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~.€8-19/06 posi: sosiore serie? pe oN “C11 ENGINE pRING ee - peer : at » ¢fime : Three Hones gabe Full Marks ::300 i Ws | Candidates should attempt Question No. I from Section-A | and Question No. 5 from Section-B which are compulsory. ahd any THREE ‘of the remaining questions, selecting at least ONE. ‘from'éach Section. All questions carry equal marks. } ( | WV SECTION—A | 1. Answer any FIVE of the following :— ot ay. Whavare:the’ important-tests to be conducted on y fresh concrete to find its properties. as per BIS * ‘¥pevifiddtions 2» 12 the plating aspects of é Eg eT t ave’ ‘the provisions i : for Public ; 12 | (b) Discuss | °° “Tesidential buildings (Cont) °8'@) -Draw the network diagram for the following (a) logic of a construction project. Determine the Caitisal Path Sgrateg, of jhe project ‘and - various floats.’ Present it in a tabslar form : Hevsqed A= 6 days > B = 10 days C = 4 days: ¢ ‘D =3 days E=5 days r= & days G=4 days, =10 days _ Activities, B and.C oe Activity E, follows C Activity: D:.follows B, Activity F follows EL Activity G follows D Activity H follows F anid C both. 12 The following:-conseentiveceadings: .were taken with-a:dumpy level aad 5.m leveling” , staff on continuously sloping; ground at a. , gommon interyal, of 20m: i WIG+254 2 0-385; 1 925; 2-825; 3- 730; 4685; 0-625; eibites te The reduced level of ‘the’ ‘first ‘Point was 208-125 m. Rule out a page of a Level field book 2 (Contd: hn iP Ns i. se FRyrand capers abo readings, Caloulte the reduced +... levglsvof the points by rise,and method and ims i a gradient of theyline joining the first and voseagadle last pojnt., i ’ 12 a Briefly ‘explain the PIEV theory. Discuss the Fadiors that “affect tHE distance’ ‘within which i801 ANB etlfold” can’ Be stopped andfhence derive an expression ‘fae! i atu i Sauls Sight SDitinweef i220 ait eon 2 » Oe “What are the different types- of intersections ? List the objectives of. Channelisati 12 2.: (a) Enumerate the aisedanes and. disadvantages of natural seasoning of wood. What are the “reason: for 2dopt ie seasoning ? gall te shosiiom 20 ) @ Deduce expression for horizontal and 10 a ey ul t sr Gd, The, ahiuses, of two proposed stations A and B 130 km apart ate respectively i 160 0 m. “ay situdes of and D ona profile Aen) ALB, asgummipg. 8 sugh, that, the new, line 0! “0 @ - pavements. B are “ntervisibte "ie! {e6f *#Rcessary ci fing, the:-minirum. height pf, seatfolding ground station the peak,at;D. by 1 m-.... Compare the structuralybehaviour and design aspects of ffexibl and rigid )Deseribe the ftongtions, ¢ various methods of scheduling with merits and demerits of each of them. ; a fo ow the Panes i in the economy oe influenced struction Tnduatty in’ the last 1 ete 10 4 Conti) briefly, the. requirements of an ideal Permanent Way. 10 “Gi” Explain the ifferEtit systems of Wontrolling movement of trains. ‘ee 10 How do you ‘conduct ‘Origin—Destination ‘survey: foran‘hiidian medium city 2 What sare its uses 2 cris f e 10 (ii) While discussing the advantages and limitations; explain-the design elements of a rotary intersections. 10 4. (a) (i) With suitable sketches explain various types Of bonds:used in Brick masonry. 10 Gi} Discuss the objectives and requirements of ( Plastering. ° 2» « 10 () Discuss the various anipinents ‘that.are used in “S (Contd) ies Gi) Explain. the ‘eae threeytechniques of evaluating mean: ptecipitation-over an area from point rainfall observations:at'a given number of _, Stations : (@ ° Arithmetical-Mean’ Method: (0) Thiessen-Mean M nC and (©) _Isohyetal Method, A fs) 12. Explait the’ following “terms used in irrigation engineering with appropriate formulae associated with the terms used for theirevaluation : (2) Duty: of water; (8) Gross inigatioti ‘Trequifeitent; and (c) Water application efficiency. 12 (iii) What ‘are ‘the ‘eect ‘Getween : VIG—254 (a) Ag uct and § s (b) Weir and Barrage; and ; (©). Cross Regulator and Distributary. Head Regulator.? i) Tes igre sla 12 6 (Contd) Riyy'S Miggest she type of ‘dain. aoe i Concrete Gra’ ity, Earthen _Enmbinent (@) Narrow valley with the valley base and ae sides, composed. f. good non-fissured » Rocks; ‘ ‘ ‘ (b). Wide valley with the valley. base. made up of good.non-fissured rock but sides composed of weak. fissured, rocks. (c)!» Wide valley with the valley base’and sides composed of weak fissured rocks. 12 (v) Suggest and explain what kind of energy ue dissipation arrafigement’ would be suitable for adoption with a spillway for which the Jump Height Curve is always above the Tail Water * "Ratitig Curve. e 12 engineering : 4 @ Coefficient, of Permeability; tn) Perched Aquifer; (ce) Drawdown: Curve. “22 viG—254 7 (Contd.) @ The satthen embankment section of the Hirakud dam ‘typically consists of a'wide ‘central clay core with’ partial cut-off. Drainage is + facilitated by ‘an inclined filter aligned he downstream face of the’ core and | a horizontal filter aligned’along the base 4 | connected to a rock toe. Draw a neat i ‘ “ proportionate’ “sketch of ‘the section, yi < showing appropriate dam elements including je upstream and-déwnstream slope protections. | / Assume suitable values of shell and core slope grades. and widths of top and intermediate beams. The hei above the natural ground 3 rhace ., taken, as 50 m. @, determined in ccolas rg die “1° © metre and the sheet!piledength is td? me VIG—254 8 ‘ (he SST ren n absent dam el don of the’ 7. ” ‘An seagate from a surface stream 16 syieléedothe: following: results : Q= cot 60 molt, Mg = 10 mg/L, Na = 7 melL, K*= 20mg; HCO; = WS mg, 8077 = 96melL, 21 09agL, EF = 1 aa " em 0-67 m depth rm-size sand view254 3 icons *- backwashting! withestored overhead’ water at ry &@) ViEna54 Find out the 20°C (p,, = 9982 kg/m’, 1 = 1-002 8205 N sim’), Determines the, gequired jhackwash, velocity, and the resulting expanded b 20 Drawrhe breakpoint cliloritfution’curve and explain briefly its salient features. 20 > AYA (d iam ef, of sewer flowing half- full at the design discharge ¢ of Es 112 m/min while maintaining a minimum velocity of 0-6 m/s. The average ground slope is 0-0046;and..Manning’s n= 0-015. The:hydraulic characteristies at half- full is W/V, = 0-8,and @/Q,,, = 0-4. 20 If the 3-day. BOD. ofa wastewater is 155 mg/L and the: 6-day BOD. is,.226)mg/L,.,determihe the ultimate BOD, {y,) and reaction rate constan od i ote 20 The activated-sludge process system shown below wih usual notations i is op iting at steady state é is being) ‘pttitliced Ai ane in i » (i Write assumptions required to simplify the = mass balance equations, (ii) Derive an expression for biomass concétitration in the aeration tank, and (iv) Drive an expression for Q: 20 Sludge Wastage Q, 8X Q-0,8, X, Sludge Recycle Qe $ X, ‘VIG—254 IL 100

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