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AWARD Rubric
Category Sub-Category (weight) Exemplary Rating (Score: 9-10) Accomplished Rating (Score: 6-8 ) Promising Rating (Score: 3-5) Incomplete Rating (Score: 1-2) Not Evident (Score: 0)
Engaging Content (40%)
Goals and Objectives (10%) Goals and objectives are easily located within the module site and are made Goals and objectives are located within the module site syllabus or the Goals and objectives are not easily located within the course Goals and objectives are not easily located within the course
available in a variety of areas in the module site (within the syllabus and each individual learning units
individual learning unit)
Goals and objectives are clearly written at the appropriate level and reflect Objectives are written to reflect desired learning outcomes, although not Goals and objective are not clearly written in measurable learning Some are missing and others poorly written
the desired outcomes all are written as measureable outcomes outcomes Not Evident
Goals and objectives are written in measureable outcomes (students know Students have some understanding of what is expected of them Students may be unsure of what they are expected to be able to do The level does not match the desired learning outcomes
what they are expected to be able to do)

The level does not match the desired outcomes

Content Presentation (10%) Content is made available or chunked in manageable segments (i.e., Content is made available or chunked in manageable segments (i.e., Some content segments are overly large (or possibly too small) for the Content is not chunked into manageable segments
presented in distinct learning units) presented in distinct learning units or modules) specified objectives

Navigation is intuitive Navigation is somewhat intuitive, but some exploring is required to Navigation is only occasionally intuitive, thus the flow of content is Navigation is not intuitive and the flow of content is unclear
determine the flow of content sometimes not easily determined
Content flows in a logical progression Content is presented using a variety of mechanisms (content modules, The design does not avail of the content presentation tools (content The design does not avail of the content presentation tools (content
single pages, links to external resources, RSS Feeds, print material) modules, single pages, links) modules, single pages, links)
Content is presented using a variety of appropriate mechanisms (content Visual and/or auditory elements occasionally enhance the content; Few or no visual and/ or auditory elements are used to enhance the No visual or auditory elements are used to enhance the content Not Evident
modules, single pages, links to external resources) supplementary resources are made available (module site CDs, textbooks, content
module site manuals, etc.)

Content is enhanced with visual and auditory elements meaningfully; Supplementary resources may be made available (module site CDs, Supplementary resources are not made available (module site CDs,
supplementary resources are made available and are well-integrated with textbooks, module site manuals, etc.) textbooks, module site manuals, etc)
other module site materials (integrated publisher resources, e-textbooks,
module site manuals, etc.)

Learner's Engagement (10%) It is clear how the instructional strategies will enable students to reach Instructional strategies are designed to help students to reach module site It is not clear how the instructional strategies will help learners achieve Instructional strategies do not provide
module site goals and objectives goals and objectives, although this relationship may not be obvious to module site goals and objectives students with skills needed to achieve
learners module site goals and objectives

Module site design includes guidance for learners to work with content in Guidance is provided, but could be improved with greater detail or depth Guidance in using content materials may only be provided on a limited Content is provided but it is not clear what students are expected to do
meaningful ways basis with it

Higher order thinking (e.g., analysis, problem solving, or critical reflection) is Higher order thinking is required for some activities but is not Higher order thinking is not required or encouraged Higher order thinking is not expected from students
expected of learners and explained with examples or models well-explained or supported (e.g., by providing examples of Not Evident
good answers)
Individualized instruction, remedial activities, or resources for advanced Differentiated instruction (such as remediation) may be available on a Differentiated instructional opportunities are not provided, although No supplementary resources or activities are provided for remediation or
learning activities, such as integrated publisher resources are provided limited basis there may be supplementary content resources available advanced study

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities (TGC) skills are incorporated within the


Technology Use (10%) Tools available within the LMS are used to facilitate learning by engaging Tools available within the LMS could be utilized more (or more creatively) Tools available within the LMS are not used to their full extent or not Technologies used within the LMS do not engage students with learning
students with module site content to engage learners with module site content used when it would be appropriate to do so
LMS tools are used to reduce the labor-intensity of learning (e.g., providing LMS tools are made available to assist students, but could Only a few tools (of those available within Tools that could reduce the labor intensity of online instruction are not
links to needed resources where they will be used in the course, integrating be organized or arranged for even greater usefulness the LMS) are used in a way that streamlines access to materials and utilized
publisher resources that are tailored to the module site materials, and activities for students
providing streamlined access to supplementary materials)
Not Evident
Technologies are used creatively in ways that transcend traditional, teacher- Technologies within the module site are used in many cases merely to Technologies within the LMS are used primarily by instructors and not Students are not expected to use technologies available within the LMS
centered instruction replicate traditional face-to-face instruction students (students as recipients of content model)
A wide variety of delivery media are incorporated into the module sites There is some variety in the tools used to deliver instruction There is little variety in use of technologies within the LMS Only a few technologies available within the LMS are used

An effort has been made to use low-cost or no-cost materials when available

Category Sub-Category (weight) Exemplary Rating (Score: 9-10) Accomplished Rating (Score: 6-8 ) Promising Rating (Score: 3-5) Incomplete Rating (Score: 1-2) Not Evident (Score: 0)
Interaction & Collaboration (30%)
Diversity of Communication There are plenty opportunities for asynchronous (discussions, blogs, wikis, Several communication activities are included to Communication strategies are included, however, Little to no attention has
Strategies (10%) etc.) and synchronous (chat, videoconferencing, virtual classroom, etc.) reinforce the desired learning outcomes they may not consistently reinforce desired learning been devoted to communication
interaction as appropriate outcomes strategies

Asynchronous communication strategies promote critical reflection or other Asynchronous communications sometimes require Asynchronous communications are focused primarily on lower levels of Interaction activities that are included do not invoke critical thinking,
higher order thinking aligned with learning objectives reflection or other higher order thinking thinking (e.g., summarizing, describing, interpreting, etc.) reinforce learning, or take advantage of the specific strengths of the Not Evident
communication tools used

Synchronous communication activities benefit from real-time interactions and Synchronous interactions are meaningful but may not take Synchronous interactions are used mostly for instructor explanation or
facilitate rapid response communication full advantage of the real-time presence of instructor clarification of content, or other instructor-focused activities
and/or peers

Development of Learning Communication activities are designed to help build a sense of community Communication activities may help learners build a Effort has been devoted to fostering a sense of community in the course, Little to no attention has been devoted to building a sense of community
Community (10%) among learners sense of community, but do not appear to be designed but only minimally in this course.
with this in mind
Student-to-student interactions are required as part of the module site Some student-to-student interaction is built into the course More focus is needed on designing activities and a module site climate
Students are encouraged to initiate communication with the instructor that foster student-to-student interactions as well as student-to- Not Evident
instructor interactions.

Interactions between learners-content, learners-teacher, learners-learners Students interact with the instructor, although primarily as a result of
are clearly demonstrated in the module sites. instructor initiated contact

Quality of Interaction (10%) Guidelines explaining required levels of participation (i.e., quantity of Expectations of student participation in communication activities are given, Instructor expectations of student interactions are not made clear Few or no guidelines are provided to
interactions) are provided but would benefit from more detail students regarding the desired quantity or quality of communications/
interactions within the course
Expectations regarding the quality of communications (e.g., what constitutes Expectations regarding the quality of communications are included, but Little information is provided regarding what constitutes a good The instructor does not participate in
a good answer) are clearly defined may be sketchy and lack detail or illustrative examples response or posting communications activities with students

A rubric or equivalent grading document is included to explain how Minimal information may be provided regarding grading Students are not given a clear set of criteria for how Not Evident
participation will be evaluated criteria for communications activities communications activities will be graded

The instructor actively participates in communication activities, including The instructor is occasionally involved in communication The instructor appears to be largely absent from communication
providing feedback to students activities activities

The instructor uses communication tools to provide module site updates, The instructor sometimes takes advantage of LMS tools to post Few announcements, reminders, or other updates are provided
reminders, special announcements, etc. announcements, reminders, etc.

Assessment (25%)
Expectations (10%) Assessments match the goals & objectives. Learners are directed to the Assessments match the goals & objectives Students are assessed on the topics described in the module site goals Assessments bear little resemblance to goals & objectives
appropriate objective(s) for each assessment and objectives
Rubrics or descriptive criteria for desired outcomes are provided (models of Rubrics or descriptive criteria for desired outcomes are included for some There may be some explanation of how assessments will be Expectations or grading criteria are not provided
good work may be shown, for example) assessment activities scored/graded Instructions lack detail that would help Not Evident
students understand how to complete the activities
Instructions are written clearly and with sufficient detail to ensure Instructions are written clearly, with some detail included Instructions are limited or absent

Assessment Design (10%) Assessments appear to measure the performance they claim to measure (e.g., Assessment activities have face validity (i.e., they appear to match the It is not clear whether the assessment activities actually measure the Assessment activities appear to lack validity due to bias, lack of clarity in
activities are explained using appropriate reading level and vocabulary) curriculum) desired skill questions or tasks, or because students are evaluated on performance
unrelated to the stated objectives
Different levels of learning taxonomy are applied throughout the assessments Different levels of learning taxonomy are applied in some of the The vast majority of assessments require only low-level thinking No higher-order thinking skills are required to complete assessment
assessments activities. (memorization, for example) activities

Assessments are designed to mimic authentic environments to facilitate real- Assessment activities may focus on tasks similar to real-world Assessment activities typically do not include tasks that are relevant There is little or no evidence of authenticity built into assessments Not Evident
world applications of skills application of skills beyond the scope of this course; multiple assessments are included
Multiple types of assessments are used Multiple assessments are included; at least three different types of Two types of assessments are included, at a minimum Assessments are too few and far apart for the module site content
assessments are used
Assessment activities occur frequently throughout the duration of the course

Self-Assessment (5%) Many opportunities for self-assessment are provided Some self-assessment activities are included There may be self assessment activities, but they are limited in scope A few self-assessments may be included, but they offer little more
and do not offer useful feedback feedback than flash cards
Not Evident
Self-assessments provide constructive, meaningful feedback Self-assessments provide feedback to learners

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