities in
in detail (Jansen and Meijer, 1996b). The the dendritic box must have retained some
features of these molecules can change chiral features, although the shells of the
upon capturing, obviously as a result of the box do not display any optical activity.
changed micro-environment. For example,
Rose Bengal @DAB-dendr-(NH-t-BOC-L- (2) Amphiphilic Architectures
Phe),, displays strong fluorescence at The acrylonitrile-based dendrimers can
A,;,,= 600 nni. whereas the fluorescence of also be used to produce new amphiphilic ar-
free Rose Bengal is quenched in this wave- chitectures. In one approach, such dendrim-
length region. Induced chirality upon encap- ers have been grown from an amine func-
sulation has also been found for Rose Ben- tionalized polystyrene (PS) core (see
gal. When one molecule of Rose Bengal, an Fig. 12-26) (Van Hest et al., 1995 a). The PS
chain is produced by living anionic poly-
Encapsulated species are specified by the @ sym- merization, so that well-defined molecular
hol. weight material is obtained. The amine
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrimer Synthesis 433

wavelength (nm)
Figure 12-25. UV (A) and CD spectra of Bengal Rose@DAB-dendr-(NH-t-BOC-L-Phe)64 containing 1 (B) and
4 (C) molecules of Bengal Rose.

% -
Raney-Co, H2
Raney-Co. H2
%OVNH2 ___)
Figure 12-26. Modification of living polystyrene in order to introduce a primary amine which can function as
a core for the poly(propy1ene imine) dendrimer synthesis.

functionality can be incorporated by subse- dendritic head group is hydrophilic; thus

quent quenching of the living atactic PS nanometric equivalents of surfactant mole-
chain with C02, reduction of the resulting cules are created. It is possible to produce a
carboxylic acid with LiAIH4, cyanoethyla- broad range of amphiphiles in this class of
tion of the alcohol with acrylonitrile, and materials, because the size and nature of the
hydrogenation of the nitrile moiety with a dendritic head group can be varied. The size
Raney-cobalt catalyst. Starting with the PS- of the head group can be varied by adjust-
NH2 core and applying the usual sequence ing the generation of the dendrimer, where-
of cyanoethylation and reduction steps, PS- as the nature of the head group can be
dendr-(NH2)xdendrimers of various gener- changed by hydrolyzing PS-dendr-(CN),to
ations can be produced. The PS chains in the corresponding carboxylic acid dendrim-
these systems are hydrophobic, whereas the ers (Van Hest et al., 1995b) or by modify-
434 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

Figure 12-27. The production of dendritic unimolecular inverted micelles from DAB-deendr-(NH2),, and pal-
tnitoyl chloride.

ing PS-dendr-(NH2), with Me1 to the fully acid chlorides, applying THF or CH,Cl, as
quaternized products (Elissen-RomBn et al., the medium and using Et,N as the HC1 scav-
1997). enger (Stevelmans et al., 1996). Remark-
Aqueous solutions of the PS-dendr- ably, two compounds are isolated when an
(NH2j1.amphiphiles have been subjected to excess of DAB-dendr-(NH2),, dendrimer is
conductivity measurements, monolayer ex- used, i.e., the totally modified and com-
periments, pyrene probe fluorescene experi- pletely unmodified product. Apparently, a
ments. dynamic light scattering (DLS) partly alkylated product has a dramatically
measurements, and TEM measurements increased reactivity towards alkylation.
(Vm Hest et a!., 1996). These characteriza- As observed for the dendritic box, the uni-
tion techniques have shown that the aggre- molecular inverted micelle is able to capture
gation behavior of the amphiphiles depends guest molecules such as dyes. The hydro-
on the size of the head group. As the head philic dye is trapped into the micelle by dis-
group becomes bulkier, the aggregates solving the micelle and the dye in ethanol
change their shape from inverted micelles, with the subsequent precipitation of the
to vesicles and rod-like structures, and fi- mixture in acetonitrile. Excess and adhered
nally to spherical micelles. These observa- Rose Bengal is removed by extensive
tions are in line with Israelachvilis theory washing or dialysis with acetonitrile
on the assembly of surfactant molecules (Is- and water. The number of trapped dye mole-
raelachvili et al., 1976). In this theory, it is cules in the Rose BengalQDAB-dendr-
argued that the geometry of the surfactants (NHCOC5,9,&-64 systems can be deter-
determines the morphology of their aggre- mined by UV spectroscopy in ethanol, and
gates. varies between one and seven molecules per
Unimolecular dendritic inverted micelles micelle. This number depends on both the
based on poly(propy1ene imine) dendrimers length of the alkyl chain and the generation
can be synthesized by functionalizing of the dendrimer. The unimolecular invert-
DAB-dendr-(NH2), materials with long al-
kyl chains [DAB-dendr-(NHCOC5.9,15)8-64 In the formulae for these dendrimer based unimo-
materials have been produced see Fig. 12- lecular inverted micelles, the length of the alkyl chains
271. The reaction is executed using alkyl is indicated.
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrimer Synthesis 435

air /
J increasing

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

AredMolecule (A*)

Figure 12-28. Monolayer experiments on palmitoyl-derivatized poly(propy1ene imine) DAB dendrimers.

Graph: compression isotherms of different generation materials on H,O at 25 "C. The indicated numbers refer
to the amount of palmitoyl chains in the unimolecular micelle. Inset: schematic representation of the organiza-
tion of the inverted micelles in a monolayer. Upon compression, the alkyl chains adopt an all-trans conforma-
tion. The cross-sectional area of a palmitoyl chain in an all-trans conformation is 25 A* (0.25 nm').

ed micelle is a dynamic host system, since ron et al., 1997) has shown another exam-
the host can release the trapped molecules ple of the conformational flexibility of
by dissolving the host-guest micelle in the poly(propy1ene imine) dendrimers by func-
appropriate solvent. The trapping qualities, tionalizing these dendrimers with meso-
i.e., the extractant qualities, of DAB-dendr- genic groups (i.e., 3,4-alkoxy benzoyl
(NHCOC 15)64 have been used in liquid-liq- chloride). Thermotropic LC materials are
uid extractions of various anionic dye so- obtained in which the dendritic parts are
lutes, including Rose Bengal (Baars et al., forced to stack in hexagonally packed col-
1997). The extraction behavior is clearly umns.
related to the tertiary amine interior of the
dendrimer, and under optimum extraction (3) Metallodendrimers
conditions up to 50 (!) Rose Bengal mole- The D A B - ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~materials
- ( N H ~con-
cules can be extracted by one DAB-dendr- tain bis(3-aminopropy1)amine tridentate co-
(NHCOC15)64 molecule. ordination sites which have a strong affin-
The D A B - ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ - ( N H com- C O C ~ ity
, ~for, ~various
~)~- ~~
transition metals, such as
ponents can be investigated with monolay- Cu(II), Zn(II), and Ni(I1) [see Fig. 12-29
er experiments (Schenning et al., 1998). (Bosman et al., 1997)l. Indeed, UV titration
The inverted micellar structures of, for ex- data show that D A B - ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~den- -(NH~)~
ample, DAB-dendr-(NHCOC15)64,is con- drimers give a complex in methanol with
verted to a structure similar to traditional exactly x/2 units of CuCl, or ZnC1,. TEM
head-tail surfactant structures when this data reveal spherical structures with the
component is layered on a water surface (see anticipated dimensions, indicating that uni-
Fig. 12-28). Apparently, even this high gen- molecular nanoscopic structures are formed.
eration functionalized dendrimer is flexible Further investigation in this area may lead
enough to adjust its conformation, given the to the use of these or similar metalloden-
experimental conditions. Latterman (Came- drimers as catalysts.
436 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

Figure 12-29. Tridentate complexation of

the bis(3-aminopropy1)amine moiety with
transition metal chlorides. As an example,
the complex with DAB-dendr-(NH& is

12.2.2 Convergent Methods a 1, 1,1 -tris(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethane core

molecule, resulting in a tridendron of gen- FrCchets Polyether eration G,xdenoted as [C-x],-[C]. Dendrim-
Dendrimers ers up to generation G6 have been reported
and, apart from the first two generations, all
The Frechet-type dendrimers are pro- the materials are isolated as colorless glass-
duced in a repeat of an activation step and es.
an expansion step using 3S-dihydroxyben- The two steps in the production of poly-
zyl alcohol as the building block (see ether dendrimers, i.e., the coupling-growth
Fig. 12-30) (Hawker and FrCchet, 1990). In step and the bromination-activation step,
this way, so-called wedges, dendrons, or have been optimized in order to avoid com-
monodendrons are synthesized. These plicated purification procedures (Hawker
wedges can be connected to a multifunction- and Frechet, 1990).Reaction conditions for
al core molecule to produce multidendron the bromination-activation step comprise
dendrimers. The synthetic procedure is the use of CBr4 and PPh, in minimum
started by protecting 3.5-dihydroxybenzal- amounts of THF as the solvent. As higher
dehyde with benzyl bromide and reducing generation dendrimers are produced, larger
the product to the corresponding benzyl al- excesses of CBrj and PPh, are required and
cohol (the direct benzylation of 3S-dihy- isolated yields decline. The coupling-
droxybenzyl alcohol results in a C-alkylat- growth step has been optimized by studying
ed product). This first generation alcohol the synthesis of the first generation alcohol
[G- 1 ]-OH is activated by bromination. In [G- I]-OH: A Williamson synthesis of a phe-
the actual growth step. two bromide mole- nol with a bromide. A variety of solvent-
cules IG-I]-Br are reacted with one unit of base combinations have been scanned and,
3.5-dihydroxybenzyl alcohol to produce the additionally, the use of phase transfer agents
next generation dendrimer [G-2]-OH. The has been investigated. Optimum reaction
activation and expansion steps can be re- conditions involve the use of K2C03 as the
peated to produce higher generation wedg- base. acetone as the solvent (reflux condi-
es and. finally, activated wedges of genera- tions), and 18-crown-6 as the phase transfer
tion G , can be coupled to, for example. catalyst. Under these conditions, O-alkyla-
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrirner Synthesis 437

OH d



Figure 12-30. Preparation of FrCchet-type dendrimers: a) BnBr, K2CO3, 18-crown-6, acetone; b) NBu4BHJ;
c) CBr4, PPh3, THF; d) K2C03, 18-crown-6, acetone.

tion is promoted and C-alkylation is prohib- duced which can be used to synthesize the
ited: a result that is crucial for the success next generation dendrimer with a single
of this dendrimer synthesis. Furthermore, functional group at the periphery. The func-
vigorous stirring and prolonged reaction tional group can be used for modification
times of typically 48 h have been applied to purposes (Wooley and FrCchet, 1992). In an-
secure maximum yields in this growth step. other structural variation of the FrCchet-type
The reaction of activated wedges with a dendrimers, a difunctional core molecule is
multiphenolic core is also executed by ap- sequentially linked to two dendrons of op-
plying the mentioned conditions for a Wil- posing polarity (Sanford et al., 1993). Such
liamson synthesis. For both the activation a strategy produces dendritic molecules
step and the expansion step, lower yields with an amphiphilic character (see Fig. 12-
were observed as higher generation materi- 31 B).
al was produced, indicating that the func- FrCchet-type polyether dendrimers can
tional group located at the focal point of the also be used to produce block copolymers.
wedge is reduced in activity as a result of ABA-type or AB-type block copolymers
steric congestion. have been described consisting of dendron
The synthesis of structural variations on A-blocks and linear macromolecule B-
the FrCchet-type dendrimers is facilitated by blocks. Polyethylene oxide (PEO) (Gitsov
the convergent approach towards these den- and FrCchet, 1993) as well as polystyrene
drimers. For example, it is possible to intro- (PS) (Gitsov and FrCchet, 1994) have been
duce a discrete number of functional groups used as linear components. The synthesis of
at the periphery of a dendron by coupling ABA-type block copolymers containing a
monofunctionalized 3,5-dihydroxybenzyl PEO central block has been achieved by a
alcohol to an unsymmetrical wedge (see Williamson synthesis of PEO with dendrit-
Fig. 12-31 A) (Wooley et al., 1991). In this ic bromides (such as, for example, [G-41-
manner, a new unsymmetrical wedge is pro- Br). In an alternative synthesis, dendrons
438 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

CN-[G-l]CHO CN-[G-1]-Br

OH -

etc. -

Figure 12-31. Modification5 of Frechet-type dendrimers. A ) The synthesis of dendrimers with one cyano func-
tion at the periphery: a) K2C03. 18-crown-6. acetone: b) NBu,BH,; c ) CBr,, PPh,, THF. B) The production of
amphiphilic dendrimers using two wedges with surface functionalities of opposing polarity.

with methyl ester focal points have been the ABA block copolymers bearing a PS
subjected to transesterification with PEO. central block have shown a single glass tran-
Remarkably, the reaction rate for the Wil- sition temperature, indicating that both
liamson synthesis incrrrrses with the length blocks are molecularly miscible. In contrast,
of the PEO block or the generation of the physical mixtures of the two individual
dendron, a result that is not well understood. components do not mix and phase separate.
The PEO-based block copolymers display In the previous paragraphs, examples of
amphiphilic behavior. In methanol-water controlled molecular architectures have
solvent mixtures, micelles with hydropho- been described in which the Frichet-type
bic dendron cores and hydrophilic PEO dendrons have been incorporated. Many
shells are formed. In the solid state, the such architectures have been reported by
block copolymers exhibit phase separation, FrCchets group as well as by other authors
resulting in the observation of two glass (Jin et al., 1993; Schluter, 1995), showing
transition temperatures. The PS-based that the polyether dendrimers are relatively
block copolymers have been produced by easily accessible. For instance, Schluter
treating living PS with 1 , l -diphenylethy- (Schluter, 1995; Claussenet al., 1995; Freu-
lene and quenching the resulting anion with denberger et al., 1994) has reported the syn-
a dendritic bromide or aldehyde. By choos- thesis of cylindrically shaped polymers in
ing a difunctional initiator in the living which small polyether wedges have been at-
polymerization, ABA-type block copolym- tached to polyphenylene or poly([ I . 1.llpro-
ers can be created. DSC measurements on pellane) backbones (see Fig. 12-32). In an-
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrimer Synthesis 439


440 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

FrCchet-type dendrimers. Unfortunately,

MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry does not
allow for an in-depth qualitative and quan-
titative analysis of impurities in a homolo-
gous series of dendrimers, since not all den-
dritic materials can be 'taught to fly' (i.e., a
suitable matrix cannot be found for all den-
DSC data (Wooley et al., 1993) show that
the glass transition temperature (T,) of poly-
BnO benzylether dendrimers correlates to
Figure 12-32. An example of Schliiter's cylindrical- n,/M(n, is the number of chain ends and M
ly shaped rigid rods. Polyether w1edges of the first gen- is the molecular weight of the dendrimer).
eration ace attached to a polyphenylene backbone. This result shows that the traditional rela-
tionship between the T, value of a linear
polymer and its molecular weight M - this
other example by Kremers and Meijer relationship is based on the chain end free
( 1994), pentaerythritol has been modified volume theory - can be modified to account
with four polyether wedges, each of a dif- for the special architecture of dendritic mac-
ferent generation. The racemic product romolecules. Furthermore, it has been
could not be separated into its enantiomers, shown that an increasing polarity of the
nor could enantioselective recognition be chain end functionalities largely increases
induced by chiral auxiliaries. the Tgvalue of the dendrimer. In conclusion,
The polyether dendrimers produced by tailoring of the glass transition temperature
FrCchet have been analyzed using a broad Tg is possible for FrCchet-type dendrimers.
range of characterization techniques includ- Intrinsic viscosity measurements (Mou-
ing NMR spectroscopy (Hawker and ray et al., 1992) on the polybenzylether den-
Frechet, 1990). SEC (Hawker and FrCchet, drimers confirm the unique behavior ofden-
1990), DSC measurements (Wooley et al.. dritic molecules: At a certain generation the
1993).and intrinsic viscosity measurements increase of the intrinsic viscosity stops and
(Mouray et al.. 1992). Matrix-assisted laser the onset of a viscosity decline is reached.
desorption ionization time-of-flight (MAL- The viscosity drop can be explained, not on-
DI-TOF) mass spectrometry (Leon and ly by the previously mentioned model pro-
FrCchet, 1995) has been applied to investi- posed by de Gennes (de Gennes and Hervet,
gate the presence of structurally related im- I983), but also by an alternative model pro-
purities. since spectroscopic techniques are posed by Lescanec (Lescanec and Muthu-
not capable of detecting such species. Scan- kumar, 1990). As opposed to the model of
ning various matrices. it has been possible de Gennes, in which a density maximum is
to analyze higher generation material, predicted at the periphery of the dendrimer,
showing that the experimental molecular this alternative model predicts a density
weights corresponded well with the calcu- maximum at the core (as a result of the in-
lated molecular weights. Even for dendrons ward folding of branch units). It should be
of generation G,, very limited amounts of mentioned, however, that the radial distri-
impurities have been detected, proving the bution of terminal groups i n dendrimers re-
intesrity of the convergent synthesis of the mains a subject of debate (Mansfield and
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrimer Synthesis 44 1

Klushin, 1993) and cannot be derived from struction of phenylacetylene-based den-

intrinsic viscosity measurements alone. drimers uses trimethyl silyl protected 1-eth-
Furthermore, it can be argued that this dis- ynyl-3,5-dibromobenzene as the building
tribution of terminal groups is conditioned block (Moore and Xu, 1991a). The produc-
by the experimental circumstances and by tion of dendritic material is accomplished
possible secondary interactions (such as H- by a repetitive sequence of a palladium-ca-
bonding) within the shell of the dendrimer talyzed cross coupling reaction and depro-
(Bosman, 1998). tection of a trimethylsilyl masking group
(see Fig. 12-33). Unfortunately, this strict- Hydrocarbon Dendrimers ly convergent approach has proven to be
useful only up to generation G 3(15 benzene
Strictly hydrocarbon, phenylacetylene units). Further growth is inhibited by crowd-
dendrimers (PADS) have been reported by ing around the active acetylene and bromide
Moore et al. The rigidity in the phenylacet- centers in this third-generation dendron.
ylene units of these dendrimers results in a Alternatively, the phenylacetylene-based
three-dimensional structure that is more de- dendrimers have also been produced using
fined than for other dendritic systems, a set of building blocks consisting of
which have usually been constructed from monomers (M-x), cores (C-x) and wedges
flexible units. The initial strategy in the con- (W-x) with various numbers of benzene

1-au 18u




' monomer

1-ad 1-Bd

'I' 'I' monomer

Figure 12-33. The first published convergent strategy towards phenlyacetylene dendrimers; SiMe3 protected
l-ethynyl-3,5-dibromobenzeneis used as the monomer. W,-TMS denotes a second generation wedge with a
TMS focal point. In later publications, 3,5-di-tert-butyl benzene instead of 4-tert-butyl benzene is used as the
peripheral group.
442 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

M-1 M-3 building blocks

w-I w-7

J c-i i c-l 1 c4

0-4 (1.7 nrn)

D-10 (2.8 nm)

D-25 (5.1 nrn)

Figure 12-34.The preparation of phenylacetylene dendrimers (PADs) using various building blocks
(monomers M. wedges W, and cores C). This specific convergent technique, in which the size of the core scales
with the sire of the wcdges. has led to dendrimers with up to 127 benzene units (D-127). Symbols: a = 1,3,5-sub-
stituted or I ..l-substituted phenyl ring; line = acetylene unit: TMS = trimethylsilyl group; cross=terr-butyl group.
The dimensions of the dendrirners are shown in brackets.

units (x) (Xu and Moore, 1993; Xu et al., monomers and cores (M-x and C-x) and the
1994). By combining the monomers with acquired dendrimers (D-x) are shown. Mo-
the appropriate cores and wedges, the syn- lecular modeling has shown that D-127 (not
thesis of a wide variety of dendrimers (D-x) displayed) is a dendrimer with a diameter of
is facilitated. Using this approach, crowd- approximately 12.5 nm.
ing around the active acetylene moieties in Finally, PADs can also be synthesized by
larger monomers is compensated for by us- the so-called double exponential growth
ing larger cores with easily accessible aryl technique (see Fig. 12-35) (Kawaguchi
iodide active centers. In Fig. 12-34, a set of et al.. 1995). Essentially, this technique
12.2 Methodologies in Dendrirner Synthesis 443


Figure 12-35. The 'double expo-

nential growth' construction of
phenylacetylene dendrimers.
Group A is the focal point and group
B is the peripheral group. Both
groups can be inactive (protected
groups A, or B,) or reactive (A, or
BJ. Generation n has 2 raised to the
power 2"-' B, groups.

Figure 12-36. The synthesis of linear phenylacetylenes. The use of orthogonal masking groups and high yield
deprotection and coupling reactions facilitates the preparation of oligomers of considerable length (up to n =4).

combines features of both the divergent and The chemistry that has been used in the
the convergent approach towards dendrim- activation and coupling of dendritic phenyl-
ers. Rapid synthesis of a dendron with up acetylene fragments can be illustrated by
to 255 benzene units is feasible when the discussing the stepwise production of line-
double exponential growth technique is used. ar phenylacetylenes (seeFig. 12-36) (Zhang
444 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

0 O t
Y O A 0

R+ R&R


Figure 12-37. PADs with rcrt-butyl ester or carboxylic acid groups at the periphery. Symbols: .= 1,3,5-substi-
tuted phenyl ring: line =acetylene unit: R = tert-butyl ester or carboxylic acid group.

et al., 1992). One type of coupling method ing groups. Each masking group can selec-
is used: a Pd(dba), catalyzed cross coupling tively be removed in the presence of the oth-
reaction between a phenylacetylene and an er, and both protecting groups are stable to
aromatic halide (preferably iodides, bro- cross-coupling conditions. Note that the
mides are used sometimes). The reaction double exponential growth technique illus-
conditions involve the use of CuI and PPh, trated in Fig. 12-35 relies on the use of
as co-catalysts and triethylamine as the base complementary (or orthogonal) masking
and solvent. The coupling reaction must be groups.
carried out under oxygen-free conditions The purity of the isolated dendritic mate-
and must preferably be conducted at low re- rials has been validated by using thin layer
action temperatures; in this manner, un- chromatography (TLC), elemental analysis,
wanted oxidative dimerizations of the acet- various NMR spectroscopy techniques,
ylene starting compounds can largely be SEC, and mass spectrometry techniques
suppressed. Two types of activation reaction (MALDI-TOF has mainly been used)
have been used; both are deprotection steps. (Moore and Xu, 1991a; Xu and Moore,
An aryl iodide is introduced by the depro- 1993; Xu et al., 1994; Kawaguchi et al.,
tection of an aryl diethyltriazene with Me1 1995; Zhang et al., 1992; Walker et al.,
(Moore et al., 1991b), and an acetylene 1994). The combination of TLC data, which
moiety is created by deprotection of a tri- can be used to recognize the diacetylene side
methylsilyl group. The strength of the iter- products, and NMR data, which can confirm
ative synthesis of linear phenylacetylenes the exact nature of the isolated product, has
lies not only in the high-yield syntheses, but shown that the pursued reaction path to the
is mainly due to the complementarity of the PADs is viable. For higher generation den-
trimethylsilyl and the diethyltriazene mask- drimers, two-dimensional H,H-COSY and
+-- 9


*:Ho-kPMMA (via GTP)

12.2 Methodologies in Dendrimer Synthesis



ball and chain structure

Figure 12-38. Schematic representation of the preparation of a phenylacetylene dendrimer (ball) attached to
a PMMA polymer (chain).

J-resolved NMR data are necessary to prove tures). The ball-structure is a PAD with
the constitution of these dendrimers. Addi- one aldehyde functional group at the periph-
tionally, correct mass data on several high ery and is prepared by a synthetic approach
molecular weight PADs have been record- similar to FrCchets strategy towards den-
ed using MALDI-TOF measurements by drimers with controlled surface functional-
applying a retinoic acid matrix (Xu et al., ity (see Fig. 12-31A): Unsymmetrical den-
1994; Kawaguchi et al., 1995; Walker et al., drons of one generation are used to produce
1994). MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry unsymmetrical dendrons of the next gener-
has also been used to optimize the synthe- ation. The ball-and-chain structure is pro-
sis of the 255-mer via the double exponen- duced by quenching a group transfer living
tial growth technique (see Fig. 12-35): polymerization of polymethylmethacrylate
Only MALDI-TOF data can indicate in- (PMMA) with a mono-aldehyde PAD (see
complete conversion products such as the Fig. 12-38).
240-mer and the 225-mer (Kawaguchi et al., Finally, the chemistry used in the synthe-
1995). sis of PADs has been elegantly applied in
The functional groups at the periphery of the production of phenylacetylene macrocy-
the PADs can be varied by initiating the con- cles (PAMs) such as those shown in Fig. 12-
vergent synthesis of these dendrimers with 39 (Zhang et al., 1994a). The final cycliza-
the appropriate aryl iodide. In this fashion, tion involves the palladium-catalyzed inter-
PADs with 3,5-di-tert-butyl ester terminal nal cross-coupling reaction of an oligomer
functionalities have been produced (see with an aryl iodide terminus and an acety-
Fig. 12-37) (Pesak and Moore, 1995). The lene terminus. As a result of the rigidity in
esters can be hydrolyzed thermally to afford the phenylacetylene molecules, the PAMs
carboxylic acid terminated dendritic mole- can be isolated in high yields of typically
cules. Upon dissolution in basic aqueous so- 70 - 80%. The pendant chains in the macro-
lutions these molecules behave as stiff uni- cycles can be varied and, for some species
molecular micelles. in the PAM series, liquid-crystalline behav-
The PADs have been used for the synthe- ior has been observed (Zhang and Moore,
sis of so-called ball-and-chain copolym- 1994b). Electron microscopy and diffrac-
ers (Kawaguchi and Moore, 1994) (DAB tion methods confirm the face-to-face stack-
dendrimers and FrCchet-type dendrimers ing of the PAMs in the solid state (Buchko
have been used to produce similar architec- et al., 1995).
446 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

Ijl I/

Rt=Rz= Or +
, or *oy

R,= & and R2= O

Figure 12-39. Various PAMs (phenyl-
acetylene macrocycles) reported by

12.3 New Developments dination in the construction of dendrimers.

in the Chemistry of Dendritic In addition, the synthesis of hyperbranched
Molecules polymers by, for example, one-pot proce-
dures has been aimed at. In the following,
Dendrimers offer special properties due these alternatives will be discussed briefly.
to their well-defined globular architecture. The convergent approach towards den-
For example, as opposed to linear mole- drimers can be improved by using an orthog-
cules, dendrimers display a maximum in the onal coupling strategy. This strategy implies
relationship between the intrinsic viscosity that two building blocks (AB, and CD,) are
and the molecular weight (see Fig. 12-43). used with complementary coupling func-
The special features of dendrimers and the tionalities, i.e., group A can be connected
acknowledgement that these type of mole- with D and group C can be connected with
cules can offer new opportunities in various B. Thus deprotection steps can be prevent-
applications or devices has resulted in the ed and each synthetic step will add a gener-
production of a wide variety of such macro- ation to the existing dendrimer. In Fig. 12-
molecules (iyide si4prci). However, as the 40, the orthogonal approach is exemplified
previous pages have demonstrated, the syn- by a method published by Zimmerman
theses of dendrimers imply tedious multi- (Zeng and Zimmerman, 1996). The shown
step procedures including intermediate pur- example was further improved by using
ifications Therefore researchers have multiple-branched AB,-type monomers in-
sought alternative ways to produce dendrit- stead of AB,-type monomers, yielding a
ic materials. These alternatives include the dendrimer with a molecular weight of ca.
use of orthogonal coupling procedures and 20000 in three synthetic steps. The use of
the use of hydrogen bonding or metal co-or- multiple-branched monomers in the con-
12.3 New Developments in the Chemistry of Dendritic Molecules 447




Figure 12-40. The orthogonal coupling strategy towards dendrimers as reported by Zimmerman. a) PPh,,
diethyl azodicarboxylate (DEAD), THF; b) Pd(PPh3)2C12,CuI, or Pd,(dba),, CuI, PPh3, Et3N, PhCH3.

struction of dendrimers was previously data. The hexamer contains a void of con-
demonstrated by, for example, FrCchet siderable size [d= 14 A (1.4 nm)], and
(Wooley et al., 1 9 9 4 ~ ). therefore applications in catalysis have been
Zimmerman has also introduced the use suggested.
of hydrogen bonds in the linking of dendrit- Dendritic architectures containing metals
ic substructures (Zimmerman et al., 1996). have been reported by several authors.
One of the systems developed by Zimmer- Besides the previously discussed (surface)
man is shown in Fig. 12-41. The depicted functionalization (Newkome et al., 1994a;
pincer molecules, in which a pair of isoph- Newkome and Moorefield, 1994b; Bosman
thalic acid units are connected via a rigid et al., 1997; Moulines et al., 1993; Liao and
spacer, can assemble in CHC13 to linear ol- Moss, 1993; Alonso et al., 1994; Knapen
igomers or to a cyclic hexamer. Introduction et al., 1994; Bardaji et al., 1997), metals
of a dendritic wedge to the rigid spacer gives have also been used as branching points
the preferential formation of the cyclic hex- (Bochkarev et al., 1988) and as building
amer, probably due to the inhibition of the block connectors (Achar and Puddephatt,
formation of linear structures by crowding. 1994). Balzani and co-workers have report-
Evidence for the formation of a discrete hex- ed 2,3-bis(2-pyridyl)pyrazine ligands that
amer has been found by a combination of are linked by ruthenium or osmium cations
SEC, VPO, and LLS (laser light scattering) to afford well-defined dendritic structures
448 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Oendritic Molecules

'pincel' molecule HO


Figure 12-41. The 'pincer' molecule developed by Zimmerman bears a rigid spacer with a pendant dendritic
R-functionality, It associates. via hydrogen bonding interactions between the carboxylic acid moieties, to form
a cyclic hexamer. For the R-group not only the generation shown, but various generation dendrimers have been

(Serroni et al.. 1992; Denti et al., 1992; The labor intensive syntheses of totally
Campagna et al., 1995; Balzani et al., defined, 'organic' dendrimers may inhibit
1996). In a divergent approach, dendrimers bulk applications, and therefore simple one-
with up to 22 metal centers have been syn- pot procedures towards so-called hyper-
thesized. An example of a synthesis from branched polymers have been developed in
one generation to the next is shown in various labs. Hyperbranched polymers
Fig. 12-42. The use of transition metals to share a few characteristics with their
construct dendrimers implies that the ob- 'perfect' dendritic counterparts: Both mate-
tained materials possess valuable optical rials are highly branched structures without
properties (absorption of visible light, lumi- crosslinks or entanglements, both are amor-
nescence) and specific electrochemical fea- phous and both display low solution and
tures (oxidation and reduction levels at ac- melt viscosities (dendritic materials can be
cessible potentials). The combination of ru- used as rheology modifiers). As opposed to
thenium cations and multi-pyridine contain- dendrimers, the relationship between the in-
ing ligands has also been used extensively trinsic viscosity of hyperbranched polymers
by Constable (Constable et al., 1992, 1995, and their molecular weights does not show
1996 a; Constable and Harveson, I996 b: a maximum (see Fig. 12-43). In this respect,
Armspach et al., 1996; Constable, 1997) hyperbranched polymers resemble linear
and Newkome (Newkome et al., 1993d), polymers.
although these authors use the metal ions as Flory (1952) was the first to describe hy-
building block connectors. perbranched polymers by presenting a theo-
12.3 New Developments in the Chemistry of Dendritic Molecules 449



1 14+ 1


Figure 12-42. Balzani's approach towards metal-containing polypyridine dendrimers. In the growth step, new
metal centers are introduced. In the deprotection step, vacant coordination sites are created. a) i. AgN03, H 2 0 ,
EtOH, ii. NH,PF,; b) 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane(DABCO), MeCN.

tl linear polymers
(see Fig. 12-44).
hyperbranched Zdendritic units + Zterminal units
DB =
Z linear units + Z dendritic units

- dendrimers
+ Z terminal units
For perfect dendrimers, for hyperbranched
log M polymers that have been produced in a ran-
Figure 12-43. The intrinsic viscosity 1711 of polymers dom polycondensation of AB2 monomers,
related to their molecular weight. Schematic represen- and for linear polymers, the DB values are
1,0.5, and 0, respectively lo. In order to ef-
fectively compare different AB, systems,
Frey (Holter et al., 1997) has introduced the
retical treatise on the polycondensation of ANB parameter, defined as the average
AB, monomers. One of the characteristics number of nonlinear branches per nontermi-
of hyperbranched polymers is the 'degree of nal unit. The author also pointed out three
branching' (DB), also called the 'branching ways to obtain hyperbranched polymers
efficiency' (a) or 'the branching factor' with DB levels higher than 0.5: (i) the use
&). The definition of the degree of branch- of AB, monomers that facilitate higher re-
ing which is used most frequently was in- activities for linear versus terminal units,
troduced by FrCchet (Hawker et al., 1991) (ii) the polymerizations of prefabricated
450 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

linear unit terminal unit

lenes (Kim and Webster, 1992a), polyethers
(Uhrich et al., 1992; Miller et al., 1993),
polyether (ketones) (Chu and Hawker,
1993), polyurethanes (Spindler and Frkchet,
1993; Kumar et al., 1996), polyamines (Su-
zuki et al., 1992), polystyrenes (Lu et al.,
dendritic unit 1996), and polycarbosiloxanes (Mathias
and Carothers, 1991; Muzafarov et al.,
1995). Liquid-crystalline branched poly-
Figure 12-44. The three types of repeating units that mers have also been produced (Bauer et al.,
can be found in hyperbranched polymers: linear, ter-
minal, and dendritic (the single monomeric unit at the
1993; Percec and Kawasumi, 1992; Percec
focal point is ignored). 1994, 1995; Kim, 1992b). Usually, hyper-
branched polymers are produced in one-pot
syntheses using AB2 monomers. Some-
dendron monomers, and (iii) the use of slow times, a small amount of a multifunctional
additioddilution techniques. The maximum B,. core molecule is added. In Fig. 12-45,
DB obtainable via the latter method is 0.67. various starting molecules are shown that
In theory, the DB and ANB parameters nice- have been converted to hyperbranched poly-
ly describe the branching of dendritic mate- mers. Feast (Hobson et al., 1997) has shown
rials; in practice, however, these parameters that N-acryloyl- 1,mdiaminoalkane hydro-
cannot always be determined. 13CNMR can chloride can be polycondensed leading to
sometimes be used to quantitatively differ- the hyperbranched analogs of Tomalia's
entiate between the various repeating units PAMAM dendrimers. The ethane derivative
and can therefore be used to determine the shows an unexpectedly high DB of >0.9, a
DB (Hawker et al., 199 1 ). Other techniques figure derived from "N NMR data. The
to estimate the branching factor include PAMAM analogs with longer spacers show
chain end modification of hyperbranched lower DBs (e.g., for the butane derivative,
polymers followed by the quantitative anal- a DB of ca. 0.7 has been reported).
ysis of the fully hydrolyzed materials (Kam- Reinhoudt (Huck et al., 1995), has ap-
bouris and Hawker, 1993). plied palladium cations as connectors to
After the initial paper on hyperbranched build up hyperbranched materials. The syn-
polymers by Kricheldorf in 1982 (Krichel- thesized building blocks consist of Pd(I1)
dorf et al., 1982). the interest in these poly- square planar complexes with an inert triden-
mers has increased. yielding, for example, tate ligand and a kinetically labile cyano
hyperbranched polyesters (Hawker et al., (MeCN) ligand (see Fig. 12-46). When
1991; Kricheldorf et al., 1982, 1995; Woo- MeCN is removed by evaporation, the build-
ley et al., 1994a, b; Turner et al., 1993, ing blocks form hyperbranched molecules
1994; Malmstrom et al., 1995), polypheny- which organize into granules with diameters
ranging from ca. 100 to 400 nm. AFM data
''I This does not imply that a hypothetical hyper- confirm the spherical shape of the aggre-
branched polymer with a DB of I is a perfect dendrim- gates. Depending on the nature of the coun-
er. In a perfect dendrimer. the number of covalent
ter anions X- and the R-groups, the dimen-
bonds to the focal point (or the core) is equal for all
end functionalities. This is not the case for hyper- sions of the spheres can be adjusted. QELS
branched polymers with a DB of 1 (every branch can (quasi elastic light scattering) data show
be of a different generation). that, in general, smaller spheres are formed
12.3 New Developments in t h e Chemistry of Dendritic Molecules 45 1

OH organic sollent HO

Figure 12-45. The one-pot syntheses of hyperbranched polymers from various starting materials. Clockwise
from top left: (3,5-dibromophenyl)boronicacid (Kim and Webster, 1992a), 2,2-bis(hydroxymethyI)propionic
acid (monomer) in combination with 2,2-bis(hydroxylmethyl)butan-1-01 (core) (Malmstrom et al., 1995), the
HCI salt of N-acryloyl- 1,mdiaminoalkane (Hobson et al., 1997), 4-acetylstyrene (propagation proceeds at the
3 and 5 positions in both the Markovnikov and the anti-Markovnikov fashion) (Lu et al., 1996), and 3,5-bis(tri-
methy1siloxy)benzoyl chloride (Hawker et al., 1991).

fCN fCN x-


R = Ph. naphlyl. El, t-Bu


Figure 12-46. The construction of hyperbranched systems using AB, building blocks with suitable ligands for
Pd(I1) square plane complexation: one labile cyano ligand and two tridentate pincer ligands.

with bulkier anions or R-groups. This result system for an AB2 monomer (see Fig. 12-
can be rationalized by assuming that the 47). The polycondensation of 3,5-diiodoph-
growth of the granules stops when the enylacetylene was conducted in a piperidine
anions can no longer compensate for the ac- solution containing the monomer, a solid
cumulating charges in the granule and start support, and a palladium catalyst. Polymer
to occupy the surface. Thus, for this poly- formed both on and off the support. Remark-
merization system, tailoring of the (nano- ably, the polymer on the support had a much
scopic) dimensions of the granules is pos- lower dispersity (as low as 1.3 versus a val-
sible. ue >25). Moreover, the molecular weight of
Moore (Bharati and Moore, 1997) has al- the polymer on the support could be regu-
so reported a self-regulating polymerization lated by adjusting the reaction conditions
452 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules


I Pdddbah
polymer on the support

the support

Figure 12-47. The production of a hyperbranched phenylacetylene polymer on a solid support

b, - b!,b,& &

CI SnCI; - activated AB' monomer


Figure 12-48. The \elf-condensing vinyl polymerization (SCVP) of a styrene derivative, as reported by FrCchet
(Frkchet et al . 1995)

(e.g., the nature of the solid support and the latest development in the field of dendritic
monomer/support molar ratio at which the materials, however, focuses on functional-
polymerization was conducted). Monitor- ized vinylic monomers of the AB*-type. Re-
ing of the beads during polymerization by action with an AB* vinylic monomer does
polarized optical microscopy showed the not only yield a propagating center, but al-
development of birefringence, indicating so leads to the creation of an additional ac-
the development of stress within the beads. tive center B*. In this fashion, hyper-
On the basis of this observation, an expla- branched materials can be created. FrCchet
nation for the regulated polymer growth on (FrCchet et al., 1995) has reported on the so-
the bead was sought in a confinement of the called 'self-condensing vinyl poly-
propagating polymer within the boundaries merization' (SCVP) of an AB* monomer
of the solid support. system, i.e., 3-( 1-chloroethy1)-ethenylben-
Relatively few of the above examples for zene (see Fig. 12-48).For this monomer, the
the production of hyperbranched polymers active species B* is a carbocation that is
are concerned with vinylic monomers. The created by the addition of SnCI4.This SnC14
12.3 New Developments in the Chemistry of Dendritic Molecules 453

Cu (I), bipy 110 "C

Cu (11). bipy
actimted AB' monomer



. CI


Figure 12-49. The synthesis of hyperbranched polystyrenes by A) atom transfer radical polymerization
(ATRP) (Gaynor et al., 1996), and B) 'living' self-condensing free radical polymerization (Hawker et al., 1995).
This latter method makes use of the TEMPO moiety (tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxide).

reagent can abstract chloro-anions at ben- perbranched polystyrenes as well as poly-

zylic positions. acrylates, and Hawker (Hawker et al., 1995)
Other examples have been reported in has described the use of 'living' radical
which the active B*-group contains a radi- polymerization in the production of hyper-
cal: Matyjaszewski (Gaynor et al., 1996) branched structures (see Fig. 12-49). Final-
has shown that atom transfer radical poly- ly, group transfer polymerization (GTP) has
merization (ATRP) can be used to create hy- also been reported as a means to yield hy-
454 12 The Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Molecules

perbranched polyacrylates (Simon et al., structures on the other, are not expressed in
1997). differences in the overall properties of these
two classes of dendrimers. Therefore, all
dendrimers, regardless of the synthetic ap-
12.4 Conclusions proach, can indeed be considered as the
most defined synthetic macromolecules
The well-defined, three-dimensional ar- known today. They not only have a well-de-
chitecture of dendrimers has attracted the at- fined molecular structure, but they also have
tention of many scientists. A large number a well-defined three-dimensional architec-
of dendritic structures has been synthesized. ture.
using one of the two synthetic methodolo- After years of dedicated synthesis and
gies available. In this chapter, we have de- characterization of dendritic macromole-
scribed both methodologies - the divergent cules, this field of chemistry has arrived at
as well as the convergent methodology -by a point at which the specific features of den-
highlighting the synthesis and characteriza- dritic products and materials have to be ex-
tion of five different types of dendrimers. plored more intensively. Already, dendritic
The detailed studies that have been devoted molecules are used in supramolecular poly-
to the synthesis, molecular characterization, mer chemistry and in the emerging field of
and specific properties of these dendrimers nanotechnology. In the near future, den-
indicate the most important differences drimers might be put to use in new devices.
between the two methodologies from a syn- Many different applications for dendritic
thetic point of view. The polymeric nature materials have been brought forward in the
of the divergent approach results in a small last decade and some of these are worth in-
number of statistical defect structures in the vestigating. Fortunately, investment in this
synthesis of every generation. These defects research area is facilitated by the fact that
are the result of the many reactions that have nowadays several types of thoroughly stud-
to be performed on the same molecule. Fur- ied dendrimers are commercially available.
thermore, almost no possibilities exist for Moreover, hyperbranched polymers (poly-
the purification of intermediate generations. mers closely related to their perfect den-
Illustrative of the sort of purities that can dritic counterparts) are also easily access-
be achieved for divergently produced den- ible. With dendritic structures in hand, it has
drimers is the *perfectionof the fifth gen- become possible to stretch the possibilities
eration poly(propy1ene imine) dendrimer for these materials even further.
(see Fig. 12- 1 ): It has a polydispersity of ca.
1.002 and a dendritic purity of ca. 20%. The
organic nature of the convergent approach
results i n defect-free dendrimers due to (i)
12.5 References
the limited number of reactions performed Achar, S., Puddephatt, R. J. (1994), Angew: Chem.
on the same molecule on going from one 106, 895; Achar, S.. Puddephatt, R. J. (1994),
generation to the next and, as a consequence J. Cheni. SOC., Chem. Commun.. 1895.
Alonso, B., Cuadrado, Morin, M, Losada, J. (1994),
of this strategy, ( i i ) the ease of purification J. Chem. SOC.,Chern. Commun., 2575.
of intermediate generations. However. the Ardoin. N., Astruc. D. (1995). Bull. Soc. Chirn. Fr.
small differences in purity between the 132, 875.
Armspach, D., Cattalini, M., Constable, E. C., House-
divergently produced structures on one croft, E. C., Phillips, D. (1996), Chem. Commun.,
hand. and the convergently synthesized 1823.
12.5 References 455

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1 3061.
Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

13 Diels-Alder Ladder Polymers:

Synthesis and Aromatization
A Dieter Schliiter

Freie Universitat Berlin. Institut fur Organische Chemie. Berlin. Germany

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460

13.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
13.2 Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
13.2.1 Classical Routes - A Critical Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
13.2.2 Diels-Alder Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
13.3 Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
13.3.I Molecular Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
13.3.2 Shape: Three-Dimensional Versus Two-Dimensional Coils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
13.3.3 Molecular Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
13.4 Aromatization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
13.5 Monodisperse Ladders in the Nanometer Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
13.6 Summary and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
13.7 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
13.8 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
460 13 Diels-Alder Ladder Polymers: Synthesis and Aromatization

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

E potential
I current
M" number-average molecular weight
I1 number
pn number-average degree of polymerization

A wavelength

CPMAS cross-polarization/magic angle spinning

DA Diels- Alder
DDQ 2 , 3-dichloro-5,6-dicyanobenzoquinone
DP polydispersity
GPC gel permeation chromatography
MD molecular dynamics
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
PAH polyaromatic hydrocarbon
TBA tetrabuty lammonium
TBAPF, tetrabutylammonium hexafluorphosphate
p-TSOM p-toluene sulfonic acid
uv ultraviolet
13.1 Introduction 461

13.1 Introduction
Ladder (ribbon) polymers consist of cy-
clic subunits, which are connected to each
other by two links attached to different sites Figure 13-1. General representation of the structure
of a ladder polymer with cyclic subunits and two in-
of the respective subunits. Thus ladder poly-
dependent strands of bonds.
mers have two independent strands of reg-
ularly tied bonds which do not merge into a
single or double bond or cross each other as
in a spiro connection (Fig. 13-1) (Overber- mer synthesis, some 30 years ago. Very lit-
ger and Moore, 1970). In the initial phase of tle conceptual development has taken place
the history of ladder polymers, this unique towards the synthesis of well-defined and
structural feature was believed to make the fully characterizable ladder polymers. The
polymers ideal candidates for applications situation is best described by the 1990 state-
requiring materials with high thermal, me- ment by Dalton: in fact, no one to date has
chanical, and chemical stability. This was ever made and unambiguously character-
rationalized by the fact that the molecular ized a complete (classical) ladder polymer
weight of ladder polymers remains constant, (Yu and Dalton, 1990). Undoubtedly, the
even if one of the two strands breaks. How- synthesis of a truly double-stranded poly-
ever, it quickly turned out that, due to their mer is a real synthetic challenge, consider-
poor solubility and infusibility, processing ing that even the synthesis of well-defined
of these polymers was almost impossible. single-stranded polymers is sometimes dif-
Consequently, useful materials with the ex- ficult to achieve. In the case of ladder poly-
pected properties could not be obtained and mers, two links have to be tied n-times
the first generation of ladder polymers did between every two subunits without gener-
not gain industrial importance (Overberger ating defects! This chapter intends to show
and Moore, 1970; Yu et al., 1990). that there are tools available to the chemist,
Since the mid-l980s, there has been much which have previously been almost com-
interest in the nonlinear-optical as well as pletely disregarded, that allow the synthesis
the electrical properties of rigid-rod poly- of a whole new family of structurally per-
mer films. High optical nonlinearities de- fect ladder polymers (Schluter, 1991 a;
rived from n-conjugation, high laser-dam- Schluter et al., 1996). It demonstrates that
age thresholds, and the capability to form they can be designed so that they may serve
electrically conductive materials upon dop- as precursors for their fully unsaturated
ing suggested conjugated ladder polymers counterparts. If a precursor strategy is to be
as potentially very interesting candidates for reasonably applied, the precursors must be
such applications and led to a revival of fully characterized before their transforma-
interest in this class of polymers (Yu and tion into the final target structures. This
Dalton, 1989; Dalton et al., 1989; Dalton, chapter therefore puts quite a lot of empha-
1989;Belaish et al., 1989; Dahmet al., 1990). sis upon the description of how the precur-
However, progress in the synthesis of lad- sor ladder polymers are obtained and into
der polymers has not kept pace with the rap- what depth their structures and shapes are
idly growing technological importance of investigated before attempts to convert
these materials. The strategies used today them into their unsaturated, aromatic coun-
still stem from the early days of ladder-poly- terparts are presented.
462 13 Diels-Alder Ladder Polymers: Synthesis and Aromatization

13.2 Synthesis stranded precursor polymer must react with

one another (a) intramolecularly and (b)
13.2.1 Classical Routes - A Critical consecutively. If requirement (a) is not met,
Perspective crosslinking between ladders would be the
consequence, and if (b) is not met, loop for-
Most of the known syntheses of ladder mation through (a nonconsecutive) intramo-
polymers fall into two catagories. In the lecular coupling would be likely to occur.
first, two tetrafunctional monomers are In recent years, some progress has been
made to react with each other, whereby, as- achieved with this kind of approach. In
suming the reaction proceeds in the desired particular, the groups of Scherf, Tour, and
way, the double-stranded structure grows Swager used carefully designed poly(paru-
from the very beginning (Fig. 13-2 a) pheny1ene)s (PPPsj as prepolymers (Scherf
(Schluter, 1991 a; Bi and Litt, 1987). In the and Mullen, 1995; Scherf, 1997j which had
second, single-stranded polymers are syn- the two functional groups (A and B ) at-
thesized which carry the required function- tached to the repeat unit in such a way that
alities at defined, regular distances along the their sequence alternated along the back-
chain. These functionalities are then used to bone. Additionally, the PPP backbone is
generate the second strand in a series of relatively rigid. Both factors reduce the
polymer analogous reactions (Fig. 13-2 b) conformational space available for A and B
(Bi and Litt, 1987; Scherf and Mullen, 1992, compared with the situation drawn in Fig.
1995; Scherf. 1997). Both strategies have 13-2 b. As a result of the orientation of these
serious disadvantages. functional groups towards each other, the
In the first case, it is difficult to see which ladder polymers obtained have fewer de-
factors, under homogenous reaction condi- fects than those where these precautions are
tions, would force the monomers to react ex- not taken. Even though the experimental ev-
clusively in the desired way. One wrong idence for the degree of structure perfection
linkage, as indicated in Fig. 13-2a, inevita- still needs to be completed, it was shown
bly leads to inter-ribbon crosslinking, one that more than 90% of the bonds for the sec-
of the reasons for the insolubility of most of ond strand can be closed in the desired way,
the known ladder polymers. Beside this top- a result that might not have been considered
ological issue, problems also arise from the possible some 10 years ago. The reader is
condensation reactions that are most often referred to pertinent reviews on this matter
used and which, per se and specifically in (Scherf and Mullen, 1995; Scherf, 1997).
this case, are difficult to drive to comple- Beside these strategy specific drawbacks,
tion. As a result of the conformational rigid- there is another serious problem inherently
ity of ladder polymers, the reaction mixtures associated with ladder polymers; namely,
become very viscous and polymerization their poor solubility. As a result of their rig-
stops at relatively low conversion. This de- id backbones, they show strong intermolec-
ficiency results not only in the formation of ular interactions. These interactions are not
low molecular weight ribbons, but also in rib- only reflected in their desirable mechan-
bons with incompletely cyclized repeat units. ical properties, for example, high tensile
The second strategy (Fig. 13-2b) looks strength, but also in their undesirable insol-
very elegant on paper, but can only be suc- ubility, which makes all attempts at struc-
cessful if a number of requirements are ful- ture elucidation very difficult. Therefore if
filled. The AB-units attached to the single progress is to be made in the synthesis of
13.2 Synthesis 463


Figure 13-2. The two classical strate-

gies to ladder polymers: (a) Polycon-
densation of tetrafunctional monomers,
or (b) polymer-analogous cyclizations
of appropriately substituted, single-
stranded prepolyers. For both cases,

likely structural irregularities are
shown. An improved version of strategy
(b), in which the probability of the de-
sired bond formation between function-

alities A and B is increased by a reduc-
tion of the conformational space avail-
able for them, is shown in (c). The cir-
cles stand for conformationally rigid
units. For further explanation, see the
-B A-B text.

well-defined and characterizable ladder ucts, because it forces the reactants into the
polymers, two main issues have to be ad- ideal relative geometry for a clean (regio-
dressed: the suppression of side reactions specific) reaction to take place. Thus side
and the achievement of increased solubility. reactions are suppressed and yields are high
(Sauer, 1967). For these reasons, the DA
methodology was selected as the main tool
13.2.2 Diels-Alder Route
for structure control in a new synthetic strat-
In the course of a Diels-Alder (DA) cy- egy to ladder polymers, a general represen-
clization, each of the two reaction partners tation of which is shown in Fig. 13-3. Bai-
pass through a transition state which is sta- ly was one of the first to realize the useful-
bilized by electron delocalization, or as ness of the DA reaction for the synthesis of
chemists put it, by its partially aromatic ladder polymers, but unfortunately met with
character. This stabilization is the key to limited success due to lack of suitable
perfect structures of this reactions prod- monomers (Bailey and Feinberg, 1967).
464 13 Dieis-Alder Ladder Polymers: Synthesis and Aromatization

AA 0B Figure 13-3. Diels-Alder polyaddition strate-
gy for the synthesis of structurally well-de-
b) fined ladder polymers using (a) bifunctional
dienes ( AA-type monomers) and bifunctional
dienophiles (BB-type monomers), and (b) bi-
$I+ functional DA components with both diene and
dienophil functionalities (AB-type monomer).
The solubility enhancing alkyl chains are indi-
cated as wavy lines (typically hexyl).

The second issue, the insolubility prob- lected in strict accordance with the follow-
lem, is accounted for in Fig. 13-3 by the at- ing criteria:
tachment of flexible alkyl chains, rings, or
a) Good accessibility on the gram or larger
loops. This method is known to significant-
ly increase the solubility of rigid molecules
b) Existence of structural features that help
in both polymer and low molecular weight
increase the solubility of the polymer.
chemistry. It should be mentioned that a
c) Irreversibility of each single DA cycliza-
strategy based on DA polyaddition neces-
sarily yields ribbons whose molecular struc-
ture consists of a rather complex (generally The sets of synthesized monomers are
statistical) sequence of exo/endo stereo- shown in Table 13-1. The monomers com-
isomers. This feature, which is associated prise bisdienes, bisdienophiles, and diene-
with kinks in the backbone, may be consid- dienophiles, which are classified as AA-,
ered as aesthetically unpleasing, but certain- BB-, and AB-type monomers, respectively.
ly helps keep the polymer in solution, and It goes without saying that the monomers
is therefore an additional plus of the strate- were designed so that the equilibria of the
gy. Also, the DA strategy inevitably yields addition reactions between them lie far on the
ladders that contain saturated (sp3-hybrid- product side. Quite a few bifunctional DA
ized) carbon atoms in the backbone. De- compounds are known in the literature
pending on the respective monomers, the (Christophel and Muller, 1986; Kohnke
backbone may contain, for example, hetero- et al., 1987; Luo and Hart, 1988; Hart et al.
atom bridges and/or (adjacent) hydrogen 1983; Le Houllier and Gribble, 1983). but,
atoms. If the targeted polymer analogous unfortunately, none of them meet all the cri-
conversion of these precursor ladders is to teria, and therefore their use in polymer syn-
be brought about, these saturation sites thesis did not seem advisable. The DA strat-
ought to be removable by some very mild egy for the synthesis of double-stranded
and controllable chemistry. polymers has also been used by others
Suitable bifunctional DA monomers for (Scherf, 1997; Wegener and Miillen, 1993).
the strategy outlined in Fig. 13-3 were se- An interesting application to hemiporphyr-
13.2 Synthesis 465

Table 13-1. Construction set of AA-, BB-, and AB-type Diels-Alder building blocks for the synthesis of line-
arly and angularly annulated ladder polymers. If not otherwise stated, R is straight alkyl, typically C , and C I 2 .


R = - (CH2)e-

[ &o] 10

p&O] CH, R

\ /

R' = -(CHz)S-

azines and phthalocyanines has recently 10 (Vogel, 1990), 11 (Loffler et al., 1993),
been published (Rack and Hanack, 1994; and 13 (Kintzel et al., 1998) were generat-
Stihler et al., 1997). ed from the precursor molecules and used in
Monomers 4 (Schulte and Schluter, situ, typically on the 5 g scale. The formu-
1997), 5 (Blatter et al., 1989), 6 (Vogel lae of 1-3,10,11, and 13 do not represent
et al., 1989), 7 (Schluter, 1991 b), 8 (Loffler proven molecular structures, but serve as a
and Schluter, 1994; Schlicke et al., 1996), 9 rationalization for the observed DA reactiv-
(Godt et al., 1989; Godt and Schluter, 199 l), ity of postulated intermediates which are
and 12 (Schluter et al., 1994; Schlicke et al., generated in situ from stable precursors.
1995; Schlicke, 1996) were prepared and Monomers 1,6,and 12 differ from standard
used on the 1- 10 g scale; monomers 1 compounds as they are only substituted with
(Blatter and Schluter, 1989a), 2 (Kintzel alkyl chains or loops. Monomers 8 a and
and Schluter, 1997), 3 (Packe et al., 1992), 12 a are bridged over by flexible alkyl loops
466 13 Diels-Alder Ladder Polymers: Synthesis and Aromatization

Table 13-2. Selected Diels-Alder ladder polymers. If precursors thereof gave polymers 17 (Godt
not otherwise stated, R is straight alkyl, typically C6 et al., 1989), 14 (Vogel et al., 1989), 15
and C I 2 .
(Loffleret al., 1993), and20(Schluteret al.,
Gmup 1 1994; Schlicke et al., 1995; Schlicke, 1996),
respectively (Table 13-2). The yields were
almost quantitative. All the ladder polymers
obtained turned out to be soluble in com-
mon organic solvents like chloroform, tet-
rahydrofuran, and benzene, etc., at room
temperature, a result that nicely underlines
R = - (Clip)( - 16 R=-(CH&- 17 the effectiveness of both the alkyl substitu-
tion and the irregular sequence of kinks in
Gmup 2
the backbone. The high solubility enabled
careful structure elucidation of the polymers
to be carried out.
Table 13-2 divides the polymers 14-22
R into three groups according to the structural
features of their backbones. This division
will gain some importance in the last part of
this article in the discussion of the polymer
n analogous transformation of these polymers
into fully unsaturated ladders. Group 1 poly-
mers 14- 17 consist of a linear sequence of
six-membered rings. Group 2 polymers 18
P and 19 are also made up of six-membered
rings, but they are annulated angularly. Fi-
nally, Group 3 polymers 20-22 are again
linearly annulated, but they contain six-
membered as well as five-membered rings.
(ansa compounds). These loops are effec-
tive solubilizers for entropic reasons ( e g ,
straight alkyl chains) and for enthalpic rea- 13.3 Characterization
sons because they disturb the packing of the
corresponding polymers. Polymers 14- 17 13.3.1 Molecular Structure
(Table 13-2) were obtained by combining
these monomers properly like building The molecular structures of the repeat
blocks in a construction set. For example, units of all new ladder polymers were inves-
the AA monomer 1was reacted with exact- tigated and proven by high resolution NMR
ly the same stoichiometric amount of any of spectroscopy. In most cases, the assignment
the BB monomers 5 - 8 to give polymers 18 of signals rests upon detailed analyses of the
(Blatter and Schluter, 1989a), 14 (Vogel NMR spectra of corresponding model com-
et al., 1989), 16 (Kintzel et al., 1996), and pounds. Particularly informative is the
21 (Loffler et a]., 1994), respectively. structure elucidation of ribbon 18(Table 13-
On the other hand, simple thermal treat- 2), which is described briefly here. For com-
ment of the AB building blocks 9- 13or the parison, the 15-ring system 23 (Fig. 13-4)
13.3 Characterization 467
was prepared as a mixture of stereoisomers
(Blatter and Schluter, 1989b). Figure 13-4
shows the high resoluton NMR spectra of
this model (a) and of ribbon polymer 18 (c).
The match of both spectra is excellent, ex-
cept for the marked signals of 23 at about
6 = 190 ppm, which do not have a counter-
part in the polymer spectrum. However,
these signals were shown to be caused by
the quinoid end groups and should therefore
not appear in the polymer spectrum. The fact
that this is actually observed establishes the
proposed structure of 18.
Figure 13-4 contains another interesting 23
piece of information related to the solubil-
ity question. Polymer 18 was also prepared
with the shorter hexyl chains, but the solu-
bility of the material turned out to be too low
for recording a high resolution I3C NMR
spectrum. Thus even a relatively dense sub-
stitution with hexyl chains is not sufficient
in all cases. The structure of polymer 18
(R = hexyl) was confirmed by recording a
solid-state CPMAS 13C NMR spectrum
(Fig. 13-4b). Despite the greater line
widths, the match with spectra (a) and (c) is
A second example may illustrate the great
depth in which the structures of DA ladder
polymers were investigated. Figure 13-5
shows the 'H NMR spectrum of 17 (Ta-
ble 13-2). It goes without saying that the
main signals are in full agreement with its
structure. Attention was focused on the sig-
nals marked a- E, which have very low in- l , 1 , , 1 1 , 1 , 1

tensities. What is the origin of these signals? 200 160 120 80 LO lppml 0

This question requires explanation if the Figure 13-4. High resolution I3CNMR spectra of (a)
molecular structure of the ladder polymer is model compound 23 and (c) ladder polymer 18
to be rigorously proven. Fortunately, it was (R=dodecyl), plus (b) solid-state CPMAS I3C NMR
possible to show that the signals a-E are spectrum of polymer 18 (R = hexyl). The signals of the
quinoid end group of 23 are marked (arrow). Solvent
due to end groups and are therefore not signals (chloroform) in spectra (a) and (c) are erased
caused by structural defects of any kind for clarity (*).
(Godt and Schluter, 1992).
Stereochemical aspects of the new rib-
bons were also investigated. As indicated
468 13 Diels-Alder Ladder Polymers: Synthesis and Aromatization

b) Single crystals of these pieces were

grown and their stereochemistry was
proven by X-ray diffraction.
c) The N M R spectra of the dissolved single
crystals was recorded.
Observed shifts were correlated with
those in the polymer spectrum and the de-
sired data was extracted. This procedure not
only has the function of answering the ster-
eochemical questions, but the results can be
1 1 1 1 1 ~ thought
~ ~of as a~ starting point for future

8 7 6 5 1 3 2 1 0
6 in ppm
attempts to achieve the ultimate goal of a
controlled stereospecific DA polymeriza-
Figure 13-5. 'H NMR spectrum (CDCI, 20C) of
polymer 17. The 4ignals due to end groups are marked
with 0 - E (+: benzene. x: terr-butyl methyl ether). Polymer 17 contains repeat units in two
stereoisomeric forms, endo and exo. Among
others, the model compounds endo-24, exo-
above, the backbones of all the ladder poly- 24, and25 (Chart 13- I ) (containing both exa
mers synthesized using DA polyaddition and endo repeat units) were prepared and
contain complex sequences of repeating their structures determined using X-ray dif-
units with different stereochemistry. In the fraction (Godt et al., 1992). Based on the
case of the angular annulated ladders, the analysis of the N M R spectra of these com-
situation is even more complex. New pounds, it was possible to assign groups of
monomers may react with the growing chain signals in the I3C N M R spectrum of 17
in a cisoid or transoid fashion to the termi- (Fig. 13-6) to determine whether they are
nal repeat unit. The I3C N M R shifts of the associated with exo or endo repeat units.
atoms of a repeat unit generally depend on Quantitative analysis of the intensities of
its stereochemistry and differ by a few parts relevant signals yielded an exo : endo ratio
per million. The shifts may also depend on of approximately 1 : 1. Furthermore, other
the stereochemistry of the two neighboring information was obtained on the sequence.
repeat units. As a result, the spectra are quite For example, the signal at 6 = 132 ppm was
complex and a reliable correlation of their assigned to all carbons C-4 a(8 a) in exo re-
stereogeometries or sequences with certain peating units centered in endo-exo-endo or
signals is difficult (if not impossible) to endo-exo-exo triads (Godt et al., 1992).
achieve. In order to obtain at least some
quantitative data on how many and which
stereoisomers are present in the backbone, 13.3.2 Shape: Three-Dimensional
and in order to get as much information Versus Two-Dimensional Coils
about the microstructure of the polymers as
After having elucidated the molecular
possible, the following procedure was pur- structures and some aspects of their stereo-
sued for polymer 17:
chemical nature, the next logical step was to
a) Pieces of the polymer backbone contain- investigate the secondary structure of the
ing the relevant stereoisomeric forms new ribbons. This step is a complex matter
were synthesized. for which no experimental answers are
13.3 Characterization 469

endo- 24

ex0 - 24
470 13 Diels-Alder Ladder Polymers: Synthesis and Aromatization


Figure 13-6. Fully reproducible

high resolution I3C NMR spectrum
of polymer 17. The signals of C-2(3)
and C-4 a(8 a) are grouped around
6 = 135 and 6= 150 ppm, respective-
ly. The assigment is based on eight
different model compounds (A- H),
as indicated in the inserted enlarge-
L, ment of the olefinic region of the
spectrum. The structures of A-H
I I I 1 I I I 1 I I are not shown. The signal at
200 160 120 80 40 6=132 ppm is marked (*).
8 [PPml

available to date. However, to gain insight mensionally coiled backbone. This unit has
into the secondary structures, the X-ray data a mirror plane which is symmetrical to the
of the models for polymer 17 were used as one in which chain propagation occurs. The
a data set for a computer program which al- exo-unit, however, has a kink in its struc-
lows the assembly of molecule fragments to ture which undergoes a flipping process
form larger ones (Schurmann et al., 1993). near room temperature. This was proven by
All available stereochemical information dynamic NMR studies using em-24 as a
was considered in this process. By this model and reflects some torsional flexibil-
means a computer model of polymer 17 was ity of the polymer backbone at each exo re-
generated, whose three-dimensional views peat unit (Godt et al., 1992).
should give a realistic picture of its overall While polymer 17 and also presumably
shape (Fig. 13-7).According to this picture, polymer 16 behave more or less like normal
polymer 17 has a coiled structure, similar to polymers in that they take on randomly
the single-stranded polymers. From an in- coiled shapes, this might not be the case for
spection of the two possible stereoisomeric polymers 14, 15, 20, and 21. These struc-
repeat units (see structures of exo- and en- tures do not contain a cyclohexene ring, but
60-24 in Chart 13-1), it is evident that the only a linear sequence of conformationally
endo-unit is not responsible for the three-di- rigid fragments (like 7-oxa(aza)norbor-
13.3 Characterization 471

Figure 13-7. Computer-generated

three-dimensional model of polymer 17
without hydrogen atoms and flexible
alkyl rings (top), and the corresponding
van der Wads plot (bottom). Carbon is
in green, oxyen red.

nenes, benzenes, naphthalenes, and flat

five-membered rings), and they have the
proper symmetry elements for the polymer
to show plane symmetry. If this picture
holds, these polymers should have the
unique shape of a two-dimensional coil or a
disc (Fig. 13-8). Finally, polymer 22 should
have a flat, board-like structure, which can
undergo undulation and helical twist-type
Compound 26, a model for 14, was select- Figure 13-8. Schematic representation of the expect-
ed to demonstrate this point. The X-ray ed secondary structure of polymers 14,15,20,and 21,
structures of two diastereomers of 26 which is a two-dimensional coil.
(Chart 13-2) show that both isomers have a
mirror plane in which all the oxygen atoms
lie. However, these structures and the vague ent starting conformations of 27 (A and B,
description of the fragments of 14 as being see Fig. 13-9) to avoid a dependence of the
rigid, are not sufficient to lead to the con- results upon the initial structure and (b) in
clusion that structure 14 attains the shape of the presence of solvent molecules (ben-
a (snake-like) two-dimensional coil. This zene), since polymer/solvent effects have
would depend upon the degree of anisotro- considerable influence on the conformation
py of the flexibility of 14 in and out of the of a polymer chain. The starting conforma-
plane. We applied all-atom molecular dy- tion A of model 27 was constructed by us-
namics (MD) to help solve the problem of ing the bond lengths and angles from the X-
polymers 14 shape in solution (Schurmann ray structures of 26 and the AMBER data
et al., 1993). Oligomer 27, which consists bank, which gives it plane symmetry. Con-
of seven repeat units of fragments of 14 car- formation B is an equilibrated structure (af-
rying no alkyl chains and terminated by ben- ter 30 ps) which was created from A by per-
zene rings, was selected as a model. The MD forming a MD calculation in vacuo. During
studies were carried out (a) with two differ- the calculation (without solvent), the initial-
472 13 Diels-Alder Ladder Polymers: Synthesis and Aromatization

the system was heated to 700 K at 100 K

intervals. After each run had equilibrated,
the system was cooled to 300 K. Finally, in
the 700 K case for this conformation, a
change in the plane-symmetrical geometry
takes place. As in the case of conformation
A, visualization of the molecular motion re-
vealed that conformation B was no longer
spherical, but two-dimensional and disc-like.
Thus, regardless of the starting conforma-
tion, structure 27 in benzene solution equi-
librates to a two-dimensional conformation,
which indicates a unique structural feature
of 14 and other ladder polymers of compar-
able rigidity and symmetry. It is important,
however, to realize that this calculation does
not account for other effects that might play
a role during synthesis of the polymer. It
may well be the case that, as the polymer
chain grows, larger fragments of the same
polymer chain irreversibly overlap each
other, or that intermolecular effects (for ex-
ample, the formation of entanglements) pre-
vent the polymer from relaxing into a two-
dimensional geometry. Small-angle X-ray
Chart 13-2. Structures i n the crystal of two diaster-
eomers of model compound 26 (ORTEP). scattering is an appropriate method with
which this problem can be approached ex-
ly two-dimensional coil starts to deviate sig-
nificantly from planarity. which is initiated 13.3.3 Molecular Weights
by higher fluctuations of the termini.
Both starting structures were placed in a The new generation of ladder polymers
box of constant volume filled with benzene are soluble in common solvents at reason-
molecules of realistic density at 300 K, and able concentrations. This is an enormous ad-
the molecular dynamics were simulated vantage in that all typical polymer-analyti-
under periodic boundary conditions. Con- cal techniques can be applied. Thus it is rea-
formation A keeps its two-dimensional sonable to assume that the molecular weight
shape over the entire period of simulation data obtained are more accurate than those
( I 30 ps). Visualization of the molecular dy- for classical ladder polymers. However, suf-
namics in a video showed that the structure ficient solubility alone does not solve all the
retains the symmetry plane 4,. For starting problems. For instance, gel permeation
structure B. the simulation in benzene at chromatography (GPC) is of limited value
300 K did not lead to any significant change because appropriate standards for ladder
of the gross conformation, even with an ex- polymers with little flexibility are present-
tended simulation time (200 ps). Therefore ly not available. Nevertheless, GPC mea-
474 13 Diels-Alder Ladder Polymers: Synthesis and Aromatization

der of M,= 100000 g/mol. This translates a [ 18lcyclacene derivative was observed
into a ribbon of 1000 linearly annulated six- (Kintzel et al., 1998).
membered rings, which clearly demon-
strates the power of the Diels-Alder polyad-
dition for the synthesis of double-stranded 13.4 Aromatization
polymers. In accordance with their relative-
ly high molecular weight, DA ladder poly- After the above-described aspects of DA
mers can be cast into flexible films from so- ladder polymers had been investigated, the
lution. Group 3 polymers, except for 20 b, direction of research focused more on the
have lower molecular weights, as already ultimate goal, which is to generate fully un-
indicated by the GPC data (Table 13-3). We saturated (aromatic), double-stranded poly-
believe that this is not an inherent phenom- mers from DA ladders. The critical question
enon, but that it rather reflects the polymer- which really needed to be answered was:
ization procedures of these only recently de- Are DA ladder polymers appropriate pre-
veloped monomers, which have not yet been cursors? The initial attempts into this mat-
optimized. ter all used Group 1 polymers, because sub-
During thermal treatment, conventional stituted polyacenes, which would be the
ladder polymers undergo nonconcerted products, are clearly challenging targets
bond cleavage processes at sites randomly (Kivelson and Chapman, 1983). A discus-
distributed over the two strands of bonds. sion of some of their expected properties is
The molecular weights remain constant un- available in the literature (Schliiter, 1991 a;
til two opposing bonds are coincidentally Schliiter et al., 1996). Though some
cleaved. Since DA cyclization/recycliza- progress was achieved along these lines, it
tion is an equilibrium process, the above-de- has to be said that synthetic chemistry has
scribed new generation of ladder polymers failed up to now to provide reproducible ac-
may exhibit an additional mode of decom- cess to any polyacene derivative. This is not
position, the retro-DA cleavage. By this re- to say that a goal like this is intrinsically im-
action, two bonds of the same six-membered possible to achieve. Its achievement, how-
ring are cleaved in a concerted manner. Such ever, requires the development of an entire-
a process would have a detrimental effect on ly new strategy, one which ought to avoid
the properties of DA ladder polymers in that the wet-chemical procedures that have been
each single retro-DA step breaks the back- tried so far. With these more or less nega-
bone into two independent fragments, and tive results regarding Group 1 polymers in
thus decreases the molecular weight. This mind, Group 2 precursors were not serious-
issue was therefore investigated in some ly tried.
depth using polymer 14 as a representative. The tables turned when the investigation
Fortunately, it could be shown that no ret- was extended to Group 3 polymers 20-21.
ro-reaction occurred within a reasonable Some initial orienting model aromatizations
temperature range (Loffler et al., 1992). were very successful with conversions of
Thermal treatment of 14 with a monofunc- virtually 100%.This was an excellent basis
tional DA component in large excess led for trying these reactions not only on mod-
neither to a decrease of the molecular weight els, but also on polymeric material. For ex-
nor to a broadening of the distribution. An ample, compound 28 (Fig. 13-10, a model
exception here is monomer 13 for which an for polymer 21) could be dehydrated, re-
equilibrium between its linear oligomer and gardless of its actual stereochemistry, with
13.4 Aromatization 475

p - TsOH - 2 H20 1 DDQ

/ / \
\ / \ / \ / \ /
Figure 13-10. Model compounds
28 and 30, and a) the dehydration
isolated yield: 97.8-98.5% isolated yield: 98.7-99.4% of 28 to 29 and b) the &hydrogen-
R = -CeH13 R = -(CH2)12- ation of 30 to 31.

p-toluene sulfonic acid (p-TsOH) to benzo- These experiments laid the foundations
difluoranthene 29, which was obtained in iso- for developing the dehydrogenation and de-
lated yields of 97.8-98.5% (Schirmer et al., hydration chemistry of polymers 20 and 21,
1993). To our knowledge, this attempt is the respectively, which will be briefly described
only one of numerous attempts where the in the following.
dehydration of precursor molecules into Dehydration was achieved in full analo-
polycyclic aromatic compounds proceeds gy to the model reaction by refluxing a so-
reproducibly and absolutely cleanly. This lution of polymer 21 with a slight excess of
dehydration does not lead to any kind of side p-TsOH per repeat unit. After a few hours,
reaction, which is of crucial importance for the color of the initially bright yellow solu-
the targeted polymer analogous application. tion had turned red, but stayed homogenous.
Another characteristic of this dehydration is Normal work-up yielded a material whose
that it does not seem to proceed catalytical- UV spectrum shows a considerable bath-
ly. An important consequence is that the ochromic shift in comparison with the start-
number of water molecules removed and ing material (Fig. 13-11) (Loffler et al.,
thus the degree of both planarization and 1994b). Additionally, the intensities of the
solubility can be controlled by stoichiome- NMR signals of carbons A and B (structure
try. Comparably excellent results were ob- 21 in Table 13-2) are greatly reduced to the
tained when the dehydrogenation of com- advantage of the aromatic carbons. If the
pound 30 was tried. This compound resem- same experiment was carried out with an ex-
bles the repeat unit of polymer 20. Reaction cess of p-TsOH, the dehydration could even
of 30 with one equivalent of 2,3-dichloro- be driven to completion. Polymer 32 was re-
5,6-dicyanobenzoquinone (DDQ), which is covered as an insoluble material. Its
a powerful dehydrogenation agent, led to CPMAS 13C NMR spectrum is depicted in
complete removal of the hydrogen (Kint- Fig. 13-12. The UV spectrum, for which
zel et al., 1998). The isolated yield of 31 sparingly soluble, low molecular weight
ranged between 98.7 and 99.4%. material was used, shows a significant in-
476 13 Diels-Alder Ladder Polymers: Synthesis and Aromatization


Figure 13-11. UV spectra (chloroform) of

...... . , I I
precursor polymer 2 1 (. . .), the 80-90%
360 460 560 & 760 dehydrated polymer 2 1 (- - -), and the fully
dehydrated, unsaturated polymer 32 (-).

I I I I I Figure 13-12. CPMAS '-'C NMR

200 150 100 50 spectrum of the fully dehydrated un-
6 [ppml saturated polymer 32.
13.4 Aromatization 477

crease in the intensity of the long wave- show that this can actually be brought about.
length absorptions, but no further batho- Figure 13-14 depicts the 13C NMR spectra
chromic shift of Lax. The NMR spectrum of two model compounds, 30 and 31, and a
gives no indication of residual water in CP MAS 13CNMR spectrum of the fully un-
the structure: The oxygen- and hydrogen- saturated polymer 33a. The signal of 30 at
carrying carbon atoms of 21 (A and B) typ- approximately 6=50 ppm does not appear
ically absorb in the ranges of 6=75 - 85 ppm in the spectrum of polymer 33 a. The UV ev-
and 6=50-60 ppm. icence is also convincing (spectrum not
Success was also accomplished using shown). In the case of precursor polymer
polymer 20 a and 20 b (Fig. 13-13). The idea 20 b, these experiments could even be con-
was to try to simply titrate them with ducted on a more advanced level. Here the
DDQ. Depending on the amount of DDQ aromatization was not only done in a con-
used, the degree of aromatization ought to ventional flask-type set-up, but, because of
be controllable and adjustable to the respec- the significantly higher molecular weight,
tive requirements. Ultimately, stoichiomet- also by using the precursor in film form and
ric amounts should furnish the fully unsat- doing it directly on the film. Figure 13-15
urated polymers 33 a and 33 b. Experiments compares a film of untreated 20 b with one
that had been dipped into a solution of DDQ
for some hours. As indicated by the red col-
or (and some other evidence, of course), the
dehydrogenation took place at the surface
of the film. This is an important fact, be-
cause the considerable morphological con-
straints associated with this chemical pro-
cess (planarization) are less detrimental to
the overall mechanical stability of the final
film as long as some flexible material is still
available in the interior. Without this stabil-
ization, the chemical modification would
most likely result in a material that is too
brittle to be used for most measurements or
... applications.
a: R = -(CH2),,-
Besides these experiments with films of
H b: R = -C02C12H25
polymer 20 b, this precursor was also used
to see whether the level of dehydrogenation
can be adjusted to a certain, predetermined
level. The addition of 10, 20, and 50% of
DDQ per repeat unit gave polymer 20 b with
approximately the same percentage of de-
hydrogenated repeat units, as evidenced by
the respective H NMR spectra (Fig. 13-16)
(Schlicke et al., 1995). This step-wise con-
Figure 13-13. Polymerization of the AB-type Diels-
Alder monomer 12 and dehydrogenation of the resul- version of 20 b to its unsaturated analog 33 b
tant precursor polymer 20 to give the fully unsaturat- can be driven further. It should be noted here
ed ladder polymer 33. that after the removal of 70-80% of all the
478 13 Diels-Alder Ladder Polymers: Synthesis and Aromatization


lI @B
\ / \ /



Figure 13-14. I3C NMR spectra of

33. the model compounds a) 30 and b) 31,
andc)theCPMAS I3C NMR spec-
trum of the fully unsaturated polymer
I 33a. The signal in spectrum (a) at ap-
200 150 100 50 0 proximately 6 = 50 ppm does not ap-
6 rppm1 pear in spectra (b) and (c).

Figure 13-15. Films of precursor polymer 20b a) before and b) after dipping into a solution of DDQ.
13.5 Moncidisperse Ladders in the Nanometer Range 479

at hand, it was tempting to ask whether i t

can be used not only for the synthesis of
polydisperse but also for monodisperse
compounds. On the one hand, these com-
pounds would serve as models for the re-
spective polymers and, on the other, they
could be used to push the size of extended
polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to its
present limits. In this regard, the synthesis
of PAH 37 and 38 has briefly been described
(Schlicke et al., 1997). They are obtained
through the end-capping of DA bisdieno-
phile 34 with two equivalents of either the
short cyclopentadienone 35 or the long one
36 (Chart 13-3). In both cases the DA reac-
tion directly gives the fully unsaturated
product, because carbon monoxide is chele-
tropically cleaved off in situ. The same
principle was used for the synthesis of
Group 3 polymer 22 from monomers 4 and
I I I I I I I I I 8 b. As a result of the substitution with dode-
9.0 7.0 3.0 1 .o
cyl chains, these quite extended, flat (board-
6 IPPN like) molecules show exceptionally high
Figure 13-16. 'H NMR spectra of samples of poly- solubility in common organic solvents at
mer 20 b which had been treated with a) lo%, b) 20%, room temperature. For example, dichloro-
and c) 50% equivalents of DDQ per repeat unit. The
methane dissolves 5.0 gl-' of 37 and 4.5 g
signal at approximately 6=5.7ppm, which corre-
sponds to backbone saturated sites, decreases to the I-' of 38 at this temperature. This enables a
advantage of new signals in the aromatic region. The complete characterization. Because of their
signal of the a-CH, groups of the ester at 6=4.8 extended mystem, compounds 37 and 38
is shifted slightly downfield at the aromatized units were studied by cyclic voltammetry (Ta-
ble 13-4). Experiments were carried out in
tetrahydrofuran (reductions) and dichlo-
saturated positions, the solubility of the ma- romethane (oxidations) under superdry con-
terial becomes so poor that the recording of ditions. Compound 37 can be reduced to the
sufficiently resolved NMR spectra is prac- heptaanion and 38 to the octaanion within a
tically impossible. Through the application relatively small potential range (Fig. 13- 17).
of excess DDQ and higher temperatures, de- Fullerenes cannot be reduced further than the
hydrogenation can be completed. hexaanions. Persistent tri- and tetracations
can be generated for 37 and 38, respectively.
The PAHs 37 and 38 are 3.0 and 4.5 nm
13.5 Monodisperse Ladders long, making 38 the most extended, fully
in the Nanometer Range characterized aromatic compound known
today. As a result of their substitution pat-
With the DA technology for the synthe- tern, both compounds can be handled like
sis of structurally defined ladder polymers low molecular weight ones.
480 13 Diels-Alder Ladder Polymers: Synthesis and Aromatization


\ / 0


34 35 36




A k k k

38 R= C12HZ5
Chart 13-3. Structures of the starting materials 34. 35, and 36 for the synthesis of PAHs 37 and 38.

Table 13-4. Redox potentials (V) versus Ag/AgCI of compounds 37 and 38".

Reduction Oxidation

E,/2(' E,,?j :1, E,,23 El/?? E,/I1 El/,?' El/?' EW3 El/>'+

37 -3.10 V -2.92 Vh -2.OOV -1.82 V -1.SOV -1.3OV +0.89V +l.28 V +I.S4V

38 -2.55 V -2.42 V - 2 . I h V -2.O3V -1.31 Vh -1.13 Vh + O M V + 1.21 V +1.34 V +IS2 V

The cyclic voltammograms were recorded in THFRBAPF, (reductions) and CH2C12/TBAPF, (oxidations) at

-40C (scan rate: 200 mVs-l; TBA = tetrabutylammonium): Two-electron transfer steps.
13.6 Summary and Outlook 481


-3,5 -3,O -2,5 -2,o -1,5 -1 ,o -0,5 0,o
E[V] vs.Ag/AgCl
Figure 13-17. Reduction part of the cyclic voltammogram of compound 38 in THF/TBAPF6 at -40 C (scan
rate: 200 mV SKI)

13.6 Summary and Outlook generate the fully unsaturated analog. Be-
cause of its sequence of six- and five-mem-
The DA reaction is a powerful tool for the bered rings, this analog may be considered
synthesis of linearly and angularly annulat- as a buckyball peel. Finally, it was briefly
ed, double-stranded polymers. If this tool is shown that DA methodology can also be
to be exploited to its full potential, the bi- successfully applied to the synthesis of ex-
functional DA monomers need to be substi- tremely long, monodisperse polycyclic aro-
tuted with flexible chains. Together with the matic hydrocarbons.
kinks in the polymer backbones, generated DA ladder polymers provide a valuable
during the growth process, this is the essen- addition to chemical and polymer chemical
tial means that keeps the polymers in solu- knowledge, in that they are the first rigor-
tion, and thus accessible to further growth. ously proven examples of double-stranded
The excellent solubility of the ladders en- polymers. All other polymers, including
abled investigation of their structural char- those in daily life, are single-stranded ones.
acteristics in great detail, and profound This also holds true for biopolymers like
knowledge is therefore now available not RNA, DNA, or proteins that are only dou-
only on the repeat units constitution and the ble-stranded in a formal sense. One of the
molecular weights, but also on stereochem- strands is based on covalent, the other on
ical and shape aspects. Furthermore, the sol- hydrogen bonds. Future research towards
ubility allows processing of the higher mo- interesting applications looks most promis-
lecular weight candidates into mechanical- ing in the field of electro-optics. Within the
ly stable films, which, in the case of Group next few years, whether perfect ladder poly-
3 polymer 20b, was successfully used to mers with extended n-conjugation can be
482 13 Dieis-Alder Ladder Polymers: Synthesis and Aromatization

converted into materials with useful appli- Godt, A.. Enkelmann, V., Schliiter, A.-D. (1989), An-
get\: Chem. lnr. Ed. Engl. 28, 1680.
cations will be known. Godt. A.. Enkelmann, V., Schluter, A,-D. (l992),
Chern. BeK 125, 433.
Hart, H., Raju, N.. Meador, M. A., Ward, D. L. ( 1983),
J . Org. Chem. 48. 4357.
13.7 Acknowledgements Kintzel. O., Schliiter, A,-D. (1997), Actri Polym. 48.
I would like to thank my co-workers for Kintzel. 0.. Munch, W., Schluter, A.-D., Godt, A.
(1996). J . Org. Chem. 61, 7304.
all the effort they invested in this project. Kintzel, 0.. Luger. P., Weber, M., Schluter, A.-D.
Only through their hard, creative, and am- (1998). Eur: J . Org. Chem., 99.
bitious work could it be developed to its Kivelson. S.. Chapman, 0.L. (1983), Phys. Rev. B 28,
present near-ripe state. Their names can be Kohnke. F. H., Slawin, A. M. Z., Stoddart, J. F., Wil-
found in the list of references. I also wish to liams, D. J. ( I 987), Angew: Chem. lnt. Ed. Engl. 26,
thank my former mentor, Prof. G. Wegner 892.
Le Houllier. C. S.. Gribble, G. W. (1983), J . Org.
(Maim). for generating my interest in this Chem. 48. 1682.
area of synthetic chemistry, and for other Loffler. M., Schluter, A.-D. (1994), Synlett, 75.
support. Financial support was generously Loffler. M., Packe, R., Schluter, A.-D. (1992). Mac-
romolecules 25, 42 13.
provided by the Bundesministerium fur Lnffler. M.. Enkelmann, V., Schluter. A.-D. (1993),
Forschung und Technologie, the Max Acta Polym. 44, 50.
Planck Society, Fonds der Chemischen In- Loffler, M., Schlicke, B., Schirmer, H., Schluter, A.-
D. (1994a). Macromol. Symp. 87, 5 .
dustrie, and Deutsche Forschungsgemein- Loffler, M., Schliiter, A.-D., Gessler, K., Saenger, W.,
schaft. Toussaint, J.-M.. Bredas, J.-L. (1994b), Angcw
Chern. Int. Ed. Engl. 33, 2209.
Luo. J.. Hart, H. (1988), J . Org. Chem. 53, 1343.
Overberger, C. G, Moore, 3. A . (1970), Adv. Pol.ym.
13.8 References sci. 7, 113.
Packe, R., Enkelmann, V., Schliiter, A.-D. (1992).
Bailey, W. J.. Feinberg. B. D. (1967). ACS, Dii: Makromol. Chem. 193, 2829.
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Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

14 Synthesis of Polyrotaxanes
Akira Harada

Department of Macromolecular Science. Faculty of Science. Osaka University. Toyonaka.

Osaka. Japan

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486

14.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
14.2 Rotaxanes and Catenanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
14.2.1 Rotaxanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488 Preparation of Rotaxanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
14.2.I .2 Rotaxanes Containing Cyclodextrin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
14.2.2 Catenanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493 Preparation of Catenanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493 Catenanes Containing Metal Complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494 Catenanes Containing Cyclodextrin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494 Other Catenanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
14.3 Main Chain Polyrotaxanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
14.3.1 Crown Ethers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496 Polyesters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496 Polyurethanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497 Polyaramides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497 Bipyridinium Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498 Polystyrenes and Polyacrylonitriles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
14.3.2 Cyclodextrins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498 Poly(ethy1ene glycol) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499 Poly(propy1ene glycol) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502 Poly(methy1 vinyl ether) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503 Poly(oxytrimethy1ene) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503 Poly(tetrahydr0furan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504 Oligoethylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504 Polyisobutylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505 Polyesters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505 Molecular Necklace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505 Inclusion Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
14.3.3 Cyclophanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
14.4 Side Chain Polyrotaxanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
14.5 Preparation of Tubular Polymers from Polyrotaxanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
14.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
14.7 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
486 14 Synthesis of Polyrotaxanes

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

m number
n number
.dll threading efficiency
Tg glass transition temperature

AIBN 2,2-azobisisobutyronitrile
CD cyclodextrin
CP cross polarization
CPMAS cross polarization/magic angle spinning
DMF dimethyl formamide
DMSO dimethylsulfoxide
DNP dinitropheny 1
DP degree of polymerization
DSC differential scanning calorimetry
GPC gel permeation chromatography
IR infrared
Me methyl
MT molecular tube
MW molecular weight
NMP N-methy lpyrrolidone
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
NOESY nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy
OE oligoeth ylene
OEG oligo(ethy1ene glycol)
PEG poly(ethy1ene glycol)
PEG-BA poly(ethy1ene glycol)-bisamine
PEG-DNB2 bis(3,5-dintrobenzoyl)-poly(ethylene glycol)
PEG-DNP2 bis( 2,4-dinitrophenylamino)-poly(ethylene glycol)
PEG- 1N2 bis( 1 -naphthylacetyl)-poly(ethy1ene glycol)
PEG-2N2 bis(2-naphthylacetyl)-poly(ethylene glycol)
PIB pol yisobutylene
PMeVE poly(methy1 vinyl ether)
pox poly(oxytrimethy1ene)
PPG poly(propy1ene glycol)
PST MAS pulse saturation transfer magic angle spinning
P (THF) pol y (tetrahydrofuran)
TEG tetrakis(ethy1ene glycol)
TFA trifluroacety 1
THF tetrahydrofuran
TNBS trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid
uv ultraviolet
VLSI very large scale integrated
14.2 Rotaxanes and Catenanes 487

14.1 Introduction tracted attention, not only due to their

unique structures, but also due to their con-
In recent years, much attention has been struction of polymeric assembly materials
directed toward the construction of microm- and more complex systems with unique
eter to nanoscale architectures from bulk properties and functions.
materials by top down engineering as exem- In this review, the design and preparation
plified by the production of VLSI (very of polyrotaxanes are described. Rotaxanes
large scale integrated) systems. However, and catenanes containing other ring compo-
there is a limit to top down approaches for nents are also reviewed.
various reasons, including the interference
of light waves for lithography (Philp and
Stoddart, 1996). Hence, bottom up proce- 14.2 Rotaxanes and Catenanes
dures from a molecule to create new archi-
tectures have become an important ap- In recent years, much attention has been
proach. This approach is used by Nature it- focused on supramolecular science, the sci-
self. Most of the structures of biological ence of noncovalent assembly, because of
systems have been made by the self-assem- the recognition of the importance of specif-
bly and self-organization of specific mole- ic noncovalent interactions in biological
cules. systems and in chemical processes (Lehn,
Inclusion compounds are some of the 1992). Rotaxanes, from the Latin rota mean-
most important molecular self-assemblies ing wheel, and axis meaning axle, make up
made of synthetic molecular parts (Harada, one of the classical classes of molecules
1996 a). Urea, thiourea, and deoxycholic ac- consisting of a dumbbell-shaped compo-
id are frequently used as host molecules for nent, in the form of a rod, and two bulky
small guest molecules. Inorganic com- stopper groups, around which there are en-
pounds, such as zeolites and clays, are also circling macrocyclic component(s) (Schill,
used as hosts for guests to form inclusion 1971) (Fig. 14-1). Catenanes make up a se-
compounds. ries of molecules with two or more inter-
Polymer blends, alloys, and composites locking rings which are not chemically
have been studied by mixing polymers of bound to each other. Rotaxanes and cate-
different species. However, in this case, the nanes have been synthesized in a statistical
structures and properties are statistical in way; thereby, the yields were very low (Ag-
nature. Polymers have a lot of information

am et al., 1976; Harrison and Harrison,
in their main chains and side chains. If poly-
mers are able to be used as guest molecules,
the resultant complexes should have new
structures and functions. Polymeric inclu- %
sion compounds are thought to be a typical [2]Catenane
example of nanoscale composites, i.e., mo-
lecular level composites made by bottom up

More recently, with the advent of host-
guest chemistry, the chemistry of molecular
recognition, and supramolecular science, [2]ROtMme [nlcatenane
polymeric inclusion compounds have at- Figure 14-1. Rotaxanes and catenanes.
488 14 Synthesis of Polyrotaxanes



@%%@ Figure 14-2. Synthesis of
rotaxanes and catenanes.

1967; Harrison, 1972). Recently, rotaxanes single ring is called [2]rotaxane and one
and catenanes have attracted renewed inter- containing n rings is called [nlrotaxane.
est in the field of supramolecular chemistry, Stoddart and coworkers found that bis-p-
because of their unique structures and prop- phenylene-34-crown- 10 forms a one-to-one
erties. Rotaxanes can be prepared by clos- inclusion complex with paraquat (Allwood
ing the end groups of the axle by means et al., 1987) and 4,4-bipyridinium dication
of large groups within the ordered environ- derivatives with long chains (Ashton et al.,
ments of the noncovalent templating forces, 1991 a), in which the substituents on the bi-
in such a way as to retain the order original- pyridine nitrogen atoms are, respectively,
ly imposed by the weak interactions (Annel- 2-hydroxyethyl and 2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)-
li et al., 1990). By this method, rotaxanes ethyl groups to give pseudo-rotaxanes. Re-
and catenanes containing crown ethers, cy- cently, they obtained [2]rotaxanes by slip-
clobis(paraquat-p-phenylene), and cyclo- page reactions of the crown compound into
dextrins have been synthesized in high the dumbbell component, in which large
yields. Not only rotaxanes and catenanes, stoppers are attached on both ends of the ax-
but polyrotaxanes have also been prepared, le molecule (Ashton et al., 1993a, b)
and polycatenanes are becoming the new (Fig. 14-3). They also found that cyclo-
target (Fig. 14-2). This chapter describes bis(paraquat-p-phenylene) forms inclusion
the preparation, structures, and some prop- complexes with dirnethoxybenzene and
erties of such rotaxanes and catenanes. dirnethoxynaphthalene (Ode1 et al., 1988;
Ashton et al., 1988; Reddington et al.,
199 1). On the basis of this finding, they suc-
14.2.1 Rotaxanes ceeded in obtaining pseudo-rotaxane by in-
troducing hydroquinone derivatives con- Preparation of Rotaxanes
taining polyether chains into cyclobis (par-
Rotaxaneh are compounds in which rings aquat-p-phenylene) (Anelli et al., 1991 a).
are threaded by a chain. If both ends of the They have obtained [2]rotaxanes by attach-
chain are not blocked by bulky substituents, ing bulky substituents, such as triisopropyl
they are called pseudo-rotaxanes, because silyl groups, at each end of the complex (An-
they dissociate into each component under nelli et al., 1990). They also prepared pseu-
certain conditions. If both ends are blocked do-rotaxanes containing two cyclobis(para-
by large substituents and imprisoned rings quat-x-pheny1ene)s threaded by a long poly-
cannot escape from the molecule, they are ether chain (Ashton et al., 199 1 b). Stoddart
called rotaxanes. A rotaxane containing a also obtained a [2]rotaxane using porphy-
14.2 Rotaxanes and Catenanes 489

-L A

Figure 14-3. [2]Rotaxane consisting of bis-p-phenylene-34-crown-10

and a 4,4-bipyridinium dication derivative.

Figure 14-4. [2]Rotaxane containing porphyrins as stoppers.

rins as stoppers (Ashton et al., 1992b) [2]rotaxane consisting of two bipyridinium

(Fig. 14-4). Sauvage reported a rotaxane units andcrown beads (Ashtonet al., 1992a;
with two rigidly held porphyrins as stoppers Ballardini et al., 1993). It is of interest
obtained by a copper(1)-based template whether such movements can be controlled
strategy (Chambron et al., 1992) (Fig. 14- by light or an electrochemical method (Ben-
5). niston and Harriman, 1993). Kaifer and co-
Stoddart and co-workers prepared a ro- workers prepared a molecular shuttle con-
taxane with two stations which have some taining both a benzidine unit and a bisphen-
interactions with cyclobis (paraquat-p- 01 unit in the axle (Bissell et al., 1994). In
phenylene) (Anelli et al., 1991b) (Fig. 14- this compound, 86% of the tetracation beads
6). The H NMR spectra of the compound exist at the benzidine side at 229 K (Fig. 14-
at room temperature show that the ring 7). However, when the compound was treat-
molecule moves to and fro like a molecular ed with acid or oxidized electrochemically,
shuttle about 500 times a second between the beads could be moved successfully to
the two stations. Similarly, they prepared a the biphenol side.
490 14 Synthesis of Polyrotaxanes Rotaxanes Containing

Cyclodextrins are a series of cyclic oligo-
saccharides consisting of six to eight gfu-
cose units linking through a- 1-4, glycosid-
ic linkages (Fig. 14-8). They are called a-,
p-, and y-cyclodextrin (CD), respectively.
They are known to form inclusion complex-
es with a wide variety of low molecular
weight compounds, ranging from nonpolar
hydrocarbons to polar carboxylic acids and
amines. There have been some reports on
of rotaxanes containing

[2]Rotaxanes containing cyclodextrin

and its derivatives as beads have been re-
ported (Stoddart, 1992). Ogino and co-
workers reported [2]rotaxanes containing
cobalt complexes as stoppers (Ogino, 198 1 ;
Figure 14-5. 121Rotaxane containing porphyrins a\ Ogino and Ohata, l984) (Fig. 14-9). Law-
\topper\ rence and co-workers reported [ 2lrotaxanes


Figure 14-6. Molecular shuttle

using cyclobis(paraqaut-p-phen-
ylene) ring.
14.2 Rotaxanes and Catenanes 49 1

/7nn --f
o o o o-si-(

NHO 0 0
, 1/ 1 o
0 0

/7nn Y
0 0 0

Figure 14-7. A chemically and electrochemically switchable molecular shuttle.

a-CD p-CD yCD

p- and y-cyclodextrins.
Figure 14-8. Structures of a-,

containing biphenyls or porphyrins as axles

and dimethyl P-cyclodextrin as beads (Man-
ka and Lawrence, 1990; Rao and Lawrence,
1990, Dick et al., 1992) (Fig. 14-10). Kaif-
er and co-worker prepared asymmetric
Figure 14-9. [2]Rotaxane containing cobalt com- [21rotaxanes consisting of ferrocenes and
plexes as stoppers. naphthalene sulfonate as stoppers (Ishnin
492 14 Synthesis of Polyrotaxanes

Figure 14-10. [2]Rotaxane containing
biphenyl and dimethyl P C D .

and Kaifer, 1991) (Fig. 14-1 1). Macartney
and co-worker obtained symmetric [2]ro-
SOJ taxanes using pentacyanoiron complexes as
stoppers and a-CD as a bead (Wylie and Ma-
cartney, 1992) (Fig. 14-12). Wenz et al.
( 1992) obtained a hydrophobic [2]rotaxane
containing bipyridinium (Fig. 14-13). Na-
kashima and co-workers reported a [2]ro-
taxane of p-CD threaded by a 4,4-diami-
nostilbene (Kunitake et al., 1993) (Fig. 14-
14). Harada et al. (1996b) first prepared a
nonionic neutral [2]rotaxane containing a
Figure 14-11. Asymmetric (2lrotaxane consisting of cyclodextrin derivative using trinitroben-
ferrocenes and a-CD. zene derivatives as stoppers (Fig. 14- 15).

Figure 14-12. Symmetric

[2]rotaxane using a pentacya-
noiron complex.

Figure 14-13. Hydrophobic

[2]rotaxane containing bipy-
14.2 Rotaxanes and Catenanes 493

Figure 14-14. [2]Rotaxane consisting of 4,4-diami- Figure 14-16. [2]Catenane consisting of bis(bipyri-
nostilbene and b-CD. dyl) and crown ether.

14.2.2 Catenanes formation. In order to overcome this diffi-

culty, specific weak intermolecular interac- Preparation of Catenanes tions between its precursors (host-guest
interactions), a ring and an axle, have been
Catenane stems from the Latin word successfully applied to the synthesis of
catena meaning chain. A catenane consist- many catenanes. Recently, many catenanes
ing of two rings is called [2]catenane and were successfully prepared in high yields by
one containing n rings is named [nlcate- this method.
nane. Catenanes have been prepared by Stoddart and co-workers prepared
clipping a ring molecule. However, since [2]catenanes by the cyclization reaction of
this method is of a statistical nature, the bis(bipyridy1)s in the presence of crown
yields of the products are extremely low ethers in 70% yield (Ashton et al., 1989,
(less than 0.001%) (Frisch and Wasserman, 1991a, 1994; Amabilino et al., 1993)
1961). The difficulty is that the threading (Fig. 14-16). The high yield is due to a TC-
should be conducted in a condensed phase, donor-acceptor interaction between the ring
but clipping should be done in dilute solu- and the thread. The ring molecule of this
tion so as not to result in oligomer/polymer compound was found to rotate around an-

/ OZN d 1: &

/ N a



02N \ / Figure 14-15. Neutral [2]ro-
NO2 O2N taxane using trinitrobenzene as
494 14 Synthesis of Polyrotaxanes

other ring. [3]Catenanes (Ashton et al., and even a trefoil in which a ring is entan-
1991b) (Fig. 14-17), [4]catenanes (Amabi- gled by a similar procedure (Buchecker
lino et al., 1994a),and 15Jcatenanes(Amabi- et al., 1990). Sauvage also obtained multi-
lino et al., 1994b), which have three, four, ring catenanes using metal complexes as
or five rings in the molecule, respectively, templates (Bitsch et al., 1991). Fujita et al.
have been reported. Recently, Stoddart and (1994) obtained a [2]catenane containing a
co-workers succeeded in the preparation of cyclic palladium complex by a clipping
a ISlcatenane, that has a structure similar to method.
the symbol of the International Olympics
(Fig. 14-18). The [5)catenane was named
01ympiadane. Catenanes Containing
In 1958, Cramer and co-workers tried to Catenanes Containing Metal
prepare a [2]catenane by clipping a dithiol
thread penetrating a CD ring by oxidation
(Luttringhus et al., 1958) (Fig. 14-20). But
Sauvage prepared various [2]catenanes they could not obtain [2]catenanes. Stoddart
using transition metal complexes as tem- and co-workers obtained a [2]catenane by
plates (Chambronet al., 1993) (Fig. 14-19). threading a biphenyl derivative into a p-CD
They also obtained [nlcatenanes, in which and clipping the thread (Armspach et al.,
many rings are interlocked with each other, 1993) (Fig. 14-21). Harada et al. (1996d)
also obtained [2]catenanes by threading a
methylene chain and cyclizing with oligo-
ethylene glycol derivatives (Fig. 14-22). Other Catenanes

Vogtle prepared [2]catenanes containing
cyclic lactams in high yields (Vogtle et al.,
Figure 14-17. [3jCatenane 1992). They also obtained [2]catenane con-

Figure 14-18. [SICatenane olympiadane

14.3 Main Chain Polyrotaxanes 495

Figure 14-19. [2]Catenane prepared using a transi- Figure 14-22. [2] Catenane consisting of methyl p-
tion metal complex as the template. CD, oligoethylene, and oligoethylene glycol.

14.3 Main Chain Polyrotaxanes

9 There are two types of polyrotaxanes:

(H2C (CH2)B main chain and side chain polyrotaxanes
I (Gibson and Marand, 1993). Figure 14-23
shows a schematic illustration of polyrotax-
Figure 14-20. [2]Catenane precursor containing CD
anes. There are two types of main chain
and a dithiol thread.
polyrotaxanes: a [2]rotaxane polymer and a
polymer in which many ring molecules are
nnnn There are many types of combinations of
macrocycles and linear polymer constitu-
ents. A wide variety of physical properties
can be achieved by a combination of mac-
rocycles and a polymer. For example, the
crystallinity, glass transition temperature,
toughness, and solubility of polymers could
be changed by forming polyrotaxanes with
cyclic molecules.
There are two main approaches to synthe-
Figure 14-21. [21Catenane consisting of a biphenyl size polyrotaxanes: the statistical and the
derivative and 8-CD. template approaches mentioned earlier
for the synthesis of rotaxanes and catenanes.
There are some methods to obtain main
chain polyrotaxanes. Threading is frequent-
taining an azobenzene moiety and found ly used for this purpose. The polymerization
that the movement of the ring can be con- of monomeric rotaxanes, the production of
trolled by light (Vogtle et al., 1993). Cate- linear macromolecules in the presence of
nanes consisting of bipyridinium cyclo- macrocycles, and cyclization in the pres-
phanes and porphyrins have been reported ence of macromolecules (clipping) are also
(Gunter and Johnston, 1992). used for the synthesis.
496 14 Synthesis of Polyrotaxanes

Main-chain polyrotaxanes Side-chain polyrotaxanes

n n r\ P



\ r\
U "
Figure 14-23. Polyrotaxanes.

14.3.1 Crown Ethers the product are enough to remove non-

threaded crown ethers. GPC was used to
Polyrotaxanes were prepared for the first confirm the absence of nonthreaded crown
time by Agam et al. (1976) from crown ethers. The topology was further demon-
ethers and oligoethylene glycols. Oligo(eth- strated by recovering the crown ether after
ylene glyco1)s were equilibrated with crown hydrolysis of the polymer chain.
ethers and then naphthalene- 1,5-diisocya- At first, Gibson and Engen reported con-
nate was added to the mixture to form poly- densation of sebacoyl chloride with 1,lO-
urethane. Later, Gibson and co-worker pre- decanol in the presence of 30-crown- 10,fol-
pared polyrotaxanes containing crown lowed by the addition of triphenylpropionyl
ethers and polymers of various kinds (Gib- chloride, to give a low molecular weight
son and Engen, 1994). polyrotaxane. Transesterification of dime-
thy1 sebacate with triethylene glycol in the Polyesters presence of the crown ethers, followed by
the addition of a triarylmethane for the
Gibson and Engen ( 1994) prepared poly- blocking groups, is more efficient (Wu
[(alkylene sebacatej-rotaxa-(crown ether)]^ et al., 1991). One crown ether was incor-
from sebacoyl chloride and alkanediols us- ported for every four monomer units in the
ing crown ethers as solvents (Fig. 14-24). poly(triethy1enoxy sebacate) backbone. A
The diols were equilibrated with the crown molecular weight of about 1 1 000- 12200
ether to form rotaxane, and then the diacid was obtained and about 25% of the polymer
chloride was added. The products were pur- chain was encircled by the macrocycle. The
ified and characterized as follows: The re- polyrotaxane is an oil, whereas the polymer
action mixture was added to a good solvent is a solid. This result indicates that the crown
of the crown ethers which was a nonsolvent ether is either a solvent or a plasticizer. In
for the polymer. This method was repeated these cases, bulky end stoppers are not al-
until a constant composition, which was de- ways necessary, even for relatively low mo-
termined by NMR measurements, was lecular weight polymers. Coiling of the
reached. Usually, only two precipitations of polymer chain and the crown ethers pre-
vents dethreading in solution and melting
over several days.
The equilibrium constant for the thread-
ing of 42-crown-14 into the polyester is in-
dependent of the chain length, suggesting
rn = 4,6, 10 that the formation of rotaxanes is promoted
Figure 14-24. Polye5ter rotaxane by the formation of hydrogen bonding
14.3 Main Chain Polyrotaxanes 497

between the terminal hydroxyl groups and

the crown ethers.
The threading efficiency (xln, i.e., the val-
Figure 14-25. Polyurethane rotaxane.
ue of the average number of cyclic mole-
cules threaded onto each repeat unit) great-
ly increases as the ring size increases. The
the macrocycles did not come off. One of
solubilities of polyrotaxanes are enhanced
the reasons for the lack of dethreading in so-
relative to those of the parent polymers. The
lution is coiling of the chains and the for-
polyrotaxane of poly(buty1ene sebacate)
mation of hydrogen bonds between macro-
with 60-crown-20, for example, is soluble
cycles and a polymer chain. The wiggle ef-
in methanol, although the backbone polyes-
fect of the chain ends as a result of en-
ter is insoluble in methanol.
hanced mobility relative to the middle of the
The polymer morphology of polyrotax-
chain might force the macrocycles away
anes was found to be different from that of
from the chain ends and towards the mid-
the corresponding blends. The crystalliza-
tion of the polyrotaxane was followed by
The threading efficiency ( x h ) increases
DSC. Upon cooling from the melt, the poly-
with increasing ring size at a constant cyclic
ester component crystallized first, while the
to linear unit ratio. The amount of threading
crown ether crystallized at a lower temper-
increases with the feed ratio of macrocycle
to glycol, suggesting that the phenomenon
Polyester rotaxane, (dx= 79) containing
follows le Chateliers principle. Equilibri-
4 mass % cyclic exhibited an intrinsic vis-
um constants increase with increasing ring
cosity in CHC13 of twice that of the parent
size. For flexible rings, the ratio of thread-
polyester. This result indicates that the
able to unthreadable rings is thought to be
threading of a single crown ether on a poly-
an exponential of the ring size.
mer chain on average doubles the hydrody-
Polyurethane is insoluble in water and
namic volume. GPC experiments showed
acetone. However, polyrotaxanes are solu-
similar results.
ble in acetone, and in some cases soluble in
water. The glass transition temperature (T,) Polyurethanes is proportional to the mass fraction of mac-
rocycle. The polyrotaxanes behave as a cor-
Gibson and co-workers prepared a series
responding blend. When the mass fraction
of polyurethane rotaxanes from tetra-
of crown ether is large, the crown ether can
ethylene glycol and bis(p4socyanatophe-
crystallize without dethreading.
ny1)methane using various crown ethers
(Shen et al., 1994) (Fig. 14-25). The poly-
rotaxanes were prepared by condensation Polyaramides
using crown ethers as solvents. The glycol
and the crown ether were mixed and stirred Gibson and Marand (1993) prepared
in the melt for 1 h before the isocyanate was polyaramide rotaxanes from isophthalic ac-
added. The polyrotaxanes were purified by id and bis(p-aminopheny1)ether using 30-
reprecipitations from THF into methanol, crown-10 and 60-crown-20 (Fig. 14-26).
water, ethyl acetate, or mixed solvents. In- DSC studies showed that in solution the
spite of the fact that there were no bulky crown ethers formed hydrogen bonds with
stoppers at the ends of the polyrotaxanes, the amide linkages. This interaction is con-
498 14 Synthesis of Polyrotaxanes

pers at the ends. The extent of macrocycle

can be controlled by varying the feed ratio.
Gibson and co-worker reported that an-
Figure 14-26. Polyaramide rotaxane ionic polymerization gave poly[(styrene)-
rotaxa-(30-crown- lo)] (Gibson and Engen,
1994). The threading efficiency was a func-
served in the solid state. IR studies show that tion of solvent, temperature, and concentra-
there are nonhydrogen-bonded amide car- tions, but, at a low temperature in THF, an-
bony1 absorptions in fresh samples and hy- ionic polymerization resulted in a higher cy-
drogen-bonded carbonyls in polyamides. clic incorporation than the free-radical ap-
proach. This is, according to the authors,
presumably due to complexation of the Bipyridinium Polymers crown ethers with Na counterions. Polysty-
Shen et al. (1992) prepared a series of rene rotaxanes behave surfactant-like. They
polyurethane rotaxanes based on poly- show two Tgs at -14C and 104C, while
(tetramethylene oxide), bis(p-isocanato- crown ether has a Tgof -1 5 C and the poly-
phenyl)methane, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)- mer has a Tg of 98C. Phase mixing does
4,4bipyridinium hexafluorophosphate and not seem to occur.
bis(p-phenylene)34-crown-10. The bipyri- Although polyacrylonitrile is only solu-
dinium group and the crown ether form in- ble in DMF, NMP, etc., poly(acry1oni-
clusion complexes to form rotaxane mono- trilehotaxane) was completely soluble in
mer. The H NMR spectrum of the complex methanol.
showed that there are distinct NMR shifts at
the aromatic signals and the bipyridinium
units. About 45% of the bipyridinium sites 14.3.2 Cyclodextrins
were occupied by crown ethers.
Cyclodextrins are known to form inclu-
sion complexes with various compounds. Polystyrenes However, studies on the inclusion proper-
and Polyacrylonitriles ties of cyclodextrins were limited to those
of low molecular weight compounds (Bend-
Engen, Lee, and Gibson reported that
er and Komiyama, 1978; Szejtli, 1982).
free-radical polymerization with AIBN
There were no reports on the complex
yielded a family of polystyrene-based rotax-
formation of cyclodextrins with poly-
anes and the corresponding polyacryloni-
mers when we started our work in the early
trilc-based rotaxane using various crown
ethers as solvents (Gibson and Engen, 1993)
We found that cyclodextrins form com-
(Fig. 14-27). They used azo initiator con-
plexes with various polymers with high
taining triarylalkyl moieties to attach stop-
specificities to give crystalline complexes
in high yields (Harada, 1993; Harada et al.,
A 1993 a). Polyrotaxanes in which many CD
rings are entrapped are formed by capping
the chain with bulky end groups (Harada
et al., 1992, 1993 c). Tubular polymers were
Figure 14-27. Poiybipyridiyl rotaxane prepared from the polyrotaxanes.
14.3 Main Chain Polyrotaxanes 499 Poly(ethy1ene glycol) form complexes with PEG of any molecu-

lar weight. This finding that a minimum
When aqueous solutions of PEG were add- PEG length is required for the formation of
ed to a saturated aqueous solution of a-CD stable cyclodextrin complexes shows the
at room temperature, the solution became importance of cooperativity in complexa-
turbid and the complexes were formed as tion.
precipitates (Harada and Kamachi, 1990a; The continuous variation plots for the
1993 b). complexation between a-CD and PEG and
The complexes were isolated by filtration the 'H NMR spectra showed that the stoich-
or centrifugation. a-CD did not form com- iometries of the complexes are 2 : 1. The
plexes with the low molecular weight ana- stoichiometries of the complexes are always
logs, ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, and 2 : 1, even if a-CD and PEG are combined
triethylene glycol under the same condi- in any ratios. The length of two ethylene gly-
tions. a-CD formed complexes with PEG of col units [6.6 A (0.66 nm)] is similar to the
molecular weight higher than 200. The depth of the cavity of a-CD [6.7 A
yields increased with an increase in the mo- (0.67 nm)] (Fig. 14-28).
lecular weight. The complexes were ob- The structures of the inclusion complex-
tained almost quantitatively with PEG of es of CDs with low molecular weight com-
molecular weight over 1000. p-CD did not pounds can be classified into two groups:




1 Figure 14-28. Poly(ethy1ene glycol) and

500 14 Synthesis of Polyrotaxanes

cage type and channel type. The X-ray line. The polyrotaxanes of a-CD with PEG
pattern of the a-CD-PEG complex shows of low molecular weight (1 000) are soluble
that the complexes are crystalline, and the in water, and those of higher molecular
patterns are similar to those of the complex weight are solubilized by heating or on the
with a channel structure, but different from addition of an excess amount of low molec-
those of the complexes with a cage type ular weight guests, such as benzoic acid,
structure. These results indicate that the propionic acid, and propanol, to the suspen-
complexes of a-CD and PEG have a chan- sion. The addition of urea, which is thought
nel structure. Molecular models show that to affect hydrogen bonds, results in solubil-
PEG chains are able to penetrate a-CD cav- ization of the polyrotaxanes. The results in-
ities, while the poly(propy1ene glycol) chain dicate that hydrogen bonding plays an im-
cannot pass through the a-CD cavity. These portant role in forming the polyrotaxanes
views are in accordance with our results that between PEG and a-CD.
a-CD formed complexes with PEG; but not The decomposition point of the polyro-
with poly(propy1ene glycol). p-CD did not taxane is a little higher than that of the cy-
form complexes with PEG. A PEG chain is clodextrin. The polyrotaxane with PEG-
too thin to fit in the p-CD cavity. However, 1000decomposes above 300 C, whereas a-
p-CD forms complexes with poly(propy- CD melts and decomposes below 300 C.
lene glycol). Model studies indicate that the Thus poly(ethy1ene glycol) stabilizes a-CD.
a-CD cavity [depth 6.7 8, (0.67 nm)] ac- The polyrotaxanes obtained from com-
commodates two ethylene glycol units mercially available PEGSwere polydisperse
E6.6 8, (0.66 nm)]. and heterogeneous. In order to make clear
The I3C CPMAS NMR spectrum of a-CD the chain-length selectivity and obtain pure
shows resolved C- 1 and C4-resonances monodisperse polyrotaxanes, we prepared
from each of the six a-1.4-linked glucose monodisperse oligo(ethy1ene glyco1)s
residues. In particular. the C- 1 and C-4 ad- (OEGs) and studied the interactions
jacent to a conformationally strained glyco- between a-CD and the pure oligo(ethy1ene
sidic linkage are observed at 80 and 98 ppm. glyc0l)s.
respectively. In the spectrum of the polyro- Figure 14-29 shows the yields of the
taxane, the peaks at 80 and 98 ppm disap- polyrotaxanes of a-CD with OEG as a func-
peared and each carbon of the glucose was tion of the degree of polymerization of OEG
observed in a single peak. These results in- (Harada et al., 1994a). The yields are cal-
dicate that a-CD assumes a symmetrical culated on the basis of 2: l stoichiometry.
conformation and each glucose unit of CD Complexes were not obtained with ethylene
is in a similar environment. The X-ray stud- glycol, bis(ethy1ene glycol), and tris(ethy-
ies of single crystals showed that a-CD as- lene glycol). a-CD formed complexes with
sumes a less symmetrical conformation tetrakis(ethy1ene glycol) (TEG) and larger
when it does not include guests in the cav- OEG, and the yields increased sharply with
ity, and a-CD adopts a symmetrical confor- an increase in the degree of polymerization
mation when i t includes guests in the cav- from 5 to 12. The polyrotaxanes were ob-
ities. CPMAS NMR spectra of complexed tained almost quantitatively with eicosa-
and uncomplexed CDs are consistent with kis(ethy1ene glycol) and larger OEG. p-CD
the results by X-ray studies. did not give polyrotaxanes with any OEG.
The polyrotaxanes of a-CD with PEG of The stoichiometries of the polyrotaxanes
niolecular weight less than 2000 are crystal- are 2 : 1 (two ethylene glycol units and one
14.3 Main Chain Polyrotaxanes 501

Figure 14-30 shows a proposed structure

of a polyrotaxane consisting of poly(eth-
yelene glycol) and a-CD. The polyrotaxane
formation from PEG and a-CD is entropi-
cally unfavorable. However, formation of
the complexes is thought to be promoted by
hydrogen bond formation between neigh-
boring cyclodextrins. Therefore a head-to-
head and tail-to-tail arrangement is thought
to be the most probable structure. A secon-
dary hydroxy group side is called the head
and a primary hydroxy group side is called
DP of PEG the tail. This structure was confirmed by
Figure 14-29. Yields of the complexes of a-CD with X-ray crystallographic studies of a single
OEG as a function of the degree of polymerization. crystal of the complex between a-CD and
hexaethylene glycol.
During the preparation of polyrotaxanes
a-CD) when the degree of polymerization of CDs with PEG, we found that y-CD
is higher than 6. formed a trace amount of complexes with
Cyclic oligomers of ethylene glycol- PEG. However, we found that some PEG de-
(crown ethers, 15-crown-5 and 18-crown-6) rivatives, such as bis(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl)-
did not form complexes with a-CD. These poly(ethy1ene glycol) (PEG-DNB2) and
crown ethers are too large to fit in the CD bis(2,4-dinitrophenylamino)-poly(ethylene
cavity and a-CDs are not able to penetrate glycol) (PEG-DNP2), formed complexes
the chain due to the absence of the chain with y-CD to give crystalline compounds in
ends. a-CD includes linear oligo(ethy1ene high yields. On the other hand, a-CD did
glycol) from small end groups. not form complexes with these PEG deriv-
PEGS with small end groups, such as atives, because the substituents at the end
methyl, dimethyl, and amino groups, form groups are too large to penetrate a-CD cav-
polyrotaxanes. PEG carrying bulky substit- ities. By using PEG with fluorescent probe
uents, such as a 3,5-dinitrobenzoyl group groups attached to the ends, we have been
and a 2,4-dinitrophenyl group at both ends able to establish that these polyrotaxanes are
of the PEG, which do not fit or pass through composed of double chains of PEGS thread-
the a-CD cavity, did not form any polyro- ed through the y-CDs (Harada et al.,
taxanes with a-CD. 1994 b).

- a-CD Figure 14-30. Proposed structure of the

a-CD-PEG complex.
502 14 Synthesis of Polyrotaxanes

We isolated the complexes of bis( 1-naph- rotaxanes were obtained almost quantita-
thylacety1)-PEG (PEG- 1N2) and bis(2- tively with PPG of molecular weight of
naphthylacety1)-PEG (PEG-2N2) with y- about 1000. However, the yields decreased
CD using standard methods. NMR spectra with the increase in the molecular weight of
indicate that the complexes have a PEG :y- PPG. This behavior is different from poly-
CD ratio of 4 : 1. The emission spectra of the rotaxane formation between a-CD and
y-CD/PEG-2N2 complex show a large con- PEG. This may be due to the fact that PPG
tribution from excimers, but only a small is more hydrophobic owing to the methyl
contribution from monomeric naphthyls. In group of the main chain. y-CD also forms
contrast, the emission spectra of a- polyrotaxanes with PPG in high yields. The
CD/PEG-2N2 only show emission from neighboring cyclodextrins bound on a poly-
monomeric naphthyls. These results indi- mer chain interact with each other by form-
cate that a-CD is threaded by a single PEG ing hydrogen bonds. This view is consistent
chain, whereas y-CD is threaded by two. The with the fact that PPG does not form crys-
spectra of PEG-lN2 with CDs showed the talline complexes with 2,6-di-O-methyl-P-
same results. CD, 2,3,6-tri-O-rnethyl-P-CD, and water-
The diameter of the y-CD cavity is soluble p-CD polymer. These compounds
8.5-9 A (0.85-0.9 nm), which is twice as are thought to be unable to form crystalline
large as that of a-CD (4.5 A). However, the complexes, because they cannot form hy-
depth of the cavity of y-CD is the same as drogen bonds due to the lack of hydroxyl
that of a-CD and p-CD (7 A), which corre- groups.
sponds to the length of two ethylene glycol The stoichiometries are again 2: 1 (two
units. Molecular model studies indicate that propylene units : CD). Molecular model
the y-CD cavity is large enough to accom- studies show that PPG chains are able to
modate a double chain of PEG, whereas the penetrate p-CD cavities, while the PPG
a-CD cavities are too small to do this. chain cannot pass through the a-CD cavity
owing to the hindrance of the methyl group
on the main chain. These views are in ac- Poly(propy1ene glycol)
cordance with our results that 0-CD formed
p-CD does not form polyrotaxanes with polyrotaxanes with PPG, but a-CD did not
PEG of any molecular weight. However, p- form polyrotaxanes with PPG. Model stud-
CD was found to form polyrotaxanes with ies indicate further that the single cavity ac-
poly(propy1ene glycol) (PPG), which has commodates two propylene glycol units.
methyl groups on a PEG chain, to give crys- The 'H NMR spectra of the complex show
talline compounds (Harada and Kamachi, that the methyl peak of PPG is broader in
1990b; Harada et al., 1995a). a-CD does the polyrotaxane, suggesting interactions
not form polyrotaxanes with PPG of any between p-CD and the methyl group of PPG.
molecular weight. An a-CD cavity is too The polyrotaxanes of j3-CD with PPG of low
small for PPG to penetrate, due to steric hin- molecular weight (MW = 400 - 700), which
drance by methyl groups on the main chain. are isolated as crystalline polyrotaxanes, are
p-CD did not form polyrotaxanes with the soluble in a large amount of water. The poly-
dimer and the trimer, but formed polyrotax- rotaxanes are soluble in dimethyl sulfoxide
anes with PPG of molecular weight over and dimethylformamide. X-ray diffraction
400. The yields increased with an increase studies show that all of the polyrotaxanes
in the molecular weight of PPG. The poly- are crystalline, in spite of the fact that PPG
14.3 Main Chain Polyrotaxanes 503

is a liquid. X-ray patterns of the polyrotax- lene glycol) (PPG) of any molecular weight,
anes of PPG are similar to that of the com- which has the same composition (C3H60)n
plex between p-CD and p-nitroacetanilide, but with methyl groups as side chains, nor
which was proven to have channel-type with poly(methy1 vinyl ether) (PMeVE),
structures by single crystal X-ray studies. which has the same composition but has
methoxy groups as side chains (Harada
et al., 1995 a). A POX chain is slim enough Poly(methy1 vinyl ether) to penetrate an a-CD cavity. The yields in-
creased with the increase in the molecular
Poly(methy1 vinyl ether), which has the
weight of Pox, reached a maximum at about
same composition as PPG but methoxy
a molecular weight of 1000, and then de-
groups as side chains, did not form polyro-
creased. This result is different from that for
taxanes with a- and p-CDs. However, it
polyrotaxane formation between a-CD and
formed polyrotaxanes with y-CD (Harada
PEG. This may be due to the fact that POX
et al. 1993g). In this case, the stoichiome-
is more hydrophobic than PEG owing to the
try is 3 : 1 (monomer units : CD). The num-
methylene group of the main chain.
ber of atoms in the main chain included in
p-CD was also found to form polyrotax-
a single CD is six, which is the same as for
anes with POX to give crystalline com-
a-CD-PEG polyrotaxanes and p-CD-PPG
pounds. This result is in contrast to that for
polyrotaxane formation between p-CD and
PEG. This is due to the fact that POXis more
hydrophobic than PEG, and/or to the fact Poly(oxytrimethy1ene)
that POXtakes not only a planar zigzag con-
a-CD formed complexes with poly(oxy- formation but also other conformations
trimethylene) (POX) to give crystalline which need larger cavities to accommodate
polyrotaxanes in high yield, although it did the chain. So the polyrotaxane between p-
not form polyrotaxanes with poly(propy- CD and POX can be stabilized. The yields

Figure 14-31. Proposed

structures of complexes of
POXwith a-CD (upper) and
with p-CD (lower).
504 14 Synthesis of Polyrotaxanes

of the polyrotaxanes of p-CD are lower than as oligoethylene and polyisobutylene. a-

those of a-CD over the molecular weight CD forms polyrotaxanes with oligoethylene
range, indicating that the fitness of POX (OE), although p- and y-CD did not form
to a-CD is better than that with p-CD polyrotaxanes oligoethylenes under the
(Fig. 14-31 ). same conditions.
y-CD did not form polyrotaxanes with When the aqueous solution of a-CD with
POX under the same conditions. The struc- oligoethylene (OE) was heated to above the
tural prerequisite for precipitation of the melting temperature of OE, followed by
complex is that the polymer chain fixes well sonication, the solutions became turbid and
in a CD cavity and is hydrophobic enough the polyrotaxanes were formed as crystal-
to stabilize the complex. line precipitates. OE was also found to form
polyrotaxanes with a-CD from dimethyl-
formamide solutions of a-CD to give stoi- Poly(tetrahydr0furan) chiometric compounds in a crystalline state
in high yields. The yields of the polyrotax-
Cyclodextrins were found to form polyro-
anes of a-CD were independent of the de-
taxanes with poly(tetrahydrofuran) (PTHF)
gree of polymerization when the polyrotax-
of various molecular weights (Harada et al.,
anes were formed in aqueous media. The
1995b). It is interesting that y-CD formed
yields increase with increases in the n of
polyrotaxanes with PTHF in high yields, al-
OEs. and show a maximum at n = 12. Then
though it did not form polyrotaxanes with
the yields decrease with increases in the n
poly(oxytrimethyIene),which has a three in-
of OEs.
stead of a four methylene unit of PTHF. The
The a-CD-OE polyrotaxanes could not be
yield of the polyrotaxanes of a-CD with
dissolved in water at all, even with heating.
PTHF decreased with increases in the mo-
They are also insoluble in most organic sol-
lecular weight of PTHF. The yield of the
vents, except for dimethylformamide.
polyrotaxanes ofy-CD with PTHF increased
The stoichiometries of the polyrotaxanes
with increases in the molecular weight of
were found to be 3 : 1 (ethylene unit: a-CD),
the polymer, reached a maximum at a mo-
as measured by quantitative studies on the
lecular weight of around 1000, and then de-
polyrotaxane formation and the 'H NMR
creased with further increases in the molec-
spectra of the isolated polyrotaxanes.
ular weight. The stoichiometry of the poly-
rotaxane between a-CD and PTHF is 1 : 1.5
spectra of OE and polyrotaxanes show that
(CD:monomer unit). The length of the
the ethylene backbone in the polyrotaxanes
guest polymer included in a single a-CD
is much more flexible than that in the un-
cavity is consistent with that of a PEG ro-
complexed state. The intensity ratios of the
taxane. These polyrotaxanes were found to
peaks of the ethylene backbone to those of
assume channel-type structures by X-ray
a-CD in the PST spectrum are higher than
studies and solid state NMR studies.
in the CP spectrum, indicating that, in the
complex, the ethylene backbone is not as
rigid as a-CD is. These results are consis- Oligoethylene
tent with the views that the a-CDs form a
We found that cyclodextrins form com- channel, which constructs the crystal frame
plexes not only with hydrophilic polymers of the complex, and the OE chain is includ-
but also with hydrophobic polymers, such ed in the channel.
14.3 Main Chain Polyrotaxanes 505 Polyisobutylene PIB chain is able to penetrate the y-CD cav-

ity, while the PIB chain cannot pass through
When polyisobutylene (PIB) was added the a-CD cavity owing to the hindrance of
to aqueous solutions of y-CD and the mix- the dimethyl groups on the main chain. Hin-
ture was sonicated at room temperature, the drance of the dimethyl groups makes it dif-
mixture became turbid and the polyrotax- ficult for the PIB chain to penetrate p-CD
anes were formed as crystalline precipitates cavities. These views are in accordance with
(Harada et al., 1993 d). the results that y-CD formed a polyrotaxane
a-CD did not form polyrotaxanes with with PIB but a-CD did not form polyrotax-
PIB of any molecular weight. p-CD and y- anes with PIB. Model studies further indi-
CD formed polyrotaxanes with PIB. How- cate that the single cavity accommodates
ever, the yields of the polyrotaxanes with p- three isobutylene units.
CD decreased with increases in the molec-
ular weight of PIB. In contrast, the yields of
the polyrotaxanes with y-CD increased with Polyesters
increases in the molecular weight, and the
Recently, Harada and co-workers found
polyrotaxanes were obtained almost quan-
that some polyesters form inclusion com-
titatively with PIB of molecular weight
plexes with cyclodextrins. Poly(E-caprolac-
1000. The chain length selectivity is totally
ton) formed stoichiometric inclusion com-
reversed between p-CD and y-CD. In par-
plexes with a-cyclodextrin in high yields to
ticular, p-CD formed complexes with the
give crystalline compounds (Harada et al.,
low molecular weight analogs, monomer
1997 a). Poly(alky1ene adipates) formed
and dimer. However, y-CD did not form
complexes with a-cyclodextrin and y-cyclo-
complexes with these low molecular weight
dextrin in high yields (Harada et al.,
1997 b).
The stoichiometry is 3 : 1 (monomer
unit : CD), suggesting that three isobutylene
units were bound in each y-CD cavity. The Molecular Necklace
length of the three isobutylene units corre-
sponds to the depth of the y-CD. We have prepared compounds in which
The polyrotaxanes are crystalline and in- many cyclodextrins are threaded on a single
soluble in water, even in boiling water. PEG chain and are trapped by capping the
However, the addition of urea to the suspen- chain ends with bulky groups, as shown in
sion of the complex on heating resulted in Scheme 14-1 (Harada et al., 1992; Harada
solubilization of the complex, indicating et al., 1 9 9 3 ~ ) .This is the first example
that hydrogen bonding between CDs plays where many rings are imprisoned in a sin-
an important role in stabilizing the complex. gle molecule. We named this molecule a
The X-ray diffraction pattern of the complex molecular necklace. Wenz and co-work-
between y-CD and PIB shows that the poly- ers also reported a rotaxane and a polyro-
rotaxanes are crystalline and that the pattern taxane of poly(iminooligomethy1ene) with
of the polyrotaxane is totally different from many a-CDs (Wenz and Keller, 1992; Wenz,
that of nonincluded y-CD but is similar to 1994; Meier et al., 1996) (Fig. 14-32).
that of the polyrotaxane, which has been The inclusion complexes of a-CD with
proven to have an extended column struc- PEG-bisamine (PEG-BA) were prepared by
ture. Molecular model studies show that a adding an aqueous solution of PEG-BA to a
506 14 Synthesis of Polyrotaxanes

A and H-5 protons of a-CD, which are direct-

ed toward the inside of the cavity, correlate

0 with the resonance of the CH, of PEG, but

the H- 1, H-2, and H-4 protons, which are lo-
Figure 14-32. Polyrotaxanes containing polyamines. cated outside the cavity, do not correlate
with PEG. These results indicate that a PEG
chain is included in a-CD cavities.
saturated aqueous solution of a-CD at room Table 14-1 shows the results of the prep-
temperature, using a method similar to that aration of polyrotaxanes of various molec-
used to prepare complexes of a-CD and ular weights. The number of CDs increases
PEG. The resulting complex was allowed to with an increase in the molecular weight.
react with an excess of 2,4-dinitrofluoro- MN-3350, which was prepared from PEG
benzene, which is bulky enough to prevent (MW=3350), has 20-23 CDs on a PEG
dethreading. The product was purified by chain. This corresponds to a molar ratio of
column chromatography on Sephadex G-50 ethylene glycol units to a-CDs of 3.9. More
by using dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) as the than half of the polymer chain is covered
solvent. with a-CDs. MN-1450 has 15 a-CDs on a
The products are insoluble in water and PEG chain. The molar ratio of ethylene gly-
dimethylformamide, but they are soluble in col units to a-CD is 2.2. This ratio indicates
DMSO and 0.1 N NaOH. The products were that the molar ratio is almost stoichiomet-
characterized by UV-vis, X-ray diffraction, ric; that is, the CDs are almost close packed
'H NMR, I3C NMR, I3C CP/MAS NMR, from end-to-end of the polymer chain.
and 2D NOESY NMR spectra. 2D NOESY In these cases, the polymers used are
NMR spectra show that the signals of H-3 polydisperse and the number of CDs in the
14.3 Main Chain Polyrotaxanes 507

Table 14-1. Polyrotaxanes prepared from PEG-BA with various molecular weights.

Molecular Number of Number of Molar ratio of

weightb ethylene glycol threaded ethylene glycol
units (included + a-CD units to a-CD
Pol yrotaxane nonincluded)
~ ~~

MN-1450 16500 33 (33 + O ) 15 2.2

MN-2000 20 000 45 ( 3 6 + 9 ) 18 2.5
MN*-2001 a 19 000 45 (34+ 11) 17 2.6
MN-3350 23 500 77 ( 4 0 + 3 7 ) 20 3.9
MN-8500 44 000 193 (72+ 121) 36 5.4
MN-20000 89 000 454 (140 + 314) 70 6.5

a Prepared from Jeffamine ED-2001; Calculated from UV-vis spectra, optical rotation, and 'H NMR spectra.

polymer chain is also polydisperse. There- of dibasic acid chlorides and the inclusion
by, the rotaxanes obtained are highly heter- complexes of the diamine. The IR spectra of
ogeneous. In order to obtain homogeneous the complexes showed absorption bands
polyrotaxanes, we have prepared monodis- characteristic of amides and cyclodextrins.
perse PEGs (28mer, MW = 1248), because The complexes were also characterized by
PEGs of molecular weight 1000- 1500were elemental analyses. The solubilities of the
found to be most favorable for complex for- polyrotaxanes were different from those of
mation. We have succeded in preparing the standard polyamides. The viscosities of
complexes between a-CDs and monodis- the products were low, indicating that the
perse diamino-PEG, and in imprisoning 12 molecular weights were low. The details
a-CDs on monodisperse diamino-PEG by have not been reported.
capping PEG chain ends with bulky substit- Maciejewski (1979) reported the radia-
uents (Harada et al., 1993 e). tion polymerization and copolymerization
The bulky end groups (dinitrophenyl of vinylidene chlorides as adducts with p-
groups) were removed by cleaving the C-N CD. The molecular weight of the product
bond with a strong base, and the CDs were was about 20000 and the product contained
recovered. The number of cyclodextrins in 80% cyclodextrin. This corresponds to
the polyrotaxane can be estimated from the 1 : 2.9 complexation, that is, a single macro-
'H NMR spectra, optical rotation, and UV- cycle to 2.9 units of vinylidene chloride. Al-
vis spectra. Twelve a-CDs were found to be though there is a possibility of chain trans-
included in the polyrotaxane. fer reactions in the radiation polymerization
of p-CD with vinyl monomers, polyrotax-
anes might be formed, because polymeriza- Inclusion Polymerization tion of the crystalline adduct of p-CD with
methyl methacrylate did not produce a
Ogata et al. (1979) prepared inclusion stable polymer. The instabillity of the com-
complexes of various diamine (hexameth- plexes formed from methyl methacrylate or
ylene diamine, p-xylylenediamine, m-xyly- styrene and p-CD may be explained by the
lenediamine) complexes of p-CD. Poly- possibility that the monomers are arranged
amides were obtained by the condensation in the p-CD cavity in such a way that the
508 14 Synthesis of Polyrotaxanes

double bonds protrude from the cavity. As can thread polymer chains of the stationary
a result of polymerization of the complex- phase. The linear and smaller rings behaved
es, p-CD is not threaded but only complex- normally. He thought that when a large rnac-
es to pendant substituents and easily de- rocycle passed through the column the rnac-
threads from the complex during purifica- rocycles threaded onto the polymer chain
tion. and the vapor pressure decreased, which re-
Maciejewski et al. (1979) carried out the sulted in a delay in elution.
polymerization of methyl methacrylate, sty-
rene, and methacrylonitrile in the presence
of P-CD, or as their complexes using azob-
isisobutyronitrile as an initiator. 14.4 Side Chain Polyrotaxanes
When methyl acrylate, methacry lonitrile,
or styrene was polymerized in the presence Side chain polyrotaxanes containing ring
of P-CD, CD was not threaded. and the cor- molecules in the side chain of a polymer
responding homopolymers were isolated. chain have been prepared by Ritter and co-
However, when vinylidene chloride was worker (Born and Ritter, 1991). Recently,
used as a monomer in the presence of (3-CD they prepared side chain polyrotaxanes with
in dimethylformamide. the complexes with a tandem structure based on cyclodextrins
various amounts of CD were obtained. With and a polymethacrylate main chain (Born
increasing temperature, the ratio of polyro- and Ritter, 1995). More recently, they ob-
taxane to homopolymer increased: the con- tained topologically unique side chain poly-
tent of CD is maximized at about 100C. rotaxanes based on triacetyl-a-CD and a
The product was soluble in dimethylforma- poly(ether sulfone) main chain, in which
mide and insoluble in other organic sol- cyclodextrins are arranged uniformly,
vents. Polyrotaxane-type structures were as shown in Fig. 14-33 (Born and Ritter,
proposed. 1996).

14.3.3 Cyclophanes
Lipatova et al. (1985) used a cyclic ure-
thane as the ring component during the poly-
merization of styrene. An X-ray scattering
study of the polymer suggested that one cy-
clic urethane is incorporated every 18 - 19
monomer units along the backbone, while
the ZnC1, complex produced a polymer
where one cyclic urethane is incorporated
every 6 - 7 monomer units.
Harrison ( 1977) showed that polymer
chains could be threaded by cyclic alkanes
by means of gas chromatography. From gas
chromatographic results on Carbowax for a
series of cycloalkanes and the linear al-
kanes, he reported that C26 and larger rings Figure 14-33. Side chain polyrotaxane.
14.5 Preparation of Tubular Polymers from Polyrotaxanes 509

14.5 Preparation of Tubular ing to remove bulky stoppers. The product

Polymers from Polyrotaxanes was purified by column chromatography on
Sephadex. Two peaks were observed: the
Tubular polymers have been prepared one at the void volume, which is detected
from polyrotaxanes, as shown in Sche- only by optical rotation, is identified as the
me 14-2 (Harada et al., 1993f, 1 9 9 5 ~ ) . product, the molecular tube. The second
Polyrotaxanes were prepared as described peak, which was only detected by UV
above. In this case, poly(ethy1ene glycol) of (360 nm), is assigned as a dinitrophenyl
molecular weight 1450 was used, because group (DNP). The molecular weight of the
a-CD forms complexes with PEG of molec- molecular tube was estimated by GPC on
ular weight 600 - 2000 most efficiently. The Sephadex G-100, using dextran as the stan-
complexes are nearly stoichiometric (two dard, to be about 17000. The yield of the fi-
ethylene glycol units: a single cyclodextrin nal product is 92%.
molecule), that is, a-CDs are almost closed The product was soluble in water, DMF,
packed from end to end of the polymer and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), although
chain. The polyrotaxane was dissolved in polyrotaxanes are insoluble in water and
10% NaOH solution, and epichlorohydrin DMF and soluble in DMSO. The product
was added to the solution. The crosslinked was characterized by 'H NMR, I3C NMR,
polyrotaxanes were isolated and treated IR, and UV spectra and GPC. The 'H NMR
with a strong base (25% NaOH) with heat- spectra of the molecular tube in D 2 0 and in

...........0 ........ ... ............ ...................

0 -
NaOH (10%)

NaOH (25%)



Scheme 14-2. 3 Molecular tube (MT)

510 14 Synthesis of Polyrotaxanes

DMSO-d6, and the I3C NMR spectra show mer chain. Tubular polymers were prepared
that both CD and the bridge can be observed. from the polyrotaxanes. Such molecular
All the peaks of the ' H NMR spectrum are tubes have potential uses for ion channels,
broadened, indicating that the product is catalysts, capsules, and separation devices.
polymeric. Reactions in organized assemblies give
When the solution of the molecular tube highly ordered structures. This kind of com-
was added to a KI-12 solution (pale yellow), plex formation can be utilized to create new
the solution turned deep red instantaneous- supramolecular architectures and functions.
ly, although the addition of an a-CD solu-
tion to KI-12 solution caused nothing to hap-
pen. On the addition of randomly cross- 14.7 References
linked a-CD. no visible changes took place.
Agam, G., Graiver, D., Zilkha, A. (1976), J. Am.
The change in the spectra was found to be Chem. SOC. 98, 5206.
at a maximum at one to one (cyclodextrin Allwood, B. L., Spencer, N., Zavareh, H. S., Stoddart,
unit and I, ). J. F., Williams, D. J. (1987), J . Chem. Soc., Chem.
Commun., 1064.
Amabilino, D. B, Ashton, P. R., Tolley, M. S., Stod-
dart, J. F., Williams, D. J. (1993, Angew. Chem.,
14.6 Summary Itit. Ed. Engl. 32, 1297.
Arnabilino, D. B., Ashton, P. R., Reder, A. S., Spen-
cer, N., Stoddart, J. F. (1994a), Angew. Chem., Int.
Recently, many kinds of polyrotaxane Ed. Engl. 33, 433.
have been prepared and characterized by Amabilino, D. B., Ashton, P. R., Reder, A. S., Spen-
combinations of polymer chains, ring mole- cer, N., Stoddart, J. F. (1994b), Angew. Chem., Int.
Ed. Engl. 33, 1286.
cules, and stoppers. Novel properties have Annelli. P. L., Ashton, P. R., Ballardini, R., Balazani,
been found in polyrotaxanes compared to V., Delgado, M., Gandolfi, M. T., Goodnow, T. T.,
mixtures of the components. Kaifer, A. E., Philp, D., Pietraszkiewicz, M., Pro-
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J. F., Vicdent, C., Williams, D. J. (1989), Angew.
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er than for low molecular weight com- Ashton, P. R., Brown, C. L., Chrystal, E. J. T., Good-
pounds. This is due to the fact that the guest now. T. T., Kaifer, A. E., Parry, K. P., Philp, D.,
Slawin, A. M. Z., Spencer, N., Stoddart, J. F., Wil-
polymers have a lot of recognition sites. liams. D. J. (1991 a), J . Cheni. Soc., Chem. Com-
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Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

15 Polymerization in Organized Media

Samuel I Stupp+ and Paul Osenar *

+ Department of Materials and Engineering. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.

Urbana. IL. USA
* Foster Miller. Emerging Technologies. Inc . Waltham. MA. USA

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514

15.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
15.2 Topochemical Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
15.3 Thermotropic Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
15.4 Lyotropic Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
15.5 Vesicles and Bilayers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
15.6 Langmuir-Blodgett Films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
15.7 Intercalated Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
15.8 Thermodynamics/Kinetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
15.9 Two-Dimensional Products from Ordered Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
15.9.1 Two-Dimensional Confinement of Monomer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
15.9.2 Two-Dimensional Polymers from Self-Assembling Monomers . . . . . . . . . . . 541
15.10 Nanostructures via the Polymerization of Supramolecular Units . . . . . . 544
15.11 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
514 15 Polymerization in Organized Media

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

c coordinates
(1, 17,
A pre-exponential factor
d layer spacing
(12 distance
Ea activation energy
h Planck's constant
k rate of polymerization
n director
40 helix pitch
R gas constant
RP polymerization rate
SI distance
T temperature
.I, n um ber
s.!', : dimensions

Y angle
V frequency
rL surface pressure
0, mechanical field

DNA deoxyribonucleic acid

DP degree of polymerization
LB Langmuir-Blodgett
LCP liquid-crystalline polymer
Me methyl
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
PMMA poly(methylmethacry1ate)
RNA ribonucleic acid
SAM self-assembling monolayer
UV ultraviolet
15.1 Introduction 515

15.1 Introduction ic environment of anisotropic molecular

clusters. At the opposite extreme, the poly-
In the 1920s, Carothers defined polymers merization may be topochemical in nature
as molecules containing repeating structu- occurring in the positionally static environ-
ral units which are incapable of independent ment of a crystal. The intermediate pos-
existence (Carothers, 1928; Mark and Whit- sibilities would be polymerization in meso-
by, 1940). It is well known that these caro- phases possessing order parameters of liq-
thersian polymers and their enormous uid crystals. Here the medium might be
monomeric alphabets can generate many orientationally ordered as in nematic phases,
useful materials by polymerization in bulk and in some cases helically twisted as well
or solution. The covalent connections (cholesterics). In other cases monomers
among monomers take place commonly in might be organized in layers, offering the
the isotropic media of neat liquids, solu- possibility of polymerization in two-dimen-
tions, melts, or gaseous phases. Therefore sional confinement. Alternatively, two-di-
the structure of growing macromolecules in mensional environments for polymerization
isotropic media is controlled mainly by the can be created artificially at interfaces or
local chemistry near the chain ends. The na- solid surfaces. Other fascinating possibil-
ture of functional groups or high energy ities would mimic biological processes,
moities at the ends of chains controls stereo- such as the replication of DNA, its transcrip-
chemistry, regiochemistry, and the chemical tion into RNA, and the subsequent transla-
sequence when more than one monomer can tion into proteins. All these reactions could
add to the growing macromolecule. The vis- be considered polymerizations in the orga-
cosity and chemistry of the highly entropic nized medium of a one-dimensional tem-
medium determines the polymerization ki- plate. In the context of templating polymer-
netics and the average molar mass of the izations, there have been previous reports
product. However, the physical structure of with synthetic systems in which a polymer
this medium plays only a minor role in de- template is used to influence the tacticity of
fining the covalent architecture and the fi- the growing polymer (Yau and Stupp, 1985;
nal degree of order in the product. If the me- Butler et al., 1973 a, b, c, d). However, the
dium in which polymerization is taking implementation of such templating poly-
place were to have a significant order pa- merizations in synthetic systems may
rameter, then in principle the medium could emerge in the future with features that more
deeply affect the resulting macromolecular closely resemble biological specificity.
architecture and final three-dimensional or- One reason to be interested in the field of
ganization. This idea has been the dream polymerization in organized media is cer-
driving research in the area of polymeriza- tainly the potential of molecularly designed
tion in organized media over the past few materials. Decades to come may utilize mo-
decades. However, it is not clear at the lecular materials of polymeric nature with
moment whether the most important discov- several properties integrated in a single
eries in this field have been made. structure. To be of high value, these materi-
The order parameter of an organized als will probably have to be self-organizing
polymerization medium could vary over a in nature and not require complex hardware
fairly wide range, Fig. 15-1 shows examples to produce. In this context, polymerization
of such media. At one extreme, polymeriza- proceeding in an organized medium, which
tion could occur in the localized and dynam- is preserved after conversion of the system
516 15 Polymerization in Organized Media

Polymer branes, sensors, and many others. This

chapter reviews some of the work carried
out recently on polymerization in organized
media. The objective has been to give the
reader some idea of the facts found thus far,
and help those interested to decide what
major knowledge gaps and challenges have
been missed in this area. An exhaustive re-
view and list of references is very difficult
these days and so we apologize to readers
for any omissions in our review of the liter-
Well-established topics explored in this
article include topochemical polymeriza-
tions, polymerization in thermotropic and
lyotropic liquid crystals, the use of vesi-
cles and bilayers as media for polymeriza-
tion, polymerization in Langmuir-Blodgett
films, and intercalated systems. Topochem-
ical polymerizations have been found to be
exquisitely sensitive to molecular packing
in the solid state, often leading to highly
strained solids after reaction as a result of
dimensional changes. Analogous reactions
in the liquid crystalline rather than the crys-
talline state have enormous potential to
Figure 15- 1. A schematic illustration of polymeriza- yield functional solids and also to deliver
tion in various ordered states. polymers of unusual architecture and shape
persistence. With the characteristic mobil-
ity of molecules in the liquid-crystalline
to a polymeric substance, may find many state, these polymerizations offer the pos-
important technological applications. One sibility of confining reactions in spaces of
important use may be in the repair of hu- low dimensionality, creating potentially
mans with biomaterials. In such systems, interesting macromolecular architectures.
monomers may be delivered in a pre-orga- This area is under development and impor-
nized fashion to human tissues for a specif- tant discoveries will be made in the future.
ic set of functions and then polymerized in We have also included some discussion on
situ with little external energy. Generally the thermodynamics and kinetics of poly-
speaking. all technological applications in merization in ordered media. The article
which require molecular materials with high ends with two sections on less established
degrees of order over macroscopic distances topics, namely, the formation of two-dimen-
are likely to benefit from polymerization in sional polymers in ordered media and the
organized media, for example, waveguides, future prospects for the polymerization of
nonlinear optical films, anisotropic elec- ordered supramolecular units to create
trical conductors. highly selective mem- nanostructures.
15.2 Topochemical Systems 517

15.2 Topochemical Systems sumoto et al., 1996; Enkelmann, 1984). As

a result, topochemical polymerizations are
Topochemical solid state reactions are fa- of interest in the fabrication of polymer de-
cilitated by the regular arrangement of the vices that require this level of structural con-
precursor molecules in a manner conducive trol.
to their interaction. The reaction of these Topochemical polymerizations typically
molecules is typically initiated by irradia- proceed to very high degrees of conversion,
tion of the lattice, which gives rise to an ex- often limited only by the grain boundaries
cited state. The key to topochemical reac- or other defects in the monomeric lattice.
tions is the ability of these excited state Monomer systems based on diacetylenes
molecules to react with little or no atomic (Likhatchev et al., 1995; Wegner, 1971;
displacement. Reaction occurs simply with Kuhling et al., 1990; Mayerle et al., 1979;
the shift of electron density and a change in Okuno et al., 1992), dienes (Matsumoto
the bonding pattern of the atoms. Known re- et al., 1996; Tieke, 1985), and various oth-
actions include the dimerization of crystal- er diolefinic moieties (Maekawa et al.,
lized molecules or the coupling of two mole- 1991; Peachey and Eckhardt, 1993) have
cules that have been cocrystallized (Cohen been reported to undergo topochemical
and Schmidt, 1964; Schmidt, 1971). Inter- polymerization. Polymerizations of substitut-
es ting topochemical polymerizations which ed diacetylenes are the most common type
link monomers into linear macromolecules of topochemical reaction. A number of gen-
have been discovered over the past few eral structural guidelines can be given for
decades, and the classical example is that of the required molecular packing that is con-
diacetylenes reported by Wegner (1969, ducive to topochemical polymerizations.
1971, 1977). Polymers can be synthesized Structural studies of various crystals and
by the reaction of molecules with suitable their corresponding reactivity have provjd-
polymerizable units in the crystalline state, ed a range of interatomic spacings and
as well as in media of lower order, such as orientations. Figure 15-2 shows a schemat-
liquid crystals. Topochemical polymeriza- ic diagram of diacetylene packing, before
tions are ideal examples of reactions defined and after polymerization. The topochemi-
as macromolecular synthesis in organized cal principle predicts reactivity in cases

media. Beyond scientific curiousity, topo- where d2 is in the range of 0.47-0.52 nm,
chemical polymerization offers unique con- s1 is less than 0.4 nm, and /1; is about 45 O
trol over the stereoregularity, crystallinity, (Wegner, 1977; Enkelmann, 1984; Baugh-
and molecular weight of the resulting poly- man and Melveger, 1973; Cao and Mallouk,
mers. Especially in polymers with conjugat- 1991 Zutout et al., 1992; Yan et al., 1992).
ed backbones, this control has proven diffi- This packing allows the 1,4 addition poly-
cult to realize through conventional poly- merization of neighboring diacetylenes to
merization and processing techniques (Mat- occur with a minimum of molecular dis-

4 4 4
1 1 1

Figure 15-2. Geometrical constraints in the topochemical polymerization of diacetylenes

518 15 Polymerization in Organized Media

increase, since the barrier to polymerization

is lower on the polymer lattice. Further mis-
match in the polymer and monomer lattices
causes heterogeneous polymerization, in
R= alkvl
which a phase-separated polymer phase is
nucleated (typically at a crystal edge or de-
fect) (Enkelmann, 1984).
The structural requirements for topo-
chemical polymerizations outlined above ne-
Figure 15-3. Substituted butadiynylene dibenza-
glect a number of factors. The ability of a
mides (Likhatchev et al., 1995).
diacetylene monomer to readily polymerize
to full conversion is related to the flexibil-
ity in monomer packing. If a certain amount
placement. Obviously, since the polymer- of atomic displacement can be accommo-
ization is sensitive to molecular packing, the dated without the disruption of overall pack-
degree of conversion is highly dependent on ing, small changes in the lattice parameters
how well the packing of the monomer fits between the polymer and monomer are less
that ofthe polymer (Enkelman, 1984; Li and likely to cause phase separation. If, howev-
Stupp, 1997: Gresham et al., 1998). er, the system is especially rigid (e.g., due
Ideal homogeneous topochemical poly- to a network of hydrogen bonds), little tol-
merizations occur in systems for which the erance is observed for the structural require-
growing polymer and monomer crystal ments outlined above (Wegner, 197 1 ; Kuh-
structures are isomorphous; although small ling et al., 1990; Mayerle et al., 1979; Wil-
changes are observed in the lattice parame- benga, 1940). This was dramatically ob-
ters with conversion, the system can always served in systems of ortho-, meta-, and para-
be described by a solid solution of the poly- substituted butadiynylene dibenzamides
mer and monomer. Baughman and co-work- (see Fig. 15-3). In general, it has been found
ers describe the conversion kinetics in these that aromatic diacetylenes with hydrogen
systems via crystal strain theory, which de- bonding substituents in the ortho and meta
scribes the autoacceleration effects seen in positions typically undergo topochemical
many such systems. Here conversion is seen polymerization, while the para-substituted
to increase dramatically after some induc- ones do not, presumably due to the stiff
tion period (Baughman and Melveger, 1973; hydrogen bonding in the later (Likhatcher
Baughman 1978; Baughman and Chance, et al., 1995; Wegner, 1971). However, para-
1980). Many diacetylene systems show substituted butadiynylene dibenzamides
moderate reactivity and limited overall con- were polymerizable if the alkyl chains were
version; their behavior can be rationalized long enough to dominate packing, limiting
by the mismatch in the polymer and the formation of hydrogen bonds between
monomer crystalline lattices. At low con- the amides (Likhatcher et al., 1995; Salcedo
version, the system resides as a solid solu- et al., 1996). Related to this topic. some
tion of polymer within the monomer lattice. diacetylene polymerizations are known to
As conversion passes some transition point, occur in liquid-crystalline phases, but not in
the system can be described more accurate- the corresponding crystalline state, possibly
ly as a solid solution of monomer on the due to the greater spatial degrees of freedom
polymer lattice; Conversion rates typically allowed in liquid crystals (this will be dis-
15.2 Topochemical Systems 519

cussed further in the section on polymeriza- stereoregular structure (Matsumoto et al.,

tion in thermotropic liquid-crystalline sys- 1996; Tieke, 1985). Similarly, long chain
tems) (Okuno et al., 1992; Son, 1994). alkylester and alkylamide derivatives of
Diacetylene monomers are not the only sorbic acid also exhibit topochemical reac-
molecules known to undergo topochemical tivity, specifically undergoing 1,4 addition
polymerization. There are a number of bu- polymerization (see Fig. 15-5). Packing in
tadiene derivatives with structures analo- these systems is governed by the side chains,
gous to those of diacetylenes which are al- which control the distance between the re-
so able to undergo l ,4 addition polymeriza- active groups and inhibit 2+2 dimerization
tion, if molecular packing permits. Matsu- (Tieke, 1985). Conversely, 2+2 dimeriza-
mot0 et al. (1996) studied the polymeriza- tions have been exploited in the design of
tion of dialkyl muconates of various stereo- topochemically polymerizable monomers.
chemistries (Fig. 15-4). Among the mole- Molecules based on distyrylpyperazine,
cules investigated in this series, it was found bispyridylvinyl benzene, and other similar
that only (cis,&) diethyl (E,E)-2,4-dihex- molecules have two reactive olefinic bonds
adienoate was able to undergo topochemi- and often pack favorably for the formation
cal polymerization. Apparently, the packing of polymeric materials (see Fig. 15-6)
of other stereoisomers is not conducive to (Maekawa et al., 1991; Peachey and Eck-
their solid state polymerization (despite hardt, 1993).
their ability to polymerize in solution with
the appropriate initiators). This demon-
strates how subtle packing effects can be in 15.3 Thermotropic Systems
topochemical polymerizations. In fact, mu-
conates with substitutions other than ethyl Thermotropic liquid crystals offer many
showed no tendency to polymerize in the systems for the study of polymerization in
solid state. Interestingly, the solid state organized media, combining, at least in
polymerization of the cis-,&-ethyl deriva- principle, their characteristic order parame-
tive resulted in an ultrahigh molecular ters with molecular mobility in a solventless
weight product ( lo7 daltons) with a highly environment. Typically, systems are based
on a combination of a mesogenic and a
monomeric unit, either as a discrete mole-
cule or as a crosslinkable, side chain liquid
crystalline polymer (Chein and Coda, 1994;
Percec and Zheng, 1992a, b; Symons et al.,
Figure 15-4. Diethyl cis,cis-2,4-dihexadienoate(Mat- 1993). Functionalities include polymeriz-
sumoto et al., 1996). able units such as acetylene (Okuno et al.,

sorbic acid n-octadecylester

Figure 15-5. Sorbic acids derivatives
sorbic acid n-octadecylamide (Tieke, 1985).
520 15 Polymerization in Organized Media

Figure 15-6. 2+2 photopolymerization of distyrylpyperazine ( Wegner, 1977).

1992; Son, 1994; Cambell et al.. 1993; 199 1 ; Hikmet et al., 1993; Favre-Nicolin
Douglas et al.. 1994). vinyl (Hikmet et al., and Lub, 1996; Hikmet and Lub, 1995).
1993), acrylates (Qian and Litt, 1992; Broer As briefly discussed in the last section,
et al., 1991; Kitzerow et al., 1993; Hikmet there are a number of instances of topo-
et al., 1995; Favre-Nicolin and Lub, 1996; chemical polymerizations carried out in
Trollsas et al., 1996a), epoxide (Barday thermotropic liquid crystals. Diacetylene
et al., 1992) etc. The polymerizable meso- monomers that undergo topochemical poly-
genic moieties organize in various thermo- merization in the solid state often possess
dynamically stable phases with order mesogenic groups which aid the alignment
between that of the crystalline and isotrop- of the diacetylenes (Enkelmann, 1984). As
ic states. Some of these systems will require a result, some show a variety of liquid-
other components. such as crosslinking crystalline phases when heated above the
agents, initiators. or catalysts, and the chal- crystal melting temperature (Okuno et al.,
lenge faced is that such additives may de- 1992; Cambell et al. 1993; Schen et al..
stabilize the mesophase or reduce its order 1991). Smectic phases, especally those of
parameter. Methods and conditions of initi- higher order, have shown packing condu-
ation vary and include photoinitiation and cive to topochemical polymerization (Oku-
thermal initiation both with and without no et al., 1992). In general, polymerization
added initiator molecules (Qian and Litt, in the liquid-crystalline state suffers from
1992: Broer et al., 199 1 : Chain and Cada. the same problems of misalignment as in the
15.3 Therrnotropic Systems 52 1


Figure 15-7. Polymerizable

~ o ~ o ~ ~ - @ o o ~ thermotropic
line o f liquid
acrylates: f crystal-
X (Qian and~
o 6 0
Litt, 1992), Y (Broer et al.,
Y: 1,Cphenylene bis[4-(6-acryloyloxyhexyloxy)benzoate] 1991).

crystal case. That is, deviations in the pack- 1994), while in others order seems to hin-
ing of the monomer and polymer compo- der diffusion, limiting the overall conversion
nents can cause phase separation, accompa- and rate of polymerization (Spencer and
nied by low degrees of polymerization. Berry, 1992). A number of good examples
However, since liquid crystal systems are are offered by polymerization of mesogen-
typically more tolerant of molecular motion ic diacrylate monomers (see Fig. 15-7).
and packing distortions, these systems are Qian and Litt (1992) found the photopoly-
less sensitive than their crystalline counter- merization of diacrylate monomer (X)in the
parts. In fact, cases exist in which topo- smectic Ephase resulted in nearly 100% con-
chemical polymerization was not observed version of the polymerizable groups. Since
in the crystalline system because of specif- the polymerization caused only small
ic packing restrictions; however, reactivity changes in the unit cell, the order of the
was seen in the liquid-crystalline state phase was preserved, showing stability to
(Okuno et al., 1992). thermal decomposition. Broer et al. (1991)
The effect of ordering on the reactivity of studied the polymerization kinetics of a va-
the polymerizable groups is complex and riety of diacrylates (Y) in the smectic, ne-
depends on the nature of the phase, the matic, and isotropic states. Here, little dif-
molecular structure of the mesogen, and ference was observed in the overall kinetics
type of polymerizable moiety. In many in- or maximum conversion between the or-
stances, especially in the case of smectic dered and unordered states, although in the
phases, polymerization is enhancd by a nematic state a slight depression in chain
'topochemical effect' due to the alignment termination by proton transfer was ob-
of the polymerizable groups. The proxim- served.
ity of the polymerizable groups allows for Much of the complex behavior observed
their reaction with minimal diffusion, lead- in thermotropic systems can be attributed to
ing to high conversion and facile kinetics the specific chemical structure of the poly-
(Qian and Litt, 1992; Okuno et al., 1992). merizable mesogen. Instances where the
However, in phases of lower order (nemat- polymerizable groups are placed close to the
ic), where there is less registration between mesogenic portion of the molecule typical-
the polymerizable groups, the effect of or- ly show lower conversion. This is reason-
der is unpredictable. Some systems show able since the geometrical rearrangements
enhanced rates of reaction (Douglas et a]., associated with polymerization, such as vol-
522 15 Polymerization in Organized Media

Figure 15-8. Schematic diagram of main

chain V ~ S U Sside chain liquid crystalline

umetric contraction. can disrupt the order phases. Some systems show ordering upon
parameter and mobility. which make the polymerization in the isotropic state when
mesophase thermodynamically stable. Due polymerized (Broer et al., 1991; Hikmet
to the connectivity brought about by poly- et al., 1993; Favre-Nicolin and Lub,1996;
merization, diffusion and packing con- Barclay et al., 1992; Hikmet and Lub, 1995;
straints may or may not be able to maintain Spencer and Berry, 1992; Hoyt and Benice-
the order characteristic of the liquid-crystal- wicz, 1990 a, b; Favre-Nicolin et al., 1996).
line phase. One possible strategy to preserve This effect can be attributed to either the
mesogen order after polymerization is to extension of the mesogenic character of the
decouple the mesogenic moiety and poly- resulting polymer (as in the case of main
merizable group with a flexible spacer (i.e., chain liquid crystalline polymers), or the re-
an aliphatic group). Decoupling spacers sult of side chain liquid crystalline polymer
tend to lower the transition temperature of formation (see Fig. 15-8) (McArdle, 1989).
various phases (Broer et al., 1991). but al- Other systems show a decrease in meso-
low enough molecular motion for polymer- phase stability with polymerization in the
ization to readily occur without significant- isotropic state due to quenching of the
ly disrupting molecular packing. chemical disorder brought on by polymer-
The quest of many researchers working ization (Barclay et al., 1992).
on the polymerization of thermotropic liq- The use of polymerizable groups in sta-
uid crystals is to preserve the anisotropic or- bilization of the ordered phases of thermo-
der of the mesophase after catenation, so tropic systems has met with great success in
that the properties associated with this an- recent years. A large variety of structures
isotropy can be accessed outside the stabil- show enhanced (or permanent) stability af-
ity of the original mesophase. If the poly- ter being reacted in the ordered state. These
merization causes a minimal amount of re- include nematic (Cambell et al., 1993;
organization, the stability of a particular Douglas et al., 1994; Hikmet et al., 1993;
phase can be extended. However, as men- Barclay et al., 1992; Hoyt and Benicewicz,
tioned above. polymerization can have a 1990a. b), cholesteric (Kitzerow et al.,
destabilizing effect with certain monomer 1993), smectic (Hikmet et al., 1995; Hikmet
structures (Hikmet et al., 1995). Polymer- and Lub, 1995; Hikmet and Michielsen,
ization of mesogenic monomers in the iso- 1995; Stupp et al., 1997a), and discotic
tropic statc can have mixed effects on the (Favre-Nicolin and Lub, 1996; Favre-Nico-
post-polymerization stability of various lin et a]., 1996) phases (see Fig. 15-9). This
15.3 Therrnotropic Systems 523

f) 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0

Figure 15-9. Schematic diagram of various thermotropic liquid crystal phases: a) nematic, b) cholesteric, c)
smectic (SmA), d) chiral smectic, e) nematic discotic, f) various columnar discotic, g) hexagonal discotic [di-
rector (n)and helix pitch ( q J ] [adapted from Leadbetter (1987)l.

methodology has also been used to synthe- find application in the synthesis of materi-
size thermosetting, crosslinked materials als with interesting optical (Favre-Nicolin
which are based on liquid crystalline and Lub, 1996), piezoelectric (Hikmet and
monomers which are easier to process than Lub, 1995), ferroelectric (Hikmet and Mi-
their polymeric colleagues (Hoyt and Be- chielsen, 1995),pyroelectric (Trollsas et al.,
nicewicz, 1990 a, b). The incorporation of 1996a, b; Mauzac et al., 1995), and me-
specific chemical functionalities within chanical activity (Hikmet et al., 1993; Hik-
these stabilized anisotropic phases could met, 1991; Lestel et al., 1994).
524 15 Polymerization in Organized Media

Poly[(l 1-[(4-cyano-4'-biphenyl)oxy]undecanylvinyl ether)-
\ co-(2-vinyloxyethyloxy methacrylate)]


I 6

-Si -
I (S)-3-[2-((4-cyano-4'biphenylyloxy)-2-methylethoxy]propene

Figure 15-10. Polymerizable/crosslinliable side chain liquid crystalline polymers (Chein and Cada, 1994; Per-
ac and Zheng. 1992b).

There are a number of interesting varia- Kuepfer and co-workers developed an ele-
tions on the common mesogenic monomer gant elastomeric system based on a siloxane
structure. The use of liquid crystalline side backbone with mesogenic and crosslinkable
chain polymers. either with crosslinkable side chains (Fig. 15-1 1). These systems can
groups or a second polymerizable group, be crosslinked under an external stress,
provide another method for the stabilization which causes alignment of the mesogenic
of anisotropic structures (see Fig. 15- 10). groups. Crosslinking in the anisotropic state
These reactions also offer a different oppor- tends to stabilize the nematic phase, while
tunity to study polymerization in organized crosslinking in the isotropic state causes ne-
media. Side chain LCPs are known to show matic destabilization (Disch et al., 1996;
a broad range of mesomorphism, but addi- Kupfer and Finkelmann, 1994). These ob-
tionally exhibit greater thermal stability as servations have been predicted by theory
a result of the covalent attachment of meso- (Warner et al., 1988).
gens t o a backbone (McArdle, 1989). These
systems allow the use of different mesogen-
ic and polymerizable side groups (Percec 15.4 Lyotropic Systems
and Zheng. 1992 a. b; Symons et al.. 1993:
Mauzac et al., I995), as well as control over Unlike thermotropic liquid crystalline
the extent of reaction via the content of poly- systems, order in lyotropic phases is con-
merizable groups within the polymer (Chein trolled by the chemical structure of the am-
and Cada. 1994: Mauzac et al., 1995). phiphile and its interaction with a solvent.
15.4 Lyotropic Systems 525

s% H

1 mechanical


Figure 15-11. Crosslinkable elasto-

meric side chain liquid crystalline
polymer [used with permission from
Disch et al. (1996)l.

Amphiphilic molecules are comprised of lar-type aggregation, whereas higher con-

a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic segment centrations give rise to a variety of meso-
(see Fig. 15-12). In the presence of water phases, which include hexagonal, lamel-
or organic solvents, the minimization of lar, and cubic (see Fig. 15-13) (Laughlin,
unfavorable interactions between the two 1994). Analogous to previous work on ther-
types of segments or between the seg- motropic systems, the polymerization of
ments and solvent cause spontaneous order- lyotropic liquid crystals has centered around
ing of the system, leading to the compart- the stabilizing these ordered structures.
mentalization of the hydrophobic and hy- Each mesophase has a concentration and
drophilic portions. The aggregation be- temperature window of existence. Polymer-
havior is dependent, not only on the amphi- ization within the system has been exten-
phile structure, but on the solvent, concen- sively investigated as a mode of extending
tration, and temperature of the system. Low this window; however, the results have been
concentrations of amphiphile favor micel- mixed.
526 15 Polymerization in Organized Media

Hydrophobe ('tail') Hydrophile ('head)

CnMn+l- --x+ Y cationic

CnF2n+ 1- -z- w+ anionic

Branched Alkane - -x+-z zwitterionic

40- n
non-ionic Fig. 15-12. Arnphiphile structures.

Figure 15-13. Lyotropic inesophases: a) lamellar. b) hexagonal, c) bicontinuous.

Polymerization in lyotropic liquid crys- try and dimensions of the original meso-
talline phases can be divided into two cate- phase. This was shown quite dramatically in
gories. In one, a mixture of monomer (ei- the work of Anderson and Strom (1989), in
ther hydrophobic or hydrophilic), amphi- which a variety of bicontinuous, three-com-
phile, and solvent is prepared, with the am- ponent systems were polymerized. The
phiphile serving only to partition the com- product of these polymerizations was a
ponents of the system into an ordered phase. structure with continuous, well-defined
Photopolymerization can be used in these nanopores, which replicates the order of the
systems (Hohn and Tieke, 1997) with the in- original mesophase. In some cases, these
corporation of a suitably soluble initiator polymerized structures are actually stable
molecule followed by irradiation (Friberg after removal of the solvent phase. Compli-
and Wohn, 1987; Friberg et al., 1993; La- cations in the retention of mesophase order
vercanne, 1992; Naitoh et al., 1991; Ander- upon polymerization in three-component
son and Strom, 1989). Alternatively, simple systems can be attributed to two main caus-
thermal initiation is possible provided the es. The first simply results from shrinkage
mesophase remains stabil at the temperature of the monomeric component upon poly-
of polymerization (Matsuoka et al.. 1992). merization, which can destabilize the mes-
The kinetics of polymerization seem to be ophase, causing a change in structure or
unaffected, behaving much like that of bulk phase separation (Laversanne, 1992; Naitoh
monomers. Under very specific conditions, et al., 1991). Complications also arise if the
the resulting polymer can retain the symme- monomer has some co-surfactant properties
15.4 Lyotropic Systems 527

which work in concert with the amphiphile. ionic center, since the effects of polymer-
For example, hydrophilic monomers tend to ization can be mitigated by flexible spacers.
become less hydrophilic upon polymeriza- These systems show higher conversion and
tion, possibly contributing to phase separa- greater phase stabilization as a result of less
tion (Laversanne, 1992). head group distortions upon reaction (Nai-
The second type of lyotropic system in- toh et al., 1991; McGrath, 1996 b; Yang and
corporates a polymerizable amphiphile, and Wegner, 1992).
as a result, is far more complicated. Includ- The location of the polymerizable moie-
ed are two-component systems of a poly- ty within the hydrophobic region of the am-
merizable amphiphile and a solvent (Lee phiphilic molecule also has a complicated
et al., 1995; McGrath, 1996a, b; McGrath array of effects dependent on the specific
andDrummond, 1996 a; Friberget al., 1979, chemical structures involved. In general,
1980; Yang and Wegner, 1982), as well as the effect of polymerization within the hy-
three-component systems which have both drophobic units of a liquid crystal is less
a polymerizable amphiphile, a monomer, disruptive than the polymerization of the
and solvent (Hohn and Tieke, 1997; Friberg hydrophilic units (Friberg et al., 1993;
et al., 1993; Naitoh et al., 1991). Unfortu- McGrath and Drummond, 1996 a; McGrath,
nately, it is very difficult to draw general 1996b). A simple case, studied by Friberg
conclusions concerning polymerization in and co-workers, is the polymerization of so-
these systems, but a few remarks can be dium 10-undecenoate and water. At 60C,
made. The most important parameters af- the amphiphile is readily polymerized with-
fecting the reaction in these systems and in the hexagonal mesophase. The result,
their subsequent behavior are related to the however, is an isotropic solution (at 60 "C).
nature and position of the polymerizable Once cooled, the system re-orders into a
group within the amphiphilic structure. In lamellar phase. Presumably, linking of the
the case of ionic amphiphilic systems, the hydrophobic chains perturbs the packing
location of the polymerizable group within enough to destabilize the hexagonal phase
the hydrophilic portion tends to cause relative to a lamellar one (at room temper-
larger changes upon reaction, presumably ature) (Friberg et al., 1979, 1980). Undece-
due to changes in the head group interac- nyltrimethylammonium bromide, on the
tions (including electrostatics and hydra- other hand, shows less of this destabilizing
tion). These changes can be manifested in effect upon polymerization but conversion
destabilization of the polymeric system or of the double bond within the hexagonal
in simply limiting the degree of conversion mesophase is limited to -40% (McGrath
achieved (Friberg et al., 1993; McGrath, and Drummond, 1996a). Perhaps a more
1996a, b). Nonionic systems are less subject successful attempt at stabilizing the meso-
to these changes upon reaction, since the phase structure can be seen in the work of
hydrophilic moiety is normally spread out Lee and co-workers. Here, a mixture of
over a large portion of the molecule (see polymerizable phosphoethanolamine and
Fig. 15-12). Although changes still occur in phosphocholine amphiphiles (see Fig. 15-
the cross-sectional area of the head groups 14) was polymerized in the bicontinuous
upon polymerization, they are typically less phase at 60C. Upon cooling, the typical
disruptive to the mesophase structure. The transition of the system to lamellar was not
same is true for ionic systems in which the seen. A conversion greater than 80% stabi-
polyrnerizable moiety is decoupled from the lized the mesophase structure outside its
528 15 Polymerization in Organized Media

alization seems plausible, hydrophobe

packing is really only one of many factors
involved in mesophase stability upon poly-
merizat ion.
The nature of the polymer chain formed
and the changes in packing associated with
their linking is of overriding importance in
systems with polymerizable amphiphiles.
The result of polymerization within the mes-
ophase is a mixture of monomeric and poly-
meric forms of the amphiphile that depends
on the conversion achieved. As a result, the
phase behavior of the previously formed
polymeric amphiphiles is helpful in predict-
ing the phase changes expected upon poly-
merization within the mesophase. If an am-
phiphile concentration can be found that
corresponds to the same phase structure
(hexagonal, lamellar, etc.) within the mono-
mer/solvent and the polymer/solvent sys-
tems, mesophase stability might be predict-
ed through the polymerization reaction. Of
course, this thinking is not clearly appli-
Figure 15-14. Polymerizable a) phosphoethanola-
mine, b) phosphocholine arnphiphiles (Lee et al.. cable to amphiphiles with more than one
1995). polymerizable unit, or to systems that incor-
porate monomers in addition to a polymer-
izable amphiphile.
normal temperature range. Inverse hexag-
onal phases of these same amphiphiles can
undergo polymerization, which stabilizes 15.5 Vesicles and Bilayers
them against dimensional changes typical-
ly associated with changes in temperature Unlike the lyotropic liquid crystals dis-
(Lee et al., 1995). One hypothesis suggest- cussed previously, bilayers and vesicles are
ed to predict the stability of a mesophase to metastable aggregates of amphiphilic mole-
polymerization of the hydrophobic moiety cules dispersed within a solvent. Typically,
considers the packing of hydrophobic these nonequilibrium structures are formed
chains within the assemblies. If the hydro- by sonication of the amphiphile in solvent,
carbon chains pack in a crystalline fashion, or alternatively by cooling an isotropic so-
it is probable that their polymerization will lution. Their molecular packing is reminis-
disrupt the mesophase structure. However, cent of the lamellar mesophase. The struc-
if hydrophobe packing is more similar to tures consist of molecules assembled into
that of the liquid. it is less likely that poly- sheets of two molecular layers. In water (the
merization will have an adverse effect on the typical media), the amphiphilic molecules
mesophase (McGrath, 1996b; McGrath and are oriented with their hydrophobic portions
Drummond, 1996b). Although this ration- on the inside of the bilayer, with only the
15.5 Vesicles and Bilayers 529



Figure 15-15. Vesicle schematic diagram.

hydrophilic portions in contact with water. Vesicles and bilayers are of interest for
On the 0.1 - 1 pm length scale, these bilay- their potential to form barriers; in applica-
ers can curve to form totally closed struc- tions involving drug delivery, energy con-
tures (vesicles) or roll up to form tube-like version, and biomimetic chemistry (Paleos,
structures. In some cases, vesicles can be 1991; Ringsdorf et al., 1988). The bilayer
made up of multiple bilayers to give an on- structure slows the diffusion of larger mole-
ion-like structure (see Fig. 15-15). Amphi- cules within a system, and the diffusion of
philes that are conducive to the formation of hydrophilic molecules is hindered through
these bilayer structures have bulky hydro- the interlayer (hydrophobic) region of the
phobic segments, typically consisting of structure. These structures are dynamic; am-
two alkyl chains, or alternatively, a stiff phiphiles readily diffuse within the bilayer
mesogenic segment. These hydrophobes fa- as well as exchanging from layer to layer.
vor aggregations with low curvature, lead- As a result, the structures lack permanence
ing to a large lamellar region in the concen- required for potential applications. Specifi-
tration phase diagram of the amphiphile and cally, in the area of drug delivery, vesicles
solvent. As a result, the equilibrium struc- are needed that could sequester a compound
ture of the amphiphiles is typically the la- throughout processing and implantation,
mellar mesophase. With the input of suffi- then releasing the drug slowly over time, or
cient energy, the system can be coerced into in response to an outside stimulus. Another
these nonequilibrium structures. The stabil- potentially interesting application lies in
ity of these discrete aggregates is highly de- simulating biological membranes, which
pendent on the system, but can last for sev- could be viewed as complex vesicles, made
eral months or more (Ringsdorf et al., of amphiphiles, stabilizing proteins, and
1988). The polymerization of vesicles has other macromolecules. The polymerization
been investigated as a means to extend the of simple amphiphiles within the vesicle
stability and usefulness of these structures. might provide a route to tailor its barrier
530 15 Polymerization in Organized Media

properties and improve the long term stabil- The location of the polymerizable group
ity. can affect conversion, through steric effects
As is typical of polymerization in other or through the accessibility of the polymer-
ordered systems, the success of stabilizing izable group to the initiator (e.g., hydro-
vesicles and bilayers through polymeriza- phobic vs. hydrophilic initators) (Lee and
tion is quite varied. Polymerization has been OBrien, 1994). Figure 15-16 schematically
shown to dramatically increase the shelf life shows the linking of amphiphiles with poly-
of these nonequilibrium structures, as well merizable units placed at different locations.
as improve their thermal stability (Paleas, Linking of the amphiphiles at points near
1991; Babilis and Paleos, 1988; Everaars the head group greatly reduces their mobil-
et al., 1996; Lee and OBrien, 1994). On the ity, typically altering their aggregation be-
other hand, polymerizations within the havior. Separation of the polymerizable unit
structure can also destabilize the aggre- from the hydrophilic-hydrophobic junction
gates, as well as cause phase separation in via a decoupling spacer has been shown to
some instances (Paleos. 1991; Babilis and minimize the effects of polymerization
Paleos, 1988; Everaars et al., 1996; Lee and (Hedhli et al., 1994; Paleos, 1991; Babilis
OBrien. 1994). Again, the key elements and Paleos, 1988; Kato and Kunitake, 1991 ;
seem to be the structural features of the am- Kunitake et al., 1989). The location of the
phiphile and changes associated with their polymerizable group within the hydropho-
covalent linking. As in the case of lyotrop- bic part can lead to a topochemical-like en-
ic liquid crystals, polymerizable groups hancement of the reaction rates due to the
have been incorporated at different loca- regular arrangement of the polymerizable
tions in amphiphilic molecules. Polymer- groups (Borle et al., 1992; Lei and OBrien,
ization can be accomplished by photoiniti- 1994). However, this location of the poly-
ation or by suitable thermal initiators. merizable units is complicated by the alkane
15.5 Vesicles and Bilayers 531

melting transition which is seen for many
bilayer structures. A sharp, reversible exo-
therm can be observed in these cases, cor-
responding to the loss of order within the
hydrophobic portion. Polymerization with-
in the hydrophobic portion can lead to the
disappearance of this melting transition or
its broadening due to added packing frustra-
tions. Polymerization below this melting
transition can also limit the degree of con-
version due to the lack of mobility of poly-
merizable units. It is interesting to note the
possibility of forming bilayer structures di-
rectly from some pre-polymerized amphi-
Figure 15-17. Mono- and diallyldidodecylammon-
philes; however, their aggregation behavior
ium bromides (Paleos, 1991).
typically does not match that of the
monomers (Kunitake et al., 1984; Paleos,
1991; Elbert et al., 1985). Related to this ob- structure of the polymer backbone formed
servation, disordering transitions experi- (Babilis et al., 1985). A number of research-
enced by vesicles which have been polymer- ers have looked extensively into amphi-
ized in situ are often not reversible (i.e., the philes with polymerizable head groups, es-
structure of the polymerized vesicle cannot pecially the effects of decoupling segments
be completely recovered upon cooling) (Ka- between the hydrophobe, hydrophile, and
to and Kunitake, 1991; Kunitake et al., polymerizable groups (Kunitake et al.,
1989; Meier et al., 1994). 1984, 1989; Kato and Kunitake, 1991; El-
A number of interesting studies have been bert et al., 1985). In the area of kinetics,
done to elucidate the structural effects of the OBrien and co-workers carried out a num-
amphiphile on the polymerization of vesi- ber of studies on free-radical polymeriza-
cles. These studies have centered around tions in phosphocholine-based amphiphiles
both the possibility of stabilizing the struc- (Fig. 15-18). For amphiphiles with poly-
ture upon polymerization, as well as on the merizable groups in their tail portions, they
kinetics of polymerization within these or- found solution-like polymerization rates
dered systems. Paleos and co-workers found at low conversions. At high conversion,
that vesicles from double chain quaternary however, decreasing mobility in the system
ammonium salt amphiphiles with two ally1 causes primary termination to dominate
groups showed enhanced stability upon (SellsandOBrien, 1994;Elbertet al., 1985).
polymerization induced by gamma irradia- A related topic of interest is the polymer-
tion (see Fig. 15-17). However, the mono- ization of diacetylene-containing amphi-
allyl-substituted version showed no en- philes. These amphiphiles are able to pack
hanced stability upon polymerization. NMR in highly ordered bilayer structures due to
evidence of polymerized amphiphiles the rigidity of the hydrophobic segment.
shows the molecules to be linked in a line- Some diacetylene-containing amphiphiles
ar fashion in both cases (rather than cross- assemble into typical bilayer structures;
linked for the diallyl case), so the differenc- however, their polymerization (via irradia-
es in their behavior must be particular to the tion) usually leads to dramatic changes in
532 15 Polymerization in Organized Media

O< 3 0

Figure 15-18. Acryloyl-substituted phosphocholine

(Sells and OBrien. 1994).

packing due to the backbone rigidity

(Everaars et al.. 1996). At the very least, a
large change in the melting transition is seen
on polymerization. Often, polymerization
causes the complete disappearance of this Figure 15-19. Tubule-forming diacetylene amphi-
transition (Paleos, 1991). A variety of di- philes (OBrien, 1994).
acetylene-containing amphiphiles have
been shown to form more complicated bi-
layer structures upon cooling below the al-
kane melting transition (or by slowly pre-
cipitating from solution) (see Fig. 15-19)
(OBrien. 1994; Schnur, 1993; Rudolph,
1988; Georger et al., 1987; Fuhrhop et al.,
1901; Frenkel and OBrien, 1991; Peek
et al., 1094). Depending on the method of
preparation, ribbons and tubules can be
formed with diameters of -0.5 pm and
lengths of up to 1000 ym (see Fig. 15-20).
Remarkably, many of these structures are re-
tained upon polymerization of the diacety- Figure 15-20. Electron micrograph of a diacetylene
lenes (Georger et al., 1987; Fuhrhop et al., amphiphile tubule [used with permission from Schnur
1991; Frenkel and OBrien, 1991). (1993)l.
15.6 Langmuir-Blodgett Films 533

15.6 Langmuir-Blodgett Films used in some cases (Zhou and Duran, 1992;
Zhou et al., 1990; Duran and Zhou, 1992).
The polymerization of mono- and multi- As in the polymerization of other ordered
layer structures assembled by the Lang- systems, the stabilization of these structures
muir-Blodgett (LB) technique has been in- is difficult due to the shrinkage or reorgan-
vestigated for a number of years. This tech- ization of the monomers upon polymeriza-
nique involves isolating a collection of am- tion. In LB mono- and multilayers, the pack-
phiphilic molecules at the interface between ing of the system is highly dependent on the
a liquid and a gas. Under appropriate con- dimensions and conformation of these
ditions, these molecules will self-assemble molecules. Changes in either of these on
into a well-organized monolayer based on polymerization typically lead to dramatic
their dual nature. Monolayers can be further changes in the film structure and character-
utilized on the trough or deposited by pas- istics. Two avenues exist by which this di-
sing a substrate through the liquid-gas inter- lemma can be circumvented. Firstly, the de-
face. By sequentially dipping a substrate, it coupling of the polymerizable moiety from
is often possible to build up multilayer struc- the structural features of the amphiphile that
tures (Petty, 1996). As in the polymerization control packing can allow reorganization of
of other organized media, the objective is to the molecular conformation with minimal
stabilize the ordered structure, providing a disruption of the film (Kruchinin et al.,
useful material. Applications are far reach- 1994; Arslanov, 1992). Secondly, it is pos-
ing, including separation membranes, adhe- sible that the polymeric material can form a
sives, nonlinear optical films, and well-de- stable monolayer on its own, which might
fined insulating layers. As in other systems allow the retention of the macroscopic or-
discussed thus far, the success achieved in der within the film (Shibasaki et al., 1994;
the quest for stabilized ordered structures is Arslanov, 1992). The study of polymeriza-
highly dependent on the chemical structure tion within this type of ordered structure is
of the amphiphile. The incorporation of further complicated by the LB process it-
polymerizable or crosslinkable groups is self. The structure of the floating monolay-
possible in the hydrophilic portion of the er is highly dependent on the subphase on
amphiphile (Tsibouklis et al., 1991), as a which it rests (often doping of the subphase
counter ion to a charged hydrophilic moie- with specific salts can result in changes in
ty (Higashi and Niwa, 1993), within the the hydration of the amphiphile head group)
hydrophobic portion (Furlong et al., 1993; (Furlong et al., 1993). In addition, molecu-
Shibasaki et al., 1994; Fukuda et al., 1989; lar packing is highly dependent on the pres-
Saito et al., 1996; Mathauer et al., 1995; sure exerted, showing regimes of two-di-
Seufert et al., 1995)or by intercalation with- mensional gas, liquid, and solid (see Fig. 15-
in a multilayer of unpolymerizable amphi- 21). The kinetics of polymerization and the
philic molecules (Rosner and Rubner, 1994; overall extent of reaction tend to be very de-
Park et al., 1996). Polymerizable groups pendent on molecular packing. In the case
which have been incorporated are widely of LB layers on a substrate, the specifics of
varied, including diacetylenes, vinyls, and molecular packing are also a function of
acrylates, to name a few. Typically, polymer- numerous variables associated with their
ization is initiated by exposure to UV or an- deposition, including the mode of dipping,
otherradiation source (Liu et al., 1994).How- dipping speed, and substrate type (Arslanov,
ever, initiators in the subphase have been 1992; Dhanabalan et al., 1996).
534 15 Polymerization in Organized Media

Area per molecule

Figure 15-21. Surface pressure versus area per mole-
cule isotherm: S ) solid condensed phase, L) liquid
expanded phase, and G ) gaseous phase [adapted
from Petty (1996)j.


A number of LB polymerizations have

centered around diacetylene-containing I
amphiphiles. In many cases, the order of
these molecules in the LB layer is condu-
cive to their topochemical-like reaction
(Furlong et al., 1993; Fukuda et al., 1989;
Saito et al., 1996; Liu et al., 1994; Kruchi-
nin et al., 1994; Dhanabalan et al., 1996;
Tsibouklis et al., 1993).The polymerization Figure 15-22. Heneicosa-2,4-diynyl carboxyben-
zoates on an aqueous CdCI2 subphase (Furlong et al.,
of 10,12-pentacosadiynoic acid is a good 1993).
example. Multilayer polymerization by ex-
posure to UV radiation shows conversion to
a colored film (blue), indicative of the con- stitution show large changes in reactivity
jugated poly(diacety1ene) backbone. Typi- due to the resultant packing. Specifically,
cally, coupled with polymerization there are the ortho conformation polymerizes readi-
changes in the tilt angle which the molecules ly, whereas the meta and para showed very
make with the layer normal, and, as a result, little reactivity, presumably due to the inter-
changes in the layer thickness (Saito et al., action of the hydrophilic portion of the am-
1996; Dhanabalan et al., 1996; Tsibouklis phiphile and the subphase (Furlong et al.,
et a]., 1993). The polymerized films keep 1993).
their layered structure; however, cracks can A number of papers have been published
develop as a result of domain formation in the last few years in which the organiza-
upon polymerization. The critical role of tion of the LB mono- and multilayers has
molecular packing can be seen in the poly- been exploited in an attempt to make mate-
merization study of heneicosa-2,4-diynyl rials with highly anisotropic conductivity.
carboxybenzoates on an aqueous CdC12 Two strategies have been employed to con-
subphase by Furlong and co-workers (see fine a conductive component within the
Fig. 15-22). Here, variations in the ring sub- plane of a multilayer structure. The most di-
15.7 Intercalated Systems 535

rect method is the incorporation of a suit- 15.7 Intercalated Systems

able monomer ( e g , pyrrole, aniline, thio-
phene) within the amphiphile head group. A number of naturally occurring inorgan-
For example, 2-pentadecyl aniline can be ic materials contain well-defined layers or
polymerized as a monolayer by adding sul- channels. These include clays (fluorohec-
furic acid and ammonium peroxydisulfate torite, montmorillonite, and perovskites),
to the subphase solution (Zhou and Duran, metal phosphates [VOP04, HU02P04,
1992; Zhou et al., 1990; Duran and Zhou, Zr(HOP03)2, Ti(HOPO,),], metal oxides,
1992). An anisotropically conductive mate- and sulfides (V205, FeOCl, MOO,, MoS,,
rial could be prepared, presumably by con- TaS2). These materials are composed of co-
secutive deposition of these layers. An al- valently bonded layers associated through
ternative method involves LB multilayers of weaker van der Waals and hydrogen bond-
alkane acids and FeC1,. These multilayers ing forces. The interlayer space can be oc-
are then alternatively exposed to HCl and cupied by charge balancing ions, water, or
pyrrole vapor. Pyrrole is spontaneously neutral species. Zeolitic materials (zeolite
polymerized within the hydrophilic regions Y, mordenite, mesoporous silicates, and oth-
of the structure upon contact with the FeC13. ers) offer a similar gallery structure based
These materials have shown conductivity on a three-dimensional lattice with a wide
anisotropies of several orders of magnitude range of pores and/or channels. The incor-
(Rosner and Rubner, 1994; Parket al., 1996; poration of organic molecules within the
Cheung et al., 1990). voids of these structures has been investi-
Another strategy for the production of gated for quite some time. Intercalation
stabilized, ordered multilayer films is in the methodologies have centered around vapor
reaction of two different components with- or solution exposure of the host material to
in the structure. Octadecyl esters of L-lysine the guest species. The actual incorporation
and L-glutamic acid formed fully miscible of the guest can be through the exchange of
monolayers when compressed on an LB charge balancing ions or by simple adsorp-
trough. Multilayers of these amphiphiles tion within the host. Polymerization within
were readily polymerized by heating these hosts provides the opportunity to fash-
between 30 and 50C, although it is not ion highly ordered composite materials with
clear how well the layered structure survives a minimum of processing. Interesting prop-
this reaction (Fukuda et al., 1989). Similar- erties result from the confinement of the or-
ly, multilayers of a mixture of vinyl stearate ganic material to the molecular dimensions
and octadecyl acrylate polymerize readily of the host pore structure, including en-
upon UV exposure, even though pure vinyl hanced thermal stability, changes in electri-
stearate monolayers show low conversion cal activity, as well as changes in mechani-
(Fukuda et al., 1989). Multilayer structures cal relaxations.
built with consecutive dipping of different The majority of work concerning poly-
monolayers offers the possibility of build- merization within intercalation systems
ing composite structures. The use of alter- centers around monomers that form conju-
nating monolayers of amine- and acid-based gated polymers such as aniline, pyrrole, and
amphiphiles can allow the covalent linking thiophene. The interest is in the synthesis of
of individual layers, although reactions composites containing an inorganic materi-
between layers have not been well charac- al and a conducting polymer. In the case of
terized (Tsiboukis et al., 1991, 1993). insulating host materials (the majority), the
536 15 Polymerization in Organized Media

potential result is highly anisotropic con- is attributed to the slow diffusion of outside
ductors. In the case of layered hosts, high oxidizing agents into the intercalation struc-
conductivities in the plane of the layers re- ture (Mehrotra and Giannelis, 1991; Enzel
sult, with insulating properties perpendicu- and Bein, 1989; Chao et al., 1993; Uma and
lar to the host layers (due to the boundary Gopalakrishnan, 1995; Liu et al., 1993; Ka-
between conducting elements). Also of natzidis et al., 1989). There has been a num-
interest are the conductivities of these poly- ber of interesting studies on the structure of
mers when confined to molecular dimen- the final composite materials, mostly cen-
sions, since the conductivity has been attrib- tered around the conformation of the poly-
uted to electron delocalization within the mer within the host. The polymer has been
bulk polymers, not only along single chains, found to adopt an extended molecular con-
but between chains as well (Mehrotra and formation due to confinement. Observa-
Giannelis, 1991; Enzel and Bein, 1989; Wu tions of the primary layer spacings, before
and Bein, 1994). Typical syntheses involve and after intercalation and polymerization,
the solution intercalation of aniline or pyr- suggest the inserted polymer layer corre-
role into the host system. Polymerization sponds to the width of one molecule in most
proceeds by exposure to a suitable oxidizer, cases. Kerr et al. (1996) propose a helical
such as Cu+ (Nakajima and Matsubayahi. conformation for intercalated poly(ani1ine)
1993. 1995). Fe+3 (Kerr et al., 1996), am- within the layered structure of MOO,, based
monium peroxodisulfate (Enzel and Bein, on both crystallographic and modeling data
1989; Wu and Bein. 1994; Chao et al., 1993: (see Fig. 15-23). In principle, the extended
Liu and Kanatzidis, 1993; Uma and Gopa- conformation of these polymers should lead
lakrishnan, 1995) and O2 accompanied by to enhanced conductivities due to greater
heat (Liu and Kanatzidis, 1995: Liu et al., delocalization along their chains. The con-
1993). Some hosts are able to polymerize ductivity of the resulting composites, how-
the monomers in situ due to the high oxida- ever, varies considerably. Other issues of
tion potential of intralayer atoms or balanc- importance are the volume fraction of poly-
ing ions, causing concurrent intercalation mer, specific polymer-host interactions,
and polymerization (Mehrotra and Gianne- and percolation of the conducting compo-
lis, 1991; De Stefanis et al., 1995; Roque nent. For many conducting polymers, the
et al., 1993; Kanatzidis et al., 1987, 1989, actual conductivity is a function of the dop-
1990). For example, Kanatzidis and co- ing level as well as their conformation. In
workers have demonstrated the ability of the case of poly(aniline), the conductivity
V 2 0 s xerogel to oxidize a number of depends on protonation, as well as its level
monomers, producing conducting polymers of oxidation. Its incorporation within an
in the interlayer space directly upon inter- acidic host or exposure to another proton
calation (Liu et al., 1993; Kanatzidis et al., source will cause the formation of the em-
1987, 1989, 1990). eraldine salt form responsible for conduc-
The actual polymerization of these tion (see Fig. 15-24) (Enzel and Bein,
monomers within the interlayer spaces of a 1989). Loadings of 20 wt.% or more in a
host material has not been studied exten-
mesoporous silicate have yielded bulk con-
sively. Isolation of the resulting polymer ductivities of only lo- S/cm (isolated poly-
from the composite structure (usually by ac- mer -lo- S/cm), as aresult ofencapsulation
id digestion of the host) has shown sluggish of the polymer component within the insu-
conversion of the monomer. Typically, this lating host (Wu and Bein, 1994). However,
15.7 Intercalated Systems 537

Figure 15-23. Possible poly(ani1ine) conformation in MOO, lattice: a) viewed along [IOO], b) viewed along
[OOl] [used with permission from Kerr et al. (1996)l.

Figure 15-24. Emeraldine salt form of po-
X X ly(ani1ine).

poly(ani1ine) loadings of 17.5 wt.% in C U + ~ - polymerization of methyl methacrylate in

exchanged fluorohectorite exhibit a conduc- the presence of montmorillonite. However,
tivity of 0.05 S/cm in the plane of the layers the polymerization does not selectively de-
after exposure to HC1 vapor ( lop7S/cm per- posit in the interlayer; hence the synthesis
pendicular to the layers) (Mehrotra and Gian- requires washing the majority of the poly-
nelis, 1991). Lastly, the intercalation of a mer from the exterior of the clay layers (Lee
conducting polymer within an electrically and Tang, 1996). Poly(acrylonitri1e) has
active host can reveal interesting conductiv- also been formed within the interlayer of
ity versus temperature behavior due to montmorillonite by gamma irradiation of
changes in the nature of charge transport the vapor intercalated monomer. Subse-
within the separate components, for exam- quent thermal treatment can convert the
ple, the incorporation of polypyrrole in Fe- polymer to highly oriented graphite (Yama-
OC1 (Kanatzidis et al., 1987) or polyaniline naka et al., 1974; Kyotani et al., 1988).
in V205 xerogel (Kanatzidis et al., 1990). Polymerization within zeolitic hosts has
Far fewer studies have been conducted on been studied more from the standpoint of
nonconducting polymers within a host catalyst poisoning, rather than composite
system. Clay-PMMA intercalation com- synthesis. The oligomerization of various
pounds were synthesized by the emulsion monomers within the structure of molecu-
lar sieves blocks the pores and ruins their
catalytic activity (Richardson et al., 1990;
' The mesoporous silicate MCM-41 was used in this Pereira et al., 1991).
study. Mesoporous silicates have zeolitic-like struc-
tures with nanometer porosity.
538 15 Polymerization in Organized Media

15.8 ThermodynamicdKinetics at some constant applied surface pressure.

Bodalia and Duran studied the oxidative
The thermodynamics of polymerization polymerization of 2-pentadecylaniline as a
within ordered systems has not been inves- function of the applied surface pressure, the
tigated very thoroughly, however, there are temperature, and the monomer concentra-
some general considerations that can be tion. They found the polymerization to fol-
enumerated. The change in free energy of a low Arrhenius' law
system upon polymerization is due to both K=A (-EaIRT)
enthalpic and entropic terms. The enthalpy
changes associated with the conversion of In addition, they observed that the activa-
monomeric units to a polymer show little tion energy (E,) of polymerization was very
variation with ordering, reflecting, for ex- close to that of the bulk case and was inde-
ample, the difference in energy associated pendent of the applied surface pressure
with a double bond and a single bond. How- (within the liquid regime), indicating that
ever, the ordering of monomeric units will ordering of the monomers had little effect
significantly impact the entropic terms on their reaction pathway. However, the rate
within the free energy equation. The process of the polymerization (0 was enhanced
of linking monomers to form a polymer se- over the bulk case. This was attributed to an
verely limits their mobility. In particular, increase in the pre-exponential factor ( A )
isotropic polymerization causes the loss of within the rate law, reflecting a decrease in
much of the system's translational entropy the freedom available to the reactants and
(the vibrational and rotational components activated complex in comparison to the iso-
of the monomer and polymer are quite tropic case (Bodalia and Duran, 1993; Bo-
similar) (Odian, I991 ). Entropy changes as- dalia et al., 1994).
sociated with polymerization in ordered The pre-exponential factor includes var-
monomeric units will be substantially low- iables associated with the collision factor,
er, since the entropy of those systems is al- which reflects, among other things, the ster-
ready less than that of the isotropic state. ics associated with the polymerization pro-
Obviously, the difference in entropy relative cess (i.e., the approach of a polymer end and
to the isotropic state is a function of the or- a monomer unit). In this case, the confine-
der parameter and geometry of the system. ment of the polymerizable units within a
The order inherent in the systems previous- compressed LB monolayer enhanced their
ly discussed varies widely, from topochem- reactivity by limiting the conformations that
ical systems in which monomers have no could be explored. Unfortunately, ordering
translational entropy to liquid-crystalline of the monomeric units would seem to have
systems, which have two degrees of trans- an unpredictable effect on the monomer
lational entropy. sterics. Ordering could serve to either help
Much more has been published on the ki- or hinder polymer to monomer approach,
netics of polymerization within ordered depending on the specific packing prevail-
systems. In particular, there has been a num- ing in the system. This effect will also vary
ber of studies on the conversion rates for greatly with the degree of order within the
monomers in both LB layers and lipid bilay- system. Systems such as lyotropic liquid
ers. The study of LB monolayers is aided by crystals, in which the order away from
the ease at which the polymerization rates the hydrophilic/hydrophobic junction ap-
can be monitored through barrier movement proaches the liquid-like state, will probably
15.9 Two-Dimensional Products from Ordered Media 539

not show an enhancement of the polymer- ends. In some highly ordered thermotropic
ization rate. On the other hand, highly or- systems, depressed conversion rates have
dered systems such as compressed LB been attributed to poor alignment of the
layers can show rate enhancements due to polymerizable units and low mobilities
favorable ordering of monomer units (a within the system (Spencer and Berry,
topochemical-like effect) (Arslanov, 1992) 1992).
or limited reactivity with unfavorable pack-
ing (Furlong et al., 1993; Fukada et al.,
1989; Kruchinin et al., 1994). 15.9 Two-Dimensional Products
Most work on kinetics within ordered from Ordered Media
systems centers around the rate of polymer-
ization and the molecular weight of the re- A very interesting polymerization in an
sulting polymer. The effect of ordering organized environment is one occurring in
within these systems is most often in the the confinement of a two-dimensional
suppression of chain termination via space. This polymerization is interesting be-
coupling and disproportionation mecha- cause the reaction among monomers in this
nisms due to low translational mobility. This environment could form, in principle, poly-
effect is similar to the gel effect observed mers with two-dimensional (2D) architec-
in most bulk polymerizations, where in- ture. 2D polymers represent a significant de-
creasing viscosity limits the diffusion of the parture from the best known architecture for
growing chain at higher conversion. In the macromolecules, namely, that of linear
free-radical polymerization of phosphati- chains and all their derivatives, such as
dylcholine derived bilayer assemblies, the rings, ladders, combs, branched chains, and
polymerization rates (R,) were found to 3D networks. A 2D environment is defined
obey typical solution dependencies on here as a Cartesian volume with two large
monomer and initiator concentrations at low and one small dimension. If monomers con-
conversion nect covalently within this x,y , % L volume,
the macromolecules produced have 2D ar-
R, -[M][I]o.5
chitecture only if their 2D shapes persist af-
At high conversions, however, polymeriza- ter geometrical confinement has disap-
tion rates reflect the dominance of primary peared. This flat shape may be an equilibri-
termination over bimolecular termination um conformation or one that is kinetically
mechanisms (coupling or disproportiona- trapped over infinite time scales.

tion), approaching Throughout this century, polymer science
has studied the linear chain and its architec-
R, [MI2 [I] tural derivatives, and most theories and syn-
At least in these instances, the propagation thetic methodologies revolve around the
rate constants do not seem to be affected by concept of a ID covalent backbone. Further-
the ordering of the system probably due to more, the technology of polymeric materi-
the liquid-like order within the layers (Sells als takes advantage primarily of the ability
and OBrien, 1994; Lei and OBrien, 1994). of these 1D objects to entangle with each
The ordering of monomer units can also other, align uniaxially under mechanical
have a detrimental effect on the overall poly- forces, or fold into interconnected thin crys-
merization rates, due to the inability of the tals. Having access to 2D polymers, other
monomer to diffuse to the growing chain scientific and technical opportunities may
540 15 Polymerization in Organized Media

emerge. One example would be the stack- tures when dispersed in water (Lei and
ing of these flat, molecular objects to form OBrien, 1994; Hub et al., 1980; Dorn et al.,
materials with chemically well-defined and 1984; Sakada and Kunitake, 1989; Asaku-
temporally stable surfaces. Other possibil- ma et al., 1991; Kuo and OBrien, 1991;
ities, predicted theoretically, envision the Gros et al., 1981; Fendler and Tundo, 1975;
reversible thermal folding of flat molecular Regen et al., 1984; Lee and OBrien, 1994).
sheets (Abraham and Nelson, 1990a, b; In other work, monomers have been con-
Abraham and Kardar. 1991; Morse et al., fined at oil-water interfaces to form infinite
1992; Kantor and Kremer, 1993; Mori and networks (Rehage et al., 1988; Dubault
Wadati, 1993). With this concept the 2D et al., 1975). The air-water interface offered
polymers could be imagined functioning in by a Langmuir trough has also been used as
the controlled delivery, removal, or tran- a confining environment for monomers
sient masking of substances. (Day et al., 1979). Langmuir-Blodgett
Alternatively, 2D polymers could me- films and self-assembling monolayers
chanically reinforce linear polymers, or (SAMs) are also potentially useful systems
function as the precursors to tubular, cova- for 2D polymerizations (see Sec. 15.6).The
lent structures by spontaneous or induced polymerization of monolayers with conven-
rolling transitions. In order to bring these tional reactive groups presents rather seri-
ideas to fruition, bulk polymerization reac- ous steric challenges. This is the case be-
tions must be developed which yield archi- cause van der Waals distances are greater
tecturally 2D polymers. The ideal bulk poly- than the length of covalent bonds formed in
merization would be one in which neat conventional addition polymerizations in-
monomer could be converted to 2D poly- volving double bonds. This problem was
mer. Our laboratory was the first to report solved in the bulk 2D polymerizations de-
such reactions (Stupp et al., 1993a, b, 1995; veloped by Stupp and co-workers either by
Huggins et al., 1997). Preceding our work, the use of bilayers or by molecular design
many methodologies had been invented to using multiple planes of reaction within the
confine monomers in two dimensions using 2D volume. This way, the individual cova-
externally controlled confinements, or by lent backbones formed to stitch the 2D
dispersion in a nonsolvent. Furthermore, structure need not be very long at all, but
many of these 2D polymerizations do not may in fact be rather short (see next section).
yield architecturally 2D polymers, but net- As mentioned previously, once in 2D con-
works or linear chains which become glob- finement the monomers can polymerize, but
ular structures when 2D confinement disap- synthesis of a 2D polymer of finite dimen-
pears. Some of these previous efforts are sions is not easily achieved. The formation
discussed below. of a 2D polymer would require monomers
that have more than one polymerizable
function per molecule, and also monomers
15.9.1 Two-Dimensional Confinement
that have molecularly rigid structures. This
of Monomer
essentially prevents the collapse of the
Many methodologies have been invented structure to globular shapes having compar-
to confine monomers in two dimensions able, x, y, and z dimensions. 2D polymeriza-
prior to polymerization. For example, ef- tions in which the environment confining
forts have been directed at the polymeriza- monomers is never removed may find ap-
tion of amphiphiles that form layered struc- plication in the fabrication of future devic-
15.9 Two-Dimensional Products from Ordered Media 54 1

es, but they would obviously not be useful 1995). As depicted in Fig. 15-25, this syn-
for the bulk synthesis of 2D polymers as ma- thesis is based on the reaction among orien-
terials. In the next section, we describe the tationally ordered monomer molecules in
first examples of bulk synthesis of 2D poly- layers analogous to those found in smectic
mers from neat monomer using self-assem- phases. However, the orientational order,
bling reactive molecules. not always found in common smectic phas-
es, is critical to achieve the reaction among
monomers to form high molecular weight
15.9.2 Two-Dimensional Polymers from
2D polymers.
Self-Assembling Monomers
The ideal layered assembly of molecules
The bulk synthesis of 2D polymers re- to form 2D polymers in a bulk reaction
quires monomers that are structurally pro- needs to contain molecules that have more
grammed to self-organize into planar as- than one reactive group. In the case of Z, ac-
semblies which are not destroyed by poly- rylate and nitrile groups served as the poly-
merization reactions. The authors labora- merizable entities. If molecules of the as-
tory reported in 1993 the first bulk synthe- sembly had only one polymerizable moiety
sis of 2D polymers. In this approach mole- or two placed at the termini of molecules,
cule Z,synthesized through 21 steps, was reaction would lead to combs or gels, re-
used to create flat polymers (Stupp et al., spectively. The molecular design of precur-

Stereochemical Molecular


Gels Ladders 2D Polymers
Figure 15-25. Molecular recognition approach to two-dimensional polymers.
542 15 Polymerization in Organized Media

LL 0.01

0 2 4 6
Satellite Plane DP
Figure 15-26. Computer simulation of 2D polymer growth. The graph plots the logarithm of the fraction of pre-
cursor molecules connected by random walks within an orientationally ordered and a randomly ordered bilayer
assembly (Stupp et al.. 1995).

sors with two reactive groups, but one not 2D polymers (Stupp et al., 1995). The re-
positioned at the terminus of the molecule, sults of this simulation, explained in
is certainly more challenging, since func- Fig. 15-26, indicate that only a small num-
tional groups away from the terminus would ber of precursor molecules needs to be con-
tend to disrupt the self-organization into nected by a given stitching reaction (cova-
layered structures. Furthermore, the two lent bond forming) in order to form large 2D
functions must be separated by distances molecular objects. This simulation used ran-
that avoid the correlation of polymerizing dom walks to represent the path of polymer-
paths, otherwise 1D ladder polymers would ization among monomers connecting on
form. In the case of 2, the product is a bi- three different planes of reaction. Applied
layer 2D polymer, since one reactive func- to the polymerization of bilayers of Z, these
tion is positioned at the terminus of the planes represent two planes in which nitrile
molecules. This approach led successfully groups react with each other (satellite
to the formation of 2D polymers in a test planes), and a third in the middle of the bi-
tube containing melted monomer, implying layer containing the acrylate groups (main
its bulk nature. The reader is referred to the plane). Using parameters found experimen-
literature for the characterization of the tally, this simulation shows that only short
products obtained (Stupp et al., 1993a, b, backbones (e.g., tetramers) are necessary in
1995). the satellite planes to connect orientational-
We believe orientational order in the ly ordered monomers into large 2D objects.
layered assembly was critical in forming Interestingly, this is not the case when
high molecular weight products. This con- monomers are orientationally disordered
cept was demonstrated by our laboratory within the layer. Thus molecular recognition
with a computer simulation which evaluat- processes that orient neighboring mono-
ed the extents of reaction and average de- mers in parallel orientation are important for
gree\ of polymerization necessary to form an efficient reaction. In the experimental
15.9 Two-Dimensional Products from Ordered Media 543
Stereochemical Molecular Reactive Hairpins

Nanophase Separation in
wHh Reactive

Chiral Oligomer

Hydrogen Bonded
Rodcoil Assemblies 2D Assemblies

Figure 15-27. Approaches to the polymerization of two-dimensional objects.

system, we believe this parallel orientation

is favored by homochiral interactions
among stereocenters containing the highly
dipolar nitrile groups. A different group al-
so concluded, based on the application of
percolation theory to our experimental
system, that sufficient extents of reaction
had been achieved to form large 2D objects
(Munkel and Heerman, 1993).
Since the original report, three other ap-
proaches to the bulk formation of 2D poly-
mers by self-organizing monomers have
been developed by our laboratory. These
other approaches are summarized in
Fig. 15-27. One very useful approach in-
volves the use of triblock oligomers which Figure 15-28. Cross section of simulated 2D poly-
self-assemble into nanophase separated merization involving rodcoil molecules. If reactive
layers. The middle in this case contains un- segments contain an average of seven polymerizable
saturated groups (e.g., isoprene units) which structural units, only 30%must react to form a 2D ob-
can thermally react to stitch the layers into
2D polymers (Stupp et al., 1993b). Fig-
ure 15-28 describes a simulation of 2D The hairpins connect by a polymerization
polymer formation using these self-assem- reaction among identical groups in both
bling triblock molecules. Another approach arms of the hairpin, and the folded backbone
has been to design reactive molecules that connects molecules into a 2D object. Ex-
fold into hairpins and organize into layers. perimentally, we developed such a system
544 15 Polymerization in Organized Media

using diacetylene chemistry (Son, 1994). This may someday be possible with synthet-
Finally, we recently reported on 2D poly- ic linear polymers.
mers formed by a combination of covalent A different approach to nanostructures is
bonds and hydrogen bonds (Huggins et al., offered by supramolecular chemistry using
1997). The attractive feature of these molecules programmed to form finite ob-
systems is the possibility of transforming jects with nanoscale dimensions. Our labor-
them thermally from 2D to ID structures re- atory discovered a methodology to obtain
versibly. There is no question that many these nanostructures by self-assembly with
more systems remain to be developed to molar masses greater than 100000 daltons
generate 2D polymers in organized media. and narrow size distributions. Specifically,
Novel catenating reactions for monomers we reported on a family of mushroom-
that do not disrupt the 2D confinement will shaped objects formed by precursors re-
make an important contribution to this area. ferred to as rodcoil molecules (Stupp et al.,
1997a, b, 1998; Tew and Stupp, 1998; Tew
et al., 1998; Whitaker et al., 1998). A fasci-
15.10 Nanostructures nating prospect for stable nanostructures are
via the Polymerization confined polymerizations within the nano-
of Supramolecular Units scale environment of such supramolecular
units. These polymerizations have to in-
One of the great challenges for 21st cen- itiate, propagate, and terminate within the
tury chemistry will be the synthesis of mo- very small dimensions of spontaneously
lecular nanostructures as functional com- formed molecular aggregates. Great hope
pounds or constitutents of supramolecular for the future in this approach is offered by
materials (Stupp et al.. 1997 a). For this pur- a recent discovery in our laboratory. We
pose, the nanostructures could have either have identified systems in which polymer-
the broad or narrow distributions of molar ization is confined within anisotropic, inter-
mass which are characteristic of polymeric nally organized aggregates created by spon-
molecules. Using conventional organic taneous self-assembly. Interestingly, these
chemistry, it will be difficult in the near fu- aggregates can contain dozens of monomers
ture to achieve the synthesis of objects rang- and molar masses of the order of 70 000 dal-
ing in size between a few and one hundred tons with polydispersities of only 1.1 (Zu-
nanometers. One possibility is the use of barev and Stupp).
dendrimeres (Moore, 1996), but these mac-
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Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

16 Biocatalytical Routes to Polymers

Shiro Kobayashi and Hiroshi Uyama

Department of Materials Chemistry. Graduate School of Engineering. Kyoto University.

Kyoto. Japan

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550

16.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
16.2 Biosynthetic Pathways to Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
16.2.1 Polypeptides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
16.2.2 Polyesters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
16.3. Chemical Synthetic Pathways to Polymers Using Isolated Enzymes . . . . 554
16.3.1 Polysaccharides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
16.3.2 Polypeptides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
16.3.3 Polyesters, Polycarbonates, and Polyamides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
16.3.4 Polyaromatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
16.4 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
550 16 Biocatalytical Routes to Polymers

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

M w weight-average molecular weight
M" number-average molecular weight
n degree of polymerization (DP)
G glass transition temperature
Tm melting temperature
vrnax reaction velocity obtained under saturating concentration of substrate
AFM atomic force microscopy
Ala alanyl
AOT bis( 2-ethylhexy1)sodium sulfosuccinate
Asn asparaginy 1
Asp aspartyl
ATP adenosine triphosphate
BOD billirubin oxidase
CA Candidu anturtica
cc Cundida cvlindracea
&-CL E-caprolactone
CoA coenzyme A
CPIMAS cross-polarizationlmagic angle spinning
CYs cysteinyl
DDL 12-dodecanolide
DMF N,N-dimethylformamide
DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide
DP degree of polymerization
DSC differential scanning calorimetry
Gln glutaminyl
Clu glutamyl
GlY glYcYl
GTP guanosine triphosphate
HRP horseradish peroxidase
IR infrared
LB Longmuir-Blodgett
Leu leucyl
Met methion yl
mRNA messenger RNA
NADP nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
NADPH reduced NADP
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
PDL 1 5-pentadecanolide
PF Pseudumonas jluorescens
PHA poly [(R)-hydroxyalkanoate]
PHB pol y [(R)-3-hydrox ybut yrate]
Phe phenylalany I
PPL porcine pancreatic lipase
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 551

PVME poly(viny1 methyl ether)

RNA ri bonucleic acid
SBP soybean peroxidase
Ser seryl
TEM transmission electron microscopy
Thr threony 1
tRNA transfer RNA
TYr tyrosyl
Val valyl
GVL Gvalerolactone
552 16 Biocatalytical Routes to Polymers

16.1 Introduction mers which belong to classes (1) and (2), re-
spectively (Watson et al., 1987). The second
Enzymes have several remarkable cata- part deals with the chemical synthesis of
lytic properties, such as high catalytic pow- polymers via nonbiosynthetic pathways cat-
er and selectivity under mild reaction con- alyzed by an isolated enzyme [class (3)].
ditions, especially in comparison with oth-
er chemical catalysts. In the field of organ-
ic synthesis, enzymes have often been em- 16.2 Biosynthetic Pathways
ployed as catalysts with the result that high- to Polymers
ly selective organic reactions have been de-
veloped and in certain cases, functional ma- Recently, in vivo and in vitro biosynthe-
terials have been produced (Whitesides and ses of polypeptides and in vivo biosynthe-
Wong, 1985; Jones, 1986; Klibanov, 1990; sis of polyesters have been extensively stud-
Santaniello et al., 1992). ied in view of materials science. Here the
The production of all naturally occurring biosynthesis of polymers that are natural
polymers is in vivo catalyzed by enzymes. and nonnatural will be presented.
Recently, reports on the in vitro synthesis of
not only biopolymers but also nonnatural
synthetic polymers through enzymatic catal- 16.2.1 Polypeptides
ysis have appeared (Ritter, 1993; Kobayashi
et al., 1994a. 1995). These enzyme-cata- Living organisms can be regarded as pro-
lyzed polymerizations have received much tein synthetic machinery, where RNA main-
attention as a new methodology for polymer tains a catalytic function. The biosynthesis
syntheses. Polymers with new structures be- of artificial polypeptides has been achieved
came synthetic targets and required the de- by the expression of target proteins in liv-
velopment of highly selective enzymatic ing cells by using a gene recombination
polymerizations. This way the increasing de- technique. Natural and nonnatural polypep-
mand for the production of functional poly- tides have been synthesized in vitro by a
mers for materials science could be met. cell-free translation system in a test tube.
The present chapter deals with recent ad- Artificial proteins are expected to consti-
vances in biocatalytical routes to polymers, tute a new class of polymeric materials with
Le., polymerizations catalyzed by an en- precise control of the chain length, se-
zyme (enzymatic polymerizations). Gen- quence, and stereochemistry. By using ge-
erally, there are three classes of polymer netic engineering, periodically sequence-
synthesis catalyzed by an enzyme: regulated polypeptides [(AlaGly),ZGly],
(Z= A h , Asn, Asp, Glu, Leu, Met, Phe, Thr,
( 1 ) Enzymatic synthesis in vivo (in living
Tyr, and Val) are prepared (Krejchi et al.,
cells) via biosynthetic pathways.
1994; Deguchi et al., 1994; Cantor et al.,
(2) Enzymatic synthesis in vitro (outside
1994; Yoshikawa et al., 1994). For the syn-
cells) via biosynthetic pathways.
thesis of target periodic polypeptides, a
( 3 ) Chemical synthesis in vitro (in test
DNA sequence encoding the polypeptide is
tubes) via nonbiosynthetic pathways
determined by employing a genetic code.
catalyzed by an isolated enzyme.
The enzymatic polymerization of the DNA
The first part of this chapter briefly reviews monomer (oligonucleotide) affords DNA
in vivo and in vitro biosyntheses of poly- multimers, from which the target length
16.2 Biosynthetic Pathways to Polymers 553

DNA is fractionated and cloned in an ex- 16.2.2 Polyesters

pression vector. The cloning of the recom-
binant expression vector in an E. coli strain A wide variety of microorganisms pro-
produces the target polypeptide. In using duce optically active poly[(R)-3-hydroxy-
high cell density cultures of recombinant E. butyrate] (PHB) and accumulate it as
coli, the multi-gram scale biosynthesis of carbon and energy storage materials. Re-
poly(L-alanylglycine) is achieved (Panitch cently, PHB has received much attention as
et al., 1997). The biosynthesis of proteins is biodegradable and biocompatible thermo-
extended to the preparation of polypeptides plastics. PHB is prepared from acetyl-coen-
containing a photofunctional nonnatural zyme A (acetyl-CoA) by a sequence of three
amino acid (Hohsaka et al., 1993, 1994a, b,
1996). 2 CHs-C-CoA

A large scale in vitro synthesis has been
successfully achieved. Continuous flow of
the buffer feed, including amino acid, aden- P-Ketothiolase
osine triphosphate (ATP), and guanosine tri-
phosphate (GTP), in the system of prokar- CH3COCH2-C-CoA

yotic or eukaryotic origin and continuous re-
moval of the reaction products afford cell-
free polypeptide production (Spirin et al., Reductase
1988). In using MS2 phage RNA or brome NADP'
mosaic virus RNA4 as the template, 100
copies of polypeptide per mRNA molecule (R) CH3CHCH2-5-CoA
can be produced in 20 h. A pyridine-cata- OH 0

lyzed system of polypeptide synthesis sim-
ply composed of ribosome, aminoacetyl- PHA Polymerase
tRNA, and template is proposed (Nitta et al.,
1994). In this system, chemical energy PHB
sources, such as ATP and GTP, and soluble Scheme 16-1.
protein factors are not required.

f YH2
? y 3
f Figure 16-1. Unit structures of t y p -
ical biopolyesters.
554 16 Biocatalytical Routes to Polymers

enzymatic reactions (Scheme 16-1). The propriate conditions. Glycosyl fluorides are
key enzyme is PHA polymerase, which known to be recognized by glycosidases.
catalyzes the polymerization of (R)-3-hy- Cellobiosyl fluoride is polymerized by us-
droxybutyryl-CoA. ing cellulase derived from Tricoderma vi-
Combinations of a variety of carbon ride, an extracellular hydrolytic enzyme of
source and enzyme origin afford various cellulose, in a mixture of acetonitrile and ac-
nonnatural copolyesters, which contain a 3- etate buffer (pH 5) to produce synthetic cel-
hydroxyalkanonate unit having functional lulose (Scheme 16-2) (Kobayashi et al.,
groups in the side chain (Holmes et al., 1991, 1992 a, 1993). This is the first exam-
1981: Holmes, 1985; Doi et al., 1987a, b; ple of cellulose synthesis via a nonbiosyn-
Doi, 1995; Anderson and Dawes, 1990; thetic path. X-ray and CP/MAS solid I3C
Steinbuchel and Schlegel, 1991; Stein- NMR analyses show that the crystal struc-
buchel and Valentin, 1995; Lee, 1996). ture is cellulose 11, a thermodynamically
Units of 4-hydroxybutyrate or 5-hydroxy- more stable form. The enzyme promotes
valerate can be incorporated in the copol- transglycosylation of the cellobiosyl moie-
ymer. Typical examples of biopolyester ty toward the 4'-hydroxy group of another
units are shown in Fig. 16- 1. monomer involving the elimination of hy-
drogen fluoride. In this polymerization, re-
gio- and stereoselectivities are perfectly
16.3 Chemical Synthetic controlled.
Pathways to Polymers Using Formation of the stereoregular p( 1 -4)
Isolated Enzymes linkage is explained by the formation of a
glycosyl-enzyme intermediate at an active
site of cellulase with elimination of the flu-
16.3.1 Polysaccharides
oride anion, followed by the attack of the
It is generally accepted that an enzymat- 4'-hydroxyl group of another monomer or
ic reaction is virtually reversible, and hence propagating polymer located in a subsite of
the equilibrium can be controlled by vary- the enzyme to this reactive intermediate and
ing the reaction conditions. Based on this leading to the stereoregular formation of
concept, hydrolases, i.e., enzymes which p( 1 -4) linkage. Synthetic cellulose and
catalyze a bond-cleavage reaction by water, cellooligomers are also synthesized by the
have been used as catalysts for the reverse enzymatic polymerization of cellotriosyl
reactions of hydrolysis, leading to polymer fluoride and cellotetraosyl fluoride (Osada
production by a bond-forming reaction. et al., 1995).
Glycosidases are expected to construct a The process of synthetic cellulose forma-
selective glycosidation by utilizing their tion is visually analyzed using transmission
characteristic enzymatic catalysis under ap- electron microscopy (TEM) (Kobayashi

OH CH20H CH20H r

Scheme 16-2. synthetic cellulose

f-$ oo
16.3 Chemical Synthetic Pathways to Polymers Using Isolated Enzymes 555

HO o@F a-Amylase
Scheme 16-3.

et al., 1994 b). Cellulose formation is de- monomer is relatively low. The difference
tected as early as 30 s after the initial stage in the polymerization behavior may be due
of the reaction in the aqueous acetonitrile. to the steric repulsion between the methyl
Irregular aggregates of cellulose are formed group of the monomers and the acceptor site
at the boundary of the micellar particles, of the cellulase catalyst.
suggesting the occurrence of the polymer- Enzymatic polymerization of a-D-malto-
ization at the interface of the micelle. The syl fluoride using Aspergillus oryzae a-am-
used cellulase is a mixture of many cellulo- ylase catalyst in an aqueous methanol pro-
lytic and noncellulolytic enzyme compo- duces a maltooligosaccharide of DP up to 7
nents. In using the purified cellulase (Scheme 16-3) (Kobayashi et al., 1992 b).
(39 kDa), fibril materials are obtained. The Formation of the stereo- and regioselective
electron diffraction pattern of the product a( 1+4) glycosidic bond is explained by a
shows the formation of metastable cellulose mechanism involving double inversion of
I with a parallel orientation; this is an allo- the C 1carbon configuration of the monomer.
morph of natural cellulose, which has long a-D-Maltosyl fluoride is enzymatically
been believed to be impossible to obtain by converted to give cyclodextrin and malto-
an artificial process (Lee et al., 1994). oligosaccharides by cyclodextrin-a( 1 -+4)
Based on these results, a new concept of glucosyltransferase catalyst (Treder et al.,
choroselectivity, i.e., selectivity concern- 1986). Enzymatic transglycosylation of a-
ing the relative ordering of the polymer D-maltosyl fluoride with a cyclodextrin us-
chain direction, in polymerization chemis- ing pullulanase or isoamylase as the catalyst
try has been proposed (Kobayashi and Sho- produces a branched cyclodextrin, 6-0-a-
da, 1995; Shoda and Kobayashi, 1995; Ko- maltosylcyclodextrin (Kitahata et al., 1987;
bayashi et al., 1996a). Yoshimura et al., 1987).
Enzymatic polymerization of 6- and Artificial xylan is prepared by the cellu-
6-monomethylated cellobiosyl fluoride lase-catalyzed polymerization of pxylobi-
monomers using the purified cellulase has osyl fluoride (Kobayashi et al., 1996 b). The
been examined (Shoda et al., 1994; Okamo- polymerization proceeds in a perfect regio-
to et al., 1997). The 6-0-methylated mono- and stereoselective manner. The synthetic
mer polymerizes smoothly in a regio- and xylan consists exclusively of a xylopyra-
stereoselective manner to give a novel cel- nose moiety connected through a p( 1+4)
lulose derivative having a methyl group al- glycosidic bond, whereas naturally occur-
ternately at the 6-position, which can never ring xylan contains L-arabinose and 4-0-
be realized by the conventional modifica- methylglucuronic acid as minor unit in the
tion of natural cellulose, i.e., the methyla- side chains.
tion of cellulose. On the other hand, the Hemithiocellodextrins having 4-thiocel-
polymerizability of the 6-O-methylated lobiosyl repeating units linked by p(l+4)
556 16 Biocatalytical Routes to Polymers

\ Artifwid Chitin
Scheme 16-4.

3H HO' 1 'OH HO-

Cellulose Chitin Hybrid Polymer
Scheme 16-5.

6 H~o\
mHO Hiodo
~ Phosphory? - OH

Scheme 16-6.

oxygen linkages are synthesized by the cel- A nonnatural polysaccharide having a

lulase-catalyzed polycondensation of 4- glucose unit and an N-acetyl glucosamine
thio-pcellobiosyl fluoride (Moreau and unit alternately in the main chain is synthe-
Driguez, 1996).Polymerization in the aque- sized by chitinase-catalyzed polyaddition of
ous acetonitrile produces a water-soluble a new disaccharide monomer in a buffer
product with DP up to 20. (Scheme 16-5) (Makiguchi et al., 1996).
A sugar oxazoline derivative derived The resulting polymer can be regarded as a
from di-N-acetylchitobiose is subjected to hybrid polymer of cellulose and chitin.
enzymatic polymerization using chitinase Lysozyme-catalyzed polymerization of
(Bacillus sp.) as catalyst (Scheme 16-4) N-acetylchitobiose in an acetate buffer con-
(Kobayashi et al.. 1 9 9 6 ~ )This
. monomer taining 30% ammonium sulfate at 70 "C pro-
polymerizes in the presence of catalytic duces useful chito-oligosaccharides (Usui
amounts of chitobiose to give a water-insol- et al., 1990). The high concentration of am-
uble chitin with molecular weight of monium sulfate effectively induces the
4.6~10'. From the oxazoline from N-acetyl transglycosylation to give hexa-N-acetyl-
glucosamine, chitooligosaccharides are en- chitohexanose and hepta-N-acetylchitohep-
zymatically obtained. This is the first exam- tanose. D-Glucose is enzymatically convert-
ple of the enzymatic polyaddition of sugar ed to gluco-oligosaccharides using almond
oxazoline derivatives by a hydrolytic en- Pglucosidase (Ravet et al., 1993). In using
zyme. a high concentration (7.5 M) of the mono-
16.3 Chemical Synthetic Pathways to Polymers Using Isolated Enzymes 557

mer, di-, tri-, and tetrasaccharides are ob- merization of single amino acid, dipeptide,
tained. and tripeptide methyl esters (Zhong et al.,
Phosphorylase is well known to catalyze 1991).
the polymerization of a-D-glucose- 1-phos- A different type of peptide hydrolase, di-
phate in the presence of primer, leading to peptide transferase, catalyzes the oligomer-
in vitro synthesis of amylose (Scheme 16- ization of a dipeptide amide. From glycyl-
6) (Cori and Cori, 1940). This reaction has L-tyrosinamide, the formation up to octamer
been expanded to the enzymatic synthesis is observed (Heinrich and Fruton, 1968).
of star- and comb-shaped amylose (Ziegast
and Pfannemuller, 1987), styryl-type amy-
16.3.3 Polyesters, Polycarbonates,
lose macromonomer (Kobayashi et al.,
and Polyamides
1996e), and poly(dimethylsi1oxane)-graft-
amylose (Braunmuhl et al., 1995). Lipase and esterase are enzymes which
catalyze the hydrolysis of esters in an aque-
ous environment. Some of them can act as
16.3.2 Polypeptides
a catalyst for the reverse reactions, esterifi-
As seen for the hydrolysis enzyme, pro- cation and transesterification, in an organic
teases catalyze not only the hydrolysis of medium. These catalytic actions have been
peptide bonds but also peptide bond for- expanded to the enzymatic synthesis of
mation. The reaction of amino acid esters in polyesters. So far, different modes of poly-
the presence of some proteases produces merization have been demonstrated: the
water-insoluble products. From L-methio- polycondensation of oxycarboxylic acid de-
nine methyl ester, an oligopeptide with a DP rivatives and combinations of dicarboxylic
of 8 - 10 is obtained by using papain cata- acid derivatives/glycols, poly(addition-
lyst (Sluyterman and Wijdens, 1972; Jost condensation) of a cyclic acid anhydride and
et al., 1980; Komatsu et a!., 1995). Esters glycols, and ring-opening polymerization of
of phenylalanine, threonine, tyrosine, and lactones.
glutamic acid are also subjected to the pro- As for oxyacid monomers, 10-hydroxy-
tease-catalyzed oligomerization (Anderson decanoic acid was first used for lipase-cat-
and Luisi, 1979; Aso et a!., 1988). alyzed polymerization. The monomer is
In order to enhance the molecular weight polymerized in benzene using soluble po-
of the polypeptide, an enzyme is modified ly(ethy1ene glycol)-modified lipase to give
to show high catalytic activity in an aque- an oligomer with a DP of more than 5
ous DMF solution by a mutation technique (Ajima et al., 1985). The polymerization of
(Wong eta!; 1990). A subtilisin mutant ricinoleic acid proceeds using lipase from
(subtilisin 8350), derived from BPN (sub- Candida cylindracea (lipase CC) or Chro-
tilisin from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens) via mobacterium viscosum as a catalyst in wa-
a six site-specific mutant (Met 50 Phe, Gly ter, hydrocarbons, and benzene to give poly-
169 Ala, Asn 76 Asp, Gln 206 Cys, Tyr 217 mer with a molecular weight of around
Lys, and Asp 218 Ser), induces the polymer- lx103 (Matsumura and Takahashi, 1986).
ization of L-methionine methyl ester in Glycolic acid and its ethyl ester are convert-
aqueous DMF, yielding polymer with a DP ed into the corresponding oligomer by lipase
up to 50. Another mutant (subtilisin 8397), or esterase catalysis (Ohya et al., 1995). 10-
which is the same as 8350 without chang- Hydroxydecanoic and 11-hydroxyundeca-
ing Tyr 21 7, is used as a catalyst for the poly- noic acids are also enzymatically polymer-
558 16 Biocatalytical Routes to Polymers

ized to give the corresponding polyesters et al., 1997a). The enzyme origin and
(O'Hagan and Zaidi, 1993, 1994). A large monomer structure affect the yield and mo-
amount of lipase CC (10 times the weight lecular weight of the product polyester. This
of monomer) is necessary to obtain relative- is the first clear-cut evidence of the dehy-
ly high molecular weight polyesters. dration polymerization in water.
Crude porcine pancreatic lipase (PPL) Activated esters such as 2,2,2-trichloro-
catalyzes the polymerization of methyl 6- ethyl, 2,2,2-trifluoroethyl, and vinyl esters
hydroxyhexanoate (Knani et al., 1993). The show high reactivity toward lipases and
polymer with a DP up to 100 is synthesized have been used as monomer for enzymatic
by polymerization in hexane at 69C for polycondensations. Aliphatic polyesters
more than 50 days. PPL-catalyzed polymer- with molecular weights of several thousand
ization of methyl 5-hydroxypentanoate for are obtained by PPL-catalyzed polyconden-
60 days produces the polymer with a DP of sation of bis(2,2,2-trichloroethyl) or bis(2-
29. An optically active oligomer is obtained chloroethyl) alkanedioates with glycols
by the enantioselective polymerization of (Wallace and Morrow, 1989 a; Linko et al.,
racemic methyl 6-hydroxyheptanoate in the 1994). The vacuum method is useful for the
presence of PPL catalyst (Knani and Kohn, enhancement of the molecular weight
1993), whose enantioselectivity is not high (Brazwell et al., 1995; Linko et al., 1995).
(<40%). The PPL-catalyzed polymerization of
Various combinations of dicarboxylic ac- bis(2,2,2-trichloroethyl) adipate with 1,4-
id derivatives and glycols enzymatically af- butanediol in supercritical fluoroform pro-
ford polyesters under mild reaction condi- duces a low dispersity polyester (MJM,
tions. Mucor miehei lipase immobilized on < 1.1) (Chaudhary et al., 1995). The molec-
a macroporous anion exchange resin induc- ular weight of the synthesized polymer can
es the polycondensation of adipic acid and be controlled by changing the pressure.
1,4-butanediol (Binns et al., 1993). A hori- Dicarboxylic acid divinyl esters are also
zontal, two-chamber reactor is employed to available as monomer for enzymatic poly-
facilitate the use of the molecular sieves. A condensation with a,mglycols (Uyama and
low dispersity (M,/M, = 1.1) polyester with Kobayashi, 1994), where the leaving vinyl
DP= 20 is obtained by the two-stage poly- alcohol tautomerizes to acetaldehyde, and
merization. When a vacuum system is used hence the polymerization proceeds irrever-
to remove the water formed during the es- sibly. Lipase derived from Pseudomonas
terification, the molecular weight increases fluorescens (lipase PF) is effective for
up to 4 . 2 ~ 1 0(Wang
~ et al., 1996). In the the polymerization. Bis(2,3-butanedione
case of the lipase-catalyzed polymerization monoxime) alkanedioates are used as new
of dicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester with gly- diester monomer for the enzymatic synthe-
col. there is an equilibrium between the sis of polyesters (Athawale and Gaonkar,
polymer and the monomers. Nitrogen bub- 1994). This monomer is polymerized with
bling removes the formed alcohol, leading glycols under mild reaction conditions
to a quantitative conversion of the monomer (30 "C).
(Mezoul et al., 1995 a). Unsaturated ester oligomers have been
Dehydration polymerization of a dicar- synthesized by the lipase-catalyzed poly-
boxylic acid and a glycol proceeds in an merization of diesters of fumaric acid and
aqueous medium by using lipase catalyst to 1,4-butanediol (Geresh and Gilboa, 1990).
produce an aliphatic polyester (Kobayashi Isomerization of the double bond does not
16.3 Chemical Synthetic Pathways to Polymers Using Isolated Enzymes 559

+ HO(CH2)40H

rrans (R=CH&C13)

(-)-Polymer (+)-Monomer
Scheme 16-7.

occur to give all-trans oligomers showing ester and the diol to 2 : 1. Optically active
crystallinity, whereas the industrial, unsat- trimer and pentamer are prepared from ra-
urated polyester having a mixture of cis and cemic bis(2-chloroethyl) 2S-dibromoadi-
trans double bonds is amorphous (Geresh pate with 1,6-hexanediol using Aspergillus
et al., 1993). The enzymatic polymerization niger lipase as the catalyst (Margolin et al.,
of bis(2-chloroethyl) fumarate with xyly- 1987).
lene glycol produces the unsaturated oli- Lipase CA induces the regioselective
goester containing aromaticity in its back- oligocondensation of cholic acid in the 3-
bone (Geresh and Gilboa, 1991). An all-cis position (Noll and Ritter, 1996). A polyes-
unsaturated polymer is synthesized from ter containing a sugar group in the backbone
dimethyl maleate with 1,6-hexanediol using is synthesized by protease-catalyzed poly-
Candida antartica lipase (lipase CA) immo- merization of sucrose with bis(2,2,2-tri-
bilized on a macroporous resin (Mezoul chloroethyl) adipate, in which the hydroxyl
et al., 1995b, 1996a). group at the C6 and C1 positions of
Aromatic polyesters are synthesized from the sucrose is regioselectively reacted
methyl telephthalate or isophthalate with (Scheme 16-8) (Patil et al., 1991).
1,6-hexanediol in the presence of lipase CA The enzymatic oligomerization of 12-hy-
(Mezoul et al., 1996b). In using methyl droxylauric acid using lipase CA catalyst in
isophthalate as monomer, macrocyclic com- the presence of 11-methacryloylaminoun-
pounds are formed as a by-product. Protease decanoic acid produces a methacryl-type
is also effective as a catalyst for polyester macromonomer (Noll and Ritter, 1997).
synthesis: Bacillus licheniformis protease A new type of enzymatic polymerization,
catalyzes the oligomerization of esters of ring-opening poly(addition-condensation)
terephthalic acid and 1,4-butanediol (Park of cyclic acid anhydrides with glycols has
et al., 1994). been reported (Kobayashi and Uyama,
The PPL-catalyzed polymerization of 1993). The polymerization of succinic an-
bis(2,2,2-trichloroethyl) truns-3,4-epoxy- hydride with l&octanediol using lipase PF
adipate with 1,4-butanediol proceeds proceeds at room temperature.
enantiospecifically to give an optically pure Lactones of different ring size are sub-
polyester (Scheme 16-7) (Wallace and Mor- jected to lipase-catalyzed, ring-opening
row, 1989b). The (-) polymer with enantio polymerizations, yielding the correspond-
purity of 96% is obtained by adjustment of ing polymers. So far, small-size (four-mem-
the monomer molar ratio between the di- bered) and medium-size (six- and seven-
560 16 Biocatalytical Routes to Polymers



/ n Scheme 16-8.

membered) lactones. as well as macrolides et al., 1996a). Lipase CC is a suitable cata-

(12. 13. and 16-membered), have been re- lyst for the preparation of the high molec-
ported to be polymerized through lipase ca- ular mass polyester from the macrolide.
talysis. As for the four-membered lactones, Polymerization using Pseudomunus family
lipase induces the polymerization of p b u - lipase proceeds faster than with other types
tyrolactone (Nobes et al.. 1996), a-methyl- of the enzyme (Uyama and Kobayashi,
Ppropiolactone (Svirkin et al., 1996), p 1996).
propiolactone (Namekawa et al., 1996), and Macrolides have virtually no ring strain,
benzyl pmalolactone (Matsumura et al., and hence show similar reactivities with
1996). In using a-methyl-ppropiolactone, acyclic fatty acid alkyl esters in the alkaline
the polymerization proceeds enantioselec- hydrolysis and lower anionic ring-opening
tively to produce an optically active poly- polymerizability than E-CL. On the other
mer. Polymerization of the medium-size hand, the macrolides show unusual reactiv-
lactones. 6valerolactone ( 6 V L , six-mem- ity in the lipase catalysis, where their poly-
bered) and &-caprolactone (E-CL, seven- merization proceeds much faster than with
membered), occurs using lipase catalyst in E-CL. The difference in the enzymatic poly-
bulk (Uyama and Kobayashi, 1993) or in or- merizability has been quantitatively evalu-
ganic solvents (Knani et al., 1993; MacDon- ated according to Michaelis-Menten kinet-
aid et al., 1995; Henderson et al., 1996). ics (Scheme 16-9) (Uyama et al., 1997a).
The polymerization behavior greatly de- Table 16-1 shows the kinetic parameters,
pends on the reaction conditions and the en- Km(lactone and Vmax( lactone). The reciprocal
zyme origin. The copolymerization of lac- values of Km(,actone) of the lactones are close
tones takes place via lipase catalysis. Ran- to each other and Vmax(lactone) increases as
dom copolymers are obtained from &-CL the ring size becomes larger, indicating that
and 6 V L using lipase PF catalyst (Uyama the larger polymerizability of the macro-
et al., 1993). lides through lipase catalysis is mainly due
Lipase catalyzes the ring-opening poly- to the larger reaction rate (V,,,), but not to
meriLation of macrocyclic esters, 1 1-un- the binding abilities. These results suggest
decanolide ( 12-membered) (Uyama et al., that the reaction process from the li-
1995 a), 12-dodecanolide (DDL, 13-mem- pase-lactone complex to the acyl-enzyme
bered) (Uyama et al., 1995 b), and 15-pen- intermediate is the key step for the polymer-
tadecanolide (PDL. 16-membered) (Uyama ization.
16.3 Chemical Synthetic Pathways to Polymers Using Isolated Enzymes 56 1

(S) (E) (E-S Complex) (Acyl-Enzyme Intermediate)

K+ 1

Scheme 16-9.

Table 16-1. Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameters in taining solubilized subtilisin Carlsberg pro-
the ring-opening polymerization of lactones catalyzed duces an amylose derivative regioselective-
by lipase PFa. ly acylated at the C6 position (Bruno et al.,
1995 a).
Lactone Km(lactone) Vmax(lactone)
(mol I-') (x102,mol I-' h-') Lipase CA catalyzes the ring-opening

polymerization of a six-membered cyclic

&-CL 0.61 0.66 carbonate, 1,3-dioxa-2-one, yielding po-
DDL 1.1 2.3 ly(trimethy1ene carbonate) (Kobayashi
PDL 0.80 6.5
et al., 1997 b). During the polymerization,
a Polymerization was carried out using lipase PF decarboxylation does not take place.
catalyst in the presence of 1-octanol (0.03 M), in Oligocarbonate is enzymatically synthe-
i-propyl ether (10 ml) at 60 "C. sized by the polymerization of carbonic
acid diphenyl ester with bisphenol-A using
lipase CC in an aqueous acetone (Abramow-
Polyester macromonomers are enzymati-
icz and Keese, 1989).
cally synthesized in a single step procedure.
Cellulase is used as a dehydrating cata-
The lipase PF-catalyzed polymerization of
lyst for the synthesis of polyesters and poly-
DDL in the presence of vinyl methacrylate
amides. The enzymatic polymerization of
produces a methacryl-type polyDDL mac-
chiral fluorinated materials having two
romonomer (Uyama et al., 1995 c). This
functional groups (OH or NH2 and COOH)
process can be applied to the synthesis of
in the molecule using modified cellulase
telechelics having carboxylic acid groups at
catalyst produces chiral polyesters or poly-
both ends by polymerization in the presence
amides of narrow molecular weight distri-
of divinyl sebacate.
bution (Kitazume et al., 1988).
Lipase PF is immobilized on a Celite and
used for the enzymatic polymerization of
DDL (Uyama et al., 1996 b). The immobi-
16.3.4 Polyaromatics
lized enzyme prepared in the presence of
sugars shows much higher catalytic activ- In living cells, various oxidoreductases
ity than the native lipase. The turnover play an important role in maintaining the
of this immobilized lipase is more than metabolism of living systems. So far, sev-
1x10~. eral oxidoreductases, peroxidase, laccase,
Enzymes can also be used as catalysts for bilirubin oxidase, etc., have been reported
the modification of polymers. The enzymat- to catalyze the oxidation polymerization of
ic transesterification of amylose film with phenol and aniline derivatives, yielding
vinyl caprate in the isooctane solution con- polyaromatics.
562 16 Biocatalytical Routes to Polymers

Peroxidase catalyzes the decomposition perature (T,) and melting point (T,,,). Soy-
of hydrogen peroxide at the expense of ar- bean peroxidase (SBP) also catalyzes the
omatic proton donors. typically phenol and polymerization of phenol in the aqueous or-
aniline derivatives, in living cells. The per- ganic solvent (Uyamaet al., 1995 d). There-
oxidase-catalyzed oxidation of these donors sulting polymer shows similar properties to
proceeds fast in an aqueous media, in some those obtained by using an HRP catalyst.
cases yielding water-insoluble oligomeric The HRP-catalyzed polymerization of al-
materials. The low solubility of the oligo- kylphenols in a mixture of phosphate buffer
mer towards water prevents the formation and 1,4-dioxane has been examined (Kuri-
of high molecular weight polymers. oka et al., 1994; Uyama et al., 1997 b). The
Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) poly- polymerization behavior depends on the po-
merizes p-phenylphenol in a mixture of wa- sition and structure of the substituent. In the
ter and water-miscible solvents such as 1,4- case of p-n-alkylphenols, the polymer yield
dioxane, acetone. N,N-dimethylformamide increases on increasing the alkyl chain
(DMF), and methyl formate to produce nov- length from 1 to 5 . Polymeric materials are
el polyaromatics (Dordick et al., 1987). The obtained from all the cresol isomers by HRP
reaction medium's composition greatly af- and SBP catalysts (Uyama et al., 1995e).
fects the molecular weight and 85% 1,4- The polymer can be obtained in a high yield
dioxane affords the highest molecular from p-i-propylphenol, whereas the o- and
weight (2.6~10'). The structure of the re- m-isomers are not polymerized under simi-
sulting polymer is very complicated; the lar reaction conditions. The polymer pre-
polymer is mainly of ortho-ortho linkage pared in the aqueous, 1,4-dioxane shows
(Akkara et al., 1991). low solubility towards common organic sol-
Various phenol derivatives are also poly- vents, and the molecular weight is in the
merized through HRP catalysis in the aque- range of several thousand. On the other
ous organic solvent. The HRP-catalyzed hand, soluble oligomers with molecular
polymerization of phenol in a mixture of weights less than 1000 are formed using an
1,4-dioxane and phosphate buffer (pH 7) aqueous DMF as the solvent (Ayyagari
(80: 20 vol.%) gives polymeric materials et al., 1995). Most of the enzymatically syn-
(Uyama et al., 1994 a, 1996 c). The polymer thesized poly(alkylpheno1)s possess no
is partly soluble in DMF and dimethyl sulf- clear Tg and T,. The cured polymer fromp-
oxide (DMSO), but insoluble in water, ace- t-butylphenol has Tg and T , at 182 and
tone. methanol, and benzene. The molecu- 233 " C , respectively.
lar weight of the DMF soluble part is Peroxidases (HRP and SBP) and laccase
3.5~10'. NMR and IR analyses show that induce the oxidative polymerization of 2,6-
the polymer is mainly a mixture of pheny- dimethylphenol in a mixture of acetone and
lene and oxyphenylene units. The polymer acetate buffer (pH 5 ) (50 : 50 vol.%) to pro-
is relatively thermally stable. The tempera- duce soluble poly(2,6-dimethyl- 1,4-oxy-
ture at 10 wt.52 loss under air is 387 "C.The phenylene) with a molecular weight of sev-
polymer completely decomposes around eral thousand. This polymer with a higher
571 "C under air and 43% remains at molecular weight is widely used for high
1000"C under nitrogen. The residue is sup- performance engineering plastics showing
posed to be a carbonized polymer such as high thermostability (Ikeda et al., 1996 a).
polyacene and graphite. DSC analysis of the 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives, 3 3 -
polymer shows no clear glass transition tem- dimethoxy-4-hydroxybenzoic acid (syrin-
16.3 Chemical Synthetic Pathways to Polymers Using Isolated Enzymes 563

! - i O & G H Laccase,
- -02-
C02,- H20 HOzC@$H


Scheme 16-10.
The molecular weight and its distribution of
the methylatedpolymer are 7 . 3 ~ 1 and
0 ~ 6.8,
respectively. The larger molecular weight
distribution value is probably because the
polymer contains branching structures. 2,2-
Bis(4-hydroxypheny1)propane (bisphenol-
Scheme 16-11. A), and bis(4-hydroxyphenol) ether are al-
so enzymatically polymerized.
The mechanistic study of HRP-catalyzed
gic acid), and 3,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxyben- oxidative polymerization is performed us-
zoic acid are subjected to oxidative poly- ing NMR spectroscopy ( A h a et al., 1997).
merization catalyzed by laccase or peroxi- In the initial stage of the polymerization of
dases. The polymerization of syringic acid 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonate,the 2, 4,
using laccase derived from Pycnoporus and 7-positions of the monomer are in-
coccineus proceeds at room temperature volved in the radical coupling.
under air to produce poly(pheny1ene oxide) Bilirubin oxidase (BOD), a copper-con-
with a molecular weight up to 1 . 8 ~ 1 0 ~taining oxidoreductase, catalyzes the oxida-
(Scheme 16-10) (Ikeda et al., 1996b). The tive polymerization of 1,5-dihydroxynaph-
polymerization is a new type of enzymatic thalene (Wang et al., 1993). A mixed sol-
polymerization involving the elimination of vent of 1,4-dioxane, ethyl acetate, and ace-
carbon dioxide and hydrogen from the tate buffer (pH 5.5) affords a polymer that
monomer. is barely soluble in common organic sol-
HRP catalyzes the polymerization of p - vents. The polymerization proceeds regio-
alkoxyphenols in the aqueous organic sol- selectively to produce the polymer film hav-
vent to produce polymer showing high ing a long n-conjugated structure.
solubility towards polar organic solvents Glucose PD-hydroquinone (arbutin) can
such as chloroform, acetone, and DMF be polymerized by HRP and SBP in a buf-
(Scheme 16-11) (Kurioka et al., 1996). In fer to produce a water-soluble polymer with
the IR chart of the polymer, there is almost molecular weight ranging from 1600 to
no absorbance due to O-H vibration, indi- 3200 (Wang et al., 1995). Treatment of the
cating the regioselective synthesis of a nov- polymer with 5 M HCI leads to quantita-
el poly(pheny1ene oxide) through the en- tive deglycosylation of the polymer, yield-
zyme catalysis. ing poly(hydroquin0ne) soluble in THF,
The HRP-catalyzed polymerization of DMSO, DMF, acetone, and methanol. NMR
4,4-biphenol in a mixture of 1,4-dioxane analysis of the polymer shows that the poly-
and phosphate buffer (pH 7) (80 : 20 vol.%) mer is of ortho-ortho coupling structure
affords polymer that is soluble in polar or- (Scheme 16-12), which is different from
ganic solvents (Kobayashi et al., 1996d). that prepared electrochemically.
564 16 Biocatalytical Routes to Polymers

Lignin monomers, p-coumaryl alcohol, The enzymatic polymerization of coal has

coniferyl alcohol, and sinapyl alcohol are been examined in a mixture of DMF and
oxidized by the HRP catalyst. i n vitro lig- buffer (Blinkovsky et al., 1994). HRP and
nin synthesis has been performed by the SBP can catalyze the oxidative polymeriza-
HRP-catalyLed terpolymerization of them tion of the low molecular weight coal poly-
(14:80:6 mol%) in an extremely dilute mer (4 kDa). The resulting product is part-
aqueous solution at pH 5.5 (Freudenberg, ly soluble in DMF, and the DMF-soluble
1965).The dialysis membrane method is ap- part has a larger molecular weight than that
plied to the polymerization of coniferyl and of the starting coal.
sinapyl alcohols, yielding insoluble poly- The bienzymatic system (glucose oxidase
meric materials (Tanahashi and Higuchi, + HRP) is used as the catalyst for polyphen-
1981 ). Using a mixture of acetone and buffer 01 synthesis. This system induces the poly-
(pH 7) (20:80 ~01.9%) as solvent improves merization of phenol in the presence of glu-
the polymer yield (Okusa et al., 1996). cose, without the addition of hydrogen per-
Laccase is also known to catalyze the de- oxide, to produce the polymer in a moder-
hydrogenative polymerization of coniferyl ate yield (Uyama et al., 1 9 9 7 ~ )Hydrogen
alcohol (Hiittermann et al., 1980). The poly- peroxide is formed in situ by the oxidation
mer formation is dependent on the enzymes of glucose catalyzed by glucose oxidase,
origin (Okusaet al., 1996).The polymeriza- which is used as an oxidizing agent for the
tion, catalyzed by laccase from Pycnoporus polymerization (Scheme 16- 13).
coccineus in the equivolume mixture of ace- Polymer precipitates are often formed
tone and buffer (pH 7 ) , gives the polymer during the enzymatic polymerization of
quantitatively. The polymer yield is low on phenol derivatives in an aqueous organic
using Corinlus \irrsicolor laccase as the cat- solvent. By the addition of hydrophilic (wa-
alyst. Laccase from Rhirs rvrnicifertr Stokes ter-soluble) polymers into the reaction mix-
does not induce the polymerization. ture. the precipitate is stabilized to form
The grafting of polyphenols on lignin has polymeric microspheres (dispersion poly-
been attempted by the HRP-catalyzed poly- merization). The HRP-catalyzed polymer-
merization of p-cresol in the presence of lig- ization of phenol in the presence of poly(vi-
nin (Popp et al.. 1991; Blinkovsky and Dor- nyl methyl ether) (PVME) in 1,4-diox-
dick, 1993). The phenolic moiety of the lig- ane-phosphate buffer (60 :40 vol.%) affords
nin is reacted with p-cresol in the aqueous relatively monodisperse particles of sub-mi-
1.4-dioxane. The product is highly insolu- crometer size (Uyama et al., 1995 f). The
ble in DMF, suggesting crosslinking of lig- particle size is controlled by the concentra-
nin via polyphenol bridges. tion of PVME and the solvent composition.
16.3 Chemical Synthetic Pathways to Polymers Using Isolated Enzymes 565

Glucose Oxidase 1 1 HRP

Scheme 16-13.

Enzymatic oxidations can be applied to and was polymerized by an HRP catalyst

the hardening of phenol derivatives. Cross- in the subphase (Bruno et al., 1995b, c).
linked polymeric materials are obtained The film can be deposited on a silicon
from catechol derivatives bearing an unsat- wafer with a transfer ratio of 100% for the
urated alkenyl group at the 4-position of the Y-type film. Eppipsometric and AFM anal-
catechol ring using Pycnoporus laccase (Te- yses show a monolayer thickness of 27.8 A
rada et al., 1994). The monomer having the (2.78 nm).
cis-9,12,15-octadecatrienylor cis-9,12-oc- The HRP-catalyzed polymerization of p-
tadecadienyl group in the side chain affords alkylphenols has been examined in a biphas-
polymeric film showing ideal dynamic vis- ic system consisting of two mutually immis-
coelasticity. ible phases (isooctane and water) (Ayyaga-
Three interfacial systems, reverse mi- ri et al., 1996). The alkyl chain length of the
celles, Langmuir trough, and a biphasic monomer and the solvent composition af-
system, have been examined for the enzy- fect the polymerization behavior.
matic synthesis of polyaromatics. HRP and Tyrosinase can be used as a catalyst for
p-ethylphenol are encapsuled in the reverse the modification of chitosan. The enzymat-
micelle, which is a ternary system composed ic treatment of chitosan film in the presence
of isooctane, water, and bis(2-ethylhexyl) of tyrosinase and phenol derivatives pro-
sodium sulfosuccinate (AOT). The intro- duces a new material of chitosan derivative
duction of hydrogen peroxide into the (Payne et al., 1996). During the reaction,
system induces the polymerization to pro- unstable o-quinones are formed, followed
duce the polymer quantitatively (Rao et al., by the reaction with chitosan to give the
1993). This system affords the spherical modified chitosan.
polymer particles in the diameter range from Oxidoreductases can catalyze the oxida-
0.1 to 2 pm (Akkara et al., 1994a). Cresols tive polymerization of aromatic amines.
are polymerized in the reverse micellar HRP and BOD induce the polymerization of
system using HRP or SBP catalyst (Uyama aniline. HRP produces a polyaniline con-
et al., 1995 e). This system can be applied to sisting of at least two units (Akkara et al.,
the synthesis of a fluorescent polymer from 1992). One is composed of an alternating
2-naphthol using an HRP catalyst (Prema- benzoid-quinoid structure, which is the
chandran et al., 1996). same as the chemically obtained polymer
The enzymatic polymerization of phenol structure. The others consist of ortko- and
derivatives of a monolayer form has been para-substituted carbon-carbon and car-
examined. A mixture of p-tetradecyloxy- bon-nitrogen bond structures. Polymeriza-
phenol and phenol formed a monolayer at tion in the presence of a BOD-adsorbed sol-
the air-water interface in a Langmuir trough id matrix gives a polyaniline film contain-
566 16 Biocatalytical Routes to Polymers

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Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

17 Biosynthetic Routes to Novel Macromolecular Materials

Kristi L Kiick and David A Tirrell .
Department of Polymer Science and Engineering. University of Massachusetts. Amherst.
MA . U.S.A.

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572

17.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
17.2 Crystalline Lamellar Solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
17.3 Helical Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
17.4 Hybrid Artificial Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
17.5 Artificial Amino Acids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586
17.5.1 Selenomethionine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
17.5.2 Fluorine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
17.5.3 Electroactive Substituents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
17.5.4 Analogs for Structural Modification of Polypeptides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
17.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
17.7 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
572 17 Biosynthetic Routes to Novel Macromolecular Materials

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

N, b, c unit cell spacing
A, mole fraction styrene
K,, Michaelis constant
kc,, turnover number
m mass
V reaction rate
w x weight fraction
X degree of polymerization
X" number average degree of polymerization

c charge

Ala alanyl
arg i ny 1
Asp aspartyl
AUG adenine uracil guanine
Aze azetidinecarboxylic acid
CGA cytosine guanine adenine
CP/MAS cross-polarization/magic angle spinning
DhP dehy droproline
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DSC differential scanning calorimetry
FTI R Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
GCU guanine cytosine uracil
Glu glutamyl
GlY glYCY1
HAP hybrid artificial protein
HEPES N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid
IR infrared
Leu leucyl
MAS magic angle spinning
Met met hionyl
mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
PBLG poly( y-benzyl-cr,L-glutamate)
Pf F p-fluorophenylalanine
Phe phen ylalanyl
PLGA poly( cr,L-glutamic acid)
PMMA poly(methylmethacrylate)
Pro prolyl
PTE phosphotriesterase
RNA ribonucleic acid
SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
SeMet selenomethionine
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 573

3TA 3-thienylalanine
tfL tri fluoroleucine
tRNA transfer ribonucleic acid
uv ultraviolet
WAXD wide angle X-ray diffraction
574 17 Biosynthetic Routes to Novel Macromolecular Materials

17.1 Introduction veloping our understanding of macromolec-

ular structure-property relationships and in
The ability to control the properties of producing polymeric materials that are use-
macromolecular materials lies in the ability ful as plastics, fibers, and elastomers. These
to control four critical aspects of polymer methods are limited, however, in producing
microstructure: molecular weight, stereo- materials with architectures and surface
chemistry. composition, and sequence. A chemistries precisely controlled on the na-
primary focus of polymer synthetic research nometer length scale, because the nature of
for decades has been the development of chemical polymerization process requires
polymerization processes that permit in- that the resulting polymers exist as a mix-
creasingly precise control of chain architec- ture of products and not as collections of
ture. In recent years, our laboratory has in- identical macromolecules.
vestigated in vivo protein synthesis as a Living polymerizations (Szwarc et al.,
method for producing novel macromolecu- 1956; Szwarc, 1956, 1968; Waack et al.,
lar materials in which nearly absolute con- 1957; Puskas et al., 1982-83; Faust et al.,
trol over all aspects of polymer structure is 1982-83, 1989; Faust and Kennedy, 1986;
afforded. Applications for these unique ma- Schrock, 1990), developed by Szwarc and
terials include those involving processes co-workers in the 1950s, have enabled the
that occur on the nanometer length scale and polymer chemist to achieve the highest pos-
in which absolute control over macromolec- sible molecular weight homogeneity for any
ular structure and surface chemistry are im- linear polymerization and to produce a wide
portant, such as the formation of nanostruc- variety of topologies, such as telechelic
tures and molecular recognition. macromonomers and block, star, and comb
Advances in traditional polymer synthe- copolymers. The ability to produce a near-
sis methods (such as living and Ziegler-Nat- ly monodisperse Poisson molecular weight
ta polymerizations) have been critical in de- distribution (Fig. 17-1) represents a pro-


3" 0.04



0.01 Figure 17-1. Comparison of the

weight fraction distributions for
A, the Poisson distribution, and
0.00 B, the most probable distribution
(Flory) of a polymer with an
Degree of Polymerization, X average X , of 50.
17.1 Introduction 575
found advance over the control afforded by
simple step and chain growth polymeriza-
tions. Monodispersity in this sense, howev-
er, does not correspond to the existence of
a single molecular weight species. Indeed,
a poly(methy1 methacrylate) sample with a
molecular weight distribution of 1.03,
among the lowest practically achievable
with living polymerization methods, con-
sists of a strikingly heterogeneous distribu- '1 -
tion of chain lengths, as shown in Fig. 17- 4000 5000 6000 7000
8000 9000 10000
2. In addition, the pool of monomers amen- m/z

able to living polymerizations is limited Figure 17-2. Matrix-assisted laser desorption mass
largely to nonpolar monomers, with the ex- spectrum of an approximately 6500 molecular weight
ception of the living anionic polymerization poly(methy1 methacrylate) with a polydispersity in-
dex of 1.03. [Reproduced with permission from Bahr
of methacrylate monomers (Teyssie et al., et al. (1992).]
1990; Granel et al., 1997).
Ziegler-Natta polymerization of a-ole-
fins (Corradini, 1995; Pino and Moretti, even the control of composition and se-
1987), another significant synthetic devel- quence of the copolymer chain is restricted.
opment of the 1950s, offers superb control The compositional drift encountered in
of the stereochemistry and structure of poly- nearly all copolymerizations results in a
olefin chains, yielding polymers of high mo- range of compositions for any given copoly-
lecular weight with nearly perfect control of merization, which has critical effects on the
tacticity and branching. The stereochemical chemical and physical properties of the co-
control offered by these and other organo- polymer product. An example of this phe-
metallic catalysts (Brintzinger et al., 1995) nomenon is shown in Fig. 17-3 for the co-
has yielded a variety of useful thermoplas- polymerization of styrene and methyl acry-
tic polymers and elastomers. There are, late (Skeist, 1946); the drastic change in co-
however, only a limited number of nonpo- polymer composition as the conversion ad-
lar monomers that can be used with these vances results in a brittle and opalescent ma-
catalysts, and limited control of the molec- terial due to the incompatibility of the var-
ular weight is achieved, with polydisper- ious components of the polymer mixture.
sities commonly on the order of 5-30 Furthermore, even in cases in which com-
(Odian, 1991). positional drift is absent (Bartlett and No-
Copolymerization methods have also had zaki, 1946) and the polymer length is fixed,
enormous commercial importance, due their there is no control over the sequence of
ability to combine the properties of two or monomers in the copolymer chain, and the
more distinct monomers into a single chain. copolymer mixture exists as a large number
A wide range of novel bulk and interfacial of isomers with different monomer sequenc-
properties has been accessed as a result of es which can be predicted by statistical mod-
these developments. Control of molecular els (Tirrell, 1986; Wall, 1941).
weight and stereochemistry, however, is Template polymerization has also been
subject to the limitations of conventional investigated as a method to improve control
step and chain growth polymerizations, and over polymer properties (Tan, 1994; Ander-
576 17 Biosynthetic Routes to Novel Macromolecular Materials

100 i l l While the statistical nature of convention-

al polymer products has not limited their use
in many applications, their relevance to ap-
plications in which the size and chemical na-
ture of individual macromolecules becomes
important has been severely restricted. With
increasing technological interest in forming
well-defined architectures and surface
chemistries for nanostructures, biomateri-
als, and biosensor applications (Hubbell,
1995; Langer, 1995; Ratner, 1993; Hodges,
1996; Takeuchi and Matsui, 1996; Mosbach
and Ramstrom, 1996), the need to synthe-
size precisely engineered macromolecules
has gained new importance. To this end, ma-
terials scientists have looked to Natures
Figure 17-3. Copolymer composition (A,= mole precise control over macromolecular struc-
fraction styrene) in the copolymerization of styrene ture and function as a model for producing
and methyl acrylate prepared from an initial monomer materials. Nature is an appropriate model
feed containing 0.2 mole fraction styrene. plotted as system for exerting this level of control,
conversion vs. instantaneous copolymer composition.
(Reproduced with permission from Skeist (1946).]
since some natural polymers (specifically
proteins and nucleic acids) exhibit uniform
and precise molecular weights, stereochem-
son et al., 1993). In theory, this method per- istries, compositions, and sequences, which
mits many copies of a target daughter poly- are critical to their function in self-assem-
mer to be produced from a parent template bly and molecular recognition.
with increased control over the propagation Protein synthesis in vivo is a template-di-
rate, molar mass. and microstructure. In rected polymerization in which messenger
practice, the presence of a template has been RNA (mRNA) directly encodes cellular
shown to significantly influence polymer- DNA information. At the ribosome, mRNA
ization variables in only a limited number is read by transfer RNA (tRNA) to convert
of cases (Baranovsky et al., 1992; Gons the coding sequence into a corresponding
et al., 1975). Additionally, the degree of sequence of amino acids linked together en-
polymerization of the daughter polymer is zymatically to form the protein (Fig. 17-4).
only very rarely matched to that of the tem- Because the tRNA is charged with the ap-
plate, and separation of the daughter from propriate amino acid by a highly selective
the template is complicated. Copolymers aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase, the error fre-
are seldom used as templates owing to dif- quency in amino acid incorporation is very
ficulties in controlling polymer association, small (ca. I in lo4) (Parker, 1989). Given
which limits the utility of the method in con- the ability to design and construct DNA se-
trolling monomer sequence. Furthermore, quences and incorporate them into cellular
control of the daughter polymers properties hosts via recombinant methods, the use of
is limited by the same statistical considera- in vivo protein synthesis has become an at-
tions, given above, which govern the prop- tractive technique for producing unique pro-
erties of the parent polymer. tein polymers in which all aspects of the
17.1 Introduction 577


5- ALE-EA-W-


Yt Y

- AUG-m-W- - aFC
- AKi-CG4-W-
Figure 17-4. Schematic representation of the template nature of in vivo protein synthesis (P designates the pro-
tein chain). A) An aminoacyl-tRNA (Arg in this example) is delivered to the ribosome and binds through its anti-
codon to the mRNA. B) Peptide bond formation is catalyzed by peptidyl transferase. c) The ribosome moves
down the mRNA chain, and the next aminoacyl-tRNA is delivered to the ribosome.

polymer microstructure are controlled si- globular proteins (e.g., lysozyme, glucose
multaneously. This level of control permits oxidase, and many others) and in the struc-
engineering not only of the structures the tural roles of fibrous proteins (e.g., colla-
materials can assume, but also of the func- gen, keratin, elastin, silk). The incorpora-
tions the materials can perform. tion of these structures into protein poly-
In addition to the synthetic advantages af- mers (artificial proteins) to control the
forded by in vivo protein synthesis, there are three-dimensional structure may permit
several advantages in using proteins as ma- production of macromolecules with highly
terials. While the utility of proteins in ma- specialized functions as well as controlled
terials applications requiring high tempera- biological activity and degradability. These
ture or solvent resistance is limited, proteins properties are certain to play a significant
have many useful materials properties, as role in the use of artificial proteins in bio-
evidenced by natures use of these polymers materials, biosensor, and nanostructure ap-
in hair, skin, and bone. Proteins assume plications.
well-ordered, thermodynamically stable, The importance of these structures in im-
three-dimensional conformations in both parting useful materials properties has
the solid and solution states, and are there- fueled interest in using recombinant meth-
fore capable of spontaneous self-assembly. ods to produce unique protein materials.
The a-helix, coiled-coil, psheet, and re- Most often, recombinant methodologies are
verse turn structures adopted by proteins are used for site-directed mutagenesis studies
critical in the catalytic function of many designed to probe the nature of protein fold-
578 17 Biosynthetic Routes to Novel Macromolecular Materials

Concepts from structural biology ~ Primary sequence of ~ Complementary

and polymer science amino acids DNA sequence

- fi Plasmid isolation ,

E. coli

Figure 17-5. Schematic diagram of gene construction and protein synthesis.

ing and enzymatic activity. As materials re- tional polymeric materials. Although solid
search has looked to nature for models of phase protein synthesis (Merrifield, 1978)
hierarchical structures, such as those found can yield novel polypeptides with con-
in collagenous tissues, however, the use of trolled sequences, the repetitive nature of
recombinant methods for the production of the amino acid addition, coupled with the
naturally occurring repetitive polypeptide slightly less than quantitative yield in each
sequences has increased. For example, silk step and lack of proofreading mechanisms,
(Capello et al.. 1990). collagen (Goldberg limits the practically achievable lengths to
and Salerno, 1990). elastin (McPherson approximately 50 amino acid units. Oligo-
et al., 1992), mussel adhesive proteins (Sa- peptide repeats synthesized via solid phase
lerno and Goldberg, 1994; Filpula et al., methods can be linked chemically to form
1990), viral proteins (OBrien et al., 1994), repetitive polypeptides (Nicol et al., 1994),
and coiled-coil proteins (McGrath and Ka- but the length of the repeat is limited and the
plan, 1993) have all been produced in vivo control over the product chain length is lost.
in order to produce the hierarchical struc- A recombinant approach is therefore favor-
tures common to these naturally occurring able, in that precise control of the amino ac-
proteins. id sequence can be exercised in protein
In an effort to expand the repertoire of polymers of high molecular weight.
polymeric structures accessible via the re- We have adopted the biosynthetic ap-
combinant approach, our laboratory has in- proach to protein polymer production sum-
vestigated the use of de novo (from marized in Fig. 17-5. First, the target repeat-
scratch) protein design (McGrath et al., ing unit sequence is identified based on
1992; Ferrari and Cappello, 1997) as a route consideration of its likely materials proper-
to novel polymers which exhibit interesting ties. An oligonucleotide which encodes the
and well-controlled materials properties. target repeating unit sequence is then syn-
Amino acids exhibit distinct conformation- thesized via solid phase methods (McBride
a1 and reactivity properties, which allow and Caruthers, 1983) and ligated (enzymat-
tailoring of the chemical, biological, and ically) into a bacterial cloning vector. Fol-
physical behavior of artificial proteins with lowing transformation of an appropriate
a precision that is unattainable in conven- bacterial strain, colonies are grown to per-
17.2 Crystalline Lamellar Solids 579

mit selection and amplification of the de-

sired oligonucleotide. The integrity of the
insert is verified via restriction analysis and
standard sequencing methods (Sambrook
et al., 1989), and the DNA is multimerized
to form repetitive DNA sequences of vary-
ing molecular weights. The population of
multimeric DNAs is again ligated into a
cloning vector, and the desired multimer
length is identified after amplification via Figure 17-6.Schematic representation of a chain-
bacterial growth. The target length DNA is folded lamellar crystal. [Reproduced with permission
from Parkhe et al. (1993).]
inserted into an expression vector, which
then contains the DNA sequence encoding
the artificial protein of interest under the chain runs perpendicular (or nearly perpen-
control of an appropriate promoter. This ex- dicular) to the lamellar surface and folds
pression vector is used to transform an E. (more or less) regularly at that surface (Kel-
coli strain which has the necessary protein ly, 1957). In synthetic polymers, the folded
translational machinery. The bacterial host chain architecture is formed for kinetic rea-
is then induced, via conventional molecular sons, i.e., the polymer chain is trapped in the
biological methods (Sambrook et al., 1989), folded geometry. Upon annealing, chain-
to produce the artificial amino acid polymer, folded lamellae increase in thickness as the
which is isolated and purified by appropri- chain approaches its thermodynamically
ate protein purification protocols (Scopes, stable, extended chain conformation. Be-
1 994). cause the thickness and surface chemistry of
These biosynthetic methods have proven chain-folded lamellar crystals are not, in
useful in producing a series of protein poly- general, determined by thermodynamic fac-
mers which exhibit well-defined structures, tors, control of such properties has remained
useful catalytic activity, and the capacity for elusive.
molecular and cellular recognition. Novel Our initial attempts to design well-de-
protein materials produced in our laborato- fined crystalline lamellar solids, such as the
ry are described below and include crystal- one shown schematically in Fig. 17-6, have
line lamellar solids with controlled thick- been based on the knowledge that alanylgly-
ness and surface chemistry, liquid crystal- cine dyads form thermodynamically stable
line phases formed from helical rod-like Psheet structures in natural silk proteins
polymers, catalytic surfaces with enzymat- (Fraser and McRae, 1973). Choice of the
ic activity, and repetitive protein polymers length of the Psheet elements has been
containing artificial amino acids. based on studies of aliphatic polyamides,
which fold into crystalline lamellar solids
with 6-8 lateral bonds per crystalline stem
17.2 Crystalline Lamellar Solids (Dreyfus and Keller, 1970; Atkins et al.,
The folded chain lamellar crystal is a The selection of additional amino acids to
well-known motif in polymer materials sci- promote folding in the structure reflected
ence, in that many flexible polymer chains our initial expectation that proline and glu-
adopt crystalline structures in which the tamic acid would be excluded from the la-
580 17 Biosynthetic Routes to Novel Macromolecular Materials


u [M+2HJ2+


[M+3 HI''

with permission from Beavis et al. ( 1992).]

mellar interior of the crystal (Chou and Fas- plasm of the bacterial cell and migrates as a
man, 1974). Proline frequently lies in p single band in gel electrophoresis, indicat-
turns in globular proteins (Chou and Fas- ing the absence of a broad distribution of
man, 1974, 1977), and glutamic acid is the molecular weights. Matrix-assisted laser
least likely of all amino acids to reside in a desorption mass spectrometry corroborates
Psheet (Chou and Fasman, 1974). There- these observations. Figure 17-7 shows the
fore the repetitive peptide sequences initial- results for [(AlaGl y ),ProGluGly ] 14, which
ly chosen for bacterial protein synthesis was obtained in a highly homogeneous form
were [(AlaCly),,ProGluGly],,, (1) and after dialysis to remove contaminating pro-
[(AlaGly),,GluGly],,, (2), where n ranges tein fragments (Creel et al., 1991).
from three to six and m from five to 54. In contrast to our expectations, wide an-
Bacterial expression of these repetitive gle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), differential
peptides has been demonstrated (McGrath scanning calorimetry (DSC), and Fourier
et al., 1992; Creel et al., 1991; Deguchi transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) of
et al., 1994). Repetitive polymers of the the repetitive polymer 1 with n = 3 and
nonapeptide (AlaGly)3ProGluGly have M = 54 all indicate the formation of an amor-
been produced from E. coli cultures trans- phous glass rather than a Psheet at room
formed with a recombinant expression vec- temperature (McGrath et al., 1992). Only
tor derived from PET-3b (Creel et al., 1991; diffuse halos are observed in WAXD, no
Dunn and Studier, 1983; Studier et al., crystalline melting endotherm is evidenced
1990);protein expression was monitored by by DSC, and the infrared (FTIR) amide I and
in vivo incorporation of 3H glycine. Each of amide I1 bands are observed at 1653 and
the target proteins accumulates in the cyto- 1540 cm-', respectively, rather than at ca.
17.2 Crystalline Lamellar Solids 581

Figure 17-8. Computer-generated

representation of the solid state struc-
ture of [(AlaGly),GluGly],,. [Repro-
duced with permission from Krejchi
et al. (1994).]

1630 and 1525 cm-', as expected for a P Psheet arrangement. Figure 17-9 C shows
sheet polypeptide (Fraser et al., 1965; the Raman amide I and amide III bands at
Moore and Krimm, 1968). It is likely that 1664 and 1260 and 1228 cm-', respective-
the steric bulk of the proline residue, cou- ly, which are consistent with antiparallel P
pled with the odd number of amino acids in sheet formation (Moore and Krimm, 1968;
the nonapeptide repeat, frustrates develop- Frushour and Koenig, 1975). Furthermore
ment of regularly folded, crystalline, P cross polarization/magic angle spinning
sheet regions in this polymer. (CP/MAS) 13C NMR spectroscopy yields
Consistent with this hypothesis, bacteri- chemical shifts in good agreement with
al expression and purification of polypep- those observed for the Psheet form of po-
tide 2 with n = 3 and m = 36 produces a re- ly(L-alanylglycine).
petitive protein polymer which, when pre- Wide angle X-ray diffraction analysis of
cipitated from 70% formic acid solution, 2 yields discrete Bragg reflections indicat-
forms a crystalline solid with primarily the ing the crystalline nature of the protein
Psheet structure shown in Fig. 17-8 (Krej- polymer, with orthorhombic unit cell
chi et al., 1994, 1996). As shown in Fig. 17- spacings (a = 0.948 nm, b = 1.060 nm, and
9 A, infrared spectroscopic analysis of the c=0.695 nm), consistent with the hydro-
protein solid yields amide I, amide II, and gen-bonding distance observed in many ny-
amide I11 bands at 1623, 1521, and lons and attributed to antiparallel Psheet
1229 cm-', respectively, consistent with a structures (Dreyfus and Keller, 1970; Kel-
Psheet structure (Faser et al., 1965; Moore ler, 1959; Atkins et al., 1972; Magill et al.,
and Krimm, 1968). In addition, the presence 1981). It is worthwhile to note that the la-
of a weak amide I band at 1698 cm-' is in- mellar thickness is always shorter than the
dicative of the antiparallel psheet architec- chain length in these polymers (Krejchi
ture. The presence of the amide I component et al., 1994), as expected for the chain-fold-
at 1652 cm-' and the shoulder at 1665 cm-' ed lamellar architecture.
(Fig. 17-9 B) indicates that a fraction of the All of the above evidence indicates that a
polypeptide does not adopt an antiparallel regular Psheet structure is assumed by the
582 17 Biosynlhelic Routes to Novel Macromolecular Materials


I 1 I I I I 1 I
3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500

B C 1664 I

0 1700 1600 1500 1400 3000
Frequency (cm-')
1000 500

Figure 17-9. Vibrational spectra of polypeptide [(AlaCly),GluGly],,. A) Fourier transform infrared spectrum
of a KBr pellet 0.2% in polypeptide. B ) Expansion of the amide I region of the IR spectrum shown in A). C) Ra-
man spectrum of the polypeptide. [Reproduced with permission from Krejchi et al. (1994).]

repetitive [(AlaGly),GluGly],, polypeptide any changes in the intersheet packing dis-

upon crystallization. In such a folded-chain tance as monitored by WAXD.These results
architecture. the periodic glutamic acid res- suggest that the glutamic acid residues re-
idues would be expected to decorate the la- side on the lamellar surface (Chen et al.,
mellar crystal surface. Indeed, ionization of 1995). More definitive evidence for the iso-
the glutamic acid residues by treatment of lation of the glutamic acid residue on the sur-
the polypeptide with dilute sodium methox- face of the lamellar crystal comes from MAS
ide-methanol solution does not result in any "C NMR experiments on the related poly-
change in the chain conformation as as- mer [(AlaGly)3GluGly(AlaGly)3GluGly]
sessed via vibrational spectroscopy, nor in (3), which show that the dynamic behavior
17.3 Helical Structures 583

of the glutamic acid residue C, remains un- a-amino acid anhydrides (Block, 1983). As
changed upon crystallization, while the al- with any traditional method of polymer syn-
anylglycine units exhibit behavior consis- thesis, the resulting polymer has a broad mo-
tent with localization in crystalline Psheets lecular weight distribution, and the result-
(Wang et al., 1996). ing heterogeneity in the helical lengths lim-
In summary, repetitive peptide sequenc- its the liquid-crystalline structures and or-
es based on naturally occurring protein dered architectures that can be formed. For
structural motifs have demonstrated the example, PBLG is known to form cholester-
ability to form well-defined protein crystals ic liquid crystalline phases, in which there
with controlled surface chemical function- is orientational order but no longitudinal
ality. Preliminary investigations indicate registry of chains. On the other hand, smec-
that these structures form not only in the sol- tic liquid crystalline phases, in which there
id state, but also at the aidwater interface. is both orientational order and longitudinal
Further exploration of these materials will registry, have not been observed for PLGA
provide insight into both the nature of pro- or its ester derivatives. In contrast, the to-
tein folding in solids and the formation of bacco mosaic virus, a naturally derived hel-
well-defined, unique protein architectures ical structure, will form smectic liquid crys-
which can orient specific chemical func- talline phases in solution (Wen et al., 1989).
tionalities or recognition sites at surfaces. A monodisperse derivative of PLGA, the
polypeptide HGluAsp(Glu17Asp)4GluGlu-
OH (4), was prepared biosynthetically us-
17.3 Helical Structures ing the bacterial expression vector pGEX-
3X (Zhang et al., 1992). Aspartic acid was
Helical rods also form well-defined pro- incorporated periodically to provide recog-
tein architectures, and have been explored nition sites for the restriction enzyme Bbsl
for their ability, arising from their rod shape without compromising the genetic stability
anisotropy, to form oriented materials and of the repetitive glutamic acid sequence.
solutions. Poly( a,L-glutamic acid) (PLGA) Aspartic acid was chosen because of its
assumes a helical rod shape and has been structural and chemical similarity to glu-
used in studies of this shape anisotropy and tamic acid, which should minimize structu-
its influence on material properties. The ral perturbations (Zhang et al., 1992).
benzyl ester of this protein, poly( y-benzyl- The purified polypeptide migrates as a
a,L-glutamate) (PBLG), has been used to single band in polyacrylamide gel electro-
form oriented films (Horton et al., 1990) phoresis, in striking contrast to the behav-
and liquid-crystalline solutions (McMaster ior of commercially available PLGA (poly-
et al., 1991). As a result of the large dipole dispersity index 1.2), which shows a com-
moment along the helical axis (Hol et al., plete absence of discrete bands. The benzyl
1978), electric fields can be used to orient ester of 4 [a monodisperse derivative of
such rod-shaped molecules. The resulting PBLG ( 5 ) ] was prepared by alkylation of the
oriented materials exhibit interesting piezo- acid form of the polymer with phenyldi-
electric and nonlinear optical properties azomethane (Yu et al., 1997). The 500 MHz
(Block, 1983). 'H NMR spectrum of 5 is virtually identi-
The conventional method for preparing cal to that of conventional PBLG, with the
PLGA and its ester derivatives is via the exception of two weak aspartic acid reso-
ring-opening polymerization of N-carboxy- nances. Integration of the spectrum indi-
584 17 Biosynthetic Routes to Novel Macromolecular Materials

cates 98% benzylation of the side chains of cellent catalysts, have, in general, only mar-
4 (Yu et al.. 1997). Optical micrographs of ginal materials properties, which limit their
a 35% solution of 5 in a 97/3 mixture of chlo- use directly as materials and films. In addi-
roform and trifluoracetic acid show an iri- tion, the thickness of an enzyme layer on a
descent, fan-like texture suggestive of biosensor directly affects the coupling of the
smectic order. Furthermore, small angle X- recognition event to the sensor element, and
ray diffraction patterns of films dried from the homogeneity of the surface layer is of
this solvent show a well-defined maximum critical concern in optimizing sensor perfor-
spacing at 114.Skl.4 A (l1.45+0.14nm) mance. Perhaps most importantly, control of
and the corresponding second-order reflec- the orientation of the active site of a mole-
tion at 57.020.3 A (5.70rt0.03 nm) (Yu cule on a surface can have significant effects
eta]., 1997). The spacing of 114.5 A on the ability of the molecule to bind to its
(1 1.45 nm) is almost exactly the expected substrate (McLean et al., 1993; Chilkoti
length of the monodisperse PBLG helix, a et al., 1995).
result that strongly suggests smectic-like or- Biosynthetic methods for producing arti-
dering in the cast solid film. The phase be- ficial proteins may provide a means to over-
havior of these materials is being investigat- come these difficulties. The design of peri-
ed further as a function of solvent, concen- odic sequences which exhibit controlled
tration, temperature, and chain length, and chain folding, crystal dimensions, and sur-
the ability of monodisperse macromolecu- face functionality on the length scale of
tar rods to form well-ordered surface layers A
100 (10.0 nm), as described above, may
is also being evaluated. be extended to optimizing the spatial posi-
tioning, orientation, and activity of a cata-
lytically active site on a surface. This can
17.4 Hybrid Artificial Proteins be achieved through the synthesis of hybrid
artificial proteins, as shown in Fig. 17-10,
The formation of well-ordered architec- in which a natural domain with a catalytic
tures has the potential for controlling not on- function is linked to an artificial domain
ly the spatial arrangement of polymers, but with the required materials properties. Pos-
also the presentation of specific chemical sible applications include the immobiliza-
functionality and molecular recognition se- tion of enzymes on surfaces in controlled
quences at interfaces. Precise and selective orientations and density, as well as the prep-
recognition of a guest by a host is a critical aration of catalytically active membranes,
and necessary event in biological processes particles, and films.
such as catalysis (substrate recognition by There are several design factors to con-
enzymes ). immunological response (anti- sider in preparing such materials. The arti-
gen-antibody interactions), virus infectiv- ficial domain must contain functional
ity, and cell adhesion. The high degree of groups for attachment to the surface of inter-
selectivity and sensitivity exhibited by en- est, and may also have the capacity to form
zynies has been exploited in a variety of ordered architectures. The functional group
biosensor applications (Charych et al., requirement can be satisfied by the incorpo-
1994; Virta et al., 1995; Marx et al., 1994). ration of, for example, lysine, cysteine, glu-
Several issues arise with the use of cata- tamic acid, or aspartic acid residues into the
lytic proteins as components of biosensors. protein chain. The protein sequence can be
however. The globular proteins, while ex- chosen to form either helical or p-sheet
17.4 Hybrid Artificial Proteins 585

Figure 17-10. Schematic

representation of hybrid ar-
tificial proteins. The natural
domain imparts biological
activity, while the artificial
domain imparts materials
properties which can be
used to form biologically
active surface arrays, mem-
branes, films, and particles.

structures to satisfy the second criterion. Table 17-1. Enzymatic activity of native and hybrid
The periodic polypeptides described above phosphotriesterase.
satisfy both of these requirements and were Phospho- Hybrid Phos-
therefore used as the artificial domain in our triesterase photriesterase
first generation of hybrid artificial proteins.
It is envisioned that varying the length and Specific activity 7434 1976
number of repeat units in the artificial pro- (unitslmg)
tein domain may permit control of the thick- K , (FM) 155 106
ness of immobilized layers and the density kcat ( 1 / ~ ) 6540 2315
of catalytic sites on a surface.
The natural (e.g., catalytic) domain of the
hybrid must satisfy a completely different Bacterial expression of hybrid phospho-
set of criteria. In general, the enzyme should triesterases has been achieved with the arti-
retain function as a single polypeptide ficial domains [(AlaGly)3GluGly]36(Dong
chain, which is not a trivial requirement giv- et al., 1994) or [(AlaGly)3ProGluGly]1 6
en that many enzymes must form associat- (Wu et al., 1996) to yield catalytically ac-
ed quaternary structures (comprised of two tive hybridproteins. Table 17-1 and Fig. 17-
or more subunits) to exhibit activity. The en- 11 indicate the similarity of the hybrid pro-
zyme selected should express well in a bac- teins to the native enzyme. Both exhibit Mi-
terial host, and tolerate modification by fu- chaelis-Menten kinetics and, as shown in
sion to the artificial protein without loss of Table 17- 1, have similar kinetic constants.
function. In our first experiments, Pseudo- The specific activity of the hybrid protein is
monas diminuta phosphotriesterase was lower than that of the native phosphotries-
chosen as the natural domain. This enzyme terase, though this is due in part to its high-
was previously cloned and expressed in an er molecular weight (55 kDa vs. 39 kDa for
E. coli host, was in plasmid encoded form, the phosphotriesterase). It is interesting to
and was known to tolerate modification at note that the Michaelis constant (K,) of the
the N-terminus of the protein without loss hybrid protein is lower than that of the phos-
of function (Dumas et al., 1989, 1990). Fur- photriesterase, indicating a higher affinity
thermore, this enzyme detects and detoxi- of the substrate for the hybrid protein. Ad-
fies organophosphorus compounds, such as ditionally, as shown in Fig. 17-11, the two
the pesticides parathion and diazinon, a proteins have matching activity-pH profiles
function that could be useful in agricultural (Wu et al., 1996), which indicates that the
and consumer applications. artificial domain does not significantly af-
586 17 Biosynthetic Routes to Novel Macromolecular Materials

ed to include the immobilization of differ-

ent recognition elements, such as antibod-
ies and cell surface receptors.

17.5 Artificial Amino Acids

Molecular biological methods provide a
powerful means to control the molecular
size. composition, sequence, and stereo-
-1 chemistry of protein polymers. The demon-
.t r( 4 ib I\
PH strated ability of these protein polymers to
Figure 17-11. pH-rate profile of paraoxon hydroly- form unique macromolecular architectures
sis by native and hybrid phosphotriesterase. [Repro- and surfaces will be of certain importance
duced with permission from Wu et al. ( 1996).j in expanding the role of proteins as materi-
als with interesting liquid-crystalline, crys-
talline, surface, electronic, and optical prop-
fect the key ionizable groups of the native erties. Standard methods of in vivo protein
enzyme. synthesis, however, use only the 20 natural-
Although the two proteins exhibit similar ly occurring amino acids normally encoded
catalytic behavior. they exhibit very differ- by mRNA templates. As a result, there has
ent affinities toward the anionic exchange been a great deal of interest in incorporating
resin DEAE-Sephadex A-50 (Dong et al., additional chemical functionality, includ-
1994). Cell extracts containing the proteins ing halogens, alkenes, alkynes, and electro-
were loaded onto a column preequilibrated active substituents, into protein polymers.
with 0.05 mM HEPES buffer (pH 8.5). The There are three methods by which the in-
hybrid protein eluted at 0.3 M NaCI, while corporation of nonnatural amino acids can
the native enzyme eluted even in the absence be achieved. One strategy involves simply
of salt. Addition of the pesticide paraoxon the direct chemical synthesis of polypep-
to the resin treated with the hybrid protein tides containing artificial amino acids. Al-
resulted immediately in the yellow color though this approach completely avoids
characteristics of the p-nitrophenol hydrol- limitations associated with the charging of
ysis product. Resin treated with the native tRNAs, the polymerization methods suffer
enzyme, however, exhibited no enzymatic from lack of control of the polymer struc-
activity due to the lack of enzyme retention ture, while solid phase chemistries are lim-
after washing. These results indicate the bi- ited in terms of the molecular weight achiev-
functional nature of the hybrid artificial pro- able.
tein, with the natural domain imparting cat- A second approach, which offers more
alytic function and the structural domain control over the polymer structure, entails a
providing affinity for cationic surfaces. combination of chemical and biological
Current investigations are directed toward synthesis (Noren et al., 1989; Bain et al.,
the immobilization of this enzyme on a va- 1989; Mendel et al., 1991, 1992). In this
riety of surfaces, including functionalized method, the artificial amino acid of interest
glass columns for use in flow injection anal- is chemically attached to a suppressor tRNA
ysis. This methodology can also be extend- and then incorporated into the target protein
17.5 Artificial Amino Acids 587

by in vitro translation. This method permits of natural amino acid present in the system
the introduction of artificial amino acids be limited relative to the analog, so that an-
into specific sites, and the fact that the syn- alog incorporation is favored. A bacterial
thesis takes place in vitro (rather than in the auxotroph (a strain that is unable to synthe-
cell) obviates the usual restrictions on the size a particular amino acid) is therefore
enzymatic charging of tRNA. This strategy used for in vivo analog incorporation.
is not suited, however, to producing large There are two procedures that can be used
amounts of analog-containing protein, since to incorporate an amino acid analog in vi-
the chemical acylation is often difficult and vo. If the analog (e.g., selenomethionine)
the tRNA is not recycled. Furthermore, the will support cell growth, an E. coli auxo-
efficiency of suppression is generally about troph is used and grown on a medium sup-
50%, which limits the usefulness of the plemented with the analog rather than the
method for incorporating artificial amino natural amino acid. Artificial protein pro-
acids at multiple sites. duction is induced by standard methods, and
The in vivo incorporation of artificial the target protein is isolated and purified. In
amino acids, a third approach and the one most cases, however, the analogs of interest
used in our laboratory, permits the incorpo- will not support cell growth, so the auxo-
ration of analogs into multiple sites along a
precisely designed protein polymer chain.
The ability of the cell to incorporate artifi- Table 17-2. Amino acid analogs incorporated into ar-
cial amino acids into proteins is evidenced tificial protein polymers.
by the incorporation of the amino acid ana-
Name Code Structure
log selenomethionine (SeMet), which can
be used in all steps of protein biosynthesis
and can support cell growth (Tuve and Wil- Selenomethionine SeMet HZN\(-OH
liams, 1957; Cowie and Cohen, 1957). Ad-
ditional reports of the incorporation of more \1-
than 20 artificial amino acids, including
p-fluorophenylalanine (pfF) (Cowie et al.,
1959), norleucine (Fenster and Anker, p-Fluoropheny lalanine
1969), and trifluoroleucine (tfL) (Rich-
mond, 1963), indicate the ability of the bac-
terial host translational machinery to incor-
tfL HZN+
porate amino acid analogs which differ in 5,5,5-Trifluoroleucine
structure and functionality from the native

amino acids.
The key determinant of the success of the
in vivo approach is the susceptibility of the 3-Thieny lalanine 3-TA
analog to charging by the corresponding
aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. These en-
zymes are highly specific for each of the 20
Azetidinecarboxylic acid Aze @OH
natural amino acids and can distinguish
between even chemically similar amino ac-
ids with little error (vida supra). The speci- Dehydroproline Dhp &OH
ficity of the enzyme requires that the amount
588 17 Biosynthetic Routes to Novel Macromolecular Materials

troph is grown first in a medium containing 1993) to demonstrate the incorporation of

the natural amino acid (to increase the num- amino acid analogs into repetitive Psheet
ber of protein-producing cells). The cells are proteins. A methionine auxotroph was pre-
then centrifuged, washed quickly, and re- pared and transformed with the expression
suspended in a medium containing the ana- vector pGEX-9GM (Dougherty et al.,
log but not the natural amino acid. Protein 1993), which contained the DNA sequence
expression is then induced, and the protein encoding 6. Determination of the level of
isolated and purified. These methods have selenomethionine substitution in the target
proven successful for incorporating a varie- protein was conducted via a competitive as-
ty of artificial amino acid analogs (Table 17- say using selenomethionine and radiolab-
2) into repetitive polypeptide sequences eled methionine. A decrease in radiolabeled
analogous to 1 and 2, as described below. methionine in the target protein was shown
to correlate linearly with an increase in un-
17.5.1 Selenomethionine labeled selenomethionine in the growth me-
dium. As shown in Fig. 17-12, the experi-
Selenomethionine, due to its demonstrat-
mentally determined ratio of selenomethio-
ed ability to support E. coli cell growth,
nine to methionine in the product correlates
has been incorporated (in place of methio-
extremely well with the ratio of the amino
nine) into the repetitive polypeptide
acids in the medium, indicating near perfect
[(GlyAla),GlyMet], (6) (Dougherty et al.,
replacement of methionine by selenomethi-
onine (Dougherty et al., 1993). Further-
more, the transformed cells were shown to
produce target protein when grown on a me-
dium containing only selenomethionine,
suggesting that 100% analog incorporation
is possible.

17.5.2 Fluorine
Fluoropolymers exhibit many unique and
useful materials properties: low surface
energy (e.g., teflon-coated pans), chemical
and biological inertness (e.g., vascular
grafts), low friction coefficient, excellent
0 1 2 3 4 solvent resistance, and good hydrolytic
Expected Relative Band Intensity stability. They therefore find uses as mem-
branes, surface treatments, and biomedical
Figure 17-12. Comparison of experimental and ex-
pected selenomethionine incorporation for the in- materials. In an effort to capture some of
duced polypeptide at different ratios of selenomethi- these qualities in well-defined protein archi-
onine to radiolabeled methionine. Experimental ratios tectures, as well as to investigate the range
were obtained by hcanning autoradiographic signals. of analog functionality that can be incorpo-
Expected ratios correspond to the intensities predict-
rated into artificial proteins, we have incor-
ed if the incorporation of selenomethionine is equiv-
alent to that of methionine at each concentration test- porated p-fluorophenylalanine (pfF) and
ed. [Reproduced with permission from Dougherty 5,5,5-trifluoroleucine (tfL) into periodic
et aI. (1993).] polypeptides with sequences of the form
17.5 Artificial Amino Acids 589

[(GlyAla)3GlyXxx], (7)(Yoshikawa et al., showninFig. 17-13.Theresults indicate the

1994), where Xxx was encoded as Phe for accumulation of target protein in the medi-
pfF ( m =13) and as Leu for tfL ( m =12). um containing only the pfF analog (i.e.,
These substitutions were expected to suc- without Phe), indicating successful analog
ceed because fluorine is similar in size to incorporation. A high level of incorporation
hydrogen and because many fluorinated was found for both analogs (Yoshikawa
amino acid analogs have been incorporated et al., 1994) as determined by 'H NMR
into proteins by in vivo protein synthesis spectroscopy and amino acid analysis
(vide supra). (>95% for pfF and 88% for tfL). Further-
An expression vector [pET-l3GF] more, FTIR and WAXD studies of the pro-
(Yoshikawa et al., 1994) encoding the above tein solids confirm the antiparallel p-sheet
sequence (with Xxx=Phe) was used to architecture, suggesting that the fluorinated
transform the appropriate E. coli auxotroph. analogs reside at the lamellar crystal surface
The cells were initially grown in a medium and may modify the surface properties of the
containing the natural amino acid; they were crystal. Indeed, for the tfL analogs, advanc-
then shifted to a medium containing the an- ing hexadecane contact angles increased
alog. Induced protein expression was mon- from a value of 17 O for the leucine deriva-
itored by the in vivo incorporation of 3H gly- tive to a value of 70 O for the derivative con-
cine and analyzed with SDS-PAGE, as taining 88% tfL.

Figure 17-13. In vivo protein synthesis of [(GlyAla)3GlyXxx]13 with Xxx =Phr or pfF. Protein yields were com-
pared after cultures were shifted to three different media 10 min after induction in the presence of the 20 natu-
ral amino acids. Lanes 1-4 contain protein from cells shifted to a medium lacking both Phe and pfF; in lanes
5 -8, the medium lacks Phe but contains pfF; in lanes 9- 12, the medium contains Phe, but not pfF. Time points
are relative to the medium shift. Arrows indicate the target protein [Reproduced with permission from Yoshi-
kawa et al. (1994).]
590 17 Biosynthetic Routes to Novel Macromolecular Materials

17.5.3 Electroactive Substituents stituted for Phe in the growth medium. The
choice of 3-TA for these studies was based
Conducting polymers have been actively on its chemical similarity to the 3-alkylthi-
investigated owing to their potential appli- ophenes, which can be oxidatively polymer-
cations in lightweight batteries, electrodes, ized through the 2- and 5-positions to pro-
and nanowires. The production of conduct- duce extended conjugated systems. In fact,
ing polymers, however, is often plagued by electrochemically doped poly(3-alkylthio-
the insolubility of the highly conjugated, phene)s are among the best conducting or-
rigid polymer product. The incorporation of ganic polymers, with measured conductiv-
electroactive substituents into repetitive ar- ities as high as 2000 S/cm (Roncali et al.,
tificial peptides may help circumvent these 1988). The protein sequence was encoded
difficulties. The artificial protein backbone into the expression vector PET-13GE and
could control the spatial organization of analog-containing protein was produced by
electroactive monomers to improve the de- shifting the cells from the initial Phe-sup-
gree of polymerization of the electroactive plemented medium into 3-TA medium. The
substituents and to control the spatial organ- accumulation of protein containing the an-
ization of the resulting conducting layers or alog is indicated in the electrophoretic data
domains. Additionally, this methodology shown in Fig. 17-14. The ultraviolet spec-
may find use in the direct electropolymer- trum shown in Fig. 17- 15 demonstrates loss
ization and attachment of enzymes to elec- of the phenylalanine absorption in the tar-
trode surfaces. get protein and provides a means to assess
To this end. we have prepared lamellar quantitatively the extent of analog incorpo-
proteins containing 3-thienylalanine (Ko- ration. The extent of substitution of the 3-
thakota et al., 1995) (3-TA, Table 17-2) via TA for Phe is approximately 85%, as as-
the biosynthesis of polymers of structure 7, sessed by UV spectroscopy in combination
where Xxx is Phe, in = 13, and 3-TA is sub- with amino acid analysis and 'H NMR spec-

Figure 17-14. In vivo protein synthesis of [(GlyAla)3GlyXxx],3 with Xxx=Phe or 3-TA. Lanes 1 - 3 contain
protein from cells shifted to a medium lacking both Phe and 3-TA; in lanes 4-6, the medium contains Phe but
not 3-TA; in lanes 7-9, the medium lacks Phe and contains 3-TA. Time points are relative to the medium shift.
[Reproduced with permission from Kothakota et al. (1995).]
17.5 Artificial Amino Acids 59 1


c 1.2

s~ 0.8


Figure 17-15. UV spectra of the

polypeptide [(GlyAla)3GlyXxx] ,3
0 containing either phenylalanine
230 250 270 290 or 3-thienylalanine as Xxx. [Re-
produced with permission from
Wavelength in nm Kothakota et al. (1993.1

troscopy. Evaluation of the electroactive triple helix with the substitution of as little
film-forming properties of these 3-TA con- as 4% of azetidine-2-carboxylic acid (Aze)
taining proteins is underway. for proline (Lane et al., 1971).
Both Aze (Deming et al., 1996) and
dehydroproline (Dhp) (Deming et al.,
17.5.4 Analogs for Structural
1997) variants of proteins of the sequence
Modification of Polypeptides
[(AlaGly)3ProGluGly]16 were expressed
Polymers of repeating unit [(AlaGly),- using an E. coli proline auxotroph. Incorpo-
ProGluGly], as described previously, have ration of these analogs was predicted on the
been successfully produced in E. coli hosts, basis of previous studies indicating in vivo
but have proven to be difficult to crystallize incorporation of many proline analogs into
(McGrath et al., 1992). The conformation- cellular proteins (Mauger and Witkop,
ally restricted proline residue, which is nor- 1966). The Dhp analog was the most readi-
mally isolated at turn structures, may in the ly incorporated (nearly loo%), while the
repetitive polymer prevent alignment and Aze analog was incorporated at levels of ap-
hydrogen bonding of the Pstrands due to in- proximately 40%, as determined by 'H
correct chain trajectories or steric bulk (vide NMR spectroscopy and amino acid analy-
supra). Therefore analog substitution at pro- sis.
line sites may promote folding of the repet- The physical properties of the Dhp vari-
itive proteins and provide surface sites for ant are qualitatively similar to those ob-
subsequent chemical modifications. That served for the proline form. Both form op-
proline substitution can exert significant in- tically clear, amorphous solids and are wa-
fluence on protein folding has been demon- ter soluble, indicating a lack of crystalliza-
strated by the destabilization of the collagen tion. The chemical properties of the Dhp
592 17 Biosynthetic Routes to Novel Macromolecular Materials

chain flexibility enough to permit efficient

folding. That substitution of only 4 - 6 ami-
no acids out of a total 148 can cause such a
htriking chitng~in l l i ~fuulding uf &libp l y -
peptide chain has important use in the study
and control of sequence-structure relation-
ships in protein polymers.

17.6 Conclusions
The biological synthesis of protein poly-
mers is a powerful strategy, with no conven-
tional polymer synthesis counterpart, for
producing macromolecular materials in
r;W 2dw I~OO 16b0 1400 12i 1000 8M)cm-1 which the molecular weight, composition,
Figure 17-16. Infrared spectra (FTIR) of the poly-
sequence, and stereochemistry are all con-
peptide [(AlaGly),ProGluGly], 6 , as KBr pellets, con- trolled essentially absolutely. This metho-
taining only proline (top) and azetidinecarboxylic dology has been used to produce unique
acid (bottom). [Reproduced with permission from protein polymers which form well-ordered
Derning et al. ( I 996).] crystalline and liquid-crystalline structures.
These macromolecular structures can be
regulated on length scales of tens of nano-
variant, however, are significantly different. meters and exhibit controlled surface chem-
Reaction of the Dhp variant with H202 or istries. Biologically active molecules have
Br2 produces hydroxylated and brominated been fused to such artificial proteins with
forms of Dhp in a quantitative reaction, as the retention of biological activity, demon-
assessed by amino acid analysis and by loss strating the potential for forming new hy-
of the alkene resonance in the * H NMR spec- brid materials by varying the properties of
trum (Deming et a]., 1997). The incorpora- either domain. Finally, the repertoire of
tion of alkene functionality in artificial pro- chemical functionality which can be includ-
teins provides a strategy for incorporating ed has been expanded by incorporating ar-
these and other novel functional groups into tificial amino acids into polypeptides using
the appropriately engineered protein chains. the existing protein biosynthesis machinery.
Analysis of the solid state structure of the Halogen, alkene, and electroactive function-
Aze variant of the protein by FTIR spectros- al groups have been incorporated into pro-
copy yields the results shown in Fig. 17-16. tein polymers to impart unusual surface prop-
The amide 1 and I1 absorptions at 1629 and erties and electrochemical behavior. These
1522 cm-I, respectively, in the Aze protein results point to the enormous potential of bio-
(bottom spectrum) confirm a Psheet struc- synthetic methods in designing novel poly-
ture (Deming et al., 1996). The proline form meric materials which form self-assembled
of the polypeptide, in contrast, exhibits structures on nanometer length scales, exhib-
amide I and I1 bands at I654 and 1534 cm-', it desirable and optimized molecular recog-
indicative of conformational disorder. The nition capabilities, and show valuable chem-
smaller Aze analog appears to increase ical and electrochemical behavior.
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Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

18 Application of a Modular Approach in Polymer Science:

Synthesis of a Broad Variety of Amphiphilic Block Copolymers
Markus Antonietti. Stephan Forster. and Sascha Oestreich

Max Planck Institut fur Kolloid- and Grenzflachenforschung. Teltow.Seehof. Germany

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596

18.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598
18.2 Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598
18.2.1 The Chemical Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599
18.2.2 The Chemical System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
18.2.3 Targets of Modular Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
18.3 A Plastic Example: Amphiphilic Block Copolymers (ABCs),
Their Micelles and Phases, and Material Hybrides Based on ABCs . . . . 602
18.3.1 The (Modular) Synthesis of ABCs by Polymer-Analogous Reactions . . . . . . 605
18.3.2 Micelles of ABCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606
18.3.3 Solid State Properties and Liquid-Crystalline Phases of ABCs . . . . . . . . . . . 610
18.3.4 Fluorinated Block Copolymers for Hydrophobic Coatings and Membranes,
and as Dispersion Stabilizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612
18.3.5 Amphiphilic Block Copolymers that take up Metals and Semiconductors . . . 614
18.4 Conclusions and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617
18.5 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618
18.6 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618
596 18 Application of a Modular Approach in Polymer Science

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

A 111 stabilized interface area per molecule
ci hydrodynamic diameter
4 diameter
Mw weight-average molecular weight
ME, number-average molecular weight
molecular weight of polybutadiene, polystyrene
Nc length of core-forming block
Ns length of outer dissolved block
N P B . NPS length of polybutadiene, polystyrene block
P pressure
S scattering vector of small angle X-ray scattering
S relative amount of surfactant
T temperature
Tc transition temperature
Tg glass transition temperature
ve volume
VIl, monomer volume
Z aggregation number

Y surface tension
6 Hildebrandt parameter
a wavelength
CT relative width

ABC amphiphilic block copolymer

Alc alcohol
9-BBN borabicyclo[ 3.3.1Inonane
BC benzoyl chloride
Chol Cholesterol
DLS dynamic light scattering
DMF dimethylformamide
DNS desoxyribonucleic acid
DSC differential scanning calorimetry
GPC gas permeation chromatography
IR infrared
MBT mercaptobenzothiazole
MCPBA meta-chloroperbenzoic acid
MP mercaptopyridine
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
Nu nucleophile
P4VP pol y-4-vinylpyridine
PDLC polymer dispersed liquid crystal
PDMS pol ydimethylsiloxane
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 597

Pht phthalic anhydride

PSB pol y styrene-b-polybutadiene
PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
PYr pyrazine-2,3-diacid anhydride
SAXS small-angle X-ray scattering
THF tetrahydrofuran
uv ultraviolet
WAXS wide-angle X-ray scattering
598 18 Application of a Modular Approach in Polymer Science

18.1 Introduction The ABCs spontaneously aggregate to

micelles, and this can be regarded as the
Modern polymer chemistry involves the most simple modular system, a polymer
design of monomer units and polymer ar- superstructure containing compartments
chitecture, the control of molecular weight with special properties (such as binding). As
and its distribution. the layout of polymer a result of these properties, a third compo-
composition by comonomers, and the con- nent can be immobilized and stabilized in
trol of their statistical distribution. It is gen- the micelle core, i.e., metal colloids or mi-
erally true that handling these different mo- crodroplets of a liquid-crystalline phase.
lecular parameters is difficult. Consequent- This binding as well as some of the resul-
ly, a controlled layout of a more complex tant material properties of the final ternary
polymer molecule involving complicated system are also discussed.
functional groups remains even nowadays
in many cases still a dream.
To bypass the problem of designing new 18.2 Concepts
monomers for each application as well as to
decouple the problems of controlling chain Modules have long been used in engineer-
length, statistics, and architecture from the ing to tackle problems of large complexity,
chemical layout (functionality, polarity) of either in the construction of mechanic or
the polymer, a so-called modular approach electronic devices or in the layout of mod-
towards targeted polymer entities may be ern software. We recall the development of
considered. modern computers, where the invention of
We define here the underlying principles a motherboard and cards with a variety of
of this modular approach and demonstrate functions has become a part of our daily life.
its applicability with the synthesis of a num- This was not the way that early computers
ber of different. highly valuable amphiphil- were constructed!
ic block copolymers of the (ABC) type. During its design, a modern engineering
These polymers can be regarded as a special device is split into functional subdevices
class of advanced surfactant and are tailor- called modules which themselves may con-
made to stabilize a number of technologi- sist of further subdevices. This way, an en-
cally relevant interfaces, i.e., in the present gineering hierarchy of functional structures
case the aidpolymer interface, the metal/ is created. A module is defined by its func-
polymer interface, and the interface be- tion and its interface. Advantages of the
tween polymer and ceramic material. modular approach are
To demonstrate the principles of a mod-
- decreasing complexity as the module is
ular synthesis, all ABCs are made from the
divided into different levels,
same simple precursor polymer, which de-
- tests, corrections, and changes can more
fines the structure and architecture. This
easily be performed,
polymer is coupled via polymer-analogous
- clarity of function, and
reactions with diverse binding units,
- moduli, one created, can be used in and
which are small functional organic mole-
exchanged between the different devices.
cules selected for their philicity to a cer-
tain interface. Once these molecules are at- Software engineering is also a classic ex-
tached to the polymer, they are responsible ample where the use of modules has become
for fulfilling the materials function. necessary for designing modern complex
18.2 Concepts 599

operating systems or programs, with the re- er superstructures. The consensus in the lit-
sult that so-called modular programming is erature about this approach is recognized by
now a matter of course in computer sciences. comparing two definitions from the litera-
Like engineers, chemists face similar ture. Bard defines an integrated chemical
problems when they have to synthesize system as a heterogenous multi component
molecules or materials that simultaneously system involving several different compo-
fulfill a variety of functions. This can be nents designed and arranged for specific
done by assembling a number of functional functions or to carry out specific reactions
components into a device. The synthesis of and processes. Usually it is the interaction
such functional components and their as- of the components of the integrated chemi-
sembly has become the domain of supra- cal system that determines its properties
molecular chemistry, where chemists are (Bard, 1995). The corresponding molecu-
able to design impressive supermolecules. lar devices of Lehn are defined as func-
Concomitant with the synthesis of ever tionally integrated chemical systems; they
larger molecular structures, the drawbacks are based on specific components arranged
of this approach become apparent. In many in a suitable manner. The function per-
cases formed by a device results from integration
of the elementary operations executed by
- the synthesis of such molecules occupies
the components (Lehn, 1995).
increasingly large groups of synthetic
A definition restricted to the field of or-
ganic chemistry is found in Kaszynsky et al.
- for each single problem a single tailor-
(1992), where only molecular subunits (i.e.,
made molecule has to be synthesized, and
- the costs for such materials are enormous. shape persistent molecules) are approved to
create the object or superstructure, and the
This is in some ways reminiscent of the shaped objects do not necessarily have a
days of writing spaghetti programs to function (other than appearance); the phi-
create complex software. The advantages of losophy behind it is nevertheless regarded
a modular approach in both cases are obvi- to be similar.
In a similar manner as the wide-reaching
18.2.1 The Chemical Module
development of new concepts and words in
soft- and hardware engineering, the terms To avoid misunderstandings, the terms
modular chemistry and chemical sys- component, module, modular system, and
tem have become popular in recent years, modular chemistry are fixed in a hopefully
but due to their usage in very different con- tight enough definition to allow aprecise but
texts both certainly need definition. not restrictive use of them in practice.
Modular chemistry is closely related to Components or units that participate in a
the concepts of supramolecular chemistry chemical reaction or structure formation are
introduced by Lehn (1995) or the concept of not necessarily low molecular weight mole-
integrated chemical systems as described cules, such as in supramolecular chemistry,
by Bard (1995). Characteristic for the ap- but can be larger objects, such as proteins,
proach described here is the prefabrication colloids, or polymers. If this component
of subunits, which are coupled via simple consists of more than one structural element
chemical reactions and align either sponta- or includes more than one chemical or phys-
neously or under special conditions to larg- ical functionality, we call it a chemical mod-
600 18 Application of a Modular Approach in Polymer Science

ule (even when it is still a simple organic structures, simple covalent bonds can also
molecule). A module should be understood be employed, which are formed and split in
as a subunit, which is easily coupled to the high yields and selectivities, e.g., esterfica-
rest of the structure or replaced without ma- tions or sulfur bridges. The synthetic chem-
jor expenditure, either in the final structure ist can also use nature as a guide in this re-
or throughout the course of synthesis. spect.
Lehn defined his elementary units to build This modular building principle towards
up larger structures in a similar fashion, but complex structured matter is illustrated in
called them components (Lehn, 1995). He Fig. 18-1.
further distinguished between functional, It is worth mentioning that in each step
structural, and ancillary components, all of the type of binding for a modular system
which are required for the related chemical with more than one tier of hierarchy has to
system to produce the variety of targeted be switched to avoid negative structural
functions . interference between the different steps of
integration. Having used in a first step, for
instance, simple covalent bonding we have
18.2.2 The Chemical System
to consider another type of bonding in the
A number of such moduli constitutes the second tier, i.e., stacking, amphotropic self
chemical system. It is only possible to create aggregation, or a different type of simple
the chemical system from a module (uni- covalent bond.
modular system) with phenomena or ap- A very good example from nature is the
proaches like micelle formation (physical construction of chromatin, which is used for
linking) and repetitive synthesis (covalent the safe but dense storage of information,
linking) leading towards complex organic which within the language of modular
molecules (Liess et al., 1996). On the other chemistry is a tier 3 structure. Four dif-
hand, the chemical system can contain di- ferent histones (small spherical proteins)
verse moduli with diverse functions (hetero- aggregate via hydrophobic interactions
or multimodular system, the more general initially to dimers and then to octamers
case). (tier 1). These octamers exhibit outer base
To differentiate a chemical system from functionalities, which bind segments of the
simple phase formation or random clusters, acid DNS (tier 2). The resulting chain of
it should be a self-contained object with pearls winds itself into a superhelix with
size, shape, composition, and function (or a five protein-DNS complexes per pitch (tier
combination of these quantities). The bind- 3), which is due to secondary valences and
ing or linking of moduli does not usually re- the minimization of interface energy (see
quire covalent bonds and in supramolecular added reference below).
chemistry is performed via reversible bonds
such as strong hydrogen bridges, complex 18.2.3 Targets of Modular Chemistry
formation, or amphiphilic aggregation to the
system. All these binding types allow the Compared to the other methods of syn-
thesis, modular chemistry is designated for
construction of more or less stable chemi-
cal systems, as well as the formation of or- a number of aims:
dered equilibrium structures. 1 ) It enables simplified access to complex
For the synthesis of more stable, complex molecules via implementation of repeating,
organic molecules or the desired polymer preconstructed moduli (repetitive synthesis
18.2 Concepts 60 1

e. t. c.

system ,, Tier 2
interaction 2

interaction 1

surfactants functional
lipids molecules

polymer chemistry.
colloidal chemistry,

organic & chemical

anorganic chemistry binding


atomar physics
nuclear physics

Figure 18-1. The structure hierarchy to-

I nucleons I wards complex structured matter.

or prefabricated molecular construction). the employment of the chemical systems

The exchange of a single module results in properties.
the synthesis of a new system without mul-
tiplication of the synthetic efforts. The com- 3) Also planned is the construction of het-
plexity of the reaction schemes involved in eromodular composites to overcome clas-
each step of integration should be kept as sical borders between materials on a meso-
low as possible. scopic scale, e.g., hybrides between metal,
ceramics, and polymers. The molecular con-
2) It should be possible to generate new nection between the moduli and the chemi-
properties and property combinations by the cal handling of the related interface is ex-
utilization of a structure hierarchy above the pected to bring in a number of special prop-
level of simple molecules or polymers, i.e., erties, which exceed the corresponding ones
602 18 Application of a Modular Approach in Polymer Science

of the simple moduli, such as the ability to erties of elasticity and transparency, and
tailor synergistic properties. functions like magnetic or electronic ad-
dressability. These functions have to be as-
4) Compartmental sharing of functions: As signed to the different moduli, which must
demonstrated by many biological systems, then be synthesized.
a heteromodular system can show a unique Next, all the components have to be or-
combination of functions by chemically ar- ganizedon the modular level. Here it is help-
ranging a molecular team. Here, any spe- ful to have a structured and structuring
cialist module brings in special property environment which is able to incorporate
into the team (e.g., stability, recognition, se- these components much as a computer
lective binding, hardness, special optical motherboard provides the basis for elec-
and magnetic properties, etc.). The chemi- tronic modules (cards) or a main program.
cal system is then equipped to fulfill a com- The design of such a structured hierarchy at
plex task, which is too complicated for an the modular level may appear a complicat-
individual molecule to perform. Possible ed task, but it is not really. Nowadays the
examples are selective binding and the knowledge of self-assembly, e.g., in lyo-
conversion of a substrate, or the molecular tropic or thermotropic systems, enables
recognition and conversion of optical and chemists to design complicated structured
electrical signals. environments on just the right length scale
necessary to incorporate moduli, i.e., in the
5) A long-term objective is the controlled size range between 1 nm and 250 nm. The
construction of synthetic matter over more important point is that on each level of this
than one step of integration for the genera- hierarchy or in each module the complexity
tion of more effective and intelligent mate- is kept as small as possible. This is neces-
rials. sary for the efficient production of such a
While modular chemistry is certainly a In the following, one possible approach
part or a further development of supramo- to such structured environments will be de-
lecular chemistry (depending on the point lineated by means of the self-organization
of view), some of these aims also allow for of amphiphilic block copolymers, which re-
differentiation. Exchangeability and the re- sults in morphologies that allow the incor-
q u i d search for maximum simplicity in poration and addressing of other diverse
each step of integration certainly belong to components.
the key aspects of a modular approach.
Characteristic for the modular approach is
also the importance of the modulis function 18.3 A Plastic Example:
and their interfaces.
Such standardized moduli if commercial-
Amphiphilic Block Copolymers
ly available would greatly enhance the de- (ABCs), Their Micelles and
sign of complex chemical devices, but seem Phases, and Material Hybrides
to be only a vision of the distant future. The Based on ABCs
current task is to test whether such a mod-
ular approach may become feasible. At the In the following, we will use the modular
top of the list for the design of a modular approach for the synthesis of polymers and
system are the mechanical and optic prop- polymer systems in two ways: First we will
18.3 A Plastic Example 603

employ a modular synthesis (still involving chemistry with block copolymers (as stabi-
simple organic molecules with functional- lizers and connectors, tier 2) is shown in
ity) for the generation of very different types Fig. 18-2.
of amphiphilic block copolymers (ABCs) We start from a regular, cheap, and easi-
with high interface activities, which are ef- ly available block copolymer (in our case
fective for heterophase stabilization by polystyrene-b-polybutadieneblock copoly-
modular exchange of one single reactant in mers) with defined chain lengths, composi-
polymer synthesis. Secondly, it will be dem- tion, and structure, which is transferred via
onstrated that these ABCs can act as mod- simple polymer-analogous reactions (epox-
ules by themselves and form a simple ver- idation, hydroboration) into a reactive inter-
sion of a modular system, since they exhib- mediate preserving the molecular character-
it lyotropic self-assembly towards micelles istics. This reactive intermediate is reacted
and more complex mesophases which offer in a second step, which is almost free of side
interesting chemical perspectives. reactions (ring-opening of an epoxide, es-
The current approaches to the production terfication), with a broad variety of differ-
of ABCs usually require living polymer- ently functionalized, low molecular weight
ization techniques, such as anionic (Szwarz, components to give the desired variety of
1983), cationic (Kennedy and Ivin, 1991), amphiphilic block copolymers (tier 1).
or group transfer polymerization (Brittain, The resulting block copolymers form
1992). In the case of two polymerizable co- micelles, the function of which is related to
monomers, the block copolymers may be the binding modules of the inner core. Such
synthesized directly. Usually, one compo- micelles can be comployed as molecular
nent cannot be directly polymerized accord- reaction flasks or molecular transport-
ing to a living mechanism, and macro- ers, i.e., it is possible to incorporate reac-
monomer synthesis (Tezuka, 1992; Meijs tants inside the core and to react them with
and Rizzardo, 1990), chain transfer or ter- something with a very different polarity
mination (Chung and Solomon, 1992; Riess or chemical nature from the outside (gener-
et al., 1985) for the generation of special end alized phase transfer catalysis). Another
groups, and reinitiation are applied. In most possibility lies in the implementation of re-
cases, high purity during the reactions, te- duction or precipitation reactions inside
dious isolation procedures, and/or the use of these molecular reaction flasks to produce
protecting group chemistry are required. solids with restricted dimensions, i.e., col-
This makes ABCs, apart from a few excep- loid particles with some special functions.
tions like polyethyleneoxide-b-polypropy- Opening of the ABC aggregates in the pres-
leneoxide, very expensive and prohibits ence of an interface with high interfacial
broader application. energy and rearrangement of the ABCs in
Application of the described modular ap- proximity of the interface results in lower-
proach, which at this level is still a simple ing of the interface energy and a mechani-
polymer-analogous reaction, enables a more cally stable glueing of both phases on a
simple synthesis of such polymers and molecular level. With regard to these appli-
definitely broadens the diversity of a varie- cations, the phases and micelles of ABCs
ty of systems. The schematic working prin- may serve as the motherboard of a mod-
ciple of such a modular synthesis towards ular system as well as the molecular con-
differentially functionalized amphiphilic nectors which regulate the interface to
block copolymers (tier I ) and a modular other moduli.
604 18 Application of a Modular Approach in Polymer Science

- conversion

reactive intermediate

modular syn



modular system

Figure 18-2. Schematic principle of a modular synthesis of amphiphilic block copolymers. ABCs as modules
can form a modular system via aggregation and loading of the micelle core with functional secondary compo-

At this stage, some explanatory remarks tures also responds to the chemistry and
should also be given as to why it is impor- block length. Compared to the millisecond
tant to find new synthetic pathways to am- exchange of low molecular weight aggre-
phiphilic block and graft copolymers. For gates, the lifetime of block copolymer mi-
instance, these polymers are discussed as celles can easily be adjusted to the second,
candidates to substitute low molecular minute, or hour region.
weight surfactant molecules in many heter- Particularly with amphiphilic block co-
ophase stabilixation problems. such as in polymers, it is possible to speculate about a
emulsion polymerization or for the formu- generalization of amphiphilicity, i.e., to
lation of cosmetics and drugs. The advan- design molecules that get attracted, and sta-
tages of polymers are obvious: As high mo- bilize not only the oil-water interface (the
lecular weight components, their critical classical problem of amphiphiles), but any
micelle concentration can be kept extreme- interface between different materials with
ly low so that they retain their efficiency different cohesion energies or surface ten-
even at high dilution. Furthermore, washing sions. In this context, it is remembered that
out and release to the environment are the compatibilization of polymer blends and
slowed down. For some technological ap- the stabilization of filler particles or dye
plications, it is interesting to mention that pigments can also be expressed as a prob-
the kinetic stability of the aggregation struc- lem of interface stabilization. The objective
18.3 A "Plastic"Example 605

of an adjustable amphiphilicity, however, esterification with a functional acid chloride

requires careful choice of both the solvating or acid anhydride results in the targeted
as well as the binding block of the ABC structure (GimCnez et al., 1996; Frey et al.,
molecule. 1986).
Optimization of the epoxidation reaction
of polystyrene-b-polybutadiene block co-
18.3.1 The (Modular) Synthesis of ABCs
polymers is described in the literature (An-
by Polymer-Analogous Reactions
tonietti et al., 1996 a). Attempts to epoxidize
As a result of their good accessibility in the polybutadiene blocks with methyltrioc-
a variety of compositions and molecular tylammonium-tetrakis(diperox0tungsten)-
weights with narrow molecular weight dis- phosphate(3-) and H202 failed (Jian and
tribution, the low price, and their wide- Hay, 1991). In this case, GPC measurements
spread use in technology, polystyrene-b- of the oxidized samples showed that an un-
polybutadiene block copolymers were se- acceptably high degree of crosslinking or in-
lected as the starting material. It is repeated soluble polymers was obtained. Better re-
that the choice of the polymer predetermines sults were obtained with the epoxidation by
the polymer architecture, its absolute MCPBA (meta-chloroperbenzoic acid) in
length, and the relative block lengths; the toluene. The molecular parameters of the
following chemical steps are designed to epoxidized block copolymers were deter-
change the chemistry of both blocks but not mined by DMF-GPC, IR spectroscopy, and
the molecular architecture (decoupling of 'H-NMR spectroscopy. The NMR spectra
structure and functionality control). of the products no longer show any olefin-
For transfer into a reactive intermediate, ic proton signals, which indicates an almost
the epoxidation reaction of the double bonds quantitative epoxidation. The GPC meas-
of the polybutadiene block was chosen. It is urements, which are shown below, prove
known from the literature that some simple that only a small amount of high molecular
epoxidation agents can be used where close- weight (crosslinked) polymer is formed.
to-complete conversion with a tolerable Udipi (1979) proposed an acid-catalyzed,
amount of side reactions, such as crosslink- crosslinking reaction during the epoxida-
ing, is obtained (Antonietti et al., 1996a; tion process forming high molecular weight
Brosse et al., 1979; Iraqi and Cole-Hamil- polymer. Solvent and concentration have a
ton, 1992). Another very versatile possibil- strong effect on the degree of crosslinking.
ity of functionalization lies in hydroxylation Several other solvents were tested (e.g.,
via hydroboration with 9-BBN (9-borabicy- CHC13, CH2C12),but toluene turned out to
clo[3,3,l]nonane), followed by oxidation be the best.
with H202/NaOH (Ramakrishnan, 1991). None of the epoxidized block copoly-
Following the epoxidation, a variety of mers showed micelle formation in THF or
opening reactions of the oxirane ring, such toluene. This was expected, since both
as the nucleophilic (Nu = nucleophile) ring blocks exhibit very similar cohesion ener-
opening (Chini et al., 1990) and the reaction gies in this case, i.e., they are of similar hy-
with acid chlorides (Nishikubo and Kamey- drophobicity.
ama, 1993), are applied to introduce a wide- In the case of hydroxylation of our poly-
spread range of different functional side styrene-b-polybutadiene block copolymers,
groups via simple low moleuclar weight re- we used a refined one-pot reaction from
actants. For the hydroxy derivative, simple Ramakrishnan (1991). 'H-NMR measure-
606 18 Application of a Modular Approach in Polymer Science

ments showed that the hydroxylation is al- typical GPC data throughout the course of
most quantitative (no olefinic proton sig- the modification reactions. Here, the mod-
nals). In addition, no high molecular weight ular synthesis of polystyrene-b-poly(benzo-
polymer was found by DMF-GPC measure- ic ester) as an analyzable model reaction is
ments. Here we only changed the chemical followed.
nature of the polymer and not its architec- It is seen that the original molecular
ture. weight distribution stays practically unaf-
The resulting polystyrene-b-polyalcohol fected. Only a minor peak with twice the
block copolymer is already very amphiphil- molecular weight has been built up. The em-
ic. Micelle formation was observed in to- ployed polymer reactions are obviously
luene, CHCI,, THE and methanol. practically free of side reactions, and the re-
In a second step, we modify the polyepox- quired decoupling of structure and function-
ide blocks by ring-opening reaction with ality control is given.
several nucleophiles and acid chlorides, It is interesting to note that these polymer
whereas the polyalcohol blocks are esteri- analogous reactions are not solely restrict-
fied with corresponding acid chlorides. For ed to one block but can be performed on both
better illustration, some of the related struc- blocks in a different but selective manner.
ture formulas are sketched in Fig. 18-3. This was performed during the synthesis of
It is shown that modification with appro- pol yethy lethy lene-6-poly styrenesulfonate
priate nucleophiles quickly results in multi- block copolymers, a very powerful electro-
functional organic substituents. The deriv- steric stabilizer for emulsions and suspen-
atives a ) and b) are made for the stabil- sions (Tauer et al., 1997), the description of
ization of metal surfaces; c) and d) prefer which is omitted here.
alkaline earth salts and ceramic surfaces.
The esterfication with cholesterol e) not
18.3.2 Micelles of ABCs
only results in a liquid-crystalline block co-
polymer, but also enables coupling to hydro- The amphiphilicity of all polymers is sim-
phobic components. Interestingly, modifi- ply visualized by their ability to form mi-
cation with acid chlorides is not restricted celles. This is quickly tested by dynamic
to hydrocarbon acid chlorides and perfluo- light scattering (DLS), thus resulting in a
rinated derivates can be effectively coupled, hydrodynamic radius and distribution, as
too (f). This gives rise to a block with ultra-
hydrophobic character, a property that will b
be explained below. Figure 18-3. Structure formulas of some of the ABCs
The resulting products were character- synthesized via the addition of commercial nucle-
ized by 'H-NMR, 1R and (whenever pos- ophiles or esterfication with acid chlorides: Modifi-
sible) DMF-GPC. The relative intensities of cation of the polyepoxide block with a) 2-mercapto-
pyridine and b) 2-mercaptobenzotiasole. Esterfication
the NMR signals are in good agreement with of the polyalcohol block with c) phthalic anhydride
the expected values. Completeness of mod- and d ) pyrazine-2J-diacid anhydride. Esterfication
ification is also confirmed by the absence of can also be performed with liquid-crystalline deriva-
epoxy group proton signals and hydroxy tives such as e ) cholesterol or f) ultra-hydrophobic
group signals in NMR and IR spectroscopy. moieties such as perfluorooctanoic acid. A very effec-
tive electrosteric stabilizer is g) the polyethylethy-
DMF-GPC measurements were only pos- lene-6-polystyrenesulfonate block copolymer. Block
sible for polymers where DMF is a homo- lengths for PSB-11: Nps =423, N,, = 390. The I ,4-con-
geneous solvent. Figure 18-4 shows some tent in the polybutadiene block is ca. 10%.
18.3 A Plastic Example 607

b) MBT-PSB-11

C) Pht-PSB-11 d) b - P S B - I I

e) Chol-PSB-II

1 J


608 18 Application of a Modular Approach in Polymer Science

I f I 1 I I I

22 23 24 25 26 27
V, /rrl

Figure 18-4. a) THF-GPC

elugrams of polystyrene-h-
polybutadiene block co-
polymer (PSB-11, M,IM,,=
1.02). b): DMF-GPC elu-
grams of polystyrene-b-
polyalcohol block C O P O ~ Y -
mers (Ah-PSB-11, M,/M,=
1.05) and the resulting
product after esterfication
with benzoyl chloride (BC-
PSB-11, M,IM,= 1.07).

well as with electron microscopy, which can polar block pointing outwards, i.e., regular or
depict the micelles' quality. inverse micelles, depending on the solvent's
Micelle formation is obtained in selective polarity. Since we are interested in obtaining
solvents, i.e., of the polymer blocks. Most assemblies with chemical functionalities,
of the described block copolymers form a micelle morphology with the functional
micelles with either the more polar or the un- groups located in the micelle core is desired.
18.3 A Plastic Example 609

Table 18- 1 summarizes some micelle ity in methanol or water, as shown with the
sizes and their apparent polydispersities, as polyalcohol or polyacid substitution pat-
determined by dynamic light scattering. It tern.
must be underlined that the molecular Micelle formation can also be seen by
weight and architecture are the same, since electron microscopy. Figure 18-5 shows a
we started from the same, nearly symmet- typical picture characterizing these mi-
rical, parental polystyrene-polybutadiene celles; due to the lack of contrast the sam-
block copolymer (PSB-11, Mps = 44000; ple was shadowed with Pt/C.
MPB= 21 000). It is seen that the swollen The spherical shape of the micelles as
micelles usually exhibit diameters between well as their rather narrow size distribution
50 nm < Dh< 200 nm with polydispersities are easily recognized. The difference be-
of 5 - 30% Gaussian width. tween the diameter and the results of dynam-
Micelle formation is not restricted to sol- ic light scattering is due to the fact that DLS
vents for polystyrene (here toluene). Mi- characterizes the micelles in a highly swol-
celles can also be inverted where the cho- len state, whereas electron microscopy de-
lesterol substitution mediates dissolution in picts the solid collapsed particles.
aliphatic hydrocarbons or the fluorinated Similar experiments and static light scat-
blocks mediate dissolution in solvents with tering reveal that the size of these micelles
still lower cohesion energy (as expressed by is perfectly controlled by the length of the
the Hildebrandt parameter 6).Polar modifi- outer dissolved block ( N s ) and the core-
cation, on the other hand, results in solubil- forming block (Nc), as well as the interface

Table 18-1. Micellar characteristics of the diverse amphiphilic block copolymers shown in Fig. 18-3. The hy-
drodynamic diameter d is determined by dynamic light scattering. The relative width CJ of a Gaussian distribu-
tion is fitted to the relaxation curve and illustrates the polydispersity of the samples.

Solvent Perfluoro(methy1- Hexane Toluene Methanol

6[(cal/~m~)~] 6.0 7.3 8.9 14.5

Alc-PSB-I1 - - dh = 115.5 nm; dh = 54.7 nm;

CJ = 0.059 CJ = 0.265
MP-PSB-I1 - - dh = 153.0 nm; dh = 48.0 nm;
0=0.189 = 0.284
MBT-PSB-I1 - - d h = 208.2 nm; -
CJ = 0.235
Fluoro-PSB-I1 d h = 111.8nm; - dh = 176.1 nm; -
CJ = 0.315 CJ = 0.321
Chol-PSB-I1 - dh = 58.6 nm; - -

CJ = 0.065
Pht-PSB-I1 - - dh = 97.4 nm; dh = 50.8 nm;
CJ = 0.125 (T = 0.22 1
Pyr-PSB-I1 - - dh = 115.6 nm; dh = 87.7 nm;
CJ = 0.387 CJ = 0.343
610 18 Application of a Modular Approach in Polymer Science

Figure 18-5.Electron mi-

crograph of the micelles of a
pyridine block copolymer
contrasted with Pt/lr. The
high uniformity of these
self-assembled structures
can be recognized. The dif-
ferent shades of gray are re-
lated to different layer thick-
nesses, i.e., monolayer, dou-
ble layer, etc., of stable mi-

energy between core and solvent. The rela- self-assembly and containing a highly func-
tion between the aggregation number Z and tionalized micelle core, which is construct-
these quantities for the limit of high inter- ed to incorporate other components.
face energies is given by (Antonietti et al.,
1994; Forster etal., 1996)
18.3.3 Solid State Properties
Z = Z N N-O.8 ( 18-1 )
o c s and Liquid-Crystalline Phases of ABCs
ABC block copolymers form not only mi-
( 1 8-2)
celles in solution but also ordered meso-
phases in semiconcentrated solution or in
The quantity Z0 contains all geometric the bulk. Phase formation occurs corre-
characteristics (the monomer volume V,,, sponding to standard block copolymers
and the stabilized interface area per mole- (Bates et al., 1994; Khandpur et al., 1993,
cule A,) and is defined analogous to the sur- where the relatively high interfacial energy
factant ratio of low molecular weight sur- results in the appearance of additional me-
factants. It was shown that these relations sophases and phase effects (Oestreich et al.,
hold for chemically very different systems, 1997).
such as nonionic surfactants and charged The very high degree of order has already
block copolymers. been seen by polarization microscopy. Fig-
With the presented terminology of the ure 18-6a and b show some textures for
modular approach, these micelles can be re- blocks modified with cholesterol tails (Fig.
garded as the molecular base for a chemical 18-6a) and perfluorinated tails (Fig. 18-6 b).
system with the single polymer being the The cholesterol-containing blocks show
structural module forming well-defined and a typical thermotropic liquid crystalline tex-
controllable spherical superstructures by ture, i.e., these polymers not only show mi-
18.3 A "Plastic"Example 61 1

Figure 18-6. a) Polarization

micrograph of Chol-PSB-11.
b) Polarization micrograph
of Fluoro-PSB-11.

crophase separation due to the block copol- Clearly, the modular approach towards
ymer structure, but the cholesteryl-contain- such systems producing polymers with very
ing microphase is liquid-crystalline in itself. similar properties has the advantage of be-
DSC measurements reveal a nematic-iso- ing simpler. It must be underlined that such
tropic transition of T, = 203 "C. This value ABCs with a functionality of being liquid-
is within the data range of Fischer and co- crystalline can also be used as stabilizers for
workers (Arnold et al., 1994; Fischer and the dispersion of liquid crystals in a contin-
Poser, 1996), where similar liquid-crystal- uous polymer, thus resulting in more stable
line block copolymers were synthesized via polymer dispersed liquid crystals (PDLCs)
classical anionic polymerization including with better morphology control.
protecting group chemistry and subsequent Fluorinated ABC shows the appearance
esterfication with a spaced cholesterol unit. of strong colors in polarization microscopy,
612 18 Application of a Modular Approach in Polymer Science

thus proving the very high spontaneous Fluoro-PSBIV

order and anisometry of the samples (Fig. '"~n'""
I . ' 3 I
18-6 b).
The presented fluorinated ABCs are elas-
tic, soft materials. DSC (differential scan-
ning calorimetry) measurements and wide
angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) diffracto-
grams reveal the absence of side chain crys-
tallinity of the fluorinated tails. With DSC
we obtain a heating curve characterized by
two glass transition temperatures, where the
glass transition of the fluorinated phase s / nm-'
T i =-25 "C and the glass transition of the Figure 18-7. A small-angle X-ray (SAXS) diffracto-
polystyrene phase Ti = 103 "C. These glass gram of Fluoro-PSB-1V. Unlike Fluaro-PSB-11, Fluo-
ro-PSB-IV has a shorter polymer chain (Nps= 106,
transitions have to be regarded as the limit-
NF,,,,,,=34), which adjusts the structure to be suffi-
ing values for high molecular weights; ciently small to be characterized by SAXS.
smaller chains exhibit the typical depression
of the glass transition temperature.
Fluorinated triblock copolymers with two
terminal polystyrene blocks, which have be designed to be highly functionalized and
also been synthesized (Oestreich et al., is able to incorporate other components.
1997) are (at room temperature) thermo- This is analogous to the chemistry in the mi-
plastic elastomers with a soft polymer phase celle core and can be regarded as the solid
(fluorinated block) and a hard phase (PS film equivalent of the described "mother-
block). such as the parental polystyrene-h- board''.
pol ybutadiene block copolymer. Depending Consequently, all the modifications de-
on the relative volume fraction of both com- scribed below, performed for simplicity in
ponents and the continuity of the phases, the micelles, can, in principle, also be carried
resulting bulk material is a rubber or a high out in solid films, thus directly resulting in
impact solid. well-defined, three-dimensional arrange-
The high degree of order in the solid state ments of the functionalities.
of all these systems is backed by small an-
gle X-ray scattering. where narrow peaks
18.3.4 Fluorinated Block Copolymers
and unconventional peak sequences are
for Hydrophobic Coatings and
obtained. An exemplary diffractogram is
Membranes, and as Dispersion Stabilizers
shown in Fig. 18-7.
Usually such phases consist of a simple Besides the very interesting solid state
fundamental symmetry and localized undu- structure, the fluorinated blocks have some
lations on top of it; the interested reader is interesting extra features which make them
referred to Oestreich et at. (1997), where a valuable materials.
structure assignment of this and similar As a result of the very low cohesion en-
polymers is given. In the present context, it ergy of their fluorinated part, the interfacial
is important that highly amphiphilic block energy of these blocks to other media with
copolymers form mesophases of high sym- a low cohesion energy is low; towards gas-
metry and order, where each microphase can es (with a cohesion energy close to zero), a
18.3 A PlasticExample 613

low surface tension y is obtained. A mini- critical C 0 2 . DeSimone and co-workers

mized y-value is important for the stability showed that heterophase polymerization in
of foams with a fine foam structure. Surface supercritical C 0 2 enables the solvent-free
energies smaller than 20 mN/m are called synthesis of polymer powders with excel-
ultra-low, since most standard solvents lent handling of the polymerization process
such as oil and water cannot wet such sur- (DeSimone and Guan, 1994; DeSimone
faces; their importance for protective and et al., 1994). Since most polymers do not
nonpolluting coatings, water repelling fab- dissolve in C 0 2 , they precipitate during the
rics, or self-lubricating machine parts have polymerization and steric stabilizers are re-
already been discussed in the literature quired to keep the dispersed state. This prob-
(Schmidt et al., 1994, 1996). The nonsticky lem is classically attacked via copolymer-

standard polymer, PTFE, exhibits a 7- ization with fluoroalkylmethacrylates or the

value of 18.6 mN/m, but has the disadvan- addition of fluorinated surfactant, both be-
tages of being difficult to process and hav- ing weak steric stabilizers. In a recent paper,
ing a porous surface. DeSimone et al. (1996) also applied a fluo-
Since it is well known that the polymer/air rinated block copolymer, proving the superb
interface severely influences and orients the stabilization efficiency of such systems via
phase structure of block copolymers, we ex- a rather low particle size.
pect that in close proximity to the surface Testing of our fluorinated block copolym-
the component with the lower cohesion en- ers as steric stabilizers in low cohesion en-
ergy density is remarkably enriched. It was ergy solvents was performed on the basis of
shown with polystyrene-b-PDMS block co- the precipitation polymerization of styrene
polymers that the doping of a bulk material in Freon 1 13, a model for the technological-
(in this special case, polystyrene) with ly more relevant case of polymerization
blocks enables significant lowering of the in dense C 0 2 . Table 18-2 gives the colloid
surface energies due to this enrichment analytical data of some of the final latex dis-
(Chen and Gardella, 1994). persions.
The same is true for the fluorinated ABCs It is seen that the fluorinated ABCs (as
discussed here: They exhibit a y-value well expected) stabilize the dispersions with rel-
below that of PTFE as measured by the con- atively low amounts of stabilizers: The ad-
tact angle towards hexadecane (Oestreich dition of only 5 wt.% enables the synthesis
et al., 1997). Contrary to PTFE, the blocky
nature of the polymer presented here en-
ables thermoplastic processing and dissolu- Table 18-2. Results of precipitation polymerization
tion in standard solvents, ensures adhesion of polystyrene in solvents with low cohesion energy
towards the substrate, and possesses a pla- density, here Freon 113 with Fluoro-PSB-IV as aster-
nar surface structure, which are beneficial ic stabilizer. The resulting particle diameter dh and
for practical applications. the resulting Gaussian width Dare given based on the
relative amount of surfactant, which varies between
A related interface problem with high 5 and 20 wt.% with respect to monomer.
technological impact in which fluorinated
ABCs are successfully applied is the stabil- S= [Fluor-PSB-IV]/[styrene] dh(nm) 0
ization of standard polymers and in solvents
with very low cohesion energy, such as short 0.05 244.7 0.341
0.10 189.9 0.186
chain hydrocarbons (isopentane, butane, 0.20 107.1 0.212
propane), fluorinated solvents, and super-
614 18 Application of a Modular Approach in Polymer Science

of latex particles with a diameter of 250 nm, Both for the separation of C 0 2 from
which can be rated as a very fine size for a gaseous hydrocarbons as well as for oxygen
precipitation polymerization with steric sta- from nitrogen, a comparably good selectiv-
bilization. ity at a rather high flow rate is obtained. This
The preference ofthe fluorinated tails to underlines the advantages of a thermoplas-
gases can be exploited in a third way: Per- tic ABC with a self-organized microphase
fluorinated alkanes are known for their re- structure which consists of a continuous liq-
markable inclination for oxygen (Riess, uid transport phase within the frame of a
1999, and polymeric gas membranes con- supporting solid polymer phase for the con-
taining ultra-hydrophobic moieties show struction of very effective membranes. The
high selectivity in gas separation, e.g., in the full profit of the modular conception, how-
02/N2 separation process (Osterreich, An- ever, will arise from the incorporation of ad-
tonietti, to be published). For these reasons, ditional selectivity or solubility enhancing
some preliminary gas permeation measure- components.
ments were performed on thin layers of a
fluorinated ABC spun on porous polypro-
18.3.5 Amphiphilic Block Copolymers
pylene supports. Since analysis of the ef-
that take up Metals and Semiconductors
fective flow geometry of such systems is
rather complicated, only relative values As described above, ABCs can be made
of the permeability are presented in Table to exhibit a substitution pattern based on li-
18-3 [taken from Oestreich etal. (1997)l. gand molecules, which enables the binding
and uptake of metal salts into organic sol-
vents. In other words: Such micellar solu-
tions of the block copolymers readily solu-
bilize different metal salts which are other-
Table 18-3. Results of gas permeation measurements
on porous cellgard membranes coated with thin films wise insoluble in the solvent. This kind of
of Fluoro-PSR-ll and Fluor-Kraton. In the case of solvation power is a typical property of ABC
Fluor-Kraton. we modily a commercially available micelles and might also be used for appli-
polystyrene-/~-polybutadiene-/~-polystyrcne triblock cations such as the generalized phase trans-
copolymer. It is seen that both systems exhibit a re-
fer catalysis of drug formulation.
markable enrichment of C 0 2 or 0 2 .respectively. at
comparahly high permeahilities. To delineate some modular chemistry
ideas in polymer synthesis, these metal salt-
containing micelles with their high kinetic
and thermodynamic stability were em-
ployed as molecular reactors by transfer
of the dissolved metal salts to metal colloids
of uniform size in the nanometer region.
This route is currently being developed and
optimized by a number of research groups
(Moffitt and Eisenberg, 1995; Ng Cheong
Feed I0 20 80 Chan et al., 1992; Yue and Cohen, 1994; Sai-
FI uoro- PS B - I I 0.6 38.5 71.5 to et al., 1992; Roescher and Moller, 1995 a,
Fluoro- Kraton I .4 27.1 72.9
b; Antonietti and Heinz, 1992; Antonietti
I At room temperature, p = 5 bar (S x 1 OF N m-?) for et al., 1995) to produce materials combin-
3 h. ing inorganic as well as polymer properties.
18.3 A PlasticExample 615

Usually the micelles depicted above and is not directly controlled by the mi-
change their colloidal properties (such as celles. For the formation of gold colloids, it
size) only slightly during solvation, which was shown that even aubergine-shaped par-
is due to the already high interfacial energy ticles are formed in the early phases of the
of the core. On the other hand, it is possible reaction, which is seen as a typical double
to induce micelle formation of weakly ag- plasmon resonance in the UV-vis spectrum
gregating systems by the uptake of highly (Antonietti et al., 1996 b). The proceeding
dipolar groups. It has also been observed interface reaction breaks up the micelles,
that not all the substitution patterns in the which, however, return to stabilize the final
metallophilic ABCs are equally well suited colloid particles when the colloid leaves the
for all salts (Antonietti et al., 1996a). The reaction center.
data seem to follow the hard-soft acid- It must be underlined that the solvent can
base principle, where soft cations require be completely removed from all our colloid-
soft ligands, whereas hard cations show al solutions, thus resulting in solvent-cast
a distinct affinity to hard ligands. polymeric films with additional properties
The subsequent conversion of the metal of the metal colloids. This process is com-
salts, e.g., via reduction or via oxidic or sul- pletely reversible: The solid films can be re-
fidic precipitation, produces the desired dissolved in all solvents for polystyrene
metal colloids or semiconductor particles without any significant change of the col-
inside the micelle core. In the case of a slow loidal characteristics, thus proving the
and homogeneous reaction and slow nucle- close-to-perfect stabilization of the metal
ation, it is possible to convert all the metal colloids by the block copolymer shells.
ions of one micelle core to one colloid par- The control of magnetic properties via
ticle, the size of which is controlled only by particle morphology and size was success-
the micelle size and the relative metal con- fully shown by control of the morphology
tent. of cobalt colloids within block copolymer
This situation with its cherry morphol- micelles (Platonova et al., 1997). Here the
ogy is shown in Fig. 18-8 a (Antonietti et al., whole transition from paramagnetic through
1995). Such an architecture is profitable for superparamagnetic to ferromagnetic behav-
incorporating colloidal modules with defi- ior was obtained, depending on the type of
nite magnetic, optic, or electronic proper- block copolymer and the reaction condi-
ties. tions. At the same time, the magnetic fluids
In the case of a fast homogeneous reac- thus constructed exhibit a high absolute
tion, many colloids per micelle are usual- value of magnetization.
ly nucleated, and we obtain a structure that The control and installation of special op-
is called a raspberry morphology (Anto- tical properties was obtained by means of
nietti et al., 1995), as shown in Fig. 18-8 a. the synthesis of ZnO colloids in polymer
Here the very small colloidal particles are films where the semiconductor ZnO acts as
effectively stabilized in the micelle. As a a UV absorber, cutting the complete fre-
result of their enormous surface of up to quency range with A.< 350 nm (Antonietti
1000 m2/cm3, this architecture is advanta- et al., 1996 c). Here the modular hybride can
geous for catalytic applications of these ma- replace the standard organic UV absorbers
terial hybrides. with their known disadvantages.
The scenario of a heterogenous reaction A first testing of the catalytic activity
(which is the third case) becomes complex of the palladium colloids with raspberry
616 18 Application of a Modular Approach in Polymer Science

Figure 18-8. a, b) Trans-

mission electron micro-
graphs of different mor-
phologies of noble metal
colloids in block copolymer
miccllcs: a) the raspberry
morphology containing
many metal colloids per mi-
celle core. and b) the cher-
ry morphology containing
only one colloid per parti-
cle. The micelles are visible
as shadows or a background

morphology, stabilized with polystyrene- sults. where these colloids were employed
h-poly(4)vinylpyridine block copolymers, in the Heck reaction (palladium- or nickel-
showed in hydrogenation reactions an in- catalyzed C-C coupling) (Klingelhofer
creased stability and selectivity at a level of et al., 1997). In all cases the reactivity was
reactivity that is about comparable to opti- slightly reduced, but the lifetime of the cat-
mized industrial reference systems (Anto- alysts exceeded the corresponding ones of
nietti et al., 1995; Seregina et al., 1997). low molecular weight catalysts by orders of
These observations are backed by newer re- magnitude (turnover numbers > 20 000).
18.4 Conclusions and Outlook 617

During testing in catalytical applications, 18.4 Conclusions and Outlook

we also performed experiments in cyclohex-
ane which is a &solvent for the solvating It was demonstrated that the decoupling
polystyrene blocks. The switch between a of the build up of chain length and architec-
stable colloidal solution at elevated temper- ture of a polymer molecule, on the one hand,
atures and a colloidal gel phase at T<308 K and design of the chemical functionality by
is fully reversible and allows very simple polymer-analogous reactions, on the other,
separation of the reaction products and the yield a whole variety of highly valuable am-
polymer-supported colloidal catalyst by phiphilic block copolymers with a broad
cooling; this catalyst can be reused in the spread of amphiphilicity and related func-
next reaction cycle in the same reaction ves- tions.
sel without any loss and long-winded isola- Most of these ABCs are interesting in
tion procedures. This is a clear extra advan- themselves, since they are able to stabilize
tage which is brought into the system by the the interfaces between very different media,
stabilizing block copolymer module. such as polymers, metals, and gases. With-
All these points underline the advantages in the framework of supramolecular and
of a modular concept for such catalysts. modular chemistry, these molecules act
The reactivity is brought in by the colloid- as connectors, i.e., as molecular glues
al noble metal module, whereas stability, between other diverse subunits. Typical ex-
(switchable) solubility, and selectivity arise amples for these applications are ABCs with
from the polymeric stabilizers. The systems a fluorinated block or a liquid-crystalline
tested first still had the disadvantage that on- block, which are mainly interesting as spe-
ly one metal binding site (the pyridine unit cial dispersion stabilizers or surface modi-
of the P4VP blocks) per monomer unit was fiers.
available and that the electronic character- By the means of some selected ABCs, it
istics of this substituent are fixed. As shown was shown that modification with metallo-
above, modular synthesis of such metal- philic or ionophilic binding moduli (con-
binding block copolymers enables the syn- taining complexing or highly dipolar sub-
thesis of a variety of different structures, stituents in the chemical structure) results in
such as chelating ligands, an adjustable po- polymers that effectively stabilize nano-
larizability, and an adjustable electronic in- sized metal or semiconductor colloids. In
fluencing or an improved amphiphilicity (in this case, the resulting polymer/metal or
the general sense). Since optical and elec- polymer/semiconductor hybrides can be re-
tronical properties (Lewis, 1993; Heng- garded as real modular chemical systems,
lein, 1989; Weller, 1993), as well as the cat- since they offer a unique combination of
alytic activities, react sensitively to the di- polymeric properties (stability, elasticity,
electric environment and donor/acceptor and processability) with those of the metal
groups, we expect the properties of the em- or semiconductor colloids (optical, elec-
bedded colloid to be fine-tuned by the sur- tronic and magnetic behavior, and cataly-
rounding ABCs. Experimental confirma- sis). In addition, the outer shell of stabiliz-
tion of these possibilities, however, has to ing blocks directly allows a colloidally dis-
be established. persed incorporation in a polymer film or a
switchable solubility, i.e., it is still possible
to define/program the molecular interface to
other systems.
618 18 Application of a Modular Approach in Polymer Science

Since the presented modular scheme is 18.6 References

rather general. the working principle even
for the synthesis of ABCs is far from ex- Antonietti, M., Heinz, S. (l992), Nuch. Chem. Lab.
Techn. 40, 308.
ploited and offers some additional perspec- Antonietti, M., Heinz, S., Schmidt, M., Rosenauer, C.
tives. It is straightforward, for instance, to (1994), Mucromolecules 23, 3276.
couple as the first step the parental block co- Antonietti, M., Wenz, E., Bronstein, L., Seregina, M.
(1995), Ad\: Mater 7 , 1000.
polymer module with larger molecular ob- Antonietti, M., Forster, S., Hartmann, J., Oestreich, S.
jects with multifunctionality from other ( 1996 a ) , Macromolecules 29, 3800.
sources, e.g.. proteins or oligosaccharides Antonietti, M., Thiinemann, A., Wenz, E. (1996b),
Colloid Poljm. Sci. 274, 795.
(via their end groups). This may result in Antonietti, M.. Forster, S., Hartmann, J., Oestreich, S.
new material hybrides and the design of (l996c), Nach. Chem. Lab. Techn. 44, 579.
new, near-biological interfaces. Another Arnold, M., Poser, S., Fischer, H., Frank, W., Utschik,
H. (1994). Macromol. Rapid Commun. 15, 487.
very promising area is modification or mul- Bard. A. J. (1995), Integrated Chemical Systems. New
tigrafting with oligomers or shape-persis- York: Wiley.
tent molecules. which might result in a more Bates, F. S., Schulz, M. F., Khandpur, A. K., Forster.
generalized structural layout of new block S., Rosedale, J. H., Almdal, K., Mortensen, K.
(1994). Furadaj Dis. Chem. Soc. 98, 7.
copolymer phases and solid state morphol- Brittain, W. J. (l992), Rubber Chem. Techn. 65, 580.
ogies. Brosse, J. C., Soutif, J. C., Pinazzi, C. ( 1979), Mak-
ronitrl. Chem., 2 109.
Considering also the beauty of the result-
Chen, X., Gardella, J. A. (1994), Macromolecules 27,
ing structures and the simplicity of the mod- 3363.
ular approach, further developments in the Chini, M.. Crotti, P., Macchia, F. (1990), Tetrahedron
Lett. 31, 4661.
design of functional modules employing Chung, R. P. T., Solomon, D. H. (1992), f r o g . Org.
amphiphilic block copolymers will be inter- Coot. 21, 221.
esting to follow. DeSimone, J . M., Gum, Z. (1994). Macromo/ecu/e.s
27, 5527.
DeSirnone, J . M.. Maury, E. E., Combes, J. R., Men-
celoglu. Y.Z., McClain, J. B., Rornack, T. J. (1994),
18.5 Acknowledgements Science 265, 356.
DeSimone, J. M., Canelas, D. A., Betts, D. E. (1996),
Macromolecules 29, 281 8 .
We cordially thank A.-Dieter Schliiter for Fischer, H., Poser, S. (1996),Acta Polymericu47,413.
long discussions and some definitions with- Forster, S., Zisenis, M., Wenz, E., Antonietti, M.
( 1996). J . Chem. Phys. 194, 9956.
in the concepts of modular chemistry. We Frey, W., Dederichs, B., Klesper, E. (1986), Eur:
also thank Jiirgen Hartmann for experimen- Paljm. J . 229, 745.
tal help with electron microscopy, H. D. Gimtnez, V., Mantecbn, A., Cadiz, V. (1996),
J . Polym. Sci. Part A 34. 925.
Lehmann for gas diffusion measurements, Henglein, A. (l989), Chem. Rev. 89, 1861.
and C. Burger/M. A. Micha for help with the Iraqi, A,, Cole-Hamilton, D. J. (l992), J. Muter: Chem.
SAXS measurements. We are beholden to 2. 183.
Jim, X . , Hay, A. S. (1991), J . P d y m . Sci. Chem. Ed.
Erich C for much inspiration. S. Oestreich 29, 1183.
thanks the Verband der chemischen Indus- Kaszynsky, P., Friedly, A. C., Michl, J. (1992), J. Am.
trie for a Kekulc! fellowship. Financial sup- Chem. Soc. 114, 601.
Kennedy, J. P., Ivin, B. (199l), Designed Polymers by
port by Fonds der Chemischen Industrie and Curbocationic Macromolecular Engineering.
the Max Planck Society is gratefully ac- Miinchen: Hanser.
knowledged. Khandpur, A. K., Forster, S., Bates, F. S., Hamley, I.
W., Ryan, A. J., Bras, W., Almdal, K., Mortensen,
K. ( I 995), Macromolecules 28, 8796.
18.6 References 619

Klingelhofer, S., Heitz, W., Greiner, A,, Oestreich, S., Vol. 2, 2nd ed.: Mark, H. F., Bikales, N. M., Over-
Forster, S., Antonietti, M. (1997)J. Am.Chem. Soc. berger, C. G., Menges, G. (Eds.). New York: Wiley,
119, 10116. p. 324.
Lehn, J. M. (1995), Suprumoleculur Chemistry. Wein- Riess, J. G. (1995), NewJ. Chem. 19, 891.
heim: VCH. Roescher, A., Moller, M. (1995 a), Adv. Muter. 7, lS 1 .
Lewis, J. N. (1993), Chem. Rev. 93, 2693. Roescher, A., Moller, M. (1995 b), Polym. Muter. Sci.
Liess, P., Hensel, V., Schluter, A.-D. (1996), Liebigs Eng. 73, 156.
Ann., 1037; Hensel, V., Schliiter, A.-D. (1997), Lie- Saito, H., Okamura, S., Ishizu, K. (1992), Polymer 33,
bigs Ann., 303; Hensel, V., Luetzow, K., Jacob, J., 1099.
Gessler, K., Saenger, W., Schluter, A.-D. (1997), Schmidt, D. L., Coburn, C . E., DeKoven, B. M., Pot-
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 36, 2654. ter, G. E., Meyers, G. F., Fischer, D. A. ( I 994), Nu-
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C30, 305. Schmidt, D. L., DeKoven, B. M., Coburn, C. E., Pot-
Moffitt, M., Eisenberg, A. (1995), Chem. Muter. 7, ter, G. E., Meyers, G. F., Fischer, D. A. (1996),
1178; Moffitt, M., McMahon, L., Pessel, V., Eisen- Lungmuir 12, 5 18.
berg, A. (1995), Chem. Muter: 7, 1185. Seregina, M. V., Bronstein, L. M., Platonova, 0. A,,
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clopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering,
Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright 0WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999

19 Synthesis of Cyclic Macromolecules

Yannick Ederle. Kaynoush S.Naraghi. and Pierre J Lutz .
Institut Charles Sadron (CNRS). Strasbourg. Cedex F

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622

19.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623
19.2 Synthesis of Cyclic Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624
19.2.1 Ring-Chain Equilibria and Cyclization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624 Ring-Chain Equilibria in Siloxane Heterocycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625 Ring-Chain Equilibria in Other Heterocycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626 Cyclization Reactions in Polyesters or Polyamides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627
19.2.2 End-to-End Cyclization Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628 End-to-End Cyclization Based on Bimolecular Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629 End-to-End Cyclization Based on Unimolecular Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
19.3 Properties of Cyclic Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
19.3.1 Dilute Solution Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637 Size Exclusion Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637 Limiting Viscosity Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637 Thermodynamic and Hydrodynamic Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638
19.3.2 Solid State Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
19.4 Structures Derived from Cyclic Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
19.4.1 Eight-Shaped Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
19.4.2 Catenanes and Rotaxanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
19.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
19.6 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
622 19 Synthesis of Cyclic Macromolecules

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

Ceq concentration at which cyclic and linear structures are formed with the same
D translational diffusion coefficient
Kl equilibrium constant
M molar mass
Me entanglement molar mass
NA Avogadro number
P probability
Pintw * Pmter probability of intramolecular/intermolecular reaction
(I-?) mean square end-to-end distance of a Gaussian chain
R, radius of gyration
Tf glass transition temperature
x, y number of monomer units

r volume element

BIPE bis(isopropenyl-4-pheny1)ethane
Bu butyl
D3 hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane
D4 2,4,6,8-tetramethylcyclotetrasiloxane
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DPE 1, I -diphenylethylene
DP" number degree of polymerization
1,3-DXL 1.3-dioxolane
Me methyl
PB pol ybutadiene
PCEVE poly(2-chloroethyl vinyl ether)
PDMS poly(dimethylsi1oxane)
PDXL poly( 1,3-dioxolane)
PEO poly(ethy1ene oxide)
PI poly(isoprene)
PS poly(styrene)
P2VP poly( 2-vinylpyridine)
SANS small angle neutron scattering
SEC size exclusion chromatography
Sty styrene
THF tetrahydrofuran
uv ultraviolet
2VP 2-viny lpyridine
19.1 Introduction 623

19.1 Introduction Comparison between the experimental

results and the theoretical predictions has
only been possible since around 15 years
The synthesis of tailor-made polymers is ago, when well-defined cyclic polymers
a major challenge for polymer chemists were available in rather large quantities. It
(Gnanou, 1996; Rempp et al., 1994). There has to be mentioned that cyclic structures al-
has been increasing interest in cyclic oli- ready existed in biological molecules such
gomers or polymers over the years with spe- as DNA (Freifelder et al., 1964, Cantor and
cial attention on macrocyclic polymers Schimmel, 1979). The existence of twisted
since the early 1950s. Theoretical calcula- DNA structures was demonstrated by Craw-
tions of the cyclization effect on the solu- ford (1965).
tion behavior and the solid state properties The synthesis and properties of cyclic
of cyclic macromolecules, as compared to polymers have been discussed over the years
the linear equivalent, were dealt with in a in several review articles (Deffieux, 1996;
number of papers: Zimm and Stockmayer Ma, 1996; Rempp et al., 1987; Semlyen,
(1 949), Bloomfield and Zimm (1966), Ca- 1976, 1997). The purpose of the present
sassa (19 6 9 , Burchard and Schmitt (1980), work is to present the state-of-art in this do-
Ten Brinke and Hadziioannou (1987), and main.
Kosmas et al. (1994). As an example, the The first part of this work deals with the
mean square radius of gyration of a cyclic application of ring-chain equilibria to the
polymer in a theta solvent or in the bulk preparation of cyclic polymers involving
should be exactly half that of the linear back-biting reactions. This procedure does
molecule exhibiting the same molar mass not allow the synthesis of cyclic polymers
(Casassa, 1965). The absence of chain ends and linear precursor of the same molar mass,
is also expected to have consequences on the and the domain of accessible molar masses
properties in the solid state: The glass tran- is limited. This is why many efforts have
sition temperature (T,) decreases for linear been devoted to the search for efficient end-
chains with decreasing molar mass. As theo- to-end cyclization procedures to synthesize
retically discussed by DiMarzio and Gutt- homopolymeric cycles of controlled molar
man (1987), this should not be the case for mass. This latter aspect will be extensively
cyclic structures. The driving force for the discussed in the second part of the text, to-
development of efficient preparation meth- gether with the preparation of cyclic species
ods of well-defined cyclic polymers in a exhibiting block copolymeric chains. These
large domain of molar masses was directly end-to-end cyclizations of a, w-living poly-
connected to the problem of reptation of mers with bifunctional compounds have
polymers: can a cyclic polymer reptate in their own limitation. Therefore the advan-
the same way as a linear chain? Is the rep- tage of cyclization reactions, where the end
tation affected by the molar mass? The con- groups of heterofunctional polymers are
cept of reptation was first developed for lin- linked together, will be discussed in detail.
ear chains many years ago by Edwards All the samples obtained, either by ring-
( 1 967) and De Gennes (197 1). More recent- chain equilibria or end-to-end cyclization
ly, Klein ( 1 986) has theoretically examined have to be characterized properly to confirm
the dynamics of entangled linear, branched, the expected cyclic structure. In most cas-
and cyclic polymers on the base of this rep- es, they have to be isolated first from the raw
tation concept. reaction product. They were used in sever-
624 19 Synthesis of Cyclic Macromolecules

a1 studies from semi-dilute solution to sol- most cases, these cyclic polymers are con-
id state. These different properties will be sidered as undesirable side products, and the
discussed in the second part. experimental conditions are adjusted to lim-
Over the years there has been rising inter- it their formation. For example, high con-
est in structures derived from cyclic poly- centration or bulk polymerization is applied
mers. The different cyclization reactions to disfavor cyclization by intramolecular re-
previously discussed could be extended to action (back-biting) (Scheme 19- 1). The
the preparation of novel architectures, such number of macromolecules formed increas-
as eight-shaped polymers, rotaxanes, poly- es in relation to the decrease of their aver-
rotaxanes. and similar species, which will age molar mass. If this reaction occurs inter-
be briefly presented in Secs. 19.4.1 and molecularly (scrambling), cyclic structures
19.4.2. do not result, but there is a broadening of
the molar mass distribution.
The probability of the formation of cyclic
19.2 Synthesis of Cyclic structures can be calculated from Jacobson
Structures and Stockmayer (1950) theory, first applied
to step-growth polymerization in the bulk.
The synthesis of cyclic polymers can be The formation of a cyclic x-mer is present-

- +@
achieved in two different ways, either by ed below
ring-chain equilibria reactions or by end-to-
end cyclization reactions of polymers ob- -My- + -My-.1. (19-1)
tained by ionic polymerization.
where M,. refers to a linear chain with y
monomer units and M, to a cyclic polymer
19.2.1 Ring-Chain Equilibria with x monomer units
and Cyclization The equilibrium constant K, can be ex-
Polymers based on vinylic or dienic pressed
monomers are generally obtained by free- [-My, -1 [&1
radical polymerization or ionic polymeriza- K.=- - [@1
~~ ( 1 9-2)
tion processes free of any cyclic constitu- [-M?. -1 PX
ents. In these polymers, no reactive func- with p being the probability for the func-
tions are located along the chain which may tions having undergone reaction. Provided
induce cyclization reactions. This is not the the polymer chains obey Gaussian statistics,
case for polymers obtained by polyconden- the equilibrium constant relates to the prob-
sation (polyesters, polyamides, etc.) or for ability of chains with y monomers having
polymers based on heterocyclic monomers. their chain ends overlapping
Both reactions have been extensively stud-
ied over the years. Depending upon the ex-
( 19-3)
perimental conditions, they mostly provide
access to the linear polycondensate or poly-
mer, or to a mixture of linear polymer and where N A is the Avogadro number, ( r 2 ) is
more or less significant amounts of cyclic the mean square end-to-end distance of a
species. The reaction of a function located Gaussian chain.
at the chain ends with a functional link along As just mentioned, beside the cyclization
the chain is responsible for cyclization. In reaction occurring in chain extension reac-
19.2 Synthesis of Cyclic Structures 625

a) Intramolecular reaction: back-biting

7' F

b) Intermolecular reaction: scrambling

FF F - s 5-


f Scheme 19-1. Schematic
representation of the syn-
F: ffiter function, siloxane bridge, ffiter bridge, ... thesis of cyclic structures
via ring chain equilibria
S: alkoxide, silanolatefunction, oxonium site, ... reactions.

tions, such as the transesterification of es- including acetals based essentially upon cat-
ters, cyclic structures also appear in some ionic polymerization, will be given. Final-
living cationic or anionic polymerization re- ly, some cases of cyclic structures in poly-
actions (back-biting and end-biting) of het- esters or polyamides will be discussed.
erocycles. In both cases, cyclic structures
can be formed during the polymerization or Ring-Chain Equilibria
the polycondensation process, or upon reac-
in Siloxane Heterocycles
tion of a linear polymer with an appropriate
reagent. It is also necessary to be aware of Brown and Slusarczuk (1965) were the
the fact that, in most cases, the molar mass- first to report on the existence of macrocy-
es of cycles formed under such conditions clic populations in PDMS. Upon heating,
are rather low and the molar mass distribu- hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (D3) or 2,4,6,8-
tions large. The purpose of the present work tetramethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) in the
is not to discuss all the examples. Only the presence of potassium hydroxide, either di-
most important or most promising examples luted or not, yields access to PDMS contain-
will be presented. The preparation and iso- ing linear polymer and cyclic species. By
lation of cyclic poly(dimethylsi1oxane)s using appropriate separation methods, such
(PDMSs) will be discussed first. These spe- as gas-liquid chromatography, size exclu-
cies have been extensively studied over the sion chromatography (SEC), and fractional
years, with special emphasis on the synthe- precipitation, they succeeded in isolating
sis of well-defined high molar masses cy- from the raw reaction product the linear
clic PDMS. Examples of cyclic structures in polymer and the different cyclic constitu-
various heterocycles, such as cyclic ethers ents. Even if these different cyclic species
626 19 Synthesis of Cyclic Macromolecules

could only be obtained in rather low in detail. The method, based on back-biting
amounts and for low molar masses, a com- reactions, still has some limitations: Samples
parative study of the dependence of the ex- with molar masses higher than 30 000 g/mol
perimental molar cyclization constant ver- cannot be obtained and this method does not
sus the number of siloxane units to the theo- enable the preparation, in the same synthe-
retical calculation could be achieved. sis, of cyclics and linear chains having ex-
The first systematic investigation to pre- actly the same molar mass. In addition, ring-
pare high molar mass. cyclic PDMS was chain equilibria cannot be applied to the
performed by Dodgson and Semlyen ( 1977), preparation of cyclic polymers based on
who reported the preparation, isolation, and vinylic monomers. Jones ( 1974) reported a
characterization of cyclic PDMS. As expect- few years ago on the preparation of cycles
ed from Jacobson and Stockmayer calcula- containing a more or less well-defined
tions, the probability ofcyclization decreas- PDMS block and a central PS block. The PS
es as the dimension of the chain increases. sequence has been obtained by anionic poly-
The molar mass distributions for a given merization, whereby the molar mass can be
fraction are still large. They thus developed controlled in advance and molar mass dis-
efficient separation techniques based on SEC tributions are narrow. The living chain ends
and were able to isolate. from the raw reac- are thus used after modification to introduce
tion product, PDMS fractions characterized the PDMS sequence. A direct deactivation
by sharp molar mass distributions. PDMS of these chain ends by efficient bifunction-
with molar masses up to 30 000 g/mol were al deactivators may provide access to well-
available. These samples were extensively defined cyclic polymers. This aspect will be
studied from their solution properties to discussed in the second part of the text.
confirm the expected structure, and at high-
er concentrations from semi-dilute solu- Ring-Chain Equilibria
tions to the solid state. This point will be
in Other Heterocycles
discussed in the second part together with
results on cyclic polystyrenes (PS) obtained The preparation of the cyclic PDMS just
by end-to-end cyclization reactions. discussed referred to either anionic or cat-
It was established a long time ago that the ionic ring-opening polymerization of cyclo-
replacement in linear PDMS of the methyl siloxanes. This ring-opening polymeriza-
by other substituents strongly modifies their tion can be applied to many other heterocy-
properties (solution behavior, solid state clic monomers, providing access to poly-
properties. and crystallization) (Lewis, mers containing, beside the linear chains,
1948; Harris et al., 1976). No systematic more or less important quantities of cyclic
studies of the effect of the substituent's na- oligomers of various dimensions. Only a
ture and the size of the cycle on these prop- few examples will be presented here. The
erties was published until the work of Clar- size of cyclic polymers or oligomers based
son and Semlyen (1986). They could take on heterocycles is directly related to the
advantage of their experience in the prepara- structure of the heterocycle itself. In some
tion and isolation of cyclic PDMS to synthe- 'cases, as just discussed for PDMS, rather
size cyclic poly(phenylmethylsi1oxanes). large cycles can be obtained in a controlled
Well-defined cyclic polymers covering a manner; in other cases, such as oxirane, the
large domain of molar masses could be ob- reaction seems to be strictly limited to the
tained and their properties were examined formation of cyclic dimers.
19.2 Synthesis of Cyclic Structures 627

The anionic polymerization of ethylene open. The presence of cyclic oligomers was
oxide gives access to well-defined linear also mentioned in tetrahydrofuran (THF) by
polymers: No cyclic materials are detected. McKenna et al. (1977) and in other five-,
If ethylene oxide is polymerized by boron- six-, or seven-membered cyclic ethers by
trifluoride in 1,2-dichloromethane (Latre- Goethals (1977). The polymerization of het-
mouille et al., 1960), not only are the aver- erocyclic monomers, especially 1,3-dioxo-
age molar masses limited to values around lane, can also be conducted in the presence
700 g/mol, but also the nature itself of the of oligomeric initiators such as a-hydro-w-
polymer formed can be discussed. Some hydroxypoly(ethy1ene oxide)s, where reac-
authors have claimed that 1,3-dioxolane is tion products containing cyclic copolymer-
formed as well as the polymers (Worsfold ic oligomers can be obtained (Franta et al.,
and Eastham, 1957). 1990).
Cationic polymerization (or oligomeriza- Along the same line, substituted thiiranes
tion) is a good example of reactions where the (Van Craeynest and Goethals, 1976;Goethals,
different factors influencing cyclic oligomer 1977) and substituted aziridines (Dick,
formation were studied in detail (Goethals, 1970; Goethals, 1977) have been found to
1977). Other different epoxides, such as epi- produce cyclic oligomers when polymer-
chlorohydrin (Ito et al., 1979), have been ized cationically. The following reaction
found to give access to cyclic oligomers. scheme is generally admitted: For all sub-
The formation of cyclic structures has al- stituted thiiranes, rapid polymerization is
so been examined in the cationic polymeriza- followed by degradation leading to the cy-
tion of cyclic 1,3-dioxolane (Scheme 19-2) clic oligomers. With 1-alkylazeridine the
or 1,3-dioxepane in the presence of various mechanism seems more complicated.
catalysts (Andrews and Semlyen, 1972). The chemistry of cyclic oligomers is also
The presence of cyclic oligomers (DP, from more or less directly related to the synthe-
2 to 9) was detected in these reactions, bo- sis of crown ethers, i.e., molecules that have
rontetrafluoride being used as the initiator the ability to bind one or two metal ions per
and diethyl etherate as the catalyst. The mo- cavity and to complex large organic cations
lar equilibrium constant K, was measured (Lehn et al., 1988).
either in undiluted medium or in solution
and the values were found to be in agree- Cyclization Reactions
ment, at least for x>5, with the Jacob-
in Polyesters or Polyamides
son-Stockmayer theory. The question as to
whether the equilibrium occurs between cy- Upon heating a polyamide or a polyester
clic monomer and cyclic polymer or cyclic in the presence of a transesterification or
monomer and chain polymer still remains transamidification catalyst, the cyclization
equilibrium may be reached. Over the years,
various cyclic polyesters have been ob-
tained, as has been reported by Semlyen
(1986), Hubbard et al. (1996), Bryant and
Semlyen (1997), Hamilton and Semlyen
(1997), and Wood et al. (1997). As demon-
strated by Semlyen in earlier experiments,
I end-biting I the ring-chain equilibria reaction conduct-
Scheme 19-2. Intramolecular cyclization in PDXL. ed either on aliphatic esters or in undiluted
628 19 Synthesis of Cyclic Macromolecules

medium only provided access to cyclic oli-

gomers esters with a limited number of units
in the cycle. Thus cyclic and linear constit-
uents are present in the medium. As for cy-
clic PDMS, the proportion of cyclic species
depends on the concentration, as dilution fa-
vors intramolecular over intermolecular re-
actions. Figure 19-1. Cyclic poly(aramids)
The presence of cyclic oligomers in poly-
amids has been established since the early
work of Carothers ( 1937) on aliphatic poly- cyclic polyaryamides has also been exam-
amides. The extent of cyclic oligomers is ined. This reaction provides access to line-
generally low. because the polycondensa- ar aramids.
tion reaction is usually conducted in the melt For many industrial applications in the
where the formation of a cyclic structure has melt, cyclic oligomers of poly(ether sul-
been shown by Jacobson and Stockmayer to fones), characterized by their reduced vis-
be unfavorable. Furthermore, due to the cosity as compared to the linear precursor,
rather limited molar masses of these cyclic are of special interest for their potential to
oligomers, cyclic aliphatic pol yamides have provide direct access to the linear homologs
only attracted limited interest. On the other by ring-opening polymerization. Poly(ether
hand, special interest has recently been de- sulfone) cycles are well known to general-
voted to the synthesis and study of cyclic ly contain, beside the linear polymer, more
aramids. This class of polyamides (poly- or less significant quantities of cyclic struc-
arylamids) is characterized by the presence tures of various dimensions, and are gener-
of only aromatics units in the main chain, ally limited to low molar masses. This con-
whereby a very high thermooxydative stitutes a major drawback, as this linear
stability is reached. In addition, linear poly- chain may also be involved in the ring-open-
aramids, due to the inflexibility of the ex- ing polymerization of the cyclics. Xie and
tended chain, give access to highly crystal- Gibson (1996) have succeeded in the syn-
line materials. The effect of cyclization on thesis of a 40-member cyclic arylene ether
the crystalline properties of these rigid ma- sulfone with a rather satisfactory cyclization
terials. i.e., the possibility of preparing such yield. The availability of well-defined cy-
cyclics, has been discussed in detail by clic oligomers opens new perspectives in the
Memeger (1996) in a review article. It is synthesis of alternative copolymers.
necessary to be aware of the fact that the Polycarbonates based on bisphenol A and
first generation of cyclic oligomers, i.e., the obtained by interfacial polymerization have
cyclic corresponding to the linear aramid also been investigated (Horbach et al.,
( p-phenylene terephthalamide), cannot be 1980). Saponification reactions confirmed
obtained. As an example, macrocyclic the presence of cyclic species.
aramids (Fig. 19- 1 ) were obtained in good
yields by reaction of N,N'-diisobutyl para-
19.2.2 End-to-End Cyclization
phenylene diamine with terephthaloyl chlo-
ride at elevated temperature and high dilu-
tion. As reported by Memeger, the use of the It is now well established that the most
classical ring expansion reaction in oligo- appropriate methods to synthesize tailor-
19.2 Synthesis of Cyclic Structures 629

made macromolecules are based on ionic The probability for intermolecular reac-
polymerization. Neither transfer nor termi- tion pintercan be calculated by
nation reactions occur. This polymerization
method allows predetermination of the mo- Pinter = - c2 NiVz ( 19-5)
3 M2

lar mass and a narrow molar mass distribu-

tion. The presence of active sites at the chain The concentration at which both reactions
ends provides access to a large scope of occur with the same probability is given by
functionalization reactions. This method is
especially useful for synthesizing well-de-
fined cyclic structures, which, as an addi-
tional advantage, can be obtained together
with their linear analogs in the same reac- To reach high cyclization yields, the re-
tion. This is of special importance; the h-. action has to be conducted far below this
ear material is often used as a reference in concentration.
all the characterization studies. As in ring- The complexity of the kinetic behavior of
chain equilibria reactions, the concentration this reaction was demonstrated a few years
at which the cyclization reaction is conduct- ago by Szwarc (1989). Besides the cyclic
ed is decisive for reaching high cyclization product, linear chain extension products
yields. The synthesis of cyclic polymers by characterized by much higher average mo-
end-to-end cyclization refers to a process lar masses than the precursor are obtained.
where the intramolecular reaction (cycliza- In addition, the formation of larger rings
tion) and the intermolecular reaction (line- containing more than one precursor unit
ar growth) occur simultaneously. The con- cannot be excluded. The presence of such
centration (c,,,) at which cyclic and linear species is still difficult to prove. More re-
structures are formed with the same prob- cently Dong et al. (1996) extended these cal-
ability has been calculated for irreversible culations to systems where partial deactiva-
cyclization by Hild et al. (1980) according tion may have occurred.
to the Jacobson-Stockmayer theory. The
first approximation found that all functions
exhibit the same reactivity and no deactiva- End-to-End Cyclization Based
tion occurs. The probability of intramolec- on Bimolecular Processes
depends on the concen-
ular reaction( pintra) Cyclic Polystyrenes
tration and the molar mass of the precursor
polymer. The behavior of the chain is sup- The end-to-end cyclization reaction was
posedly Gaussian and the probability of first applied to the synthesis of cyclic poly-
cyclization is determined by the probability styrenes and proceeds as indicated in
for the two chain ends to be in immediate Scheme 19-3. Well-defined linear a,o-bi-
vicinity of each other, within the same vol- functional polystyrenes were prepared by
ume element z anionic polymerization in THF or tetrahy-
/ dropyran using potassium dihydronaphthy-
lide (potassium naphthalene) as initiator. In
a second step, these living polymers were
where NA is the Avogadro number and ( r 2 ) reacted with a stoichiometric amount of a
the mean square end-to-end distance of the low molar mass bifunctional compound ex-
precursor polymer. hibiting antagonist functions such as a, a-
630 19 Synthesis of Cyclic Macromolecules


a,o-bifunctionnal polymer couplig agent

- -
-0- \ -9-
\ /
CHCHt CHzCH -CHzCHCH2 CH2CHCH, Scheme 19-3. Schematic
/ I
CHZ representation of the end-
\ YCH2 to-end cyclization reac-
tion based on anionic
polymerization (bimolec-
Cyclization Chain extension ular process).

dichloro-p-xylene (Geiser and Hocker, solid state properties to their linear equiva-
1980) a, a'-dibromo-p-xylene (Hild et al., lent. This cyclization reaction was extend-
1980), or dimethyldichlorosilane (Roovers ed to a larger domain of molar masses by
and Toporowsky, 1983). Lutz et al. (1986) up to 200000 g/mol and
These bifunctional, low molar mass, deac- by Roovers and Toporowsky (1983) with
tivating agents have been selected for their molar masses up to 450 000 g/mol. Beyond
capacity to furnish a quantitative reaction this value, the probability of accidental de-
with the carbanions. As discussed previous- activation is too high to expect cycles free
ly, this reaction has to be conducted at high of linear precursor. Even for cyclics of low-
dilution in order to favor cyclization rather er masses accidental deactivation may hap-
than chain extension. In spite of the high di- pen, whereby linear chains of the same mo-
lution, the formation of a chain extension lar mass are formed. These chains cannot be
product cannot be avoided to a significant removed from the cyclic material. It has to
degree. Thus the cyclic material has to be be pointed out that the procedure used by
isolated from the raw reaction product by Geiser and Hocker ( 1 980) to isolate the cy-
fractional precipitation. Owing to the large clic polymers was different: After cycliza-
differences in molar mass between the chain tion, a living, high molar mass polystyrene
extension product and the cyclic material, was added to the reaction product which led
the latter can be removed quantitatively. to a coupling reaction with the chlorine
This cyclization procedure was first applied groups present on the chain extension prod-
by Geiser and Hocker (1980) and Vollmer uct, whereas no reaction occurred with the
and Huang ( 1980) to synthesize well-de- cycle. By redissolution in toluene, the cy-
fined cyclic structures, but for a limited do- clic polymer could be removed by centrifu-
main of molar masses. Under these condi- gation. For all these isolated cyclic samples,
tions, the properties of long chain cycles ultracentrifugation or SEC was used as a
could not be studied. Cyclic polymers of first test to check their purity.
molar masses higher than 50 000 g/mol are Ishizu and Kanno (1996) have taken ad-
required to really be able to compare their vantage of the interfacial character of there-
19.2 Synthesis of Cyclic Structures 631

action conducted between a,w-dibromobu- bis(isopropeny1-4-pheny1)ethane (BIPE),

tyl PS (dissolved in toluene) and hexameth- acting as a coupling agent, with a,w-dili-
ylene diamine (in water) to obtain well-de- thiopolyisoprenes in hexane solution in the
fined cyclic polymers in almost quantitative presence of THF (15% in volume) at -40 to
yields. -5O"C, cyclic PI is generally obtained in
much higher yields (up to 80%) than for PS.
Contrary to the end-to-end cyclization reac-
Cyclic Polydienes
tions described up until now, the procedure
The entanglement molar mass (Me) for developed by El Madani implied an addi-
linear polydienes, polybutadiene (PB), and tion reaction onto a double bond and not a
polyisoprene (PI) is much lower than for PS. deactivation. This is not in favor of the cy-
This must be the same, at least to some ex- clization. A possible explanation for the
tent for cyclic species. The upper limit in higher cyclization yield may be that the ac-
molar masses accessible is not different tive chain ends are intramolecularly asso-
from that for PS. Thus the properties of cy- ciated in nonpolar solvents. This may be in
cle polydienes are accessible over a much favor of intramolecular coupling. Even if
larger domain of molar masses. In addition, the introduction of THF destroys this asso-
due to the lower Tgvalues of polydienes, the ciation, the new species formed upon addi-
solid state properties are accessible at room tion onto BIPE may still be partially asso-
temperature. The Tgstrongly depends on the ciated. This reaction has been extended to
microstructure of the polydiene. Monofunc- other coupling agents such as SiCI4, which
tional polydienes exhibiting high contents will be discussed later.
of 1,4 units can easily be obtained by anion-
ic polymerization provided lithium is used
Cyclic Poly(2-vinylpyridine)~
as a counter ion and the solvent is nonpolar.
The preparation of cyclic polydienes implies Most of the work in the domain of cyclic
the availability of efficient bifunctional in- polymers by end-to-end cyclization has
itiators. This was not the case when Roovers been devoted to PS. The effect of cycliza-
and Toporowsky (1988) started their work tion on various properties of these PSs has
in that area. They prepared cyclic PB in po- been examined in detail. These studies are
lar solvents (THF/hexane) using naphtha- still limited to organic solvents as unmodi-
lene lithium as initiator for the anionic poly- fied PS is not soluble in water. In addition,
merization and dimethyldichlorosilane as no research has been done in the domain of
the coupling agent. Well-defined cyclic PB cyclic polyelectrolytes in spite of the inter-
could be obtained almost free of linear con- est of this problem. Poly(2-vinylpyridine)~
taminants, the microstructure being 63%, (P2VPs) are far better candidates for such
1,2, 30% trans- 1,4, and 7% cis- 1,4. These studies. Toreki et al. (1987) and Hogen-Esch
samples served for the study of the solid et al. (1991) were the first to apply the end-
state properties discussed later in the text. It to-end cyclization reaction to the synthesis
has to be mentioned that Fetters claimed of cyclic P2VP. The synthesis of linear
many years ago to have prepared cyclic P2VP via anionic polymerization is now
polydienes characterized by a high 1 $con- well controlled. The greater stability of
tent. P2VP anions may even favor good achieve-
Recently El Madani et al. (1992) worked ment of the end-to-end cyclization reaction.
again along this line. Upon reacting 1,2- Furthermore, P2VP can be quaternized with
632 19 Synthesis of Cyclic Macromolecules

alkyl halides giving access to polyelectro- linear diblock or triblocks may not be valid
lytes. As just pointed out, the properties of anymore; this has been discussed theoreti-
linear poly(electro1yte)s are well estab- cally by Leibler ( 1980). The preparation of
lished, but only a few results exist from the linear diblock or triblock copolymers with
structural studies of cyclic poly(electro1yte)s. blocks whose lengths are well-controlled re-
As for PS cycles, the first step of the re- quires the application of anionic polymer-
action is the synthesis of living a,w-bifunc- ization. The active sites present at the one
tional P2VP under the specific conditions or two chain ends can be used to efficiently
required for the controlled anionic polymer- initiate polymerization of the second mo-
ization of 2-vinylpyridine (appropriate bi- nomer.
functional initiator, low temperature, and Jones (1974) first mentioned the synthe-
vapor phase addition of the monomer). Here sis of cyclic blockcopolymers. a,o-Bifunc-
again, in spite ofthe high dilution, chain ex- tional living PSs were prepared first via an-
tension and cyclic polymers resulted. Their ionic polymerization followed by the addi-
separation could be achieved by fractional tion of D,. After appropriate deactivation,
precipitation using trichloromethane as a these linear triblock PDMS-b-PS-6-PDMS
solvent and hexane as a precipitant. SEC ex- were reacted with potassium hydroxyde to
periments (conducted in THF in the pres- obtain cyclic copolymers in the presence of
ence of triethylamine) and intrinsic viscom- diglyme as a promoter. Even if this cycliza-
etry measurements confirmed the cyclic na- tion reaction could not be quantitatively
ture of these species. The solid state prop- achieved, these experiments have demon-
erties and especially the glass transition strated the feasibility of such cyclic diblock
temperature were measured and the values structures.
compared to those of linear polymers. This Better results concerning the synthesis of
aspect will be discussed later. cyclic polymers containing block copoly-
meric sequences have recently been ob-
tained. Yin and Hogen-Esch ( 1993) and Yin
Cyclic Block Copolymers
et al. (1994) first prepared cyclic PS/PDMS
Linear diblock and triblock copolymers block copolymers and then extended the
have attracted increasing interest over the synthesis to cyclics exhibiting P2VP se-
years, due to the presence of sequences of quences (Gan et al., 1994). General strate-
the same macromolecule of different chem- gies to synthesize block copolymeric cycles
ical natures (Riess et al., 1985) leading to are presented in Scheme 19-4. They have
specific solution or solid state properties. In been presented in the different articles cit-
the case of cyclic diblock copolymers, the ed above and will therefore not be discussed
dimensions of one of the sequences may be here. The efficiency of each approach is di-
affected by the cyclization. This aspect was rectly related to the nature of the different
studied theoretically a few years ago by blocks of the copolymer. The preparation of
Huber (1988). but the predictions made cyclic block copolymers of ethylene oxide
could not be verified then due to the absence and butylene oxide also has to be mentioned,
of appropriate materials. as it refers to a different approach for the
In the solid state, the arrangement in mi- synthesis: A triblock copolymer containing
crodomains may also be different from the a central butylene oxide block and terminal
linear equivalent. The explanations intro- ethylene oxide blocks is reacted with dichlo-
duced for the microdomain dimensions of romethane under Williamson conditions.
19.2 Synthesis of Cyclic Structures 633


polyA polyB


polymers (poly A: living ;poly B

antagonist functional end-groups)

Scheme 19-4. General strat-

monomer A : styrene egies for the synthesis of
macrocyclic block copoly-
monomer B : D, D,, 2-vinylpyridine, dienes, oxirane mers.

The obtained cyclic copolymers are espe- possible to have access again to the linear
cially designed for their specific associative precursor. It also has to be mentioned that
properties (Yu et al., 1996). Beniat et al. Schober and Gordon developed a nice way
(1996) have also developed a new strategy to isolate the cyclic polymer. The raw reac-
for preparing semicyclic amphiphilic di- tion product is treated with a living mono-
block copolymers, which will be discussed functional P2VP to ensure coupling reac-
later. tions with the electrophilic groups present
at the chain ends of the chain extension
product. The cyclic material, PS, does not
Cleavable Cycles
react and is extracted from the cyclohexane
Schober and Gordon (1994) have recent- solution due to its good solubility.
ly discussed the preparation and character-
ization of efficient bifunctional initiators
Reversible Cyclization
containing cleavable bonds. They have ex-
tended the use of these initiators to the syn- Cyclic structures generally imply the
thesis of cyclic PS by appropriate deactiva- presence of a covalent linkage point origi-
tion of bifunctional precursors (Fig. 19-2a). nating from irreversible coupling of both the
The major advantage of such species lies in macromolecules chain ends. In the exam-
the fact that after hydrolysis it should be ple of a cyclic species containing a cleav-
634 19 Synthesis of Cyclic Macromolecules


Figure 19-2a, b,andc.

Cyclic structures con-
taining reversible link-
OpN ing points in the chain
b C

able bond, which has just been discussed, tion can also be achieved using polymers
this bond originates from the initiator itself. (PS) fitted at both chain ends with pyrenyl
Association of a macromolecules two ends groups and able to form intramolecular ex-
constitutes another approach to obtain non- imers upon electronic excitation of the chro-
permanent cyclic structures. mophore (Fig. 19-2c) (Li et al., 1983; Mar-
Merkle and Burchard ( 1992) were pio- tinho et al., 1995).
neers in this domain. They studied the asso- One of the major advantages of the syn-
ciating coupling process of tertiary-amino- thesis of cyclic structures by end-to-end cy-
terminated polystyrenes with bifunctional clization reactions is due to the fact that the
dinitrophenol derivates (Fig. 19-2b). This molar mass of the precursor chain for the
reaction was followed by UV spectroscopy. potential cyclic can be controlled in ad-
Coupling of the functional polymers, i.e., vance. Generally, the cyclization results di-
the chain extension and the ring closure, was rectly upon deactivation of the living chain
followed by light-scattering methods. The ends. a,o-Well-defined bifunctional poly-
results were compared to theoretical predic- mers are also designed as good candidates
tions: The increase of the molar masses to prepare well-defined cyclic polymers.
was in good agreement with Florys theory Polymers fitted with hydroxyl functions are
(Flory, 1953), and Jacobson-Stockmayer specially designed for such reactions. Po-
calculations were applied to determine the ly(ethy1ene oxide) constitutes an excellent
amount of rings formed. Reversible cycliza- candidate for end-to-end cyclization. In
19.2 Synthesis of Cyclic Structures 635

spite of the interest in cyclic PEO as an ex- Cyclic hydrocarbons resulting from me-
ample for studying the influence of its cy- tathesis reactions were discussed a few
clic structure upon crystallization, only a lit- years ago by Reif and Hocker (1984).
tle work has been done in this area. The clas-
sical end-to-end cyclization reaction was End-to-End Cyclization Based
first applied more or less efficiently to the
on Unimolecular Processes
synthesis of PEO cycles. Other approaches
were developed which were more success- Most of the cyclic structures obtained by
fully directed to well-defined, commercial- end-to-end cyclization are based upon the
ly available polymers fitted with hydroxyl reaction of an a,wbifunctional living poly-
functions at both chain ends. PEO was re- mer with a low molar mass bifunctional
acted with dichloromethane under appropri- compound exhibiting antagonist functions.
ate conditions (Williamson reaction), which The first step, the preparation of the func-
provided access to cyclic PEO. Separation tional polymer, refers to anionic polymer-
of the cyclic polymer from the raw reaction ization. To reach reasonable cyclization
product is still difficult, due to the uncon- yields, this process has to be conducted at
trolled cooperative crystallization of the high dilution. This does not favor high
different species. Ishizu and Akiyama (1997) yields for the first step of the cyclization re-
were able to improve this cyclization proce- action, which is the bimolecular reaction of
dure when they took advantage of William- one of the living polymers active chain
son reactions, conducted in a heterogeneous ends with one function of the cyclization
medium at the interface, to prepare almost agent, giving access to the heterofunctional
quantitatively cyclic PEOs. polymer. Thus the reaction between the re-
Along the same line, the study of the in- maining active chain end and the second
fluence of cyclization on the configuration antagonist function occurs inter- or intra-
and conformations of semicrystalline poly- molecularly. The synthesis of linear poly-
mers such as polyethylene has to be men- mers exhibiting potential antagonist func-
tioned. The synthesis and isolation of pure tions on the two ends of the same chain con-
cyclic alkanes still represent a major diffi- stitutes the prerequisite. Schappacher and
culty. Lee and Wegner (1985) were among Deffieux (1991) were pioneers in this area.
the first to succeed in the preparation of They first applied this principle to the prep-
well-defined cyclic alkanes up to CZg8H,,, . aration of macrocyclic poly(2-chloroethyl
This reaction involved selective oxidation vinyl ether)s (PCEVEs) (Schappacher and
of a,wdiacetylenyl alkanes with copper Deffieux, 1991), and thus extended the
salt. Under dilute conditions, high yields of reaction to the case of PS (Rique-Lurbet et
macrocyclic species of increasing dimen- al., 1994). Similar systems could be used to
sions could be reached, but had to be chro- design multicyclic polymers, which will be
matographically isolated. The cycloalkanes discussed in the final section of this work.
are finally obtained upon catalytic hydro-
genation. Their characteristics, i.e., crystal-
Cyclic Polystyrenes
lization, conformation, chain folding, and
chain packing, were examined by appropri- The preparation of cyclic polymers based
ate methods in direct relation with the num- on unimolecular processes implies first the
ber of alkane units incorporated in the cy- synthesis of a heterobifunctional polymer of
cle (Lee et al., 1987). well-defined molar mass controlled in ad-
636 19 Synthesis of Cyclic Macromolecules

+ I2)DPE
3) CICH,Sty.
(1) \-@vv PS CH (OR),



Scheme 19-5. Reaction scheme for

the synthesis of polystyrene cycles
by unimolecular processes (Rique-
Source: Rique - Lurbet et al, 1994 Lurbet et al., 1994).

vance and exhibiting two different potential tive incorpotion of the styrenyl group. The
antagonist functions at the chain ends. This characteristics of the polymer were in good
was first shown in the domain of cationic agreement with expectations. Thus the ace-
polymerization. as discussed later in the tal end groups could be transformed quan-
text. A quite similar strategy can be used for titatively in a-iodo esters by reaction with
the preparation of heterodifunctional poly- trimethylsilyliodo ethers. In a terminal step,
styrenes. The reaction scheme had yet to be the cyclization could be performed by the
adapted to the case of anionic polymeriza- addition of SnC1, in toluene under high di-
tion of styrene (Scheme 19-5). The living lution conditions. The cyclic nature of the
anionic polymerization of styrene was in- products was confirmed. It has yet to be
itiated by 3-lithiopropionaldehyde diethyl- mentioned that the cyclization yields are
acetal. This initiator could be prepared lower than expected. This could be ex-
from the chlorine compound by reaction plained by a limited stability of the a-iodo
with lithium. After polymerizing styrene ether end group. In the search for better con-
under normal conditions. I , 1-diphenylethy- trol of the cyclization, it has been attempt-
lene (DPE) is introduced as an intermediate ed to react the acetal end group directly in
to reduce the reaction of the active chain the presence of SnCl,, whereby the acetal
end. whereupon 4-(chloromethy1)styrene is end group may be directly converted into an
added under conditions to ensure quantita- active group. The resulting raw polymer was
19.3 Properties of Cyclic Polymers 637

examined by SEC and almost no chain ex- ter case, the cyclic and linear equivalent are
tension product could be detected. accessible in the same synthesis, which is of
major importance for a proper comparison
of both. This SEC study has been performed
Cyclic Poly(2-chloroethyl vinyl ether)
systematically by Roovers and Toporowsky
(1983). They have established an universal
Among the different monomers that are calibration relationship (Mring.,,=0.7 1
cationically polymerizable, vinyl ethers Mringreal) which is valid for a large range of
have been shown to exhibit a truly living molar masses. It has to be mentioned here
polymerization with all its advantages. that the absence in the cyclic samples of
Schappacher and Deffieux (1991) have used chain extension products or other species of
this polymerization procedure to synthesize higher molar mass, i.e., of double cycles,
heterodifunctional PCEVE. The living could be confirmed by light-scattering
PCEVE oligomer or polymer is first pre- measurements: The molar masses of the cy-
pared with the polymer chain bearing a clic and linear precursor corresponded ex-
styrenyl group. That group remains unreact- actly.
ed during the cationic polymerization of vi-
nyl ethers (initiator HI and mild acid condi- Limiting Viscosity Numbers
tions). In a second step, intramolecular cy-
clization is achieved. For these different samples, the limiting
In conclusion, the unimolecular process viscosity numbers were measured for the
applied to the synthesis of cyclic polysty- cyclic and its linear equivalent in a theta sol-
renes has proven to be much more efficient vent as well as in good solvents. The values
than the now classic end-linking process obtained in theta solvents for cyclic PDMS
based on the bimolecular process. by Dodgson and Semlyen (1977) and for cy-
clic polystyrenes by Geiser and Hocker
(1980), Roovers (1985 a), Lutz et al. (1986),
and Zhang and He (1991), or for polybuta-
19.3 Properties of Cyclic Polymers dienes by Roovers and Toporowsky (1988)
were found to be in good agreement with the
19.3. Dilute Solution Properties expected values published many years ago.
A value of 0.658 was obtained by Bloom-
19.3. .1 Size Exclusion Behavior
field and Zimm (1966), Fukatsu and Kura-
Once cyclic polymers have been isolated ta (1966) found 0.645, and Berry and Casas-
from the chain extension product by frac- sa (1970) calculated 0.66 under theta con-
tional precipitation, they have to be submit- ditions. More recently, Huang et al. (1986)
ted for SEC characterization in order to con- and Qian and Cao (1987) theoretically re-
firm first, as far as possible by SEC, the ab- examined the intrinsic viscosity behavior
sence of linear chains of higher molar mass. and the results obtained are generally inde-
Thus the cyclic nature of these species can pendent of the molar mass of the cyclic poly-
be verified, at least to a first approximation, mer. Some discrepancies are observed with
by a comparison of their elution volume data indicated in the literature. The values
with the linear equivalents. Special empha- given in a preliminary article by Hild et al.
sis was given to the SEC study of well-de- (1983) showed the ratio to increase with mo-
fined cyclic PDMS or cyclic PS. In the lat- lar mass. This result has to be attributed to
638 19 Synthesis of Cyclic Macromolecules

the presence of high amounts of linear pre- alent. These results were found for PS or
cursor, resulting from deactivation during PDMS cycles, generally under theta condi-
the cyclization procedure. This precursor tions, and there is good agreement between
could not be removed by fractional precip- the different groups working in this area
itation and was not detected by SEC. The (Higgins et al., 1979; Ragnetti et al., 1985;
case of the high molar mass cyclic prepared Lutz et al., 1986; Hadziioannouet al., 1987).
by Roovers and Toporowsky (1983) and Dynamic properties of cyclic polymers as
Roovers (1985a) is much more interesting. compared to their linear equivalent were ex-
The ratio is generally by 0.60, slightly low- amined by quasi-elastic light or neutron
er than the expected value. It is necessary to scattering first in dilute solution. The results
be aware of the fact that these samples have obtained by Duval et al. (1985) and Had-
been synthesized under theta conditions. ziioannou et al. (1987) were compared to the
The problem has been discussed recently by theoretical predictions established by
De Gennes ( 1990). In order to confirm these Yamakawa (1 97 1). The first order perturba-
results. cyclic polystyrenes have been pre- tion theory of Fukatsu and Kurata (1966)
pared on purpose under limited solubility predicts a ratio of translational diffusion
conditions. The characterization of these constants (Dring/Dlinear) of 1.178, close to
samples in now in progress (Lutz et al., in the measured value for cyclic PS. Examina-
preparation). Intrinsic viscosity measure- tion of the translational diffusion coeffi-
ments have also been conducted in a good cients for samples of increasing molar mass
solvent. In contrast to theta solvents, the ra- revealed a slight decrease of the value with
tio seemed to slightly increase with the mo- increasing molar mass: The ratio is equal to
lar mass of the cyclic polymer (Geiser and 1.20 for a molar mass of 10 000 g/mol and
Hocker, 1980). 1.1 1 for 180 000 g/mol. No fully satisfacto-
ry explanation could be found to account or
this result. Similar ratios were obtained by Thermodynamic
Edwards et al. (1982) for cyclic PDMS, the
and Hydrodynamic Properties
values being determined in either good or
The mean square radius of gyration of a theta solvents. The results were obtained
cyclic polymer in a theta solvent is expect- from samples with much more limited mo-
ed to be exactly half that of a linear homo- lar mass ranges than for PS. The translation
log of the same molar mass. Due to the rath- diffusion coefficient and the hydrodynamic
er limited molar masses of the different radii measured for cyclic PS or PDMS were
well-defined cyclic polymers (PDMS, PS found to be only slightly influenced by the
molar masses <400000 g/mol), a precise cyclization as compared with parameters
determination of the mean square radius of such as viscosity numbers and radii of gy-
gyration is not possible by light-scattering ration. More recently, Merkle et al. (1993)
techniques. Some preliminary results have, examined the behavior of cyclic PS in dilute
however, been obtained by Roovers on high and semi-dilute solution with the aim of de-
molar mass PS. Accurate measurements for termining the influence of the structure on
a large range of molar masses resulted from the osmotic moduli. The results were com-
small angle neutron scattering (SANS) pared to those obtained for linear or star-
measurements. As expected from the theo- shaped polymers and to the theoretical pre-
ry, the R , values of cycles are smaller by a dictions.
factor of two than those of the linear equiv-
19.3 Properties of Cyclic Polymers 639

19.3.2 Solid State Properties The data reported by Semlyen on PDMS

cycles only concerned measurements for
The reptation model established and dis- molar masses below or around Me. They
cussed by Edwards (1967) and De Gennes cannot be used for the study of the evolu-
( 1971) involves a chain motion process for tion of the viscoelastic properties of cycles
linear chains along a curviline tube as compared to linear polymers.
formed by the constraints of the surround- For PS or PB cycles, it is now generally
ing matrix. This model has been tested for accepted that the melt viscosity of cyclic
linear chains in different linear matrices by polymers is more reduced than for the line-
Green and Kramer (1986), in networks by ar equivalent. This result seems to be valid
Kan et al. (1980), for mixtures of linear for all molar masses studied and is consis-
polymers by Montfort et al. (1984) and tent with the different types of cyclic poly-
Graessley and Struglinski (1986), and for mers obtained by end-linking procedures.
star-shaped polymers by Toporowsky and The strong increase of the melt viscos-
Roovers (1986) and Pearson and Helfand ity with increasing molar mass can main-
(1983). In the latter case, it has been dem- ly be attributed to the presence of linear
onstrated that the star-shaped structure pre- chains.
vents reptation due to the presence of core This solid state behavior of cyclic poly-
and branches. In cyclic polymers no chain mers can also be examined by following the
ends are present, thus they cannot reptate in evolution of the glass transition temperature
a conventional manner. Klein (1986) has (T,) with the molar mass: On the one hand,
treated the diffusion of cyclic chains in a ma- it is now well established that the T, of lin-
trix of linear chains where the motion of the ear chains (PS) decreases rapidly with de-
rings is mainly determined by tube renew- creasing molar mass for Mvalues lower than
al. 40000 g/mol. This is explained by the effect
The behavior in the solid state of ring of chain ends. On the other hand, theoreti-
polymers in a matrix of cyclic chains has on- cal studies (DiMarzio and Guttman, 1987)
ly been examined in a few cases (Mills et have shown that the T g sfor cyclic polymers
al., 1987; Tead et al., 1992). In the latter should be less affected by a decrease of the
case, the influence of different topologies molar mass.
on the diffusion properties was studied. This problem was first discussed for cy-
The molar mass dependence of the zero clic PDMS (Semlyen, 1997) and for cyclic
shear melt viscosity of cyclic PS, as shown P2VP (Hogen-Esch et al., 1991). The data
by Roovers (1985 b), Schopp and Vollmert reported by the two authors are consistent:
(1985), and McKenna et al. (1987), and for above 40000 g/mol, no difference in Tg is
PB obtained by end-to-end cyclization observed when compared to linear samples.
(Roovers, 1988), and cyclic PDMS, as found For lower molar masses, the Tg is higher
by Dodgson et al. (1980) and Semlyen (1997), and even seems to increase with decreasing
was also investigated for a large range of molar mass. A Tg difference of 40C was
molar masses encompassing Me.This be- observed for cyclics with a degree of poly-
havior was compared to that of linear chains. merization, DP,=40 in comparison to the
The different results obtained along this linear equivalent. According to the entropy
line have been the subject of a long debate theory of glasses, DiMarzio and Guttman
and only the main conclusions will be pre- (1987) attributed the increase of Tg of cy-
sented here. clic polymers of low molar masses as com-
640 19 Synthesis of Cyclic Macromolecules

pared to the linear equivalent to an increase 19.4.1 Eight-Shaped Polymers

of the conformational stiffness.
Gan et al. ( 1995) have recently taken this Back-biting implies the reaction of a
problem up again. They concluded that the function located at the chain end with one
presence of contaminant i n the cyclic poly- located along the chain, whereby cyclic spe-
mers (such as LiCl) affects the Tg value cies are obtained. Grafting onto functions
much more than cyclization. The difference located along the chain may provide access
in the Tg for linear and cyclic polymers is to a new macromolecular architecture: a lin-
much less important for cyclics absolutely ear chain to which a cycle is attached. Bei-
free of LiCl. The effect previously claimed nat et al. ( 1 996) have taken advantage of this
by Hogen-Esch could be explained by coor- approach in their unimolecular cyclization
dination of one or two pyridine to the lithi- reactions. The first step is the preparation of
um cation. a linear a-acetal w-styrenyl vinyl ether-
Cyclic diblock copolymers (PS-6-PDMS, block-styrene polymer. A functional group,
PS-b-2VP) have also been examined regard- located in the central part of the polymer
ing their morphologic behavior by Lescanec backbone, between the PS and the PCEVE
et al. (1995). sequences is reacted with the terminal vinyl
group and furnishes the target structure.
Along the same line, Schappacher and
Deffieux ( 1 992) developed the synthesis of
19.4 Structures Derived from heterohexafunctional species based on three
Cyclic Polymers functions designed to initiate the cationic
polymerization of CEVE and three styrenyl
As mentioned in the introduction, the syn- functions. Here again, upon reaction be-
thesis and study of cyclic polymers is essen- tween the activated terminal group of the
tially caused by the request for well-defined PCEVE chain and the styrene group, cyclic
structures specially designed for compara- structures are formed. The hexafunctional
tive studies between experimental behavior nature of the initiating core enabled the syn-
and theoretical expectations. Much effort thesis of multicyclic structures where three
has been devoted to the development of ef- cycles are present on the same core. Such
ficient preparation methods to access such species have been recognized for their po-
structures. Cyclic homo and copolymeric tential to exhibit host-guest properties.
species exhibiting different chemical na- Dimethyldichlorosilanes or bromome-
tures and with large ranges of molar mass thylbenzenes have proved their efficiency in
have been synthesized and characterized the preparation of cyclic structures. The
properly. These studies only dealt with search for efficient deactivating agents in
monocycles. The presence of cyclics con- the synthesis of star-shaped polymers has
taining two or more precursor chains can- shown that under specific conditions only
not be entirely excluded in these reactions. two functions of SiC14 may react with w-
The synthesis of such structures will be dis- functional living polymers. Provided a , w-
cussed below. Even though the complexity living polymers are reacted under appropri-
of such macromolecules does not allow pre- ate conditions, cyclic structures containing
cise CharacteriLation to confirm the expect- two unreacted chlorine functions may be ob-
ed structure, the synthesis of such species is tained. More interesting is the reaction of
driven by the beauty of chemistry. these living bifunctional polymers with the
19.4 Structures Derived from Cyclic Polymers 641

four functions of SiC14, whereby eight- tively, the tetrafunctional compound was
shaped polymers should be accessible. An- replaced by 1,2-bis(isopropeny1-4-phenyl)
tonietti and Flosch (1988) were the first to ethane for the first step followed by reiniti-
work along this line. They showed that the ation of the polymerization of isoprene and
reaction of a, o-living polystyrenes with deactivation with dimethyldichlorosilane.
SiC14 gives access to well-defined eight- Scheme 19-6 compares these different ap-
shaped polymers in rather satisfactory proaches. Schappacher and Deffieux (1995)
yields (Scheme 19-6). A quite similar strat- utilized the unimolecular cyclization pro-
egy was developed by El Madani et al. cess to prepare similar species by reacting
( 1992) to synthesize eight-shaped polyiso- two activated functions located at the chain
prenes (Scheme 19-6). The living polymer end with two central antagonist functions.
was directly reacted with SiC14. Alterna-


Scheme 19-6. Reaction

schemes for the preparation
of eight-shaped polymers.
642 19 Synthesis of Cyclic Macromolecules

19.4.2 Catenanes and Rotaxanes tury. It is beyond the framework of this chap-
ter to describe all the catenane syntheses
The examples of multicyclic structures published since then, but the reader is re-
just mentioned imply the existence of per- ferred to some excellent review articles.
manent covalent links connecting the two Dietrich-Buchecker et al. (1993) devel-
cyclic structures. The two cycles cannot oped a nice method for preparing catenanes.
freely rotate about each other as in catenanes They used the template effect of a transition
(Fig. 19-3). The synthesis of not chemical- metal ion to organize ligands in a predict-
ly but physically linked catenanes repre- able geometry, one which is ideal for sub-
sents a major challenge for chemists. One sequent ring closure. As indicated in the re-
possible approach to macromolecular cate- action shown in Scheme 19-7, bifunctional
nanes could be to apply the end-to-end cy- low molar mass compounds with function-
clization reaction based on ionic polymer- al groups at the chain ends and a central po-
ization. Provided the end-to-end cyclization tential linking point were prepared first.
reaction is conducted in the presence of an Two strategies were developed, the basic
already existing cyclic compound, cate- principle remaining the same: coordination
nanes may be obtained by threading the lin- of achain fragment containing a central phe-
ear macromolecule through the cycle fol- nantroleine derivative which can be linked
lowed by cyclization. Rempp (unpublished reversibly with the help of metal ion such as
results) has applied this strategy to the syn- copper (I).
thesis of PS macromolecular catenanes. The Two functionalized chains with a central
efficiency of this method is, however, ques- phenantroleine group are coordinationaly
tionable. Even if such species existed, iso- bound together. Then the terminal function-
lation from the raw reaction product would al groups are connected with one another so
remain a major difficulty. that the catenane is formed. The major lim-
The first investigation demonstrating the itation of this reaction is the efficiency of
feasibility and the existence of catenanes the second step in which not only the intra-
was published at the beginning of the cen- molecular reaction has to be favored over

Rotaxane Catenane

Figure 19-3. Multicyclic structures:

rotaxane and catenane, polyrotaxane
Polyrotaxane Pdycatenane and polycatenane
19.4 Structures Derived from Cyclic Polymers 643

a) First approach: = cu+

@ I

c) Interlocked catenanes

13 Scheme 19-7. Schematic

representation of the strate-
gies for the synthesis of
catenanes [a), b) Dietrich-
Buckecker et al. (1993), c)
Nierengarten et al. (1994)l.

the intermolecular one, but where only one In both cases, catenanes are obtained in
of the two existent intramolecular paths good yields provided there is an appropri-
leads to the desired product. ate combination of metals, chelates, and
The second approach consists initially of coupling chemistry. Template effects have
intramolecularly linking two bifunctional also been developed by Ashton et al. (1989)
chains, one of which contains the phenan- to prepare catenanes.
troleine group. Once the cyclic has been ob- The method has been extended by Nie-
tained, a new bifunctional chain containing rengarten et al. (1994) to design doubly
a central coordinating fragment is threaded interlocked [2] catenanes. Basically (see
through the first cycle in the presence of Scheme 19-7), two kinds of species have to
copper so that the second cycle is formed re- be prepared first: molecule A containing
sulting again in the expected catenane. three chelating molecular fragments and a
644 19 Synthesis of Cyclic Macromolecules

cycle containing the corresponding com- trolled by the stoichiometry of the initial
plexing fragments. The two compounds are components, the size of the cyclic polymer,
mixed together in the presence of the appro- and the temperature. The macrocycle yield
priate metals. In a final step the ring closure on the rotaxane remains low. In addition, the
reaction is conducted and the expected polyrotaxanes chain ends have to be
structure is obtained. blocked by the appropriate bulky molecules
Catenanes. due to the originality of their to avoid dethreading.
structure, have attracted increasing interest The second approach has been applied by
over the years. The present work has only Diederich et al. ( 1 995) to synthesize poly-
discussed a limited number of examples. A rotaxanes. To prevent dethreading of the cy-
more detailed study on the synthesis and cle they have introduced bulky groups such
properties of such catenanes has recently as fullerenes at the chain ends of the linear
been published by Sauvage (1990) in a re- macromolecules. Another good example is
view on cyclic polymers and in Semlyens the use of cyclodextrines (Harada et al.,
book ( 1997). Structures based on catenanes 1992, 1996; Wenz, 1994) in the construc-
always imply the presence in the molecule tion of these architectures.
of two cycles not linked together. An in-
crease in the number of units leads to a spe-
cies called polycatenanes (Fig. 19-3). An 19.5 Conclusions
example of rigid poly ([2]-catenanes) has
been discussed recently by Muscat et al. Much attention has been devoted over the
( 1 997). years to the preparation of well-defined cy-
Cyclic polymers can also be used to build clic macromolecules. Back-biting reactions
up structures such as rotaxanes where a cy- provide access to such species in a rather
cle surrounds a linear chain (Fig. 19-3) or simple way. A great number of polymers are
polyrotaxanes where more than one cycle designed for these reactions and have been
surrounds a linear chain (Fig. 19-3). To ac- extensively used in the preparation of mac-
cess these structures two ways are possible: rocycles and their properties, but complete
the so-called statistical approach and the use control of the cyclics characteristics and
of template chemistry. properties is still impossible. In addition,
In these rotaxanes no covalent link exists only a limited number of monomers and lin-
between the linear chain and the cycle, but ear polymers lead to high molar mass cy-
reversible reaction or coordination between cles. Furthermore, ring chain equilibrium
that linear chain and the cyclic is required reactions cannot be applied to vinyl
to build up such structures. The reader is in- monomers, which limits this otherwise use-
vited to consult the review articles pub- ful method. The end-to-end cyclization
lished by Gibson et al. (1994) and Gibson method based on ionic polymerization is
( 1997). much more efficient. Combined with the
The so-called statistical threading meth- appropriate separation procedures, this
od refers to a mixture of cyclic macromol- method has had considerable impact on the
ecules with a linear chain. This procedure development of cyclic polymer research.
generally leads to a mixture of rotaxanes and Well-defined cyclic polystyrene, poly-
polyrotaxanes, as well as unthreaded linear dienes, poly(2-vinypyridine), and even cy-
and cyclic material. To some degree the per- clic copolymers are now available for a large
centage of cyclics on the chain can be con- range of molar mass. The properties of all
19.6 References 645

these different cycles could thus be studied, Burchard, W., Schmidt, M. (1980), Polymer 21, 754.
and it is now clear that they meet with the Cantor, C. R., Schimmel, P. R. (1979), Biophysicul
Chemistry. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, Chap. 24.
theoretical predictions made some 40 years Carothers, W. H. (1937), U.S. Patent 2071253.
ago. The end-to-end procedures based on bi- Casassa, E. F. (1965), J. Polym. Sci. PartA 3, 605.
Clarson, S. J., Semlyen, J. A. (1986), Polymer 27,
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Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive Treatment
Edited by: R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E. J. Kramer
Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim
(Federal Republic of Germany), 1999


absorption addition profile, emulsion polymerization 292

- emulsion polymerization 279 additives
- polycondensation 43 - carbocationic polymerization 242
acetals, cyclic 254 - living polymerization 187
acetoxy functional copolymer 303 adenosine triphosphate, biocatalysis 553
acetyl substituents, chiral polymers 383 adhesives 309
acetylene 519 aerosol series 283
acetylenic polymers 354 agglomerates, emulsion polymerization 297
achiral initiators 397 aggregates, hydrogen bonded 7
achirality 379 aggregation
acid catalysts 110 - anionic polymerization 202, 225
acids - dormant species 173
- acrylic 282 - organized media 525
- alkane 535 air-polymer interface 598
- carbocationic polymerization 236 air-water interfaces, organized media 540
- cationic ring-opening polymerization 255 alcohol ethylene oxide adducts 283
acrylates aliphatic conjugated dienes 116
- anionic polymerization 201 alkane acids multilayers 535
- emulsion polymerization 274, 282 alkane diols 496
- living polymerization 188 alkanes, long chain 18
- organized media 521 alkenes
- polycondensation 40 - cationic polymerization 237, 243
acrylic acid 282 - metallocene catalysts 158
acrylic monomers, homosegments 178 alkenes depolymerization 120
acrylonitrile 274 alkoxide groups 70
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) 296 alkyl chains
acryloyl 532 - ladder polymers 464
activated monomer mechanism, cationic - organized media 518
polymerization 234 alkyl elimination, methylenecyclobutane 153
activation alkyl groups
- anionic polymerization 206 - dendritic molecules 439
- living polymerization 181 f - polycondensation 45
active sites alkyl halides, carbocationic polymerization 238
- anionic polymerization 199 alkyl ligands 138
- carbocationic polymerization 239 alkyl spacers, dendritic molecules 412
- ring-opening metathesis polymerization 68 alkyl substitutents 54
activity order, relative 155 alkylating agents, cationic polymerization 256
acyclic diene metathesis (ADMET) 3, 105-122 alkylcarbamate oligomers 24
- hybrid polymers 346 alkylidenes 68, 87
acylating agents, cationic polymerization 256 alkyllanthanides 213
addition alkylmethacrylate 221
- anionic polymerization 199 ff alkynes hydrosylation, polyaddition 57
- dendritic molecules 409 alkynidenes
- ladder polymers 464 - acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 109 f
addition fragmentation chain transfer agents 189 - ring-opening metathesis polymerization 73 ff
650 Index

alkynyl ligand exchange, hybrid polymers 352 association

allyldidodecylammonium bromides, organized - anionic polymerization 199
media 531 - ligand kinetics 223
aluminium sesquichloride, chiral polymers 386 atacticity
aluminum compounds, living polymerization 184 - chiral polymers 379
ameliorated coupling, hybrid polymers 344 - ring-opening metathesis polymerization 80, 87
amidation, polyamidoamine 420 atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) 183
amides, oligomers 24 - polystyrenes 453
amines, cyclic 254 atropsiomeric polymers, chiral 395 ff
amino acids autoacceleration, organized media 518
- biosynthesis 578 ff, 586 f Avogadro number
- oligomers 29 - cyclic macromolecules 624
amino-terminated polystyrenes, living - emulsion polymerization 279
polymerization 178 azatide oligomers 27
aminomethylstyrene, chiral polymers 382 azetidinecarboxylic acid, biosynthesis 587
ammonium persulfate. living polymerization 180 azetidines 262
ammonium salts, emulsion polymerization 282 aziridines 263
amphiphile structures, organized media 526 azo-bis(isobutyronitrile), chiral polymers 382
amphiphiles, dendritic molecules 412 azocompounds, emulsion polymerization 282
amphiphilic block copolymers (ABC), modular azomethine, polyaddition 58
approach 595-619
amphiphilic dendrimers, Frechet-type 438
amphoteric surfactants, emulsion polymerization /J-hydrogen elemination 240
282 /3-propiolactone, anionic polymerization 215
anhydrides, maleic 384 backbone flexibility, ROMP 97
aniline, organized media 536 ball and chain copolymers, dendritic molecules 445
anion exchange, cationic polymerization 256 Balzaini approach, dendritic molecules 449
anionic active sites 202 basic principles, emulsion polymerization 276
anionic polymerization 6, 195-229 batch emulsion polymerization 294
- amphiphilic block copolymers 603 Behera amine, dendritic molecules 413
- chiral polymers 396 benzaldehyde divinyl acetal, chiral polymers 391
- cyclic macromolecules 627 benzene 108,116
anionic surfactants, emulsion polymerization 282 benzonorbornadienes 76
ansa-metal locenes 151 benzoyl peroxide (BPO), living polymerization 172
an/f'-rotamer 71 benzoyl substituents, chiral polymers 383
applications bicontinuous phases, organized media 526
- amphiphilic block copolymers 595-619 bienzymatic systems, biocatalysis 564
- emulsion polymerization 308 ff bifunctional initiators, living polymerization 186
- pharmaceutical 310 bilayers, organized media 528 ff
aprotic solvents, anionic polymerization 198 bimolecular processes, end-to-end cyclization 629
aqueous ring-opening metathesis polymerization biocatalytical routes 549-669
78 f biomedical applications, emulsion
arborols, dendritic molecules 407, 410 f polymerization 310
arenesulfonyl chlorides, living polymerization 185 biosynthetic routes, macomoleclar materials
ArH polyaddition, carbon double bonds 58 571-594
aromatic dienes 116 biphenyl, polyrotaxanes 492
aromatization, Diels-Alder ladder polymers bipyridine ligands, living polymerization 182
459-483 bipyridinium
Arrhenius law 538 - polyrotaxanes 492
aryl-aryl coupling, hybrid polymers 344 - dication derivatives, polyrotaxanes 488
aryl-aryl rings 4 bis(bipyridyl), polyrotaxanes 493
aryl groups, living polymerization ! 75 bis(trifluoromethyl)norbornadiene (BTFMND)
aryl-vinyl rings 4 88,91
arylalkyl halides, carbocationic polymerization 238 blades, chiral polymers 396
arylboronic acid derivatives, hybrid polymers 345 blends, polyrotaxanes 487
arylenes, hybrid polymers 344 block copolymers 6
arylethynyl coupling 4 - anionic polymerization 209
aryliodides, vinylation 40 - carbocationic polymerization 252
Aspergillus niger. biocatalysis 559 - cyclic 632
Index 651

- living polymerization 177 carbonyl groups, living polymerization 184

- ring-opening metathesis polymerization 68 carbosilanes, hybrid polymers 332, 336
blue emission, hybrid polymers 334 carboxylic acid groups, anionic polymerization
bola amphiphiles, dendritic molecules 412 f 210
bond formation, oligomers 15 Carother equation, ADMET 110
<T-bonds, hybrid polymers 352 Carother polymers 515
bond types, living polymerization 169 ff cascade dendritic molecules 407, 421 f
boranes 118 catalysts 2 f
boron carbon bonds, chiral polymers 387 - acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 107 ff
boronates 118 - living polymerization 167, 191
branching - nucleophilic 203
- diamino butane dendrimers 429 - poison 159
- dendritic molecules 407,411 - polyaddition 56
- ethylene polymerization 156 - ring-opening metathesis polymerization 98
Brinzing type ansa-metallocene 142 - supported 134
bromines, polycondensation 44 catalytic site control 145
bromo-substituents, chiral polymers 383 catenanes
bromomethylbenzenes, cyclic macromolecules 640 - cyclic macromolecules 634, 641
Bronsted acids, carbocationic polymerization 236 - polyrotaxanes 487 ff
building blocks - preparation 493 f
- chiral polymers 377 f catenation, organized media 522
- Diels-Alder ladder polymers 465 cationic polymerization 231-268
- Frechet dendrimers 436 - amphiphilic block copolymers 603
bulk polymerization 274 - carbocationic 235
butadiene, emulsion polymerization 274, 282 - cyclic macromolecules 627
butadiene-isoprene copolymer 115 cationic surfactants, emulsion polymerization 282
butadiynylene dibenzamides, organized media cauliflower polymers, dendritic molecules 407
518 cellgard, modular synthesis 614
butanes 113 cellusose, biocatalysis 554
ceramic-polymer interface, ABC 598
chain end control 145
cage inclusion complexes, polyrotaxanes 500 chain-limiting reactions, polycondensation 48
Candida antartica, biocatalysis 559 chain molecules, inorganic 322
Candida cylindracea, biocatalysis 557 chain propagation
capping reactions, living polymerization 167, 190 - carbocationic polymerization 239
-caprolactone, anionic polymerization 215 - ring-opening metathesis polymerization 68
carbamate oligomers, synthesis 24 chain termination 126
carbene complexes 68 - living polymerization 166
carbenium, cationic polymerization 234, 237, 242 - polypropylene 141
carbocationic polymerization 234 fF, 241 chain transfer
carbon-carbon bonds - anionic polymerization 198 f
- living polymerization 169 - cationic polymerization 258
- oligomerization 17 - emulsion polymerization 283
carbon-carbon chains, chiral polymers 377 channel inclusion complexes, polyrotaxanes 500
carbon centered radicals, living polymerization 167 channels, organized media 535
carbon-chalcogen bonds 169, 179 f le Chatelier principle 497
carbon double bonds, polyaddition 56 chelating agents, chiral polymers 397
carbon free main chain, hybrid polymers 322 chelating rj-ligands, anionic polymerization 220
carbon-halogen bonds, living polymerization 180 chemical composition distribution (CCD), emulsion
carbon-halogen terminal linkage, anionic polymerization 288 f
polymerization 199 chemical modules, ABC 599
carbon-iodine bonds, living polymerization 180 chemical stimulus, living polymerization 167
carbon-metal bonds, living polymerization 187 chemical synthesis, biocatalysis 554 f
carbon-monoxide, catalyst poison 159 chemoselectivity, living polymerization 166
carbon-oxygen bonds, living polymerization 169 f cherry morphology, amphiphilic block
carbon-oxygen-nitrogen bonds, living copolymers 615
polymerization 171 f chiral catalysts, ROMP 71
carbon-sulfur bonds, living polymerization 169 f chiral oligomers, organized media 541
carbonates, cationic polymerization 263 chiral polymers 375-401
652 Index

chiral smectics organized media 523 condensation

chirality - acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 117
- cryptochirality 151, 378 - ladder polymers 462
- metal sites 143 see also: polycondensation
- organolanthanides 214 conducting polymers 305
- poly(arylene vinylene) 50 - ring-opening metathesis polymerization 85 f
chiroptical properties, vinyl polymers 378 configurational unit, chiral polymers 378
chitinase biocatalysis 556 confinements, organized media 540
chloride derivatives, carbocationic conformations, oligomerization 33
polymerization 238 conjugated dienes, ADMET 116
chlorine, polycondensation 41 conjugated units, hybrid polymers 335
chloroarenes, polycondensation 40 conjugation see: o", ^-conjugation
chloro benzene constant addition strategy, emulsion
- acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 108 polymerization 292
- living polymerization 174 continuous emulsion polymerization 294
a-chloro ether, cationic polymerization 246 continuous operated tank reactor (CSTR) 294
chloromethyl substituents, chiral polymers 383 controlled composition reactors, emulsion
chloroplatinic acid (CPA). polyaddition 56 polymerization 292
cholesterics, organized media 515, 523 controlled radical polymerization 166 f
cholesterol, amphiphilic block copolymers 610 convergent synthesis, dendritic molecules 436 ff
Chromobacterium viscosum, biocatalysis 557 coordination hybrid polymers 360
chromophores, polycondensation 45 coordination strength 221
circular dicroism, chiral polymers 389 f copolymerization
clays, polyrotaxanes 487 - biosynthesis 575
cleavable cycles, macromolecules 633 - transition metal catalyzed 157 ff
cleavage copolymers
- anionic polymerization 199 - anionic polymerization 225
- hybrid polymers 338 - living polymerization 177
clipping, polyrotaxanes 488 - ring-opening metathesis polymerization 92
cloning, biocatalysis 553 copper complexes, living polymerization 181
cloning vectors, bacterial 578 core molecules 411, 422
clusters core shell emulsion polymerization 275, 296
- diamino butane dendrimers 429 - hollow particles 300
- emulsion polymerization 295 Coriolus versicolor, biocatalysis 564
- organized media 515 Cossee-Arlmann model, polyinsertion 137
- ring-opening metathesis polymerization 95 Cotton effect, chiral polymers 383
see also: molecular clusters counteranions, cationic polymerization 234
coagulation, emulsion polymerization 278, 298 counterion collapse, carbocationic
coatings polymerization 242
- emulsion polymerization 275, 299, 309 counterions, cationic polymerization 247
- modular synthesis 612 coupling 4, 15
cobalt catalysts, polycondensation 40 - hybrid polymers 325, 344, 352
cobalt colloids, amphiphilic block copolymers covalent bonds, living polymerization 167
615 covalent dormant species, living polymerization
cobalt stoppers, polyrotaxanes 490 168 ff
cobalt(IH) porphyrin, living polymerization 187 covalent species, cationic polymerization 234
cocatalysts Crabtree catalysts, ROMP 98
- acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 107, 110 cracking, crude oil 125
- ring-opening metathesis polymerization 68 critical micelle concentration (CMC), emulsion
coils. 3/4-dimensional 470 polymerizatin 276 ff
collision factor, organized media 538 crosslinking
colloidal dispersion, emulsion polymerization - chiral polymers 377
274 - emulsion polymerization 301
columnar discotics. organized media 523 - modular synthesis 605
combs, organized media 541 - organized media 525
comonomers, chiral polymers 380 - phenyl acetylene dendrimers 441
complementary reactive group crosslinking 303 - polycondensation 47
composites, polyrotaxanes 487 - ring-opening metathesis polymerization 101
composition drift, emulsion polymerization 288 crosslinking agents, low molecular mass 301
Index 653

crown ethers, polyrotaxanes 488, 493, 496 ff defect structures

crude oil cracking 125 - diamino butane dendrimers 427 ff
cryptochirality - polycondensation 47
- polypropylene 151 degenerative transfer, carbon-iodine bonds 180
- vinyl polymers 378 dehydration, ladder polymers 475
crystalline lamellar solids, biosynthesis 579 ff dehydrogenation, ladder polymers 475
crystals 516 dehydrogenative coupling, hybrid polymers 325 f
cyanide, hybrid polymers 363 dehydrohalogenation, biethylene compounds 352
cyano function, dendritic molecules 438 dehydroproline, biosynthesis 587
cyanonorbornenes, ROMP 77 dendrimers 8
cyanostyrene, chiral polymers 382 - carbosilanes 336
cyclic acetals 254, 261 - diamino butane (DAB) 422 ff
cyclic amines 254, 262 f - dendritic molecules 407
cyclic carbonates 263 dendrons, convergent synthesis 436
cyclic esters 254 dendrophanes 416
cyclic ethers 254, 259 dendritic molecules 403-^58
cyclic iminoesters 254, 264 deoxycholic acid, polyrotaxanes 487
cyclic lactams 494 depolymerization, ADMET 119 ff
cyclic macromolecules, synthesis 621-647 deprotection, oligomers 15
cyclic olefins 150 desorption, emulsion polymerization 279
cyclic phosphorus-containing compounds 264 desorption mass spectra, poly(methyl
cyclic silicon-containing compounds 264 methacrylate) 575
cyclic sulfides, cationic polymerization 254, 261 diacetylene amphiphile tubule, organized media
cyclization 5 532
- intramolecular 119 diacetylenes, topochemical polymerization 517
- ladder polymers 463 diaminobutane cores, dendritic molecules 408
- macromolecules 623 diaminostilbenes, polyrotaxanes 493
cycloaddition reactions, polyaddition 59 diazonium salts, polycondensation 42
cycloadducts, chiral polymers 388 diblock copolymers, anionic polymerization 225
cyclo-bis(paraquat-p-phenylene) 488 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyanobenzoquiinone (DDQ),
cyclobutanes, ROMP 68 ladder polymers 475
cyclodextrins Diels-Alder ladder polymers 459-483
- catenanes 494 Diels-Alder reaction 85
- polyrotaxanes 488 ff, 498 diene hydrosylation, polyaddition 57
3,4-0-cyclohexylidene-D-mannitol-l,2,5,6-bis(4- diene metathesis, acyclic 105-122
vinylphenylboronate) 380 f dienes
cycloolefin polymerization, transition metal - conjugated 116
catalyzed 123-162 - emulsion polymerization 274
cyclopentane rings, ROMP 93 - nonconjugated 114
cyclopentene enchainment 151 - substituted 377
cyclophanes, polyrotaxanes 508 differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) 289
cyclopolymerization - biosynthesis 580
- chiral polymers 380 diffusion coefficient, dendritic molecules 414
- heptadiene 152 diimine ligands, ethylene plymerizaiton 156
- styrene 150 diines, polycondensation 47
cyclosilanes, cationic polymerization 265 diiodogermylene, hybrid polymers 327
cyclosilazanes diisopropylidenecyclobutene, ROMP 86
- cationic polymerization 265 Jftreo-diisotacticity 145
- hybrid polymers 340 dilute solution properties, cyclic
cyclosiloxanes macromolecules 637
- cationic polymerization 254, 264 dimers
- hybrid polymers 329 - acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 109
- polyaddition 60
- template monomers 381
DAB (diamino butane) dendrimers 422 ff dimethyl, polyrotaxanes 492
de Gennes equation 420 dimethyldichiorosiianes, cyclic macromolecules
dead products, emulsion polymerization 278 640
deborination, polycondensation 48 dinitrophenyl groups, polyrotaxanes 509
decomposition, polyrotaxanes 500 diols, polyrotaxanes 496
654 Index

dioxolanes. cationic polymerization 261 emeraldine salts, organized media 536

discotics 523 emulsion copolymerization 283 ff
dispersion polymerization 274 emulsion polymerization 269-317
dispersion stabilizers, modular synthesis 612 emulsion terpolymerization, composition drift 288
disproportionation enantiomorphic site control 145
anionic polymerization 199 enantioselective cyclopolymerization, hexadiene
- living polymerization 166, 190 152
dissociation enantioselectivity, chiral polymers 397
anionic polymerization 199 encapsulation, inorganic particles 296 f
group transfer anionic polymerization 204 end-capping agents, carbocationic
- 2.2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1 -oxyl polymerization 251
(TEMPO) 173 end-fuctionalized polymer synthesis,
distyrylpyperazine, organized media 520 carbocationic 249
divergent synthesis, dendritic molecules 408, 411 f end-functional initiators, living polymerization 186
DNA end groups
biocatalysis 552 - chiral polymers 378
- biosynthesis 579 - dendritic molecules 407
- cyclic macromolecules 623 ladder polymers 468
organized media 515 - oligomers 15
donators. anionic polymerization 208 end-to-end cyclization, macromolecules 623 f, 628
donor-acceptor interaction, polyrotaxanes 493 enolates, anionic polymerization 207, 220
dormant linkages, anionic polymerization 199 enthalpy, cationic ring-opening polymerization 257
dormant species, living polymerization 167 ff enzymatic polymerization 552 f
double bonds, modular synthesis 605 enzyme catalyzation 307
double exponential growth, dendritic molecules epoxidation, modular synthesis 605
442 epoxy-functional copolymer 303
double stranded structures, ladder polymers 462 erythro-diisotacticity, polypropylene 145
doubling, oligomer synthesis 16 f esters
droplets monomers, emulsion polymerization 274 - chiral polymers 389
Durham precursor route, ROMP 85 - cyclic 254
dyads, chiral polymers 378 f ether-containing polymers 50
dynamics ether functional groups, ADMET 117 f
- cyclic macromolecules 638 ethers, cyclic 254
- ligands 224 ethylene
- emulsion polymerization 274
- polycondensation 40
E~Z stereoisomerism, anionic polymerization 225 ethylene copolymers 128
E. coli ethylene polymerization 125
- biocatalysis 553 ethylenic monomers, cationic polymerization
- biosynthesis 579 234 ff
eight-shaped polymers, cyclic macromolecules 640 exo/enso-stereoisomers, ladder polymers 464
elastomers explicite penultimate effect (EPUE) 284
organized media 525 extrusion 133
thermoplastic 198
electroactivity, substituents 590
electroconductivity, polycondensation 55 face-to-face stacking, dendritic molecules 445
electroluminescence fast atom bombardement (FAB) 416
polycondensation 43 ferrocene
ring-opening metathesis polymerization 91 f - hybrid polymers 343
electrolyte addition, emulsion polymerization 283 polyaddition 58
7r-electron derealization 355 - polyrotaxanes 491
cr-electron derealization 326 ff Fischer synthesis, polypeptides 14
electron- phonon coupling, hybrid polymers 354 flooded conditions, emulsion polymerization 292
electron spin resonance (ESR), living Flory-Huggins theory, emulsion polymerization
polymerization 173 278 ff, 285
electrophiles, cationic polymerization 234 Flory theory, cyclic macromolecules 634
electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy. fluidized bed reactor 133
dendnmers 424 f fluorenyl based metallocene catalysts 147
elemental analysis, dendritic molecules 414 fluorescence, polycondensation 43

fluoride ion donators, anionic polymerization 208 glycosyl fluorides, biocatalysis 554
fluorinated block copolymers gradient elution quantitative thin layer
- modular synthesis 612 chromatography 291
- ring-opening metathesis polymerization 92 gradient high performance liquid
fluorination, ROMP 78 chromatography 291
fluorines, biosynthesis 588 graft copolymers, ROMP 92
fluorocopolymers, stereoblock 89 grafting, living polymerization 189
fluorohectorite, organized media 535 grain boundaries, organized media 517
Fluoro-Kraton, modular synthesis 614 granules, polypropylene 136
fluorophenylalanine, biosynthesis 587 Grignard agents, hybrid polymers 327, 333
fluoropolymers, stereoregular 87 Grignard reaction, polycondensation 48
formaldehyde oligomers 14 group transfer polymerization
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, - amphiphilic block copolymers 603
biosynthesis 580 - anionic 202 ff
fractals, dendritic molecules 407 growth, oligomers 17
Frechet polyether dendrimers 410, 436 f Grubb catalysts, ADMET 109
free-radical polymerization 166 f, 274 guanosine triphosphate, biocatalysis 553
- ethylene 125
Friedel-Crafts alkylations, cationic
polymerization 241 halide catalysts, ADMET 107
Friedel-Crafts cyclization 5 halide removing, polycondensation 53
functional copolymers, emulsion polymerization haloaromatics, hybrid polymers 345
303 halogen removing, polycondensation 48
functional groups halogenoarenes, polycondensation 42
- acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 117 ff halogenoether adducts, carbocationic
- anionic polymerization 200 polymerization 238
- ladder polymers 462 haloinitiators, living polymerization 184
- oligomers 16 Hansen-Ugelstad-Fitch-Tsai (HUFT) theory
- ring-opening metathesis polymerization 68 277 f
functional initiators, living polymerization 186 Heck reaction 4
functional vinyl ethers, cationic polymerization - amphiphilic block copolymers 616
247 - absorption spectra 42
functionalization, poly(propylene imine) - oligomerization 23
dendrimers 431 helical chiral polymers 396
functionalized chains, cyclic macromolecules 642 helical structures, biosynthesis 583 ff
helix pitch, organized media 523
heme proteins, globular 416
y-radiolysis, emulsion polymerization 282 hemiisotacticity, metallocene catalysts 150
gas phases heneicosa-2,4-diynyl carboxybenzoates 534
- organized media 534 heptadiene cyclopolymerization 152
- process steps 132 heptane, ADMET 108
gel permeation chromatography (GPC), ladder heteroaromatic oligomers 33
polymers 473 heteroatom bonds, oligomerization 23 f
gels, organized media 541 heterocycles
gene construction, biosynthesis 578 - ring-closing olefin metathesis 84
generations, dendritic molecules 407 - ring-chain equilibria 626
germanes, hybrid polymers 327 heterocyclic monomers, cationic
Gibbs free energy, emulsion polymerization 295 polymerization 234, 253 ff, 259 f
glass transition temperature heterogeneities, anionic polymerization 198
- cyclic macromolecules 623 hexadienes
- emulsion polymerization 299 - acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 114
- ethylenes 159 - cyclopolymerization 152
- polybenzylether dendrimers 440 hexads, chiral polymers 379
- polyphosphazenes 340 hexagonal discotics, organized media 523
- polysiloxanes 330 hexagonal phases, organized media 526
globular proteins hexane, modular synthesis 609
- biosynthesis 577 high-density polyethylene (HDPE) 126
- dendritic molecules 416 high-molecular weight ADMET polymers 111 f
glycolides, cationic polymerization 263 high-performance liquid cromatography (HPLC)
656 Index

hindrance, steric 221 inclusion compounds, polyrotaxanes 487

historical remarks 1 9 inclusion polymerization 507
hollow particles, emulsion polymerization 299 infinite chain model, chiral polymers 378
homologous series, oligomers 29 infrared spectroscopy, dendritic molecules 414
homolytic cleavage, anionic polymerization 199 ingredients, emulsion polymerization 281 ff
homopolymers. optically active 391 ff iniferters, living polymerization 169 ff
Horner Wadsworth Emmons reaction, initiation
oligomerization 22 - anionic polymerization 198
horseradish peroxidase 562 - carbocationic polymerization 235, 249
host molecules, polyrotaxanes 487 - cationic polymerization 245
host systems, organized media 536 - dormant species 183 f
hybrid polymers, organic/inorganic 319-374 - living polymerization 166, 174 f
hybrid proteins, biosynthesis 584 - ring-opening polymerization 255
hybrides, amphophilic block copolymers 602 ff initiators
hydride elimination, polypropylene 141 - anionic polymerization 198
hydride transfer, carbocationic polymerization 241 - chiral polymers 397 f
hydrido-ligands 138 - emulsion polymerization 274, 282
hydroboration. polycarbosilanes 333 - living polymerization 169 ff, 184
hydrocarbons 125 - radical 125
- acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 114 ff - ring-opening metathesis polymerization 68 ff
- dendrimers 441 inorganic compounds, polyrotaxanes 487
hydrodynamic diameter, amphiphilic block inorganic/organic hybrid polymers 319 56
copolymers 609 insertion, olefins 143 ff
hydrodynamics, cyclic macromolecules 638 integrated chemical systems, ABC 599
hydrogen, chain termination 127 intercalated systems, organized media 516, 535 ff
hydrogen bonds interconversation rates, ROMP 70
aggregates 7 interdiffusion, emulsion polymerization 301
organized media 518 interfacial crosslinking, emulsion
- peptides 30 polymerization 301
/3-hydrogen elemination interlayer space, organized media 535
carbocationic polymerization 240 intramolecular cyclization, ADMET 119
polycondensation 40 inverse emulsion polymerization 275
hydrogenation inverted core shell emulsion polymerization 295
acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 115 a-iodoether derivatives, cationic polymerization
- dendritic molecules 422 245
hydrolysis approach, hybrid polymers 328 iodo-substituents, chiral polymers 383
hydrophiiicity, emulsion polymerization 295 ion generation, carbocationic polymerization 235
hydrophobic coatings, modular synthesis 612 ion pair complexation, anionic polymerization
hydroquinone derivatives, polyrotaxanes 488 219
hydrosilylation ion pairs, cationic polymerization 234
hybrid polymers 329 ionic emulsion polymerization 306
- polyaddition 56 ionic processes, anionic polymerization 199
hydroxy acid groups, anionic polymerization 210 iridium, polycondensation 40
hydroxy-terminated polystyrenes, living iron complexes, living polymerization 181
polymerization 178 iron oxide encapsulation, emulsion
hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), emulsion polymerization 297
polymerization 302 isobutenes, cationic polymerization 247, 250
hyperbranching. dendritic molecules 446 isoprene, emulsion polymerization 274
isopropylidene groups, ROMP 76
imidc-containing polymers, polycondensation 50 chiral polymers 379
imine transition metals complexes, hybrid - metallocene catalysts 150
polymers 356 - polypropylene 129, 147
iminoesters. cyclic 254 - ring-opening metathesis polymerization
immortal polymerization 218 75, 80. 88
impact modifiers, emulsion polymerization 310 isotope clusters, diamino butane dendrimers 429
implicitc penultimate unit effect (IPUE) 284 isotropization temperatures, ring-opening metathesis
impurities, carbocationic polymerization 242 polymerization 97
in vivo protein synthesis 574 ff
Index 657

Jacobson-Stockmayer theory, cyclic lignin monomers, biocatalysis 564

macromolecules 624 ff linking
- anionic polymerization 199
- ladder polymers 461
Kalman filtering, emulsion polymerization 292 - metallocenylene 343
Kaminsky type catalysts, living polymerization - oligomers 20, 31
191 lipases, biocatalysis 557 f
kerosenes, emulsion polymerization 275 liquid crystalline phases
keto-containing polymers, polycondensation 50 - amphiphilic block copolymers 610
kinetics - organized media 523
- ligands 223 - ring-opening metathesis polymerization 95
- organized media 538 liquid crystals, organized media 515
Kratons liquid expanded phases, organized media 534
- anionic polymerization 198 lithium ester enolates, anionic polymerization 220
- modular synthesis 614 living catalysts 141
see also: Solprenes living polymerization
- amphiphilic block copolymers 603
- biosynthesis 574
lactams living radical polymerization 2, 163-194
- catenanes 494 long chain alkanes, oligomerization 18
- polyamidoamine 420 low-density polyethylene (LDPE) 125
lactones low-molecular mass crosslinking agents 301
- anionic polymerization 215 low-molecular weight, chiral polymers 378
- biocatalysis 561 low-stereoregular stereoblock 147
- cationic polymerization 263 low-weight paraffins 125
ladder polymers, Diels-Alder 459-483 lyotropic systems, organized media 524 ff
ladders, organized media 541 lysozyme, biocatalysis 556
lamellar phases, organized media 526
lamellar solids, biosynthesis 579
lamellar thickness, oligomers 14 macrocyclic polymers, carbocationic
Langmuir-Blodgett films polymerization 253
- hybrid polymers 364 macromolecular materials, biosynthetic routes
- organized media 516, 533 ff 571-594
lanthanide hydrides 213 macromolecules 13 ff
laser damage threshold, ladder polymers 461 - anionic polymerization 209
late transition metal catalysts 155 - carbocationic polymerization 249
latex - cyclic 621-647
- emulsion polymerization 307 - dendritic molecules 407
- monomer-swollen 274 macromonomers, ROMP 93
layers magnetic properties, ABC 615
- dendritic molecules 407 main chain chirality, vinyl/vinylidenes 375-401
- organized media 535 main chain polyrotaxanes 495 ff
le Chatelier principle 497 main chains, transition metals 343
Lehn oligomers 33 main group elements, hybrid polymers 323
length, oligomers 17 maleic anhydrides, chiral polymers 384
Lewis acids maltosyl fluoride, biocatalysis 555
- acyclic diene metathesis polymerization mannitol derivatives, chiral polymers 387
107, 110 Mark-Houwink polymers 352, 449
- carbocationic polymerization 235 ff mass spectrometry, dendritic molecules 415
- cocatalysts 69 materials via ROMP 85 ff
- cationic ring-opening polymerization 255 Mayo-Lewis model, emulsion polymerization 283
Lewis base atoms, acyclic diene metathesis 118 mechanistics, polycondensation 39 f
lifetimes, anionic polymerization 199 melting point, oligomers 14
ligands 138 membranes, modular synthesis 612
- amphiphilic block copolymers 615 Merrifield synthesis, dendritic molecules 415
- anionic polymerization 219 f mesogens, toroidal-shaped 29
- hybrid polymers 352, 363 meso-like isotacticity, polypropylene 150
- ring-opening metathesis polymerization 89 mesophases, organized media 525
ligated anionic polymerization 202, 218 ff mesophases, tubular 29
658 Index

mesylate removing, polycondensation 53 - emulsion polymerization 280

metal complexes, catenanes 494 molecular clusters
metal free anionic polymerization 202, 211 ff - organized media 515
metal hybrides, ABC ' 602 ff see also: clusters
metal phosphates, organized media 535 molecular doubling strategy, oligomers 16
metal-polymer interface, amphiphilic block molecular necklace, polyrotaxanes 505
copolymers 598 molecular recognition, organized media 541
metal sites, olefins 143 molecular shuttle, polyrotaxanes 491
metal take up, amphiphilic block copolymers 614 molecular structure
metallacycles, ring-opening metathesis - ladder polymers 466 f
polymerization 68 - polypropylene 131
metallacyclobutane, ADMET 113 see also: structures
metallocene catalysts 135 f molecular weight
ethylene/alkenes 158 - acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 111
metallocenes 2 - biosynthesis 574
- hybrid polymers 343 - ladder polymers 461,472
metallocenium formation 140 - polyrotaxanes 507
metallocenylenes, hybrid polymers 346 molecular weight distribution
metalloporphyrin mediated nucleophilic - anionic polymerization 198, 202
polymerization 215 - hybrid polymers 325
metathesis, ring-opening 68 ff - living polymerization 167 f
mefhacrylate molecules, dendritic 403-458
- anionic polymerization 201 molybdene based alkylidene initiators 73 f
- emulsion polymerization 274, 282 molybdenum 69
methacrylic esters, anionic polymerization 198 molybdenum alkynidenes 111
methanol, modular synthesis 609 monodendrons, convergent synthesis 436
methyl acrylate. Vanzo equation 286 monodisperse ladders, nanometer range 479 ff
methyl aluminoxane (MAO) 2, 138 f monodisperse random copolymers 225
methyl arylate oligomers, anionic monomer swelling, latex 274
polymerization 212 monomers
methyl methacryiate (MMA) - anionic polymerization 199
- biosynthesis 575 - cationic polymerization 234
- chiral polymers 381 - dormant species 185
- living polymerization 169 f - emulsion polymerization 282 ff
methylene, oligomerization 31 - living polymerization 177
methylene alkylidene, ADMET 113 - organized media 535
methylene cyclobutane 152 - repetitive synthesis 16
methylidene elimination, ADMET 118 - water-soluble 274
Micellanol 416 ff montmorillonite, organized media 535
micellar nucleation. emulsion polymerization 277 Moore oligomers 33
micelles Moore phenylacetylene dendrimer 411
- amphiphilic block copolymers 602 ff, 606 mordenite, organized media 535
dendritic molecules 438 f morphology control 134 ff
- surfactants 274 Mucocor mihei lipase, biocatalysis 558
Michael addition Muhlheimer Niederdruckverfahren 126
- dendritic molecules 409 f multistage emulsion polymerization 295
polyamidoamine 419
Michaelis-Menten parameters, lipases 561
microcavities. chiral polymers 377 Nakashini exciton chirality rules 389
microemulsion polymerization 274 ff nanoclusters
microencapsulated particles 296 - organized media 516
microphase separation. ROMP 95 - ring-opening metathesis polymerization 95
migratory insertion 138 see also: clusters
mixer, high shear 275 nanostructures, supramolecular units 544
model reactions, polycondensation 39 f nanotube packing, oligomers 29
modular synthesis, amphiphilic block naphthalene spacers, hybrid polymers 344
copolymers 595-619 naphthalene sulfonate, polyrotaxanes 491
molar mass distribution naphthalocyanine, hybrid polymers 363
chemical composition 290 naphthyl derivatives, chiral polymers 387
Index 659

natural rubber, emulsion polymerization 307 - anionic polymerization 212

necklace, polyrotaxanes 505 - emulsion polymerization 278
neighboring group effect, acyclic diene oligomers synthesis, nonbioiogical sequence
metathesis 118 f specific 11-36
nematics, organized media 516, 523 oligonucleotides, biosynthesis 578
Newkome arborols, dendritic molecules 408 ff oligopeptides 13
nickel complexes oligosaccharides 13
- ethylene polymerization 156 - polyrotaxanes 490
- living polymerization 181 oligoureas 26
nickel polyreactions 39 olympiadane, catenanes 494
nitro substituents, chiral polymers 383 onium ions, cationic polymerization 234 f, 258
nitrostilbene, ROMP 98 opacifiers, emulsion polymerization 299
nitroxide mediated living polymerization 171 order parameters, organized media 515
nonbioiogical sequence specific oligomers 11-36 organic chemistry, synthesis 1-9
nonconjugated dienes, ADMET 114 f organic cores, emulsion polymerization 296
nonionic surfactants, emulsion polymerization organic dendrimers 448
282 organic salts, cationic polymerization 255
nonmetallic bridging units, metallocenylenes 349 organic/inorganic hybrid polymers 319-374
nonylphenol ethylene oxide adducts 283 organized media 513-548
norbomadienes 3 organolanthanides(III) initiation, anionic
- polyaddition 59 polymerization 213
norbornenes 69 ff, 93 organometallic chain molecules, hybrid
Nubel catalysts 109 polymers 322
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) 289 organosilicon
- dendritic molecules 414 - copolymer chains 335
- ladder polymers 467 - hybrid polymers 328
- oligomerization 18 orthogonal coupling, dendritic molecules 446 f
- polystyrene 154 orthogonal repetitive synthesis, oligomers 16 f
nucleation, emulsion polymerization 276 ff oxanorbornene derivatives, ROMP 79
nucleic acids, peptides 31 oxetanes, cationic polymerization 260
nucleophiles oxidative coupling, hybrid polymers 352
- anionic polymerization 201 f oxiranes 259
- cationic polymerization 234, 242 f, 247 oxolanes 260
nucleophilic ring opening, modular synthesis 605 oxonium
nucleophilic/coordinative anionic - cationic polymerization 234
polymerization 202, 213 ff - hybrid polymers 329
number average degree, anionic polymerization oxyalkyl groups, polycondensation 45
198 oxyanorbornenes, ROMP 100

octadienes, acyclic diene metathesis 114 ;r-complex, olefins 140

oil cracking 125 ^-conjugated units, hybrid polymers 335
oil-water interfaces ^-conjugation, ladder polymers 461
- modular approach 604 TT-donor acceptor interaction, polyrotaxanes 493
- organized media 540 ^-electron derealization, hybrid polymers 355
olefin metathesis 107 p-linking 20
olefin polymerization, transition metal packing, oligomers 29
catalyzed 123-162 paints 309
olefins 3 palladium
- polycondensation 41 - ethylene polymerization 156
- stereoselectivity 142 - polycondensation 39
- substituted 377 palladium catalysts
oligoamides, nonbioiogical 24 - aryl-aryl coupling 344
oligoethylene, polyrotaxanes 504 - phenyl acetylene dendrimers 441
oligoethyiene glycol derivatives, catenanes 494 palmitoyl derivates 435
oligomeric silanes, hybrid polymers 323 paper coatings, emulsion polymerization 309
oligomerization, C-C bonds 17 f paraffin, emulsion polymerization 275
oligomers paramagnetic behavior, hybrid polymers 360
- acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 112 paravinyl derivatives, chiral polymers 387
660 Index

particle growth, emulsion polymerization 279 pipyridinium polymers, polyrotaxanes 498

particle morphologies, emulsion polymerization polar functional groups 68
294 ff polyacrylamide, emulsion polymerization 275
particle nucleation 276 f polyacrylates, anionic polymerization 225
particle size distribution, emulsion polyacrylonitriles 498
polymerization 281 polyaddition 56
pentacyanoiron. polyrotaxanes 492 - ladder polymers 464
penultimate mechanism, anionic polymerization - metal-catalyzed 37-64
225 polyamides
penultimate unit model, emulsion - biocatalysis 557
polymerization 283 - cyclization 627
peptide nucleic acids (PNA) 31 polyamidoamine (PAMAM), dendritic
peptides molecules 417 ff
- biosynthesis 580 polyamines 506
- dendritic molecules 413 polyaramides
macrocyclic 30 - cyclic 628
perfluoro(methylcyclohexane). modular - polyrotaxanes 497
synthesis 609 polyaromatic hydocarbons (PAHs) 479
perovskites 535 - biocatalysis 561
peroxides 125 polyarylenes, hybrid polymers 344
biocatalysis 562 polybenzylether dendrimers 440
persulfate salts, emulsion polymerization 282 polycarbonates, biocatalysis 557
pharmaceutical applications, emulsion polycarbosilanes, hybrid polymers 332 f
polymerization 310 polycatenanes 7
phase transition temperature, hybrid polymers - cyclic macromolecules 634
364 polycinnamamides 46
phases poly(2-chloroethyl vinyl ether), cyclic 636
amphiphilic block copolymers 602 ff polycondensation
organized media 534 ladder polymers 463
phenol derivatives, biocatalysis 562 - metal-catalyzed 37-64
phenyl groups, living polymerization 184 polydienes, cyclic 631
phenyl rings poly(dimethylsiloxane), cyclic 625
- chiral polymers 383 polydispersivity
living polymerization 169 - amphiphilic block copolymers 609
phenyl substitutcnts, polycondensation 54 ladder polymers 473
phenylacetylene dendrimers (PADs) 441 f polyesters
phenylboronic acid, chiral polymers 386 - biocatalysis 553, 557
phenyldiazomethane 72 - cyclization 627
phenylene ethylene 19 - polyrotaxanes 496 f, 505
phenylferrocenyl bonds 345 polyether dendrimers 440
Phillips catalysts 135 polyethylene 125
phosphatidylcholine derivatives, organized poly(ethylene glycol) 499
media 539 polyfethylene oxide) 634
phosphazenes 337 polyferrocynylene germanes 349
phosphocholine amphiphiles 528 polyferrocynylene silanes 349
phosphoethanolamine 528 polygermanes 327
phosphonium, cationic polymerization 234 polygermanoxanes 364
phosphoric acid 175 polyhalides 186
phosphorus-bridged polymetallocenylenes 347 polyimine transition metal complexes, hybrid
phosphorus-nitrogen bonds, cleavage 338 polymers 356
phosphotriesterase. biosynthesis 585 polyinsertion 137
phosphorylase 557 polyisobutylene 505
photochemical properties, polysilanes 326 polymer analogues, modular synthesis 605
photochemical stimulus 167 polymer dispersed liquid crystals, modular
photoluminescence 43, 53 synthesis 611
phthalocyanines. hybrid polymers 362 polymer synthesis 1-9
physical properties, cyclic macromolecules 637 ff polymerization processes 132
pigment agglomerates 297 poiymetailaines, hybrid polymers 352
pincer molecules, dendritic 447 polymetallocenylenes 346
Index 661

poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) propagation

- anionic polymerization 223 - anionic polymerization 198 f
- biosynthesis 580 - carbocationic polymerization 239
- chiral polymers 393 - emulsion polymerization 279, 289
poly(methyl vinyl ether), polyrotaxanes 503 - hybrid polymers 343
poly(octenylene), ADMET 112 - living polymerization 166
polyolefins 3, 125 - penultimate unit model 283
poly(oxytrimethylene) 503 - cationic ring-opening polymerization 256
polypeptides /$-propiolactone, anionic polymerization 215
- biocatalysis 552 f, 557 propylene 125, 128
- biosynthesis 582 protein synthesis, in vivo 574 ff
polyphenylenes (PPB) 4 protic solvents, ROMP 68
poly(/wra-phenylene) (PPP) 5 protonic acids, carbocationic polymerization 236
- ladder polymers 462 protonic salts, cationic ring-opening
poly(para-phenylenevinylene) (PPV) 1 f polymerization 255
- polycondensation 45 pseudocationic polymerization 234, 239
- ring-opening metathesis polymerization 86,91 Pseudomonas fluorescens 558
polyphosphazenes, hybrid polymers 337 pseudorotaxanes 488
polyphthalocyaninatosiloxanes 362 Pycnoporus coccineus 563
polypropylene 125 pyrazine, hybrid polymers 363
poly(propylene glycol) 502 pyrrole, organized media 535
poly(propylene imine) dendrimers, generations
408,421 f
polypyridine dendrimers, metal-containing 449 racemates, chiral polymers 396
polyrotaxanes 7,485-512 racemicity
- cyclic macromolecules 634 - polypropylene 146
polysaccharides, biocatalysis 554 - ring-opening metathesis polymerization 75
polysilanes 323 ff racemo-like isotacticity, polypropylene 150
polysilazanes 340 radical absorption, emulsion polymerization 279
polysiloxanes 328, 364 radical initiators 125
polystannanes 327 radical polymerization 6
polystyrene-6-polybutadiene block copolymer, - living 2, 163-194
amphiphilic 603 jradiolysis, emulsion polymerization 282
polystyrenes random copolymers 177
- acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 110 Raney cobalt reduction, dendritic molecules 423
- chiral polymers 392 raspberry morphology, amphiphilic block
- cyclic 629, 635 copolymers 615
- modular synthesis 613 reactive lattices, emulsion polymerization 301
- polyrotaxanes 498 reactive surfactants, emulsion polymerization 304
- ring-opening metathesis polymerization 93 reactivity ratios
polystyril, living polymerization 170 - anionic polymerization 206
poly(tetrahydrofuran) 504 - implicit/explicit penultimate unit effect 284
polyurethanes 497 reactor granule technology 136
poly(viny!idene fluoride) (PVDF) 88 reactor types 133
poly(2-vinylpyridine) 631 recombination
porcine pancreatic lipase, biocatalysis 558 - hybrid polymers 344
porphyrins - living polymerization 190
- anionic polymerization 216 recycling, polypropylene 130
- polyrotaxanes 489 redox potentials, ladder polymers 480
potassium salts, emulsion polymerization 282 redox system, emulsion polymerization 282
precipitation polymerization 274 reducing agents, polycondensation 54
precursors regioselectivity
- acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 118 - living polymerization 166
- emulsion polymerization 278 f - olefins 142
- hybrid polymers 326 removing
- ladder polymers 462 - halogen/triflate 48
- ring-opening metathesis polymerization 72, 85 - mesylate/triflate/halides 53
preexponential factor, organized media 538 repeat units, ladder polymers 468
process strategies, emulsion polymerization 291 repetitive synthesis, oligomers 11-36
662 Index

reptation model, cyclic macromolecules 638 polymerization 75

residual crosslinking. emulsion polymerization 301 sequential living polymerization 252
retro-Diets Alder reaction 85 shapes, ladder polymers 470
reversible cyclization. macromolecules 633 shish kebab hybrid polymers 364
rhodium, polycondensation 40 side chain liquid crystal polymers (SCLCP) 95 f
Rhus vernicifera. biocatalysis 564 side chains
ribbon polymers 461 f - polycarbosilanes 333
ring chain equilibra, cyclic macromolecules 623 f - polyrotaxanes 508
ring-closing metathesis (RCM) 73, 83 f SiH polyaddition, carbon double bonds 56 f
ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) silanes, hybrid polymers 323 ff
65-104, 150 silazanes, hybrid polymers 340
ring-opening polymerization silica gel column chromatography, 23
- cationic 253 ff silicon carbide ceramics 326
hybrid polymers 326 siloxane hetorocycles, ring-chain equilibria 625
RNA siloxanes
- biocatalysis 553 - cyclic 254
- organized media 515 - hybrid polymers 328
Rose Bengal diamino butane dendrimers 432 single stranded polymers 461
rotamer interconversation rates 70 site-isolation principle, oligomers 15
rotaxanes 487 ff size exclusion behavior 637
- cyclic macromolecules 634, 641 size exclusion chromatography (SEC)
rubber 307 - cyclic macromolecules 625
ruthenium - emulsion polymerization 291
living polymerization 181 slipping, polyrotaxanes 488
- ring-opening metathesis polymerization 71, 78 f slurry polymerization 132
smectics, organized media 516, 623
Smith Evvart nucleation, emulsion
(T-bonds, hybrid polymers 352 polymerization 277 ff
cr-chelating ligands, anionic polymerization 221 sodium naphthalenide, living polymerization 166
cr-electron derealization, hybrid polymers 326 ff sodium salts, emulsion polymerization 282 f
a -^-conjugation, hybrid polymers 335 sofware engineering, amphiphilic block
salts addition, cationic polymerization 244, 255 copolymers 598
scambling, cyclic macromolecules 625 solid condensed phases, organized media 534
scanning electron microscopy (SF.M) 296 solid state properties
Schiff base coordination hybrid polymers 360 - amphiphilic block copolymers 610
Schrock catalysts 3 ff - cyclic macromolecules 638
Schrock initiators, ring-opening metathesis solids, crystalline lamellar 579
polymerization 86 f Solprenes 198
Schrock system. ADMET 108, 111 see also: Kratons
screened anionic polymerization (SAP) 222 solution, process steps 132
sebacoyl chloride, polyrotaxanes 496 solution polymerization 274
selectivity solvent free processes 125
living polymerization 166 f solvents
polycondensation 41 acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 108
selenide compounds, living polymerization 179 anionic polymerization 198,224
selenium-bridged polymetallocenylenes 347 - emulsion polymerization 274
selenomethionine 587 f - living polymerization 174
self-assembling monolayers 540 - ring-opening metathesis polymerization 68
self-condensing vinyl polymerization, styrene sorbic acids, organized media 519
derivatives 452 spacers
self-ionized species initiation, carbocationic dendritic molecules 412
polymerization 236 - ring-opening metathesis polymerization 97
self-trapped excitation states, hybrid polymers 336 sparteine, chiral polymers 397
semibatch emulsion polymerization 294 spherulite formulation, polypropylene 131
semiconduction properties 85 spiroconnection, ladder polymers 461
semiconductor take up, amphiphilic block spirocyclic ferrocenophanes, hybrid polymers 351
copolymers 614 stability
sequence specific oligomers 29 ff - carbocationic species 241
sequences, ring-opening metathesis - ladder polymers 461
Index 663

stabilizers, emulsion polymerization 283 substituted defines, polycondensation 41

stacked planar ring systems 323 substituted oligomers 19 f
stacking types, dendritic molecules 445 subunits, ladder polymers 461
stannanes 327 sulfides, cyclic 254
star diblock coplymers, anionic polymerization 225 sulfonamide oligomers 28
star-shaped polymers, carbocationic sulfonium, cationic polymerization 234
polymerization 253 sulfonyl chlorides 184
starburst dendrimers, 417 f sulfur-bridged polymetallocenylenes 347
starved conditions, emulsion polymerization 292 sulfur-centered radicals 170
statistical threading method, cyclic sulfur iniferters 171
macromolecules 644 sulfur vulcanization 128
Staudinger macromolecule hypothesis 13 superstar buildings, anionic polymerization 210
step polymerization, ADMET 109 superstructure, polypropylene 131
stereoblock copolymers 89 f supported catalysts 134 ff
stereochemical molecular recognition 541 supramolecular approaches, oligomer based 32
stereochemical properties 378 ff supramolecular units, nanostructures 544
stereogenic carbon atoms 377 surface active agents 282
stereoisomers, exo/endo- 464 surface area, emulsion polymerization 277
stereoregular chiral polymers 378 surface coatings 299
stereoregular fluoropolymers 87 surface pressure, organized media 534, 538
stereoselective polymerization, styrene 150 surfactants, emulsion polymerization 274, 282
stereoselectivity 137 suspension polymerization 274
- anionic polymerization 199 Suzuki reaction 4
- living polymerization 166 - chiral polymers 386
- olefins 142 - oligomers 22
steric hindrance, anionic polymerization 221 - polycondensation 43
steric stabilizers, emulsion polymerization 283 swelling behavior, emulsion polymerization 286
sterically controlled stoichiometry, dendritic symmetry properties, chiral polymers 377
molecules 409 syndiospecific polymerization
stilbene - polypropylene 149
- acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 110 - styrene 155
- polycondensation 41 syndiotacticity
Stille reaction 4, 48, 52 - chiral polymers 379
stirred tank reactor 133 - metallocene catalysts 150
Stokes-Einstein equation 414 - polypropylene 147
Stokes shifts, hybrid polymers 336 - ring-opening metathesis polymerization 75, 88
stopper groups, polyrotaxanes 487 syn-rotamer 71
strained cyclosilane oligomers 326 synthesis
strands, ladder polymers 461 - chiral polymers 378 ff
structure hierarchy 601 - cyclic macromolecules 621-647
structures - dendrimers 407 ff
- cyclic macromolecules 640 ff - Diels-Alder ladder polymers 459-483
- diamino butane dendrimers 429 - oligomers 11-36
styrene 6 - organic chemistry 1-9
- acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 110 - polyrotaxanes 485-512
- biosynthesis 575
- cationic polymerization 248 f
- chiral polymers 382 tacticity, ring-opening metathesis polymerization
- cyclopolymerization 150 87
- emulsion polymerization 274, 282 TADDOL dimethacrylate 390 f
- living polymerization 166,169,178 tailor made catalysts, polypropylene 131
- polycondensation 40 tailored polymers, anionic polymerization 198
- transiton metal catalyzed polymerization tailoring polyolefins 157
123-162 targets, modular chemistry 600
see also: polystyrene tatanocene catalysts 327
substituents Tauer-Kuhn theory, 278
- biosynthesis 590 Tebbe reagents 139
- carbocationic polymerization 240 telechelic polymers
- chiral polymers 383 - anionic polymerization 201
664 Index

carbocationic polymerization 251 transition metal catalyzed polycondensation/

-- ring-opening metathesis polymerization 83 addition 37-64
templates transition metal catalyzed polymerization 123-162
biosynthesis 575 transition metal complexes, living
- chiral polymers 380 f polymerization 181
cyclic macromolecules 643 transition metal coordination hybrid polymers 360
organized media 516 transition metal halides 107
polyrotaxanes 489 transition metals, hybrid polymers 323, 343 ff
termination transition state model 155
- anionic polymerization 198 f transmetallation 142
carbocationic polymerization 241 transmission electron microscopy (TEM) 296
emulsion polymerization 279, 283 - biocatalysis 554
living polymerization 169,190 transoid conformations, oligomerization 33
cationic ring-opening polymerization 259 triads
- vinyl ethers 250 - chiral polymers 378 f
ternary emulsion copolymerization 289 - emulsion polymerization 288
letrabenzoporphyrine 363 - ladder polymers 468
tetrafunctional monomers, ladder polymers 462 trialkylaluminum complexes, anionic
tetrahydrofuran (THF) 203 f polymerization 213
tetramers 328 triarylalkyl, polyrotaxanes 498
2.2.6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-l-oxyl (TEMPO) triblock copolymers
171 - anionic polymerization 225
tetrathiafulvalenc 413 - ring-opening metathesis polymerization 100 f
tetrazine. hybrid polymers 363 Tricoderma viride, biocatalysis 554
thermal degradation 125 tridendrons, convergent synthesis 436
thermal stimulus, living polymerization 167 triflate, polycondensation 41, 48, 53
thermal treatment, ladder polymers 474 triflic acid, carbocationic polymerization 236
thermodynamics trifluoroleucine, biosynthesis 587
- cyclic macromolecules 638 trifunctional initiators, living polymerization 186
ligands 221 triisopropyl silyl groups 488
- organized media 538 ff trimers, hybrid polymers 328
- cationic ring-opening polymerization 256 trimethylsilylhalides, cationic polymerization 246
thermotropic systemes. organized media 519 ff trinitrobenzene, polyrotaxanes 493
thienylalanine. biosynthesis 587 trioxanes. cationic polymerization 261
thietanes 262 triphenylene 98
thiirancs 261 tris(dimethylamino) sulfonium ion (TAS) 208
thin film deposition, hybrid polymers 364 trityl methacrylate route, chiral polymers 393
thin layer chromatography (TLC) 444 trityl salts 237
thiophenes tropylium salts 237
oligomers 21 tubular mesophases, oligomers 29
organized media 536 tubular polymers, polyrotaxanes 498
- polycondensation 52 tungsten 69
thiourea polyrotaxanes 487 tungsten alkylidenes
threading, polyrotaxanes 488 - acyclic diene metathesis polymerization 111
titanium oxide encapsulation, emulsion - initiators 73 f
polymerization 297 two dimensional products, organized media 539 ff
- anionic polymerization 222
- hybrid polymers 324. 354 Ullmann coupling 344
living polymerization 182 f ultra-thin films, hybrid polymers 364
- modular synthesis 609 ultrasound, emulsion polymerization 276, 305
Tomalia starburst dendrimers 410. 417 f unimolecuiar processes, end-to-end cyclization
topochemical polvmerization. organized media 635
516 ff urea, polyrotaxanes 487
transfer agents, living polymerization 169 urea oligomers, cyclic 27
transfer reactions, carbocationic polymerization 240
transition metal catalyzed copolymerization 157 ff
transition metal catalyzed emulsion valence state, cationic polymerization 234
polymerization 306 5-valerolactone, anionic polymerization 215
Index 665

van der Waals forces water solubility, initiators 274

- emulsion polymerization 295 wedges, Frechet dendrimers 436
- organized media 540 Wessling-Zimmermann route, PPVs 1 f
Vanzo equation, emulsion polymerization 285 f wiggle effect, polyrotaxanes 497
very large scale integrated systems (VLSI) 487 Williamson coupling 411, 436
vesicles 300 f Winstein equilibrum 258
- organized media 528 ff Wittig reaction
vinyl acetate - hybrid polymers 333
- emulsion polymerization 274, 282 - oligomerization 17
- living polymerization 180, 191 - ring-opening metathesis polymerization 74
vinyl addition, acyclic diene metathesis 110 Wurtz coupling 324
vinyl chloride
- emulsion polymerization 282
- living polymerization 191 xylan, biocatalysis 555
vinyl ethers, cationic polymerization 245, 249
vinyl polymers, optically active 375-403
vinylation, aryl iodides 40 zeolites, polyrotaxanes 487
vinyldimethylsilanes, hybrid polymers 333 zeolitic materials, organized media 535
vinylene, acyclic diene metathesis 116 Ziegler-Natta catalysts 2 f, 126 f, 134, 137
vinylidene polymers, optically active 375-403 Ziegler-Natta method
vinylogous sulfonamide oligomers 28 - biosynthesis 574 ff
viscosity - ring-opening metathesis polymerization 85
- cyclic macromolecules 637 Zimmermann orthogonal convergent dendrimer
- emulsion polymerization 295 synthesis 22
- intrinsic 449 zinc 54
- polybenzylether dendrimers 440 zirconium catalysts 325
voids zirconozene catalysts 327
- emulsion polymerization 295
- organized media 535
vulcanization, sulfur 128

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